Despite sanctions the ruble is stronger than before the war. Why?
Kit Knightly

It’s official, as of right now the Russian ruble is worth more US dollars than before the invasion of Ukraine.
On the 22nd of February this year, one US dollar would exchange for just over 79 rubles. As of the time of writing, it is now 78.

The same is true of the British pound (around 108 rubles before, 102 now), and the Euro (88 rubles before, 84 now).
Across the board, the ruble is stronger than before the war. So, how has this happened?
Aren’t NATO, the EU and the rest of the “international community” meant to be crippling the Russian economy with biting sanctions?
The media are claiming that the strength of the ruble “may be illusory” or that Russia has exploited a “loophole” in the sanctions and used “financial alchemy” to “rescue the ruble”.
Reminder: In 2014, when the west sanctioned Russia over the Crimean referendum, the ruble lost almost half its value.
It recovered slightly in 2016, and has since stabilized, but has never come close to its pre-Crimean worth:

So, presumably the earlier sanctions didn’t have a “loophole” in them, and/or the Russians either weren’t aware of this “financial alchemy” back then, or simply decided not to use it.
Of course there is one key difference between 2014 and 2022 – the oil market.
As we have written before, in 2014/15 the US and Saudi Arabia flooded the market with cheap oil and crashed the price. Russia (and Iran, and Venezuela) all suffered huge economic damage from this move.
But far from repeating this tactic, Saudi Arabia has increased their prices.
The Western press claims that the US asked Saudi Arabia to increase oil production and they refused. They claim Saudi Arabia “sided with Russia”, and that they should be “punished”.
Meanwhile, Turkey has just suspended the trial of the Saudi citizens alleged to have murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a move that should please the Saudi government no end.
The West seems as bad at “punishing” their misbehaved allies as they are at tanking the value of the Russia’s currency.
To sum up – The price of oil is going up and the ruble is worth just as much as it was before the war.
At the same time, Europe and the US are expecting food and gas shortages, seeing record petrol prices and talking about rationing.
Last week we wrote a piece asking “Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions?”
As the war continues, and the ruble strengthens, the answer is becoming pretty obvious.
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Thank you for being a small voice of sanity. I hope y’all continue to thrive
West has accumulated lot of rubles, it needs to give less less rubles , that is actually a discount ! When and how dump rubles is crooks game. What will west do with rubble otherwise ?
Have you considered, that the stabilization of the ruble’s value may be related to the fact that Russia now gives its oil and gas to “unfriendly” states only against payment in rubles?
You’re not going to learn anything if you follow mainstream media. Even mainstream academia is corrupted with false narrative. The truth is far simpler than you think:
Why exactly did you come to an obviously independent site whose whole raison d’être is challenging the mainstream media, to tell them not to follow the mainstream media? What do you think they were doing before you turned up to give your sage advice?
“Even” mainstream academia?! There have been many signs, ever since the reign of “Ronny” RayGun, that academia is way out in front of other institutions in terms of infiltration and corruption, even though it is probably more amenable by nature to good faith and altruism, that is avidly targeted.
Condoleezza Rice as Provost of Stanford? Tony FAUCI ?! I rest my case.
It really is the oldest trick in the book – and for a good reason .
It still works.
The cups are shuffled in plain sight in front of us. The con man points to something else while he deftly removes the pea.
Once you’ve seen the pea being taken out of the cup the spell is broken and you can see nothing else
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who still think there’s a pea in the cup
Good analogy
100% correct
Off topic but sehr interessant:
Neat point below – if you’ll pardon the expression!:
Frankly I would even query that “LESS than 0.7 %” which suggests there may be SOME trans people. I suspect there aren’t any at all and it’s a vast exercise in gullibility.
More on the Disney Dick:
From Snopes the “debunker”! Here to reassure you.
“Does Disney Gift Card Feature Hidden Penis?”
Ah don’t be silly!
“Some phallic shapes are in the eye of the beholder.”
Oh I think the one featured here is pretty bloody obvious.
Cue bits about e.g. “some sex-crazed Disney fans swore that they recognized a penis in the cover art for the movie “The Little Mermaid,” and that a scene in that film featured a priest with a noticeable erection”.
(“Sex crazed Disney fans puts us in that enjoyably complacent bourgeois sneering mode.)
“These rumors were generally false or examples of pareidolia, where people decipher images out of otherwise random patterns.”
“In the spring of 2022, amidst a flurry of right-wing attacks on Disney …”
Here we go!
“…after the company came out in opposition to Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay Bill,””
Homophobic bastards!
“… a new attempt to smear Disney was made when social media users shared a photograph of a Disney Gift Card that they claimed contained a hidden penis. While the above-displayed image shows a genuine (albeit old) gift card, whether a penis is hidden in the shape of Minnie’s dress is a matter of interpretation.”
And once again – it’s pretty bloody obvious!
The card “doesn’t appear to be …. currently in circulation”. It was released “circa 2015 when it was available via retailers such as Target. While a few internet users noted that Minnie’s dress resembled a phallic shape at the time, there was no widespread outrage over this image” but “it seems as if it someone found an image of an old gift card and circulated it anew to capitalize on new found outrage against Disney”.
After which, Disney presented as progressive hero organisation being attacked by Right Wingers like Tucker Carlson.
The titles of the following links confirm the spin:
Cross reference all that with various clearly self-designated Right Wing sites like Red Voice Media (“owned and operated by patriots….pro-law enforcement …. conservative politics”) who say,
“Disney Now Offering $100 ‘Minnie Penis’ Gift Cards? ‘The Bigger The Better’How much evidence do you need to see before you stop supporting evil?”
And we have another neat partisan whip-up!
“Is Russia the REAL Target of Western Sanctions ?” Absolutely !
But as Pepe Escobar explains, the sanctions will have unintended consequences and will cause , to use ‘PentagonSpeak’, collateral damages throughout the West…
Sit back and watch Europe commit suicide.
A bit of history. “At root, the problem was that the United States had an extremely ambitious plan for the whole of Europe. It is now stated quite openly that the US considers itself a “European Power”. In the 1980s, this assertion could not be made so easily. That would have caused too much dissension among Western allies. But the US drive to establish its dominance in Europe was nonetheless a fact. And the United States was already planning what is now openly talked about…”
Why was NATO in Yugoslavia ? (reposted 08.04.2022)…
“the sanctions will have unintended consequences”.
About as unintended as the very rich getting very much riche during convid. No doubt sanctions will have unintended consequences but the decline of Europe is not unintended.
“ ..but the decline of Europe is not unintended.”
Dollar devours the Euro !
Someone (?) wrote recently the the target of the sanctions was Germany.
So the scenario is really about “killing two birds with one stone.”
So what is the root cause of all the bullshit we’re seeing?
On the other day, somebody mentioned something to the effect that “they” want to steer humankind from the present-day hedonistic way of life toward an existence based on suffering, absolute control, restricted freedom if any, and so on. As if “they” have figured out that letting people loose, which has been the case for, say, the last century or so, creates a spiral of gluttony, unrestrained consumption, plundering, satiation of increasingly sick urges.
They’re not completely wrong, unfortunately. There are a lot of sick motherfuckers among us who are overindulging to the extreme after centuries of their ancestors being on a short leash.
Hence, the judicious person who understands that moderation is the way to go has two sets of enemies. They generic run-of-the-mill gluttonous, hoarding, overindulging motherfuckers on the one hand and the “they” who are equally as gluttonous, hoarding, overindulging, but are better at scheming and fucking over everybody else.
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! Fuck!
They can run hedonism and suffering at the same time for maximum Operation Mindfuck effect.
Hedonism will be channelled into approved outlets – ones that are atomised, monetised and won’t lead to reproduction (remember how strip clubs and off-licenses weren’t closed during lockdown?) – and ultimately into the Metaverse.
Sounds charming, can’t wait.
What I’m wondering is whether some mad psychologists somewhere in the Great Reset Mindfuck Research Dungeon are actually concocting these strategies, if this is pretty much what they’re thinking, or whether it’s happening to a large extent inadvertently as a natural consequence of the extent to and manner in which civilization has degenerated.
Degeneration is an effect. The cause is impossible societal norms – i.e., norms which are either unattainable or outside the range of significant portions of the population to attain.
“Perfect Health” is such a norm. It is unattainable in a world where at almost every turn something is waiting to devour something else – be it a beast with fangs outside the door or a parasite or a genetic flaw within. And because it’s unattainable, it fosters a lackadaisical attitude toward nutrition in general.
In a consumer society, perfection is the implied goal of nearly every social function in order to sell something guaranteed to approach that impossible state. Over time, consumers begin to doubt the possibility of reaching the societally desired goal – instead of questioning the validity of the goal itself.
Same shot, same day.
There was a good (3-minute) explainer segment on Gold-Rubles-Gas in yesterday’s RT News
Runs from roughly 18.00 to 21.40
RT News – 08.04.2022 @20.00
gee whiz Kit those hasbara/cia/lockheed bots seem to be rating you down today. oh and of course Russia would attack a city they are protecting and the azov boys R just so lovey dovey. so says cnn bbc abc and all the death merchant hack. steno copy&paste cowards of the corporate prison colonies of the ‘West’. bahahahahahahaha
Why Rouble is strong? because it became petroRouble. As now anybody who wants buy Russian oil must pay St Petersburg Oil benchmark price in Roubles. Since 2018 India buy Russian oil on that way. To add insult to dollar injury a Shanghai oil’s benchmark was created several years ago and yuan became petroYuan already accepted by Saudi Arabia. So soon nobody will be able to sell oil to China except in petroYuans or PetroRoubkes. In contrast euro is based on thin air and dollar no longer monopolist for commodity trade which globally is now about 50% of global trade. soon no more printing to pay for US imperial wars. In Russia and China domestically trading dollar is collapsing in year or two May get to near parity to yuan and ten Roubles per dollar although respective central banks fighting that consistent secular trend as it could impact competitiveness of commodity exports but in turn boosting value of capital export.
Good point about the Euro which has been rather forgotten in all this.
Curious how recent developments in Europe have served to split Poland and Hungary who were showing some potential of becoming the foundation of a bloc to at least oppose the current direction of the EU.
Euro is based on nothing and now not only in their suicidal policies EU lost 200% to 500% cheaper energy from Russia they also lost Euro Nat Gas benchmark that was set by those long term contracts with Russia in euros. Expect secular weakening of euro against petro-currencies or even dramatic weakening if ECB raises benchmark interest rates to control rampant inflation and by that bankrupting EU economies loaded with debt causing economic depression.
As far as Vyshegrad group (Poland and Hungary) it was nothing but EU political faction against socially-liberal policies of EU especially LGBTQ and race integration as both Kaczynski’s and Orban’s right wing ruling parties are supported by Catholic Church hierarchy. There is not much in common otherwise as Orban is much more independent from EU and most of all US while Poland under Kaczynski almost a decade old rule became effectively 51 state of US.
COVID, the “vaccines” and Ukraine are all part of the New World Order agenda, which has 4 goals:
1) One world government.
2) Massive depopulation down to 500 million max per the Georgia Guidestones.
3) Central Bank Digital Currency.
4) Hell on Earth. (The globalists are satanists after all.)
And #5, NATO is global military.
This is what is bothering me:
From a Left blog on Ukraine:
“Right now we’re seeing saturation condemnations of Russia across all corporate media. That these media are incapable of prioritising truth, over the agendas of the tiny elites who beneath a chimera of democracy rule us, is a given for reasons I speak of often. …… this is the most relentless propaganda blitz of my lifetime.”
Now Caitlin Johnstone on the same issue:
“They’re Enslaving Our Minds And Driving Us Toward Destruction
You know you are being aggressively propagandized about Ukraine by the mass media and by Silicon Valley. You can feel it in your guts. Everyone can feel it, on some level. It feels gross.
The split on this issue is between those who trust this gut feeling and those who choose to psychologically compartmentalize away from it. Because if you don’t compartmentalize away from it, the implications of this are very frightening. It means pretty much everything you’ve been told your whole life about the government, about your nation, about the news media, and about the way the world works, has been a lie.”
Look at those points:
“Right now we’re seeing saturation …..these media are incapable of prioritising truth, over the agendas of the tiny elites…… this is the most relentless propaganda blitz of my lifetime …. Enslaving Our Minds And Driving Us Toward Destruction …. you are being aggressively propagandized …You can feel it in your guts. Everyone can feel it, on some level. It feels gross … if you don’t compartmentalize away from it, the implications of this are very frightening. It means pretty much everything you’ve been told your whole life about the government, about your nation, about the news media, and about the way the world works, has been a lie.”
Now what does all that make you think of? Ukraine? Yes …. but wasn’t there something before Ukraine? Something that has had a greater and more immediate impact all across the globe? Something that has lasted far longer and looks as if it will continue? Indeed – something that we have been told will continue from now on?
Yes! Covid!
Thus the Ukraine issue is a psychological “swap” i.e. whereby the outrage any intelligent person feels over the endless screamingly obvious fraud of covid and the exasperation over the insulting continuation of said fraud are channelled elsewhere. Now we can admit the truth – but we can’t apply it to the topic where it most pertinently applies!
Ukraine is a decoy for covid!
It means pretty much everything you’ve been told your whole life about the government, about your nation, about the news media, and about the way the world works, has been a lie.”
Something that has had a greater and more immediate impact all across the globe?
Very informative Caitlin Johnstone direct quotes before 2020 when she succumbed to Covid psychological warfare. My own relevant inclusions, explanations and words Johnstone never used are in brackets. Emphasis is mine as well.
Johnstone writes:
Ambitious journalists learn that they progress much further in their careers by advancing narratives that favor the establishment upon which the plutocrats who own the big media companies have built their kingdoms.
Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, [institutional science and technocracy], agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government: all mental constructs which only influence society to the extent that they are believed and subscribed to by a significant majority of the collective. If you have influence over the things that people believe about those mental constructs, you have influence over society. You rule it. The oligarchs [including big Pharma] manipulate narratives of entire societies.
..through sincere, humble research and introspection, it is possible to break free.. and see the full extent to which you and everyone you know has been imprisoned by ideas which have been programmed into social consciousness by the powerful.
[If you choose reality over official narratives ] you will see many people you used to trust, many of them very close to you, suddenly transform into a bunch of.. cult ..agents.. right in front of your eyes, and they will shame you, guilt you, throw every manipulation tool they have at you to get you to plug.. [official narratives].. back into your brain.
..because their entire kingdom is built upon maintaining the illusion of freedom and democracy, all they will have to fight back against you is [their] narrative.
Theyʼll try to shame you into silence by calling you a conspiracy theorist, theyʼll have their media goons and manipulators launch smear campaigns against you, but because your eyes are clear, none of that will work. Theyʼve got one weapon, and it doesnʼt work on you.. Because hereʼs the thing: since itʼs all narrative, anything is possible. Those who see this have the ability to plunge toward health and human thriving without any regard for the made-up reasons why such a thing is impossible,
Out of the white noise of failing propaganda machine, a new world is being born, one that respects the autonomy of the individuals and their right to self-determination.. [rejects coercion intimidation and emotional and economic blackmail].. . One that respects our right to collaborate on large scales to create beautiful, healthy, helpful systems without the constant sabotage and [social] disruption of a few power-hungry [big Pharma and Silicon Valley] psychopaths.. One that respects the sovereign boundaries.. of ourselves and each other..
How this squares with Johnstone considering Covid and Covid jab skeptics as Covidiots and right wing conspiracy theorists.
Depth of her hypocrisy is unbelievable and her compartmentalizations immoral.
I guess it’s acceptable to be “anti-establishment” about Ukraine, but not about COVID. Because the “anti-establishment” line on Ukraine is not really anti-establishment?
Exactly. Everything you’re not allowed to say about covid you CAN say about Ukraine. Hence the importance of Ukraine as a release valve.
She’s done that before when she backed Bernie Sanders. If she isn’t controlled opposition, from New Zealand, then she’s confused as hell. I won’t even open anything she writes.
Very good points George.
There isnt a”Left” and I’am 68! never has been.
Sorry George just my opinion.
I tend to agree.
So what’s left?
Spot on.
I no longer feel a part of this world.
Its rotten to the core.
Those elected to lead us are amongst the worst people on the planet.
Lying, corrupt and self serving. Not all but the majority.
I knew Covid was a scam early 2020 and have not followed any rules or lockdowns and been abused for not wearing a mask.
I refuse to bow to the lies and corruption.
As you say Ukraine is now cover the Covid crimes against humanity and part of the great reset ie higher prices, loss of jobs, business closures and more fear.
Sleep walking into an authoritarian future and its being championed by the sheeple.
By this time next year the world be a different place.
Police are ready to crack the skulls of disse to voices as shown during lockdkw protests.
Digital ID, currency, social credit score, etc all incoming.
Once the financial crash hits its every man for himself.
Hopefully us awakened souls can come together and form new alliances.
The spiritually bankrupt NCPs are in for the shock of a lifetime.. .
*dissenting voices
On further reflection, this explains the uneasy feeling I have had about commenting on Left sites recently where I initially felt a relief at “returning to the fold” but got a rather cool reception which has, incidentally, now petered out completely. I departed from the script a long time ago. And this is true even for the dupes i.e. they may not understand – and indeed show a woeful misunderstanding about – the true situation. But intuitively they have cottoned on. They know the limits around them i.e. where the goalposts are, so to speak.
Thank you for pointing out what I’ve been trying to tell people for decades:
Stop it! Stop what? Everything you’re doing. Why? Because it’s all lies. Everything you’ve been told is a Lie, so is everything you think you know.
This is not a difficult exercise for intelligent beings. It is difficult for idiots and rubes.
Oh yeah, it typically takes anywhere from months to years for people to catch up to my pronouncements. I don’t say this arrogantly but simply for purposes of full disclosure, like you for instance seem to have caught on. I’d like it if you gave me credit, given that you parrot me verbatim, but perhaps you heard it from others who spread my dogma?
Barf alert: Yankee Stadium Opening Day featured “a beautiful rendition of the Ukrainian national anthem,” per ESPN reporter> “A beautiful rendition of the Ukrainian national anthem. #OpeningDa
It’s all a charade.
Globalist and their puppets pulling so many strings who knows how this will end up.
We need a great reset, that’s for sure but not the one they have planned for us.
Elite sport has become a major part of the puppet show. It started (or was massively accelerated) in the 1990s under Mandela and then Blair.
This doesn’t mean every result is necessarily fixed although some certainly are.
“Right to Work” is Euphemism for Corporate Fascism: Freedom to Organize and Collectively Bargain is a Fundamental Human Right
In the 1950s, the average CEO was paid roughly 20 times the earnings of a typical worker. By the 1980s, that figure drastically escalated to 42-to-1 and further ballooned to 120-to-1 by the 2000s. The inequalities between compensation and CEO earnings of the aughts seem downright harmless compared to the wealth gap between labor and the executives that has nullified the American dream and replaced it with never-ending anxieties for workers and small business owners.
We did not get to a place where one man, Jeff Bezos, is worth more than the bottom 20% of Americans and where the billionaire class sip Chablis and dine on 18 karats-covered chicken wings while the rest of us are eating hope sandwiches overnight. It started after the Civil War ended and deteriorated after World War II as multinational corporations weaponized their wealth to buy off politicians and initiated a campaign to discredit unions through association…continued…
The answer being that the supposed masters of the universe are a bunch of clowns who haven’t got a clue what they’re doing.
Or, rather, they are making war on their own people. The Great Reset.
So the “obvious” conclusion becomes pretty debatable.
The answer is the Europe is the target.
What do you mean by “Europe”? The landmass? The EU? The governments? The peoples?
And who is attacking “Europe”?
“You will own everything, and you’ll be indifferent.”
Imagine being a titan compared to those moral midgets Schwab, Harari and Schmidt.
My view of the Ukraine matter is increasingly that it is at least partly an attempt to re-legitimise the media. Event Covid demonstrated – and continues to demonstrate – that the media is a monolith which stretches all the way over to the “extremes”. Thus the media – and in particular its “Left” side – has lost all credibility. Furthermore, since this covid blitzkrieg is clearly now permanent, this matter of a loss of credibility also threatens to become permanent.
In this light, Ukraine appears as a desperate face-saving mechanism to renew some kind of faith in the media and its Left face. This attempt is bound to fail for the simple reason that Event Covid is indeed the chosen progenitor for the Reset. The media has irrevocably sunk all its eggs into this increasingly feeble basket. And it does not bode well that the Left sites have so far delivered a somewhat hollow thin-lipped performance re: Ukraine where they can indeed bluster over the Western anti-Russian propaganda but continue to display silence and amnesia over covid.
We live in a network society now. The Mass society where gov and MSM controlled us has gone.
The British-American ruling mechanism is apology… to make you apologize for your face, skin, patrimony, cupkcakes.
Biden is there because the behavioural psychologists assured the controllers that the placid flacid American British would not rebel and would be content with a fake.
The fault is not Biden, not even the military, nor political face squats. The fault lies with us.
Now, that sounds nasty. Not Inglish. But what precisely is the counter argument?
I suspect biden is there so Obama can run the game behind the scenes along with blackrock and it’s mates…we are taking bets about the end of the cover and the replacement of biden with Obama…apparently Obama can never be elected as president again but can be appointed in a time of crisis…want to bet that isn’t far away…though for some reason I suspect they will need to wait until next Feb…
Burn out hovers. Dipping my toe into the twitter shitter and up pop any number of dumbasses who give the word dumbass a bad name. Occasional unintended hoot: some polyp describes himself as one who “doesn’t suffer fools gladly” and shows he must have no tolerance for himself by jumping on the Let’s All Hate Russia Bandwagon as well as still supporting the lone mask in a crowd bravely fighting the virus proliferating whatever.
“up pop any number of dumbasses who give the word dumbass a bad name”
Brilliant commentary.
Update on Ukraine-Crises:
“Biden loves Russian oil”
As in the video above mentioned: Biden is SHUNNED on his own party in the White House! No one wants to talk to him!
(Jump forward to 3:00) “Tucker- Democrats have decided to replace Biden”
Well somebody put him at the head of the Dem Party…
And that should never have been possible.
Frankly, I haven’t seen a ‘distinguished statesman’ in well over 50 years.
You know – someone in authority with a real grasp of what makes an admirable society, rather than a vice-like grasp of money…
I have a high esteem for Bashar al Assad – who lives and lived through terrible times.
Also Gaddafi was a man I respected.
I have to agree with you about Assad.
He stands tall, has principles and is no fool.
Reason enough for Washington to detest him. He makes them look like moral 3-year-olds who can barely talk – let alone make sense.
Ahmadinejad did the same in Iran many years ago, but of course the usual infiltrators undermined him.
Presumably the clergy have friends in Washington…
Yes, I definitely agree with You about Ahmadinejad.
Alt media is dying because I see them deleting rivals instead of promoting speech. Very sad.
I think that is more ‘new media.’
The real older alt media which has been hijacked wouldn’t endorse politicians and does decodes.they wouldn’t reference comic book msm fox GB news talking heads a advocate of truths.
Less travel and less heating to show that evil Putin what for:
Alternatively, have an extra hot shower and say “Take that Western sanctions!”
The price we pay to beat Putin, double speak
My comment on the rouble seems to have slip-slided away.
Kit? Kot?
Re-reading my post, I see that I made a joke that in the diplomatic circles of the 1970s would have raised an empathetic sigh.
Today, with little perceptive depth, younger generations cannot see that to describe an abomination, is to summon the forces that would right it.
This is because the power of language is dying. Without a feel for both sides of a word, the moderator is stamp. Boot. Censor!
Soft, there you may tread upon mines, Mark.
Rid of its nuances, plated in black and white, not silver and gold, here is the rump of my comment.
In a similar black and white vein, if you don’t want your tongue cut out, come over to
One day, the world will live as one.
I would suspect that it was the plug for more rubles that got it deleted, if ya know what I mean. Try it without that portion. May work
I do find politically correct Millennials to be the most sour people (no offense intended — but it’s incontrovertibly the zeitgeist).
They are the willing tools of censors despite, I’m sure, their better judgement and honest souls.
My 12 year-old ain’t no 60s/70s free spirit — how could he be after having a sixth of his life destroyed by lockdown — but he’s a darned sight more open minded and free speaking.
partly /s sarky
I’d attribute it to:
1. Debt-based education. When education is free, then so is the mind. Free even to criticize the education itself.
2. Social media. Which is conducive to taking mortal offence at (perceived) trivial slights. The very antithesis of humour.
A new zeitgeist would be timely
Have you tried building a relationship with God? All powerful, proprietor of everything. Could be useful friend to have.
Sri lsopanisad is the foremost of the 108 Upanisads. Contained within is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. Presented with the original Sanskrit text, transliterations, English synonyms and purports, by a self-realized Teacher (Acharya), this book is recommended for the novices and neophytes as well as the most highly elevated souls. Its contents are transcendentally pleasing to the non-deceptive and sincere aspirants of spiritual advancement in life.
:- increasing centralisation of control over all education, concurrent with deteriorating quality of schooling and all sorts of hindrances to teachers (e.g., “admin” work and politics)
:- increasing evasion and tolerance of cheating in exams and fraud in research.
I can only imagine what that would be like……… would that be called a Klaus-Dream.
Sorry, I missed the dream bit. My disappearing comment or my ramblings )
I don’t know what you’re talking about really but simply flagging up that your comment didn’t go through would have sufficed. 🤷♂️ 😊 It’s back now. A2
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sam, but thank you anyway.
Offline my email is [email protected]
I love Off-G. Keep up the work. You do it better than me.
They also don’t put their stuff behind a paywall and then use other bigger sites as free advertising. Most sites wouldn’t let you spam the number of links you put on here.
He charges people to read his stuff but advertises it here for free. 🥴
I think the fast recovery of the Ruble is to be explained by the simplicity of what I call the [Quantity of Commodities) QoC system of establishing the exchange value of currency.
The system seems to allow anyone in the world to use their own domestic currency to exchange with every one else in the world with or without central bank exchange.. AFAICT.. and without or without a intermediary?
It seems to work like this
the value of oil is equated to gold in some metric (oz, pounds, whatever).. 1 oz = 1 barrel of oil.
then to that standard equivalence is referenced the value of the national currency of the supplier nation ( i suspect on any given day the currency in seller nation will change some) , in this case Russia on this day, Russia pegs to the standard (1 oz of gold =1 barrel of Russian oil) to its currency (5,000 Rubles). presto, users with gold or oil can obtain 5,000 Rubles.. or persons with 5,000 rubles can buy one barrel of Russian oil, or persons with 1 oz of gold can buy one barrel of Russian oil. in this way each nation state [or even each seller of a commodity can establish the value for its commodities according to the local market in the seller country..
on the buyer side of the equation.. the buyer can buy gold and exchange it for oil 1oz/ barrel.. or x number of Rubles? To make this purchase the buyer must have rubles or gold, and to get those the buyer’s domestic currency to buy either gold or Rubles. Seems to me this idea eliminates the need for central bank.. except with buyers have no gold and none of the currency the Seller country uses.. Then some exchange agent (bank or other intermediary <=the gold exchnge)) will be needed.
This system references the market to gold, and interestingly enough in time, it will not be necessary to buy gold to make the exchange. because the exchange of currency will be referenced to the same gold for commodity standard (1oz gold = 1 barrel oil), the float in the system is the fluctuation in the value of the currency.. A nation willing to sell its oil for less just lowers the currency value and a nation hording its oil, just raises it currency value, but the oil to gold is standard. If you don't have Rubles or gold you cannot buy Russian oil.
So the ruble and for that matter any nation using this QoC system should stabilize its currency in international markets very quickly as commodities take time to produce..
please tell me if I have a misunderstanding about how this QoC system works? Its simplicity makes it seem strange?
Worldwide the price of 1 barrel of Oil {quantity of commodity) is 1 oz of gold.
As to the question embedded in Kit’s headline article:
A well-timed article by the way, as today Russia felt its currency strong enough to cut interest rates by 3% — while the West is stuck raising rates to constrain inflation.
It’s because all currencies have a lifespan, especially fiat currencies. Russia is third time lucky at re-linking a currency to real value but it found a trick. (Iraq and Libya proposed linking a currency to gold, Total’s CEO proposed oil sales in gold… their leaders all died.)
Gold is impractical because it has a specialized, restricted use as a means of transaction, though it is a proven store of wealth.
Russia’s trick was to create a formula-mechanism to link the currency, gold and Russia’s prime commodity oil to support the currency.
In the 1970s the Americans came up with what they though was a clever deal.. to tie the price of people to grain. The Jackson-Vanik amendment thus allowed a religious minority to leave the Soviet Union in return for grain quotas.
If you think about it too hard, you’ll fear it was a form of chattel.
But not all the brilliant mathematicians and scientists left Russia! Some remained, and they have arguably just beaten the brains of the Federal Reserve.
There is no team behind Moneycircus despite the use of the royal we, which I borrowed from Edward Slavsquat. Come over and support lil’ ole we.
False flags act as a distraction eg. 911, (C)ertificate (O)f (V)accination (ID), Putin etc., that
elicits the anticipated public reaction, for ‘solutions’ that under ordinary circumstances would cause massive public resistance.
The crime syndicate behind the Central Bankers need an excuse to update their current fiat monetary control system, that has reached the end of its useful lifecycle, to a ‘going direct’ CBDC system.
While this is occurring, there is also an ‘update’ for the social & governance control systems through DigitalID and UN Global Public Private Partnerships respectively.
Start to identify ways were you can withdraw your ‘support’ from this system, it will take a few years and we will learn many lessons, but by 2030 we could manifest a completely different reality.
Start locally today, our results will be slow at first and then start compounding exponentially, speak your truth kindly & do not give up on your family & friends whose minds are still trapped, show them the way out.
I had chosen, for my newsletter, the image of civilians fleeing via Kramatorsk railway station just an hour before it was hit, this morning, by a missile.
This is one of those times when one feels that we are, indeed, in this together. The civilians knew that Kramatorsk is within the ‘cauldron’ pincered by Russian troops. That’s why they were trying to leave.
They knew even more keenly that Azov Battalion and the AFU are cornered — because this is the area where they’ve been seated since 2014 in a war that’s eight years old.
I didn’t foresee but I felt in the pit of my stomach they could be next: the children and the families clutching their suitcases and pets.
I don’t predict – that’s a mug’s game – it’s more likely that I write through tears.
It’s common knowledge where AFU is entrenched and thus where Russia will attack. If Ukraine can’t win the ground war, they will try even harder to win the propaganda war. Objectively, the massacre is consistent with other moves to stop civilians fleeing. We have seen them tied to lamposts outside shopping centers as human shields. Even the NYT is beginning to acknowledge that brutality has more than one face.
Photographic evidence suggests a Tochka-U missile which is no longer used by Russia but still by Ukrainian forces. The same type of missile killed 17 people in Donetsk on Mar 14. Ukrainian forces blame Russians.
Two wars rage in Ukraine: one in the media; one on the ground. Even worse, the media war is for us in the West to rage, confound our enemies and ruffle our smug sense of virtue.
But we are in this, more deeply than we know. If the aim is to make the home population so desperate it demands revenge upon Russia in a wider war, this is one way to go about it. We have already passed the stage of war as catharsis: the release of pent up anger after two years of lockdown.
As China’s foreign minister noted today the West can’t logically call for peace while it pours weapons into the conflict.
It bodes worst for Ukraine’s civilians, and soldiers, too, in a war that looks ever more one-sided.
Sanctions only make a nation more self-sufficient, which they all would be if it weren’t for globalization, capital flight and de-industrialization. Now that nations are so dependent on each other, the global supply chain is fragile to any crisis, which makes you question – was that the point? Now they can turn the screws on what’s left of the middle class with manufactured inflation, food/gas shortages, etc., in order to corral us into begging for a UBI, which will of course be offered in the form of CBDCs. Maybe not at first…
We’ve come to the end of the road with globalization and financialization.
“Every nation has a choice which path it takes: cling on to the doomed existing order of financialization, globalization and the “waste is growth” Landfill Economy or embrace a multipolar world and a degrowth model of doing more with less and incentivizing efficiency and durability rather than the shoddy planned obsolescence of the debt-dependent Landfill Economy.”
Sanctions produced the system (QoC) which may liberate everyone from the control the oligarchs have had over the governed. Oligarchs and their corporate knee breaker corporations have since Westphalia used the nation states (the earth’s pop. is contained in 1 of each of the 256 of them) to enslave the 8 billion members of the governed masses into the oligarch owned expressed in corporate power nation state people-control system.. Birth to death Nationalism they called it.
Millions die because the Oligarchs used the individual nation states as crucibles to hone the governed people, from birth to death, to be vassals of the nation state and by that control to make the governed into vassals owned and controlled by the oligarch and the oligarch owned corporations. Its taken 4 centuries to make the nation state system into the global control system it was before February 24, 2022. It is, IMO, that same global control system which is being denied.?Humanity should not be taught to die for nationalism. Humanity should not be taught to be indifferent to the needs and contributions of those in other nation states? People are the same world over, they are just not allowed to learn that they are the same.
Rubbish. People are NOT the same the world over! Abolishing nation states is one world government. Nobody here wants that. I do not want to a HOMO-genized humanity.
Capital flight and de-industrialisation post 1919 is embedded in New Order imo.
Conflicting interests lead to an unbalanced act interjected with socialised radicals direct/indirectly funded by Bank.
The resulting damage is forever Negativity we may wittness, as ie: mass unemployment.
The global supply chain has always been under the threat of various disruptions. How could it not be? Globalisation was capitalist insanity from the start.
Its all manufactured to usher in “programmable currency” and distract you from the vaccines. The patents include technology to cross the blood brain barrier, as well as carbon nanotubes used in biosensing.
With this link you can get a Moderna patent 10703789 spreadsheet including peptides, their functions, associated diseases, their descriptions, and the titles and abstracts of external patents cited within:
With this one, you can get the patent ’embodiments’ paragraph and the patents cited within the paragraph:
A great resource for anyone wanting to know what may really be causing symptoms, or for actual doctors wanting the best for their patients.
in both your links i got the following..
Compatibility Check Proton Drive requires a modern web browser with cutting edge support for
for WebCrypto (PRNG) and Web Storage
this link entitled More Info <=
Cookies: please enable cookies in your browser
Storage: please enable Session storage in your browser
Storage: please enable local Storage in your browser
Apparently my browser has protected me .. from their server based webpage and what appear to me to be server based algorithms trying do their thing. Thank god, My browser seems to be incompatible with their stuff
Can you explain this please.. thanks for the thought..
+1. In any case, a patent on “peptides, their functions, associated diseases, their descriptions” is hubris and tyranny in the sense that our knowledge of physiology – let alone genetics – is rudimentary.
Epidemic: German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are’Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ Dropping
That’s why Germany just tried to pass a law for mandatory vaccination of the over 60s.
Must restore equity.
Similar in the United States. More conservatives not vaccinated than liberals. The hope is for an even culling of both parties. And it’s not working.
The target of the sanctions is us. And then using that to form the next part of the human prison called the matrix. We are heading towards doom.
Agendas served:
1) Brexit is bad.
2) Populism = chaos. (Or start suggesting it was a hack attack… ).
3) Shortages.
4) Stay at home.
Funny how that worked out.
Brexit fitted perfectly into the covid narrative agenda 21/30.
When has a referendum never been a scam..??
Really? EU countries have been far more covid-fascistic by and large, than the UK. (Sweden is the honourable exception).
And while referenda are a scam in some senses, don’t forget that the Brexit one gave the “wrong”result. That wasn’t supposed to happen, and of course, the Remainers kicked and screamed right up to the line. Probably ensuring a worse outcome than need have happened. Partly because of that, and partly due to a hopelessly incompetent Tory government, Brexit has been messy, but long-term, I think will prove to have been the better decision.
All currencies are on the way out. I suspect the Ruble has retained its strength because it is making Western countries buying its gas pay in Rubles (which is a scarce commodity in the west).
Meanwhile, following Nazi civilian attacks at Mariupol’s No 5 hospital and the drama theatre they are now deliberately shelling evacuees at a railway station in Kramatorsk region.
Please stop this nonsense. People like you, stuck in yesterday’s paradigm and excusing or ignoring all the evidence that contradicts it, are worse than the covid zombies!
Russia’s economy is blooming because the West is applying sanctions designed to have that effect while crashing the dollar.
It’s right there – a plan to move the center of economics further East – that has been known about for years. It’s what the GR predicts and aims for.
WAKE UP. This isn’t Syria II it’s the New Normal.
It is incredible how you guys rightly deride western propaganda but when it it comes from Russia you believe it without question.
Both ‘sides’ are clearly staging events left right and center. Because the war is fake. There are no sides. The war is a lie. Those ‘bodies’ at the station are probably as fake as the ones broadcast by Sky News.
The plan is to destroy opposition to the GR by dividing us and distracting us. You guys in the Indy media are so busy ‘defending’ Russia you forgot everything else and you are blind to the fact that Russia is herding people toward the same prison as the West.
That is certainly a scenario which is gathering pace. I share the view. Start with an open mind – dont believe anyone. Things will become clearer as time goes on. Russia during Covid has always been a puzzle but I see 3 different possible scenarios. Will post them up when get time.
You obviously did not watch the video. Those screams are not Hollywood screams. You have to distinguish between reality and fabrication. Russia cannot have fabricated it because Russia is not in Kramogorsk.
As to me forgetting that “Russia is herding everyone towards the same prison . . .” I am well aware of that with the fake pandemic. Well aware too of Russian propaganda.
However, let me know what you’re doing about it please, how you are fighting it, and perhaps we can fight it together. Do you have an answer?
If I may, sir, I’d like a multi-polar prison. Thank you.
Why? That is exactly what Orwell describes in 1984
Sorry … make that a unipolar prison with a shining city on a hill leading us all towards …
Down with multi! Up with uni!!!
Why are you so addicted to binary thinking?
Something about graph’s i smells bullshit.
I think they’re plotting something.
{.. groan..}
Michael Hudson is quite Apocalyptic…
It is a small group around a nation’s political leader who decide whether or not the nation backs the USA in it’s WW3,,, They also decide whether the country starves, too…
And he’s right about the comprador class. It is not patriotic. It’s allegiance is to self-interest, It’ll join the predator class for it’s share of The Kill…
Yesterday I would have said that there was one part of the dear old Graun that wasn’t useless propaganda: the crossword.
Answer — Russia
Russia the rusher. They need a bit of Czech influence 😉
Russians and Czechs are Poles apart.
Russia and Russians are also poles apart
(in a cryptic sense)
Hey, let’s take on China too!
The construction of a new world requires the complete dissolution of the old.
The goal of US foreign policy is to maintain, and if possible strengthen, US hegemony. Russia is not the target; Russia is a target.
Another target is the European Union. The aggregate EU economy is of similar size to the US economy; so it must be weakened, in case leaders like Macron ever inspire other Europeans to independent thought.
There’s a world market in oil and gas, and while it will take a while for Russia, China, and India to trade among themselves effectively, in the long run Russia will be able to do the trade it needs.
Europe is a different case. The USA exports a lot of oil and gas, and its oligarchs would like to sell more. Unfortunately for them, Russian gas is cheaper and nearer the main EU customers (Germany). So US policy is to enrich US oil/gas companies, while at the same time weakening the EU economy, by telling Germany to stop buying Russian gas. Win/win for the US! Big loss for Europe.
The one thing I don’t understand is why Germany (and others) obey Washington so submissively. As already stated, this weakens Europe vis-a-vis the US. So pressure will be even harder to resist next time.
The most obvious reason is the USA threatening to bomb Europe. People need to remember that NATO is a farce, the USA occupies half of Europe, not to mention the UK. It’s not an Alliance, it’s a front organisation for the US crime syndicate.
N.A.T.O. North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation.
Out of date pre-covid thinking. It could not be more obvious US hegemony has now been sidelined in favour of “multifocal” global government which intends to turn the globe into a giant panopticon with different regional controllers.
It is mentioned in the article that in 2014/ 15 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia flooded the market with an increase in oil production to depress the price of it in order to target the Russian Federation’s oil price. Furthermore, the argument is why hasn’t the KSA done it now. Well, it seems their economy is contracting !
Why has Bidan been so offside with KSA and other Arab nations that they don’t even talk with him. Relations with China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia and Brazil have all gone downhill? Trade deals? All in less than a year? Trump had good relations with these leaders.
What up?
Because Biden?
Why? Because Russia has minimal debt, immense industrial and physical resources with which to wage war, a battle hardened army, an intelligent leadership, powerful allies, and is supported by 2/3 of the world’s nations and the overwhelming majority of the world’s population; while the Wild “end of history” West has maxed out its credit cards on a reckless debt trip and probably cannot get a War Loan, outsourced its industry, has a cowardly army gone rotter soft from picking on easy targets, has a degenerate inbred leadership gone rotten with nepotism, and is backed by a minority of the world’s nations — mostly vassal states.
Read how Uncle $cam is desperately trying to save the U$Dollar by persuading his EU quislings in Brussels to destroy Europe with suicidal “sanctions” against Russia
“How the Dollar is devouring the Euro — by Michael Hudson
“… how this is likely to affect Western Europe’s balance of payments and hence the euro’s exchange rate against the dollar.
European trade and investment (until Joe Biden and Victoria “F*** the EU”s racist war against Ukraine and self-destructive sanctions against Russia) promised mutual prosperity between Germany, France and other EU countries vis-à-vis Russia and China. Russia was providing abundant energy at a competitive price, and this energy was to make a quantum leap with Nord Stream 2. Europe was to earn the foreign exchange to pay for this rising import trade by a combination of exporting more industrial manufactures to Russia and capital investment in developing the Russian economy, e.g. by German auto companies and financial investment. This bilateral trade and investment is now stopped – and will remain stopped for many, many years”
To the financial advantage of Uncle $cam.
So you just didn’t read the article and just dropped in to post propaganda.
btw – Russia’s army isn’t just battle-hardened it’s cloaked. More than 100,000 troops in Ukraine and no one has filmed more than about six of them st one time – and usually they turn out to be overweight DPR “militia”.
With your nose for spotting Russian propaganda you’ll soon be snapped-up by Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda machine.
But stay with Offguardian , point out all the other dirty commie rats that have infiltrated. We really need someone with your talents
What’s communism jubal? Trust me I’ll be able to tell if you google it or not. Commies?! These people are arch capitalists and you don’t have a clue what communism is. You are a massive part of the problem.
Oh shut up you fucking clown. Don’t you get it? Sides don’t mean anything any more. There’s only two sides post-covid, the globalist murderous elites, which includes the leaders of Russia, China, U.S., UK, EU and pretty much everywhere, and the rest of us.
Quit fighting yesterday’s battles. The Russia/NATO confrontation isn’t real any more. Hegemony has lost out to global enslavement, which will not be better and might be worse.
While you’re farting about taking sides the global prison is being built around you.
Or are you galactically stupid enough to believe as some do that Russia is “fighting globalism”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It’s hard for people to separate the class war that is the covid/4th industrial revolution from the “Great game” East v West. Just because both power blocs agree that their populations need to be thrown into a digital panopticon doesn’t mean they can’t play the same geopolitical games they always have. It’s funny that the Q crowd is always talking about “3D chess” but can’t seem to grasp these distinctions.
Is that you “Researcher”? Express your view all you like, that’s why we’re here for, but stop being disrespectful.
When you piss someone off with lies you only harden their resolve.
The liar becomes lazy and arrogant.
The elite families of the world have always wanted Russia for themselves. Hell they wanted the world.
The target is us people, as we were during the last two years of the “pandemic.
One other way of stating the same issue: why are Western currencies falling against the ruble since the Russian government issued a statement saying that all payments due to Gazprom for supplying natural gas to its clients (in Europe among other parts of the world) had to be done in rubles?
Cue the nations in Europe dependent on Gazprom for natural gas falling over themselves in shock.
It must be also that Saudi Arabia has exhausted all its oil fields and its own wealth in pursuing a failed war in Yemen, and is now in no financial position at all to flood the global oil market with cheap oil.
so you think this tanking of western economies is a cockup and the fact it is creating exactly the shrinkage and shortages envisaged by the Great Reset is – coincidence?
Coincidence or Collusion? More likely collusion between political vassals of global financiers to impoverish the people until we, the people “will own nothing and be happy” (trademark WEF).
The primary reason is that a mentally subnormal cretin called Liz Truss is allowed to work in international diplomacy.
If the UK wants any self-respect going forward, the public have to tell that useless piece of ugly prostitution to get out of public life, forever, and never, ever, ever utter a single word in public again.
If ever a woman deserved violence to be committed against her, Liz Truss is that woman.
Forget all the ‘fairer sex’ nonsense, she should be treated like a man.
Not a fan?
trusted lizzard
Steady there. She has experience in working for a bank.
OMG! I’m half-way through a bottle of Bordeaux and at first I read that as, “She has experience working as a skank.”
Glad i read it twice!
couldn’t agree more , she talks like she has a fish hook stuck to her top lip , horrible bastard, and she supposedly came from a home of socialists !
Isn’t she just evidence that ministers are only role players? The prank calls tell us what their level of interaction is. Evidence also that there are no committed people of intellignece and courage who want the job.
Khashoggi wasn’t killed. All nicely explained here at the time.
I am moving quickly to the idea a lot more is faked than we ever thought possible
The Kashoggi saga was one of the more obvious hoaxes.
Interesting. As is the rest of that sight. Although basically he thinks everything we think we know about is a fake, and almost everyone we think we know about is Jewish.
Didn’t know he was Adnan Khashoggi’s nephew. Adnan was far more interesting. He owned a big yacht and several private jets. He had an American son in law who was also a CIA agent. One of the main plotters in the Rajiv Gandhi murder , a fake cleric called Chandraswami (not his real name) was entertained on the yacht. Chandraswami had met Margaret Thatcher and was a spititual adviser to the Sultan of Brunei. He (Chandraswami) had travelled to 118 countries and had a significant fortune with which he kick started Iran Contra.
… to be continued.
Iran Contra was of course just the tip of the iceberg. Most of the West and Israel made substantial profits supplying Iran with war materiel during it’s long war with Iraq. That is another story. Adnan Khashoggi roped Chandraswami into the Iran contra deal. The party on the yacht was in honour of an anti Rajiv Gandhi lawyer Jethmalani. It was where the plot to smear Gandhi with a made up scandal involving gun manufacturer Bofors was hatched. Nothing conclusive was found but Gandhi had to resign. The opposition quickly stripped him of his body guards. Assassins liquidated him. Chandraswami and another plotter visited the venue of the assassination earlier in the day.
Gandhi’s successor established formal diplomatic relations with Israel 11 months after the assassination. The Indian economy with Western assistance boomed like never before. India is now Israel’s biggest customer for arms.
Some people are making a shit load of money out of this “war”. Nothing new about that.
My response to the question posed in the next-to-last sentence, same as when i heard a Target store was moving into a vacant space in my neighborhood: “We’re the target.”
Offguardian is losing appeal, your articles are more and more facile. Yes Iain Davis had a point but not very nuanced, and this article is similar. Scheerpost articles passing you in significance now.
Some Bob Dylan music fans expect every album he puts out to be Better Than The Last, or at least Just As Brilliant… They are sometimes disappointed…
Not facile – just waving…
Not nuanced – just waving again…
It doesn’t have to be Either/Or.
How do you behave when you start preferring one site to another? Do you leave messages on the old site – or just drift off?
Looks to me like someone’s trying to give a nudge – get back to approved angles on approved topics. A conventional leftist take with a conventional geopolitical framework seems what’s required – they know how to manage that.
new media template.
Everyone is running out of things to say about non-events. Let me propose the next phase:
“Today the non-event took a turn for the worse.”
“Right now everything looks calm at the non-event.”
“There’s a storm brewing over the non-event.”
“The world was just put on high alert because of the non-event.”
“The Pentagon just went to DEFCON 4 and is poised to hit the non-event with everything it has.”
“The non-event is scheduled to end at 6 A.M. Easter Sunday.”
Its the difference between fiat currency and old fashioned currency. In theory fiat currency should be backed by the good faith and total productive effort of the society issuing it but keeping it under control requires a level of discipline that’s difficult when politicians are focused entirely on the short term. So its tempting to not only print money when times are bad but fail to “unprint” it when times are good. The result is a steady inflation which can be somewhat swept under the rug if the currency is a global reserve currency. It still relies on the faith of its users, both domestic and global, and if you then weaponize that currency then you’re just asking for trouble.
Soft power is only powerful if its used carefully and sparingly. The moment you start abusing it then the power will evaporate. It won’t happen overnight, of course, but once lost it will not be easy to regain, if indeed that’s possible.
The only people that’ve benefitted from the fiat currency transfer are banks, defense and corporations, while the people have been still living in the limited gold standard mindset.
From removed article at here is what i learned from a millionaire about the 7 stages economies go through and how to profit:
Here are the 7 stages of wealth that have been used for centuries to extract wealth from nations and concentrate power into the hands of a select few.
1. “Good” Money –
Every major empire starts out with good money, either gold or backed by gold.
2. Social Programs –
As a country develops economically/socially, it takes on more public works, adding layer upon layer
3.Military Spending –
As a nation’s affluence grows, so does it’s political influence and spends massively on the military
4. Wars –
Nation puts military to use and expenditures explode and nations go to war
5. Fiat Currency –
To fund the wars, the costliest of endeavors, nations start to steal wealth of its citizens by replacing their money with fiat currency (value decreed by government and backed by nothing).
6. Inflation –
Wealth transfer begins as hyperinflation sets in; Price of all commodities and goods go up.
7. Wealth Transfer-
Final stage, in mass movement, nation moves out of the currency and into precious metals and other tangible assets. The currency collapses. This results in massive wealth transfer to those who positioned themselves in the right asset class in advance.
This cycle is predictable. This is what happened to the Roman Empire and every other empire. Now we are headed back to the gold standard… at least until the Technocracy agenda transfers currency into energy credits.
Why do people fool themselves into thinking that gold has some intrinsic value? It has none, other than not getting rusty. Otherwise, its value is merely symbolic, and not inherently better than the fiat currency that you so decry.
You can’t eat it and you can’t burn it for energy.
Putin’s “Oil Standard” is actually more realistic, by tying the currency to a real resource.
But not necessarily in his best interests. What if he wants to put up the price of his oil? He will then be in effect devaluing his own currency