Big Pharma-funded paper recommends taxing the unvaccinated
Kit Knightly
A new paper published by Oxford University’s Center for Business Taxation discusses – and in the end supports – the idea of a special tax levied on those who decline to be “vaccinated” against “Covid19”.
The paper’s authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be “justified” because “Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new“.
And that even if the “vaccines” do cause serious harm to some people…
“some states do adopt policies that can lead to serious harm in exceptional cases when they consider that the benefits outweigh the costs“
Yes, you did read that right.
They go on to suggest all sorts of ways of correcting this “undesirable behaviour”, from straight taxation to tax credits for those who have been vaccinated, to vaccine mandates and compulsory Covid insurance for the unvaccinated (which is just another way of saying “taxation”).
Now, here is where we could – and normally would – break down the article paragraph by paragraph. We would dissect the arguments, include data they ignore, highlight logical fallacies…you know, the usual.
We’re not going to do that today.
We could point out the infection-fatality ratio for Covid “cases” is minuscule.
Or that the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent either infection or transmission of the alleged new disease called “Covid19”.
We could launch into a legal argument on civil rights, the Nuremberg Code, and medical coercion.
But we’re not going to do any of that.
Because it’s been two years of this, and life is just too damn short. We’ve done it enough, the facts are all there for anyone who cares enough to find them.
Instead, we’re just going to quote the ‘About’ page of the Oxford Center for Business Taxation, with a bit of added emphasis…
The Centre for Business Taxation was formed in 2005 and was initially funded by substantial donations from a large number of members from the Hundred Group. A number of these companies and others continue to support the CBT. Donors during the year were AstraZeneca [and] GlaxoSmithKline Plc
To be clear, the Hundred Group is a lobbying group which works on behalf of the all the members of the FTSE100.
GlaxoSmithKline is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and partnered with French giant Sanofi to produce a Covid vaccine which netted the companies billions in supply contracts, despite the fact it is yet to be approved for public use.
If you know anything at all about Covid, you don’t need us to tell you who AstraZeneca are.
The CBT – and therefore the paper – are funded by big business and big pharma.
Do we really need to add anything else?
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The Danes carefully reviewed the Covid vaccine clinical trial data (which Government authorities tried to shield for 75 years); the Danes’ interest (and pre-print) rests on the finding that adenovirus Covid vaccines (mostly J&J in the US, mostly Astra Zeneca elsewhere) DECREASED all-cause deaths by ~60% before the trials ended (after two to six months, and most placebo recipients were then vaccinated): This is amazing and highly statistical significant, and may even be real! (The FDA has told people more recently NOT to use the J&J vaccine due to very rare clotting deaths in healthy, young women). Other vaccines have been shown to have off-target beneficial effects, just as some (including most Covid vaccines) are overall negative for the young and healthy.
A more interesting finding to many was that for the mRNA Covid vaccines (Moderna, Pfizer, which most vaccinated Americans received), not only was there NO decrease in overall deaths, there was only a very small protection against Covid deaths: there were 5 Covid deaths in ~37,000 subjects treated with placebos vs 2 Covid deaths in Moderna/ Pfizer vaccinated in their trials (This is only a 2.5-fold protection from Covid deaths. Biden is his July 2021 speeches claimed a 200-fold protection. Singapore’s MOH– which sane people trust more than the politicized, incompetent CDC– observed a week-to-week range of 5- to 20-fold protection in the fully vaccinated). Almost all Covid deaths in the vaccinated are in the same vulnerable groups as before vaccines became available (mostly the Elderly, some in those with cancer, immune deficiencies, failing organs, seriously ill).
So the US Government has MANDATED “leaky” vaccines which DO NOT stop infection, DO NOT stop transmission, and have only a WEAK effect on preventing Covid deaths. Poor countries which had no access to Covid vaccines had bad early waves (as did the West before vaccines) BUT seemed to have much better protection from Covid (Natural Immunity from Covid infection most likely) than the vaccinated wealthy countries.
One might ask with only 7 Covid deaths total in over 74,000 subjects (half vaccinated) or a Covid death rate in mRNA vaccine trials of ~0.01% total and ~0.025% in the unvaccinated, how serious a disease is Covid? This probably reflects much better health care of the clinical trial patients relative to most Covid-infected Americans, and also the avoidance of the target population for Covid deaths, the Elderly. Most Covid deaths globally are in people over age 80.
To add to your well reasoned post, here in the US, pre- vax the instructions given to the population were of sick stay home and do nothing and go to the hospital only when you can breathe.
The CDC’s ban on any early treatment modalities especially using the repurposed ivermectin (human use drug) and others has led to the death toll we are seeing now.
It is estimated that had doctors not been forbidden to treat patients with medications they using their best clinical judgement, that the death toll could could have been reduced by somewhere north of 65% or kore!
It’s perfect business logic, they failed partly to make the maximum amount of profits through the known means of extortion because of those who refused, thus, taxation, money which then will be rerouted to them somehow through conflation of business and politics repairs the profit damage. You don’t want our products, we will tax you, as we own politics, is what they are saying. The mask industry could try the same thing, though they are probably not in bed with politics as much, at least not on an equal basis.
In such a case they would lose immunity against civil and criminal prosecution. They could be charged with murder. They seem to know that their jabs are dangerous. That shows intent to cause harm. That is the basis for murder. And they get away with it now precisely because it is voluntary. But the instant that they use coercion it becomes a crime. Nobody can force you to do something that could kill you. So good luck with that one. We will be ready.
The 100 Group sounds like something read in a 60’s comic.
Propaganda never sleeps. digs up Hannah Arendt to tell us how she warned against “mass resentment”. Well I wonder where this is going? Sure enough:
“After Donald Trump was elected in 2016, her 1951 book on totalitarianism was selling at 16 times its normal rate.”
As if the first led to the second! After which, we hear about “the big lie” which is “a phrase that was picked up again when Trump pushed his own big lie about the election. She said that this is how totalitarianism works. You just invent an outrageous big lie and you stick to it.”
And as if that isn’t enough to roll you eyes:
“…what she would’ve liked about Black Lives Matter, what she liked about the student movement at the time, was that it demonstrated the power of free people acting in concert …”
Note: BLM seamlessly linked with “the student movement at the time” and gosh, these present day protest movements are just so “free”!
“A new study says music fans care the most about climate change. Now we need an anthem
While 72 per cent of people who classed music as “not important” in their lives expressed concern about global warming, that figure leapt to 82 per cent amongst those who considered music to be vital. The remaining 16 per cent were presumably happy for the planet to burn to keep Rammstein in flamethrower cannisters.”
Note that the logic here is as “reliable” as the arithmetic (16 percent?) In any case the dissenters may not be “presumably happy for the planet to burn” but indeed may be those who have seen through the bullshit.
The impeccable reasoning continues. Music lovers are more compassionate. Indeed non-music lovers may be psychopaths!
So – expect any number of ghastly “Cool The World” type anthems!
It would be instructive to learn what kind of “music” the music loving 82% had in mind. Something tells me it wasn’t Classical.
“The CBT – and therefore the paper – are funded by big business and big pharma.
Do we really need to add anything else?”
Nope, that says it all
Yes. Bullets
New Study Shows COVID-19 Antibodies Can be Transferred Through Breath- Shedding/Hepatitis
Wouldn’t you expect to witness vaccine residue shedding?
The hepatitis is interesting regarding risks associated with the liver.
Since all they’re doing is studies on really scary stuff, why doesn’t somebody do a study on ghosts being the primary transmitters of disease? And Fauci and his team of ghost busters will come to the rescue.
The only upside to this is hopefully those people behind this crazy vaccine tax idea have all got their covid shots and let’s hope they get yearly booster shots every year (to protect their health of course.😜).
Only the low level PhDs lapped it all up. In a few decades we’ll have a small and very clever, albeit devious and degenerate managerial class, and a rough and uneducated underclass with barely anything in the middle. The stumbling block for total control by the ‘ubermensch’ minority has always been the middle classes and that’s clearly the target to eliminate, that’s why most middle class jobs such as customer service, sales, healthcare, planning, banking, etc are being transferred to machines.
Idiocracy is around the corner folks.
This is why I tell people corporations have no right to involve itself in public affairs.
In America, I know it’s unconstitutional because corps. have no right to vote, so it makes obvious and perfect sense that corporations interfering in public matters is a clear infringement upon voters’ rights. It couldn’t be any more obvious or perfect, and yet the USSC has never realized it??? I know how they get around it but their reasoning is shallow and pedantic to quote Peter Griffin. No, representatives do not have the authority to consult, let alone even meet with corporations, outside congressional hearings again because corps. have no authority to interefere in public affairs. This of course explains why ‘lobbying’, let alone donating to politicians, by corporations is also entirely unconstitutional, at least in America.
Democratic people first politicized healthcare (politicized their own health), then they politicized universities (politicized their education). The end result is the politicization of everything. Corporations trying to exercise political power are just one facet of this politicization process, pointing out to the abstract rules of a constitution, created before the politicization of everything, isn’t going to help.
Your body is now politicized, a stake in the game of power. The larger part of the democratic community has in some or another way contributed to this process.Personally I don’t care whether democratic mobs decide what is good for my health, or some corrupt clique doing their monkey business.
I strongly recommend that these non-academics are put in the dock to have their lying propaganda discombobulated so brutally that they are branded in court as criminal liars promoting totally unethical actions just to prostitute their university for big pharma punting funds.
No, you don’t.
Turkeys actually voting for Christmas?
If that is a mascot, it is not known for brains. Check out the size of its gobble-hole. Actually. Although you would think leftist turkeys would acquit themselves at least a little better!
So when do we start taxing the grossly obese,as that seems to be the main factor behind so many “cooov” deaths in the first place? When do we start taxing those who actually *do* live an unhealthy lifestyle,whether through food gluttony, alcohol, drugs, etc?
Roughly 80+% of “teh cooov” deaths in my state are said to have been among obese blacks,though honestly obesity looks to be about as bad among whites these days. But my healthy, walk-and-run-all-over-the-damn-place, looks 15 years younger than my actual age,fit and lean azz needs to be taxed for not taking a jab that’s not only been proven ineffective but dangerous and even lethal?
…wait,given that Stacy The Tank may well be our nexy goobernor,I may also be taxed merely for *not* being obese…and for being white…guess I’m f’d either way.
Even discussing the idea of punatively taxing those whose lifestyles you don’t agree with starts you down that slippery slope where one day your healthy lifestyle can be taxed as well. You’re in essence making a neo liberal argument by doing so, skating that line of mandates for others whose choices you find abhorrent.
Excellent point. The only rational “punishment” for unhealthy lifestyles is to let nature take its course – which it will do.
And those who crow about their healthy lifestyles may end up victims of their own genes. Of three siblings, I’ve generally been the most health conscious – so guess which one had to have a quadruple heart bypass a few years ago?
There are no guarantees in life.
Sarcasm used to illustrate the outlandishness of their suggestion isn’t intended to be taken seriously. If soemone wants to kill themselves with food,I personally do not care, as long as I’m allowed to refuse the clot shot.
Excellent. Couldn’t have said it better.
Blacks may be as obese, but dark I skinned people are more likely to be Vitamin D deficient. Their dark skin impedes the production of Vitamin D.
Problem easily solved by providing Vitamin D supplements, but they don’t want to solve the problem.
Doesn’t whole milk have D?
Simple blood test? I’ve often found my food intake wasn’t varied enough. Just make an adjustment instead of adding to the shopping list.
Expensive unregulated Pills? whatever.
Coming out of my gym the other day, we stood next the noisy boulevard, me and a street gnome, often they are refugees from my favorite cadre, asked me for a cigarette as if it were a mandated if not God-given health right. I gave up puffing in ’94..
Something about his sullen swag got my goat, and I answered him, in capsule form, that Thom Steinbeck, son of our great Native Son, John, had signed my copy of his first book of stories, a great work itself, for my Mom’s birthday gift, I thereafter read her the stories many times as she went blind and blinder.
And I had wanted to write him to thank him, but put it off, checked bios online which said “is” many times; then when I finally got an address on him, I checked one “last” time to find it said “Thomas Steinbeck was….” Only a few weeks before my long delayed thanks.
Broke my heart, as though we had had a brief encounter, he told me a great story of how he had had surgery as a youngster to fix a wandering eye, and at 8 years old he was having trouble getting to sleep, binding his hands so he couldn’t pull his eyepatch off while sleeping. He told me how he got to sleep during visits at his dad’s Long Island flat with the poet Carl Sandburg, who would sit bedside reading him stories until he slept.
I had told him when we met that I’d read at least a bakers dozen of his father’s books, maybe more. (I didn’t tell him I’d recently read several ‘bedside” next to his father’s grave, reclining in the tall grass next to the modest family gravesite in Salinas, at the town’s boundary, but I had.) We were talking about all this during the Steinbeck Centennial 2002 and I mentioned his family and ours must have had some mutual friends, as my semi-adoptive father, Norman Corwin, was a good friend and host to Sandburg, when the latter stayed at his house, and where I spent summer days and nights poolside some years later.
(My mom sat daily on the studio set “Of Mice and Men” many years prior, 1930s, as her mother’s nephew was Roman Bohnen (made the Hollywood Blacklist posthumously) and had smuggled her in to watch Burgess Meredith et al.)
Well, I gave the streetwise nicotine addict the short first two lines of that tale, grossly truncated, and that Thom had died of COPD, not cancer, and way before his time.
And as I watched the hirsute graying urchin fly, flee, unrequited by a smoke as he bailed, he called out over his shoulder “that’s what I got, COPD” and as I pleaded, “he died so long before his time” this character, instead of a gesture such as putting his hands over his ears, or half of a peace sign, the provocative gesture that he does make, instead, with grave and stubborn cachet, is to walk out into oncoming traffic, at the light, and against it, while rush hour cars make sudden moves to avoid turning him into another Coronapalooza stat (I’m wildly presuming here).
So the State has deep patience and care for his suicidal desperado schtick, but Zero for our well-reasoned anti-vaxxology?
You start to get the idea we are already $TAT$ with their branding tats, U$DA. Mystery Meat.
Interesting tale. I will try to track down something by Thom Steinbeck.
The book he inscribed for my dearly departed mum is his first and possibly his best, an exceptionally riveting book of tales, less fiction than legends, called “Down to a Soundless Sea”. It has a silver decal plate on our copy, inside the cover, noting its launch date, 10.6.2002, also the day I met him downstairs at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, Ca.
He gave a talk later that day and noting the occasion, glanced from his chair skyward and said, “Thanks Pop” in consideration of the venue. Pure Americana at its best.
A bit more on topic, he said his favorite book by his father was “The Moon is Down” about the Norwegian Resistance against the Nazis. A glorious book, it was the last book I read aloud to Mom before she died. An everlasting free spirit, she could relate to it well, having lost relatives in the USA Inc McCarthy Purge, and John Steinbeck’s best line in it: “Herd men win the battles, but free men win the wars.”
I believe that, in the deepest sense anyway.
Last I checked, it still had the rank as the bestselling work of American work in fiction of “all time!” That startled me It launched the enterprise of “Éditions de Minuit” in France as it had to be mimeographed and smuggled around town during the Nazi Occupation, since being found with a copy of it meant summary execution. “in situ”.
The Gestapo recognized its potency as propaganda for the French Resistance! (Other than that, they seemed to like target practice with live subjects, as my Dutch Jewish piano teacher once told me, hiding from them as a lad in Amsterdam, having lost his younger brother that way.)
The great irony is that Steinbeck, generally regarded as a sort of “commie” in the 1930s, was approached by “Wild Bill” O’Donovan, head of OSS, in recruiting him to write a work of anti-Nazi propaganda, straight up.
The outcome of that mission was hugely successful, and it was impacting and effective, as “The Moon is Down”.
But the biting and ever relevant irony was that American Intel had already wrapped its tentacles around John E. Steinbeck, and I date the decline in his powers as a writer from that twilight of that day. (I think his son Thom did too, though he ascribes his hardships with the bottle as the ultimate or proximate cause of death. Alhough it seems the bottle itself was a synecdoche in him of the sick system of our society, ever sicker, moving “forward”. Too young, at 64. I think John, père, was fully a target of the American System. and he didn’t fully grasp the unfathomable hypocrisy surrounding his efforts. He was coopted as somewhat “controlled opposition” once the studios got started watering down and sanitizing the spiritual gist of his novels, in films with the likes of Spencer Tracy, and, worse yet, Henry Fonda playing “Tom Joad” in “Grapes of Wrath”? Please!?
Thom’s brother, John IV, was a scintillatingly remarkable character, if you see their Wikipedia bios, they tell a lot between the lines. Both were proveable casualties of the Vietnam War/hypocrisy. John, père, came to regret his support of it, too, before he died, quite clearly. (So that makes the trifecta of psyop wounded warriors. Remarkable, all three males took a big hit.)
Thom told us how all the bios online incessantly repeat the stock falsehood that his assignment in Nam was as a photojournalist, but in fact he was sent there in the same sense as Adrian Kronauer. (“Good Morning, Vietnam!” a Robin Williams hit, and himself yet another casualty of of war, having clearly been suicided, his last years spent as a good friend of Mort Sahl in SF Bay Area).
Thom told us how he arrived in Vietnam, all set to be a radio broadcaster in uniform, and the next thing he knew he was under attack in a fire fight, collared and shoved in the back of a chopper as a tailgunner. He said, shruggingly, “I started firing only because I wanted to keep breathing.”
It wouldn’t all surprise me, no sir, if the chain smoking that caused his early death, from the tar deposits of COPD, started round about then
“Down to a Soundless Sea” is an immensely entertaining book he wrote, that I, as another 2nd or 3rd generation Californian, can relate to. A lot of Native Americana and salty yarns of the 19th century.
This is the ULTIMATE double bluff reverse psychology flip-a-roo…Elon Musk in NOT a real human, he is a FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! talking about Twitter being full of fictional accounts. LezLuthor
Maybe that’s why he got a “guest” $pot as host of SNL.
So, at best, he’s a hologram (I saw VERY convincing ones at Disneyland in 1970! )
(FDA) today authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, without convening its vaccine advisory panel of independent experts to discuss Pfizer’s data on 5- to 11-year-olds — and based on a study subset of only 67 children, CNBC reported.
The FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the boosters despite data showing higher infection rates among fully vaccinated children in the 5 to 11 age group compared to unvaccinated children, no studies testing the efficacy of the vaccine against the current dominant BA.2 COVID-19 variant and two new studies showing that for vaccinated people who get Omicron, the infection provides better protection against future infections than a second booster dose.
Something seriously wrong with these people.
“The paper’s authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be “justified” because “Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new“.”
Woah! Just WHAT undesirable behaviors are they taxing? Taxing is done on the products of “undesirable” behaviors like tobacco, alcohol, and gasoline. These are physical things used. Not vaxxing, is not doing. Not doing is now the new normal standard for “undesirable behavior”. The Earth’s ruling class is transitioning from parental advisory status to absolute totalitarian government mandated commercial behaviors like vaxxing is. Commercial products and services they can’t sell, will be forced on us at the barrel of a gun. GMOs, 5G, AI, robots, industrial non-organic pesticided foods, corporate monopolies of all kinds, etc. Will they tax meat, organic foods, home schooling? There is no end of state evil with logic like this.
The IRS clearly states taxes are voluntary. Local codes ruling behaviors that exceed the Bill of Rights are voluntary. They don’t want us to know this. A GENERAL TAX STRIKE is the imminent result of this totalitarianism. Time for us to tax the undesirable behavior of our ruling elite and their tyrant government by defunding: WARS, poverty, racism, industrial pollution, financial casino and forced behaviors.
Something like this won’t go over too well in the US – unless they call it something other than “taxation.” Americans, for all their foolhardy ways, instinctively resist any new tax no matter who it’s imposed on. They don’t even like the idea of taxing the rich.
But don’t count on them to resist Big Pharma propaganda. Even when lots of people start dying from the “vaccine,” it will be “discovered” that anti-vaxx terrorists poisoned certain batches; after which Big Pharma, at warp speed, will come up with the “cure.”
I suspect Big Pharma’s already got the “cure” waiting in the wings. And Bill Gates is probably already working on his acceptance speech on behalf of Big Pharma when it receives the Presidential Medal of Honor for saving humanity from pharmaco-terrorism.
Three acts of congress would help straighten out a lot of this coercion and corruption. 1. Limit political donations, 2. take the money out of declared emergencies, and 3. take the money out of lobbying. The joke is asking your congress rep to support and take these bills before congress.
1 & 3 :- Modern political parties do not exist without plutocrats.
2 :- Emergencies (crises) are created to exploit us and the commons.
An unexciting truth may be eclipsed by a thrilling lie.
– Aldous Huxley
To summarize: All forms of taxation are theft. Hello?
Paul, I disagree. One can of course define theft as the taking of anything by compulsion or fraud as theft. Under that definition taxation is theft. However, the thinking is rationalistic– that is, it seeks knowledge of reality by the mere circular mechanical definition of words. Further the word “theft” is given a rigidly narrow definition which yields a pre-ordained conclusion.
That is, this method of analysis doesn’t consider reality at all, but only follows a circular track of words & cannot look aside at reality.
I’m sorry; I made a real hash of explaining that. The logical error of rationalism– implicit in your statement– is subtle. Knowledge is contextual and I believe you have implicitly dropped the context in which taxation and much else exists.
Hello Penelope: Steeling money out of people’s pockets is theft, period. My statement is indeed rational. If governments owned banks, rather than banks owning governments, theft via taxation would cease to qualify the agenda…
The problem seems to be how broadly the term “taxation” is defined. In a very real sense, tariffs are a kind of tax. But should tariffs also be considered as theft?
After all, without the guarantee of (relatively) free trade between peoples of different nations, businesses which export/import would be basically running blind, with no assurance of a stable international entry/exit of goods.
Also, though I certainly agree that property tax is largely theft; nevertheless, without it large enterprises would gobble up all the land just like feudal lords.
Hello Howard: Tariffs are another form of penalty by which banking institutions control the flow of currency. Tariffs are indeed a form of taxation and yet lack the consent of “the People”. Alleged “governments” representing National interests are historically owned by corporate oligarchy (banking). The history of Nations and national boarders is a nonsensical game of musical chairs.
There has never been “free trade” between Nations, as Nations are owned and controlled by banking and investment capital.
Investment finance (capitalism) is the method by which feudal lords have achieved the wealth of kings and queens. They own the plantation via large enterprise and subsequent theft of civilian liberties and resources.
Our entire economic and moral model is corrupt. No person should be allowed an income that exceeds another’s by more than 1000 percent…
‘No person should be allowed an income that exceeds another’s by more than 1000 percent…’
So what do you do if they exceed that income cap, you tax them?
Hello Geo Martin: Excellent question. I prefaced my comment (assertion) with: “Our entire economic and moral model is corrupt.”
Human moral and ethical codes are indeed corrupted. The notions that human endeavors can be arbitrarily commodified (thus stratified) are plainly wrongheaded and functionally immoral. We’ve implemented this policy for thousands of years. The results have not been positive…
Taxation of excess income only serves to establish another “accounting” system, which also becomes corrupted by vested interest.
We need to remove the incentive to financially dominate by criminalizing the behavior of greed. Financial rape needs to be prosecuted as a crime. Three years hard labor would rather dissuade the domination incentive…
Slightly off-topic but I see in today’s Graun that inflation is now moved to 9% – this is in line with the rest of the capitalist world and a stone bonk certainty that the economic crisis is deepening and getting increasingly out of control. That is hardly surprising in the manner in which the Treasury and Bank of England have printed money with gay abandon.
We can expect more of this as can the rest of the world.
It has always been my conviction that the PTB are imposing a demolition of the existing order, and then, ”Build Back Better” yeah right. What a load BS! 1. First came the Covid Bullshit, then came the NATO/WAR Bullshit, Now we have the global economic meltdown Bullshit. To be followed by the famine (unfortunately it is going to be the global famine/starvation BS.
It’s like a day at Ascot – the four horsemen of the apocalypse are out of the starting gates and whoooa – roll on famine.
“gay abandon” Chuckle
We came from a media ‘pandemic’ to a media ‘war’ and probably next into a media ‘food shortage’ and even fuel shortage. All these were used extensibly in the past only not with the global reach enabled by mass comms and digital techs. The demolition plan is afoot but it’s running underneath all those crises and emergencies. It’s happening at the city planning level, health services and all across industries that are having to adapt and adopt new ways. It’s been said by several finance ministers like Mark Carney that the industries that are not along with ‘sustainable goals’ will be left behind.
No vaxation without Koch postulates verification!
Koch said that his postulates were inadequate to account for the existence of Typhoid Marys. (i.e., only conditionally valid even during his time) You are ghettoizing your correct views by clinging to this one.
It could be rephrased e.g.
No taxation without
Isolation and purification of the virus
Proof of contagion by virus
Proof of disease causation by virus
Proof of immunity after vaccination
Complete listing of ingredients of all current vaccines, verified by independent assay.
Sounds really good, but do public interest mandates yet “trump” their arbitrary mandates?!
Good points, and would probably be very good points in any lawsuits that could come out of forcing those with brains enough to refuse the shot to pay a punitive tax based on supposedly protecting the safety of the general population. Perhaps if our owners think about this hard enough, they’ll see forcing taxation could backfire on them. If the lemmings were to really get to thinking, perhaps they’d see the folly of the whole damned vax scheme in the first place in regards to transmission and immunity. Idealistic on my part, I know. One can only hope.
Well, I think Koch is at least a good bar to raise, though there is much palaver that it’s not universally reliable.
Still, a bar to raise, above the low bar or no bar of the ridiculously unverifiable.
That shames the sanctity of real science, and then some (i.e. globally).
Taxing to compel injections is of course a violation of rights, but that wd be true even if the now-irrelevant Koch’s postulates were satisfied in the case of covid.
Clever Anthem. Nice. Prizes waiting at the Door.
That tax sounds like the old Islamic Jizya.
Till today the Mafias/Triads see this regular as protection money.
Will Big Quackery get to take over the baton? Follow the money.
the threat is taxation for failure to vax, government is knee-breaker mafia thug, and the corporation is in Mafia.. Just as i have been saying for some time.. Governments not only do not respond to those they govern, they respond with how hi and how far shall the jump jump, when the corporation orders it thug to do its dirty work.
The enemy is not the people for we have been honed to be different and to hate each other in the crucibles.. There are 256 crucibles each one has a name, and our society calls them nations (or nation states). Inside of those crucibles our minds are bathed in corporate produced content (propaganda) and distributed by corporate owned media for the purpose of controlling the minds, thoughts, deeds, interests, and fears, and so on of those who are in the nation state crucibles. Not one person in this world avoids the crucibles, as each of the 8 billion people on the earth, have been forced to be submit to the rules of one of the 256 nation state crucibles.
As soon as we all get on that bandwagon. we can then begin to understand just how we have been manipulated, not to help each other, to fight each other for the gain of the few that arrange the fights.
Found this….
A large bomb in Oxford wouldn’t go amiss.
How to rule the world.
1.Develop a universal crypto currency to replace the dollar and all other fiat currencies.
2. Declare those who are: anti-vaxxers, anti-abortion, climate change deniers, opponents of woke or fossil fuel fans, to be Enemies of the State.
3. Drain their bank accounts without worrying about National constitutions.
4..These great reset haters will comply or be disappeared.
That’s the plan. The majority of the vaxxed will eventually die, but through the ever increasing injectable requirements. The control mechanisms being put in place worldwide are to assist in the global genocide. What they are doing in Shanghai now is just a taste of what’s coming to the West. The panopticon grid, CBDCs and injectable synthetic pathogens make the planned democide and starvation much easier and far more profitable to the controllers, than going door to door with guns and bullets.
The shanghai thing looked staged at fuck and it was ritualistically astro/ Gematria released via the alt media/new media and msm shills just before for the West’s local national selections to tell its half awake zombies to say ‘look how lucky we are in the west having this type of government whilst the east has this and does this to its people’ crap.
The shanghai videos has all the hallmark of not being able to see or hear what is going on but being told what is happening.
It had all the tones vibrations frequency added to the sound to make as a horrific feeling as possible to manipulate the visual perception which is a another red flag.
Looks real. How are they going to starve millions and send them to camps without lockdowns and the fear of the invisible molecules? There’s a mass exodus of expats all leaving China and Hong Kong. They’re clipping passports in China to stop Chinese leaving the country.
Respectfully what looks real to you, doesn’t look real for me i have explained why above. i will explain again as you have provided further links.
link 1 4/11 video was on the build up to the west celebration of Sigrblot/Sumarsdag, a Norse Heathen celebration of the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries – so expected fake videos of being stuck in or restricted for mSM alt media -every year like clockwork.
North prophecies are big again Hollyweird just release a film called Northman hear is a heads up study material, ;0)
link 3 5/17/22 video was a full blood moon ritual and one site i visited said quote In May, focus on magic related to careers and jobs. If you’ve thought about changing jobs, or even entering a new career field, this is a good time to do it. unquote. Your fear porn video showed the Inversion…
they’re clipping passports in China to stop Chinese leaving the country.
link2 Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam listens to reporters’ questions during a news conference in Hong Kong, China, March 21, 2022. 322 equinox.
newspaper reposted March 31 April fools day.
Without getting into the deeper astrotheology.
Researcher your studying in the dungeons and that is fear based and that may as well be alex jones u.k shillum territory.
The 3 links you provided of that low quality doesn’t exact to what is happening- it is exactly the opposite and your being used as a vessel to manifest the outcome they want watching staged nonsense like that on ritualistically periods and buying into it and then spreading it.
The lockdowns are part of a global strategy to get populations used to the idea that governments have the legal authority to lockdown, when they don’t. That’s why they do the squeeze release formula. I have friends in China. It’s not fake.
I am aware about the lockdowns.
The videos provided were.i explained why twice.
Your friends in china didn’t make them shanghai fake videos.
being hit and punched being pushed on a bus.
it the same nonsense as people falling on the streets or fake arrests at demonstration or images of immigrates crossing the channel/Atlantis ocean in rubber dingys- it the same lot knowing the MIC alt media types will spread it etc.
Good Intentions on YT will help you spot the difference.
God yet has something to do with #4, at least.
But whittling of the actuarial charts may occur.
This will not age well when the “vaccinated” group starts to disintegrate and die off in large numbers, while we the uninjected control group will be the living proof of the cause off their demise. I wouldn’t like to be one of the guilty ones when the global red pill moment occurs.
Logical conclusion but for the mind of the jabbed sheep.
If they haven’t joined the dots by now, they never will.
All of them will probably not die but many of them will have to bury their loved ones. It can become that one buried child that ignites the fire. I don’t really know since I’m only a speculating spectator in this insane asylum whiteout real knowledge of how the crazy ones work.
They can’t even locate the dots,much less join them.
Besides,dots might offend someone. “Why do you use dots as a metaphor? Are you trianglephobic? Bigot!”
it’s lucky i stopped listening to fear narratives.
You might make a strong point there. Fingers crossed, but hey… Let the bills pile up is always an avenue
i find that hard.
No different to the mafia gangs described in The Godfather movies. What people have to recognise is that the government is employed by the big corporations who put them into power. Those behind Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Reich have decided that AI will make labour, as a factor of production, obsolete. At the same time, the masses consume valuable finite, non-renewable, resources. This is why politicians are waging a war against the people. Examples of how the Finnish government is treating their people here:
Look up where the name “mafia” comes from….
‘Do we really need to add anything else?’
That it doesn’t matter what they say, write or do, even if people know that the words come from big pharma who are in for nothing but a profit. As long as it is reported by the estimable press it must be true. That is how far their ‘reasoning’ goes
Remember what the experts said in November 2020 after the Pfizer vaccine press release (no scientific study) where a more than 90% efficacy (a meaningless word) of the ‘vaccine’ (experimental gene therapy, similar to round-up) was seen. Remember? – I remember. It was great news and no ‘they would never lie about these numbers’ and ‘let’s think about how we can vaccinate people as fast as we can, so we can we overcome covid.’ And all of that because… the press release was reported in the estimable press.
Some say that people are sheep. I disagree as far as it concerns the experts. They are parrots who repeat everything what the estimable press are saying to them. The only personal touch added is the talking voice of the curtailed parrot, who gets frightened by the idea that his cage will be left open. If he flies away from the cage, who is gonna feed koppiekrauw? – Oh no, just repeat what the master is saying, be a good bird, might give you some nuts.
Kiekeboe, Hallo, Koppiekrauw
The descent into authoritarian control will only be stopped in the same way tyrants have always been stopped..
Posting, voting, signing petitions etc make little or no difference.
People are currently too comfortable in both their ignorance and their finances.
Switch off the fear porn and start praying, we are in the end days..
granted, but and its a big but, end of days does not signify (imho) the end of all, merely the (admittedly no doubt drastic and total) collapse of a former way/route/path, OR the acceptance on handing our beautiful, yet fickle world existence over to a “interested 3rd party”.
end of days is a self fulfilling prophecy worthy of a derren brown global mind trick, we are being tricked into thinking resistance is futile and sit idly by whilst our world is terraformed for said interested 3rd party….
The very fact that such terraforming and subsequent takeover must be done without means of a full scale frontal assualt suggests that there are RULES of engagement, which must be followed, CONSENT being primary.
This is a big step for many to grasp, but important in the “know your enemy” bit.
Whilst forms of resistance seem vague or at their most extreme self destructive, we do have the power of consent, and i consent to fuck em in every way i can in every breath i take of every day,
If you’re praying did you really switch off the fear porn?
You could have added there is no virus, that is not old yet.
There is a virus or whatever you would like to call it. Did you read the article? It won’t be nothing that will bring the world to it’s knees. Saying there is no virus or whatever is stupid and cruel to the folks who were actually sick People didn’t die on ventilators over a delusion.
It’s not cruel, it’s the truth. There is no virus and no pandemic. The PCR test is a fraud and must be recognized as such.
Denial also helps the US of As to get off the hook (again) and indicate that whoever makes the claim still doesn’t understand whom and what must be defeated. Indeed the claimant is likely a shill or worse.
Care to live harmoniously in a peaceful, sane, healthy world? Strive with all your might to eliminate the US of As.
This is essentially a good thing. The more overt the motherfuckers get in their assault against people, the more people will oppose the utter crap they’re foisting on them.
Up until recently, the shit we’re witnessing was mostly done behind the scene, closed doors, and people consumed their way through life just about totally oblivious to how they’re being fucked over. No incentive to wake up and smell the coffee.
Not anymore. Only the wokeiest idiot would now not see that something is wrong. There have been calls in the past two years or so for people to wake up. Well, they are waking up, and tax on the unfuckccinated will be another welcome addition to that process.
Over here, the fucking Minister of Fuckccination and Sickness (pretending to be the Minister of Health) is threatening with another wave of COVID in the fall. Guess what, people are threatening back. A bunch of lawyers are standing by to sue the shit out of the government, and I’d venture to say that quite a few people are ready to take to the streets. I’d also imagine that the opportunist cunts that all too keenly imposed the covidian shite on fellow citizens thanks to their position of power, such as school principals, all sorts of minor apparatchiks, scum like that, will be more careful in doing more of the same because they’re chickenshit assholes, and as the prospects that some fist will land in their ugly face get more real, they’ll be scrambling back under the rock the covidian tsunami pushed over, allowing their disgusting selves to crawl out.
Be it as it may, all the stuff the world is going through won’t disappear. Humanity is under attack alright. People gotta fight back.
Jacques: “This is essentially a good thing. The more overt the motherfuckers get in their assault against people, the more people will oppose the utter crap they’re foisting on them.”
You’re right.
Frankly, I really wonder how they’re gonna fare when they pull the COVID crap again in the fall. Over here (Czechia), COVID is a thing of the past. At least as far as people being scared. My impression is that just everybody knows that it’s a crock of shit. Or so it seems. I really can’t imagine that they’ll be able to whip up anything remotely close to what they did in the first year and even in the second.
You’re Canadian, aren’t you? How are things in Kanukstan? I hear from my school buddies that there still are tons of nuts who are completely submerged in the covidian crap. Reportedly, Quebec only lifted the mask requirement a couple of days ago. Nuts!
Not gonna happen, but it puts it out there like that binary thing. You know, these people are a danger and we have DO something about it! I saw a headline for an article earlier on the oligarchy media about how most people have put covid behind them or something, I didn’t open it. For those of us who took the red pill, seeing something like this after over two years and knowing what we know, seeing something like this is almost unreal. Like how can they do this when the fucking evidence is so overwhelming? But then, who are we talking about? Some paper published by some place controlled by the pharma corporations that hardly anybody will read, except those that are supposed to read it. But it sends a message to those intended, the politicians who are under pressure to perform for their masters. And they will send a message to their constituents, the sheeple who vote for these bastards. And they will send a message to the school boards so we can mask the children up again next fall. And the parents so they can give boosters shots to their five year olds. And they will send a message to the city council who will implement more fucking lockdowns because the statistics, you know, they tell us so. I was going to refer to this Scamdemic as one giant clusterfuck but I looked it up, a clusterfuck is when a situation is disastrously mismanaged. There’s mismanagement alrighty. But no, this is no clusterfuck, it’s the crime of history. Not the crime of the century, no, we’re living through the ultimate crime of human history. An accumulative and final attempt to forever control human life on planet Earth by a small, select group of individuals. This is not the Twilight Zone.
“Do we really need to add anything else?”
No, because it’s all too predictable now. We could have scripted it, with a certain ease, knowing the narrative so far.
The diversions must be diverted, or… else. With supreme logic, love, and application.
I found this essay at, Chossudovky’s estimable website (I first started reading the hard copy magazine of the same name 20 years ago) and it speaks as an overview, suspended in time, of our whole dilemma as earthlings:
Pretty decent summary of the “long and winding road”.
I’ve previously suggested gingham (any variation), but I certainly won’t be wearing orange.
Not even to show solidarity with the Nasties in Ukraine?
I associate it with this:
As an evergreen Flower Power Child of 70, I commend to you the mindbending paisley, yet so preferable in purple.
The notion is to bend the present robotic straightness back into full curvèd greatness.
And just as well if it trumpets Art Spirit, so needed.
(“I’ve been reveling in YES’ “Tales from Topographic Oceans” all morning, one of several anthems for my sojourn on Iona, 1976, or I may well not have writ that rite. But then again, Wallace Stevens warbled well, “A poem is the cry of its occasion ~ not about the Res, but part of the thing itself.” )
Is not purple a tad papish?…the Reverend Ian Paisley might ask.
1960s purple paisley, to fly the Artist freak flag high.
Now that it’s legal, l visited the local library yesterday.
Interesting, to say the least.
On the display shelves of new books there were three that caught my attention immediately.
One was Gates new Capitalist manifesto on ‘conquering’ climate change. Easily ignorable.
The second was written by a research fellow (impressive hey?) at Boston University.
Basically, he is denigrating ‘science deniers’ by clumping all conspiracy theorists together: eg. Flat Earthers with ‘anti vaxxers’.
He poses this question at the end of his book: ‘Are the vaccines safe?’
And his lame answer is: ‘One hopes that the FDA and other government agencies would not have approved them unless they were’
HOPES ? What hope the victims of Big Pharma?
The third book was a tome of condemnation on Putin. I didn’t even bother picking that one up.
Odd though, I haven’t seen any similar tomes condemning Blair, Bush, Obama, Clinton, Howard and their ilk.
This, in a small library in regional Australia. WTF ?
‘Basically, he is denigrating ‘science deniers’ by clumping all conspiracy theorists together: eg. Flat Earthers with ‘anti vaxxers’.
Well, that’s a first, (sarc). While 99% of flat-earthers are idiot shill controlled opposition agents, that doesn’t mean earth is not a globe. Don’t know what it is, flat, maybe, but it’s not a globe for sure. (Hey, maybe that is why ‘they’ don’t like you guys, you are close to that Antarctica).
But otherwise I approve this post (!), libraries, nice.
Just awful. I requested my local library in Canada purchase a copy of RFK’s book on Fauci. So far they have not done so. I am afraid even libraries (once strong defenders of free thought) have become ossified and purveyors of ” progressive” ideology.
There should be a tax on people who haven’t read the RFK book on Fauci.
! ^
My local library is now stacked with
The Contagion Myth
What Really Makes You Ill
Virus Mania
Goodbye Germ Theory
The Invisible Rainbow
It took them until mid 2021 of rejected requests, but then they opened the buying floodgates.
I tried to get my local library (in an affluent southern UK city) to get ‘Tragedy and Hope’ and ‘Welcome to Terrorland’. They refused saying they only deal with certain publishers..
I haven’t tried the alt-health angle and will give it a go. The library system was a robber baron project, largely Carnegie, and it mainly functions to make people pay for their own brainwashing.
This whole scam is really the Robin Cook books ”Contagion and Virus”
I used to live out in the wilds of Scotland and there was a travelling library that came round. I was surprised to find Hitler’s Mein Kampf on the shelves. And then it hit me: the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Centre and other sniffers out for anti-Semitism will jump down the throat of anyone who even vaguely transgresses against their increasingly draconian rules for “protecting the Jewish people”. And yet the most venomous anti-Semitic tract of them all – by Adolf himself – has always been easily available and here it was on a little mobile library.
(PS I took it out and could only read the first fifty pages. God it was dull!)
His Table Talk is supposed to be a better read, and no I haven’t read either of them.
I noticed that Blackwells in Oxford were stocking MK a few years ago, and was half tempted out of curiosity,but in the end, decided to save my money.
Senator Alan Cranston of California, some 35 years ago whom I met briefly, to thank him for all that he did (so that memory gives me a stronger “tactile” sense ~ shaking his hand ~ and connection to all of this) had been a UPI reporter in Germany in the runup to WW II, a “stringer” (I was friends with a UPI stringer in Paris of the ’70s, when we shared with 4 others the small Newsweek bureau on 25 rue de Berri, down the block from the Arch of Triumph).
50 years before we crossed paths, Cranston had got hold of a copy of Mein Kampf and made his own translation of it into English, publishing it in NYC, in an effort to alert the large Jewish population there, one of the largest concentrations anywhere, of the looming threats against them. “Mein Kampf” — unredacted, unabridged. “unexpurgated”.
Within two weeks, Hitler’s publishers got an injunction against Cranston and a ruling that ONLY their “official” translation could be sold. Their version of course was essentially Jew-frei, with all the pages most aflame with vituperation about Jews conveniently cremated by its own heat, apparently, redacted, missing altogether.
I still don’t grasp how they could do that, but New York was also the epicenter for the funding of Hitler’s war machine, at nearby UBC, United Banking Corporation (helmed during the years in question by CFO Prescott Bush, the patriarch) and Silesian American Bank.
Whatever, one takes away the notion that money had more to do with the peculiar ruling than copyright infringement. If memory serves, Cranston had to pulp all extant, or unsold, copies of his own version, as one key condition.
(In his later years Cranston partnered with Mikhail Gorbachev in their peacemaking think tank.)
Free copies of favoured books air-flown all over?
“Flat earth theory” is an amazing psyop but not as amazing as the Covid19 pandemic psyop.
Now this really is insanity , taxing individuals around vaccine choice cannot in any way solve the current endemic or prepare us for any pandemic . The ripples of such a draconian move would travel far beyond Covid and into the foundation of trust of not just government but medicine itself . In truth it’s establishment is not I think viable but it’s more that some research think tank even academically whisper it . Ridiculous and divisive definitely Orwellian !
Are you saying you still trust medicine? I bumped into a nurse from my doctor’s office in the local grocery store a few weeks ago. I have not been there to see my doctor for a while. She warned me to come in for a physical soon as they are purging patients from their list who don’t make annual check up visits. It is all about money now. So called modern medicine. They would probably get extra “Covid Cash” for having “tested” me. The next scene would be me mask less and running out the door as a nurse chases me with a needle in hand while shouting, “wait, wait, wait”. Right now I trust medical people less than anyone. It is all about the bottom line.
Sounds more like trust in the media to me. An “epidemic” and “preparing for a pandemic” sounds like a believer in the narrative to me. But as you say, trust in medicine is part of that same scam. The very idea that anyone would still trust a medical establishment that does nothing more than push pills still amazes me, but it should not.
As for the draconian moves of taxing those who refuse the shot, when the time comes to blame someone for the economic crash that’s coming, just watch these same people who call this draconian now to embrace it as necessary. After all, if we just comply all will be OK, right? What’s not to love about having every move one makes controlled by a bunch of profit driven psychopaths? Why, they’d never do anything for ugly profits, this is about saving lives, isn’t it?
That said, these articles ALWAYS get my anger flowing, anger, rage, fear. While these covidiots are indeed dangerous as hell, I myself have got to let go of that damned fear. I’m getting there, but it’s an everyday battle not to give in and not want to beat the shit out of the nearest masktard I see.
“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopaths are the actual enemies of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).
“The Psycho Nazis need to go. ALL OF THEM!”
Profiles in Ignorance. Ugliness personified. What else? They are lesions on human development, apparently. David Rockefeller dated Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy briefly when he was attending the London School of Economics, same years as Jack and Joe Kennedy, mostly. She died a few years later, another Kennedy family private plane crash, this one in the south of France, “in a storm”.
Coincidence or Conspiracy?
We report, you decide.
“Who—one of the richest men in the world—loved the Mao Revolution in China?
Who wrote about it glowingly, in the NY Times: “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution [30-60 million killed by their own government], it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” (“From a China Traveler”, The New York Times, August 10, 1973.)
Who sent his agent, the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, to China, a year earlier, to open up trade after 25 years of diplomatic isolation?
Whose family had staged a revolution in medicine in the early 20th century, ultimately forcing a pharmaceutical paradigm down the throats of billions of people?
Who extended the germ theory of disease to the point at which populations would be hypnotized by it?
Who knew that medical tyranny and dictatorship were the roads to travel, in order to gain control of nations and bring in a new world order?
His beloved Chinese system of slavery comes to America.
Speaking of re-imagining, here is a backgrounder I wrote four years ago. It lays out the operation known as the Trilateral Commission, created by David Rockefeller.
Its goal? A collectivist world, run as a corporate entity. What better excuse for its necessity than a global “pandemic?” Top-down governance of the planet, in order to detect the earliest signs of disease outbreaks anywhere…“
I still say Klaus Schwab looks like our neighbour’s basset hound. Face anyway. (At least.)
Schwab is a very old man; he will be dead soon. When he dies, God will send him straight to hell, where he will burn for all eternity.
Um. . .
he’s not planning on dying.
What did Robert Burns croon, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.”
Though there are Scots brogues I can’t grasp a necessary word, that is not one of them.
I would be shocked, but not surprised.
Even ol’ James Jesus Angleton, chief of CIA CounterIntel for its debutante 25 years, said on his deathbed that he considered the founders of CIA all to be men who deservedly belonged in Hell. And then he added, as a still-puffing chain smoker dying of lung cancer like that spook in X Files, “I guess I will join them there soon.”
Wow. I hope not. I don’t wish that on ANY1!
But surely it is real.
And I can’t imagine, unless I’ve missed something vital, of anyone since Judas who more “richly” has ever merited it than Klaus Schwab?!
He should take all the global groans as a timely warning. But can he still hear any, of all that?
“THAT is the question. ” To quote Hamlet once more.
‘Burning Hell’ does NOT exist! That’s just part of the evil ‘christian’ DOGMA, which gullible, brainwashed, indoctrinated fools FALL FOR…
The proven-to-exist Spirit dimension of this in fact MULTI-dimensional cosmos however very much does exist. It’s where literally all of us return to, after each of our eternal soul’s many, many lifetimes (for yes, reincarnation is one of the spiritual truths of existence).
Correct. This has been happening for at least a century: your own government hates you!.
But it’s in Russia too , sorry but that’s it , they are all out to control . Don’t particularly like the term Mazi but yeah it’s all of them including Putin in my mind
Well, we can hold on to the deep hope that in all their coronapalooza chess stratagems, they may come to some draw, an endgame stalemate! Stranger things, and gambits, have happened. Russkies are not so bad at that. I suspect China, and India too.
“God is in the facts themselves.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906 ~ 1945, “Letters from Prison” (Gestapo, Berlin)
I come to see that what seems so inevitable as mass, or mutual, self-cancellation, is ambiguously undergirded by massive multi-level, multi-national maneuvering that is not immediately apparent, inasmuch as it is occurring in more than the clearly visible dimensions.
And it seems that we are all being called out “all hands on deck.” Whatever our roles, real, imagined, or soon mandated.
Tout le monde.