The Function of the Fake Binary
Catte Black

Emotional disorder and human emotion or mood problem as a tree shaped as two human faces with one half empty branches and the opposite side full of leaves as a medical metaphor for psychological with 3D elements.
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In his 1998 book The Common Good, Noam Chomsky describes the key role that managed disagreements play in modern politics…
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate…”
This remains true despite the increasingly obvious fact that Chomsky himself is part of that function.
What he’s describing is the “fake binary”. The imposition of the idea that Viewpoint A is the official approved narrative and that Viewpoint B is therefore its antithesis.
Points C through Z can therefore be ignored.
The fact hidden in plain sight being that both Viewpoint A and Viewpoint B actually reinforce the overarching narrative being sold and both lead to the same place.
It’s an incredibly effective management tool.
A fake binary allows you to not just manipulate the conformist Normies who automatically obey, but also those who consider themselves to be ‘anti-establishment’, contrarians or ‘rebels’.
How are fake binaries created? They are often initially introduced by the following methods…
💢Using the legacy media to promote Viewpoint A as the “truth” but also widely publicize Viewpoint B while appearing to deny, refute or ridicule it.
💢 “Leaking” allegedly confidential documents that “expose” Viewpoint B as the “hidden truth”. This is usually done through the legacy media, though it’s more effective if you can seed it through the indy media sector.
💢 Creating entities that are tagged as “anti-establishment” but given a mass following, and feeding them Viewpoint B material.
Once Viewpoint B becomes a dominant “anti-establishment” view you can afford to sit back and allow the oppositional instinct in human nature to do your work for you, and reinforce the fake binary you created without the slightest awareness this is what is happening.
It becomes widely understood that the only solution to the obvious and real evils of Viewpoint A is Viewpoint B.
The fact Viewpoint B actually concedes all the same falsehoods contained in Viewpoint A remains unnoticed and anyone pointing this out tends to be attacked by both sides.
Fake binaries are a godsend to the opinion-managers.
We’ll be talking more about this in the near future…
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You can practically CUT the IRONY
with a KNIFE, when THEY, right in
and HOW
they’re DOING it. 😐
Another key element of the fake binary technique is that both Virewpoint A and B are simplistic narratives and therefore easy to sell to the masses. They are largely made of bombastic claims (the lab leak vs the bat) devoid of details, context and nuances.
Both viewpoints are packaged that way with the sole purpose of inciting people to regurgitate them as much as they can, while hiding from the discourse all potential internal contradictions. They are basically stories for the hearts and not for the minds.
5 star.
Tried to think of some other examples.
The moon landings for example. A would be the believers who don’t question the narrative, B those who think the whole thing was staged, pointing to a long list of discrepancies. While C is a position largely ignored by both A and B, that the landings did take place, but the footage was fake for reasons of national security or whatever.
Another example would be Crop Circles whereby deliberate efforts have been made to conceal the truth. A Those who believe they are all fake, B those who believe they are made by aliens. The media loves to push both these extremes, and points C to Z are barely considered. Just ask a random passer by and you will get either A or B. Points C to Z include mating hedgehogs, natural phenomena, ley lines, witchcraft to name but a few. A more wary researcher would accept that there are many fakes, but some were genuine.
I’d be Option A except that while I believe the moon landings I certainly questioned them as I know so many other events are staged but, as far as I can tell, there isn’t footage proven to be faked. If you have any please let me know what it is. If you’ve got some then I move to Option C.
I know the first person to say we didn’t land on the moon, Bill Kaysing, was an agent whose purpose was to encourage those who disbelieve the authorities by default to disbelieve the moon landings in order to undermine them when they called out the many other lies but I’m not aware of any imagery that is proven fake, only people saying it is without a convincing case.
Bart Sibrel wrote the book “Moon Man” on this, with some video links at:
Name one thing Bart Sibrel says that convincingly contradicts the reality of the moon landings.
I think mating hedgehogs are responsible for most psyops and false flags in fairness.
5 star.
Catt has nailed it.How do we see more of her work besides her articles on here..?
I can’t believe it didn’t hit me at the time I read the article.
The biggest and best fake binary of the last century: 9/11! Hands down the best fake binary.
Option A: 19 terrorists armed with boxcutters, etc
Option B: The evil Bush Administration murdered those poor innocent people in the buildings.
Now I KNOW they’re killing and maiming people now in unconscionable numbers (far, far, far greater than allegedly died on 9/11) and in an unconscionable fashion. I have to say I only believe it because the evidence tells me, I wouldn’t have actually thought it possible – then again we know now the terrible drugs they pushed unnecessarily (and are still pushing!) on alleged HIV+ people and other shocking things with regard to alleged illnesses – truly defies belief. But killing those 3,000 in the buildings … that’s a different thing altogether, it’s just not the same situation at all.
There are so many different angles to choose from to show that both Option A and Option B are equally impossible for different reasons and there must be an Option C but for the moment I’ll just put this one forward:
The journalists alluding to controlled demolition after WTC-7’s collapse
Hours after the twin towers came down, WTC-7 was demolished after which journalists said what is reported below – see the wonderfully in-your-face Free Fallin’ made by hmmm I wonder. Yes, it was A&E but WHO exactly made this extraordinary video? Who were the musicians, who wrote it, where did all the footage come from?
By the afternoon especially T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S had been mentioned so wouldn’t it be rather strange for journalists to be alluding to controlled demolition? They know what side their bread is buttered on and power has this amazing taboo effect on people. They would know not to mention anything anywhere in the realm of controlled demolition. After all, as Graeme MacQueen said, “There is no room in the official story for controlled demolition.”
But they do loud and clear. What the disbelievers of the 9/11 story don’t factor into their analysis is the massively elastic Emperor’s New Clothes effect. We see it now with monkeypox right after covid for 2 years – really? It just beggars belief. The perps knew that they could script the reporters to parade in front of us their CD allusions and get away with it! and then when people afterwards questioned them about referring to CD they just waved them away.
The thing is the perps couldn’t have just left the journalists to say whatever or script them to say it was fire. If they said fire then the disbelievers would know they were in on it and that would be problematic. All the journalists in on the cold, callous murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens? Nope, they couldn’t have that. The important thing is control of the narrative and sometimes control of the narrative means pushing out the truth loud and clear … only to pull it back instantly afterwards.
There is no way on earth those reporters weren’t scripted to say CD and there is no way on earth the perps would have asked those journalists to go along with the callous murder of 3,000 of their fellow citizens. As I say they’re killing people in far, far greater numbers now and they’re getting health professionals to do it … but they’ve propagandised them and their propaganda rests on decades of scientific fraudulence. They’re two very different situations. What propaganda are you going to feed journalists to go along with 3,000 people killed in the buildings when all they had to do was evacuate them! So simple, evacuate the buildings and make up all the death stuff. Piece of cake. They do it all the time.
Vince DeMentri, WCBS reporter
“It was almost as if it were a planned implosion. It just pancaked.”
Note his smile as he says the word “pancaked”.
Al Jones, 1010 WINS reporter
“And I turned in time to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion. It looked like it had been done by a demolition crew, the whole thing just collapsing down on itself.”
Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor
“Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third time today, it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.”
Brian Williams and David Restuccio
Exchange between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
The evidence is incontrovertible that Brian Williams and David Restuccio are scripted from their extremely specific words.
Jet fuel vs thermite… Nobody mention Dr Judy Wood!
Totally on Point, a pithy argument small and beautifully formed.
Now for the Unfolding.
Get Off Line, Get In on the Act, Share a Hug not a Link. Escape the digital gulag. Ditch Big Tech now!
‘There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianisms should resemble the old. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministeries of propaganda, newspaper editors and school-teachers. But their methods are still crude and unscientific. The love of servitude cannot be established except as the result of a deep, personal revolution in human minds and bodies.’
— Aldous Huxley, Foreword to Brave New World, 1946
“woke, with its cult of youth, its saccharine sentimentality, its suppression of memory, its embrace of mob rule, its kitsch aesthetics, its regression to cultural conservatism, its adherence to identity politics, its hatred of the working class, its allegiance to the market as the only framework for change, its addiction to surveillance technology, its extolling of reform over revolution, its suppression of intellectual, cultural and political debate, its normalisation of censorship as the default response to disagreement, its culture of no-platforming those who do not share its principles, its ban on books and authors that do not adhere to its ideology, its organised campaigns to socially ostracise and professionally ruin the uncompliant, the violence with which it demands allegiance to its orthodoxies, the adolescent puritanism of its sexual politics, its creation of ideological hegemony through indoctrination programmes such as ‘diversity training’, its hierarchy of obedience established by public demonstrations of virtue, its almost universal adoption by our media, police forces, education and cultural institutions, its enforcement by repressive legislation removing our rights and freedoms on the justification of protecting us from the heterogeneous elements of society, and above all the ease with which it has been employed by national governments, international corporations and the global technocracy they form to increase and expand their political, economic and cultural power — in short, by its facilitation of capitalism’s construction of the totalitarianism of the global biosecurity state — woke is not liberal, and it certainly isn’t socialist: woke is fascist.”
The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State (6. From Kitsch to Woke: The Aesthetics of Totalitarianism)
Here’s another fake binary, Novavax.
Apparently this is promoted in the EU?
It’s geared towards the “vaccine-hesitatant”, and thus is not aggressively promoted (since that alone will raise suspicion).
It’s not mrna but uses “recombinant dna” which is also relatively new, though not completely experimental.
The measurable benefit is around 1% (sound familiar?).
The risks reportedly lower than the mrna alternatives though.
Apparently one of its ingredients is a known carcinogen, and the company declined to do studies in this direction.
The company that makes it is a “dark horse” like Moderna, that is, it’s been around for years despite not producing anything till now.
One of the sponsors is Bill Gates, which should just about say it all.
Harry Vox’s Buffalo Shooter Rant
It has all the hallmarks of a crackhead saying whatever he needs to say in order to get his next fix.
(the above will probably get blocked soon)
His big argument is the “faceplant” of the first woman; so I’ll give my observations.
a) The fall looks unnatural. The right foot is planted to the ground with the leg locked rigid. Typically, you faceplant when moving forward at speed. But here the forward motion is created by the rigid leg and after initiation of the fall.
b) There’s a big black blob (half head size) which appears between her head and the ground; and it’s clearly visible when she’s inclined at about 45 degs. My speculation is that this is an airbag. She lands such that the airbag is between her forehead and the ground; and then slides forward about a foot on the airbag. The blob is still visible after she comes to rest.
This is just the “shooting” section; and the black blob can be seen at 5 secs.
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Reminds me of The Duran on Ukraine: Mercouris, Christoforou, Lira, Ritter, etc. – brilliantly exposing the insanity, lies & self destruction of the West while dancing you backwards into the NWO..
Add Revolver to the list of controlled opposition, big-government demanding, race-baiters.
And in conclusion:
A fourth possibility, of course, is that the whole thing was a staged theatrical event; and nobody got shot.
Fourth possibility is more likely. Since I can’t find an instance of any of the mass shootings or terrorism incidents being anything other than government psyops, or even the alleged BLM deaths being real. Staged events.
They’ve been building an illusion for the general public that anyone armed is potentially dangerous, and those against government policies or not injected is a possible domestic terrorist.
Just tell us how to stop it.
Yes, it is the Convervative Party against the Labour Party, the workers against the Union Bosses – party A against party B. But even now that has collapsed into a one party BA. I think I learnt that a long time ago! The blob against the masses and no intermediate layers.
One of the Binary tricks: Should CO, AZ or CA get most of the water? Priority to residential or farming? Escape from the assumption of scarce water: Primary Water
I’ve written before about this water formed below the earth’s crust. Ellen Brown of the Public Banking Institute writes about it. Here’s a snippet:
According to Mark Burr, CEO of Primary Water Technologies, these innovations include mapping techniques using GIS layering and 3-D modeling, satellite imagery and other sophisticated geophysical data collection; radiometrics, passive seismics, advanced resistivity and even quantum physics. A video capturing one of his successful drills at Chekshani Cliffs, Utah, and the innovative techniques used to pinpoint where to drill, can be seen here.
The Matrix; when offered the red pill or the blue pill; no pill, thanks.
It helps to have a good example to visualize the concept. I didn’t see this one mentioned yet;
SARS-cov-2 (exists and) was spread by bats and/or pangolins via a wet market in China
SARS-cov-2 (exists and) was (accidentally or intentionally) released from a level 4 biosecurity lab in China.
This particular fake binary (or artifical dichotomy?) eliminates the idea that the damned virus doesn’t exist by misdirecting our attention to unlikely and/or unimportant possible sources of it.
More seriously, this artificial dichotomy also eliminates the idea that the damned virus was accidentally released from a notoriously careless U$ Bio-Warfare Lab at Fort Detrick, MaryLand U$A.
After Sky News advised us not to fall for the “conspiracy theory” that there is life on Mars, the BBC tells us there may be life on Mars. And we are reassured that this will change the history books no matter what we find. Nah I couldn’t make sense of that either.
My daughter, an aspiring mathematician, has sent me this:
. The infantile me took about five minutes to solve it, but the point is something else. Our thinking is fucked up. Most of us are automatons accustomed to think along familiar lines. We rarely get to the bottom of things.
Fake binaries are a case in point. They do matter, but only at a level that’s many levels above the fundamental underlying issue.
At the very bottom is physics, chemistry, and biology. Energy. Some levels higher, there are humans. Then the various ways in which we have learned to fuck with energy and materials. Then there are societal and financial issues, which are essentially the expression of ways in which humans have learned to fuck with energy and materials, to shift them around, in time, etc. A part of that might be the fake binaries, one way of pulling wool over people’s eyes so that they’d fall for one stratagem or another intended to rob them of their share of energy and materials. So on, so forth.
It’s more and more obvious that the predicament we’re facing has to do with the very fundamental level of existence – energy and resources. The physical stuff. No amount of fucking with money or societal issue will resolve anything because you can’t create something from nothing. If there’s no more juice, no amount of fucking with money, debts, derivatives, shit like that will solve anything. Neither will fake binaries or real binaries.
Humankind has embarked on a trajectory of mad expansion, fueled by energy accumulated over millennia (oil/gas), oblivious to the finite nature of this resource. As energy return on energy invested shrinks, we’re running into unsolvable problems. Well, problems unsolvable by the abovementioned means, such as shifting money around, debt, subsidies, all this shit.
Let me play the devil’s advocate and ask a blasphemous question. Suppose that Schwab, Gates, Turd, Jabcinda, and all them other motherfuckers are basically aware of this and resolved to do something about it, perhaps even in good faith to some extent. They’d probably be faced with two choices – present the issue to the global populace and ask everybody to take a step back, slow down, and work on a solution, which would inevitably involve much lower a standard of living on everybody’s part. The other option would be fabricating some fake something, such as a fake pandemic or war, and forcing people to behave the desired way. Namely, reducing consumption, stopping moving around like nuts, maybe killing off some of them. Given the gargantuan and very uncertain task of convincing people of something they don’t wanna hear and are probably incapable of understanding, one could safely assume that they’d go for the latter option.
Is that essentially what we’re witnessing?
You are making the “elite” gangster argument for them. Human beings are creative and we have several CENTURIES before there’s any possibility of hydrocarbon scarcity.
And in all likelihood we already have alternatives which are being blocked by the gangsters.
No, I’m not. I simply don’t have my head stuck in the sand and consider all options, all possibilities.
The fact that the “elite” gangsters are a bunch of no good motherfuckers bent on exploiting the rest doesn’t mean that they can’t have a point in this or that regard.
Plus, the fact that them gangsters are trying the fuck over the rest doesn’t mean that humanity is not on a collision course.
Perhaps we do have several centuries of cheap fuel rich in energy (oil/gas) left, but the fact that it will run out is pretty much certain, and data show that the EROEI is getting smaller and smaller.
What alternatives are the gangsters blocking?
Data from where? Issued by whom? Under the direction of what? With the intention of promoting whose agenda?
The data that are generally available. Are they skewed? Probably. At least to an extent.
However, the likelihood that deposits of oil/gas are finite is much higher than the likelihood or extent to which data are misrepresented. You’re engaging precisely in what I was alluding to above. You’re shifting the problem, which is of physical/biological nature, to the societal realm.
You’re implicitly supposing that there exists some mechanism within the Earth that generates energy, which in turn turns shit into oil/gas and provides humans with an endless supply of juice. That’s much more of an unsubstantiated supposition than the conclusion that the reserves of the said juice are dwindling or, if such a mechanism does exist, are being depleted faster than they can replenish.
Are there all sorts of shady manipulations, trickery, lies, deceit, you name it? You bet. Does it negate the underlying physical phenomena? No.
Because there is no confirmed knowledge of a source of infinite energy existing within the Earth. In fact, if such a source of energy existed and was not exploited, the energy would have to be released in some way. That’s not the case. There is no surplus energy emanating from the Earth other than whatever there is under normal circumstances. And even if oil/gas is the product of energy generated within the Earth, the process is very slow – the juice is simply not replenished in real time.
You don’t really need data to make these observations.
I’m afraid that reducing the energy problem to machinations with data on the size of available deposits, fucking with the prices, and so on, which does happen, is a case of severe tunnel vision. It’s focusing on a small part of the problem as opposed to considering it in a broad context.
So many assumptions though. Have you forgotten the name of the article? Where has this binary been generated? Is it a fake binary?
The binary seems to be, “we should burn oil/gas/coal and not worry so much, it’ll be fine” versus “the oil is finite and almost run out and you are mad for ignoring this”.
The oceans are most certainly finite. Have we been constantly on the verge of running out of water, for the last 40 years?
It is said that African diamond mines produce so many diamonds that to keep prices high false scarcity must be implemented. This is one unsubstantiated example I’ve generated, there are many verifiable examples of false scarcity.
Do you see the logical leap here? The ad hoc fallacy that we’re being forced to make with this binary?
Just because something is finite, doesn’t mean it’s scarce. If it’s not that scarce, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use it conservatively either.
Stating “You don’t really need data to make these observations” is essentially meaningless and shows that we’re trapped on one side of the binary or the other.
Do you have your head down an oil well as we speak? Are you that skinny man in the oil tanker in Waterworld? XD
I really doubt it. Actually your impressions have been fed to you. I just think it’s really important that you bear this in mind. A2
Arguing ad hominem against my virtual identity and making such ludicrous fallacies as the false analogy to water in the oceans will solve nothing.
I mean, somebody is burning water? Water is disappearing? No, it keeps circulating within an enclosed system, which is not the case with oil/gas. Oil/gas is burned and that’s it. Does the energy released by the burning circulate and results in the production of more oil/gas? Perhaps to some extent in some very far-fetched way, but certainly not the way water evaporates from water bodies and rains back onto the Earth and runs back into the water bodies. Thanks to energy from the Sun, by the way.
African diamond mines have nothing to do with the energy predicament we’re talking about. Keep your attention focused on the issue.
If you say that you need data for the foregoing observation, you’re implying that the Earth is somehow generating extra energy. Where is the energy? How does it manifest itself? How much of it is there? What is it? It obviously is not producing oil/gas since deposits get depleted. Or it’s producing it at a rather low rate, which takes us back to square one, meaning that our growth is driven by finite resources accumulated over a protracted period.
I’m absolutely not mad about something. I’m simply trying to observe reality as best as I can. BTW, there are dichotomies, both real and false. You’re trying to graft a fake binary on what I’m saying to discount it.
Even if the EROEI weren’t declining or not declining dramatically at the moment, the fact remains that the value attributed by the financial system, which is the basis for societal functioning, does not correspond to the actual value. Debt – that is future production generated by future energy and labor – is too fucking high. People have invented a system (financial system) that has allowed them to draw value from thin air on the assumption that the value will be supplied in the future. Big shit. The laws of physics still apply.
No matter how you slice it, you can’t escape any of the foregoing.
Do the pricks use fake binaries, all sorts of stratagems to confuse people? Definitely. Should they be addressed? Certainly. Is that what really matters? No. It matters only insofar as it obscures people’s reasoning. But putting too much emphasis on fake binaries and stuff like that is as much of a diversion as fake binaries themselves because it’s a missed opportunity preventing people from addressing issues that really matter.
What is the answer to the puzzle you presented in your comment which claims pre-school children can resolve it faster than adults?
Ask the nearest preschooler …:-D …
Hint 1: Since it claims that preschoolers can do it in five minutes, the answer probably lies in something other than what the tunnel-vision mind of the random adult is mechanically conditioned to assume as per Carlin’s “they need people only smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork”.
Hint 2: If you’re too lazy to resolve this, look below.
The likelihood that deposits of oil/gas are finite is 100% isn’t it ?
Manipulating prices is only possible to a limited degree. Commodity markets can be affected by hidden subsidies or flooded with over extraction / dumping, but those are only a short term effects.
Study the phenomena under discussion here and you will see that there is a well documented set of long term trends in effect: easy to extract hydrocarbons are waning, energy demand in the economy is still rising, a debt mountain has been built in tandem with this declining return on energy investment, green energy is a fraud.
Politicos (across the spectrum) find this subject difficult because it undermines their pet theories.
Recommended reads are Chris Martenson, John Michael Greer, Richard Heinberg, Gail Tverberg.
I re-watched Bill Mollison’s film ‘In Danger of Falling Food’ from 1989 that first woke me up to the energy equations of industrial food production over thirty years ago.
We will likely end up eating the horses now grazing on the pastures of the upper middle class rural escapees.
I agree with Jacques’s comments here. I think that those in the centres of global finance have had the memo : there is no more sustained growth, the ‘capitalist free market economy’ is finished, the debt cannot be serviced, the maths do not add up. The Reset are them pulling the plug on us all (or trying to) and heading to their bunkers.
That’s basically it. It’s not about the financial system per se, as fucked up as it is. It’s about the fact that the development of the underlying real economy is unable to support the extent to which financial value has been attributed to it and fucked with by means of debt and all sorts of other mechanisms, which all basically amount to debt or the assumption that energy will continue being available in the same amount, at the same rate. This is due to the fact that financiers (a) are stupid fucks not aware of the fact that even if they can create money out of thin air, they can’t do that with whatever the money represents, or (b) don’t give a flying fuck, plus (c) … (enter any malevolent crap you might expect from these pricks).
The idea is nicely summed up here:
“The financial economy runs in parallel with the real one. Money has no intrinsic worth, but possesses value only as a claim on the real economy. The financial economy consists of a series of claims on the real economy, claims which include cash, debt and other forms of supposed value. For the most part, the financial economy has been an indispensable tool for the better management of the real one. Markets allow us to price assets, inputs, outputs, risk and return. They also allow us to undertake essential longer-term projects, such as building a power-station, a school, a road or a house.
But the financial economy has an essential anticipatory character. Every time someone lends, borrows, invests or takes out an insurance policy, he or she has to work to some collective expectation for the future. Based on 200 years of experience, our default assumption has been that the future will be much like the recent past – that is, it will be characterised by growth in the real economy. If, for any reason, growth does not pan out as we expect, the assumptions underpinning the financial economy system of claims cease to be valid, and claims may prove impossible to honour.
That’s where we are now. We’re nowhere near “running out” of energy, but what is critical here is the surplus energy equation. This is an equation which compares accessed energy with the energy consumed in the accessing process, and is known as the ‘Energy Return on Energy Invested’, or EROEI. This ratio is now deteriorating rapidly, and has fallen to the point where growth in the real economy has ceased. [It is estimated that the ratio in 2019 was 10:1 and is now unable to sustain our current western economy.]
Unfortunately, the accumulation of financial economy claims has continued regardless, meaning that we are now burdened by excess claims – claims, that is, that an ex-growth economy cannot honour. This is most visible, of course, in the vast amount of debt with which the global economy is burdened.”
As mentioned above, the ocean is finite. There is plenty of that. So that logic doesn’t really hold up.
Another thing the great reset is teaching us are the mad trends and seemingly senile behaviour of whole sectors of society. Ingrained, institutionalised madness built-in from the foundations up.
If some basic tenets of virology can appear to be built upon bungled scientific experiments conducted without control groups, then who is to say that similar madness doesn’t exist in geology?
Look how the medical world has swallowed Covid hook, line and sinker. Perhaps the oil sector sold out to ‘Green Science’ a long time ago, and stopped surveying as widely for new oil/gas, and perhaps started writing wells off as ‘dry’ based on ‘anticipatory indicators’, written by a team of faceless corporate lackeys, not based on any science at all?
I’m just trying to paint a realistic alternative picture.
My point is, just because a whole sector shows a certain “trend“ doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take that with a pinch of salt. At the least, institutionalised humans can be dumb herd animals. At the most, they can be deliberately manipulated.
We should just bear in mind the possibility that we are trapped in a fake binary, and be healthily Skeptical of any information we’re fed. A2
In the past two years, I’ve become extremely skeptical regarding just about any established knowledge and I do acknowledge the possibility that large parts of the knowledge that I, or we, take for granted is manipulated, if not fake. I know people who have gone completely round the bend, at least from the conventional viewpoint, in this regard, who question the very basic tenets of human knowledge.
But isn’t that also intended? Sow the seed of doubt regarding everything, the very foundation of our existence? Making everything relative, uncertain, deprive people of their footing?
Green science has little to do with what I wrote above. Green science is a naive concept that posits that people can replace fossils with green energy and pretty much sustain the same standard of living. That’s complete bullshit, a mad fantasy.
Anyway, at the very least, it’s patently obvious that the financial system has grown too detached from the underlying material values, the can has been kicked too far down the road.
probably aye +2
Have you solved the problem in the picture I posted above?
The reason why I posted it is that most people will approach from the mathematical standpoint while it has to do with something different altogether.
Similarly, people who write articles and comments on these pages are highly knowledgeable in regard to history, politics, philosophy, humanities in general. Not so much in regard to natural sciences, technology. Or economics, finances. Accordingly, stuff is mostly analyzed either in respect of inherent logical flaws in how shit is peddled, as opposed to the actual issues or the underlying causes.
I was looking at it earlier when I was very sleepy lol So I thought I might have dreamt the solution lol. But is it that 0, 6 and 9 are each worth 1 point, and 8 is worth 2, and that’s what the totals are tallying?
You basically got it. It’s the number of circular shapes in the digits.
The clear giveaway is that preschoolers can do it in five minutes. They know jackshit about math, so it must be something else. Like visual.
But you resolved it using a mathematical approach – interesting.
The point I was trying to make is that if you approach a problem using the wrong specialty, you’ll get the wrong result.
Ahh of course! That’s the logic of it. Interesting! A2
this is a good blether, a healthy exchange, nice one.
and, my hillbilly simpleton only sees quads equal zero, but not exclusively, i’m tired and literally have a bit of peat stuck in my eye, that’s my excuse : )
bigmacjaques, your initial post’s last para here: I agree sorta, we, some we, have reached a critical point where our societies have become meaningless, people live empty lives, that is very plain to see in the comsumercorporate west. A mass cull under the guise of “keeping you safe” is surely nicer (?) than war, starvation and mental meltdown in the face of stark real life.
I still hate those fkrs though because they have manipulated so many to this point!
may we endure this mad age.
yes. some of the postings, even from admin are horribly ignorant of ecology, nature and all its alleged truths primary resources – our real environment.. . . and ecological destruction seems okay as long as we deny global warming ! da fuk
fair comment big mac
same-world-thinking-but-anti-same world lol
If the abiotic theory is true then no, the supply of “fossil fuels” is not finite. It is continuously generated inside the earth.
The abiotic theory sounds an awful lot like wishful thinking, something people in denial of reality cling to in hoping that the wild party of the last century or so will never end and will only get wilder and wilder.
Even if the abiotic theory is correct, the supply of fossil fuels evidently does not get replenished as fast as it’s depleted, so, sorry, nice try but no cigar. There still exists a major energy unbalance as per the above and humanity is still on a collision course, as not only the current availability of energy but the future availability thereof have been used – the latter through the immense debt we’ve racked up – for various inane purposes, such as transporting our fat asses uselessly from one place to another and, no less importantly, producing (shit) food that turns out asses into giant repulsive mounds of fat.
Time to wake up, smell the ol’ coffee, and realize that the current lifestyle is not sustainable, even if it means to concur, at least in part, with the deranged woke green shit fuckheads.
I don’t think you have really studied or read the argument you reject. That argument is not about the amount of hydrocarbon reserve yet to be combusted, it is about the fact, the undeniable fact, that all the easy and cheap-to-extract hydrocarbon fuels have been found and exploited, and are gone.
Now, with that in mind, if we go back and plug in the fact that hydrocarbons are necessarily going to become more and more expensive, to a point where they are no longer worth using, where they become an energy sink, then we should consider Jacques’ argument more seriously.
There is no such thing as “humankind” in practice, The trajectory of limitless greed is one created by a certain group and not the “human race” in general.
If the parasites had some kind of positive intention they would not try to hide it and they would focus on de-growth and the removal of the capitalist model. It is them that have to scale down their production of endless shit that nobody really asked for.
Nobody asked Ford to invent the metal box on wheels, and nobody asked for all the “progress” that followed. Nobody asked for mobile phones with spy-grade cameras on both sides, touch screens, ipads or any of that shit. They create the demand for “goods” which then becomes a need.
Even knowing how it works is confusing.
If South Front pushes this self-evident crap, what other crap are they pushing?
Editor’s choice 17.05.2022
Buffalo’s Shooting. Another Manifestation Of Nazism In Action
A mass shooting occurred on 5/14/2022 in Buffalo, NY. Ten people were killed, three were wounded. The shooter was broadcasting an online stream of the mass shooting. The shooter is a self-proclaimed supporter of white supremacy, as stated in his manifesto. He used the Black Sun symbol on the front page. The same symbol is used by the Nazi group Azov in Ukraine. He describes in detail what weapons he used, as well as why he carried out the attack and how he intended to carry it out. Law enforcement is currently investigating the attack as a terrorist act and a hate crime. The shooter is currently in custody.
Note the window farthest away. There are no cracks!
I have seen enough of the video to see it’s a clumsy cgi sim for the most part. What do you mean no cracks though?
I’ve posted these previously (see below) and they’re captioned as being on Monday. They show cracks in the glass running upward to the area of the “Play Online” poster. There’s also a crack running left-up diagonal from bullet hole “A”. However, the reflection in the arrest photo is perfect. It’s possible that the bullet holes (or white smudges) are hidden behind the people, but the cracks would be clearly visible in the photo if they existed.
there are no cracks in the window,
gentle hands of the law
on the killers body.
His face looks
as if he’s answered the real question
Thank you! Exactly. And currently the dominant fake binary is Russia/Ukraine with both roads leading to Agenda 2030 while everyone is too busy cheering the phony wrestling match to notice.
Accepting a premise unwitting by engaging in its terms or framing.
The fake choice is thus a means to pre-empt an unwitting choice.
The urge to react becomes invested identity in outcomes.
Narrative identity is already invested – and so this can be profiled as a means to target a particular or range of profiles for such reaction.
From the perspective of inner peace, loss of peace rises from a sense of lack – so that experiencing a filfilment can trigger a desire to grasp or keep it. Here is the identity in lack reacting to what is here as something that can be lost and losing it by grasping at its form.
We then defend such identity as a sense of self-specialness against threat of change – such as to run as a protected narrative that filters and rules what can then be allowed.
This will automatically frame its thought in false binary – such as to vacillate between expression of a self specialness (anger) or repression of the action-component (depression). But freedom is in whether to choose to persist in self-illusion, or release it for a renewing or our mind. As illusion only ‘works’ to mask reality by remaining unwitting, bringing the choice to awareness makes ‘re-choosing’ the habit an active intent.
The act of persisting in self-illusion by willingness to attack & deny true or living relationships is a definition for sin or living death in hollow parody of life trapped in its own driven image.
The function of illusion is not inherently sinful, but a personal freedom within our inherited creative potential to enhance, augment and contribute to shared frameworks for experience, and exchange. Mistaking what we make for true creation is where image or symbol substitutes for living qualities – that cannot be defined or contained in the realm of image or concept. To the mind focused in object-modelling, meanings may seem to be innate or built-in to the object. Yet they never truly leave the mind that holds them.
True communication is resonance. The interjection of dissonance (self-contradictions), can run as a distortion or blocking filter to a derivative experience that ‘normalises’ as a defended but covert identity set to protect its distancing and masking from exposure that threatens reliving the original ‘Separation trauma’ that its regards itself as a surviving fragment of rather than mask over.
How do you get a masking ID to release its (destructive or blocking) defences?
You cannot.
Communication is a resonance of living qualities freely aligned in.
But what we make in the mask as a means to boost or bolster our own, or break and enforce another, is all framed within the mask of a manipulative mind – no matter how intensely or cunningly mimicking life.
By the word that comes from our own mouth (mind) are we corrupted?
Giving true witness – and indeed true with-ness – must learn to recognise and release the false. Garbage in; garbage out – also applies to our fruits or experience that results from the use to which we put our mind.
Running on habit seems natural or easy as a freedom from responsibility at heart, yet taking on a complex of emotional baggage for issues that may not be ours to take on – excepting they mask for our own denied inner conflicts, that are seeking integration or release from denial – but by distorted or perverted means.
Functional is often used for reductionist thinking, but I have it that our true function is joy.
When we take on or give ourselves other functions, we generate the sacrificial reversal of mind, in which the imaged idol or model demands sacrifice of the living to be sustained against the ‘end of the world’ (in terms of that identity/paradigm).
I see an article in global research by Dr Mercola titled “Did Pfizer Commit Huge Fraud in Its COVID Vaccine Research?”
I won’t link to it; but it’s another clear example of the Fake Binary. Who may or may not have fraudulently brought the “vaccine” to market is not the question.
The real question should be: Was a vaccine ever needed?
Sounds like the same playbook today.
Except that now it’s fighting the Russians to the last Ukrainian (a running joke on Russian media)
I see WW1 and 2 as setting Russia & Germany to mutual self-destruct – that this bankrupted Britain post WW2 served pivot to the West. ‘All wars are bankers wars’. But Bankers are in cartels with multinational corporates.
The Function of the Fake Binary.

They would make great crop circles in unharvested Ukrainian wheat fields.
Somebody here thinks that 32 genders are natural.
Another example of “binary thinking” noticed by me in the Covid19 context is the “Covid19 pandemic exists and its vaccine is good” and “Covid19 pandemic exists and its vaccine is bad” – without even offering the likelihood the Covid19 pandemic may be nonexistent.
What do you believe separates OffG from any other participating media in the fake binary? On the face of it, it’s a reasonably good, albeit small, component of the propaganda playbook 101 is it not? By what measure can you clearly define free opinion and media from the gamut of information spreaders out there?
Good article. Other examples of binary thinking encountered by me: “If you’re against billionaires, you’re a communist” and “If you’re an anti-Zionist, you’re an anti-Semite”.
Trust your gut instinct and always speak your truth.
Azovstal liberated: Nazis defeated in Mariupol twice in 1944 and in 2022.
Finally Azovstal surrenders. Bloodshed ends. This Nazi defeat should be recognized as another unnecessarily bloody step to peace in Ukraine.
Today Zelensky finally rescinded his previous cruel order to fight Russians to death in Azovstal industrial complex equipped with huge nuclear shelter in the city of Mariupol liberated by Donetsk Peoples republic militia and RF armed forces already over a month ago.
As a result of DPR and RF negotiations of Azov surrender the commander of forces ordered to laid down arms and surrendered as they wanted to do so themselves for last 6 weeks but were rebutted by Zelensky who solely for propaganda reasons sacrificed 14,000-16,000 dead of best NATO trained and equipped military forces Ukraine ever had in hopeless and unnecessary fight and by that dramatically betrayed and weaken overall Ukrainian defense capabilities.
Russian allies lost about 1500 dead and about thousand of wounded in almost three months of street fighting for Mariupol.
Defense of Mariupol was complete fiasco from military point of view as Scott Ritter early pointed out as Russia over a month ago opened strategic land bridge to Crimea via liberated in early April city of Volnovakhia and by that Mariupol long ago lost its strategic significance while in the same time Russian allied forces operating in Mariupol were reduced from 40,000 in March to 5,000 today while the rest went for R&R, rearmed and were reassigned.
Now using his usual Orwellian euphemisms and innuendos Zelensky like Hitler hypocritically gave order to his defeated, now non existent Mariupol army of dead and wounded to.. save their lives he himself cowardly sacrificed by his own fatal decisions.
Hauling hundreds of disarmed, cuffed, defeated Nazis to DPR prisons prison hospitals and the rest to POW camps Zelensky euphemistically called “evacuation” hoping that they will be some day released in a swap with just few dozens brutally tortured or dead Russian/LDPR soldiers. Western MSM repeated his lies.
In last few weeks pain, suffering and deaths of Nazi troops as well as many NATO intelligence officers effectively commanding the defense of Mariupol were simply meaningless and are on conscience of NATO and their Kiev puppets.
Numerous unsuccessful attempts by so called heroic Azov leadership to cowardly abandon their wounded brothers in arms and flee back to Kiev to get their victory parade told it all and brutally exposed how pathetic those little Azov Ubermensch really are.
So called “heroes” of Mariupol command group are responsible for this tragic failure as they did nothing regroup to effectively diminish Russian capabilities as was their duty but instead chose to turn Mariupol into a military fortress and cowardly hide behind hostages; ethnic Russian residents of Mariupol they openly despised and set their “defense” tactic aimed solely on maximizing civilians casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure violating Geneva convention and by that showing themselves as war criminals.
What does this defeat mean? It means that Zelensky presidency is likely to be terminated unless his US body guard unit let him flee Ukraine. But the threat is not coming from Russia but from thousands surviving outraged Nazis of Azov Brigade fighters for whom order to surrender symbolic Nazi stronghold in Azovstal amounts to treason and betrayal as they fought hard because they were lied to by Zelensky for many weeks that rescue, a counterattack is coming to liberate them imminently while not even one such attempt was ever made.
The UkrainianNazis are simply a death cult living of myths of heroic battles they won no matter what sacrifice they themselves and others suffer and this utter, senseless easily avoidable defeat in Mariupol destroyed their myth of perceived infallibility and divine blessing among Nazi supporters and spells coming end of Nazi movement in Ukraine as dominant force.
Here here. Well said.
I’m not sure it’s over yet. 9 surrendered, I believe, from Azovstal on Monday morning (a negotiating party), If 250 today (Tuesday), then that would still leave around a 1000 in there(?). Although still a seemingly inevitable outcome
Official figures: 265 surrendered, of whom 51 were wounded
“Nobody surrendered. The remaining fighters, having heroically completed their mission, were evacuated from the plant by pro-Russians…..”
Damn, I can’t keep repeating this crap. Its how its presented in our media, though. Although Mauripol isn’t Stalingrad, its a different time and place and on a much smaller scale, the similarity its being spun in our press to how the good Doktor’s Propaganda Ministry handled it are eerily similar.
It’s hilarious that you post this ridiculous narrative under an article about fake binaries and have no sense of irony.
Azovstal is as real as Osama Bin Laden’s underground cave of evil. It’s as real as those billions of bombed hospitals in Idlib. It’s as real as the incubator babies and the WMDs.
If the US had told the story of Azovstal and claimed ISIS were living in it none of you guys would have bought it for a second. You’d have laughed. Just like I’m laughing. Because it’s fucking hilarious.
But because it’s Russia telling this bullshit not the US, and you think of Russia as the good guys you totally suspend your sense of the ridiculous and just believe as blindly as any flag-waving Dem-supporting libtard or GoP worshipper.
This war is a fake binary in action. Wake up.
Is nothing real to you?
Well you sure as fuck don’t make the grade pal
Is Kalen a bot then you reckon.. no one could surely be so stupid to post that load of cr ap when it did?
After you finish laughing may be you would consider thinking for a change or it would be too hard for ye in your “under influence “ smoky room. To Busy laughing you forgot to provide a shred of argument against my narrative deeply grounded in verifiable by all sides facts. Apparently you prefer Orwellian delusions of endless victories 24/7 in nationalized Ukrainian media regurgitating lies of Kiev regime as expression of democracy and free speech. Keep smoking.
The self proclaimed Ukro Nazis of Azov (check their website) were totally defeated, after running out of food and water, and after repeated failure to break through from DPR encirclement, raised white flag on the commander’s order removed defensive perimeter land mines around Azovstal complex and disarmed themselves, dropped their weapons, even removed personal weapons and then unarmed surrendered to DPR and Russian soldiers to be searched and cuffed and transferred to several locations in LDPR for medical help and interrogations to determine their combat status.
This is not Russian propaganda it is your own western propaganda of Reuters you seem to worship as you deny reality even when the facts are confirmed by Russian DOD as well as by Ukrainian general staff and Pentagon.
The Azov Brigade is considered illegal terrorist organization in Russia and RF hence will apply anti terrorist legislation of worldwide jurisdiction (like US) to them and open criminal investigations and that including contacts with ISIS and other terrorists, and unless trials are completed and they are acquitted of all charges they will not likely be exchanged in prisoners swap but will serve prison sentences.
I wonder, if you are buying western propaganda crap trying to discredit Russians and so readily doubt even verified by all sides censored by the west Russian sources why you are even here on Off-Guardian blog dedicated solely to repudiation of such western propaganda we are all exposed to at home. Trolling may be?
Not a pointless defence if they were tidying up the labs and sneaking out Nato “advisors” — and creating a great narrative for the Western media.
Perhaps Elenskiy also wanted the Azov Nasties to take a big hit?
Perhaps the Nazis did not surrender because the foreign military officers in charge would not allow it. The latter may have been hoping to grow a beard, get the right uniform from a dead person, etc. It will all be of no use. 5 minutes of questioning will expose them, just as in Iraq and Syria.
The Israeli hierarchy murders again:
@ Kalen on “Europe’s bloodiest battle in decades”.
Only 2 decades. The EU$A invaded Serbia in 1999 under TB.Liar and WC.Clinton. BLiar and Clinton dropped more bombs on Belgrade than Hitler had done 6 decades earlier.
Re the bloodiness of these battles: Wikipedia reports only 14,000 deaths in NATZO’s invasion of Serbia; however, it is too early to stop counting because NATZO released Depleted Uranium which kills slowly by inducing cancer, and DP will continue to kill by inducing monstrous birth defects in babies yet to be born.
The bloodiness of NATZO’s 2014 “cookie coup” in Ukraine kicked off with Azov “football fans” making a little holocaust by herding 140 Russian football fans into a building and setting it alight, It continued with eight years of “peaceful bloodiness” during which NATZO’s Nazi proxies — now official Azov Battallions of the Ukrainian Army — shelled 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians in Donbass: this 8 years of “peaceful bloodshed” (ie, unreported in Western MSM and Western Diplomacy) is already equal to Wiki’s estimate of the total blood spilled by NATZO in Kosovo.
We have not even come to the “wartime bloodshed” (ie, reported in Western MSM and Western Diplomacy) which started in Feb 2022.
Good example:
Do you want your geo-engineering regulated or unregulated? No geo-engineering isn’t an option – and their denials that geo-engineering existed and that anyone who believed in it must be a crazed conspiracy theorist flushed down the memory hole and round the U-bend.
..”A fake binary allows you to not just manipulate the conformist Normies who automatically obey, but also those who consider themselves to be ‘anti-establishment’, contrarians or ‘rebels’..”
An example of a fake binary out there that springs to mind is Hugo Talks videos/podcasts. In the last couple of months Hugo (if that’s his real name) has been denouncing people like Dr Steve James, Novak Djokovic, Robert F. Kennedy etc. as controlled opposition. The very people who have the courage and determination to confront the evil we’re facing and give a positive example of how we all need to act.
At the same time, whist every single real opposition alternative media has been banned from You Tube, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and all the other globalist controlled social media, Hugo Talks hasn’t been affected by any of it. There must be a good reason why.
Thank you for bringing my attention to the fact that Hugo Talks has an up-to-date YouTube channel which I did not know. This is a huge red flag because I thought his videos were only on bitchute and Odysee. I had a very high opinion after recently discovering him and was wondering why he was bringing suspicion against Max Igan and Harry vox – now I know why. Journalists who get close to the truth don’t have YouTube channels.
That’s not a fake binary. It’s not a binary at all. RFK jr is a limited hangout who sells the fake idea the virus is real and promotes needless ‘cures’.
Who says?.. BBC? CNN? Factcheckers? Can you provide your source?
I’m not sure about Hugo Talks now because although he has a Youtube channel so do some other good truthers. As for Harry Vox, he banned me from writing comments in his comment section after I brought his attention to a video by Hugo Talks where he saw a link between many anti-vaxx influencers and New Age advocates.
…Discourse Management 101:… – *Every* good story requires *Also* a credible *Antagonist*, in addition to a credible protagonist…
Entrainment in binary thinking starts for many people with sports’ teams.
Many cities have two football teams. Funny how many of them have red and blue colours like the two colours of freemasonic lodges (Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Rome to name but a few). That colour divide is then repeated in politics.
The infinite malleability of history:
In/ Out/ In/ Out/ Shake it all about
They are still trying to blame Uncle Joe for the killing of poor Ukrainians by wealthy Ukrainians?
Now they are even wealthier. Going to be interesting see how the Great Grab works out with the latest donation of American cash. If the corrupt war causing leadership was not grabbing enough American cash already, there should be enough to go around with plenty leftover for kicking back to connected Americans like Biden’s family members and other Congressional Democrats.
You said it, not much will actually find its way to the Ukraine.
‘Infinite malleability’
Nice turn of phrase George.
Is that the same as ‘History is written by the (filthy rich) winners?
Almost. The truth is that history is written and then constantly rewritten by the filthy rich winners.
Boris is bad so the Guardian is your friend.
Who, though, are the Guardian’s peers?
It’s a little more complicated imho. A ‘fake binary’ doesn’t necessarily imply that either option is invalid.
Media narratives create automatic binaries in themselves. For example, consider:
A: xyz needs to be done
leads to such ‘binary’ reactions as
B: xyz should be done quicker/earlier/more efficiently (as with Covid, Climate change…)
C: xyz should not be done at all
D: Makes no difference whether xyz is done or not. Not an issue
B could be regarded as a fake or genuine binary (with A), depending on whether you believe A is valid. C could be a genuine binary (with A) or an attempt to bog you down in an eternal war of A vs C (draining time/energy/resources)
If media discussion is narrowed to A vs B then alternative media would be inclined to champion options C & D,… or at least attempt to broaden the discussion in some way.
So I suppose you always need to look at the common assumptions – what do both sides agree on – and then question those common assumptions. Are they valid? A common assumption (within a fake binary) doesn’t necessarily imply that it’s invalid.
ie determine what is actually right/true, rather than focusing on the nature of any binaries involved.
Trump was elected or at least was given enough support to make it seem probable that he was elected by exactly this binary process. He was universally declared an outsider because the media so obviously hated him– which made a lot of voters actually believe that he was an outsider.
It was hopelessly overdone yet many STILL believe he’s an outsider. Incredible!
Yes, Trump the household name, TV presenting, billionaire outsider. It always made me laugh that one.
Dont forget he was so censored he was on Murdock FOX cia shillTucker carson – Every MSM channel and 98% of every alt media new media outlets.
A real outsider – heavily censored.
He wasnt suppose to win in 2016- The deep state was soooooo petrified of him.
Voters definitely suffer from a serious mental retardation.
Capitalism vs Marxist Communism
Both created and promoted by the central bankers. Marx’s concealed relationship to the Rothschilds, the Samuels, and the Philips is a giveaway as is the fact that the capitalist media does most of the concealing. Marx strongly supported slavery in an 1847 letter. You promise egalitarianism and then promote feminism, militarism, environmental destruction, slavery and dystopia. The Soviets, America’s deadly enemy kept absolutely quiet about the moon hoax and in fact even approvingly promoted the myth. The Chinese said not a word about the fact that 9/11 was a false flag.
Marx was married to an aristocrat and his best friend was an industrialist. He took a lovely “hidden hand” photo. His final stage was technocracy. His division into ‘bourgeois’ and ‘proletariat’ pushed the middle classes into siding with the oligarchs and industrial capitalists into siding with finance capitalists.
Is it still a mystery why his brand of socialism was able to beat the many the others that were around in the C19th?
Kropotkin was onto something, but the 19th century oligarchs found his ideas too egalitarian for their refined tastes.
What was your Old Name? Just curious …
What does the G stand for ?
An oligarch close to Putin says that he is very ill with “blood cancer.” Ukraine, of course, imm’y said there was a coup planned to rid Russia of a sick President. In your dreams, Zelensky– who appears to me to be a bit drug-ridden.
Much more believable is Xi ‘s brain aneurysm, as those around him report visible worsening of his condition, for which he is so far refusing surgery & treating w herbs, etc.
Btw, does anyone disagree that the purpose of the Shanghai lockdown is participation in the global economic destruction?
The lockdowns in China don’t make sense how does a country with huge stores of food face shortages when non farming city folk stop working?
where did the food come from before that for the city and if you say the city workers were locked in, what about the military delivering food?
it seems like it’s done for maximum bad image…. Either China is trying to make lockdowns look bad, which is why they let videos etc leak out, some of which look staged like the guy in the tyvek suit beating cats in a bag (why do it in public easily videoed?)
or maybe they’re this dumb, who knows but that fanboy Matt Ehret said China is doing the lockdown because this con-vid is set up to target the Chinese. Yeah the same guy who said it was a plandemic now says it’s real, what a tool.
Rob Rob, AKAIK Shanghai lockdown is real. If there’s evidence it’s not, I’d like to know. Anybody got any links one way or the other?
If real, as I think, then covid’s just a pretext– the real motive to join in the destruction of the global economy. Shanghai is their industrial center, so shutdown contributes to broken supply chains. Shanghai is perhaps the largest port in the world & I understand the ships waiting offshore are NOT being offloaded– same pretext. Farmers in at least 3 Chinese provinces need the fertilizer & seed among the unloaded goods.
AKAIK China is participating in the NWO prepping: Head of China’s CDC attended the Johns Hopkins advance simulation. Apparently they were cooperating w US labs in creating the pseudo pandemic.
Rockefellers & Rothschilds’ve been in China forever, were instrumental in getting Mao into power. I’d say the idea that there’s a dispute between US and China-Russia is just the binary argument they’re presenting as a pretext for the Russia sanctions which are so damaging the world economy, killing people, etc.
Russia v US is the ultimate binary argument.
No one has mentioned the granddaddy of all binaries: computer code. Thousands of years of mathematics reduced to two numbers: zeroes and ones. Kind of awesome; but kind of scary.
The binary of 0 and 1, the tyranny of the alternating double, the gemini effect, twins. The twin fangs of the vampire!
The founder of Netscape said some years ago that “software will eat the world.” Thus its fangs.
From a strictly rational viewpoint, there is no real reason to disbelieve that.
fyi no vaccines or covd were never mentioned in this article WTF is with the off topic comments
chomksy uses the fake binary to spread anti russian propagnada. he is scum and knows what he is doing is pushing us near WWIII
Binaries have us, by the balls.
Algorithms and divisions.
Have got us all enthralled.
Around and around
We all spin.
Cause binaries control
Listen up: “Even better vaccines” are on the way, says Bill Gates on CNN who also states that over 50 year olds need to get boosted every 6 months until these even better shots are available. Yay!!
Just saw Bill’s new manifesto at the local library.
At a glance I think he sees himself as the second coming.
His diatribe neGATES his sanity.
Some they admit. Most they don’t:
That article claims that there would be 4 times more GBS from Covid than post Astra-Zeneca vaxx. Yeah, right…
I had a quick read, didn’t get far before they mentioned that mrna shots are “safe” (AZ is RNA, like Sputnik, still suspect, but it’s the competition for those they are pushing).
So basically that article is simply a puff piece for Pfizer.
They cherrypicked a rare side effect whilst ignoring all the cardiac events, sudden deaths, “Pfeizures”, etc
Probably sourced their stats from the same people who say that anyone within 2 weeks post-jab is “unvaccinated”.
If we agree that a Fake Binary can exist, then does this also mean that there may be such a thing as a True Binary? Good vs. Evil, Heaven vs Hell, God vs. Devil? God vs No God? One of the interesting features I like to think I have discerned during these last 2 “Covid” years of mass hysteria has been that my visceral opposition to abortion is not as rare as I had believed, and that most of those who can see that the emperor is naked likewise fall more towards a pro-life persuasion. I only mention this because I used to consider myself a leftie, but whenever I mentioned my pro-life views, was immediately dismissed as a right-wing fanatic. I was unable to vote Labour because of their pro-Abortion policies but could not condone Tory greed so was effectively disenfranchised. So Politics has always been a sham to distract us from our better selves. Other than throwing away the TV, I don’t know what the answer is other than to be more aware and try not to fall into the constricted modes of being and thinking set for us by the Powers that should not be.
it’s the old divide and conquer thing, goosed a bit with 40 years of dumbing down so less intelligent savages tend to extremes rather than the middle where most things happen. All to distract us from what is the one true binary – we the normal people who just want to live decent lives and mostly be left alone vs those who would be our omnipotent rulers and make slaves of us all – with the ‘great reset’ and the cashless society and ubiquitous hive phones locating pretty much everyone at all times, they’re getting way too damn close to their final dream of a forever reich
It’s brilliant! It’s like we need safer vaccines.
So you are saying that Off-Guardian is in on it? We are all here to be placated while the agenda continues to move forward? Almost seems that way. Things have stagnated. Essays and follow up discussions.
The profundity of this current piece is absolutely lost on me. It’s way too abstract for discussion. My head is loaded up with fatigue–much like what computerese does to it. And besides, isn’t this nearly the same brief “binary” item that was offered up here a week past.
You have promoted the nonsense that the “Republicans” are the saviours and the “Democrats” are devils. Even though Drumpf considers himself to be the father of the deadly vaccine. Creepy Joe is a Zionist like his predecessor.
I am only pointing out the obvious. Mass psychosis fueled by evil. I wish it was nonsense. I am compelled to state the obvious because it is so obvious. The world is not going to end due to fossil fuel fueled climate change. Crystal clear. That needs to be the focus. Kill the fear stories and you solve the problem. Democratic extremists are the root. European countries would be stupid not follow the United States’ lead in trying to stop climate change. United States leaders have promised to give away our wealth to them in the effort. Can’t wait for the first draft of Kerry’s Climate Change Treaty proposal. If you are European you should be happy. Your desire to argue my point would only make sense if you are European. I am an American. My leaders are giving away my money to foreigners without my approval and crazed Democrats are responsible.
European countries do “not follow the United States’ lead”. They execute its orders.
If 100% of US Americans committed suicide today, 100% of the world’s problems would be solved.
Maybe you have confused the nation state with the Americans it governs and your problem statement might be confused because without your government serving as proxy nothing in side your nation state can be activated by the outsider. It takes two governments to tango; projects instigated by one, can only be expressed in the other; only if the nation state of the other allows it?
Further neither government could tango if it were not for the top down interlaced and border transparent global corporations, intelligence agencies. Those who are the governed are not guilty of any of the things you complain of, the nation state system is privately owned and globally controlled. In each nation state there exist a series of systems: the political system, the financial system, the propaganda system, the judicial system, the educational system, and so on.. but internationally they are managed by the same principles. Each of these internal systems is tailored to the nation state and refined within by the owners of the nation state franchise. (that is why I call the individual nation states crucibles) they are the places where the thinking, hopes, aspirations and fears of the humans contained within the nation states are continuously mixed and blended, differentiated from the other nation states and forced to be patriots (<=the function of propaganda) of the local nation state. Those owners of the nation state franchises are Oligarchs and the corporations the Oligarch use to manage the local nation state franchised system. Focus on how corporations bridge the gap in projects that happen within the individual nation states. You will see it is not the political system of either nation state, (<=but are too weak, compared to the powerful corporations, to be the culprit) but the transparent corporate overlap that establishes and maintains the turmoil between nations
We don’t need to commit suicide, we have a vax for that now… then the EU can take over the world and all will be good? Riiiight…