Elon Musk: Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
Ryan Matters

Recently, the news broke that Elon Musk (now the world’s richest man) acquired Twitter. Musk claims that he’s a “free speech absolutist” and his takeover of the company was motivated by his passion for open discourse.
Musk called Twitter “the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated”. He feels that free speech is “the bedrock of a functioning democracy” and that’s why he just couldn’t bear to witness the tech platform engage in such brash censorship.
Sounds good, right?
After all, many of us have been voicing our concerns about the Orwellian rise in censorship over the last few years, and here’s a billionaire siding with us (for once).
In fact, mere days after Musk’s offer was accepted by Twitter’s board, previously banned accounts began to return to the platform.
It seems almost too good to be true…and maybe it is.
Who Is Elon Musk?
Before hopping aboard the Musk express, we’d do well to remind ourselves exactly who this man is and what he represents.
Patrick Wood of Technocracy.news recently wrote a great article on this very topic in which he identifies Musk as having four distinct identities – “Transhumanist”, “Technocrat”, “Space Pioneer” and “Eccentric Father”.
1. Transhumanist
Make no mistake, Elon Musk is an out-and-out transhumanist. His company “Neuralink” is currently developing the future of brain interfaces. Musk claims that the short-term goal of Neuralink is to help those with clinical problems and that the long term goal of Neuralink is to fulfil the transhumanist dream of human/AI symbiosis.
Indeed, transhumanists extol the “benefits” of techno-life interfaces to “enhance” human life. Such a vision can be traced back to former US National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzeziński, and his 1970 book Between Two Ages, in which he outlines his philosophies regarding the technocratic control of society.
Human conduct, some argue, can be predetermined and subjected to deliberate control. Man is increasingly acquiring the capacity to determine the sex of his children, to affect through drugs the extent of their intelligence, and to modify and control their personalities. Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee the time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behaviour and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”
Is Musk developing neural lace technology because he wants to cure autism, or is he simply bringing the transhumanist dream to fruition?
2. Technocrat
Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, D.C. was the Research Director for Technocracy, Inc in Canada during the 1930s and 40s. Musk himself is continuing his grandfather’s work by building out the technocratic control grid with his Starlink network, driverless car technology and, of course, his pioneering work in artificial intelligence.
In 2014, Musk attended the DARPA Robotic Challenge and has spoken numerous times about how robots will take over jobs leading to the institution of a Universal Basic Income.
3. Space Pioneer
Musk is the founder of rocket company, SpaceX and one of his ultimate goals is to colonize Mars. In 2020, SpaceX signed a $102 million contract with the US Department of Defense to “provide point-to-point transit for cargo via space”.
According to some researchers, the “Great Reset” agenda goes hand in hand with an effort to move all technology used for financial clearing, as well as societal control, into space. And it seems the Globalists have chosen Musk for the job.
SpaceX has applied to launch some 40,000 satellites into low-earth orbit (12,000 of which have already been approved) in a plan to provide 5G internet access worldwide. But the utility of such a network goes far beyond consumer 5G. The possible uses include tracking, tracing, financial clearing, and “defense“.
In other words, not only does Musk collaborate with the US military, his satellites may very well form the basis for the space-based, technocratic control grid.
4. Eccentric Billionaire
Describing Musk as “eccentric” may be a bit of an understatement. Musk is the father to 8 children in total, his last two with his most recent girlfriend “Grimes”, a self-described pagan witch who claims to be able to astral travel to different dimensions. Musk’s first male child with Grimes was originally named “X Æ A-12”. This was later changed to “X Æ A-Xii” (and then shortened to just “X”), an odd name to say the least.
According to Grimes, the “X” stands for “the unknown variable”, the “Æ” is her “elven” spelling of Ai which stands for “Artificial Intelligence”, and the original “A-12” was a nod to the CIA’s Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance plane (stationed at Area 51). She also told a user on Instagram that the name is pronounced “X” (like the letter) and then “A.I”.
Early this year, news broke that Musk had fathered a second child with Grimes, named “Exa Dark Sideræl”. According to Grimes, “Exa” stands for “exaFLOPS”, a supercomputing term (so another nod to artificial intelligence), “dark” refers to “dark matter” and Sideræl is a kind of astrology, which, according to Grimes, represents the “true time of the universe”.
The names of Musk’s last two children perfectly reflect his relationship with Grimes in that they represent the coming together of a technocrat and an occultist; the synthesis of technology and esotericism. This same blending of old and new, of Magick and Material, should be a familiar concept to anyone who has studied transhumanism.
What’s Really Behind Musk’s Twitter Acquisition?
So that brings us to the all-important question – what’s the true reason for Musk’s acquisition of Twitter?
When Musk gave his initial statement regarding his plans for the social media platform, there was one phrase that stood out as being particularly odd.
I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans.
While I have doubts as to whether Musk will follow through with any of these promises (especially the one about making Twitter’s algorithms open source), the part that struck me the most was his comment about “authenticating all humans”.
Maybe I’m way off base here, but for me, the only way to “authenticate” people on the platform is to integrate it with some kind of digital ID or biometric identifier. And that sounds eerily similar to the WEF’s vision of making it necessary to have a “digital identity” in order to access online services. Hell, maybe Musk has been tasked with instituting that as well. Who knows.
Good Cop, Bad Cop
It’s quite clear that Musk is on board with the whole technocratic/transhumanist agenda, so why is he all of a sudden being cast as a champion of democracy and free speech? Simple. The globalists are playing “good cop, bad cop”. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, etc are the “bad guys” and Musk is the “good guy” who has come along to offer humanity a better way forward.
There’s only one problem. Schwab’s vision for the future and Musk’s vision for the future are exactly the same. The paths to getting there may be different but the destination hasn’t changed.
So why choose Musk to play the role of the “good cop”? First of all, he’s got the right personality, he’s eccentric and he’s already worshipped as a genius of our time. Secondly, he’s not associated with either the political right or left and thus he appeals equally to people on both ends of the spectrum.
While it’s a good thing that banned accounts have returned to Twitter and that freedom of speech on the platform has (supposedly) been restored, it’s important to stay cautious before bowing down to Musk as some sort of saviour.
In fact, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t trust Elon Musk to tell me the time in a room full of clocks.
Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Ryan is also the founder of NewBraveWorld.org where he posts a selection of his essays related to topics such as science, philosophy, medicine, spirituality and current events. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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A “LAST WORD” from Andy Borowitz, an onionist:
“SAN FRANCISCO (The Borowitz Report)—In an abrupt about-face that has rocked the tech world, Elon Musk has decided to sell Twitter after it failed to make him interesting.
Speaking to reporters, Musk said he was “disappointed” that his purchase of Twitter had done nothing to change the public’s perception of him as a tedious attention hog.
“I really thought that owning Twitter would transform my image as a black hole of neediness,” he said. “Instead, it made me look desperate. And not in an interesting way.”
Musk said that the last straw was when signalling his intention to let Donald J. Trump back on Twitter failed, yet again, to make the Tesla C.E.O. interesting.
“I guess I didn’t realize that you can’t become interesting by associating with someone else who people don’t find interesting,” he said. “This whole thing has been a learning experience.”
Censorship works best when most people don’t know it is happening. Twitter was failing in this part of their mission. The lefties love to brag about censoring someone. Musk is trying to get more hero worship and be more useful to the globalists by buying Twitter and then keeping the censorship quiet. He already has a lot of fan boys so he might pull it off.
I found that strange as well that the richest man on earth (so a good friend of all the scum out there, from gates to soros, bezos to zuckerberg, not mentionning rockefeller/rothcild) would suddenly want to defend free speech, the thing they fear the most.
By the way, it is not true that banned accounts are back on twitter, most of those who speak the truth are suspended forever. Go and tell the truth about the ‘vaccines’ and how they harm people. You’ll see that nothing has changed: censorship.
Besides, even if Musk was suddenly growing a conscience to help free speech (of which he didn’t care for years), he would have to fire at least 70% of the hateful censors who mae this platform a joke.
I will say like Donald : “Maybe Musk can buy Dominion too”
Definitely a fake… Telegram, MeWe, Gab, etc…
We don’t need TWATTER, we need freedom, anonymity and our rights
This excerpt of opening paragraphs from the CounterPunch essay on his Highness’ Musk should answer Mr. Matters’ question definitively: champion or wolf. A more detailed account of Musk’s comments, among the totally inculpatory sort, that by his own nimble fingers he tweeteth then deleteth:
‘On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second U.S. “government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people.” Someone responded to Musk soon after, “You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.” Musk then wrote: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”
Musk refers here to the coup against President Evo Morales Ayma, who was removed illegally from his office in November 2019. Morales had just won an election for a term that was to have begun in January 2020. Even if there was a challenge against that election, Morales’ term should rightfully have continued through November and December of 2019. Instead, the Bolivian military, at the behest of Bolivia’s far right and the United States government, threatened Morales; Morales went into exile in Mexico and is now in Argentina.
At that time, the “evidence” of fraud was offered by the far right and by a “preliminary report” by the Organization of American States; only after Morales was removed from office was there grudging acknowledgment by the liberal media that there was in fact no evidence of fraud. It was too late for Bolivia, which has been condemned to a dangerous government that has suspended democracy in the country.
Lithium Coup:
Over his 14 years in office, Morales fought to use the wealth of Bolivia for the Bolivian people, who saw—after centuries of oppression—remarkable advances in their basic needs. Literacy rates rose and hunger rates dropped. The use of Bolivia’s wealth to advance the interests of the people rather than North American multinational corporations was an abomination to the U.S. embassy in La Paz, which had egged on the worst elements of the military and the far right to overthrow the government. This is just what happened in November 2019.’
“Apparently in Washington, terrorism is only terrorism when it comes from the left.”. ~~
Graham Greene, preface to “Our Man in Havana”
“Musk is the father to 8 children in total, his last two with his most recent girlfriend “Grimes”, a self-described pagan witch who claims to be able to astral travel to different dimensions.”
You’re just being jealous, Ryan 😏
Since mass democracy produces a totalitarian subhuman dumbed down culture, society becoming a totalitarian farce, transhumanist technology is required to safeguard at least a minimum level of the intelligence left. So Musk is going to scan Twitter for live intelligence (scanned pre-democratic culture), he is going to scan-data-mine the democracy for the last remains of intelligence, and he needs all the computer power and network capacity possible to accomplish that (thus 5G and quantum computers). After that the idea is that they are going to implement the intelligence in robots and storage systems, so that after the democracy is given the lethal blow, the human race can safely continue its development. Transhumanism is the bridge, from the subhumanist level of democracy to humanity, a filter trying to distill an essence of intelligence left.
The authentication requirement is meant to prevent that the dumb demos and all kinds of drone-demos will anonymously multiply themselves by technological means (fake identities), which especially they have a tendency to do. This might lead to overload the systems which already have a very hard job in finding any intelligence.
“Authenticating all humans!” Musk is carrying water for both big government and multi-national corporations Govt wants to know how and where you are; corporations want to send you ad. Musk is controlled opposition.
To make sure we all know who Musk is and what he wants, let me post this again:
That statement is factually correct: the advances in brain-reading technology, which, personally, I have been posting and cross-posting for several years, are Tesla (as in ‘Nikolà’) wireless technology, which means that they can, now, or will soon be fully able, to remotely (wirelessly) scan our brainwaves and thus, as a two-way ‘street’, also transmit thought content. I told the junior karate coach at our neighborhood YMCA about that, and he offered, “That’s why I teach in my meditation classes how to recognize intrusions.”
Easier said than meditated.
Thought intrusions, in the spiritual worlds, have been around forever, but their facilitation by new rechnology is a sobering development.
I prefer the biblical admonition, 1John4:1 “1Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Onward, against the musk.
Cars without drivers on a Continent that doesn’t have time for mass public transport systems or even bringing up to later part of the 20th Century road infrastructure.
Well it would give countless millions of people employment opportunities across the board but who’s counting.
So he’s basically trying to take away all the work and technology development not forgetting tire tech, and replacing the Human with an Invisable Robot.
Ok, at least you’ll have your plane crash without taking off unless you can afford a Firebird XL5. Flown by a wooden Puppet.
Musk wanting to “authenticate all humans” on Twitter has nothing to do with the drive for a digital ID system. He’s trying to fight “spambots”, which is when certain individuals set up numerous accounts with fake names to spray their messages across the platform, and which result in low quality returns on advertising. Musk’s goal with this is is just to increase the profitability of Twitter He got a lot of blowback on it, because many people find it critical to maintain their anonymity.
The author reads way too much into Musk’s motives.
World’s richest man doesn’t have ulterior motives shocker
Elon cares so much about free speech he’s going to have to control it, and you:
+++ x 33°
It’s a really good place to gather information about those who need to be removed from among the living. No way I would reveal my opinions on Twitter.
I dunno. Best to wait and see.
Musk was among the first to tweet about the potential benefits of using HCQ in early 2020.
Musk’s position has not changed, while the opposition lies, waffles, and double talks. In his first interview with Joe Rogan in May of 2020, Musk questioned the lockdowns’ wisdom and insisted that our freedoms should come first. He noted that our liberty and democracy had come at significant cost, and we should not allow them to be eroded so easily [1:17:30, 1:18:43, 1:19:00, 1:26:00].
Playing the role of a ‘good cop’ pretty darn well!
Not so well, there are bottomless buckets of slime on Elon, and so many of his own dumping. Buying a show guest appearance on SNL just won’t be cool enuff
I am confused by Musk.
All this said, he is also on record expressing concern about declining global population levels (which contradicts the depopulation agenda).
He also recently praised Russel Brand’s YouTube channel, when there occured what appeared to be a coordinated media attack on Brand.
Honestly I think the depop agenda is BS, at the very least Australia’s population is going to keep growing very fast.
Sure, they’re not hedging any bets. They are counting on a fresh farm of increasingly complexified DNA that only evolution can provide, all interlinked. (That used to be called in shop-worn terms “family”).
Welcome to Vampire Dystopia. Vaxx card, please.
Isn’t that exactly what a good cop would do? Pretend not to agree with something (in this case depopulation) to appeal to the other side?
He’s “on record”? An oligarch, to boot! There are stil sentient beings who feel that means something?! Sheeesh, we are in trouble.
If you want to prevent autism, cut the vaccinations down to about 4, not 70 something.
Agreed Gordo555.
and get glyphosate out of the food supply. Stephanie Seneff video on glyphosate:
There are 7 Mercola interviews of Stephanie, including on covid vax:
That would be a good start but it should really be zero
Since there’s so much of the occult circumscribing this particular forum; and having recently watched the series of “Harry Potter” movies (which I’d never seen before) – I find it delightfully absurd that the world’s darling de jour, President Zelensky of Ukraine, has a first name so similar to the evil wizard Voldomort.
You can’t make this stuff up – or maybe you can? Maybe we’re actually watching the sequel to Harry Potter. Guess who Putin is?
Putin is Dobby. Or maybe Uncle Vernon. 😂
I’ve brought up Musk’s other business “pursuits” to others as a way of trying to get them to see that he’s NOT the “freedom” lover he’s being portrayed to be, and have been blown off. I’m very glad to see that other folks, like you, see through this charade. He’s part & parcel of the Great Reset and New World Order. Thing is, he’s not really “one of them”, not really of their “crowd” – he’s an outsider. So, is this “chess move” to get the rest of them better sold on him, and more fully cement him in their midst???
He’s playing an outsider, just like trump. That’s all part of the scam as is confusion about either of their motives. Keep us guessing and arguing. Distraction.
Neither of them have EVER been in any way, shape, form “outsiders”. The word threatens to make the nation comatose. Or maybe more so.
Nikola TESLA papers seized by FBI 1.7.43 and given to MIT electrical inventor and physicist by name of Dr. John G. Trump. Donald’s only uncle. 4 years before he was born.
Look them up.
O. Now I get it. Outsiders in the Pickwickian Sense. Of course!
MUSK boy is an absolute charade. From $26 billion net worth Day 1 of Coronapalooza to $300+ billion a mere 20 months later?!
What else but an absolutely historic one of a kind fraud, played out before our very eyes as a gutless cowardly charade? Sucking the blood out of biz bankrupted by the “lockdowns”?
What else?
I hope he doesn’t resent such harsh semantics.
Grimes is an “occultist” as much as Musk is a supporter of free speech and humanity. These parasites are laughing at peoples’ dumbed down perception.
I am collecting memes re: Elon the Trojan Horse… In the mean time:
TWITTERsteria: Best Elon Musk Buys Twitter Hypocrisy Memes (End of the Beginning)The Great Reset’s Twitter psyop summed up by Churchill: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” We can only hope… https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/twitter-elon-musk-end-of-the-beginning
Some questions, not rhetorical. 5G has such a short range you need transmitters on every street corner, but sattelites are hundreds of Km up. What is the attenuation and what is the power? What supplies the power? Street 5G towers are aligned accurately I believe, Do sattelite microwave antenae need to be orientated? How is attitude control done on a mini sat?
These questions are best answered by the US military – that’s who invented the entire wireless network (US Navy records go back to the 1940s).
The rest of us need concern ourselves only with the crucial final link in the system: smart meters.
Do you believe ‘Musk’ launched a car into space? I don’t. It was sheer contempt telling you that you that they construct reality.
It looks so fake it must be real.
El (Elohim) ELYON Musk is the bridge between technology and the occult. Thats what the Nazis were all about! https://medium.com/technology-hits/elon-musk-and-the-wef-dcaf4bec2084
That IS precisely what the Nazis were and ARE all about. So caveat emptor. and lector, and Twittor. Hitler was all about that, and his feral venal gang. It’s why many see them as the core threat. Dangerous mob.
The penultimate scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, in the cave comes to mind.
++ x 33°
“this is the guy who put a chip in a pig’s brain, because one day he plans to put one in yours”
~ paraphrasing Andrew Torba (Gab)
Here’s a plausible theory: twitter is basically a huge database of behaviours, ideal source material for development of a. i.
All of these “philanthropists” genuinely believe that they are working to better humanity.
Unfortunately their definition of “humanity” does not include you or me, just the 0.01% destined to survive the destruction of civilization
… which few if any of these “philanthropists” are doing anything about, and some of them, actively promoting.
btw, Musk is not the richest by a long shot.
He might be the richest in terms of measurable wealth, though a lot of it is “artificial”, ie based on the value of his stocks.
But none of these billionaires hold a candle to the likes of the Rothschilds, QE2, and other established dynasties.
Yup. 100%, came to the same conclusion myself. Acquiring Twitter assists both his short- and long-term goals.
Great and very timely investigative journalism, thanks.
U left the left? I get it. You didn’t want to get left.
By the Right.
Looking a gift horse in the mouth too much? Musk here warning for Super AI and low birth rates.
In recent years, we had quotes (words of wisdom) from Steve Jobs, and then from Bill Gates. Now, we can expect to hear from Musk.
Trump didn’t drain the swamp>Musk won’t defend free speech
I’m already wondering who and what the next golden calf/fake savor/fake demagogue will be and which lie they will ride to her-worship on.
“We’ll coup who we want” – Elon “definitely not a shady cunt” Musk
“While I have doubts as to whether Musk will follow through with any of these promises (especially the one about making Twitter’s algorithms open source), the part that struck me the most was his comment about “authenticating all humans”.
Maybe I’m way off base here, but for me, the only way to “authenticate” people on the platform is to integrate it with some kind of digital ID or biometric identifier. And that sounds eerily similar to the WEF’s vision of making it necessary to have a “digital identity” in order to access online services. Hell, maybe Musk has been tasked with instituting that as well. Who knows.”
Yep, Elon once again at the cutting edge … of the Great Reset’s chainsaw, herding everyone into digital enclosures.
Here is a quote from America Out Loud re E. Musk. The World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leader” initiative has yielded some of the most powerful people in the world. From leaders like Justin Trudeau and Gavin Newsom to tech giants like Larry Page and Mark Zuckerberg, the disciples of Klaus Schwab and the New World Order make up a huge chunk of control over our world today… What many may not know is that Elon Musk is among them.
If I may, I’d like to change one word here: instead of “people” I’d like to substitute “puppets.”
Wasn’t his SpaceX company involved in some kind of hoax in which a satellite or rocket supposedly returned to an ocean landing from space, but it was apparent to many of us that it was a mere PR stunt? For example, altho this was supposedly a historical event for his company there was no camera trained on the event to record it. And none of the employees on camera could wipe the “liar’s giggle” from their faces.
There’ve been so many hoaxes that I can’t quite recall the one I’m referring to.
Here you go, I think it was on their website. Plenty more of the same on there, Thunderbirds are Go !!! (my Lady)
Thanks for that. Is it just the takeoff footage run backwards? That looks far too neat for a landing on water.
I wanted to believe Musk is on our side but I don’t doubt he’s controlled opposition anymore. I’ve now seen pictures of him doing the usual satanic hand gestures that all of the elite do. So he’s part of the “club” as George Carlin once said.
On our side?! He has increased his net worth by well over an order of magnitude in a matter of months
He could only do that if he and the other oligarchs have been cashing in on all the closed ruined businesses. 26 billion to 300 billion in 20 months.
They picked all the low-hanging fruit worldwide, of bankruptcies caused by lockdowns, strangling cash flow. Hideous man. CAVEAT TWITTOR.
A couple of weeks ago when Musk bought 10 or 11 % a report appeared claiming Vanguard and BlackRock each purchased chunks bigger than what Musk acquired, with zero fanfare.
I can presume that they are teaming up.
Yep those 2 seem to live 12% of everything
Not another article about him again….
Anyone who has to ask the question that is this article’s title is probably thinking the former anyway. The sheep didn’t learn their lesson with Trump and they sure won’t now with this guy. The fawning over Musk is getting downright revolting.
All that work and risk to hobble and remove Orange Man Bad, then defraud the election and stage a fake insurrection, suggests Trump wasn’t planned and isn’t one of them. But I could be wrong.
Or it could all be theater. Or I could be wrong as well.
The expressed desire to “authenticate all humans” could be in a good sense or a bad sense.
In the good sense, he merely refers to ensuring the removal of all bots and multiple usernames belonging to a single individual; this would ensure that every voice belongs authentically to one and only one real person.
How this can be done while preserving personal privacy is beyond me, however.
Privacy? That still exists, with brain reading tech?
Richard Durbin letter-boxed quotation in TIME magazine “Person of the Year” issue. January ’22, with Musk as its coverboy, “He is a humanist ~ but that doesn’t mean he is a nice person, because he isn’t.”
I personally think, and have thought for a long time, that Musk is dangerously insane, in an Ernst Stavro Blofeld kind of way. And I agree that I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
Yeah, I see him in that role, picked by Central Casting. In his private dormant volcano stroking his cat. Dr. Evil, all that’s missing is the monocle. Watch for a mini-Me. He even favors Mike Meyers in profile.
The reason Melon Usk supports free speech is because he knows it’s useless. It doesn’t buy anything.
Doesn’t it ‘buy’ him the necessary credibility?
Credibility for the credulous
Exactly. He knows there’s really no such thing. And all the rest of the bread & circus.
And for quite sone time now (see James Bamford piece on Utah Data Center. 2013, in Wired magazine) he knows it is also meaningless.
Soren Kierkegaard (almost 200 years ago): “Freedom of speech is compensation for most people in their failure to use freedom of thought.”
(Don’t quote my quote, though close rnough.)
We may soon have neither, if we’re not a LOT more watchful. Our pandemic of generally abdicating independence of thinking may soon be ASSmilated into mandated hive mind, and total bot-thought dependence. Vigilance may soon not be an option. Caveat lector.)
All these tricks are as old as time, con men have been using them forever
His face tells me he struggled to get out of his cocoon.
His face tells me:
“Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner
eating his Christmas Pie
He stuck in his thumb
and pulled out a plum,
and said what a good boy am I!”
His face tells me he has no comprehension whatsoever of the word struggle.
Past tense? Still struggling.
Two articles about him in a week.We are not funded by bill gates honest.
You want Bill Gates?
He’s getting nauseating.
You should tell people they don’t have give you email info BEFORE we write a comment.
Pro tip:
You just make one up, but use one that seems legit. I like to use @whitehouse.gov, or some such dump. I’ll occasionally use an @ibm.com or even a @guardian.com and make up some name or use one that really exists – WHO CARES?
– in fact, today I think I’ll use [email protected] – that idiot can get credit for sharing this workaround from template comment requests.
I have my doubts too, I will not get on twitter .We aren’t seeing or hearing the whole story,anyone who names their kids X12 and Exa, what ever it is.I wonder if his kids are just experaments and are they chipped? His wife sounds strange too, But they probably are thinking the same thing about us. I’m looking foeward to rising above all of this weirdness.
Well, he’s a billionaire so…
Lets rather have FUN with some twaats!

An obedient robot in human clothing. Why so many beLIEve this bot, like he is some “savior,” is beyond me. He is all part of this “reset.”
The sheep need their fake heroes now more than ever it seems. They’re literally zombified at this point. This guy could guffaw wildly right in their faces at them starving and yet they’d keep fawning over him. It’s even worse than Trump-worship.
You seem more peeved with the dumb sheeple than with the smart shepherds. Just saying.
If MyNameisNobody’s not, I am. Hero worship should have ended the day they discovered Flash Gordon was a cartoon.
They’re the ones putting the shepherds on pedestals. If people weren’t so easy to con the cons wouldn’t have a game. Just saying.
But like with Trump, there are and will be plenty who do and will think he’s the answer. And like with Trump, they won’t stop because they’re cultists. Round and round we go. Meanwhile, back at the ranch.
Am I the only one who would like to see persons with sycophantic unconditional positive regard for Elon Musk called “Muskrats”? Perhaps a sympathetic memer could get right on this!
I didn’t know about the bizarre names for his kids. I don’t have children, so I never faced the question of picking names for one’s offspring. But I personally prefer mundane traditional names over exotic, unique “arty” names that ostensibly Make a Statement.
Others may feel differently, of course, but I thought it was creepy of Frank Zappa to name his kids Dweezil and Moon Unit. Those would be cute and charming family nicknames (or Internet comments-platform screen names), but not something to saddle kids with for life.
I very much agree.
Using your kids to ‘make a statement’ about yourself shows a fundamental unfitness to be a parent.
It’s all about ME, isn’t it?
Race identity is another aspect. White people named Gyoombushabaz or S’aboozuluwala are kind of hard to find.
While I certainly agree that the Muskovites’ and the Zappers’ names are all wrong, if I had kids I too would name them along similar lines.
Except, my personal fetish would be to give them the neatest names I could find – which means David and Michael for boys, Diane and Carolyn for girls. (I’m an old fashioned kind of anarchist.)
FWIW, I worked in a state unemployment compensation “field” office and a regional office (now-extinct) in Philadelphia, PA during the 1980s-90s. Many of my co-workers were black, and at an age where their children were having children.
One of the cultural consequences of the civil-rights movement and the rise of the Black Muslim movement in the US was an understandable backlash against giving black children conventional Anglo-Saxon/white-culture names– nominally, if not literally, “slave names”.
However righteous the compulsion to avoid conventional, conservative, and Caucasian given names, over the years I heard more than one new grandparent in break rooms bitterly lament that they had been unable to persuade their children not to give their grandchild an “ugly made-up ghetto name”.
The quotes indicate that this isn’t my racist paraphrase; it’s how they put it. Yes, I’m familiar with the ideological arguments that decries and dismisses the grandparents’ collective dismay as merely a form of “Stockholm Syndrome”– and that after all, beauty (and ugly) is in the eye of the beholder.
The latter points notwithstanding, I remain sympathetic to the distressed elders.
That’s what I’ve been saying. I think Musk is a good cop…for now.
In reality, one is either a good cop all the time or a bad cop all the time. I personally do not see how Elon would ever be considered a good cop by anyone thinking seriously. He is part of the billionaire club, for me, that’s all one needs to know. He is not on our side, he will never be on our side, but he’ll play that part as long as people will accept him in that role. Sadly, too many just accept whatever someone tells them his intentions are, without looking critically at just who this person is, just what he has “accomplished” with the massive help of others, and what he talks about accomplishing which should scare the hell out of all of us.
But it sounds so cool, surely he couldn’t be just another pretty liar in a long line of them?
Also, Mr Musk cannot possibly have the slightest clue what “our side” is all about anyway. Other than his servants, where, how and when would he ever have even seen one of “us?”
On TV I suppose. Although perhaps he doesn’t really lower himself to the boob tube. Oh wait, he “sees” real people on the Twatter, that’s it! And life on the Twatter is real, doncha know. The realist, realist. The be all and end all of human existence and especially freedom of really, really important speechifying, in 140 characters or less.
I’d like to know how loyal Musk really is to his WEF ‘mentors’ and if he resents the part they appear to have scripted for him. Any chance he is becoming a spanner in their works, that he is playing them as Putin appears to have done? People do go renegade, perhaps even billionaires.
Siderael means “worthless scrap” in Norwegian. How appropriate.
Life is all stage😉 Speaking about destiny, did you know that Von Braun’s 1953 book “Mars Project,” referenced a person named Elon that would bring humans to Mars? Pretty nuts