What They Got & What We Lost

Todd Hayen PhD

Stop the party, folks, it’s not over until the fat lady sings, and she is only taking a break.

I’ve written about this premature euphoria several times, warning that we really haven’t won a thing, not even one battle, until some heads roll. And there are no rolling heads to be seen. Not even a cursory fall guy having his career destroyed due to all the blame thrown his way.

I thought at first Fauci was going to get this honour with his mysterious disappearance as a precursor to his public fall from grace. But I was wrong. He is only off somewhere private to lick his wounds, assuming he even considers himself wounded, which I rather doubt.

No, we have won no battle, not even a skirmish. The enemy just backed off a bit. We woke up one morning and they were gone. The hill we were supposedly fighting for was ours.

Really? It doesn’t seem like both sides were fighting for the same hill.

So what happened? I know I am preaching to the choir here. I think most of us have a pretty good idea what happened. The Ukraine/Russia incident makes clear the conditioning that Covid has accomplished over the population of the world.

Suddenly all of the focus shifted, suddenly a new enemy was in sight, much like enemies of old—at least an enemy we could see. It was actually quite astounding how quickly all the profile photos on Facebook changed from “I Got Vaccinated!” to the blue and yellow flag of Ukraine.

As we stand on our deserted Covid hill, waving our own flag, and wanting the enemy to at least acknowledge how clever we were to see through their lies and subterfuge we wonder where everyone has gone. “Yea!!” we shout, “we’ve won!!”

No, we haven’t, and not only have we not won, we have lost—big time. Sorry to break it to you (and like I said, I think most readers of OG know this, maybe you can share this article with all those who don’t even know we were in a fight).

It is beyond the scope of this article to list all of the things they have won, and all of the things we have lost, but I will take a stab at the ones that stand out to me. First of all I think it is important to point out the things many of us think we have won—like the rescinding of mandated mask wearing as the first example.

Most states, provinces, and even whole countries have removed mask wearing in public as a “rule, law, or regulation” or whatever you want to call it. In Canada this is true as well. However, you still must wear a mask on public transit, in medical facilities, and quite a few other places. Why? That’s a “ha ha” question. There never has been a reason why, and there isn’t now. And even as this restriction has been “removed” many people are still wearing masks—everywhere.

I am not sure how it is in other parts of the world, but here in Canada there is quite a large percentage of people still wearing masks, even those walking outdoors, or riding alone in their cars. This is the first example of “what they got”—blind obedience to the cause, even when the cause has officially been announced as being no cause at all.

The fear was created; the high morality of “following the authority for the good of the people” has been established. A superstitious effect follows the fear—wear a mask the same way one wears a talisman to ward off evil spirits (although that is probably more effective). A blind obedient habit follows the bowing down to authority. Soon people won’t even know why they first started wearing them, it is just a thing you do, like shaking hands when you meet someone (which we no longer do).

Of course the normies will say “why not? Why is wearing a mask so difficult to do?” Need I explain why? When it is used as a form of compliance to authority, when wearing one obliterates one of the prime ways humans communicate and socialize, when it is actually medically dangerous to wear one, and when there is absolutely no reason to—then we should get rid of them as soon as we can and should never have worn them to begin with.

The powers that ought not to be have won a very effective form of blind compliance, ready to implement at full force again with a snap of a finger. Not only are people still wearing them, it will take no effort at all to get the majority of the world’s population to don them en masse again.

They have also won, and we have lost, a sense of unsubstantiated fear of our fellow humans.

Social distancing has forced us into an unconscious avoidance of other people. I have not seen much handshaking going on, or even hugging. People now avoid each other, and I doubt if most of these avoidances are even conscious. This has established a deep sense of fear and loss of trust, which again makes us all easily manipulated. It will only take small insertions in the culture through media to basically push us anywhere they want us pushed.

The breakdown of social psychology is clearly part of the agenda, and I believe they can indeed count that as a “win”—a big one. The implications of this sort of thing are unconscionable, and range from a general disconnect from human interaction to massive unrest, impatience, and lack of tolerance—more violence, road rage, disputes, and tribal dissonances, not to mention higher rates of depression, anxiety, drug use, and suicide.

If we think of Orwell’s 1984 as any sort of playbook for this agenda, we can see the foundations laid for many of the more atrocious aspects of Big Brother’s world. The idea of continuous war raging somewhere in the world is certainly in place along with the confusion of which side to be on at any given moment. The propaganda is relentless and leaves us all in a sticky syrupy mess. Hate is an all-powerful stimulator for extreme nationalism and compliance to a singular narrative.

During Covid we were trained to accept nothing but one clearly defined truth, different perspectives were not allowed, as anything with a different view was immediately labeled as “misinformation,” “fake,” and “dangerous.”

There are no “second opinions” anymore, either a source of information is in line with the mainstream, or it is simply degraded as insanity, moronic, or “anti science.” There is no grey—only black and white.

During Covid we learned, through a very conscious manipulation, that there was only one way to see truth, and that polarized thinking can apply to anything the narrative wishes to apply it to. First, “all about Covid and vaccines” now “all about Ukraine and Russia.” Two very different events in nearly every way, yet each with one mainstream view that we all must be in alignment with.

The ease of applying censorship to nearly any situation is a huge win for them. Any contrary opinion has been all but obliterated—if information is labeled “mis” by the mainstream it is blocked. Contrary ideas and opinions on social media are deleted, those who are brave enough to speak out lose their jobs and their reputations are ruined.

Once we start marching to this drum—that anything that challenges the main stream narrative is false, fake, misinformation, dangerous or “anti science”—we are quite literally walking into a totalitarian state. After Covid this sort of censorship will just be that much easier to implement, and it will be that much easier to just go along with it, or worse, advocate it.

In more subtle areas we see the foundation firmly set for other agenda items such as Central Bank Digital Currency and digital ID’s, obviously the way having been paved by the infamous “vaccine passport.” The ground they have acquired through the Covid manipulation is clear, and substantial.

Anything they wish for in the future has been normalized by the events of the past two years, any radical demand made in the future has had its path greased by these events such as travel restrictions, bank closures (as punishment for supporting any sort of protest against the main stream narrative), forced medical intervention with no substantial medical purpose or reason, restrictions on gathering, redefining words in order to fit the agenda, on and on and on.

Depending on how far down the rabbit hole you are willing to go, the “powers that ought not to be” could possibly have accomplished the initial stages of ridding the world of millions of “useless eaters” through the wholesale injection of god knows what into billions of bodies.

We may be seeing only the tiny tip of the iceberg with the thousands of deaths and injuries undoubtedly caused by the “vaccines”—probably effects the makers of the injections see as a minor annoyance when the major event could very well be the deaths of millions spread out over generations (or much less!)

If true, that’s a BIG win for them!—and an equally big loss for us. There is no turning this one around, no stopping it, as it has already been done and all we can do is sit and await the results.

So we have really won nothing, and we have lost an awful lot. In many regards what they have won is really just the beginnings of the foundation of what is yet to come. No one builds a nice foundation to a house without the intention of building the rest of the house that sits upon it. Even though a concrete slab isn’t usually much to look it, it has all the preparations built into it that allow a very complex structure to sit on it. The detail of that structure is yet to be built.

I am afraid it is going to be a very big and complex house and with its eventual erection the beautiful view we used to enjoy will be blocked—a view of freedom and creativity.

These two ingredients have always been necessary to ensure a future that all humans have the right to pursue—a future of life, liberty and happiness, all things surely worth fighting for. Stay on that hill; the battle has only just begun.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here.


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Kerry Boytzun
Kerry Boytzun
Apr 23, 2022 3:01 PM

The mindset of those in a conformity trance don’t know they’re in the trance. Such a creature will never realize there is a problem, never mind that there’s a nest where it came from. This is why history repeats itself.

My novel and blog cover this in detail.

Apr 19, 2022 3:36 PM

Satan has been loosed a short season before the return of Christ to judge the living and the dead at the RESURRECTION! REVELATIONS CH 20 VERSES 7-9. That about wraps it up folks. Trust in Jesus Christ to be saved from death and forgiven for your sins. God bless

Apr 16, 2022 6:50 PM

Well. You are awake enuf to refer to “the powers that shouldn’t be” and to see a problem with one-sided media.
But you don’t see the millions that have made several alternate media platforms, including MeWe, Gab, Brighteon, Rumble, Bitchute, Telegram. Your underrate the Canadian truckers. You know millions of sheeple will don masks again or any idiotic request. You don’t see the millions who were fooled once and will not be fooled again.
You are awake enuf to know the not-a-vaccines are dangerous, but not awake enuf to have learned any of the remedies.
There is so much you did NOT see yet.
Find Brian Ardis on the Stew Peters show or Brighteon and find out what covid really was. You might find out why children were so immune, more so than any cold or flu.
Waking up is not an instant. It is a process. You are part of the way. Continue!
There is joy and wonder ahead. Keep on!

Apr 16, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  LadyLifeGrows

The thing about what you said about all the alternative media outlets being created is this though: Canada is slowly shutting off access to these sites and denying the guys like Rebel and Epoch licenses to practice journalism. It will all be gone, unavailable in Canada in a year or less. Mark my words. My ISP(Bell Canada) will be blocking anything not deemed *accredited news* .

Apr 16, 2022 6:27 PM

Your part on Kanada is not exact, the province of Quebec still has a general indoor mask mandate, unfortunately. It was supposed to be lifted on April 15th but the gov pushed it to the 30th and now the mass media is conditioning people to the possibility of keeping it in May  😠 

Apr 16, 2022 5:43 PM

This article and the whole paper is just a paranoid as the far right! Sad to see but it seems the misinformation bots are now writing scare media while pointing fingers to the other side. Bye

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 16, 2022 6:14 PM
Reply to  Jonh

Bye bye, first time commenting entity Jonh.

Apr 22, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  Jonh

you are an idiot! how can you not see that this article is flawless, for me its “Duh” for you it should be and eye opener

Apr 16, 2022 5:00 PM

This is an excellent article! It sums up everything perfectly. Thank you for real, truthful journalism – a minority these days.

Apr 16, 2022 1:20 PM

So true. The leftist dictators are still in charge and I highly doubt any of the perps of the fake pandemic and fake vaccines will see prison or the hangman’s noose. We are on our own to resist the best way we can. No cavalry is coming to save us and no Congress gives a hoot because they are in bed with big pharma and the WEF scumbags.

Apr 16, 2022 6:29 PM
Reply to  Tom

Leftists? The people you’re talking about are the biggest capitalists ever. If you consider Kanada’s Trudeau gov or Biden’s to be on the left, you have to reread Marx….

Apr 16, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  Yevez

Capitalists give people choices, they do not force behavior using govt. thugs.

Apr 19, 2022 9:02 AM
Reply to  Yevez

Left and right is simple. Remember, nowadays they call themselves what they want to. Left is ‘the group takes priority over the individual. Right is, let the individual decide as much as possible for himself. I mean, clearly there are limits to individualism but we have to remember that all the great advances and creations throughout time came from individuals left to do their thing.

Apr 13, 2022 9:33 PM

Our healthcare system is about to experience a tsunami! Potential side effects of jabs include chronic inflammation, because the vaccine continuously stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies. Other concerns include the possible integration of plasmid DNA into the body’s host genome, resulting in mutations, problems with DNA replication, triggering of autoimmune responses, and activation of cancer-causing genes. Alternative COVID cures EXIST. Ivermectin is one of them. While Ivermectin is very effective curing COVID symptoms, it has also been shown to eliminate certain cancers. Do not get the poison jab. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit ivmcures.com

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Apr 9, 2022 8:27 AM

I no longer feel a part of this world.
Its rotten to the core.
Those elected to lead us are amongst the worst people on the planet.
Lying, corrupt and self serving. Not all but the majority.
I knew Covid was a scam early 2020 and have not followed any rules or lockdowns and been abused for not wearing a mask.
I refuse to bow to the lies and corruption.
As you say Ukraine is now cover the Covid crimes against humanity and part of the great reset ie higher prices, loss of jobs, business closures and more fear.
Sleep walking into an authoritarian future and its being championed by the sheeple.
By this time next year the world be a different place.
Police are ready to crack the skulls of dissenting voices as shown during lockdown protests.
Digital ID & currency, social credit score, etc all incoming.
Once the financial crash hits its every man for himself.
Hopefully us awakened souls can come together and form new alliances.
The spiritually bankrupt NCPs are in for the shock of a lifetime.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Apr 9, 2022 8:09 AM

An outstanding article, accurately outlining our predicament and with perceptive and usefully descriptive flourishes. I particularly like the building analogy towards the end. However, for myself I have won clarity of knowledge, understanding and a sense of purpose and action. This has been the fruit of having won the complete removal of remaining spiritual blinders (as of March 2020). I now know who is my enemy and that I fight in a spiritual war, whose captain is Jesus Christ. I have also won not being embarrassed to say so. Thanks PTB!

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Apr 12, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  Mark Millward

I’m not a follower of Jesus but he is a damn sight better option than “them” so God bless you

Apr 16, 2022 4:51 PM
Reply to  Mark Millward

Amen!!! Same here. So much clarity, conviction and confidence won. Jesus Christ for the win against this spiritual warfare. 🙏✝️

Apr 9, 2022 3:13 AM

Today I watched a Romanian documentary about the composer and genial musician, George Enescu – for the record, he died a long time ago – and at one point some scientists were discussing something relevant to his work.
They were wearing ‘covid’ masks…

After seeing that, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head that (unless we become extinct before that) after a hundred years, archive footage may still exist of these ridiculous times when everybody wore masks – including scientists who should have known better.

Just think, we may have an undying record of the point at which human stupidity and self-lobotomizing out-did themselves and reached the very bottom of their non-achievements as ‘sapiens’ in order to please ‘the authorities’, yet still kept digging downwards…

It is so appalling.

One can only hope that the people of the future will generously give us the benefit of the doubt, and say, “Oh, no, they can’t have been that idiotic – we must have missed something here…”

Apr 8, 2022 8:24 PM

Do you really think the official stats sayin approx 61% of global population took at least 1 dose? I think its more like 50% max.

Apr 8, 2022 4:14 PM

Very succinct paragraph – one to seriously consider as one does not launch an operation of this magnitude with the intention of failure:
“So we have really won nothing, and we have lost an awful lot. In many regards what they have won is really just the beginnings of the foundation of what is yet to come. No one builds a nice foundation to a house without the intention of building the rest of the house that sits upon it. Even though a concrete slab isn’t usually much to look it, it has all the preparations built into it that allow a very complex structure to sit on it. The detail of that structure is yet to be built.”

Apr 8, 2022 1:21 PM
Apr 8, 2022 9:17 AM

why am I no longer able to post a comment?

Apr 8, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  duke

mods? anyone?

Apr 8, 2022 9:07 AM

We don’t win when “their heads roll”. Heads are like weeds. You cut off one, another grows it its place. We win when we realize we don’t need “them” and it doesn’t matter what “they” do. By the way, “they” are just our collective manifestation of the unexamined darkness within us. Shine the light of awareness on your own darkness and darkness will cease to frighten you, both within and without. It doesn’t actually exist outside of your belief in it. People who don’t want to give their freedom away have always been a minority. If you don’t want to be a slave you will encounter adversity in the 3D world, especially at its conclusion (where we currently find ourselves). It is actually quite an incredible thing to witness up close. We are seeing things few have seen. There is nothing to fear. Darkness must always lose eventually. It is Natural for it do so, which is why it hates Nature. Because it is aware that it is destined to eventually be revealed as the error it actually is, Darkness is extremely bitter and resentful. It could be seen as a “self aware mistake.” Artificial Intelligence is of course its ultimate ideal as it dreams of subverting the natural laws, hacking biology and somehow achieving immortality, in this case via a parasitic hybrid of transhumanist techno-slavery that would allow it to greatly prolong the inevitable, while “harvesting” as much negative energy as possible along the way. Of course, like all parasitical entities, it faces the conundrum of the being whose bottomless appetite is fated to consume both the host it feeds on as well as itself in the end: each moment of sated appetite moves it closer to its own annihilation. In the case of our “Powers that be” (Parasites… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 8, 2022 2:31 PM
Reply to  duke


Apr 9, 2022 6:52 AM
Reply to  duke

Spot on. Thank you! More people/souls need to hear this. As the saying goes “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Nothing can ultimately harm us.

Apr 9, 2022 11:49 AM
Reply to  duke


Apr 9, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  duke

yes! thank you.

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Apr 12, 2022 3:02 AM
Reply to  duke

So astute. I would go so far as to say that all we need is presence and strength of mind to say “NO” to them when the time comes

Apr 16, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  duke

The big (very big) picture of what you’re saying seems to me essentially helpful, though I’d take serious issue with a number of things you wrote. Still, there are incredible amounts of individual, down-on-the-ground, street-where-you-live sufferings that WILL take place before that “nothing to fear” thing is ultimately manifest. That matters. It matter a whole lot.

Apr 16, 2022 5:00 PM
Reply to  duke

Beautifully and powerfully said. 100%

Apr 7, 2022 6:28 PM

Did y’all see the graph of cases in Shanghai published yesterday? 90% of 20,000 cases were “asymptomatic” and the level of “symptomatic” cases dropped to less than 1000. Out of 25 million people. Drones approached apartment building patios at night with loudspeaker attachments telling people to “stop singing, keep your soul from desiring freedom…” We live inside a TECHNO DYSTPIAN sci-fi movie.

comment image?itok=-KiM0BR2

Apr 8, 2022 4:48 AM
Reply to  sandy

Cases of what?

Idiocy really is the current fashion – let’s hope it goes the way of flared trousers.
Perhaps one day, real leaders will return to our species.
People whose brains function on both sides…

Roisin Dubh
Roisin Dubh
Apr 14, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Let’s hope skinny jeans go the way of flared trousers!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 8, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  sandy

RE: “Asymptomatics”, “stop singing, breathing”, aka “drop dead”.

In the past, the State puts you in “re-education centers” on ideological grounds but you were given the opportunity to argue and defend your position; today, in this rushing age, it just takes a look at you and if it doesn’t like you, has only to deem you “asymptomatic” and on the double to the camp.

Down with the State! The apparatus of oppression that claims to be able to “solve” all sorts of ssues from a central faraway distance, – an impossibility – and which really, if anything, can only “fix” problems temporarily, for, it can’t afford definitely solving issues, – perfectly possible with all the resources available today, human and material – otherwise its existence ceases to be justified, and a whole population of functionaries, bureaucrats and other “public servants” risk to find themselves jobless on the streets.

Social issues are naturally and better solved by the people involved; if an artificial apparatus intervenes on the ground it has more capacity, more knowledge, more resources, etc…, its expected evolution would be a gradual withering. If that withering doesn’t occur but, on the contrary, the apparatus gets stronger, more rigid and coercive, it is because problems are not solved and new ones are deliberately created.

Apr 7, 2022 6:20 PM

Depressing reading, but they will never give up. Expect the type of fanaticism displayed by ISIS or Waffen SS divisions. They can only advance, because in their eyes standing still is to loose ground. They are a vast crime syndicate whose mission is oppression, arrogance, entitlement, greed, murder, deception, self-enrichment, power and hegemony above and against all others.

Apr 7, 2022 8:02 PM
Reply to  Rogerthecat


void of real Life value.

gimpen, lumpen. abundant. expendable.

they rool apparently : /

Apr 8, 2022 1:05 AM
Reply to  Rogerthecat

ISIS = Israeli Special Intelligence Services.
What we are seeing is the revival of Bolshevik and Maoist dytopianism on steroids.

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Apr 7, 2022 12:26 PM

Spot on, Todd. I’m not at all sure they are even done with their ‘covid pandemic’ psyop though, my guess is that we are simply in the trough of one of their telegraphed ‘waves’ – we have seen a few lulls already over the past few years, and then the next propaganda barrage on a ‘deadly new variant!!’ arrives in the corporate media.

Apr 7, 2022 11:58 AM

if you specialise in jungian anything you should know what this is all about/what’s running this, really.

anthony murphy
anthony murphy
Apr 7, 2022 11:55 AM

Agreed…no heads on spikes, yet again. Just like after 2008 ‘bail-out’ and the resulting ‘austerity’…no heads on spikes then either.

Apr 7, 2022 10:07 AM

comment image

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 7, 2022 10:04 AM

Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with Todd’s analysis of the game thus far, I can still see reasons for hope: more and more can see the lies for what they are. Though we are yet a minority, we are growing. Once awake to their tricks, you never go back to sleep. Furthermore, once the triple and quadruple boosted start their decline, the game becomes more obvious and the most compliant die. Critical Mass must be reached at some point.

Teri Grant
Teri Grant
Apr 8, 2022 1:50 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

I already know 5 people who blindly got their jab and are now in deteriorating health or are dead. My mother was one of them, she died last year 3 weeks after getting the J&J.

Apr 8, 2022 11:18 AM
Reply to  Teri Grant

Deepest sympathies to you for your loss …

Apr 8, 2022 5:01 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

What I hope is a good sign is the fact that people really are using the lull in the ‘coviditis’ to ditch their masks.
I hardly see any of the visage-nappy wearers in Iceland these days, but of course there’s always one – at every concert, every theatre production, in every restaurant and in every fleet of taxis.
Presumably waiting desperately for the next ‘variant’, so they can tell us, “I told you so…”
And some of them are even allowed to vote…

Apr 8, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Over the past several days. in US mass-media there’s been a resurgence of COVIDganda warnings of, yes, an alarming rise in Megadeath Virus of Doom “cases”– they can and will play the “deadly variants” card as long as the myth of free-floating pathogenic viruses holds sway over public opinion.

As I’ve reported ad nauseam— and heartily wish was not the case– in my suburban Philadelphia neighborhood there’s been increasing mask-wearing for several weeks.

So far, this hasn’t tipped into a “hard” re-imposition of scamdemic restrictions. But I predict that these “hints” of a new “wave” will suffice to, say, continue vestigial mask mandates like the onerous TSA mandate requring masks on public transit.

comment image

Apr 9, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  Ort

Yes. I am still far from complacent about this.
Things still look bad.

Apr 7, 2022 10:01 AM

Heard of this one ?

Record 21-time Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal wished golf superstar Nelly Korda a speedy recovery from a blood clot. Recently, Nelly Korda – the elder sister of tennis pro Sebastian Korda – was diagnosed with a blood clot.
Nadal, an avid golf fan, noticed it and wished Nelly Korda a speedy recovery. “On Friday I was in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL for a photoshoot and a commercial appearance. After a typical morning workout, my arm started to feel like it was swelling.
At the advice of my doctor, I went to the Emergency Room as a precaution. I was diagnosed with a blood clot,” Korda wrote. I am currently at home getting treatment to eliminate further risks. I will communicate my status as and when there is more information.

Apr 8, 2022 1:07 AM

I understand Nelly Korda is world no 2 among chick golfers.

Apr 7, 2022 8:46 AM

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did, from the British State Ministry of Information (BBC):

“Andrej, a 27-year-old (Ukrainian) soldier, was kept company in his gloomy dug out by his pet dog Lucifer”

Apr 7, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Sure I laughed but then again Lucifer is not a perjorative, nor Satan, unless you’re a “Christian.”

I understand how that’s hard to believe for many folks but most folks have no clue, especially the religious.

In case y’all don’t know, Lucifer (see Latin Lux) means Light-bringer, aka the Dawn, aka the Star you see before Dawn, which many attribute to Venus.

How Venus/Aphrodite, a woman, becomes Satan/Lucifer, a male, is a whole ‘nutha question, and the answer starts with Christianity blaming a woman for the sins of Adam. That plus, when you lie, go big. If you want to attack the Truth one of the best ways is to deny it or invert it. It was no different when “Jews” took Babylonian/Akkadian origin stories and made them their own. They took what they wanted, changed what they wanted and made up what they wanted. This is no different from every Empire that’s ever existed using religion to subvert the Truth by corrupting it after stealing it from those who knew better (especially when it came to the sanctity of all living creatures). Hmm, sounds like plus ca change something, something nothing’s changed.

Apr 7, 2022 6:28 PM
Reply to  jimbojames

Your post makes no sense. Assumptions and then conclusions from assumptions have no value.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Apr 7, 2022 8:13 PM

i was just thinking it was ironic that his dugout was gloomy when he had the light bringer with him

Apr 7, 2022 9:49 PM

I could say the same but I won’t, since then I’d be as dumb as you.

I could also say I didn’t assume anything but just gave you the facts, but you wouldn’t believe me so why bother. You could go to google and see everything I said is a fact but that’d be too much effort on your part.

Apr 8, 2022 1:15 AM
Reply to  jimbojames

Adam and Eve are in the old testament. Christianity didn’t exist when the story was written.

Apr 8, 2022 9:22 AM

duh, guy.

Apr 8, 2022 1:23 PM
Reply to  jimbojames


Apr 7, 2022 9:10 PM
Reply to  jimbojames

I remember decades ago talking with a friend about the Bible, and how it too would have been influenced by contemporary politics and power at the time it was written. It was admittedly written by men, although we’re told those men were speaking the exact word of God. How could that really be true, we wondered?

Today that idea makes a lot more sense than it did when I had that discussion, seeing as how most of what we think we know turns out to be blatant lies. The very idea that it could not have been influenced by contemporary events seems really naive to me. But then faith does not require proof, and faith should never be held as total truth since it does not require proof, IMHO. Blasphemous words to those who have faith I suppose, but who decides what is blasphemy and what isn’t?

Apr 8, 2022 6:42 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

With enough deprivation, tyranny and propaganda, the manipulators can make one believe anything. That was also a theme of George Orwell.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 7, 2022 8:45 AM

Great piece.Thanks Todd.

The test will come when they try to commandeer people’s property.

I imagine that many will be forced into poverty by the planned inflation.(Or hyperinflation)

They will be offered a guaranteed income in return for their houses, cars etc.

“You will own nothing…………….”

Many will find this attractive.

However, the property owning instincts; certainly of British people; are deeply ingrained.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out!!

Apr 7, 2022 9:10 AM

how many people “own” property without a mortgage, versus those with a mortgage?

even a small outstanding mortgage could be inflated to unrepayable very quickly.
-> banks seize the property and rent back for guaranteed income via CBDC

(rent will no doubt be programmed to have a higher priority than other items so the rent is essentially ring fenced)

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 7, 2022 9:34 AM
Reply to  NameWithheld

True, but there is a HUGE number of retired people who own their houses outright who will be severely affected by significant inflation.

It is easy to see how the existing equity release schemes could be tweaked to provide income in return for compliance.

Apr 7, 2022 10:32 AM

yes, since pensions won’t be worth much (remember the UK government did away with the “triple lock”?), “money” to live will need to come from somewhere, equity release sounds favourite…..

and of course the clot shot will take care of a good number too….

Apr 7, 2022 8:19 PM

most of whom entirely support anything the Gov says, especially lockdowns and death paranoia unreason!!!

who will end up in hosptl or homes for the NHS/other public agency to commandeer their assets…..

this already happens in sturgeonland preplandemic, but a lawyer told me.

Apr 7, 2022 3:29 PM

If I may jump in here, I’d like to point one thing out which, I believe, will put a bitter taste on anything that’s offered home owners to sweeten the deal.

No longer owning one’s home means no longer having a say in who lives there. There will be nothing to prevent the govt, bank or whatever from deciding to move a family out of the inner city into a three bedroom home that’s currently inhabited by, say, a retired couple.

And as to the “McMansions”: look out!! TPTB could move two or even three families in with the (no longer) owner(s).

Make no mistake: this will absolutely happen if people are suckered into turning over their deeds to the govt.

Apr 7, 2022 8:28 AM

Well said. Much of the optimism is induced as part of the plan, or the frog will jump out of the water. See Qanon and similar psyops.

Apr 7, 2022 10:03 AM
Reply to  Duckman

A twist to the Yinon plan.

Apr 7, 2022 12:59 PM

i found the news article a few days after following the link for this:

which had been energetically dismissed as “tin foil” hat by a regular here.

hmm? curioser and curioser eh? ;0)

Apr 7, 2022 11:49 AM
Reply to  Duckman

This was known for a couple of weeks before the provocations and invasion, e.g., https://www.europereloaded.com/khazaria-2-0-planned-jewish-migration-israel-ukraine-first/

Apr 8, 2022 2:05 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I can’t quite figure out what they are up to. Djugashvili’s handler Lazar Kaganovich was born in Ukraine. What is Putin’s role ?

Apr 7, 2022 7:19 AM

What Will Happen to the Mercenaries?

“Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov warned unequivocally that mercenaries are not combatants under international humanitarian law and are not entitled to prisoner of war status. The best thing that awaits them in a war zone is criminal liability and prison time.

“Nevertheless, adventurers from all over the West flocked to Ukraine. Konashenkov noted that the United States launched a large-scale recruitment program to recruit mercenaries from such well-known PMCs as Academi, DynCorp and Cubic.

“Academi is the former Blackwater. Rebranding was carried out ten years ago. The reason is the massive violations of the rules of war by the fighters: they repeatedly opened fire on the civilian population, shelled residential areas, and treated prisoners cruelly.

“Western mercenaries have always been present on the line of contact, they just haven’t officially reported it before,” a DPR army officer with the call sign Leshy told RIA Novosti. “We have intercepted radio communications in English more than once. And now, when we advance south, we find Western documentation, personal belongings, gadgets of visiting “tourists”. None of them have been captured yet. It would be better for the “guests” to voluntarily lay down their arms, because no one will stand on ceremony and behave with them.” -more-


Apr 10, 2022 4:15 AM
Reply to  Penelope

There are still hundreds of them holed up in Mariupol.

They dare not surrender, since many of them will be tried as war criminals, not just for deeds done in Ukraine, but in Afghanistan, Syria, and elsewhere.

That would be a true watershed moment, when western-sponsored contractors are held accountable for their crimes.

Apr 7, 2022 6:59 AM

The findings, published in the British Medical Journal on Thursday, could help explain a doubling in the incidence of, and deaths from, blood clots in England since the start of the pandemic compared with the same periods in 2018 and 2019.


Looks like we got the vaccines, the clot shot, just in time.

Apr 7, 2022 9:13 AM
Reply to  Orthus

“33” huh?

must be a coincidence……

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 7, 2022 5:13 AM

What’s in Mariupol ? https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-41 Apr 7, 2022 War In Ukraine Day 41: Mariupol Trap Snaps Shut. Major Battle For Donbass Is Coming According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, on the morning of 5 April, another attempt by the Kiev regime to evacuate the leaders of the Azov nationalist battalion was foiled near Mariupol. Two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters attempting to break through to the city from the sea were reportedly shot down by man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. According to unconfirmed reports by Russian military commanders on the ground and several sources, NATO officers and even a general of the US and European Armies may be blocked in Mariupol. Some sources report that the Russian Army had already taken one NATO commander, Lieutenant General Roger L. Clothier, near Mariupol. Other sources allegedly report his death. Reports about NATO commanders taking shelter with Azov militants in Mariupol may explain why NATO member states especially France and Turkey are asking to implement a humanitarian mission in Mariupol, but only with the participation of their military. The Russian Defense Ministry has not yet confirmed or denied these reports. — Apr 4, 2022 https://twitter.com/RealPepeEscobar/status/1511019331064324097 MARIUPOL 1/3 THIS is going to be THE explosive story of the whole 404 saga, not the Bucha false flag. Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground 8 floors down. 2/3 Civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” at Mariupol airport said they were constantly threatened to be sent to a pit – from which they would never return. The “pit” may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal. Avostal owner Akhmetov is freaking out. 3/3 Bio-military experiments in 404 were carried by Akhmetov’s company Metabiota. The Russian… Read more »

Apr 7, 2022 7:25 AM

Lost in a Dark Wood, Capital! I think this might be what they call diplomatic “embarassment.” Sure hope they’re captured & paraded around.

Apr 7, 2022 5:12 AM

Russia’s warning today April 6 that the Ukrainians have mined a storage facility containing 120 tons of chlorine and plan to blow it up casting the blame on Russian military for the resultant civilian deaths. This in Permovaiski in province of Jarkov.

Apr 7, 2022 4:41 AM

Great piece but I can’t help thinking we never had anything really that’s been taken. It was always an illusion. The only ground made is that illusion of freedom has disappeared forever for a lot of people. We’ve crossed that Rubicon.

Apr 7, 2022 4:34 AM

“While everyone’s eyes have been on Ukraine, the World Health Organization (WHO) has quietly moved forward with a ‘pandemic treaty,’” warned Strange Sounds. “This law will supersede state law for any countries who sign into it. And Republicans joined with Democrats to pass the national digital vaccine registry.”

This registry, in case you missed hearing about it, will log every American’s vaccination status with the government, that way the authorities will know who to round up for disobedience at some later date.

Apr 7, 2022 11:51 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Will supersede state law? I understand that WHO has roughly the same number of tanks as the Pope.

Apr 7, 2022 11:54 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Not necessarily disobedience. You become a “biohazard” to others and are therefore detained as one.

Apr 7, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes. Very quiet all round about this. We are all ‘deer in the headlights’ about Ukraine, just like covid. Come on folks.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Apr 7, 2022 4:17 AM

How interesting a post by Offguardian is can be determined by the number of URLs to other posts recommended by commenters on the post ? Some days i think this site should change its name to “The Notice Board”

Apr 7, 2022 4:36 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Jubal, Links are useful to document or extend a comment, in case someone wants more detail.

les online
les online
Apr 7, 2022 4:57 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

My family does not respond to me about the links i send them. I think they might have tagged me as an ‘anti-vaxxer’, or ‘conspiracy analyst’, or some such…
So i’ve tried my hand at a bit of Nudge (manipulation) Psychology – I sent a link, no accompanying comment or explanation…
I figured “Curiosity might get the better of them.”…
If they open the link, curiously read some of the articles, they’ll think it was their own decision to do so… “Nudge, Nudge. Link, Link !”
Just in case, i’m leaving the ‘phone Off The Hook (The Stones, mid-1960s), ’cause one thing i cant stand is the demands to be listened to by the Recently Converted…


Apr 7, 2022 3:37 PM
Reply to  les online

Perhaps not the best strategy. Don’t forget: all the focus on the deadly non-virus hasn’t completely erased people’s fear of computer viruses.

If someone get’s an email with just a link, chances are they will immediately delete it.

les online
les online
Apr 7, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  Howard

Gustav Landau, a Utopian Socialist, said early 1900s. ‘if we stopped talking about all the likely problems The Revolution might encounter The Revolution would already be behind us’ (paraphrase)…
We’ve All Become Risk Averse That’s Why THEY Always Win…
But, otherwise, you make a valid point…
And, you’ve given me an idea: i’ll send the same (above) link daily… One of the family is bound, eventually, to give into Curiosity ?

(Landau was taken from his cell to the prison yard by Freikorps, who stomped on his face killing him. Probably hearing of that gave George Orwell an idea for a book ?)

les online
les online
Apr 7, 2022 2:29 AM

12 newly recognised ‘covid’ symptoms…?
NHS expands covid symptoms list; workers advised to stay at home when “unwell”.
I havent seen the list but i’m betting it might include blood clotting, heart attacks, diabetes, baldness…
“Baldness” ? Well i’ve been losing hair this past two years while ‘covid’ has been all the rage. You might claim “coincidence is not proof of causation”, but it seems to be to the experts who blame ‘covid’…

Those of you old enough, and still have memories that age hasnt memory-holed, will recall how the list of diseases included under the AIDS umbrella kept on expanding; in Africa even the effects of malnutrition were listed as AIDS…The way ‘covid’ is loosely used by Media cited experts, it will eventually cover all the injuries caused by the risky injections….

For an interesting, family-friendly article on The Ukraine:
Jacques Baud is a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, specialist on Eastern Countries…


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 7, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  les online

I don’t know about 12 – but here are 9 “newly discovered” symptoms:

  • shortness of breath
  • feeling tired or exhausted
  • aching body
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • blocked or runny nose
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhoea
  • feeling sick or being sick

They look like the same symptoms as listed before – and most of them are consistent with the common cold.

But the details don’t matter. It’s just another excuse to say “Aaargh!”

Apr 7, 2022 10:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s a 10th one,

comment image

Apr 7, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  Hank


Apr 7, 2022 11:56 AM
Reply to  les online

They’ve abandoned the free dodgy test in favour of self diagnosis.

Apr 7, 2022 1:53 AM

Thanks for this article, it echos my thoughts, how our society is being split up, “divide & conquer”. We no longer trust those around us, even if we’ve known them for years, even if related. Vaxxed vs unvaxed, repub vs dem, etc etc. Invisible distinctions enhance the level of distrust, and the need for virtue signals. Some of these divisions have intimate meaning to me, such as the Covid related stuff. Things such as the Ukraine issue, I don’t have any personal investment yet still see gaping narrative holes, so others take offence if I show less than the approved 5min of hate. When I see a masked face outdoors (where it is no longer compulsory), I immediately disregard the individual as a brainwashed zombie. I don’t even bother to make eye contact with such. I have personally boycotted some businesses that persist with no-longer mandatory qr requirements (no choice really, since I never installed it on my phone). Yes, many of the measures introduced over the past few years are here to stay. QR coding is no longer necessary, but so many places still have the codes at the entrance, I suppose to appease the compulsive. And they seem to be used for lots of other things too, such as menus & bookings, perhaps with the aim of completely digitising society. This just in: https://www.globalresearch.ca/mandatory-vaccination-eu-just-went-through-under-radar/5776115 It seems with eyes on Ukraine, the EU has snuck in a ruling that opens the way to 1984 “WARNING” After June 30 2022 * the European Council has amended resolution 2361 and no longer objects to compulsory vaccination. * As of July 1 2022 the EU has announced the legislation for the mandatory EU COVID 19 Certificates that deprive you of all freedoms if you do not have a QR covid certificate. If… Read more »

Apr 7, 2022 7:02 AM
Reply to  antitermite

Wonderfully written.

Apr 7, 2022 7:09 AM
Reply to  J A

Ha, I like to think what I would do with a time machine. If I wanted to hint at such a future as this one, I’d use this essay in a classroom and dodge questions as to where I got it from. Spray paint that hints as to what the future holds, like the name of a movie A La Hamburg Syndrome, Demolition Man, They Live (Well, the WEF don’t seem human  😂 ) Or the book Snow Crash on fire at 451 degrees, bordered with a device that resembles a smart phone and an old school one at the same time (somehow?)

Alas, I don’t have a time machine, and I HOPE it’s not possible because they may be the first to get their hands on one.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 7, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  J A

On another note, we do have a time machine; it’s our mind. We may have no choice but be living in this time, and having to do the things that are normally done in it, but we certainly can keep our belief system firmly based on ideas of past time or of a time one longs for.

That indefinite progress is not inevitable is one of these ideas I’ll never abandon.

Apr 7, 2022 12:37 AM

Convid causes blood clots! Not something else of course:


Oh, and it’s that number again….

Apr 7, 2022 2:16 AM
Reply to  Edwige

So the alleged virus that gave you a runny nose now gives you blood clots. That is progress.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Apr 7, 2022 9:09 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Sadly, a lot of fraud readers will use this piece as ‘evidence’

Apr 7, 2022 9:16 AM
Reply to  Edwige

+33 😂

Apr 6, 2022 11:50 PM

I know there’s strength in numbers, but the answer to this lies in our individual efforts.
“What they got and what we lost” has no moral or human worth.

You might as well talk about the chess games a computer won.
It’s meaningless.

CS Gammon
CS Gammon
Apr 7, 2022 1:15 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree with you. I like the article and what you are saying goes one step further than the article by supplying a solution.

We are doing everything we can independently by growing food, investing in a freeze dryer and putting up any and all food we can get our hands on or grow. Independently. Talking to our children and other loved ones didn’t work. Now we plan in what ways we can help them and our community. That’s really all we can do. “ build it; they will come.

Apr 7, 2022 2:12 AM
Reply to  CS Gammon

Thank you CS.
I also think that’s really all we can do.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Apr 6, 2022 11:47 PM

I couldn’t agree more. Well articulated, thank you!

Here in the state of Queensland, Australia, us vaxx-free people will be permitted to visit galleries, restaurants/pubs and entertainment venues again from the middle of this month after having been barred for four months.

The very few people I know who are still vaxx-free are celebrating this handed down freedom but I’m skeptical, having lost all trust in anything both our unelected powers (our public “health” bureaucrats) and our elected non-representatives may be plotting. Though I must say, this respite did surprise me.

Apr 7, 2022 5:54 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Suspect she thinks we will forget and take albos slogan about caring lab govts seriously….she does so much care for us apparently….though I have seen little evidence with the sacking of long standing and devoted teachers, nurses etc.,.the smashing of hospital system, school system, police ambos etc…very very caring…

so here we go, forget all that uncaring, and vote of the fed lab caring party,,.they will let me have a cup of coffee with the vax…how very caring…

naturally the other lot are equally hideous…

Apr 7, 2022 7:04 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I suspect we’ve been “granted freedom” because there is a fed. election coming soon and they want people able to vote. Expect more restrictions soon after the election.

As you know, Veri Tas, emergency powers had been extended by the qld state govt. before their announcement of lifting restrictions. Obviously, they are expecting to impose more lockdowns, masks, etc. in the near future.

Apr 6, 2022 11:47 PM

Time to stop this crime….

“Rugby-Former Scotland and Lions prop Tom Smith dies at 50”

Apr 7, 2022 1:36 AM
Reply to  Grafter

We really must have an article on clot shot injuries.

Apr 6, 2022 11:32 PM

thank you, i needed to hear this today…..

Apr 6, 2022 11:23 PM

I don’t know if it’s glyphosate, et al– or 4G but where have the birds gone? This is a small town surrounded by farmed fields yet it’s becoming an event to see a bird. I recently learned that the central vane on a feather acts as an antenna for EMF, etc., so no wonder they’re dropping out of the sky. And just a few glyphosate-contaminated kernels of grain and their eggs are infertile.

Even the bugs are gone. In December I drove from Ohio to CA and I didn’t have to clean the windshield of bug-splat– not once. Just dust. Back in ’62 when I made the same drive I had to clean the windshield between gas fill-ups because I couldn’t see.

A lot of people had to abandon their homes from the effects of the vibrations emitted by fields of windmills, and animals were sickened by it. What in the world will happen when 5G is activated?

Apr 7, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Penelope

There is an international group of researchers who calculated how much insects were killed by windmills globally last year: 30 million tonnes!!! In Europe they have lost 80% of insects, but no matter what, the show goes on: more pesticides, more windmills, all in the name of “Green Energy” to save us from “Climate Change”…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 7, 2022 12:41 AM
Reply to  annick

How much fauna and flora is destroyed by the mining, processing, transport and use of fossil fuels though? Please get things in perspective.

And efforts are being made to make traditional wind turbines less harmful to birds. There are also wind turbine types that don’t kill birds at all.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Apr 7, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

wind turbines are just more green wash, after 20 years the fibreglass propellers become landfill just like e-car batteries which are also not recycled

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 7, 2022 9:02 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

No one denies that fuelless energy generation creates undesirable waste … but is it worse than the pollution and waste generated by fossil fuel and the damage it causes to the environment. It’s always a matter of the lesser evil and the hope that as time goes on fuelless energy production will cause less harm.

Apr 8, 2022 12:09 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Considering most of the toxic chemicals, plastics and heavy metals used to build those wind turbines will never biodegrade, I think it is a very slim difference between that and CO2 and other chemical pollution from fossil fuels. Same with solar panels, they too have a finite life and they’re full of toxic chemicals that will never break down. Mining the rare earth minerals used takes massive amounts of fossil fuels, which most people either conveniently forget, or are not even aware of. And if you try to tell them these little facts, most will shriek that you’re a fossil fuel apologist, climate change and SCIENCE denier, and simply ignore any ugly reality that doesn’t fit their “green” paradigm.

From what I have read, the average wind turbine weighs in at 800,000 tons, or some such. They’re already causing issues due to disposal of them being extremely cumbersome, to put it nicely. IMHO it isn’t all that different from nuclear waste – where in hell to put it knowing it will never break down, it will never be non-toxic, and the waste is pretty much infinite. There is no magic bullet that will allow us to live as we do without massively polluting the earth. An ugly truth that no one wants to face. Asking people to face that makes one a conspiracy theorist, right wing nut job. Now where have I heard that before….

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 8, 2022 2:43 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

But are wind turbines more polluting than fossil fuels? Where’s the comparison? Without storage, of course, renewables won’t provide sufficient energy and yes, it’s true, that batteries currently require rare earth metals … but will they always? There is lots of technological development going on. It’s a matter of the lesser of two evils, plus the fact that we can see that it will be easier to move to less harm by development of better renewable technologies than improved fossil fuel management. Bottom line: Fuelless vs fuelled I disbelieve enormous quantities of information spewed by the authorities, certainly more than most people and some things I’ve worked out myself such as the fakery of Collateral Murder, done as a means to infiltrate Wikileaks. What I never want to do though is disbelieve them when they’re – on the very, very odd occasion – telling the truth, because nothing can undermine you more than accusing them of lying when they’re actually telling the truth … and it’s always good to get it right, regardless, no? (And it’s not as if the authorities are right behind renewables exactly is it? God no! Not in Australia, that’s for sure.) I try to get this across to the disbelievers of the moon landings but they won’t have it. After I woke up to 9/11 and Sandy Hook I took a look at the moon landings quite ready to disbelieve them but found that the evidence clearly showed they happened. I then tried to get across to the disbelievers among my acquaintance (including my identical twin) this evidence but I found that they were immune to it at which point it occurred to me that among us is a small group who simply disbelieve the authorities by default. This realisation prompted me to look at… Read more »

Apr 7, 2022 9:57 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

No such thing as “fossil fuel”. Oil does not come from decaying T-Rex’s.

Bacteria, Plankton and algae give us oil and plastics and continue to do so. We don’t run out of oil because we run out of dinosaur fossils. As long as their is an earth their will be oil.

Find out what “green” energy really is and how destructive it is to the environment.


Apr 7, 2022 3:53 PM
Reply to  Hank

Few people actually believe crude oil comes from dinosaurs exclusively. There’s every possible kind of decaying matter – including untold numbers of animals other than dinosaurs.

I hate to see dinosaurs – except for whales the largest animals ever – reduced to red herrings and strawmen.

Apr 7, 2022 4:08 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’ll bet more people think oil comes from dinosaurs than plankton.

Apr 7, 2022 8:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

Not to mention “corporate mascot”:

comment image

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 7, 2022 6:20 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

How much? The earth is one massive eternal all encompassing power house recyclingly Machine.
The windmill turbine representative of the British New Normal earth pollution over the last 50 years that replaced Industrial community and social mobility.
Oh they are uses, but not as a tool redressing Policial failures funded by overseas players turning the countryside (for one) into showroom experimental stations.

Apr 7, 2022 1:38 AM
Reply to  annick

More cell phone towers.

Apr 7, 2022 12:01 PM
Reply to  annick

There are not enough windmills to outdo all the poisons and RF/microwave radiation.

Apr 7, 2022 12:53 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Bats have totally vanished in my region. 15 years ago it was impossible to not to have a bat sneak into your house at some point–none since then.

Apr 7, 2022 1:44 AM
Reply to  fxgrube

I have written on this before. For the 20 years I have lived in this area as many as 17 fruit bats/flying foxes flew overhead every evening at dusk, some landing in the vicinity. They have abruptly disappeared.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Apr 7, 2022 4:22 AM
Reply to  fxgrube

grannies are a dying breed too.

Apr 9, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Well, as Jordan Peterson, and plenty of others have said:
Life is a terrible thing – it’s fatal.

But of course that’s only the surface of the matter.

Apr 7, 2022 8:23 PM
Reply to  fxgrube

This is as anecdotal as it gets, but for what it’s worth:

I grew up on a very urban block of working or “middle”-class homes in Philadelphia, PA (USA).

In the summertime, as it got dark and the streetlights came on, bats used to swarm around the lights– doubtless dining on the swarms of small insects that also could be seen in the glow of the lamps. We kids used to hang out on our front steps well after dark, which was a privilege or perk of summer weather and summer vacation.

I particularly remember this because boys (not me!) would often provoke and tease the girls by citing the ancient myth or folklore that bats were prone to swoop down and fly into people’s hair– especially targeting little girls with long hair.

In reality, the bats never came near us. But every so often, to the delight of those mean boys, a bat veered far enough out of the cone of light to provoke a chorus of shrieks, frantic ducking, and head-clutching among the girls.

I don’t remember exactly when the bats disappeared; once I got too old to hang out on the front steps, I stopped paying attention. But there’s a streetlight not far from my little house in a Philadelphia suburb. Not only have I never seen even a single bat fluttering around that streetlight– there don’t seem to be any insects up there either. 😔

dom irritant
dom irritant
Apr 7, 2022 8:41 AM
Reply to  Penelope

it could well be a mixture of both, there is a valid theory that between emf toxicity which weakens the structure of water (EZ) in our cells and glyphosate which builds up in all, diet, environment and age dependent, then mimics an important protein called glycine causing, all together surprise surprise, blood coagulation problems and death

if anyone would like to read something more in depth about his valid theory there is a 51 page pdf on archive.org titled a journey through biology by ron bublitz

Apr 7, 2022 4:03 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Another very real culprit would be the toxic filth constantly sprayed in the sky by geoengineers – aluminum, strontium, barium, manganese, polymers.

Ostensibly, this spraying is to combat climate change. But it just happens to facilitate emf waves generated by and for satellites. Also, it just happens to be destroying the ozone layer, which exposes animals and plants to increased levels of UV-C radiation.

Apr 7, 2022 12:00 PM
Reply to  Penelope


Apr 6, 2022 10:56 PM

Yes, Canada, I also live in Canada (Montreal). I wasn’t born here but the Canadians are more than just a little sheeple from what I’ve seen (with the exception of the truckers). Let’s just say that Canadians have a predisposition towards obeying authority or the law or the mandate or whatever the governments here in Canada were calling their lockdowns and their mask and vaccine regulations. Elsewhere it was different. In Russia, for instance, a wonderful country which I have visited several times, the majority of the population did not take the “pandemic” seriously. Why? Because the Russians can recognize a government scam when they see one. They know what totalitarianism is all about. They find ways to get around the government. According to my wife who has relatives in St Petersburg most people there got their QR codes for their vaccine passports by paying hackers who infiltrated the government computer systems.

Apr 7, 2022 12:58 AM
Reply to  jph

Perhaps that is another reason why the idiot US must have war with Russia – they need the American people to hate Russians and think they’re the stupid ones so no wayward American learns about the Russian people’s ability to recognize government lies? I say that as sort of a joke, since we know these bastards have a much bigger agenda than that, but Americans hating Russians serves to keep Americans good and dumb, they way they like us to be. God knows they’ve trained many of us extremely well in willful stupidity and many Americans are very proud of that! USA, USA, USA!

Apr 6, 2022 10:53 PM

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban, who recently won re-election says NO to the EU’s banning Russian oil & gas. It has to be unanimous, so. . .

Anyway, the German economy wd collapse w/o it, so I guess it’s a done deal that they’llpay for it in rubles.

Good. That’s fine. But I’m sure TPTB will find a way (or already have a plan) to use it to advance the world that we don’t want.

Apr 7, 2022 1:48 AM
Reply to  niko

The little wooded area near my place hosted large numbers of bird species until the phone tower was upgraded in 2015. The number of species and the bird populations plumetted immediately.

Apr 7, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  niko

No. As the weatherman said when asked the same question about atomic bombs affecting the weather, “It’s not so delicately poised”.

Life on Earth is like the weather: a butterfly flapping its wings can detonate a hurricane, but the butterfly and even more fragile creatures have survived many a hurricane — and even worse — in their time.

Apr 7, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, even asteroids: the Earth has seen it all and keeps going, doesn’t it?

Nuclear fallout, emf radiation, toxic chemicals: the Earth has seen none of this in its x-many billions of years. Therefore nothing on Earth has evolved to handle these catastrophes.

Big difference.

Apr 6, 2022 11:52 PM
Reply to  niko

To hell with the EU.
They live in Robotville, and they’re welcome to it.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Apr 6, 2022 10:19 PM

A New York City attorney was fired on Mon., 4/4//22 for challenging Mayor Adams on his mask mandates for toddlers. She crashed a press conference on another matter by telling officials that she was a journalist. https://nypost.com/2022/04/04/nyc-woman-who-confronted-mayor-adams-on-toddler-mask-mandate-fired-from-city-job/

Apr 6, 2022 10:14 PM

I thought this article gave a great overview of the present situation. It helped me clarify some things that needed clarifying. Also beautifully written. Thank you OffGuardian for providing a place for open discussion.I do not read the newspapers anymore…and even though I do not always agree with the articles featured here, this is my place to land where I know opinions and facts are not censored.

Apr 7, 2022 7:19 AM
Reply to  skinnymouse

Me too. +10

Apr 6, 2022 10:09 PM

Ruble at 80 versus USD and 90 versus Euro: recovered swiftly and completely from the NWO’s “sanctions from hell” against Russia.

And what part of that is a bad thing?