Davos reveals building blocks for “green” social credit system
Kit Knightly

This morning, on one of the WEF’s live-streamed panels, Alibaba Holdings President J. Michael Evans claimed that the company is working on an app that could track an individual users carbon footprint.
The former-Goldman Sachs vice-chairman told the audience of the “Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption” panel:
We’re developing, through technology, an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? That’s where are they travelling, how are they travelling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on our platform. So: An individual carbon footprint tracker.”
Now, to clarify, Evans was only talking about Alibaba’s platform…but that’s a big platform.
The Chinese company is the second-largest e-commerce company in the world after Amazon, with revenues in excess of 715 billion Yuan in 2021 (that’s over 110 billion USD).
And they’re not just an e-commerce platform. Through their financial and technological service companies, Alibaba runs the largest domain name market, email provider and cloud storage services in China, and the largest payment platform in the world.
Through Alihealth they supply online pharmacy services, as well as providing computer technology to hospitals and clinics. Since they bought AutoNavi in 2014, they own the biggest e-map navigation company in China too.
Essentially, in China if you want to pay for something on the internet, you probably use Alibaba. If you want to order something online from a small business, you probably use Alibaba. If you want to sell your stuff second hand, you probably use Alibaba.
If you want to register a domain, go to a pharmacy, check into a hospital, send an email, use a map or GPS…you get the idea.
Alibaba’s computing sector is also a market leader in AI services, being the first payment platform to start using facial recognition technology to confirm payments in 2017.
Other projects on the go include “CityBrain”, an AI designed to scan cities and provide “streamlined” traffic services. Warning of potential accidents as well as making public transport more efficient, a clear move toward “Smart Cities”.
The company also has previous when it comes to “individual carbon footprint” apps. In 2017 their payment platform subsidiary Ant Financial Services was named 6th in Fortune’s “Change the World” list for its Ant Forest app.
According to Fortune, Ant Forest is “the world’s largest platform for tracking individuals’ carbon footprints”, and here’s how it works:
Users earn points toward planting virtual trees by adopting earth-friendly habits. The company plants a real tree for every 17.9 kg of carbon saved
They’re incredibly vague on how users “earn” these points, or what exactly these “Earth-friendly habits” are, but it doesn’t take a genius to make some educated guesses.
And while we’ve been focusing on the individual carbon footprint tracker, something else Evans says later in the panel is just as interesting:
The third thing, we call it “Green Travel”. So, we have within our business something called AMAP – a mapping, think Google Maps or Ways – plus travel destination business. So what we’re going to allow people to do is, first of all, calculate the best and most efficient route and also the most efficient form of transportation. And then, if they take advantage of those recommendations, we’ll give them bonus points which they can redeem elsewhere on our platform. So, they are incentivised to do the right thing, even while they are provided the opportunity to do the wrong thing.”
So let’s put these three facts together. It seems Alibaba currently has apps, either being used or in development, that:
- Monitor travel routes and methods and “reward” users for making the “correct choice”.
- Can track an individual’s “carbon footprint”, including what they eat and where.
- Have users “earn points” for “earth-friendly habits”.
Even individually these functions are worrying enough, but they combine to paint a very concerning picture of the future.
Further, combine that with what we know of the company’s reach through its subsidiaries: Smart Cities, banking, healthcare records, emails, internet activity and more.
How long before Alibaba decides to “reward” other “correct choices” that have nothing to do with the environment? Like vaccination, for example.
How long after that do they start punishing incorrect choices?
They already technically have access to the data they would need to construct this system. It would be naïve in the extreme to not see where this leads.
And, of course, it won’t just be China. If Alibaba is doing this then Google, Amazon, Apple and all the rest of them won’t be far behind.
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Michael Evans is the brother of Tim Evans, one of the ‘players’ in the Gates/WEF/John Hopkins-Bloomberg ‘Event 201’ which ushered in the Fake Pandemic.
Tim participated in at least two pandemic planning exercises in 2019: A Spreading Plague and the notorious Event 201.
Tim is also one of the ‘experts’ who sits on Tyrant Trudeau’s draconian Covid-19 panel created the minute the pandemic started and assisting the other experts & Trudeau in terrifying citizens with jabs, pending deaths, propaganda, lies and lock-ups.
“Tim’s & Michael’s father, John Evans, was the first director of health programs at the World Bank. He was appointed in 1979 by Robert McNamara, the former U.S. Defense Secretary who later became World Bank President. During McNamara’s tenure, the World Bank was “the principal international financial institution providing population programs,” in the third world. This happened because it was a U.S. strategic priority, and included extensive use of coerced sterilizations”
A third brother Mark Evans, a venture capitalist was recruited to sit on the Canada Pension Plan Board by his buddy CEO Mark Machin
Michael Evans, Mark Evans, Mark Machin and their good friend Mark Carney, the current
UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance all worked at Goldman Sachs, and together with Tim Evans all attended Oxford together with another crony Dominic Barton. And all worked/ consulted with either Rockefeller and/or Rothschild foundations.
Clearly we, the herds of MMS/3i’s, need to sign a Declaration so that They won’t proceed with Their plans!
And this was just Their 1st truly successful Operation!
In the USA, the tech companies collect our data and use it to sell us products and services. It treats us all as consumers. How useful is that?
Alibaba has figured out how to reward people for making better choices, which is genius when you consider the implications of 1.3 billion people making better choices.
The US exploits tech to make profits for advertisers while Chinese tech companies help their citizens make better decisions for themselves and the planet.
It’s all a matter of perception.
Private jets will probably be exempted from the carbon footprint thing.
Every law has a loophole for our betters. In practice, private jet users even get exempted from customs and security checks. Including the degrading molestation and sniffer dogs, see-through scans of the body, and harmful x-rays. Those not labelled “diplomats” pay more for this privilege. If they do resort to airliners, they get this privilege via the VIP lounges.
Of course they will be exempt, they are doing God’s work!🤷♂️
“How long after that do they start punishing incorrect choices?” If one looks at credit cards and carbon estimate.
The Carbon Footprint is as meaningless as central bank fiat currency is valueless.
The Carbon Footprint is as meaningful as the PCR test is valid.
When they say Carbon they mean life. When people understand that the rest falls in to place.
That’s a lot of HOPE! Clearly you have been sleeping these last 2+ years and you missed Reality. “People” don’t understand BASIC stuff…
Carbon footprint will include tax to calculate how much people will be charged driving electric vehicles. imo.
There is a lot of scope for fines, after the annual statement of carbon emitted is found to be incorrect.
CO2 cannot cause global warming
Ultra wealthy functional morons planning our future, whether we like it, or not.
Reality is always very simple to grasp…
Re: Building Blocks. Popular Nobel physicist Frank Wilzcek begins his talk with the advantage of using interchangeable building blocks in modern industrial-scale enterprise, then works up this theme into much larger (and loftier) enterprises. Not so much off-topic as above-topic; a scientist’s faith in certain guiding principles:
Uvalde’s Unspoken Grief: the Mindless Menace of Lost Innocence
What is missing is an honest conversation and introspection of how we got here. We can ban every gun in America yet that will not solve the underlying reason behind the recent spate of shootings. We are raising a generation of children in ways that are beyond abnormal, everything from the toxic food we are feeding them from the time they are infants to the poisonous media they are consuming is leading young people into the abyss.
If we put warning labels on cigarettes and ban kids from smoking them, we should think about doing the same for smart devices and social media. The addictive nature of these tools and the harmful nature of the information that is being projected from them has adverse consequences for adults let alone children, yet everyday kids as young as two are being pacified by them for hours at a time. Layered on top of this rising trend is violent and graphic content that is aimed at impressionable minds which teaches them to normalize abuse, disrespect and antagonism…continued…
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/uvalde-unspoken-grief-mindless-menace-lost-innocence/
Allow. Lol thanks Alibaba.
Here’s an article about how governments are helping fund the WEF with taxpayer dollars. Not surprising. This article looks specifically at the contributions from the Canadian government.
Sorry: direct link is:
Yes. They all look sooooo official and grandiose in their Armani suits. As most readers know (or should know) these persons are little more than corporate mafia operatives. The world is run by criminal organizations and has been for hundreds of years. Say hello to the new boss. Same as the old boss. >
The Holy Grail of Who “They” Are That Rule Over Us All | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding
We can now up vote without logging on. Great. I am very pleased to see this.
Young Soros…
You left out Kissinger. He will feel hurt.
“The one who cannot see that on Earth a big endeavour is taking place, an important plan, on which realisation we are allowed to collaborate as faithful servants, certainly has to be blind“
Winston Churchill
Ah yes. W. C. Lovely bloke is he?
Churchill found his love for war during the time he spent in Afghanistan. While there he said “all who resist will be killed without quarter” because the Pashtuns need “recognise the superiority of race”. He believed the Pashtuns needed to be dealt with, he would reminisce in his writings about how he partook in the burning villages and peoples homes:
“We proceeded systematically, village by village, and we destroyed the houses, filled up the wells, blew down the towers, cut down the great shady trees, burned the crops and broke the reservoirs in punitive devastation.” – Churchill on how the British carried on in Afghanistan, and he was only too happy to be part of it.
“I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against the uncivilized tribes… it would spread a lively terror.” – Churchill on the use of gas in the Middle East and India.
Very few in Britain know about the genocide in Bengal let alone how Churchill engineered it. Churchill’s hatred for Indians led to four million starving to death during the Bengal ‘famine’ of 1943. “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion” he would say.
“I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against the uncivilized tribes… it would spread a lively terror.” – Churchill on the use of gas in the Middle East and India.
Churchill went on to also express to the Peel Commission that he does “not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place”.
He also wanted the RAF to drop poison gas on German civilians in WW2.
My Lai (Vietnam) as no flash in the pan.
Winston Church-hill… Excellent name for a butcher…
Yes the Noahide laws come to mind, is that not what the plan is?
I like the first one , finite idols = the buddha, Jesus Christ to name a few = blasphemy
Interesting read , Hitchcock Andrew Carrington, The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded and Uncensored . At, http://www.moneytreepublishing.com . Censured on Amazon since 2017 , very informative book , the last bit in the book pretty well sums it up.
She was born into it. Now fuck off and stop being a sore whiner
Oh, so that makes the monarchy alright then, does it? Personally, I’d flog the lot, distribute the cash to every tax-payer and make them live in a council flat in a tower block without a working lift.
They’d not last a day. I’d love to see that.
Nah there’s not enough council houses already. Firing squad.
I agree with you 100%.
I’m an Englishwoman in my 60s, and have never understood how ‘royalists’ can be so brainwashed… so subservient as to literally worship these people.
So-called ‘royalty’ is an abomination, wholly anachronistic; they should all have been abolished a long time ago.
But the gullible masses just fall for it all. They should be ashamed of themselves for having so little self-respect as to ‘follow’ these people. And don’t get me started on those who even go so far as to curtsey/bow if they [for whatever reason] happen to meet any member of the ‘royals’. People who do so have less than no pride, less than no self-respect.
She’s a lizard like all the rest.
May I suggest a cure?
eBook: The Essence of Anarchy – A Question of Consent or Coercion by Richard Cox. $4 or so for the download.
4 Dollars, after US took away all our Public Holiday’s, bit thick isn’t it?
No, the only reason these parasites are in position is that they manage to invade, steal, rape, burn, loot torture, enslave and murder more than anyone else. None of their wealth and position is earned, they are their by fear and force just as throughout history. Why do people think we are termed the Queen/King’s subjects, they can piss right off! I will have a laugh with the forthcoming celebration of our slavery when all the thicko’s are at their pathetic street parties waving their flags made in China. What a bunch of simpletons!
Sorry, should say there not their.
Born into it my arse. Her forebears murdered millions of innocents, all over the bloody world to create the illusion of the ‘entitled’ …
Not only that … these same people will almost kill to be involved in some way in the ‘celebrations’ even if it means queuing up for hours just to wave from the back of the impoverished throng of deluded masses. Oh well , the power of propaganda, eh.
The chilling element in the spiel from Evans is, So what we’re going to ALLOW people to do is,
Truly, there are not enough baseball bats in the world to deal with this new genus of Fascism.
We wonder, as a human race, just how atrocities come about. We wonder why nazis could come to kill 25 million Russians and why 2 million or more could perish in the jungles of Cambodia.
The answer to these questions and crimes against humanity is in plain sight at Davos, at the WHO, at the UN. These ‘people’ are the new Pol Pots, the new Hitler’s, complete with a zealot ideology that will happily watch billions of innocent people die because of their hubris and miscalculations.
Personally i would rather fight tyranny than live under it.
“If you can make someone believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.”
François-Marie Arouet
– Voltaire –
(November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778)
These pretentious assholes have been led to believe they are invincible. My belief is that it is up to civil populations to advise them otherwise… Hanging would be too kind… Which atrocity will be preferred?
I believe whatever punishment is decided upon by the people must be watertight as banning these Napoleons from politics, public office, or using exile obviously doesn’t work.
Those involved in this tyranny are far more afraid of being charged under the RICO laws of america than anything else because what they are doing is racketeering. Public ridicule they are used to, deflecting blame is their game. Losing their fortunes and privileged positions in society is beyond what most want to contemplate.
In the ‘good old days’, tyrants use to lose their heads if caught by the mob. The methods of fighting tyranny has changed somewhat, however the results of tyranny remain the same for all, even the tyrants.
I’ve posted Statues taken directly from the published text of the RICO Act many times. Civilians either believe that Law is fantasy, or they are just too damn preoccupied and stupid to follow the links.
Civilians deserve the governance they allow…
They aren’t afraid of the RICO laws, those laws are for YOU….not for ghem!
Atrocity ? Hard labor is the punishment they will fear the most. Cleaning , mining , dangerous and dusty construction work. 12 hours a day , 7 days a week around the year as a starter will maybe take the beast out of them. They will beg for mercy.
It is a fact that more atrocities are committed by obedient people than disobedient throughout history.
No surprise. Obedient people lacks judgement , anything goes which isn´t harmful for themself.
A preview of the latest article. Sorry for the absence. All comments welcome, positive and negative.
Part two will be: The “other” is the oldest spook in the book.
Intelligence agencies, whether they are manipulating religion like the Walsinghams or framing part of society as parasites like the Nazis, are playing the same game based on long-established tropes.
The modern mind works on nothing more complex than TV Tropes Org, one of the best guides to manipulation by television.
Realized there’s no link to comment: moneycircus@protonmail.com
MC, I have read your first Link and agree that the report you quote from 1934 U$A is prescient: it warns against the presence of “Corporate Fascism” — a phrase coined by Orwell around 1945, and now common coinage. But the concept (though not the name, Corporate Fascism) was already framed by 2 Christian socialists Chesterton and Belloc (“the ChesterBelloc”) in 1900 London — long before MI6 funded a promising young Italian rabblerouser named Mussolini.
Anglo Zio Capitalist hack writers who, like Schneider, dutifully and regularly churn out articles headed “Russia is Fascist” for New York Times have a point: Fascism brings out the bully in us; it is a part of our Original Sin; we see it in our chimp cousins when they gang up to play ball with the body of a child from a rival tribe, or when they gang up on a chimp who has been reprimanded by the Leader of their own tribe.
“I have met the enemy, and he is us” — Pogo Possum.
Nevertheless, Fascism is not Socialism. And Christian Fascism (widespread in 1930s Europe) was not Christian Socialism (I met that in 1950s London).
“By its fruit shall you know the tree”.
Ie:Italian Libyan war 1911, many Americans still think the Great War started in August ’14…..
Still using this site to (freely) publicize your (paid for) content.
I mean this comment is just an ad. If you were just blogging and needed the clicks then ok, but it’s really rich to put your content behind a pay wall and then use a much higher traffic site to advertise for free.
why does OG allow it?
Some of you might like to know the carbon atom represents the 1st Deity in the subtle system of energy centers ( chakras ) whose quality is Innocence. In fact, the atomic structure of carbon manifests the symbols Swastika, Cross, Omkara, Alpha and Omega, visible when its model is rotated in 3-D.
So we can surmise that this campaign is an attack on Innocence at its core.
I don’t trust sudden sparkles like Whitney Webb or the recent apparition Johnny Vedmore without more bona fides.
“For informational purposes. Its accuracy/validity of course must stand the test of time and review.”
Is WW a sudden sparkle?
Highly suspect the way she was moving around the world in the middle of Plandemic but claims Chile didnt permit travel.
She is funded by the same funding stream that funds Grayzone, Mother Jones, Mintpress News.
Agree. That guy in the orange baseball cap is another one. Gonzalo Lira. I had never heard of him prior to the Ukraine op, suddenly he’s everywhere. Gets a load of free publicity by ‘disappearing’ for a while. Comes back with story of being arrested by the Ukie cops, who for some reason let him go and tell him free to go on line every other hour to talk about the war. The Duran have him in like a permanent guest. Why would that be allowed?
Come to think of it, why is the Duran suddenly everywhere? They have been around forever and going nowhere. They were pro-covid and discredited themselves, but suddenly they’re being silently promoted and getting attention. Why? There are very strange things about this war.
The Schwab Family singers! 🙊🤧🥱
This article needs serious editing. It feels like it was written by Whitney Webb as she suffers from an inability to tell a story and provides you with a massive info dump.
Ford Foundation and other foundations as “conduits,” “pass-throughs,” and “fronts” to disguise CIA funding for domestic operations . Robert Kennedy and JFK Ghosts of Revolutions Past?Zero sum appears to be copyrighted to and presumably owned by Clearchannel the large advertising site combine?
A similar enterprise was ROAR magazine a blog about which you can search on the Grub Street Journal.
Strawberry fields etc.
The default position on anything making it through the filters should be to ask MIHOP or LIHOP usually applied to False Flag analysis but Information False Flags, dummy drops, booby traps, Limited Hangouts, etc are all part of the machiavellian arsenal of Mass Psychosis mind control.
Open Public Forums on the Web are clearly not the most secure information drops? The belief that typing into a computer is getting information across to a group of like-minded or open-minded readers or in the case of Multi-Media Watchers or Listeners is Naive.
Let me take you down
‘Cause I’m going to strawberry fields
Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry fields forever
Hypatias Eyebrowser
How about a Democracy where you get to join in? The Internet and Democracy two things that are done to you, Let’s change that! @JoeBlob20 @financialeyes @BlocktechCEO @alexandria @TheTedNelson @DavidGolemXIV #4Pamphleteers @GrubStreetJorno @wiki_ballot #WIKIBALLOTPICK #IABATO #SAM #GE2019Since wrapping up and mothballing Grub Street and Hypatia’s eye browser I have spent two years and a cashed in Pension on establishing a new affordable housebuilding company, as a life long entrepreneur and Merchant property developer my own solution, when confronted with challenges, is to seek solutions and make a start of the aspects for which I see commercial opportunities to add value for customers and profit from providing what an identified Market grouping wants.
This essentially is one approach for one particular individual I fully respect and understand the wish to form cooperatives or communes.
As a young man I twigged fairly early on that not everyone wanted to own their own business and there were more compelling Life goals available that others placed above my own list of priorities. Once I had learned to accept the choices of others I found it much easier to adjust my own expectations of others to a realistic level consistent with our mutual interests balanced against our quite different goals.
Strangely enough, I watched this Henry Kissinger video yesterday.
Henry Kissinger: ‘We are now living in a totally new era’ | FT
In it, Dr. Kissinger shows insight into understanding other parties’ interests ( and accepting them from their point of view, acceptance does not denote agreement). The bit which turned me off was the Real Politik of playing differences in interests off against each of two parties, whilst Holding the coat of one or other of the parties.
Through 2019 it is very clear that the top down command and control model was in trouble and also had a big PR problem. It has taken 2 and a half years for the PR problem for the Elitist Kakistocracy to effectively be back in the position where they started with respect to Public consciousness.
The measure of Public Consciousness is best measured with a sample of 10 people you meet regularly. not a survey of 100 Twitter accounts. Or a Twitter vote or straw poll on a Blog comments section.
What you believe and how that measures up against your own circle of Freinds, family and acquaintance
in Real life not
IRL not URL!
Margaret Thatcher is said to have claimed that Tony Blair was her greatest achievemnet
Would Dr Kissinger claim the same thing about Klaus Schwab?
the top down command and control model was in trouble
The major problems are
:- Debts unpayable due to usury
:- Poor return on capital, IMO due to destroying the middle class
:- Shortage of essential industrial materials.
This appearance of Prof Michael Hudson gives a very good account of the breakdown of the Going Direct Paradigm
MICHAEL HUDSON: ECONOMIC WARFARE, FINANCE CAPITALISM, INDUSTRIAL CAPITALISM OR SOCIALISMThe Going Direct Paradigm as I have encountered it is encapsulated in this Mind Map I have made , this Link shows where Prof Michael Hudsons. MIC, OGAM, FIRE Sectors fit in.
This certainly brings up the question of what it does to you to have this in your past.
My feeling is that you go into denial, then you either live your life in sub-conscious opposition to figures of authority, or you seek to justify your misguided ancestry by becoming one of its most enthusiastic supporters.
Somebody rightly mentioned somewhere in the above link that the child is not automatically guilty of the same sort of sins as the father, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
Many kids admire their father, then see him more objectively as they get older.
Some kids admire their father for good reason, and do so for the rest of their lives.
Still others admire their father whatever the circumstances, and it looks like we have such a specimen on our hands here…
I’m sure it’s all a bit more complicated than that, but Klaus’s intentions for our future are hardly a secret.
Nor does it help that he is now 84 years old, and probably missing a few screws and bits of duct tape due to age…
We are nowhere near careful enough in ensuring that the basic human requirements which our representatives are morally obliged to fulfill are adequately policed.
In the past, it was not so difficult, because supervision was actually a thing.
Today, not so much…
“what it does to you to have this in your past”.
Just before I read your comment, I was looking at Cooper’s composite photo (at 1.36pm above: the old schwab next to his younger self) and thinking: “That devil-may-care young devil’s smile have I seen on the lips of many a Nazi officer; but that old man’s face, though still twisted with ingrained arrogance, seems to be down in the mouth, surly and defensive, watching from the corner of his eye as though afraid that something he neglected to suppress somewhere might spring out at him suddenly”.
I have previously seen a post of this image on another platform which was accompanied by explanatory blurb – which noted that the chap on the right was Klaus’ father – not a younger Klaus as thought by others… ?
Time to focus on shopping local.
The carbon lie is part of the UN’s sustainable goals.
Look at #14. Its the 14 and a Fish symbols that they’ve been using everywhere. Its Enki, which is Aquarius, and he sits just above the Southern Fish constellation.
Podesta took a picture with 14+Fish drawn on his hands. He was in New Zealand just before their shooting false flag. You saw the 14 again in the Buffalo crap, and yet again in another fakery where “14” students and a teacher (the star Fomahault in the Southern Fish) supposedly died.
Keep looking for it, you’ll see it more and more.
The 14 comes from the parts of the sky. Osiris (Anu) is broken into 14 pieces: 12 for the zodiac, 1 for the pole star, and 1 for the sun (Enki). Aquarius is the 14th piece.
Ahh, just days away from the “celebration” of “queen” lizardbirth, what “crowning” glory on such proceedings? Such as they are…
“covid” all but forgotten (one cant have ones party spoiled can one??)
Crowning is part of what its all about, anyone who has studied the whole spencer/windsor bloodlines know exactly what role they hope little willy will play, the jewel on the redshield mantlepiece…
I digress, lately many have noticed how what we write is processed and duly acted upon, a remote singular intelligence if you will…
But “we”, we are catching on pretty fast, that is becuase we still have humility, hope and perseverance… that and the fact that the unversal laws are fully on our side not theirs.
In many ways they thought they had us with the old cv19, the 40% of uk solidly un-jabd would have come as a bit of a shock, frankly did me, i thought there were far fewer of us, seems many told “porkies”, never trust a brit eh?
My point being in that many of us have processed so many of the damn red herrings that its become instinctual, just raw gut feelings and the overwhelming feeling of “enough is enough”.
Certainly here in little britland there are precious few that would fall for the roll yer sleeve up crap ever again.
The monkey thing is beyond belief and even the most ardent red top newspaper rag readers know for sure this is vax side effect..
As the dates keep lining up and the “stars align” the desperation of this extensive criminal cartel becomes heightened, daily.
They know too their plans keep falling decidedly close to the threshold of what can be argued as consent in a universal court of judgement….
The obviousness of the terraforming grand theft auto mega crime slowly dawns on even the most….. grounded.
If you have learnt one thing from the last few years is treat everything with suspicion and be prepared to re-write what you thought you knew.
We all know (well most do) that conventional forms of dissent are futile, the rules for those who cared to read were on the lid of the box, to play, is to play their game.
So we must do what we do best, carry on, in fact think pinewood studios, barbara windsor, kenneth whatsisface and the little cheeky chappy, think happy thoughts as you go about your business removing your business from their business, keep it cash and with every moment keep thinking, “every day, in every way i will fuck em as best as i can”.
You dont need me to tell you the ways to extracate yourselves, but even if the steps are small like disputing the “get 10% off if you renew online” and take 10 minutes ringing them up, friendly like and arguing the toss that for those us not blessed with super fast bullshit and with issues “on the spectrum rainbow”, that paying in the normal way and having an interaction with a human on a phone, is what you decided and thats how it will be and you will please honour the 10%
But lastly lets all collectively raise a glass to the forthcoming, terminal demise of the infection in london called “windsor”, may they all rot very slowly in hell…. with monkey pox
These people are part of a select criminal class. They are a cancer in our society.
‘Take some aspirin and come and see me in a week or two’
Yeah right;
Yes, you’re right. The article which you’ve provided a link to states the facts.
There’s a lot of data (given at the time, 1918, by people who knew what was really going on…) which indicates that ‘vaccines’ and overdoses of aspirin were the actual causes of what the corrupt Establishment claimed was caused by ‘a virus’.
“Did psychopath Rockefeller create the ‘Spanish Flu pandemic’ of 1918?”, at:
That was stupid overseas players in the US, they only made the situation for everyone Worse with their injection Crap!
Those official cronies are long gone and good riddance to em. imo.
Thanks for link I’ll read it later.
Until a recent study, The Science recommended aspirin daily for the elderly to maintain their cardiovascular health.
Trying again to fuse the climate and pandemic agendas:
If this was true rather than the utter nonsense it is, why did disease by contagious disease collapse 1890s-1920s when there was mass encroachment into nature?
And celebrating their success in mind-control even if it contradicts their climate agenda:
Monarch Programming was part of MK Ultra, named after the monarch butterfly because it appears that behaviour can be engrained at DNA level because the butterfly migrates once in every three generations and how does the animal know how to do this? Kubrick appears to have known about this because there is a ‘Monarch’ poster on the wall in ‘The Shining’ during one of the scenes where the twins appear to Danny (who has a mind-control alter caused by the trauma inflicted by his father).
as i’ve said on a comment on this video
She’s exposing the truth at Davos | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
”These people need to be charged with crimes against humanity”
i’d rather imagine the whole thing collapsing, crumbling to dust like a vampire in the sun. i don’t care about retribution + i think if they had nothing that would be enough of a punishment for them.
Nothing could be enough punishment for them , pun intended. What they truly fear is hard work , it´s also a progressive punishment cause they have a lot of cleaning up to do after all the mess they´ve created.
i asked a friend: would you rather be healthy and happy, or seek revenge?
+ losing it all would be hard for them, their entire self esteem is probs build on this.
All these Western top dogs “love” totalitairian gadgets, whether the come from China, North Korea,Russia or Mars or the CIA /NSA.
Control freaks. Let them try, 100% guarantee this will fail with 7 billion Homo Sapiens.
Their Artificial brains can’t understand this.
They say we must obey their machines to earn points or money.
It’s totally insane.
It’s criminal.
“The former-Goldman Sachs vice-chairman told the audience of the “Strategic Outlook: Responsible Consumption” panel”
The same Goldman Sachs pictured telling doctors “are you sure curing your patients is a viable business model?”. How does anyone keep a straight face when they lecture about “responsibility”?
The worldwide banking mafia stops at nothing to ensnare and extort money from whole populations.
Same Old BS from the Usual Cabal suspects; flying in to Davos on a fleet of 140 Private jets, eating out at extravagant restaurants every night, being driven in chaufered ICE vehicles, while at an isolated 5 star resort, with Full military security that had to be flown in on chartered planes, to tell the average person that CO2 and the russians have caused all our problems destroyed our democracies, ruined our supply chains, taken away our human rights, over ridden our legal systems, manipulated our media and Usurped our history??? When in fact the same (type of) People; sitting in their chairs have always been the ones undertaking these antidemocratic changes to bring about the 1984ish brave new world order we have been warned about since 1984 from George Orwell to Aldous Huxley to Julian Assange. the Criminals are the WEF the UN the mega corporations and Our corrupted governments.
If only 50% of the population understood the above.
not only that but they force the masses to wear masks so we can breathe our own CO2.
And microbes (that accumulate in the mask), fibres and ethylele dioxode
Someone suggested that the top 1000 billionaires need to be eliminated otherwise there will be dystopian world.
All happy living in beach front apartments, flying private jets and driving gas guzzling monstrosities.
This is NOT for them.
They will own everything and be happy…
Are you getting it yet? They mean to kill you, your family, your friends, and your neighbours!
Why don’t you refrain from hysterical knee-jerk reactions and give the message a serious thought? There is nothing intrinsically nefarious in these words, in fact they do make good sense.
There certainly is a certain optimal size of the human population on the Earth. We live in a finite space with finite resources and a restricted amount of energy available. Presently, humankind is riding on a wave of luxurious prosperity driven by the discovery and utilization of a finite amount energy accumulated over millennia (oil, gas, coal). When that energy is gone, there will be not only no more luxury, but also no more food for all of us. We’ll have to rely on what’s available in real time, of which we’ll hopefully be able to capture as much as possible.
There is nothing wrong about a serious debate about the future of humankind, notwithstanding the fact that malevolent assholes are in the process of hijacking the debate to secure a privileged status for themselves.
Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.
a) Where have you been for the last couple of years?
b) What do you think the jab is about?
c) Are you claiming that THEY are not planning to kill us?
The possibilities of what the jab is about are several – a) a clever strategy to make tons of money, b) a way of ushering genetic engineering into healthcare without a proper public debate with various ramifications thereof, c) genuine effort to offer something in response to a pandemic, regardless of whether the something works or whether there is a pandemic, d) a devious plan to fuck up people’s health, make them frail and weak, render them infertile, shit like that, e) a strategy for foisting totalitarian control over the populace, f) something even worse that the naive me is unable to fathom, g) a combination of the foregoing, and h) and then some.
I consider the possibility that they are planning to kill me, or fuck me up in any imaginable way, very real.
None of that, however, necessarily negates any of what’s stated in the above message. Like, whatever the fuck is wrong with “maintaining humanity in perpetual balance with Nature” (sic)? And the rest of the stuff? What’s inherently wrong with maintaining population size at a certain optimal level? Which, BTW, doesn’t necessarily mean killing people – that state could be achieved by wise reproduction strategies. For fuck’s sakes, it works like that with every other fucking species. Why would humans be different? You don’t allow cats in your house to reproduce in an uncontrolled manner. Sure, it’s a sensitive subject. But people should extract their head from the sand, or whatever asshole they have it stuck in, and not be afraid to discuss it.
The past two years have indeed shown us that the PTBs are after people, most likely because of the impending unavailability of energy and the fact that humanity has boxed itself into a corner by embarking on a trajectory that requires the supply of energy to be maintained at the same level as until now. The pricks sure need to be fiercely opposed in their effort to secure a privileged position of neo-slavedrivers, but the underlying issue does exist nonetheless.
What “is wrong with maintaining humanity in perpetual balance with Nature?”.
It is unnatural. Nature is always changing, never “in balance”. Just look at the evolution of the Universe — from unimaginably hot and unimaginably small point of light to unimaginably cold and unimaginably large black hole. More species are extinct than extant.
“Nil nisi Divinum stabile est; cetera fumus” (Nothing except the Divine is stable; the rest is fume”.
“We must love one another and die” — Anon?
Who decides what the ” optimal ” level is?
I don’t fucking know.
Ideally there should be a wide public debate about it where people will voice different opinions and ultimately some conclusion will be drawn.
You can stand by and ask inane questions.
Why the fuck is everybody so scared to tackle these issues?
d) Why are you still here?
Wrong question. You should be asking yourself why you so compulsively reject stuff that doesn’t coincide with your paranoid view of reality. Why you crave so much the echo chamber you’re obviously in.
Reread the penultimate and ultimate paragraphs of my post above.
“Finite space”, yeh you’re right there, so let’s start by ridding ourselves of those greedy banksters, weapons manufacturers, corrupt regulatory bodies such as the WHO, subservient medical “experts”, the grovelling virtue signalling political classes, etc., that should free up a lot of that “finite space”.
Getting rid of greedy gluttonous motherfuckers bent on exploiting fellow humans who just want to live a peaceful life is always good.
Unfortunately, as they say, the Devil never sleeps. Correspondingly, there is no final victory, an ultimate nirvana, the end of history. Evil will always spring back to life after being stomped into the ground. To do so, it will take on unexpected forms and come from the left field.
That, however, is not quite the point of my above remark. The point is that the issues mentioned are real and should be addressed, as opposed to being rejected outright because malicious pricks are addressing them in a malevolent way to their benefit.
I mean, you don’t jump off a cliff just to spite some klaus schwab because he says that jumping off a cliff will kill you, n’est-ce pas.
You’re finding out, if you haven’t already, that a certain mindset is prevalent within the OffG Forum. Basically, they scoff at Eratosthenes and his calculation of Earth’s size – because to accept that calculation is to realize that Earth’s resources cannot possibly be infinite. Or that Earth’s carrying capacity necessarily limits the population it can accommodate.
It’s been said that the entire human population could fit within the US state of Texas with room to spare. But could they survive there? Land is not the issue: sustainable land is.
Death Valley is about 140 miles (225 km) long by about 15 miles (24 km) wide. I bet you could fit a couple hundred thousand people within Death Valley. I also bet they wouldn’t last long.
There are many issues in the world that do exist and have many aspects and can be viewed from various angles. Ideally, stuff like the finite nature of the Earth should be viewed from the perspective of physics, biology, sciences like that.
OffG and the commenters mostly examine stuff in regard to one specific phenomenon – how issues are hijacked, piggybacked on, misrepresented, fucked with by the malevolent PTBs with a view to screwing the populace.
That, of course, is commendable, if perhaps somewhat narrow-minded, but it doesn’t mean that other viewpoints and issues don’t exist. In other words, OffG is a good source for finding out what no good stuff the cunts are up to, but one has to look elsewhere for info on the more technical aspects of stuff.
Many refuse to think of the Earth as finite. I also think many really believe we are somehow immune to history. Empires fail, many of them due to resource stripping which results in starvation, collapse and death. We are not immune to that just because we have “modern technology” at our disposal. Hell, we are currently busy using that vaunted modern technology to ensure our demise. But don’t mention THAT to one who still thinks man and his latest tech can change the world into utopia.
I also think it has something to do with the human inability to really accept that we are as finite as the earth is. Sure, people know we’re all gonna die one day, but look how many act the complete opposite – a fine example being the covidiocy and the idea that some shot is going to save them from death. It isn’t. If the flu doesn’t get them, a car accident could at any time, as well as the known side effects from that magic shot. They know that, but cannot internalize it somehow. And then there’s all that training to ensure people do not think about that while continuing to consume as if the party will never end.
It’s wrong to think that our empire will fail because empires collapsed in the past. That’s not necessarily true – conceivably, a wise “empire” or society could sustain itself indefinitely. Technologies could play a positive role in achieving that.
Our empire will likely fail because of an increasing lack of energy and resources combined with a trajectory of development that is based on the speculation that energy and resources will either continue be available in the same amount or in an even greater amount.
Resources won’t disappear – shit on the Earth circulates within a closed cycle – but sources of energy will. Sooner or later, there won’t be enough energy for extracting and recycling resources. This is exacerbated by how we’ve fucked up the financial system through debt and effectively put a lien on future production, which will not happen due to a lack of energy and resources.
Has something like this happened in the past? Maybe. Can we extrapolate from the past how things will shape up now? Hardly.
Will people ever learn? What is it that essentially amounts to abandoning the sense of self-preservation and living in denial, disregarding the collision course they’re on, allowing whoever wants to fuck them over to pull wool over their eyes in exchange of a quick fix? Laziness?
Lol and let’s not forget it’s chock full of ex Grauniad readers who still remain pretentious twats.
Talking about sustainable resources in North America, I believe our ancestors genocided 100 Million Red Indians to make way for 300M White Europeans. We seem to generate an awful lot of fume and fret (both physically and mentally) to make that extra 200M. Is it necessary, I ask myself, or is it just The American Way?
“Lady, we Amerrcans don’t solve problems; we just overwhelm them” — U$ Officer during WW2.
“We bombed the place until there was nothing left to bomb, but we still didn’t win” — U$ Officer after WW2.
“I could have won that war if the President had allowed me to nuke every major city in China” — U$ General MacArthur.
“I dropped a million dollars into that hole and I didn’t even hear it hit bottom” — U$ inventor Edison.
Echoes from my childhood. I’ve always felt uneasy about hubris, even before I learned the word. I am not against family planning, not even against Mao’s one-child policy — nor indeed against any sort of planning, not even Communist planning — but I prefer to wait and see how their environment adjusts to living creatures rather than force living creatures to adjust to their environment (or what some people plan as their environment).
“Mr.Bernard Shaw reminds me of a nursemaid who — finding that the baby objects to a particularly nasty tasting medicine — instead of keeping the baby and asking for a new medicine, keeps the medicine and asks for a new baby” — GK Chesterton.
When you letting your family know it’s surplus to requirements? Tell you what – you go first.
If you think that you’ll somehow resolve the stuff at stake by accosting people like me, who prefer not to live with their head stuck in the sand, in an ad hominem fashion, you’re wrong.
FYI, I discuss the issues in question with my family all the time. I talk to my kids about what the future is likely to bring and try to prepare them for what might be coming. Especially the fact that the expectations of an increasingly better and prosperous life they might have based on what they’ve hitherto experienced in their lives will likely not materialize (so much the better if I’m somehow wrong, and they do).
What would a non-idiotic society do? Here are a few pretty sensible suggestions:
“There certainly is a certain optimal size of the human population on the Earth”.
Write it down. Come back later and see if you were correct.
Cain thought the correct number was:
“Mum, Dad, Sister and me. Abel is a threat to our ecosystem.”
The dichotomy at play is as follows:
Examining our existence using our intellectual capacity in every imaginable way, including the ability of our natural habitat to sustain a certain number of human beings
Living in oblivious ignorance and wasting our intellectual capacity on some inane activity of your choice.
Cain can kiss my ass. He didn’t have global data on energy, resources, nothing. We now do, maybe not 100% accurate, but still. You can mouth off about Cain, Abel, etc. til the cows come home and it will change neither the laws of thermodynamics nor the biological ramifications.
Write down your prediction for optimal population size, name those particular applications of the Laws of Thermodynamics and the particular Biological Ramifications on which you base that prediction, and publish the mathematical model that you used to work out such complex calculations so that other prophets can compare it with their own calculations. Then come back and check your prediction shortly before you die and lose interest in predicting the future.
“The universality of the Uncertainty Principle makes it difficult to predict the past, and especially difficult to predict the future.” — Niels Bohr.
You’re obviously a member of the latter group as per the above. The inane activity of your choice is to look for stupid pseudo-arguments that allow you to live in denial and brush off issues you don’t want to hear about.
I don’t know who Niels Bohr is and I don’t give a fuck either. Actually, the future is not that difficult to predict if you have relevant data.
For instance, let’s say that you have land with a limited size, capable of producing a limited amount of energy and resources and consequently food. The land is inhabited by you and a bunch of other cretins. The amount of food is less than what all of yous need to survive. You can pretty safely predict that some of you will starve to death. Or perhaps you will kill each other for whatever food there is available.
Give me a fucking break with your mindless remarks. I’m sick and tired of responding to this idiotic shite!
> Give me a fucking break with your mindless remarks. I’m sick and tired of responding to this idiotic shite!
“I don’t know who Niels Bohr is and I don’t give a fuck either.”
Ignorant and proud of it.
If you can’t engage in a rational conversation, find yourself an interlocutor who is as interested as you in hurling ad hominem insults. Alternatively, you can go fuck yourself.
I can’t know every single person on the planet, living now or in the past. It’s never been my ambition to do so either.
Based on the quote above, I conclude that this dude Bohr is not worth checking out. I do consider it your prerogative, however, to keep kissing his ass.
BTW, why you feel compelled to append these meaningless comments to what I proposed above, which I do believe is a good topic for discussion, I understand not.
Serious debate? The ‘debate’ is, get the mandated experimental clotshot, then FOAD.
I wonder, do deer have these conversations about over population? Is there a deer council that will determines which deer can live and which ones have to go. How do they survive without all of these “genius” minds telling them the “right” way to do things. Perhaps they just live, and deal with life as it comes. My guess is….they will be more than happy to see the human population reduced by almost 8 billion….they can finally relax a bit. As for humans, they will make the same mistakes they always make….because it just seems that this time will be different. Good luck with that!
So all the CEO’s at the WEF who live in 20+ bedroom houses (one of many) with only their wife and have a staff of 20 on hand to manage the property. How’s the carbon footprint to be managed on the app for this.
Further, I like to know how the app calculates the footprint on the 70 foot yacht, with a crew of 30 to take care of one overweight couple.
What about Prince Charles, a big fan of the WEF and downsizing. His he to covert a few castles into flats and share the love. Perhaps sell the rolls and the jet plane?
These disgraceful pigs along with the whole “save the planet” green mob are joke and should not be taken seriously. They talk about “green” like it something external that one subscribes to. However, none of them live by their own ideology. Bit like the church fiddling with the alter boys.
Incentivizing one to purchase products that are not as bad is not saving at all. Like those stupid ads that suggest by shopping at their store you “save”. You “save” by not shopping at all, how can one save by spending.
They will be exempted.
I always wonder why these cretins from the late Phil the Greek to the despicable Karl Schwab don’t kill their families and themselves to set an example for population reduction. The trouble is that the hard of learning actually believe the world is over populated, it’s not! It is another manipulated lie as a frightener. The entire population of the world could fit into Texas. All poverty and starvation are caused by the bankers and the governments they control, its part of their agenda and has been since ancient man was told he needed a leader and laws.
Agreed. Except that “the Late Phil” was more German than Greek. He was a descendant of Otto of Bavaria, Like his cousin, the Late Liz, their family tree is rooted in Brunswick-Lüneburg, Battenberg, Hanover and Saxe-Coburg. True Eurocrats.
I did know that but Phil the German does not have the same ring to it.
Anyone care to enlighten me on the single down vote please?? I need to know why so I can learn more.
They can already do this, as anyone who is lucky enough to have a car from the company knows.
The question is in the timing and in why the guy is lying about the fact that they cannot do it yet.
My idea is that it is because people are most afraid of things that do not materialize.
So the answer how we should overcome all this fear porn is very simple and should be: ‘Go ahead, make my day’
My carbon footprint must be fucking huge. My girlfriend lives 250 km away from me, and I travel to her cute Moravian town every week. Quite often, I pass by the house of my only quebecois compatriot who lives around here to shoot the shit in the ol’ joual – that’s another 200 clicks if not more. I drive a vintage Skoda made in 1998 with the mighty 1.8 Turbo engine that drives like the wind. It can be very economical, but since I don’t give two shits about speed limits, the pollution generated on a single of my trips probably kills a granny or two somewhere down the road as per the aberrant covidian causality. What’s worse, my previous girlfriend was Canadian, and she was flying to Europe to see me every other month. That must amount to another nice pile of dead bodies as per the foregoing too.
Now, I do acknowledge that it’s a bit nuts, but the gypsy in me can’t help himself. My mother used to say that I have no sitzfleisch. For gypsies, being on the road is what matters, not where you’re going.
My car is in the shop for some body work, and I took the train yesterday. For going from Point A to Point B, it’s unbeatable. You can have a beer at the station or even on the train and arrive pleasantly inebriated. You can work on the train, provided that your profession is not something like machine tool operator. It’s much cheaper too. Unfortunately, taking the train was impossible until a few months ago due to the masking requirement.
Anyway, the issue here is whether the actual objective of reducing carbon footprint is ecology or whether it’s a means to impose control over the populace. It might be argued that achieving the former would require some form of the latter, but the reality probably is that they don’t really give a fuck about ecology, that putting people on a short leash is what’s at stake.
If the predictions of future unavailability of energy are more or less correct, though, meaning cheap resources rich in energy, like oil and gas, the situation will sort itself out by natural means. People won’t have carbon footprint because there will be no carbon to burn. Unrepentant travelers like me will use a horse-drawn caravan or maybe the bicycle.
“probably they don’t really give a fuck about ecology, putting people on a short leash is what’s at stake.”
That’s what my niece in South Africa wrote to me on WotsUp the moment they rolled out Con-19: “It’s a plan for world control”.
And my other niece, a young medic, wrote at the time: “Malnutrition and violence will kill more than that virus will”.
I saw an interesting presentation a while ago, showing that there is a nearly perfect correlation between temperature (climate) and mortality (sickness) that basically confirms the common sense that cold weather is hard on the body and makes people sick and die (actually, the same applies to heat waves). The point is that it’s the Internet and online availability of global statistics that allowed compiling large amounts of data and conducting the study.
I wonder if the same applies to this plan for world control – the PTBs now have global data that are showing that resources/energy are dwindling and have decided to take action to secure a privileged position for themselves in expecting future penury.
Alibaba and the 4000 thieves. “We will own everything, and you will be happy.”
Please, its not just Alibaba, what about Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Dupont, Federal Reserve, Federal Express, the automobile producer corporations, the corporate oil (i.e. BP, and Gasprom) cartel, the Ship owner Cartel, the hospital cartel, the insurance cartel, and many, many more? These corporations and by industry groups of corporations, each own a piece of you and I. They own the nation state <=your country that holds you and I accountable to the corporations. We the governed should own the corporations, not the other way around. The corporations should be working for us, not us for them, the nation state governments should be working for the humans they govern, not for the non human corporations.
What makes it possible for a corporation to acquire so much wealth and so much power is the corporations own the governments that govern us, They get the government to invent monopoly powers: i.e. copyright, and patent monopoly powers and to give those monopoly powers to the corporations(just like the king used to give his feudal lords land grants). The corporations then own the rights and hide the technology needed for the corporations to have competitors.
If competitors develop the corporate copyright and patent monopoly powers have the wealth to own the actors who run the governments, so they say to the government, start a war with Russia, the damn Ruskies are better at computer programming than we are; we want their programmers to work for us? Along comes an oil and gas corporation, yeah, start a war with Russia, they have oil and gas we want: if we owned Russia, Gasprom would be out of business. Then along comes the Defense Industry, look government, Russia makes some neat weapons, start a war with Russia if you want, but anybody will do, we are not choosy ,we just want to git government contracts and if we can steal someone elses technology (then that's so much the better) we could use some of Russian programmers and engineers.. , and you know what, its not long before the Foreign Dept discovers a way to start a war with Russia..
After the fight is picked, the governed of the two nations are pitted against each other, and the blood banks just love it, cause now they can get blood by the barrel and they don't even need a red bus..
Its important to understand that what has happened to us, is that capitalism has been converted into monopolism.. The economy ceases to be capitalistic when governments grants monopoly powers to private individuals or corporations, or when its governments allow private individuals or corporate entity to establish, own or benefit from monopoly power. Grant of copyright power and patent power and partial government powers such as energy franchises, communications franchises, sewer and water franchises, private army contracts, and the like are all examples of government awarding, supporting and defending the right of a non government person or entity of some kind to have, use and enjoy a part of the powers the governed people expected their government to owned, exercise and control. We the people have no control over the use of government powers that have been transferred to a private corporation or individual.
“We the governed should own the corporations”. Correct that is the heart of the matter.
Didn’t say it was just Alibaba, i was making a pun on the name and on the slogan.
To be completely honest, I don’t really give a shit whether I own something or not. I guess apart from my guitars, I’m kinda attached to them. I have a few, very fine examples of exquisite luthiery, but I’d be fine with just one.
Come to think about it, the question is whether it’s inherently better for people to own shit or whether it would be better if everything were community property. Is man such a possessive motherfucker whose raison d’etre is to accumulate shit? And when shit is in his possession, man maintains it, polishes it, jerks off about it in every imaginable way, thus keeping things in proper order? While, in contrast, if man didn’t own anything and everything was everybody’s, it would be impossible to keep stuff from disintegrating? The collapse of the Second World suggests that the latter would be the case. At least under the present circumstances, under the present state of mind of the vast majority.
That, however, doesn’t mean that another model might not be possible. Take for instance cars. It would certainly make more sense if there existed a pool of cars that everybody could use instead of owning their own can of sardines. You need to go shopping? Take a small hatchback. You plan a long-distance family trip? Take a large minivan. You need to move shit? Get a truck. I understand that an arrangement like that wouldn’t quite strike a chord with the narcissists among us to flaunt their huge off-road in an effort to compensate for the minuscule size of their dick, but perhaps some smart person could devise some alternative means for them to do so. In fact, the aforementioned carpool could feature a “For Deranged Short-Dicked Persons” section or something like that to solve this predicament.
“Deranged Short Dick persons” 😆😆. Think it’s a fine idea in principle though.
I would rather no one owned anything, i was just saying that they intend to own everything and make you jump through hoops to get anything.
I understand that. I grew up in a communist country, it worked like that there. Most items were owned by the state.
However, it works like that already in our world today. Yes, there is private ownership, but people have to pay dearly for their way through life. We’re not quite at the point where they’d literally have a title to your shit, there is the illusion that you own it, but people they tax the hell out of people and make ownership or the use of your stuff conditional on 1000+1 rules, requirements, whatever.
Stop me if you heard these:
Alibaba CEO cut down to size by CCP.
“We [the Davos crowd] will own everything and be happy” — OffG BTL.
When they “talk the green talk” nothing speaks more to the sincerity of these Davos technocrats than 2000 invitees arriving in their private jets, the Swiss Air Force flying overhead 24-7 to enforce a ‘no-fly zone’ and the largest ‘peace time’ deployment of the not-so-neutral Swiss Army.
They gotta keep this shit from public view as much as possible as anyone with half a brain cell would listen to these ghouls for about 5 minutes and recognize the basic fact that the Davos Crowd are, quite simply, a bunch of creeps.
Green is Serpentine
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
Why did the witch in the Wizard of Oz have green skin?
What colour is Serpentine?
Serpentine: mineral, gem, ornamental stone, asbestos source
The most obvious physical properties of serpentine are its green color, patterned appearance, and slippery feel. These remind the observer of a snake and that is where the name “serpentine” was derived.
The snake is of course the symbol of Lucifer and the hero of the Bible in the Luciferian creed. The snake wants to bring humanity knowledge that God would deny according to Luciferians. It’s a deliberate misrepresentation the the story of the Fall i.e, that humanity had to show that it was obedient to God’s purposes to warrant knowledge, not that knowledge was to be denied permanently (although some knowledge seems to be of that status too e.g. the nature of consciousness). Prometheus is their other big hero.
Most Luciferians probably don’t conceive of Lucifer as a literal being – it’s more symbolic in their understanding. Baphomet is a sigil more than a creature. Magic is science that has either been withheld or not fully understood yet.
On the Protocols, this is a touchy area but a few points about them: 1) It was Allan Dulles who happened to discover they were a forgery 2) This is not to say they aren’t a forgery (or at least doctored) – just not the one claimed by Dulles. There is literally no evidence they were forged by the Tsar’s secret police as Dulles claimed (they do like to project… ).
All Al Gore type hypocrites: “do as we say, not as we do”.
Now we need an app to add up our fuel bills and flight miles?. These overfed airheads are pathetic clowns.
In another article I read the full speech from Evans. He uses the same tactic the Climate Fascists have been using for years. He says we need to monitor our Carbon Footprint and to fight climate change. Except, climate change is supposedly caused by the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide. C and CO2 are not the same thing. But to many people, when they hear “carbon” they think of soot, pollution, dirty factories, and auto exhaust. They think about dirty coal miners. Then when they are told carbon dioxide causes global warming, they connect their image of carbon to the greenhouse gas. These guys know it is not the same thing.
Then, to show make sure they have the correct virtue signal, they say they are planting trees to offset their carbon footprint. But if by carbon footprint they really mean carbon dioxide emissions, then what will these trees use to sustain their life if we are eliminating carbon dioxide?
One big psy-op for the galactically stupid sheep.
‘Galactically stupid’ I like that. 👍
Would you mind if I borrowed it somewhere, sometime?
Pedants corner: “Green plants give out carbon dioxide not only at night but during the day too. It happens because of the process of respiration which plants share with other living creatures, taking in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants do this in parallel with their distinctive solar process called photosynthesis, in which carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is given out.
C’mon guys. We can do this.
No more articles describing in minute detail what satan’s ‘ruse of the week’ might be…
Articles telling us how to stop this demonstration of mankind at his most cretinous are really more important right now.
As you might expect from me: you cannot stop this madness. It’s too late. Technology’s Siren Song long ago lulled humanity into a stupor which, in turn, lured them into a stock pen.
As with anything the “elites” ever proposed or brought about, the solution is for the vast majority of people to “Just Say No.”
I keep listening; but I don’t hear them.
And you’re quite right too, although I neither listen to, or hear them any more.
Still, one tries, even if “Just Say No” is, as you say, probably the best we can do.
If we had the answers, if it were just that easy, we’d be publishing them for sure. Along with solutions for enduring world peace, cures for male-pattern-baldness and the last decimal of Pi.
We live in hope! I bought a pair of compasses and I’m getting to work on the whole Pi thing 😀
But seriously for a moment, I do take your point, but please don’t miss ours…
Often simple AWARENESS of what is taking place around us is half the solution. Raising this awareness is what we are trying to do. The hard part has always been getting people to listen, unfortunately. However you can help with this solution by sharing our material as far and wide as you can!
Thanks for your comment, A2
I agree with wardroppers comment.
There are solutions and they are found in challenging the starting assumptions of financialised political economy.
The “Carbon” story is really just an abstracted analogy to the use of energy to increase productivity for the necessaries of life as well as other “Goods”.
Elitism has a very real paranoia regarding keeping the poor. As Calvin said “The poor must remain poor so they remain obedient” Austerity is the default policy of Elitist Political Economy.
A very good starting point on Assumptions for challenging Elitist political economy is this paper.By the Late Dr Adrian Wrigley. Other links in this blog.
Inside the Beltway 4. Common Sense revisited and re-written. Starting Assumptions.
I bought a pair of compasses too, but they had me going south west.
Perhaps you needed a square as well?
Thank you Sam.
I certainly didn’t intend to imply that OffG is in any way failing in some sort of duty to us, and I am under no illusions that finding answers is anything other than extremely difficult.
I hope you will also rest assured that I most definitely don’t miss your point.
I know I tend to think and comment rather idealistically, but I also know that I have a lot in common with this site.
We do what we can, using what talents we have.
Awareness is of course crucial. I would only wish to add FOCUS.
All the best.
Raising awareness is important. But it can lead to a state of fear, or rising anger if one is constantly exposed to negative & depressing news. These emotions can be food for some.
Possible answers – a raising of awareness of suppressed cures. An easy example would be cancer. There are many cures for it, but most are suppressed by the system. The illness itself is trophoblastic in nature. Every woman who has given birth has had cancer for the first 2 months of the pregnancy. The invasive ability of cancer is what enables the embryo to firstly attach to the uterine wall, & subsequently provide blood vessel connections to the mothers system in order to take in & transfer out nutrients & waste. It’s a beautiful & amazing & elegant process. At approximately the 2 month mark the invading stops, or more accurately, transforms itself into what become placental cells, the placenta. The trigger for the transformation was found over 100 years ago, & it is simply the production of pancreatic enzymes in the fetus. This knowledge is there within the scientific & medical literature, & there was one medical doctor who did his best to have his treatment protocol tested by clinical trials about 20 years ago, but he was successfully sabotaged by the system & labelled a quack.
I’ve also come to the conclusion that most of what we call diseases are probably a result of toxins that come in very many different forms. Nutritional deficiencies are another important element. Thanks to the elite & bloodlines controlling the world we get poisons through their control of industrial corporations with the left hand & medical treatments with more toxicity through their control of pharmaceutical corporations with the right hand, while making sure the public is either not aware of the above, or if they are, they are made to believe through propaganda, it hasn’t been verified by “science” or “lacks evidence” or other such deceptions. Any natural treatments that gain traction are targets for being highly regulated &/or mercilessly vilified.
Same goes for energy production. Many inventors have been warned off commercializing their products. If the corporations can’t buy it & shelve it, they’ll intimidate, threaten, harass, use political connections to regulate, or any number of other methods to keep the knowledge suppressed. They may even put out & promote potential alternatives as distractions, docos like Who Killed The Electric Car? are just propaganda, serves to keep the public thinking the system is genuinely interested in alternatives, when it really isn’t.
One energy device that uses implosion tech is Rossi’s ecat-sk. Like Schauberger, he seems to have used nature’s principles to produce something that works without the explosive generation & subsequent loss of heat that produces. If the world wasn’t controlled by these elites at davos & others, these sort of inventors could really benefit humanity & the planet with their intelligence. Rossi has also been mercilessly attacked for decades & been dragged to court numerous times & now he has learnt to be very careful about what he says.
In terms of science, I would direct people to seriously look at the work of Miles Mathis. He has gone back & challenged the underlying assumptions of all the great mainstream physicists & come up with a unified field theory. As usual, he has been ignored by the mainstream. He also writes a lot about bloodlines/genealogy & fake events, which I suppose makes him an easy target to mock as a “conspiracy theorist”, making the ordinary person have a knee jerk reaction to his writings. The power of conditioning.
John Ward/The slog has decided it is time to change tack. He describes batting statistics back and forth as a waste of time, rightly I think, and now advocates digging the dirt and throwing it at the key figures or facilitators of this agenda.
After all by the time one has finished prodding and poking their calculator, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s referencing and double checking their facts that ‘act’ is complete and the agenda has moved on. and that is even if enough people could understand what you are trying to explain or cared anyway.
How to stop it? Intellectually take a clue from James Corbett’s “Limits to Growth” Questions. There he unveils the “scientific” switch and bait trick of exchanging the 50 year old Club of Rome scare of lack of ‘Resources’ for the 2021 scare of “Pollution”, defined as CO2 emissions plus plastic production (?!). Hilarious.
They had to because lack of Resources turned out to be an un measurable myth suffering of huge uncertainties.
Scaring the sheeple stays a must if you want to be a Shepherd.
“An All Points World Wide Bulletin-Alert”

“The above is a list of carriers of the extremely dangerous Money Pox Pathogen. Please Shoot on Sight!”
A good list of criminal enablers. All overpaid lackeys to this latest health scam.
This isn’t new, just becoming more “mainstream”. Look at the “DO. Everyday Climate Action card”. The DO card tracks CO₂ emissions generated from our transactions and displays those numbers in a simple app. “Equipped with this knowledge we can play our part in saving the planet.” https://doconomy.com/doeverydayclimateaction/
The ‘age of extinction’ is here.
Billions of birds have disappeared from the US and Europe as well:
Got nothing to do with climate change of course.
Radiation. 5G etc…
I wonder if they’ll be tracking the carbon footprint of the Military Industrial Complex, the junk food industry, or all the private jets and helicopters whizzing around the planet ?
What was that scientific expedition to one of the Poles and the only carbon footprint they discovered was their own?
Even this has only one thing to do with the environment–and not any of the other 5,000 eco-cidal practices, the very worst ones being corporate in nature.
Promote whatever they like. I have a jar of dried up apple cores, dipped in skunk urine and wrapped in golden sweet wrappers , are highly nutritious and make for an excellent snack, goodness for all – any takers ?
please Putin fuck them all with a Kalibr missile
daddy putin! *moans*
Any impartial observer can see that Putin has an excellent mind, but he’s not Santa Claus.
His interest in making the lives of Brits and Yanks more comfortable is as minimal as McCarthy’s interest was in making the lives of communists more comfortable.
As a human being, I’d trust him a lot farther than I’d trust any of the USA’s recent presidents, but aside from the consideration that that’s not saying much, he has a large country to run – and it’s not ours.
Hasn’t Putin and the Russian government betrayed their people just as much as the western govts betrayed theirs? Over the last two years if not before?
I think the one betraying his country and his people was called Yeltsin and Putin arrived just about in time at the top of political decision making in Russia to avoid the worst.
I think you will find that is the official narrative. Uk Column kind of narrative?
Official? Not sure what that’s supposed to mean.
After all everbody could see Russians (I seem to remember they were called ‘biznismeny’ in the 90s) suddenly qualifying as billionaires. And Putin’s message seems to have been: Keep the money but get out of Russian politics. So Roman Abramovitch bought a yacht, Chelsea, a super model for a wife etc. And stayed out of Russian politics. Whereas the likes of Browder or Khodorkovsky kept the money but still tried to meddle in Russian politics. Which earned the latter a 10 years sentence.
Of course they hate Putin. Do you think Russia would be better off now had those had free reign?
That was true until two years ago. Now Putin is presiding over the same cynical COVID scam as in the West and has approved the same mass rollout of untested & unneeded vaccines and us backing the same globalist doctrines.
He sold out, or was just a sleeper, or was overruled by people who have taken power and leave him as a figure head.
Doesn’t matter which. Point is things have changed and we need to update our mind maps.
No he hasn’t. He is well respected and considering the scale of his charge is in a different class from the dross we consider “leaders” here in the West.
WAS. Was in a different class. Since 2020 he’s been tooting the same tune as the rest of the elites.
You like others are ignoring the history of the Donbass and the genocide which has been ongoing since 2014.
Not that I can see.
He is, of course, a politician, and that usually means maintaining a perfect poker face and hiding your hand. No news there.
However my own take on the current situation is that western governments have invested in low-intellect, high-verbosity leaders for such a long time that they no longer recognize reality.
By contrast, Putin can clearly speak for himself, right off the bat, and his advisors actually ARE his advisors, not his puppeteers.
He is shrewdly intelligent, where Biden, Johnson, and the rest are rather obviously dependent upon shadowy minders in order to have anything at all to say to the public.
Because a fair portion of the western public suspect that this is the case, (it isn’t exactly a secret – I mean… BIDEN…?) they know they have been ‘betrayed’.
From what I have seen and heard, Russians in general do not feel betrayed by Putin. He actually answers questions, instead of guffawing at his own people and reading from a disinfected script.
All I can suggest is looking at him in action. Even YT has videos of him actually answering questions and, moreover, giving a solid background to his answers.
We, on the other hand, have become accustomed to fools representing us.
How could that end well?
The biggest irony here is that the way Putin speaks in interviews and conferences comes across as intelligent and sincere whereas the average Western speaker now sounds like the cliched Cold War apparatchik mouthing dreary party platitudes.
Agreed. The long series of interviews he did with Oliver Stone were a revelation.
I think for a long time, he tried to get along with the West, but finally realised he was being comprehensively ****ed over.
He’s getting his revenge now, with a strong rouble, cheap energy at home while still being able to sell it for whatever he wants abroad (one way or another), only modest inflation, and a population which appears to approve of him far more than any western leader has achieved, and which will approve of him even more if he wins the war in Ukraine, which he seems to be doing (not of course according to the Western MSM).
What “winning” the war will finally look like in the long run is anybody’s guess. No doubt the US will sponsor permanent guerilla / terrorist activity along the new borders for the foreseable future, so it might well not be easy. We can only wait and see.
Why is that an irony? You don’t need to be stupid to be corrupt. Yes, he’s a smart guy and yes he did a lot of good for Russia in years past, but now he’s selling his people down the river just as much as Boris, Biden, Macron and all
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It’s on a trial basis. I hope that the blissful absence of certain former mega-downvote magnets who shall not be named will tilt the odds in favor of the trial being deemed a success.
Interesting. Thanks.
I wonder who was petty minded enough to down vote my “thumbs up” though.
It seems he has, according to Edward Slavsquat, who paints Russia as Branch Covidia East.