The Music of Forgetting
Mr. Z

I remember when we first came to this small Mexican island in the Caribbean. The pace of life was very slow and time seemed to spiral, not chug straight ahead. It seemed as if local people far outnumbered visitors, most of whom came for the off-beat rhythm of life.
The days floated by as did the people along the narrow streets, in and out of the little cafes and aqua water as if everyone were a sea bird soaring on the up notes and dancing down with the swaying palms. Celestial music filled the air.
Now that we have returned to the place where destiny conceived me and I sit on the sandy shore looking out to sea, cut off for a few days from the news of another war and the endless staged propaganda pouring from the Western media about Ukraine – being out of touch, so to speak – I contemplate the sea’s musical cadence as it breaks on the shore under the rising sun.
The beach is deserted except for some singing birds and me. I am for the birds, heart and soul. They are beautiful spirits.
Then he appears from the rear out of the coconut palm trees and dense flowering gardens. A man armed with a drone and his Barbie Doll. He launches his mechanical bird over the water while his lady friend prances and poses for its camera. He shoots her again and again, as if once were not enough to still her mechanical gestures.
I need no entrails to read this early sign. Yet the Sphinx asks me its riddle anyway: What at first can’t grasp its own image, then learns to see it, and finally can see nothing else?
I get up and walk away down the beach. When I look back, the drone man and his doll have disappeared. The rosy-fingered dawn, like a radiant monstrance on the altar of the world, returns me to reality and I plunge into Aphrodite’s warm waters. I float in her arms. I swim and forget. With each stroke of my pen the waters of forgetfulness grow stronger, and I turn on my back and spout winged words of joy and adoration.
Many people have heard of Friedrich Nietzsche, and even many more, whose numbers are growing, have not. Quite a few, who have, probably think he is a dead rapper and others, just some crazy artist like Van Gogh. His general reputation is that of a dark and depressing thinker who went mad. This negative reputation even holds for many somewhat familiar with his writing, the so-called educated classes who readily believe the media’s lies and erroneously associate him with supporting Nazis while they embrace the Nazis in Ukraine.
I have little doubt that this rejection of Nietzsche, based on their groundless “knowledge,” is because he told his truths that few want to hear, because he long ago grasped what people would become. And it’s not a pretty picture, which all the self-images they take and worship reveal.
Nietzsche was obsessed with the theater and the theatrical nature of life. Not in its aesthetic sense or theater on a literal stage, but life itself. At the core of this was the actor, what was an actor, who was an actor, and what did it mean to act or to be “a genuine actor,” if possible. This was because he saw acting as imitation at the core of epistemology, the fundamental issue of knowledge and reality.
In his own way, he was true to ancient Greek philosophy whose core theme was the relationship between Being and Seeming. “To stamp on Becoming the nature of Being” was his goal, which flipped the terms in a way that offers little solace to those who act as if their knowingness is not groundless and imitative, and their acting not a feigned relationship with reality. Unable to play the music of forgetting, he knew they would turn on their false selves with every weapon at their disposal.
Ah reality, here, with the sun risen, she comes down the beach with exposed buttocks quavering and cell phone and tripod in hand. She sets her camera up and smiles at the machine in pose after pose. She is so beautiful she tells herself and sees nothing else but her grotesque smiling image. And she comes every morning to this stage of sand to play her part for an audience of one.
Later, with the sun at its zenith, hordes of actors arrive with their image-making machines. They primp and pose on the sand and in the sea, holding their little mechanical gods high above the water as they walk out up to their necks in the water, grinning and clicking their visages. The sea bobs with hundreds of unreflective skulls, a watery cemetery for modern times.
They are students in what Eduardo Galeano calls “the looking-glass school” where ignorance is the rule:
There are no admission exams, no registration fees, and courses are offered free to everyone everywhere on earth as well as in heaven. It’s not for nothing that this school is the child of the first system in history to rule the world. In the looking-glass school, lead learns to float and cork to sink. Snakes learn to fly and clouds drag themselves along the ground.
This is the world of nihilists that Nietzsche knew would come to dominate, the self-regarding ones for whom the world does not exist beyond the masks they wear to face the faces that they face.
“Are you genuine?” he asked. “Or merely an actor? A representative? Or that which is represented? In the end, perhaps you are merely a copy of an actor?”
Yes, I think, copies of copies of copies without end. Nothing original, for that would suggest the groundless freedom of becoming when you forget yourself and move only to the music.
It is sardonically comical to observe these actors playing the part of Dionysian people – those who once in their forgetfulness could live out life’s tragedy but who are now nearly extinct – parasitically imitating that which they cannot be or comprehend. They cannot forget or open their eyes to reality because they must remember how to act, to imitate all the images, and perform their lives in front of their mirrors. Do they think their machines can stop time for them, freeze their becoming, or “make memories” that prevent them from dying?
I remember coming here when it wasn’t so, or at least when the performances were not so blatant. The cell phone has unlocked the largely unconscious secret of the masses: That feigning is all we can do, but since we are doing it blatantly, it is real. We are real fakes.
The world has been turned inside out and upside down. Some know it, most don’t, and then there are those who play the music of forgetting where each note, each word is forever new, a gift out of the blue.
As for me, my name is Diego Sandoval, but my name it means nothing. I come from this island, at least my parents told me I was conceived here when they were traveling to Cuba from Mexico City. My father fought with Fidel, but Fidel knocked him out. They had met in Los Angeles when Fidel was in Hollywood to make his movie debut and my father, who was a psychiatrist, was hired by the production company to analyze the acting because the film took place in a mental hospital where even the staff was crazy.
It was an unusual movie for its time. It wasn’t a comedy, but my father laughed at one scene where Fidel, who was playing a young staff psychiatrist, flubbed his lines. I never knew what my father found so funny, but Fidel was incensed and punched my father. When my father woke up, he thought he was a patient in the hospital and Fidel was his doctor. So many role reversals. Fidel also woke up soon thereafter, abandoned Hollywood for a better role. He became a genuine actor in a different world.
Anyway, that’s the story my father told me, but being a psychiatrist, he often made stuff up. He often wove tall tales to entertain me. He loved magic and considered himself quite an amateur magician. I guess my interest in acting started then.
Nietzsche? Maybe that began when I was fourteen-years-old in a bi-lingual school in Mexico City and first saw his photo in a book with his Emiliano Zapata mustache. I had found a discarded Spanish copy of his book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and read it, although I must say I didn’t understand much, yet something in it struck a deep chord in me.
I only had some wispy hairs then but by seventeen you should have seen me; I was ferocious looking. Still am, some say. When I became a poet and singer, I took the stage name Mr. Z to honor my heroes. Perhaps you’ve heard of me. Few who come to hear me perform know my name’s origins and I never explain.
As my popularity grew and fame pursued me, I grew many disguises. I answered questions with questions and gave answers so enigmatic that no one understood me. I didn’t understand myself much of the time since more and more I said whatever popped out of my mouth, but this delighted me. I laughed a lot and stopped taking myself seriously. I kept forgetting more and more and my poetry and music seemed to come from some unbidden place. I guess you could call it intuition. But I’d often forget the lyrics and have to improvise.
That became so enjoyable that even when I remembered the lyrics I would change them just for fun. The audience hated this, but I didn’t care. Forgetting became my musical forte and over time I realized that it must permeate my life and so I became a genius at active, conscious forgetting.
I even forget why I am writing this. Perhaps it is to remind myself to forget what I have seen on my return to the island. To write about it as a form of exorcism. It is all so utterly changed. To see all these poor players on the stage of self, so serious and self-absorbed makes me want to never return, to fly away.
I ask myself how can I ever forget the images of all those shaking, flabby buttocks staring me in the face. Maybe if their cameras captured their asses, they would reconsider showing them. As for me, to paraphrase a wise man, if you gaze too long into an ass, the ass gazes also into you.
I should work on my music, so I can simply soar like a sea bird on the up notes and dance down with the swaying palms, and in the playing I will forget everything and be lost in the celestial music.
I do not know of any more profound orientation of an artist than this, whether he looks at his work in progress (at himself) from the point of view of the witness, or whether he has forgotten the world, which is the essential feature of all monological art: it is based on forgetting, it is the music of forgetting.”
Nietzsche, The Gay Science
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These sentiments are not new and have been expressed in infinitely more eloquent and ethereal ways. Sad that so many are impressed. True men do not tell us the problem. They live out the solution.
Mr.Z, I really enjoyed reading, your story is just beautifully written. Its philosophy…well, that’s a different story.
You like Nietzsche, I don’t. I respect him, use some of his things, even his concept of Ubermensch that I found very profound and daring. And Dionysian/Apollonian. Well, Machiavelli also said some wise things, still he is rightfully detested by majority.
On the other hand I almost despise Nietzsche, particularly his idea of revaluation of all values. His negative reputation as a dark and depressing thinker, as you said, is well placed. I’ve heard ones a discussion where there was a question: should we take some (many) Nietzsche’s claims seriously. They came with answer that he would probably laughed out loud.
There are tons of different understandings of him, not encouraging. That shows he is intriguing but that there is also a huge question what did he actually said, aside from provocation. There is a book How to Philosophize with a Hammer and Sickle: Nietzsche and Marx for the 21st-Century Left. I wonder what a concoction is this (ones I’ll give it a try, young writer made some good stuff already).
Nietzsche was at the beginnings (proto-postmodernist) of the biggest problem most modern philosophy have, it’s being lost in particularities, lost in the possible. It abandoned enquiry of general, universal, necessary. Metaphysics became a thing of the past and we got endless analyses of postmodern condition, bastardization of Kant’s Copernican turn, some even attempted to reduce philosophy to logic. All in all “the most elaborate mental gymnastics ever conceived” (E.Curtin).
To some extent I can understand why Nietzsche did what he did, but I have hard time understanding what is the purpose of many renowned philosophers of recent times. Too many times it looks to me as l’art pour l’art. That is not necessary bad in itself, if there would also be some genuine creativity, that would produce something New, not just simulations and simulacra. I said Purpose…science discarded Aristotle’s Final Cause (purpose) altogether, it seems to me philosophy is close.
Humanity is in very precarious situation today, we are on the path into Abyss. Nietzsche might have been revolutionary at the time. But he is, beside other problematic and controversial things, a proponent of individualism and that is one of the biggest reasons why we ended in increasing misery. Those ones who didn’t lose hope are looking for solutions, unfortunately looking back to tradition, past, is very common, but futile. In some way we will have to reinvent the wheel to escape Abyss. Some new Marxes are needed who will have the balls to say: That is what we propose. To all those red-scare fear mongers, I’m not pimping communism. I’m talking about a philosophy that would emphasize society as much as individual because that is necessary, we are social creatures. A philosophy that would bring back something really worthy of hoping for.
Consequently we might get some happiness too…cool.
Kant:”“Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.”
Thanks, Mik. I understand your critique of Nietzsche. And yet there’s more to him in my mind. What I wrote here is the good in many ways.
Ed Curtin/Mr Z
What a surprise, indeed.
YES. In my zealous devotedness to put down Nietzsche from too high pedestal I went too far regarding your thought.
Often I claim Nietzsche is primarily provocateur and then philosopher. Well, that is worthy too.
Came to my mind…Music of forgetting is harmonious to music of forgiving. Interesting: for-get….for-give
Lovely. Thank you
Do we believe propaganda when the ‘right’ people do it?
I thought that originally propaganda was a neutral term signifying the most effective way of getting a message across to the largest number of people in the shortest time. But down through the ages, this term has come to have a dubious sheen perhaps due ironically to warring propagandist factions accusing each other of being “underhanded”.
Wiki’s definition is highly provocative:
“Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.”
Lots of question begging there! What is “objective” in any particular case? And every presentation of facts is bound to be “selective” and every perception is “a particular synthesis”.
What I have found is that those who aim to create an air of “objectivity” and of some towering point of view majestically overshadowing everyone else are usually the lowest manipulators.
Well the literal meaning or derivation will be “that which is propagated”, so it could be neutral, although no doubt soon took on a non-neutral, and indeed pejorative meaning.
According to the Catholic Church started it, so draw your own conclusions. 😉
(I write as a recovering former Catholic).
The ‘right’ people should not be involved in propaganda because they should refrain from manipulation.
Very nice article, Mr Z.
DARPA admits HCQ and Ivermectin are effective treatments aganist Covid. However doctors in US had their medical license revoked for “spreading Covid misinformation” and treating patients with Ivermectin. Doctors who go aganist the narrative are under investigation for daring to speak out against the Biden Regime and for daring to question Big Pharma. They want to block every way possible to reach people for cheap and alternative treatments. You can get your ivm by visiting
Piss off, spammer.
April 1933. Germany:
The Nazis began a boycott of Jewish-owned businesses. Stormtroopers positioned themselves in front of Jewish shops, with yellow stars painted on the houses and “Don’t buy from Jews” posters. The SA storm troopers (Hitler took over the SA in 1930) attack shops owned by Jews, pogroms ensue. Under the new law, only “Aryans” are recruited. Government employees of Jewish origin, including school and university professors, are dismissed.
April 2022 Germany:
People with Russian passports are “not welcome” in cafés. Clinics refuse to treat Russian patients. Children do not speak Russian on the street to avoid violence. Schoolchildren are forced to repent and answer “correctly” about Ukraine. Russian cultural figures are fired. Truck drivers get their cars beaten up. Russian TV channels are banned. There are “hate letters” in the mailboxes.
Since February 24, 2022, 383 crimes have been committed in Germany against Russian-speaking citizens, most of them Jews.
I will leave it here.
The free civilized West 2020/2021 people where refused entry/service in to bars – restaurant and shops -buildings for not having a Ovid pass vaccine passport or for not wearing a mask.
In some cases a literal flow test was needed to get on planes and enter old people nursing homes to see family..
2022 the same people forget and now believe back in politics.
Russian children’s heads are being ripped off. Russian blue cats are being cooked in antisemitic Ukrainian oil. All three Russian-made cars in Thuringia are being hunted down in order to puncture their tyres. Even Stalin is brazenly smeared as being the world’s biggest mass murderer…
Imagine checking passports before letting people in a cafe 😀 . How dumb can you be?
Note to Mr Y: if you had known there was so much of Ukraine on a Mexican island in the Caribbean (as evidenced by the majority of comments herein), you could have stayed home and simply turned on the TV.
And instead of flabby asses, you could watch Putin grimace, Zelensky grin, and dear Uncle Joe guffaw. (You can’t hear dear leader when he guffaws because when he moves his lips nothing happens – so you have to watch carefully, as judiciously as you might, then he’ll guffaw again and…etc etc etc).
Mr Putin, a reminder,: Perfidious America.
“…maybe if the camera captured their asses they would reconsider showing them.”
Love it.
Transhumanism as automatic pilot juggernaut careening wildly. Here is a sentence from a 2017 article ( by Alexander Thomas, “Super Intelligence and Eternal Life):
“Nanobots could roam our bloodstream to monitor our health and enhance our emotional propensities for joy, love or other emotions.”
To which John Steppling responds:
“What does enhance even mean here? This is that weird sense of automatic hierarchical thinking that infects all of this stuff. I feel ‘enhanced’ love for you, darling. It has reached such a goofy stage at this point that one begins to wonder at the sanity of those involved.”
This drive to provide “solutions” to “problems” that are not even there at all suggests a mentality so committed to a kind of theology of incessant change for change’s sake that it has become utterly psychotic.
“a kind of theology of incessant change for change’s sake”.
Or as it was once known, ‘Permanent Revolution’. Both Trotskyites and Neocons worship at that particular altar showing the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum aren’t as opposite as we’d been led to believe.
They seem to have settled on ‘enhanced’ as thei buzz word to sell transhumanism and VR. It makes their plans sound like they are building upon nature which is both true and not true – they have to mimic nature because they are incapable of originality but they fundamentally hate it as well and want ultimately to destroy it. An entirely synthetic world offers more ker-ching but more importantly it’s their final rebellion against God.
A rebellion against Life. A rebellion against God.
Cant upvote you GMc as this site demands a log in to vote but not to comment – what dumbfuckery. Nevertheless your comment verbalizes exactly the level of my personal ennui – the forcing of ideas before their natural time arrives. Most of the world has no clean water, ‘doctors’ think 95% of the brain is junk matter and have only very recently recognised the power of the gut microbiome, but who cares? Lets get on with the singularity.
The Handbook of Transhumanism has as a starting point: The human body is imperfect, human condition badly needs improving and so does human society. So why on earth would we reject the solutions that technology is at last offering to us. They take Steve Jobs as an example. What would this genius not have been able to achieve if he could have lived for, say, 200 years. Such a shame.
You are right. Utterly psychotic.
I know of people who have leading Facebook images in which they are not even looking at the camera. They are focused on a smartphone in their hands. These images are effectively selfies OF selfies.
Cf. Ray Davies:
“People take pictures of the Summer,
Just in case someone thought they had missed it,
And to proved that it really existed.
Fathers take pictures of the mothers,
And the sisters take pictures of brothers,
Just to show that they love one another.”
And that was written in the 60s!
Cf. Also this from Stewart Lee – from the 3 minute mark:
Team photo
I recall seeing a book called “Against Atheism” by one Ian S Markham. The first two chapters intrigued me with their titles:
“The Gentle Atheism of Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris”
“Nietzsche: The Last Real Atheist”
The point Markham was making – and it desperately needs to be made – is that Nietzsche was the last – possibly even the only – figure who actually took atheism seriously and pushed it to its conclusion. For Nietzsche it wasn’t enough to simply dismiss God. He wanted to dismiss all substitutes for God i.e. all systems that assumed an objective moral order in the universe. It most certainly wasn’t enough to blandly waffle on about how we all have our own god inside us or that we can simply create our own values in the way that we can choose a flavour of ice cream. Granted he did talk of creating our own values but he saw that as a task of awesome arduousness which led him to speak of very select individuals who would have the strength for it.
Nietzsche would have viewed our current liberal celebration of ego with uncontrollable contempt. He would have noted that this blandly asserted Western liberalism was nothing more than a thin cover for the brutal domination of the rest of the world. Whether he would have supported this domination, I think he would have said, “At least drop the liberal crap and admit to your true motives!”
Not sure of the excact english translation but Mr. Nietzsche also said, forgeting is the essence of happiness. This after a short discusion on memory linked to pain and tragidy.
Im surptized you whst this sweet assay is doing here. Well done!
Ps. English is not my language, sorry for mis-spelling
I have no idea what this guy is talking about. I’ve lived in the Caribbean and for quite a while in the Trinidadian community in Toronto, but I’ve never experienced any of the feelings portrayed in the article. While in the Caribbean, I spent most of the time drinking and chasing women. I did go to the beach often, mostly to recuperate from the aforesaid. While sailing, I’d lie down under the funnel instead ( Oh yeah, there was plenty of music, of course, doing that was my job.
I don’t know about these phantasmagorical artsy-fartsy musings. I know and have met some very fine musicians, composers, artists. Just about all of them are hardworking people who work their ass off and have no time to sit on a fucking beach and engage in yapping about phantasms.
@Jacques, I agree that the article is needlessly artsy fartsy or at least worded in a pretentious and flowery way. The message doesn’t need to be dressed up so much perhaps, as it’s well established now that the times we are living in seem to breed more and more superficial people like those mentioned in the article.
However, the hardworking people you bring up and have met personally have nothing to do with and are completely out of the context of the article. Your anecdotal musings of debauchery and reflection, while pleasant sounding, offer no relevant connection to the article or advance discussion and what the writer was trying to get at. Look further than yourself and your pride connected to your personal observations.
Also, don’t be so dismissive and throw the baby out with the bathwater here. A lot of philosophy and literature can very appropriately account for and illuminate the weird times we are living in right now. Plato’s theory of the cave, Nietzsche’s, Evola’s or Seraphim Rose’s critiques of nihilism in the modern age and of course Jean Baudrillard’s ideas all apply here quite well when deconstructing the times we are living in. Tyson Yunkaporta also talks of the malignant and destructive forms of narcissism in our current age quite effectively in his works too. All worth checking out.
Underneath the pomp of the language in this article, I think the writer does effectively highlight the now rampant narcissism on display in remote scenic areas; the self-obsessed tourists coming to an island to unashamedly show off and take selfies. Zombies following trends, monkey see-monkey do type shit, completely unable to appreciate the scenery and beauty of the island for itself without having to use it as a prop to bolster their self image.
The island that ‘Mr. Z’ writes of could be anywhere on fucking earth right now, anywhere with a beautiful backdrop – nothing is sacred.
All of the earth’s beautiful terrain is now open game for vacuous fuckwits like those mentioned in the article to suck and spit out.
These gluttons for dopamine grow plump from digitizing nature in exchange for status gains on their vampiric social media accounts. They are to blame as equally the corporate entities and elite satanic forces working in tandem to achieve such vapid objectives.
They all need to be called out, criticized, and effectively culled.
End of!
I hear you, but let me remind you that you, too, should look beyond the words I wrote.
Firstly, on my journey through life, I’ve come to appreciate down-to-earth-folk and real-life experiences rather than pretentious savant musings and abstract phantasms. As much as I enjoy the occasional intellectual conversation, I find that playing jazz in a smoky bar (Damn! scratch that, smoking is no longer allowed in bars), having a drink or two, and chasing women is much more meaningful way of life than putting on a mad-professor jacket with those leather elbow patches and trying to figure out the meaning of life somewhere in a stinky basement laboratory.
Secondly, are the vacuous fuckwits more vacuous today than before? Or do the gadgets only put their emptiness on display better? I don’t know.
There are individual and collective aspects to life. They’re not completely severable, and a person has to tackle both, meaning that one has no choice but share some stuff on his path through life with the ‘vacuous fuckwits” (they probably think the same of me). That doesn’t mean that I won’t live my life to the fullest and allow the fuckwits to fuck it up.
So, I heard this song on the other day. I kinda like it ….
People think differently …
Russia’s special operation in Ukraine and Donbas is going to end soon, Andrey Klimov, a member of the Federation Council said, RIA Novosti reports.
April 15. 2,000 Mercenaries arrive in Ukraine. some from Turkey, other mid-east countries.
Andrey Biletsky, the founder of Ukraine’s nationalist Azov* battalion (banned in Russia), published a video of a Ukrainian Neptune missile that allegedly hit Russia’s Moskva missile cruiser.
Many mass media outlets republished the video. However, the video is fake.
Biletsky’s video is a mirrored and cut out piece of a Norwegian rocket demonstration, which was filmed nine years ago. The original video was posted in 2013 with a headline Norwegian armed forces destroy marine vessel with Naval Strike Missile. Click the link to watch. This video is from 2013 indeed.
President of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, has given his green light to the holding of a referendum on the accession of the LPR to the Russian Federation.
Seems obvious the people of Lugansk will vote “yes,” and equally obvious the Russian Federation will vote “Welcome.”
When the Crimean referendum was held
“A group of international observers from Israel, Spain, Italy, USA, UK, Latvia, Moldova and Serbia, which were invited by the Central Electoral Commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, visited the largest cities of Crimea – Simferopol, Yalta, Evpatoria, Alushta, Saki, as well as many villages in the countryside.
All observers unanimously noted that the referendum was held in full compliance with international standards.”
97% voted to join the Russian Federation!
Apparently Ukraine is in the process of joining the EU? They’ve completed the paperwork & it appears Brussels is considering it. I’m baffled. Is this a form of escalation?
Yes. There will be escalation upon escalation until Russia submits.
Russia submits …? You see any sign of Russia submitting? Not me.
Does Russia need more Europe’s money or Europe Russian natural resources? Since the Russkies can’t buy anything with Europe’s money, which is becoming increasingly worthless anyways, the answer seems quite obvious.
No way Ukraine will join the EU. Let’s get real. I happen to have witnessed and laterally worked on the process of Czechia joining the EU at the beginning of the millennium, and it’s a long and tedious process. The candidate country must harmonize its legal system with the EU’s, kiss the EU’s ass in 1000+1 ways, meet all sorts of criteria, etc.
The EU will be in such deep shit soon if it’s not in deep shit already that dealing with Ukraine will be the last of its worry. The EU might even disintegrate. It wouldn’t surprise me. And good riddance.
Don’t you think the EU might “fast-track” the process in the case of Ukraine, possibly under pressure from the USA?
(A bit like the way that Greece was allowed into the Eurozone, regardless of the consequences? Even Italy should not really have been allowed in if they had followed their own rules).
Anything goes these days. This might be a possibility. Still, Ukraine is such a mess … sounds implausible.
For what it’s worth:
“EU fast tracking Ukraine. Putin says Economic Blitzkrieg failed. ‘Z’ cheese platters. Update 1”
Alex Christoforou
It goes without say that Italians were heavily propagandized to believe full membership in the E.U. would be beneficial.
When it actually went down, the chagrin was very deep. That pizza in restaurant in the centre of town which cost 5,000 lire went to €5 overnight (for ease of accounting dontcha know) with the lira exchanging at 1,950 for one Euro. And that was just the beginning …
Indeed, there’s an Italexit movement in full swing. It appears that a majority of Italians regret joining the E.U., losing their monetary sovereignty, watching their country be destroyed by the Bruxellians.
Benefits have been few unless one is in the government, banking/finance, or the Mafia.
Unfortunately, Italians are no longer permitted to vote (not even the parliament votes). Nonetheless, rebellion is in the air. Serious doo-doo is just around the corner.
That’s very interesting Victor; thank you.
Yes, it is psycho – logic warfare from the Anglo puppeteers.
Ukraine will join the EU after Mexico joins the USA, so never.
> Apparently Ukraine is in the process of joining the EU?
Among other things, EU is in no position to pick up the pieces of a broke country like Ukraina …
In reality, not, but they might go for it anyway, out of hubris.
The older i get the more i’ve forgotten. What’s annoying is knowing i’ve forgotten, but i just cant remember what it is i’ve forgotten…
Memories hide behind / within memories.
I remember old songs, though the words often have been changed…
Ah… Memory and Thought, the two things that without proper control lead us to where we are today!
You can be an individual within a crowd if you conform in your individual way…Anon…
I sure would like to retire to a Caribbean island, beyond good and evil, lounge the livelong day on a beach (Mr. Zzz), and behold the human, all too human spectacle of the last man, or woman (particularly with bare buttocks). But alas, the grand Wagnerian opera of life has cast me in the role of a poor prole, and I must eke out my remaining days in the new abnormal in a trailer park downwind from the town dump, waiting for that knock on the door from public health officials delivering the final solution for us untermenschen, hardly worrying what Nietzsche or Zarathustra (Mr. Z) meant by the ubermensch in this neonazi theater of eugenics the world over.
This is a really wonderfully constructed and hilarious comment, jam-packed with devilishly delightful allusions, and appropriately contemptuous of this insufferable navel-gazing puff-piece-of-crap by “Mr.Zzz”.
Well done, niko.
The problem with contemporary propaganda is that it hit a sort of inflection point where its ability to tell us that two plus two equals five (and you’d better believe it — or else) has collided with real life, its become what Marxists used to call a ‘contradiction’. There is a piece in the current Guardian that explores this, albeit indirectly:-
Whoa, I just read some of the comments and I’m dumb struck by those EU-obsessed retards are. The article was alright if you picked out the satire from the dull Brexit-baiting.
Wonderful article, thanks.
Off topic but good…
Not that good. “First world countries”. Lets not forget these grew rich on genocide, slavery and ecocide. No mention of the gulags. Andd why does she cut her hair short like a communist ?
“That may not be such a bad thing.”

“It is time for another Billy Eugenics TRANSGENDER SHOT.”
The Biden meme is, I think, the best you’ve ever given us. A million thanks. Truly, a picture is worth a thousand words.
“Is it time again for Orson Welles’ 1938 War of the Worlds?”

“In Scamdemic World life is one big Pharma-Con Advertisement.”
The fake alien invasion won’t get very far.
As I recall, that was what was said about the enhanced ‘flu-d’état’ … 2+ years ago.
Clearly you’ve learned NOTHING from OPERATION COVIDIUS!
Change your mind? How about the more obvious reason that Musk has said he will lift restrictions on what people can say? Just in case this brings too much sympathy for Musk a reminder that SpaceX rockets launch US spy satellites.
Did anyone notice that Musk’s Tesla supposedly on the way to Mars has gone off course? My guess is that stunt misfired badly and they quietly shelved it. Every time it was recalled “you can tell it’s real because it looks so fake” just had to be re-run.
Anyway it turns out freedom of speech depends on the whim of an oligarch. I must have missed that section in the constitution.
Yes I keep wondering what he wants it for too…how will it be used in the forthcoming new world order?
I wonder whether his belief in free speech will extend to people who disagree with him and criticise him?
Mr Musk will probably relish those tweeties most of all – because they will be ABOUT HIM!!!!!