Was Covid19 a re-branded flu?
Michael Bryant

As the story of COVID-19 was unfolding back in early 2020, demanding every moment of our attention, there was another historic health event involving a viral relative.
This unprecedented event strangely coincided with the Covid-19 crisis but did not register a blip in the media landscape.
The 2020 media season began with warnings that the coming flu season was destined to be one of the worst in history. Even the CDC/NIAID Grand Poobah himself, Anthony Fauci, predicted early on that the 2020 flu season would be one of the worst in decades.
Despite those early forecasts, reports of the predicted flu rampage became scarce to non-existent by early March.
At the same time, the CDC scaled back its comprehensive ‘Flu View’ Surveillance System, its flagship offering for 22 years and shifted their focus to another “Influenza Like Illness”(ILI), Covid-19.
While the world was riveted by this ‘novel’ killer virus, the time-honored seasonal virus known as ‘the flu’ dropped to historic lows and virtually disappeared from the CDC’s surveillance system.
Was this a coincidence that our long-standing friend ‘the flu’ exited the stage at precisely the moment Covid entered?
How did this disappearance happen in such abrupt fashion?
An analysis from the CDC’s Flu Surveillance report demonstrates the unnatural speed of this departure and how early in 2020 it occurred, dispelling the notion that masks or lockdowns played any role in this vanishing act.
A close reading of data sets, created from the CDC’s own surveillance reports, reveals inexplicable anomalies in the CDC’s ILI tracking system preceding the arrival of Covid-19 which, given the CDC’s history of data manipulation, certainly raises a few eyebrows and more questions.
A Quick History
The CDC introduced its Weekly Flu Surveillance Reports 22 years ago during the 1999/2000 season. Those early reports analyzed scant amounts of data, providing only a limited quantity of detailed information. For unspecified reasons the CDC would bolster its Surveillance Reports in the 2007/2008 season.
In the 07/08 season the CDC reports doubled in length and offered significantly more detail in the US National Flu Surveillance data. What was once a mom and pop operation turned into a big box store with weekly reports mushrooming from a paltry 3 pages to 10-12 page reports replete with colorful graphs and regional information.
As the focus on flu data expanded, greater specificity characterized each report. The tables created below are an outcome of those reports. The entire dataset can be viewed at the CDC’s past weekly surveillance reports.
The detail and comprehensive coverage given to the seasonal flu would remain a cornerstone of the CDC’s overall mission and reportage until March/April 2020.
Understanding the Tables
The eight tables below tracking weeks 5-14 over an 8 year period (2013-2020) originate from the CDC’s Flu Surveillance Yearly Report.
Weeks 5-14, charted from 2013-2019, parallel the the onset of the COVID 2020 crisis and also constitute the weeks in 2020 when the ‘flu’ faded from view.
The first column on the left, seen below in Table 1 (2013) and Table 2 (2014), represent specific weeks and the date that week started.
The middle column illustrates the number of tests taken and the number of ‘positive’ results.
The column on the far right represents the percentage of ‘flu positives’ during that week. This final number, the flu positive percentage, is the most salient data point of this survey.
An examination of Tables 1-4 (2013-2016), illustrates how the flu numbers calculated by the CDC, week in and week out, produce remarkably consistent seasonal trends. Historically, ‘flu positive’ numbers are highest right around February/March and gradually taper off as “flu season” dissipates and Spring settles in.
From these tables it is noteworthy that rate reductions of more than 2% from one week to the next are exceedingly rare, with rate declines over 3% virtually non-existent.
In short, upward spikes or steep drop offs of any kind – up to this point – simply do not happen.

A shift occurred in 2017 as the CDC instituted a more aggressive testing system resulting in a significant increase in numbers across the board and much higher ‘flu’ percentages. Table 5 (2017) and Table 6 (2018) illustrate this notable change in the overall CDC flu surveillance numbers.
The previous record of tests given in any time frame, 25,855 tests, from Week 10 of 2016, was broken in 6 consecutive weeks in 2017. In 2018 that record was broken on 7 consecutive occasions and doubled in 3 of those weeks.
The overall percentages of flu positives during this time frame also reached record heights, going up an average of 3.5% per week.
Put simply: many more people were getting tested, more people were diagnosed with the flu and a higher percentage of those tested were found ‘positive.’
Why the CDC began such a dramatic acceleration in their testing regime is certainly an important question but not the purpose of this survey.
It’s important to emphasize that overall seasonal trends remained the same even with considerable increases in testing, increases in overall “cases” and rate increases. In other words, there was no deviation from the historical trend of ‘flu positives’ increasing in February/March, and tapering in early April.

Table 7 (2019) represents the same pattern noted in Tables 5 and 6.
As in 2018 the testing numbers remained high – every single one of Weeks 5-14 of the 2019 CDC Flu Surveillance Report exceeded that past record of 25,855 from 2016.
Equally notable, 5 out of those 10 weeks in 2019 cited ‘flu positive’ numbers of 20% or more. A look back at our tables shows that the overall composite of ‘flu positives’ in 2019 was at an all-time record high – an overall increase of 3% weekly over 2017’s previous record.
If we go back to our earlier tables, 2019 represented a remarkable overall weekly increase in flu positives of 8% each week compared to 2013 and 11% when compared to the weekly average in 2015.
Again, while the overall percentage of ‘flu positives’ continued to rise in 2019 the overall seasonal trend still remained the same- numbers moving slightly upwards from week to week then tapering gradually as we moved into April.

Before examining Table 8 we need to remind ourselves that, according to the CDC, 2020 opened up as a ‘severe’ flu season. Table 8 sees that prediction take a sharp reversal that coincides with the arrival of Covid-19.
As shown in Table 8 the Week 5 test numbers were quite robust. Only one other season, 2018, had seen so many tests administered during either Weeks 5, 6 or 7 – no other season was anywhere close to these numbers.
In these three early weeks of 2020 the CDC ‘flu positives’ represented the three highest rates of ‘flu positives’ ever recorded in the CDC’s 22 year history of tracking the flu. An inspection of the CDC flu data makes it impossible to ignore the historic numbers of Weeks 5, 6 and 7.
What came next was even more incredulous.

The historical trend of the ‘flu’ tapering ceased in Week 10 (March 7th, 2020) as the ‘flu positive’ numbers dropped off a cliff.
Week 10 (21.5%) to Week 11 (15.3%) saw a precipitous fall of 6.2%. Week 11 (15.3%) to Week 12 (6.9%) ‘flu positives’ dropped an astonishing 8.4% in a single week.
By the time we reach Week 13 of 2020 (Table 8) ‘flu positives’ dropped to 2.1%. By Week 14 the ‘flu’ becomes virtually non-existent at 0.8% rate of positivity.
While fewer tests (22,324) were conducted in Week 14 of 2020 compared to earlier weeks, they still represent the 2nd highest overall Week 14 tests in all CDC records. Yet, only 0.8% ‘flu positives’ were registered for Week 14 compared to the preceding 7 year average of 12.5% for that same week.
Quite simply there was no historical analog for this event. For all practical (and statistical) purposes the flu no longer existed.
Anyone who works with data knows such sudden jolts are alarm bells. In the real world this usually indicates some problem with data-gathering and/or accounting methodologies as nature’s data always hugs its bell curves.
Given the bizarre circumstances of this unparalleled statistical outlier, multiple questions demand an answer.
How did flu rates go from all-time highs in Weeks 5,6 and 7 of 2020 to all-time lows in Weeks 13 and Weeks 14 of the same year?
Was the flu simply rebranded and repurposed with a more frightening viral event?
Is it possible the CDC decided after all these years that the flu, which generated billions in profit for Big Pharma, must be supplanted by a “deadlier” and more profitable virus?
On Oct. 28-29, 2019 The Milken Institute hosted “The Future of Health Summit”, which “brought together thought leaders and decision-makers to confront some of the world’s most significant health challenges by matching human, financial, and educational resources with the most innovative and impactful ideas.”
One of the more notable discussions of this two-day affair happened on the 29th: a panel of “health experts” gathered to discuss the “scientific and technological prospects of an effective universal influenza vaccine.”
The full video of that conversation can be seen here on C-SPAN.
Speakers included Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Margaret Hamburg, former FDA commissioner; Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute; Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab; Michael Specter, New Yorker staff writer and adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University; and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
The focal point of this panel discussion was, “the need for more funding for research, better collaboration between the private and government sectors, advances in technology in flu research and the goal of a universal flu vaccine.”
Two overall themes emerged from this meeting. The first idea highlighted the desire for a new way of producing vaccines. Anthony Fauci lamented that bringing in a new type of vaccine, like an mRNA vaccine, would take at least a decade “if everything goes perfectly.”
Rick Bright suggested the problem of long term development could be sidestepped if…
“there were an urgent call for an entity of excitement that is completely disruptive and is not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”
The second issue featured the “need” for something new and more frightening to emerge as the flu no longer created enough fear in the population at large to warrant such a “universal vaccine.”
Anthony Fauci addressed this hitch:
So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.”
Responding to Fauci’s comment Rick Bright stated, “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of a novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that, to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.”
With the disappearance of the flu and the emergence of Covid-19 both those problems were solved.
Michael Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on HealthFreedomDefense.org
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We all believe that viruses exist don’t we?
We just know that it is true that these super tiny little things fly about when sick people cough and sneeze and that is how colds and flu get about.
But what happens if you start to listen to viral theory sceptics and you realise that virology is based on the most shoddy science that has now been disproven?
If virology had been disproven do you think big pharma would hold their hands up and apologise for killing and maiming millions of people with their highly toxic anti viral drugs and vaccines?
Do you think they would close down their $trillion dollar virus related industry or would they carry on with business as usual?
The critical question right from the start of this was how did they prove that there was a new virus?
After you start looking into this question you find that the way all of virology identifies any virus is a complete farce, junk science from start to finish.
If you are interested there is a series of documentaries where the complere fraud that is virology is explained.
You won’t believe how bad the science is.
The Viral Delusion
EXACTLY! We have been BAMBOOZLED with the DANGEROUS lie of “germ theory” since birth.
This is an interesting study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showing that flu vaccines offer no efficacy whatsoever.
As many will know the flu vaccines are one of the most dangerous vaccine types (and there is plenty of competion for that corwn) that results in the most compensation for injuries sustained.
But as ever the evidence does not really matter just the ‘safe and effective’ advertising slogan.
Not quite honest reporting,Tim.
The paper reported on a study of the elderly ‘…showing that flu vaccines offer no efficacy whatsoever IN THE ELDERLY’
There.I fixed it for you.
In science ,if you are practicing it honestly, you should not rely on any one paper for the last word and you should ALWAYS ALWAYS read the materials and methods section of a paper to find out how the study was conducted-and then evaluate the results/conclusion based on the study’s design and execution.
Recently,I challenged a researcher now with an Australian university on the statement he made, along with a great many co-authors, in a paper that sars-cov-2 causes covid-19 on the basis that no unequivocal experiment had been described in the materials and methods section of the paper published in the Lancet.
No response.(That is becoming the story of my life.)
Is covid just the flu? Perhaps not
Interesting bit of theorising here:
more details in this one
Video Link
The facts do seem to align quite neatly with the theory being put forward.
If the theorising is correct then what is being perpetrated is biblical in the scope of its evil. Those responsible, even tangentily, need to be hunted down and removed from the gene pool forever, with absolute prejudice.
Many I’ve spoken to consider ‘Watch the Water’ to be yet more fear mongering and a little bit silly. I haven’t seen it.
Apart from this rumble upload being very fuzzy on whether ‘Covid’ is in fact a discreet disease or the result of testing/mistreatment, it takes such a sensationally long time to reveal the ‘shocking’ new info that it may put a lot of viewers off.
Do you have a time stamp we can skip to so people can judge for themselves more easily? Thanks,
Being familiar with Kary Mullis, his PCR test and the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, put one in a position to see what was coming with Covid-19. Compared to the predicted spread of AIDS in the hetrosexual population, Covid-19 had an already well established disease with similar symptoms to be used to establish a Covid-19 pandemic. This was enabled by the PCR test being able to produce as many false positives as required and by its failure to differentiate between an influenza virus and a Covid-19 virus.
Or any virus. The hiv scam followed the same formula… Positive tests lead to toxic medicine causing death.
All of these variants are just cover for jab issues.
Like when the polio shot came out, they rebranded the same thing as guillane barre and myelitis etc.
They test for the flu since they’ve never isolated Covid-19. Which makes me wonder how they can tell there is a delta/omicron variant. They never isolated the virus but they use a test to show the damage of a solution does on monkey kidney cells then show the cellular debris as proof of the virus. So, they can use this method to claim an UNENDING! amount of variants. A lot of cancers and “viruses” are probably just different forms of parasites. Since the tests can’t differentiate between cold and flu and covid then doesn’t that mean ivermectin cures both the cold and the flu? Welcome to “they’ve been lying to us our entire lives about everything”. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit ivmcures.com
Australian COVID tester Ellume hit with US class action after false positives (msn.com) I expect this to be just the first such case against these new scabby thieving companies who make fake test and false claims.
No doubt one could say the same about most of the tests. Why single out that one?
Because it’s topical.
Because they were flogged to the USA military
Come on folks. Viral based conglomerates do exist. You can label them any way you wish, but infective molecules are infective molecules… Reality: > > > How to create virtual viruses from thin air: >
Excerpted from: In silico – Wikipedia
“In biology and other experimental sciences, an in silico experiment is one performed on computer or via computer simulation. The phrase is pseudo-Latin for ‘in silicon’ (in Latin it would be in silicio), referring to silicon in computer chips. It was coined in 1987 as an allusion to the Latin phrases in vivo, in vitro, and in situ, which are commonly used in biology (especially systems biology). The latter phrases refer, respectively, to experiments done in living organisms, outside living organisms, and where they are found in nature.”
Cell models
“Efforts have been made to establish computer models of cellular behavior. For example, in 2007 researchers developed an in silico model of tuberculosis to aid in drug discovery, with the prime benefit of its being faster than real time simulated growth rates, allowing phenomena of interest to be observed in minutes rather than months. More work can be found that focus on modeling a particular cellular process such as the growth cycle of Caulobacter crescentus.
These efforts fall far short of an exact, fully predictive, computer model of a cell’s entire behavior. Limitations in the understanding of molecular dynamics and cell biology as well as the absence of available computer processing power force large simplifying assumptions that constrain the usefulness of present in silico cell models, which are very important for in silico cancer research.” [End quotes]
Complete text: In silico – Wikipedia
Robert Malone in a recent video claims that his lab isolated covid…but he didn’t say how etc…he does try to explain a virus as something close to a parasite,,,I don’t know enough about any of it to judge
If he isolated it, it was the same way they isolate all viruses. Not at all.
They made up a new word “virus isolate” which actually means:
Monkey kidney cells
Fetal bovine calf serum
Maybe some snot from a sick person
Some part of a human fetus
More drugs and stuff
Then you just mix them up scan with an electron microscope and start looking for spiky dying cells.
Because the spiky ones are viruses you see?
And there you go, isolated to a virologist actually means, not in any way isolated, which is the same thing really unless you’re stupid or not a virologist.
Biggest world problem is the inappropriate delegation of health matters to committed criminals, genocidalists and eugenicists.
A decision was taken to transfer trillions in wealth to the 0.1% of the population who are already so rich that they don’t ever need a single cent again for the rest of their lives.
They decided to use the Covid19 scamdemic to achieve that, the primary purpose of the scamdemic being to suspend democratic institutional oversight to allow dictatorial and criminal ‘government’ by fiat.
Only using such mechanisms could the ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ of both ineffective vaccines and ‘copycat patented analogues of ivermectin’ be foisted through on Western populations, not to mention imposing economic lockdowns, imposition of solitary confinement for millions and criminal wealth transfers unseen since 1945.
All this was driven primarily by two men: Anthony Fauci and William Gates III. It was ably supported by corrupt media, prostitutes in politics, the WEF, criminals like Blair, the takeover of the WHO by Gates and the criminal incentives offered to US hospitals to fraudulently assign ‘cases of Covid19’ to create a climate of fear, ‘pandemic’ etc etc.
All it takes to reverse this madness is to permanently ‘take care of’ both Gates and Fauci, along with Schwab and about 100 other billionaires.
The world is being run by Mafia-style rules. Time to impose mafia style reprisals on those that brought the world to its knees the past 24 months.
Godfather III…? or is it IV…?
Do you really want that?
Those 100 billionaires have friends, Rhys…
We’re already in this mess because of “offers people couldn’t refuse”.
Mafia warfare tactics can’t fix anything.
I wish I knew what could…
fauci and gates are not smart enough to pull this off alone, they work for the boss.
lots of pre-planning; from 1974… ; kissinger; look at the table of contents;
Perhaps Mao had something there, when he implied that; ‘true power comes from the barrel of a gun’. The implication could be … my gun trumps your vax, or mu gun trumps your FAKE news broadcasts, etc. etc.
I live in a country where Murdoch and Macquarrie Bank ensure that virtually everything the population believes is false.
Reading the comments below, I am totally flabbergasted by the extremely high degree of utter ignorance and nonsense you all are posting. I would say that the average IQ of you all hovers around 50.
Cut us puny humans some slack. We can’t all be shillbots.
Hello Vierotchka: Come on man. My IQ is at least a borderline 76, and I can chew bubble gum… sometimes…
OffG does seem a strange place for someone with views like yours to show up.
Are you trying to educate us or something?
You wander into this site filled with people who have actually taken more than two years to inform themselves on this topic, but your dramatic anecdotes are supposed to stand all that on its head…?
“Ignorance and nonsense” are not the words you are looking for.
“Focused argument” would be much closer…
You make me feel like i’m back in class !
If i’d known this site was an IQ Test i wouldnt have come here…
You’d have enjoyed this site back when you could up or down tick comments.
You’d have had Orgasms galore marking every comment with a down-tick…
PS: I like your idea of “hovering IQs”.
Oh please… Not that utter QAnonish nonsense again! I lost my son, my husband and a cousin to Covid. All three were in perfect health and vaccinated against the ‘flu, as was I. My son died before the vaccines were available. My husband died in a care home, they were late with vaccinations. I was vaccinated against Covid, and am fine.
Hilarious trolling
Yes, you’re so right, Marilyn!
Why oh why are so many people duped by the blatant lies of the corrupt Establishment…!! My family here in the UK are all brainwashed, and no matter what factual information I provide them all with, they still choose to ‘believe’ the lies emanating from their beloved TV sets. Even after I’ve explained to them ’till I’m blue in the face’ that the MSM is owned and funded by the corrupt Globalist cabal who run/control the world, and that thus what they spew out is not to be trusted.
My younger brother, 56, only yesterday subjected me to vile abuse [via email… he’s been doing so for the last 18 months…], due to my having the ‘audacity’ to refuse to accept the ‘official narrative’.
I know that you are in Australia. I have a cousin and her family who live in Brisbane; they emigrated from here in the UK in either 2007 or 2008. Her sister and husband also emigrated with her, but the elder sister and her family returned to the UK in 2018. The only reason I mention them is that they too are totally brainwashed by whatever the Establishment spew out. So the very high odds are that they chose to roll up their sleeves and submit to these evil injections.
The elder of the two sisters [my cousins], now 50, subjected me to vile abuse back in 2012/13, when I tried to enlighten her as to the actual nature of the Medical Establishment. What a tragedy, an indictment on the low level of intelligence of society, that so many people blindly believe in the lies of the Establishment.
2 years ago my younger sister called me a holocaust denying nazi because I said it was a cold. We went through a few quarantines as baby boomer kids but any remaining brains left from booze and drugs have been fried.
They were all calling the ambos in Brisbane yesterday….huge delays….sick with something all over the place….as they have basically had a high % uptake down that way obviously the vax wasn’t helping too much…both the Ill needing the ambos and the injected ambo drivers who were off sick depleting numbers available…..how to run a health service..see qld health
Then by all means, leave this site and go right back to CNN, et al. You can tell all your brainwashed friends how smart you are and they’ll believe you. Go on now, hustle it up.
Funny, I don’t know anyone who died of the deadly covids, I don’t know anyone who knows anyone who died of the deadly covids.
Were any of those you claim you knew that died lucky enough to be pumped full of the toxin Remdesivir or to have a tube forced into their lungs?
I’m surprised you didn’t go for the ghost story ending– and that’s why I too AM DEAD!!! (cue ghoulish laughter)
It would make a better story.
They were in ‘perfect health’, then took the ‘flu vaccine’ and died. So either they were not in perfect health to being with and died, or those injections caused their deaths. Then your husband could have been killed by treatment in the care home. More plausible than died ‘of covid’. If lying to yourself helps that’s fine, but don’t impose those wrong ideas on the rest of us.
This from 2019, regarding swine flu
Gao’s team painstakingly separated the protein from the virus. They then crystallised it with a special mixture of chemicals to make its three-dimensional structure sharper.
Using a high-definition electron microscope, they were able to study in detail the enzyme’s “active site”, where critical activities such as chemical reactions and molecular binding take place.
Crucially, they discovered that its structure is almost identical to those that have been found in the bacteria or parasites that cause tuberculosis and malaria.
Possibly not, it’s possibly something more sinister than that. A specifically-engineered bioweapon in the form of snake venom (Corona – King Cobra Virus – Venom).
So I don’t think the ‘virus’ exists (I don’t believe any pathogenic viruses do), I think the ‘disease’ was in the jabs, i.e. snake venom. In a sufficient quantity to slowly exacerbate any health issues (kill) people have by deteriorating the internal organs.
No. If you’re going to use testing data you’re basically making it up as you go along.
Here’s some UK deaths. What you find is “they” murdered a load of old people.
They shut them in a room with a mask on, told them there was a killer virus about that would definitely kill them. Then they didn’t let them have their visitors so the depressed old people stopped eating.
Any that were left were mopped up with the Liverpool Care Pathway Midazolam Morphine injections.
The evidence demonstrates that lockdowns kill old people.
Link was wrong…
April 9th BRICS MEETING AGAIN – Called by Russian Finance Minister Silhuanov
There is an interpretation of BRICS that its role is in opposition to corporate control of WEF, World Bank, IMF, etc. Further that it is anti-globalist and in favor of decision-making by national govts.
I have my doubts but it’s a point of view worth examining. Here’s an article on it, recapping its formation, etc.
There is published in CDC reports forensic clinical evidence of flu complications of pneumonia being treated as COVID since February 2020 in China. In this case fragment of RNA Influenza virus was detected by PCR test after several SC2 PCR tests were negative. But that did not stop them from classify patient as Covid patient. Their persistence in looking for something that was not there at all for weeks paid off by putting patient on Ventilator and doing PCR on BALF where they supposedly found by PCR fragments of RNA supposedly matching SC2 RNA in silico.
PCR test.. was positive at CT= 30 for BALF and CT = 34 for sputum, much above level for active growing viral pathogens loads capable of effective growth in vitro lab cultures estimated at CT 20-25 and in vivo, in actual samples from clinical patients, CT less than 20 because of various immune mechanisms impacting culture ability to grow. So in other words SC2 infection, in contrast to Influenza A was not unequivocally confirmed.
To obfuscate the fact that likely most of classified as Covid patients were in fact flu patients with complications new, never before existing category of Influenza-SC2 coinfection was concocted while testing for Influenza in 2020-2021 epidemiological season stopped. Only to restart Influenza PCR testing late 2021 when flu mysteriously reappeared.
When all this started a dr friend told me they wouldn’t have much of a clue about what virus lurked about from month to month.,.no one ever bothered to examine every sick with pneumonia person to type what it was that may have caused the problem…that is even if we accept a virus did…..so why did the Chinese suddenly start.,,that’s right they had recently been to a workshop about deadly pandemics and knew the role they had to play in getting this one underway…
One of the initial things-you-couldn’t-say in the supposed pandemic was: “Coronavirus is just the flu.”
Coronavirus is NOT just the flu.
Coronavirus is NOT just the flu.
Anyone else remember that mantra?
The media spread the idea that saying Covid (then generally referred to as Coronavirus or The Rona) was just the flu was proof positive of total idiocy. They often paired it with the various stupid 5G conspiracy theories that were making the rounds at the time (a little bit on this site too); so contemptible was it.
How simple, and obvious, would it be if all along Covid was just the flu? Can something so simple even be said to be a “conspiracy theory”?
Maybe hindsight really is 20/20 and, yeah, Covid was just the flu. Sounds perfectly plausible to me, unlike all sorts of other, wilder theories that have been circulating over the past two years.
Was Covid19 a re-branded COLD?
[Because coronaviruses ARE cold viruses]
Let me fix it again.
No such thing as a virus that floats on the wind and infects the world.
Why are we still debating this. Appears OG is going with program of “did we just get it wrong or were we misinformed” story. No, we did not get it wrong. It was all make believe.
Now don’t be silly. In Australia the virus hangs in the air with cut lunches and waits for a naked face, it can measure distance, judge if people are standing or sitting, or singing or dancing, it can tell the height of a building and has infected every building in the country.
It would be too much effort and trouble to list all of the amazing features of the Megadeath Virus of Doom bug, but it can also tell time.
No, it can’t tell time. It thinks the year is 1347. I’ve lost all faith in the Virus.
I think we can guardedly hope that we’ll soon be able to get Hunter Biden and Zelensky to confirm the make believe.
The so-called bio-labs all around the world were just fancy crack parlours.
Whew! I was really getting hot under the collar about The US of As developing and testing The Virus in Ukraine and Georgia before unleashing it at the Wuhan Games.
Shucks, Hero, I’ll have to find another reason to detest the US of As. It shouldn’t be too hard …
unfortunately…this would seem to suggest something;
“…In 2018, investigative journalist Dilya Gaytandzhieva documented the Pentagon’s multibillion dollar budget that sustains bioweapons labs in 25 nations (and 11 within the USA itself) which grew exponentially since the December 2001 bioweaponized anthrax attack killed five Americans and justified a hyperbolic increase of bioweapon warfare to rise from $5 billion when Cheney’s Bioshield Act was passed in 2004 to over $50 billion today.”
from this site; https://southfront.org/putting-the-shanghai-lockdown-into-context-china-sees-this-as-a-bioweapon/
Coronavirus. These tend to do their dirty work in the winter and early spring. The coronavirus is the cause of about 20% of colds. There are more than 30 kinds, but only three or four affect people.
Question: while I’m seriously questioning the existence of viruses (rightly so), I’ve come up with a certain quandary/dilemma/tautology:
If the Spike Protein is the dangerous part of a Virus; and if Viruses do not exist; how can there be a Spike Protein in a Vaccine?
those who have closely read the related papers say that the spike protein do not exists in nature, in virus or anithing else, it is a engeneered protein and that is probably what all those us financed labs acreoss the world where working on
Everything was an illusion including the spike protein connection to any flu or cold should they exist….the money boys didn’t need anything real…they just proved one can make billions on engendering fear via an illusion
It has been reported that the small British colonial outpost, New Zealand , will send a “group of intelligence analysts” to NATO HQ in Brussels to help with the (US)NATO war against Russia (aka Putin)…The nearby British colonial outpost Australia also offered to bog in…
Seems there’s resentment that neither colony was mentioned on Putin’s list of Unfriendly Countries, so they’ve decided to include themselves on the list…
Ha ha – good one Jubal. Here in Oz we are indeed still a penal colony.
He can probably spare a few extra nuclear missiles to go their way, if they insist on being dead heroes. Might be appropriate as Britain used to test its missiles in Australia (Woomera).
A Dr Bryan Ardis, a retired chiropractor, was on the Stew Peters show presenting fairly compelling evidence that Covid, the mRNA injections and the drug Remdesivir, which killed so many hospitalised patients in the US, are based on 19 specific Cobra and and other viper toxins.
I can’t help but cringe a little bit that so many of those who present evidence against Covid, Vaccines, 5G (and its older siblings), and other hot topics happen to be chiropractors.
Chiropractors are easy targets for the “Conspiracy Theory” dart.
I can’t help but laugh when a pleb like me gets it more right than the experts and MSM.
Experts and MSM then become easy targets for the full of shit dart.
That’s a good point. But we can all read and fact check here. The chiro in the video did present the research, he didn’t just call it out from the pulpit (and how many people still attend those gatherings around the world – not cringeworthy?).
That video is also on global research. I have to admit I don’t know what to make of it. The first half of the video, I was convinced it was a hoax. Then the second half seemed to be genuine.
Video: New Documentary: Watch the Water – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Quite a lot of convincing hard technical information.
So what’s going on in the CV self-testing regime ? Local chemists* have signs that mention they’ve got them for sale, some offer to do the test for you.(*drug-stores)…
Are the tests popular ? Are you required to report “positive tests” ? Know anyone who “tests” as often times a day as they wash the germs from their hands ? Are school kids
still being “tested” weekly as a condition for being allowed to participate in Obedience Training ?
Is it true what Guy Debord said, “When the media stops talking about it, it ceases to exist” ? Is that a Good Thing, or, is there the whiff of A Conspiracy about it ?
Riots break out in China as starving residents revolt against ‘Zero COVID’ lockdown
Riots break out in China as starving residents revolt against ‘Zero COVI…
China Young Kid in Oversized Hazmat Suit Being Led to Ambulance without …
People living in China skyscrapers yelling and screaming out of frustration
Residents in locked down Shanghai scream from their balconies: ‘This can…
China Young Kid in Oversized Hazmat Suit Being Led to Ambulance without Parents
People living in China skyscrapers yelling and screaming out of frustration
English Translation for Above Report (with suitable framing from ‘free press’ of the west, The Guardian)
Residents in locked down Shanghai scream from their balconies: ‘This cannot last’
Now, I’m not a Trump supporter but have a question. At the beginning he stated that it was just a Flu. Later he embraced the BS.
Question is: Who can tell the POTUS what to say?
Any answers…..
Trump was elected to be the once in a lifetime “outsider” president who’d stop government corruption. If Trump knew he was being told to lie, it would’ve been his moment to reveal the corruption, possibly step down, and save the country and humanity. As it turned out, he bought everything the UK was selling. Whether connected or not, Neil Ferguson freely admits his “Covid” code is something he wrote 13 years earlier for a different disease, influenza, Ferguson’s twitter, March 22, 2020….A commenter on Ferguson’s page writes, “WOW, AND THE WORLD LEADERS USED THIS?!?!“...3/22/2020
Who can tell POTUS what to say? Bankers. Corporations. Those who really own things. While Trump pretended to be a true outsider he wasn’t and really, none of them can be once in that position. They know it, and we know it too, but most would like to forget that and live in the fantasy that their chosen POTUS really runs things. So we all argue about it while the bankers and corporations laugh at the rubes who still think elections really matter and that we live in a democracy…
+10 If presidents wish to stay alive, they do what they’re told to do. Same goes for “prime ministers”. It’s all a bad movie – brought to your attention by the wonderful folks employed in the CIA/Mossad/MI6 “club”.
Trump enabled the entire OP in the US with his ’emergency declaration.” In September ’19 he issued an executive order facilitating the rapid development of “flu vaccines.” At the Davos 2020 gathering, he told the audience that the US economy was doing “great,” fully aware that the Fed Reserve and other central banks were pumping trillions of $ into the global financial system to prevent collapse, the system had been on life support since the September ’19 (what a coincidence) Repo crisis, the entire OP was a scheme to prevent that pumped-in money from causing inflation by driving the world economy into an induced coma (the lockdown, ….), pointed out by Fabio Vighi and John Titus, the two coming from very different perspectives but totally agree on it. He knew the whole time.
Yep always my considered opinion he was placed there to do exactly what he did….I suspect he represented the people they could expect the most trouble from and so with him there it would moderate response until too late….and it enabled the media to have someone to project anger onto with great effect…so what else was happening wasn’t noticed…about all we don’t know is how much he received for playing the game..,a great deal is my guess….after all they had a printing press..
Indeed. Prof. Mark Crispin MIller, (who had been teaching a course on propaganda for 20 years at NYU), who has been an activist for electoral reform and who wrote the book Fooled Again about the stolen election of 2004, noted that there were late night anomalies in key swing states in 2016. Trump didn’t even have an acceptance speech written. Miller believes that Trump lost in 2016 but won in 2020 where there were a host of anomalies as well – going the other way. Essentially, both elections were stolen. Trump played a role and the part ended in 2020 when Biden’s started. As you say “he was placed there to do exactly what he did.”
Without Trump the fringe anarchist group Antifa, and Black Lives Matter would not have had their names appropriated for use as cover by organised forces intent on creating violent mayhem to scare the shit out of the economically precarious middle classes ? Their antics kept the lower classes from organising to resist bearing the brunt of the ongoing and worsening economic crisis ?
Trump survived with his reputation intact.
2016 was very different. The GOP had never allowed us to choose our own candidate. Trump is the only exception though he’s now fully Estab. GOP E and donors only want people like Romney and McCain. There isn’t a penny in donor money for candidates we need, who put US citizens first, close the border, resign from NATO, stop all foreign military activity. So GOP keeps the party weak. They love to claim Republican voters are racist hicks, that if only their voters weren’t racists, GOP could win by getting more minority voters. But that’s blatantly false. First the GOP prefers democrats win. Did you know that in Nov. 2018 midterms, 38 of the races had no GOP candidate on the ballot, thereby virtually guaranteeing the House would go back to democrats? Only 3 races lacked a Dem. candidate. GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan deliberately left 38 races empty so Democrats would win and he could go on Fox News, grinning, and say the losses were Trump’s fault. Which is exactly what happened. Second, the GOP could only win by getting more white northern voters–there are plenty available, but the GOP ignores them, doesn’t want them. Then in 2015 along came a man who guaranteed–without a single condition–“a big, beautiful wall across the entire southern border” which he’d start building on day one. I knew that 100% of the political class was rabidly open borders, would never agree to one inch of a fence, would trade us for Central Americans in a minute. Thus, I listened very closely to Trump. If he’d once mentioned having to ask congress for the wall, I’d never have listened to another word he said. If Hillary had asked if he was going to get approval from congress, and he in any way said yes, she would’ve won. I agree he didn’t think he’d win, but most polls had him losing in a landslide. Many in GOP freely said they preferred Hillary, called on Trump to drop out. But Trump had voters, voters nobody else wanted. certainly not the GOP. Shortly after he won, I heard him say he’d be asking congress permission for the wall. Trump won because enough Obama rust belt voters had been sold out by him and took a chance on someone new. The northern Obama to Trump 2016 voter is real and has been analyzed extensively. Obama promised the Rust Belt he’d renegotiate NAFTA, then one month after he was inaugurated, Obama announced NAFTA would remain as is, that US should avoid “beggar thy neighbor” policies. 2/19/2009, “NAFTA Renegotiation Must Wait, Obama Says,“ Washington Post. Trump never cared about his 2016 voters, he cared only about Jared and Ivanka, both of whom are strictly Davos. Jared was de facto president, ran everything, including Trump’s failed 2020 campaign. Jared set up shell companies for the 2020 campaign which may explain the disappearance of about half the money raised. In 2020 Jared lost the northern mid-west states which were the reason Trump won in 2016. Like the GOP, Jared despised 2016 Trump voters and wanted more minorities. He didn’t need to be re-elected, he’d already established a new profit center for himself as a Mid East peace genius. Jared runs the entire Trump/Kushner new family business of politics which he has staffed with open borders globalists like himself. He merged Trump/Kushner fundraising with the open borders, globalist RNC Establishment. Trump is just a front man for Jared. In 2020 your choice was Biden or Jared. I wrote in my 22 year old nephew.
The elections are fixed. Presidents are appointed and have been since at least 2000. The reason Trump “won” was because the fixers realized last minute Hillary was a no-go for some reason, maybe because she was just too certifiable, so they flipped to Trump.
When are people going to finally accept the inevitable and obvious – we do not live in a democracy and voting is just an exercise in letting us keep the illusion.
Indeed, people should learn that by the time they graduate from high school.
You say, “When are people going to finally accept the inevitable and obvious – we do not live in a democracy and voting is just an exercise in letting us keep the illusion.” As is happens, I agree with you 100% that I don’t live in a democracy and that US elections are illusions. Among other things, in the US it’s not illegal to lie to get elected or for candidate X to simply say he changed his mind after being elected. In your comment you say “we do not live in a democracy.” Perhaps you’ve mentioned it before, but I have no idea what country you reside in that you consider not a democracy. As I’ve said, I’m in the US. Are you also in the US, or are you a citizen of another country?
I think the census is fixed in my country, so the elections should be, too. If Labor wins a Scullin majority we’d know for sure there’s fraud, they shouldn’t get more than like 15% of the vote here after what they’ve done and based on the people I’ve talked to.
Trumpian 5-dimensional chess no doubt! Mark Cripin Miller, also a long time New Yorker, is very familiar with Trump, he says he “doesn’t have an altruistic bone in his body.” I amazes me that people who new nothing of Trump until 2015, are experts on his character (as if character mattered for the POTUS). TPTB would never let someone (let alone Jared) that they didn’t vet and control get close to the presidency. Every president is an actor playing a role, each presidency is effectively a psy-op.
I think you got a point, why the downvote?
Any idea what it would be like to go against the medical establishment of the world, the corrupt politicians, 3 letter groups and the MSM.Of course Trump had to play the game.
If he didn’t they would say look he’s not a doctor or expert and doesn’t care about the health of the nation. American put their trust in the FDA and CDC so to go against that and everything else was too much of a risk.
Trump said many times do not be scared of this and took off his mask after coming back from the hospital when he tested “positive”
Many times he showed you what he though of the virus without saying it..
All of these ailments are relabeled to perpetuate the going pyramid scheme cloaked as a “medical emergency.” This ENTIRE fake, medical nightmare story is built on circumstantial evidence and people’s claims based entirely on people’s INABILITY to critically think, so they are conditioned and brain washed through the use of HYPNOTIZISM. If something is repeated long enough, people will consider it truth. It’s all conjecture and repetitive story telling leading the masses to consent to poisoning themselves “all for the greater good.” It is DIABOLICAL.
Not one single “virus” has been proven to exist as genetic units, nor to transmit between individuals according to Robert Koch’s postulates. It is all a psy-op and predictive programming. My question is, how do people get “deadly viruses” if these so called “viruses” have never been demonstrated experimentally the transmissibility of disease with pure cultures of bacteria and/or viruses by being isolated? It is IMPOSSIBLE that we “catch” and “spread” “deadly viruses” from one person to the other like we are infectious, biological weapons. That is what “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) want us to beLIEve. Also, we do NOT catch “viruses” from animals. IMPOSSIBLE.
Germs evolve OUT OF cells; they do not “infect” cells. We are being poisoned and have been poisoned all our lives by Mommy Medicine and Daddy Government via pills, potions, vaccines, treatments, tainted water, air, and food. It’s these variables that are causing the sicknesses, diseases, and chronic illnesses, which keep us lifelong consumers of a very insidious medical and mental health businesses.
Viruses occur as a result of systemic toxicity (tainted/laced food, air, water and foreign materials like metals and chemicals being injected into us), not because the body has been invaded by some external threat. That is the medical fraud we’ve been spoon fed by the system, in which the medical profession relies upon to justify the use of vaccinations. When the body becomes too toxic, cells will conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing specific non-living solvents know as viruses, which break down and disassemble those substances into particles to be expelled out through the skin, mucus, and bowels. ALL VACCINES are pure POISON—keeping us ill is PROFITABLE.
Good post STARR.
Same points made in this song:
1st verse:
Always wise to an earner
A man with a Bunsen burner
Made up a good story
That covered him in glory
We’ve all been taken in
By Mr Medisin
The shot has made us ill
Just like his magic pill
What’s your take on Lyme’s Disease?
“Lyme’s disease” is the body reacting/responding to various modes of being POISONED by one or all of these: toxic food, contaminated water, chemically laced air, “medicine,” (POISON) and vaccines (POISON), which is now a chronic illness for many, manifesting as an “autoimmune disease,” which is ALL BY DESIGN. “Autoimmune disease,” really means: “poisoned by the system.” To think that we need toxic and fatal “treatments” to treat the poisoned body is just INSANITY. Seeing so many comply with their own euthanasia is also the height of MIND CONTROL. Allow nothing into your bloodstream from PHARM.
“Was Covid19 a re-branded flu?”Do bears shit in the woods?
I think they (bears) do, but my knowledge is anecdotal at best, so could you please send me an expert, preferably one wearing a (white) lab coat?
(I’ll be more than happy to pay the S&H if he is already a novel Covid-19 stat.)
Grateful in advance,
~John Q. Public, Phd.
~Tune: “God Save The Queen”
(Ambrose Bierce, ca. 1880s)
“My country, ’tis of thee
Sweet land of Felony
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers fried
Young witches and applied
The whip to the Quaker’s hide
And made him spring.
My roguish country thee
Land where the thief is free,
Thy laws I love.
I love thy thieving bills
That tap the people’s tills
I love thy mob whose will’s
All laws above.
Let federal employees
And rings rob all they please
The whole year long.
Let office holders make
Their pile, and judges rake
Our coin, for Jesus’ sake
Let’s all go wrong.”
£4£&$4$(just quoting: I wouldn’t believe that was written nigh a century and a half ago if I hadn’t been already told that Bierce, like Murphy himself, was just another humble Conspiracy Realist.)
I think they (bears) do, but my knowledge is anecdotal at best, so could you please send me an expert, preferably one wearing a (white) lab coat?
(I’ll be more than happy to pay the S&H if he is already a novel Covid-19 stat.)
Grateful in advance,
~John Q. Public, Phd.
~Tune: “God Save The Queen”
(Ambrose Bierce, ca. 1880s)
“My country, ’tis of thee
Sweet land of Felony
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers fried
Young witches and applied
The whip to the Quaker’s hide
And made him spring.
My roguish country thee
Land where the thief is free,
Thy laws I love.
I love thy thieving bills
That tap the people’s tills
I love thy mob whose will’s
All laws above.
Let federal employees
And rings rob all they please
The whole year long.
Let office holders make
Their pile, and judges rake
Our coin, for Jesus’ sake
Let’s all go wrong.”
£4£&$4$(just quoting: I wouldn’t believe that was written nigh a century and a half ago if I hadn’t been already told that Bierce, like Murphy himself, was just another humble Conspiracy Realist.)
“An entity of excitement that is completely disruptive” I suppose that’s the medical equivalent of the PNAC “Pearl Harbour event” twenty years earlier. How eerily prophetic these Americans have become.
The PCR kit deployed after the October 2019 get together in NYC main goal was/is to convert cold/flu/pneumonia into “COVID-19”
I’ve made the following back in mid 2021 to try (stupid me) to make MMS see reality…

As expected MMS are not able to process even that simple message!
They should have put Elizabeth Holmes in charge, it is right up her corrupt and rotten alley
Perhaps if people started requesting a copy of the PCR result and the cycle count used this shit would be over quick, smart.
Does anyone know of anyone requesting this? If so, post the result. I’ve not seen one and there have been hundreds of millions of tests? Anyone see a problem here?
You’re making good sense … however, I would suspect that the ‘authorities would not really give a-rat’s-rectum about the facts or efficacy of their PCR test results. After all, they have enough hard-evidence to indict Fauci, Barrick, Walenski and several others for manufacturing the GOF bio-weapon, which is a breach of international law and yet they have blithely ignored all evidence. This leads one to conclude that the ‘authorities’ have a pre-determine master-plan and they will not deviate from their plan, irrespective of a common-sense approach. The power of the people can only come through the barrel of a gun … because that, unfortunately, is the only language that tyrants heed.
“manufacturing the GOF bio-weapon”.
So now you beleive they cooked up a virus in a test tube that floats on the wind and infects the world. Fuck me…
No thanks. Although, I might add that you have been … in the mind.
I did request the print out from whatever covid-19 machine they used for me last November. They just gave me a copy of the same little “you’ve got covid-19” cover letter they wrote up on their word processor. No specifics. No technical lab results. No lab machine read out.
I only allowed them to do it because I wanted to use the positive test result as the basis for a medical exemption to the threatened “vaccine” mandate.
Why not request a written copy of the cycle count?
It’s par for the course. Remember all of the elaborate lip service for the principle of “informed consent” when the Megadeath Virus of Doom pseudo-vaccines were first rolled out? That rhetorical velvet glove was promptly shredded by the iron fist (or spike) of “Just get the damn shot!”, along with “Just wear the damn mask!”
So too with the utterly fraudulent PCR “test”. The one-size-fits-all cover letter you got is of a piece with the “vaccine” package inserts that were/are blank; it’s all about keeping up appearances.
I daresay that if some righteous blowback early on had forced the scamdemic swindlers to provide more “detailed” information to “test” recipients, it would be no trouble at all to generate authentic-looking “lab results” with reassuring numbers.
There are no obvious methods or sources to verify and authenticate any provided printouts, and it’s obvious that all of the professions and industries laboring to advance the scamdemic juggernaut rely on mendacity on every level.
Geez, I hate to sound so cynical. 😉
When I clicked on the link this is what I got from my ‘protector’, Norton
Dangerous Webpage Blocked
You attempted to access:
This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.
Visit Norton to learn more about phishing and internet security.
Yep, the truth is dangerous alright….I’m 20 mins into ‘watch the water’ and if half of it is correct, what they’ve done/doing to humanity is beyond evil.
I’m trying to reconcile my belief that ‘there are no accidents in the Universe’ with current events. Not having much success so far.
Why on earth do you have Norton installed? This has been a scam right from the off.
In those tested for flu, how many had received the flu injection?
I’m sure the Public Inquiry will answer the question about those who have receive the flu shot, prior to the outbreak of Covid, and what there outcomes were based on whether they had a preceeding years flu shot or not.
Well… Nothing new there!

But they (the scoundrels wearing a white coat) will never tell us that the flu jab causes flu.
On Thursday in South Australia for no reason at all all QR and most masks will be over. The fact that there was never any need for either has escaped the attention of the moron media.
HI Marilyn do you have a direct link to the article which mentions the change of rules for South Australia etc
Never mind…over here the mere mention of the word variant and the dumb bastards are voluntarily kitting themselves up in masks again…about all I can hope is, as they are doing it voluntarily, the govt of qld will leave the rest of us alone….I stepped into a small local chemist yesterday maskless and one would swear it hadn’t ended weeks ago…the shocked expression of them encountering a maskless entity was bemusing and sad..the brainwashing has done its job.
Pretty much the same in my area of Sydney. Masks still common walking down near empty streets and a proliferation in shopping centers. Curiously, as many young as older are masked up.
Job done and it will be that much easier for the next stage of the depop.
Brisbane is the same. Gimps all over the place walking around in masks. Loving the hell out of the new normal. Deep in the trenches of “public safety” and “community responsibility”. Totally gone. Utterly lost, useless people.
It will not be over. They have simply gathered enough info and programmed enough minds to move on.
Ive not resigned to it yet and I still believe there is hope. Many minds have now realised that psychopaths run the system and that can’t be bad. Further, it takes vast amounts of resources to prop up the bullshit, many lackeys must be paid, coerced and threatened. Truth is instinctive, the majority now know they have been done like a kipper.
“BlackRock president warns ’entitled generation’ to ‘put their seatbelts on’ over speeding inflation
BlackRock President Rob Kapito warned that a “very entitled” generation of people would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives as some goods grow scarce because of rising inflation.
Without stating exactly which generation he was referring to, Kapito said that many people who had always had everything available to them at the supermarket would soon face “scarcity inflation”—the consequence of shortages in anything from workers to oil, housing or silicon chips.”
No exactitude over which generation because our ever so hardworking Rob is referring to all of them.
Blackrock is “the world’s largest asset manager” which explains a lot. Not that they have anything to do with any galloping inflation you understand. No, the causes lie somewhere else:
“Inflation is already at a 40-year high in the United States and it is accelerating across the globe as Russia’s war on Ukraine pushes oil prices to record highs, and COVID-19 supply chain issues exacerbate price pressures further.”
I’m sure Blackrock will do their utmost to help the situation with their hallowed wealth generation. Look what they’ve done already!
And if you take a look at the most disruptive parts of the supply chain you will find blackrock investment…not that they have anything to do with causing that either…all part of the reset…
I’d suggest not a rebranded flu but a rebranded common cold. Colds are produced by one of four coronaviruses and its been found that some people who shrug off cold infections are also effectively immune to Covid. The science behind this is evolving but it does point to not just a way to finally end Covid but also a better understanding of why some people are apparently immune to Covid while others get hit really hard by it.
I would say you are probably partly right, but you do not explain then what happened to all the predicted cases of flu mentioned in the article.
Unless of course what many people refer to and self-diagnose as “flu” is really the common cold, or a slightly worse case than normal of the common cold (something I may come back to).
I should just quickly mention that according to orthodox medicine, there are 3 other main types of virus that cause the common cold, although over 200 types are implicated. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold
But I should then add that you and I are probably on opposite sides in the germ theory debate, i.e.while I acknowledge that things which are called viruses exist, I do not accept that they actually cause any diseases, although they may well be associated with certain diseases. But if we can temporarily agree on the construct that certain viruses “are associated with” certain diseases, then perhaps we can still have a meaningful dialogue.
As for “do people really have colds when they say they have the flu?” – well, we all know about the concept of “man flu” because men supposedly make a big deal about their colds which a woman would just suffer in silence.
I suspect that many people have just got into the habit of calling a cold with very bad symptoms flu, without any specificity of symptoms or any idea of which virus or viruses are supposed to be attacking them. And until covid, most people didn’t get tests for flu-like diseases, so we had to just take them at their word. So although there are supposed to be a family of flu-specific viruses known by science, generally speaking, most people won’t know for certain that that’s what they’ve got, or what they had.
My wife maintains that you know when you’ve got flu: you can’t get out of bed even if you want to. And it’s only happened to her about once. Same with my son. On that definition, I don’t think I’ve ever had it, but I’ve occasionally had other classic symptoms such alternate chills and fever, but not very often.
So, where does that leave us?
Well, most sceptical people thought all along that they’d just rebranded “flu” as “covid”, hence the joke name: “Flu d’etat”.
But Martin thinks that “covid” was a rebranded common cold. Whereas I think that most traditional “flu” is also a common cold, but on a spectrum ranging from something which passes in a day or two to something which has you in bed for a week or more, possibly coughing your lungs out, and feeling lousy the whole time, and not caring much whether you live or die. Maybe I’ll just call that “{flu and|or cold}”.
So what was “covid”? “Common Cold” (Martin) or “{flu and|or cold}” (me), ranging all the way from something which passes in a day or two to something which has you in bed for a week or more, coughing, possibly unable to breathe, and feeling lousy the whole time, and not caring much whether you live or die.
Some of the latter cases went to hospital and were killed by either pneumonia or Remdesivir or ventilators. Or some other mistreatment. But of course, people die of flu every year and people die of colds every year (in both cases usually because of turning into pneumonia).
There was nothing special about “covid”. It was not (I don’t think) “caused” by a novel virus, and probably not even “associated” with a novel virus. What was special was the circumstances in which it was made known to the world and the mood of panic which was (deliberately?) engendered into the vast majority of people. It was definitely new, we were told, it was definitely deadly, we were told (with scary videos to prove it), and it was from China! – The mysterious East. And even at an early stage there was talk of the virus lab in Wuhan, so the suggestion, even if no more than that, that a deadly manufactured virus had “got out” and was coming to get us, was allowed to circumnavigate the world, even faster than the supposed virus.
The bat story was so laughable that I don’t think we were really meant to take it seriously: the lab story was much more plausible.
There is no virus.
Save your time Tom. People who write this much work for OG as a spook. Especially those who have profile images. They believe it makes them more authentic. Guess what, it doesn’t.
And here I was thinking he was authentic….
On that note, I was with him until the end because I think a third alternative is possible. That being it was a manipulated coronavirus in the lab, as I believe it’s been established that’s what they were working with in Wuhan and elsewhere around the world. I could go on and say the coronaviruses were allegedly used in the study of Fauci’s baby, AIDS.
With all that said, I have this to say, which was actually said by the guy who I think developed the PCR test, the guy who died: Nature doesn’t tolerate human tinkering, so if the alleged coronavirus that is allegedly running amok was man-made (having gotten loose, escaped from a lab), then it will disappear, so people should stop parroting, or at least question, the idea that ‘IT’ will always be with us. If it’s man-made, it will in fact disappear from the annals of history, which is what I’m hoping and my prediction.
So can we stop hating the US of As since all they’re really doing in their hundreds international outsourced bio-labs is playing pinochle?
you sound confused ‘martin’… you state that in concommitance with the article scribbled above that covid is merely rebranded flu or rather as you observe a cold (it is actually just a fake diagnostic as now admitted in a round about way by the CDC)…
you then appeal to the scientism and presumably via some indiscernible mental process conclude the current response of untested genetic therapies appropriate (Safe and Effective no doubt) for what seems to be a very mild ‘cold’… and that the entire world should trust bill gates and their governments.. and the psychologcal ‘nudge’ units they employ.. and of course the mad lab coats..(all the better to jab yooooo)…
I’d suggest giving up the tennis now… well before your eighth or ninth ‘booster’… and that goes for the children too..
NB: I have concluded and millions of people concur.. that statist governance.. criminal corporate cartels and their media flunkies… the religions of scientism and quakademia.. and the droves of zombified ruminants that adhere to their diktats..
have become a very real threat to all life on this planet …. thankfully most of them have had themselves injected…
which of course I’m sure you will agree…
was an excellent idea..
Off course it was. Got «flu symptoms» then it must be «covid», ran the story. Of course a trip to the pharmacy and a few days in bed does not suit the big pharma gameplan, general, global medicalization of the human type. «Covid», catchy named, brand new and fearsome, deadly disease, which in addition extracts mega€$£ from governments, does that. Big smiley faces on all but the billions of humble citizenry caught in the corporatist-globalist web of deceit.
One aspect that this article did not cover was what sort of test was used to determine whether one had ‘flu or not. It was certainly not a PCR test, so one assumes that a doctor (gasp) must have diagnosed it.
In any case, they could not call the flu a ‘pandemic’, because it had been around for ever. So, obviously it had to be re-branded and a new and different method for testing introduced to fool everybody into believing that this was something ‘novel’. And it worked, as the last two years have shown.
Ironically, they are now supposed to be working on an influenza + covid ‘vaccine’. Do they really mean an influenza + influenza ‘vaccine’? Sounds a bit like ‘spam, spam, spam and spam ( with a bit of rat thrown in).
An interesting article and some relevant discussions here. I was also interested in knowing the type of test used (in this article) to determine whether or not it was a true positive test for the flu. Bearing in mind Bill’s point highlighting that the PCR method of analysis was not used at that stage. Was it a doctor that diagnosed the condition?
I recall, I think on Off-G, maybe a year a go or so, that influenza A and B would trigger a positive test result with the Covid PCR test.
I dont dispute any of this (and whatever the truth of the matter does not change the obvious agendas rolled-out supposedly in response to the disease, but very obviously aimed at creating much greater state control and authoritarianism). That said, there is a phenomenon of viral competition known in epidemiology as ‘The Vanishing Trick’. [see: The Transmission of Epidemic Influenza by R Edgar Hope-Simpson. 40pp]. This has been documented many times. Anyway, I thought the author might find it interesting.
“… no less remarkable than the sudden appearance of major antigenic variants of influenza A virus as a concomitant of pandemic disease is the seemingly simultaneous disappearance of the antecedent virus from natural circulation. This is all the more remarkable because of the retention and preservation of potentially infective influenza A subtypes of the past in virological and diagnostic laboratories.” -Edwin Kilbourne, 1975
Any “information” coming from the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. is corrupted by those who stand to gain credentials or lose money. The entire covid charade is so polluted with statistical nonsense, it’s a wonder anyone is still quoting anything these agencies have published.
It’s all crap…
And the flu is rebranded pneumonia
> Was Covid19 a re-branded flu?
That and brain rot.
We must re-define “virus” as “God’s gift to con men.” A virus’s greatest virtue is its ability to shape-shift; it can become anything anyone wants.
If the virus didn’t already exist, Big Pharma would have to invent it. Oh wait….
Yes, but also rebranded common cold, pneumonia…
In the beginning of this nightmare (~March/2020), I asked a friend (anesthesiologist) how the things were going at her hospital regarding ‘coronavirus’. She said that they had no cases yet, but influenza wave was really bad. This usualy means a lot of old people with pneumonia and similar respiratory problems, many of them dying. I asked if they already had the new corona tests and she said not yet. A few weeks later I asked again and this time she said yes. I realized they got the new tests. Nothing really changed, only the new tests and hysteria arrived. Of course she didn’t connect the dots.
Aside from the deadly poisons, the fact sheets on Moderna and Pfizer states symptoms which are common cold/flu. That’s what they tested for, nothing more. If not for the self-assembling nano-particles and deadly graphene oxide, they could have used their standard (ineffective) flu shots. It’s true none of these are effective because there’s no target “infection” (in this case “SARS-Cov-2). The body detoxifies from a variety of toxins, and thereby creates actual healing symptoms (fever, cough, etc.). The toxins in the vials produces exactly the same effects, except much more potent, and with people who are vulnerable…destroys the natural detox process (aka autoimmune disorder; aka AIDS), and kills countless others.
“The war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psycho Nazis want us WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity ) either dead or enslaved.”

“They need to go, NOW!”
“Nazi Boy here. This should be a lesson for all racist terrorists. Besides what is the big deal? They have been doing that and worse at Guantanamo and other Cocaine Importers of America (CIA) black sites for decades.”
To add: the flu isn’t a virus either. But I agree that ‘Covid’ was, in part, simply a reclassification of age-old expulsive symptoms.
Let’s stop looking backwards, this is a strange article to be published by OffG this late in the psyop, it’s more of a distraction than anything else.
We are getting close to an informed critical mass, the light has been turned on & the cockroaches are getting nervous.
The future is ours to create, share your creative vision with family & friends & let’s get to work and support each other, we do not consent to their panopticon system.
Where focus goes, energy flows.
Or, this article can be given to those who haven’t opened their eyes, revealing actual history as recorded by the CDC. Thus, getting us even closer to “an informed critical mass”.
I would suggest that this isn’t looking backwards- it is the process of compiling evidence.
Some things to consider:
1) This is not “late” in the psyop- they are just raising the hammer and plan to keep these “emergencies” rolling;
2) Many are not as “far along” as you are and are still sorting through the flotsam and jetsam attempting to understand what happened and what is coming next;
3) There is an ongoing need to compile evidence for the crimes committed and to pursue justice. In fact I would say it’s an obligation. Should those who are attempting audits of the CDC, compiling data on how individual death certificates were manipulated etc. and filing cases simply “move on” and drop their cases and desist looking into these things?;
4) The future is decidedly not ours to create as long as someone has their boot on our necks. The evidence is all around us and irrefutable. What must happen before (and as) that future can be created is that the forces that are determined to control and wipe out our futures must be thwarted. If that is not done the future is bleak no matter how noble the intent.
There’s been a lot of local “will they or won’t they” buzz in recent days over whether Philadelphia officials would reinstate the indoor mask mandate. I knew what would happen, but it still rankles.
To borrow a term from felony homicide trials, the “aggravating factor” is that this decision was not a result of more “guidance” from the CDC, but was based on the municipal health authority’s own assessment.
It’s also a foregone conclusion that when the TSA-imposed “extension” mandating mask-wearing on public transit “expires” on April 18th, it will be renewed.
This is why I am neither embarrassed nor encouraged by the optimistic claims this year that the scamdemic is “winding down”, or “falling apart” because the public has caught on to the fact that it’s a house of cards dealt from a stacked deck.
My sense is that the scamdemic New Abnormal heinously empowered both political and public-health authorities, and that even if the scamdemic reaches a point of diminishing returns to the high-level scamdemic-mongers, there is considerable inertia keeping it in place– all of the “little Eichmanns” intoxicated with paranoia-laced power will dig in their heels.
Yes. And the next one will be also.
I admit, i dont know how ‘disruptive’ the ‘flu is/was, or how lethal. I’ve never “caught” it…
What i know is that it is/was always spoken about in media-conversations in terms of ‘lost work days’, ‘lost productivity’, & its impact on The Economy…
The inconvenience, the suffering, though given a mention, was always a private gripe…
I’ve not been through a major “outbreak” that caused society-wide (economic) disruption…
It seemed to be considered “something we have to put up with each year”..
Yet Fauci et al consider it SO disruptive that a vaxx should be invented and EVERYONE should be protected by injection,..
By all accounts, the existing ‘flu vaxxes werent ever effective – and that seems to be due to Fauci et al not knowing what The Flu is/was..
That’s most likely because the ‘health’ industry relies on Pasteur’s Germ Theory as the basis of its beliefs and actions. The problem with this is that it is still a theory, it doesn’t make anyone healthier, but it makes a lot of charlatans very rich.
It is a totally debunked theory. “They have nothing”. Stefan Lanka.
“They have nothing” should be written in a foreign accent otherwise its meaning gets lost in translation.
The quotes from the ‘Future of Health’ summit ring like an echo of the ‘absent a new Pearl Harbour’ quote in the Project for a New American Century’ document ‘Rebuilding Americas Defenses’ published prior to the 911 attacks
war on terror part 2
Julius Reuchel posits in this article:
Hypothesis #1:
SARS-CoV-2 is a new coronavirus strain, arriving in late 2019/early 2020, which displaced the flu, and which is being massively overhyped and exploited by many people, but which is a real virus nonetheless.
Of course the covid-19 was a narrative that focused on exaggerating the deadliness of respiratory illnesses that have always been around. Not only flu but pneumonia. The disease covid-19 actually refers to pneumonia and inflammation of the lungs, (not simply being positive with a mild cough). Only a small proportion of people who test positive for fragments of the sars-cov-2 genome (insofar as that dumb test has any reliability) will develop covid-19 pneumonia. just as only a small percent of people who get flu in a given year develop pneumonia, which of course has other causes too.
Ask yourself two questions:
I’m willing to bet the answer to question 1 is greater than 1 and the answer to question 2 is zero.
Now imagine if a team of scientists had isolated the pathogen from every single person on the planet who had a cough and fever in 2019. In that case, whatever pathogen was isolated in Wuhan in 2020 would found to have been similar to whatever was floating around in 2019. And in indeed there are many studies across North America and Europe which have backtested stored lab samples of various kinds from 2019 and found that whatever sequence is labeled sars-cov-2 was widely circulating without any hysteria in 2019.
Until 2019, we mostly focused on treating people who had a cough and fever for their symptoms. We didn’t chase down the “culpable pathogen”. Covid-19 is a narrative.
One one hand we have a pandemic narrative and on the other hand we have a bunch of people who have fever and cough. If you exclude all the positive asymptomatics and if you exclude all the symptomatic people who were either denied early treatment or given wrong treatments, there was no pandemic. That’s why the death rate varies hugely not only among countries but even two hospitals in the same country 100 km from each other. Wherever doctors did their job honestly, there was no pandemic as measured by excess mortality.
There always have been and always will be, several pathogens which cause a bunch of respiratory systems all falling under Influenze Like Illnesses (ILI). Some of these are responsible for pneumonia but VAP, CAP and HAP have also always been a leading disease (Ventilator-, Community, and Hospital Acquired Pneumonia). Every few years there is a worse than average ILI year. This has been a trend for decades, if not centuries.
The pandemi NARRATIVE was clearly planned. There is no bioweapon, lab leaked or otherwise. Yes, there was research going on in Wuhan and yes, it played an important role in getting the pandemic NARRATIVE rolling. They didn’t expect the blowback, the research into Fauci’s and EcoHealth Alliance funding etc. and the bioweapon theories: that was an unanticipated consequence.
The pandemic narrative created a CLINICAL pandemic where larger than usual numbers of people fell ill due to the chaos in healthcare systems, denial of early treatment, lockdown created health problems and neglect of all other diseases. The clinical pandemic was exaggerated through simple STATISTICAL FRAUD. The vaccines were already in the wings and the EU had been planning vax passports since 2015.
I repeat there is no bioweapon and there is no way to trace the “origin” of a virus. I can say this because you only need to understand how phylogenetics works. If you read the papers claiming to trace the origins, you will find that these are all nothing more than easily manipulated STATISTICAL PROBABILITY MODELS.
If there really were a deadly bioweapon or deadly infectious pathogen from a lab, the lab people would have fallen ill, their contacts would have fallen ill and so on. Lab incidents happen all the time, lab workers do fall ill but thankfully for the most part, nothing more happens.
Reuters was reporting on the “Wuhan virus” on December 31, 2019. The lockdowns across the world happened only in March 2020 right after the markets started crashing and the “PANDEMIC BAILOUTS” were announced… that’s a whole other story.
Between vaccine profits, digital ID and trillions in bailouts, there are many angles to the pandemic narrative, but none of it has anything to do with a super deadly pathogen.
This is exactly correct!
This may be the most precise and concise description of what has happened that I have encountered.
Thank you very, very much.
The repo market had already gone in Oct 2019…they had to have a way out…the Chinese were at the workshop that planned all this in late oct 2019…along with drosten who organised the pcr tests…apparently basically overnight….
they all knew exactly their role to play…they were all at the starting gate waiting for the firing gun…and bizarrely the timing was also well done astrologically…Chiron was in difficult aspect with an eclipse around Xmas day….it was at basically same deg as 1918, 1919 and again in 1968…which also saw a pandemic…I suspect the 1968 one played a subconscious role in many of the supposed country leaders who were born around or not long after..making them more susceptible to to whole game…
I agree with a lot of what you say but I caution saying “the Chinese” which is no more accurate than saying “the Germans” or “the Americans”.
In every country, including China, there are a few people who have helped roll out the narrative. I think one of the key Chinese people involved is George Gao who was at the Event 201 and is head of the China CDC. Also some of the people on the orginal sars-cov-2 genome papers were used as tools of the narrative, willingly or unwillingly without their knowledge.
Whatever Fauci and EcoHealth were doing in the Wuhan lab:
a) they didn’t expect the world to show so much interest in it and dig up dirt on it
b) that research only served the purpose of having a few people in place to kickstart the hysteria
The thing is that I don’t see any pandemic in 2020.now. However I do know a lot of people who remember the pandemic of 1968. It wasn’t people dropping dead in the streets but it is remembered as a bad flu year. No lockdowns or any hysteria.
The pandemic idea has been hyped through Hollywood etc for a long time.
I think planetary movements may have something to do with huge natural events or the mood of the planet. It’s certainly possible. But there’s no doubt that evil intentions of power hungry people have played a large role in creating chaos in our lives.
Could the Wuhan lab story be covering up what went on in Azovstal and the Luger Center?
Here’s my thoughts on that based on two years of going through the genome stuff as well as other stuff. I don’t doubt that the US is doing useless and dangerous stuff in biolabs around the world, especially Ukraine, Wuhan etc. However the events in Ukraine and especially Donbass and Crimea have decades of history that long predates pandemic stuff.
I think Robert Malone is genuinely concerned about the dangers of the mRNA vaccine but his story makes no sense to me. He claims to have had covid in Feb 2020 before there was any testing in the US. He then claims to have had long covid. He’s a doctor with a horse farm but he wasn’t capable of getting human Ivermectin to cure himself. He then takes the Moderna vaccine. He only emerges when there was talk of the Nobel going to the mRNA vax developers. He criticizes the vaccines but has totally reinforced the pandemic narrative.
The fundamental question here is: was there really a respiratory pathogen in 2020 that was so much more deadlier than the bugs in 2019? I see absolutely no evidence of that. It’s nearly impossible to “control” a pathogen outside a lab environment.
More confirmation. Thank you.