This Week in the New Normal #28

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The French “Election”
The new season of “Presidential Election” has just kicked off, and they are already repeating plot points from the American version.
We have the “centrist” establishment figure taking on the “far-right nationalist”. We had a “leftist firebrand” too, but as usual, he lost on the preliminary rounds after getting just enough mainstream air time to pretend real change was possible.
Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Macron will “win”, or maybe – maybe – Le Pen will “win”. Either way, there will be no democracy and no real “election”.
Let’s have a little reality check on Emmanuel Macron, shall we?
He is an ex-employee of the Rothschild investment bank. In 2016 he announced he was running for President as leader of a political party that was less than a year old. He had never even run for office of any kind before, let alone won.
Nevertheless, his “movement” stormed over the established political parties and he won the presidency.
This year, despite Covid and lockdowns and eighteen months of yellow vest protests, he’s still expected to win a second term.
Does any of that really make sense?
2020 saw the most obviously-rigged US Presidential election since 2000, and there was a decidedly shady UK election in 2019. We’ve watched Bernie get cheated off the ballot twice in 4 years, and blithely take it on the chin each time.
We are living through year two of an entirely fake pandemic, staged with the cooperation of dozens of national governments, intelligence agencies and multi-lateral organizations.
…do we really think “elections” mean anything at all? That they would leave something like that up to chance?
There is no reason to ever believe any election is genuine.
2. Elon Musk buying Twitter
You’ve probably heard that billionaire Tesla-founder Elon Musk is putting together a financial package to become the sole proprietor of Twitter. Having already purchased 10% of the social media giant’s shares, Musk turned down a seat on the board of directors and decided to just buy the whole place.
To be clear, we don’t much like Musk and trust him less. The whole story is likely just another non-issue for people to squabble over.
…that said, you’d have to be made of stone not to take some bitter pleasure in watching the squirming of “liberal” pundits who are suddenly having their own sophistry turned against them.
Remember how those of us concerned about corporate censorship have always been told that “private companies can do what they want” and “if you don’t like, go make your own platform”? Well, apparently those arguments no longer apply.
In fact, according to Robert Reich in the Guardian, “going to another platform” is not an option. Funny that.
Mehdi Hasan rants about Musk’s “problematic free speech escapade” in his latest show, setting up a strawman so large he could burn it and guarantee a bountiful harvest.
The Conversation hosts an article that argues allowing everyone equal room to express themselves is actually bad for free speech because it doesn’t protect “the vulnerable” from harassment.
But the prize for the most-revealing reaction goes to Max Boot of the Washington Post, who said on twitter:
I am frightened by the impact on society and politics if Elon Musk acquires Twitter. He seems to believe that on social media anything goes. For democracy to survive, we need more content moderation, not less.
— Max Boot 🇺🇦 (@MaxBoot) April 14, 2022
It’s delightful. From the refusal to acknowledge that the paper he works for was only just recently purchased by Jeff Bezos, the second richest man in the world, to the coy euphemism for censorship, all good stuff.
But why is all this happening? And where is it all going?
There are a few ways this could go. For one, the government might step in and stop Musk from buying the company. Protecting social media from becoming a “monopoly”, scoring some points with the “left” for “standing up to billionaires”, and setting a precedent for state interference in private business.
It could be that Musk does buy twitter, and scraps any limitations in line with his “free speech absolutist” claims…but then nation-states will be “forced” to make new rules limiting speech since “irresponsible tech companies refuse to act to stop hate speech” or something along those lines.
Whatever happens, its easy to see how this could further the war on free speech, one way or another. Or maybe nothing will happen at all, and it’s just fun and games.
3. “Russian Cyberattacks” incoming?
The last few days has seen a barrage of warnings and predictions of possible Russian cyber warfare.
The Telegraph warns that work from home software could be vulnerable to Russian cyber attacks. The Guardian says that “cyber crime groups” have “publicly pledged support for Putin”. ITV wants you to be scared of cyberattacks taking down the NHS or a nuclear power stations.
Apparently, those darn Ruskies have already started, attacking not the Western banking system, the NHS OR a nuclear power station…but the Ukrainian post office, for printing propaganda stamps.
It’s all ludicrous propaganda, of course…but that doesn’t mean there won’t be a “cyber attack” (or something they pretend is a cyber-attack).
Remember, Klaus Schwab and the WEF have been predicting a “major cyber attack” with “Covid-like characteristics” (whatever that means) for over a year now, including holding a “cyber pandemic” training exercise as part of Cyber Polygon in October 2021, well before the Russian “special operation” in Ukraine.
With both the energy and food markets beings put under deliberate pressure to raise the cost of living, a “cyberattack” to take out the power grid or further hurt supply lines is not at all out of the question. But if it does come, it will have nothing to do with Russia.
BONUS: Vice headline of the week
This week VICE is asking an important question: How come you’ve heard of El Chapo and Pablo Escobar…but no FEMALE druglords? Sexism, that’s why.
You've heard of Pablo Escobar and El Chapo, but probably not these top drug boss women.
— VICE News (@VICENews) April 20, 2022
We will never be a truly progressive society until the CIA starts giving men AND women equal opportunities to exploit desperate third-world farmers, funnel drugs into the inner cities and launder US taxpayer money to fund black ops and military coups in Latin America. #GirlDrugBoss
It reminds me of this video from a couple of years ago, good for a Sunday afternoon chuckle…
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention court employees losing their jobs for refusing the “vaccine” or German TV claiming Russians “aren’t European, even though they look European”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Apparently Free Speech is a movable goal.
So the next time someone on Twitter goes on about curtailing free speech, just let them know about the American Governments feelings on free speech at the UN, and in particular around Nazism.
Please look into gettin off WordPress and into a blockchain based platform and a spam filter that is not Akismet. Manually approving comments that have nothing wrong must be getting tiresome to you, and is surely tiresome to us to see comments arbitrarily “pending”. The people behind Akismet (or whatever it is you use) are not friends of anyone here and I doubt that the Worpdress developers themselves are any different.
My own WP blog a long time ago was one day disappeared with a shrug from the ISP… Surely an accident and nothing to do with the content which included a fair bit on Israel….
1- Aaaand Macron has been “re-elected” and apparently two yellow jackets have been killed by police already? The French are dead and the EU is rapidly becoming a bad place to be.
2-Wait a minute…. I am pretty sure i remember an incident where twitter had censored Musk over a covid related comment, and I had joked at the time that Musk should just buy twitter!!! Am i confusing him with someone else or do am I on the case!!?!?
A potentially interesting development. I can’t see twitter getting any worse- maybe Musk will actually matter here but of course twitter is shit BY DESIGN because pretending that intelligent peopel can communicate effectively about anythign and everything important using short text messages and no actual human contact is an assault on human intelligence and dignity and a big step towards further dehumanisation and people becoming machine-like drones…Musk is a transhumanist after all.
Today, despite of half denials from WH even average kindergartener suspects that Ukrainian war is a proxy war ultimately aimed at regime change in Moscow and generally weakening Russian economy and degrading Russia down from military superpower status.
But that is just a cover for public consumption. That mismatch explains this strange war where on one side Ukrainian regime declared total war “conscripting” civilians, children as hostages, sacrificial lambs of Nazi run psychological warfare, regular soldiers as cannon fodder while Nazi battalions and thugs of Territorial Defense are violating all rules and laws of war including Geneva Conventions against their own people.
Russians on the other hand stuck to time and resource limited and restrained military operation of demilitarization denying or hiding the fact that there is no strategic security for Russia with hostile Ukrainian government and hence we are talking about permanent partition of Ukraine if not total takeover.
And that means no special operations but real ugly war against Nazis and 10,000,000 of Ukrainian Nazi followers. If Russian elites (liberal wing) thought for a moment that Ukrainian Nazis would negotiate or surrender when sufficiently threatened they should reread WWII books as that would never be possible. Nazis need to be destroyed on battlefield or they won’t stop terrorizing and killing.
Curiously, the NATO peddles old delusional warmongering policies of German Nazi against Russia calling for complete Russian defeat on battlefield and by that exactly adopted Ukrainian Nazi suicidal position. Not Ukrainians but Ukrainian Nazis created axis of evil with fascist west and its institutions like NATO and EU. Western fascism is now openly triumphant, not militarily against Russia but by conquering, terrorizing their own population.
In other words, the Deep State is about to carpet-bomb Twitter with shite!
Why Musk May Regret Purchase Of Twitter When Reality Of Content Moderation Hits
Apr 26, 2022
Ben Collins, senior reporter covering disinformation, extremism, and the internet for NBC News, talks with Rachel Maddow about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and where reality undermines his stated goal of making Twitter a platform for “free speech.”
Guterres stated, “the fact is there are no Ukrainian troops in Russia, but there are Russian troops in Ukraine.” To which Lavrov replies, “this fact I can verify.”
I fear the United Nations will follow the League of Nations into historic infamy despite Putin’s efforts to get it back on the strait path.
Who was WEF’s partner for Cyber Polygon?
Oh, yeah, Sberbank. Russians don’t go to toilet without a plan, I’ve read recently(WTF).
Therefore, during the exercise iFSB in disguise certainly saw many vulnerabilities of opponents and now they will use it. Have you any doubts???
“The Conversation hosts an article that argues allowing everyone equal room to express themselves is actually bad for free speech because it doesn’t protect “the vulnerable” from harassment”
“The Conversation” are corrupt and funded through BMFG via academia. I speak from first-hand experience of being censored by them for daring to express opinion and comment in an article penned by major corrupted professor.
The article is a bit old, but it fits here perfectly:
Bologna, the “digital license” for virtuous citizens: points and prizes. And an app with all the services
Proviamolo un po’ a Napoli … che ne dici?
I think it’s bloodchilling, wherever it’s “tried”. It’s basically they’re trialing social credit score. Here’s the ominous paragraph from the article (online translated in english):
The card with digital points for the “virtuous citizen”
Among the most innovative interventions is the smart citizen wallet. “The wallet of the virtuous citizen,” explains Bugani, who had worked on the project with the Raggi administration (in Rome today the platform is active in an experimental phase). The idea is similar to the mechanism of “a supermarket points collection”, as the councilor himself points out.
“Citizens will be recognized if they separate waste, if they use public transport, if they manage energy well, if they do not take sanctions from the municipal authority, if they are active with the Culture Card”.
Virtuous behaviors that will correspond to a score that the Bolognese will then be able to “spend” in prizes being defined: “Public transportation discounts, Hera, cultural activities and so on”.
FYI. Perhaps of interest to OffG:
“Prince Andrew on April 25, 2022 · at 6:46 pm EST/EDT
I haven’t read the Guardian since 2003 (or any other British tabloid-broadshit for that matter). If they are posting Adds it’s probably for low level staff recruitment.
The ‘higher ups’, purely by coincide of course, seem to be recruited from the same two sources from which Military Intelligence are recruited – Oxford and Cambridge. Same goes for the majority of those spivs in Westminster and Whitehall.
The Guardian itself has for a long time been referred to as the ‘daily GCHQ newsletter’. Former editor Alan Rusbridger was rumoured to be a MI5 plant and we all know what they did to Assange.
If you take out the Old Boys network – Oxbridge being top of the pyramid – you effectively take out 90% of the ruling political&media class in Blighty.”
Dont think Tommy twat rob nor PJW etc went to Oxford or Cambridge. However you can get recruited very easily They did. It very compartmentalized so their is many many different agency’s.
Bullshit Brian U>K dollap and Mike yeaadon fake CEO dont have the M15 swash buckle about them but they are lower league military and carry that persona. Bullshit Brian doesn’t even hide it. Nor does his side kick Alex tomdimson GCHQ.
Which begs the question how dumb is the viewer to their trash content if people like them can get a fan base.
sad times when like the guardian and the so called alt media is run by exactly the same Military Intelligence characters..
Polite and constructive headline from China re bad news from France:
“A strategically autonomous France is important for Europe: Global Times editorial”
Marine Le Pen: The French Election Was Rigged
It’s not some grand conspiracy, but it’s grand theft all the same. Le Pen voters lost their ballots, their rights, by the millions on Sunday.
In France, if a ballot is damaged, it cannot be cast. So the political establishment, who are desperate to prevent Le Pen from taking office, arranged for the destruction of millions of Le Pen ballots.
Up to one third of all ballots sent out to voters, an estimated 60% of Le Pen ballots, were destroyed at the time of mailing.
Only Le Pen ballots arrived destroyed, there is not one report of a single ballot for Macron arriving destroyed.
In the week leading up to the election reports began pouring in that an enormous number of ballots for Le Pen were destroyed at the time of mailing. They were torn badly, rendering them void, before they were mailed out.
The randomness of the tears proves they were torn by hand – with intent. This was a major, co-ordinated effort, orchestrated by the establishment.
The Le Pen campaign complained to the election watchdog, claiming ballots had been “systematically torn up” – but the watchdog merely gave a Gallic shrug, and banned the media from reporting on it.
But it gets even worse.
Voters in districts which heavily favored Macon also received multiple ballots, enabling them to vote twice. The French election commission even confirmed that multiple votes would count, and wouldn’t be investigated until after the election.
The French election was, in this method, stolen. Macron is not the legitimate president of France.
How did this happen?
The French media, forever in the pocket of the elite, refused to report on the issue, allowing the establishment to stifle the will of the people.
However, after the election, mainstream outlets did publish some interesting data. Agence France Press, for instance, admitted that a staggering number of French voters cast ballots which didn’t count.
Nearly one in three French citizens who voted on Sunday did not cast a valid ballot for Macron or Le Pen.
There is always a number of blank or spoiled protest votes in any election. But the number of spoiled ballots in this election was quadruple the usual number in France.
Suspicious much?
Agence France Press tried to cover up the fact that many people had their votes destroyed by claiming that these people “declined to choose” between Macron and Le Pen, and reported that many of them had spoiled their ballots.
Spoiled how? Rips and tears? How convenient.
According to Agence France Press:
A third of French voters declined to choose between centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s presidential election, either abstaining or spoiling their ballots — a record rate in nearly half a century.
According to official results with more than 80 percent of votes counted, the abstention rate stood at 24.52 percent — the highest since the presidential election in 1969.
“That would make a total of one French person out of three who decided not to choose between the two candidates. It’s really a lot for a presidential election,” Anne Jadot, political science professor at the University of Lorraine, told AFP.
The steal is in. The French establishment successfully silenced the voice of the people. Now the media is attempting to cover it up.
Macron is a usurper and not a legitimate president. He was selected by the elite, and placed into power via a rigged election that silenced millions of French patriots. What millions of French people suspected has now been visibly and obviously proven to them – will they now join Le Pen’s call for revolution against the establishment?
Fraud as in rigging elections {see USA} once again rears its ugly head. I cannot fathom how corrupt banking filth which Macron represents can be endorsed by any French citizen with a functioning brain. The majority in France need to turn their attention to removing this corporate stooge from governance asap.
Haven’t been here for a bit, but, life and my own site.. Too important to not share- from the Guardian- reporting plastic fibres embedded in human lungs- found “for the first time ever”
Never once mentioning face masks inflicted on us all for two years now- No where is the word face mask written.
I wrote about this at the big tech censored blog Jan 21 (more then a year ago)
And would be remiss if I didn’t pick the subject back up again
Microplastics (Face Masks) Deep in the Lungs of Living People- Lung Cancer Risk Increased
hmm, but hear me out here; doctors wear face marks(edit: masks, haha) as well, but don’t end up with that shit.
First get all the facts. Then, if the mask fits, wear it.
Canada recalled masks containing graphene, after buying about 30 million.
Most likely, those rejects were passed on to some sucker abroad.
Pedant’s corner: Graphene is not “a plastic”.
“Detection of microplastics in human lung tissue using μFTIR spectroscopy” by
Lauren Jenner et al, York University, UK.
12 polymer types were identified with polypropylene, PP (23%), polyethylene terephthalate, PET (18%) and resin (15%) the most abundant.
MicroPlastics MP were found between 1μm and 5mm size.
NanoPlastics NP were also found: PolyAcryloNitrile PAN, PolyEthylene PE, PolyEster PES, PolyEthylene Terephthalate PET, PolyMethylMethAcrylate PMMA, PolyPropylene PP, PolyStyrene PS, PolyTetraFluoroEthylene PTFE, PolyUrEthane PUE, and PolyVinylAlcohol PVA
[I do not know what surgical masks are made of, but the variety of polymers and sizes reminds me of common industrial pollution such as Mesothelioma among asbestos workers and Byssinosis among cotton workers.
Some speculations re Azovstal
Did Macron abandon French military to die in Azovstal to protect his election campaign?
Vanessa Beeley
April 25, 2022
According to Aydinlik (a Turkish media outlet):
Russia regained control of Mariupol, Ukraine. It was learned that 50 high-ranking French officers were trapped at the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant. It was learned that Putin opened a safe corridor, and Macron sent an order to ‘do not surrender’ in the election rush.
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley, David Scott and Katy-Jo Murfin with today’s UK Column News.
00:27 – French Presidential Election
06:09 – Massive Ukraine Propaganda In the West
20:42 – Propaganda Parallels Between Ukraine and Syria
24:31 – Did Macron Sacrifice His Own Citizens?
28:34 – Weapons To Ukraine
33:03 – What Is the Conflict In Ukraine Really About?
44:00 – Home Education Fundraiser Cancelled By Anti-Terrorism Police
47:30 – Babies Harmed As the Closure of the NHS Continues
52:28 – The Online Safety Bill
57:57 – The Rapid Interconnected Shift In the Global Economic System
01:05:15 – The Predatory Family Sex Show
What do they think the conflict is really about?
I think they were just asking the question!
I’d wait at least for the universial propagandists, revisionist vultures cross shred their intital reports., imo.
If I was young with Ukraine I’d already have friends there because it’s on our European Continent.
Rothschilds gimp,. yet how come ‘the same new media’ & infiltrated alt media wacks saying this 5 years after its sell by date wouldn’t dare say this at the time regarding Trump -Boris or Orban or Nigel. etc……..even when the photo’s the amount of proof and it ‘s pretty obvious now!! as
.#covid sealed it.
reasons must be the income stream & herd conformity.and most importantly infiltrated by the military industrial intelligence complex.
Orban is another WEF Young Global Leader (or “Leaders of Tomorrow” as the programme was originally called with more honesty until they realised it was giving the game away a bit too much and re-branded it to the current title).
Here in San Antonio Texas where the mask mandate was removed last week on all public transport approximately 80% of passengers still wearing their oral suppositories. Scaring to think about the time when orders from on high are to kill all non-conformists
Because the Mean (the average of all the IQs that were measured) is greater than the Median (the average IQ of the lower half of the population when the population is ranked according to IQ).
By the way, I do not think IQ gives protection against stupidity, no more than “the vaxx” gives protection against Covid-19. Most of the Con-19 Believers in my little circle of friends and relatives have above average IQ.
And yet we had a head of the Office for Standards in Education who was distressed to find that half of all children got below average marks in Maths. (And said so publicly.)
Whose nephew/niece was he/she?
“Strong affection is natural in the family but nepotism is a weakness in the public service” — Plato, The Republic
Brain buggered.
The percentage of mankind which is beyond the pale turned out to be much higher than I ever dreamed.
Texas is, of course, a rather special place regarding indoctrination, though far from unique in the US.
Vogue media has it’s disciples what were the percentages on sex and race on Public transport?
The one thing that would solve the election problems once and for all happens to be the very thing least likely to be accepted by the voters:
A Show Of Hands.
It would be just a wee bit too inconvenient for most citizens to have to stand around all day raising their hands. Better to check, click or punch a ballot and be on their way to more important concerns.
Think it was Mandelson who coined the phrase ‘post democratic age’ and with the ‘re-election’ of Macron, Adern, the ‘elections’ of Biden and Johnson we can see what he meant.
The fact that Macron was actually in the running never mind any chance of winning after the last few years tells us all we need to know. Now more than ever we can see that voting is pointless and as a process clearly fraudulent.
With more and more policies out sourced to globalism the whole democratic sham is visible.
The question now more than ever is what if anything can we do about it…?
Totally agree. There’s a federal election in Australia on 21st May. In the latest polls the Liberals/National party had 35%, Labor 36% and the others (independents, small parties) 29%. It will be interesting to see how the numbers change over the next four weeks, especially when the media only broadcast or write about Liberals and Labor. If Morrison’s Liberal party government is returned, then we will know that the whole system is rigged.
That’s interesting. The numbers (for the top 2 parties anyway) are close to those in the UK, with Labour being (I think) 2 points ahead of the Tories.
However, the “centrists” (i.e. right-wingers) in the Labour Party were saying (when Corbyn was leader) that if Corbyn wasn’t leader, Labour would be 20 points ahead.
Well, Corbyn hasn’t been leader now for ages, and Labour isn’t 20 points ahead.
Well, I suppose we will stagger on somehow to the next election, with either Johnson or whichever piece of poisonous s**t that replaces him, facing Starmer, and the vagaries of our “First Past The Post” electoral system will give one of them a small, or possibly even a large majority, and nothing much will change, or if it does, it will only be for the worse.
The whole system is rigged.
If SCULLIN gets a majority Labor vote, that’s when you know it’s rigged for sure. Wouldn’t surprise me and would confirm my belief things like the Population Count and the Gun Crime Rate are just as faked.
Thanks Bill. Will keep an eye out – all that has happened in Victoria and elsewhere happened on Morrison’s watch so probably I wouldn’t expect much to change there. After all for the PTSB if ain’t broke …?
There is no “if”; you have seen what Australia is really like in the last couple of years. The laughably callled “Liberal” party will almost certainly win in yet another parody of “democracy”.
Voting as a process is not fraudulent and democracy as a principle is not a sham.
Democracy as a principle is mob rule – 2 wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for dinner.
Voting under the present system when those who own the process are running both sides anyway is a total sham.
Modern democracy was created so the real power movers and shakers rule by proxy.
When things inevitably go wrong no one is accountable because the ‘majority’ voted that way, and it’s majority rules, by proxy.
Hence it’s always ‘our fault’ because whatever happens we voted for it. And there is no law that says that what a canditate announces before elections is legally binding. So, yes, it’s a clever scam, it was designed that way.
And Trudeau
A work colleague’s 18 year old niece just died of a heart attack. It seems to have been a hereditary condition. I wasn’t tactless enough to ask if she’d had the vaccine but I do wonder if that was a contributing factor.
If you follow Twitter, similar cases seem to be being reported all the time. Were they happening before, but we didn’t notice them because there was no social media, or because we hadn’t had the bizarre experience of a fake pandemic followed by a fake vaccine being forced on the majority of the population?
I honestly don’t know for sure, but it seems doubtful.
Myocarditis cases spiked in 2021, not 2020.
This is a favourite meme from the media and I hear it parroted by many. Here’s how it works: you invent a new condition – call it e.g. “Hypersexual”. Start pumping out propaganda about hypersexuality: peer reviewed studies, on-the-edge analyses, entire libraries devoted to the exciting new “discovery”, and of course prompt high profile protests against and then for this new demographic. And before you know it, a sizable part of the population “realises” that it is hypersexual. And films are made about how Mozart, Dickens and Kafka were most likely hypersexual. KA-CHING!
“Pansexuality” is another fun, real-life (sort of) one. Trying to get one’s head around the various definitions to be found online, and one is soon tripping over concepts such as cisgender and agender.
I think pansexuals are people who would once have been called bisexual, but that would imply that there are only two sexes, or two genders, presumably. Whereas now, we have to pretend to believe that there are more than two sexes or genders.
Although now that people can change their gender on a whim, they have official permission to gatecrash the toilets or changing rooms of those honest folk who still believe in biology.
Well, if the woke politicians are going to agree with every whim of the bizarro-gendered, the least they can do is cough up the funds to provide them with toilets or changing rooms of their own and leave the rest of us in peace.
Honestly I haven’t seen any real world trans folk, only in Thailand, and they don’t have the same kind of weird agenda thing so they’re respectable over there.
Only in NATO countries. Anywhere else (say, Russia ) they get their head shoved into the toilet bowl.
Hereditary or not, never in my life did I hear a 18 year old dying of a heart attack. Not saying it never happened but it was so rare that you’d most likely never heard of any.
We can’t say whether it was the jabs or not but sometjhing ain’t right with a lot of people’s health quite suddenly.
Darwinian selection is harsh…
(orig. German link: * )
Machine-tranlation: https://www-anti–
This is actual Russian propaganda
Indeed, just look at G. Lira who spent a week with SBU and came back none the worse for wear and tear.
The idea that Zeligsensky would suppress the opposition is, frankly, abhorrent.
Russian propaganda knows no limits!
This series, so far 4 chapters of a 10 chapter short book represent a compelling argument that Overt Fascism is upon us.
It deserves a wide audience
Techno Feudal Fascism. Architects for Social Housing. Outstanding diagnosis make this “Common Knowledge”!
i did chuckle
Curiously, with nanoparticles – especially carbon tubes – being found in vaccines, the Fraud suddently discovers an interest in them:
They get everywhere it seems… stink of a thin cover story? The Fraud wets its knickers about their impact on the oceans while the impact on the human body isn’t – to them – worth even mentioning.
And time to drop any worries about being labelled an anti-vaxxer:
The “re-building trust” meme is of course straight out of the WEF playbook about how to construct propaganda.
The film this links to is revealing about the underlying mentality that both made it and which it is trying to provoke:
‘The Conversation hosts an article that argues allowing everyone equal room to express themselves is actually bad for free speech because it doesn’t protect “the vulnerable” from harassment.’
This IS actually true.
If you challenge that, then I will talk freely about child sexual abuse in front of your eight year old, I will tell your nine year old that the football team they support is controlled by mafia hoodlums who enthusiastically fix matches and make money gambling on those fixed outcomes. I will tell a grieving child that their dead father was actually a CIA contract killer and I will tell a sexually abused young woman that she’s such a cold fish in bed that she deserves to be an old maid in 20 years time.
Free Speech requires a corollary that you are responsible in how you exercise it.
If you say it is freedom to be truly hateful, bullying, racist, thuggish, corrupt, criminal and to be a sexual predator, then I think you may find that a lot of your acquaintances will suddenly profess to not knowing you.
If your speech can cause so much pain, then it is entirely appropriate that your genitals should be inflicted to similar amounts of pain.
Now don’t get hoity toity, you decided that chopping your cock off/mutilating your vagina was acceptable collateral damage in your demands for free hateful speech.
I am just engaging in hypothetical scenario modelling, I don’t actually want to cut your cock off. (If you have one, rather than two holes between your legs).
Not until your vile language is targeted at me in such a hateful way that all rights of yours to be treated as a human being are thrown in the dustbin…..
Sticks and stoned may break my bones
But words can never hurt me.
The very least any media can do is simply define what they will and won’t allow and stick to their criteria … but they don’t do that. They just use weasel “something about community standards” BS. For every comment they censor they could put the very specific criteria it transgressed in its place.
It’s easy to allow free speech and only censor what’s sexually inappropriate, inappropriate language or hate speech. I’ve been censored many times and in no case did I say anything sexually inappropriate, use inappropriate language or use hate speech.
And censorship standards for adults are entirely different than for children.
The underlying problem with censorship is, of course, censorship standards. They don’t grow on trees or spring from burning bushes: someone makes them up.
That’s obvious; but it may not always be obvious how certain standards came to be. Was it really to protect the innocent from things which may prove traumatic? Or was it to sweep these terrible things under the rug, as if they did not exist?
The poster child for the clean sweep approach to censorship is censoring vaccine related deaths. Clearly that is to pretend it doesn’t exist.
We have defamation laws. Apart from that, it does more harm to censor than to allow expressions even of hatefulness.
Until I felt traumatised by an expression of hatefulness (and being the last person I would have expected to suffer that experience) I would have agreed with you, however, having suffered it and recognising that others suffer from it I think it should be censored – but where it appears, in its place can always be put the reason for its being censored.
I’ve been censored many times without committing any sin of being hateful or similar. If all that was left was censorship of hate the world would be a much better place and I’m sure no one would experience a lack of freedom because of it.
Pretty much for censorship; for Legality, I think it’s only safe that everything is allowed period
We all know the above reference and other such appeals to public decency are being used as a euphemism for hard censorship of anything deemed ‘unacceptable’, aka, ‘opinions incompatible with the curated narrative consensus’. This is where the danger lies.
I actually think your examples are detailing abuse, and this is a separate issue to freedom of speech.
Just like the freedom to enjoy cake doesn’t condone suffocating an orphan with a Victoria sponge. Or raping a nun with an arctic roll.
If we aren’t careful we erect an inadvertent straw man for ourselves. A2
And I thought my fantasies were bizarre.
I’m sure there is a joke in there somewhere.
Why a nun and not a female rabbi?
What’s an arctic roll?
I didn’t know either, so I looked it up. Instead of a Stern Parent “do your own damn homework” lecture, I’ll share my yummy findings:
An Arctic roll is a British ice cream cake made of vanilla ice cream wrapped in a thin layer of sponge cake to form a roll, with a layer of raspberry flavoured sauce between the sponge and the ice cream.
You forgot the most sinister, malevolent, nasty, hateful example of them all: the media telling the people they may die if they are not vaccinated.
Telling healthy children that they could infect and kill their grandparents.
I have thought for a while that you were one of those quietly sadistic old guys that wraps their desire to do violence to people in a phony cloak of moral outrage. Now you’ve proved it.
I bet you would just love to be given the power to hurt people because “they were being rude”.
Your examples of why censorship is “needed” are weird and juvenile. Of course you don’t let people talk like that to members of your family. And most Internet forums have a standard regarding rudeness and incitements to violence which will result in posts being removed if someone crosses the line.
I’m pretty sure this place has such rules, and, ironically, I’d be astonished if some of the creepy sadistic things you say about harming others have not been canned for that reason.
Stop wanking.
“Free speech ” does not refer to people talking to each other- it refers to the printed or on-screen word… or the right to publicise your opinion.
Free speech laws a have been abused to protect lying sub-human scumbag such as The Daily Mail publishing dehmumanising, cultural poison propaganda and “news”.
The 58% victory of Macron in the French “election” has sparked protesters– and tear gas, says RT.
“The European Union reached a “historic” agreement on Saturday on the new Digital Services Law (DSA) that will force social media platforms, marketplaces and other Internet services to combat misinformation and illegal content to protect users .
. . . “ new regulations that will require online platforms, such as social networks and marketplaces, to assess and manage the systemic risks posed by their services, such as hate speech and the spread of disinformation.”
(a pop-up box offers you English)
Macron = Mason with 666 inserted. Macon (with a cedilla under the c) is mason in French then add an r which is 18 or 6+6+6.
5+8 also happens to equal 13 – or the Death card in Tarot.
Is this scrabble?
No it’s gematria. You don’t have to accept it as a phenomenon if you don’t want to, of course, you can brush it aside – or you can take a proper look. If you take a proper look and still decide to reject it … fair enough.
The kabbalists love their numerology. And they are in the high positions of this world, so it may be mumbo jumbo for the commonards but not for the ones who lord it over us.
Ready for the next distraction – when Ukraine goes off the boil?
“Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison declared on Sunday that a Chinese military base on the Solomon Islands would be an unacceptable “red line,” without adding how Canberra would retaliate. Morrison’s government and the United States are scrambling to respond to a recently-signed security deal between the islands and Beijing, which they consider an “aggressive” move. “Working together with our partners in New Zealand and of course the United States, I share the same red line that the United States has when it comes to these issues,” Morrison said. “We won’t be having Chinese military naval bases in our region on our doorstep.”
I bet China is scared. Translation of the above – Australia will, as always, obey without question its master, the USA.
There’s an election pending. Using the “Yellow Peril from the North” fear card should still be worth a few votes ? And there’s been recent accusations that the opposition Labor Party has accepted Chinese Money – a few votes there too ?
Elections are all fixed these days. No, this is going to be the next “war” when Ukraine gets old. Cue Eva Karene Bartlett making propaganda vids for the Chinese, who will suddenly be heroes whose COVID policies are an example to us all. Can’t fucking wait.
It literally never stops. It’s just one calamity after another. One disaster after the next.
It’s wat they do.
Excellent several-country roundup of vax death statistics– with footnotes. Factual, good for persuading those not yet awake.
I believe New Zealand is the place to look. Due to their incredible foresight in selecting a Lady Mason to be dictatoress for the duration and locking everyone else in a cupboard, they have a very, very low rate of Covid cases. As expected the number of maladies in the country closely correlates with the number of jabs — but it can’t be blamed on Covid.
Are you telling us that the old boys now accept women in their lodges??
That’s assuming she’s not packing some ‘secret weapon’ in the nether regions.
Check out New Zealand. No Covid, no excuses.
Between Obama’s first & second election, the overall number of votes cast dropped by 4 million. Not many were inspired by him or his opponent to bother, it seems
This was the biggest change ever between 2 elections.
Then, for Bidens election, incredibly there was an INCREASE of 27 million! Wow, I don’t believe it! No, I just don’t, really.
> Then, for Bidens election, incredibly there was an INCREASE of 27 million! Wow, I don’t believe it! No, I just don’t, really.
If a person believe that then he or she is an idiot!
I don’t think they bother to count votes.
China – America’s True Goals and Upcoming New Propaganda Push
There were these people I knew, many others I didn’t, and they decided they were going to trust a billionaire. I warned them, there are no good billionaires. The only way to become a billionaire is to be a narcissistic sociopath. That’s the only way. Anyone who thinks it’s a good thing, or strives to be, the richest person on the planet, is by nature, fucking nuts. They didn’t listen and voted for Donald Trump anyway. Now many of them are still nuts for Trump the billionaire. Not me, I don’t do billionaires. Against my religion, and my instincts. Regardless.
Though sociopaths are not overtly brutal like some industrialists, they are psychopaths too. Many politicians and surgeons are good examples of sociopaths.
> I warned them, there are no good billionaires. The only way to become a billionaire is to be a narcissistic sociopath. That’s the only way.
Billionaires are no worse than the society which encourages their rise. When billionaires become celebrities, it’s time to say goodbye to your society as a functioning entity.
Routine: wearing a facemask for “protection”.
Routine: constant dis-infection handwashing for “protection”.
Routine: avoidance of stepping on cracks in the pavement for “protection “.
Routine is as much part of prison as are bars to a cell...anon…
Covid IQ test:
:- How come the “most vulnerable” are the first to have the jab imposed on them?
:- How come all severe harm from the time of the 1st. jab to 14 days after the 2nd. unrelated to these jabs?
:- Which of these restrictions, if any, does NOT give you flu-like symptoms? (a) masking and double-masking (b) less sunlight and exercise (c) crowding with the family, and sudden loss of income if poor (d) isolation (quarantine) (e) distancing (loss of usual exchange of microbes).
Not to let the German state TV off the hook on this, but it was actually a guest in one of the most important talkshows, that said those things, with the host giving no comment on that, she literally said:
„Wir dürfen nicht vergessen, auch wenn Russen europäisch aussehen, dass es keine Europäer sind – jetzt im kulturellen Sinne – die einen anderen Bezug zu Gewalt haben, die einen anderen Bezug zu Tod haben.“
(We shouldn’t forget, that although Russians look European, that they aren’t Europeans. – in a cultural sense – that they have a different attitude towards violence, that they have a different attitude towards death)
This lady’s name is Florence Gaub and she was trained for 4 years at the NATO defense college. Does any one wonder, where she got her opinions? She supposedly also lectures at University Potsdam. Neither the University nor the second German State tv, where the talkshow was broadcasted, felt any necessity to comment on her statement.
Let’s see, Europeans celebrate violence (just turn on the tv) and they permanently repress the fact that death is a reality until death occurs. Maybe not being a European is not so bad after all.
If u substitute the word ‘jew’ for Russia you’ll get a pretty good idea of how Nazi ideology took hold in Germany.
I saw the video of Ms Gaub, who is a fine, upstanding example of German womanhood. She would look stunning in an SS uniform.
Nothing like a good German dominatrix.
There’s no denying Russia has no history of republican politics but a brutal top down authoritarian militaristic tradition. Please prove me wrong.
Ditto every other nation on the planet at one time or another – especially if they come within the sphere of an empire bent on plundering their resources.
Jimmy, be a good boy, define “republican politics”? Examples of your republican politics will be especially useful …
Please help us prove a negative!
It used to take me a long time to find my balance, but recently I discovered that a website sincerely guides this layout when you can find joy after a stressful day here.
“Now heeeeeeere’s Mini-Hitler.”
Who’s the bald mincer in the background ? Dying for a pee, or got all wet at the thought of the young dude ?
Unfortunately, Macron has been re-elected in France.
Even though the French hate him…
It’s the lesser of two evils with which the ‘authorities’ always ensure we are confronted.
It’s their ‘win-win’ narrative.
You must not be familiar with vintage Amerikan TV. He’s “Uncle Fester” from the Addams Family!
“Grandma Mini-Hitler.“
By next episode, I hope you mention how the “NEXT BIG THING” is a Bird Flu that will migrate to humans with HUUGE Mortalities.
Bird migration time again, yay ! And the residents already on eggs, (to praise jesus, don’t you know).
Woah, that was a rough jesuit day, I mean earth day, I mean weekend.
Got to be a lot of people in on it. I say people but…
My dreams make more sense.
It’s a world of fun, don’t lie to me.
She remained uncharacteristically modest about her own contributions to the campaign.
Reminds me of the (possibly apocryphal) line, supposedly said about Clement Attlee: “A modest little man…with much to be modest about”.
He must have been “little” if he was characterized as “modest.”
We don’t have elections in the West – in the traditional sense – any longer.
We have popularity contests for positions of overpaid talking head globohomo proxy.
The anti-mandate protests in nz recently where not a single mp of any party would meet with the protesters illustrated for me the total disconnect of current reality from any traditional sense of democratic tradition.
Wasn’t The Conversation started with funding from the Gates Foundation?
More supply chain trouble – and after the coup in Pakistan and Sri Lanka falling apart if it doesn’t happen to hit India hardest after they wouldn’t play ball with sanctions:
“There’s only the globalist right cheek and the globalist left cheek working together to pinch out another smelly mard.”
Western Claims of Russian Mass Graves Near Mariupol Another Fake News Hoax – I Know, I Went To See – Eva K Bartlett
Can’t help fearing for Eva’s safety.
Featuring empty graves already dug to be filled in later …. Russian pragrmatism and the insanity of war in one package.
Sometimes it seems like humanity or the world has jumped the shark so irreversibly and emphatically that everyone surely must see it. I don’t know how this hurtling dumpster fire car crash comes to a peaceful stop when it’s heading in a direction where the only outcome looks like utter destruction.
Only the percipient can see it.
Everything is being revealed to the percipient.
This is known as the apocalypse – the great reveal.
What can be revealed to the few (the percipient) that can not be revealed to all (the masses)?
When you solve that riddle, you will know what you have to do.
The Book of Revelation was, in my opinion, written BY the conmen of those days and reveals only a business plan for “humanity”. They had big ideas. The big idea has been worked towards for thousands of years.
Thousands of years indeed. The big idea (the great mission) is to escape Samsara.
Xavier is not talking about the Book of Revelation which is indeed the original blueprint for the NWO.
Best one so far, IMO. And you are right, “There is no reason to ever believe any election is genuine.”
Like Macron’s latest landslide. Elections are riggable yet nobody wants to tarnish so called democracies.
Civil unrest has already started in France. Police have shot 2 people dead.
Yeah, we have boris the crash test plummy dummy ready to spiral out in a shower of laundered money ejaculating champagne and in the wings: inflatable plastic charmer starmer wearing out his trouser knees crawling after every progressive poodle he can find. It’s gona be a close run thing the hustings are busting with antici…..pation.
Some slightly old news: “We have the technology to start a new era in medicine by precisely matching drugs to people’s genetic code, a major report says.” 1% of me thinks this is a good idea, the other 99% is sure this won’t be used for good.
1%? I applaud your generosity, sir.
The tag “personalised” is almost as much of a guarantee something’s toxic as the tag “smart”.
They can’t even match a PCR test to a famous supposed-virus properly…what chance is there of matching a drug to the “genetic code” of all the individuals on the planet, and of its working even supposing that they could?
The god-playing delusions of the Medical Industrial Complex is staggering.
We could re-write the old GP’s cliché as: “take two of these aspirins which are matched to your genetic code after meals, and if it doesn’t get better in a couple of days, come back and see me”.
I think that refers to not vaccines but targeted medicine where a drug is chosen or even made for each patient individually according to their genes. Which is likely yet another scam.
The Genome Revolution.
Management of The Body…
“International high finance degrades Homo Sapiens to an investment opportunity and tries to manipulate the human genome.”..Rubikon…#46/2021…(German)…
The War to control us is taking place on many fronts, some in the guise of concern for our health…
There will be many many experiments undertaken, many of them in third world countries. Out of sight, away from oversight.
There will be many, many killed by the experiments, they’ll get no publicity – unless a new Virus make a lab break…..
I remember back in the 70s when I started to hear on the news that the next ‘cure for cancer’ was really close; ‘in 5 to 10 years it will be available to the public’ they used to announce every other year. They kept beating that poor dead horse till a couple of years ago when they moved on to the ‘gene based therapies’, and ‘medicines specific to you genetic code’.
People have shorter attention spans and probably shorter life expectancy now to boot, so they dropped the 5 to 10 years frame and now it’s just a matter of months. And humanity keeps spinning after their won tail like a mad dog, hopeless.
aka: The biggest sting operation since . . .
Dinesh D’Souza Releases Expanded Preview Trailer for 2000 Mules, The Ballot Harvesting Story of the 2020 Election
April 24, 2022
The movie documentary showing how the 2020 election was manipulated through the use of mail in ballots will be released in select theaters May 2nd and May 4th, virtual premier May 7th and released on-line May 8th
April 11, 2022
Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from ‘True the Vote’, sat down with Charlie Kirk for a lengthy interview and discussion about the 2020 ballot harvesting process that took place in multiple states.
True the Vote worked through a painstakingly massive data file (2 petabytes) of cell phone use to identify “ballot mules,” people who were paid by political activist groups to gather massive numbers of mail-in ballots, take them to a central facility and then drop them off in various ballot collection boxes in specific states, specific counties and approximately 71 specific precincts. The trackable cell phone data was then matched with CCTV records to identify and document the ballot harvesting activity that took place.
The results of the data were shared with various public officers, state and federal law enforcement in an effort to document the potentially unlawful activity. Unfortunately, the political clubs (RNC and DNC) have largely ignored the story and avoided participating in any process that would use the information to bolster security efforts for the 2022 election. It’s a lengthy discussion with detail, but well worth the time.
Both sides are the same side. No politician or political system is ever going to rescue you or anyone else. The system exists as a form of mind control, to provide farmed, poisoned, debt slaves with the illusion that they are free.
It’s not “politics”; it’s The Art of War!
t’s not “politics”; it’s The Art of War
Whatever you want to call it. The real war, is the mind control over one’s subconscious. To convince the slaves in the concept of external authority when it’s immoral, unnatural and illogical.
Unfortunately it’s more than mind games. The criminals have big sticks too. Mind games and big sticks go together like bait and switch.
We have two things on our side. Truth and numbers. We just need to spread enough truth to enough numbers.
The vast majority of people don’t want truth intruding into their delusional realities. Instead, they just want to feel good about themselves; and they can get that by virtue signalling and sneering at the truth tellers.
There’s no lack of easily visible or discoverable truth, so it’s an understatement when Q says that “people need to be shown the truth”. The reality is that people need to suffer the truth. They have to have their noses rubbed in it. The plane formation has to fly into the side of the mountain and the survivors who crawl from the wreckage are then the bearers of some interpretation of the truth.
Q is a psyop. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. There are 17 intelligence agencies. Q Group was formed in the NSA as a cyber counter intelligence ops group.
Of course Q is a psyop – a psychological operation. And it’s a military intelligence operation. They said that right from the start and I’ve been saying it for the last two years at OffG. The Art of War is largely about psychological operations.
Q – The Plan To Save The World Remastered
Right, but the crux of the Q psyop is that “criminals“ infiltrated the governments, when all governments were formed by the monarchies and criminal banking cartel to give people the illusion of freedom and choice. Which is why voting never mattered because all governments in every country are corporate entities, which are externally and centrally controlled.
And the other part of the Q psyop is that people within government are working to oust the “criminals“. That simply isn’t true and isn’t possible.
That’s the narrative presented in that video, but the line Q promotes is that it’s a centuries old war against the elitist families and central banks. It’s why Trump had the portrait of Andrew Jackson overlooking his desk.
Oct 31, 2017
There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump’s victory).
Nov 12, 2017
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.
What happened during WWII?
Was Hitler a puppet?
Who was his handler?
What was the purpose?
What was the real purpose of the war?
What age was GS?
What is the Soros family history?
What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?
Who is A. Merkel?
What is A. Merkel’s family history?
Follow the bloodline.
Who died on the Titanic?
What year did the Titanic sink?
Why is this relevant?
What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?
What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?
Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?
Why is this relevant?
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
What is the FED?
What does the FED control?
Who controls the FED?
Who approved the formation of the FED?
Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?
Who lived in the movie (what man)?
Why is this relevant?
Opposite is true.
What is brainwashing?
What is a PSYOP?
What happened to the Hindenburg?
What really happened to the Hindenburg?
Who died during the ‘accident’?
Why is this relevant?
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
That’s just hopium. Trump is a Rothschild agent. They all are. Reagan. Jackson. JFK. Lincoln.
So how are they doing?
Epstein was ‘Pinocchio’ with ‘Gepetto’ Ghislaine pulling the strings, accuser says
July 16, 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell was far worse than Jeffrey Epstein when it came to abusing young women and girls, according to their most outspoken accuser — in fact, she was “Gepetto” to his “Pinocchio.”
“She was pulling the strings,” Virginia Roberts Giuffre told “CBS This Morning” of Maxwell on Thursday, calling Maxwell the mastermind, and a “monster.”
“Ghislaine was much more conniving and smart than Epstein ever was,” Giuffre said.
I have a slightly different take on the Epstein-Maxwell saga than most people. With the focus on the “sex trafficking” when there’s nothing particularly shocking about that lifestyle (in celebrity circles where girls and boys are used like disposable sex toys) where the sex seemed more of a reward system to cartel members than a blackmail ring.
Because Les Wexner (who owned Victoria’s Secret – among other garbage retail outlets – supplied Epstein with properties and $$$) is one of the FRONTS of the cartel, just like Peter Thiel, Buffet, Gates, Musk etc.
Maybe the media circus around the Epstein affair is to take the focus off the close connections in Epstein’s black book, of the inner circle. And check out Epstein’s background:
”Chairman and CEO of the Financial Trust Company and the founder of the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation. Jeffrey is a former member of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science, and a former Rockefeller University board member.”
The Q position is that Maxwell was far more important than Epstein and that she was part of an intelligence operation. Also, that it’s all tied up with the Clintons, Haiti, child trafficking and satanism. My assumption is that Epstein is in witness protection; and I’ve heard this suggestion by other people.
Maxwell is covered in the following extract of “Pedogate” by Mr Truth Bomb
G-Max – From “The Deep State War 6 – Pedogate“ – A Film By Mrtruthbomb
I clicked on that and then immediately closed the tab. I don’t really want to know more about this slimeball…
That he is not dead but ushered away to some hiding place with new ID is the most likely scenario given his connections.