Russia & AstraZeneca: “Vaccine” Collusion

Riley Waggaman

Audio Version New Feature!

By April 2020, a third of the world’s population was living under medical martial law. But there was a light at the end of the tunnel: trusted pharmaceutical companies were developing “safe and effective” vaccines that would stop the spread of the dreaded virus and end the pandemic. Or so we were told.

The clock was ticking – and Big Pharma needed lots of money in order to expedite the creation of a miracle drug. In the United States, the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed, a lavishly funded program that aimed to accelerate the development and distribution of coronavirus elixirs.

At the same time, the Russian government poured resources into developing its own vaccine. Funding for the public health initiative came from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the country’s sovereign wealth fund. In June 2020, RDIF announced a joint venture with R-Pharm, one of Russia’s largest pharmaceutical firms.

The duo would work together to produce and distribute a vaccine developed by the Russian health ministry’s Gamaleya Center.

The health ministry approved the vaccine after less than two months of testing, making Sputnik V the world’s first registered COVID shot. The drug’s catchy name was the brainchild of RDIF CEO Kirill Dmitriev, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader (Class of 2009).

The Soros Foundation spotted Dmitriev’s potential at an early age, and awarded him a scholarship to study at Stanford University and later Harvard Business School. He worked for Goldman Sachs and McKinsey & Company before taking the reins at RDIF in 2011.

Dmitriev’s decision to include R-Pharm in RDIF’s investment portfolio was a shrewd move worthy of his Young Global Leader pedigree.

On July 17, 2020, AstraZeneca announced R-Pharm would become “one of the hubs for the production and supply of [its] vaccine to international markets.” Under the agreement, the British-Swedish pharmaceutical giant agreed to transfer its adenoviral vector to Russia. R-Pharm would then be tasked with “finishing” doses and shipping them abroad.

The company said in a press release:

AstraZeneca is confident that, together with R-Pharm, it will be able to supply millions of people with the vaccine in the most efficient way,”

In other words: by July 2020, the Russian government had positioned itself to profit from the production and distribution of two COVID vaccines: Sputnik V and AstraZeneca’s shot.

As vaccine-linked injuries and deaths continue to be documented around the world, some have portrayed Russia as a bulwark against Big Pharma’s murderous business model. As we will document below, nothing could be further from the truth.

The Illusion of Rivalry

On July 17, 2020, the Guardian reported the British government was “more than 95%” sure that Russian hackers had targeted UK, US and Canadian organizations involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine.

Curiously, on the exact same day, AstraZeneca revealed it had partnered with Russia’s R-Pharm.

Dmitriev dismissed the hacking allegations as ludicrous, pointing to the fact that stealing British vaccine secrets would be a waste of time because R-Pharm had already signed a deal with AstraZeneca to manufacture the company’s vaccine.

“Everything needed to produce the British vaccine has already been transferred to R-Pharm,” RDIF’s CEO said in response to the spurious hacking accusations. “AstraZeneca has already signed commitments to transfer all production of the British vaccine to R-Pharm.”

However, this partnership didn’t stop Dmitriev from taking swipes at AstraZeneca. When clinical trials for AstraZeneca’s shot hit a brief road bump in September 2020, RDIF’s director suggested the British vaccine was based on an “untested platform.” (Perhaps he was trying to deflect scrutiny of Sputnik V, which was also based on a totally unproven platform?)

Dmitriev’s doubts about the British-Swedish vax didn’t stop RDIF from pursuing closer business ties with AstraZeneca. On the contrary, in December, RDIF, AstraZeneca, the Gamaleya Center, and R-Pharm signed a memorandum of cooperation.

“Today we announce a clinical trial program to assess safety and immunogenicity of the combination of AZD1222, developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, and Sputnik V, developed by Russian Gamaleya Center… Both AZD1222 and Sputnik V are adenoviral vector vaccines that contain genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein,” AstraZeneca said in a December 11 press release.

On December 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin praised Russia’s partnership with AstraZeneca.

“I am absolutely convinced that such an attitude towards partnership today can serve as a good, convincing example of combining scientific forces, technologies, investments for a common goal – to protect the life, health and safety of millions of people on the planet as a whole,” Putin noted. Addressing AstraZeneca’s CEO, he added: “I want to wish you success not only in the Russian market, but also in global markets, and express the hope that the new year will be favorable for your company and for solving the problems that we are now talking about.”

Commenting on the partnership, Gamaleya’s director, Alexander Gintsburg, predicted a combination of Sputnik V and AstraZeneca would eventually be registered for use in Russia.

It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

True Friends Don’t Care About Blood Clots

RDIF wasted no time in pursuing its dream of creating a COVID-fighting cocktail from the two vaccines it was financially invested in. In February 2021, Azerbaijan agreed to host a clinical trial to test a combination of Sputnik V’s first component (“Sputnik Light”) and AstraZeneca’s shot. Dmitriev praised the study as an example of “international efforts” to defeat coronavirus.

Meanwhile, inconvenient “safety concerns” were popping up in the media. By mid-March, 20 European countries had temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine due to reports linking the drug to blood clots and internal bleeding.

Despite the worrying reports, RDIF did not abandon its Big Pharma pal.

On July 15, Sputnik V’s official Twitter account boasted RDIF was “the 1st to start joined [sp] trials with AstraZeneca in February and will be announcing more collaborations soon. We urge other vaccine producers to join forces with us for mix & match trials. This is the way to immunity for the global community!”

About a week later, Russia’s health ministry approved a Sputnik Light-AstraZeneca trial. Five Russian medical institutions participated in the study, which involved 150 subjects.

At the end of July, RDIF disclosed the preliminary results of the clinical trial held in Azerbaijan. A whopping 50 people were injected with the Sputnik V-AstraZeneca cocktail, which was determined to be safe and effective.

Preliminary data from a parallel study held in Argentina produced similarly promising results. The timing was perfect, because in August, the Argentinian government began administering AstraZeneca and Moderna shots to people who had received the first component of Sputnik V. Argentina said it was mixing the drugs due to supply shortages, but Dmitriev insisted this had been the plan all along.

“We suggested it, we always wanted to do a combo,” Dmitriev said at the time. “Sputnik is the first combined vaccine, the first mix and match, which consists of two different shots. We have said from the beginning that two different shots work better than two identical ones.”

The same month, data released by Argentina’s health authorities showed Sputnik V was causing far more post-vaccination complications than AstraZeneca’s vaccine.

Meanwhile, R-Pharm was making final preparations to begin mass production of both Sputnik V and the British-Swedish shot. In September, the Russian pharmaceutical company announced it had started manufacturing the AstraZeneca vaccine for export.

An Open Relationship

By late 2021, the big-brains behind Sputnik V were openly collaborating with Pfizer and Moderna.

“We already have a joint study with Moderna in Argentina, and Argentina is now investigating a combination of Sputnik and Moderna. There are also two other countries that are currently doing research on a combination of Pfizer and Sputnik, and we believe that this will be a very successful combination,” Dmitriev said in October.

Around the same time, Sputnik V’s official Twitter account gushed about the trial results of the Sputnik Light-Moderna combo.

The Gamaleya Center was also excited about these new clot-shot cocktails. In November, one of the scientists who developed Sputnik V, Dmitry Shcheblyakov, advocated for mixing the Russian vaccine with mRNA shots.

“We see that the combination of different vaccines made with different technologies only gives an advantage,” Shcheblyakov said.

According to RDIF, data from Pfizer-Sputnik trials will be available by the end of 2022.

True Friends Don’t Care About Sanctions

There was big news in February: the Azerbaijan study now had an impressive 100 participants, and the results were still extremely promising.

“Preliminary data from the combined use of Sputnik Light and AstraZeneca vaccines confirm the benefit of using different vaccines during revaccination. In the context of the emergence of new dangerous strains of coronavirus, it is this approach that can provide safe, effective and long-term protection,” Dmitriev said in a February 14 press release.

Notably, western sanctions introduced in response to the “special operation” in Ukraine have not put an end to Russia’s partnership with Big Pharma. Western drugmakers have maintained operations in the country, even as dozens of companies have pulled out of Russia.

On March 15, R-Pharm applied to register AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in Russia.

Biosecurity Theater: A Global Reality

The fact that Russia’s cynical vaccine profiteering continues unabated, even after Moscow has been almost completely cut off from western financial systems and markets, reveals an uncomfortable reality: there is no escaping the depraved, anti-human biosecurity theater spawned by “the pandemic.”

The only question now is: which “bloc” will claim the right to torment and inject you?

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter.


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John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 24, 2022 1:58 AM

It’s wonderful to have this information, as it answers a question I have been raising since the summer of 2020: what led to Russia’s (what seemed at the time) abrupt change of policy from a country that was, like Belarus, resisting the NATO-centric lockdowns and propaganda about a nebulous and news-hyped virus, into a country that was mirroring gradually more and more of the draconian “medical martial law” measures? This shift of policy, in the wrong direction, was hugey regrettable at the time, and still is, as it could have helped “the cause is humanity” issues (the late Mort Sahl bon mot, RIP) to have had Russia more in “our” corner, abstaining more from lockdowns and the rest, and tending toward giving mankind more of a break.

But what Riley’s article brings out (and so much has “the ring of truth” which I will go on for now, lacking enough information from other quarters) is the constant heads up in all these things: “follow the money”. The growingly incestuous “relationships” (i.e., a growing “clustered flock” of bankster and gangster financial international gerrymandered profiteering) is creating a whole new “climate warming” of the current global economic scenario.

It is all a largely hideous evolution of scamming into a new kind of criminal creature.

The competition between countries, much of it driven by fear of each other’s leverages and advantages, is creating international economic warfare of new characteristics.

But nowhere in the public health policies of any of the ones discussed here is there any mention of things like Ivermectin, just profit-making new drugs, with us their collective guinea pigs.


Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Apr 23, 2022 11:25 PM

Still wasting time talking about OPERATION COVIDIUS I see…

That worked wonders these last two years!

Apr 23, 2022 8:09 PM

In the context of the emergence

It’s a nightmare of a broken record…

If Putin is our saviour from the cabal, we are in trouble indeed.
But there is no comparison. The cabal must be removed at all costs.

At the same time, the Russian government poured resources into developing its own vaccine.

If any of us survive and a more sane culture appears one day in the future, they will be truly astounded at the extent of the idiocy and scamming that went on in the 21st century. Entire nations fooled into paying these parasites for frankenstein science. Their mixing of “vaccines” is blatantly frankenstein evil clown science. Fauci has the perfect evil clown face.
Their brainwashing fooled my aging mother into ignoring my intensive pleading not to get vaxxed and she went and got injected with their poison. Now she is suffering on a daily basis with all kinds of issues and is not looking lively at all..
I shit on those parasites, may dogs eat them alive. where is the fucking justice. I trust it is eating their dark souls as we speak.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
May 15, 2022 7:50 AM
Reply to  Viridis

Close friend of mine got injected ended up with a brain clot. It was a oh well do it and we’ll forget this ‘covid’, type moment. Meaning himself.
Blame? He blames the US because we don’t get injected, simple.
People have to understand he doesn’t mean Americans, they appear a lot more readily to ad hear to the word ‘vaccine’.

Speaking for myself, what difference does it make who made It?
Who was it who took away Everything in the British Isles?
What do you want Now? A redirection, vindication what what..
Are you out of your Mind! You are Mad!

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Apr 23, 2022 1:28 PM

Excellent article. Basically just facts, and you can’t really argue with facts.

It’s rather telling that there are so many “off topic” comments below (often giving links to The Duran and such like).

Apr 23, 2022 1:51 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

One thing almost all the major indy sites dishing up war-drama have in common is they were proven to be gatekeepers during covid, and all sold the establishment lies. Why the hell isn’t this a red flag to more people about what the war is about?

Great Reset is on time and over target while everyone gets their kicks watching meaningless war porn

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Apr 23, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  MLS

I can agree that there was plenty of fear porn in the Covid days. Apart from Shanghai, it’s miraculously disappeared since March 24th.

But what do you mean by “meaningless war porn”? Ate you watching Patrick Lancaster videos?

Apr 24, 2022 7:12 AM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

I mean the war is a strategically meaningless performance for our benefit aimed at creating the plausible excuse for shortages and other Great Reset paraphernalia that “covid” failed to be.

I don’t know what’s going on exactly or if they are really killing people or how much on-the-ground reality there is, but so far it looks like the answer to the last question is “not much”.

Someone compared it to 9/11 and the Twin Towers being brought down in part for insurance fraud. That makes sense. There’s a ton of abandoned, decaying infrastructure in Ukraine and a fortune to be made from insuring it and blowing it up and getting contracts to ‘rebuild’.

That would explain what someone else pointed out that so much of the ‘fighting’ seems to be in abandoned housing estates.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Apr 24, 2022 12:13 PM
Reply to  MLS

Covid, 9/11 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are all vastly complex, essentially criminal operations causing wanton destruction, death and poverty for the many and benefit for the few, but there are differences. Chronologically, 9/11 was obviously, as you imply, an inside job involving vast sums of money. Yes, they needed to cover up how trillions of dollars disappeared and subsequently make even more money in a problem, reaction, solution exercise. Nothing was as it seemed, it’s an insult to human intelligence that two civilian planes could bring down 7 WTC buildings, but the destruction and death (not only in NY) were very real, and the real perpetrators (largely members of the US establishment) appear to have gotten away with it. The culprits behind Covid are also largely but not exclusively American. It’s chiefly a product of the greedy and corrupt pharmaceutical industry, a variation on a theme (vide AIDS). It also involves the world of finance, UN and WHO or rather the eugenicists that control it. Again the unnecessary illnesses and deaths, the erosion of civil liberties and dire economic consequence for the majority are undeniable, and again the culprits have not been brought to book. Reasons behind Russia’s most recent invasion of Ukraine go back furthest of all, essentially to the ascension of Moscow as a tax collector for the Mongols, to notion outlined by Ivan Kalita (moneybag) that all former Kievan Rus’ states should be embraced by Mother Russia. After embracing the Novgorod Republic, it expanded all the way to Pacific, but has ever since felt dangerously exposed to the west. If all Russian security concerns were to be met, it would embrace not only the whole of Ukraine, but also all the Baltic states and most of the north European plain, up to the Oder, or even… Read more »

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 25, 2022 3:36 PM
Reply to  MLS

This looks fairly realistic unless you want to believe it’s a training exercise or Chinese/Russian propaganda. (Well, yes, it is propaganda of a sort, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t firing at a real enemy).


More war porn:



Some older stuff:

The mortar firing looked exactly like film you see from WW2, and in the 1st video, they are using 1945-era howitzers / field guns. And no hearing protection, apparently.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Apr 25, 2022 7:29 PM

Come to think of it, war is pretty impossible to convincingly film. Not only because it’d be ludicrously dangerous, but much more importantly because it’d give vital military information away. Just because we get practically no pictures of heavy armour fighting, doesn’t mean it never happens. Still, even the most blatant propaganda shot may actually reveal some constantly relevant truth.


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 25, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Jozef Kolbe

Once upon a time, war correspondents accompanied soldiers into the battlefields, as is the case with Mourir à Madrid (1963) about the Spanish Civil War. It contains real life war situations, with people falling on the ground, hit by bullets and other projectiles.

No internet, no cellphones, no satellites, just people filming on the ground, and I don’t think anyone in their either mind would doubt the authenticity of the clips.

There seems to exist a dialectical relationship between the advancement of means of communication and the level of suspicion in the “news” we get through them.

Jozef Kolbe
Jozef Kolbe
Apr 25, 2022 8:32 PM

No, those fighting scenes (side views of machine gunners, etc) also don’t look very convincing. Doesn’t mean the Spanish Civil War never happened.

Apr 23, 2022 11:42 AM

I like the new feature of audio version,it should be available on every article.
It helps me improve my pronunciation 🙂
Can I ask what TTS voice has been used for it? It is the best I have heard so far.
Thank you and apologies for the OT

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 23, 2022 2:45 PM
Reply to  nylon

All our audio versions are read by live humans 🙂. This one was read by Sam.

Apr 23, 2022 4:38 PM


Then it’s even more appreciated. Good job!

Apr 23, 2022 8:11 PM
Reply to  nylon

signs of the times.. when you really have to listen carefully to know if you’re listening to a human or a computer.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 23, 2022 10:22 AM

I noted that OffG’s twitter feed which links to the above article, i.e. the one which queries whether Russia is really against the covid scam, gets a response from one Cliff Treadway:

Russia can’t get a break.

Sneaky, eh? He’s saying, “Leave poor Russia alone! Look at all of that Western media kicking the Russians! And now OffG is too?”

… thus misinterpreting the article – probably deliberately, in order to redirect all argument back to the media sanctioned East vs West theatre.

Apr 23, 2022 9:40 AM

I’ve little sympathy. If one believes a complete stranger has their best interests at heart then you are a imbecile at best.

This is a scab mentality. “I must do as my job requires”. You Sir, are the weak… Unfortunately, you are the majority.

However, the will of humanity will prevail. Why? Because it takes an amazing amount of resourses to prop up the bullshit.

Further, as the, “you will own nothing and be happy”. comes into play. Many will realise that owning nothing, gives them nothing to loose. When one has nothing to loose then it’s easy to defete those who are being paid shiny trinkets.

That’s why football is a beautiful game. A team of superstars can be beat by a true team of individuals fighting for their jobs at he bottom of the league.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 23, 2022 4:23 AM

During the ‘Cold War” UK and Russia worked together on the ‘sugar lump’ Polio treatment. We were very young back then (around 1960) but I still remember it.
You took it once, that’s it no booster nothing, and life goes on.
Those times and what I’ve learnt since, Jan ’20, it maybe news to some Americans, the European Continent all working together.

Apr 22, 2022 8:13 PM

Young global leader! I can remember the type from when I was at school, nuff said.

Apr 22, 2022 7:06 PM

The ghouls and their needle craft. NO NO NO!

Apr 22, 2022 6:11 PM

B-bu-buh-but muh alt-right sed ah wouldn’t hafta get jabbed if I sided with muh Russia!

Apr 22, 2022 4:32 PM

Off topic but very good news:
Gonzalo Lira is alive!

Apr 23, 2022 2:03 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Why the fuck is this news? He’s one guy who no one has heard of until suddenly promoted by who knows what to talk up the “war”. He went quiet, got a huge PR thing going and then turns up ok.

Big fucking deal. All it shows me is how clueless most people are about Bernaysian manipulation.

Do you all think propaganda is just coming out of the mainstream news? No! They know people like us will never be reached that way. So they create endless fake alternates to lead us by circuitous routes to the same place the mainstream does. Or to take part in useless distracting binaries that make us think we’re confronting the establishment when we’re just off playing tennis with each other while the establishment gets on with what it’s doing.

While we’re worrying about Gonzalo Italy is bringing in fuel rationing, new pandemic legislation is getting pushed through. But so what, right? At least some guy I don’t know from Adam, who might be CIA for all I know, isn’t dead.

Amanda Ware
Amanda Ware
Apr 23, 2022 4:19 PM
Reply to  MLS


Apr 23, 2022 8:57 PM
Reply to  MLS

AKA “Coach Red Pill”, overly hyped blogger.

PS: Curiously, the Azovstal steel plant was previously shut down as unprofitable, and is a toxic waste site. Suitable only for demolition and cleanup, similar to the asbestos laden World Trade Towers on 9/11/2001.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 23, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  Igor

Do you have a source for that?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 22, 2022 3:33 PM

My “words for today” on my net feed inform me of something called “Lone wolf terrorists”. https://inews.co.uk/news/lone-wolf-terrorists-self-radicalised-online-during-covid-pandemic-increasing-concern-1304430 “‘Lone wolf’ terrorists who have ‘self-radicalised’ online during Covid pandemic becoming an increasing concern” “Self-radicalisation”? Now there’s an interesting concept. What does it suggest? I might become “radicalised” all by myself with no external agency? Some kind of demonic possession? Well, it seems that “a mentally troubled Iraqi-Syrian convert to Christianity …. died in a botched bomb attack in Liverpool, according to multiple reports”. “Forensics officers continue to scour the scene of Sunday’s terror incident in Liverpool to try and find a motive for the attack …” Self-radicalisation? Apparently “there is currently no evidence to suggest that he was radicalised online”. “MPs and charities are increasingly concerned that the pandemic may have “exacerbated” the number of so-called ‘lone wolf’ terrorists being radicalised online, as the UK tightens security measures following two terrorist incidents in the past month.” So self-radicalisation means being radicalised online. And “experts are concerned that a lack of face-to-face interaction during the pandemic may have caused some people at risk of being radicalised to slip through the net during the country’s various lockdowns”. Interesting phraseology. “slip through the net”? What net? Was there a net we didn’t know about? “A lot of radical ideology starts out as conspiracist thinking, which then spreads out of control, according to Patrik Hermansson, a researcher at anti-fascist advocacy group Hope Not Hate.” Whenever I hear about that HNH group I remember that old Coke commercial about teaching the world to sing. Ditch the hate and embrace the hope. All you need is love! “It’s hard to prove in terms of numbers, but we saw a lot of worrying signs …” ?!?!?! Hard to prove. No numbers … nevertheless “a lot of worrying signs”? That would… Read more »

Apr 22, 2022 5:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc, That was perfect. Wonderful! Propagandists put forth such a tubful of innuendo & accusation. But they will never know your joy in seeking Truth, in actually using your brain to apprehend reality.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 23, 2022 9:54 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks Penelope. It may be small crumbs but I always feel that if you do your best to adhere to the truth, even without much power to change things, it is a small victory. And spreading the truth – or at least encouraging a critical approach (which may be more important) – may eventually lead to some real change.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 23, 2022 11:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It was good, but too long.

Apr 22, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

£400 million lovely smackers!!! Now there’s an incentive. Every chancer in the country will be looking to get a slice of that. Too late, Grant Schapps and his mates have collared the lot.

Apr 23, 2022 8:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Fight against hate! makes total sense, and so does the 400million quid!

There could be a lone wolf in your garden tonight, or in your bedroom…if you’re an evil lying scumbag responsible for the suffering of millions.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 24, 2022 9:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Self-radicalisation? Sounds like a double-plus ungood piece of Newspeak to me.

BTW George, Happy St George’s Day for yesterday. 🙂 ( I realise you are a Scot, but it is your “name day”, as well as a feast day for the English “far right”.  😆  )

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 22, 2022 1:58 PM

More off-topic, sorry, but I’m sure many here will be pleased to hear that Gonzalo Lira is safe:


(But he has words of concern for others who sadly aren’t).

Apr 22, 2022 7:37 PM

FWIW, I’m pleased, even though I’m not one of his cultish followers. I know him from loosely following The Duran, which also has a impassioned loyal following that makes me uncomfortable. I feel like, say, an old geezer in 1964 who becomes an early Beatles fan, but attends a concert and is appalled to find himself overwhelmed by shrieking hysterical Beatlemaniacs.

But I expect that the welcome news that Gonzalo is alive will trigger (and probably has triggered) the usual backlash of knowing and/or jeering “exposé” comments, cynically dismissing or trashing him as a fraud, fake, operative, etc.– or just a self-serving attention-seeker who staged his disappearance.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 22, 2022 8:07 PM
Reply to  Ort

I was only a loose follower of The Duran in the past, but had a feeling they might have somewhat more realistic (if not totally objective) information from “on the ground” than some other commentators; I’m certainly not a “groupie”, but have appreciated Alex’s recent “walkaround” commentaries in downtown Nicosia on his own channel, where he’s shown a more human side that I never detected so much on the older “Duran” broadcasts.

I believe Gonzalo’s disappearance was genuine, but it sounds like we won’t get the full story until after “the war has ended”, whenever that might be, and whatever that will actually mean.

There is a longer video (audio only) with Alex, Alexander and Gonzalo, which I’m only half-way through, here:

Apr 22, 2022 8:29 PM


FWIW, I too have become virtually addicted to Alex’s walkaround updates. I had the same reaction as you, i.e. that his solo daily outings reveal his personable and thoughtful character in a way that his work on the Duran hasn’t.

I’m also impressed by his technical ability to produce consistently high-quality videos; I wonder how long he practiced to develop the ability to walk, talk, and film himself seemingly effortlessly– as if a “steadicam” were following him.

The 1980s pop culture cliché “up close and personal” comes to mind. I feel like I’m sitting next to him, and often wish I could “beam over” to Athens or Nicosia to chat with him.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 23, 2022 11:08 PM
Reply to  Ort

I know what you mean. At first (as I haven’t followed The Duran or their individual channels consistently), I thought he must be on holiday there. It was only later that I realised he must live there. 🙂 But it is a nice way of doing it, and as you say, very professionally done.

You will see below I’ve posted about discovering that Alex’s Duran partner Alexander was disbarred as a barrister (in 2012) after what sounded like a bizarre series of professional/legal misdeeds. It rather sounded like he’d had some kind of a breakdown. A rather said story really, and he seems to have done well to reinvent himself. However, it seems that the client who was involved in the case that led to his disbarment, noticing that he was getting a lot of publicity, decided to sue him for a large sum. I don’t know what the outcome of that was, and haven’t and won’t go looking for it.

However (and it’s a bit sad to write this) when you look at him, he does seem like a somewhat damaged person. Alex on the other hand looks full of confidence and comfortable in his own skin.

Apr 23, 2022 1:43 PM

The Duran is a gatekeeper outfit that promoted the covid BS. The fact it has taken a side in this matter only shows that the gatekeepers are being detailed to support Russia on this in order to create an illusory binary. Mintpress News and Grayzone are in the same boat but higher profile.

The whole phony war is just a way of dividing the anti-lockdown movement, most of which are now supporting Russia and excusing its lockdown history. The likes of the Duran are keeping you busy with phony dramas and controversies while the real stuff gets done. The GR still happening, you just not noticing any more

Amanda Ware
Amanda Ware
Apr 23, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  MLS

✔️✔️💯 Thank you.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 23, 2022 9:12 PM
Reply to  MLS

I wasn’t aware of what they’d said about covid (probably just as well), and am sorry to hear it.

There may be some truth in your 2nd paragraph, but I don’t think it can be called a phony war now, at least not in the Donbas and eastern Ukraine generally.

Meanwhile, I just did a google search on “Alexander Mercouris” (to try to find some background on him), and this makes slightly disturbing reading:


No idea about the background to all this, but clearly, he is no longer a practising barrister, although I’ve heard him refer briefly to his legal background from time to time.

Edit: Some background:


Apr 23, 2022 8:38 PM

It sounds like they really put the fear in him and let him out so he can warn others. He’s obviously under orders to keep his mouth shut or he gets the ukrainian nazi treatment, whatever that might be…

Apr 22, 2022 1:50 PM
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 24, 2022 9:35 AM
Reply to  Violet

Really, WTF is it with Italy? They were first to apply the CCP lockdown policy and everything that followed, and now this. Not my idea of the Italian psyche at all (and I’ve known a few Italians). True they did allow Mussolini to come to power, but at least they did a better job of getting rid of him than the Germans did of getting rid of you-know-who.

And they are ruled by a technocrat instead of a democrat, but then their experience of supposed democratic leaders was nothing to write home about.

Apr 22, 2022 1:29 PM

Summer is coming. Time to organise mass demonstrations against this criminal behaviour.

Apr 22, 2022 1:13 PM

All the media is controlled by just 6 companies. So, people have to depend on memes to expose the frauds being sold to the public “as news”
comment image

Apr 22, 2022 5:51 PM
Reply to  fertility

They don’t care how good our eyesight is, fertility – or how high our IQ.
The narrative shall be followed.
The narrative replaces the Ten Commandments – all of them.

Apr 22, 2022 7:22 PM
Reply to  fertility

Hmm… well, maybe the Russian bomb exploded in the next street, and these cars sailed clear over the housetops and landed neatly, if at awkward angles, in this street.

Lucky they missed the pedestrians!

Apr 22, 2022 8:34 PM
Reply to  Ort

Thank goodness for your sedulous fact checking Ort. It has saved me and possibly thousands of others from becoming self radicalised.

Caveat- there may well be scores of pedestrians beneath those cars.

Apr 23, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

you can see the blood if you try really hard

Apr 23, 2022 8:09 AM
Reply to  fertility


Apr 23, 2022 1:20 PM
Reply to  fertility


Amanda Ware
Amanda Ware
Apr 23, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  fertility


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 22, 2022 12:38 PM

Michael Tracey discusses how the British “Left” and “Right” have united in their sabre rattling against Putin. https://mtracey.substack.com/p/the-uk-is-trying-to-drag-the-us-into The UK is Trying to Drag the US into World War III Michael Tracey Apr 14 There’s a chap called Tobias Ellwood who’s spent the past week doggedly promoting his latest idea to save Western civilization. “From a military perspective,” Ellwood explained during a recent speaking engagement, it’s never been more urgent to impose a “humanitarian sea corridor” off the coast of Ukraine. This would involve an outright naval intervention by NATO in the Black Sea — with the objective being to prevent Russia from seizing control of the strategically important city of Odesa. Perhaps upon commencement of this mission, Ellwood suggested, listless denizens of “The West” will finally come to appreciate the existential stakes of the conflict now before us, and “accept that we are actually in a 1938 period, but actually worse.” The double “actually” was presumably included for maximum emphasis. In his quest to position the UK at the head of this new “vanguard” for greater military intervention, Ellwood is aided by a supportive clamor emanating from what some might regard as an unlikely quarter: the British Left. Broach the subject of Ukraine with prominent figures in the Labour Party, the trade unions, or the left-wing media, and you might be amazed to find that their critique of current Government policy is not that Boris Johnson has been too cavalier or militaristic with regard to Ukraine. Rather, it’s that Johnson hasn’t been cavalier or militaristic enough. Or in other words, what they’re really taking the Conservative Government to task for at the moment is its alleged unwillingness to escalate the war to their liking. — The U.K. Is Dragging The U.S. Into WWIII In Ukraine Apr 21, 2022 The… Read more »

Apr 22, 2022 1:01 PM

Tobias Ellwood is some sort of intelligence asset. Remember when one “terrorist” wielding two knives was going to take down an apparently completely unguarded Parliament? And he was stopped by a hero? That “hero” was Ellwood.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 22, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  rraa

Whatever else he is, he is also “77th”, so he’s definitely our enemy.

(And no relation of mine, or if he is, very distantly, I hereby disown him).

Apr 22, 2022 5:45 PM

Lost in a dark wood, thanks for the Michael Tracy bit; he made me laugh. Much better to focus on the ludicrous than on the outrageous within the ludicrously outrageous.

As for Boris Johnson, anyone who grooms himself to look like a dandelion head. . . . Can he possibly have an objective view of reality when he cannot even acknowledge his mirror? i

Apr 22, 2022 5:46 PM

“The U.K. Is Dragging The U.S. Into WWIII In Ukraine”
That, of course, is a typical American angle from Jimmy Dore, whom I normally quite enjoy.
The US doesn’t ever want to be guilty of anything, and the UK doesn’t ever want to be the impotent partner, but nothing has changed.

Anyone who is paying attention knows that when it comes to the US/UK “Special Relationship”, it is always the US that does the dragging.
Can anyone seriously imagine the Pentagon listening to a word Boris Johnson has to say about anything at all…?

Johnson is Britain’s Zelensky. The place-holding bum on the appropriate seat while – and only while – a use is found for it.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 22, 2022 8:20 PM

I find it hard to believe the UK could actually succeed in dragging the US into any war against its will. Having said that, didn’t Bliar stiffen GWB’s resolve regarding the Iraq war? Or am I misremembering history? And of course, Churchill famously urged FDR to join WW2, but there again, he was probably pushing at an open door; and that was another world, practically.

Apr 23, 2022 1:21 AM

These two countries are the flagships of the central banking cartel. They both follow the banksters script.

Apr 23, 2022 8:44 PM

You may be hoodwinked by Tory hypocrisy- and you would be excused, because they are masters at it.

Roger G Lewis
Roger G Lewis
Apr 22, 2022 12:28 PM

I think this is an excellent article. What I think it exposes is, a wider reality of the Egregore Magik’s employed against the duped masses.
I made this video earlier which tries to make the point with the title

People Understand from their level of perception

“post facto ad hoc adjudicum” . like serfs in a tide to which there’s no sequel. Spring Time for Schwabler in Germany, Momus Strikes.

What matters is the discussion in the physical Polis. It should be apparent to all those both paying attention and who have also attained some facility with the “which inversion trick” in the context of the startling realisation that the”is-ought dichotomy” does not apply to a generalised spirit of the rules, there are now only ad hoc rulings after the fact; not so much Post truths as,
“post facto ad hoc adjudicum”

“The only question now is: which “bloc” will claim the right to torment and inject you?”
That’s about the size of it I fear.

Apr 23, 2022 8:48 PM
Reply to  Roger G Lewis

“which inversion trick”???

Apr 22, 2022 12:04 PM

“Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the natures of the outcome”.

Anthony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment.

Apr 22, 2022 10:26 AM

Thanks Riley Yet again proving Putin isnt fighting the evil WEF nonsense,
Ironically since the Ukraine thing, It does seem they’re all moving away from the dollar.

This was on twitter last night. Yahoo finance:

Israel adds China’s yuan for the first time ever while cutting its dollar holdings in biggest currency reshuffle in a decade
Israel’s central bank will add Chinese yuan while slashing its dollar and euro holdings in a move to diversify its reserve allocations and lengthen its investment horizon. In addition to the yuan, the bank will also add the Canadian and Australian dollars. Previously, the bank only held US dollars, euros, and the British pound.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Apr 27, 2022 8:56 PM
Reply to  fertility

It’s not altogether clear what Putin’s strategy is, but in chess a player will often not only sacrifice a pawn or two, but even an important piece, if necessary.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 22, 2022 9:03 AM

Ukraine situation now being compared to the Greek War of Independence. It’s logical considering that, according to the same council of elders, the 2014 coup was the “Revolution of Dignity”.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 22, 2022 9:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

So when Henry Ford said “History is bunk” he was right though not in the way he meant.

Apr 22, 2022 7:39 AM

Excellent article! Mr. Waggaman’s investigative skills are first-rate.

Apr 22, 2022 6:34 AM

Monday Florida federal judge struck down federal mask mandate for public transport.
Wednesday Dept of Justice appealed the decision in the U.S. District Court of Florida, may ask the court to stay the judge’s injunction while the case proceeds.

For now, the Florida ruling vacating the mandate stands.

As in everything else re covid, govt especially Biden has waffled back & forth. Exactly like govt has waffled back & forth on Putin. i.e., Biden says something ludicrously extreme, his assistants walk it back, etc, etc.

The constant contradictions in the covid op & also in the response to the engineered military action are apparently part of the psychological menticide with which we’re being attacked.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 22, 2022 7:38 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Florida I was there not long ago hardly anyone were wearing masks. The hardly anyone were covidian women.
I feel sorry for people who feel they need or have to wear them at work, even outdoors.

Apr 22, 2022 1:17 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Brain buggered.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 23, 2022 3:19 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Say it in English, go there get a slice of life amongst real people.

Apr 23, 2022 8:56 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Victims of media brainwashing..

les online
les online
Apr 22, 2022 5:31 AM

To many Russia is not a geoploitical area on a map.
to them “Russia” is the name of their Fear…anon…

Apr 23, 2022 8:57 PM
Reply to  les online

check out the “Chechen Hunters” 😳

Apr 22, 2022 5:19 AM

Off-topic a bit, but here in the Aussie state of Queen’s Land, Covid rules are being “relaxed” with no need for social distancing. This is so that people can flock into the voting booths for the federal election on 21 May.

BUT – you can’t afford to relax with this scary message from the guvmint. You may get covid and end up like this crisis actor. Why are her/his eyes taped up?


Apr 22, 2022 6:38 AM
Reply to  Kika

More fear porn….they are out and about telling us how it is spreading everywhere,,,,and the mask huggers are back running around with their masks,….I can only shake my head at them these days….didn’t some message appear after Easter telling everyone how you could work out how many days it would take to get covid if you had been mixing with others over Easter?

I see nth territory is back being crazy about boosters and wanting to sack teachers who don’t want to run the gauntlet of no.3….how any of them can be doing any of this with the information Naomi wolf is publishing is beyond me….

as for taped up eyes I would say one is basically unconscious on ventilators and thus a need to protect the eyes by taping them shut so they don’t open and dry…all looks dramatic and sure to terrify the covid nuts.

Apr 22, 2022 1:21 PM
Reply to  Edith

The only thing these minions are spreading is bullshit.

Apr 22, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Edith

There is also soft-core fear porn – especially here in the USA. I walk a neighbor’s dog every day; she leaves the TV on to one of these 8-hour bird & squirrel channels for her dog to watch.

Anyway, I’ve been seeing – like daily – an ad focused on young people leaving their careers to pursue a career in nursing. Never before in my life have I seen such an ad: there’s never been a shortage of nurses.

But now, with so many nurses being drummed out because they refuse the jab, there suddenly is a shortage.

Don’t you pity the poor dear hospital conglomerates?

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 24, 2022 9:41 AM
Reply to  Howard

Never before in my life have I seen such an ad: there’s never been a shortage of nurses.

That’s interesting. In the UK, there’s never not been a shortage.

she leaves the TV on to one of these 8-hour bird & squirrel channels for her dog to watch.

Only in America.  😂 

Apr 22, 2022 10:31 AM
Reply to  Kika

During the USA selection (2020) you could go and place your vote even if you had Covid.

Apr 22, 2022 1:24 PM
Reply to  fertility

That’s it then, am never going to vote again if i have a runny nose or a cold.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Apr 23, 2022 5:00 AM
Reply to  Grafter

You’ve voted before, well well well well….err how’s that working for thee Crafter lol!
Where ya from chum?

Apr 22, 2022 5:57 PM
Reply to  fertility

Ah, fertility, but not in California– Here Vote-by-mail has become permanent.
Votes should be cast in a public polling place and counted there, publicly.

Apr 22, 2022 1:18 PM
Reply to  Kika


Apr 22, 2022 4:50 AM

Aha – see how “Putin” is in the name “Sputnic”. Those cunning Russians!

Apr 22, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  Kika

His name crops up endlessly.

Apr 23, 2022 8:58 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Put it in

les online
les online
Apr 22, 2022 3:58 AM

Ukraine: A Pawn in a Larger Struggle. (44.31).Vijay Prashad…

Vijay Prashad – an antidote to too much Matthew Ehret ? (and not as ideological)…


Apr 23, 2022 9:50 AM
Reply to  les online

I almost turned this off when Paul Jay started crying about the “climate crisis” but stayed with it whilst Vijay skilfully moved away from that and reminded him that discussions needed to happen about global poverty and the food and energy crisis too.

Interesting some people see the “climate crisis” as somehow different to the “global pandemic” or the “War in Ukraine”

all dreamed up by maniacs and pushed by the mainstream media, in exactly the same way.

I’d be interested to hear how its possible to determine the mainstream media is lying about the “global pandemic”, “War in Ukraine”, “Safe and Effective Vaccines” but ISN’T lying about the “climate crisis”

Apr 22, 2022 2:23 AM

99% of national leaders went for the “expert” Fauci scare stories as the US administration did too. Putin, Xi, Modi, Macron, Merkel etc. One reason was the idea better to be safe than sorry, with this unknown phenomenon.
On “Climate Change” the 97% expert consensus got less traction outside the West + Japan: more time to study the hypothesis and its consequences.

Science as a religion has been cast off its pedestal for more and more people.

Apr 22, 2022 6:46 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Antonym, the leaders (overt puppets) you mention are all graduates of WEF’s Young Global Leaders program– that is, they were CHOSEN to become heads of state (& others to be cabinet members), then placed in those positions by the unlimited money at the disposal of the WEF program.

Their behavior and the behavior of the “leader” in Australia and of Trudeau in Canada is the consequence of an actual conspiracy to bring about a global totalitarian govt complete with massive population reduction and enslavement of the remnant.

klaus Schwab, head of WEF, has bragged about this publicly.

Apr 22, 2022 7:25 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Is it not more likely that Klaus Schwab, the man who dresses in Star Trek costumes, has “issues”? Trudeau would have made it to the top ,anyway, thanks to his father.

Apr 22, 2022 6:08 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Yeah, probably, but wd he have been quite so unbridled in his evil acts without the support of an entire international conspiracy which protects him and even supplies good press?

Apr 22, 2022 7:15 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Trudeau would have made it to the top ,anyway, thanks to his father.

Which one? Just asking. 😉

Apr 22, 2022 1:26 PM
Reply to  Antonym

This medical crime has nothing to do with your “safety”.

Apr 22, 2022 2:05 AM

The only question now is: which “bloc” will claim the right to torment and inject you?

It is not clear who is fighting who because the WEF oligarchs have so many fingers in so many pies.

Russia is still providing gas to their enemies in NATO, which I have assumed is because they claim this is an “operation” not a war and because the provision of gas introduces tensions between Washington and Brussels, all the better to help Russia divide and conquer. There may also be a minor element of PR involved.

The presence of a WEF CEO is not surprising, the real question is whether the security state is keeping tabs on them or whether they are getting a free rein. I suspect they are very much under observation, but Putin is smart enough to not start open warfare with them, yet we can hope he would not allow them into his inner circle.

When it comes to vaccine mandates in Russia, I would assume that these decisions are made in the parliament and with the WEF big pharma track record I am sure that all the politicians were bought. As with all WEF projects, their output is shit, just look at Ardern in New Zealand and Turdeau in Canada. I very much doubt that Putin would want to be known to be in the same club as those two idiots.

One day a winner will emerge then the losers will be lined up and shot. Until that day arrives, we will not really know who is fighting for whom. The rule is to continue to be wary of those bearing gifts. Anything provided by the government or health people is definitely poison.

les online
les online
Apr 22, 2022 4:12 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

In politics there are no friends, only (temporary) allies.
Politicians ‘serve the people’ only when it serves their own interest…

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 22, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  les online

Lord Palmerston 1784-1865 British statesman; Prime Minister, 1855-8, 1859-65. Like the man said.

” We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

Speech, House of Commons, 1 March 1848.

Yep choose your tyrant – East of West.

Apr 22, 2022 10:22 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

In-between starving thousands of Irish to death on his estates and orchestrating the two Opium Wars, foreign policy expert Palmerston was the Home Secretary in charge of the introduction of mandatory smallpox vaccination in Britain. He was also Grand Master of the Grand Orient Lodge.

Apr 22, 2022 1:09 AM

After Following BRICS putin and Xi for many years, it appears that instead of BRICS Putin & Xi being an alternative to the western Bankster lead Neocon NWO, they appear to be merely a faction within the bankster Neocon NWO, which is a sad reality. That, in order for a real change to take place to overturn the destructive forces of Dark Ages, Psychopathic bankster Neocon Corrupt, short term profit hungry corporatism. in which the world is trapped. We would require a Global revolution with the masses firmly educated and behind a system that redistributes power and control to the many rather than the few without a Debt or Derivative based financial system that gives all the profits to banks and all the poverty to the average person.

Apr 22, 2022 7:02 AM
Reply to  Stuart

Stuart, there may not even be a Russian or Chinese faction within the NWO. I think it’s just theater, just a pretense of opposition and rivalry. Look how useful it is right now: Behind the mask of US-Russian conflict they’re degrading the global economy and starving who knows how many people?

Their apparent “opposition” just happens to fulfill the NWO goals.

Apr 22, 2022 9:38 PM
Reply to  Stuart

Careful. Can a system redistribute power? Only people do anything. You have to not let people have power over you. It’s the only way and far from easy.

Big al
Big al
Apr 22, 2022 12:51 AM

Humans are humans, greed is greed, we aren’t that complicated. Just look at Biden, or Trump. Leaders of the fucking free world. Jesus.
It’s like my brother trying to tell me we shouldn’t blame the billionaires, it’s really the politicians that put the policies and laws in place. Right. It’s best just to blame everybody, realize that you’re going to have to grow your own, and get on with it.
Actually, I’ve been saying for a long time the Putin is just “the same thing only different”. Same with Xe or whoever. It’s the human condition. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to overcome this human condition and develop a human proof system of civilization.

Apr 22, 2022 6:56 AM
Reply to  Big al

Nonsense, Big al. Why in the world would you equate humans generally with Biden, Trump or any tyrant? All the humans I know are better than these.

Apr 22, 2022 10:26 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to overcome this human condition and develop a human proof system of civilization.”

Humanity is the problem that needs to be “overcome”?… That’s exactly the Davos mentality.

Apr 22, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The Davos folks once again prove the wisdom of the clock: even when broken it displays the correct time twice a day.

Humans are the problem: the few “bad” humans plus the billions of “good” humans who never stop letting the “bad” humans get away with being “bad.”

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 23, 2022 3:21 AM
Reply to  Howard

Why the”good” humans don’t stop the “bad” humans? Because we’re not really good and bad in the absolute sense of both words. There is a continuum that goes from “them” to “us” (excluding the so-called primitive societies and those surviving completely outside the system). The only difference is of degree – thus no difference at all – and there is no point between the two ends where you can confidently say: “here ends the bad and starts the good”.

And so “stopping them” would imply also stopping us from whatever everyone on of us is doing within the system, and I’m not sure we’re there yet.

Apr 23, 2022 9:05 PM

The concept of a group of people stopping this at this point seems ludicrous. This will only get stopped by external forces. Billions are highly addicted to tech and they will die rather than go back to a pre-smart phone living…

Apr 22, 2022 6:18 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, where does the quote originally come from? Sounds like Rockefeller talking about CFR.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 23, 2022 4:10 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Because we’re all potential Bidens, Trumps, Gates, Musks, Soros, etc, given the right circumstances. As a matter of fact, this line of reasoning exonerates the human and points the finger to the system and its categories; it is radical.

Whereas the line of reasoning that puts all the blame on human actors and nothing else is what the big cogs of the system would want us use. Nothing easier for “them”, when/if the time comes – yet once more – to produce for us the right patsies as a pacifying spectacle, while keeping the system intact.

Remember Oswald; remember Madoff.

Apr 23, 2022 9:06 PM

speak for yourself!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 23, 2022 2:50 AM
Reply to  Big al


We are all cogs of the infernal machine. “They” are big cogs and “their” decisions have significant and impressive impact; we make analogous decisions in our small way.

Just like individuals, the government and generally the institutions of the State want to know their existence justified, useful; their bureaucrats, armed forces, and other “public servants” want to know their income deservedly earned; occasions to do and overdo with zeal even, is all they want, regardless of how opportune, convenient or necessary it is. The system operates by opposition to the way individuals interact, by pretending to transcend the individual, the private, the personal, that is, rigidly.

“When a soldier complains of his hard life (or a labourer, etc.) try giving him nothing to do” ~ Blaise Pascal

Crises then are welcomed, the serious, the longer the better. Through crises, genuine or fabricated, the system deludes itself into believing that it is part of the natural order of things.

Do we need the system? This question is nonsensical because to ask whether we need the system means that we live under the system and the answer to the question is given through the experience under the system rather than through a statement.

Apr 24, 2022 5:27 AM

The Coming revolution, Sorry, I think you’re full of it.

The Coming Revoltion
The Coming Revoltion
Apr 25, 2022 2:18 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Let’s put it this way and this is my thesis: The source of human misery is not human beings of flesh and blood; these are merely instruments of a powerful spirit, – I think the word is not unsuitable – which compels those under its spell to do certain things in a certain way; we’re all subject with varying degrees to the influence of what Marx called the “mute compulsion of economic relations” or the “impersonal power of Capital”. We may define that spirit as the tacitly agreed upon social and economic relations prevailing in modern societies. We could also think of that power as if it were a instrument: there’s only one way to correctly use a spoon for instance, otherwise it doesn’t fully deliver what is intended to deliver. Likewise, the use of Capital compels to, dictates a particular way of human production. That explains for example why voting is useless; even candidates genuinely concerned about the welfare of their population and promising radical changes are compelled once in power to compromise with other existing forces and old stubborn practices and structures, and thus have to substitute their radicalism with a pale and uncertain reformism, if they’re not liquidated first that is (some Latin American presidents in the 70s, Lumumba, Kaddafi, and some African presidents recently come to mind). If you agree to the existence of that compulsion, you’ll agree that, first, the solution to our problem doesn’t lie in changing a politician for another, nor is wasting energy in ranting against them useful; that, second, “we the People” also contribute more of less to the situation we’re in; that, therefore, there is no true difference between major and minor actors within the same economic system (if Elon Musk and the owner of the local supermarket both declare… Read more »

Apr 23, 2022 9:02 PM
Reply to  Big al

“Modern” people really don’t know much about “the human condition”. They mostly know the shit they’ ve been fed on TV since they were born. Western philosophers are not much better.

Teddy Fikre
Teddy Fikre
Apr 21, 2022 10:48 PM

War No More: Peace Will Not Be Possible Until We Understand the Commonality of Our Pains
We have been at it for centuries yet the more we fight for peace, the further we move away from it. Pains begetting pains, tears demanding retribution, we are slowly edging towards the abyss of dissolution with each successive generation. What was once unthinkable is very much within the realm of possibility; we are one miscalculation or misunderstanding away from a global liquidation wrought by intercontinental missiles.

We have every reason to be upset and rage against the machine, injustice is ubiquitous evidenced by the vast majority of people around the world being indentured for the sake of capital accumulation by a few. The veneer of freedom is being stripped away daily and being replaced by unending economic anxieties. Gone are the days of upward mobility, the new normal is a race to the bottom of insolvency as the poor are being ground into dust, the working class is being bracketed by poverty and the middle class is disappearing before our eyes….continued…

READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/war-no-more-commonality-our-pains/

Apr 22, 2022 4:01 PM
Reply to  Teddy Fikre

You state the problem in a clause: “the more we fight for peace.”

We are like Tantalus from Greek Mythology. We stand reaching for peace only to watch it float away from us.

Peace cannot be reached. It will come to us – but only when we have established the right conditions.

Apr 22, 2022 6:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

Peace will be here when we pay enough attention to politics to unseat the psychopathic political/economic powers that foment war for their own gains.

Apr 21, 2022 10:27 PM

Its a big club, and you aint in it. Brendon O Connell has been saying for a good while now that Putin is just another Kissinger Rothschild asset, with the true Russian nationalist non WEF traitor General Lebed being bumped off in a helipcopter crash to make sure the masterplan was not ruined by a leader who would prioritise his own country and people and deal with the oligarchs. No sir, not allowed. Its essentially “traitors only” (ie Bojo) when it comes to being a “leader”. You get freemasons – sworn traitors who would sell their own grandmother before defying the Freemasonic Satanic Cult, and you get WEF shills. One good way of looking at this piece of shit system we have and to which most adhere is to realise that in the UK for example, theres six hundred and fifty of them, and sixty eight million of us. Shit, if only we could find some guts then we could end this charade overnight. It really is that simple. Anyway Brendon is doing some great work. He has formed a relationship with phd scholar and femme par excellence Julianne Romanello. She has uncovered a deep level of corruption in Tulsa USA and she has done it to phd level. They are going to expose the inner workings of the filth and slime that has penetrated Tulsa but which is now typical in ALL western government. They intend to use Tulsa as an example case so we can replicate Juliannes work in our own areas and start to expose these rats destroying our own zone and start to instigate real change. Rats hate having light shone on them, so get your blue light carcinogenic LEDs they are forcing us all to use and shine them right in their evil eyes. Julianne… Read more »

Apr 21, 2022 10:32 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Clip of the scum from Juliannes channel Hearts Over Hexagons. Posting so the above vid is the right one. Cant believe OG still has this issue lol

Apr 22, 2022 5:02 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I’ve been watching fellow Aussie Brendon O’Connell and am not sure what to make of his videos and views.

He has a lot of information, and some different views. Can tend to go off topic a bit but something I do like is that when he speculates, he says so.

What do others think? He is interesting.

Latest video is entitled “Ukraine & Crypto – Has America Ended Klaus & The WEF Plans For World Domination?”

Apr 22, 2022 7:35 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I always knew the conspiracy was being organised from Tulsa.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 22, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  Mucho

What a brilliant summation of the coming New World Order. In fact the NWO has already established its massive footprint and announced the pathway to complete totalitarianism. There has been a whole literature and exposure to the eugenicist. Where to begin, perhaps with we a work of Yevgeny Zamyatin first published in 1924 with other authors, including George Orwell, 1984, Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon, H.G.Wells, The Time Machine, in fact a whole compendium of the anti-human literature. And not forgetting Jack London The Iron Heel.

Zamyatin’s, OneState is not exclusively to blamed on American capitalism, or Russian communism, or Italian Fascism, the industrial lords of Liverpool and Manchester. It is a fate toward which a thoughtless humanity is hurtling.

Apr 22, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Yes she explains things well and makes lots of interesting points and observations. Impressive lady and will be very interesting to see how this progresses. Thanks for the book tips

Apr 23, 2022 10:24 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Have you actually read any George Orwell?

Apr 23, 2022 9:19 PM
Reply to  Mucho

This is great and she really is as you describe… shame about the terible audio quality of the video!
One day I hope to get round to unpacking my understanding of the cabal and put it in writing… They have traits that are more reptilian and insectoid than human and they can be identified, like she is doing here. They repeat the same slogans, and they need everything archived, codified, measured, digitised, etc. It’s a type of psychopathy and mental illness on the surface, and actually demonic possession as I see it.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Apr 21, 2022 9:18 PM

Sorry for the off-topic, but I think several here will be interested in another update from Alex (Duran) Christoforou in which he gives convincing-sounding evidence that the EU will manage to “shoehorn” Ukraine into the EU, come what may.

Also another “clown world” item in which Germany & the Netherlands tear up their green energy policy in favour of drilling for gas in a UNESCO World Heritage site. All to give Putin one in the eye.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 21, 2022 8:38 PM

Hard to claim only Russia is being a parasite peddling junk, the UK and Pfizer and the US based Moderna are all in on the act. Singling out Russia is frankly stupid

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 21, 2022 9:37 PM

They are not singling out Russia.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 21, 2022 10:40 PM

People have no illusions about the other entities you mention. That’s the difference.

Apr 22, 2022 4:28 AM

The piece illustrates that it’s all the same cabal.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 21, 2022 8:18 PM

The only question now is: which “bloc” will claim the right to torment and inject you?”
Thank you! If I get to choose, you’ve made it much easier than I ever dreamed.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 21, 2022 7:44 PM

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The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 21, 2022 8:03 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Down with a system that can only function in problem-solving mode; a system that needs crises, destructions, poverty, deaths, debt, diseases and wars to thrive and justify the gigantic apparatus that it is made of!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 21, 2022 7:17 PM

Good to see Riley Waggaman’s work start to make it back into these pages again, after a few months. He is in Russia, and provides a very balanced account, critically taking on both allegedly rival blocs within the global order, which are both implementing the Great Reset’s essential aspects, even if in slightly different forms, content is far more important than form.

Apr 21, 2022 9:30 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

April 2nd.