Palestine, Yes – Ukraine, No
Michael Lesher
Maybe it’s because I’m a religious Jew and a supporter of Palestinian rights – and because it’s lonely to be both.
Maybe it’s because war hysteria always disgusts me, whether it’s the usual Israeli dehumanization of Palestinian victims or the baying of today’s mainstream media for Russian blood, and I can only shudder when ostensibly decent people take up either of those battle cries.
Or maybe it’s because I’ve always seen the Palestinian cause as a struggle for freedom and dignity – which makes it a religious imperative, too – whereas warmongering over Ukraine is a sinister campaign aimed (in more or less equal parts) at advancing US imperial goals, demonizing Russians, and fostering a political economy increasingly dominated by neo-Nazis whose repressive policies dovetail with the anti-democratic tendencies of the US-led NATO governments.
But whatever the reason, I feel I’ve got to say this: if you are a supporter of Palestine, please, please stop sentimentalizing Ukraine’s war with Russia. You will gain nothing from that sordid cause but the moral contamination of your own. And, on a practical level, you will receive nothing from Ukraine and its puppeteers but contempt for your naïveté.
Yes, I understand the temptation to invoke media outrage over Russia’s occupation of parts of Ukraine as a way to demand similar expressions of outrage about Israel’s occupation of Palestine. After all, the occupation of Palestine has lasted much longer, and has entailed more crimes, than Russia’s recent military actions in Ukraine. I readily agree that the selective condemnation of Russia is hypocritical. And I agree, further, that those of us who quote international law to denounce Israeli brutality in Palestine must likewise acknowledge Ukraine’s right, under international law, to be free from military attack.
But international norms aside, Ukraine is not – repeat, not – Palestine. And we confuse the two subjects at our peril – not only because of the moral distance between them, but because, given that distance, we can only join in pro-Ukraine war fever at the cost of the truth.
To begin with, Ukraine – unlike Palestine – is not the helpless victim of a superpower aggressor. Let’s not even consider the fact that Ukraine largely provoked the Russian attack with its bloody eight-year campaign against ethnic Russians in the Donbas region and its refusal to engage Russian diplomatic initiatives. Let’s just ask ourselves a very simple question: does Palestinian resistance get any support – any at all – from the United States or its allies?
We know that it does not.
Ah, but Ukraine does! Having already flooded the country with weapons, the US (according to The Intercept) is now providing the Ukrainian military with “sophisticated intelligence” in order to help it kill more Russians. That’s not even counting the nearly $14.5 billion worth of “security and humanitarian aid” the US government is about to dispatch to Ukraine, “aid” that will include anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, small arms, machine guns, shotguns, grenade launchers and military drones. Would any Western country dream of backing Palestinian resistance in similar fashion? Even when Israeli forces are on a killing spree in the West Bank – as they are now?
We all know the answer.
In fact, the more closely supporters of Palestine look into the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the less likely they are to sympathize with Ukrainian “resistance.” Is it an accident that Ukraine is rapidly becoming a pons asinorum for militant Palestine-haters? Consider the case of Tzvi Arieli, a “religious” Israeli who has recently been featured in Jewish media for his conviction that killing Ukraine’s enemies takes precedence over the sacred ritual of donning phylacteries.
“If I need to shoot some Russians, timing is really important,” he explained to Forward.
As a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, Arieli participated in Israeli terrorist attacks in the occupied West Bank; apparently he also had a hand in violence against ethnic Russians as far back as 2014. (Forward describes this as “fend[ing] off the separatists” for “the Ukrainian military.”)
But nowadays, Ukraine may actually be a more congenial setting for Arieli’s talents than Israel itself. “Many Ukrainians see Israeli leaders’ refusal to yield to their country’s adversaries as a model for themselves,” noted one admiring press account. And the Ukrainian version of the Israeli “model” enjoys the advantage of being on the blind side of human rights organizations. Amnesty International, which has “investigators” in Ukraine, appears to be focusing all of its attention on Russian conduct – which means that Ukraine can effectively out-Israel Israel and get away with it, as Arieli’s example suggests.
And it isn’t only rabid Zionists who are experiencing a sudden crush on Ukraine. Liberals – the kind who endorse the oppression of Palestine more genteelly than the Arielis of the world, but with greater political effect – are just as smitten. I’ve noted in another column how Jodi Rudoren, chief editor of the leading Jewish liberal daily in the US, has gone lovesick over Ukrainian militants in a way she’d never dream of writing about Palestinians. The New Republic’s Michael Tomasky has also joined the Ukraine war party. Take a quick survey of the liberal Western press (I personally don’t have the stomach for it) and you’ll find dozens just like them.
And – as if the list of Palestine’s enemies cheerleading for Ukraine weren’t already long enough – the world’s Orthodox Jewish leadership is joining up, too. This April, rabbis of the Lubavitch Hasidic sect hosted at least 53 Passover Seders for more than 7,000 guests inside Ukraine. According to Forward, they even assisted with bakeries that “made mini-matzos for soldiers [my emphasis] to ensure that they get a taste of the holiday” – just in case anyone might have imagined the rabbis’ interest was merely humanitarian and religious. How does the same Orthodox Jewish clergy react to Palestinian suffering? Well, when a small group of religious Jews from the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta movement spent a Sabbath in Gaza to show their support for one of the most grievously oppressed populations on earth – in a place the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on human rights in Palestine has pronounced “unliveable” – not one prominent Orthodox Jewish organization lifted a finger to help them.
In fact, the same Lubavitch organization that can’t do enough to help Ukrainian soldiers has gone out of its way to defend every Israeli massacre of Gaza’s civilians, blaming the mass murder of men, women and children on a Palestinian “culture of death” – not on Israeli brutality.
Do supporters of Palestine belong in that kind of crowd?
Ukraine itself has made no secret of its alignment with Israel – with all that entails. Don’t be fooled by the rising prestige of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis into thinking that its historically Jew-hating population can’t be on cozy terms with the so-called Jewish State. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has already declared that the Ukraine of the future will be a “big Israel.” In fact, long before his war with Russia, Zelensky ostentatiously removed Ukraine from a U.N. committee devoted to Palestinian rights.
And the Israeli government has returned the compliment. On April 4, Israel’s president granted a full pardon to a convicted cocaine smuggler simply because he claimed to be hankering to return to his native Ukraine “to fight against the Russian invasion.” Why bother about drug laws when there are Russians to be killed and neo-Nazi militias to support?
Incidentally, please note – as this episode illustrates – that the “Jewish State” is entirely comfortable with those Jew-hating militias roving all through Ukraine. Even its new “special envoy to combat anti-Semitism,” an actress-turned-propagandist named Noa Tishby, has declared that her real job is fighting critics of Israel’s occupation – not Ukrainian Nazis.
As long as Ukraine is pro-Israel you won’t hear a peep of protest from Jerusalem, not even about the notorious Azov Battalions that seem to be steadily gaining strength under Zelensky. But you can be sure that Israeli propaganda will go on slandering Palestinian civilians who have the gall to believe they’re entitled to human rights.
Should Palestine activists align themselves with that toxic fellowship?
And what about the United States, where the Israel-boosting Joe Biden occupies the White House? Vice President Kamala Harris has done her share of tongue-clucking over the Russian occupation of Ukraine. (She seemed almost about to cry when she mentioned the “heart-wrenching experience” of Ukrainian refugees during a recent visit to Romania.) But Harris, whose husband is Jewish, was perfectly happy to serve Psagot wine – produced by Israeli “settlers” on stolen Palestinian land – when she hosted the obligatory White House Passover Seder on April 15.
Nor was the symbolism lost on the usual suspects. “Next year,” tweeted David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel, “I would recommend that the Second Family serve the ‘Friedman’ vintage from the Psagot winery.”
After all, Psagot named that particular wine after the ambassador because of his role in relocating the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in defiance of international law, in 2018 – an act that cost the lives of 55 Palestinian protesters on the very day of the move.
Got that? The White House’s official lovers of Ukraine celebrated Passover with wine made by armed colonists on stolen Palestinian land, at a winery that awards top honors for contributing to mass murder. Can anyone who cares about Palestinian rights dream of joining hands with politicians mired so deeply in hypocrisy and blood?
Remember, finally, that in resisting “Israel,” as conceived by Zionists, we are face to face with something unique: a claim, not a country – a myth, not a history. And it seems to me that this alone sets Palestinian resistance apart from other conflicts. As Steve Salaita put it in a recent essay:
Although Zionists think of Israel as a…timeless and stable geography, in reality they must deterritorialize the state in order to defend it. In other words, they can only defend it as a conceit, not as a tangible project. It has to exist outside of history or else it loses its exceptional character and thus its special claim to adulation. Within the actual world of geopolitics, it becomes just another settler colony, prone to the ugly behavior that imperialism demands of such entities.
Whatever else is true of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it is (unlike the Israeli war against Palestine) a contest between states, or between a state and a bloc of states (NATO); no one is pretending that Ukrainians do not exist, or that Russia has no geographical limits, or that ethnic Russians anywhere in the world have an inborn right to take Ukraine away from its inhabitants.
So even if you are prepared to dance to pro-Ukraine jingoism (and I’m not), I don’t see how you can harmonize that dance with support for Palestine. The latter cause is a struggle not just for national independence but for the right to pronounce the simple facts that Palestinians exist and that Israel is a settler-colonial enterprise like any other. Nothing of that nature is involved in fighting for Ukraine.
So, when I see Philip Weiss (one of the co-founders of the Mondoweiss blog, a rare place where Palestinian rights are genuinely respected) writing that “Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and the international response are an opportunity for Americans who care about Palestine,” and concluding with cheerleading for “the American sanctions” against Russia – as if those “sanctions” will somehow help the inmates of Israel’s Gaza prison or the tortured children of the West Bank or East Jerusalem – I have to interject a word of caution.
It is one thing to call attention to the hypocrisy of a Western press that weeps over the occupation of Ukraine while ignoring the cruelty of Israel’s occupation of Palestine. It is quite another to allow ourselves to be swept up into the hysteria celebrating a country that despises us, not to mention a cause built on violence and lies.
Yes, we should support efforts to end the conflict and to protect civilians wherever possible.
But wave the Ukrainian flag? We might just as well start thanking the Israelis for poisoning Gaza’s children, or praising the US for sending billions of dollars annually to Israel to help it kill more Palestinian civilians.
Ukrainian civilians won’t benefit from that. And Palestine deserves much better.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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Change of Direction
The change of direction of this forum since this article is shocking. It appears the voting system was temporarily disabled in order to nullify any sentiment favouring the author.
Thankyou for a very well written article. You have used the Palestinian case to magnify the hypocrisy of western european nations. It needs to be said again and again.
“A period of great positivity.” 1
But the same could be said about any empire; including the City of London.
1. Ehret – 18:30 in “debunking” vid
By Matthew Ehret
Today, I would like to go a little deeper into the longer wave of history shaping our presently confused age by taking a look at the forgotten Jewish Kingdom of Khazaria (7-11th century CE).
Taking the time to investigate this important part of world history is additionally important as China’s New Silk Road currently represents the greatest hope for peace amongst various faiths and cultures not only in the Middle East, but globally. This is not the first time that the Silk Road ushered in a hope for a new age of reason amongst diverse cultures and as we shall soon see, the Kingdom of Khazaria played a major role in that endeavor which St Augustine called a City of God well over a millennium ago.
De-Bunking the Myth of the ‘Khazarian Mafia’
Apr 21, 2022
Canadian Patriot Press
Thank you much for “pons asinorum” …
Ukraine needs to be absorbed by Russia- it is a very dangerous entity on its own. Fuck Ukraine.
Isn’t this simply a case of birds of a feather flock together and that extremist Zionists and the Israeli government itself are fundamentally Neoconservative will make common cause with any other Fascist/Neoconservative cause to fulfil their intended destruction of Russia. Nazism is a state of mind, not a political movement in Germany which was made illegal in 1945.
Brendon O’Connell
130. Ukraine, Secret Service Scandal, 911 & The Dancing Israeli’s
Apr 29, 2022
This guy O’Connell has a tendency to attack other bloggers (including comments about how much money Corbett makes) and there is something off about him.
My basic assumption is that all these people are controlled in some way or other; or have some history of being controlled. However, they all have to put some truth out there in order to retain an audience. I haven’t watched much of O’Connell over the last few years because I got tired of his attacks on others; but he seems to have quietened it down a bit. I think there’s a lot of rivalry between these people. For instance, George Webb was attracting a lot of attention when virtually nobody was watching O’Connell.
My sentiments, too! There’s a vast difference between what’s been taking place in Palestine since the late 1940s by Israel and, this US/NATO war crime in Ukraine. People choose to have short memories when it comes to the US of Atrocities & choose not to remember Nuland’s reason for interfering in Ukraine, in 2014!
Russia will win the war against the U$A, and us stuck in the “West” will have to get along owning nothing, enduring food shortages with attempts at getting pinpricked with unwanted injectable poisons.
The Polacks and the Hungarians will soon feed off the corpse of Ukraine, just like they did with Czechoslovakia in 1938, in Teschen and Ruthenia, just like Hungary and Bulgaria did with Romania in 1940, in Transylvania and Dobruja. All these grubby little states are like jackals waiting for the chance to stick a knife in the back of a neighbour if they can get away with it with the help of a suitable big power patron, Germany, Russia, America, EU, whoever. The same thing will happen very soon with Ukraine, It is going to be carved up, just like Czechoslovakia and Romania were. Or Poland itself in 1939.
Don’t expect a peep of protest over Palestine any time soon. Biden’s administration is made up 75% of Zionist Jews. Not much diversity there. All his children are married to Jews. Something the Biden Crime Clan has in common with the Clinton Crime Clan and the Trump Crime Clan.
Ukraine, Yes — Palestine, Later. Statement by Russion FO Lavrov:
“It is well-known that the United States and NATO member states have always viewed Ukraine as a tool to contain Russia. Over the years, they have actively fuelled anti-Russia sentiments there, forcing Kiev to make an artificial and false choice: to be either with the West or with Moscow.
It was the collective West that first provoked and then supported the anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Kiev in February 2014. Nationalists came to power in Ukraine and immediately unleashed a bloody massacre [of Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens] in Donbass, and set the course on the destruction of everything Russian in the rest of the country. Let me remind you that it was precisely because of this threat that the people of Crimea voted in a referendum for the reunification with Russia in 2014.
Over these past years, the United States and its allies have done nothing to stop the intra-Ukrainian conflict. Instead of encouraging Kiev to settle it politically based on the Minsk Complex of Measures, they sent weapons, trained and armed the Ukrainian army and nationalist battalions, and generally carried out the military-political development of Ukraine’s territory. They encouraged the aggressive anti-Russia course pursued by the Kiev authorities. In fact, they pushed the Ukrainian nationalists to undermine the negotiating process and resolve the Donbass issue by force.
We were also deeply concerned about the undeclared biological programmes implemented in Ukraine with Pentagon’s support in close proximity to the Russian borders. And, of course, [in regard to Weapons of Mass Destruction] we could not disregard the Kiev leadership’s undisguised intentions to acquire a military nuclear potential, an unacceptable threat to Russia’s national security.
In these conditions, we had no other choice but to recognise the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and launch the Special Military Operation. Its aim is to protect [Russian speaking Ukranian] people from genocide by the neo-Nazis, as well as to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine. I would like to stress that Russia is acting to fulfil its obligations under bilateral agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance with the DPR and LPR, at the official request of Donetsk and Lugansk under Article 51 of the UN Charter on the right to self-defence. The special military operation launched on February 24 is progressing strictly in accordance with the plan. All its goals will be achieved in spite of our opponents’ counteractions.
At the moment we are witnessing a classic case of double standards and hypocrisy of the Western establishment.”
It is the neocons under Nuland and her husband Kagan that have taken power in Ukraine.
And Russia is still obviously under bankster control.
Not as obvious as you think, can you expand on that?
Putin just made Russian currency a “real” currency based on gold, which is why he is a target.
Dr. E Michael Jones – The Censorship of Ukraine and Russian History
Streamed live on Apr 14, 2022
Unraveling the Narrative
Hosted by Sean Jackson and Alex Newman
“Don’t cry for me, EU$A”. Cry for yourselves, imprisoned in your own prison, with no will to break your own mind-forged manacles:
“Yesterday, Ayatullah Khamenei, in his speech [5] for Al-Quds Day [Jerusalem Day] April 29, gave a very concise and hopeful prognosis. He announced: “today, an ‘Undefeatable Will’ in Palestine and the entire West Asia has replaced the ‘Undefeatable Army’ of the Zionists; this criminal military has been forced to re-structure its tactical formation from offense to defense.”
The most sickening thing for me is the racism of white nations, including Australia. During the years the Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis were forced to flee for their lives from our bombs the media screeched hysterically about a ”migrant crisis” and showed no interest in their lives. Now there is no migrant crisis, just poor sad traumatised white people who are not covered by the refugee convention at all
I saw some headline in the MSM Friday from some shill saying “it’s hard to watch what Putin is doing in Ukraine.” Hard to watch? Well, I guess since we don’t really watch what’s going on in the ME and all those other US instigated wars for “humanitarian reasons” it would be hard to watch someone else do what we do, wouldn’t it? All that bombing of innocent civilians, Putin is the only one who does that, right?
In 2017, the slave labour business was ~$150 billion. In some places, it is more profitable than narcotics. Refugees alone were 65 million in 2015. Though the “free markets” constantly deride competitors for low wages, child labour, etc., they themselves would collpase without the steady supply of desperate people. This has been the reality since Ancient Greece.
So, can capitalism survive without economic, subversive and military warfare?
It is NOT capitalism anymore.
It is plain and simple BARBARISM.
Ah how we long for the good ole days when capitalism was Kapitalism … sigh …
Ah, but Bombing Brown People is good for them. Everybody knows that. And Russian forces are equipped with the Mark I Anti Hospital Bomb, which automatically seeks out and destroys any children’s hospitals in the area. US and British bombs, by comparison, explode on impact to spread freedumb and democracy, love and happiness and universal brotherhood.
A smart city is to a conventional city what YouTube is to free speech – which isn’t good.
Palestinians have to put up with much greater crimes than Ukrainians but are ironically less sympathised with.
Tis only the ar$e lickers on the side of evil:
RUSSIAsteria: Best Ukraine (Plus Media) Hypocrisy Memes
Ukraine media hypocrisy, some Nazis/refugees/wars are more equal than others, and more!
Off topic, but I was trawling the WEF website today to read their list of “Partners”. (You know, the ones with the funny hand shake logos) Interesting to see all the Injection Manufactures listed. Not surprising, they were the first I looked up.
Feel free to view in the link below how many billion dollar companies, run by their super wealthy CEO’s and executives, who want “YOU” to own nothing and “THEY will be happy.
Oh, and before I forget PayPal is on the list too. Just in case we still have some round here who believe that Elon Musk is going to save their arse. (Musk “Supposedly being a Co Founder of PP)
It also may answer the post from “Lost In A Dark Wood” below. He was worried about Paypal restricting funds to so called alternative sites. But Musk would not do this because he is a freedom fighter right.
“Now today there is a large, full blown UN / Red Cross operation under way to evacuate the civilians in the Azovstal factory.”
It looks like NATZO’s nasty Azov battalion holed up in the Azov steelworks is going to surrender rather than fight to the last man and immolate themselves, together with their civilian hostages in a Wagnerian GoetterDamerung.
Once again I hear Hitler’s bitter last words. Perhaps Ursula von Votsit hears them too:
“The rotten no good cowardly Germanic people were unworthy of my genius; I should have been Leader of the Russians”.
There is a suggestion that they were only holding out to protect their NATO advisers. If they have been smuggled out posing as civilians then there is no point in fighting on*, particularly as the centrist Macron has been reinstalled.
*Allegedly Azov don’t like fighting against soldiers.
The Ukronazies, who are mainly from Polish Galicia (now called West Ukraine) collaborated with Hitler’s own nazis but embarrassed them: Firstly, by the ferocity of the Ukronazi hatred for Jews, Poles and Russians. Secondly, by the Ukronazi claim that they were not a Slavic race but belonged to the lost tribe of Germany.
Can you please stop referring to Occupied Palestine as the Occupied West Bank. This is a total betrayal of the Palestinians and their country. Israel uses the euphemism of West Bank, which sounds like some suburb, to avoid using the correct term OCCUPIED PALESTINE.
Please Mr Lesher, use the correct name for Palestine. Everything beyond the 1947 UN partition mandate is Occupied Palestine. In fact, since the Mandate has never been tested in any court of law, nor finally validated by the UN, it is all strictly speaking, Occupied Palestine.
But it would be enough to simply stop using the disgraceful euphemism of West Bank.
Author writes And I agree, further, that those of us who quote international law to denounce Israeli brutality in Palestine must likewise acknowledge Ukraine’s right, under international law, to be free from military attack. To the contrary. Ukraine supposed right under international law is not clear but very murky in this case. And it is thanks to US actual policies of continuing blatant interventions in sovereign countries UN members.Strict application of letter and spirit of UN charter cannot be required when as MLK said “worst purveyor of aggression and violence in the world” is sitting on UNSC. Let’s considered facts. Russian intervention happened while 8 year old war on LDPR in Donbas already started to flare up again. The Ukrainian War did not start when Russians came in on February 24th but on February 18th when AFU began massive artillery attack on LDPR positions including crossing frontlines in few critical points which forced massive evacuation of about 100,000 people to Russia. LDPR defended itself for almost a week before RF military intervened on LDPR side. Factually there was no unprovoked attack by Russians on Ukraine. That was response to Ukrainian provocation. It was February 18,, military escalation, increasing ten fold shelling of free Donbas territory by AFU, from 100 shells a day in January to up to 2000 a day after February 18, Such shelling constituted double the shelling rate of what was 2014 war worst day and likely was preparation for invasion of free Donbas by 130,000 strong AFU. It is AFU escalation that directly started this war. Such unprovoked attack of AFU on LDPR territory was nothing but open declaration of war against LDPR after Minsk II was openly rejected by Zelensky who chose war in 2021. Russia responded legally according to UN charter to fulfill its military obligations to LDPR ally under ongoing AFU attack. After that Russia informed UNSC as UN charter calls for and opened up negotiations now sabotaged by Ukrainian government under US control. RF ambassador presented in UNSC all the evidences proving legality of RF intervention in Ukraine citing many international precedents and interpretations of UN Charter especially Article 51. The one of legal foundations of Russian intervention is application of championed by US and NATO principle of “responsibility to protect”. Russia for last eight years pushed on international fora issues of illegal total economic blockade of LDPR, war crimes of shelling civilians by AFU and Nazi battalions and human rights violations against Russian citizen, ethnic Russians, Greek minority and.. Ukrainian political opposition in Donbas as well as on entire Ukrainian territory. Only to be repeatedly ignored including ignoring UNSC resolution supporting Minsk agreements ultimately unilaterally rejected by Ukraine and effectively violated cease fire. Suffering ethnic Russians in Ukraine were left without any protections under Ukrainian as well as international law and its institutions including ICC and other venues. And hence such “responsibility to protect” then fell on Russian government based on precedent of NATO intervention in Serbia in 1999 when NATO attacked Serbia allegedly in order to protect residents of Kosovo, a province of Serbia. In the same way Russians intervened in Ukraine to protect people of Donbas province of Ukraine. Another argument is that International law by UN charter or by precedents clearly indicates that attacking country that is attacking your ally is not only legal but it is a founding principle of NATO and US promise to Western Europe. As a precedent it was a legal foundation of US incursion into Iraq by US forces during operation “Desert a Storm” to liberate Kuwait in 1991. Military Intervention in Iraq required no UNSC resolution to… Read more »
+1 Hard facts vs soft righteousness.
can someone explain that to the cult members!?
in so many things, argh
Kalen, thanks for this rigorous deconstruction of the bit you quoted.
I’ve noticed that many leftish critics who otherwise seem to have their heads on straight lapse into what they seem to regard as obligatory, oblique virtue-signaling in the form of false equivalence.
I’ve always thought of myself as “antiwar” in general, but the quoted assertion brings to mind the shrill righteousness of the simpleminded antiwar position of “I unequivocally condemn all parties who make war, regardless of the circumstances!”
You made critical point about understanding what it means to be against war.
it was Rosa Luxemburg who made the very point of what she meant being against war in front thousands of workers enthusiastic to go to the front at the beginning of WWI. Paraphrasing “I am not a pacifist, I enjoy good fight, and if aristocratic elites want to fight each other for fame or profit I have nothing against it, I would even pay to see the fight. But don’t they dare to spill one single drop of working people’s blood to settle their egotistical, petty quarrels.
War is always a racket and has one purpose namely perceive or real benefits for elites at cost of disaster and death for regular working people in physical, socioeconomic, moral and political dimension. As somebody said: in war all those coming home are dead, some dead still can walk others no longer can.
The Ukrainian war is clearly proxy war among elite of globalists who are willing to sacrifice people on altar of propaganda mythology of nationalism as to impose false morally of national allegiance when oligarchic elites have none but profit and control.
This is not our war. Our war is ongoing brutal class war that is denied in public psyche or social consciousness (suppressed by corporate media) purposefully covered with fog of ridiculously tragic nationalistic war.
The peace is to be found among regular people who reject poison of social divisions like ideological, religious, racial, ethnic etc., divisions that are fed into people’s brains by ruling elites.The elites and their minions are our enemies who we must fight for full emancipation from elites’ driven enslavement of body, heart and mind.
Well done, K.
I’ve been reflecting, wine in hand, and I conclude as follows …
As long as the US of As exists,
There will never be peace on Planet Mother Earth
Free Palestine!!!
It could be that Historical Amnesia is what makes Today tolerable… anon…
Three Books on Israel…E B Maple:
Review Anti-Semite ?
Wow that was an amazingly honest article Michael as a religious Jew who supports and obviously has a deep understanding of the Palestinian-Jewish conflict. I would suggest you are a global citizen also. Thankyou for your insightful comments and courage .
Pardon the off-topic, but this revealing Elon Musk interview is up on Mercola & therefore will disappear tomorrow:
It’s not at the top of the article, you have to scroll down to this video; the philosophy Musk expresses is impeccable, but EU & others have already said he’ll be banned in case of “disinformation.”
Musk is a conman, charlatan, is handled by people much bigger than him, fraternised with Jeffery Epstein, is a degenerate and is being propped up, like so, so many before him as a saviour. Don’t fall for it.
he’s straight out borg dude, not fully human, if he ever was : )
You mean he isn’t another billionaire white knight saviour, like Trump was? All my illusions are shattered!
. . . and then they came for Jimmy Dore.
PayPal Blocks Payments To Anti-War Voices
Apr 30, 2022
The Jimmy Dore Show
Come on. Please… Spook of the year award.
Next you will be repeating the fact that Russel Brand has 33 tattooed on his arm because that’s when he almost died of drug addiction.
It’s all custom designed to keep you distracted. OG included.
Quite likely!
Jimmy Dore: “I never could of imagined that this would happen in the United States . . . This is everything you’ve ever been warned about!”
DeSantis Vows To Fight Biden’s “Ministry Of Truth”
Apr 30, 2022
The Jimmy Dore Show
On the heels of the Biden administration’s announcement of a “Ministry of Truth”-esque “Disinformation Governance Board” in the Homeland Security Department, Florida’s GOP Governor Ron Desantis responded by insisting that he will do everything in his power to protect liberty and not let the federal government stifle free speech under the guise of exposing propaganda and misinformation by foreign governments.
Jimmy and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss how the Democrats are becoming authoritarian and ceding the freedom-defending zone to right-wingers like Ron Desantis.
Lost, perhaps if you choose to attack someone who is defending our freedoms, you could at least be specific as to your criticism, rather than just slinging labels like “right-winger.” This man is a hero.
The text which includes the term “right-ring” is by Jimmy Dore. Dore is a Bernie supporter and he’s upset that the traditional Democrat voters are aligning with MAGA; though he recognises that the problem is the DNC.
33rd degree freemasons do not advertise it with tattoos. He would have likely been booted for doing that.. and his criminal record would have disqualified him anyway.
I look forward to hearing about what precisely in Brand’s output makes him a freemason. He has acted in some sugary comedies and is now posting Youtube videos with politely subversive content. I suppose he falls into the “controlled opposition” camp? Yawwn….
Patreon is more of the same shit, in case anyone here hasn’t realised.
The non-existent nation called “Palestine” and the synthetic nation called “Ukraine” (patched together from fragments of Russia’s Western Ukraina) are irrelevant to the present struggle. The “war” is not a war between “Ukraine” and Russia; it is a war between Anglo-Zio-Capitalism and the rest of the world. NATZO represents the armed wing of AZC. Russia represents the armed wing of team ROW (currently with China, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Venezuela). Russia’s Special Operation in the Ukraina is only a small part of her main objective, which she shares with China, Iran et al: No NATZO nukes east of Berlin!
Boris explains the nature of Russia’s SOU [my comments]:
“Boris on April 30, 2022 · at 7:27 am EST/EDT
The war Russia would fight against NATO [ie, on NATZO’s home ground: EU$A and Five Eyes countries] would be quite different from this little operation [in Russia’s Ukraina] which has an emphasis on preserving civilian life and infrastructure, often above that of the troops. It has been instructive though, it has shown how a 300,000 man NATO army, of Ukrainians trained and equipped for 7 years by the best NATO has to offer, can be disassembled by a 100,000 man Russian army. NATZO must be scared witless by what they are seeing. These aren’t even Russias best troops (although by now they have become a very tight and battled hardened force) nor her best gear.
I think NATO would be overwhelmed by true Russian force. Quite a different war indeed. However we have learned by now that the West never listens, never learns and pays little attention to the things it should. Listening to Truss recently (Miss Truss, British FM and the completely out of her depth Ursula Von Der Leyen for the EU) you would think that the plucky little British Army is ready to take on the Russians tomorow.
If you can’t win the real war, go all out to win the imaginary one seems to be the Wests MO. They’re winning it in the media so surely reality will follow suit!”
[note by NickM: Dragging in a sentimental comparison between Palestinians and Ukrainians is part of the media war — an entry in the Guilt and Suffering Olympics — not the real war. As I said above, the real war will be to curb the eastward spread of NATZO’s nuclear and biological weapons].
Indeed, the Palestinians have received so little coverage over recent years that one might be forgiven for believing them to be already extinct.
Covaine has certainly provided the ‘authorities’ will an excellent smoke-screen for their destructive work…
Palestinians are far from being extinct. With all due respect to Bishop Berkeley, people do not cease to exist simply because other people cease to notice their existence. But the Middle East is a different theatre of the global war between Anglo Zio Capitalism and the Rest of the World, and much bigger than Russia’s Special Operation in the Ukraina.
Palestine is a much bigger issue than NATZO, even bigger than nuclear and biological WMD, because Palestine is where the hopes for a better world (“The Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven”) are focussed by 3 Billion Christians, Muslims and Jews (“The Peoples of the Book”).
The misanthropic “peoples of the book” are the greatest tragedy in the history of humanity : a truly anti-life force. Their “Kingdom”, don’t forget, requires Armageddon and a lot of gnashing of teeth.
Their script is functionally IDENTICAL to the NWO- a constant destructive crisis backed by concerns for the “greater good” and carrots on sticks (salvationism) which always ends up being the “good” of the elites.
Billions served by YHVH and his slaves.
to me it is a scripted war (whilst many real people die), i get all the russian grinder tactic shtuff, but still it seems too slow and . . .hamstrung…?
not decisive in any short term. why so?
anyway, the eukrops are getting fucking humped in the east by even western accounts.. even those evil bing pages have changed their tune….
who fkn knows.
It could well be propaganda but doing a search for “Chechen Hunters” is a good laugh.
Polish govt has established contact with Ukrainian opposition leaders to propose the deployment of a peacekeeping force in western Ukraine. Between WWI & WWII Poland had annexed these territories.
A month ago, Polish officials laid claim to the enclave of Kaliningrad, which has never belonged to Poland.
This may suggest that the time is ripe for Hungary and Romania to claim other parts of Ukrainia.
This info is from, and Thierry reminds us that forces engaged in “peacekeeping” missions do NOT necessarily trigger the application of NATO’s Article 5 on collective defense.
btw, do people know that Russia’s accepted UN peacekeepers to evacuate Azovstal plant? Happened a few days ago but i didn’t post it cuz offtopic.
Wouldn’t happen to have a source for this extremely doubtful ‘news’, would you?
Cliff, I thought it strange too. I got it from RT’s Spanish channel, but it’s also carried by Reuters & the AP.
Even more peculiar, one of the other Russian sites said that the reason Putin is permitting UN participation in evacuation is that US threatened to use nuclear weapons if Russia attacked the Azovstal plant.
Then, RT reported that UN had said it wd take them several days to mount the operation (still not occurring AFAIK). But I notice there’s no more talk on the Russian sites of any intention to attack; instead they are just waiting.
UN participation is no longer mentioned on RT or any other Russian site.
Wonder what force within Azovstal cd be so valuable to US??
Nationalist and commander of the Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergey Volyn from the catacombs of the metallurgical plant “Azovstal” in Mariupol again asks for help from Turkey’s Erdogan. He’s even asked the Pope’s help.
It is reported that many of the AFU surrender, fearing reprisals from the aggressive “Azov”
See more at
But “peacekeepers”? That’s what I was doubting. According to the UN’s own website there is no peacekeeping operation in Ukraine. I think “representatives” might have been a little more accurate.
saw it on south front yesterday and was updated am today…? was on some instagram pages too.
UN turned up after Actor Z of WWZ regime appealled on thursday or friday?? some sick people in dem tunnels that needs evacuated, ! no shit!!
I wouldn’t think there’s any way Russia, as a member of the Security Council, would vote in favour of UN peacekeepers protecting the Azov scumbags still cowering under Azovstal.
Get in line, Poland.
I might as well claim Denmark, Sweden and Norway, because I have viking ancestors…
This is no time to be sticking your ‘Me Too’ nose into significant international affairs.
The actual people of the world want peace and harmony, not further provocation towards the annihilation of our species.
Poland has been thrown-in just to muddy the waters a little more.
Observe … The murkier the muck, the pluckier the swamp creatures … How else could the FW, Zelenski survive? He has NFI about the slippery-slide he is on …
poland is a swamp lurker ON THE POLITICAL SCENE for a very long time. (no offense to individual Poles, and following sentiment..), their apparent purpose (?) remind me of so many Kurdish groups/fronts… as long as their agenda is promoted they will serve any master…
hell yeah i can claim Iceland and Nederlands too, us Galgael! England was always going to be Gaelic toast anyway lol
make it so number 1 arrrrrgh
: )
it’s a good cartoon.
not looking thus these days, the celtic fringe are more cultish than engerlund… da fuk??
Is this a psyop? It’s hard to believe. Hope someone can investigate if this is really going on in Beijing. If it is why isn’t there another global “pandemic”? Flying into Beijing is tougher than ever as China ramps up its zero-Covid measures | CNN
Above I posted a fearmongering video from a CNN Japanese reporter showing Armageddon like Covid protocols in Beijing. Shanghai is said to be worse. However, here i a recently shot video, a travel log, from a few days ago. Doesn’t look like a lockdown. Shanghai Travel Viral Vlog-Part 1 | world’s 3rd Tallest Building In China Shanghai | FlyingMani – YouTube
Gerry, as I understand it, it’s only eastern Shanghai that’s shut down. It appears that the residents of certain highrises were kicked out of their own apts so that these cd be used as “isolation centers” occupied by those who test positive. (Presumably the PCR test, no? Can anyone confirm that’s the means of testing?)
If any people on Earth could be relied on to always go 100%, pants down, utter full blown retard over “pandemics” and germ scares…it’s the Chinese.
Insult to injury: accusing the Palestinians of having a “Culture of Death.” Imagine being surrounded by death and destruction almost every day and not becoming fixated on Death.
Imagine, too, standing up to any extremist faction – be it jihadist, drug cartel, the US military – and living to make another stand another day. Yet, somehow, ordinary people completely vulnerable to those brandishing weapons are condemned for not making such a stand.
The plight of the Palestinians can be summed up as Carrying Blaming the Victim to Its Logical Conclusion.
I will be criticised for posting this, but anyway:
Just recently there was a court decision in a case in the US brought against a museum in Spain about a Pissaro painting that was acquired by a German official in the 1930s from its Jewish owner. The painting was actually acquired semi-legitimately in the sense that it was a kickback for providing the family with exit visas but the argument was that the property was expropriated and sold illegitimately prevailed.
Fast forward to 2022 and we have Russian oligarchs’ property seized with the intention of selling them. As far as I can tell the only crime the oligarchs have committed is being Russian and ‘knowing’ Putin. But somehow we’re supposed to think this is legitimate but at the same time the same kind of expropriation of Jewish property in the 1930s was not. The two events may be separated in history but they’re using exactly the same legal arguments (yes, the Nazis used legal arguments — everything tidy and proper, all the paperwork in order).
Plus 100.
These guys are 90% fact but 10% any EU CIA propaganda.
OK Mike, I can’t resist posting this that I’ve been holding for 3 days waiting for an OffGuardian Russian topic:
Events are being manipulated by unseen supranational hands. They have no loyalty to the people of the world NOR TO ANY COUNTRY. They are for themselves alone.
Within countries they wish us to fight each other– race against race, citizen against immigrant, and right against left. They manipulate war between countries.
What are the advantages to Global Psychopath of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict?
–Degrading of national armies and their armaments in favor of Global Private Army. Eg: US says it’s unable to track whereabouts of the $3.3 billion in armaments it’s sent to Ukraine. Does it go into the hands of Global Private Army? Could it be more than $3.3 B?
–Degrading of our economies. Russian sanctions continue the economic degradation begun by the covid exaggeration. Unnecessary inflation of food and fuel prices are hidden behind the war pretext.
–Distraction. Distraction from exposure of the covid operation. Perhaps the most potent distraction known is conflict between countries: We immediately identify with one side and forget about the psychopathic puppetmaster.
–Bringing about a multipolar (equally poor) world. It has long been a project. America has served the purpose of degrading many viable countries; America must now be laid low to bring about their NWO. That American military might should be overthrown is just, but don’t overlook what it will make possible.
–Finally, the war may be the consequence of a schism within the Global Psychopaths. Perhaps a faction within them desires to take over the great mineral wealth of Russia, dispossessing whatever oligarchs or subset of Global Psychopaths are currently to inherit them.
Forced vaxxing of the military helps cull them out for the private army. My niece’s husband was forced to take that damned thing. Even though both are no longer active duty he stayed in the Guard for medical care mainly. The irony. He has some kind of congenital heart issue, but that didn’t suffice for exemption in the AF. I want them both OUT and have said that repeatedly, but economics drives their decision and how can I blame them? I was angry for days after I found out he’d taken that shot. There is at least talk of denying veterans any assistance from VA if they don’t succumb to the shot but I do not know if that is truly happening yet.
All the other points you bring up are spot on. It may be a schism between factions, or merely the appearance of one. So hard to be sure of anything anymore on that front. The Burrowes article you linked to in another post was a good one. Explains a lot to put it mildly.
US says it’s unable to track whereabouts of the $3.3 billion in armaments
The “missing” wealth, almost entirely within the military, is ~$21 trillion. -Mark Skidmore & Catherine Fitts 2017
Wonderful, isn’t it?
Poland is sending tanks made in Russia to fight against other tanks made in Russia…
And that was ‘admitted’ by Icelandic State News today.
The icing on the cake will be when we see Sweden sending tanks made in the USA to fight against other tanks made in the USA, sent from Finland…
“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” ~ Gutle Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschilds wife.
There it is, black on white: There are people who actually want wars, and those people are not us.
Icelandic State News – What! Who? Am I missing something!
I happen to live in Iceland.
So when I want to know what I am supposed to think, I tune in to the State radio news.
Otherwise, you’re not missing much… 🙂
you’d wake up in Canada, you wouldn’t know the difference
Ukraine’s finest NATZO idiots actually thought they could stand up to the Russian army (?).
What is even more funny is the fate of American gung-ho diots who went to “fight for Ukraine” and when they saw they were going to be bombed to bits tried to leave, but the Ukrainians tore up their passports and told them they’re staying or getting shot in the back…. They had been made to sign a piece of paper in Ukrainian only.
The destruction of western mercenary & ukronazi thugs by a superior force is supremely satisfying to behold.
“And I agree, further, that those of us who quote international law to denounce Israeli brutality in Palestine must likewise acknowledge Ukraine’s right, under international law, to be free from military attack.”
That could be taken to mean that Palestine advocates must ‘likewise acknowledge’ Ukraine’s right, ‘under international law’ (aka ‘with the support of the USA & NATO’), to slaughter Russian speakers within its own borders unhindered.
The two issues, Russia’s operation in the Donbass region of Ukraine at the request of its people; and the permanent establishment of Israel in Palestine & continuing ethnic cleansing of the people of the land, are not comparable in the way you suggest in this statement. This is crooked thinking. The rest of your article seems to demonstrate your awareness of these differences so why on Earth have you confused them?
Yes, indeed.
lol, I didn’t read the article yet.. was commenting earlier on principles. I’m w u on that one.. sometimes I wish Adolf had finished his job, he was doing well on kicking the bankers, boosting the economy and closing masonic houses.. but then again, there’s the whole gas chamber thing and ethnic prejudice. Can’t anyone get this right? Let’s make sure we eat that meat w all the fat.
The “whole gas chamber thing ” is not whole at all.
This article does not address the basic problem which is that one hundred & ninety four of the worlds so called nations are UN-member corporations, controlled by the private Central Banks.
Thinking that this is an organic struggle between Russia & Ukraine is missing the point altogether, they are being used as pawns along the path towards Agenda2030 and their ‘leaders’ are complicit.
Freecus: Right on. The basic problem IS international trade and banking cartels. These “interests” utilize CIA, MI6, Mossad, Rand Corporation, public media, and many other propaganda contractors to inspire the “organic struggle” meme. The public sucks the corporate tit, and loves the flavor of hate
The UN is a collection of useful idiots on financial steroids.
“The public sucks the corporate tit, and loves the flavor of hate.” I’m keeping that.
First follow the money.
Not alone….
Fear is an absence of faith… well anyway I don’t have your balls sir. Respect.
A friend who is a teacher spoke about a female pupil who has decided she is no longer a girl and wants to be addressed by a male name. This led to a discussion about how various words are being systematically eliminated from the English language.
Yesterday at work someone told me that “bouncers” must now be referred to as “door stewards”. “Bouncers” has been deemed “offensive” – despite the fact that being a bouncer is supposed to involve offence!
And so we are headed towards the world predicted by Orwell in his Appendix to 1984: Control the language people use and you control the way they think.
Fortunately for us, cynical literature, full of critical thinking, is still available.
And when ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ are removed from the English language, it will be time to throw in the towel as a species in any case.
Perhaps in the near future it will be a toss-up whether the clinically insane Schwabs of this world should be sent to another planet to live out their sick fantasies, or whether we should choose another planet for ourselves, where we can start again from human basics.
The Earth appears to be totally in the clutches of silicon-chip demons right now.
twice thrice
you never hear that anymore, now its’s two times etc
i noticed this in my son through early primary, simultaneously on TV (when still watched) and everywhere… da fuk?
word spells? getting written off for the pleb-drones? or Geo’s straight 1984?
cheer up Wardrobe : ) try to enjoy the madhouse sometimes : )
I am a pretty cheery type, Rub, and the madhouse does, indeed, have its charms…
Some of what I write here is really only me doing my bit for the rest of my species – just in case it resonates with anybody out there 🙂
Don’t ever stop Ward, along with Money, Edwige, Coop, and Maxwell…I’m always checking in to read your words x
I appreciate yours too, Cor.
If the concept of ‘truth’ means anything at all these days, it’s good to know one isn’t alone in pursuing it.
: )
Human beings cannot survive on another planet. The Earth will eventually wipe the slate clean, the silicon chip demons along with pretty much everything else. Nothing more than self-important ants. Those who believe human beings are the most intelligent or most conscious entities on the planet are in for a rude awakening.
In today’s uber-sencitive pc woke world,I doubt “door steward” will even last,as “steward” implies someone is there to keep order among drinkers and partiers. They may have to change it to “public alcohol consumption relations counselor” or something.
Some things never change though – at least we can be grateful for that much.
A girl who no longer wishes to be a girl still asks for a “male name” – not Mr Ed or Rover or Tabby.
Thank God the Woke Ones lack imagination.
LOL, no doubt Howard! Great point.
Twatter is still censoring on Covid.
I ignore them.
Then they go away.
After all, they only exist on my computer screen.
Splendid organisation:
Among members/contributors are Barbra Stresiand, Simon Cowell, Lionel Richie, Chris Tucker and Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you’re reading this on a Dell computer, Michael Dell is a member.
Funnily enough, I am reading this on a Dell computer. Shame. (I did buy it cheap 2nd hand, so he didn’t get much of my money).
When, like me, you buy a Dell computer refurbished, you are not in any sense rewarding Mr Dell – the computer he made crapped out so it had to be re-built. Besides, is there any corporate entity with clean hands?
A warning would have been appreciated.
The names mentioned should have been enough.
Now what does that remind me of? Ah yes:
This business with statue demolition proves how little we, in our self-satisfied “secular” society, have changed from the old “days of faith”. Everyone was rightly appalled at the Taliban destruction of the Buddhist monuments. But some years later, BLM “legitimise” the pulling down of various American icons and now Ukraine pull down Gorky. It’s the same psychological forces being expressed with different language to produce the same actions.
Orchestrated by the same few
These statues of civil war “heroes” were generally erected in the 20th century. They reflect the culture of racial hatred in the 20th century and not, as the rednecks claim, the desire for independence.
It is laughable that statues of murderers are presented as “culture” by people opposed to BLM because of their racism.
Black people are too stupid to have an insurrection, you see, so BLM is all fake, and the oh my god the LOOTING !
Those crying about the looting are always the same in every riot. They are the people who would like the police to start shooting, because mah property is more important than human lives.. They are the people who believe that the working class and the unemployed/unemployable underclass deserve their fate because they are “lazy”.
Thank you. IN Australia even the hard core zionists are out in support of Ukraine and demonising Palestinians in the same breath. The government grants ”refugee” visas to Ukranians within 3 hours, Afghans who we blew to bits wait up to 10 years and if they helped out soldiers they wait weeks and months in the sewage pits then get their visas cancelled.
Ukraine is a Zionist stronghold. Nazis and Zionists work well together and have basically the same goals.
With more than eight hundred military bases pervading the planet the US MIC is easily the biggest ‘occupier’ on Earth.
Their insidious presence is a constant reminder and threat to the subservient, lickspittle leaders in all of those occupied territories.
“Free Palestine! Free Canada!”
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, Now!”
The only way i can think of for Zelensky’s “Future Ukraine” to become a “big Israel” is via annexations, and conquering territories (for lebensraum) to the east of The Ukraine.
Thank you Michael.
That Ihor Kolomoisky should be a major bankroller for the Nazi Battalion Azov is difficult for me to get my head around.
> That Ihor Kolomoisky should be a major bankroller for the Nazi Battalion Azov is difficult for me to get my head around.