Top 10 Foods For Your Armageddon Survival Pantry
Lucy Davies

Now I don’t want to sound rude but seeing as pasta & toilet paper were the go-to items of the vast majority of Brits to stock up on in order to survive a global health pandemic, someone needs to have a word…
So in light of the seemingly imminent food supply/ cost of living issues (one of the many, increasing & purely coincidental ‘unavoidable consequences’ of yet another ‘unavoidable global drama’), I’ve appointed myself.
The idea of an armageddon pantry is not to assume that the end is nye & to panic buy us all out of wheatgrass, dried pulses & mooncups; more of an invitation to just calmly acknowledge that we’re now very much in the middle of an almighty shitstorm that’s likely to get a bit bumpier before the dust settles, & to perhaps add a few considered items to our weekly shop in preparation for the possibility of temporary difficulties, that’s all.
I’m a firm believer that all will come good. I’d go as far as to say that I know all will come good. I’m forever banging on about the crumbling & rebuilding of our beloved & disgustingly corrupt systems, but for this one I’ll do my best to stay on topic & discuss long-life vegetables.
Many people I know, myself included, are thinking about empowering themselves with self-sufficiency, which tends to start with growing vegetables.
To some it comes naturally. They’re incredible grafters who find themselves allotments, get their hands dirty, quickly learn to grow their own food & turn up at your door in dungarees holding up muddy beetroots with rosy cheeks & enormous smiles.
I love these people & would love to be one, but I’m just not. I’m notoriously bad at growing & foraging. I once had an allotment for a year & grew 2 pumpkins. The next year I went for ‘crops in pots’ & produced 4 x 2-inch carrots & a small bunch of new potatoes.
This year I went for a bag of dried beans & pulses, & hear-in lies the inspiration for my armageddon survival pantry…

1. Sprouted vegetables.
Not a lot of people know this, but if you sprout dried beans & pulses for long enough, they become vegetables… I fell off my chair when I found out.
There are so many pros & barely any cons…They last for forever, so you can buy them by the kilo if you like, they require no soil, no land, no dependency on British weather, no slug repellants, no cat repellants, no encyclopedias of which seeds ‘get on’ with others & which can’t stand each other, & best of all they’re fully grown & ready to eat in one week flat.
What’s not to love?!
Well, the downside is that they all taste pretty similar & as pleasant as they are, you need some pretty strong accompanying flavours to drown them out. Remember though we’re talking armageddon survival here, not MasterChef.
Sprouted vegetables are the main event because vegetables ideally make up at least 50-80% of 2 meals a day. Sprouted ones are extra incredible too as they are raw & are packed full of vitamins, minerals & enzymes. If necessary (i.e. you’re not sick to death of them), the beans & pulses can obviously be used as themselves; just soak them for 8-12 hours before cooking.
They can then be whizzed up into an endless array of houmous type creations, depending on what else you have available. If you’re either desperate or highly conscientious, sprouted seeds can even be dehydrated & blitzed into a powder to encapsulate or sprinkle over everything else for added nutritional oomph. (Instructions for sprouting at the end.)
2. Sauerkraut and/or kimchi
They’re both packed full of gut-boosting good bacteria, but I would opt for kimchi for this particular armageddon as it’s so amazing for immunity, it’s incredibly delicious & lasts for months (see kimchi recipe on my recipes page).
3. Rice
This is here as a padder-outer, mainly because I’m a mother of 3 children who would rather starve than eat most vegetables. It’s cheap, lasts forever, everyone likes it, it goes with everything & you can even make milk with it. Pulses & grains (e.g. chickpeas & rice) can also be combined to make a complete protein – great for vegetarians & vegans.
4. Sun-dried tomatoes
Who the hell puts sun-dried tomatoes on an emergency food list?
Well I do & I’ll tell you why… they’re unbelievably versatile; just soak them in boiling water & you have a salad accompaniment, whizz them up & you have a ready-made stir-in sauce for just about anything, then add water & you have a make-shift stock for a whole load of other dishes to use like tinned chopped tomatoes.

5. Dried fruit
Another staple mainly to keep my children alive in a potential time of crisis, partly because it’s a nutritional food that is enjoyed by all, but also because it’s a great quick-fix for flailing blood sugar levels whilst dinner’s cooking, so helps to stop people killing each other. It can also be rehydrated & used for smoothies & puddings.
6. Oats
I’m not the biggest fan of grains. Why? Well, you know people tend to say ‘dont feed bread to birds because it fills them up & stops them eating things they really need like seeds & berries’? That.
Plus they’re often high GI, causing blood sugar instability & are generally a lot more of a burden on the body than we’re led to believe. Much of this however is due to our over-zealous attachment to them; we just eat too many. I’m allowing them into my armageddon pantry though because of their versatility; they can obviously make porridge, flapjacks, biscuits etc, but also can be whizzed up into flour for pancakes & a million other things, as well as making delicious milk.
They’re also super cheap & last for ages.
7. Concentrated greens such as chlorella, spirulina or wheatgrass
These are amazing. The most alkalising foods on the planet (our bodies ideally are slightly alkaline for optimum health). Chlorella is my favourite as it doesn’t have a strong taste, so I can put it in my kids smoothies & get away with it, although it can be bought in capsules too. Bursting with vitamins & minerals, it’s also a good vegan source of omega 3.
8. Bee pollen
Due to its diverse & potent nutrient content, humans can survive on bee pollen alone…enough said.

9. Water filter
Technically not a pantry item but related & vitally important. I’d recommend something like the British Berkefeld, which is sizeable, stainless steel, the filters last for ages & it’s capable of filtering e.g. stream water if ever the need arose.
To be honest, most stream water is probably already favourable to the ‘clean & perfectly healthy’ stream of toxic chemicals coming through our taps at the moment.
10. Chocolate
I just gave this to my partner Graham to read. I hadn’t quite finished it, so I explained that obviously chocolate was going in at no.10. He’s known me for the best part of 20 years yet he still looked perplexed…
“What, like just as a nice thing? In an armageddon pantry? Really?”
No words.

BONUS: Sprouting instructions…
My favourites are chickpeas, mung beans, aduki beans, green/ brown lentils & fenugreek seeds. This combination sprout at a similar rate, so can be mixed together to sprout, or done separately.
You can also buy packets of already mixed ‘sprouting seeds’ if you don’t want to commit to several bags.
Sprouting trays do make things slightly easier, but are not necessary. All you need is a jar, approx 1 litre in size, & something to cover the top.
The sprouts will need rinsing, so you can cover the jar with muslin secured with elastic when standing, & empty the sprouts into a seive to rinse then put back in the jar, or you can use a jar with a screw-on metal lid & using a hammer & nail, bash some small drainage holes into it.
This is my preference as it works great & means you can recycle an old olive jar or something rather than buying a ‘special’ sprouting jar.
How much you sprout at a time is completely up to you, but remember they grow to approximately 10 times their original size.
Start by soaking them all day or all night, then rinse thoroughly & return to the jar. The idea is to have as little water in the jar as possible, to avoid mushyness or the sprouts sitting in stagnant water.
Repeat this process for approximately 3-4 days, until they have significant ‘tails’.
They’ll grow easily anywhere in the average house, but once they’re almost ready, put them on a window sill or somewhere light but not too hot, for the leaves to turn green & give you an extra punch of chlorophyll.
Rinse one last time & store in the fridge for up to a week.
Lucy is a naturopathic nutritionist with a love of writing, cooking, fermenting, energy & sound healing, & cutting through the crap. You get in touch with her through her website, or read more of her thoughts on her blog.
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Trying to wind up two years of intensive prepping while the clock is still ticking. Actually, if I survive I will probably eat healthier than I do now! (no restaurant/ delivery food, little fresh dairy and such.) I have been sharing prepper videos and posting reminders constantly on FB. I know some friends are doing some prepping, but I don’t think they are doing enough.Yes, sprouting will be really important as a source of fresh salad and also converting legumes from starches into proteins. Storing water is also highly importantant. A Berkey is great if you still have a water source, but larger containers with water purifier added are really crucial. Best u-tube preppers IMO – Canadian Prepper, Alaska Prepper, Full Spectrum Survival. NY Prepper posts good war updates. Most of them are posting war and current event updates. Most have extensive video libraries going back ten years or so on all of the “how to” questions. Please pass on what you learn. Most people are sleepwalking but we have to do whatever we can to try to reach some of them.
It’s worth it to mention, if no one has already, that beans and a grains together make a complete protein. Rice and beans are tasty and good for the budget as well, and rice is low in carbs.
If you’re looking for literature, use this: &
Even the most vicious British humor is still much milder and kinder than the German.
Germans have lost their hearts for quite serious heartful British musicians.
If I could choose, it’d be difficult for me. I like
both of them, but I would still choose Hodgson.
A Briton in Germany translated hundreds (thousands)
of songs. His physical appearence starts at minute 22.
Big Pharma Set to Control Entire Food Supply. Monsanto-Bayer and Bill Gates Join Hands
…#1 oughta be Popcorn… – *Buckets And Buckets* of it… – As *Far* as the eye can see…
…- In fact just scratch everything else off that list and get popcorn instead… – *LOTS* of popcorn…
Brilliant 😂
Ok you have good teeth, you don’t have to rub it in
I firmly believe that the world is in equilibrium in its basic state. That someone is only a perpetrator, others only a victim, is a social impossibility. A war always has a prelude and does not begin with the first gunshot. This narrative would immediately begin to crumble without the constant indoctrination. Every divorce judge knows there is no “main culprit” in the separation.
You don’t have to become a Nazi, and draw their conclusions, which are wrong in my eyes, to realize that the world has a Jewish problem. All other peoples remain unnoticed. Why don’t we talk about Bhutan or Surinam, which have about the same number of inhabitants as Israel? They exist as a permanent disruptive factor in our midst.
A communist American accuses “America”. Of course, all awakened
white people have long known again who is in power in America.
study: feminism makes impotent
A potential flaw in the study: could men who didn’t identify as feminist be less likely as a demographic to admit to using erectile disfunction medications? A2
I suppose, Sam, that it is to generally abolish masculinity (and paternity, which represented the fatherland), which was previously evolutionarily created to protect the community, since it is officially responsible not for all progress and inventions, but for all the evils of the world. We all know that these are not non-European men.
But surely these articles, and your original link, could reflect a difference in perception – how these two groups relate to, describe and quantify sex – rather than a meaningful difference in the objective quality of the sex?
In other words, these sources might reveal differences in how the left/right tend to describe sex, NOT how well they actually do it! XD Is this accounted for in any of these sources?
Do you see my point? A2
I could imagine that with changed values today’s “men” are more likely to “enjoy” the dominance of the woman even in bed, if that’s what you mean. I was never able to do this, but could only enjoy woman who refused to take the lead. Especially so-called “strong” women want to be allowed to be weak in certain moments. 😉
I belong probably to the discontinued models. Evolution will take revenge for this by presenting us creatures that will deal with our women in anything but a civilized manner as “globalization” progresses. To call this merely “irony” would be inadequate to the inherent cynicism. We should not lose sight of such developments.
I’m sorry!!! Why the fuck would a man be a feminist… What does being a feminist mean exactly… exactly
I suspect out of an indoctrinated sense of guilt.
Guilty pleasure comes closest to the
German Schuldstolz (“pride of guilt”).
The difference is that Ger-
mans feel pissed on, not off.
Yeah same all over… a brain wash since the 70’ s… Gloria Steinem started Woman’s Lib the magazine and shortly after was bunted by the Rockefeller foundation… was visited by the CIA which made her uncomfortable… what started with a justified movement for change in women status, became a propaganda to destroy society from the core of the gamily. Since then, every man in every tv show or movie is an idiot, a pervert, a looser in so many ways… that’s got a get to ya
Very aptly to the point. I wonder who might be behind this and has such an interest in it? We leave the answer of this question to every still halfway self-thinking individual.
It is the banksters.
US Health agendas are completely media driven by feminism. as has tv commercialism over the last three decades. Men sit Women do all the talking basically.
You mean Cabal depopulation agenda
“why conservatives have-better sex lives than liberals”
Because conservative Men help providing the answers to theses surveys on behalf of the Mrs!
I am Confident, these surveys are Distracting Propaganda, which mainstream media is full of.
Unfortunately, exactly the opposite is true and we can still be happy to learn about it at all. This will soon change very quickly.
Battle of the Sexes,
American Lasses, the Cat Balou wardrobe feminist insistence on bicycle helmet ponytail “Duke Uni” could be one reason for the mini pump pill on the counter at US gas stations, just saying.
German Minister of Interior advises citizens to keep a food reserve for emergencies.
Her list is here, but a lot of it requires refrigeration.
Yup, if you don’t mind summarizing in French that would be awesome
Proof: Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild heir
How Zelensky has shown himself to be a Putin agent…
Как за два месяца Зеленский доказал, что он агент Путина
(Russkaya Vesna, 29.04.2022)
In 2 months he’s (rough translation):
1. Milked the West – for free, since there won’t be anyone to give it to. There won’t be such a State as Ukraine on the political map and won’t be any president for it. Robbing suckers.
2. From the start of the special operation almost all major [business] competitors have left Russia, leaving the place for Russian enterprises, which is a big opportunity for them
3 Begged for weapons, which are destroyed right at the entrances to their storage depots
4.Turned off the gas for (virtually) the whole of Europe. Sent it to the Middle Ages
5. Emptied the pockets of drivers, farmers, entrepreneurs, car manufacturers in the EU and USA.
6. Gathered all the lowest of Ukrainian Nazi subculture – the tattooed volunteers, as well as mercenaries, outcasts, idiots, maniacs, murderers from Europe and other countries into one place where Russians ‘sprayed’ them in batches and promptly delivered them to Bandera
7. United the Russian people around their leader – Russia has not known such powerful support for the actions of its president and cabinet for the whole period of his reign.
8. Sent into exile all the fashion birds of stage and cinema, with full hats of “wishes” from the grateful Russian people
9. Strengthened the ruble.
10. Given Donbass to the Russians and … all that’s still ahead.
Never before has Russia been as good as under Zelensky
Lots of fireworks too! Whoopee!
The most dangerous place to be if food becomes really scarce is anywhere near the modern manicured lawn, from which everything edible has been removed for the sake of a simulation of beauty.
Cud chewing animals can digest grass, but that’s all. Weeds, however, are generally edible and have a certain nutritional value. After all, what do people think “hunters and gatherers” hunted and gathered?
Dandelions are v good for you.
I’m sorry to say I find this article misplaced. IMO it belongs in dumptheguardian.
Feeding yourself and family is hard work, there is no getting away from that work. We have been at it nearly 20 years and it has not really got any easier, the gains made in improving processes are offset by growing older.
In the event of real hunger the only thing that will count is filling ones belly. Not sprouting shoots and bee pollen.
But you will have a good provision of chocolate won’t you?!?! 😱
Hershey chocolate and corn syrup ‘candy’, no wonder Americans are addicted to disinfectant antibiotics and pig fat they call bacon.
One day soon hopefully they’ll learn how to bake a loaf of bread, no no forget that, otherwise some US Clown will fly over or bloom across the Atlantic how Europeans should plant grow harvest Bake, Cook and Drink.
Good stuff mix. & ersatz, agree. 60yr old lads will remember the mothers and grandmothers., even old cook books are out there instead of watching listening to these modernist dollies in league with Safe cronies.
thanks, this makes Armageddon quite attractive: wholesome, healthy and nutritious foods.
Compare it to our new advanced civilisation where it is estmated every person on average is eating the equivalent of a credit card size amount of plastics per week; add to this, the myriad of chemical poisons pushed down our throats and arms.
did it have to come to this? Armageddon foods is better than foods in times of peak prosperity (and democracy and human rights etc..)?
NWO diet = Vegan. Here’s a compelling doc. Open minded people only to apply.
OWO (Old World Order)=omnivorous.
Here’s a million McDonalds ads, KFC ads, Burger King ads,Hungry Jacks ads etc etc. And of course, your parents, siblings, relatives and friends all telling you that you “NEED TO EAT THE FLESH AND BODILY FLUIDS OF SLAUGHTERED AND/OR EXPLOITED SENTIENT CREATURES !!” “Because it’s good for you”
I prefer logical debates instead of crazed ranting myself… if that’s all you got thank you… and son, everything old is not bad. Look around you, all “new”… and all leading to the end
No, the NWO want people eating their processed frankenfood meat and dairy replacements, the vegans I know follow mostly whole food, plant based diets and tend to be slim and healthy.
The ones i’ve known were slim all right… muscular mass loss in their case, have u guys even watched that video?
Doesn’t get more logical than this:
The cover of yet another book on nutrition.. a lot of them are sponsored by the Rockefeller foundation…. Anyway I’m not buying a book as your “logical” argument… now stop biting my ankles you fierce little chiwawa
Your ankles are not the problem Theo.
Your arteries, your heart and your intestines on the other hand, clogged with animal fat. Not good.
The China Study makes it all quite clear: Animal fat = disease.
Veggies = health.
And here’s the reason. A good doctor will tell you to cut down on sodium. Sodium, being a beneficial electrolyte to fish, is poison to humans and actually expelled from the body by a chemical reaction with potassium . Potassium on the other end is the electrolyte for humans. 6000 mg per day requirement. This is by far the highest mineral requirement, next being calcium at 1800mg, magnesium at 250mg and then traces… Now to arteries clogs, sodium is much harder than potassium, different molecular mass, which again the good doctor will tell you, hardens you tissues (electrolytes being present in ALL cells, and ALL chemical reactions. So now you arteries are hardened, favouring cholesterol deposits. A flexible artery would be impossible to clog from fat deposit. You notice that the PTB have stuffed our food with sodium to an insane level since the late 18 hundreds (that’s right, old stuff.. but it works so well)… artificial fertilizers also contributes to deplete the soils of potassium, making it impossible for humanity to get their healthy load of it.. You can also apply all this to kidney stones, which can be “passed” comfortably (tested it) by a high load of potassium cure. And depression, and a ton of little booboos that made big pharma so rich and in control creating “patches” for all our organ failures for decades. Which brings me to the Bad Doctor, who will give you pills that lowers cholesterol, making you depressed (60% of your brain is animal fat) and then sell you an anti depressor…. So, want to avoid strokes and heart attacks? Get that potassium chloride or citrate and get that calculator out… and eat fatty meat for God’s sake like all humans since hundreds of thousands of years. That’s older than me… Questions?
Sodium is not poison. It’s a vital electrolyte for the functioning of every cell in your body. Living organisms require a balance of potassium and sodium as a basis for life. Too much or too little of either creates problems and in extreme cases will prove fatal.
For example a massive dose of potassium chloride is used to stop the heart in executions by lethal injection.
Taking on huge loads of potassium in belief it’s a health benefit will put great pressure on your kidneys and could be very dangerous.
The sodium/potassium “pump” would be another invention of the “FDA”… mammals are potassium pumps, and NO potassium is entering the blood stream. We are well tuned machines in that regard. Lethal injections are injected which would never occur in nature. 6000 mg required daily is MUCH higher than the 50mg of the lethal injection… So here it is. A WARNIG though. Some of the medication were developed for humans depleted in potassium. Meaning that they are cross actioned to potassium. I was going to mention that if one is under medication, they should search potassium-“medication” cross action. For instance I suspect anti inflammatory meds, exploding the cells, would release potassium in the blood stream. I can testify that I’ve loaded myself w potassium for 10 to 15 years with only benefits. Thanks for bringing it up.
China Study summary:
Middle class Chinese with high meat diets suffered from more heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancer.
Poor Chinese eating mainly rice and vegetables had much lower rates of these diseases.
This study was one of the largest dietary studies ever done.
It has since been confirmed by many other studies.
Dairy and meat shorten Lifespans, but vested interests continue the slaughter for profit.
Ugly that.
Look at the sodium content of soy sauce for one… there’s your study revisited
Rockin! wikipoopdia.barf as a source! Rockin!
Many studies confirmed it Victor.
Wiki or no Wiki.
Anybody who is switched on knows not to pay attention to advertising and knows not to eat the shite that you mentioned. Locally produced, grass fed, organically reared beef and dairy products are, on the other hand, good for you as a supplement to a vegetable based, unprocessed diet, and you won’t see that advertised on TV.
Agree! We do to animals what the NWO wants to do to us. That IS dark energy and we reap what we sow. I will not participate in the brutalization of animals. Vegan for life.
Agree. OWO = dark energy and slaughtering animals that are as conscious as you and feel pain and fear as you. OWO wants to do you the same thing most humans do to animals. You reap what you sow. I am vegan for LIFE
i imagine NWO diet will include grains made from plastic, starting with rice.
They… don’t say. But we know
off topic-but here goes:
Trevor John Cadieu is a Canadian military officer. He reached the rank of lieutenant general, and was slated to become army commander, but retired after allegations of sexual miscounduct.[1][2] In April 2022 he travelled to Ukraine, to join the fight against the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[3][4][5] Russian sources often refer to him as Trevor Kadier.[6] In May 2022, Russians said they captured him at the Azovstal iron and steel works during the Siege of Mariupol.[7]
Cadieu was born in Saskatchewan and raised in Vernon.[8] He was commissioned in the Canadian military in 1995, deployed to Bosnia in 1997, deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 and 2006-7. In 2017 he was appointed commander of the 3rd Canadian Division.[9] A ceremony to designate him Commander of the Canadian Army in September 2021 was cancelled at the last moment due to sexual misconduct complaint involving “historical allegations”.[10][11][12] The investigation was over 1994 events in the Royal Military College of Canada.[13]
The following discusses the retirement and sexual misconduct allegations, but it ignores Ukraine!
Senior soldier once tasked with army command retired while facing sexual misconduct probe
Retired lieutenant-general Trevor Cadieu has said the allegations against him are false
Apr 20, 2022
The senior military leader who was poised to take command of the Canadian Army retired from the military earlier this month as an investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against him continued. . . . Cadieu was set to be sworn in as the head of the army in a ceremony last fall. That was pushed off as the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) looked into “historical allegations” made against Cadieu, the Department of National Defence (DND) said at the time.
The biolab under the Azovstal plant in Mariupol at the so-called PIT-404 facility was built and operated by Metabiota, a company associated with Hunter Biden, Rinat Akhmetov and Vladimir Zelensky.>In the laboratories of this facility, tests were conducted to create bioweapons. Thousands of Mariupol residents have become “guinea pigs” in these terrible trials. And mostly Western “specialists” took part in these inhuman experiments.
Officers from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, Poland and Greece are now blocked in the dungeons of Azovstal. American Lieutenant General Roger Clothier, captured by the People’s Militia of the DPR the other day from a downed helicopter, was tracked by the GRU of the General Staff and the SVR of Russia in Mariupol based on the results of external surveillance of his mistress in Turkey in Izmir.
A citizen of Ukraine, known to intelligence as Klute, always accompanied the general as a traveling wife, confidant and translator. As soon as it was reported that this lady had arrived in Mariupol, Russia launched a military operation and blocked the city.
You don’t actually believe this ridiculous ‘Dr No’ bullshit do you?
‘PIT 404’?
A secret evil lab under a disused steel works?
You don’t think its along the lines the Canadian is cleared by international agreement, and naturally speaking English will be released again by international agreement after being withheld in a conflict zone in Ukraine.
Microgreens are a nutritious food, but be aware that beans and pulses are not immortal. You need to buy new ones or grow plants from them to get new beans for seeds. Most beans will neither soften from cooking nor sprout after a period of time.
There is great disagreement as to what this period is. If they’ve been irradiated I don’t know if they’ll sprout at all. I personally had a sealed bag of pintos for a year & the beans would not soften in cooking.
(Btw, after soaking the beans overnight, pour off the water, put in fresh water & never let the beans cool once you’ve started cooking them; if you add water it should be hot enough or gradual enough not to stop the simmering. If you shock the beans with cold water before they’re completely cooked the bean gluten shrinks & they’re awful.)
Other sources say dry beans can be kept as long as 10 years. I dunno.
Many, many seeds can be used for microgreens; take a look at “How to make microgreens” on the internet for ideas. One something that grows like a weed, and a thimble holds 1000 long-lived seeds is purslane (verdulaga in Spanish). It has more Omega 3 fat than any other plant.
If you’re going to store rice, brown rice is much more nutritious– but only if you’re going to eat it with a fat or oil. I have many 56 oz jars of Garden of Life raw organic coconut oil for prepping. (it’s immortal)
Those of us following the naturopaths like Mercola, Virta, many others avoid the vegetable oils because they’re full of linoleic (Omega 6) oils. We think a small amount of olive oil is ok, otherwise animal fats or coconut oil.
Irradiation to stop sprouting makes sense – for the giant agri-businesses that want to kill small-scale farming.
Except for coconut and palm, most of the oils become harmful in the heat of frying or grillling.
We require eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), not ALA as found in plants. We can make EPA and DHA from LA but not very well — conversion rate ~1%.
Many plant sources of omega 3 also contain omega 6. Consumers of omega 6 probably have several years supply stored in their bodies, so it barely qualifies as essential.
The best thing to do with plant oils is to feed them to vegans and feed the vegans to sharks. Sharks are a good source of omega 3.
Are there still sharks in the seas ?
Thought we suffocated and ate em all.
Pretty much
Yeh, fish canned in water or brine is a big part of prepping, especially given what Gates wants to do w his “meat substitute.” But in the end only saving our country is going to save us.
The rest of us will only be saved once your country vanishes from the face of the planet.
Propaganda During Times of War.
Ten Commandments:
1.. We do not want war.
2.. The other side is solely responsible for the war.
3.. The enemy has the face of the Devil (or in the order of “ugly”).
4.. The real aims of the war must be masked under noble causes.
5.. The enemy knowingly commits atrocities. If we commit blunders, they are unintentional.
6.. We suffer very few losses. The enemy’s losses are enormous.
7.. Our cause is sacred.
8.. Artists and intellectuals support our cause.
9.. The enemy uses illegal weapons.
10 Those who question our propaganda are traitors,
11.The enemy are worse than nazis… worse than ISIS… worse than whatever the previous worse thing was…
You are going to starve or get very sick after a month of two eating carbs & sprouts. My prepper pantry has Salt, chickens, sheep, eggs, pork fat, ghee, oils and a range of frozen and canned meats. Vegetables are hard/expensive to store in any quantity that will make much difference because nutritional and energy density is pretty low, it is useful side at best, I keep some cans so meals can be made. Store some Vitamin C, you can do without the vegetables if the SHTF. If I’m sprouting, things are bad, really bad.
Pretty much
Re: pork fat
: a place where food is stored : PANTRY
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from lard
Support your Co-operative’s fruit & veg, dairy, street markets. Check your own water supply to your home, if YOU want to.
Do not listen to fear mongers about Water. , in The British Isles it’s one of biggest con games in the last 30yrs!
If you have a back garden with your semi, and been not growing veg. Over the last two years…. You’re a lazy Yup. Fat arse.
Thank you
Btw you should Not have to label FOOD, or bloody GANIC!
White pure sugar in Tea, brown sugar in Coffee. If You Want!
American trolls are morons They drink water from plastic bottles, blooming idiots!
See you down the Pub!
Thanks for the article and suggestions.
But regarding rice, it doesn’t “last forever.” White rice does last longer than brown rice, but I’m just talking mainly about brown rice since that’s where I have some experience. Brown rice has a very short storage life unless oxygen is removed. I bought some many years ago that was in a #10 can and the manufacturer stated it would probably only be good for a couple of years max. I opened it after 10 years and it was still fine — no rancidity at all, and we ate it without any issues. It was vacuum packed in the can with an oxygen absorber. That must the key to longer shelf life.
So what I would suggest is that if you buy brown rice off the shelf in the supermarket, that you then invest in a vacuum sealing device (like FoodSaver, etc.) and also some food-grade oxygen absorbers. I actually take it yet another step and store these vacuum-sealed bags in a chest freezer. Rice is important, as the author notes, in providing a complete protein when combined with beans (kidney, etc.).
Useful list, just 2 comments:
Re 6 – Go for “Naked Oats” which are not heat treated. The normal, cheaper oats are pasteurised, so not healthy (exorphines).
Re 10 – Important again, get raw chocolate or cacao liquor/paste. Roasted cacao can cause cancer, raw cacao is super-healthy. If you really need it sweetened use raw yacon syrup.
Re 3–Instead of normal rice try raw wild rice (Canadian, black or white, nutty flavour, which is technically no rice) – needs no cooking – just soak for 24 hours and eat with sun-dried tomato, herbs & cashew or pine nuts.
$1.6 billion from the plandemic!
Nice work.
All you’ve gotta do is wine and dine the corporate puppets/pollies.
Love of writing and yet don’t speak a language. The ‘end is nye’? What is that, new year’s eve? “Here-in lies …”
Are we to be be subjected to this millennial-ignorance forever now?
Proof-reading and editing seem to be out of fashion.
She said “don’t speak the language”
Thank you for the feedback. Maybe next time you could deliver it without being so rude & obnoxious. If you disapprove of what you read, at least have the decency to acknowledge that someone has taken the time to write something that aside from a spelling mistake may be of value to others; whilst you sit lashing out pompous insults & assumptions on an internet forum.
The writer of the article actually wrote ‘hear-in’… whereas the correct spelling of the word she was intending is, of course, ‘herein’.
I’ve made a list
molasses, sugar, tomato paste, yeast – air still and solar panels
What a delightful article – and some pretty good tips, too!
I’d add dried goji berries (high antioxidants and, amazingly, they contain protein – 4g for every 28g berries), as well as a complete spectrum plant-based protein powder (to add to smoothies, sprinkle over anything).
I’d also replace the white rice with brown organic rice (brown rice to increase the fibre and vitamins and organic because this reduces the level of arsenic, cadmium and other pesticide and fungicide residues present in rice).
Forgot flax seeds – richest land-based source of omega 3 fatty acids. Can be sprouted, too.
Thanks, Off-G, for introducing me to Lucy Davies! Lots of good things at her website too.
My favorite grain is barley. I like it in soups, but I’m told it can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute.
If you have sickle cell anemia, I’ve read that legumes can cause problems. Legumes include peanuts, carob, alfalfa and clover (often found in sprouting mixes), peas, lentils and beans (pulses). Buckwheat and quinoa complement grains for complete protein. I’ve never read that they cause problems for people with sickle cell anemia. Does anyone know for sure?
Don’t feed the fear. Food supply is the lesser of our concerns for the future. And bunkering down caring only for our own is not setting the tone for the new world civilisation we want to create that cares for all. Better to consider how to fairly distribute and share resources, end wars that create poverty, eat simply and live simply so that others may simply live to paraphrase Gandhi. In my humble view we need to stop thinking of ‘me’ and ‘my’ and consider how we can live as global citizens of one human family.
Yes, offering the personal solution detracts from the political/social. And self-help lit is as ubiquitous as plastic.
Yes,own nothing and be happy… oh hold on a second
‘Calmly adding a few considered items to your weekly shop in case of temporary difficulties’ is hardly feeding the fear. Also a huge assumption being made there about keeping it all to yourself & not sharing with people who didn’t stock up themselves.
Lucy: can’t disagree
exactly! preparing as a community for food shortages that can later be shared makes complete sense!
Caroline: well said
“They” let Gandhi “win” to create the illusion that peaceful protests work (they don’t). They still exploited the Indian people to their last breaths creating Indian oligarchs… for a fee.
Food is produced with fossil fuels. There will be no food once your stockpile runs out. And others will target you if you have food…
Conventional Oil peaked in 2005
Shale in 2018.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.
Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.
What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.
Some key points from this Financial Times article:
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told
Fast Eddy, oil has NOT peaked. I’m not going to post again the long list of mega-finds that the gangsters refuse to develop. And no, they’re not shale; they’re mostly off-coast just about everywhere you can think of. Look up Wm Engdahl’s “Oil Where Is Thy Peak?” for a partial list.
TPTB want to cut back on energy production so the earth will be able support fewer of us. Just like they want you to believe that the temperature is increasing.
Lots of oil remains – the reason they don’t extract it is it costs too much.
And the economy cannot survive $300 a barrel oil – remember what happened months after oil hit $147/
Start with a G and ends with a C – with an F in between
This a very nice summary of the situation
The reason countless sources of oil are not being extracted is that OBVIOUSLY TPTB want us energy poor.
I suspect that you are aware that we have 8B people on this planet because of cheap energy — every aspect of food production from making fertilizer to shipping and refrigerating food involves cheap fossil fuels.
Energy poor means the system of food production (and everything else) implodes. Billions don’t die – 8B die. They starve.
Worth reading: Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion: a study in global systemic collapse. Skip to page 56:
Imposing energy poverty is suicide for the PTB….
Yes we are energy poor now – but that is not a choice. We burned up all the easy to extract energy.
I will post this again
However as we know with mass formation – facts generally have any impact on the reader…
Once they have formed their opinion … it is nearly impossible to convince them that they are wrong.
Ok how much is there exactly, how fast is it consumed, how fast does it reproduce… stating it’s coming out of their asses doesn’t cut it Penelope. I still think they want to preserve it, hence the depopulation agenda. Even they are not sure… you certainly are not… why that stupid debate?
One word…. Maybe two, Biltong & drywors.
Jeggy nettles and dandelion make great teas.
Nettle soup is a winner too
I pick a load of nettles each spring and dry them, before putting them in the blender and turning them into a powder.. Reduces the volume for storage and I then have enough superfood powder to last all year.. It’s a convenient form for making tea, adding to soup, sprinkling on all dishes, adding to smoothies etc.. Wild foods have more nutritious value than farmed vegetables as far as I know.
I like chips.
Potatoes can be stored in a cool, dark place too. Make your own!
Just leave potatoes out w a bit of vegetable oil when the nukes explode, you’ll have chips! Make your own!
Thanks for this helpful article Lucy. Funnily enough, I was thinking just today about what are the main food items I need to get/logistics of storing etc and then saw this article!
I agree with your point about needing chocolate, but I’m thinking more along the lines of buying bulk cacao and sugar and using this for trading. A lot of people may not want to barter with my cabbages, but perhaps I’d have more luck with cacao. I live in Italy and so I’m also thinking coffee would be a valuable commodity to trade.
Lots to ponder…
Honey – if possible from local area and organic – is wonderful for health and sweetness. It will last for centuries and doesn’t need refrigeration.
Eaten cold, it is safe for diabetics and also full of enzymes and other good things. has all the info you need on which foods to store long term. I would say it’s time to get on with it.
Really good list, which i’d like to add to (i’m sure a few others will also)
As well as regular porridge oats, I suggest oat groats.. They store for even longer and can be cooked as a substitute for rice.
Microgreens… An expansion on the sprouted greens.. An indoor growing space can be created easily enough, and it doesn’t take much electricity to run a LED growlight.. This means you will have an abundance of fresh, supergreens 12 months of the year.
Chickpeas.. Long storage and great for making humous and adding to curries… Tahini is also needed.
Chocolate.. Make your own, bean to bar chocolate.. It’s actually really easy if you source the correct ingredients and it will cost a lot less… If you source raw, organic cacao, then you’ll be making chocolate which is nutrient dense and also a source of some incredible medicinal chemical compounds to nourish the heart and brain… Anandamide being one of them.
I source my cacao couverture and cacao butter from this small independent producer, as they grind their own beans which are sourced from jungle plantations and are very reasonable with prices:
I wondered what ‘groats’ are and found a good website to explain all:
If the above article did not freak you out at little………
This is my contribution:
Get 5 gallon HDPE buckets with Gamma lids to store bulk dry goods. Keeps the mice out. Prices on them are climbing fast.
Rigid/sturdy, stackable, plastic storage bins which are rodent resistant. Prices are climbing fast on these too. Stock is iffy. Made in Chiiina.
When you are really in a pinch, you can buy pre-packaged freeze dried emergency food that is packed in plastic pouches and is presorted and delivered in sturdy plastic bins.
Two years ago they had a 2 month wait. Patriots something or another in Utah, I think. Pricey.
The buckets went out stock this past summer but are back. Got mine at U.S Plastic. Shipping is expensive. Made in the United States. Funny how that works.
Tons of dried fruit is still available through our favorite place to hate: Amazon. They have not jumped their prices yet. But I expect them to start soon.
TP has nearly doubled in price and is being rationed on line as well as in person. Most people know that already. I actually saw a video demonstration on how to make your own………. I hope it does not come down to that………
Webstraunt has tons of frozen chicken (not sure why I am sharing this). Whole 7lb chickens (9 per case). Chicken breasts and thighs, etc. Bulk spices, nuts, etc. Frozen beef too. Their 1″ thick 1lb. Delmonico steaks are cheap (1/2 the cost of fresh) but not the greatest. Probably old because of lack of demand and closed restaurants. They are vacuum packed in thick plastic.
Home depot had some good prices on larger “garage ready” freezers. Have not looked lately.
Steel 5 gal safety style gas cans were still a dime a dozen last time I checked. Forty-five bucks a piece through Amazon.
Get a generator and prepare for the planned rolling blackouts to, at least, keep the freezers running.
Probably should plan on learning how to drain your water pipes in the house once in a while when natural gas is rationed and the temperature in your house drops below freezing. You need a big generator to heat your house with electric……
I wish I was making this up.
Might want to buy some lockable outdoor gas storage cabinets. Bad idea to keep the gas in your garage.
Prices on ammo have come down a little. If you don’t have a gun or two, get them. Lots of ammo. Always big lines in gun stores. Plan to wait. Gun training classes are probably filling up quickly. Training is a must for anyone who owns a gun. No use in stocking up on food if you can’t fend off the grasshoppers.
Have you seized up yet?
For the last two years my kids have been calling me crazy.
They are not anymore.
FYI on the farm industry: The High Wire’s ( ) latest episode called Food Wars will make you seize, If you have not already. A regular guest of their’s (a beef grower) had some seriously scary things to say. Basically, our government is actively trying to kill the beef industry. (Now I am starting to seize………)
Another little anecdote: The young kids next door have a huge cold frame going. It’s in the air and everyone can sense it……….
Maybe I can trade some gasoline and generator time for fresh vegetables……
ALDI stores, my most favorite market to shop with everyone else a distant second, has most of these things for half the price of Walmart. Especially dried fruits and oats. They’ve had giant size boxes of cornflakes for years at a buck (yes, $1) about 20% the price of other stores. The prices haven’t risen much lately. The Albrecht brothers are about the only gifts to the world among the billionaire class I can think of, offhand. (ALbrechtDIskont, hence ALDI).
German, all over the world, sprouting fast in my Southern California haunts, and their ethos is European, quality whole food ~and TASTE~ not loaded with American stierscheiße!
A giant box of the oats or rice Chex, or cornflakes stays fresh enough for a year, and can last me a week if pinched out. Quite amazing, really. I found out about them 5 years ago when a friend at my gym told me they have large eggs at 45¢ a dozen. Serious. That has been rising recently though, now $2.50. Still cheap, and quality. Bags of beans and rice the same.
They’re all over the world, and even USA, where NYT posted a piece a year ago that they’ve forced Walmart to slash their prices. Boo Hoo.
I could eat well enough for a month on less than 20 or 30 $. Serious. Quite astonishing, especially the quality and savviness.
(I have been buying fuelless solar generators for several years, cheap, no gas required, free energy, they station anywhere. These have been around 10 years and nobody knows. My 10 lb YETI 250 Watts runs my digital Yamaha grand piano for a week outdoors at public places on one 4 hour charge, wall or car (electric). You can take one to Mt. Everest with a few solar panels, quite off the grid. Excuse me, I hear the high road calling, and I’ll be to Scotland afore ye.)
My kids live and die by Aldi. They have been stocking dry goods for a while now. Decades ago we tried Aldi when we were dirt poor and just starting out. I should go and look. Locals swear by the one nearest me. Solar generators are limited. Corbet had a guy on his show that lives in the sun belt off the grid with solar panels. Just wait till their water runs out. I have a well with a 220 volt pump. Generator needs to be substantial. I could always install a 110 pump, I guess. I can’t see myself filtering water out of the nearby lake just yet or flushing my toilets by hauling buckets water. It may happen. Probably should buy some water filtration units just in case. One thing I missed was chlorine bleach and lots of soap.
Cheerios, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Doritos among products found to contain GM crops WEEDKILLER that has possible link to cancer
Popular cereal and snack brands in the US were reportedly found to contain “alarming levels” of glyphosate – a widely used weedkiller used on GM crops
I looked for a freezer 6 months ago– sold out. No one would even take an order for one; didn’t know when they were going to get more in.
So I concentrated on cans. I got a dehydrator, too. Thought I’d dehydrate soup mixes from the garden, and make some jerky too.
But you know, people, without the legal structure of our country we’re just refugees. So let’s keep working away at talking to people everywhere we go.
When I gave a conversational opening on the bus the other day, the driver told us all about how many nanometers a virus is & why masks don’t stop them– AND why this war in Ukraine is just about the same thing of trying to wear down our economy. Lots of well-informed people out there. Encourage them to keep talking to others.
Re: Your Armageddon Survival Pantry
I think I’ll settle for a bottle of malt whiskey and 20 B&H.
You’re already dead.
I’m old enough to remember the “four-minute warning”; but it’s now down to only 200 seconds!
Chairman of the nationalist Rodina party, Aleksey Zhuravlyov, pondered what would happen if Putin launched nuclear weapons against the UK, saying: ‘One Sarmat missile and the British Isles will be no more.’
Yeah man.
Great. I keep buying brandy, port, rum, whisky. And cigars, tobacco. Not for myself but as tradeables. My father, uncles, grandfathers told many stories how these can be very valuable. And I expect them to be banned very soon. Which will drive up their value.
Are People Prepared For The Iron Curtain Life?
Jan 27, 2022
Your supporting black market profiteering in none essentials items for selfish profit in wartime you’d be hung or shot without bias in many countries.
Do you understand you are also a member of our societies who support individual rights and freedom of personal choice a none issue. Are you struggling for money food a place to live?
Not for Myself,? Then for who may I ask do you stock up on Taxed None essentials?
I’am a no-one who helped pay the Tax currently living on 500 bucks a month living with a Chum.
Enjoy your deals on things you hope will soon be banned.
PS I’am unsure what the Big Problem is right now. But your posted advert is possibly one of the worsed I’ve read on the internet in two years.
Thank you to the people letting me read it.
“To All the Plague Rats that descended on Ottawa this weekend, Nazi Boy and the Reich want you to know it knows who you are. It is going to hunt you down and eradicate every last one of you.”

“Nominations for Scamdemic Gestapo Nazi Pig of the year are still being accepted. Oink, Oink.”
Because, as Maude said in her sitcom 40 years ago, “GOD’LL get you for that.”
That very same God has arranged that peculiar creature called “time” to make her and Joe look incredibly, redundantly silly in albums of their ascendancy, both of them masked and in designer power suits in the halls of power. Sickening. Enough to give ya Covid-19(84)
oh shit there must be 100 or more all tied for number one …
Sprouting is a very good way of preparing pulses but it lacks the comfort provided by a soup or a stew made with the same pulse, especially in winter.
Unfortunately this require a long cooking. If you plan to cook them on a camping stove get yourself a pressure cooker.
I also recommend to buy instant polenta (cornmeal flour),ready in 3 minutes, healthy and very versatile.
Canned sardines in olive oil are on my plate three times a week already.
Open the can,gently separate the two halves and remove the bones.Place them in a hot pan with a bit of their oil.Heat them for 30 second each side,sprinkle with salt and a squeeze of lemon and serve with a salad. Little work,big difference.
Fridgeless meats and fish recommendations:
Salted cod
Smoked Bacon
And nylon
The nylon beads are excreted by the fish.
Spam…but you must watch Monty Python before buying it. Tuna too. Corned beef hash. Dinty Moore stew.
Bacon is carcinogenic.
Remove canned sardine bones? They are soft and a good source of calcium.
i used to sprout, might take it up again. not that people can really live of sprouts/vegetables. protein and good fats!
> not that people can really live of sprouts/vegetables
What’s your point? You can’t live off just bread either.
we need animal foods, at least some. having done healthfood/carefully planned vegetarian/vegan for 3 decades.
Sprouted legumes contain protein too.
very little + bio availability.
i say this as a long time vegetarian.
Nancy’s cut? Volodymyr’s cut too.
Nancy has lots of money already.
I’ll bet she thinks he’s cute, and that’s reason enough to believe everything he says.
Washington can probably squeeze ten years of foreign policy out of this specimen…
Off-Guardian gone vegan?
High Carb, low fat, apparently zero protein vegan at that.
My survival food will be tinned corn beef.
Possibly supplemented by home-made pemmican if I can get round to it.
Yup. Inc tinned pilchards/ sardines/peanut butter. All of this is minimum protein items. No good to keep you full and healthy. I’ll be eating pigeons and anything alive that wanders into my garden. So watch it Mr Tiddles you little shit.
Depends on how far down the road you are I spose.😆
I’m stocking up with spam. Lots of possible menu variations.
Vegan covers all bases, as it’s pretty easy to just add meat/ eggs etc to any of this if you want. It also explains that combining a grain & a pulse creates a complete protein.
Vegans are always emaciated weaklings with poorly functioning brains.
Go and bum Schwab quick you big noise!
And quite aggressive, see comment below… I will also carry a 12 gage… to protect my kills from vegans when they start seeing stars after a few weeks
Try again Sport:
I agree that for some ppl this is acceptable but I was a veggie for 3 decades and it made me very unwell. I have been eating meat for over a year with minimal carbohydrates and it is fascinating what this change has made to me.
Her recipes include goat’s milk, honey and eggs. Reading the piece, I think it’s pretty clear the author’s goal is to create an ‘Armageddon Pantry’ which stores well, is reasonably sustainable, which everyone can assemble at a pinch and which is as healthy as possible. No, she doesn’t mention canned meat, perhaps SPAM isn’t sustainable or healthy? I don’t know. If there’s a food shortage perhaps it’s a bit short sighted/complacent to look no further than cans? And no, she also doesn’t mention keeping animals, but they aren’t really pantry items, I guess. This would make for a very interesting article, however: rearing and curing your own meat. I will look out for one.
And no, OffG isn’t preaching veganism now. Because even IF the author was vegan (which she doesn’t appear to be) or WAS aggressively preaching veganism (which she most certainly isn’t), OffG doesn’t automatically espouse all the same views as all the contributors we publish/republish.
I do wonder if that really needed to be pointed out. XD But thanks for flagging it up if it was genuinely confusing. A2
I enjoyed it, i sensed no veg+ agenda, just some helpful suggestions, i may even try some sprouting in my bunker of oatmeal, gerkins, olives and spam lol : ),
my main query was- does Armageddon do food blenders? ; )
There are a few DIY hand crank blender online.
After Off g’s earlier article on “localisation” it is interesting to see how many foods people take for granted and describe “sustainable”-foods which come from abroad,either by boat or plane. It is interesting to see how many exotic and imported( depending where you live??) foods are on the list.
When I was a lad macrobiotic was the buzz word — meaning sourced locally. I did ask my veggie ‘pal’ how many of his spices were local, whilst pointing out that I could see my evening meal playing in the fields outside my window.
There’s your pantry, plenty of recipes, all delicious
Brings me back when I was 12 too
You have read the book and you have seen the film.Now eat the cast.
Don’t mind if I do
Circulatory problems will abound, in that contrast to vegan or pescatarian. Problems increasing exponentially with age. Strokes, cardiacs, etc etc. But then, who wants to live forever in the flesh these days? Still, red meat-free will multiply your chances of a happier health “aging out”.
Watch out for scurvy.
I’ve taken to buying several tins of sardines in olive oil each time I go to the shops. They are very nutritious, keep for years and can be eaten straight from the tin if needed.
They are also relatively cheap for the nutrition they provide.
Pound for pound cumbersome to stock and store. What she suggests shrinks many practical problems, especially storage. At current prices, you can still buy and pile up 10 lb bags of beans and rice for next to nothing, and they keep forever in a trunks’ worth that will keep for years.
i prefer mackerel but same thing basically.
One problem with tins of oily fish is that the oil is often removed to make fish oil supplements and replaced with something less wholesome.
I read that the omega3 fat contained in the fish tend to dissolve into the canned oil, therefore forcing you to consume all that oil to rip the benefits.
Fish canned in brine or spring water seems to retain the omega3 in the meat.
“Omega3” is an oil, a fat liquid at room temperature, a name for a type of polyunsaturated fat. Nothing to dissolve. It can, however, be adulterated by omega6, vegetable seed oil which often added because it is a cheap industrialised product. In this case brine or spring water may be preferable.
well, still better than starving. though i’d not eat the seed oil anymore if possible.
I read recently that avoiding seed oils made one a bitcoiner, which I presume is as derogatory as anti-vaxxer (and just as puerile).
But I took it be the start of a fightback by TPTB. We won’t be allowed to fry our insects in animal fat.
Make of this what you will:
Crazy Christians or are they on to something ?
Whichever one it is, it is compelling stuff.
And a tad over dramatised.
The over-dramatization – indeed even the Christian connection – is intentional. It’s for the sake of making rejection of the covid claptrap seem a kooky “wingnut” thing.
Considerable acting talent and experience would seem to be required too.
I mean, for a normal, reasonably intelligent person deliberately to come across as a ‘kooky wingnut’ takes some skill…
On the one hand, it takes some doing to watch an ostensibly reputable scientist talking about ‘his spirit’ compelling him to say, or do, this and that, since that sort of thing really doesn’t appeal much to today’s materialistically-oriented society.
After all, we don’t know him personally, so we have no way of assessing his sincerity, his honesty, his morality, or his motives, and, needless to say, his mere presence in a video feature is not evidence of anything at all.
On the other hand, however, the enormous scale of whatever it is that anyone not in a coma can see is going on all around us today, represents a conflict of truly apocalyptic proportions, which means that whatever we have within us which might be called, ‘spirit’, is going to be indispensible to us.
Our species is undoubtedly at a crossroads.
But it’s personal too. We really have to think our way out of this, which means we also have to consider what thinking really is.
No more, “It will all turn out okay in the end” here…
Some hard work is going to be required of every one of us who cares.
Well for one thing, there is an American dimension to all this which leaves me in awe: i.e. that remarkable quality of being able to push forward an apparently sincere conviction which is – or may be – totally phony. It may come down to this: if “succeeding” means believing your own bullshit then …. etc.
I haven’t heard many scientists talk about their spirit but that’s not really relevant. We’re not talking about “The Science” but about opposition to the covid claptrap. And it helps the smug “Leftist” stance if the rejection of covid comes from “all those Right nutters over there”. Cue the “Right nutters” who ironically are in this case right i.e. correct – even though their presentation will cause “sensible people” to reject them.
I have always wondered about David Icke. I reckon he’s sincere but it’s obvious that his talk about extraterrestrial reptiles is going to scare vast numbers away – and the powers that be will be happy about that.
The aim is, as always, to reveal the truth but in such a way that it will seem ludicrous.
I know what you mean by that “American dimension”.
But IS the aim to reveal the truth?
Why bother?
The Lie as King seems to be doing just fine, although perhaps it weighs on the conscience of some of its followers.
Oh the lie of course precedes the truth. But the truth has to be revealed in the “proper way” so as to discourage anyone from believing it. That way it doesn’t matter how often you repeat the truth, everyone will guffaw and say, “You’re having us on!”
a crossroads…” ..Johnson went to the crossroads, a guitar in his hand,
well the devil he had a guitar too, he says “this is what you need man,
you can be the best”…
you know the rest,…” (Steve Earle).
anyway, indeed. A serious concern of mine amidst my new tribe, is the quite prevalent belief that “it won’t get that bad”, . .this will all end soon, either throught the beautiful soul energy of we, or for some, Putin or Bosi or Ivanka or some random superhero that will lead us away from dystopia……
i ain’t so sure; this is a reset. things will be reset and too many folks don’t have a clue what is coming.
or maybe we are too negative?
that personal thingmie is that entire soul thingmie methinks… some people lack it. We’ll see.
Re. your words, “… it takes some doing, to watch an ostensibly reputable scientist talking about ‘his spirit’…”.
Let me state first of all that I’m most definitely NOT (any sort of) a ‘christian’! I despise them all (and have several in my family…).
However, I most definitely AM a PROPERLY-informed, spiritually-enlightened person. In fact, I’m one of the literally countless millions of Spiritualists around the world (I’m a 63-year-old Englishwoman, here in the UK).
I’ve been spiritually-enlightened since 1994; in October of that year, having ‘by chance’ come across, in my then local library in London, come across a book [on reincarnation], I initiated a immensely in-depth, scholarly programme of research into whether there truly might be incontrovertible evidence to support the claim that we all survive (in our spirit body form…) the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
I carried out an immense amount of scholarly research. Research which included the reading of what is now more than 1500 [fifteen hundred+] high-quality, scholarly books on the subject of the proven (yes, it happens to be proven…) fact that we all survive the hugely-misinterpreted, immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
There truly are literally countless millions of properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened people around the world who also are genned-up on the 100% definite fact that the actual nature of ‘death’ is so very, very different to what it merely seems to be, when interpreted on its immensely illusory face-value mere appearance.
And those countless millions of spiritually-enlightened people worldwide include many scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.
There are many thousands of high-quality books that have been written and published on the fact of Survival of ‘death’ [the capital S in that word is correct; that’s the official term for the fact of Survival of ‘death’].
And it’s also a fact that a large percentage of the many thousands of books that have been published on this vital truth of existence have been written BY the properly-informed, spiritually-enlightened scientists, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, lawyers, etc etc.
What a pity that there are still so many people around the world who are totally unaware of the veritable wealth of multi-faceted evidences which provide absolute proof that we do all survive (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form… that being what literally animates our physical body whilst we’re here on Earth, in each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes) the immensely illusory event that’s wholly incorrectly termed ‘death’.
There are more than 20 (twenty+) different categories of those multi-faceted evidences which prove survival to be a definite fact.
We actually live in a MULTI-dimensional cosmos… ie, there is far, far more to the cosmos than just this physical dimension. There are the very real spiritual dimensions, too. That (the Spirit dimension of this multi-dimensional cosmos) is in fact our actual ‘place’ of origin, our eternal home, and it is where we (the eternal soul [ie, spirit being] that we each ARE) return, after each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes/incarnations.
A PS to my post to you of approx. 30 mins ago.
Here are three of the literally many thousands of high-quality, scholarly books which relate the facts, and the incontrovertible evidences which prove the veracity of, everyone’s survival (in our eternal, immortal soul/spirit body form… and that spirit body has been SEEN [literally emerging from the ‘dying’ physical body, at ‘death’] by numerous [many, many thousands, maybe millions] people around the world [including some doctors and nurses] who are lucky enough to possess the spiritual gift of what’s termed CLAIRVOYANT vision) of the death of our physical body ‘coat’.
“Your eternal self: Science discovers the Afterlife”, by R Craig Hogan
“Glimpses of Eternity”, by Dr Raymond Moody (a famous American psychiatrist)
“Faces of the living dead: the amazing psychic art of Frank Leah”, by Paul Miller.
What does the soul do for eternity ? It would get quite boring after a while.
I see evidence of a being of higher power and relative perfection in his creations. The peacock, the grey crowned crane , the birdwing butterfly. Almost insane beauty. And there is so much more. The grandeur of the waterfalls and volcanoes and thunderstorms and whales and icebergs and the redwoods. The mystery of great white sharks and manta rays. I could go on. But religious people are invariably indifferent to the works of the creator which proves that corporate religion is a means of control rather than a means of discovering themselves and their source.
As I stated in the first of my two posts yesterday, above, I’m most definitely not ‘religious’, but spiritually-enlightened (there’s a huge difference between being ‘religious’ and being ‘spiritually-enlightened’!!).
Yes, I agree with you totally that manmade religion (as opposed to the actual spirit truths of existence) “is a means of control, rather than a means of discovering themselves and their source”. And yes, I think you may well be right, in that some of the many people around the world who have been well and truly brainwashed by that manmade ‘orthodox’ religion are “indifferent to the works of the Creator..”.
In the very real Spirit dimension [of this multi-dimensional cosmos], we (the souls we each ARE) do a myriad of things, including ‘meeting up with’ souls we’ve known in not just our last previous lifetime, but those with whom we’ve shared previous incarnations, too. There are places in the Spirit realms where one can research/study all manner of subjects (including who we were and what we did in those previous lives). In fact, souls in Spirit are able to do most things that we do here on Earth! For the Spirit realm is just like Earth, but immeasurably more so (and consisting of a different frequency of the [sub-atomic] energy of which literally everything in the multi-dimensional cosmos is comprised).
The soul we each ARE (we don’t possess a soul, we ARE a soul!) truly does live many, many lifetimes. When we’re in the Spirit world, we plan for our next lifetime: what we want to achieve, where we want to be born, and when, etc etc. For yes, we DO all plan, beforehand, all those facets of a lifetime! We also plan, beforehand, when still in the Spirit realms, the souls who will be our parents, siblings [if we plan to have them, in any given lifetime], future spouse[s]/partner[s], child[ren], etc etc. ALL major relationships are planned and agreed on, by the souls involved, prior to coming to Earth.
N.B., anyone who ‘does not believe’ what I’ve stated, above, will discover, on their eventual return to the very real Spirit dimension, that what I said IS in fact the truth!
snake oil. who knows, just comes across wrong – not least the cheesy drama musak, like so many things do in life. who knows
Johnny, I wouldn’t dream of replacing my analysis of what was presented by Bryan Ardis with my opinion of his philosophy or theology. His idea that the “virus” was chemically compounded snake venom administered by a different mode was interesting, even intriguing. The insults to religion and the wordplay is just the sort of thing done by some elements of TPTB, like their fascination w numerology.
However, when you consider adminstration of the pathogen thru drinking water you run into obvious objections like
–Why don’t more people get it if it’s ubiquitous in the water?
–If the areas where CDC is sampling the waste water are the only ones, then why isn’t the illness more nearly concentrated there?
–Children drink water, too; why aren’t they getting it?
So you’d have to come up with something less universal than water, like coffee or alcohol & what about the apparent contagion, or is that less established?
I’ve considered 2 things in the past: Is there any possibility of half of something or a predisposing something in earlier flu shots? The Italians have written about this a bit, so has Judy Mikovitz.
Also, when people started dyig in the first nursing homes I considered whether the whole thing might not be a hoax cuz it wd be so easy to poison most of a nursing home. Later, other evidence convinced me it’s a real illness, but I still wonder about those isolated nursing home residents.
Sorry for the length. Thanks for posting this– interesting.
btw, I checked PubMed:
“Current smoking status was associated with a lower risk of developing Covid-19 but cannot be considered as efficient protection against infection. The mechanism of the lower susceptibility of smokers to SARS-CoV-2 requires further research.”
Couldn’t find any documentation that taking venom orally would produce covid symptoms. Also it seems fairly certain that it’s contagious, so can’t see that it applies to the illness, although the technical literature does mention snakes a lot.
May I please ask you something?
I’ve wondered for quite some time why it is that Americans (I’m a 63-year-old Englishwoman) seem to have a 100% aversion to actually writing/typing the words ‘with’ and ‘without’. I see so many examples, online, in people’s posts (even, sometimes, in the titles of articles/videos), of this very peculiar phenomenon. The word ‘with’ is written as a ‘w’, and ‘without’ is written as ‘w/o’.
You, in your post above, have provided yet another illustration of this strange habit. You’ve typed everything else in your post normally, but have written ‘with’ (on the last line of your first paragraph) as ‘w’.
Thank you!
(Backpedaling now).
Didn’t see Catte’s piece on the 16/4.
regarding this ‘water’ video.
Catte made a lot of sense as did many of the commenters.
Caveat emptor 😡