Rhode Island bill plans to DOUBLE tax for parents of unvaccinated children
Kit Knightly
A bill recently placed before the Rhode Island legislature contains clauses that would make Covid vaccination mandatory for everyone over the age of 16, and double state income tax for all parents who refused to inject their children with Covid the experimental Covid “vaccines”.
The bill, titled “HEALTH AND SAFETY- IMMUNIZATION AGAINST COVID-19 ACT” and introduced by State Senator Samuel Bell lays out in S1 (a) and (b):
(a) Every person of at least sixteen (16) years of age who is eligible for immunization against COVID-19 and who resides in the State of Rhode Island, works in the State of Rhode Island, or pays personal income taxes to the State of Rhode Island pursuant to chapter 30 of title 44 shall be required to be immunized against COVID-19.
(b) Every resident of Rhode Island eligible for immunization against COVID-19 who is under sixteen (16) years of age or under guardianship shall be required to be immunized against COVID-19, with the responsibility for ensuring compliance falling on all parents or guardians with medical consent powers pursuant to § 23-4.6-1.
And then details stringent financial penalties in S1(e) [emphasis added]:
Any person who violates this chapter shall be required to pay a monthly civil penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) and shall owe TWICE THE AMOUNT OF PERSONAL INCOME TAXES as would otherwise be assessed pursuant to chapter 30 of title 44.
This is by far most punitive “anti-vaxxer” legislation we’ve seen (so far). Even if it does not pass, it shows us that the Covid agenda is still very real, and they are not even close to done trying to bully people into compliance.
You can read the whole bill below, or download it here:
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The bill orders everyone to be “immunized” against Covid-19. Since none of the current vaccines come anywhere near “immunizing” people against this virus, a point which the CDC has admitted, then it is impossible for anyone, including Samuel Bell, to comply.
Vaccinations work by stimulating the immune system to attack the virus. Some viruses can respond by mutating to a form which avoids this attack.
Covid is one of the viruses which mutates very rapidly. The vaccine was prepared for the Alpha and Beta variants. The virus now un to the Omicron mutation, which totally avoids being attacked by the vaccine.
Getting vaccinated with current vaccines is completely useless against the variant which is now endemic. However, these vaccines have not had full safety testing, and carry a small but non-zero chance of causing major illness or death. The more often you get vaccinated with one of these useless vaccines, the greater your risk of hitting one of these dangerous side effects…
Next up………..The Hunger Games!
Those who can should leave the state.
No, that just means they win. Resistance is the only way. Let them prove how their concoction immunizes anyone.
Gun up.
💥COVID-19 Vaccinations are going to continue for the next 5 to 10 years, even though there are reports of adverse reactions leading to many injuries and MILLIONS of deaths all over the world❗ We just CANNOT get the COVID-19 Vaccinations STOPPED, as MASSIVE COMMISSIONS are being regularly paid by the BIG PHARMA to the TOP Leaders of Governments as well as Opposition Parties, Doctors, Medical Scientists, Health Ministers, Hospitals, Judges, Lawyers, Trade Union Leaders, Journalists, Newspapers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Radio and TV Channels, Film and TV Stars, Famous Athletes and other celebrities, for PROMOTING the COVID-19 Vaccines. So long as they get big payments, why should these fellows care for what happens to the health and LIVES of even BILLIONS of COMMON PEOPLE, who are FORCED to take COVID-19 Vaccines⁉️
🔥To avoid legal problems, many Legal LOOPHOLES are being used by the Vaccine-making Drug Companies, like the payments of the BIG BRIBES to the RELATIVES of the highly CORRUPT fellows‼️
The main government strategies to impose the jabs without getting sued for damages are (a) fear propaganda (b) indirect coercion though local authorities and private enterprises. The biggest criminals colluding with governments to cover up the dangers are (a) medical researchers and specialists and pathologists (b) insurance businesses.
And the population who accept this fakery blindly and take up the injections. What’s their excuse after more than two years of seeing no real evidence for any pandemic?
As preposterous on its face (like masks!) as it is to you and me, for many scamdemic thralls their “excuse” is that they seem to believe that it’s the very “safe and effective” potency of the jabs that conquered the looming or emergent “pandemic”.
In other words, to the benighted and bamboozled scamdemic thralls, the absence of real evidence for any pandemic is a testimonial to the effectiveness of the jabs.
Crazy, huh?
An illusory remedy conquer an illusory pandemic…well that makes sense. The crazy thing is that people believe more in what they are told by the perceived authority than in what’s in front of their eyes; or pretend they believe as I suspect many do.
FWIW, you have accurately described my sister and her husband, in that order. 😣
We were looking at houses on the coast of RI to move to. That’s now on hold thanks to this. Probably switch to New Hampshire.
(just 😉 of course!)
Thank you Off-Gaurdian. This site has been a literal anchor of truth in a world of lies. I may have missed it, but has anyone done an expose on the actual process behind these kind of predatory governmental assaults? Impossible that this State Senator Bell suddenly came up with this legislation. Who exactly and which Intel Agency actually scripts these? Somewhere undoubtedly they have computer programs that model all this before releasing orders to their blackmailable lackeys. Tavistock Institute or even deeper most likely.
Yes they must have a lot of dirt on Bell.
That is as racist as anything can ever get. It is totally unconstitutional if the US Constitution actually means anything any more. Any politician who votes for that is a legitimate target for opposition activity.
Or, medical discrimination at the very least!
GERM THEORY IS A MASSIVE LIE! Truth does NOT wear a mask and Health does NOT come in a vial. Vaccines are war chemicals” disguised as “medicine.” We are being poisoned and have been poisoned all our lives by Mommy Medicine and Daddy Government via pills, potions, and poisons all cloaked as pharmaceuticals to treat the ailments, when it’s the treatments and the “cures’ that are causing the sicknesses, diseases, and chronic illnesses, which keep us lifelong consumers of a very insidious medical business.
Viruses occur as a result of systemic toxicity (tainted/laced food, air, water and foreign materials like metals and chemicals being injected into us), not because the body has been invaded by some external threat. That is the medical fraud we’ve been spoon fed by the system, in which the medical profession relies upon to justify the use of vaccinations. When the body becomes too toxic, cells will conspire to cleanse themselves by manufacturing specific non-living solvents know as viruses, which break down and disassemble those substances into particles to be expelled out through the skin, mucus, and bowels.
Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction. ― Mahatma Gandhi
Indeed. See Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines and the forgotten History
— which most certainly does not claim that viruses do not exist.
No, the book does not claim that viruses don’t exist but it does claim that sanitary conditions (clean water, air, sewage systems and hygiene) and nutritious food are massively more important to good health, disease prevention and better outcomes when one does become sick than any medical intervention. And the book at length demonstrates that vaccines have never done what their champions claim they do, and indeed they are harmful to health.
And I have a ton of material from the last 15 or more years that very much backs up what you are saying. I started looking at this around 20 years ago, and I haven’t taken one since! My health improved greatly and I never get the ‘flu’ anymore, and I never even sniffed during covid.
Well said. Indeed, you are alluding to the germ theory of disease, which was one of at least two competing theories at the time. The other – and, IMO, more correct theory, was that put forward by the more talented (IMO) Antoine Béchamp, which was “The Terrain Theory.” Antoine had already worked on the germ theory of disease in his earlier work (which there are rumours that Pasteur stole some of this for ‘his’ theory) and had decided it wasn’t the answer! He then went on to outline his new “terrain theory”, which effectively said that if you keep your terrain in good shape, then you won’t attract the “disease” in the first place. The Ayurvedic medicine people (and this is the world’s OLDEST form of medicine, apart from possibly the Chinese medicine) say something along the lines of when the body is toxic; the body invites a virus in! “Viruses” are exceptionally good at cleaning out the body when it is too toxic – that’s why you get runny nose etc. Also, many of the symptoms of a “virus” are the same symptoms one gets when one is poisoned by another means by toxins. This is a sign the body is trying to cleanse itself. This is the theory I subscribe to. So, I gave up ALL Big Pharma meds in my 20s after I had followed my doctor’s advice, but just became more and more unwell as a result. So, I decided to largely ditch the system and go it alone (and seek non-conventional help if needs be) – so, I studied a bit of naturopathy and went it alone. I have never looked back and recovered my health beautifully! Covid didn’t touch me or my mum and we didn’t take any notice of any of it, especially… Read more »
Just when I thought the nuflu racket was falling apart….. Well I knew it was wishful thinking, Cullvid Rides Again. The big show has plenty of sequels and spinoffs yet to run. The Newkranian Holodomor redux is just warming up. They’ve bet the farm on the Reset and gone too far to turn back now. They won’t stop till the last man drops.
Get yourself baseball bats… use them diligently.
Always have something of a truncheon nearby… we have to be ready when they come for us.
I wasn’t wearing my reading glasses and thought you were advising us to wear baseball hats (presumably MAGA) and wondered how to wear one diligently…I should read without my glasses more often 😉
That made me smile – thanks! Should have gone to SpecSavers? 😀
baseball bats
don’t forget axes, either.
We have to bear in mind that they are in what I would call “might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb” territory. They KNOW they are potentially on the way out, so to speak, but they certainly will take as many of us with them as possible. We have been dealing with effectively the same group of people for many thousands of years. NOW is the time for them to fall – and they know it. They will never go down without a fight and without creating as much misery and death as possible on their way out the door – be warned and take care.
Covid vaccination is only the first step in the tyranny. Once the SMART IDs are implemented, if people don’t get their yearly flu vax or whatever poison injection they dream up (Ebola? Marburg? Avian Flu?) or recommend, people could be automatically financially penalized and no legislation would be required.
Once the digital automation that links to bank accounts is complete, fines and taxes, for any type of infringement will be subtracted from personal balances automatically. There won’t be any recourse, because you won’t be dealing with anyone face to face or over the phone. You can’t appeal an algorithm.
Already there’s almost no way to “take a swing” at anybody accountable for anything. You contact your State leader and get fobbed off or ignored. You call any department or institution, the best you can do is chat to a low level drone. You’re never able to confront any issue directly with those directly accountable. They hide from you.
Agree. But it’s going to be worse once the digital ID and automation kicks in, because your bank account could be wiped, or you could be denied access, whether there’s an infringement or not.
The gravity of not being able to access your own savings and accounts, is literally a matter of life or death.
In Ukraine, before the “invasion” ATMs were empty. People couldn’t access their own money. Of the millions that fled, I doubt whether any of them can access their bank accounts or ever will be able to again. This is possibly a model for what could be implemented elsewhere using any pretext.
Exactly – so, we need to stop this sooner rather than later, as it will only get harder.
Indeed. This is all planned out, and I think the plan is now over 250 layers deep! However, they will not succeed, and WE will not let them succeed. They had less take-up of the jab than they expected, and more resistance. There is also a lot of resistance to 5G (as there needs to be). Ukraine is throwing them a curve ball, and isn’t going well for them either. Next up will likely be Taiwan. I expect, however, that you may also have seen the new power grab for the One World Order from the WHO, with their “Pandemic Treaty”? WHO wants worldwide power over these situations in future. So, you can imagine UN troops enforcing their will. This should not be permitted to pass. In fact, the UN and the WHO have BOTH failed, IMO, and should be disbanded.
He’s that far-gone.
Don’t listen.
Just say no.
These are criminal organizations, IMO. These companies started their lives by making poison gases for war, and they’ve been killing and maiming people ever since. If you truly knew who these people were; you wouldn’t take ANYTHING they’re selling!
Some people couldn’t get into certain Countries without a jab.
Some couldn’t even visit their elders in old people home/nursing home/ without a test.
Many where refused entry in to Bar clubs Restaurants etc unless they had a covid pass.
I was screamed at for not having a mask.
No jab no job policy is still happening..
Amazes me how many have forgotten so easily.
Increasingly I feel as if I’ve just misunderstood my historical epoch. I long considered the situation of the medieval peasant with smug condescension: how awful it must have been, to be so powerless! The aristocrats did as they wished, you were at their mercy as your local lord happened to be lenient about taxation and personal service or overbearing about it.
but having spent quite a bit of time at this point trying to “organize” (which was supposed to be the secret sauce of modern political life!) around various government policies to ZERO effect, even when the numbers of people on my side were quite large, I’ve come close to concluding: oh, I’m like a medieval peasant but with a busy board to distract me.
I’m not all the way there. But close.
Just as when late antiquity transformed into the dark ages we are starting to see the restriction of free thought. At that time it was Christian doctrines today its “science” or “wokeness” or “equality”. In both cases there is a managerial class. Then it was the priesthood – today its tech and science “experts”.
don’t forget about the woke experts, whose expertise is too rarified and esoteric to ever be challenged, by anybody.
The “Dark ages” are called that because the atheists i.e luciferians that run the world today didn’t have access to power in Europe. You can see how they manipulate and lie about reality right now, you can only imagine how they would lie about history.
Indeed, history and everything has been re-written. Certain stories in the Bible were effectively “cover ups” for what really occurred in history. And if you don’t think they were manipulating stuff right back then; then you are dreaming – this manipulation has been with us for our whole known history. When people learn our true history, which I do believe is coming, then they will understand what we are seeing now….PROPERLY. What is going to be difficult for many to accept will be when we find out about the corruption of religion, and more. Everything has been corrupted for a lot longer than many know. However, THIS is the time when WE are going to prevail and finally deal with this scourge that has adversely affected our planetary experience. We are effectively going to have to start again, in many ways, but this time we’ll be starting with the TRUTH.
Don’t give up, Kathleen. We are going to solve this. It’s frighteningly slow work building new institutions, but we can do this; we must.
having spent quite a bit of time at this point trying to “organize” (which was supposed to be the secret sauce of modern political life!) around various government policies to ZERO effect, even when the numbers of people on my side were quite large, I’ve come close to concluding I’m like a medieval peasant
as everybody should have realized by now, the secret sauce is organization, plus pitchforks and guillotines.
once mediaeval peasants were properly equipped with those, they enjoyed some real success, for a while.
You really think the French revolution or the bolshevik revolution were organised and financed by peasants? Oh boy.
You’re off your rockers mate
Perhaps this is what is termed a “Trial Balloon”. The Idea is that they will run with it and see how people react.
I can tell you how some us will react. I live in RI and there’s a rally planned for Saturday. No telling how many will show up or if any of the legislators will pay attention (they sure noticed the ICAN rally in CA!), but there will be protesting. And many of my double jabbed neighbors have had enough and aren’t going for the boosters. So I think this over reach will be greeted with jeers and not cheers.
We are witnessing the devolution of America into a kakistocracy/pathocracy (a state ruled by its most depraved elements and psychopaths). Bills like the one being proposed in Rhode Island are trial balloons being floated to see how people will react/respond. From the perspective of the psychopaths, if the passes good, it will serve as a template for other states; if not the miscreants will go back to the drawing board and come up with something else. This statement “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” is very real and applicable to our situation today.
The harsh lockdown in Shanghai – imposed in the middle of a work day, with no going out of the home/office/factory even for food for days – is also a test to see how far they can push people.
Spot on. That’s exactly what they do – called manufacturing consent – and they put something out there – THEN, if nobody kicks up; they assume our consent. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, but the clothing is starting to become threadbare and the wolf is beginning to appear. Putin uses words such as “Godless” and “demonic” when he speaks of these folk. Putin has seen things that very few, if any, of the rest of us have. So, he understands his mission and he knows exactly what he is truly fighting.
Fortunately this is only a Bill. If by some chance it became law then it would be subject to immediate court challenges. So its worth watching but not worth getting worked up about.
However, its worth noting that carrying on any higher risk activity often comes with financial penalties. Not so much from the government but from insurers and the like. With freedom comes responsibility depending on the extent that one’s actions impact one’s neighbors. This notion often gets lost; all too often I find people advocating freedoms but expecting others to pick up the tab when things go wrong.
All well and good, but the evidence seems fairly clear on this one, getting the mRNA shot is a higher risk activity than not getting it.
Paying more insurance because of an activity you do is one thing, by the way, that’s your choice. Being forced to pay more tax by law because you made a medical choice is quite the opposite thing, it seeks to remove that choice.
Insurers are probably either already penalizing those who will not take the shot, or getting ready to. I pay a premium of $900 per month as a “retirement” policy after getting laid off. I do that as a safety net for the day when my current employer is forced to mandate that damned vax and I hand in my resignation. Sure it’s stupid, as the insurer will most likely refuse to pay any medical bills I may have due to my unclean status, but I am not willing to take the chance of going completely without insurance as that’s a “break in coverage” and one can be penalized for that too. So I suck up that monthly premium and those who take that shot and end up with long term illnesses or hospitalization can rest assured I am not asking them to pick up my tab, while I am undoubtedly picking up some of theirs as they revile me as the selfish one.
I’m so relieved you tell me not to worry about such things. Until the next egregious “law” comes along, that is. While it’s easy to tell yourself not to worry, and how irresponsible people are the only problem, the rest of us pick up that tab in myriad ways you’re blissfully unaware of.
This law is merely an opening salvo, just like the bank account confiscations in Canada. Nothing at all to worry about, right? Our owners will just give up and go away I’m sure.
In the “free world” with its “free press”, you would expect more info on the insurance situation. So far, what I have read is
:- far more deaths in USA, with no mention of whether the insurers are paying up
:- one insurer in Europe (France?) rejected a claim on the grounds that the jab was experimental, and equivalent to suicide.
“expecting others to pick up the tab when things go wrong.”
Yes, like the corporations that palm off any damage to life and land to the taxpayer:
– big pharma,
Or all the big corporations who receive bailout funds from the taxpayer….
The mere mention or discussion of an abominable idea like that at any govt level is dangerous and sets a precedent.
Just make a note of the authors of this criminal abomination.
They’ll get their day in court too.
It’s worth remembering that the certifiably insane creators of such pseudo-legal crap are the politicians. The general public – gullible, ignorant and lazy as they may be – do not hatch such plans.
Next time you ever hear someone say that they are thinking of going into politics, ask them this:
“So, as a hitherto ordinary member of society, you want to cut yourself off from me and from the rest of mankind in order to indulge in ruthless manipulation and exploitation of a corrupt system for narcissistic, greed-motivated purposes?”
Okay, they’ll never speak to you again, but who needs them? We can’t go around actually encouraging such parasitic vermin.
The legislators get the pre-written laws from the industrial federations, think tanks, “institutes”, etc. Any discussion may be one-to-one in private. The main considerations are political balancing (horse-trading) and kickbacks.
So surely they are proposing a bill to double tax obese people or smokers? People who engage in high risk hobbies? Anyone who’s lifestyle potentially strains the medical system? Would like to see how triple jabbed fat activists would react to being singled out – but oh yea totally forgot being obese is healthy and completely normal and if you suggest otherwise you’re obviously racist! For all the “persecution” these folks claim to be victim of its wild they can’t imagine a scenario in which they are actually punished for being fat – but that’s one thing this scam has illuminated – the very last thing the western bourgeois can fathom is that they are actually a target.
Just another step in the direction of a social credit panopticon nightmare.
It’d be amusing to see how they argue it’s constitutional under the 14th Amendment “equal protection” clause – but as one current Supreme Court Justice has trouble defining a woman then words can be made to mean anything.
Exactly – and “health” will mean nothing more than being up to date on your jabs.
According to that member of the Supine Court one needs to be a biologist to know what a woman is…nuff said.
You don’t get it. Your comparison is not valid becase the whole covid scam is based on belief in “asymptomatic transmission” and that somehow vaccines prevent that ( even though they admitted that they don’t).
It’s good to be aware of developments – some in process, some just a bill that will never materialize.
But I agree we need some alternatives. I also, and some may think that Charles Eisenstein is not edgy enough, but he brings important thoughtfulness and ways of thinking about what we need – not to fight the system – but to create new models for people to move toward. Iain has presented some very thoughtful ideas.
Farming and alternatives to allopathic medicine (Ryan Matters has done some great investigations).
RI is a pimple of a state. Yes, it and CA are models for the NWO. But even there are alternatives that can be culled.
We need alternatives
We need a solution
All such statements are asking for someone else to solve our problem, which is ultimately spiritual and thus, individual.
Each and every person needs to wake up. To stop tuning into the frequency of the media, politicians etc and instead emit their own natural frequency which is one of love.
For this to happen people need to get over themselves and their own egos, let go of all attachments.
A nation made up of such souls cannot be controlled.
We start creating the alternative when we make this change in ourselves. When we stop being led by/falling in line with the majority.
This is not quick enough a ‘solution’ for many people, nonetheless it is THE solution.
Everything else is pissing in the wind.
The question i have for quite some time, and plausibly being commented/discussed by others here at off-G and/or other board, is
with above fact, did they all(TPTB) REALLY took it ? Can it be clinically verified ? None of them seem to have any serious side effects and are still alive.
Why would some of these old guys like Fauci, Biden etc. would take this ?
Or for their next “booster” shot, can they be asked to got to a random place -without any prior notice- that “Public” Or “Anti-Vaxers” select and even to complicate things go in random order and see their facial reaction/body language ? On clinical side, watch how they do health wise after taking this poison.
no, they didn’t actually take it.
no, they can’t actually be forced to take it.
no, the moon is not actually made of green cheese.
next question.
Heh, heh… Rhode Island: The State wherein the elite keep their financial “arrangements” safely tucked away in offshore tax havens and commonwealth islands located in the Caribbean. It must be nice to live in such a place…
Hard to understand how the Americans have remained so peaceful..
Good pharmaceutical suppliers…
along with everybody else…
Right? Q/Jan 6 was one giant provocation of the American right and the worst that came put of it was someone sat in Pelosis chair.
Trust the plan Q tranquilizer
Donald deep state in control enchantment..
E.U it was the populous leaders. (same ones who lock down 1st and the hardest.)
Gotta love the internet. It is Valium for the half awakers..
They forgot how to use their guns, maybe.
Or ammunition is hard to get now. One need not take away the guns if there are no bullets…
A decade of social media and “smart “phones has completed the domestication process. Now they just line up and even ask for their shot.
To understand who is doing this, just ask WHO GAINS? …….They rolled out and accelerated the same Corporate fascist agenda that they have been running for the past 60 years. This is NOT new.
Covid was a CIA run operation for the US Corporate fascist state as evidenced by what they achieved.
• Shut down small business, to increase Corporate market share.
• Reserve the ‘highlands’ of economic activity for oligarchs only, exclude the common man from commerce. (see highland clearances 17th 18thC)
• Shift all activities to US big tech, surveillance. state platforms: Meetings, communications etc..
• Shift education onto google (CIA) platforms.
• Kill as many old & sick as possible for Insurance companies profits. Incentivise hospital murder.
• Provide justification for massive Increase in QE. Dollar protection/Dollar debasement.
• Increase size of surveillance state. Introduce Social credit score system, via covid apps.
• Transfer risk for all drugs to users from producers. (A la tesla ‘autonomous’ driving).
• Increase poverty. (incentivise work & reduced wages).
• Transfer wealth up to corporate oligarch elite.
• Increase social division.
• Destroy democracies & Test out Corporate fascist authoritarian rule..
• Subjugate important vassal states to CIA rule. (Shift Australia to dictatorship to keep US control in war with China).
• Blame the real left (socialists) for all of the above.
• Associate far-right ideology with their newly discovered love of freedom and liberty.
The Covid winners,
• Economic; big Corporations, Pharma, US tech giants, the Banks, insurance companies, healthcare. New private Education industry.
• State: The surveillance state, Authoritarian rule.
• Politically; the far right
The Covid losers
• Economic; small business, workers.
• State: Democracy
• Politically; the real socialist left.
nailed it.
I feel that raising these bills that are effectively dead on arrival (zero chance of being enacted), is simply done to further divide citizens down the covid line. It helps keep covid alive in the mind. It would actually be best to ignore dead propaganda bills completely, rather than give them the media space that is so desperately desired by those that create them.
All you need to know about this medical crime……..
STATES OF EMERGENCY – Keeping the Global Population in Check
by Kees Van der Pijl
Just finished the book. Excellent look at what’s been going on from a “big picture” or macro perspective. A very worthwhile read.
We are saturated with daily descriptions of the evil surrounding us.
The only thing that matters now is something like:
“Okay, here’s what we are going to do to stop it.”
The “we” who would like to stop it are not the “many” who either don’t care or else support it.
I know, Howard.
We’re just going to have to make a lot more noise.
Heh, heh… Switzerland. The only Nation in the world that supplies its citizens with free anti-personnel weapons, and trains them in their use… When was the last time Switzerland was successfully invaded?
Unarmed civilians are easy to please…
Paul, the Swiss appear to be fully invaded by propaganda, judging by this “information” from their Federal Office of Public Health. I guess it’s all those guns in Switzerland and the US that make the propa-lies even more necessary.
Gaddhafi implemented arms for civilians in Libya, and practically disbanded the military. That made the military brass unhappy.
Exactly so, wardropper. Merely sharing our anguish is not enough. We need a plan, a project, a platform.
Most people are either uninterested in or incapable of identifying the Abstract (as in a “Globalist Agenda”). As Ayn Rand eloquently put it: “Concrete bound mentality.”
If you doubt that, consider that most people seem not even interested in what they can see with their own eyes – such as the constant spraying of the atmosphere by military and even civilian aircraft.
There exists no plan capable of working that doesn’t involve huge numbers of people.
Rhode Island is a democratically run blue state. It make sense. Maniacal radicalism at it’s best. The great thing about America is you can always move to another state where the population is normal. And people are doing it. Segregation all over again. Right before our eyes. This time it’s not race induced.
RI isn’t as Blue as you think. If you’re going to label the flavor of corruption here, do your homework. RI history is way more colorful than the red/blue divide.
Just like all the bills in California (recently showcased here), this Rhode Island bill is undoubtedly a trial balloon.
But it’s even more. All governmental entities are running out of money and, as was predicted by many, will need to begin drastically raising taxes. Something like this is a relatively painless way to begin that process.
Most people will not care if taxes on the unvaxxed are doubled – without realizing that once the precedent is set, other socially unacceptable behavior will begin being double taxed. Then the new double tax will become standardized and eventually all citizens will be double taxed.
Works every time.
Haha, yeah. Or just use it as a major incentive…
Rhode Island has been a Mafia stronghold going on almost a century …
Not being American and all, but can’t this somehow be declared non-constitutional?
Of course, The aim is just to link the left to dictatorial covid policies, despite that fact the right wing corporate state were drivers of all the covid vaccine mandates, serving large corporate Pharma interests.
Completely irrelevant for two reasons. First, the State Constitution might be the governing document, and if it prevents this bill, then the State could easily amend it. No problem. Second, and more important, the national Constitution has been utterly ignored by left and right alike for a long, long time now. This was the big deal with Roe v. Wade… not that it legalized abortion, but that it claimed that the Federal government had the power to legalize abortion because of the interstate commerce clause. The Constitution says specifically that all powers not enumerated to the Federal government are reserved for the States and for the people. The power to legalize or criminalize abortion is not specifically enumerated to the Federal government. So how could SCOTUS claim that the Federal government could legally claim that power when it is specifically denied any power which it is not specifically granted? The answer is that the Constitution does grant the Federal government the power to regulate interstate commerce. And if someone chose to buy an abortion in a state of which they are not a resident, then that purchase would become interstate commerce, and SCOTUS decided that the Federal government has the power to permit or ban any type of interstate commerce. Absolute nonsense from a logical or legal perspective, but that was what the SCOTUS said, and here we are. Now Roe v. Wade can be used as precedent to claim that literally any power grab by the Federal government is constitutional. A person from Texas wants to buy something in FL and have it shipped to TX. Neither state has a vaccine mandate. But the Federal government says that anytime goods cross state lines, the sending and receiving parties must both be vaccinated, “for public health and safety”. That is… Read more »
Yes. But it is about legalising abortion in the end; once the state makes it legal, promotes and finances the systematic elimination of human lives, the doors of Hades are open.
Another stab at discrediting left wing ideology, by discrediting fake left wing politicians…………. Find disturbing, threatening, bad taste and incredibly unpopular policy and get a socialist to advocate for it……aren’t we all grown up enough and wise enough to their games now? wise enough to realise that the left was infiltrated and destroyed years ago, and all that remains is a CIA operation picking over its bones, strangling the last breaths out of it limp body, with idiotic policies in an attempt to buffer the Corporate fascist environment we really exist in.
It is Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca etc…. it is corporate America and their psychopathic CEOs in cahoots with the MIC that are forcing vaccinations on people, with the loss of liberty that goes with it, and in the US and in the UK their captured tool, the fake left do their bidding.
Socialism is not the problem, the Corporate fascist state that has cooped socialism remains the only problem, a tendency to state control, does no mean that socialism supports every genocide any more than any other political force does.
You might like this guy, Benedict Cryptoflash
As with all-embracing Soviet era propaganda, it is necessary to carefully scrutinise what passes for news in our new societal cage: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61045810 “Whatever happened to the Novavax Covid vaccine?” The question that instantly arises for me is “What Novavax vaccine?” I never heard of it before. Or did I? Was it part of another one of those scarifying memes flashing past? And I love the way the article assumes I already know and I’m sitting on the edge of my seat to find out more! Apparently this vaccine is “the first Covid vaccine based on an older, more established technology. Its developer, Novavax, has pitched it as an alternative for people reluctant to take newer mRNA-based jabs.” Ah now it starts to make sense. The article is aimed at the “vaccine hesitant”. And it immediately goes about creating a sales pitch via scarcity meme: “But while it is now available in much of Europe, Novavax is still not cleared for use in the UK.” And then: “”It’s been so frustrating – and it’s not just me,” says a woman in her 40s, who did not want to be named. “There are other people out there who are not anti-vax or anything like that, but are just hesitant to take the new kind of mRNA vaccines.”” A woman who “did not want to be named”? I wonder why? The mention of those who are “anti-vax” or “just hesitant” raises the spectre of nasty people who may target our unnamed woman. Or …. dare I suggest that our woman doesn’t actually exist at all? She certainly has a colourful story: “She caught Covid last year and spent five nights in hospital on oxygen.” According to those dinky little tests, I myself had covid. It was basically a heavy cold. Others tested positive… Read more »
Wasn’t the problem that the ”older, more established technology” didn’t work against these flu viruses, despite decades of trying; the UK closed down its common cold research facility in failure, what changed? I think nothing changed, and these vaccines really don’t need to work medically at all, because they can be made to appear to work statistically and politically, no scientific success required, no claim is too big or outrageous.
Interesting. Yesterday I happened to go googling for “what is the difference between flu and a cold?” and got an interesting response on
Quote: “it is not possible to create a vaccination for the common cold as there are too many different viruses going around at one time to effectively vaccinate against it.”
…and yes, pre-covid, we all kind of knew that, and as it was likely that “covid19” was probably “cold-like” rather than “flu-like”, given that it was allegedly caused by a coronavirus, and some of the viruses that allegedly cause colds are also coronaviruses, why were they even bothering to try to create a vaccine for “covid19”, given that they’d never succeeded for the common cold?
And although orthodox medicine claims that it knows flu is caused by a family of specific viruses, against which the annual flu vaccines are supposed to protect people, I personally think flu and colds are just different names for the same collection of symptoms, which vary in intensity and exact type from person to person, and from time to time. After all (at least in the UK), pre-covid, who on earth would have gone to their GP when they had cold|flu symptoms and asked them to do a test to find out whether it’s a flu or a cold? (Different in the USA no doubt, where their fee-charging doctor would no doubt be only too glad to “run some tests”).
But by and large, the average person would never know for certain whether what they had was, in orthodox terms, flu or a cold. Of course, if they wanted a week or two off work, they’d report that they had flu because it sounds more serious.
Why? Because it is the intention of the drug cartels to vaccinate against everything bar stupidity*, upon which they rely for much of their profits.
They have had little luck with coronaviruses where the vaccines have proved ineffective at best and at worst, deadly. They needed something super-scary to advance their product line.
*Venality may also prove untreatable.
The info provided from a search for coronavirus and flu goes to great lengths to avoid telling you what every doctor knows: (a) coronavirus (if it exists) may cause cold or flu (b) each year, a committee selects the “virus variants” (around 3) likely to be prevalent in the coming flu season (c) flu jabs weaken your immunity.
Ah, Fujifilm. Now that almost nobody uses film any more, they must have branched out.
Probably using many of the same chemicals! 😨
Fujifilm? Shades of the Goonshow- Here Eccles, this is a photograph of a syringe, give yourself an injection.
Well, with reality this dreadful there’s obviously only one option… go and live in the Metaverse!
(*man/color/*berg/*field/feld/bell/smith) every ‘kin time
Lemmus lemmus don’t commit mass suicide, but Homo sapiens wokus do.
Natural selection does have its advantages. Emigrate if you want out.
General comment on the Covid Move:
It really is both brilliant, and the only thing they could have done, to usher in an age of the most draconian fascistic totalitarian restrictions: An invisible menace sanctified by The Science where they constantly tell you that the decision lies with you …. however if you don’t follow the rules you will be responsible for the deaths of thousands – and so the public can police itself. And all discrepancies and contradictions can be forever blamed on “incompetence”!
Hell I forgot the most important bit: such is the nature of the lie that these restrictions will not only NOT cause any resistance in the majority but will have the majority baying for more!
thats exactly it, brilliantly summarized!
Not being versed with US Law I’m a little confused by this.
At the age of 16 is a human now at the age of consent in this contract system? Why would a parent now have to be taxed for the actions of their child’s decisions.
In years gone by persons this age were sent to war. Further, in the UK recently the Government were stating that children can make their own injection decisions by means of consultation and by their level of maturity.
Again, more bollocks. Custom designed to cause grief.
18 is (generally) age of consent in the USA, where society starts to actually consider you an independent adult.
I bet they chose 16 specifically to zone in on this window and pressure parents to force their children to be injected with allegedly experimental gene-editing DARPA death shots before they gain legal autonomy
It may have something to do with marriage. You can get married at 16 in Rhode Island. Once you are married you are legally independent, I would assume.
No adult can make an “informed decision” on the jab that entailed so much propaganda and coercion. The critical info. on dangers has been suppressed, as now proven in court. That info. is not provided before the jab. Even where exemption is theoretically available, it is not in practice. Even where compensation for harm is theoretically available, it is not in practice.
What do you expect ? A crime is being committed.
The bill probably won’t pass, not unless the legislators are more corrupt and braver than I think they are.
Interestingly, a recent Rhode Island study finds children born since the covid exaggeration are showing slowed development– in verbal development and other neurological areas– and they are continuing to fall further behind. The articles gives various reasonable explanations, but I can’t help wondering if the vaxx is also a factor:
–through the breast milk of vaxxed mothers
–through fetal effects on vaxxed pregnancies
–through “vaccine” shedding by mothers and close family
Besides the factors you mentioned, the infants would have been seeing masked adults and restricted to a small circle of people all their lives. This would have undermined their socialisation, speech (with associated emotions), models to initate (especially peers) and range of experiences. None of this concerns the rich, of course.
This crime is the work of mega rich people.
Yeah, mgeo. The study mentions the effect of masking, but assumes tiny kids will encounter it only at daycare centers. Study also mentions that increased TV hours inhibits speech development. I’ve known that for 30 years but whenever I mention it to parents they seem to think the TV is valuable stimulation.
Encourages intellectual passivity, but for those under 2 or 3 studies show it actually inhibits acquiring speech.
FYI, editing wise. “double state income tax for all parents who refused to inject their children with Covid the experimental Covid “vaccines”.” has an excess “Covid.”
Clearly, it’s time to move out of RI. Anyone who has school age children who stays is eaters a covidian, or can’t afford to move.
It’s a beautiful state and I’d hate to have to leave. It’s worth fighting the Beast to stay. Where would I go? MA? CT? The frozen tundra of ME, NH, or VT?
Well, there is the general caveat of Abe Lincoln: “The best way to repeal a bad law is to enforce it.”
He didn’t ask, “At what price?”
Nor was he envisioning global fascism, meticulously interlinked between nation’s.
But it STILL may apply, all the same.
WOW. Nothing surprises, just such an ugly concept. It goes far in showing their hand, and there is a perceptible undertone of desperation and/or state terrorism, that reaches into high places, the world over. Well, at least NATO~over?
Just more evidence. What to do? Oppose and persist.
“This is coercion. It is also an assault on bodily autonomy and human rights.”
These corrupt corporate fascist toady political hacks need to go.
True enough. It’s not an experiment unless you actually keep track of the results.
Right…I’m just not “eligible” and neither are you or any other healthy person born with an immune system.