The EU Army is on the horizon
The building blocks of supra-national military already exist…they’re just waiting for a reason.
Kit Knightly

The special “Future of the EU” Conference came to a conclusion a few days ago.
There may have been a familiar veneer of “public consultation”, but the aim of the conference was simple: Tell the EU to do what they’ve already been planning to do for years.
If that wasn’t clear from the outset, it became unavoidably obvious a couple of days ago when the conference’s list of 49 “recommendations” was published on April 27th.
You can read the whole list here, if you are so inclined. We have picked out some of the more troubling ones to discuss.
There’s number 21, for example, which suggests:
that the EU improve its capacity to take speedy and effective decisions, notably in Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), speaking with one voice and acting as a truly global player, projecting a positive role in the world and making a difference in response to any crisis
This sentiment is repeated in Number 39, where the conference claims there is a need to…
Improve the EU’s decision-making process in order to ensure the EU’s capability to act, while taking into account the interests of all Member States and guaranteeing a transparent and understandable process for the citizens
And they intend to do that by changing the voting system…
All issues decided by way of unanimity should be decided by way of a qualified majority
Taken together these measures would pretty much eradicate the national veto, and see member states potentially subject to legislation imposed against their will. A huge knock to national sovereignty.
They also want to:
strengthen the role of the High Representative to ensure that the EU speaks with one voice
Which is a roundabout way of saying “centralising power”.
Most concerning, though, is recommendation 23:
We propose that the EU continue to act to promote dialogue and guarantee peace and a rules-based international order,36 strengthening multilateralism and building on long-standing EU peace initiatives which contributed to its award of the Nobel Prize in 2012, while strengthening its common security
Which sounds harmless enough (apart from the shameless self-congratulatory reference to the Nobel Peace Prize), except they intend to achieve these ends using a new EU Army…
[The EU’s] joint armed forces that shall be used for self-defence purposes and preclude aggressive military action of any kind, with a capacity to provide support in times of crises including natural catastrophes. Outside European borders it could be deployed in exceptional circumstances preferably under a legal mandate from the UN Security Council and thus in compliance with international law38, and without competing with or duplicating NATO and respecting different national relationships with NATO and undertaking an assessment of EU relations with NATO in the context of the debate on the EU’s strategic autonomy.
A potential EU Army has been a talking point for years, but most often simply dismissed as Euro-sceptics scaremongering. In fact, further down in point 21, the conference adds:
[The EU should] reflect on how to counter disinformation and propaganda in an objective and factual way
Somewhat ironic, because as recently 2 or 3 years ago, the “EU Army” itself was described as “misinformation”. A “lie” spread by “Brexiteers” according to the Guardian, or “as true as saying Elvis lives” according to Emily Thornberry.
Following the Brexit vote, everyone from Politico to the Atlantic Council was attempting to dispel the “myth” of the EU Army.
The EU itself published an article on their official site debunking the “EU Army myth” in June of 2019.
…Then, just last month, the EU voted to create a “rapid reaction military force” of 5000 troops.
Funny how things change.
Now, all the outlets which had previously “fact-checked” the idea of an EU Army, or dismissed it as a “conspiracy theory” are discussing its existence as more or less inevitable.
Foreign Policy asks “Is an EU Army coming?”, while This Week is weighing the pros and cons, and the New European suggests “Maybe we need an EU Army after all”.
This might seem like a sudden volte-face, but to anyone paying attention it is anything but surprising.
Despite the waves of propaganda calling the plan a myth, the fact of the matter is that prominent political voices from Macron to Merkel to Juncker have been calling for an EU Army for years.
The years-old agenda was given new life by the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The carefully-engineered shambles was said to “highlight the need for an autonomous European military”.
The story was that the US had withdrawn in chaos and abandoned their native allies, and an EU military – filled with happy-clappy European empathy, not heartless American pragmatism – would have stayed longer and air-lifted more people to safety.
These rumblings grew louder after Russia launched its “special operation” in Ukraine, with Foreign Policy claiming the “war in Ukraine has turned the EU into a serious military player”, and Investigate Europe pointing out that “Putin is doing more to bolster European military unity than decades of EU initiatives”.
Outside of the propaganda narratives, though, the pure and simple truth is that the EU Army is already a semi-reality.
As this article in the Defense Post points out, “the framework of a unified European military is already in place”.
EuroCorps has existed since 1992, and is described as “a force for the EU and NATO”. Essentially it’s a link between the NATO command structure and the EU. It’s a token force, and barely used, but sits there waiting to be adapted and expanded.
The Berlin Plus Agreement, signed between NATO and the EU in 2002, permits the EU to draw on NATO resources (Vehicles, weapons etc) to participate in conflicts in which NATO chose not to participate.
In 2018 the EU launched the European Intervention Initiative,
Only last March, the EU launched their new “Strategic Compass” initiative, alongside creating the “European Peace Facility”, a 5 BILLION Euro “off-budget” project designed to “enhance the EU’s ability to act as a global security provider”.
You can see how these documents allow for a smooth segue from “NATO-backed US Imperialism” to “EU Peacekeeping” in the geopolitical narrative.
The EU Army will be sold to the US as “European partners stepping up to the plate” and taking some of the burden of “policing the world”, while in the EU/UK it will be billed as the EU “asserting its independence from US foreign policy”. Neither will be true.
It might signal a genuine change in the paradigm, a relocation of the seat of power further East as the crumbling US is abandoned and the heart of global hegemony shifts towards the EU. Maybe.
Either way, the end result will be the same people spending our money on the same weapons, pursuing the same policies, telling the same lies…just with a new name over the door.
That was always the plan.
The pieces of the EU Army already exist, they just needed a reason to be assembled.
And thanks the US’s “chaotic” withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Russia’s “Special Operation” in Ukraine, it looks like they’ve got one.
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Some good news on the Ukrainian front:
“A group of Ukrainian military left Azovstal today
They carried white flags.”
Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday, May 8th. The happiest day in her life, when — after the Red Army and Polish Communist partisans had liberated Lvov — Hitler’s war ended, and she knew she was going to live.
Day after tomorrow, May 9th, is Russia’s victory parade. It was the Red Army which liberated Auschwitz, described its industrial scale killing machinery, and put an end to 12 years of systematic genocide in Europe.
After every other European Army (with some honorable exceptions such as Greece and Serbia) rapidly capitulated or scuttled away to safety across the sea.
I wish the Russian army Godspeed and protection by Saint George; this is the second time they have taken up the burden of war to de-Nazify (or de-NATZOfy) Eastern Europe.
European police has also been in the works, kinda, for a good while:
Consider it to be the more civilian version of the army. Like SWAT. Already around since 2006.
Euro-cops were summoned to aid President Micron’s gendarmes in “aktionen” against Les Gilets Jaunes. At the start, peaceful protestors only had bones broken, hands blown off by exploding canisters of teargas, and eyes lost to rubber bullets. But recently the “civil authorities” have begun to play rough, with 3 GJ shot dead.
The declining American Empire is trying to set up franchises around the World provided, of course, that there are enough neoconservative stooges in power in these places to make it possible.
Anyone sighted the Russian army in Ukraine yet? No, me either.
What are you, some propaganda NPC?
I can’t take in any more of these details. I know that everything that NATOEUUK says is bullshit and they’ll renege on it in a few years. The people who believe it will always do so and they’re 99% of the population. I still have people advising me to get jibjabbed!
Great report Kit, thank you for bringing all your research to us FOC – I for one am very grateful. I write each week about the demise of Great Britain which seems to be following the EU down the rabbit hole:
Is anyone considering that if they’re provoked a bit too much, Russia might decide to say, “fuck this horseshit,” and deploy a few Tsar Bombas to Brussels, London, NYC, Washington DC, Chicago, and LA, come what may? Talk about a Great Reset! Yeah, I know, the whole thing is theater, and Russia is also in on the whole WEF business, but after a certain point, enough might just be enough. The Western idiots in power seem to have never singed their eyelashes with all that fiat money crack they’ve been smoking. A vast burning of more than nostril hairs could be on the horizon.
I think you’re gonna need to find more than your glasses, pal …
We need more armies to protect the unrelated civilians they slaughter daily… ARMY: A group of retarded morons and yutzes.
I’m inclined to think of army personnel as the political classes paid murderers and associated assassins, financed by unwitting tax-payers.
[ will be billed as the EU asserting its independence from US foreign policy]
All one hundred & ninety four UN members have their foreign policy handed to them, national sovereignty is an illusion for the masses. A business directory search on Dun&Bradstreet using the phrase ‘Government of ……’ will return a list of corporations that can be filtered using the features provided.
[..It might signal a genuine change in the paradigm, a relocation of the seat of power further East as the crumbling US is abandoned and the heart of global hegemony shifts]
Exactly, the corporate hierarchy is being reshuffled, some call it a reset. The private Central Banks have, for a century, controlled each corporation through the issuance of currency, owed back with interest. This method of control has reached the end of its lifecycle and everything we are witnessing is a scramble to update their system of dominance before a critical mass comprehend the magician’s trick.
Central & Asia/China are the mothership.
In my opinion indefinitely identifying predictable responses imitating authority covering countless millions of humanity essential endeavours is meaningless untill that authority admits it’s own biases.
Yes indeed, it was all exposed in the “Wizard of Oz” if you read it carefully guided by Michael Tellinger in his book UBUNTU.
Give her an army!
“Let us be clear: it will not be easy, some member states are strongly dependent on Russian oil. But we simply have to work on it.”
Exactly the same message as on climate. BTW the Fraud claims to have found an anti-climate change group is funded by big oil – funny how they’ve never found the same about any environmental group.
You need a recent PCR test…………..
Of course!
I love it! These NPCs that actually bought the propaganda and lies are finding out that it aint no Afghani Safari where they got to shoot at goat herders. I guess you CAN fix stupid, but it does not have a happy ending.
Once the Empire extricates itself from a war, it struggles with its wounded and debts, and with its peoples’ disillusionment. However, the oligarchy soon grows impatient. Its ideologues unleash another wave of propaganda. This thrusts the Empire into the next miasmic fiasco. -adapted from The Saker 2017
All that equipment the West is sending to Ukraine is going into the hands of Global Private Army. And some is being destroyed to degrade the militaries of Western countries. Here’s what an anonymous Ukrainian lieutenant told the London Times:
“The officer points out that most of the men under his command must participate in combat with outdated weapons and equipment: the most modern machine gun they have was made in 1942. He also pointed out that Kiev has multiple problems with training, food and clothing. of the reserve forces.
“Our weapons are old Soviet machine guns that don’t fire. There were no instructors, no normal shooting training. Rations, none. The volunteers were given simple walkie-talkies, which have no coding and a range of just over a kilometer. We have to live in a field or in a forest. There are no sleeping bags or warm clothes. Half of the men got sick because of it,” he claimed.
We hear nothing about the Ukraine defence forces morale-wise. Are they really willing to go up against an apparently superior force to liberate / recover a part of their country it would appear most arent over-affectionate about ?
News about the arms build up in the Ukraine reminds me of how the Pentagon leaked like a sieve about its plans during the build-up for the US attack on Iraq. Behind the leaks (misinformation) the Pentagon hid its plan to bomb Iraq back to the Dark Ages from the sky, before using any ground troops.. (One of the Lessons the US learned from its loss in Vietnam was “Dont send in soldiers ’til you’ve flattened the place by bombing it from the air.”)
Here’s an example of a Ukrainian weapon ….
They observe both “rules-based international order” and “international law” which are two very different things. Not that it matters, they can do whatever they want. Until reading this article, I’d assumed that Davos et al wanted NATO to be the world’s military. The US, or the EU for that matter, could just as easily announce that henceforth they’ll be neutral.
Forget NATO. NATO is going to sit on the sidelines. NATO states will send advanced and heavy weapons to The Ukraine and even, once the US War Against Russia is underway, will probably send their trained personnel to operate the advanced weaponry…As the Italian General has said “This is not our fight”…
The US is stitching together another ‘Coalition of the Willing’. Already a couple of NATO members have put up their hands to be included…
Forget “A War of Attrition”. It worked in Afghanistan (though there are many doubters)… This is the final round. The US has put in much time, effort, and money, has been itching to take down Russia for quite some time…There will be direct attacks on Russia, a continuation of the US war of provocations, and even the use of tactical nukes…The US intends taking the fight all the way to Moscow…There’s room for only one Top Dog on this planet…
Back in the 1940s in Melbourne, the RIIA, CFR and all it’s other acronymic brothers decided that China was going to be the new top dog. They always get their way because they are the reps of those who own the world.
A natural progression of the pre-Great Reset agenda, which foresees Europe as an amorphous region, rather than a Continent of independent sovereign states, subject to “global governance” by a technocracy of unelected little Faucis.
A Euro Army might be powerless against Putin’s Satan II missiles, but darned handy for crowd control once the Continents peasantry eventually realises what they are in for and starts kicking back.
No surprise, sadly, to see backboneless Brexit “hero” Boris meekly leading the bamboozled Brits down the same dark road to perdition as their EU cousins.
It’s almost as if, despite Brexit, Britain isn’t quite an independent state? I assume you ae a valiant Brexiteer, proud of striking a blow for freedom?
Will this Euro army of crowd controllers be larger than the sum of its parts or will all EU ‘regions’ take it in turns to have there crowds controlled?
So who is the EU really? A corporate run agenda, a free trade agreement or basically just a corporate protectionist scam.
Europe set the trap and the UK, Canada and the US fell for it, and fell big. Problem is some of these fuckers who sit to govern their respective Eu countries can’t seem to read the play book very well or shall we say, can’t understand the play half the time.
No wonder Mr.Putin’s hands are shaking, I mean after all the planning and staging to have it all go south is not an option. Not now.
So what’s really going on? All rather simple.
EU wants the US and the UK out of Europe and rightly so. Russia wants the same. Little Napoleon over in France seems to think he can muster up this EU army to replace NATO but thats not really up to him, nor is it even necessary in the end.
NATO will fall apart and disintegrate after the Ukrainian fiasco is over with. The EU will fall apart and a new European trade agreement will come out of it with a clean slate and with the debt of the partnering nations forgiven.
Nationalistic local governance will prevail and there’s nothing wrong with that. A new currency will emerge for corporations and what’s left of the banks while you and I will be using our crypto currency of choice.
Mercedes will ship cars to Asia via the rail spice route and America and Canada may just have an opportunity to rebuild their infrastructure with all their worthless money that will come home to them and then some.
Who knows, maybe Mr.Putin may have a soft spot for them and throw them some trade.
The UK…. well there’s one third world country thats just not coming back. Not wanting as my Indian friend would say. The world does not forget easily nor does it want to.
“So who is the EU really?”
A question asked by Alexander Mercouris recently. He was puzzled to see that energy policy now comes from Bureacrats in Brussels rather than from the governments of EU countries; it seemed to him that the Executive was usurping the Legislative.
Isn’t “the Executive usurping the Legislative” the fundamental agenda of supernational or transnational governing bodies?
Oh, they may have nominal assemblies, parliaments, etc. for ornamental purposes– but they operate on a strictly top-down basis.
As Iain Davis explained earlier this year, ref. “public-private partnership”.
We’re all going to be third world serfs, apart from the owners of course, if we let them carry on. Even you and your Indian friend.
The day an EU army comes into existence even the last flimsy argument to keep a NATO will fail for common sense, so bring it on.
Its an either OR case. No costly duplication, which decreases sovereignty and decision speeds.
With this Ukraine war a growing number of continental Europeans see that for the USK Cabal they are just cannon fodder in the losing battle for continued Anglo Elite supremacy.
These armed merchants-mercenaries have done enough damage.
I think you’re right, except that I’m sure that if an EU army were greenlighted, the political and military authorities would be, er, armed with new flimsy arguments to the effect that supporting both organizations is necessary and (somehow) a doubleplusgood, win-win policy.
It’s an open question whether the public would buy it. But the deranged warmongers would certainly try to sell it, rational and pragmatic objections notwithstanding.
I base this prediction on Clown World precedents, e.g. the odious Liz Truss is now (oxy)moronically arguing for a “global” NATO.
My bird-brain just can’t comprehend how the US and Associates, that is, countries which are in more debt than is conceivable to the human brain, can stump-up billions of dollars for destructive weapons that they will supply to the gangster element in Ukraine via the NATO tentacles. The US Administration, which apparently controls the NATO-brain, can’t even feed or house its own homeless makes this sound beyond just demented.
Almost every country in the “advanced” West has people made destitute by exploitation (at work, in the housing market, in med. treatment) or narcotics. Some die in the cold. If there were exceptional countries, the flood of guided refugees has ended that. Capitalism then continues to exploit them as jailbirds (in jails that at least use many private services), “covid deaths”, an excuse for projects by cronies, etc.
You are too kind in assuming that NATO has a “brain”. This US created Frankenstein monster has nothing but air between it’s ears.
Not demented, just Nazi wisdom from the Biden / Nudelman duo whose cookie coup installed the Ukro-Zio-Nazis in 2014:
“Guns or Butter? Guns will make us strong but Butter will only make us fat.” — Hermann Goering (who knew about fat).
It is beyond demented, but I think it’s more accurate to say that the US administration won’t even feed or house its own homeless.
Every person has a duty to fight these corrupt governments. Time for the people to put an end to it. The enemy lies in the bureaucracy and the political class.
Has a ‘Lord Of The Rings’ feel about it, doesn’t it? The various evil armies massing for the final assault.
Problem is, this ain’t no fairy tale.
It is interesting to note in the inverted commas around the Special Operation how long the Russia rescued from the clutches of people such as Yeltsin, whose protege Putin wasn’t the safe hands that the Western Central Bankers believed, had turned it around from the utter chaotic, robber baron, Wild West society that The Russian Federation had become from approximately 1990 – 1999.
Moreover, it is also interesting to observe that Putin had stated at the 2007 Munich conference where the RF stood in a long speech.
Furthermore, it is apparent that the RF had for nearly 15 years tried to bring the Central Bankers controlled entities, namely, the US, UK plus the EU and 5 eyes countries to live in an equilibrium with it.
However, the history of the West towards Russia over approximately last 900 years illustrates that this will never be acceptable to them.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the West is now attempting yet again to dismember the RF.
SCRAPS From Russian Sites
MOSCOW, April 5 – RIA Novosti. The old world order has come to an end, but the new one has not yet arrived, sociologist Ivo Hristov told Radio Bulgaria.
“We are talking about the abolition of capitalism in the form in which we know it. About a society where the mentality of people is tightly controlled through electronic networks. Literally before our eyes, the so-called middle class is being eliminated. The problem is that history is accelerating,” he said.
tho not announced
Pres of Moldova announces the conditions for unification w Romania (& hence w NATO), but the citizens haven’t voted for it yet. Many are dual citizens of Moldova & Romania. Transnistria (300 mi x 30 miles) is a more industrialized, Russian-speaking breakaway part with Russian peacekeepers.
Ukraine gives 20 million tons of food to Romania for weapons while its citizens are in want., and lack grain for planting.
“According to available data, on a daily basis, the Ukrainian authorities organize massive exports of grain, corn, oil crops and farm animals via roads and railways, as well as barges from the port of Izmail along the Danube to Romania ,” he said. This Sunday the head of the Russian National Center for Defense Management, Mijaíl Mizíntsev, at a press conference.
hele’s posts on Pit 404 especially interesting:
Quite a little bit of bs. Transnistria is not 300*30 miles. That’s almost the entire surface of Moldavia – if verifiable facts are not right, why trust the rest of it? – and Transnistria is definitely not industrialized at all. Russian peacekeepers… don’t make me laugh. There’s an ex Soviet army that is stationed there and which is running things more or less like a mafia clan. That’s the peacekeeping for you. It’s unfortunate that Transnistria was part of the Republic of Moldavia when the Soviet Union collapsed. Indeed the area has a majority of ethnic russians and doesn’t historically belong in Moldavia which was a Romanian province much longer than it was under russian occupation.
Also, Romania doesn’t actually need to import food from Ukraine, especially grain, corn and oil crops. It produces more than enough on its own. Maybe these huge exports are happening but I doubt it. There’s no big activity in the Romanian Danube ports near the Ukranian border. I’ve actually been there recently. Nothing out of the ordinary. There’s no storage capacity on the Romanian side either and the road and rail infrastructure is really poor.
British Daily Mail put out a map explaining the three points at which NATO wd attack Russia “in case of WWII.” Not designed to calm matters.
“attack Russia in case of WWII” ?
They sure as hell going to need one after pumping all those weapons non-stop in Ukraine wich will all end up on the black-market in terrorists hands
For any disaster, some of the aid provided may be of poor quality, e.g., food, medicine or equipment. In this case, some of the weaponry being delivered may be old and even obsolete. The MSM itself confirmed this for a recent shipment from Germany.
Ah yes. “exceptional circumstances”. Of course.
Brexit is looking better and better every day.
Hmm, I wonder who (MIC) is behind something (MIC)) like this? It’s almost as if (MIC) there is an unseen force (MIC) that is causing the need for (MIC) more weapons and more military and (MIC) more war. I can’t quite put my finger (MIC) on it, but there has to be more to this story.
Another stir of the pot:
There’s nothing like a bit of BBC “analysis”:
“Accusations and conspiracy theories are already flying – that the leaker was a liberal making a last-ditch effort to prevent Roe’s repeal, a conservative concerned that the sweeping Alito opinion was in danger of being discarded, or a moderate who wants to make a final opinion paring back abortion protections seem less extreme.”
Or how about the conspiracy theory that the whole shebang is pure theatre to whip up more animosity and confusion?
The abortion issue is getting whipped up to achieve the same effect as the Ukrainian move i.e. to reintroduce that old time hootenanny of Left versus Right. Thrill to the old consolingly familiar sloganeering!
It’s yesterday once more!
In politics, abortion is often used as an emotional distraction. Works every time.
If Twitter is anything to go by, it certainly is working.
Could be. That’s how the US MSM always portrays everything. Although, SCOTUS may be taking advantage of Biden’s/Liberalism’s unpopularity. If Roe is thrown out, it just means that the decision will be made by states’ legislatures rather than the unelected body of the Supreme Court. Things are very different than 1972, chances are most states today would still support abortion, even if Roe wasn’t there. As Constitutional Attorney Glen Greenwald points out it is really about individual rights vs democratic rights. The majority of the demos since the Pandemic TM has shown itself to very authoritarian and more than willing to stomp on the rights of individuals. Roe’s “my body my choice” has been a pretty good precedent and example to point out for not wanting to be force-injected with unwanted medical interventions.
Much of the Bill of Rights is to protect the rights of individuals or (political) minorities over the rights of the majority.
It may be a semantic quibble, or a distinction without a difference– but it could also be said that much of the Bill of Rights is to protect the power of individuals or (political) minorities over the power of the majority.
Fair enough. That’s likely how Libertarians would see it too – they would term the majority the mob.
Looks like it worked, abortion, there’s a word tell right there. Bring it to the front burner turn up the gas, let everyone blab about others individual rights more often the political target is middle to upper class conservative voters.
Assuming the economic centrifuge doesn’t spin apart the EU.
EU Fascista for Covidian Numbnuts what time does this V-circus start using NATO weapons? And goose-stepping young multi-coloured Maggie Thatcher Battalions
How’s this going to work Mrs Seriously Security, when we can’t even police the English Channel!
WSWS gets with the amalgamation programme:
Frankenstein, the Wolf Man, Dracula etc. are all joining forces and they’re all comin’ ta get ya!
Great, I’ll tell em Pandemic is reserved for diseases step aside as they fly off the cliff, then the realists can collect up their covidian giro checks and take em to the nearest post office.
Unintentional (?) humour award goes to
You have to be told if you’re one of them? is also concerned about “How to Save The Earth” but isn’t sure about the golden boy at the front:
Bill means well but he ain’t doin’ it the right way. One thing is for sure: It needs to be done!
Oh let me guess! We don’t have time! We must be as offensive as possible! After all,
“Non-zero probability”? Well I’m not up on the latest psycho-thundering verbiage. It means “it must be possible; that is, it cannot be impossible”! Ooh scary scary scary!
“as true as saying Elvis lives”.
One of their little jokes – it’s very probable he didn’t die when and how officially stated and at 87 could well still be alive. He’s not the only rock ‘n’roller whose death looks doubtful – Jim Morrison, Michael Jackson (who subsequently appeared on Larry King as ‘Dave Dave’), Tupac Shakur, Prince and David Bowie (who appeared on Sky News the day after he supposedly died as ‘Jack Steven’ smirking with ‘dupers’ delight’ and saying it was “as if part of him had died”) are the most obvious examples.
As for the EU Army, I remember at the time of the Brexit referendum some arguing that they wanted the UK out to facilitate an EU army which the British military were obstructing. It seems like they might have been on to something.
+ Amy Winehouse
There will not be a EU army. They will spend money on it though, lots of it. To fight wars that do not exist. Because, who needs a real war if a fake war can accomplish just the same, that is: money, fame, power?
As explained in Wag the Dog: war is show business
Wired: “‘Vampire Energy’ Is Sucking the Life out of Our Planet”
Get ready to unplug everything and save the planet!
Because WE are the carbon offsets they want to eliminate.
“offset” is a strange word, isn’ it? Does it mean that you’re off the set (of the movie)?
Probably, as its all theatre.
Having worked in motion pictures I can attest to that being the case.
Never believe anything until . . .
28 Apr, 2022
Poland denies secret plan for Ukraine
Talk of Warsaw coveting its former territories is Russian propaganda, claims security spokesman
Some history
In a lead-up to WWII, parts of the disputed territories (Zaolzie) were annexed by Poland in 1938 following the Munich Agreement.
How did that work out!
The Poles would be stomped 10 miles onside the border, but dont take my word for it…
NATO might welcome a Polish move into Galicia. But historically, the Banderites hated the Polacks even more than they did the Russians.
Well based on recent history they wont be welcomed with flowers…A great attempt at a land grab though!
Lost in a dark wood, Poland denies it? But Ukraine has already confirmed it.
What pray tell would this army be set up to do? Hopefully they could go some way to replacing the NATO purse string control mechanisms. The only silver lining would be some sort of combined arms outfit that minds its own business.
They could enforce WHO mandates, in times of “exceptional circumstance” such as a global “pandemic”, for example…. I mean, Gates who is definitely a Scientist has already predicted the next one!
Yes, and Bill has just launched his G.E.R.M. warfare. Covid and Climate coming together.
Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team.
SPARS 2025-2028 much?
If he can get finance BBC, WHO, etc. – get them to work for him – he may be able to finance this new military force too.
So really nothing more than a domestic enforcement gang? Oh and thanks for the downvote….whoever.
Despite protestations to the contrary the EU has been heading in the direction of the “United States of Europe” since its inception. Most large countries are conglomerations of what would have been independent states in history, they came about not just because of power politics but because size really does matter. The only thing stopping formal European integration is the attempts by one country — Germany in recent history — to dominate the continent by force.
The only reason that we in the Anglosphere espouse factions and independence is that this has been the traditional route to control. Divide and rule. The British pushback against the rise of Germany — a threat to Empire — eventually led to WW1. The British may have joined the EU but they lacked the ability to dominate it using their traditional divide and rule tactics led to Brexit. As an ex-British person myself I understand the feeling that you don’t want to be pushed around by a bunch of foreigners (‘foreign’ in the UK begins at Calais) but the reality is that global politics and policy is now the province of blocs, not individual nations (and the Empire ‘bloc’ doesn’t exist any more — this was the true outcome of WW2, the replacement of British hegemony with American hegemony leaving the British to just live in a nostalgic past where they still ruled a sixth of the world’s surface).
NATO was devised to extend US dominance into Europe. It has never been a defensive alliance, merely a fig-leaf that allows US foreign policy to dominate Europe’s decision making. While the aims of Europe and the US aligned nobody paid much attention but now that the US is starting to diverge from Europe its obvious to Europeans that they really need to stand on their own feet. If they don’t they’ll just become a larger version of that Cold War relic, the ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’.
Re: “Ex-British”: Did you become an American Citizen, Martin?
“Taken together these measures would pretty much eradicate the national veto, and see member states potentially subject to legislation imposed against their will. A huge knock to national sovereignty.”
Another step towards Hegemon of the Anglo Zio Capitalist Empire. Meanwhile, The Axis of Resistance (Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Hungary, Belarus, Afghanistan, Venezuela and Cuba) are fighting for a multipolar world.
“They [the AZC’s Bureaucrats in Brussels] also want to install in Europe someone more manly than Ursula; someone like Paddy Pantsdown, NATZO’s High Representative in Kosovo:
NickM, Unfortunately there is no axis of resistance. Reducing the developed countries to a standard of living closer to that of the developing ones is a necessary step on the way to the NWO. Both Russia & China are on board with it. Both support the covid exaggeration and global warming hoax, the vax & digital credit/identity systems, and a controlled press..
China’s current lockdown of Shanghai, her industrial & tech center, is to contribute to the global economic degradation.
Previously by the Arderns.
Daddy Ardern was one of the raiders. Keep it in the family.