WATCH: Breaking Free From Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet
Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention.
He joins James Corbett to discuss his new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, which lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible.
For links sources and shownotes – as well as download options and an audio-only version – click here.
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A concise conversation about the phenomena that have become clearly visible in the past 2 years. Regardless of the chosen terminology – mass formation vs mass psychosis etc., Mattias refers in his work to important authors from the past, such as Hannah Arendt and Gustave Le Bon.
He also touches upon the foundations underlying the current technocratic/transhumanist doctrine. He refers to ‘the way of thinking’ and the philosophy of the greatest physicists/mathematicians of the 20th century, something that is rare among critics.
For those who understand Dutch (subtitles?) this long conversation is recommended.
I get the “how” but there doesn’t seem to be so much “why”. Technocrat authoritarianism? What ideology binds the technocrats together? Basically the English language and a belief the Anglos are best suited to run the world. It is Kipling, Rhodes, Churchill for the internet age.
Trump was a fly in the ointment but nothing compared to Russia IF Putin isn’t in on it.
My take is London wants to reset to 1900 with various descendants of Elizabeth II taking over the thrones of destabilized countries post-covid/war/green Armageddon.
I think it is more about participation in the crimes. It is not connection with the collective but with the abuse. The participants had already been recruited and taken actions e.g. ‘vaccinating’ their children, financing the NHS. They were ideologically ensnared and were asked to double down on their previous deeds. To refuse or question it would be to question what they had already done. How they raised their children. Who they had trusted for information etc. They were given roles like wearing masks to further involve them. To make them collaborators who would then defend their actions. They obfuscated, deflected, ignored etc. because they were criminally involved and these are how criminals react to charges. If there was a death they would cling to the story because otherwise it was the NHS they had funded. The ‘vaccines’ they had promoted. The masks they had warn. It is I would think from deep psychological knowledge of terrorist recruitment, training and loyalty. The positive of it all is that this network became so much more obvious. It is good that they have exposed themselves and going back to the sleeper cells would be bad.
The mass formation is a germ theory concept as is “the government”, “the elite” etc. What we really need is to break free of this ideology. To look for terrain theory based explanations. For those of us who deem ourselves to be outside the cult why have we been negatively effected? Why are we concerned with trying to fix “the masses” or “the government” etc? Wouldn’t we be better off looking at ways we can ourselves break free of all this and pursue a better life? To be healthy, happy and free? If we are to be an example then we must embody the solution ourselves. The masses then will see we are doing well. They will want what we have but it doesn’t work to just analyse them if we are but another version of the same problem passing the buck and not looking at our own failures. Failure can be good if we learn from it and make improvments. Failure is something that all successful people endure but they learn from the mistakes and become professionals and experts. We will become successful too by learning and growing.
When Matthias so eloquently discusses eternal principals, eternal music, he is describing God. When he describes a necessary pre-existing condition to mass formation psychosis as lack of meaning and floating anxiety, he is describing lack of God. I’m not referring to religion but I do find it interesting how people need to skirt around the edges, to reclaim the story through the lens of psycho-lingo when it’s simpler than that. Simply God.
A critique of mass formation and Dr. Desmet
The official framing of this “phenomenon” is misleading and wrong. The false hope-addicted psychologists, like Dr. Desmet, and their acolytes want you to believe this is “just some temporary occasional” madness by the masses that has been going on for a couple of centuries when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with “civilized” people (the thesis of the 2 pink elephants).
One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn’t think (after more than 1 year, even 2 years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it’s ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition).
In this podcast with James Corbett he stated that “some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions” (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being planned which Desmet called “an extreme position” … Sound logical thinking is “extreme” and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view!!!
In his overpriced misleading whitewashing book the psychology of totalitarianism he too states that “There are countless … examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as the fact that the definition of ‘pandemic’ was adjusted shortly before the coronavirus crisis; that the definition of ‘herd immunity’ was changed during the crisis, implying that only vaccines can achieve it … [he continuous with several other obvious facts of an ENTIRELY PLANNED event, especially discerned through the totality of all these facts].” “SEEM to point in the direction of a plan”??? No! They most evidently, clearly, and irrefutably DO demonstrate and prove it’s a COMPLETELY AND FULLY DELIBERATE PlanDemic! A big scam. An Entirely Planned Holocaust against the masses of people (see cited link above). A coherent 12-year old kid can figure that out.
It clearly shows Desmet’s own complete lunacy. But because almost everyone in the culture is a member of mass formation (madness), including the “woke” people of the alternative media domain, hardly anyone recognizes Desmet’s lunacy. Not surprising that he has even become some type of popular “guru” among the adherents of the alternative media landscape.
With his false use of language Desmet obscures or hides the true reality instead of directly and uncompromising exposing it — aiding the obfuscation of the vital reality of what the ruling authorities really are. He does the same thing when he speaks of ‘the elite’ (as he does in a number of podcasts) when, in reality, they are THE SCUM OF HUMANS because they are REALITY-VERIFIED PSYCHOPATHS (see referenced source above).
This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!!! When, if at all, will he wake up from his state of mass psychosis? When, if at all, will he face the TRUE and FULL reality instead of hiding behind fantasies such as his whitewashed “reality” of human civilization?
It shows we live in a global mental asylum with criminal and/or delusional mainstream psychologists, scientists, and docs as the guards, “teachers” and “therapists” … The blind/criminal/mad leading the blind/criminal/mad; the blind/criminal/mad adhere to the blind/criminal/mad = the human madhouse.
Worst of all, perhaps, the mass formation/mass psychosis notion frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon (the gist of the circular argument is: the masses should change their thinking but they got brainwashed so they’re victims). Nothing could be further from the truth (see referenced source above).
Desmet is right in that truth-activists must fight against mass formation psychosis (human madness). That also means exposing HIS deeply destructive mad part of it. This comment serves, in part, that objective.
I haven’t watched the video yet, but I suspect your post is probably going to be quite accurate.
I don’t really dig the whole Mass Psychosis thing. What we’re living through is just another example of what Etienne de la Boetie wrote about in The Politics Of Obedience some 500 or so years ago. Weak and fearful people invested in “society” doing what the psychopaths make them do because they’re weak and fearful, it’s just not that complicated.
Similarly, I haven’t listened to the podcast, but I have listened to other lengthy interviews with him. In general terms, I don’t have an anti-intellectual position and can see that Desmet has something to offer in terms of psychological study and this ‘free flowing anxiety’ is a real phenomena which is worth highlighting, but, like you, I think there is a danger in over intellectualising what is happening under the plandemic – it is a power grab, quite crudely and blatantly, which many people haven’t woken up to. He certainly does equivocate about the intent and degree of planning that has resulted in the misnamed pandemic, which muddies the waters. Wrapping it up in this mass formation notion underplays the harsh and alarming truth that an orchestrated criminal operation has been inflicted on the world, so it is not going to help break the spell.
The masses are not victims but the perpetrators. They have had decades of warnings about this cult. Andrew Wakefield for example was all over the press back in the 90s saying how the MMR “vaccine” was associated with autism. People have seen and heard all sorts over the years yet they remained loyal and vehemently embraced the criminals latest plot. They are part of a crime syndicate not independent rational observers. They are not looking at the issue objectively but from their position as personally involved orchestrators. People who are deeply compromised. That hold what Mark Passio calls satanic ideologies. They are friends and their psycho friends have rubbed off on them. The mass psychosis is just another example of the germ theory. Some external force that is to blame. Something that can’t be prosecuted and absolves the participants of responsibility. Sure they have been brainwashed. The indoctrination is universally germ theory. Even something like smoking is the germ theory where tobacco is considered an evil plant and the issue not actually looked at all holistically.
Excellent. Skipped the article/video and came straight to the comments section to see if anyone would be exposing this clown.
While I agree with the gist of your argument, I highly doubt that you’ll reach a large portion of the dormant population through this argument.
Long time critics, who have a thorough knowledge of the underlying ideology/religion (satanism)/motives/objectives etc. tend to focus mainly on the evil agenda. However, without a deeper understanding of the all-encompassing metaphysical/spiritual factors, fundamental upheaval is unimaginable and attempts to force it are doomed to failure.
I don’t think that the term “mass formation psychosis” has been “coined” by Desmet, as we’re being told. I think it has been around for decades and critical thinkers have been noticing that “phenomenon” and discussing it among themselves.
i want to move in Theory. Everything goes well in Theory.
‘There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarianisms should resemble the old. A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers. But their methods are still crude and unscientific. The love of servitude cannot be established except as the result of a deep, personal revolution in human minds and bodies.’
— Aldous Huxley, Foreword to Brave New World, 1946
Only the other day I heard two elderly women discussing their masks. One said to the other that she felt ‘safe’ when she wore it. Not untypical. There is another thing I have noticed. Being retired I spend most of my life indoors. But here’s the thing. I live close to the road and every day – approx about 3 to 4 times every day to be exact – I hear either ambulances or police vehicles making a very audible noise with there sirens going as they tear up and down the road. Of course there is nobody in the ambulances or police cars, the noise is there just to remind the populace that they are still in danger from the dreaded COVID. Aaaagh!
Well the good news is that most everyone doesn’t wear masks anymore or doesn’t listen to the sirens. But the whole circus can be turned on any times the PTB thinks the populace are slipping back into their old ways. We shall see.
Anyone who can should move away form the vicinity of major roads. They promote (a) respiratory ane heart disease through fine dust and gases (b) high blood pressure through noise and vibration.
babies that learn deference….evolve to a security blanket
I can understand being unduly influenced for a short time, but eventually the facts or a least plausible evidence comes out–and yet people still believe the propaganda. It is not mass formation it is normal stupidity. People still believe the government stories about literally everything–WWII, Vietnam, 9-11 etc. the corona hoax is just one of the latest. They lie because they know most people will believe them.
I’ve noticed with alot of the masses they jump onto the next new trend?!? Whatever’s trending in the media they attach themselves like a limpet 👍
That is the joke–people wearing t-shirts that say “I support the current thing.”
I don’t understand any of this so will just agree with the rest of you…
Hello Offgers, I’ve been writing about my own perspectives from everything internalised here and elsewhere, inspired by CJ Hopkins in particular. Check out my substack and all feedback and constructive criticism welcome (change “dot” to . )
https://nicholascreed.substack dot com/p/zombification-of-a-nation?s=w
https://nicholascreed.substack dot com/p/the-organs-of-the-world-economic?s=w
Robert Malone is probably the greatest promoter of Desmet and “mass formation psychosis”. But in the following he appears to be engaging in narrative control; that is, he’s trying to limit the scope of the issue to that of people being:
Does Malone anywhere challenge the original claim of there being a pandemic?
Dec 9, 2021
As many of you know, I have spent time researching and speaking about mass psychosis theory. Most of what I have learned has come from Dr. Mattias Desmet, who realized that this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of about 20-30% of the population in the western world becoming entranced with the Noble Lies and dominant narrative concerning the safety and effectiveness of the genetic vaccines, and both propagated and enforced by politicians, science bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies and legacy media.
What one observes with the mass hypnosis is that a large fraction of the population is completely unable to process new scientific data and facts demonstrating that they have been misled about the effectiveness and adverse impacts of mandatory mask use, lockdowns, and genetic vaccines that cause people’s bodies to make large amounts of biologically active coronavirus Spike protein.
Robert Malone:
So, the lack of social connectedness causes people to connect together in crowds; and the connecting together in crowds causes them collectively to go psychotic because of the lack of social connectedness which they previously experienced.
Or, do they go psychotic individually, but all at the same time, and then decide to go out and meet like-minded loonies?
Quite. Desmet seems to regard the pandemic as something that just ” happened ” by chance. It’s doubtful that any real pandemic ever occurred. Without the computer generated virus, without the phony PCR test, without the deaths of those already old and ill, without the WHO changing the definition of ” pandemic “, what we are left with is a giant medical scam on a global scale reinforced by a government orchestrated international psyop.
I assume that Malone and Desmet are a double act; with Desmet being a bit of a stooge. “Mass formation psychosis” is just a rehash of other work and ideas regarding mass hypnosis and the like; and given the above contradiction between crowds and social disconnectedness, it doesn’t appear to be properly thought through. Consequently, I suspect it’s mostly a vehicle for Malone to get media attention. He probably doesn’t have a particular agenda for it, but he’ll avoid saying anything which steps outside the limited-hangout boundaries.
Desmet seems to be saying something erudite, but what? An adequate term for this already exists: mass hysteria, esp. in response to the fanning of fear/hope (propaganda). Did Desmet evade the nuts and bolts of the current global outrage to keep his job or funding?
Malone — is “the greatest promoter” of the government-approved demagoguery and has been planted to misguide, distract, brainwash the “progressive portion of the population,” and, of course, cunningly peddle toxic poison (“covid vaccines,” “covid testing), including to CHILDREN.
Thanks for the article. I suspected almost immediately that Malone was dodgy; and my initial impression has since been regularly confirmed. I didn’t know he’d worked on AIDS/HIV and had such close ties to Fauci. In that Rogan clip he states:
The following is Malone’s comment regarding RFK’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I wonder if he’s getting worried!
“I deeply respect [Bobby], and I think if there’s anyone that deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, he is the one.”
“I thought I understood what was going on from an insider POV. But this is mind-blowing. Anthony Fauci is playing precisely the strategy that he developed and tested during the HIV days. Bobby is on fire in this manuscript. The depth of information and facts, all carefully cited, is mind-blowing. It is a must-read. I think it will really help clarify what has been going down here. Thanks to the consistently dysfunctional COVID-19 response by Fauci and USG/HHS (US Government Health and Human Services Department), we have all become familiar with the terms “regulatory capture” and “Noble Lie.” The personal opinion and bias of Dr. Fauci has been repeatedly substituted for evidence-based medicine, and we are all living with the consequences. But beyond this mundane incompetence, what this book clearly documents are the deeper forces and systemic, pervasive governmental corruption, which have led us to this point. Not since the reign of former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, have we seen such empire building by a corrupt, longstanding federal employee who is long past retirement age. Dr. Fauci’s apparent need to bolster a fragile ego has led to the almost complete systemic corruption of not only US HHS, but the entire world public health system. The consequences will be lasting damage to the reputation of the United States of America, US FDA, and US CDC as honest, independent guardians of public health, which has been carefully nurtured over many decades. The world is now able to clearly see that the US HHS has been captured and compromised by commercial interests. One unintended consequence of allowing and enabling this tragedy will be further erosion in domestic trust in the Public Health System, and in particular, in the entire vaccine enterprise. Global impacts are likely to include accelerating loss of trust in US and western pharmaceutical companies and regulators, and more rapid rise of Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern pharmaceutical competitors.”
—Robert W. Malone, MD, virologist, immunologist, molecular biologist
Next time James interviews Mattias i hope he asks Mattias to explain the ‘free floating anxiety.’ Where does it come from ? Are you born with it ? Do you catch it ? How is it spread ?
And also ask Mattias “All the lonely people, where do they all come from ?”, which a 1960s mop-top pop group asked but never answered…
Mattias said “Evil is in everyone pf us…”. I wont be going to him to have my psych analysed…
kikikomori say “read my
lipsposts !”I don’t think that the suggestion of free-floating anxiety is too far off.
Western civilization has boxed itself into a corner – mainly by setting too ambitious goals and resorting to huge indebtedness to achieve them – and the inherent contradictions are, or have been, catching up with us. Debt is nothing but financing today’s wealth by future production, and we’re kinda now in the ‘future”, but we’re unable to pay for the luxuries of the “past”, let alone sustain the same luxurious quality of life. The end of cheap energy might be one of the problems, maybe the most important.
You find that people lived happy, adjusted lives before COVID hit? I don’t. Most people are fucked up, caught up in the rat race. Running around like nuts to meet their expectations of life that have been sown in their mind by the fuckheads from the Office Where They Run Everything From.
There was a lot of free-floating anxiety, subconscious fear, whatever you wanna call it, alright.
“Evil is in everyone of us…” – probably the only thing I’ve seen so far I really agree with.
“Evil is in everyone of us…”
Many don’t see that. The very idea is intolerable to them. Hence, virtue signaling.
“I’m better than you, you dirty fucking ist or phobe!”
The stronger the display of “virtue” the more intense the projection of feeling, the darker and deeper the disconnect within.
I’ve noted – to much derision – that the English speaking peoples were especially susceptible to the COVID propaganda because they fear some kind of retribution for the way they have exploited others.
Perhaps that’s the source of this “free floating anxiety.” And perhaps it’s stronger in people in direct proportion to their religious leaning.
Non-Freudian psychoanalysts seem to accept Freud’s speculative notion about humans having a Death Instinct. To claim “Evil is in everyone of us…” sounds remarkably like “We are all born with Original Sin.” Different saying, same sentiment…
“Mattias said “Evil is in everyone pf us…”. I wont be going to him to have my psych analysed…” —
I won’t be going to any of those quacks!
And I strongly disagree. We are “our genetics.” That is why some people are inherently good and would not hurt even a fly (no matter how badly they themselves have been treated), and others are inherently evil greedy corrupt bastards. Think your government in all its forms.
I am sure that they carefully profile everyone; that is why no genuinely honest person would be ever working for the “government” or “corporations,” no matter how small their role might be. Even a secretary or clerk falsifies documents when works for criminals.
“There’s safety in numbers”.
Ants were the first to prove this point. Homini sapientes are the latest. Collective action is a necessity for survival, and developed very early; individual conscience is a luxury, and may have arrived only very recently with latest developments in the brain. In the human brain in particular? Our closest cousins the chimps are every bit as subservient to authority and tribally willing to gang up on nonconformists as we are; but are there any studies which indicate individual conscience in chimps?
Are you suggesting that the accumulation of freedoms over the past decades or centuries has been too much for the intrinsically collectivist human mind to bear, and when COVID presented an opportunity, people – exhausted by all them liberties foisted on them over the years – gleefully reverted to what is natural for them – being subservient sheeple … 😅 …?
I don’t fucking thing so! Hasn’t the entire history thus far been, more or less, about greater and greater liberalization?
Witch hunts? The covid crew hasn’t literally burnt anyone at the stake yet, but many of them have taken considerable pleasure in making life difficult for others in various ways. It’s not hard to see some of the more zealous becoming extremely violent.
If for example, Cindy Ardern came out tomorrow and said “we’re going to start burning CoVID deniers and anti-vaxxers at the stake, after we confiscate the contents of their bank accounts and homes” enough people would be on board for that to make it very dangerous for people to oppose it.
Power and self preservation.
“None more enslaved than those who believe they are free” — Goethe
“If we are some sort of hive-minded species susceptible to Mass Formation events I’d like to know.”
Precisely. A good point.
Why not use the suggestion that something like mass formation/hypnosis has occurred as a springboard for a debate about the collectivist/individualist nature of people? Are people innately sheep-like creatures or is that quality due to conditioning? Can and should something be done about it? It’s been said before that the hierarchical arrangement of society and the concept of authority, where people stand under so-called elites, need to be got rid of, that society should be arranged horizontally as opposed to vertically, but that can hardly be done if people are submissive, given to herd-like existence.
“Are people innately sheep like creatures or is that quality due to conditioning”? My response would be it’s actually due to the conditioning of the society we live in, beginning with the education system and continuing in the work place, and of course the mass media plays a major role in programming and conditioning people. Money, having a home, a nice car, an overseas holiday and a job to pay for these things strongly contribute to the conditioning of people as well, ie, by not rocking the boat. Behave, and you can have these nice things.
I don’t believe people are innately sheep like creatures. It’s due to external factors and conditioning, like the examples I gave.
I have a strong aversion to hierarchy by the way, and haven’t voted in an election for over 25 years. Why? Because nothing changes. The same system is still in place the next day. Its a charade to give you the illusion you have a say in what happens.
I also think 40 years or so of Neoliberalism and its mantra of greed is good, with the concomitant increase in mass consumerism and the rise of technology like the internet and smart phones has made people much more submissive.
It might be. Even though, you’d probably have to go further back in history to get a clearer picture.
But I said above, it could be argued that the whole history has been about liberation. Hence, man and woman are individualistic creatures.
And while there is some truth in the above mention of “strength in the numbers”, it is also true that people are selfish bastards given to looking after their own interests. I guess it’s looking at the left (collectivist) vs. right (individualist) dichotomy from a different angle.
One thing is for sure, collectivism – which has served humanity tremendously over the past centuries – has been hijacked by the pricks and used to impose authoritarianism/totalitarianism that is essentially reverting the status quo back to the days before people began exercising their collective power.
But the discussion is about the state of mind, or techniques used to establish it, that makes people behave this way.
Exactly. Don´t forget the very early conditioning of the parents, heavily conditioned themselves.
Excellent interview, thanks for posting it.
I agree with Professor Desmet that those whose lives felt meaningless, who became disconnected from themselves and others around them were the most susceptible to this phenomenon of Mass Formation.
I also believe that the lack of any type of spirituality; not having a spiritual foundation of some kind, played a major part in why so many succumbed to the convid propaganda. I noted he stressed it was vital to retain our humanity and to live by ethical principles, which is what I do.
I am guided solely by my conscience and principles now and will never comply with, or help enable the technocratic dystopia they seek to impose on us.
Its been very interesting observing the reactions of my vaccinated customers when I told them I was banned from working for being unvaccinated.
The looks were either confusion or anger. A number of times I even used the term medical apartheid. Only one of my customers expressed any sympathy for the unvaccinated being banned from working in Victoria. One. All the others didn’t say anything except for things like “oh well, you’re back working now”.
The lack of empathy is shocking, but in line with what Desmet says here: their empathy is with the “collective” greater good – not with individuals. Which is a sign of a very sick and stunted psychology-type in my book. The sum of individuals are the collective, it does not exist outside of this. Any other type of idea of the collective is a figment of imagination, an abstract idea, nothing more – but sadly one the elites all to often are quick to leverage and get people to buy into for their ends.
They really believe that getting the jab or using vaccine passports or wearing facemasks is about “protecting the community and keeping people safe”. I heard that line over and over repeatedly before the lockdown happened here last year. That’s how the media have played this. And they’ve driven home this message every single day since this bullshit began. This has hooked in a lot of people, especially those who feel disconnected or isolated from others.
Last year one of my customers asked me if I was getting vaccinated and I looked him straight in the eyes and said “never, they would have to execute me first”.
He gave me a big smile and said “I will be very happy to attend your execution then”. This is an elderly man in his 70s who lived in Brazil during the Fascist military dictatorship in the 1970s.
He’s actually still buying the magazine off me and I saw him last weekend.
I would say that those who are attached to global warming are more unreasoning than those who believe that covid is scarey– altho I have met global warming adherents only online, never in person. Lots of em on Moon Over Alabama. I suppose the attraction is that it offers a moral plum in the form of seeing oneself as defender of Nature– which I hope we all are– sans the GW fiction.
I hope you’ll tune in to the next article (by Dustin Broadberry). It covers the gamut of the climate issue.
That said, I must take you to task for says “those who are attached to global warming.” Granted there are those who have made a career of global warming; I guess they are “attached.”
But there are those who, like me, accept the global warming paradigm but reject the agendas being attached to it one by one.
Howard I made a quite extensive study of the global warming claim perhaps 6 years ago. My findings:
–Following the money leads to exactly the usual perps: Soros, Rockefellers, Wellcome Trust, other usual funds & foundations. This is amply documented in a Senate Report called Chain of Environmental Command. It gives a snapshot of the amounts of money given directly to the hierarchy of each environmental group and the mechanisms through which they’re directed. The full Senate Report has been taken down from the internet, leaving only its public relations announcement, but it’s readily available through Amazon & elsewhere.
–Ocean acidification is a hoax. It’s a sine wave in some areas and they simply selected the upward portion.
–North American temperature increase: For Canada, they simply dropped the coldest weather stations & selected the warmest ones. US– When they found a summer to be ‘hottest on record’, it was readily disproved with newspaper clippings,
–For the US, at the same site there are documented fraudulent current alterations in the temperature record.
–Temperature increase Australia. At public hearings available on the net many Aussies came forward to complain of the gross inaccuracies of the temperatures ascribed to their areas– always in an upward direction.
–Britain: Britain has the oldest continuous weather records & they don’t support the GW theory.
For much of the rest of the world there are no reliable older temperature records.
–The ice core records don’t support that CO2 causes climate warming. Rather, increased CO2 is likely to FOLLOW temperature increase. That is, CO2 is released from the Oceans as a result of warming, in the manner that a warm soda can releases it.
I’ve extraordinary files on the GW subject. If there is any one area that seems to you to be persuasive I would like to try to counter it.
There are horrible actual environmental insults occurring every day, perpetrated by the very economic interests that claim to protect us from GW, which is now in a cooling phase.
Off-G: Thanks for the detailed presentation of what is meant by Mass Psychosis Formation. I have made a point to speak to strangers & invite their thoughts. In my neighborhood– working class, 50% Mexican– I’ve found no trace of this psychological phenomenon.
I came across 3 individuals who had an authoritarian streak & wanted to use their being in charge to bully me re: masking. Others who sometimes asked me to put on a mask (I didn’t) looked ashamed to be asking. These 3 were joyful in their opportunity.
I did come across one couple who believed the vaxx was good for them, and were intolerant of my telling them that the media was limited to five controlled companies. And several individuals who did not doubt the propaganda, but were untroubled by my arguments in disbelief.
Quite a few times when I invited comment– especially of non-Latins the person launched– telling me why masks were no good, how many nanometers viruses are, how they knew they were being lied to, etc. Several recognized the war as a continued attack on supply chains.
Several people were astonished to hear that the vaxx could harm them & entered the links I suggested into their smart phones for later. (This was early on)
To me, everything I saw in my contacts reflected belief or skepticism depending upon whether the person had a computer and was lively or passive. Those who wore masks when it was easy to avoid them fell into two categories– old ladies aware of waning health who were clearly frightened, and teenagers for whom hiding behind a mask is a welcome relief from self-consciousness.
Perhaps Mass Formation is more common among dense urban areas and educated people who identify with the power structure.
Julie, in Orwell’s ‘1984’, was sceptical, and though she gave the appearance she went along with it Big Brother wasnt fooled.
I think among the masked passengers on the buses i rode were a few ‘Julies”
And like me, their “free floating anxiety” had them dreading a middle-of-the-night knock on the door, then being dragged off to The Camps. especially to Camp #101.
I would say the reasons i’m not a member of The Elite is that (a) i dont have enough money, (b) i have “free floating anxiety”,. Also (3) i havent been invited to join.
May I ask is the internet just an other form of monitor screening to change a or group visual perceptive abilities?
To what end other than another form of limited fund managed entrainment by those who feel safe in their own immediate surroundings. Appearing as judgemental cloaks dismissing other people conversatiing in the English language.
Is this not a definition of Fascist ideology, if it is then why is it consistently at odds internally while denying the immediate surroundings they currently inhabit?
A phantastic and to me very precious inteviev!
Thanks to Prof. Desmet and James Corbett!
Free From Mass Formation psychosis being plugged by Conservatives..
Pfizer, Moderna… what Big Pharma has escaped much scrutiny during convid? Clue: they make remdesivir and own the PCR test.
Answer: Roche.
Sign this petition if you are inthe UK
Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety
My rule of thumb when people spout stuff at me is to ask WHY? As a primary school kid my teachers were alternately despairing that I wouldn’t follow the group think and proud that I wouldn’t.
Me too.
Exactly. Here in evangelical-infested America, I like the phrase WWIBT, as in “Why Would I Believe That?”, patterned after their WWJT (“What Would Jesus Do?”)
Although I don’t always risk that question on others, I always ask it of myself.
If obvious controlled opposition types like Joe Rogan (MSM FTM paid hundreds of millions of dollars to lie and manipulate you) are telling you about ‘mass formation psychosis’, you can be sure that delving into it is a complete waste of time.
As usual, the deep state operatives like to get us focused on the problem, painted in such a way that it seems completely intractable. Where are the powerful solutions???
Does this ‘mass formation psychosis’ information help you break through the mind control that has subjugated your loved ones? Of course not! Does it help YOU break through your own programming? (LOL at all the right-wing zealots who think they are better than the left wing of the SAME BIRD, or at the truthers who never do anything worthwhile)
Does it talk about MK-ULTRA, or about how your own subconscious mind is actually made of many independent parts that were all deviously programmed to turn your own mind against you?
And case in point: => completely free site that gives you EVERYTHING you need to free all the subconscious parts in your mind and truly bring your mind and spirit to a higher level – one where your subconscious CANNOT be used against you.
=> you are what you want to be. Continue to be a victim FOR EVER, or CHANGE YOURSELF.
Rogan gave airtime to Dr Kory, Dr McCullough and Dr Malone (among others) when nobody else would. Nobody advocating for early treatment is “controlled” anything.
Early treatment of what? The flu?
Treatment for a virus which has never been scientifically proven to exist? Advocating for “treatment” under such a situation is a sure sign of controlled opposition, appearing to be “alternative” while keeping the heart of the fraud narrative going.
The pump was primed.
Mass formation/hypnosis only explains a part of it. The material fact also must include the deluge of pharmaceuticals that are swirling through the bodies and brains of vast numbers of humans in Western society disabling and muddling their cognitive functions.
States of high anxiety have been the norm through Western societies for the past two decades and it barely takes a lit match to turn this into a full scale conflagration of collective madness.
The professional class is particularly vulnerable to this and add in a heaping tablespoon of self-righteousness into the propaganda mix and the laptop class would and did fall all over themselves to lead the charge of psychotic lunacy over any cause de jour.
Of course it didn’t hurt “the cause” that tons of money were thrown at numerous “opinion leaders” of this class of parasites incentivizing them to catapult the bullshit.
Truth be told, the pump has been primed for centuries, but we have had a “perfect storm” of its causes in our times, a lot more than 20 years. I often wonder at American society, which has been weaponized by all these factors you describe, and one can see that any kind of “indoctrination” or even prejudicial training, may fill society with “sleeper agents” who have been programmed to react within set limits. It is at the point tyou may not open much any subject, or your mouth, to debate without waking the “sleeper agents” on a long-standing mission to deter you, detour, deflect, distract, divide. American culture seems expressly designed that way, exporting it widely through films and “music”.
A priest in the San Diego diocese used all those “d” words in a sermon several years ago to point out that those are the basic strategies of the Evil One, and just put his cherished “d” before “evil” and you get the name of the original.
But there are simplicities that can defeat it. “No doubt”!
I disagree that this phenomenon could ever have existed outside of the last two decades. While group behavior and psychology have always been a thing, conditioning tools have never been as pervasive and widespread as now, not by a long shot.
George 2 started introducing binary thinking at large into a world shocked (and also damaged by what i would call ‘instant cognitive dissonance’ which requires a time and place of its own to dig further into) by the towers; “If you are not with us you are against us!”. Not long after that social media started to reinforce that concept, with the tube being the worst culprit of course (thumbs up/ down in case that wasn’t clear). Attention spans, argument based opinions, and critical/ nuanced thinking all suffered more then ever before.
The fertile grounds for this particular chain of events being SO effective had been laid by public schooling, which does have a much longer history but is out of scope of a simple comment here. The greatest amount damage has been done very recently.
William Blake
Throw in a little lack of self awareness.
Things Twice. Look Away now.“My experience is what I agree to attend to.”, For definitions are very dreadful things: they do the two things that most men, especially comfortable men, cannot endure. They fight; and they fight fair
Things Twice. Look Away now.“My experience is what I agree to attend to.”, For definitions are very dreadful things: they do the two things that most men, especially comfortable men, cannot endure. They fight; and they fight fair
The Going Direct Paradigm Mindmap
There was NO mass formation psychosis – whatever that is. What there was was a carefully orchestrated psyop called Covid.
Many do argue, not without good reason, that the full breadth and scope of the covid event can’t be reasonably explained away purely in the terms you use. The huge uptake and fervid belief in every bizarre element of covid, the observable and disturbing drop in IQ levels, the cult-like slogans and mantras repeated endlessly… Reasonably speaking, was anything the elites did really enough to indoctrinate/brainwash an entire planet? Many argue this is simplistic, unless you factor in some added ingredient, a willing complicity from the masses, almost as if they were cheering covid on even while the PTB were trying to put on the brakes, in some instances!
When you bear in mind the lengths that cults go to to brainwash/indoctrinate new members perhaps the need to call on other forces to help explain Covid isn’t hard to understand. It is truly a unique, unprecedented phenomenon in many ways.
If we are some sort of hive-minded species susceptible to Mass Formation events I’d like to know. Moreover, if Mass Formation were up for debate, I’d probably prefer to assume it was real and be proved wrong (which seems sensibly cautious) rather than assume it was false and risk falling prey to its influence (which seems needlessly reckless/irresponsible, just as such abject denial seems to be linked in some way to the Mass Formation phenomenon itself, based on my observations!). A2
I don’t see why a real disease can’t be used in nefarious ways. One is just a biological fact, its like every other disease that appears in waves (influenza, common cold). The BS surrounding it, well, that’s something else.
At the risk of opening another can of worms I’d suggest looking very closely at the way information is curated about Russia and Ukraine. In the part of the world I live in its obvious that the key player is a form of mass hypnosis, something that stands apart from the actual situation itself. (You can see the same tools and techniques in action, though.)
Then you realize that its all over….has been for years. Makes you want to just give up, go down to the cafe, get some Victory gin and have a game of chess. Acceptance – its just so much more comfortable.
Except the ‘real disease’ was real only in as much as cold/flus have been real for thousands of years. Many top scientists, epidemiologists, doctors and statisticians were pointing this out in April 2020. Many confidently spoke out at first, assuming common sense amongst their peers and the public would soon catch up, just as it had with previous recent ‘pandemic’ scares. This didn’t happen and these professionals were forced into silence, shunned, sacked, deplatformed, censored and openly threatened by the brainwashed hoards, drunk on covid madness.
The proof is in the pudding: the initial statements made in April 2020 have all been proved sensible and largely correct – there was no statistically-elevated threat from a respiratory disease; the dangerous, murderous consequences of lockdowns have been demonstrated again and again; the ‘Mad cow’ Ferguson-style projections have been thoroughly debunked; the countries who did not enforce meaningless, medieval-level medical protocol didn’t suffer massive casualties (in fact they had normal mortality and faired better than countries which shut down healthcare, funny that).
What motivated everyone to lose their collective shit and murder a lot of people by forcing them onto ventilators, shutting elderly people inside unventilated rooms, issuing blanket DNRs and denying basic healthcare to people who subsequently died from normally-treatable conditions?
I don’t think the Russia/Ukraine situation is in the same stratosphere of lunacy, honestly. I think a lot of the madness surrounding this news cycle was displaced covid madness, as a lot of embarrassed people sought to climb down from what had become ludicrous, indefensible positions.
Fear of getting the sack. Fear of being shouted at, even. Fear of losing face. Hospitals are as strictly hierarchical as army regiments. People are easily intimidated, easily persuaded that their sanest and healthiest instincts and intuitions are foolish and naive. (“Are YOU a virologist?”) They are trained to follow orders and they know they’ll suffer serious consequences if they don’t. (Losing your job is no joke, least of all in 2022.)
Imagine a junior nurse refusing the matron’s orders. Imagine the matron or the young intern saying NO to the head of department. Imagine a hospital administrator defying the Department of Health or the WHO. Imagine any of this even 20, 30, or 50 years ago. It’s not easy to imagine, is it? No wonder very few people risk it.
“Mass formation”? C’mon! There is absolutely nothing new in this. Most people have been trained all their lives to follow their Leaders, The COUPVID “psychosis” is just the huge stinky flower emerging from seeds that were planted many decades ago. TV and now the mobile internet have made atomisation and passivity and worship of Authority normal and even fashionable.
In any non-egalitarian society the size of ours, socialisation is indistinguishable from learned helplessness.
Damn good point.
In any case I always found ‘mass formation’ to be an awkward phrase which just sounds too foreign for inclusion in an English dictionary.
Following leaders was always a strong part of school discipline many years ago when I was a kid – and rightly so, in fact.
As well as training people to be good soldiers, (this was shortly after the war, when any sane person would have asked what use soldiers are who question everything…) the notion of following leaders also stimulated those who think and feel as individuals to develop and polish their skills in effective rebellion.
Exactly the skills that are missing today.
Some of these schoolday rebels were of course expelled, but they still kept their individual nature for the rest of their lives.
Others found careers in the arts – where rebellion is considered entirely normal – and of course they also kept their individual nature for the rest of their lives.
It’s all a question of awareness.
Sometimes there is, but sometimes there really isn’t an authoritarian figure behind what we feel to be an obligation to do something. Sometimes we actually are obliged to do something. Not everything is a question of whether we feel like doing it or not – like bringing up children, for example. You don’t do that on a whim.
We have to know what we are doing, and why.
It’s crucial.
When we are aware, it is no longer important to be constantly ‘proving’ to other people how unaware they are.
“Aware” is simply what it is, and a state in which one can calmly apply diplomacy and normal human courtesy when confronted with an idiot whom one frankly longs to slap around for half an hour…
Probably important to point out, apart from Van Morrison, Right Said Fred and Ian Brown, all the so-called ‘rebel’ artists were as silent and obedient as everyone else 😊. Culturally, we had a penchant for our ‘rebels’ back in the day, but I suspect maybe our ‘bad boys’ were a little more tame, a little more token, than we realised!
When it came to crunch time, the real rebels were little nobodies like me and you (saying this, you could be Andrew Lloyd Webber for all I know)! 🙂
I agree with all you say, but I am thinking of the real artists (not the grandstanders) – the ones who paid the price, and would do so again.
I’m also thinking of the seriously difficult kids I saw at school, who were always in trouble – possibly with deep domestic trauma for all I know – but who, as adults, sometimes managed to channel all the negativity (if they survived) into strong, sincere activism for justice.
Personally, I can’t abide Lloyd Webber, but that’s just a little quirk of mine…
Rachmaninoff is more my cup of tea. He criticized the regime in Russia in the press in 1917 I think, and that cost him banishment and the banning of all his music in Russia.
Homesick from then on until he died in 1943, he flourished in the USA with the help of friends.
He had to make a living there as a pianist to start with, since composing was not lucrative, quite casually becoming the best pianist in the world according to many other pianists.
But composing was what he most longed to do, and eventually managed to get back into.
…a little more tame, a little more token, than we realised! Bit like OG!
Well no, if you’re applying my reasoning (which, since you’re replying to my post, I can only assume you are). OffG were one of the first alt. news outlets to call Covid what it is, a massive scam. Before it was cool to do so, as early as March/April 2020, and since then others have been catching up, and some big names still haven’t. We have clearly been unafraid to go against the grain.
Which you know, because you’ve been commenting here for a while. 🙄 but whatever 😅 A2
Ps. I’m not trying to be self aggrandising, but I think Offg has earned its rebel stripes more than, say, Mick Jagger in recent years 😄
This applies to every profession. You come to feasr a disruption of your income, lifestyle, routines, reputation, etc.
It’s interesting who this hit though. I would gander that those who watch tv and read ‘news’ were hit hardest. What’s strange for me is the ‘intelligent’ ones who bought it. It’s something I cannot decipher without wondering that some kind of flash sequence hit the screens.
Couldn’t you explain it by just saying it was Human Nature? ie without bringing in some unknown external factor. People trusted in government and medical establishement and the media. I can’t see how that is so difficult or even bad, people are averse to reading and thinking for themselves (do you remember school?) but they are following their conciences as they see it. Unfortunately they have been had by a protection racket.
I shall never forget my nice specialist of 10 yrs getting upset and telling me I would die of covid, he really cared for me, and he was a Haematologist. I thanked him and didn’t argue. Might have mentioned a couple of names for his benefit…but he was the expert.
Perhaps you’re right. As I pointed out above, I for one am happy to be wrong. However, I would suggest that saying “human nature“ is a little pat, akin to summing up meteorology as ‘Mother Nature’ XD
I believe there is ample evidence of our hive-mindedness, woven into the fabric of our societies which are far more self organising, far less chaotic, than should be the case were we purely independent organisms.
Why should we feel “pressure” to socially confirm – an actual physical discomfort?
I just think we make a lot of arbitrary assumptions in our struggle for objectivity. Rupert Sheldrake conducted experiments into the phenomenon of feeling someone staring at you, involving a one-way mirror In a public building. I believe he found conclusively that people turned around more when someone was actually looking at them, from behind the glass.
We don’t stop to think about the implications of that, almost as if we were programmed not to.
But really, if it IS so, how could this be physically possible unless there were some preternatural forces at play? I’d just prefer to assume our potential for hive-mindedness were real. And that it’s potentially dangerous, especially when we are entirely unaware of it.
Just like I prefer to assume other dangers might exist until I have discounted them. Ie. normally cautious.
Here in Perth WA at the beginning all the neighbours put chairs and tables and barbeques out on the street on clapping night. I walked by and talked to people I’d never met. The police drove slowly by in their wagons and stared. it confused them I think, they were primed for lockdown by force. But there was no hint of it being a revolt, quite the opposite.
I think the more homogeneous and happy with itself a country is the easier it is to take over. Australia and Canada built good classless societies with social provision for all. The divisions in older less kind countries make it a lot harder. Asian countries did it by brutality. The UK seems to have ‘Transitioned’ from when I was young.
I used to laugh at the US guy I worked with who had a bazooka on his quad bike in the wilds of Iowa, but I wouldn’t now!
What I liked reading Sheldrake was how he set out what Vitalism is, and what science is limited to.
Desmet (18:25):
Then why not call it “mass hypnosis”?
A quick search in the Before Desmet era reveals:
We Are Witnessing The Greatest Mass Hypnosis Of All Time
By Marc Marshall
April 8, 2020
In hypnosis, we know that the state of trance hypnosis is achieved in only one of two ways; either overload of the central nervous system, or fatigue of the nervous system. The current Covid19 crisis has created both of these conditions and as a result, it has caused the most suggestible state that a person could ever be in. Whether by design or accident, the result is the same, it is the transformation by the formation of this trance, that our futures are being shaped and we don’t see it or are so tranced out that we don’t care.
Please understand that I am not talking about conspiracy, although there will be many others that do. I am simply observing a phenomenon that I see every day in my work as a clinical hypnotist to help people change behaviors or my work on stage entertaining people by having them engage in a host of zany and fun skits. They hear what I am saying, they understand they are doing the things I ask and willingly do so. In both those situations, I am using my skills to bypass what is known as the critical faculty of the conscious or rational mind and move right to the subconscious mind. It is the subconscious mind that truly controls all of our behaviors and since this is now open to the continued suggestions by the constant messaging, people are being forever changed.
Let me pull back the curtain a bit on how this process works and show you what has happened and is continuing to happen in this current emergency. . . .
And I’m sure there were many others making similar observations.
but most believed from day 1.
The current mass hypnosis started long before anybody alive today was born; and the scamdemic was only a minor alteration in direction and intensity.
yes. i’m still baffled why i am not affected.
Me too. It almost feels like a kind of survivor’s guilt, doesn’t it? I now alternate between feeling lucky and grateful for not being deceived on the one hand, and feeling sorry for the normies on the other. (I have plenty of normies in the family, so it cuts close to home for me.)
i can’t say i feel guilt, more a mix of anger, disdain, and sadness. and worry re my daughter who i hope got a placebo/less dangerous one.
Hope your daughter’s OK.
i assume that my early exposure to corporate malfeasance , or a naturally rebellious tendency, a tendency to be suspicious, which is not much fun to live with, a discomfort with groups, or any kind of mob behaviour accounts for it
I think it comes down to the ability to question authority. Since my early teen years (religion was the first authority I questioned) I’ve engaged in it like a full contact sport.
I’m of the opinion that they are NOT authorities over us. They are supposed to be authorities on a subject. If they can’t or won’t answer questions then they aren’t much of an authority. If they lie to us then it’s “game on” because just like Lays Potato Chips you can’t have just one.
You were wearing those sunglasses in, They Live.
In the US at least, this really began in earnest back in 2016 when Trump was elected. That’s when I first noticed how utterly insane and detached from reality the Democrats and the media were becoming.
Don’t misunderstand me: you would expect that they would be upset over losing the election — nobody likes losing, after all. But this was different! I had never seen this level mass psychosis. Not even the ‘Tea Party’ lunacy of a few years previous could compare to this.
I realize in retrospect that the Democrats, even more than the Q-Anons, were the principal target market for the Trump psy-op.
i tend to not pay that much attention to the usa election circus.
Began not much sooner here in the UK courtesy of the Brexit referendum. No magic involved that some researchers discovered Brexit supporters or Trump supporters were less likely to follow the message or believe the Covid narrative. Individualists vs Collectivists; those in favour of personal responsibility and personal accountability vs those in favour of group responsibility and group accountability; and personal liberty vs group pressure. Those who do not sign on to Group Think are rejected and bullied by those who do until the bullied individualist relents, at which time hymns of praise are sung and the convert celebrated with the same vigour and joyfulness as at a coming out party. All cults work the same way.
I saw Trump in exactly the same terms: he was America’s Brexit. But also like Brexit, unfortunately, his little movement ultimately came to naught. (I’m still glad Hellary never became president though!)
Again, the anti-Trump hysteria was carefully orchestrated and funded by the usual suspects who work tirelessly to further the globalist agenda – Soros, Rockefellers, Bloomberg, and the rest. Trump was someone they could not control, so he had to be removed. The fake pandemic facilitated the stolen election of 2020. No Covid, no 100 million mail-in ballots (easily harvested and dropped into Zuckerboxes).
Lol, and exactly how was Trump not controlled?
So why did they need to get rid of him then?
Who knows? Maybe getting rid of him was the fulfillment of his Hegelian destiny.
Good read. Thanks
A very good hypnotist did a show on my college campus in the 70s. A beautiful late summer evening. A low rise stage set up in the grass of the quad of dorms surrounding it. It was during dorm move in days before fall classes had started. People were having orgasms, running for the bathroom, thinking they were naked, etc. It only took a couple minutes to get into people’s minds to do the things they did. The most impressive part of the act was when a person laid across 4 folding chairs and the 2 middle chairs were removed with only his head and feet touching the chairs. He was stiff as a board. It was amazing to see how people were affected. People we knew. Only about 1/2 of the subjects were truly hypnotized. The others were asked to leave the stage. Kind of like now.
Why not call it mass psychosis? Isn’t psychosis losing touch with reality?
Alternately, it’s almost like a spell has been cast, and the masses have been entranced.They’ve even participated in the ritual that bi/linds them
Who gets to define “reality” – or to say what is or isn’t a delusion? For instance, if I were to say that Bill Gates & Co are trying to kill me, that could be considered by the White Coats as being evidence of psychosis.
Read about psychosis, a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them.
The 2 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them
Desmet is the prefect example of an academic who makes something simple look extremely difficult (which is a hypnosis technique in itself). It’s that plus that what he says is nothing new (it’s all in the book from Charles Mackey) which makes me suspicious into the why Desmet is promoted in the media. Desmet may be perfectly genuine and believes that his theory is correct. He may have even figured out the theory of mass psychosis all by himself. But that all doesn’t matter
I think that what happened with covid is the perfect example of that what Christof explained in the Truman show, ie
“We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It’s as simple as that”
Please note that Truman is the outlier and can see what the world is about. But only after he experienced his world. In that lays hope. People can change.
Btw Desmet means ‘de smet’ in Dutch which rhymes with ‘besmet’, which means ‘infected’, for those who are interested in etymology…
It seems to me that Desmet is shining a light AWAY from the real perpetrators of the Covid scamdemic – Fauci, Gates, the anti-Trumpers, Big Pharma, etc.
I think that term is taken. Copyrights? The term that Dr McDonald uses, “Mass delusional psychosis” is similar to Dr Desmet and they are aware of each others work.
PS. According to Dr McDonald if you are still wearing a mask at this stage you have serious mental health issues and need help. Not being mean just factual.
Thanks for the link. I had forgotten about this guy.
Check Google search trends for “mass formation”. Didn’t exist, then a big spike for a short duration, followed by no further interest.
With this BS they want to put it back in our minds.
Mass Hysteria created by Propaganda. Nothing new.
Leni Riefenstahl films in the 1930s.
CIA/Hollywood/CorporateNews with the current headfake.
Never trust a clinical psychologist.
The Covid propaganda push was off the charts. It seems beyond belief that this could have occurred purely organically. I suspect central coordination. This was planned.
Global central coordination. The same lies in nearly every single place.
Personally, I broke free from mass formation at a very early age, like the minute I was born. As far as I can remember, I’ve always felt uneasy in the herd, with others. I’ve always found people’s tendency toward groupthink and conforming to majority views repulsive. I’ve never been able to immerse myself in any community completely, I’d always leave the backdoor wide open and one foot sticking out. I’ve met quite a few others like me, perhaps courtesy of being a musician, a profession that kinda requires one to be an eccentric freak or maybe its that eccentric freaks gravitate toward professions like that.
Anyway, I imagine that for people who have lived the conventional life of a generic normie, it might be extremely difficult to overcome lifelong conditioning, even if their mind allows them to conclude something is not quite fucking adding up. Huge kudoz to those who are able to do that and take a stand against the oppression on top of that.
As to all of us eccentrics, who have been more or less overtly ostracized, looked down on, pestered in one way or another, this is our payback time, as having been true to ourselves, to the truth, principles, our worldview is paying off and, what do we know, it might even be our ticket to survival.
Worst part of being overtly not of the herd is the fact that trying to explain evidence and rationality to the herd has not worked.
it has not!
I know. I always got the ‘Oh what are you? A doctor now?’ So I gave up a few months into the scamdemic.
me too.
Like you I’ve never been part of the herd. Always independent, always going a different direction. No problem. But I’ve never had the police called or lost my job before because I wasn’t wearing a flipping mask. I’ve never been refused entry to Canada because I refuse a death shot and a PCR test. Despite this I stand more strong and determined than ever to live my truth and ignore the crap swirling around me.
Well, high five then, brother.
The last time I traveled to Canada was shortly after 911, I haven’t been back since because I refuse to conform to the ridiculous airport rules. I always thought that worse come to worse, I’d make myself bite the bullet and swallow my pride, and shut my mouth for the nine hours or so. Now, with the covidian shit, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make it back.
Too bad, there are some people who are very dear to me I’d like to see and they’re getting very old, but it’s what it is.
As you say, the more they foist crap on you, the stronger it makes you.
I’m with you Jacques. Always been the same.
The thing is, if everyone was like us can you imagine how difficult (Impossible) it would be to get anything done?
Industry could not run because we’d all be operating machines the way we thought was best.
Commerce would not work as we’d all have our own ideas on how transactions work.
It would be impossible to run a country, a company, anything.
That’s why a “go with the flow” gene is important.
Some of us haven’t got it.
I sometimes wish I had but that’s a “grass is greener” thing.
Yeah, I understand. Most of my life I spent wishing I could be like the others, feeling alienated. This is the first time ever I have actually felt grateful to be unable/unwilling to fit in.
I’m not sure if I quite agree with you.
As a musician, I’m perfectly able to assume a subordinate role when I’m hired as a sideman. I follow whatever the bandleader says and only voice an opinion if asked. Conversely, if I’m the bandleader and hire other musicians, I tell them what to do and how – while doing my best to accommodate whatever they might have to say.
I don’t think that being unconventional, impervious to manipulation necessarily means that you can’t cooperate with others. On the contrary, I’d say that having the foregoing qualities also carries a fair degree of self-confidence, and a self-confident person doesn’t have the need to push his viewpoints all the time.
My point was that you have to have the drones for the system to work.
Here in France the workers are perceived as strike hungry rebels.
I can tell you first hand that no Frenchman will make a controversial decision without first having a meeting to see that he has backing.
The French education system has ensured the continuity of co-operation for far longer than other countries.
Believe it or not, they still use rote in primary and secondary schools.One of the reasons why spontaneity is rare in France.
They use their regionalism as the glue to keep them aligned.
I don’t know about Germany first hand but having met a lot of Germans I would guess the same applies.
I have been told “jokes” about holocaust victims by seemingly “normal” young Germans.
As a musician you will no doubt be aware of the horrendous torture that is “French pop music”
You understand the mores of your country.
I have insights into France and UK.
From my experiences neither would function without a strong desire to fit in from the majority.
Education in Asia is similar. The teacher says something, and the 80 kids in the class shout it straight back at her.
You mention “rote” somewhat disparagingly – and, indeed, rote has been discredited recently.
Rote was a very big part of Catholic School training (i.e., if rote still means essentially memorizing “facts”). For eight years I memorized one thing after another.
It hasn’t (I don’t think) dulled by critical faculties. What it has done is given me a fairly decent memory for trivia – not a bad thing when presenting an argument.
“The thing is, if everyone was like us can you imagine how difficult (Impossible) it would be to get anything done?” – NOT TRUE
We figure things out the old fashioned way. We compete. You try things and go with what works. Want us to change? Simple, prove your way is better. It is? Cool, let’s go with that and repeat until you have it near perfect (Demming method).
How to prove your way is better? Use the scientific method correctly (A big thank you to Ibn al-Haytham and Francis Bacon).
Doubtless you’re right about the type of people needed to keep the system well oiled and running smoothly.
The question is: should the system be up and running? Because we’re part of it and have come to rely on it for our survival, we assume it’s needed and that there would be chaos without it.
But on the whole, hasn’t the system done far more to harm than to help humanity?
I think the herd mentality versus the eccentric mentality pivots on one thing above all else: sports.
I know of no “eccentric” who was gung ho for sports as a kid. Besides training kids to become soldiers when they grow up, sports accentuates the competitive urge by presenting what is arguably the most dangerous human tendency as one of the highest human attributes.
Nothing is more destructive of a genuine sense of community than competition. The fact that that trait is so commonplace gives the lie to the notion that herd mentality is actually about community. It is more likely a form of psychosis in and of itself.
Liver injury following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A multicenter case series
It goes on and on…
Filthy lucre:
Funny how that works.
God, I detest this fucker!
which one?
ah, yeah, i can see why you might.
Uh …why?
He’s as manufactured as Greta Thunberg – but with the added pretentiousness of pseudo-intellectualism and without the excuse of being only a child. What I detest most, though, is the tendency for these issues to get framed around manufactured personalities.
Ok … now cough up some proofs.
c/o Jeff Bezos
Publisher : Chelsea Green Publishing Co (16 Jun. 2022)
Language : English
Hardcover : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 1645021726
ISBN-13 : 978-1645021728
Dimensions : 15.24 x 3.18 x 22.86 cm
Best Sellers Rank: 3,573 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
1 in Elections & Referendums
2 in Philosophical Aesthetics
2 in Computer Security
Best Sellers Rank: 1,585 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
1 in Computer Security
1 in Philosophical Aesthetics
1 in Elections & Referendums
What’s the connection with computer security?
this might be contraversial but by promoting “ break free frim
masses and just forming another mass , isn’t the same thing ? I refer to the article previously written on binary division in society but
i’m quite worried about a backlash a la after the french revolution. a new mob formation, so to speak.
Bring it on! The best of times; the worst of times; whatever !!!
those wewre not fun times, nor was being a catholic in elizabethan times and so on. i’m just rereading bruno novels by parris.
Agreed; I’m overwhelmingly grateful for the detachment of a book and an armchair; and to worry only about stocking up on hot chocolate before they tax it out of existence. There but for the grace of God, etc.
oh no! i am right on imagining much cocoa 🙂
He actually discusses that very thing in the podcast.