Revelation of the Method
Dustin Broadbery

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CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan ‘We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’
Fast forward thirty years, and there’s no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow.
From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth – the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.
Nowadays, there’s little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It’s not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it’s that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It’s a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don’t even know that they don’t know that they don’t know what’s happening. To quote one former anarchist.
In the grand scheme of things, humanity has perjured themselves and life as we know it has morphed into a sort of science-fiction, soap-opera with few common ancestors to reality. Even right-thinking folks require the equivalent of a cerebral chainsaw to hollow out the slew of implausible narratives into something remotely resembling reality. It goes beyond fiction to predictive programming. They’re not just deceiving you; they’re showing you that they’re deceiving you.
What is neither here nor there to the deceived is the track record of their deceivers. Before the ink dried on the newsprint proclaiming the crisis in-waiting, the falsifications of COVID were buried under the falsehoods of war, Zelensky’s standing ovation at Westminster knocked Pfizer data’s release off the rostrum and those formerly joined at the hip to COVID got hitched to their Ukrainian brides.
This entire fiasco holds water because what people think they know for sure, that just ain’t so, is a consensus. A preponderance of fabrications, falsehoods and false prophets governs the spiritual milieu. People worship the prosaic and glorify artifice. Our moral choices are guided by platitude and not virtue, anecdote and not evidence.
To complicate matters, what was formerly held sacred has become profane and what was formerly profane has become sacred, to quote Robert Sepehr.
There’s a war raging, alright, but you will find its theatre of operations inside the human psyche. It is a war on consciousness, an atrophy of culture and its stark consequences is the spiritual malaise of humanity.
Freemasons, for one, understood that information was power. Concealing beyond the prying eyes of the lower orders, the esoteric mysteries of the universe.
Then as now, it’s not enough for these people to hold a monopoly over knowledge, they must deprive everyone else of its illumination, or go one further and spread ignorance. It goes beyond censoring counterarguments to fomenting falsehoods, It’s not so much societal breakdown but self-immolation. People are being misinformed and stupefied and sent out as agents of disinformation to further deconstruct what’s left of an already deconstructed reality.
To make matters worse, precisely zero lessons have been learned these past two years. People flounder from one crisis to the next. Walk aimlessly from quarantine camp to air-raid shelter into whichever direction their political higher-ups point them, to deride whoever is nominated as the scourge of society, de jour. The great national pastime is to gather at the pillories and hurl cabbages at anti-vaxxers, Russians, (insert your antihero: here).
The Infowar
If all this sounds remarkably like an info-war, then it probably is.
The battle for hearts and minds has moved online. Our divine spark of life is being overhauled to data. Something of divine proportions compels us to the internet, to data – our daily bread (and circuses), our digital avatars living richer, more meaningful lives than their truant owners.
What ceases to be worth the candle is the epistemology of our data.
It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on – a card carrying member of the great awakening or useful idiot on the lockdown left, you’re still part of the same problem. You have been taken hostage by a series of narratives laid on with a shovel by the predator class and designed for the sole purpose of keeping you rapt and not informed, sedentary and not spirited. In the world of algorithms everyone is created equal, and data is just data, there’s no morality to it.
These events play out as a nail-biting whodunnit, but the reality is, they’re not supposed to be solved. There’s no answers nor restitution, it’s your awareness and not your belief systems which is being harvested.
What these hellhounds want is for you to pick your side, choose your battle, but make sure your battlelines are social media, and that you’re not throwing Molotov cocktails at the Tower of Babel.
Everyone has a dog in the fight. Particularly, those baying for the blood of the unvaccinated or calling for violence against Russians, who do so, according to Voltaire, because those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.
It’s quite simple really. If a person’s psyche is under siege and they don’t designate an enemy to scapegoat, they might get wise to who’s really attacking them, and that simply wouldn’t do.
In this theatre of the absurd people acclimatise to fiction because it’s easier than confronting uncomfortable truths. But under these fertile conditions any version of reality, no matter how precarious, will wash. That’s where the Great Reset enters the fray.
Once you desecrate a person’s moralistic and cultural maps of the world, their place in it becomes increasingly untenable. People lose touch with reality and what it means to be human. The ensuing crisis of identity leaves them susceptible to hostile takeover. Amongst other things that could possibly go wrong is the eventual microchipping of the population and brain machine interfaces.
Predictive Programming
But there are even stranger things brewing. Predictive Programming is the theory of a hidden hand operating the levers of reality. A sort of reality adjustment bureau obfuscating real world events through film, literature, and media manipulation. The fundamental principle here is psychological conditioning that reduces people’s resistance to the acceptance of planned future events and encourages them to swap concrete reality structures for static constructs, until eventually, our inherited world view is replaced by mythos and archetypes.
That we are living through the objectification of the predator class is no moot point. That’s their messiah complex imprinted onto the collective consciousness and projected back onto the real world. By their own volition, the masses are breathing life into these grotesqueries and blotting the social fabric.
Revelation of the Method
But it runs even deeper than predictive programming. Some call this Revelation of the Method.
According to Michael Hoffman: first they suppress the counterargument, and when the most opportune time arrives, they reveal aspects of what’s really happened, but in a limited hangout sort of way.
We were told the vaccines were harmless, until Pfizer debased their own safety claims, but not before the entire world had been vaccinated. Lockdown Apologists across the corporate media are now almost unanimous that lockdowns do more harm than good. This is no arbitrary volte-face, but rather a carefully planned sequence of disclosures when the time is ripe.
Michael Hoffman suggests that the ruling elite are giving notice of their supremacy. Declaring themselves virtuoso criminal masterminds, above the law and beyond reproach. But most of all, they are telling you, in no uncertain terms, that you are without recourse, these events are beyond your control, as is your own destiny for that matter. Eventually a sense of apathy and abulia engulfs humanity, demoralising us to the point of conceding defeat to a system we are powerless to change.
Not that you would ever have restitution. The house is not designed to do its own housekeeping. Buried deep within their rule of law, is a hidden constitution that states: nothing happens without your consent. In this version of contract law, once the truth is hidden in plain sight, you have agreed to it. There exists someplace an unsigned contract with your unsworn oath on it.
In the end, we’re all victims of the same masterstroke, whether keyboard evangelist or state-apologist, everyone is being royally screwed, and it’s not so much that they’re laughing at you, it’s that you’re laughing at yourself.
Dustin Broadbery is a writer and researcher from London trying to make sense of the New Normal these past two years. Particularly the ethical and legal issues around lockdowns and mandates, the history and roadmap to today’s biosecurity state, and the key players and institutions involved in the globalised takeover of our commons. You can find his work at, or follow him on twitter @TheCogent1
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This seemed an enlightened article until I was told I was part of the problem. How could you know, Dustin Broadbery, whether I am part of the problem or not? Maybe I am part of the solution. I have striven since infancy some 70 years ago to fix the problems of the world in any way I could. I rebelled against cruelty and falsehood. I was a leader in a major battle against a well-known developer who was about to destroy the countryside. I worked valiantly on my website to support the just cause of the DPR/LPR.
I resigned within 5 weeks at Raytheon rather than make missiles that kill people. I live on a few acres now, very modestly, protecting the land and the wildlife. I do not use more than my share. I have very little income and spend almost nothing. I work hard to make the land beautiful. I do not use a cell phone. I have no TV. I never read mainstream media. I happened to see your article on stateofthenation dot co, which is one of the few news sources I read. I spend my time gardening, hiking, and studying physics. I have no negative impact on the earth nor on society.
The answer to your anguish ‘lyes within yourself’. Trust me, this is way more than a clichê.
They do not tell you what they are going to do. They keep that a secret. They tell what they are doing is “good” and will help everyone. They LIE and convince you that evil is good and good is evil. They Can only do evil. They are the devil. They can destroy only. EVERYTHING THEY DO IS TO DESTROY LIFE AND YOUR SOULS are destroyed when you believe their lies. They tell their genocide is humanitarian mercy. The devil can only lie. They can only do what they do because they own and control the money system. They use money to get people to carry out their evil plans. They never do anything they plan. They get, with Money, all of you to carry out the evils. They got soldiers to murder Christ. They get you to kill one another in wars and with injections. They get you to destroy life for them. God is watching. He gives the devil a short leash. He can only harm those who believe the devils lies. Once you do evil for the devils money, your soul is lost forever. That is the test of this age. Anyone who is worshipping the antichrist, the ashkenazi devils or allows themselves to be enslaved by them, for money or the powerful high positions as an “elite” is not with God. They belong to Lucifer, such as all freemasons. Let them do their evil. This is how the sheep and the goats are separated. It decides who goes to eternal darkness in Hell for eternity with the jews and the elite, and who is worthy of heaven. The poor, meek and humble who resist the devil only. Those who worship the antichrist jews such as the evangelicals and gave the devil power to become NWO, will be ‘raptured’ into eternal Hell. They are like the proud soldiers who tortured and crucified Christ.
Signs and Symbols
The Ryugyong Hotel (Korean: 류경호텔; sometimes spelled as Ryu-Gyong Hotel), or Yu-Kyung Hotel,[4] is an unfinished 105-story, 330-metre-tall (1,080 ft) pyramid-shaped skyscraper in Pyongyang, North Korea. Its name (“capital of willows”) is also one of the historical names for Pyongyang.[5] The building is also known as the 105 Building, a reference to its number of floors.[3] The building has been planned as a mixed-use development, which would include a hotel.
Construction began in 1987 but was halted in 1992 as North Korea entered a period of economic crisis after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. After 1992, the building stood topped out, but without any windows or interior fittings. In 2008, construction resumed, and the exterior was completed in 2011. The hotel was planned to open in 2012, the centenary of Kim Il-sung’s birth. A partial opening was announced for 2013, but this was cancelled.[6] In 2018, an LED display was fitted to one side, which is used to show propaganda animations and film scenes.[7]
This is extremely accurate and masterfully written. It gives me hope that their is at least one human with eyes wide open to the reality of humanity’s reality and the dastardly deeds done to all of us at the hands of dirty dogs!
Is it me, or what exactly is the point of this article – cuz I’m not seeing one, except “BEND OVER – AND MAINTAIN THAT POSITION NO MATTER WHAT…”
Was it your intention, Mr. Broadbery, to demoralize us all even MORE…???
Again, maybe it’s me – but, I’m no longer a fan of mental gymnastics that do NOT provide any answers/suggestions/ideas for improving the situation. If there’s nothing offered for improving the situation(s) being described, then what exactly is the point to all these words…???
I personally feel that, as with so many things in life, simply being aware achieves a lot. Awareness allows us to process and readjust on a subconscious level. Often we can only benefit from or even identify a solution once we invite it in. We must be fully attuned to the problem to fully embrace the need for change. A2
I agree. I guess I’m at a point where I understand enough, I see the picture, I see the actors, I see the plot – and I’m ready for action. No, I don’t know exactly what that will look like, but let’s have some suggestions, let’s talk about what to DO about all this… Ya know?
Ah, I think you will find the answers to your complaints in the text…jus requires a bit of contemplation ..this is not roast duck that flies into your open mouth!
….also as Sam has it below! Same point being made
the clown show will be over soon enough and all the smiles from the elite will disappear… forever.
More of theses type of articles.
I just saw a car sticker that said ‘flu is cancer’ with a pink ribbon. What do make of that, me? I dunno its a beautiful day and feel like smashing my phone.
People have a nice day.
‘everyone is being royally screwed,’ – – – Yup!
“MONOPOLY – Who Owns The World?” by Tim Gielen
Published January 9, 2022
“MONOPOLY – Who Owns The World?” by Tim Gielen (English Subs) (
Let’s not mention any “Royal” families… You know. The one’s who own the plantation…
Watching ‘Ready Player One’ and it’s turbo revelation of the method.
Stack-and-pack housing… big switch into VR in 2025…. the designer of the great VR system (Steve Jobs with added hippie/slacker-ness) has initials JDH which is 148 in numerology which in turn both adds up to 13 (Death) and 112, an encoded freemasonic master number (22)…
..”Declaring themselves virtuoso criminal masterminds, above the law and beyond reproach. But most of all, they are telling you, in no uncertain terms, that you are without recourse, these events are beyond your control, as is your own destiny for that matter.”
They’ve been doing that for some time. Check this latest one out:
Good to know that your Satanic Temple pals are there when you need them. The blood thirsty Ukrainian Nazis will be in good hands.
The empire has become a fragile bubble, a virtual world of make believe. The bubble brains escape into economic math models that never work in the real world, into In Silico cookie-cutter medical models that don’t resemble actual individually unique bodies, into a massive stock market bubble that pretends that all is well as long as the QE life support injections keep coming. The propaganda bubble that US citizens have been cocooned in for decades can no longer be sustained. Once something is discredited, and it appears that trust in leadership is at an all time low, the erosion of belief begins; even a clenched fascist fist can’t stop the sand from falling through.
“Freedom, like love, come from places of strength. Dictatorship, like fear, come from a place of losing control. And power is like water, the more you grasp at it, the faster you lose it.”
Is the Great Reset Failing? When Great Narratives Fall Apart
An interesting article and good to see Michael Hoffman get a mention. Someone who explains the Hegelian dialectic visited in this article and by Hoffman who puts all this into perspective from a Christian angle is this lady. Very interesting take….
great article thanks
We’ll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.’
It all began a long time ago when the masses were convinced by the rulers and their priests that God/s had existence outside of consciousness.
It’s been all downhill since.
+1. Right on.
They will use articles like this to bastardize a book usually one they haven’t read to get brucy bonus point’s of the dying covid crowd who is exhausted with shit day in day out of the crap being reproduced and recently The Fake Intellectual’s comes across a video usually from commentators who they would of dismissed 2 years previously and slap dashes this article.
A Majority of the time the responses brings out the higher form of intelligence in the forums. (To dangerous)
Unfortunately Worse still the next article after this ‘fake exploration’ will be awful . Dreadful. And that is the pattern.
Yes, they have to have your consent! More organised chaos coming. The WEF hope that their engineered crisis will lead to us begging for a digital police state. The Satanic rules of engagement mean that Davos man needs your permission before they act, hence the use of #hegeliandialectic The globalists will use inflation & growing economic chaos as the problem, they anticipate that we’ll react to their engineered crisis by rioting: so they want social unrest as the reaction to the problem, hoping we’ll beg for this as the solution
My comment may not have made it in because I put my substack link in it. Sorry, I won’t do that again…I didn’t want to lose the opportunity to say this was an excellent article and to thank Dustin for writing it!!
I’ve not read either book (or sets), nor had I heard of Jay Dyer, but it’s an interesting discussion nonetheless.
Jay Dyer guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to describe how C.S. Lewis and Tolkien worked together to expose the Illuminati
May 7, 2022
both paeds
No, not.
It’ s always a red flag when a piece starts with a quote from a CIA man.
Thanks to John Wear for this comment, which I have copied here :
Ernst Zündel’s persecution illustrates the power of the historical blackout forces. Zündel wrote from his Toronto jail cell:
“The media and educational system have dumbed the people down to a level hitherto unknown in the civilized world. They are modern-day zombie populations, led around by the nose—mentally so manipulated that they cannot think straight, much less act in their own self-interest, either as individuals or as societies and states. Both in spirit and in reality, they have become the tax-paying cash cows and playthings of an alien oligarchy.”
(Source: Zündel, Ernst, Setting the Record Straight: Letters from Cell #7, Pigeon Forge, TN: Soaring Eagles Gallery, 2004, pp. 80-81).
I thought it was interesting and dialled up the website and couldn’t work it. Digital hipsters only I guess.
Did anybody see that speech Obama did where he said we put out so much misinformation out there that people will not have a clue and that’s when they will pounce.What is the truth or lies?? I go by common sense and if something stinks it’s a turd,But they are getting good at perfuming the turds 😬.
The best way to sum it up: Lie, cheat, steal and murder. The ends justify the means. The Democrat’s mantra.
Everything the Democrats say is a lie. The Russia Hoax……..
Democrats cheat in every election. Watch the movie 2000 mules. Clearly proven.
Democratic constituents have been riotously stealing for years.
What can I say about murders?: Just look at the Clinton family. Can’t remember the latest count……….
And the beat goes on. On and on and on. Drums keep pounding a rhythm the brain…..
Democrats cheat in every election.
hold on but trump won in 2016!!!
Wayne Vanderploeg your spamming.
haven’t you figured out yet the politics is rigged.?
clearly not.
I have two profiles. Forgot to log in the first time with the new one. I deleted the first post and I did not realize it did not get deleted. Technical glitch with Off-Guardian, I assume. Regarding the rigging, of course everyone knows it was rigged. The movie, 2000 mules, proves it without a doubt. This system of cheating is well organized and well planned. Abuse of absentee voting. Covid. In answer to how Trump won in 16. Covid had not happened and the big push to protect everyone from infection had not happened. That’s when they went hog wild with absentee voting. I live in Michigan and not-for-profits (at least 3 different not-for-profits) sent me, literally, dozens of applications for absentee ballots. I complained to state election officials and they said they had no control over it. Although the Michigan secretary of State provided the not-for-profits with the database of Michigan voters. I was pissed. Still am. And yes, they do cheat in every election. It was, and still is, rampant in my home state. If you read what I wrote, the point was to get people to watch the movie and share the link with everyone they know. Contact your political representatives and demand that they watch it and follow up with a protest in congress. Promise not to vote for them if they don’t. That’s how I finished my letters. I told them that I expected them to publicly announce their intent to investigate the election based on the findings in the movie. And if they did not, they would lose my vote. Not rocket science. Watch the movie and plan on shoving the information down the throats of all the Democrats you know personally. I may use a stick. Watch the movie. Tell your political reps to watch the movie.
It doesn’t matter that it was rigged. The point is actually to make you aware that they rig it, to get you to believe that one side is better than the other, (Good cop/bad cop) in order to get you to believe that both sides are independent of each other. As long as you aren’t focusing on the real controllers, they win.
But the truth – the cold hard reality that most people seem unaware of – is that the Masonic model of duality and controlled opposition narratives – explained briefly in the above article – exists to create a divide and conquer narrative where all sides are controlled by the one, top down hierarchical model.
The controllers (cabal, cartel, cryptocracy) want people to vote and believe in the electoral system so the public never realize that all political parties, all factions, all courts and all governments are owned and controlled by the one, global cartel. They use corporate subsidiaries and privately owned corporations masquerading as public, to deceive the people and hide the true levers or power.
Really? It does not matter? Of course it matters. Democrats are bad people. They have proven it. I, personally, have been forced to participate in the realm of not-for-profit cash/grant giveaways to selected leftist groups. Unqualified people (for anything) gain instant integrity once they are granted money. Their areas of expertise are simply based on their title. Their credibility is never verified. Only their allegiance counts. And they owe their livelihood to the leftist movements. It’s incredible. When Clinton and Obama were president it was incredible. It needs to stop. The worst people I have ever had to work with. Of course it happens with Republicans too. But it’s not nearly at the same scale and Republicans hold people accountable. It is tiresome when I hear and see this defeatism and generalization about “government” as a whole. And that is our problem. Give them an inch and they take a mile. Little by little the left has been ratcheting it up and that’s how we have gotten to this point. This is a radical leftist movement created and nurtured by Democrats and is largely funded with tax money. Directly and indirectly. Not-for-profits need to be scrutinized. Donors funneling money into shady not-for-profits need to be held accountable. You want to give leftist rioters and agitators money? You should go to jail. Same for election fraud. The misuse of public funding for political purposes (a felony, by the way). Those public agencies giving grant money away to shady not-for-profits need to be held accountable. We have an opportunity to make an example out of these evil people (Democrats) that make a living out of lying, cheating, stealing and murdering. You don’t want to stop that? If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Watch 2000 Mules. Tell your Congressperson to watch it and act on it. Then you will be part of the solution. Conservatives can only counter the radical left by becoming politically active. Write and volunteer. Donate cash. Research where you can help. And if you are a leftist: The sky is not falling, We cannot stop climate change, The world will not end in 12 years if we continue using fossil fuels, etc. We are fools to think we can stop the natural cycles of the earth.
It’s the same side. Both parties are owned by the same cartel. Villainizing one side is a delusion to take your eye off the system which was set up from its inception to cull and exploit humanity. It’s a debt slavery system, based on brainwashing through misinformation, then dividing people into two opposing groups (always owned by the same cartel) so the public can’t see who the controllers are. Voting achieves nothing. All the programs and agendas are put into place at the SUPRANATIONAL level and planned decades in advance. The voting is the scam to make you believe that you have agency by voting. It’s a con. A blatantly obvious one. Governments are corporations, not public institutions.
Thanks for the link Researcher…Your rabbit hole is obviously deeper than most.
Don’t you think those who vote may have a traditional mindset leading up to the day that person votes?
US media gives the impression America is always campaigning for an Election Day with no set Date.
I mean, Sir/Madam here is your office but don’t unpack everything we maybe going away.
They are always campaigning because half the population is skeptical and we don’t (can’t) know the real voting numbers.
Once people make the decision to vote, not only did they decide to give their power away through the act of voting, they are now intellectually and emotionally invested in one side. Divide and conquer achieved.
But when both sides are owned and controlled externally, the individual players, parties and politicians don’t matter.
The Selections are only there to create the appearance of legitimacy. It doesn’t matter who is in or out of office because there’s no noticeable policy changes either way. That’s the point of the system. Creating the (false) belief that voting matters when it’s irrelevant.
That’s why there’s always “Get out the vote” campaigns, because if the public knew that more than half the population don’t even vote, that’s not a majority is it? The point is always social engineering. To be creating the “appearance” of legitimacy to sway those who are unsure or abstain.
The system itself is set up as a top down authority model controlled externally.
By voting – it has the magically aspect. it also gives them full consent, so if their is a war you have consented to it by given them the vote
When one hears crap they voted but is surprised that the party did xyz or both party’s roll out the vaccine etc
The inversion is massive and similar to taken of the virginity being raped / abused like when the party does a u turn oppsite of the election promise and ‘they the consented electorate NOW non victims still endorses the candidates /party.
Its a sex magic ritual.
full moon news moon in polling station with a wooden pen x in the box -beliet box.
ink signed its . that is a evocation ritual.
Exactly. Agree 100%.
True what can i believe anymore?That we went to the moon?That a cameraman was on the moon as it took off?That the president could talk on a phone to the moon in the 60s?There is alot of things not adding up here anymore.Me thinks we’ve been had 😬
Just between you and me: We made it to the moon and back. And again, between you and me: It was a waste of money. I am not a rocket scientist….. We could have done so many good things with that money. Learning about deep space is just fun and games for mathematicians and astronomers who otherwise would be bored by life. Imagine if these overly smart people applied their IQ points to solving real problems on Earth. In that sense, we have been had.
Ok. So now I know you are just a cyber troll with at least two names. Good to know. Either that or you’ve been here for two years and learned absolutely NOTHING. I put $$$ on the former since someone just exposed you as having two profiles.
The space race garbage is racketeering like the covid op. The entire government is run as a racketeering scam. It’s not any more legitimate than your comments.
Watch the movie. Contact your political rep. Become politically active. Can’t handle that concept and would rather attack me by calling me a troll. Everyone who follows Off-Guardian is a troll. What makes you any different?
I was forced by Yahoo to change my profile. They were censoring Off-Guardian. It was rampant for a while.
We are all in this together.
GMAB. Nobody went to the moon, Freemason. We aren’t in anything together when people purposefully spread misinfo, like voting matters. And pretend there was or is democracy. That’s the entire point of this article. Did you even bother to read it?
Wow. Get off your ass and do some work. What the fuck. See a shrink. Whatever it takes. Unbelievable. Watch the movie. Become politically active and help save the world. One small step……. I watched it live on a black and white TV with my entire family as did everyone else I knew had done with their families. Sorry. There was tea party and John Hancock did provide an oversized signature on the Declaration of Independence. We won the revolutionary war. Lincoln was assassinated and there was civil war over slavery. We freed the slaves. We massacred the remaining Indians that refused to stand down. I voted for and elected all of my political representatives except the president. And that election was stolen. What are you talking about? Do you even leave your home ever? Give ME a break. The executive troll premier. Geeze. Participate in life a little. Write your congressperson. Tell him, her or it what you want. I am done with this fruitless communication event……….Don’t expect a response. I still don’t get email notifications because Yahoo still filters them. A blessing in disguise. Good luck. I will be sure to avoid you in the future at all cost.
None of that is remotely real. It’s the lies and the delusions the controllers feed to the ignorant, duped masses to keep them subdued, cowed and subservient.
‘History is a set of lies agreed upon’
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”
“This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”
Psychiatry is yet another fraud.
Lol… calm down now. A person who believes they put a man on the moon is not necessarily a free masson or a troll… Anyway his comment was not “intentionally” misleading in the wrong direction as I’ve seen so many… And seriously, I personally don’t give a flying fuck if they went or not… We have other fish to fry, and it’s not like we can get the NASA budget back.
I’m always calm. He spams the thread with garbage daily. So either he’s a Mason or he’s their unwitting acolyte. Either way, IDC.
He has all the methods of a troll: Doesn’t read the article. Posts government created psyops. Pushes voting nonsense. Ignores links and proof others leave. Has multiple identities. Uses the left-right (Dexter vs Sinister) fakery as an argument. Claims Hollywood made movies are real life. Posts garbage music videos by MASONIC agents.
🙂 ok. To be fair I haven’t studied the character to that extend, probably missed a few comments as well… but just seems like the average pissed off American to me, who hasn’t seen all the CT videos and articles. And if he is a multiplied troll, he’s doing a much better job in covering it up than some people around here… Cheers darling
Laters, Theo.
Tech is in your i-phone to get to and back from the Moon, not then it is now.
Not exactly Jules Verne that fired our imaginations not long ago is it.
There is no way the astronots could have traversed the radiation filled abyss within and beyond the van Allen belts in their aluminium can. The digital autopilot did not have sufficient computing power to transfer the spidery lunar module from orbit to a landing on the moon’s rough and irregular surface. The temperature on that surface was above that of boiling water.
Sheldon Adelson sponsored Drumpf. Leaster Crown sponsored Obomber. Democracy is an illusion.
Saw it. Undergirding Obama’s comments was the idea that it was Obama and his gang that would be telling everyone the truth, and the reast of the world was not to be believed. The repellent and malicious Jacinda Ardern said something similar regarding the CoVID lies her government was telling.
There are many explanations (and excuses) for the apparently disconnected human psyche. Let’s avoid any correction. Just watch more television and play more video games. > > > Listen very carefully to this young gentalmans explaination of “proposed” video game attributes. >
A science presentation by James Holmes in 2006
Some may remember his later notariaty…
Victim yourself, sir – although this is a very good article.
Nobody ever said that knowing yourself would be easy – or that life itself would be easy.
With consciousness comes responsibility, and people simply must come to terms with their own selfhood.
That doesn’t mean becoming a rabid egotist.
It just means recognizing your own ego and finding a way to coexist with it.
Those who can’t be bothered will fall by the wayside, and it’s a great pity that this is the large majority.
If They let us know what They plan
it’s because They know we wont believe Them.
We’ll keep digging for the Truth that suits us.
We’re like cops who know Guilt –
without the need of evidence.
excellent…. it has taken some time but the curators at the Off G garden have finally published a scribble more suited to the somewhat esoteric nature of imbecile kinds current quandary..
you see… regurgitating data is merely a reflex action (although worthy and educational for errant trousered apes) and by jove there has been a glut of that.. but the epistemological the search for something more primary and frustratingly ephemeral is generally…
an undiscovered country in need of a right good mapping..
perhaps this requires the ‘sacrifice’ of too much of what the common imbecile may regard..
‘himself’ (herself. zerself etc etc)…
What’s got me foxed is- what does an imbecile see when he sees an imbecile?
It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect. They see a mirror image, but they don’t know it’s a mirror. There’s a commonality there, but neither are aware the commonality is most likely, mutual ignorance.
A cartoon or visual depiction of this would be two sheep starting at each other, but one sheep seeing himself as a Democrat and the person he sees as an imbecile, is a Republican. Or vice versa.
This model of creating faux opposing dualities and mutual ignorance (through purposeful misinfo) extends into socio-economic and educational status. And even chosen “professions” or religious affiliations and beliefs.
Yeah, it seems to me this false opposition technique is an instinctive reaction in a mob “debate” situation. On the local forum there are climate covidians who refer to me as an imbecile because 100% of scientists etc. I know it’s pointless but I think it’s a good thing to put out an alternative view so I say my piece. Whenever I see words like imbecile I just wonder who the mob orator is supporting and why.
I watched the movie 2000Mules last night. It thoroughly and completely documents the outright steal of the Presidential election. Felony after felony.
Not only were they able to clearly document and prove that tens of thousands of people were being paid by not-for-profits to traffic ballots through cell phone pings but these same people were agitators in the riots across the country.
Without a doubt, law enforcement could clean house overnight with the legally obtained and thoroughly analyzed cell phone ping data. Spacial information combined with video data.
Zuckerberg and Soros among many others were funding these not-for-profits. The not-for-profits brought in hundreds of new ballot boxes (yes…hundreds), most of which had no security cameras.
If you are an American and you have not seen the movie, you need to watch it. As usual, everyone and anyone who can is censoring it. Fox Network attorneys won’t allow Fox news to talk about it. Even if you are not an American, you should watch it and share it.
You have to pay to watch it. But it is priceless and worth every penny.
Write your congress people and tell them the story.
The Democrat mantra: Lie, cheat, steal, murder. The ends justify the means.
It is way worse than you can imagine. There is enough evidence to put thousands of people in jail.
As an aside, It would be a good idea to stop carrying your cell phone around. Turning it off is not sufficient either. Especially, if you are a Democrat and plan to commit a crime.
Fuck you NSA.
Pity the jails are full…
This movie and the entire zeitgeist surrounding its premise, may well be a last ditch effort by those who call ALL the shots in politics to convince people American elections amount to something – otherwise, why would Democrats go to so much trouble to steal them? and why would they go to so much effort to suppress it?
I recommend having a BIG salt shaker on the ready before watching such a documentary.
Thank you. AS IF either party is above stealing an “election” and that it really matters. Jesus, you’d think by now most Americans would see that but no, they refuse to see that. Team sports, the American way. Whine incessantly about the “other side” while ignoring the fact our owners don’t do sides, that’s for the rubes.
And you are right Howard, all this partisan fighting is all about getting people to think it matters. Perfect set up, one that’s worked for generations. And the beat goes on….
So, you watched it?
Assuming you did, that’s not what I got out of it. Especially the followup discussion.
We caught them red handed and we must to take action to pull republicans (voters and representatives) out of the apathetic “the election is over let’s move on” attitude.
We’ve got them by the short hairs and we need to hold on.
They need money and people to finish the job.
We need to force law enforcement to follow up and hold people accountable. Just like the Covid hoaxers. They go hand in hand. Climate change is there two.
Grow some balls.
Get pissed.
Take fucking action.
Everyone needs to.
Send this movie link to your friends and neighbors directly.
As usual, social media and the MSM are censoring it. Even Fox News is being forced not to report on it.
This is BIG.
You really, honestly still think elections change things? Just what is it you think will happen with any “investigation” into this? Do you think that will overturn an “election” and install, well, just who exactly? You must not live in the US if you still believe any election was truly honest. Get pissed? Take fucking action? Just what action should we take? So many are always wanting to scream “take action” but never, ever point out just what actions might actually change one damned thing.
Enjoy your partisan anger all you want, but please do not act like that really matters. All that is divide and distract, as it has always been, and if you refuse to see that, perhaps you should be out commenting on MSNBC or Democracy Now, or for the flip side, Fox or any other “right wing” site, instead of here where most people have removed that idiotic partisan lens and see that the real problems have not one damned thing to do with partisan politics.
I watched the movie 2000Mules last night. It thoroughly and completely documents the outright steal of the Presidential election. Felony after felony. Not only were they able to clearly document and prove that tens of thousands of people were being paid by not-for-profits to traffic ballots through cell phone pings but these same people were agitators in the riots across the country. Without a doubt, law enforcement could clean house overnight with the legally obtained and thoroughly analyzed cell phone ping data. Spacial information combined with video data. Zuckerberg and Soros among many others were funding these not-for-profits. The not-for-profits brought in hundreds of new ballot boxes (yes…hundreds), most of which had no security cameras. If you are an American and you have not seen the movie, you need to watch it. As usual, everyone and anyone who can is censoring it. Fox Network attorneys won’t allow Fox news to talk about it. Even if you are not an American, you should watch it and share it. You have to pay to watch it. But it is priceless and worth every penny. Write your congress people and tell them the story. The Democrat mantra: Lie, cheat, steal, murder. The ends justify the means. It is way worse than you can imagine. There is enough evidence to put thousands of people in jail. As an aside, It would be a good idea to stop carrying your cell phone around. Turning it off is not sufficient either. Especially, if you plan to commit a crime. Fuck you NSA.
Not see the mistake you’ve made Hemlockfen? Yes, it’s for you Wayne, George, Tony? What was this article about again? lol.
Their mistake. As I wrote this, I noticed I was not logged in and it was using my old data. I edited and deleted the original post. Off Guardian’s web hosting technology affirmed it was deleted. Then I logged in and posted again. Their technology and tech people are weak. What I can I say? They should have noticed the double post and deleted it. Maybe they will now. Weaklings! Just joking……..
2000 Mules!!!!! Fucking Democrats. Lie, Cheat, Steal and Murder. The ends justify the means………… Deranged whacko extremists that think the world is ending in 12 years because we use gasoline in our cars. The world is 4 billion years old and will still be here in 4 billion years. During that time the glaciers will grow and melt, grow and melt, grow and melt. Again and again and again……… The continents will keep on drifting while the oceans get higher and lower. There is nothing we can do change it. Nothing. (It makes feel good to say this to leftists every once in a while.) And I do not mean to suggest you are one.
Of course the planet will go on long after nobody is around any longer to call it Earth. But, until it’s destroyed completely, it may evolve to become more gaseous – as Venus did.
When we stop thinking of this planet as “ours,” then maybe we will start to take it seriously as an entity completely separate from its human inhabitants. The planet may not care what form it takes. It’s job is not to channel humanity’s biases.
Kumbaya. We cannot control the earth’s natural cyclic events. Anyone who thinks so and attempts to do so is a fool. Nothing wrong with being smarter with how we handle our waste and our natural resources but climate change nonsense is not the answer. Flat out lying to gain control. Period. Just like Covid. Pure lies. Through and through. I have been an environmentalist for most of my life. Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance. Environmental not-for-profits embarrass me. Number one on that list is Greenpeace. Peta is number two. Just because you can does not mean you should.
I take your word for it, Wayne. I’m proud to be labelled a leftie, that being a socialist. Though I find myself seduced by pure anarchism in late. I don’t believe in the exploitation of others. Not only is it damaging to all around but to the self.
For instance Clif High would have you believe that you should dismiss me off hand because I’m a fucking idiot and haven’t got a clue what I’m talking about, well he could be right. Though his analysis of systems within systems (committees and decision making) and things (washing machines, cars, televisions) was clearly backwards. It needed to be crowbarred out of shape to fit his own belief that socialism is flawed and capitalism is the natural system. Big raspberry to that one. A bit like claiming theft, rape and murder happen so therefore the natural order, and we are not!
Maybe Americans should look into their own history regarding the political left as in the Wobblies. Lord knows neo liberal capitalism is turning out to be the disaster to was always forecast to be. Or is it communism we’re experiencing in the present. QED.
That doesn’t mean I agree with Antifa, BLM, artificial insemination, IVF, growing or cutting off cocks or tits, which I think is your interpretation of being a leftie. Or Al Gore’s grifting for the climate catastrophe, utterly false and completely wrong, certainly now with hindsight; Greta Thunberg (poor exploited girl) spreading her own version of hemlock or someone else’s poison; but 300 years of industrial poisoning isn’t good or healthy.
In fact, single issue politics does not make an ideology. Just exposes people’s selfishness. I’m a classic conservative (the adjective with a small c) but my politics is about shared responsibility if it’s a cohesive, collective, settled and peaceful society that we want. Which is ultimately the foundation of socialism. Ah, and that is not Pete’s own interpretation before anyone has a go!
I’ve gone off on one because some of the shit that gets posted here irritates the fuck out of me. As you had posted the same info under two different profiles an alarm went off as there are some successful shills with their fancy words spreading their own poison here and herding some of us into an ill-informed blind alley.
Just watch the movie. It speaks for itself. The double post was a technical glitch. Not intentional. I am a lumper and a simplifier. I am fed up with lies generated by fear and for creating fear driven by hidden agendas that are now out in the open. You and I both know that socialism will never work at any level. We need to stay in the middle and think things through while fending off emotional extremists that tend veer off course. Pull everyone back to the middle and learn to play nice in the sandbox and tell the oligarchs to go pound sand while we make decisions without their help. Start with Gates, Schwab and Soros. Then Bezos and Zuckerberg. Keep a close eye on Musk. Big Pharma………….. Where do you stop?
If you’re still shouting at democrats you haven’t figured the game out yet.
“The Science” is like a totalitarian system – only with the novelty of being ever changing and it even has the audacity to admit this as one of its “selling points”.
Try Again?

Best meme EVER! Thank you for it.
Glad you enjoyed it.
First, let me explain what Mind War means. I don’t like the name because it’s too easily misunderstood, but I kept coming back to it because it accurately describes the situation. Superficially it seems to be about fighting the system but Mind War is really about how the system works against you.
As we saw last time, you’re living in a culture that’s shaped by myths that distort your understanding of reality. But it also actively works to prevent you from seeing through those myths to discover the truth. This isn’t paranoid – it’s simply a fact. So Mind War is about how to maintain your sanity and integrity in a situation designed to undermine both.
Mind War is the name of the problem, not the solution. And the solution is NOT about going to war against anything or anyone. That doesn’t work. Opposing something reactively only makes it stronger. This practice is about how you respond positively to the Mind War that you’re subjected to as a member of society.
It’s also not about conspiracy theories or looking for simplistic answers that claim to explain everything. Nor about getting caught in the trap of endlessly analysing and criticising the system. These responses are distractions from what you need to be doing which is turning inward to free yourself from the lies the system has conditioned into you.
Mystic Warrior Practice – Mind War16/12/2019 Jessica Davidson
Agreed. Been saying all along that our enemy is not of flesh and blood; it’s the system of economic relations that is running on its own inertia. The rich as people of flesh and blood are not the enemy, but the power they incarnate. Indeed if things get messy (I mean really messy) they couldn’t save themselves either despite what some say.
I do believe that we should make efforts to understand/analyse this system to free ourselves from it, and turning inward could just be those efforts provided we come out of it to the real world and feel the need to unite. I’m not sure I like the picture of a solitary yogi in a lotus posture, trying to get the ultimate understanding, at least that is not enough to effect change IMO. But who knows really? One thing might well lead to the other … Who can tell?
it’s not just the system.
idk if jd is actually saying that. i’s about our own sub/consciousness, and that of the collective. the sub part being very important why i often link/quote liz greenes lectures on it, found as ” the outer planets and their cycles.
jd has an essay on that too.
Saturn Pluto and the End of the World as we know it08/07/2019 Jessica Davidson
. else we’re just running in circles/butting our head.
2 videos by lori ladd
Jan 2, 2022
Jan 15, 2021
explain this well .
idk how to do links on here.
lorie ladd on youtube
Yes. Can’t remember who said it but all that is good, generous, kind is held up in our collective subconscious, just waiting to express itself.
Thanks for the references. I’ll look them up.
More cutting edge analysis from The Folk You Can Trust:
“The Silver Exodus”! Over 50s are leaving work! And astonishingly they are not the most well off ones either! It’s “mainly a middle to lower-middle income phenomenon”. So fuck knows how these absconding absentees are going to actually cope from day to day. Unless … (forbidden thought) … this is all a heap of bullshit? But surely not! Consider the little plea at the bottom of the page:
“Before you go …
Misinformation and outlandish claims are reaching a wider audience now more than ever. The Conversation publishes research-informed journalism by academics to help you understand what’s really happening. Our only aim is to make sure people hear from experts. Help us keep going.
Donate now”
Oh where’s that bank card!
The entire article assumes that they have resigned? They could likely be redundant and then unemployed and somewhat unemployable.
‘What jobs are older workers leaving, and why?’ shouts the heading – they are not leaving anything – they are booted out.
Typical no grasp of reality academic rubbish.
I believe that your closing sentence is “The Conversation”‘s mission statement. 😉
they aren’t ‘resigning’….as one would understand it in the ‘classical’ sense… it would be more appropriate (once you have stripped away the ‘spin’)..
to view it as walking the plank…
whole swathes of what was once known as the ‘middle class’ are on their way to penury and UBi at the point of a cutlass ..thanks to klaus and the Davos boys.. including large swathes of the ahem.. professional ‘class’..
the schadenfreude of it all (going both ways)…. still… they get to keep their faceborg accounts…
and front row seats n the collapse of the West..
Plus they’re far more likely to accept having the home ownership rug pulled out from under them – thus allowing the Davosites to avoid the most difficult phase of their “Own Nothing” agenda.
Revelation of the method is on its foundations psychological warfare, obfuscation, division intimidation, and demoralisation of the enemy. It speaks mainly to those whose minds are still sovereign and could therefore form some sort of resistance.
This satanic NHS vaccine propaganda is a good example of that.
But revelation of the method can also allow the conditioners to mould and channel people´s anger towards the right objective(s).
They could f.e. very easily have every newspaper print tomorrow on its first page “vaccines kill, the most gruesome crime in history!”. All the anger would be directed to anyone but to the real culprits, a new order would be offered, the overlords would profit from the chaos, all sorts of insidious “solutions” would be offered.
Would anyone be surprised if the consequences of that “revelation of the method” are a “new political system”? people taking the new pharma “antidote” for blood clotting, cancer and heart disease, produced by the same gangsters, perhaps with a different name? New governments signing new international health regulations and treaties to prevent this from happening ever again?
I think it is part of what we are seeing now with the Pfizer dumps and Bill Gates speaking about “a flu wit low mortality rate”.
indeed, a recent post on coronacircus introduced me to the concept:
personally i am finding interaction with the jabbed quite difficult, their insistence and misplaced confidence in “the science” is at near fever pitch, a prelude to really huge crash.
Slowly snippets that weaken the narrative are being released from source. The jabbed are being poked and prodded, who in all honesty wishes to feel they have been duped?
Meanwhile middle eastern conflict hidden by the fake smoke of ukr/ru is rising, weapons have been removed from the greek islands (to further the stand up comedian) and damascus is once again the target.
Lavrov Vs israyhell recently has been illuiminating.
Critcal mass approaches? Just how many little dutch boys can they procure when the dam starts leaking from every crack?
Peak oil 2.0 seems one they have only more risky tools to fend off, the pathetic bleatings of kill bill re pandemic 2.0 are the whimperings of a spoilt brat from whom the spotlight has moved.
When playing bluff with ardent psycopaths there will be no winners. That includes their liutenants, captains and chiefs
We have today, tommorow we will be present and the cycle continues
Why this revelation of the method?
Mockery? Demoralisation? In magic, a magician who can show the audience his method and still then pull off his trick is higher up the magician ladder – so perhaps it’s all just a power trip?
The usual answer is alt circles is that the elite have a belief in karma. If they tell us what they’re doing and we don’t object then we’ve consented to it and they’re off the karmic hook because we’ve submitted out of free will. This idea seems to originate with a CIA whistleblower (can’t remember his name) who worked with Ole Dammegard.
On the one hand: 1) alleged CIA whistleblowers are extremely dubious 2) Dammegard has some questionable things about him e.g. close collaboration with ex-military Jim Fetzer 3) it seems weird that anyone could believe in karma and yet also believe it could be deceived by such obvious trickery 4) a belief in karma makes the elite slightly more sympathetic.
On the other hand: 1) some of the elite do seem genuinely fascinated by Eastern systems of thought and belief 2) major parts of the control grid do indeed seem to work by free will e.g. nobody’s forced to buy a TV 3) there is the weird parallel with vampire lore and that a vampire must be invited into the home. Curiously, this was the main plotline of ‘Let the Right On In’, a film they liked so much they made it twice 4) they did back off compulsion during convid and where things were mandated it may have been overenthusiastic minions rather than the central controllers who drove it. .
Speaking of “the method” it’s good to see someone calling out that faker Patrick Lancaster at last
He didn’t convince me Lancaster was a faker.
Why are you convinced?
i’ll sit on that, you might be right. we’ll see.
heard GP beside him in actively shelled trench the other day, PL is like flubbering idiot, you’d have thought he’d have got used to it 8 years later?? sensationalist pish.
i still watch his odd vid
This is the full Patrick Lancaster video that Graham Phillips showed an excerpt from, and which I think puts the excerpt into context:
So, Patrick Lancaster solicits contributions; he’s an independent journalist; how is he supposed to finance himself? Graham Philips is crowdfunded; what’s the difference?
If Patrick Lancaster just wanted to make money, I’m sure there are many safer ways of doing it. A lot of Youtubers apparently make a lot of money just by sitting on their fat asses; at least Patrick Lancaster is risking his ass.
Frankly, I think this is just a bit of stupid rivalry between two competitors, which we can do without. Yes, the reporting is great, but cut out the bitching.
So, I’m still not convinced he’s a faker, and you’ve till not told me why you are convinced. You can downvote me all you want – I don’t care; it’s meaningless – but a bit of actual explanation might be useful.
FWIW, I don’t particularly like Lancaster’s style – all that shouting and running around. But it doesn’t make him a fake; Phillips does a bit of that as well.
I now know a little more about the person who was calling Patrick Lancaster out, namely Graham Phillips. Seems like he has a dubious past.
This is from way back, 2015:
Google “Graham Phillips sex tourist” and see what you shall find.
“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” ― Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays.
I mentioned this before on OffG but it’s starting to look more and more suspicious. I have an old school friend who went into the oil industry. He travels the world and moves in high circles. (He was once in the same room as George Bush senior.)
We were in email contact almost every day for about six years. He had a peculiar ability to track down anything on the net – mutual acquaintances etc. – and I always joked he had access to CIA channels. Once he sent me a photo of two bikini clad gals who looked pretty young and asked me to guess who they were. When I said I had no idea, he suddenly went all coy and said I’d only be disappointed if he told me. So we just moved on.
And then abruptly in September 2019 he broke off all contact and that was the end of that.
So here’s my theory:
He does indeed move in high circles with all the perks and privileges that involves – such as access to specialised software. The bikini babes were “special treats” laid on by the management which he photo’d and mailed to me when he was smashed out of his face. Then when he sobered up he regretted it and backtracked.
Sept 2019 was a month before Event 201. He would have been told about that in advance and ordered to break off all “unnecessary” communication. Hence the ensuing silence.
Cf. Philip K Dick’s suggestion that a paranoiac is someone who has only just figured out what’s really going on!
Woah, what a bombshell ! Good of you to share that, not many would.
That’s the thing, we don’t know who these controllers are, well, some do, but as should be obvious by now, it’s not the ones you see on tv/msm, even alt media.
Here is a fun thread from the completely reliable (not), ‘above top secret’ site, on revelation of the method…
Hope you have a few days spare…!
Interesting link. Once I would have laughed. Now I don’t.
I have no idea who “dustin broadbery” is supposed to be, but I’m fairly certain that he’s not what he seems.
Our “political betters”? Really?
The freemasons do not conceal the esoteric mysteries of the universe from us “lower orders” – because they can not. At most they can temporarily distract us.
I’m just so sick these so-called alternative commentators talking about the “masses”, the “sheeple”.
If you think that they’re so clever and that we’re so dumb and that it’s all hopeless, dustin, why bother writing anything at all?
Not impressed.
41 years ago: What was it that President Reagan asked Director Casey to be given the comment recorded ? And did Reagan ask Casey for the meaning of “disinformation” ?
It wasnt a word in general usage. In fact it probably only got a mention in the mass media at all in connection with reports of the latest CIA report on “What We Think Is Really Going On In The USSR.”
The US intelligence agencies were confused about events occurring in the USSR, namely Perestroika, and Glasnost. They believed the factual data being published was all fake, was meant to mislead & confuse, that the USSR was up to something.
What was occurring in the USSR at the time was the chief pre-occupation of the US establishment… Any “disinformation” campaign being carried out against Americans would have been to get them to doubt everything coming out of the USSR about what was actually taking place…
Let’s M.C.G.A > Let’s Make Context Great Again !
Context is everything…
The imperialists are groping because of a sense of superiority and poor basic education concerning the rest of the world. Novichok is an example: USSR or Russia put out a tale on it through a person it suspected to be a double agent, to trace the leak.
Sorry to say, but defeatist shit like this article must be rejected just like the phenomena the article portrays.
While droves of conformist cretins might be lost, a lot of people have been grinding their teeth for years seeing how the world is sinking in deeper and deeper shit (I’ve just read a story that kids in Florida are “transitioned” in schools to a different sex – how much more fucked up can things get?) and, after the initial shock of the overt covidian attack, more and more of them are now actively opposing what is being foisted on humanity.
It was said that people have to wake up to what’s going on, and people are waking up. Many are fully awake.
One way to see the current events is that the dystopian digital-sanitary totalitarianism that is being attempted to be ushered in is the beginning of a new era. The other interpretation, probably much more accurate, is that we’re witnessing the death throes of the old system. A desperate attempt of the motherfuckers who have oppressed people since the beginning of time to preserve their privileged status – monopoly on disseminating information and thus controlling the masses – in light of technological advances that free people much the same way the Gutenberg press liberated people in the past.
Sure, there are dire and numerous threats ahead of us, but the old regime will ultimately fail. For we are many, they are few.
as they say, speak for yourself bud – seems to be a resignation letter from someone who’s given up and is trying to justify his own weakness, a lot of us haven’t, and see reasonably clearly what’s going on and are doing all we can to fight this monstrosity and looking forward with great anticipation to the day when we get to smash them hard in a tender place …
Cool. What is going on and what what are you doing? It would be useful to know-
Seems to be another data-gathering trawl.
Hoffman and Sepehr are both suspicious, for different reasons.
Bit like the recent mini-controversy in the, you know (!), crazy, Tartaria/mud-flood world where the character Ewaranon makes a turnaround..
Makes me think, if they are disclosing this much, what are they hiding ?
Just trying to get crazies like me to spend time on stuff, then demoralize.
“Seems to be another data-gathering trawl” – this is right out of your little 77th Troll Guide isn’t. Sounds like it might mean something, works to raise a sense of concern, but when a person stops and thinks for a second – it’s just meaningless BS.
Nice try. Not the first time I’ve been accused of that here. WRONG. Idiot.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-05-07. Jab only 12% effective for 4 days, 42k of 45k had ARs, 1.2k dead. WHO sovereignty grab May 22, 2022 (blog, gab, tweet).
Do you not realize that by “admitting” the jab is “only 12% effective” and getting people like you to repeat it as if it was a shocking revelation they have effectively got you rewrite history for them and forget the fact you previously were aware of – that the jab is not effective at all , dangerous and TOTALLY UNNECESSARY
I’m disappointed to see Michael Hoffman referenced in this article. While Hoffman may have something of value to say, whatever that may be is overshadowed by his virulent hatred of Jews (and Judaism in general), including his denial of the existence of the Nazi gas chambers, which killed more than just Jews. Surely Mr. Broadbery could have picked someone else to help get across his point. IMO, it reflects badly on the author.
Yes. And why is the critical Chomsky quote not directly attributed to him? No quotation marks. No name. Just a link at the end of the paragraph. Kinda weird–and certainly roundabout.
Which quote is this?
“Which quote is this?” My memory error. But I can’t figure out how to edit or delete.
I am disappointed by this comment.
Anyone who disagrees with the official holocaust story and israel abuse of power and Nazi behavior towards the Palestinians will be consider anti Semitic/hater/ the usual nonsense for daring to even mention/question iseael behavior or the Talmud or Judaism in general.
When it comes to virulent hatred take one look at that states actions.
RE: Holocaust Museum, styled as a “Museum of Tolerance”, focuses not only on anti-Semitism, but on every kind of intolerance known to mankind (except that shown by Jews to non-Jews in Israel and Palestine). Similarly, the Anti-Defamation League is but an organisation for the promotion of universal principles of tolerance and justice, not just for Jews but for everyone.
Hoffman has written books with references and citations.
I am 100% sure you haven’t read any of his books.
You have jumped to some conclusions about me. I am not a supporter of the Zionist state. I recognize that some of the organizations that helped establish the Zionist state, like the Irgun and Hagannah, were terrorist groups. The way Palestinians have been and continue to be treated by Zionists is inexcusable. Perhaps the worst part of all this is how Zionists have weaponized the memory of the Jews who died in the Nazi camps during WWII to further their own ends and label any constructive criticism of the state of Israel as “antisemitic.” I have conversed with many Jewish people, including Orthodox Jews, who hold these same views and do not identify as Zionist.
Many years ago as a student of religion I, along with a few other people, dialogued briefly with Michael Hoffman on a Usenet group. Anyone who lumps all Jews together as evil and who finds it convenient to take Jewish scriptures out of context to put their own spin on it to prove their point I consider to be antisemitic. Mr. Hoffman turned out to be one of those people.
From Michael A. Hoffman’s website :
The ADL’s Defamatory Fantasies about Hoffman
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is not an objective organization. It libels and defames its political rivals for profit
Refuting a scurrilous lie: Independent History and Research is not a “holocaust denial” organization
We affirm that Judaic people suffered severe and unconscionable persecutiobn during World War II, including mass murder at the hand of the Nazis. We deplore thee crimes and the deplorable Nazi ideology which inspired and directed them.
Michael A. Hoffman
Independent History and Research
Dedicated to love for all of humanity
Well, this is interesting. My encounter with Hoffman took place almost 40 years ago. Apparently his thinking and attitude changed. I will take a closer look at his writings. Thanks for the links.
You are welcome Hsuan.
Evidently, your libelous skills are complimented by a lack of manners too. A splendid mix.
I’m something of a fan of Michael A Hoffman. I think he produces excellent, scholarly books.
I could not let your libelous, damaging remarks about him go unchallenged.
Quite why you hold Michael A Hoffman to account for his alleged “denial of the existence of the Nazi gas chambers” is a mystery.
Are the alleged “[homicidal] Nazi gas chambers” something that cannot be questioned then Hsuan?
If so, perhaps you could describe one of them for me. Any will do, from any alleged location. A brief description of how they operated and of course, the sources that underpin your conviction.
Then perhaps you could also explain why you think it is acceptable to denigrate someone’s lifetime’s work because that someone has arrived at a different conclusion about an historical matter than you.
via the Usenet group.
of course it did.
Sounds more like you’re a member of a cult. And I have no interest in joining a cult.
Nevertheless, as I said, I will review his work and draw my conclusions from that.
An article of Carlinesque clarity. Thank you
Our daily life is subject to an overbearing and omnipresent propaganda machine which has a clear objectivity, and manifests it rule through inter alia a lower level of routine and banal everyday existence.
For example every day I walk around the park, do the shopping, and sit at home with the window open. Pretty routine stuff even trivial you might think. However since the beginning of the new order I keep hear Ambulance and/or Police sirens at least 5 or 6 times daily blaring out their sirens just to keep us on our toes. The message is subliminal ”We have not gone away – don’t get too comfortable because a new pandemic is not out of our reach and it will mobilised when the time is right.” Yep, they are still there waiting for us to get too comfortable and when they make their move – bang, the new order is back with a vengeance.
This is all so very evil. Everywhere you look, even if you merely scratch the surface, evil seeps out of the pores of the fabric they’ve thrown over us.
The thing of it is that everyone was duped by these evil forces at one time or another, always trusting, believing in the good of human society, wanting to do your bit…
I recently came across a report about the organ donation racket, and, no, it’s not about China. It’s about our (un)civilised western medical establishment. It appears that ‘brain dead’ is a misnomer, it does not exist. You are either dead or you are alive. The term brain dead was invented by the organ harvesting industry to put a benign veil over the fact that they harvest organs from living human beings.
Watch if you care: CreepyOrganDonationNBrainDeath_480p.mp4
My rule of thumb for most of my 78 years has been: believe the worst about humanity and you can’t go wrong.
Individuals can be wonderful. Groups: never.
I’ve seen through the organ donor ruse for a very long time. They get the organs for free – but have you ever heard of a transplant surgeon offering his services for fee?
+1. People under 50 or so who sign up for organ donation should keep this in mind. A young relative who had an aneurism was supposedly stable after surgery, but became “brain-dead” 2 days later. The parents said no deal to the scam.
very good article, really enjoyed it, but it still misses the mark. Whether one believes they have beneficent leaders who have the power and wisdom to decide for them, or that they are malicious elites weaving their deadly webs of unbreakable lies, it amounts to the same thing. Godlike power, and they have none. They are frightened idiots, no more intelligent or powerful than anyone else, and until we realize that and stop granting them power over us we will always be zealots in their house of worship.
clearly they are more powerful than most of us – when was the last time you flew your private jet to Paris for a nice $1000 lunch? – or bought whoever was necessary to get your kid out of a legal jam?? – and while those of us who somehow escaped being trapped in the matrix may have similar levels of awareness and intelligence, it seems they pretty much are indeed smarter than your average television (or hivephone these days)-bound ‘citizen’ – or they wouldn’t let themselves be so manipulated so easily …
These flights went on throughout the lockdown. Our leaders who hobnobbed with the plutocrats rubbed our noses in their privilege at our expense.
Totally agree. I would add that nobody who has been confronting his fears would miss the fact that the need of and obsession with control has its roots in fear. It is this fear that makes them hide and cowards. I do not think these people are really clever; they are good at what they do, as a con artist is good at lying, tricking and manipulating people. They are criminals in the full sense of the word. Their game is domination and when they make you believe they are superior, they have won.