This Week in the New Normal #29

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Meet Homeland Security’s new “disinformation czar”
The Department of Homeland Security is getting a big addition to its purview this week – “the truth”.
Yes, the Biden administration is funding and staffing a new sector of the DHS, one focused on countering “disinformation” from Russia, China, “people smugglers” and other “foreign threats”.
What powers precisely the Ministry of Truth – sorry “Disinformation Governance Board” – will possess, and how they will be used are as yet unknown. As the Washington Post says:
there are few details on what the board will actually do. DHS hasn’t issued many specifics
So, all we have are an ominous name and a vague mission statement.
Oh, and an appointed leader, Nina Jankowicz, a Russian-educated specialist in both Eastern Europe and disinformation.
Her views could not be more predictable, speaking out against “antivaccine misinformation”, Russian interference and so on. She also called for social media to censor the President of the United States:
“We love you, you’re very special,” says Trump of the violent individuals who stormed the Capitol. He also claims to have “won the election by landslide.”
Take this down @jack.
— Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@wiczipedia) January 6, 2021
She also makes TikTok videos. Like this one…
It’s clown world alright. And, right now, a farce is the best-case scenario. A tragedy seems far more likely.
2.The World Bank wants “better data”
A new paper, co-published by the World Bank and an NGO with the ungainly moniker “The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data”, calls for “better data practices” to help “combat climate change” and “prevent future pandemics”.
A quick note here: By “better”, they mean “more”, and by “data” they mean “surveillance”. That’s what they’re arguing for. They need to know what everybody is doing all the time.
Where they’re going, how they’re getting there. How much money they spend, on what, where. That’s the data they want. All the data.
The claim is that this behavioral data will then be put into models and used to save us from global warming or stop people from getting the flu.
The fact that this might amount to essentially a global digital surveillance grid is irrelevant, and the idea they could use it to conduct social experiments or attempt to control people through mass psychology never even occurred to them, and shame on you for even thinking it, you cynical bugger.
The Guardian’s economic editor Larry Elliott has a write-up on the paper headlined:
Policymakers need data about us despite privacy fears
…which is exactly as even-handed as it sounds. Bemoaning that many countries don’t have data on their climate targets(!), then praising Ghana for an initiative which saw the corporate giant (Vodafone), team up with the government to place an entire nation under surveillance in order to “help in public health emergency planning.”
The message could not be clearer:
If the world is serious about tackling climate change, it needs better data. If it wants to have better defences against future pandemics it needs better data. If it wants faster growth in poorer countries it needs better data.
It’s all about that surveillance.
Interestingly, Elliott admits in his piece that the Earth’s population is nothing but an “educated guess”. That almost half the world’s deaths and over a quarter of births are thought to be totally unregistered. So, it’s possible they have almost literally no idea how many people there are, where they were born, how they died or what they did in between.
One wonders how many commonly cited statistics have almost no basis in reality at all.
3. Fined a quarter of a million dollars for wanting clean food
Amos Miller, an Amish farmer from Bird-In-Hand Pennsylvania, is facing at least $250,000 in fines and even potential jail time for refusing to use chemicals on his organic, grass-fed beef cattle.
Miller has set-up a private “food club”, selling his traditionally reared meat, raw milk and other products to several thousand members across the US, but has been in constant legal conflict with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which requires all meat be treated with chemical preservatives before it’s sold.
This three-year legal battle came to a head recently, when a judge ordered Miller cease-and-desist all trading and empowered the United States Marshalls to enter his farm by force if necessary to perform a federal inspection of his facilities.
Whatever the outcome of the inspection – Miller is still required to pay $250,000 in fines, plus the salaries of the USDA inspectors.
Ice Age Farmer covered this, and other recent events in the “war onf food” in a his recent video:
BONUS: Laughable propaganda of the week
Thursday marked the beginning of this year’s NFL Draft, the event where the teams of the National Football League choose which college players to add to their rosters.
Here’s what the opening looked like…
Can’t even watch the NFL draft without being bombarded with Ukraine Propaganda
— heweymedia (@heweymedia) April 28, 2022
The lady with the flowers in her hair is Kiev native Jenny Arata, half of a stage act based in Las Vegas, the same city where the draft is taking place this year. To quote Yahoo news:
In the hour leading up to the start of Thursday’s NFL draft, the league invited a Kyiv native to speak on the draft’s Las Vegas stage. Jenny Arata of Las Vegas act “The Skating Aratas” took the stage wearing a blue dress with blue and yellow flowers in her hair.
In other words, the NFL grabbed the nearest Ukrainian they could find and shoved her on stage, wearing a flag. Classy.
In the US sports dwarf both film and television as avenues for blatant propaganda, and the NFL is the worst offender by far. It is known the Pentagon spends millions of taxdollars on infiltrating the sports world and promoting its chosen messages.
That said, this was brazen even by their standards. As an NFL fan I’ve watched well over a dozen drafts and never seen anything like that before.
They’ve certainly never expressed solidarity with Iraq, Palestine, Syria or Yemen before.
Our second example of laughable propaganda comes direct from the “biography” section of your local Children’s bookstore…
This is the children’s book section now.
— Support Independent Media (@BarrettWilson6) April 30, 2022
…kiddy-themed biographies of Anthony Fauci, Kamala Harris and Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Nothing more to say.
It’s not all bad…
An Italian court has ruled the nation’s mandatory vaccination programme “unconstitutional”.
On March 22nd (yes this is from March but we didn’t see it ’til this week, so it counts) the Sicilian Court of Administrative Justice found that the vaccines have “serious or fatal adverse effects.”, and as such a national mandate declares some Italian citizens “disposable” and stands in violation of the constitution.
The issue will now pass to the Italian Constitutional Court.
You can read the full opinion here (in Italian).
Also, shout-out to the BBC’s Question Time for accidentally airing some truth this week. When asked about #PartyGate, an audience member used the opening to launch into an anti-lockdown speech citing all the facts the mainstream media have been ignoring for two years.
If you need any evidence of just how far off the reservation he goes, check the reactions of the panelists and the audience members behind him:
👏👏 Comment of the night goes to #Jamie on #QuestionTime
💥 lockdown rules were absurd
💥 lockdown was a mistake
💥 lockdown caused mental health crisis
💥 lockdown caused missed schooling
💥 NHS backlogs over 6 M
💥 Cancer patients denied treatment
💥 Destroyed the economy— Freedom Podcast (@FreedomPodcast1) April 28, 2022
He does get a decent round of applause though. Nice job Jamie.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention doctors potentially losing their licences for spreading “covid misinformation” on social media or the UK’s new policing bill.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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What an amazing coincidence that this supposed Supreme Court decision gets leaked with the Democrats facing disaster in the mid-terms….
In the longer term, the executive and legislature at loggerheads plays into the elite agenda – more debt can be piled up, both sides can blame each other, the case for more centralisation of power is made and/or the US could be pushed closer to fragmentation.
What was interesting about Jamie’s comments was that the initial reaction from the morally-compromised and cerebrally-challenged was, “Ooh, listen to this weirdo! Hmm! Oh, yes, definitely…”
… But then, only a few seconds later, after he had finished his excellent, and very concise summary of the insanity we are constantly having to endure, they clapped enthusiastically.
The public today don’t know what they’re doing.
They’ll vote for two planks of wood if there’s a picture of cute kitten stamped on them, and, without batting an eyelid, they’ll happily see anybody who knows what they’re talking about go to jail for life.
If even Klaus Schwab knew what he was talking about, there might indeed be some hope of a much-needed, positive reset for mankind, where moral fibre, principle and common decency would rule, instead of the vapid oral excretions of mere lobbyists.
But he does not know what he is talking about.
The most dense, superficial and infantile philosophizers in existence are now regularly pushed to the top of our society, because they know how to look after each other.
Like most fools, they think their time has come, but our species can do better than this.
Given the stinking corruption all around us, it is quite clear that we do need a reset, but I’m stumped when it comes to working out how a positive one could be achieved.
Always be aware that everything you see on TV is tightly controlled and especially anything to do with public reaction. I daresay there will be occasional glimmers of genuine dissent which will be as quickly covered up as possible. Though sometimes what looks like the truth breaking through may be a matter of limited hangout/ damage control.
No worries.
I am always aware of that, but the fickleness of the audience here seemed shamefully genuine.
I found it interesting, but I won’t be buying any shares in it…
We are witnessing nothing less than a total Satanic inversion of the truth and everything that is decent in human culture.
You are stumped because human minds cannot overcome the superior intelligence that is behind this. It is superior in the way computers are superior.
There is no thinking our way out of this. The solution – if any- will not be brought about by human agency.
This is my conclusion after a lifetime of research and meditation. I reached this conclusion before Convid ( 9/11 was the final straw), and it only became more obvious after…
Nothing short of a miracle will bring some kind of positive resolution. Barring miracles the only realistic scenario is some kind of massive natural disaster- ideally something that irrevocably destroys the technological infrastructure of the NWO, essentially bringing us back to the “stone age”. I have no delusions that this will not be fatal for large numbers of people but I don’t regard all so-called human life as something “sacred” that must be preserved at all costs.
Humanity takes priority over anti-life garbage, but no human agency is in a position to dictate who gets to survive.
These are indeed the thoughts which should be occupying anyone who cares about human evolution.
What you say sums up my feeling too.
It’s hard to believe, but when an unprejudiced mind looks at the evidence, that scenario is pretty much what you get, I fear.
One would of course like to see real evil punished right in front of our eyes, but that’s not how the cosmos seems to work.
After all, who among us is pure enough be able to sit in judgement upon what sometimes looks like half of our species…?
Your last sentence is very perceptive, and reflects my consciousness of being ‘stumped’.
I suppose one just isn’t familiar with being so powerless in the face of something so utterly upside-down. Certainly in my own daily life I’m used to fixing things that are broken or damaged. Also, as a teacher, I am used to giving advice.
But this is beyond anything I can influence.
Not only is there ‘superior’ intelligence at work here (sub-human though it actually appears to be in most respects), but also a ruthless will-power which is essentially backed up by nothing more remarkable than money.
So I concentrate on the areas in which I can be effective, which, thank heaven, still exist. I’m one of the lucky ones.
Yes. +++
Agreed, muchly.
We are witness to something akin to 5d chess, we have no concept of large areas of the play board and many of the pieces are invisible to us, yet the degree to which we are oblidged to participate is mutable.
Likewise i knew something was rotten in denmark from an early age, i have tried to divide my time between understanding what is going on and creating an alternative, my alternative (hectare or so of land) still requires constant inputs of resources, steel, fuel, tools, so on, but once my business with their world is done, the gate is closed then i am free to express exactly as i feel.
The recent off g article re apocolypse foods is very sweet, but sadly too little too late, breaking free of the clutches of modern society, yet having some sense of comfort and interest to your diet is a constant exercise in prostitution..
Claiming autonomy over your own existence is the only way out of the game. But does not come without a degree of sacrifice alien to many.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that every time you feel that you have grasped what is going on and the direction of travel, then you find you have yet again been taken up a blind alley.
I found this recent post from coronacircus most illuminating, refreshing and most of all timely.
Trying to second guess whoever/whatever is steering titanic toward the iceberg is utterly exhausting, its meant to be:
the article discussing propoganda recently also led to some v interesting reading re egregores, a fascinating peek into the dimensionality of collective thought and something we ourselves need to nurture in a more positive manner.
Whitney Webb thread on how this Disinfo Governance Board is worse than it first appears:
and all together they seem all coordinated.
strangely the Disinfo Governance Board has had more press than the online harms bill.
eventually google and co will block certain key words they have already done that with mentioning the chosen ones. It triggers spam filter on most forum.
even you tube blocks comments and deliberately stutters videos. .
We should have in mind what we all thought about BaseFuck and TrueLube when they were brand new things in our society:
We thought they would open doors for us – and they do, but for every door they open, they shut 10 others.
The point is, we are so easily seduced by mere advertising, while any possible negative effects, which many of us see right away, are carelessly shunted into our mental “Oh, they wouldn’t go that far” box.
We must learn that they would go that far – always.
The signs to look for lie in the constant systemic undermining of all the authorities whose specific remit and duty are to prevent them from going that far.
That’s why journalism is practically extinct, along with most of the inspiring cultural things which used to make life worth living.
Now you really have to dig to find them.
Edward Curtin appears in this episode of Geopolitics and empire.
My point is now is a time for action and not for Stories.
12 Log2-8 The Super Cooperator Constant. Remove the mote ( Log) from your own eye before accepting the exponential as punishment from the #WEF #GreatReset Borg.
Following the full-out attack on civil liberties since March 2020 the dispersed groupings that had led the resistance against the Post 2008 bailouts and austerity regimes through the Occupy movements, have now again regrouped and established communication between themselves and the 99%. The 2700 Billionaires served by the Corporate monopoly establishment have sought to impose Austerity through Inflation and a Hot War in Ukraine Again the multiple cells of resistance across all corporate franchise areas have re-established coherent communications and secured dominance over the psychological and the much-degraded groupings of the on the ground forces of State monopoly capitalist violence ( Militarised Police Units).
The psychological theatre has been the last resistance to re-asserting the vector of power from the 99% to its appointed institutions. The extent to which the state monopoly media efforts have exhausted all credibility is now at a level of Public Knowledge, The emperor’s lack of clothing is now openly discussed without fear of fabled state informers or electronic snooping causing a collapse in life chances. This is true of the Sitrep region in which we are reporting, Known as Oceania in the State Monopoly Capitalist franchise manuals. It is presumed that similar breakthroughs in recognising reality are also emerging in East Asia.
Actions required now focus on consolidating the fully sourced evidence of various state crimes against democracy and prioritising repairs to sabotaged supply chains and industrial sectors taken out of commission by the Management fifth columnists under the various banners of WEF and Technofascist Philanthropic foundations, The process must start with rejecting and dismantling the framework implemented through Black Rocks Going Direct paradigm. What is broken through sabotage can be easily repaired and where systems have remained in commission obviously not fit for purpose or designed to fail the process of evaluating and selecting alternative solutions can begin at the appropriate scale and level of democratic institution.
Risks remain as they did following the de-nazification process post 2nd world war and a similar de-radicalisation of higher levels of institutional and corporate management will be necessary to prevent continuity of regime and COG ( Continuity of Government , Gladio 2 ) sleeper saboteurs from preventing the return to the processes of democracy honoured more in the breach than the observation for the past 43 years from 1979 and 50 years since the Nixon shock.
On the other hand, today’s young adults ask, “George who?”
It’s funny because it’s true! 😁
In the “Kamila Harris explains Ukraine” category we have this gem which is much more accurate LMAO
Taking the piss:
Probably, I always piss on my compost heap. I believe in the personal touch.
So do I – the weeds thrive on it. Loved Nina’s Tik Tok. The disinformation war is in safe hands.
OMG (as the kids say), they’re even trying to revive the Loch Ness monster! One from the “Officially Approved Conspiracies” file….
A check of the stated dates/times of recent sightings reveals all the usual numerology and there’s the inevitable Crowley link through Boleskine. Desperation or contempt?
Nessie more real than Covie!
I have come across a few ladies from Kiev in Europe.
They were all cheap and rather unattractive prostitutes, and they were all doing the same thing. Working hard (think 10 guys per day) to “buy flats in Kiev”. They were also very unpleasant to be around. In Europe, Ukrainian whores are the cheaper version of Russian whores.
I wonder how their plans are coming along.
what an ugly,degrading post.
It was deliberately ugly and degrading. Ukraine is a whore for NATO- the comment was meant to allude to that. Ukraine is the home of Chernobyl which poisoned all of us in Europe, the home of the likes of Azov Battalion, as well as significant Zionist cohorts.
They are eager to whore:
Since clown world was mentioned, I’m re-posting this classic for the Greater Good
Convid invariably follow the clot shots (using fake PCR or RAT tests).
One of the better documentaries I’ve seen driving home the point of digital currency….
There have been claims that the CCP insanity is all fake. If anybody subscribes to this view, please explain the propaganda value in the CCP presenting itself like this:
i’ve avoided it as i have zero clue…. i know nobody out there so,
and propaganda? china? wuhan? who knows?
i mean that, do tell if all real, (certainly real enough for the victims, as always) or just another script…
Ive seen a vid that shows hazmat suited goons beating civilians, the civilians hitting back and then, curiously and surprisingly, the goons remove all of their ppe and the video ends. A frightening and deadly virus indeed. Its like a weird show. I have no idea what it’s about. Distraction, confusion, would be my best guesses.
…1: Provide [yet another] convenient [yet completely erroneous] ‘reason’/excuse/fall-guy for *Deliberately Engineered* global supply chain monkey-wrenching…
…2: Normalize goon-squad-style totalitarian behaviour, perpetrated upon the citizenry *At Whim* – and coming to a theatre near you, *SOON* – per the CCP model Schwab, et al are so nakedly enamoured of and desperate to export to Rest Of World…
…3: Keep the Convid narrative on the back plate like re-heated leftovers, I s’pose…
Point two is exactly as I saw this new Chinese convid fear porn. The areas locked down are techno centres as a bonus. If you view Russia and China as collaborating in the economic destruction of the west then closing down Chinese supply chains is essential. Tbh California Dems (aka communitarian far leftist) had essentially closed down their major shopping ports throughout the lockdown years as a set up to supply chain complete breakdown.
But above is only recent history. What must be included is the West’s colluding Fabian/Communist/GloboCap plans to deindustrualise the West over the last decades thereby eliminating their manufacturing abilities both structurally and skill-based. In Europe only Germany retained capabilities and with Russian oil embargo and expectations to purchase US LPG (3 X as expensive and processing plants/handling ports non-existent for 3 years) they’ve committed their own industrial demicide.
I think what we see has been in the planning since the 1950’s and at the very least the 1970’s when Kissinger started it off with his and Strong’s (Limits to Growth) inclusion of China into the Global(ists) economic plans.
I would like to add that Russia being painted as Christian Crusaders fighting against Magog Gog Anti-god West has been a brilliant stroke of marketing. How Russia can be painted as such when they’re going for the Mark of the Beast digital currency too must be ignored when playing Good vs Evil chess. For starters in February’s joint statement, China and Russia claimed to fully support WHO and UN charters. I’m waiting to see what Putin says on the WHO Pandemic charter to know for certainty whether there’s a remnant of Good in him.
I must admit they (the Devil?) has played exceptionally well at this game. I bet most of us only began waking up to many of these conspiracy realities (can’t be a theory as they publish and even produce videos telling us of their plans and actions) only over the last few years. We all have our own wake up stories as well. For me it was Soros in Ukraine’s ‘Colour revolution’ that started me down my first rabbit hole.
Last point: many have asked me as a psych (retired) what makes the awake different to the sheep. Matthias Desmet has suggested it’s down to capacity to be hypnotized. Possibly so. But I believe it’s down to who we’ve always been: non-conformists at school; always asking questions of those teaching us; weighing logic of our parent’s actions. It’s down to individual differences not intelligence. In other words, others have always seen us as different. Quite rightly so. And hopefully as a result of our differences we will all withstand/survive what’s to come. G*d willing.
Any “propaganda value” would accrue to adversaries of China – not to the CCP. It amazes me how quick people are to call almost anything in the news – such as the Ukraine bombings – “fake”; but how quick they also are to believe anything in the news affecting China.
I neither know nor care what goes on in China (let it stay in China). But a lot of people sure do.
There’s a lot of fakery about, so it’s usually a valid question. And the early 2020, bodies-in-the-street stuff was fake. This current stuff looks real, however, and we’re probably seeing only a small fraction of what’s really going on.
Venessa Beeley goes defensive to a similar question (statement) re the CCP. (BTW: I’ve not yet watched the video.)
Jim Parrish – May 4
It’s hard to get excited about China’s belt road initiative as related at the end of the video when the Chinese Communists do this now to their own people, as well as countless atrocities in the past.
Reply: Vanessa Beeley
Tell me where do you get your information on China from? Have you ever been there? Have you ever visited countries in the Middle East destroyed by Western imperialism for centuries? Do you have any comprehension of what the BRI means to Syria for example? Do you understand it is one of the main reasons Syria was targeted for regime change in 2011 (after 75 years plus of MI6 and CIA interference and proxy wars) because the BRI would give Syria and the region total autonomy. You have a typical orientalist global understanding without taking into account what partnership with China means for countries in the ME, Latin America, Central Africa – countries that have been gang raped and pillaged by the UK and US alliance (Israel, Saudi, UAE, Qatar, EU, Australia, NZ, Canada etc)? Western-centric views are just that Western-centric largely fed by the mainstream media that is being tasked to precipitate war with China – perceived as the greatest threat to US UK unipolar supremacy.
Reply: Jim Parrish
No, I haven’t been to China, but I have been to the Crimea, Russia for a month, and Korea for about 3 months in the 90’s after the Soviet Union fell. My information on China is rather common knowledge I would think. My brother did go to Tibet and informed me of the incredible cultural devastation caused by the Chinese there. If I lived in Syria, I could see myself thinking of Russia as a friend given the evil destruction caused by the US, Israel, and the West there. I have no sympathies for the Federal US empire and wish for it’s destruction, especially now that it’s infected with the Transhumanist WEF agenda. Given that, I would like to be rootin for Putin and Xi and have hope in them like you do, but alas can not. I think they are evil dictators, a poison well from which no good can come. I’m open to evidence otherwise which is why I post here. I know no side is completely good or evil, but it would be hopeful to see something geopolitically that is at least more good than evil and not ruled by sociopaths.
This is the children’s book section now.
i really do like more diversity but sadly this is now misused.
but also used in a misogynistic/racist backlash.
other than that i’m not sure how much more i can take, all alone irl, with the people i love buying into this/possibly killing themselves with the shot.
I recall a few years ago when my kids were young seeing youth biographies of Dick Cheney and Condi Rice. I suppose the Fauci book is more of an hagiography though…
:))) or maybe 🙁
It’s sad all right. I read many biographies in grade school and none of the above subjects would make the grade. Kamala Harris, for example, is completely uninteresting. At least Condi Rice speaks Russian, is a concert level quality pianist, and arguably was closer to being Prez than Harris would be even if she ends up holding the title.
Well, it’s unlikely– to put it mildly– that libraries or bookstores would carry a children’s version of RFK Jr.’s Fauci book.
“Well, it’s unlikely– to put it mildly– that libraries or bookstores would carry a children’s version of RFK Jr.’s Fauci book.”
Well, they should! Local school got rid of their mask mandates back in March. I’d say 80-90 percent of the kids are still wearing masks. (Middle school age) Blows my mind. I hate to think how many of them have been vaxxed.
Reply to Big Al’s “Closed Comment” post below:
“It’s all going to be based on what the government considers a danger to society,”
A century ago GK Chesterton wrote that when a government enacts measures against dangers to society there can be no limit to its injustice against individuals, because society is so large and so diverse that any individual and any action is a possible danger to society — especially in the matter of health and wellfare (GKC, Fancies versus Fads).
Why is that comment locked?
I wonder too. FWIW, even though the locked status is visible and explicit, those occasional inexplicably locked comments are as creepy as shadowbanning– the locking, not the comment.
Actually Jamie on Question Time made precisely the only point worth making about “Partygate” – not that ministers were behaving “irresponsibly” but that they were the only ones behaving sensibly because they knew covid was shit.
Italian court founds the no jab no work policy “unconstitutional”. 1 n alf year later.
and that is good news is it…..?.like the 322 rub in the face.
This is nothing new and likely hopium. Several courts around the world have ruled similarly, only to be completely ignored by their government and the media.
Global capital has cancelled constitutions and whatever was left of “democracy”.
Something similar happened here in NZ, where the high court ruled mandatory injections for the police and military “a gross violation of human rights”. Guess what? They’re still doing it anyway, and Joe Public doesn’t seem to give a shit.
A virus or a venom ?
You be the judge:
Tis food for thought.
it’s all fictional, except the shot of course
johnny is snake oil salesman.
Have I got a deal for you rubber !
New Delhi May 02, 2022 : COVID-19: Supreme Court upholds individual’s right against forcible vaccination
Re: doctors potentially losing their licences for spreading “covid misinformation”
This is nothing new.
Ryan Cristián and Erin Elizabeth discuss the mysterious deaths of holistic doctors.
Dec 5, 2017
The Last American Vagabond
Joining me today is Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News, a pioneer in the TRUE health and wellness industry and is known for inadvertently breaking the case that has become quite famous amongst those in the independent media, and that is the rapidly increasing mysterious deaths of holistic doctors around the country, that now adds up to a staggering total of 80.
Mysterious Deaths Of Holistic Doctors Around The Country: Coincidence Or Concerted Effort?
Dec 5, 2017
Ryan Cristián
The suspicious deaths began on June 19, when Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, a renowned autism researcher from Florida, who moved his practice to Georgia, was found with a gunshot wound to his chest. Police were quick to claim that the gunshot wound was self-inflicted, ruling the death a suicide almost immediately. The doctor’s family suspects foul play and has been outspoken in their belief that there is more to this story.
One reason many suspected foul play was due to the fact that Doctor Bradstreet had recently had trouble with the feds for his practice of holistic medicine. Just weeks before his death, his office was raided by the Food and Drug Administration. The entirety of the U.S. has heard of the DEA raiding dispensaries, however, few have previously heard of FDA raids of well-respected doctors.
This is just one of the extremely suspicious deaths that has occurred in relation to doctors practicing holistic medicine over the last two years, that we know of (a complete list of the deaths can be found here).
The death of well respected doctors, as well as the death of a quack? Seven years ago?
If you have a point you want to make, please go ahead!
vaccination/modern medicine , long time coming.
I pride myself in mostly successfully dodging the endless surging tsunami of diarrhea advertised as news. But I do occasionally get spattered by the odd flying shit ball. Last night I heard about some controversial medical treatment and the root of the problem it reveals:
“Would you say there were too many male doctors?”
“Yes of course! Too many male doctors prescribing for women!”
“And so we need more female doctors?”
“Yes that’s exactly it! These male doctors should never diagnose women. That’s just outrageous!”
Back to the Future? I read that, back in the days when most physicians were men, they used to carry a little female statuette in their bag for women patients to point to.
My sister walked around and even went to work for a week – with a ruptured appendix! Because her male doctor kept insisting her complaints were “female problems.”
Maybe there’s something to this story.
No there isn’t unless you want the overreactionies in societies continue acting out their fascist imposition use of racism.
this whole medical system is male based medicine, from forcing out wise/herb women, midwives, using males as medical models , and the way women do not get listened too [ male practice by mendelsohn is one book on this ].
individual women within this system might make a difference, or not.
Aye, but shit doctors effect men just as much as they effect women. The problem isn’t that they are men, it is that they are shit doctors.
in one sense yes.
but the fact that the system negates women’s bodies/or [male] doctors believe women less re whatever symptoms they have ads to the negative side for women.
I recall twenty five years ago I suffered ‘arthritic type’ symptoms in my ankles towards the end of a three week holiday in the US. The symptoms got much worse, progressing to my knees, when I returned home so I went to my GP – a middle aged man in a dickie bow who drove a classic convertible sports car. He insisted that all I was suffering from was water retention after the return flight. I repeated that it had started a few days before the return flight and nearly three weeks after the outward flight so the connection seemed unlikely. But he had clearly switched off at the point, insisting his original learned diagnosis was correct. I went to another, female GP for a second opinion and was, as a result, diagnosed with Lyme Disease which was successfully treated with antibiotics.
Lyme disease is not successfully treated with antibiotics, there’s a reason why a fungal infection could develop. Pumping antibiotics while ignoring the root cause is not a wise thing to do, this will create other issues down the line that of course will be labelled as unrelated to any other treatment.
On the topic of gender, in standardised modern medicine all doctors follow the same protocols, male and female regardless, you are barking at the wrong tree.
What next, a crossdresser should only be treated by a crossdressing doctor? Or maybe your female cat dog should be treated by a female vet? The vacuousness that stems from the comforts and ease of modern urban life is baffling.
With regard to my Lyme Disease diagnosis, treatment for the disease is a 10 day – three week course of antibiotics which may have to be given intravenously if serious. Based on her research, my GP prescribed tetracycline. Fungal infections are not the cause of the Lyme Disease which is a tick borne bacterial infection, but in a patient who already has a fungal infection the Lyme disease and the antibiotics can make the symptoms worse but these have to be treated separately, notwithstanding the continuation of the course of antibiotics.
If all doctors just follow standard protocols then presumably listening to the patient isn’t considered a standard protocol. That was the only point I was making in my post about my personal experiences – my description of the circumstances was completely ignored by the first GP which led to him failing to diagnose my potentially very damaging condition. . The fact he was male may be coincidental but I was simply giving an example of the difference in approach in response to the preceding posts.
With regard to differences in outcomes following treatment received from female surgeons and male surgeons respectively, in my post at 4.47pm on 2 May I was simply referring to the findings of a US/Canada study, not giving my own ‘vacuous’ opinion. There may be flaws with the study but I simply drew attention to its existence. By all means feel free to give your opinion on what was wrong with the study. And I fail to see how your analogies fit in with the findings of the study that there was a better outcome for male patients when treated by female surgeons.
There was an interesting report that came out a few months ago and it surprised me that it didn’t get more media attention. The implications are quite astounding. A study was carried out in Canada and the USA which concluded that, in general, female patients had significantly better outcomes if they were treated by a female surgeon rather than a male surgeon. The same study also indicated that men had better outcomes, by a smaller margin, when treated by women surgeons. I bet if the results had indicated the opposite there would have been more prominent coverage.
Let’s face it, in general, women are just better carers.
Easily solved problem. Just have more sex-change operations!
Yet again making it clear how the Ukraine and climate agendas are connected:
The carbon tax is left until the end and the implications (a tax on breathing? what if you can’t pay?) left unstated.
The real malign intent is revealed in what’s unstated: no price comparison between US and Russian gas; no mention that the Saudis or others could be asked to up production; no consideration of the true practicalities of wind and solar; no consideration of their environmental costs; no consideration of their geo-political implications etc etc.
so the bombs / weaponry etc are carton neutral..?
Surely you’ve heard of the ‘neutral bomb’…?
In this case, the “governance” aspect of ESG (wanting to govern others) overrides the environmental and social ones.
Curious about where “the” in “the Ukraine” comes from. Is it the same kind of thing like “the Congo”? Does it imply that this was simply a territory before it was forcibly turned into a nation-state?
Weird Gal Jancowicz
They’re all weird. Keith Olbermann’s spittle flying rant about anti-vaxxers being scared, Annalynne McCord’s poem that mourned Putin’s unloved childhood. Celebs who are unsure how to pitch the increasingly ludicrous hokum needed to shore up the masters’ increasingly ludicrous bullshit.
Acting on Common Knowledge. #SITREP situation Report. “Of Course it’s true , This time out Loud”!
Tales from Australia…met a neighbour today who tells me their kid “had covid” then husband “had covid” and what do you know the fella down the street “had covid” too and oh no the other bloke down the road had it too. “Oh well we just have to keep testing” she said. Meanwhile I’ve lost my job over this…evidently so that every man and his dog can “get covid” for a day or two and survive.
Survive?! You’re joking, right?
Of course Pig Swill is joking. Everybody knows that Con-19 is a death sentence.
“Getting covid” is the most appalling condition anyone can suffer. All the boils and the leprosy and the heart attacks and the cancer in the world cannot possibly compete with seeing that little dark line on that strip of plastic and being subjected to the mass of neurosis that has been carefully implanted in your mind.
i know!
the man i love finally got ”the covid” after having a dozen negative tests in hospital [ heart patient] now with this new test.
he can finally feel vindicated in casting me out of his life as a crazy denier.
Oh what ammunition he has now! Everyone on the planet’s had covid except me by the sounds of things, by the way.
i have had colds/flus all my life, every year. would not go near any test.
They could be Covidians receiving financial assistance., wanting the testing to continue….
This picture says quite a lot!
From a professor of biology no less:
Johnny, how nice to find a professor who defends Critical Thinking against The New Normal. Here’s a snippet Cut’n’Pasted from your Link so that OffG viewers who run may read:
“Countering totalitarian technique calls for Critical Thinking, a pattern of thought which hesitates to accept information immediately at face value. Critical Thinkers look for inconsistencies within narratives. It’s said that Critical Thinking can’t be taught, because accumulated life experience is a factor in its ultimate development, if it ever develops at all. On the other hand, Critical Thinking and its cultivation is a feature of liberal education.
Hence, a new online search technique advocated by the so-called Center for an Informed Public comes as a surprise to liberal educationalists used to seeing Critical Thinking as a positive trait. The SIFT method, so called, which boasts about the speed with which one can make quick judgments of online material — as briefly as within 30-seconds — would seem to be a recipe for superficiality in a society that is being “dumbed down”. The target of SIFT is the evil of “misinformation” — that Plandemic-era charge which is so oddly vague beyond its official, but conflict-riddled, story. SIFT is based on a four-step system which claims that one can make better decisions with less information rather than with more.
The New York Times showcased SIFT with an opinion piece subtitled “Critical Thinking isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation. Stop overthinking because the goal of disinformation is to capture attention, and critical thinking requires deep attention”.
The NYT actually said that? “Sheeple” is indeed what they want.
Thanks for the link. The moral: Never trust anyone with a list of “How to think” rules. If you’re going to trust such a person then you may as well saw your head open and hand them your brain. There is no substitue for thinking for yourself.
Same way there is no substitute for exercising one’s own muscles.
Excellent analogy! I will steal it!
Back room deals, secret handshakes, jobs for the boys and presto! A cool billion dollars lands in your lap.
Via the plandemic of course:
Criminal fraud writ large.
A look at the 4IR in a video originally posted 10-29-17:
It’s all going to be based on what the government considers a danger to society, just like yelling “Fire” in crowded movie theater is considered a danger to those in the theater.
“Socialist Party activist Charles Schenck was arrested under the Espionage Act after he distributed fliers urging young men to dodge the draft. The Supreme Court upheld his conviction by creating the “clear and present danger” standard, explaining when the government is allowed to limit free speech. In this case, they viewed draft resistant as dangerous to national security.”
“American labor leader and Socialist Party activist Eugene Debs also was arrested under the Espionage Act after giving a speech in 1918 encouraging others not to join the military. Debs argued that he was exercising his right to free speech and that the Espionage Act of 1917 was unconstitutional. In Debs v. United States the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Espionage Act.”
Freedom of Speech – Origins, First Amendment & Limits – HISTORY
That was over 100 years ago and nothing has changed. It’s the same with the Covid scam and Ukraine situation, now they’re making it so anything you say that isn’t in line with state propaganda as a danger to the United States. If you say anything against the state narrative about the fake Covid 19 virus, you are a danger to society. If you say anything critical about the United States or British involvement in the Ukraine fake war, you are a danger to American society. If you say anything in favor of Putin or Russia, you are a danger to society. Growing up, that’s what I thought about the communists, that they were forced to live under state rules making them comply with whatever the state wanted. Damn, this is nothing but the McCarthy hearings in a different form.
I suppose in a way its human nature, i.e., the scumbags at the top feel they have to go to this level in order to maintain control, even though deep down they must understand this is all anathema to freedom and liberty, not that they care. But then again, many of these people, like the lady in red, appear to be pure sociopaths totally driven by ideological fascinations.
If it was only lunatics running the asylum we might still have a chance.
Unfortunately, psychopaths rule, so we are well and truly FUCKED.
Their hands.
Our blood.
Our planet.
Their greed.
“just like yelling “Fire” in crowded movie theater is considered a danger to those in the theater.”
Oliver Wendall Holmes who coined the analogy was another nutty elite eugenicist who also said “three generations of imbeciles are enough” in Buck vs. Bell in 1927. As if criticising the puppet Woodrow Wilson and the puppetmasters Colonel House and Alfred Milner and their desire to send Iowa farmboys to chew barbed-wire and die of whatever Spanish Flu really was could be said in any way to be vaguely comparable to yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre. Personally I’d like to see at least a PCR test this fire really existed…
unfortunately the many go along, even want this. so…
They can only rule BECAUSE OF general underclass complicity and underclass willful ignorance, there are TWO pink elephants in the room, and they’re MARRIED
Who do you think manifests the ruling psychopaths’ atrocious planned schemes? It’s ALWAYS underclass individuals (eg, soldiers in wars, doctors/nurses giving highly destructive covid shot poisons, everyday folks voting for/worshiping/following/obeying the leading psychopathic authorities, etc etc etc)?
Pitchfork and lanterns time was a Long while ago it’s now onto ropes and lampposts for the elite and it’s arse sniffing lackeys like the braindead fucks behind that brave young man on question time. Thankfully those 2 cunts will have had multiple jabs and won’t be around in 10 years time.
We’re hoping to elect a “hung” parliament in Australia in a couple of weeks.
Do you hang them before you elect them or afterwards?
Maybe if they’re very well “hung” they won’t be so envious of their masters?
Biden administration is blocking the freight rail shipping of fertilizer at the most critical time for spring planting. “On Friday, April 8, 2022, Union Pacific informed CF Industries without advance notice that it was mandating certain shippers to reduce the volume of private cars on its railroad effective immediately.”
How is this possible? Is there any legal authority to do this? People need to know about this.
Is the freight capacity needed for hauling arms due for the Ukraine?
Over the ocean?
The PURPOSE is to create more control secondary to food scarcity. Even if Americans have enough to eat, what about all the countries we export food to?
Marilyn did you note the story now running about the $1b contract Greg hunt organised for his mates to supply all the plastic shit? Do these guys not know it all will come out or don’t they care…just share the huge profits and run
On ABC’s ‘Four Corners’ tonight (Monday 2nd). There is astonishing corruption with all four of the Hunt brothers. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
They don’t give a fuck and it’s about time the fucking ABC did some real damn work, they still won’t cover the billions the labs raked in dodgying up the tests with pooling
This is how many Aussies (and others) are being tricked by the NWO. We are being ‘nudged’ to believe that our democracy (or what is left of it) is in crisis and needs changing. NWO are rolling out their agenda all over the globe, and especially focussing on local councils. Melbourne local council is the test case here.
WEF and their ‘experts’ are using “deliberative democracy” and “citizen’s referedums”, telling people how fair this is and that they end up with the decisions the people want. The truth is the opposite – the outcomes have already been pre-determined. Its another trick.
This con is also known as ‘sortition democracy”. They select a cross-section of the population to give their opinions on an issue. The favoured result is known as a ‘democratic decision’. It is what ‘the people’ wanted isn’t it? But we don’t know who the deciding people are – they have been chosen by computer lottery, or so we’re told.
Clearly explained by this marvellous woman. Straight to the point and no waffle.
I keep thinking how lucky we were here.,..for some reason a few got the bright idea to start to set up some of this shit here….were holding meetings for the community to decided etc etc,,,,as I said Lucky. The chief bottle washer organiser managed to roll his quad bike and that was the end of that….no one has popped up since..,
it is all just so manipulated and tied to that agenda 30….most still have no idea when I ask have they heard of agenda 30 and eyes glaze over as soon as one starts to explain…seems that to most people they cannot get their heads around the fact that all our govts are working against us.,..seems very few exceptions….bribe money must have been huge.
Well that is hair curling but not unexpected….would say one reason unvax teachers not let back into system etc. they only want compliant working in areas like education…sadly I suspect pluto coming to aquarius as responsible for a lot of this
They already have the pinkest of lefties in teaching. Forcing the last few rational thinkers out is the icing on the cake.
Duping the Australian population is literally child’s play.
Did you know that the Prime Minister saw a yellow and blue coronavirus hop from his breakfast cereal onto his face this morning…?
It mistook him for Vladimir Putin. All WEF alumni look alike in the morning before their nation-state makeup is applied.
Just spent three weeks in a small NSW town. I didn’t meet one vaxxed person.
Not all have been duped Pig.
Obviously they learnt nothing from vietnam.
Russia doesn’t need to use any of those weapons. (*and nobody has any effective “bio-weapons”).
Russia can crush the Ukraine scum with just the “allowed ” weaponry they have. America is just a barking dog at this point.
Here it comes …
Nina Jankowicz, a.k.a. Scary Poppins
Jimmy Dores on the new Ministry of Truth.
BTW, we got in first with Prevent.
OMG. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse (no, I wasn’t REALLY thinking that) there is a fucking insane lady on video dressed in red singing an utterly childish and nonsensical song about HER NEW FUCKING JOB and she’s been appointed to what amounts to an incredibly Orwellian government position with almost unimaginable potential impacts of dystopian totalitarianism. Or am I misinterpreting that? Is that real, come on now, it can’t be.
I’m not sure what to do now with my day. It’s like I’ve been subjected to some kind of weird psychological operation and my brain is now wanting to scream but can’t because it doesn’t quite know what to scream. When something cannot be real but it is, it creates a vortex of uneasiness like the world is going to fucking end or something. Screw the nukes Edward, look at this uhm, female like person. Jesus!
I’ve worked for the U.S. federal govt for over 30 years, still do from home, middle management level/analyst that last 20, and I’ve dealt with and still deal with very high level officials, up to the Department level. This um, female like person, and this “office” might take the cake of all cakes.
I deliberately avoided watching the video. But I did watch a video of Judy Collins singing “Send In The Clowns” – the only known antidote to Nina Jankowicz.
Wish I could link to it for you – but I don’t know how.
The clown world thing is deliberate imo – it’s to make it look less sinister. Anyway, the first orchestrated Jankowicz vs. Musk distraction won’t be long in showing up.
P.S. There are Amish left? Haven’t they all died from non-vaccination?
“The clown world thing is deliberate imo – it’s to make it look less sinister”
This. As we have seen in full glory in the UK with Boris Johnson. Oh he’s such a loveable character, wouldn’t hurt a fly. 🙄
FWIW, before The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present succumbed to dementia, and became a sad or pathetic clown, the Beltway corporate/mainstream mass-media also characterized him as a lovable clown.
Over the years, Biden acquired a reputation for being personable and affable– as many politicians are. So I can understand that he “charmed” the modern sycophantic press corps.
As you may know, even when Biden was in his right mind, such as it was, he had a knack for making “gaffes” and misstatements. In 1987, he infamously plagiarized elements of a Neil Kinnock speech during a debate.
The Kinnock plagiarism was treated as a “scandal” in the press, but the repercussions were minimal and soon smoothed over. But even there, as with his subsequent “gaffes”, the press collectively downplayed and sanitized Biden’s penchant for dishonest loose talk.
Like a cat keeping its claws retracted, they affectionately reported Biden’s ostensible lapses as if he were an otherwise decent and respectable man with a habit of making inconsequential and amusing blunders– i.e., “There goes our Joe again!”
Nope. All the Amish are still here. And all the homeless people are still alive too. Go figure!
She is disinformation.
So typical of these demonic entities now in control that they appoint this corrupted soul..
Whatever happened to honesty, integrity and moral.
Despicable mendacious and highly dangerous.
They are the real virus…
I noted the look of outrage on the women behind Jamie who seemed to be saying, “Oh my God are there still people who don’t believe the Auschwitzian mounds of corpses that come tumbling out of the sky every day?”
On the plus side both will definitely be jabbed up more than a smack head and can’t breed anymore and won’t be around within 10 years especially the fatter one. Good.
Don’t hold back, Koba. 😁
Indeed Jamie did it!
He gave us all the opportunity to watch the faces/expressions that MMS/3i’s do when hearing the Truth… and since none react they just keep doing those moronic faces/expressions.
Good job Jamie.
They couldn’t even attack the messenger as they usually do they just moved on and went right to the next point. We should have actively encouraged as many sheeple who watch the news and even accept 10% of what they spout as gospel to get as many random jabs as possible instead of actively trying to discourage them. Fuck em
The presenters also made those strange, obtrusive burbling sounds that mean, “Gulp, cough, er… we have to move on to the next question – very quickly”.
A decent translation would be something like: