Pandemic 2: Monkeypox Madness
Kit Knightly

Monkeypox – it’s the hip new disease sweeping the globe. Allegedly appearing almost simultaneously in over a dozen different countries on four different continents.
As we wrote in the early days of the Covid “pandemic”, the only thing spreading faster than the disease is fear.
The media reported the first UK case of monkeypox on the 7th of May. Less than two weeks later, we’re seeing some very familiar headlines. Just like that…Pandemic 2: Monkey Pox!! begins playing at all your favorite fear porn outlets.
Sky News tells us that UK Monkeypox “cases” have “doubled(!)”…from 10 to 20.
The BBC went real subtle with it, blaring: “Monkeypox: Doctors concerned over impact on sexual health”
The New Scientist has actually used the P-word, asking “Can Monkeypox become a new pandemic?”, before answering, essentially, “probably no, but also maybe yes!”. Keeping their options open.
Science warns that “Monkeypox outbreak questions intensify as cases soar”
The Mirror has gone full paranoid already, headlining:
Russia looked into using monkeypox as biological weapon, claims ex soviet scientist
So that’s one direction the story might go.
To be clear, “monkeypox” (whatever that even means in this context), is NOT a Russian bio-weapon. It’s not a Western bio-weapon either. Or Chinese bio-weapon. It’s just another scare story. And a rushed, half-hearted one at that.
One of the signs that marked the Covid “pandemic” as a psy-op from an early stage was the sheer speed with which the hysteria spread. Far from learning from their mistakes, the powers-that-be have decided to go even faster this time.
Despite “cases” numbering barely in the dozens, the World Health Organization has called an emergency meeting, a strange thing to do when their annual Assembly starts literally tomorrow. But I guess when your launching a new product you need to do everything you can to get the hype going.
Despite just two “cases” in the entire United States (and indeed the fact they still don’t work), New York is bringing back mask recommendations.
Nobody has said “lockdown”…yet. But Hans Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, is “concerned” that transmission could accelerate if people attend mass gatherings:
as we enter the summer season … with mass gatherings, festivals and parties, I am concerned that transmission could accelerate”.
(As inflation soars and the cost of living crisis only gets worse, it’s probably handy for them to have a new “public health” reason to ban protests or clampdown on civil unrest. Just a thought.)
There’s some good news though…for vaccine manufacturers, anyway. As Whitney Webb reports, two struggling pharmaceutical companies have already seen a big stock boost from the “outbreak”:
Regardless of how the monkeypox situation plays out, two companies are already cashing in. As concern over monkeypox has risen, so too have the shares of Emergent Biosolutions and SIGA Technologies. Both companies essentially have monopolies in the US market, and other markets as well, on smallpox vaccines and treatments. Their main smallpox-focused products are, conveniently, also used to protect against or treat monkeypox as well. As a result, the shares of Emergent Biosolutions climbed 12% on Thursday, while those of SIGA soared 17.1%.
Just as with Covid, and despite rumours they would be leaving the World Health Organization, Russia appears to be lining up with the WHO agenda. Already they are “tightening border quarantine” rules, vaccinating healthcare workers and supplying quick bedside tests internationally.
Looks like we might be in for an epic summer of scare-mongering, panic-buying & bucketloads of cringe.
💢Are the new jabs already prepped & ready to go?
💢Are the “our hospitals are overwhelmed videos” being filmed as we speak, complete with “monkey pox” moulage and crying nurses who turn out to have IMDB pages & multiple acting credits?
💢Are the sleepy masses going to be fooled yet again?
Watch this space…

Image credit: Bob Moran (via twiiter)
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The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health,
and the Study of Business Enterprise
“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy
No monkey pox virus was found in the original 1957 paper, nor in the papers of the 70s after the supposed human cases. Its the same old mix of pox skin samples with monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum, and toxic antibiotics to get cell debris and call some of it “the pox virus”! Same with small pox, oh, remember that the small pox vax made small pox worse? Just a little factoid, ahh just forget it.
Nope. No way. I will never ever ever use my arm as a pin cushion for pushing poison.
Funny how Putin and all other world villains want to anihilate everyone with nukes, and yet at the same time want to save everyone from a virus with vaccines.
Just like the nasty terrorists went into self isolation during 2020/21 to save the world, but when the ‘pandemic’ is over they’ll go back to the kill the world business as usual.
It all makes so much sense…
Several things jump out at me.
Of course, I may just be spouting conspiracy theories. I wonder how many of these will turn out to be true.
Nothing particularly bad about AZ. All the brands contain the spike. It has caused mumerous types of illness and injury, depending on where the spike caused damage. This new scam seems to be a repackaging of the herpes effect.
5 Monkeypox conspiracy theories debunked:
Debunking, as an art form, turns out to be very simple. Simply list the theories and say that they are not true.
Will my monkey mask protect me?
Should do. If not, try a monkey on the back. Never fails
The Kills – Monkey 23
Money Pox – the courtesy of Bio-Weapon shot!
That, and many, many more!
From The Wizard of Oz: “FLY, MY PRETTIES, FLY!” Quoted from the Wicked Witch of the West to her monkeyed troops…
If the pox outbreak is real, then the probability that its natural is zero at best. Two problems arise with the official narrative. 1. We aren’t shown pictures of the patients. We are shown pictures of monkeypox, and those are likely from a medical textbook. 2. The vaccination status of infected individuals is left out.
Considering the statistical impossibility of a second pandemic in 2 years, it is essential to include the possibility that the vaccines play a role.
So, let’s consider:
The Moderna patent includes DEFA in its lengthy table, which could account for the symptoms. DEFA, sequence ID 2139, is associated with Bell’s Palsy, which is related to Chickenpox and Herpes Zoster and presents with herpes-like sores.
A second consideration is the reactivation of latent zoster viruses in the neural ganglia. The study “The impact of childhood varicella vaccination on the incidence of herpes zoster in the general population: modelling the effect of exogenous and endogenous varicella-zoster virus immunity boosting” states:
“After primary infection, VZV remains latent in neural ganglia until potential reactivation.”
This begs the question, does the vaccine affect the neural ganglia? Yes.
The Moderna patent includes the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and central nervous system:
This absolutely has the potential to reactivate latent zoster viruses, but it goes unmentioned. Is that peculiar, or expected?
Additionally, the above technology suggests using Theiler’s Encephalomyelovirus and Encephalomyocarditis Virus, both picornaviruses, as vehicles to cross the barrier. Could they be the cause of myocarditis side effects from the vaccine?
Are they crossing the blood brain barrier?
+1. We also see “reactivation” in relapses of cancer.
The PEG lipid envelope gets the spike past the blood-brain barrier.
This is following the same narrative as COVID. The first one worked beyond their wildest dreams. I don’t see why they don’t want to create the same nightmare and it seems they are word for word only the virus has changed to protect the guilty.
Does anyone remember several months ago the unmarked box truck filled with lab monkeys in cardboard containers that got into an accident and they had to catch the ones that got away? There was an ” investigation” Ho Ho.
Assembled genomes are not actual viruses or biologic objects. They are not proving anything to be a pathogen. It is all hypothetical desk top engineering, to help nudge your reluctant arm towards the needle.
Poxdemic? I say “A pox on all your demics!”
The Queens Platinum Jubilee—reigning for over 70 years. The central weekend of celebrations begins with two days of bank holidays (national holidays) on Thursday, June 2, and continues until Sunday, June 5.
Which falls a day after England’s Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect
6/1 eve to 6/2 eve: Feast of Old Greek Goddess Athena – as protector and defender. [Skirophorion 3]
6/2 eve to 6/3 eve: Feast of Old Greek Deities Aphrodite and Hermes–Day to honor the divine feminine and divine masculine in harmony. [Skirophorion 4]
The second Mercury Retrograde of 2022 begins with the Pre-Shadow in Taurus on April 26 at approx. 6:42 am Universal Time*, 2:42 am EDT and 11:42 pm PDT on April 25.Mercury goes Retrograde in Gemini (4º 52′) on *May 10 at 11:47 am Universal Time, 7:47 am EDT and 4:37 am PDT. *When the Queen did her Queen speech.
The Direct Station occurs in Taurus (26º 05′) on June 03, at 8:00 am Universal Time, 4:00 am EDT and 1:00 am PDT.
Other astrologers have Mercury going Direct on June 2 when the Platinum Jubilee begins. As Mercury – Hermes rules transportation – Commerce this would a signfier as the dates align perfectly to the celebration of the ancient festivals which are still very much alive today unknowingly to the general public who perform the rituals on behalf of the priestclass.
It is the Queens Symbols / sigils we see around the City of London.
United Kingdom after Italy then Washington was the 1 2 3 of being the first to ever lockdown down after China.
The Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
Also called The “Holy Trinity” of the New World Order: Spiritual, Financial, Military.
Italy: Vatican City Spiritual
U.K : City of London Financial
USA: Washington DC Military.
In the USA (Washington D.C) Biden is virtually dead the Queen is retiring, Italy went full hell and No Jab No job policy which is still in effect.
The death/retiring of Queen and king of D.c would usher in 20 23 – 223.
If they was to perform a summer lockdown as they mentioned back in October then June (solstice buildup) after ‘The Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations would be the ideal time.
I hope not.
“All is Fel in love and war”
– Paul Vonharnish –
I have my doubts the Queen is alive. They are saving the news of her passing for a diversion.
Same person?
The synagogue doesn’t even get an honorary mention on that list?
Ever thought this is a scare to ban “dirty” cash…?
The chinese mafia have already started using that narrative.
Expect the mind control apparatus to dutifully play their part and show the pox in all of its grossness. Public service announcements are being filmed as we speak hyping smallpox vaccines as the cure. COVID fatigue and mass hysteria are still alive and well and the globalists are doubling down as they accelerate their push for the New World Order/Great Reset and their transhumanist sexual reorientation agendas. This will be an interesting summer.
I have already seen the news telling people to get a smallpox vaccine as it will protect them from monkeypox. It is the same pitch they use for shingles. “If you had chickenpox, then you already have the virus that causes shingles. But we have a vaccine for that.”
MONKEYsteria: Best Monkeypox Memes
Monkeypox (the “K” is silent) is COMING to get you, but the memes are already here!
It’s nice to see a truly eco-friendly media that has a serious interest in re-cycling:
Putin stops covid and the chimp stops Ukraine,
Given that the monkey pox vaccine is the same as the smallpox vaccine what is the issue? Most of us are already immune.
It is a good reason to hold and isolate 3rd world people who are entering our country illegally. Their vaccination status would be sketchy, at best. This action would be more in their best interest than ours.
Lyme disease is everywhere that there are while-tailed deer, white-footed mice and deer ticks but yet no one seems to care enough about developing a vaccine. If left untreated it is a terrible disease that still confounds doctors who have not done their homework. Kind of weird when you have tell your doctor how to treat you for a tick bite because he had no idea because he isn’t reading his journals. The disease is so serious that it should be standard procedure to take the antibiotic if bitten by a deer tick given that deer and mice are everywhere. Ticks are being transported everywhere by birds. Why don’t doctors know this? Medical Zombies that are only doing what they are told.
Rabies has been common in raccoon populations on the east coast of the U.S. for decades. Why is that not a concern given that there are more raccoons than ever in urban and rural areas. They are in constant contact with each and our pets. Same for red foxes.
Not that long ago pox was found in a meadow vole population in the Chicago area. The shit is out there. Everywhere. No is one is testing wildlife populations for anything.
Tree hole mosquitoes. Nasty. You want to walk in the woods in summer. Cover your skin and wear repellent. Dengue. Yellow Fever. Encephalitis.
Shit is out there.
Real shit.
Not this bullshit.
You know all about Lyme’s origin, right?
Obviously not. Sounds like the “cure” is to test, test, test and eradicate anything that “tests positive” whether one has an actual, you know, test that works or not. Sounds very familiar, doesn’t it?
As for real shit, depends on who is telling you what “real shit” is, as has always been true. And since when has our ownership class given one shit about real shit killing people? The illnesses from real shit are a revenue generator, openly admitted by pharma if one is paying attention to what they say.
But test away. Eradicate all those animals, who are merely uncontrolled vectors that are a direct threat to humanity. Never mind we’ve managed to live with uncontrolled vectors for most of our lives. Test ’em, kill ’em if necessary, we don’t need them. Oh wait, we might actually need them? Well, fuck that, Bill and his buddies will come to our rescue eventually, right?
Lab 257. My whole family is disabled. I know more about Lyme disease than I want to know. Elisa tests – Western blot – all 87% false negative. When the tools for the diagnosis are owned by the devil, the patient ends up living in hell.
good reason to hold and isolate 3rd world people who are entering our country illegally
Not just in your country. It is a global capitalist strategy. Government controlling the influx of slaves would spoil the party for their plutocrat friends.
Covid vax = bad. All other vaxxes = good.
Viruses made in a labs. Putin = bad. Trump = good
Elon = freedom of speech. And we’re going up (or down) into Space!
Got it.. yee haw!
The k is silent in monkeypox. ~ Vanessa Beeley
Of course the masses will be fooled, the MSM will see to it. That’s their job and how they get their blood money. Maybe there won’t be as many people falling for it as they did last time. I still see many useless breathers still wearing their masks, even today.
I guess they will perish in the first wave of care from the WHO, the UN, the NWO.
There will come a time when history repeats itself. Buildings will burn and people will be killed. The WHO, the UN, the NWO, aren’t interested in democracy. They seem intent on chaos.
So, if you want democracy, you better be prepared to fight for it.
Democracy literally means “rule by the masked”.
Buildings will burn and people will be killed.
When even water and minimum food stop, that happens. Especially after geniuses enforcing urbanisation and “development” for decades. Riots have hit Sri Lanka, Peru and Pakistan. They are brewing in Egypt, Nigeria, Columbia, Philippines, and even Turkey and India.
This is democracy in action. To make the fools believe everyone’s vote counts the exact the same from a homeless illiterate to a billionaire CEO, and we all choose who governs over us and inlfuence their decisions.
An ideal system to rule over the lazy minded who think they just turn up at a polling station every few years and that’ll be enough; and if they feel like ‘participating’ in democracy congregate them in some public square, give ’em some ready made placards to demand the govt to take action on something the govt had already decided they wanted to take action on: democracy in action.
This is not Pandemic 2, it is Pandemic 4.
Pandemic 1: Avian flu (2006)
Pandemic 2: Swine flu (2009)
Pandemic 3: Covid-19
Pandemic 4: Monkeypox
Which each episode their manipulation is becoming better and better. This is why I told long time ago: „after the covid we need to punish those responsible, because else they will start again. After covid-19, they will start „covid-21”, „covid-25”, or maybe find a new…viruses are making mutations and a new one can be found in each year. Just to proclaim it as very dangerous is the problem”
Can we print this article in Danish and use the image? 🙂 Please email me
The monkeypox bulls%#t should alert people to the fact that none of the current events are exclusive to each other. They need nano-tech in your brain and they know you won’t accept it, so they’re going to force the issue before elections.
If they put gold nanoparticles in your brain, they can cook it from the inside with a wifi signal, and the nanotubes can directly influence neural signaling.
It is essential to know what is being injected in you. Therefore its essential to know the patent.
Moderna patent:
With these link you can get 2 Moderna patent 10703789 spreadsheets:
When you see the number 14 and a fish, that’s Enki (the new equinox, Aquarius). Politicians and presidents sign Noahide laws (Chabad) that call for decapitation of those who do not worship him. Those people are Christians and everyone else who doesn’t worship Enki (Aquarius), and may even be your family.
Don’t vote for politicians who entertain Noahide laws or support Chabad fanaticism.
They need not adhere to a patent that may look safe. The goal is to get the contract and further the globalist goals. Regardless of benefit or harm, the med. industry and those in government dealing with it win.
Dr Buttar on the 5G trigger:
Re: the jaw-dropping opening sequence, I had no idea the American side was so glutinously aggressive in its vaccine drive. And these excruciatingly obsequious celebrities desperate to look as if they’re “doing their bit”. And there’s James Corden eagerly dancing his way onto the Hollywood Boulevard.
Naturally the media system’s antibodies have aggressively mounted the Stalinist “disappearance” method against Buttar – more subtle than the Soviet model i.e. outright gagging and despatch to the gulags or execution doesn’t stop but actually accelerates the truth getting out. Far more effective to allow the truth to be told but smeared as “nutty”.
Rip Van Winkle comes to mind…………….. This is why the movie industry is going broke and celebrities are stooping to slapping each other in order get attention. No one likes Hollywood anymore. Crazed leftists who have been getting away with it for too long. People are fed up with the bullshit.
MCM referring to the theory (new to me) that Monkeypox is a distraction and the real money is on a “sleeper” virus implanted in the vaccines and ready to be triggered by 5G:
Indeed 🙂
They probably have the ability to delete anyone they want at the touch of a button.
Compute, compute, compute computer games.
It will be easy then , have a look where all the 5 G towers are,
But let us hope this will be not the case as it will be awful.
The supreme principles of the ‘free market”:
:- insider trading
:- pump and dump
:- selective regulation, including rescues and “settlements”.
Just as with COVID and Event 201 in October 2019 (, it seems the scenario of a monkeypox pandemic was gamed out in connection with the 2021 Munich Security Conference.
I guess we now know where the fictional country of Brinia is located, where in the Munich tabletop exercise there was to be a weaponized monkeypox terrorist attack in May 2022.
My prediction is that this “pandemic” will reach full hysteria mode around October and end shortly after November 8, 2022. In other words it will ensure a mail-in vote in the Congressional elections – we have to ensure the War Party stays in power and the $ keep flowing to MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-MEDIA-Academia-Think-Tank) complex.
Nah I don’t think the monkey is going to take off like the bat soup virus did in 2020. There’s ‘covid’ saturation in a chunkable size of the population by now, it’s not so much they won’t believe it but that they are fed up with it.
It’s going to be enough to convince a good amount to get another round of injections for sure, but I don’t think we’ll see worldwide lockdowns at all, probably regionally done this time. Any excuse is good enough to disrupt travel and international traffic to wear people down, and that is what this monkey business is.
Wait until they combine into the new variant Monkeyrona…
Surely a dodgy software engineer eugenicist, who visited Epstein’s island 30 times will keep us safe?.
He boasted about 20 to 1 RoI on his vaccines and reducing global populations through vaccination…
We can trust Bill.
Call him a software moghul, but he is no engineer or technician. As someone said 20 years ago, his products are a big steaming pile of sh..
My understanding is that he is a thief. Taking open source software and putting a patent on it.
Before we consider blaming him for that, we should hang every legislator who supported intellectual piracy the patenting of common objects and practices, including biopiracy and cultural ideas.
Hilarious pic of where Gates found moneypox from (scroll to the bottom):
He found it in science..
Monkeypox targets Western nations it seems.
Curious that people “catch it” all the time in 3rd World countries but it’s not “news”.
Clownpox is here.
A lot of ass clowns look good for the rap.
What do you mean “they” didn’t learn from their mistakes?
The question is: Will “we” have learnt from our. mistakes (to listen, to obey, to clamour for the jabs)?
Monkey Business
What a coincidence! AIDS came from monkeys too! Heh… Let’s resurrect that wonderful medicine AZT (azidothymidine). You know. The one that killed allot of desperate people… Get in on those early AZT stock buys, today!!!
‘a lot’; ie, the words you’re writing are actually TWO words, and not one…
Why do so, so many people write it as one word (‘alot’ or ‘allot’; in the context you’ve used it, it’s TWO words! – ‘a lot’!).
Heh, heh… I was sick the day they taught spelling in grade school…
Watch those corrections!
Next time, someone may reply, “Hey! Loose the attitude!”
Oh how correct you are.
Despite the ‘it is just money’ argument about vaccines, if Berenson is correct CV blah blah could easily be about depopulation.
Please shut up about another pandemic. COVID was nothing but a pretext and economic preparation for world war.
Am I the only person who gets rattled when apes are considered monkeys? It matters.
Why does it matter? – Is it because it’s okay to torture monkeys but not apes, ergo not humans?
I agree entirely. Animals have identities apart from those humans presume the right to give them.
In a sense, it’s partly because most people don’t take the time to understand the nature of the world they presume to rule over as stewards that they’re in the mess they are now.
Sorry, working from memory I did make a few mistakes:
-Burgermeister is a journalist, not a lawyer
-it was seasonal flu vaxx that was contaminated, not swine flu vaxx, which was just before swine flu “occurred” in 2009, so that bird flu wd have run simultaneous w swine flu.
It’s probably a “monkey see, monkey do” joke.
BTW the alien invasion card hasn’t gone away:
How fantastically brave of Congress to finally hold hearings on this! Truth will out! The system works! Nothing at all to do with Klaus SChwab declaring alien intelligence will be proven by 2026….
Better to call it ‘moneypox.’ It will impact your wallet.
Monkeypox isn’t exactly sweeping anywhere. Its nothing like as contagious as Covid or even ordinary colds and flu. Its very photogenic, though, so its just the disease to provide clickbait for the masses.
So the real disease is really one called “crap journalism”.
As for Covid itself, its trying but I don’t think its getting the traction it used to enjoy. Its been found that if you’re immunized and it manages a brteakthrough, no matter how mild, then your immune system gets ‘supercharged’ (in the words of one researcher). I think we’re going to hear less and less about this. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be vigilant (but not “hypervigilant to the point where it dominates our lives”) but it does appear to be fading into the distance. So, yes, conspiracists might need a new pandemic but monekeypox isn’t going to be it.
“Its nothing like as contagious as Covid”.
What are you talking about, you 50c per comment idiot. What is this covid you talk about that is contagious.
Your immune system does not get supercharged from the Covid shots. That’s pre-shot propaganda.
Quite the opposite is true: Your immunity to all sorts of bugs, including those that do not exist, wanes to the extent that you’ll develop VAIDS onwards from your first booster.
But a brownie point for trying.
FFS. Convid was and is a hoax.
My feeling is that folks that make this sort of statement should preface it with something like, ‘I firmly believe that the US of As is “the one indispensable nation”‘. Fair is fair
What do you think Mammal?
“That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be vigilant”
Of dishonest frauds like yourself you mean, Martin? We see you.
Can you have asymptomatic monkey pox?
I’m sure the Russians are hard at work on some asymptomatic monkeypox in one of their bioweapon-labs, even as we speak. 😂
In 2009 H1N1 “Swine Flu” which NO pig ever had was pandemic of the moment. Vaxx for it was distributed to 18 countries. A Czech researcher gave it to lab animals & they all died. Research disclosed it contained live bird flu, and most human injections were prevented.
Jane Bergermeister, Austrian lawyer, saw a story about it in a local paper; it was not picked up by major media. She investigated, found that the extraordinary protections around the bird flu (It was kept in a separate lab, etc) made it impossible to have been an accident. She sued bigshots; can’t remember who– sitting US Pres, etc.
Suit was dropped by judiciary but there was a refusal to name the cause of dropping it.
Dr. Mercola had an interview w her up 2 days ago; maybe someone else will pick it up.
For the moment, only link I have is this:
Back in 2009 they wanted harmless swine flu & bird flu to run simultaneously. Are they now planning monkeypox w simultaneous bird flu?
Here’s the Burgermeister interview by Dr. Mercola.
Well what are they going to do with this one then?
The problem: Covid is ebbing i.e. the psy-op itself is running aground. Of course the media carry on as they always have since spring 2020. It was obvious that that vastly questionable and frankly ridiculous ghost train ride was a sacred screed which would never change. The media coverage was a psychotic drone and has remained so and will ever be so. Ukraine is a desperate intermission to tread water. But clearly another scary scary bug is required to further facilitate the new bio-terrorism needed to turn the population into tremulous vegetables.
Monkeypox? Well it seems pointless to highlight absurdity here. Such is the strength of blatant crap that once you’ve had the balls to push it out then theoretically there is no limit to how long you can go and however you want to augment the claptrap.
There is the usual arrogantly blasé presumption here:
“Is it time to worry or are we getting overly excited having just lived through Covid?”
Well look at the good side: “having just lived through”. That would seem to be an admission that the covid manoeuvre has run its course. But the writer is concerned that “we” are getting a bit too cocky here. “We” are expecting a reprieve.
More good news:
“Let’s be clear: this is not another Covid and we’re not days away from lockdowns to contain the spread of monkeypox.”
Or is it good news? Even given its boundless capacity for bullshit, the media might be a bit nervous about blandly announcing another lockdown. So maybe their assurance that we won’t is their way of saying that we very well might?
And “this is an unusual and unprecedented monkeypox outbreak” which “has taken scientists …. by complete surprise and it is always a concern when a virus changes its behaviour.” Scene setting: get them in the mood!
So we find that this disease has mutated and has broken free from its natural habitat and “is spreading during sexual activities” and that “(m)any of those affected are gay and bisexual young men”.
Interesting. Gay bashing coming up with its expected backlash of defending gays – and another lively little public punch up?
In any case, some prof reckons that though this is “not Covid-Two” (which is in fact what it is) “we need to act” (thus proving how much it is indeed “Covid-Two”).
After the requisite bio-babble, the now familiar assured prophecy:
“We know we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg …there are missing links in a chain that seems to spread across Europe and beyond.”
Sly bit:
“A recent massive superspreading event, in which large numbers of people gathered and caught monkeypox at the same venue such as a festival and then took it home to different countries, could explain the current situation.”
I am sure many glancing through this may easily miss the “could explain” bit and assume that this “superspreader” was a matter of confirmed fact.
And then the little back-and-forward tease:
“I don’t think the general public need to be worried at this stage, but…we are not in control of this”
“as we enter the summer season… with mass gatherings, festivals and parties, I am concerned that transmission could accelerate”.
And finally, note that the smallpox image is exactly the one used by the World Socialist Website. Well isn’t that interesting?
I wonder who worked to exploit that superspreader event. And why the local health authorities were looking the other way.
Monkeypox has hit the TV news. I couldn’t control a snort of derision. My wife picked up on it and chastised me for “pooh poohing again” and said, “I suppose it’s another conspiracy then?” At which point I just had to stop myself in exasperation. I now realise that there is a mindset who will believe whatever they hear on the TV news simply because it’s on the TV news. (Astonishingly some even express their own cynicism in off-the-cuff remarks but suddenly go all defensive when you push them into following the logic of their own sneers!)
Mark Crispin Miller’s definition of “conspiracy theory” – or rather the function of the term – is that it refers to something which, if true, vast numbers simply couldn’t handle. It is therefore a kind of charm to ward off the modern version of “unpatriotic” or “blasphemous” sentiments. In the arguments I have had, it wasn’t so much the details that mattered and not even the controversy over the existence of actual conspiracies. No, it was the fact that I wasn’t taking the mainstream media at face value. That is the unforgivable offence. And it will be attacked in the same way that anti-bodies in the blood will attack a virus – ironically enough. This is the possibility that so many can’t handle: that mommy and daddy media are lying to them.
Well said. I think your analogies hit the mark perfectly.
It’s certainly true that not taking the mainstream media at face value is a true badge of honour these days.
As far as I know there are no brainwashed alien antibodies attacking anything in my blood, but heaven knows what they’re putting in our drinking water…