An Open Letter to Elon Musk
Abir Ballan, for
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay
Dear Elon,
Congratulations on the acquisition of Twitter. We hope this will help put the world on track to be a better place.
You stated that “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated…”
We hope this is a promise to uphold the right to free speech and peaceful assembly on Twitter- both essential components of the democratic process.
We hope that the dark days of witch-hunting and book-burning are behind us.
Human nature is not always at its best. Deception is normal. Corruption is normal. Greed for money, power and fame is normal. This is human nature. What is not normal is for society to accept the removal of the mechanism of error correction. We believe that with free speech, errors can be corrected and wrong-doers can be held accountable.
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, authority figures have spread false information unhindered. The fact of the matter is that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not so novel and not as deadly to the general population as has been portrayed.
The asymptomatic spread theory was a fear-mongering tool used to subdue the population. The unconstitutional mandates of lockdowns, masks, social distancing, testing and contact tracing, and mass vaccination were all ineffective in the management of this airborne virus and caused great harm to society.
Those who dared to speak out against them were silenced and falsely accused of ‘misinformation’ while the public fell victim to relentless propaganda. The absurdity of these suppressions lies in the fact that much of what was regarded as ‘misinformation’ a year ago – is now accepted as truth by those who encouraged such sanctions.
Throughout history, the wrong-doers were never those who spoke their truth at great personal cost. The wrong-doers were always those motivated to suppress the truth. What do they have to hide? What do they have to gain? How long should they be allowed to walk free without being questioned?
We look forward to the changes you plan to implement on Twitter and ask you to consider adding the following points to your first board meeting agenda:
- #ReinstateTheVoices
- #NoMoreShadowBanning
- #PutALeashOnTheMinistryOfTruth
- Discuss the new features, open source algorithms, spam bots
- Clarify to the public your position on “authenticating all humans”. Does this merely refer to eliminating bots or does it include eliminating the possibility of anonymity? Historically, many injustices have been revealed by anonymous whistleblowers.
PANDA is committed to open science, open society and open debate. Societies cannot flourish without the courage to speak out and challenge existing assumptions.
Thank you for playing your part. We will continue to play ours. We owe it to our fellow citizens.
Kind regards,
Abir Ballan (permanently suspended on Twitter TWICE)
Member of the Executive Committee ~ Pandemics Data & Analytics
Twitter: @abirballan, @Pandata19
Facebook: @Pandata19
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Like AJ Liebling said, “freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.” Whether it be state bureaucrats or private owners, free speech should not be so centralized and controlled as to be at the mercy of such power. To insure free speech in any sector of society we need more egalitarian relations throughout society. It’s hard to know what free speech sounds like, or democracy looks like, when we spend most of our childhood in schools and adulthood in jobs which form a lifelong chain upon free thinking.
Most media of the Free World is owned by 5 or 6 corporate fronts of ruling class elites like Musk, who’s all about the Great Reset in every transhumanist branch of his empire, from Neuralink to robotics to full spectrum dominance of space. That this media industrial complex is cranking out such sensationalized spectacle over one of its own cronies argues weapons of mass distraction are once again misdirecting us into manufactured controversy to create more heat than light, especially as the new abnormal makes scandal-sheet and tabloid-trash ‘news’ all the more part of totalitarianism.
Why should we get so worked up about the new boss, or take sides in ruling class conflicts that get aired among the commoners this criminal gang is in the common bizzness of robbing and killing? We should be rebuilding our humanity from the ruin of a more humane society where we live, founded upon direct, participatory democracy throughout our lives, which has been taken from us, with and without our consent, by a psychopathic system of control largely centered in mass media psychological warfare. Why should we be crying for more of the means our masters use to dumb us down, and lock us down in surveillance and security prisons reducing us to programmable units at their disposal?
Like Gandhi said of (western) civilization, free speech sounds like a good idea.
musk is a freemason shill, globohomo agent. twitter is, always has been and always will be an arm of the government. america, like all countries, is a human farm, your owners are human farmers
Isn’t it interesting how it is so rare to see an OffG article with a rating lower than four point something?
Just remembered another one.
Dear Elon Musk,
How will the gender pay gap be solved now there are over one hundred different genders.Genius can solve this.Get on it quick with yer sister.You are both this .
Yours very sincerelu
There is also this one too.
Dear Elon Musk,
Greta Thornburger is obviously your sister because you look weirdly alike and are both worldly alike.So go on holiday to the moon the pair of you.You deserve it.The moon.The world is not your oyster.
Yours very sincerely
How about this one then,
Dear Elon Musk,
Have you put a bet on the champions league final yet ? Have you ever made and smoked a proper rocket to the moon yet.Go back to your shit bedroom where you came from you piece of Sun newspaper car park nobhead shithouse.
Yours very sincerely
I can easily imagine digital computerisation a convenient commercial machine even for someone who left school shortly turning 15. It isn’t even in English Languages, so supplements are scattered across various other Countries good bad indifferently.
Depending on points of view.
This where it fails miserably as a social medium, it cannot see hear taste or smell but only speak using a microphone/sign/ and body language.
Twitter? It’s only hope is to completely Ban any and All Public Officialdom. Open it up and let people say what they want and see how that goes.
They’ll be a click flood (no kid Sherlock!) Especially from Net Americans who never shut up.
Musk probably paid 44 dollars for the app logo as part of his other free wheeling jaunts, good for him and other coat tailings. imo
this message was brought to you by a CIA disinfo bot. they can now almost perfectly imitate a drooling moron.
*raises middle finger*
Authenticate this,Musk.
The way so many people are making a golden calf of this guy is downright nauseating. I’m so sick of seeing his face I’m ready to move to Antarctica. This is like watching Maga/Q all over again only this time it’s worse because I’d thought people would have woke up by now and realized NONE of these elitists stand for anything except power and they’re ALL working for the same globalist agenda.
The “authenticating humans” remark alone should immediately be a red flag to people who claim to value their individual freedom,but it seems to be just going /WHOOSH over their heads. Trump didn’t drain the swamp or build the wall,and your new golden calf Elon won’t preserve free speech!
Personally,if I wrote an open letter to him,I’s ask him why a man of his means didn’t do something to address the slaughter of white farmers in his(supposed)home country of S. Africa,but since Musk hangs with Kanye and the Kartrashian coven that would be a waste of my time.
I believe the fate of white farmers in South Africa is pretty low on most people’s priority list – for a reason….
If he truly believes in free speech, he’ll reinstate Naomi Wolf’s account. She’s a valued voice during this time of Orwellian deception:
#TrustTheScienceFraud is gaining momentum as perhaps the biggest crime against humanity.
This idol worship is disgusting!
Trying to normalize what is not normal is not normal. Not normal exception like the ”new normal” is not normal. Psychopaths like Musk are not normal. A normal human being is one with reason and conscience, but an abnormal human lacks reason and conscience. Like psychopaths.
Normal human behavior is not in deception, lies, torture and murder, but in truth, honesty, peace and not hurting. Deception, corruption and greed is not human nature, but they are sick perversions healthy individuals do not adhere to. A healthy society is not comprised of anti-human psychopaths but of all people who have both human qualities intact.
Could not agree more. It is painful to observe how another face/tool of the enslaving club is exalted to savior of the masses, free speech and what else? do a search to find the shareholders of Tesla; you will find Blackrock, Vanguard and the rest of the usual suspects. Who is controlling the puppet?
Is he not the one who, through SpaceX, is going to put in orbit 40.000 satellites around the globe so every body is connected to the grid?
Nobody is going to save us, guys! The leader/god/savior/authority idea is just another implanted behavior; hopium, as Corbett says, to deactivate us.
Only each one of us reconnecting with nature and cultivating what is real human behavior can change what is happening.
Dear Mr. Musk:
Please take the nearest “functional” rocket (heh, heh…) and shove it up your ass.
Polluting the planet with falling space debris, and blowing holes in the atmosphere, will not advance mankind. Hello? Anyone there? Test, test … Is this thing on? Humph! Must be made by Tesla Corp…
An actual person.
“Human nature is not always at its best. Deception is normal. Corruption is normal. Greed for money, power and fame is normal. This is human nature.”
It’s so nice for persons such as Abir Ballan to suggest acceptance of these human traits is “normal”.
War is normal. Theft is normal. Starvation is normal. Debilitating crud and rampant disease are normal. Let’s keep up the good work!!!
Experts on “human nature” are aplenty these days.
Here’s the deep dark secret everyone tip-toes around: the world’s dominant social system doesn’t allow billionaires to arise – it requires billionaires to arise.
A system built on a fantasy cannot sustain itself unless the vast majority perceive something extraordinary built into it.
Why would anyone willingly give up freely gathering food from their surrounding environment to go work for someone so as to be given a piece of paper periodically which enables them to go to a building and “buy” food?
Well, if they forsake their way of life they just might become fabulously wealthy – isn’t that worth it? I think we’re finding out the answer to that question, thanks to the likes of Musk, Gates, Bezos et al.
There’s a damn good reason the ultra-rich remained hidden. The fact that they now poke their heads above ground to seek the limelight proves the system is broken beyond repair.
(Morlocks should remain down under.)
Aren’t Morlocks supposed to be the children of the working class?
“airborne virus”…. sure thing, The Science Is Settled.
Fact check:
Musk is a transhumanist and not your friend.
Authenticating humans means what it says: no anonymity.
Musk has not said he will not give your details to the CIA.
Anyone who gives Musk his/her ID is a fool.
Twitter is for smart-phone brain-addled idiots who cannot read/write more than 140 characters.
EL ELYON Musk graduated their ‘Young Global Leaders’ (tikkun olam) indoctrination program in 2008.
Another Kabal’ist nut-job
Despite being broken up, it appears Musk, 50, and Grimes, 33, still have plans to expand their family, as she said they’ve “always wanted at least three or four” children together.
The couple are already parents to son X Æ A-XII.
Grimes doesn’t hide who and what she does as she says her art and love is dedicated to the mission.
She is a OTO priestess and now they’ve purchased the world biggest meme magical instrument.
What could possibly go wrong….
The same type of madness/psyop we’ve all heard with..
Last I heard the OTO were freemasons which means no women?
If you think those dinosaurs would invite a druggie girl to join their lodge you are either very misinformed or the OTO is something else now.
The Order of the Eastern Star.
Blimey they have diversified. There’s even an African American section!
These are not the OTO though! 😎 but yes I was wrong about “freemasons means no women”! In America it is all possible (with enough money)
Co-Freemasonry is women. OTO is completely different.
Just in case that is Ordo Templi Orientis
You seem very Mis informed
Naming children X Æ A-XII. tells another story.
G’day Elon,
May the bluebird of phoniness shit all over your parade.
+1, ha ha
Dear Elon, I’m told you can reverse land a Rocket. That’s a pretty cool trick.
Can it be done without the assistance of Hollywood?
Dear Elon,
man will never go to Mars
and twatter will remain the same.
Yeah Elon Musk is a known Epstein island frequenter, low life. That his handlers have him buying Twitter, a place literally filled with Russian and Israeli bots pushing all manner of garbage just shows how lame this “democratic heroic” move is.
The move is actually about digital authentication. Musk rat is shilling for the central banks and WEFs plan to authenticate (Monitor, spy, track and trace) all internet activity as part of the new social credit-global Bio-ID-digital payment system, slave panopticon.
Yep, you can’t run a global plantation without comprehensive slave monitoring.
“Ukraine conflict could last years, Nato warns” (BBC)
Now where have I heard that before? Ah yes ….
“The war on terror will not end in our lifetimes” – Dick Cheney.
Only morons have accounts on “social networks”. They always explain that it’s for increasing the range of your scribbles. I do not respect anyone who is there and as you can see I am right judging from the Abir Ballan entry. What the fuck is he? What virus? What freedom of speech? When you sit up to your neck in system shit and it pours into your mouth.
Stop feeding all those cockroaches and leave once and for all these “social networks”! Try to live LIKE REAL HUMAN BEINGS, talking, listening, hugging, looking at the eyes of your parents, friends, neighboors, and not watching all the fucking day your smartphones like mentally retarded idiots!
well said, der.
PANDA is a shill “pandemic“ organization. Another controlled opposition, cartel org, propping up the virus and contagion myths.
Dear Elon
Do you get your biggest hard-on promoting Free Speech or telling Jeff Bezos that you are richer than he is?
The latter, you see, is the behaviour of a nine year old boy in the school playground.
We aren’t too keen to see nine year olds wield the sort of power that you wish to wield, you know….
He is not rich in any way. Not by fiat currency, certainly not in looks and not in health by either.
You are not still believing these rags to riches story’s are you? These people are simply actors/stooges or the linage of the upper echelons.
Miles did a reasonably good job of tearing him up, although the paper is quite a few years old now.
If free speech really gets restored on Twatter, then Elon deserves his hard-ons. Bezos, never.
Can we have them badge the MInistry of Truth, Briggade 77 twitter accounts, with a shield and 77 on it, and anything from the alphabet media with ‘CIA/FBI/MIC’ logos on the accounts?
You got it
prefer LONE SMUK
I see the pseudo left is still getting its knickers in a twist.
And the Guardian continues to smear Corbyn by listing him alongside O’Bomber and the businesswoman and karaoke artiste, Taylor Swift.
My view on Musk is that he is an arsehole but he is unequivocally their arsehole, and a useful spanner in the works.
I love the way they say things like
as if it’s the revolution! People power! Just as long as you don’t form convoys!
Are these plebeian accounts, or ones with a tick?
These are bots. The rich and famous pay for bots to boost their follower counts. Twitter is shutting down bot accounts to reduce their exposure as falsifying traffic can be construed as fraud.
I thought bots were used automatically to boost the follower counts of rich and/or influential leftists. Selling bot services might be a bit too obvious and illegal.
Is E = MC² ?
So much power in the hands of one Homo Sapiens; when did that ever end well?
Firstly, there is no such thing as misinformation or disinformation. These are oxymoronic terms used by propagandists to discredit statements or opinions liable to put a dent in whatever propaganda they peddle.
The word information refers to a representation of knowledge or fact. It says or implies nothing about the quality of such knowledge, whether it’s true, false, … (enter any adjective). Hence, there can be no disinformation. This bullshit and it would behoove people to think twice before they use the words they say.
Secondly, Twitter embodies everything that’s wrong with this world. It’s a platform for broadcasting short messages that due to inherent reasons oversimplify issues and condition people to think in an infinitely shallow manner. Fuck Twitter. And fuck Musk too. People hail this motherfucker as a genius, but I have yet to hear anything of real substance from this guy’s mouth. He’s good at marketing himself as one, but a visionary he’s not.
I disagree about the usefulness of Twitter. Some tweeters are vital citizen journalsts who do a fantastic job in selecting, analysing, and spreading the stories that really matter, in ways no longer possible for the globalist-controlled MSM. More free speech = more power to the people. As for Musk, his talk on the importance of free speech may prove insincere, but it certainly has a 1000x more substance than that of any puppet of wokery or globalism.
You seem unable to understand this.
I can see some usefulness of Twatter in providing links to texts containing some substance, provided that Twatter allows doing this.
Apart from that, Twatter is globalist controlled just like Fuckbook and all them other asocial media.
Be it as it may, even if Twatter does allow posting links to stuff of substance and acknowledging that some tweets might convey useful info, what I wrote above applies. Using Twatter is conducive to extremely superficial thinking, reducing complex issues to single-sentence shallow bullshit.
But he’s fabulously rich, doesn’t that alone make him a visionary? Obviously snark. Fuck Twitter indeed. Shortening attention spans for a decade or so. No problems there, right? Sickening how he’s worshipped but hardly new. Just another liar in a long line of them.
Yeah man x
How can a post-human “authenticate all humans?”
This is weird, man. Off-Guardian is printing an open letter from some group named PANDA (who are saying that Covid-19 is real) to some rich fucker who wants to rule the world.
“Panda is founded and run by Nick Hudson, CEO of the South African private equity fund Sana Partners, and co-founded by Peter Castleden, a senior executive at another South African financial services giant, Sanlam – the largest insurance company in Africa.”
Rich people writing an open letter to the richest person, who from some accounts, is a real snake.
As someone who has never used Twitter and never will, I have to wonder, do we really need Twitter? What’s going on here, man. We’re talking about the richest fucking asshole on the planet buying up something that is barely 15 years old that people are hooked on and think we have to have it for some fucking reason.
Ya, we’re getting screwed here and being taken for a ride. Boycott Twitter, Facebook, all of them. Use the internet with prejudice and start learning smoke signals.
Regardless, we truly need less education twits and more down to the earth, common citizen patriots at the front of this. These rich educated twits (like Abir Ballen and Nick Hudson) are fucking things up. Same things happen here in the states with organizations run by assholes from Harvard and Brown, pretending to be for the We the People and against whatever, “like hey, have you eaten Top Ramen and peanut butter for 30 straight fucking days”?
“Consisting of leading scientists from diverse fields, doctors, data scientists, social scientists, actuaries, economists and legal experts from all over the globe. This team of experts was established to analyze problems holistically.
PRODUCTION FACTORYConsists of writers, editors, graphic designers, video editors, social media specialists and translators. Our communication team transforms scientific findings into content that the public can access and understand.
ENGINE FACTORYEnsures that all the functions required to keep the organization operating are put in place and initiated. Our Operations team consists of strategists, administrators, accountants and IT experts.”
Hell, where do they get their money? Themselves?
“Start learning smoke signals…” 😂 Great points. I agree completely. This whole topic is being overly dramatised. Who cares!
probably to set Elon up for a run for prez (is he even US born? not that it matters anymore).
I’ve been saying for some time that the end-game is to install a right-winger (as they are the natural ally of the status quo), and it’s a win-win, they get the right-wingers back in their corner and they get the dictatorship they’ve been pining for since their Fuhrer failed. You guys do know by now that the Nazis (ideology) “won” WWII and/or that the big one never really ended??
Rich people are neither necessarily nor equally evil, uncaring, unpatriotic assholes, although they may face greater risks of becoming so. The same applies to those who fund Panda.
Sorry man, that’s like saying there are good cops. We’re in a class war and the rich aren’t on our side, just like the cops aren’t.
Eats shoots and leaves.
It’s good that people see through the Twitter lark. Now if they could just see through the scientist/inventor/genius lark, we could get this particular Kewpie Doll off the stage.
There is nothing – NOTHING – admirable about being able to invent new machines to further deplete the Earth’s resources and further impoverish the Earth’s peoples.
But maybe it’s also possible to invent new machines which reduce the use of Earth’s resources and further enrich its peoples.
They have those too – they’re called nuclear bombs.
Possible, probably. Profitable no. Hence, it will not happen. Not in any time frame that matters for damned sure.
Tweets belong in a bird’s nest.
Strictly for young offspring.
When they started censoring all the major platforms they chased a lot of people out who they want to track and trace.
This is a way of luring them all back – it’s very simple. It’s a trap.
They dont need twitter to track and trace anyone lol.
I’ve seen speculation it’s a globalist plot to prevent or spike the growth of Truth Social. Don’t know, but Musk is certainly a WEF young leader, and he has been slagging off Trump’s platform with its ‘awful name. Should have been called Trumpet’ (or words to that effect). Anyhow, the proof is in the pudding; let’s see which tweeters and tweets get unbanned or not.
He is no free speech advocate. He has banned and silenced multiple people often for very minor criticisms plus he supported the coup in Bolivia all so Tesla could get more lithium. He’s a fucking prick.
We all better believe it, too. Or we’re in deep trouble.
Could you link to the people he has silenced and the info relating him to the coup in Bolivia?
I think’ll you may be found to be correct. What we’ll probably see is the line being let out on the caught ‘believers’ to be played some more.
I think his financial ties to the Government/MIC will mean they have leverage and will curtail his ‘alledged’ saint hood, but time will tell.
I haven’t seen any reports of Musk banning anyone new on Twitter yet. Was he a social media owner with such power before now? Had he silenced anyone, it would certainly ruin the eloquent support for free speech he’s currently emitting. Also, I can’t see Musk ever achieving the same levels of prickdom as more obvious servants and agents of the cabal, such as Dorsey, Bezos, and Zuckerberg.
Even Talking Heads are Injured
Tracey Spicer: 54-year-old triple-vaxxed Australian television personality blames “long COVID” for her pericarditis, deteriorating health – The COVID Blog™
Cut Out and Keep!
Here’s another one:
Former Missouri State Representative Cora Faith Walker, 37, died unexpectedly early morning . . . According to St. Louis Medical Examiner who conducted an autopsy last month, “There were no physical injuries or signs of trauma to the body.” On Wednesday, medical examiner Dr. Michael Graham said that Walker died of a heart condition, specifically nonischemic cardiomyopathy (NCBI).
Cora was a pro-vaccine and always encouraged her Twitter followers to take the shot. She even used a mask and vaccine emoji on her Twitter handle.
P.S. A sedentary, twittery, life in a sofa with a smart phone glued to your hand can cause the same symptoms.
Just say no.,wrote%20in%20JAMA%20Internal%20Medicine.
“The results “suggest that physical symptoms persisting 10 to 12 months after the COVID-19 pandemic first wave may be associated more with the belief in having experienced COVID-19 infection than with actually being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” the authors wrote in JAMA Internal Medicine.”
“Long Covid” is psychosomatic or effect of the “Vaccines” IMO.
Yes, I’m pretty sure I had pseudo-covid in early 2020; though I could be mistaken!
Or a mass psychogenic reaction brought on by medical disinformation about the incredibly safe-and-effective, game-changing jab. It happens:
HPV vaccine confidence and cases of mass psychogenic illness following immunization in Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia
Clarissa Simas,a Nubia Munoz,b Leonardo Arregoces,a and Heidi J. Larsona
We report the case of multiple adverse reactions following HPV vaccination in Colombian adolescents in Carmen de Bolivar. In August 2012, the country introduced a school-based HPV immunization programme which successfully reached over 90% of the target population in the first year. In 2014, between May 29th and June 2nd, 15 adolescent girls in one school presented adverse reactions after vaccination and were admitted to the local hospital. Soon, videos of girls fainting, twitching, and arriving unconscious at emergency rooms started to appear in national news media as well as on social media platforms such as YouTube. The viral spread of these videos and disturbing images were followed by the viral spread of symptoms, with over 600 cases reported across Colombia.
Thorough epidemiological investigation by Colombian health authorities found no organic association between the teenagers’ symptoms and the HPV vaccine, concluding this was a case of mass psychogenic reaction to vaccination. Scientific evidence did not appease the anxious public whose confidence in HPV immunization dropped dramatically. By 2016, HPV vaccine uptake among eligible girls declined to 14% for the first dose and 5% for the complete course, down from 98% and 88%, respectively, in 2012.
We document this case and discuss the role of news and social media, particularly YouTube, as a driver of contagious psychogenic reactions. We also discuss the role of health authorities and government, and the importance of acting rapidly and appropriately to contain the spread of such symptoms and maintain public confidence in vaccines.
Thanks for that link.
Has “Covid Brain Fog” suddenly become a thing or has been around for a while?
‘Living death’: Aussie journalist Tracey Spicer’s long Covid hell
It has been more than three months since this veteran TV anchor caught Covid-19. Her hellish experience is still an everyday reality despite being triple-vaxxed.
April 15, 2022
Long Covid: Expert shares six easy tips on how to ‘banish’ brain fog – from diet to sleep
BRAIN fog is considered to be one of the most common signs of long Covid. This stubborn, persistent sign describes a fuzzy mind that struggles to concentrate. As this symptom can impact your daily life, an expert shares six lifestyle habits that could help “banish” it.
Fri, Apr 29, 2022
how do you spot the humans you want to incriminate or target.. you gotta let them speak.. change of tactics.. Now clean up starts.
and real infiltration
All anti-globalist, anti-plandemic and anti-woke voices have been on cabal hit lists for a long time, I suspect. They’ve certainly been suffering vilification, censorship and cancellation for years now. Useful tools from the likes of BLM, XR and the corporate media, hardly at all.
EM is no different to anyone else in the parasite class, ffs. Read the link at the bottom and tell me he’s a top bloke, JFC.
Oh, and I should add, as much as I don’t particularly like this bloke the people I despise even more are those wankers who write pandering and grovelling articles about people who give absolutely zero fucks about anything but themselves.
Seriously, wake up to yourself, #clownworld.
Ah a fellow Alex Christoforou viewer. Yep it’s a clown world alright.
Latest Duran chat with 2 Alex and Gonzalo had Gonzalo outline how musk will make a fortune out of the new twt ….nothing saintly about our Elon.
“That is 33 billion less for student loans. Two words, DEBT PEONAGE.”
![comment image](
“Well Clip my Willie, the Ministry of Truth is run by a SHIM.”
Who made this idiot meme? Are conservatives so cowardly they have to blame their zombie Muskness on gays? Vast majority of the Musk MAGA worship crowd is straight people. But they are equally troll- like as liberals.
Why on Earth would a man want to be a woman? Men are fine and attractive the way they are. In many ways, superior to women. I have always admired men’s masculine qualities.
> In many ways, superior to women.
What kind of BS is that?
The central bankers have for centuries tried to push mankind away from nature and natural living. They were constrained by lack of automation and surgical techniques until recently. Belittling masculinity has been part of the “culture” for more than a century. The banksters enjoy complete propaganda monopoly and can alter the way people think of themselves. The drive to neutralise and even reverse gender roles has been global. and is apparently irreversible. Uganda is the poorest country I have visited. Even there there is grotesque bending of gender roles including rifle toting female guards in mens prisons. I estimate there has been a woman in the cockpit in 10% of commercial flights I have taken.The greedy banksters are using rising population rates to push women into the workforce in the hope of expanding the economy. Feminism is the foul philiosphy they have used to achieve this goal. Bizarre trends like “transgenderism” are driven to trivialise sexual realities and create a genderless society.
Reportedly, Joan Rivers died during trivial elective surgery after having openly told the press that Michelle was, too.
Transgender was a trial run for covid. If it passed, then covid was bound to pass.
There is no such thing as transgender. A person is born male or female, at least physiologically – whatever happens in people’s fucked up heads is anybody’s guess and has no bearing on their physical sex.
People should strive to come to terms with the natural world, including their fucked up selves, and live in harmony therewith instead of forever trying to transform everything based on their latest whim.
BTW, were somebody accuse me of being transphobic, I’d tell them to go fuck themselves. Phobia refers to irrational fear, and I’m certainly not irrationally afraid of anything. As with most bullshit, it’s the exact opposite – all these trans-mothefuckers are naturophobic; they’re irrationally fearful of the natural state of things.
Let’s call a spade a spade. I couldn’t care less about what some whacko craves humping, they can fuck their refrigerator or automobile for what I care, but putting this madness on a pedestal and glorifying these fucking nutters is simply not acceptable.
Funny, I remember how we used to laugh at a teacher who wore a wig, evidently not being able to cope with loss of hair. Now, there are these anti-people who are unable to cope with the sexual organs they were born with. Some progress …
Come to think about it, maybe this is God’s gift to people. It makes it easier for old persons to pass on with no regrets, seeing how the world gets progressively more and more fucked up, having experienced the less fucked up stages thereof.
I no longer identify as a 60 year old but as a 10 year old. And if anyone objects to me hanging round kid’s playgrounds I’ll claim discrimination.
Ha ha ha … You da mahn, mahn!
I prefer to identify as a non-human, preferably a cat – they lie in the sun most of the day and are independent, unlike them dumbo dogs that need a master to survive. Or better still, a tiger! This guy – That will exempt me from all the bullshit foisted on the human race!
To a certain “degree”, a lot of dumbos need a master’s to survive
Imagine, one were to be ‘gifted’ a Masters degree today: with Mastercard
And monthly installments of psychotic procedures,
* professionally, to boot . . . * you ‘Richtung’ Corporation.
Now where do I begin not understanding this comment
Meanwhile, I identify as young, tall, slim and handsome, but no one else is buying that, either.
Go down the ‘offi’ and demand that have a six pack too,
Compliment your Perceptions . . . They will oblige 😉
Youuuu probably could
As for Elon Musk, he’s already stated he’ll abide by the EU speech laws. So, what’s the use of his promise to allow free speech?
BTW, funny how governments can ban online speech, yet still can’t get a handle on the child pornographers, despite all the tech and paid spies they have.
There is a difference between free speech being restricted to non-defamatory comments and free speech being restricted because you don’t follow the agreed line on covid.
Well said!
Except when you defame scientists and others who are talking against the permitted political agenda. The internet is full of the nastiest of ad hominem abuse against those who caution against drugs and vaccines, for instance. All of that completely uncensored.
EU warns Musk “There are rules.” Appears Twitter will be banned in case of their definition of “misinformation.”
The UK government plans to penalize tech companies like Facebook and Google that fail to curb the spread of harmful content on their platforms. As promised, the country is seeking to empower an independent regulator to enforce the rules which target violent material, posts encouraging suicide, disinformation, cyber-bullying, and child exploitation.
Sneaky how they equate “misinformation (the truth)” with child exploitation.
Do we need more proof of the Deep Suprastate?
I think an ad intimidating people into getting vaccinated is actually encouraging suicide. There should be rules to be enforced on that.
What about the idea of ‘forcing’ commercial airline pilots to be injected with the experimental co/vax… that surely encompasses the realms of madness? I’m damn sure that the CEOs of Big-Pharma won’t be flying on commercial passenger jets with vaxxed pilots.
Perhaps that explains the shortage of pilots, at least in USA.
Nope. That for he flebs
theobalt, in-person bullying is OK; it’s just online bullying that’s reprehensible.
Threatening someone with a syringe of stuff that’s killed many– I’d call that bullying. No, I guess it’s Russian roulette murder.
Tell me you’re being sarcastic. Some comments that appear bullying, are often response to bullying. Online. Sometimes standing up to a bully makes you look like the bad guy. You have to assume that role. It comes to that unfortunately. You recognize such a person when there are no reasons to get angry, they don’t go after anyone. They are not bullies.
An insurance business in France rejected a claim for harm from the jab because it is voluntary, experimental and equivalent to suicide. A court agreed.
Bull’s eye!
Won’t nobody fink of the children? The tech oligarchs do, all the time, allegedly.
I see the Sun is now claiming that they would have expose Sir James Savile were it not for the libel laws. Something is going on.
Libel, defamation, disrespect, “giving offence”, etc. are all legal concotions to protect the oligarchy/PTB.
I don’t agree: Deception, corruption, greed are normal, human nature even?
We are brought up to be like this because we live in a society of artificially created lack and exploitation… Those qualities are survival mechanisms, not healthy, “normal” expressions.
The nastiness of human expression has been accepted for so long that we no longer know how to change because we don’t even realise this has been inculcated into us. We aren’t aware of the fact that society could be built on entirely other values. We don’t see that we are living a programmed life. And being well-adjusted to this kind of life is a sickness, not a healthy response, like they tell us.
Great comment. If we had not been socialized to believe deception, corruption and greed were “normal” you’re right, we probably would not be where we are today. We wouldn’t be here, no probably about it really.
yup. How another human bashing narrative got infiltrated in that “letter”… seems we can’t get a brake. we really have to give it to ourselves.
Human nature is cooperation. It’s greedy people’s nature to be greedy.
Sociopaths represent the intrinsic weakness of cooperation. -Jordan Pollack 2004
“The favored victim of the sociopath is the empath”. — Pilgrim Shadow
Human nature is equally competition.
99% of human history has been to the contrary.
But why?? Who is manipulating humankind? Who are the ones that all our leaders are so afraid of that they continue to dance to their tune?
Satan offered Jesus Christ the ‘world’ if he would but only serve him.
It could do this because the world was his and he had dominion over it.
Therefore we know who ‘they’ serve and we know the answer to this.
But people don’t want that do they?
They want victory but on their terms only….
Jesus Christ is Satan’s best buddy.
Shut up and turn the other cheek, love your neighbour and let your children into the hands of pedophile priests. OR ELSE.
As someone has already pointed out to you above – you are misinformed.
They are organized this way, we’re not… and that is being exploited as well, like all human nature.
Everybody is an expert on “human nature”.
I’m sorry, with all of the smoke and mirrors around the Musk issue, and legs being crossed and uncrossed, they are trying to sell us down the Swanney… But this is potentially very serious… UK Government Threatens To Privatise Passport Office & Driving License Agency Due To 10 Week Backlog… No mention of failed Track & Trace & interminable waiting lists for medical provisions…
He is running a mega plant in Shanghai, so he is a puppet of China like everyone else.
He wants to put chips in your brain (NeuroLink) and is launching satellites to create a global network for track and trace.
He is supportive of RNA Vaccines and is developing technology around those jabs.
If you buy his phone, you are opposite of smart and it will be a ticket to prison.
He is jut the next front stage puppet to deceive and distract the masses.
He bought Twatter because it wasn’t being censored enough.
You’re right but the puppet of China shit? He’s a bigger puppet for America than China.
The tens of thosands of satellites he is sending up – like others – may start a chain reaction of collisions that (a) makes LEO unusable and impassable (b) ends astronomy.
It’s kinda funny to see all these ppl simping so hard for this joker – like I thought they all started their own social media platforms or w/e? And all the people that think he’s “problematic” are the target demo for a Tesla which is kinda weird.
Good observation about his brand being what the wokes want
As if this robot from the future masquerading in a human meat suit is the new “savior.” The character role being played called “Elon” is pure DECEPTION at its finest.
Use discernment and please know this… YOU SAVE YOURSELF from your fear and your personal demons. Not anyone or anything outside of yourself is coming down from the sky’s to “save” you. That is the real WAKE UP call. That is the Truth.
Musk is a distraction. “This is why, for the first time in my memory, the G20 finance ministers did not issue a statement after meeting last week. If they had been honest, they would have declared bankruptcy.”×900
(Y-axis, total money ECB)
If the USA was even borderline ‘honest’ they would have declared bankruptcy many years ago. Moreover, how does a ‘Failed-State’ bankrupt continue to supply weapons of warfare to conflict zones? Who’s paying for the weapons, and furthermore, who is supplying the procurers when they are known bankrupts?? Madness is not the half of this …
Elon Musk is the new Stephen Hawking.
It’s all talk.
Stephen Hawking died young and was replaced by a series of impostors. No one can live with ALS for more than 10 years let alone 55 years.
Just heard that the mp pornwatcher did not get a hard on in parliament so no rules were broken.
You’re allowed to have one, but nobody must notice it.
Butt: but , butt Musk notice it… 😉
Maybe he was scrolling for viagra advertisements.
Share many of the concerns here and doubts over his new saviour status. Likely to be just part of the reset script – confuse and distract. However, one thing I do suspect which may be a positive. He is probably some way on the agenda but perhaps is hedging his bets. He may come down fully on the dark side if it gains further ascendancy – or he may decide the fate of dictators and international criminals of the past, is not for him and he positions himself away from the flak and perhaps chooses life and perhaps recognition. Under no illusions, but Ive long thought hes hedging his bets.