Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy

Dustin Broadbery

Audio Version New Feature!

If Extinction Rebellion is the midlife crisis of activist causes, the war in Ukraine is the crack cocaine of moral high grounds.

For those finely attuned to consensual reality, activism is the perfect oasis from which to emulate dissent, while keeping one’s head beneath the parapet.

Gone are the old hellraisers on the left stickin’ it to the man. Instead, you have a bunch of snowflakes looking to extricate themselves from moral responsibility by signalling their righteousness, rather than embodying it.

Activism, for want of a better word, has become an assembly point to a fire drill. A part-time hobby for those in the cultural backwaters who mistake hoax for reality and other people’s misfortune as their personal consolation.

This innocent fun and games aside, however, the rebranding of groupthink into advocacy has caused the corporate power which activists mistake for social cohesion, to destroy the values they misjudge themselves custodians of.

Without a bone of contention for the government, today’s activists are essentially doing for civil society what lobbyists do for politicians.

What should be a dichotomy of opposing ideologies is an entanglement of vested interest. For the first time in history, the polarising ideals of ordinary people and the predator class have been lumped together, the former doing the unofficial bidding of the latter.

It’s not so much that a good crisis is irresistible to those lacking in imagination, it’s that people’s legitimate grievances with a broken system are being used to smooth out its creases and rampart its empire, it’s that the real issues get triangulated into manufactured crisis, and it’s that the incessant handwringing and harrumphing of a select few super-spreaders of official rhetoric, drown-out any sensible demands for positive, tangible change.

On this crooked path to reform, you have more of the same government causing much of the same problems.

Global Warming Meltdown

Today, there’s but one “emergency” and it’s climate change. The greatest historical interference with our rights and liberty is of little importance to those warning of the coming apocalypse.

But this consensual focus on the wrong cause is not only greasing the wheels of globalisation, it’s lubricating civil society for a proper shafting. So much so, that activism has become a clearinghouse for global policies.

Policies that would ordinarily be shunned by the rank and file are embraced with peak indiscretion. Just as those who would ordinarily keep their mouths shut and not venture to think out loud are given a loudhailer to gerrymander the rest of us, until their high vis opinionating becomes our mandate for change.

This soapboxing by an outlier of suburbia, amplified across corporate media and cheered on from the political pulpits, eventually blights all quarters of society with its posturing, until everyone’s spouting the same end of the world, kitchen sink, histrionics, and offering to the gods their own moral virtuosity as the cure-all for the world’s problems.

As a general rule, whoever is the most mortally offended is granted the most media coverage.

NGO’s and the Billionaire Class

The largest sphere of influence over activism is NGOs and big foundations.

Bloomberg Philanthropies funds activists campaigning on issues as diverse as LGBTQ rights to gun control.

As improbable as it may seem, the Ford Foundation funded the Occupy Movement.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation channels millions of dollars into several NGO’s clamping down on free speech online.

The most dangerous man in Babylon, however, is George Soros, whose Open Society Foundation can be found everywhere there is civil unrest, from Extinction Rebellion to Occupy Wall Street, from BLM to the 2014 Ukrainian coup, from anti-Brexit groups to NGO’s undermining India’s national sovereignty.

When he’s not stoking civil unrest, Soros can also be found at the epicentre of the culture wars, funding critical race theory in US classrooms and normalising gender dysphoria and reassignment to children as young as 5.

Soros understands that the proclivity of ordinary people towards a fairer, more inclusive world is a powerful force for the wrong kind of change.

And what better way to vent your frustration with the system than by joining one of numerous intern programs spun out of the industrial NGO complex that exploits people’s desire for a more egalitarian world, by giving them an apprenticeship in advocacy, amounting to little more than laundering the dirty reputation of the elites into squeaky clean exemplars of the public sphere, while pushing the envelope of global policies that are shifting our constitutional landscapes towards a technocratic world order.

By his own admission, Soros sees nationalism as the great enemy of an open society. Launching at Davos 2020 a $1 billion inter-university program that teaches about the pitfalls of nationalism and represents yet another brick in the ideological capture of our educational institutions by cultural Marxism.

Indoctrinating future generations into the ideologies of the predator class, masquerading as social reform, is whats really going on here.

The Climate Industrial Complex

If you want to know how the science got settled, look no further than the multi-billion-dollar climate racket, valued at $632 billion in 2020, and predicted to reach an astonishing $4 Trillion by 2030.

That kind of stimulus buys a lot of noise, science papers, advocacy, and the rest of it. But it also helps to gloss over everything else being ushered in through the backdoor of climate policies, from pro-world taxation to resource misappropriation to one world government.

On one end of the shakedown, you have the doom merchants at ER telling us the end is nigh. On the other end, you have the world’s most powerful institutional investors, blue chips, and multinational energy corporations.

The mob, controlled by the billionaire class, demands solutions, and the billionaire class implements their agenda.

That Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock, has taken up the cudgel of climate activists bears inconsistencies with reality that are impossible to reconcile. Blackrock, together with Vanguard, dominate all facets of our daily lives, controlling everything we eat, drink, wear or use.

Carbon Based Lifeforms

The war on carbon is, in fact, a war on life and if the likes of Fink and Soros have their way, humanity will be the carbon that gets eliminated. We are, after all, carbon-based lifeforms. Carbon is the chemical foundation for all life on Earth. With more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, you have more photosynthesis and, therefore, more plants.

The weather is changing alright, but it’s getting colder – we are living through some of the coldest weather on record, it’s called the Grand Solar Minimum. These are changes to our weather systems which people are unprepared for.

They’re unprepared because climate change is more than just a business. For the morally and ideologically impoverished, it’s a spiritual world order of biblical proportions, as was originally intended by the man who put the UN into the climate change business – billionaire oil tycoon Maurice Strong.

In 1994 Strong, together with the former supreme leader of world communism, authored The Earth Charter to enshrine the environmental movement into a bonafide cult for the new age. As Strong succinctly put it:

The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will in fact become like the Ten Commandments.’

Counterfeiting Reality

Come rain or shine, climate apocalypse or grand solar minimum, activists continue to soldier on up the moral high ground, only to be sold down the river on their descent. To these “rebellious freethinkers”, it’s more Important to be on the same page with the prevailing narrative than on the right side of history.

That’s because the gentrification of our grassroots movements has rendered people’s ability to muddle through the socio-political perplexities inoperative to such a degree they can no longer distinguish between a social cause and a hole in their backside, let alone point out tyranny in an identity parade or take any steps toward holding its pirateers to account.

Running amok of our social movements, the virtuoso criminal masterminds managing Planet Earth Plc have built themselves an industrial counterfeiting press, which spits out ready-to-think, activist causes, to keep us close to our morality, but not close enough to derail their scheme.

Dustin Broadbery is a writer and researcher from London trying to make sense of the New Normal these past two years. Particularly the ethical and legal issues around lockdowns and mandates, the history and roadmap to today’s biosecurity state, and the key players and institutions involved in the globalised takeover of our commons. You can find his work at www.thecogent.org, follow him on twitter @TheCogent1 or subscribe to his substack


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Jun 6, 2022 9:35 PM

So much so, that activism has become a clearinghouse for global policies.

This is an opportunity to get to some of the people who will soon be part of the club. I could have had my hands on Nick Clegg back in the 90s when he showed up at a green gathering to be seen as being down with the people.

Keep your eyes open…the next Tony Blair will be at an XR meeting or similar. Mercy is for slaves.

Jun 6, 2022 9:28 PM

I so wish I could have been there at that XR “protest” so I could throw eggs at those masked spineless morons. They would have scampered at the slightest whiff of aggro.

Jun 3, 2022 2:40 AM

We all know about Al Gore’s inconvenient purchase – 12 years ago.

“Al Gore may tell gullible followers that rising sea levels threaten to swamp global coastlines but his recent purchase of an 8 million dollar oceanfront mansion in tony Montecito California tells another story altogether. Prudent property investors do not purchase multi-million dollar oceanfront mansions if they truly expect them to be under water soon.”



Jun 3, 2022 12:58 AM

Man: 180 terawatt hours per year.
Sun: 172 petawatts per second

Jun 2, 2022 9:07 PM

Another article ridiculing climate change yet never addressing chem trails.
this morning @ 3 4 5 7 9am when they painted the sky with lines to make the sky clear and hot for the firework displays for this evening afternoon queens celebration crap.
is chem trails also called geo engineering climate change..>?

Jun 3, 2022 12:39 PM
Reply to  jiin

There maybe something going on, but the proponents of this conspiracy, use pictures of liquid holding tanks in the interior of airlines, supposedly containing the chemicals.These in actuality, seem to be pictures of a routine aeronautic testing technology and the tanks merely hold water as weight simulators.Online, ive seen only two whistleblowers, this seems to be a low number, considering what chemtrail enthusiasts are alleging.Maybe you could try and convince me further?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 3, 2022 2:29 PM
Reply to  Sullivan

Whenever I see a comment containing the “conspiracy” meme followed by the term “supposedly” my spider sense becomes activated.

Millions of first-person observations rather trump your very weak hand…


Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Jun 4, 2022 5:41 AM

Smoking your socks. Observing something does not make it fact without evidence. Not having a clue and making a claim is stupidity. Dane Wigginton is an idiot. Here this pill will help. https://contrailscience.com/

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 4, 2022 4:04 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Hello Sunface Jack: Excellent disinformation site! Bravo!

Ok. I’ll go with your “suggestion”.

Gretchen Cook-Anderson
NASA Headquarters, Washington
(Phone: 202/358-0836)

Chris Rink/Julia Cole
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Va.
(Phone: 757/864-6786/4052)
April 27, 2004
RELEASE: 04-140 
Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm the U.S. Climate https://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2004/apr/HQ_04140_clouds_climate.html


Jun 3, 2022 5:12 PM
Reply to  Sullivan

Whistleblowers don’t generally fare too well – like John Kiriakou, who informed the American public (which could give a damn!) about CIA torture. And went to jail for it.

There have been no whistleblowers regarding 911 or COVID. Many have spoken out against both official narratives – but none from the inside. So why would there be whistleblowers regarding climate engineering? It’s ever so much easier to convince people they’re doing something beneficial than either 911 or COVID.

Jun 3, 2022 5:05 PM
Reply to  jiin

“Chemtrails” are not used to clear the sky. Just the opposite. Whenever you see planes going back and forth releasing trails of whatever, you may be sure either that evening or the next day the sky will be overcast.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Jun 4, 2022 5:42 AM
Reply to  Howard
Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 2, 2022 5:00 PM

France 24: Truth or Fake

Some users are claiming that US channels CNN & NBC News presented two different men as the father of the same Uvalde school shooting victim. We show you why this claim is bogus. Meanwhile in other news, some users mistakenly believe that the colours of the Ukrainian flag have been added to the Pride flag. We tell you more in this edition of Truth or Fake.

Uvalde school shooting: Debunking claims that CNN and NBC aired staged interviews
Jun 1, 2022
FRANCE 24 English

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 2, 2022 5:32 PM

Fact Check: Did Different Men Pose as ‘Father’ of Uvalde Shooting Victim?


The Claim
A tweet posted on May 28, 2022, includes video interviews with men identified as parents of Uvalde shooting victim, 10-year-old Amerie Garza.
One clip shows CNN host Anderson Cooper interviewing “Angel Garza”, the “Father of Shooting Victim Amerie Jo Garza.” The other clip taken from NBC’s Today Show, shows an interview with Alfred Garza III, also identified as Amerie’s father.
The video posted on Twitter is edited to highlight the names of the interviewed men, superimposes the abbreviation “WTF” and concluding with the text “HOW DOES AMERIE GARZA HAVE A DIFFERENT FATHER ON EACH NETWORK?” Text in the tweet itself states “Two networks, Same Victim, different fathers.”

Two networks, Same victim, different fathers

Jun 2, 2022 5:49 AM

In my experience, persons who “believe in” the anthropogenic global warming hoax cannot be reached by evidence or logic. No amount of exposure of the lies or fraud committed by their proponents will discredit their position. Disclosure of the money trail from the usual perps to the hierarchy of the green organizations arouses no skepticism.

I didn’t encounter this attitude toward covid, but I have not found a single exception to it regarding the believers in AGW.

There are extraordinary sources online which document the fraud and lies upon which this hypothesis rests. There is complete data re ice and ocean levels that establishes the contrary.

Here are a few of those sites:

Jun 2, 2022 12:53 PM
Reply to  Penelope

even better AGW dethroning sites: http://www.climateaudit.org or Siegel’s Climate Science 101 v2.2 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76Ln3Ou6jnc

Jun 2, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  Antonym

This climateaudit.org piece you linked involves documents – specifically, documents which may have been expunged from archives (ostensibly because these documents contradict certain findings, such as Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick”).

That’s all well and good; but I would be more swayed by empirical data rather than data related data.

What this site does is unclear; but “AGW dethroning” is not one of them.

Jun 2, 2022 1:29 PM
Reply to  Penelope

What you’re presenting is actually an ad hominem argument: if you can discredit the proponents of a particular view, you have thereby discredited the view itself.

I, for one, have said repeatedly that the IPCC, for example, is a bought and paid for pseudo-scientific confabulation created as much to deny as to promote climate crisis. In refusing to address the issue of climate engineering, the IPCC has discredited itself – it doesn’t need your help.

Climate engineering – aka Weather Warfare – dwarfs every other element impacting the climate. Toxic spraying of heavy metals and polymers has wreaked havoc on the climate. Whereas climate engineering used to consist simply of cloud seeding, it now consists of creating clouds and cloud covering, as well as high pressure domes in order to steer incoming moisture around a particular area toward another area – the meteorologists call these domes “ridiculously resilient ridges.” It has helped warm rather than cool the planet to the point where methane is beginning to be released in significant quantities. It has also severely depleted the ozone layer, allowing UVC radiation to flood the planet. It is causing trees to shut down their stomata, thus thwarting photosynthesis, with the result that many forests are no long carbon sinks but have become carbon releasers.

These are demonstrable elements. Floods and droughts are constantly being created by climate engineering. Forest fires rage out of control throughout the world – even in Siberia. Ice storms and heat waves are decimating crops all over the world: In India, in Central Europe, in California.

The climate engineers are waging an all-out war against humanity.

Jun 2, 2022 6:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, one of many frauds espoused by Dane Wigington and others is that there’s an increase in adverse weather conditions. Realclimatescience.com has an expose.

I believe you are in error to put so much emphasis on geoengineering. Certainly it’s occurring, but I see no evidence that is in general dwarfing the forces of nature. In the short run, 5G may be of more importance– not sure.

Jun 2, 2022 9:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

Are there any documented victims in that all-out war? Links to creditable whistle-blowing engineers also welcome.

Jun 3, 2022 5:21 PM

Since the activities over other countries, and most of those over the US population, are carried out by the US military, it would be unusual to find whistle blowers.

Besides which, it’s still possible to convince people that it’s being done for the good of the country and its people.

We’re all documented victims. Food crops are being targeted, artificial cool downs engineered; and we breathe the toxic material descending from the atmosphere.

Jun 2, 2022 5:05 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Of the sites you list, I didn’t bother with whatsupwiththat.com simply because I’ve encountered that one previously. What it is can be best described as a conservative fact checker – and fact checkers are notoriously agenda driven.

I couldn’t even get to realclimatescience.com; all Google had was information about that site. And, frankly, this is encouraging because it indicates there may be some real, true data on that site – data which I would love to peruse.

The third one – notrickszone.com – seems a lot like the site Antonyn linked to; that is, it seems to be an in-depth data dive, specifically regarding CO2.

Can you provide a link to realclimatescience.com? That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Jun 2, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, I’m sorry that you mistook my statement of experience regarding the dogmatism of AGW believers as a refutation of the position. The two are distinct.

Wattsupwiththat.com — offers easy entree to ALL the primary data collection worldwide. Merely go to the bottom of the site and click on ‘SEA ICE PAGE” to access ALL the primary data worldwide. This includes satellite and data from worldwide institutes & govts.

Or click on “SOLAR IMAGES AND DATA PAGE” for the complete current data, worldwide.

The site also comments, from a hard science perspective, on major climate papers.
It is NOT a fact-checker of any kind. 

Notrickszone.com is a Germany-based site in English. It is often more technically detailed. Running down the right side is a choice of many climate topics.

Realclimatescience.com is a very accessible site specializing in exposing fraud in temperature measurement & other areas. Everything on the site is easy to grasp quickly.

If your computer won’t bring the link up, perhaps you need to put in the full 

Jun 3, 2022 3:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Penelope, when I click on the link for realclimatescience.com&nbsp I get the message that the page can’t be found.

Right now I’m using Microsoft Edge as my browser. Plus, I got stuck with that wretched Windows 10 (the cheap refurbished computer I bought was supposed to have Windows 7, which is not so monstrous).

I’ll try your link with Firefox, which is a little better.

Jun 3, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

Try this version without the superfluous “&” suffix:


Jun 2, 2022 6:40 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Sorry, that’s Wattsupwiththat.com
It’s the most popular climate site due to its portal to ALL the primary data. See my comment below.

les online
les online
Jun 2, 2022 12:44 AM

“5g will enable you to download movies faster.”
What an exciting improvement to your Quality of Life !
Without the World Wide 5g grid the New World Order may be restricted
in its desires to keep track of you and everything you do…
To embrace 5g is akin to helping those who want to imprison you
build your prison…

Jun 2, 2022 9:03 PM
Reply to  les online

Some towers have been painted green!
Some placed in fake looking trees and trucks.

Jun 1, 2022 11:08 PM

Elon Musk is up in arms against Bill Gates. Seems he spent about 200 million trying to put a spoke in Musk’s plan to buy Twitter. At any rate there’s some ind of holdup??

Jun 1, 2022 10:07 PM

The #Jubilee of Elizabeth: Queen of Depravity By staging these royal spectacles, a hypnotic impression is conveyed, reassuring the people that despite all the indices of perversion, destruction and masonic oppression, “Things aren’t as bad as they seem.” The Jubilee of Elizabeth II The Queen of Depravity By Michael Hoffman RevisionistHistory.org June 2 marks the start of celebrations in Britain for the Jubilee of 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth II. The media have enthusiastically joined in the hoopla, extending a blank check endorsement of the System’s approved agent. The queen has played host in the past to numerous blood-drenched communist dictators like Tito and overseen the most rapid dissolution of Britain in its entire history. The mysteries surrounding the death of her daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, remain unanswered. The queen’s son and heir apparent, Charles, Prince of Wales, was a known co-conspirator with Jimmy Savile, the demonic child molester who operated at the top of the British pyramid of power, while MI5 British Intelligence, which briefs the Elizabeth and Charles, was fully apprised of his hundreds of child victims. While bestowing a gift upon Jimmy for his 80th birthday, Prince Charles told him, “Nobody will ever know what you’ve done for this country, Jimmy. This is to go some way in thanking you for that” (cf. Twilight Language, p. 311). Savile’s decades-long, horrendous orgy of predation upon helpless children was shielded and enabled by Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Home Secretary Leon Brittan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. MI5 and MI6 (whose Deputy Director, Peter Hayman was accused of pederasty by Geoffrey Dickens; Hayman was known to possess child pornography), repeatedly blocked investigations of Savile. (Cf. The Guardian, April 9, 2013). Savile’s sex ring provided children to the patricians of British society and government, including members of Parliament, the House of Lords, the Anglican… Read more »

Jun 1, 2022 10:43 PM

I’m sure they all think they’re serving the greater good…
Pity “The Greater Good” in this case is just satan’s nom de plume

It still boils down to whose greater good, doesn’t it…?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 1, 2022 11:41 PM
Reply to  wardropper

So like the equally abused word “free”. Pirates’ booty is “free”. After all, they didn’t have to pay for it.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 2, 2022 12:09 AM

Rumour has it that Queen Lizzie is to be pumped full of amphetamines so she can stay awake during all the hours of exciting boredom being put on by Sir Elton et al. Also, a smile of pleasure is to be botoxed on her face. Poor Lizzie !

New Name
New Name
Jun 2, 2022 2:00 AM


Britain looted the world for three centuries. I think it is fair that some of it’s victims’ descendants “drown it in waves of immigration”. I think Hoffman has completely bypassed the fact that modern Britain is the creation of the banksters. The “monarchs” currently in power were installed by them.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jun 2, 2022 7:20 AM
Reply to  New Name

The ruling elite looted the World for three centuries. They also got rich off the backs of the working class, and now us ordinary working class folk have to live with all the negative aspects of mass migration, which is never a good thing, and doesn’t happen for good reasons. I agree that you ought to reap that which you sow, but as usual, in this case, those doing the reaping, be they poor immigrants who’ve had their country smashed to bits and are looking for a better life, or the indiginous working class who are watching their country fall apart around them despite their hard work and high taxes, aren’t the ones who did the sowing. It’s lose lose for us ordinary people, and win win for the parasite class.

Jun 2, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  New Name

So shouldn’t we be hating a small circle of banksters rather than 3 centuries of plebs with British roots?

Jun 2, 2022 9:13 PM

Everything would be cool but for Queenie. Gates and Schwab have nothing on her.

Careers ste
Careers ste
Jun 1, 2022 9:54 PM

How can the author assert so arrogantly that global cooling is predominant? It diminishes the value of the whole article.

Empirical evidence clearly shows the world is warming. Moreover, there is a strong positive correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and measurable global warming. This is fact, regardless of whether capitalists are trying to subvert the climate debate to suit their own Machiavellian ends.

What muddies the waters with the climate change question is an almost infinite number of variables governing weather and climate. Carbon dioxide levels correlate with global warming but will other variables or, yet to be triggered, feedback mechanisms act to limit or even negate these effects or do we genuinely need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

It is clear to even casual weather buffs that the global cooling effect, pronounced inexplicably as incontrovertible, is not supported by facts on the ground.

I did not like this article on other grounds. The freedom convoy is a great example of the power of protest as were many of the anti lockdown protests which, to my mind probably contributed to the end/pause in lockdowns.

I hope this cynical article does not dissuade anyone from heartfelt protest.

Jun 1, 2022 11:41 PM
Reply to  Careers ste

I think he’s right about the global cooling just now. There are a few periodic long-range alternations in temperature direction. They’re like our annual seasonal changes, but over much longer time spans. One of these alternations is an approximately 30-year alternation that’s occurred since Man began record-keeping of Sunspots/Solar cycle in 1755

The last few occurrences of this particular periodicity:
1914-1944 Warming. This was hotter than most in N. America, still holds US records
1945-1975 Cooling
1976-2006 Warming
2007-2037 Cooling predicted by this long-term trend is proving correct so far.

Of course there are other, longer periodicities that can overlay this particular one. Some of the Russian astrophysicists are predicting, based on notable scarcity of sunspots that we’re due for another mini-ice age like the last 1645-1715

Solar Cycle 24 had the fourth-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. It was also the weakest cycle in 100 years. Scientists forecast that Solar Cycle 25, which began December 2019 will be a fairly weak one, similar to Solar Cycle 24. (Solar Cycles are 11 years, approx)

Careers ste, I know the media has most insistently told you global warming is a concern, but you know it IS controlled by TPTB: There are just 5 o6 major media companies and all controlled thru their board of directors, just like any other corporation.

Jun 2, 2022 4:30 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Broadberry may be right. If we’re just down to semantics then Global warming was never meant to mean warming but temp fluctuations beyond what we deemed normal (not that we seem to have much data over the timespan of that). The fact that there seems to be an upward trend towards the temp of the planet is therefore based upon on a minute period of data. I’m not really agreeing or disagreeing with you. what you say is very interesting and I’d learn more. I would point out though that the argument against global warming used to kind of be a alt-media thing… where do find our selves when the likes of Nigel Lawson start lobbying for the denial of Covid?

Jun 2, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  tigerfish

Wait … the argument “FOR” global warming … I meant 🙂

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 2, 2022 5:49 AM
Reply to  Careers ste

You are right about the warming, but people don’t wanna hear it. If it’s being used by the powers-that-be, it must be a hoax, or so goes the “logic” in these parts.

Jun 2, 2022 9:39 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Various experts say no dangerous warming, certainly no climate crisis. And they gain no credit, funds or friends with such views, which suffer widespread vilification and censorship. But those with warmist opinions, no matter how dramatic, gain lots of money, fame and success. A tad fishy, no? But crisis and fear really do suit the global elite’s authoritarian agenda, as does ‘pandemic’. Siding with Blair, Biden, Gates , Soros, WEF, WHO, the CIA and the ruling elites also seems dodgy and unsavoury, don’t you think? If any of the countless climate scares and predictions by alarmist scientists and MSM over the last 70 years had proved even slightly correct, I might think listening to current alarmists was a rational thing to do. No chance; ‘hoax makes perfect sense.

Jun 2, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  Careers ste

Aggree with “an almost infinite number of variables governing weather and climate”. When addressing the religiously sceptical or delusional, this is all the more reason to focus on the (a) worsening of weather/climate (b) wrecking of natural and other resources that we are totally dependent on, despite fantasies such as exceptionalism.

Here, your mention of CO2 will simply deflect from the core of the crisis. For that matter, even sustained cooling will wreck civilization. But the discussion is being directed into (a) contoversies (b) green-washing/plunder (c) increasing totalitarianism.

Jun 2, 2022 6:03 PM
Reply to  Careers ste

This broadbery character is clearly compromised. All he preaches is doom and hopelessness.
Why does he focus on embarrassing astroturf intelligence operations like XR? And not a single mention of the hugely popular and successful anti-lockdown protests? I wonder?
Stop buying into the propaganda – the collapse of the “economy” is the best thing that could happen to us – it will force us to live differently.
Ignore him, ignore the government and live the life you want to live.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 2, 2022 9:28 PM
Reply to  Stewart

I notice a very adroit shift in style from the part about, “NGOs and the Billionaire Class forward—almost as if Broadbery wrote the first part and Dustin wrote the second.
Heroic efforts will defeat Sauron but we’d best expect a lot of this “doom and hopelessness” along the way.

Jun 2, 2022 9:43 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Details on the ‘us’ you claim will benefit from economic collapse most welcome. Will my unemployed kids, unable to ever buy a home and start families, be among them, or just the parasite class like always?

Jun 2, 2022 9:26 PM
Reply to  Careers ste

Are you aware of the scientific evidence and argument thst rises in global temperature occur before rises iin CO2? If proved correct in due course (cutting edge science often takes a long time to become agreed knowledge), then your claims will be relegated to propaganda or fake science, AKA scientism AKA faith, not science.


Jun 6, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Careers ste

There is neither cooling nor warming- just more unpredictable, chaotic weather. Hotter summers, colder winters, random weather, storms. These changes are plainly evident and need no science to see.

dr death
dr death
Jun 1, 2022 8:56 PM

of course it doesn’t help that the majority of the ‘moderns’.. particularly those seeking sanctuary from the world in so called ‘activism’.. are abject imbeciles…of the most refined kind..

Waving banners and peaceably marching never really accomplished much..did it? remember CND?

no.. neither do I..

dr death
dr death
Jun 1, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  dr death

NB: not to forget of course that they are all in the main ‘intelligence’ fronts… well the ones you get to hear about…

Usually with slick marketing and un-social media campaigns and strange staged theatrics dripping with crimson.. and crusty old loveys..
and a contingent of alphabet men sussing ‘logistics’ for the Soros lackeys stuffing pockets..

and emptying minds..

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 2, 2022 9:38 PM
Reply to  dr death

But you did at least have honest fun waving banners and peaceably marching, didn’t you, Death? Didn’t you feel better about yourself?
I get the feeling you may have marched and waved too much. It does get tiring since this is a very long haul we’re in. No worries. Rest up. Your place in the march will always be there for you. Peaceably is slow but it’s the only way to go.
(The above since I accept that you have personally experienced the periodic disillusionment that comes with waving and marching.)

Jun 2, 2022 9:49 PM
Reply to  dr death

Radical leftist and green groups today serve global elites in strategic ways. These include advancing the anti-democratic, one world political agenda, intimidating unwanted civil opposition groups (eg nationalists, anti-vaxxers and free speechers), and keeping citizenries divided against themselves, in the interests of divide and rule. Most protest groups are unaware of their status as tools of the elite.

Jun 1, 2022 8:50 PM

Globalisation has peaked, it’s in decline, it’s in retreat:


Jun 2, 2022 2:20 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, I wonder if one of the purposes of globalization was to kill decentralized industrialization– and even industrialization generally. Now that industry’s monopolized in just a few centers it’s much easier to kill it. Technocracy envisions everybody who’s allowed to survive living VERY simply & industry/technology to be used only for THEIR projects.

Jun 3, 2022 8:24 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The past 2 years should have proven the insanity of globalism to anyone who was awake.

Jun 1, 2022 8:13 PM

Cockoo article. 4-6 years old news.
How is this progression.?
Whilst your in a posthypnotic loop going round and round and round and round.
What have you gained in knowledge.?
How is this a solution…?
Why do you not sell new news + new knowledge to expand your readers mind.?
@nswer ; keep you cockoo….
posthypnotic loop going round and round and round and round.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 1, 2022 8:11 PM

I think there have been two forces at work here. The first one is the gradual weakening of the Left over the decades since WW2. This had a lot to do with the rise of the affluent society of capitalist consumerism. “You’ve never had it so good!” was a very perceptive sentiment for a general public rolling on the most pleasant crumbs ever handed down from a ruling class who could afford to make such concessions even while secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) grudging them. Who could be bothered striving for a revolution when the telly and the cheeseburgers were so appealing? And in any case the entertainment industry supplied its own revolutions offering the irresistible chance to pose as a rebel where the only criteria was dressing funny and swearing a lot. Meanwhile the academic Left of an earlier generation looked on in disgust because the minions were now soaking up the Beatles instead of Beethoven – this leading our cultured lot to blame the proles for not delivering the revolution that they themselves had no intention of dirtying their hands with. This Left were not themselves conscious spooks. They meant what they said. But they didn’t notice their own hypocrisy. And they were perfect for the real spooks who gladly funded them knowing this was a goldmine for shoring up unlikeable “Marxists” who were never going to do anything anyway. At which point the brilliant tactic of effectively erasing the word “conspiracy” from the English language started up, further neutralising the Left by cutting the link between the class analysis and the actual mechanisms by which the class kept its power.            The second force came about when the rulers noted that being oppositional was an attractive proposition for the masses. And so these rulers not only co-opted the… Read more »

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 1, 2022 10:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Something bad has been happening over the last half-century, something that precedes and goes deeper than any particular incident or “issue.” I mean the loss of any ability to think from a centre, or notice what you feel, or act and speak from your own actual thoughts and feelings. The dis-embodiment and consequent loss of language that makes it hard if not impossible to resist liars and manipulators and bullshitters.

It started with TV and intensified with the Internet and became ubiquitous and unavoidable with the arrival of “smart”phones. De-materialisation in conjunction with de-skilling, The funneling of young people from apprenticeships into dumbed-down universities, from the hard-won ability to work with recalcitrant materials (and people) to the easy acquisition of credentials for absorbing received ideas and regurgitating them in the approved enfeebled vocabulary. All of which came with enormous but (as we now see) only temporary rewards.

Lure the fish into the net and then reel them in. Easy.

If you haven’t read it already, I recommend “Fabled Foursome, Disappearing Decade”, a disturbing and memorable essay on the lost potential of the Sixties. It’s the first chapter in McDonald’s great book about the Beatles:

comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2022 7:51 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

That Beatles book is fab in itself. It’s such a relief when you read the truth after having felt obliged to go along with a myth. And there’s a bit in the foreword – or afterword – where McDonald refers to the punk movement. Up till then I had been “under oath” as it were to maintain that punk changed the world etc. But McDonald just came out and said it: The vast majority of the UK population viewed the punks with the same bemused indifference which which they had viewed the hippies ten years previously.

As for de-skilling, I reckon that the TV and movies has had the effect of creating a schizoid public

Schizoid: “characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment and apathy. Affected individuals may be unable to form intimate attachments to others and simultaneously possess a rich and elaborate but exclusively internal fantasy world.” (from Wiki who I know are shite but I see no reason to mistrust them on this one)

I recall the tale of one mass shooting in America where the gunman, after having shot a number of people, shouted “Ouch! What are you doing!” when he was grabbed by a policemen. It was as if the shootings happened on a screen inside his head.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2022 8:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

What I am sayign is that the dumbing down of the masses comes through an instilling of a schizoid tendency in which people see the reality around them as if it was a movie whilst accepting the obvious ficitons of the media as reality.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 2, 2022 9:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Schizoid” is right. After decades of preparation, they’ve spent the last 30 months training billions of people to fear the open air, distrust their own bodies, and regard other human beings as deadly threats. Schools, universities, pubs, shops and workplaces are being replaced by “home offices”. “remote learning” and “online shopping”. Actual travel is now seen as risky, selfish, irresponsible and “wasteful of resources”. So “shelter in place” in your hired box, call a pizza, have a wank, and save the planet. Screen-addiction is becoming a public duty. The world is declared out-of-bounds and replaced by the fucking Metaverse™.

Of course these grotesque Public Health Measures have already had a hugely destructive effect on children in particular. The damage inflicted on their bodies and souls was planned, intended, and wholly predictable. They have always been the main target.

Our trusted Leaders are planning generations ahead. Hikikomori Planet wasn’t built in a day.

comment image.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 2, 2022 9:44 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I have some faith that they won’t succeed, though they will do enormous harm before they’re stopped. Their plan is just too mad, too ambitious, too megalomaniac. It does too much violence to human nature. Reality cannot be denied forever. A backlash is inevitable, worldwide, especially if they try to impose a third winter of lockdowns and curfews.

It is a war of attrition, though.

Jun 6, 2022 10:50 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

A backlash is inevitable, worldwide, especially if they try to impose a third winter of lockdowns and curfews.

This is what many said before the second winter of lockdowns. The potential for a backlash is negligible so long as they have something to eat, and a screen to stare at.

Even if there is an attempt at a backlash, the social-media-damaged masses cannot fight their way out of a wet paper bag and will be easily handled with water cannon and chemicals or just a few snipers if things get hotter.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 2, 2022 1:46 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Discouraging travel is right. My wife is part of a drama group and had to drive to Orkney. She couldn’t get to sleep last night because the company she is supposed to claim fuel coverage from is dragging its heels over stupid petty details and it looks as if she is going to have to make major compromises to get any money at all.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 2, 2022 9:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Damn. Some of the funniest, strangest, most joyful and most instructive experiences of my life were with theatre companies on tour. Of course the bastards would want to kill theatre, along with live music and football and anything else that’s embodied and ensouled, anything that involves collective effort & imagination and allows for moments of magic. Any occasion where people can meet, breathe, watch, listen, speak, think, gasp in surprise, laugh out loud, recognise truths, utter curses, unite in applause, and maybe even plot revolutions afterwards.

“She couldn’t get to sleep last night…”

See, it’s not just the poisonous jabs, it’s all these petty attacks, all these sneaky robberies, all these deliberately-induced everyday worries, that wear down people’s health and happiness and independence, that chip away at their mental and physical mobility. All by design. It really is a war of attrition.

Fuck ’em. I mean, look at these advocates of the New Normal, Gates and Schwab and Fauci and Hancock and Ferguson and Drosten and Lauterbach and Ardern and Trudeau and Johnson and Biden — that’s the leading edge of consciousness? That’s “the élite”? It’s ridiculous.

Jun 2, 2022 10:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The refusal of working class people to see the alleged evil of capitalism and to rebel against it was famously called ‘false consciousness’ by Marx. This, however, suggests that working people were as stupid then as they are now, so what about that ‘dumbing down’? Tricky. Alternatively, it’s not working people who necessarily have false consciousness and swallow media fictions, but the Marxist ‘intellectuals’ who habitually disparage them. So that would mean no dumbing down occurred among Marxists either, I guess.

Jun 1, 2022 10:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good stuff, George.

Jun 1, 2022 6:11 PM

Ok. The bullshit meter is off the charts on this one. Lumping literally all protest as bullshit is bullshit. The CIA and FBI have been infiltrating any and movement since their creations. USAID and NED all under the banner of “democracy” actually demolition ANY democracy movement. Cointelpro demo’d Civil Rights movement, the Black Panthers and any black power movements threatening to actually make democracy so. Articles like this are psyops to confuse commoners to become universal arm chair cynics of any action. “George Soros” is a code for this psyop in play. As a participant in Occupy Oakland I can verify the claims of this article bullshit from someone whose probably never been in a street protest in earnest. I’ve been in countless from multiple issues. While I admit ER and 350 were/are controlled opposition and that BLM was heisted and the current “woke” nonsense is manufactured to fit the Great Reset narrative driving humanity to accept the Panopticon of digital cash. Throwing everything else under the bus is a liberal vs conservative, fake binary option PSYOP.

Please let’s have a little more discretion and research before letting this crap in the door, Off-Guardian!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 2, 2022 12:07 AM
Reply to  sandy

Well, isn’t it just so binary to see this premise, the article’s, as wholly true or wholly false, as you more or less suggest.

Domestic counterintelligence, spying on “the Homeland”, and the panoptic surveillance it implies with modern tech, is pretty pervasive, or more than “pretty”. Real Ugly: since it is done everywhere now, and if privacy has been abolished, where do you get traction for opposition?

Probably only found in the depths of prayer.

This just in: all the worst actors are doing all that they can on the grid to disrupt that, too. To deliver constant official counterfeits. (Always, the more comfortable and convenient alternatives, when feasible.)

~ Wis 10:4 “God granted him the stern struggle so that he might learn that wisdom is mightier than all else.”

The “bottleneck”, or the blandishments?

les online
les online
Jun 2, 2022 12:49 AM
Reply to  sandy

+ 100

Jun 6, 2022 10:57 PM
Reply to  sandy

Many off-G readers and several contributors are conservatives who until covid supported police brutality and the violent suppression of protest (check all the outrage about looting) and upheld the system that gave them a comfortable, sheltered life. There are people here who play golf and go to church…

Then the system finally came for them and they started very reluctantly to change their tune…

Jun 7, 2022 1:41 AM
Reply to  Viridis

Yeah, the right that has begun to see the light desperately needs some intense history and philosophical study. They seem still stuck in a binary now of their own making. When i was in Occupy i saw that we and the Tea Party had some things in common like corporate tyranny, banksters and wealth inequality. Still true, but they gotta see the true enemy is the 1% and the existing TwoParty partnership.

Jun 1, 2022 4:54 PM

Trying to wrap my head around what the sheltered suburban white folks in the photo above mean by “Climate Justice Is Racial Justice”…but I’m not even sre even they know what it means. Unless it means that since whites are the only ones EVER told to curb our population,one day all the great scholars and scientists and geniuses in third-world hellholes will have the planet to themselves and that’s “justice” or whatever.
Though they likely just saw the slogan on a Facebook frame and exclaimed “OMG,like,that would,like,sound sewwww woke on a sign,like OMG!”

Jun 1, 2022 5:07 PM
Reply to  MyNameIsNobody

“…geniuses in third-world hellholes….” Spoken like a true colonist. OMG we gotta get them civilized!

Jun 1, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  MyNameIsNobody

“whites are the only ones EVER told to curb our population”

You might want to do a little research on the history of Planned Parenthood…

Jun 1, 2022 10:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

whites are the only ones EVER told to curb our population”

ironically by whites who usually are Conservative heavily funded by you no who.

Jun 2, 2022 9:54 PM

If you mean Gates or other Malthusian WEF types, what’s ‘conservative’ about them?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 2, 2022 12:13 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I am pretty sure China put in place a cap on how many children a couple could beget, though I don’t know their protocols much. I have heard/read about it for years though.

New Name
New Name
Jun 2, 2022 2:06 AM
Reply to  MyNameIsNobody

Fucking garbage.

Jun 2, 2022 3:19 AM
Reply to  New Name

Back at you,motherfucker.

New Name
New Name
Jun 2, 2022 5:47 AM
Reply to  MyNameIsNobody

I won’t specify the appendage you take pleasure in sucking on.

Big al
Big al
Jun 1, 2022 4:51 PM

Noticed that years ago when I started seeing online posters advertising coming conferences or “training” sessions on antiwar issues. They’d have all the head shots of the favorite guest speakers like Amy Goodman, Naomi Klein, David Swanson, etc., and little excerpts of their bonafide’s. They seemed to have a network of them and they’d all travel from one conference to another. Professional activists. Can’t really say that’s when things started going downhill for activism, but proof is in the pudding. Look around.

Really, there’s only one thing that’s going to work and that’s a whole lot of people organizing together as a political force and forcing the issue, outside of the current political systems. It seems to be happening, slowly, on an “organic” level, i.e., minds, they are a changing. It’s getting harder to hide the Great Oz behind the curtain.

Jun 1, 2022 4:13 PM

I’m not sure the Occupy Movement deserves to be lumped in with obvious controlled activism like BLM and Extinction Rebellion – even if, as the article says, it was funded by the Ford Foundation.

Though it is a bit difficult to understand how a movement specifically NOT top down manages to get funded by anybody.

But if it was funded (and therefore meant to be controlled activism) – what happened? Why did they decide to pull the plug? Was it because it was self-limiting and could not be widened? Or was it meant to have a limited shelf life and intended only to gauge the public’s dissatisfaction with Wall Street specifically, corporate America generally?

I don’t get it.

Jun 1, 2022 5:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

For many Millennials, Occupy was their first brush with political activism. Regardless of who funded it, it actually was a legitimate movement, just based on who they were protesting against. But it was wound down very quickly, and then all those Millennials — who had originally become anti-Wall-Street activists because of the crappy job market that faced them — were funneled into other causes, most of which had absolutely nothing to do with economics: the global warming hoax, marijuana legalization, transexualism, ‘anti-racism,’ etc. And most of them are by long now a lost cause. Bait and switch …

Jun 6, 2022 11:04 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Millenials were children during Occupy.
Marijuana prohibition criminalises vast swathes of the population, mostly working class and below, and only sociopathic slaves and vested interests support it. Prohibition does nothing to protect anyone from any negative effects of marijuana and leads to problems with hard drugs.

Jun 7, 2022 3:19 PM
Reply to  Viridis

Millenials were children during Occupy.

Well, if you define ‘Millennial’ as someone born between 1990-2000, as many do, then a large percentage of them were actually of college-age in 2011. Those are prime protesting years.

Jun 1, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Commonly Know As Dom” covered Occupy many moons ago. Back when just about everyone was asleep. Another pantomime organised by The Tavistock Institute.

Personally I thought Dom was another insider and has since dispersed without trace. In any event, Extinction Rebellion is not unique and neither is your experience.

On a positive note people are waking up to how these systems work now and how you are being stiffed daily. We are now at a point were it’s an offence to speak certain words and think certain thoughts.

The thing about these crisis actor protest events is they never age well and neither do the characters. The producers always over do it with the props and make the actors look too main stream, in an attempt to match public perception. The funny thing is the Tavistock lackeys think they are so clever nobody will notice. I mean who calls themselves Phoenix? Come on…

Jun 1, 2022 10:53 PM

the vid is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIISbqdVwic

not sure why the like is being blocked

Jun 2, 2022 8:27 AM

an offence to speak certain words and think certain thoughts
That is the essence of group-think in every group from time immemorial.

Jun 6, 2022 11:14 PM

Ignorance is bliss. Phoenix has been a visible member of the London squatting scene since the early 90s and of course is targeted. Maybe you prefer to call yourself John Smith.

Jun 6, 2022 11:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

The bit about Occupy being funded is BS, check the link.

Jun 1, 2022 3:25 PM

Nice Job.

Took me back a little to a time when adults commonly belittled other adults by saying something like, “He is so dumb he can’t tell his ass from a hole in the ground.”. A country thing my grandfather liked to say many years ago. As a ten year old kid it got my attention. It also made my grandfather laugh as he watched my facial expression as I analyzed his statement the first time I heard it. Another favorite was, “too stupid to pour piss out of a boot”. Sorry on that one.

Great interview video with climate change nut case. She can’t contain herself and she doesn’t know why. Then looks back to get help. Just give Greta a call.

Tying this in with Corbett’s latest guest would be worthwhile. Repeat what you believe to the hypnotized mass psychotics: “We cannot stop climate change. The sky is not falling. The world is not ending because we use fossil fuels and eat meat” Do it everywhere. Over and over. Don’t let them defeat you. Stick to your guns.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 3, 2022 12:52 AM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

“Took me back a little to a time when adults commonly belittled other adults by saying something like, ‘He is so dumb he can’t tell his ass from a hole in the ground’.”

Hate Speech. How dare anyone notice that anything is better than anything else?

Jun 1, 2022 2:39 PM

Not sure if it’s okay to link directly to Wikipedia, but I found this model interesting:

“Glasl represents “escalation in his nine stage model not as an ascent to higher and higher stages of escalation, but as a descent to deeper and deeper, more primitive and more inhuman forms of dispute… [which] inevitably leads into regions that evoke great ‘inhuman energies’ which are not ultimately amenable to human control or restraint.” In the first level both parties can still win (win–win). In the second level one of the parties loses and the other wins (win–lose), and in the third level both parties lose (lose–lose).”

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 1, 2022 2:16 PM

Social media has created a whole new dynamic of virtue signalers.
Desperate too be part of the virtuous cohort the new activists are anything but.
The sad irony is they are the eventual architects of their own demise…

Jun 1, 2022 1:45 PM

Marvellous article. Succinctly and accurately covers all the relevant points.

Jun 1, 2022 1:41 PM

It’s not just because I happen to accept many of the tenets of climate crisis – legitimate climate crisis as opposed to the fake stuff peddled by the IPCC – that I pronounce this article the most absurd piece of nonsense I’ve ever encountered in OffG.

I keep waiting for a take down of the climate crisis paradigm; I keep searching for something substantive which genuinely counters, piece by piece, step by step, the enormous range of information presented by Dane Wigington in his geoengineeringwatch.org website; I keep my eyes open for someone calling climate crisis a hoax because they have solid data backing their claim rather than ideological bias – I keep looking but I keep coming up empty handed.

This article is by far and away the biggest nothing burger I’ve ever come across. Sentence after sentence is one conclusion after another – without one shred of evidence backing any conclusion. Mr Broadberry seems to have decided that if he chooses the correct audience he need not justify anything he says because that audience provides ready made acceptance and agreement.

I guess I’m just old fashioned. I expect that if you tell me A or B or X or Z, you’ll give me a nudge in the direction of believing you. That nudge would be facts, not conclusions (because facts really do matter).

Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 1, 2022 2:25 PM
Reply to  Howard

Good on ya Howard: Well said. The article does not define the reality of the situation. Whenever I see the term “climate change” in an article, I know it’s complete bullshit. An appropriate term would be “atmospheric heating”.

Glaciers melt and ocean temperatures rise because the Earth is cooling… Room temperature IQs abound…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 1, 2022 2:45 PM

But you do realise you’re trusting elite-managed NGOs etc. to fund the research and supply you the data? We can already see how the green movement is being co-opted, absorbed into Covid authoritarianism, used to introduce greater centralised control and engineered poverty world wide… doesn’t that make you want to take a second look at their data? A2

Jun 1, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I won’t presume to answer for someone else; but I do feel the need to point out a very big flaw in your position. Namely, that these “elite-managed NGOs” are the ONLY source of information on the climate.

That essential flaw spills over into the much touted – and easily debunked – “green movement.”

A substantial case can be made that, rather than creating the climate change paradigm as a hoax to enable certain agendas to be carried out, the “elites” are merely taking advantage of a situation they helped create in the first place (i.e., climate crisis) in order to further enrich themselves.

A comparable analogy would be the Space Program. There is evidence for its “achievements” (such as going to the Moon or Mars) being a hoax – but that does not make the existence of the Moon or Mars also a hoax.

Just because these “elites” take advantage of something does not in and of itself prove the thing being taken advantage of is a hoax per se.

Jun 2, 2022 3:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

For Data regarding Climate, how about Arctic & Antarctic Ice Extent as measured by satellite:

With so little variance since 1979, surely Global Warming cannot be a concern

Peter Moritz
Peter Moritz
Jun 1, 2022 6:56 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

But you do realise you’re trusting elite-managed NGOs etc. to fund the research and supply you the data? 

Like fossil fuel companies funding research into the “climate change hoax”? Completely unbiased of course, eh?
I wonder who has the deeper pockets in the end – the oil companies or those that for whatever reasons are funding research based on observable facts. And having lived in Canada I can anecdotally attest to the effects.

I worked for 35 years in and connected to the oil industry, and we could rely on freezing ground as of the end of November and break up time at the end of March, when everyone had to move out of Muskeg country…until about 15 years ago, when they could not rely on that anymore and started to use wooden mats, for roads and set-up of drilling rigs and camps.

And of course the government has a reason to lie..like, always? Or do they sometimes rely on real experts with research based on real observation?


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:15 PM
Reply to  Peter Moritz

Nice try, but nobody here wants to hear it, “if the elites use anything, it must be a hoax,” is the “thinking” here.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 1, 2022 9:34 PM
Reply to  Peter Moritz

Sure, I don’t think anyone claims the climate is static, just that it’s been regulating itself for millions of years, through upheavals and adversities which make our small man-made contribution seem like a drop in the ocean.

I think a newfound resistance to fear based mind control amongst populations drives a lot of people to take a fresh look at this climate situation.

I don’t think we’re going to like the world that climate lobbies want to create. I think it involves pandemics and CBDCs and forced injections and zero privacy.

i think it’s important we view climate science, ie. computer models etc., from an unemotional, post-Covid perspective.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 2, 2022 1:07 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

With all due respect. Climate is no longer a self-regulating system. Weather modification (weather control) is intrinsically related to climate health and atmospheric balance. >

Worldwide Success

The proven success of Weather Modification, Inc., in atmospheric and weather operations is evident by our lengthy and impressive client listing speaks for itself. Our reputation for successful cloud seeding and meteorological services leads our veteran pilots, experienced meteorologists and radar engineers around the world. Our valued clients include private and public insurance companies, water resource management organizations, as well as federal and state government research organizations.
Complete text: http://www.weathermodification.com/projects.php

There are hundreds of international companies involved in weather modification activities. It is mass suicide wearing lipstick…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 2, 2022 2:50 AM

With all due respect in return, while I am certainly open to the fact that local or even regional weather can be and is manipulated, it is quite a hubristic leap to suggest climate is no longer self-regulating.

I argue we no more command the climate when we seed a cloud than we command the oceans when we build a sea defence, or command the internal stresses of the earth when we frack for oil and cause local tremors.

Localised medalling is something we do very well. But we are not on Mount Olympus quite yet.


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:09 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sources for weather data are numerous. You wanna allege that every singe weather station in the world is controlled by a central authority? You are confusing the green movement and elite plans with actual physical phenomena. Yes, the elite will use anything to advance the agenda. Do we reject the law of gravity because a paper out of an elite think tank refers to it? How about the fact that the fossil fuels industry is pushing a “climate change/global warming is a hoax” narrative? Does it only work in one direction?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 1, 2022 9:28 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

No I am not. I am stating that IPCC-commissioned/published/affiliated studies, financed via the huge pot of climate-research funds (which motivate most of these studies) might be worth a second, critical look. If it can happen with Covid it can happen with climate, and I really DON’T understand why anyone would bother becoming emotionally invested either way at this point. It’s more than clear that climate science is being used to achieve Great Reset agendas.

YOU alternatively are asserting that every single weather station in the world must be refuted by me, as if every weather station is producing cast iron evidence of AGW. I think you have a simplistic view of climate science. Like people tended to have a very simplistic view of epidemiology just a year or so ago .

In fact, as we both should know, climate science is largely computer model-based, and therefore the model parameters themselves are the first things to question. Climate change evidence is largely virtual evidence.

Yes, computer models… like Neil ‘Mad Cow’ Ferguson pulled out of his arse in Feb 2020.

Lets just not get emotionally invested. I say. 🤷‍♂️ A2

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 2, 2022 5:55 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There are many climate scientists who think the IPCC is vastly understating the extent of warming, because any of its reports have to be approved by the governments of the member nations of the UN, which runs it.
Climate science is real. Virology is not and has never been a real science. It’s based on conjecture, non-repeatable experiments, theories which have never been proven, particles which cannot be observed,… and postulates which have been violated since they were created by Koch and then Rivers. So trying to tar climate science with the reputation of Neil Mr Zipper Ferguson is a red herring.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 2, 2022 2:13 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

No, I’m trying to tar climate science with the reputation of computer modelling, by pointing out how notoriously unreliable and easily fudged it is. ‘Shit in, shit out’, as I’ve seen Ferguson’s described. It did the trick at the time though,

I’m not knocking ALL computer modelling, but in general when we come to infinitely complex systems like global climate I maintain they may as well be modern-day crystal balls, tea leaves or sacred bones in the hands of seers, not scientists.

I posit that the earth is colossal, and it is beyond any computer we own to model all the variables on my front lawn, let alone an entire planet.

This also discounts the facts that the obvious interrelation between the sun’s magnetism and the earths climate is little understood and entirely left out of climate models. We don’t even really understand how or why clouds are formed. There are so many mysteries, any one of which could render ‘models’ nothing more than primitive cave-wall scrawlings.

Do climate modellers publish their parameters? Last I read these are shrouded in some mystery, obscured behind a climate science rood screen.

As I say, I am totally on board with taking climate science seriously if it stands up to scrutiny in a post-Covid world, and the fear isn’t ladled on quite so generously lol 😂 A2.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 2, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hello Sam – Admin2: The majority of weather and climate “reporting” is owned and controlled by a very small and select group of interconnected agencies. Hundreds of independent scientists have reported observable atmospheric conditions these last 20 years. Some have paid for their honesty with their lives… Climate data exuding out of operatives such as the IPCC is very obviously flawed. Their target goal of less than a 1.5 Celsius rise in temperatures is an absurdity. The rise in atmospheric temperature is already well beyond 2.5 degrees Celsius and rising exponentially. The following is a short history of what has taken place on an international level. > The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as well as the National Marine Fisheries Service, are Federal agency’s acting under the sponsorship of the Department of Commerce. Department of Commerce? Red flags should go up right there.The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is responsible for the stewardship of the nation’s living marine resources and their habitat. The NMFS was founded in 1871 as the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. The National Marine Fisheries Service is the oldest federal conservation and environmental research agency in the United States. Perhaps it is only a coincidence that the United States was converted to an incorporated entity that same year. (1871)   Most informed persons are aware that lakes, rivers, and oceans – falling under Department of Commerce jurisdictions, have been netted, speared, fished, and exploited to near extinction these last 150 years. Trusting atmospheric condition reports to the above captured agencies, is about as functional as trusting the Environmental Protection Agency to monitor and report water quality issues in places such as Flint Michigan…   The US Weather Service (now a subsidiary of NOAA) was formed February 9, 1870 via a Joint Congressional Resolution requiring the… Read more »

Jun 1, 2022 5:32 PM
Reply to  Howard

I keep my eyes open for someone calling climate crisis a hoax because they have solid data backing their claim rather than ideological bias …

I’m sorry, but we can’t allow you to reverse the burden of proof here. It is those pushing the global-warming narrative that are obligated to pony up the real-world evidence, as opposed to a bunch of dodgy computer modelling. Do you actually notice temperatures getting warmer? Polar icecaps melting? Coastal cities being submerged beneath the resultant rising sea levels? Me neither.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:12 PM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

Arctic and Antarctic ice melting? Yes, real people are noticing it, people living in Alaska, elsewhere in northern latitudes and also southern latitudes. More and more unusual weather phenomena, like the extreme drought in the US West? I live there, we are noticing it.

Jun 2, 2022 3:03 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

You’re wrong about the ioce melting, see my link above; that’s satellite data.

Jun 2, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Also see Hiding the DECLINE in extreme weather

Jun 2, 2022 4:02 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Satellite data reveals primarily surface ice. It is well known that both Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting from below, not from the surface, because of warming ocean water seeping into the ice sheets.

Jun 2, 2022 5:56 AM
Reply to  Howard

There is not a particle of evidence to believe this. The last ship that tried to prove this is the case became trapped in the ice, in danger of being crushed from below.

Jun 2, 2022 9:04 AM
Reply to  Howard

In some years, almost the entire surface of the Greenland ice sheet was melting. However, that may be a small factor. There are great torrents of water flowing inside and under the ice. This speeds up the glaciers, in addition to the warmer sea you mentioned.

Jun 2, 2022 3:59 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

I notice it getting warmer, the sun feeling hotter because of increased UVC radiation. Miami, FL spends about a billion dollars keeping its streets pumped clear of seawater. Polar icecaps have been melting for at least two decades.

There is a great deal of real-world evidence for warming, not least of which is the increasing rise of methane from melting permafrost and hydrates and clathrates on ocean floors as well as from methane craters in Siberia.

The elements being sprayed into the atmosphere to ostensibly help cool the planet are actually helping to warm the planet by restricting heat escape at night.

All of this, however, takes a back seat to the necessity of backing up claims with facts. There is a wealth of data pointing to planetary warming which is well in excess of natural cycles. I would expect someone questioning that data to refute each data point rather than simply calling it a “hoax” and leaving it at that. If it’s a hoax, I’d like to know precisely what it is about the data that constitutes a hoax.

Is there, for instance, increased methane in the atmosphere or isn’t there? Are there dead zones in the oceans caused by increased acidity or not? Have glaciers retreated or haven’t they? And so on.

Jun 2, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Howard

Humanity generated ~10 Gigatonne/year (CO2e) of methane over 2010-2019 (IPCC 2022). This is ~62% of all methane. Meaning, we are “not responsible” for what is bubbling up from the oceans and the tundra. I have not come across any recent estimate for “natural” emissions. The East Siberian Arctic Shelf alone has enough methane to raise mean global temperature by a staggering 1.3°C in one big “burp”(Natalia Shakhova & Igor Semiletov 2010-03-05).

les online
les online
Jun 2, 2022 3:35 AM
Reply to  Howard

Whenever i feel i’m being stampeded, i resist…
If i feel i’m being coerced to take a side, i become stubborn…
I’m not a scientist; most of the time i dont think rationally…
I like what my brain’s right hemisphere offers to me to mull over…
I read that many of the climate scientists have only a grasp of their
own narrow specialty, thus have little ability to evaluate the Big
Picture, but they go along with the Consensus…
There’s lies, damned lies, and variables…(Anon)…

les online
les online
Jun 2, 2022 6:55 AM
Reply to  les online

Should read better if “scientist have only the grasp of…”

Jun 1, 2022 1:01 PM

Create or exacerbate an existing problem, the media then promote the ‘reaction’ of choice, soon to be followed by the ‘solution’.
This simple routine works incredibly well in the modern era of social-media feedback loops that provide real-time sentiment data for algorithms such as the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) from Purdue: https://www.krannert.purdue.edu/academics/mis/workshop/ac2_100606.pdf

Jun 1, 2022 11:34 AM

The biden administration suffered an absolute stunning defeat in their attempt to amend the international health regulations against the will of we the people.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 1, 2022 12:46 PM
Reply to  Violet

There’s a summary, here:

WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown
Stephen Andrew Mirani
May 30, 2022
Brilliant news out of Geneva today!
As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations. Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.

The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists’ way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day. Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.

Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either. These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.

In the end, the WHO and its wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down. They have not given up though . . .

Jun 1, 2022 1:44 PM

Thanks for this.

Jun 1, 2022 1:49 PM

Totally agree with you, the parasites will be back for another go (yawn).

Paul _too
Paul _too
Jun 2, 2022 2:36 PM
Reply to  Violet

We have a limited window of opportunity to ‘de-worm’ the world of these filthy parasitic scum.

Jun 1, 2022 11:34 AM

4.3 rating? I know MPAI but this was one of the best posting on OffG in a long time!

Jun 1, 2022 11:16 AM

Most activism and activist groups are just psyops for the secret service of that nation. A gang of paid professional shit stirrers and troublemakers.

Jun 1, 2022 11:14 AM

It’s warming, it’s cooling. It’s the Left, it’s the Right. It’s Russia, it’s the USA. It’s a virus, it’s a hoax. Propaganda 101 continues unabated and we, all of us, dance to one piper’s tune or the other as they lead us on a merry dance to further division, control and ruin.

Better lives are surely led when we don’t seek out one side of the great narrative or the other, but allow ourselves to be embraced in the love and community that they seek to destroy. Is it not there that we can find the strength and unity to stand against the stories that are meant to frighten and disturb us into submission and acquiescence?

Jun 1, 2022 10:41 AM

comment image

Jun 1, 2022 11:17 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Nice one. Very good.

Jun 1, 2022 8:46 AM

The most dangerous man in Babylon, however, is George Soros.

today internet researchers they slap dash absolute regurgitated dribble as truth.
Echo chamber of nonsense.

Dustin is as bad as Margaret and she was awful.

Jun 1, 2022 8:30 AM

While the people in the Office Where They Run Everything From are not particularly creative, bright, or visionary, they’re not stupid either. Moreover, they spend their entire useless lives plotting strategies against us the people with a view of screwing us up in the head and thus taking advantage of us, so they wouldn’t have to cooperate with others or compete on the standard ‘free market’, meant in a general sense.

They understand the threat of collectivist ideologies, which essentially bring people together so as to defend their interests and to kick the ass of pricks bent on unjustly exploiting them, and they’ve figured out various ways of hijacking them, turning people into useful idiots, etc.

Unfortunately, turning people into useful, or useless, idiots is evidently not that difficult, what’s with activists allowing themselves to be funded and guided by m-effers like Soros, n’est-ce pas.

The way I see it is that the various 20th century ideologies, movements, dichotomies are a thing of the past. A lot of it is not necessarily inherently bad, on the contrary, but it’s so thoroughly corrupted that it can’t be salvaged. A new worldview opposing the disgusting woke shit (which is collectivism hijacked by the pricks) needs to be formulated. In a clever way that will on the one hand preserve some of the positive aspects of the various forms of socialism (which are also incorporated in wokeism) but provide an alternative on the other side of the new societal spectrum – Cooperative Individualism?

Jun 1, 2022 7:13 AM

As of this AM May 31, Turkey has banned NATO ships participating in the Ramstein Legacy 2022 exercise from crossing the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits. (Erdogan met w Putin yesterday.)

Turkey’s economy is very dependent on Russian imports and she’s not participating in sanctions.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 6:36 AM

I feel a need to say this. I’ve been getting attacked on this forum for not denouncing global warming as a hoax, with people claiming that since the official “pandemic” narrative and the official 9/11 story are both hoaxes and have been/are being used to push Great Reset policies, and the WEF pushes a global warming narrative to justify policies, it must be a hoax too.  This is unfortunately typical of people who cannot seem to find their way out of a paper bag when it comes to science.  The official “pandemic” narrative and the policies it has led to depend upon the science of virology, particularly the claims of the existence of pathogenic viruses, pathogen-specific antibodies and the like. This science has never put forth direct observations, and a close look at its history reveals a massive failure to follow the scientific method when conducting experiments and reaching conclusions. This is something i’ve presented here many a time.  With 9/11, specifically re the three WTC steel frame towers which came down on 9/11, the field of structural engineering and the various sciences it depends on, i.e. physics mechanics/dynamics, thermodynamics/heat transfer, materials science,…. have presented numerous studies which involved replicable experiments. The official explanations of what happened to the towers (four different ones re the Twin Towers, three re WTC7) are totally inconsistent with all these sciences, the laws of physics, and the physical evidence. With global warming, the relevant subjects are again thermodynamics/heat transfer, physics, and also fluid mechanics/gas dynamics. Again, a science established via replicable experiments. Global warming is real. The official narrative in fact understates the severity of the problem, and the “solutions” it proposes would solve nothing. For example, EVs are a bigger ecological impact than regular vehicles due to the special materials involved, their mining, refining and transport, huge amounts of energy to produce them and the energy needed to generate… Read more »

Jun 1, 2022 7:27 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Just as the folks pictured in the title mould facts to shape their hypothesis, so do we all.
We are all guilty of this, once “loyalty” to a leaning or direction is attained its often a case of “all in”.

In the most part i think we all agree on what you have said.

The primary omission is that you fail to state that (imho) the “credible” evidence of “climate change” is provided by the self same globo cap to justify the rest.

I was on the fence re “chem trails” until very recently when i started taking much more notice of the flight paths and susbsequent chages in the cloud, i dont feel the sheer number of high altitude craft are all commercial.

We are all well aware that also they have a range of technology beyond what we imagine.

As the author of the article states we are moving into a grand solar minimum, yet it appears those at the reins of the planet are intent in cooking us up asap, inversion, our old friend yet again.

Food, water, climate, radiation, “dis-ease”, this world is being made less hospitable to our species, so? to whoch species is it being made hospitable to?

Minor differences re opinions should not divide us when such greater risks prevail?

Jun 1, 2022 3:31 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Once you start looking up several times a day chemtrails become obvious. Any discussion of climate change should start with the impacts of geo-engineering. There are so many articles you can find about our interference with the weather that it’s not even a secret anymore.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:24 PM
Reply to  Duckman

How about the fact that the huge fossil fuels industry is pushing “global warming is a hoax”? Natural factors like solar cycles would have dictated massive cooling the last several decades, vs warming at an unprecedented rate. and it’s the rate of warming that’s unprecedented. Climate is not a minor matter, it’s the difference between a habitable planet and an uninhabitable one.

Regarding the notion of weather engineering. Many of the variables which determine weather and climate are not even known. Other even more numerous variables cannot be accurately measured, e.g. anything in the ocean below 50-100 ft, aside from the very few measuring buoys out there. The system is highly indeterminate, features hundreds of equations with hundreds of variables feeding back and forth with each other in unknown non-linear ways, outcomes highly dependent upon total context. And yet you think this system can be engineered? Sorry, i taught the calculus used in climate science, both vector/multivariable calculus and systems of differential equations, for a couple of decades at UC Berkeley, i know how ridiculous that notion is, non-starter.

Jun 2, 2022 7:10 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The huge fossil fuels industry is pushing the climate crisis narrative. You have to dig deeper.
The rate of warming (since roughly the mid 20th century when the alleged AGW became significant) is not unprecedented. You have been misled.

Jun 1, 2022 9:43 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Firstly, nobody gets “attacked” here. People disagree with you and express it.

Secondly, you don’t give any actual evidence in support of your argument. Instead you’re pretty much saying “trust the physics” and then wonder why people don’t roll over?

Thirdly, let’s be precise about terminology. “Climate change” as most people use it here is a kind of shorthand. It’s usually taken as meaning changes to climate that are a) man-made b) caused by increased CO2 and c) constitutes a disaster that can be solved by strategies put forward by the likes of the WEF. In other words, you have to prove that long-term rising temperatures are not the Earth coming out of the last Ice Age, are not being geo-engineered and why a warmer Earth would not be good for carbon-based lifeforms. You have to explain away climate change advocates in this sense from the Club of Rome to the Climategate scientists openly stating that they were going to fake the evidence. You have to explain why climate change is pushed by individuals and institutions who manifestly don’t care about humanity or life generally and by the controlled media.

Fourthly, you blame capitalism and a belief in growth. How did any non-capitalist systems that have ever actually existed treat the environment? It really is the old Club of Rome ‘limits of growth’ argument just restated. It takes an apparent trueism, that there comes a point where economic growth would be unsustainable, and argues without evidence that humanity is at that point now. I recommend the Questions for Corbett episode that dismantles the ‘limits of growth’ mantra for anyone who’s not seen it yet.

Jun 1, 2022 11:20 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Face it capitalism has played a huge roll in not just polluting the earth but also in claiming they’re trying to stop it.

Jun 1, 2022 3:38 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You blew your take down of Jeffrey Strahl’s comment with three little squiggles: CO2. No one – I repeat: NO ONE – who is even remotely serious about the climate depends on one feature alone.

Yes, of course, the psycho elites have – conveniently – fixed on CO2 as the be all and end all – thereby ignoring all the other factors affecting the climate: methane release; nitrous oxide; warming of oceans (which absorb many times the amount of CO2 as the atmosphere); ionization of the atmosphere (to help facilitate Total Spectrum Dominance by the US Military); depletion of the ozone layer (from spraying the atmosphere with heavy metals and polymers for at least 75 years); nuclear testing (which, granted, many doubt the reality of); destruction of rain and boreal forests (which drastically reduces the scope of photosynthesis).

Whenever I hear someone blame the climate crisis on CO2, I suspect they are proceeding from an ideological rather than empirical basis.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 1, 2022 5:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

So basically you’re creating the fallback position for when the CO2 argument finally falls apart. By deftly separating the alleged “climate crisis” from CO2 you allow the former to continue in absence of the latter, hoping everyone forgets the only reason anyone postulated a “climate crisis” in the first place was increasing CO2.

You’re rewriting history and implying there is a real actual measured “climate crisis” for which CO2 had been wrongly blamed. But that’s the opposite of the truth. In reality the increase in CO2 was used to predict a hypothetical future “climate crisis” that never happened. It was a pure scam.

But thanks for giving us a taster of future strategies.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:30 PM

A future climate crisis that never happened? You think the melting of the poles, temps 20-30 deg C above normal,….. is not a crisis?

Jun 2, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Only arctic sea ice is decreasing (since ~1980, no accurate measurements before that), antarctic sea ice trend is positive. Overwhelming evidence shows that, for the most part of our current interglacial (Holocene, roughly 9,000 to 5,000 years ago), it was warmer, there was less arctic sea ice, glaciers were smaller, tree lines were at higher elevations and latitudes, sea level was higher… That’s why that part of the Holocene is called Holocene Optimum, Holocene Thermal Maximum, Hypsithermal, Mid-Holocene Warm Period… The period after it (to present) is called Neoglacial. We live in the coldest period of the last ~10,000 years. The multi-millenial trend (since the Holocene maximum) is negative (cooling). The shorter period multi-centennial warming since the so-called little ice age (centered around ~1600) is just one of many ups (and downs) superimposed on this long trend cooling.

Jun 2, 2022 7:55 AM
Reply to  Edim

Holocene is roughly 12,000 BP to present, Holocene Optimum is roughly 9,000 to 5,000 BP.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jun 2, 2022 8:46 AM
Reply to  Edim

12,000 years since the Younger Dryas event, which started the Holocene (aka Old World Order), the six ages from Leo to Pisces. It’s why we have 12 hours from midnight to midday (in a 24 hour day), i.e. two 12 millennial periods in a great year.

You won’t want to hear this, but, there are no ice ages.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 1, 2022 9:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Non-capitalist systems? Since the advent of industry, which is when the problem started? No such system ever. The Soviet Union and the like were state capitalist, featuring exactly the same characteristics as the West re growth imperative. And can you explain why your logic isn’t applied to the fossil fuels industry which is pushing a “anthropogenic global warming is a hoax” narrative?

Jun 1, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The article includes the bald claim that it is getting colder. I would not bother to butt my head against that.

EVs exemplify greenwashing: packaging this crisis or any other into things to sell. They will be green until they aren’t.

Jun 1, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  mgeo

And how does the push for EVs fit with the threat of rolling blackouts (here in the US) because our grid is just overloaded. My state is trying to ban the sale of any gas vehicle by 2030. Since they’re worse for the environment and we can’t possibly provide that much electricity, you’ve got to wander what the plan is.

Jun 2, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Cori

Collapse? The downgrading of living standards into oblivion,
where the Hegelian Dialectic ends with TINA time and again.

Jun 1, 2022 10:40 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Well done for being brave enough to point that out 🙂

Jun 1, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Your application for recognition as an ‘Idiot Savant’ has been rejected.

Jun 1, 2022 2:51 PM
Reply to  gabriel

When we start finding reasonable comments like that ‘idiotic’, we need to look in the mirror more often…
Jeffrey is certainly being somewhat speculative, but who isn’t these days?
And who seriously knows all about climate change in any case?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 1, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Hello Jeffrey Strahl: Beautifully said. The “climate change” meme has captured the audience. As designed…

A more accurate observation would be termed “Atmospheric heating”. As in: What are the recorded increases in temperature at atmospheric elevations… No at chemically nucleated street levels in select locations. Ah well.

Also: My vote up was instantly paralled with a down vote. The voting system is obviously compromised… Thank you for your comment.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 1, 2022 2:50 PM

No, it’s just opinions are divided quite equally on this. Plus people tend to make a point of pride to vote on divisive posts if they see the vote trending away from their own views.

On this, and perhaps on the climate issue as well, I’d invite you to reevaluate the evidence in front of you before you set out your stall. Thank you for your comment. A2

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 1, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Denis Rancourt is a physicist and environmental scientist, he’s also a longtime environmental justice advocate (putting him on the left ideologically) – who has also debunked much of the Covid “science.” He has many articles demonstrating that Global Warming and CO2 are not climate problems to be concerned about. I used to buy into the Global Warming canard, it was Rancourt that convinced me that it was a distraction (at best).

Of course if you don’t take the time to look at the info linked below, it will not change your mind!


Jun 1, 2022 6:21 AM

Ah. The new lingo at WEF is now One Health, and it includes Climate Change, War, Food, Epidemic–
new meaning to the word “totalitarianism.” But the WHO Treaty isn’t really a treaty– it’s only an amendment to the treaty so doesn’t require 2/3 of the US Senate.

However, not to worry: ‘pears Nigeria & Brazil & Russia have all objected to some of the more frank empowerment of WHO over national sovereignty.

I’m a little baffled. I understand that Russia will not be permitted to repay her debts due to sanctions. Russia has said she’s ready & able to pay ’em, but they won’t be accepted. What?? Does anyone understand this?

Jun 1, 2022 11:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The Empire has ordered $300 billion in Russian reserves frozen. These are in various forms and accounts within the imperial sphere of influence. As I understand it, when a bond becomes due, the freeze artificially prevents payment.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 1, 2022 4:13 PM
Reply to  mgeo

mego: True. The “investment” bond markets are arbitrated through the Bank for International Settlements and Swiss UBS banking services. There are other players as well.

Jun 2, 2022 3:16 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Maybe I’m wrong, but I get the impression she has unfrozen funds to repay debts with & they’re still not accepted. Russia’s total debts are something like only 18% of GDP & she hasn’t defaulted on a payment since the beginning of the last century.

Jun 1, 2022 6:03 AM

Hey offG, thanks for letting me know. Hahaha

Jun 1, 2022 5:31 AM

Down under in the Corporate Fear Porn Penal Colony the MSM turnkey steno lackeys are whipping up a raging FLU fear hysteria!! It’s ‘FREE’ injections of a useless pharma-POISON flu ‘vaccine’.

This season’s flu shot offered virtually no protection against infection, a new government report shows. While this latest vaccine only cut the risk of getting a mild case of flu by 16%, the agency has noted that flu vaccines typically reduce the risk of illness by 40% to 60%

The findings mean the flu vaccine was “essentially ineffective,” Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., told NBC News.


Jun 1, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  jimbo

Let me guess: the convict colony are blaming cHyNa too?

Jun 1, 2022 11:45 AM
Reply to  jimbo

flu vaccines typically reduce the risk of illness by 40% to 60%
Is this true at all? We know that (a) the flu jab undemines immunity to a subsquent flu season (b) the elderly in Bergamo, Italy (one of the worst-hit areas) were jabbed twice in the 2019/2020 flu season?

Jun 1, 2022 1:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I doubt that flu shots have any efficacy whatsoever. Nobody knows what next year’s dominant flu strain will be. The scientists have to guess. Mostly they are wrong. But it’s by far the most widely distributed and profitable vaccine Big Pharma sells. Thus the drive each year to jab people.

Jun 1, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  Zane

After the many coincidental illnesses following the covid jab such as hepatitis and herpes, jabs for the latter may take the lead.

Jun 1, 2022 4:56 AM

A beautifully pseudo intellectual piece of shit. Yay, the, world is turning, and we can’t do anything about it.‘gentrification’, ‘war on carbon’, “grassroots movement”? What are you talking about, mate? Soros, WEF, Gates? And you conclude with, well that’s that? What we can do about it is know it in advance? Thanks, I know it. Everyone reading this website knows it already. And everyone interested in life got it. So fuck off, and spell something new about art or architecture, or a law suit that will make masks go away at airports soon.are you following the news in Asia lately? Have you been to Korea last week? Or Singapore?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 1, 2022 2:41 PM
Reply to  Manu

Maybe this suggestion is a bit prosaic (which, no doubt, will appeal to you, being as easily and violently triggered by anything you deem ‘pseudo-intellectual’ as you appear to be) but why don’t you write a better article, and submit it for publication?

And in the meantime, can we try to be classy? Thank you. A2

Jun 1, 2022 4:46 AM


The demonstrator embrace of environment destroying muzzles is proof of their loyalty to the banksters and their hypocrisy. Whatever happened to anti war marches ? There haven’t been any since the brutal assault on Iraq.

Jun 1, 2022 3:48 AM

That headline picture said more then a thousand words, quite literally.

Jun 1, 2022 11:54 AM
Reply to  lea

sure did, my breakfast came back up

Jun 1, 2022 2:41 AM

Soros. Soros. Soros. He’s always involved.

Jun 1, 2022 2:34 AM

that blue behind the moon
that satellite balloon
that virus-
a cartoon
your owners are immune

that bomb that isn’t real
that shooting mass appeal
that stage is all you feel

tell-lie-vision set
do you see it yet
they hide it in plain sight
they tell you day is night

a woman is a man
murder is a plan
sell the kids for food
weather changes mood

spring is here again
reproductive gland
voting is for slaves
america the brave

ignorance is strength
honor is a waste
freedom is a joke
all our talk is smoke

war is really peace
the war will never cease
no one has ever resisted
george floyd never existed

jimmy hendrix is morgan freeman
the same guy for real the same man
obama osama bin hidin’
burial at sea machiavellian ridin’

you can’t see the cards on the table
you can’t see the strings
you’re not able
to grasp at the pale thin cable
the threads of the lies
you’re entangled

Grace Kinsella
Grace Kinsella
Jun 1, 2022 8:26 AM
Reply to  Jax

Couldn’t say it better myself👍

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 1, 2022 1:21 AM

Apart from everything said here being so spot on, I just love the language:

– the rebranding of groupthink into advocacy
– activism has become a clearinghouse for global policies.
– those who would ordinarily keep their mouths shut and not venture to think out loud are given a loudhailer to gerrymander the rest of us
– This soapboxing by an outlier of suburbia
– As a general rule, whoever is the most mortally offended is granted the most media coverage.
– The war on carbon is, in fact, a war on life and … humanity will be the carbon that gets eliminated. 

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 1, 2022 12:09 AM

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“Is one to take it that Abbott enjoys mass shootings?”
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“Holy Climate Change! Ole Klaus has just loose another one of his Nuclear Ass Burps.”

May 31, 2022 11:39 PM

Following a recent federal election here in Australia there will be a slew of new parliamentarians sitting in the parliament, many of them women with a Green agenda.
Will hypocrisy reign?
The smug middle class love to strut and spout their Green credentials, while at the same time jet setting around the planet on eco tours, driving absurdly expensive Green cars, expanding their investment portfolios, feather nesting their children and profiting greatly from Greenwashing.
Hypocrites are dangerous.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 1, 2022 3:22 AM
Reply to  Johnny

“About the only thing green about those political frauds will be the green stuff they manage to shove in their pockets, purses and wallets.”

Jun 1, 2022 4:05 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Anarchists (rules WITHOUT rulers) they ain’t.

Jun 1, 2022 4:38 AM
Reply to  Johnny

There are worse things you can spend your money on than eco tours. They give you an appreciation of the miracles of nature. The provide employment to people protecting the remnants of nature, for example the gorilla trek guides and many others. Do “green” politicians go on eco tours ? I’m not sure they do. They are probably more into dog ownership, electric cars, forest clearance for solar farms , bird killing windmills and so on.

Jun 1, 2022 4:43 AM
Reply to  Johnny


The WEF is profoundly anti nature. Their promotion of such horrors as transhumanism is proof of that. Their promotion of high density urban development will destroy the remnants of reserves and domestic gardens.

Jun 1, 2022 5:32 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Down under in the Corporate Fear Porn Penal Colony the MSM turnkey steno lackeys are whipping up a raging FLU fear hysteria!! It’s ‘FREE’ injections of a useless pharma-POISON flu ‘vaccine’.
This season’s flu shot offered virtually no protection against infection, a new government report shows. While this latest vaccine only cut the risk of getting a mild case of flu by 16%, the agency has noted that flu vaccines typically reduce the risk of illness by 40% to 60%
The findings mean the flu vaccine was “essentially ineffective,” Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious diseases expert at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn., told NBC News.

May 31, 2022 11:12 PM

Personally my impact on the earths resources are minimal, not because of the “climate emergency” agenda, but because I’ve never felt the need to accumulate stuff.

However, find this “save the planet” mantra by the WEF amazing. We have the worlds largest polluters who have spent trillions in marketing getting us to purchase their junk. Now they turn the table and say we are the irresponsible consumers trashing the planet.

The WEF and it’s global partners include. Coca-Cola, Tyson Foods, Bayer, Shell, to name a few. For a full list see, https://www.weforum.org/partners#A

The audacity is beyond the scope of measure. It would be like Jimmy Savile telling us all we must do more to protect children from predators.

May 31, 2022 10:57 PM

I went to the website- thecogent.org, but I couldn’t make head nor tail of it. Is it an age thing?

May 31, 2022 10:06 PM

Sussmann has been acquitted. Trust the plan.

May 31, 2022 9:56 PM

To “climate change” see: Engdahl’s “The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy”: http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO5Feb2021.php
 And also watch James Corbett’s “Coronavirus and Climate Change”:

May 31, 2022 9:59 PM
Reply to  Joerg
May 31, 2022 10:00 PM
Reply to  Joerg

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