This Week in the New Normal #31

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1.Google Health researching surveillance and AI
This week it was reported that Google Health (which is apparently a thing) has hired Bakul Patel, former head of digital health for the US Food & Drug Administration, to oversee their “unified digital health and regulatory strategy”…whatever that means.
Patel left the FDA only last month, after spending his term as director launching:
a center of excellence to oversee digital health products such as smartphone apps, wearable devices and software-based treatments, which he was tapped to lead. He also helped develop the FDA’s framework for reviewing artificial intelligence products and an action plan detailing a multipronged approach to advance oversight on aritificial-intelligence- and machine-learning-based medical software.
You’d be forgiven for reading that as “Patel spent his term at the FDA writing rules and creating loopholes that favour Google’s future patents, and is being rewarded with a cushy job and big fat corporate pay-off”…and that’s probably true.
But it might also be worse than that.
Patel’s plans for the company seem to be fairly ambitious, and could basically be described as the public health version of pre-crime:
Patel said his goal is to use digital information and technology to identify and predict the onset of disease before symptoms appear,
The article goes on to detail all the ways Google are developing to monitor you…sorry, “your health”. From tracking devices on fitness watches to microphones which listen to your heart.
From consumer-facing products like sleep tracking tech with its Nest Hub smart home devices and Fitbit wearables to clinical initiatives like its Care Studio EHR search tool and its health AI work, Google has intensified its focus on health tech and expanded its reach into the healthcare market.
If you’re one of the dozen or so people who still trust Google, here’s a poetically timed reminder of your naivete – Just four days ago it was reported that Google is being sued for the illegal use of NHS medical records.
The company is accused of accessing the records of over 1.6 million people and using confidential data for research without ever seeking the consent of the patients themselves.
A reminder that corruption is like an iceberg, you only ever see the smallest part sticking above the surface. It’s probably much worse than it looks, it almost always is.
…I honestly still think the most troubling part of this story is that Google Health even exists at all.
We’re really on our way to maybe four or five companies that do literally everything.
2. CBDCs march on
The push toward widespread use of central bank digital currency (CBDC) has been accelerating under cover of Covid for two years, and doesn’t look like slowing down.
We already know that at least 100 of the 196 nations on Earth are either piloting a CBDC or in the planning stages of doing so.
This week it was reported that SWIFT – the premier international payments system – is researching interoperability between different nations’ CBDCs:
Yesterday SWIFT, the organization responsible for messaging most cross border payments, has started a new set of CBDC interoperability experiments partnering with Cap Gemini.
Up until now the lack of interoperability has been one of the bigger stumbling blocks on the path to entirely digital money, with experts concerned that…
without interoperability, individual central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could create new domestic silos, fragmenting the global payment landscape.
If SWIFT and Cap Gemini solve the interoperability issue, expect the CBDC move to continue apace.
I’ve typed out so many near-identical paragraphs detailing all the ways a CBDC endangers individual liberty that it’s honestly getting dull having to keep explaining why this is a bad thing. They’re just bad OK? Read the old articles for the details.
I would also recommend James Corbett’s latest, CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide , for a great rundown on the current situation.
3. Youtube’s censorship level is over 9000
Just like everything else for the last decade, Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine is being used to push the idea that censorship is OK sometimes, and that free speech is dangerous if the wrong people have it.
Under the guise of “supporting Ukraine”, YouTube announced they have deleted over 9000 accounts and over 70,000 videos pertaining to the war in Ukraine.
In a sign of just how far this debate has swung to the tyrannical side, The Guardian article doesn’t even mention the idea of “free speech”, or use the word “censorship”.
No, it’s just a fact of life now apparently: People who say the wrong things should not be allowed to speak.
BONUS: Hypocrite of the week…
Always a very competitive category, but this week it must go to Justin Trudeau for the simple beauty of this doublethink…
We cannot allow falsehoods and disinformation about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to continue spreading in Canada. That’s why we asked the CRTC to review Russia Today’s presence on Canadian airwaves. Today, in a move consistent with what many allies are doing, they banned it.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 17, 2022
Putin’s decision to expel Canadian media from Moscow is an attempt to silence them from reporting the facts, and it is unacceptable. Journalists must be able to work safely – free from censorship, intimidation, and interference. That is something Canada will always stand up for.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) May 18, 2022
It’s not all bad…
In Australia, a local council has voted to sue the State Government of Western Australia over its vaccine mandates. Port Hedland Council passed resolutions on Friday opposing the hardline law on vaccination and employment.
In other vaccine mandate news, the New York Police Department may be putting theirs on hold indefinitely. The New York Post reports that NYPD sources claiming “no action” is planned for those who request a religious exemption to the vax, but are denied it.
NYPD officials claim that over 91% of their officers are vaccinated, but if uptake were really that high this would be an unusual move. One of many clues suggesting vaccination rates have been over-reported.
The DHS’s planned “Disinformation Governance Board” has been put on pause after only 3 weeks of operation following the surprise resignation of director Nina Jankowicz. The Washington Post claims the resignation was the result of “targeted online attacks”…Which is pretty hilarious.
Hopefully, that’s a real win and not just a manoeuvre, but we’ll see.
Since the monkeypox narrative is simply ludicrous, let’s have a little meme fun…

But the prize for best response goes to…
monkeypox?! seriously, go fuck yourself.
— matt nathanson (@mattnathanson) May 22, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention VICE reporting “The Depp-Heard trial has played right into the hands of far-right extremists” or rejuvenation of the “Domestic Terrorism” narrative as a path to more social control.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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More from the New New Normal. Too early to say, Mission Accomplished, but the signs are these:
“In all areas liberated by Russia’s SMO in Ukraine, not a single incident of protest or insurrection yet. “Western” media would love to report otherwise, but so far no go. The fact is, all cities liberated from the 2014 “cookie coup” regime have returned to normal life under the RF, given thousands of tonnes of foods/supplies.”
An eye-opening contrast to NATzO’s Coalition of the Killing in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Ukraine.
Correction: “There is no way that Greek tankers registered in Liberia and manned by Filipinoes will stop delivering Russian oil to big customers like India, China and the U$A”.
Who is really being squeezed?
According to Alex Christoforou in the Duran, Greek shipowners told their puny little Prime Minister there was no way that Greek tankers manned by Filipinnoes would stop carrying Russian oil to big customers like India, China and the U$A.
“If Russia is still able to sell oil around the world, countries like India are able to negotiate for below-market prices, and Western consumers are being hammered with inflated prices, who is really being squeezed?”
Wall Street Journal says: “The West Is Still Buying Russian Oil, but It’s Now Harder to Track”
And who is applying the squeeze?
I notice a subtle undercurrent connecting gay sex as a spreader of the monkeygerm.. marginalising as many groups as possible in one go
More from the New New Normal. Pepe Escobar reports on the state of play in ‘NATZO vs Rest of World’ series. [notes by NickM]:
“[The recently cobbled-together nation called] Ukraine is already a thing of the past. Georgy Muradov, permanent representative of Crimea to the President of Russia and Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean government, is adamant: “Ukraine in its present form, I think, will no longer remain.”
Muradov also confirms that the Sea of Azov has now become a “sea of joint use by Russia and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)”.
Mariupol [liberated from NATzO’s crack nazi Azov battalion] will be restored to life [with a trainload of daily goods already on its way; see my previous post — NickM]. Russia has had plenty of experience in this business [of conflict resolution] in both Grozny and Crimea. The Russia-Crimea land corridor is on. Four hospitals among five in Mariupol have already reopened and public transportation is back, as well as three gas stations.
The imminent loss [ie, lost to NATzO] of Severodonetsk and Lysichansk will upset Washington and Brussels, because that will represent the beginning of the end of the current regime in Kiev [a regime of Jewish oligarchs electing a string of Jewish-only presidents, installed via a $5Billion armed “cookie coup” by the U$ regime under former POTU$A Obomba, present POTU$A Biden and perennial Second Harpie Nuland in 2014].
[Pepe adds: Don’t Cry for Me, Ukraine]
“Zelensky will be fine. He’s protected by British and American special forces. The family is reportedly living in an $8 million mansion in Israel. He owns a $34 million villa in Miami Beach, and another in Tuscany.
“So sit back, relax, and watch the Decline of the West.” [versus Rest Of World].
The Fraud takes a break from frothing at the mouth about Johnson (“as new photos emerge”… from where?) to offer five solutions to the economic crisis:
Are the five solutions going to include ending Russian sanctions and an attack on the large banks? Astonishingly not:
1) Increase benefits (seems lefty and compassionate – but it isn’t).
2) Break up the Treasury (the same waste of time tried by Harold Wilson)
3) Green investment (surprise!)
4) A government task force for better public-private partnerships (does this come from a) public demand b) Davos? That’s a tough one… ).
5) Windfall tax on energy companies (the old Blair trick with a green twist).
As always, the solutions they propose reveal their purpose. Zero here would help the working poor or near-poor or the middle class… because it’s not supposed to.
A bit of New Speak for the New Normal: Surrender–>Evacuation
Weapons–>Lethal Aid
To add to the old New Speak:
Authoritarian–>Law& Order
Secret Police–>Undercover Cops
Crush Dissent–>Riot Control
Invasion–>Humanitarian Intervention
War Crimes–>Collateral Damage
And then there’s “Mercenary –> Contractor”.
In 2004, Iraqi insurgents attacked a convoy and killed four Blackwater USA mercenaries in Fallujah. The mainstream/corporate mass-media uniformly referred to the deceased as “contractors”.
At the time, I ignorantly assumed at first that they were, you know, civilian “contractors” in the usual commercial sense– maybe a couple of electricians, a plumber, and a first-class drywall man. I deplored the senseless slaying of these peaceful tradesmen!
“It’s Not All Bad”. Yes it is…
Australia has a local council that is going to sue the federal government? Really? are these both the same thing? Further, local government is not legal in Australia. We had a referendum in 1988 and was voted no. see here.
But hey, they did it anyway along with other stuff that was not voted in. This is high treason. Australia has not been running under the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution since 1973. We could be, but unknowingly people now consent to the Australia Act instead.
In other words, have agreed to be dictated to by a corporation. Under the Commonwealth the people are Sovereign and make the rules, not CEOs of corporations. When the masses understand this and how we are being duped only then can we free ourselves of it.
Rod Culleton and GAP Australia are doing some good work exposing the scam and helping the population understand what’s gone on.
Oh and whilst im at it, we all know they protect pedophiles too. This is from the Senate in Australia.
You are a trifle confused, the Australia act did not delete the Australian constitution, it got rid of UK privy council decisions.
Commercial Infant Formula Is Junk Food.
“Most contain shocking amounts of sugar — typically in the form of corn syrup, which is the worst of all — and even far worse ingredients, including large amounts of dangerous linoleic acid from soy (the risks of which I detail in “Infant Soy Formula — A Risky Public Experiment”) and genetically modified ingredients (reviewed in this 2012 article). Infant formulas have also been found to contain hazardous contaminants, including glyposate15 and perchlorate (rocket fuel).”
I can’t believe it’s Monkey pox season already. I still have my Ukraine decorations up.
Yes, looking forward to the Revolving Door Commissioners report… oh silly me, of course, there isn’t one! So much bad shit is being normalised at the moment… I want to see a Matt Nathanson response to this on Twitter: They Are Going To Gene Edit My What Now?The problem with playing God…
‘In Australia, a local council has voted to sue the State Government of Western Australia over its vaccine mandates. Port Hedland Council passed resolutions on Friday opposing the hardline law on vaccination and employment.’ We still have some power to voice protest in Australia and, we can still read RT news.
Has this ever happened before? The source for the “gas leak” claim is an unnamed “Sainsbury’s worker”; so to me it sounds as though it’s some sort of coverup narrative.
‘Faulty fridge’ was behind Sainsbury’s gas leak that caused shoppers to ‘pass out from breathing difficulties’, claims worker after two people were taken to hospital – as store remains shut while ‘staff clear up mess’
Around 150 shoppers were evacuated from the Sainsbury’s store in Birmingham
At least seven shoppers are said to have collapsed with ‘breathing difficulties’
A Sainsbury’s worker said the gas leak was caused by faulty fridges in the store
Published: 20 May 2022 | Updated: 21 May 2022
Caption: Around 150 shoppers were evacuated and people were cleared from other buildings in the area while paramedics treated seven people at the scene . . . West Midlands Fire Service’s website classed it as a ‘hazardous substances’ incident while witnesses described a suspected chemical leak involving ‘some sort of gas’
This week in the New New Normal:
“Graham Philips’s heartwarming short video of Mariupol coming back to life.
“Russian Aid to liberated areas is massive. The Donbass Aid Train, formed on the initiative of the All-Russian People’s Front and Russian Railways, departed from Moscow pulling 27 wagons intended for the Lugansk PR, and 41 for the liberated territories of the Donetsk PR. Total 2,400 tons of humanitarian cargo: food, personal hygiene products, medicines, flour, stationery, building materials and equipment, generators.”
I’d like to see the video, but haven’t got telegram or a cellphone number. What to do?
Click the link, Click the name of the journalist at the top of page, click Preview Channel. You then get a comprehensive look through the content.
Maybe there is a method to their madness after all. Climate engineering and chemtrail spraying is helping destroy the forests. No trees = No paper money. A big boost for CBDC.
Then when they purge Earth’s rocks of metals, they can discontinue coins. What’s a poor banker to do? They’ll have no choice but going digital.
Moral of story: Plan Ahead.
‘the ways Google are developing to monitor you…sorry, “your health”’
why is the sarcastic tone? hey?
if you, your phone or your car, fell into a ditch, wouldn’t you be delighted to immediately receive [best] offers for prosthetic limbs? or AI-Pentagon-technology operated crutches? best of all, you can be offered choice of coffins that perfectly fits your measurements in your favourite colours — all without you hitting any key or button!
if you had enough, really depressed, then you will be delightul with instant offers of the most pleasurable euthanasia experiences; you might be offered some free trials to choose the most suitable one!!
google is creepy, true, but we should remain positive and look at the bright side!
+ a googol
“Safe and effective protection against Monkey Pox.”

My Mask talks to me. It makes me do strange things. It is talking to me again. Got to go.”

“Which way to Bicklesville? FAUCI IS GOD!“
Propaganda so dreadful they have to give it away:
He owns nothing and is happy! Shouldn’t you be like this? It’s your own fault if you’re not! Don’t be angry or upset about what’s being done to the world – go into a corporate meditation booth and all’s right with the world! It’s only an optical illusion after all! Funny how that doesn’t apply to grabbing the world’s resources – if they’re just an illusion, why bother?
They don’t even try to hide the link to more productive workers. It’s almost like they’ve realised the programming to destroy attention spans has been so successful people can’t even stack shelves or write code anymore. Eastern societies cracked how to create obedient worker drones so they want some of that here. Go to the WEF Book Club and ‘The Future is Asian’ is one of the first books staring back at you. The big globalist thinktanks and their intelligence agency tools have been trying to push elements of Eastern culture like meditation and yoga into the Western mainstream since at least the late 1960s. No doubt benign and even beneficial versions of these things exist – but not the weaponised versions, not the navel-staring while the world is burning down.
BTW I see the Fraud is leading with this year’s Davos. Davos seems to have joined the growing ranks that have transitioned from “it’s a crazy conspiracy theory” to “yeah it’s happening – but it’s a good thing” (they only want to help those plucky Ukrainians!).
“We’re really on our way to maybe four or five companies that do literally everything.”
Omnicorp has a certain ring to it….
(Or the Tyrell Corporation – which just happens to be the city of Hiram Abiff plus LL which is a 33 encode, L being the 12th letter of the alphabet and 1+2=3).
Google is being sued for the illegal use of NHS medical records
I recall a deal when Neil Cameron was PM, whereby the NHS gave Google access to it vast data on patients. This was supposedly in exchange for some AI thingy. So, this has been going on for a long time on a much bigger scale than 1.6 million patients.
David even? But admittedly he looks like a Neil. Probably what he had to do while a fag at Eton.
I heard that the bold “alternative” channel Russia Today was recycling the same monkeypox photo everyone else was. But it seems I can’t get access. Every which way I try, I get this message:
Gosh I’m guessing they must be really radical!
Try VPN or Tor (native to the Brave browser)
Under the new rules, you aren’t allowed to access the out put of countries which practice censorship… Oh, wait…
I had a sample of the Depp/Heard thing on Vox – as much as I could bear – and I loved this bit:
They do like their fancy neologisms. Back in those good old 80s some Tory suggested the word “Scarbenn” to mean a combination of those following Arthur Scargill and Tony Benn. My Dad guffawed at that and suggested they were writing a Doctor Who script.
Depp may not be aware of it but he’s now playing the highest profile role of his life. Only he’s not getting paid for it …. or maybe he is? Who knows? Who cares?
I think you mean WHO knows, WHO doesn’t care George.
still cannot connect to RT? i am sure, connection will be restored very soon.
i’ll help you stay uptodate. RT now has this important news item:
New York declares state of emergency .. amid an ongoing nationwide baby formula crisis”.
and a great user comment:
“lol state of emergency. why dont you try feeding your babies human milk like we had done for the past 5000 yrs. this is how fuct up the world has become under capitalism in these past 50yrs.”
“Google Health”? A contradiction in terms surely?
Google has entered our language, as a verb no less.
More an expletive or a pejorative really.
Humanity has been googled.
‘Google this, you conspiracist!’
‘Shove that up your google’
‘He googled me and I’ve never been the same’
And on and on googlefinitum.
‘Google has entered our language, as a verb no less’: yes, even in many different nations. It originally meant ‘a quick way to search the www’, but it has now self morphed into ‘a quick way to fool the lazy’. This happened about a decade before Alphabet became Google’s new father in 2015. The mother of Google is Greedy.
You have to really look to discover that the term derives from the nonsense term “googol,” coined by Edward Kasner around 1940 (suggested by his nephew Milton Sirotta). It means 10 to the 100th power.
So, like everything else, the Google people borrowed even their name from someone else.
And here I always thought they “borrowed” it from the Billy Rose / Con Conrad song “Barney Google”:
Who’s the most important man this country ever knew?
Do you know what politician I have reference to?
Well, it isn’t Mr. Bryan, and it isn’t Mr. Hughes.
I’ve got a hunch that to that bunch I’m going to introduce:
(Again you’re wrong and to this throng I’m going to Introduce:)
Barney Google, with the goo-goo-goo-ga-ly eyes.
Barney Google bet his horse would win the prize.
When the horses ran that day, Spark Plug ran the other way.
Barney Google, with the goo-goo-goo-ga-ly eyes.
Google made a dirty deal with many nations to peddle the jabs for Bill Gates, Australia has been the most ferocious.
What’s the WHO doing while millions are glued to JD-AH?
A sparkle in the dark on 20-5-22: Wimbledon stripped of ranking points over ban on Russian players even your nemesis publication couldn’t avoid reporting that, being in the same London location. Of course back pages are the best place to hide inconvenient decisions.
“The ATP and the WTA have decided to penalise Wimbeledon for its decision to ban Russian and Belarusian players from the tournament by stripping ranking points from the tournament this year.”
What a difference with the (ridiculous) Eurovision song festival!
When can we finally have a full post of memes? It’s been ages! 😭
Look for Clive de Carle on Telegram who posts the best meme collections about 4-5 times a week!!!
try Robert Malone’s substack, he has a bunch once a week, usually quite good ones
Not true. Clive der Carle cannot bei found in Telegram 😭
Yes he can. 😁
Ukraine Wheat. Now there’s a good reason for US/NATO to fight Russia over !
Fear of widespread starvation should whip EU populations to support a war..
Telling them to “eat cake” if there’s no bread didnt work last time…
Sorry but as you may know the eat cake meant baked cake on wall of the ovens.
Indeed, the recovery of a $10 billion dollar investment on the part of R.D. Shell in the Donbass means nothing when it comes to saving starving humanity, right?
“…identify and predict the onset of disease before symptoms appear.” (A ‘medical’ version of Pre-Crime)…
A version of this already operates in Australia for Bowel Cancer. The “At Risk” are the age 65 and over 65 Australians. In the (snail)-mail they receive a kit which provides the means for them to send off some poo to The Experts who analyse it for “evidence” of possible future bowel cancer…Pre-symptom intervention is “successful 90% of the time.”… (Unsaid: your DNA will be filed with the National DNA database.)
The practice probably sells itself as Preventive Medicine.
Over recent decades bio-molecular research has bloomed…It has given Modern Medicine the diagnostic tools called “bio-markers”. These are being used as predictors of future diseases – that can be headed off by pre-emptive medical interventions…(Drugs, drugs, and more drugs…)
The inventor of the Prostate Specific Antigen Test (PSA test) repeatedly protested over the abuse / misuse of the test, asserting that the presence of the PSA is not evidence of prostate cancer, or of its likely development. But there’s lots of money to be made from such ‘diagnostic tools.” Just as fortunes will be made when biomarkers become standard diagnostic tools, and as they’re being made from gene manipulation “therapies”.
Both owe more to assumptions than to science…
This is a bad example made in good faith and for the cause I fully agree with. I got bowel cancer that at the time did not show any visible symptoms other than bleeding inside. The surgeon got it out and I am free from any symptoms for the last 3 years. My father and sister died of it as it has not been detected in time.
My sister who was in the NHS ” back in the day”, surprised me when she said many cancers are already in a person’s body that would no effect on that person’s health or length of life span?
I took from it a generalised view throughout life your body act of being alive was constistently repairing itself. And a belief in treatment only over a specific.
I’ve never had a flu jab in my 68yrs.
What do I do now?
Apoptosis is “programmed cell death”, so for cells which “go bad” for whatever reason, apoptosis is supposed to kick in and kill the cell, and its constituent materials become available for potential reuse in creation of new cells.
For apoptosis to occur correctly, the body needs to be well supplied with the element iodine, and if it doesn’t happen, cancerous or potentially cancerous cells can hang around and multiply.
Not saying that iodine can cure cancer, but making sure the body is well supplied with iodine may prevent cancers from occurring.
Read/see/hear Drs David Brownstein & Jorge Flechas.
‘“…identify and predict the onset of disease before symptoms appear.” ‘ – they’ve been doing that for 2 years with the PCR tests, with absolutely magnificent false positive rates –
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool us 2, 3, 4 ….1 million times… perhaps we deserve to be exterminated.
It is thought that up to seven hybrid buses had gone up in flames . . .
Potters Bar: Buses catch fire at town centre transport depot
Published: 8 hours ago
No update yet from Metroline !
The Metroline fleet consist of 1674 buses, which includes over 700 hybrid buses that have the highest environmental credentials available, and by the end of 2019 almost 100 all-electric buses will be in service in the fleet.
Metroline launches its first Electric Bus in Hertfordshire
Leading Bus operator Metroline has launched its first electric bus outside of London today. The new zero emission single-deck bus on the Route PB1 has entered into service, operating from Metroline’s Potters Bar Bus Garage, and will play a key role in the county’s drive towards a cleaner, greener, healthier Hertfordshire.
It’s low carbon smoke.
There’s plenty of footage of electric cars bursting in flames for no external reason if you look for it.
Global warming caused it!
There are 3 things that are suspicious about the new “Monkeypox Pandemic”:
1. Just as Event 201 was almost an exact playbook of the Covid Pandemic, in 2001 there was a Monkeypox exercise that had a scenario date of May 15, 2022. Just a couple days before this outbreak was announced.
2. Very few are reporting the first people to appear with the Monkeypox symptoms were traced to Gay Pride events in Brussels and Spain. Moneypox is a disease that is almost exclusively spread amongst gay men.
3. The AstaZeneca Covid jab used a strain of adenovirus from a chimpanzee. If we compare the outbreaks to countries that primarily used the AstaZeneca jab. It may not be correlated, but it is a coincidence that should be looked at.
Ultimately, this is another fake scamdemic that will be used to try out two new drugs. The first is by Pfizer. Bourla of Pfizer admitted they are working on a nanochip for pills that would allow the government to identify people who have refused a vaxx. Remember when we were told this was a conspiracy theory?
The second is Moderna has admitted they are working on a self-spreading vaccine. People who are injected will spread the drug to those who are not jabbed. This may also exist. Two papers (one from Denmark, and one from Israel) conclude the current mRNA jabs “shed” and spread to other people. A case study of a child with the mRNA markers, but has never been jabbed, appears to have received it from his jabbed parents. The idea of shedding has been around since the jabs were first given, but it appears this is another conspiracy theory turned fact.
So could ‘shedding’ account for unjabbed kids getting hepatitis?
Billy Boy has been funding research into tracking vaccine usage ostensibly for use in countries where records are poor. When I pointed this out in a certain publication, conceding, even, that this may be beneficial but pointing out that it was not good look for those who claimed microchipping was a conspiracy theory, my comment was deleted.
The BBC reported the “gay connection”. I reckon that’s a device to whip up another gay/straight/liberal/conservative storm.
Lets hope the government does not make being homosexual compulsory then. Who ever came up with the idea of homosexuals being called gay?
Monkeyvirus symptoms can also look a lot like shingles which is one of the “side” effects of the vaccine.
Yep, lots of shingles in Australia from the jabs
One of my jabbed friends just had a recurrence of shingles.
Moderna has admitted they are working on a self-spreading vaccine.. The idea of shedding has been around..
This is true of all the covid jabs. The “spike” gets shed and may infect another person. This was established soon after the jabs began. You could call it gene drive.
This spike shedding lark could also be a last ditch effort to shield the Virus Theory from the Truth Serum which is slowly eradicating it.
How would one “catch” the shed spikes? Do they burrow into the skin? or invade the respiratory tract? or get swallowed?
Sounds like science-fiction.
What a bunch of twats us conspiracy theorists are, how do we keep ahead of the reality deniers so well?
Interesting how you folded in Certainty in your second point, but allowed Doubt its sway in your third point’
While I applaud the Port Hedland council’s actions, it’s worth noting that Port Hedland is an extremely isolated community, a long way from anywhere.
It would be very difficult to find workers for many positions there.
This action could be one of desperation rather than ethics.
When do they want me? I can start Monday.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-05-22. ‘COVID-19 research’ in Ukraine 3 months before officially existed. Make Scientific Debate Great Again (blog, gab, tweet).
Hahaha. That was fun. I do love these. What happened to the memes?