Bird Flu: Another phony “pandemic”…this time for chickens
Kit Knightly

The bird flu outbreak is not real.
That should be everyone’s starting point – with everything, really – assume the media is lying and wait for them to prove they’re not.
Always doubt the press.
Especially when the fates seem to converge and every single item in the “news” herds public opinion in the same direction and serves the same agenda
…which bird flu definitely does.
Food shortages. Soaring poverty. Rationing. The cost of living crisis. They’re all part of the Great Reset agenda.
In pursuit of that agenda, over the last two years, they destroyed small businesses and wrecked the economy, they have driven truckers out of work and broken supply lines, they have started a war between two of the biggest exporters of wheat in the world and driven up the price of petrol and natural gas.
Bird flu fits this pattern perfectly. The price of poultry and eggs is set to skyrocket…and just days before Easter.
We know they just faked a pandemic in humans. You think they can’t – or won’t – do the same for chickens?
Now, maybe some of you still have faith in the headlines, maybe you haven’t developed that spidey sense that lets you just know when something is total bollocks. And maybe we should make an argument, lest we fall victim to the “fact-checkers”.
So, let’s talk evidence for a quick minute.
First, let’s talk about how the US government “detects” bird flu outbreaks.
According to an article in the Conversation [emphasis added]:
To detect [avian influenza], the US Department of Agriculture oversees routine testing of flocks done by farmers and carries out federal inspection programs to ensure that eggs and birds are safe and free of virus […] using molecular diagnostics such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests – the same method labs use to detect COVID-19 infections.
The USDA does routine testing of poultry farms using PCR tests.
Remind you of anything?
Second, let’s talk about how world governments are handling the “crisis”.
The mainstream media are reporting a “deadly” bird flu outbreak, The Guardian claims [emphasis added]:
US officials believe nearly 24m poultry birds, mostly chickens and turkeys, have died of flu since virus strain identified in February
All mainstream outlets are taking the same line – reporting million of birds dying of flu.
However, The Conversation article quoted above says [emphasis added]:
As of early April, the outbreak had CAUSED THE CULLING of some 23 million birds from Maine to Wyoming”
And this article in The Scientist claims [again, emphasis added]…
So far this season, tens of millions of birds have died of disease OR BEEN CULLED
So, there is some inconsistency here. Essentially, we don’t know how many died of “bird flu”, or how many were culled with “bird flu”.
Sound familiar?
Now, let’s do some simple math to try and clear up the confusion.
We know the press are reporting roughly 24 million poultry deaths in the US.
We know Wisconsin farmers have culled 2.7 million chickens to “stop the spread”.
And we know Iowa, the USA’s leading producer of eggs, has culled over 13 million chickens.
Well, that’s already 16 million out of our 24 million. Or 67% of the alleged total “killed by the flu” in the US.
So, at least two thirds of the dead birds – and potentially all of them – were killed in culls, and NOT by the flu at all.
And that’s just the US numbers. Other countries are culling too.
France has had two huge culls of poultry, totalling over 11 million birds.
The UK has culled at least 2 million since October, despite detecting just 108 cases by late March.
Governments are killing millions of birds, and these deaths are being blamed on the flu.
To sum up, the backbone of this “bird flu” outbreak is:
- Routine testing done using unreliable PCR tests, which can be manipulated to create false-positive results.
- Linguistic ambiguity over causes of death, and unreliable reporting of casualty numbers.
- Governmental over-reactions which “accidentally” make the problem worse.
…seriously, any of this ringing a bell yet?
Bird flu is just like Covid. The same people, telling the same lies, for the same reasons.
We all know where it goes from here.
Just as with everything else, this will lead to more talk of a food crisis. France is already warning of poultry shortages, and since the US is the worlds biggest exporter of eggs and chicken any disruption there has huge knock effects. The price of eggs and chicken is already going up.
Just as with lockdowns, the bird flu “crisis” will hit small local businesses harder and faster than Big Farma giants (we’re already seeing reports of family farms being destroyed).
They are reporting that free-range birds are more at risk from bird flu (what with being allowed to go outside and live like normal birds), so organic sustainable and ethical farming practices will be hit with new rules that don’t apply to corporate meat factories who treat animals as inanimate objects.
Meanwhile, this will be used to further advance the war on meat, boosting both veganism and backers of lab-grown “meat”.
Inevitably they are already talking about a new bird flu vaccine for people and/or birds. In fact, a UK firm announced a new bird flu vaccine for chicks just three days ago. That’s some well-timed research, great work.
Good luck being an “anti-vaxxer” when they make it law to literally inject all your food with spike proteins or experimental mRNA modifiers or who knows what else.
And, of course, if they ever need it to, the “bird flu” can jump from chickens to humans, and we can have a brand new pandemic, just as the former head of the CDC predicted the other day.
Like I said at the beginning, there is no “bird flu” outbreak, it’s just Covid for chickens. Just more building back better. Just more new normal.
It’s all the Great Reset. That’s all there is these days.
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March 21, 2022 By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Campylobacter is America’s biggest cause of foodborne illness, just ahead of salmonella. Both are potentially fatal. Yet between 2015 and 2020, U.S. companies — including the poultry giants Perdue, Pilgrim’s Pride, Tyson, Foster Farms and Koch Foods — sold tens of thousands of meat products contaminated with campylobacter and salmonella, according to government sampling records obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. More than half of these were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant strains — a rapidly escalating issue that can be exacerbated by poor hygiene conditions. The poultry companies supply major grocery stores and fast-food chains. Tyson has supplied chicken to McDonald’s, Perdue has sold to Whole Foods and both have supplied Walmart. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) deems a certain level of salmonella and campylobacter within poultry acceptable, 12 major U.S. poultry companies, including Perdue, Pilgrim’s Pride, Koch Foods, Foster Farms and Tyson, have exceeded USDA standards for acceptable levels of salmonella multiple times since 2018, when the government began reporting contamination rates at individual plants, according to the department’s records.
The USDA still runs tests for campylobacter in processing plants but it is not currently tracking whether plants exceed the contamination thresholds. Batches of poultry products with contamination rates above the limit don’t have to be recalled, although plants that repeatedly exceed the thresholds can be temporarily shut down. Separate government records also show that between January 2015 and August 2019, the same 12 major U.S. poultry companies broke food safety rules on at least 145,000 occasions — or on average more than 80 times a day. Poultry plant workers also claimed they have sometimes been asked to process rotten-smelling meat, have witnessed chicken tossed into grinders with dead insects and found government safety inspectors apparently asleep on the job. ……Campylobacter causes more than 100 deaths every year in America as well as 1.5 million infections. It also accounts for up to 40% of the country’s cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome….Yet the sale of poultry products found to be contaminated with either that or salmonella bacteria remains perfectly legal.
The level of salmonella and campylobacter that the USDA deems acceptable differs depending on the product. A maximum of 15.4% of chicken parts leaving a processing plant, for instance, can test positive for salmonella and the plant can still meet acceptable standards. The threshold for campylobacter is 7.7%. Many experts argue these levels are too lax. …. The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) does “a very poor job of regulating the contaminants,” according to Zach Corrigan, senior staff attorney at the pressure group Food & Water Watch. “This comes in the way of allowing super-fast line speeds, allowing companies to largely regulate themselves on the slaughter and then doing very little monitoring of contamination.” An FSIS spokesperson said: “FSIS is committed to reducing foodborn infections associated with FSIS-regulated products, including reduction of salmonella illnesses attributable to poultry.” Especially concerning is the increase in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The number of drug-resistant salmonella infections in the U.S. rose from around 159,000 in 2004 to around 222,000 in 2016, according to the CDC. Campylobacter has become more resistant too: ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic commonly used to treat it, is increasingly ineffective. […]
The elites are out to commit genocide on birds too apparently. Soon chickens will have to show an id and proof of vaccination everywhere.
Great article. I shared it on my substack with my own observations from my backyard farm in Thailand
I don’t suppose there is a database for all the culls done over the last 30 years, just to see if some sort of pattern emerges that goes against ‘nature’ and is more about causing artificially high prices to certain segments of society. Prior to that, going back to the end of WWII until ‘drug recalls’ were more or less over as the time before that could simply be, people were knowingly being experimented on using ‘drugs’ as the attacking agent. When all body bags lead back to the WHO from Brussels you will have found the ‘root cause’. The experiments just got moved to new locations that were ‘remote’, like parts of Africa and all of Canada’s Far North. (that abuse is still going on if you take a close look at the Villages on the shores of the Hudson Bay)
How are barn raised chickens going to socially distance?
We do not and NEVER have “caught” “deadly viruses” from animals. It is IMPOSSIBLE. We have NEVER been “infectious, biological weapons.” It is a LIE to justify the use of POISON cloaked as a “life saving vaccine.” Show me proof of these so called “viruses.” I will wait. And while I wait, STOP VACCINATING your animals!!! 🙁
Aren’t all the chickens fully vaccinated?
Chicken with the mask on photo is brilliant.
Does this bird flu only affect chickens and no other birds? Ducks? Turkeys? Crows? Magpies? Williwagtails?
No need to worry. The only other birds it affects are buzzards. And they nest and roost only within a 12-square mile area within Washington, D. C., and along this one street in New York called Wall Street.
A good article overall, with the exception of this sentence: “…organic sustainable and ethical farming practices will be hit with new rules that don’t apply to corporate meat factories who treat animals as inanimate objects.”
Allowing your chickens to wander around outside before you slit their throats doesn’t make your farming practices ethical. Killing innocent sentient beings is unethical. There is no need for you to eat chicken flesh.
I share your hatred of lab-grown frankenfoods, but there are infinite alternatives that also don’t involve slaughtering innocent chickens (or cows, or sheep, or pigs, etc.).
Murdering millions of innocent, healthy chickens because of the imaginary threat of an imaginary virus is monstrous, but if you eat meat, you support murdering those very same chickens, you just want to be able to eat their carcasses after the killing is done.
P.S. The “vaccination” rate among ethical vegans is 0% due to animal testing. This is surely a demographic we should be welcoming, not alienating.
exactly as you should respect our choices
Exactly, all meat and dairy production is inhumane.
You remind me of a character in the movie, “Notting Hill”.
The fruitarian.
While attempting to turn her two daughters vegan, my daughter learned through a regular well visit to the family physician that the girls had both lost weight and muscle mass even though they had grown in height.
The doctor advised her to go back to eating murdered animals. Although, I think he just called it meat.
Your health is your business.
Don’t try and push your health habits on my grandchildren.
That’s what is wrong with our world right now.
A narrow band of extremists what us to live like they do and are lying to us in order to coerce us into doing so.
Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance. Period.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
While I accept you heartfelt supprt of vegetarianism, it just does happen to put you on the side of the New Normal brigade, in this case. The elites will be instructing their shills to use the same argument you’re using, to nudge people towards the bug-burgers. You could be one of them, for all I know.
Given what’s at stake & what’s going on, it would be better if you shut up, at least temporarily. I really don’t mean to be rude but you need to have a sense of proportion, here. We’re talking about a plan to treat people just like they treat battery hens.
Chickens are ‘sentient beings’ in the virtual reality where vegans live, completely disconnected from how the natural world works. Eating plants only was never and never will be sustainable for the natural world or human life. For a world where people eat only plants there needs to be a massive reduction in population, so welcome the covid culling plan then.
At least the chickens, cattle, etc. got to experience life. Billions of animals would never even had a life if nobody ate meat. I raise a few hens for eggs, and they’re fun and enjoyable to watch. We have one hen that follows us everywhere we go around the yard, like a pet. The anti-dairy crowd is another messed up bunch of people. Just stop telling others what they should and shouldn’t eat, and quit trying to throw a guilt trip at us…’s not working.
We should all have choices but if you truly believe that there is no death/(murder as you call it) from the vegan food industry, you are mistaken. From the growing of crops/vegetables/fruits many animals/insects/birds are poisoned, nesting sites ruined and plowed over – along with the creatures in those nests – run over by farm equipment, poisoned by chemical fertilizers and herbicides/pesticides…There are books written about this exposing the “do no harm” myth. Sorry, that’s just the truth.
Ah… I forgot the most important comment I can make nowadays,
The first thing i read here was ‘erase the science’. My internal biases determining perception… oops!
The constant FACT is that we are not willing to engage in actions that actually can create CHANGE… All the rest (blogs, articles and comments) is just a way to keep us entertained and not doing anything else.
Seamless Continuity Editing in the Emergency Capitalism Movie
If we didn’t/don’t care about The SRF & Billionaires CULLING uman animals I sure ca’t see how will the herds of MMS/3i’s care about the culling of chickens!
A 2020 oldie…

I guess I must add the graph for the chickens population.
Ya, but the Commodities and Futures markets are “resetting” rather handsomely for those who were on the inside track. For some: Same as it ever was…
The science of virology is a complete fraud … the mind boggles at how they’ve gotten away with it.
It is simply staggering. The “science” of virology gets away with the most unscientific behaviour imaginable:
No controls used in experiments.
From the first virus allegedly isolated, the tobacco mosaic virus allegedly discovered in 1892 to sars-cov-2 no control experiment has been done alongside the “infected” material experiment … or where it has been done in the case of measles, the result was ignored.
Biologist and “ex-virologist”, Dr Stefan Lanka, who won, on appeal against a court order to pay the 100,000 euros he offered to anyone who could show that the measles virus was proven to exist, did the control experiment for sars-cov-2 and showed how the agents used in the experiment caused cell death without any alleged virus involved.
Interesting interview with Lanka by Russian naturopath, Kate Sugak
Wait a minute. About 50% of us are in the Covid vaccine control group in the United States. We aggressively volunteered. Word on the street is that they will not quit trying to get everyone vaccinated in order to eliminate the control group. The evidence growing clearer and clearer every day that these vaccines are poisonous and they are doing their best to cover their tracks. Robert Malone brought this concept up among others. May have read it in Off-Guardian too.
I’m not talking about vaccine control groups, I’m talking about controls used in the experiments to determine the existence of viruses.
To determine the existence of a virus they take a cell culture and add the alleged infected material from the person to it along with some antibiotics and other agents to see if death occurs in the cells in the cell culture. What isn’t done is the addition of material from a healthy subject to the same cell culture, using the same antibiotics and other agents to see if similar cytopathic (cell death) effects are caused simply due to the nature of the non-infected agents used.
And you can forget about trying to show transmissibility of infection by taking alleged infected material from one human subject and injecting it in another or doing the same with other animals.
The “science” of virology is truly laughable. There is simply no evidence of isolation of viruses or evidence of transmissibility which is of course is a main feature of viruses – the transmission from one person to another, the fact that the virus goes “viral” so to speak.
What’s established is that the concept of disease transmission via germs and viruses is ideological rather than scientific.
To be scientific it needs to be tested and replicated, not just observed. There is no test that can verify without doubt that one person contracted a disease from another; and there is no successful experiment that proves contagion by tranfering fluid from one person to another.
Out of many possible causes for disease contagion was chosen because it’s the easiest to profit from and be left off the hook from misdeeds for the snake oil quackery that is the pharma and biosciences industry.
“…Bird flu is just like Covid. The same people, telling the same lies, for the same reasons.”
And, just like Covid, TPTB are wantonly culling ‘the infected.’
Eheh funny isn’t it?
Nice one Kit. I’d never heard “spidey sense” before. Just knowing seems a dying art these days, having been replaced by “google it”.
I Presearch things now. I too liked the “spidey” reference. Especially since this whole thing has been nothing but super fiction.
I didn’t know spidey sense either. It must be millenial speak.
To offer a pedantic clarification: perhaps millenials picked up the phrase from the Spider-Man movie franchise that premiered in 2002.
But I was born 67 years ago today– in 1955, which I think makes me a “boomer”. I know the expression because I was an avid fan and purchaser of Spider-Man comics in the early 1960s. 🕷🕸
I hadn’t previously heard of this and I’ve no idea if it’s true or not.
Boron for arthritis
APR 10
Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
Letter to the Editor
Farmers have been using Boron to cure arthritis in stock for hundreds of years, using the same treatment they do not get it either.
Big Pharma do not want this known because they cannot patent it, so they tell doctors who tell you there is not cure, so take our pills for the next 30 years to ease the pain in your wallet.
This is a must read for everyone, if you are young give it to your parents and grandparents to ease their suffering. It takes 6 to 12 months to work, do not give up.
Downloaded From:
I also recommend this site by the ‘Yummy Doctor”.
Thank you; but there’s one problem:
Borax is not available to buy in the UK or EU at all, due to the ‘borate’ group of chemicals being reclassified in 2010 as potentially hazardous to health. However, you can purchase a borax substitute in the UK, which does a very similar job.
I think I’m beginning to see a pattern! It’s possible to buy supplements, though. And I can add more raisins in my porridge.
You can buy real borax on Ebay from the UK. At least I have done so. I haven’t used up my initial order, so I can’t guarantee it’s still available, but I hope so.The stuff I bought is the “20 Mule Team” brand that Americans can buy in supermarkets.
The “borax substitute” may be ok for cleaning, but (as far as I know) has no health benefit, and shouldn’t be used internally – I certainly wouldn’t use it in that way.
EDIT: When using Borax as an internal supplement (for the boron/borate content), you have to be fairly careful about dosage. There are a variety of similar “recipes” available online, including Youtube. Do your research if thinking of using it in this way.
Again: search Curezone for boron or borax for more information.
Works great on carpenter ant control.
Also works for softening my hard water to keep my clothes from turning brown in the wash.
Dr Jorge Flechas has a good Youtube video lecture on Boron, from a few years back.
Boron is not a rare element, but it’s not very evenly distributed around the world, and he gives the example of Israeli-born Israelis vs immigrants. The locally born Israeli’s have very little arthritis compared to the immigrants, and he credits the Israeli soil being rich in boron. It’s similar in Turkey, I think he says. FWIW, I take a boron supplement. If you are not afraid of old-fashioned interfaces, go look at the Curezone forum and do a search for boron.
Flechas also recommends silicon and even more importantly iodine/iodide. See Curezone again, and Youtube.
Boron is interesting and useful outside the realm of health and medicine in science and engineering, in various ways.
Thank you; I’ll have a look at the forum and videos.
I believe Aussie soils are lacking in boron – perhaps different districts vary. I add very small amounts of this to my fruit and vege garden soils, along with other trace minerals.
“Former CDC Director: Bird Flu is the Real Pandemic – C19 Was Just Practice” ?
He would say that wouldn’t he. He’s not going to say “COVID was a big fat lie and bird flu is going to be another”. The whole point is fear.
This is at least the second bird flu pandemic; the main effect is to wreck small producers. Did you know that some of the big producers keep their stock locked up 24/7, just like humans?
The bird lock down has been in effect here in the uk since Nov 2021, any producers of “organic” or “free range” have been compelled to lock em up in housing designed for range access, that means higher stocking density than “intensive” poultry systems.
The end result then of poorly insulated, poorly ventilated “extensive” stock housing used “intensively” is exactly that created in humans by being forced to wear nappies on their faces, well blow me down, fancy that??
As someone delivering workplace competency certification, in poultry, in the uk for 3 years (they call it “nvq” here), i can tell you that exactly like much of the wokeism shite being bandied about, that many of the up themselves “organic” producers exhibited some of the most awful animal welfare, seeing as they “knew it all” and diversely many of the “intensive” growers showed truly amazing stock management and bird welfare.
I would add too, that as “organic” requires dis-ease to present before any kind of treatment can be given that dis-ease in the “organic” poultry sector was more prevalent than in the “intensive” sector, same chicks, same hatchery. Thus you will likely find higher levels of anti bio in “organic” poultry than you will in “intensive” especially in winter when the poorly equiped and often badly managed “organic” sheds with hundreds of soggy chickens crammed arse to elbow, sheltering from the weather sit a fog of exhalation and amonia…
Many “intensive” producers were totally in control of any anti biotics they administered, and many sought zero levels (and acheived it).
My work was in “broilers” ie “meat”, as baby birds, chickens merely seek, correct lighting, temp, ventilation, feed, water, care.
Many of the “intensive” systems work towards environment enhancement and hygiene levels that are quite exceptional.
Whilst not definitive as a statement, i can assure you that many grower chickens if given the choice of a crappy plastic covered poly tunnel type affair on a windy, cold, treeless moor would happily exchange places with the snug warm hubbard types on “corn fed, freedom food”.
As an advocate of range for my own waterfowl i can say that as regards chickens indoor growing as an alternative to “exceptional range conditions” (spring, warmth, good green growth, tree cover, predation protection etc) is about where its at.
Frankly human aspirations re what a chicken wants and what a chicken needs are from a “humanitarian” prespective…. and look where that got us.
Re laying hens and most specifically waterfowl (which is my thing) thats
another tale all together.
Now please excuse me as i go self flaggelate pre the "woke" comittee coming round to "educate" me, cos after all what the fk do i know?
But be sure "birdie sneezes" and all the sesame street crap that big bird has planned for us will make convoid look like a tea party.
For as many of us know, it is in reality "big bird" operating the puppet fauci, as for the grouch, he s busy in davos
For those who wish to buy the best and most humanely reared fowl, given your experience/s, who should we be buying from? A2
Thats a big question, in an ideal world rear your own (man, what a thought, an ideal world), but thats easier said than done, especially given the current situtation.
Speaking from a uk perspective the two classifications of chicken i would eat are
a) rspca freedom food b) free range.
Widely speaking the type of bird used in both the above is the “hubbard” a slower growing, brown feathered broiler, both the raising of the young for meat and the parent flocks have better levels of welfare.
Free range has by requirement (commercially) static houses equipped with lighting, vents, heat etc, “Organic” if its even on the shelves any more (given that it cannot be raised “organically” no matter what the derrogation handed out by defra of&g and the slime, sorry soil association.
In the world of uk hens
eggs mostly all certification requires static housing for the egg collecting systems, BUT and tis a big BUT "organic" diets as specified by the certification bodies CANNOT meet the requirements of birds deprived of access to range, this is becuase we cannot have certain things in the diet as they are :"un-cool" sorry, i mean "un-sustainable".
Not wishing to bang my little saucepan too much, but as someone with alot of years experience in uk poultry the "organic" sector has always prized "ethics" over nutrition, i could tell you where your average raptor, sorry i mean chicken will go to for nutrition/trace elements when deprived, but you would probably be put off your dinner...
Why the slow growing french brown feather hubbard? because it unlike the Ross 308 or Cob 500 does not have to have its diet at breeding age so restricted and it tends to have more normal traits, whereas 308 and 500 having been line bred from first a cross cornish game genepool in the 1950s are a bit of a mutant these days.
In some respects they are a “wonder” to behold how a wee bird can make 1.8kg of feed into 1.2kg of bodyweight at 38 days, but “wonders” and creatures peforming to their optimum output seems to be what our davos mates have in store for us.
Ducks and geese are pretty much where its at, however when commercially reared the welfare makes a concentration camp look like butlins, lidl xmas geese being a prime example, and so called gressingham duck with its uniquely intensive waterfowl hell being like nothing you can imagine. Ooh slanderous eh? fk ya gressinham, i know
Sounds like im talking myself out of a job? i rear a dozen geese for xmas and hatch of the occasional 2 dozen ducks to rear spring and autumn, combined i have the poutlry we need for a year, lamb comes as trade with a neighbour, beef the same.
As ive yarned on before even with 25yrs of trying to disconnect from them its still no picnic.
Skills many of you will need to aquire asap?
May i reccomend “tales from the green valley” as once shown on C4 back in the day, a few £ on ebay, dream of a better way
Thanks for this. Not being able to rear poultry myself, in terms of eating and supporting the highest welfare poultry possible, this is really useful info. A2
Ever been to Vietnam? They’ve got the fowlest duck farms ever!
Geese and duck: Interesting observations Duckman, very much appreciated. Indeed, due to full size raptors galore, (Where I live), chickens truly vulnerable to wild predation, or vaunted viral factoring: but 6/7 ‘brownies’, Served good purpose for relaxing ‘Petia’ (longhorn) during milking, if nothing else, chickens were tolerated like no other farmyard animal, a symbiotic relationship, with blood sucking belly massage, plucking the Ticks , especially the nice bloody full to exploding point blood suckin’ bacteria prime’d
forest feasty boys…
What with osmosis, them there chickens saved me,
* putting gloves on * on many occasions,
Keeping Petia cleaner… where vultures feast on dead or alive beasts,
Of all sizes.
Eggs for breakfast ? 😀
I am surrounded by much wild Oak, (acorns) and wild Fauna, with no pesticides: And was wondering your opinions regarding Turkey’s future durability And destiny, given Bird Flu implications?
Equally, Erdogan’s Türkiye military / commodity trades,
With all comers, as second largest NATO Military,
Would be audible, (like the Greek and Bulgarian contingents of NATO),
where I am considering rearing Turkey’s for Christmas, see?
Presently, a natural mountain migratory corridor still exists and
From these mountains one can listen to Krivo Pole BG.Nato Training,
Or tune into the Greek or Turkish Frequencies of rolling barrages, firing
Off old munitions, occasionally all three simultaneously demonstrating,
Brains of sparrows, their better side…if not daily, is this stressful?
For rearing Turkey’s? Any advices appreciated.
Living on the edge of three nations, all within walking distance,
I have 3 currency options for selling said Turkey’s.
Would I lie to you? Nope.
Valuing your contributions…
Free ranging chickens are terrible for wildlife. Especially small native snakes. If you like wildlife don’t let your chickens run free. However, they are great for attracting Norway rats. If you have ever been to Key West, Florida, you will notice that feral chickens are everywhere and the locals revere them. Newly hatched chickens are normally gone within a day or two after hatching. Can anyone guess why?
speaking/writing with some authority on the subject, “ye olde birde flue” has been the prime contender for a mass cull for many years. You and i know at this late hour of the game that its the handy patsy.
Back in 2010 ish when “ye olde” was last doing the rounds as H5 N1, i was subject to monthly testing of my commercial flock, ducks, surprisingly enough.
The state veterinary officer who came to my farm every month was a fair minded and intelligent bloke.
I asked re the relevance and at the time was pretty clued up on the greater subject of dis-ease in birds, primarily in relation to nutrition, (theres a clue there, for them as can see it).
State vet pronounced that bird flu (or other zoonotic incidence, primarily pigs (another clue) were responsible for the 30yr (approx) cyclic “clean up” of the human beanz.
Henceforth since the 1918 masonic cull, sorry i mean nasty avian flu called “spanish”, we had as he put it “skipped a couple of cycles”.
At the time he pointed the finger (as did most) at asia/china and the proximity of sharing living space, humans and animals (god forbid such behaviour?, what next dogs and cats in the house?).
So having added too much padding to this puddin, let me sum up,
“if transitioned to fully zoonotic and assuming airborne infectability, a strain such as H5 N1 would have the capability to see off up to 80% of the infected”.
“drown in your own secretions” was how he put it, mmm nice!
So any of you that experienced as i did the 2001 foot and mouth knows as all us farmers do, that was the dry run, WE are next.
Anyone following the graphene/parasite/emf/bluetooth visibility must now be starting to wonder just how insane this is all going to be when they fire up that frequency/code or whatever?
Tin foil hats on standby? At this juncture who the Fk knows?
Edith may be able to perhaps explain the unique astrology coming the very end of April, Astrodienst bless their little swiss hearts seem at a loss to explain it, aaah.
Keep smiling one and all it can only get…..better? ;0)
It is actually today and a few hours off that we have the conj of neptune and jupiter…last happened in Pisces 1856…a reading of that time doesn’t give too many clues on what to expect….it can be a moment of great compassion.,I did note to my indig friends that exactly on the day in 1856 the editor of the Argus wrote that the 20 yrs of killing of aust indig wasn’t a great achievement and should stop…not that it did….but the crimea war did…interesting that that area is fighting now…but I doubt they will stop any day soon…
someone else pointed out this am that it could just be duplicity multiplied…jupiter tends to do that,…or perhaps a few dozen variants…
we also have another 2 eclipses coming along 1 at end of April in Taurus and then 2 weeks later one opposite my mate Algol who always seems to like death and mayhem…which I suspect the good citizens of a few Chinese cities are experiencing right now…
many of these influences simply play out on a time basis …rather than something grand happens on the day….with the current eclipse set I expect financial news only to worsen and with that more disruptions and finally hunger…the end of the year from around oct onwards does not look very nice…whereas right now just looks like a continuation of the confusion and deception…
Muito Obrigado for helping with that, the general “build up” is at times quite exhausting.
A concept covered admirably by the link Hsuan posted reafirms that the “greater re-set” extends far, far beyond the limited imagination of santa klaus and his pixie army.
I note you viewed it but for that didnt, its` quite refreshing:
thanks Duckman who name is real and Edith.
Poisoning the well is not just an expression. It makes more sense that the so called plagues and pandemics are the result of poisoning than of invisible to the eye of the populace germs that only ‘experts’ can tell us about. How convenient to the machine that the masses not only are kept in the dark but are happy to be kept in the dark.
Whilst on the subject of recycling: apparently Russia is planning on using chemical weapons.
@ BBC, Grauniad and all right “thinking” media outlets.
Tell me if I’m going wrong but Jimmy Dore has recently covered, through clips from MSNBC, White House admissions that they have been lying, specifically about chemical weapons and Chinese support.
Surely the big question there, as with Hunter’s laptop, is why are they “admitting” it?
Hubris? The chap involved, a long time stenographer for the CIA, was actually quite proud of it. He called it something like winning the information war and insisted that it had prevented Big Bad Putin from using chemical weapons. They aren’t afraid of admitting anything, just as with Covid, most people don’t care.
Just been listening listening to this radio play,, a Britain where no-one cares and all the radicals have been bought off.
The Fraud claims this morning Russia is using weapons supplied by Iran.
They’re just ticking things off their ‘Things we’re against’ list.
Remember a recent report of a flock of birds that “died suddenly” and dropped out of the sky ?
Was that report the opening shot in a coming “bird flu” propaganda fear campaign ?
Surely if The Next Big Pandemic is “bird flu” it’ll be spread by the ones that are free to fly around as they will ? Surely we’ll be issued with shotguns to slaughter the varmints ? Surely chooks and turkeys cant spread this “bird flu” if they’ve already been ground into blood n bone fertiliser ? (Who needs Russia’s fertiliser !!)…
Unless…”The Virus” has already jumped species ?
The only “virus” that really exists:: When an insignificant attention seeker gets in front of a camera, makes predictions that “We’re DOOMED !”, and the video spreads like a virus throughout the internet…
The flock of birds that “died suddenly” like all those beached fish that “died suddenly” were zapped by 5g… Dont need no imagined into existence “bird flu”…
They’re nutritious, good for the liver…And there’s “Dandelion” – The Rolling Stones (1960s)…
Good point. Good link..
Hello les online: The “birds falling from the sky” occurrence has been reported many times in the last decade. The majority of events are directly related to the use of HAARP and SBX radar weapons. The military and CIA suppress or obfuscate reports, and the media just bends over and takes it up the ass.
A very old page: HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Solar panels are killing them in the desert areas of the western U.S. as well. Singletons. Not flocks. Funny how rare natural areas are perceived as worthless if they provide “zero” benefit to humans. But now the Biden administration is paying farmers to install solar panels on quality farm land. It can’t get more ignorant than that. Where do these concepts come from? These extremists are truly deranged.
Hello Hemlockfen: Yes. Solar panels are definitely killing birds, and also causing vast amounts of chemical pollution. The materials used will not biodegrade any time soon, and mining for these resources is decimating habitat.
Humans have a seriously defective sense of proportion…
They’ll keep crying wolf until the real wolf (their wolf) appears.
And they are lurking just inside the brush line……….
So, WE KNOW, before it even happens? But it’s going to work anyway? And no one will listen to us? Wow. Who would have thought that was possible.
Off-topic, but potentially a huge story on Stew Peters. Peters interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis who says:
1) There’s no virus. COVID illness is caused by the CDC dumping a toxin derived from snake venom into drinking water.
2) The COVID shots contain mRNA derived from snake venom.
3) Remdesivir is also derived from snake venom.
The globalists are all satanists so using a snake (symbol of satan) as a bioweapon must be very appealing for them. This could be true.
“Dr. Strangelove” covered the ‘fluoride in the drinking water’ thing, so why would they stop there?
We’re supposed to be slaves, so we have to be weakened – and we have been.
And they’ve done this all over the world? Bastards.
Who is this “Stew Peters” exactly? He seemed to come from nowhere very quickly and can apparently get very high profile guests at the drop of a hat.
I think he used to be a bounty hunter then founded his media show. I believe his site has been around a couple of years. Top guest list – Malone and many others. The snake venom theory is v interesting. Has anyone watched the above clip who sees any reasons (aside from being utterly evil and unthinkable) to doubt it ?? The interviewee seems to have linked up alot of leads in support. At this point in time I work on the worst, most bizarre scenario and work back.
Interesting too about nicotine being protective against venom. Must stock up on my vape liquids.
Never heard that about nicotine. There is a reason why people hate venomous snakes and still kill them whenever they are encountered. If you don’t die from a snake bite you will generally lose part of your body if not treated. A finger, a hand, an arm, a foot or a leg. About 40% of us are allergic to antivenin even if we get timely treatment. And your sensitivity to antivenin goes up with each exposure. I was part of an endangered species/rattlesnake recovery team. It was amazing how people went into these efforts with blinders on. I liked to remind the group that in most people’s minds, “the only good rattlesnake is a dead rattlesnake”. Locals did not take it well when Feds would come and announce they were assisting one of their sworn enemies. General rule of thumb: Leave venomous snakes alone (and smoke as much or as little as you want).
‘If you don’t die from a snake bite you will generally lose part of your body if not treated. A finger, a hand,’…does not apply to all venoms.
I have never heard of anybody in Australia losing any appendage after being bitten by an elapid snake. Local tissue necrosis ,yes.
This is a crock. Obviously. As we say here…
Is there that much snake venom actually available…?
For quite a while now, the price of both chicken and eggs has been dropping. Both actually cost less now than they did 2, 3, 4 or 5 years ago.
A great big huge NO NO for the producers.
For a while? Chicken used to be a luxury.
Chickens were a ‘luxury’ when they grew naturally, that is; took 2-3 years to actually mature. The chickens we eat now takes approximately 8-10 weeks from egg to pot.
Thank you Kit. Excellent, succinct, and spot-on.
Same shit, different day. It’s all so obvious, but yet the public still seems lost in blind obedience.
Ice Age Farmer has a video out showing former CDC director Redfield saying bird flu is going to be the really, really, big shoe — that covid was just practice. Redfield is suggesting that it’ll migrate over to humans and it’ll be really, really bad. Gee, how convenient. Stinks of a cover-story / scape goat for all the vaccine-induced diseases and deaths still to appear from the covid days.
Fmr CDC Director: Bird Flu is the Real Pandemic – C19 was just practice
Back in 2009 when they were promoting Swine Flu, I recall having read/heard that it was Avian Flu that was the real danger, not Swine Flu.
Death is always one Flu away it seems. So when Avian Flu gets going and nothing much happens, it’ll be Bat Flu again.
Pity they’ve killed off so many fish and insects – otherwise they could go straight to Bed Bug Flu or Cricket Flu or Mackerel Flu or some such.
What the cluck! And I bet they made the poor little beggars sign DNR notices before giving them the chop.
Mass animal slaughter during the Occult season of sacrifice (22/3 to 1/5)? It’s another ritual, another offering to their gods. Look at when foot and mouth was.
And what about Kentucky Fried Chicken ? Will KFC go out of business, or will they get Special Dispensation Chickens because they are an Essential Service” ?
I think they will switch to cell-cultured chicken meat, marketing it as ‘natural, healthy and sustainable’. Will also try to appeal to animal welfare people.
And what about sponge cakes, and cream puffs. You need fresh eggs to make them.
I like fresh whipped cream in m y cream puffs and eclairs.
I know of some who like the mock cream –
– made from oil and icing sugar whipped together.
They even like those re-constituted chicken nuggets.
I suspect they’ve had all the three vaxxes.
And they get to vote in elections !!!
If i keep going with the list i’ll talk myself out of Hope.
Since the PCR test does not differentiate between Covid-19 and the flu the birds could actually be dying from Covid-19. Thus we just need animal trainers to train the birds to social distance and to wear masks when they are indoors.
Ha ha. The poor factory chickens already have I.D. markers.
Don’t forget to open the windows! I tried asking one of the covidians how does the virus know to blow out but not in, he walked away calling ME an idiot!
I tried that in my back yard when the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched.
I couldn’t get a single bird to cooperate– and don’t get me started on the squirrels!
Well, i havent read any reports blaming the “outbreaks” on “Global Warming” (aka “Climate Change”). Cooped-up all day in The Heat in those sweatshops, with the stresses of overcrowding, and pressures to increase productivity. A very short work-life…And the poop builds up, and god knows what’s been put in the feed…
They treat the chooks just like they were people…
But you’re right – it’s not about a virus…
We used to grow our own chooks. Used to have roast chook twice a year: for Christmas day Dinner, and Easter Sunday Dinner. Mum’s cooking. Very Tasteful…
Being able to have it everyday is not the same…
Do you think there’s something in what that guy said “First they came for the chooks…” ?
I dont know if chooks with “bird flu” are a threat to “human health”… It goes without saying ? Or the massive cull is meant to impute it ?
I do know, and it goes without saying, most people believe zoonosis can happen…
When the fear of contagion controls the imagination – it knows no bounds…
As I understand it they are not a threat. It merely creates difficulies in large scale Pharming.
When birdie die, they drop dead…I do not see any increase in dead birds. I live out in the countryside by a river in the pacific flyway. If there was a “bird flu” we would not need some nazi jerks to tell us, we’d see it.
Yes I have wondered about that too…I live in a forest environ with heaps of birds. I would not like to see my feathered friends start dropping out of trees…what are they saying about the wild birds in these places or have they all gone anyway?
Every time there’s a “bird flu” scare– now, and one a few years back– I wonder if I’ll see dead birds piling up beneath the three and a half feeders in my little suburban back yard.
FWIW, even before the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched, when political and public-health (aka “scientific”) authorities hyped the emergence of a bird flu pandemic (birdemic? fowldemic?) I also became paranoid about the possibility of either local authorities or duped citizen snitchers insisting that the bird feeders be removed for the duration of the (fictitious) threat.
Fortunately, so far neither catastrophe has occurred. True, certain birds like tufted titmice haven’t been around as they were formerly– but the birds that do show up seem healthy and hungry.
Of course, especially in the spring, when my feeders rapidly empty, I entertain the suspicion that the critters congregating at the feeders aren’t birds at all, but locusts cleverly disguised in bird costumes.
“the war on meat, boosting both veganism and backers of lab-grown “meat”” plus boosting the profits of those who would have us eat pulverised insects – you know who I’m talking about.
To sum up, its a war on those aiming for self-sufficiency and independence from the old system.
Vegetarianism is like a religion. It’s practitioners proselytise and berate, want to put restrictions on you. You’d think being “closer to God” would make them Happy !
How can you tell someone you just met is a vegan?
Don’t bother, they will tell you straight away.
Preach it brother………….to Jesus.
reportedly he was a vegetarianism. you know who else are?
All those who have absolute respect for all living creatures,
and, guess what, there’s probably a billion, even more, like 1 out of 5, 6, or 7
of all humans practice some form of vegetarianism, pescatarians, etc. Maybe even 1 in 4 like me who rarely, rarely rarely eats meat, egg, etc.
Veganism is also a disease…a mental disease. I don’t know if its the veganism causing the disease, or the disease causing the veganism.
Good to hear, that’ll make Chicken Run happy.
And Americans, it’s basically all they eat.
You are forgetting about the steak and hamburgers. We eat lots of those. Personally, I do prefer chicken (but not the white meat – too dry). Now that the cost of beef has become excessively high, I guess it’s time for the government to screw up the costs of chicken. How long can a person live on potatoes? I love potatoes. Not looking forward to being a vegan.
The state of South Australia is taking good care of its people.
Unvaccinated people have “triple the chance of dying” of those with three or more jabs, SA’s health chief said.
“Adults who are partially vaccinated (one or two doses) have double the chance of dying if they contract the disease and adults who are completely unvaccinated have triple the chance of dying, compared to those with three doses.”
South Australia yesterday reported there were 236 people in hospital with the virus —the highest number of COVID-related hospitalisations since February 1
The number of new cases remained steady with 4,281 new infections reported and no deaths.”
Note the propaganda words used: chance of dying; contract the disease; covid-related; new cases; new infections. The good news “no deaths” appears right at the end of the article.
This propaganda is now getting boring. Bring on the Bird Flu.
And here are the facts unsaid There have been 4,281 new cases of COVID-19 reported in South Australia today. There are currently 38,031 active cases in South Australia.
There are 236 people with COVID-19 in hospital, including 13 people in ICU, two of those ventilated. Of those hospitalised, 169 people are fully vaccinated, 56 people are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, and 11 have an unknown vaccination status. And of the so called cases disappeared
How many are being given remdesivir?
So if none or very few dying how on earth does he arrive at those statements…fig from Scotland and Uk seem to indicate the opposite…and did he say how many of those in hospital had had the needle …or are we only going to concentrating on the basically non existing dying? Actually no one really dies of covid, people die from pneumonia that sometimes comes on following an encounter with some lung problem causing pathogen…. Good to see the learned experts talking shit.
The “learned experts” mostly talk shit, and usually, the media do not identify these “experts” or how they became so “learn-ed”.
How many more mutants and variants can they get away with?
Today the planet Jupiter is conjunct Neptune in Pisces – an expansion of disillusion. Perhaps this partly explains the public gullibility which enables them to swallow taller and taller stories.
I know people who don’t want to know about these scams and would rather “watch movies” instead. They are too scared to know what’s really happening and distract themselves with some fantasy.
And here was I hoping it was an expansion of compassion….but it seems the negative is ruling the conjunction…certainly seems more delusions about….seems we are voluntarily back to wearing masks out in the country where I live…I wondered what the shot was happening yesterday when they were all kitted out at the supermarket….new variant. …back to silly face coverings…voluntary this time…we are now so well trained.
Funny how it is truly the inverse given that your risk of blood clotting doubles with each jab. All those funeral homes reporting that severe blood clots are inhibiting embalming and then the 40% increase in death rates among those under 60. Are these people that goofy. Just another effort to eliminate the un vaccinated control group to cover their tracks.
Canadian data is admitting a significant rise in all-cause mortality in the population aged under 45.
It doesn’t seem quite on the scale in the One America or dmed data but still doesn’t look good. Somebody with more expertise than me needs to analyse it (although it seems safe to say that Putin hasn’t killed any of these Canadians).
Yes it’s been elevated for almost all 2021. Aside from the occasional ‘don’t overdose on drugs’ radio messages, I’ve heard no mention of this, which pre-2020 would be a major public health issue. But maybe they’ve changed that definition too.
All-cause Mortality, 2020 and 2021 (
I just broke my fucking guitar. No more folk music in this house. I am now shopping for ammunition……….
Hmm. An old song just popped into my head
Dem lies dem lies dem old lies
Dem lies dem lies dem old lies
Dem lies dem lies dem old lies
Now hear the fraud of the world
Bird flu’s connected to the Cov-flu
Cov-flu’s connected to the mask flu etc….
Well, you have to laugh at this utter nonsense otherwise we’d all go crazy.
I don’t believe a single story in the MSM.
They are rotten to the core full if corrupted journalists and leftie activists.
(from Martha Rosenberg Feb 7 ’20 Counterpunch)
The public is less aware of “animal Pharma”– and the breadth of livestock diseases that are treated with drugs. For example Merck markets 49 vaccines for poultry alone to prevent diseases like fowl pox, turkey coryza, bursal disease, coccidiosis, laryngotracheitis, hemorrhagic enteritis, avian encephalomyelitis of course salmonella and E. coli. Yum.
More than 90 percent of broiler chickens in the US are vaccinated “in ovo” against diseases like Marek’s, Gumboro and Newcastle meaning they are vaccinated as embryos, though the public is largely unaware of this…
The use of tons of antibiotics on CAFOs has kind of “killed the goose that laid the golden egg.” As the drugs cease to work in people and animals from their farm overuse, Pharma is pushing vaccines to replace them. Meat producers like the fact that if they use vaccines they can actually say they use “no antibiotics” and play to health conscious food buyers.
Yep, that’s why poultry and pork meat is sooo good for ya!
Before I stopped eating meat, I wondered why chickens and turkeys tasted so terrible. When I was growing up, back in the 1930s & 1940s, chickens and turkeys, when served at mealtime, were delicious. Not any more. They have a funny, bad taste–the above listed drugs explain the crappy taste.
Maybe, maybe not. Modern factory farmed poultry has a factory built diet. The lack of variety, fresh green vegetative matter and lots of frsh insects and bugs could also account for the very ordainary task of modern factory farmed poultry.
I can tell the difference between grain fattened beef and grass fattened beef at the first mouthful. grain fed is tender but lacks the rich full flavour of grass fed. Grain fed needs lashings of sauce, grass fed needs nothing but a dash of pepper, and barely that.
And a digusting smell, I don’t remember that as a child. Roast chicken was delicious but you only ever got it for Sunday dinner.
Yes, Covid Act II. But this makes it all the more clear that this show will go on until the vicious fable called virology is killed. It is fake science and always has been. Check the recent film The Viral Delusion if you still believe there are viruses. Second, even though the CDC itself said last year the PCR test used for Covid was invalid, nothing changed. Now we have the same PCR for bird flu. As we all know, the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, said PCR could never be used to detect infectious disease (even if you believe in viruses), as it’s just a way of making “something out of something,” as he put it. You need to know what the “something” is beforehand, and you don’t in the case of any virus. Viruses are just exosomes or extra-cellular vesicles; there are many names, all of them breakdown products of dead and decaying cells. So all PCR positives are false positives because there is simply no scientific test for viruses. There are also no viruses, and this is in numerous published studies that are out there, just not known to you. So, yes, this bird flu is just another confabulated fable being used for the Great Reset. As in Ukraine for that matter.
Gotcha, but why do anti-viral meds (whether prescriptive or supplements) work on viral illnesses. A good example (there are so many) is the herpes zoster drug that everyone in the west takes when they break out with shingles. I’ve never known anyone who to say that it didn’t put the brakes on this painful condition.
Surely the question is: what’s causing the illness?
Not a virus, so would appear to be either a deficiency or a toxin.
Yes, either a deficiency or a toxin. So this just in from Dr. Bryan Ardis, who believes it is snake venom. Don’t laugh. While this may be too early to be be conclusive, there is much here to follow up on:
Watch the video instead of asking questions answered in the video, or get someone to explain it to you.
Well said.
In December just before the solstice- letters where put through 10’s of million of doors in the U.K from the government implanting the avian flu outbreak into the psyche – they even closed down certain areas and put signs up saying avian flu outbreak. .
12 week later( ritual cycle later ) signs in shops now saying xyz.
It only effects the lower caste in poultry.and pheasants and grouse isn’t poultry – funnily enough like Cheltenham and Ascot VIP exemptions and High-value’ business travellers to be exempt from quarantine in England , I very much doubt grouse and pheasant shooting will be culled to stop the imaginary spread.
Grouse shooting was exempted by UK govt. from the “rule of six” Covid diktats in Sept. 2020.
Plebs were only allowed to gather in groups of six …… Grouse shooting parties were allowed to gather in groups of up to thirty !
Good point.
Just wait til H5N1 jumps to humans.
Then the fun begins!
(PS it’s all bullshit)
It’s just another global psyop/con game/scam. There are only so many false flag terrorist threats and government created fanatical Jihadists (ala 9-11, al-Qaeda and ISIS) out there; but a worldwide outbreak of a “flu” will generate fear of the billions of germs the media will tell us are out there waiting to infect us.
A media induced hysteria/psychosis about an avian flu pandemic will drive the already feint hearted, feeble minded sheeple even more insane. Those poor bamboozled souls will allow themselves to be terrorized by the latest media phantasma, they will acquiesce to more jabs that don’t work that cause adverse reactions and even death and allow the overlords’ depopulation plan to succeed as planned. The global misanthropes’ playbook is simple, just repeat what you’ve been doing for over one hundred years; from the Rockefellers causing the Spanish Flu to the present. The chaos and collapse will be the precursors for the New World Order (The Great Reset) they have been plotting and planning for for generations.
There are 10’s of thousands moderate rebellious nationals wanting to return with there families to close to 60 countries. Not to be fear mongering, which countries are doing well with the problem is one issue for consideration.
With a purely obervastion factor the mainstreams appear to be doing best possible under a worsening Global situation.
Begs the question, who leaves boarders open during an armed conflict, for what possible motivation could it be remotely beneficial?
1918 was an Armistice it was’nt the end of The Great Continental War. That War came to a close seventy years later.
I hear that Cargill is putting Remdesivir (run.. death is near) in their chickenfeed. And Andrew Cuomo is trying to recapture New York State on a “tiny ventilator” agenda.
Funny how very young children exposed to a constant stream of cartoons with anthropomorphic animals would feel like this…
One cannot make much of a meal out of a human egg.
Watch “Dominion.” It’s for adults.
And it’s not far from being a toss-up which fares the worst.
the way we are allowed to talk about plants in the professional world of plant people, is outright speciesism….
said it for years, total inversion of the way we are “allowed” to consider humans…
until now.
Ben 10 fits the chimera/digital/human thingmie quite well as i remember : ) .. et al etc