LISTEN: Kit Knightly on the Misty Winston Show
OffG editor Kit Knightly joins Misty Winston for the first hour of her Friday show. They discuss US foreign policy, the purpose of unending war, Covid as an extension of the “war on terror”, internet censorship, the “next pandemic” and more.
Misty Winston is live on TNTRadio on weekdays 3pm-6pm Eastern (8-11pm UK BST). You can listen to back episodes of her show here, or follow her on twitter @SarcasmStardust.
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With all due respect Kit, I think you need a new microphone, or to be positioned closer to your existing one.
after all these years of trusting the PRIVACY search engine DuckDuckGo, today, a researcher found DuckDuckGo allows tracking our searches by Microsoft.
DuckDuckGo has confirmed the tracking agreement with Microsoft. They defended their position by saying this is not as bad as tracking by Facebook which they don’t allow.
has a day passed in the last couple of years where we didn’t learn we have been deceived by one thing or another?
Use Presearch. Duckduckgo had it’s place until their investors wanted to compete with Google. Ironically, Google practices and policies were the very reason that people left Google for Duckduckgo in the first place. They killed the golden egg laying goose by doing it. Pure greed. Presearch founder was a Corbett guest a few months ago. Could probably find the archive on Corbett’s page.
Presearch: “Those who register and set up an account earn PRE tokens while searching the web.”
What exactly is Presearch buying with their tokens?
The internet is monitored by the National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Central Intelligence Agency, Israeli Mossad, and several other intelligence gathering cooperatives. You’re dreaming if you think there’s any way around it. The internet is OWNED.
To repeat my own skepticism about DuckDuckGo, which arose a while back: it was hailed with great fanfare as a clean, user-friendly engine– in a word, the unGoogle. It still touts its superior privacy protections and claims not to harvest user data like the malignant Big Tech engines.
But I noticed that over time, its actual search results seemed to be a clone of Google’s– DDG even copies Google’s propaganda features, i.e. a little summary box in the upper right-hand corner that imports typically false, malicious, and slanderous blurbs from Wikipedia. For instance, hold your nose and compare the summary boxes from Google and DDG produced by a search for “Judy Mikovits”.
It isn’t just Mikovits; many “contrarians”, e.g. Del Bigtree or RFK Jr., call up similar maliciously biased summaries. It’s insidious, because the parties who designed this format know that casual searchers will consult the summary, accept it as true and correct, and go no further.
I’m not educated or trained in the arcane cyber-mazes that underpin the search pages that we laypersons see. I’ve skimmed comments by people professing technical or inside knowledge that suggest, as far as I can decipher them, that DDG search results are fed by Google-controlled tributaries beyond DDG’s control or capacity to modify.
That’s as may be, but the fact that they appear on DDG is a red flag of a lack of integrity– very Google-like for the would-be “unGoogle”. And here’s the clincher:
Forget i.d., and Imagine you’re in a specifiic cyber maze in search of a specific reason for being there in the first place. imo
Started calling it CluckCluckGone about 5 yrs. ago, when I saw the pattern of where it was headed–just like I saw from Firefox which was becoming a baby Google!
What is better than Firefox? My dislike of Microsoft drove me to Netscape many years ago. I am not an Apple fan at all because of the cost. My grand kids no long use Apple products in school for that reason. Chrome is now their thing. Chrome drips with leftist idealism. Nothing can be trusted by what I have seen. What would be better than Firefox on a PC? Not trying to be argumentative. Just trying make progress in the technology jungle of data miners.
A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead. As Western influence continues to diminish at a rapid pace the trend of countries flocking to the China/Russia orbit is bound to increase. The NWO that they have been lusting after for generations is likely to be restricted to Western Europe and North America, or about 15% of the World’s population. The effects of the disastrous Ukraine provocation and the failed sanctions will soon become undeniable. Food and energy shortages together with uncontrollable inflation, will make even this smaller NWO harder to control. The Emperor has no clothes, as all can now see, their game is old, tired and predictable, and they have no new ideas. The Globalists may not have to worry about a Trump return in 2024. It is highly likely that the clock will have run out on them by then. It could happen any day.
Russia and China are also totalitarian guvernments. Total control of population is their goal, too. it is good that there exist not an United Totalitarian Front, but we should not put our hopes in Russia or Chian.
In the near future they wont have tor resign or anything.
How dodgy has this lot been with this Mercurial actor foool as PM which everyone voted for with a little bit of help from the M.I.C New & ALT media.
He changed the ministerial code of conduct rules on Friday.
Boris Johnson accused of changing ministerial code to ‘save his skin’–code-to-remove-need-to-resign-over-breaches
I think that the Brits need to take him out into the streets and have him ‘shot’. I suspect we’ve ALL had enough of these pricks making rules which they can’t even adhere to themselves.
The list of American politicians that need the same treatment is endless.
Ricky Gervais under attack for – prepare to be bored! – transgressing against hate crime laws re: trans people. Interesting how Facebook recently decided to drop all objections to “hate speech” against Russians.
But there is a higher game here: Whip up as much self-neutralising invective as possible and have the plebs at each other’s throats.
And of course, don’t forget to invent as many new demographics as possible for an endless line of new “victims”. “The Science” will of course be happy to back you up.
He said something like the old fashioned women, you know the ones with a uterus and a womb, were dinosaurs. He liked the new women, the ones with beards and cocks.
Standard Rick Gervais fare, and not incredibly funny, but not offensive either, except to people who were determined to be offended.
Morning shave and hide the Adams Apple, pollies like to be entertained by someone playing the mouth organ….
Well that’s fine, but leave us lads and lassies alone., we have our own sexual fantasties, we don’t have to instructed by government robots, egged on Safeist and Anti-selfrightous bigoted lookalike Barbara Castle and her Interrectual legions.
My local council in South West Scotland now has people employed to go round sticking up posters with such vitally useful directives as “Keep your area clean” and “Remember to wash your hands”. I am expecting “Remember to wipe your arse” and “When you breathe in, don’t forget to breathe out”. The obvious drive to flush as much money down the drain as possible continues.
“Please do not throw stones at this notice”
I’d love to see “Please do not read this notice. You did, didn’t you!”
Sounds like the Scottish council is advertising for people to work at “Mac-dude-gulls” to be.
I can only conclude that the US has become Nazi-Germany reborn. Congratulations US! Most people in the rest of the world would kill you on sight!
Hello, Den lille Abe: References to Nazi Germany have become about as alarming as waiting for paint to dry. You are playing into the controlled dialog and social manipulations of technocracy.
The debate should involve methods by which civil populations can eliminate corporate and technocratic control on a permanent basis. The rest is nonsense…
Absolutely right, extirpation, root and branch. Everything else is pointless.
Pfizer CEO says that the goal was to reduce the world’s population 50% by 2023.
States ” today, it is a reality.
That’s more than a little unsettling.
Might be a good idea for people to understand what is in the patents.
If anything happens, you will want to be treated for the right reasons.
Otherwise, the treatment may become a problem of its own.
Never mind. He was talking about reducing the number of people who can’t afford their medicines by 50%.
Its literally on YouTube….
High natural population growth (%/year without migration) in some countries under attack through economy, subversion or military:
DR Congo 3.0, Angola 3.2, Afghanistan 2.5, Iraq 2.3, Mali 3.1, Niger 4.0, Somalia 3.1, Yemen 2.3.
Corona Investigative Committee Session 106
Mapping the Elephant:
Carlo Maria Vigano, Vatican City
Attorney Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Watch these 38 Minutes:
Think twice try thinking twice.
Attorney Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This type of crap was popular with the zombies in the early 2000 with tribunals being held and notices being served on politicians.
This type of crap was popular with the zombies in the early 2010 and experts lawyer being hired and taking the Government / child services to court. (U.K column also played this scam hard)
This type of hopium crap was popular with the half awake zombies in early Covid. Millionaire Simon shill dolan.
Keep Britain fooled did the exact same scam.
Question: Apart from the donation money being misused (stolen)
How many arrests do you think ever happened…?
Answer: NONE.
Hopium for the easily mislead believers!!

They are so helpful…

I’ll bet that ‘information’ won’t include avoiding the meat and dairy sections of their stores.
Dismiss it if you like, but it’s been verified by dozens of other studies.
Less, or zero animal protein intake, equates with far fewer health problems.
Before we generalise on meat, the authorities must stop the pretence on red and processed meat.
About 2-3 years ago the Daily Mail had an article where they showed the photos and stories of 12-15 mostly young people with cancer. Including eating habits. 2/3 or more were veggies.
I don’t need these so called studies, I have memory to remember how and what my ancestors ate and cancer was unheard, extremely rare. Cancer started with the artificial fertilizers as how a famous Hungarian agricultural professional proved it, Dr Beres. His task was to find the reason why plants went ill after introducing artificial fertilizers, the conclusion was that AFs didn’t have appropriate amount of micronutrients, trace minerals and the plants became sick and weak, required more pesticides, people who ate those plants developed cancer.
He became famous around 1980 due that he successfully cured cancer cases with his Beres Drops which basically a collection and ratio based trace minerals liquid. Still exists but sadly after his death his son changed the original recipe and I for one can’t tolerate it anymore but you can check its ingredients.
When you try to live on veggies you need more, if the food is poisoned you’ll eat more poisons.
One of the things which most successfully cured circulation problem is animal fat, no cold feet or hands anymore. After just half a year if you had binned your oils and used only animal fat, your body heal itself, of course fat must be quality.
The only thing which makes milk products unhealthy is pasteurization, if raw they are very healthy.
You don’t need these propaganda pushing studies either, just use common sense.
What and how we did before things went wrong, what was the last well working ‘solution’.
One could also add that ditching meat is an explicit part of ‘The Great Reset’ and has been pushed by the likes of Jay Z and Beyonce. Does anyone really believe these people care about your health?
Having said that, the M&S story is clearly more scaremongering. It’s one of a number of stories I’ve seen recently trying to get the public back on the cancer scare-mill after a drop-off during lockdown.
> The only thing which makes milk products unhealthy
> is pasteurization, if raw they are very healthy.
The thing which makes ALL food unhealthy is pasteurization.
This book helped me a lot:
Check out the risks of casein in/on the human body.
Animal milk is for baby animals.
The hormones fed to the cow are unhealthy. Some additives need not be declared.
“When you try to live on veggies you need more, if the food is poisoned, you’ll eat more poisons.”
Yes. Exactly. Thank you.
Absolutely Brilliant, would if I could like to shake your hand.
btw Gundel thanks for the link.
If you do that you breed more cancerous People. Not soo easy is IT.
A lesson in how to make yourself unpopular at a Veggie meeting, in one sentence.
My advice avoid them at all costs.
I’m really getting tired of all the signs.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-05-27. 7th week row mass REPORTS DELETIONS f/ VAERS. 95-98% masked Taiwan, cases are top 5 in world (blog, gab, tweet).
Ask Wilson why the main stream platform isa ‘west’ media feminist leading…turn off.
Have you noticed they put the fuel up again only by a few pence a liter.
Last week certain foods went up again only by 5p or so but this is how there now sneaking it through. No uproar about it from the population.
My U.K friend confirmed they done it last night in her neck of the woods (fuel).
Hit them before the Platinum Jubilee celebration.
Staples go up when there’s a famine or in wartime pretty much sums up pricing imo.
I know, it’s terrible across the board right down to finding a room to rent.
People can be selfish pigs even with hypothetical bombs falling imo.
I noticed, I use just one supermarket, prices are constantly and slowly creeping up with 5-50p by every week while the pack is smaller. Especially meat, fresh veggies, coffee. Simple greed or agenda, selves are full and will go to waste. Interestingly the local farm we use to buy raw milk keeps its prices as they were and they are cheap enough and good quality.
Supermarkets play with the agenda, it was very visible during the Covid hoax, visible even now, they sell only peat free compost (latest nightmare propaganda).
“Thank you for wearing mask to protect US”. Emotional blackmailing. (Never wore one.) deliver “good news” for the new bio-terrorism meme:
Did you get that? After covid, every single other disease has been “rebranded” as something “new”. Isn’t it marvellous?
I don’t believe it is saying the bugs have changed; it is our immune systems that have been depleted by isolation — or for some, the clot shots. It says that the last two winters have seen mild flu viruses but more likely flu cases were re-designated as Covid.
So, the masks and self isolation made us more vulnerable so we need to mask up and self isolate!
Kid glove version of bring out your dead, Asia/China knew western women would fall for it just not to what extent.
US didn’t certainly on the face of it postpone their Administerive Elections, neither did they or have they worked together during the Big Picture of a World Crisis.
Amazing really, but Thats something for the American people to figure out imo.
Helen Bramwell appears to be the resident propagandist at STAT. Anyone wanting to learn some of the ‘tricks’ propagandists use will get some ideas from studying her pieces…
The following piece by Helen initially had prominence on the STAT site. On the
link George Mc provided, it was listed at top of the ‘latest articles’ side-column…Was…
In some of the posts about m-pox on other sites it is mentioned there was a recent outbreak of m-pox in Nigeria .Pat Henningsen on UK Column on Friday, talking about the WHO’s ‘pandemic treaty’, mentioned Nigeria as one of the few countries pushing back against the ‘treaty’ …
It’s known that the ‘covid’ jabs cause shingles. The monkeypox rash is the same as the shingles rash. Rebranding. Shifting the cause off the ‘covid’ jabs…
There’s been reports that the ‘covid’ jab may cause AIDS symptoms…
Notice how Helen links monkeypox spread to gays to HIV infected persons. HIV – the invented fallguy causing AIDS….
Helen mentions there are ‘More than 300 confirmed or suspected cases’ of m-pox. Some
of the 300 were gay males. Helen writes ‘many of the cases have been…men who have sex with men’ ;not ‘gays’ but ‘men who have sex with men’. Using many is deceitful…
Why mention gay sexual behaviour ? The Authorities say m-pox is not sexually transmitted…
All advice has been that the rash starts on the face, is spread about the body. Singled out is that some have the rash on their genitals, on their penises. The only reason to specifically mention genitals / penises is to more than suggest m-pox is sexually transmitted….
Like the way the heart problems people experienced after getting their ‘covid’ jabs was claimed to have other causes, the shingles caused by the ‘covid’ jabs, are blamed on monkeypox, and the AIDS symptoms being caused by the ‘covid’ jabs must be because of
The coming ‘Pride Month’ becomes the medium for deflecting the cause …
‘For propaganda purposes a disease vector doesnt have to be factual, but it must be believable.’
Delivered in the afternoon post (southern hemisphere):
Musk on how wonderful a recession will be:
Lectures on unviable businesses and hard work are great coming from billionaires who’ve never sold anything without massive state subsidy.
The guy who’s going to save free speech? I think not.
by Peggy Hall
One symbol you’ll see with overtly fake news is the BUTTERFLY symbol. This is the Monarch Mind Control symbol. Anywhere you see this symbol, be aware that what you’re witnessing is 100% Masonic propaganda.
Darn it Researcher,they goes my interpretation of silence the lamb, you just couldn’t keep it to yourself. It’s ok, my life is littered with mind and on paper sketches. 😑
Why watch the “news” ?
One of the biggest dangers here that people are not talking about is that the covid vaccines effectively normalized GMO. Now we find the government is proposing to turn the UK into a GMO petri dish that extends to agriculture, plants, trees, animals and people via GMO medical interventions. The government is pushing this through under the false claim that genetic editing is different to genetic modification. Read the proposed legislation and get angry.
It certainly doesn’t look like itself – the shape of the alleged viruses that were all over the media (like a rash!) were nothing like the shape of the viruses in the original monkeypox literature.
Kaufman presents a strong case that monkeypox was never real in the first place. A small number of monkeys in a much larger batch started showing skin lesions 50-60 days into captivity in a lab?….
“Crimes Against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity)”
I haven’t heard Kaufman’s views on this but I would not be surprised if the lesions were stress-induced.
If you’re interested:
Soon enough, friend, GMO is the about the only food we’ll be able to get. And we’ll so hungry from all the fake shortages, we won’t even care.
As I have said before if I edit my text, I modify it!!
… and I won’t let anyone else edit MY text.
Don’t blame Covid for GMO. Blame the fat, lying porker in Number 10. But at least you will be buying your non-traditional Frankenfood in traditional pounds and ounces.
If the Government had any true food growing experts in it, they would know that gene editing comes a poor fifth to the following in ensuring ‘food security’:
There are crops that thrive in cool, wet environments like Wales, the NW and Scotland. Grow them there. Don’t try and modify them to grow in the SE of England where it may be too warm, too dry.
There are crops that grow in warmer, drier environments like East Anglia, the SE of England etc. Grow them there, don’t obsess about taking them to wetter environments (nature after all developed an apple capable of growing on the wet and windy island of Bardsey, which seems to be a cheaper solution that trying to gene edit certain apple strains to grow in the Lake District when they grow best in Kent, doesn’t it?)
Let’s be clear: if the UK Government conspires to try and impose sterile variants of crops on the UK populace, it is committing treason and worse. Open pollinated varieties are the only sustainable way to go and if Johnson doesn’t understand that, he needs to shag Carrie Antoinette back in Islington, not in 10 Downing Street….
Other factors: (a) reducing hindrances: just ask farmers and customers (b) promoting farmers’ profit (c) organic faming/biodynamics.
The purpose of promoting the import and export of food (like other stuff) is to increase financial flows for the skim-off.
Yes. Let’s grow oranges in deserts, then export them to far away countries. It takes lots of petroleum, and draining rivers is fun and profitable!
Fuck “organic” Farming IS ORGANIC you fucking label Classed morons.
Great comment. It was very interesting to read your comment about what matters in improved food production.
Inverted world, spiritual warfare
It isn’t the UK perhaps the penny hasn’t dropped yet.
Here I was thinking they came in on their gliders.
I can’t resist posting the trivial nitpick that to me, the cartoon that’s supposed to depict The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present looks a lot more like the late George H.W. Bush.