“Weekend at Queenies”

Why not share with us YOUR plans for celebrating this magical holiday!…😵💫
JR Leach is a cartoonist, graphic designer and author, his new book The Farmer and the Fald is available from Amazon. You can see more of his work on his website, follow him on twitter.
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Absolute nonsense from the in-house sewer outlet of the UK Compatible Left:
It was very obvious how the Compatible Left’s republicanism melted away for the Jubilee leaving a cult of Windsor worship. Their opposition has only ever been to certain types of monarchy which doesn’t include anything too close to home or the apex of the real power pyramid.
5 soldiers collapse outside St Paul’s Cathedral as Royal Family arrive
Hmmm…sounds like SADS: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Pesky unknown medical issues… what could it be??? We all know the jabs are safe and effective so it must be the intense British early June heat that these elite soldiers simply cannot take!
When Queenie hits the big hundred does she send herself a card?
Nothing against any of the royals personally – well maybe, Andrew. They are a bit of a distraction from the rot in other areas (business, politics, culture and religion) – though they are connected to these too of course. I get frustrated by those who through all their vitriol at the royals or the Thatcher. Face facts. The rot is widespread and deeper than this.
Gawd bless her. Will she last another 10 years and the nation can rejoice together in an (j)oak jubilee?
When royalty finds it’s way to my screen, I find the quickest way possible to remove it. Does not make sense for Americans to hold the descendants of tyrannical monarchs in reverence after having waged war on the American Colonies and killing many of our ancestors in the process.
For the record, I popped a can of beer as I changed the channel on my TV.
Americans do tend to ham up the Revolution a bit. The British aristocracy has always been equal opportunity — they’ll screw anyone regardless of race, color or creed. The didn’t oppress the colonies, they just wanted them to contribute to the cost of their wars. Each colony had its own government and laws and was to a large extent self-governing (this was mentioned in a judgment in London in the early 1700 when some enterprising Virginian brought a slave over to London to sell. Much to his disappointment the courts ruled that “Colonial Law didn’t apply in England” and by extension any slave who touched British soil was automatically freed. Making England the first free state.
A good third of the colonists didn’t want to leave England and many moved north to Canada (which achieved independence without a war). As today the rabble rousers (Samuel Adams being among the chief proponents) carried the populace with half truths and rumor. That’s why you hear a lot about the “Boston Massacre” but nothing about Peterloo and even the Tea Party had a lot in common with its modern namesake (and the mob action on January 6th.). (…and of course the French were in there stirring the geopolitical pot……they got theirs, though, that’ll teach their aristocracy to espouse liberty and what-have-you, its catching!)
Ancient history to the Americas but very recent in England. And very well documented, too. Interesting stuff, but I daresay I’d also be wanting my Independence from the Crown. Its not the government I’d be complaining about but their trade monpolists, they drive colonial policy and prevent us from developing. (Not much has changed for many….)
Fully understand your position. I know it’s over simplification. And we are still “Family” by blood. Two of my grandparents were Scottish, Irish and English. But still. Disney is the culprit, in my opinion. Glorifying royalty.
My daughter had to explain to her daughter that she would never be a princess. Seriously. It was sad day. I cringed when my daughter told me the story of how disappointed she was. Her princess nightgowns and Disney solos lost all their meaning. Fortunately, she still loves to sing. Just not Disney songs anymore. And the nightgowns went to her younger sister who does share the same delusion as her older sister.
What you say about slavery in England deemed unlawful is accurate. I assume you are referring to the Somerset judgment of 1772. Interestingly, the judgment was ruled at the height of the colonies war of independence and that may have been a major influence. The abolition of slavery in the entire empire was not passed until 1833.
As to Canada winning independence without a war…. I watched the video of Trudeau Jr. (?) being sworn in as PM where he pledged his full allegiance not to the people of Canada but to the Crown and the Queen. I found it very touching.
I should also add that my memories of the Coronation (as a small child) were two fold. One was a wet and gloomy day with all the adults watching something really boring on a television. The other was standing in a crowd for hours by the side of the road doing nothing until eventually a car flew by and we were allowed to go home.
Oh come on – you must have seen the window roll down, heard the blast of angelic choirs and witnessed that awe inspiring gloved hand wave majestically!
I met the Queen once in an an informal setting (her backyard at Windsor) and she seemed a nice enough and extremely well spoken lady. She doesn’t so much play a role as much as trapped in one — you get born into it and only recently has one of that crowd escaped this claustrophobic system for the freedom to live their life as they want to.
I have lived in America half of my life (I’m a naturalized Citizen) and I don’t really have anything to say to friends and neigbors who ask “What do you think of the Jubilee?”. My answer has invariably been “Huh?” — it kind of snuck up on me since I’m not a Royal watcher, I’ve never been interested in royalty even when I was an authentic Brit. I think one reason for this is that the monarchy as it currently is is synthetic. It was in danger of becoming irrelevant by late Victorian times so it was rebranded with all the trappings we associate with it dating mostly from that era. The House of Windsor is not really British either — it rebranded itself from “Saxe-Coburg-Gotha” because it was too German, especially for a country that was to go to war with Kaiser Bill (a cousin).
Anyway, we’ve got our own problems…..we don’t need tinsel and glitter…..at least any more than is heaped on us at the moment.
“has one of that crowd escaped this claustrophobic system for the freedom to live their life as they want to”…yes but they still get a lot of money from the public purse via Darling Daddy and have lots of rich friends to lend mansions and jets when they’re running low on cash. Freedom is one thing, supporting that lux lifestyle (which they seem rather unwilling to give up) when you have no skills or funds of your own is quite another. .
You should have decapitated her while you had the chance, slave!
Hear, hear!
It doesn’t matter whether the queen has a nice appearance or not; monarchy is shite god damn!
There are no street parties planned where i live. The people cannot afford it after being fleeced of their time, money, and dignity, for the past few years.
I’m sure another party is right up bojo’s alley, which is where he can stick it all.
Apparently there was an incident in Trafalgar Square earlier. Could this be setting up the narrative if large crowds to not materialize I wonder? They could blame it on people are scared to go.
Trafalgar leyline also a Square which is what a condemned prisoner stands on also has the masonic references to it.

Think about that the next time ‘The ask for permission from the government to demonstrate movement’ run by operatives – Which gets lead by the police to the square.
Large events are rituals.
Nice to see Lame Gallagher outspoken rock n star that said f*ck all during ovid – support act there version of inverted alchemy on the clueless crowd.
a BIG thank you for pointing that out to the reams of unenlightened passing this shit pararde off as “harmless”
Those symbols are made up by a graphic designer.
There is such a contrast between the way the banksters treated two related families. The Windsors have been treated like demigods. The Czar’s family were liquidated in the most brutal fashion.
One bloodline belongs to the “chosen ones”, the other does not…
“A preview of a very different Britain” (Kettle in the Fraud). That’s what this is…
It’s also constructed as a double-bind of course. Take part and appear to endorse it; don’t take part and add to social atomisation. It’s the usual lose-lose scenario.
Parasites all…
Damn! Man, THAT is one SAVAGE cartoon! OUCH! Yeah! Excellent. So good. Thank YOU!
That’s the kind of cartoon that gets you on a watch list. Love it.
Thank you! 🤣🤣
That old hag has probably been dead for some time and just propped up for occasions like this to satisfy the rubes.
It has been said that England has become a Theme Park.
I’ll add “and every now and then it becomes Disneyland”.
Lately every Australian State is promoting its Tourist Attractions on local TV.
All are relying on The Tourist Dollar to help their Recovery from the economically devastating government imposed lockdowns.
Makes me feel i too am living in a Theme Park
And Micky Mouse is in charge.
My take of the cartoon: It’s not insulting Queen Lizzie.
To me The Queen is the example of the Old Country’s resilience.
Look at the way The Country got over its grief from the death of The Queen Mom.
Look at how it survived the hysterical outpouring (demonstration) of mass grief over the death of its Much Loved Princess Diana (Mass grief not orchestrated by those ‘Covid’ hysteria whipper-uppers).
Such Resilience !!
Hang in there Lizzie ! Dont let that idiot WEF-groomed son of yours take over. He’s more boring than his Old Man who wanted to be re-incarnated as a Virus.
KUKR: Keep the UK Resilient !
God save the queen… and the fascist regime
Sex Pistols – God Save The Queen
“There is no future in England’s dreaming.”
There’s a real prophetic power to that song. As a Yank, I’m an Anglophile –that’s the ancestral homeland — and it grieves me utterly to watch that great nation dissolve and die. It’s a fey country now.
I always loved the “Manic Street Preachers” song “Repeat”. Had the great line in it.
“Repeat after me, fuck queen and country”. LMAO. A Welsh band and not fond of monarchy.
Or freedom I’ve heard.
As to celebrating the Q, I actually did so 69 years ago, and here is a small chunk of personal family history (with photos) separating the crowned from the commoners, so different from the offensive political stuff I normally write.
I loved the link. It reminded me of great aunt Dorothy, she too trod the boards. I too get horribly political but my heart is still with all the jabbed up “normies”. Most of them are much kinder people than me. The Queen is the Queen, whatever that is and the cartoon leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can’t help but wonder what the artist would do if he were standing in front of the living woman: grovel probably.
No offense but that is a very strange thing to say. Why be so humorless and precious about an ancient, privileged satanist?
You know her do you?
Thank you, I do so agree. These are human souls, if we agree to regard people as social constructs we are in the trap.
That’s my feeling too. It’s not very popular is it?
There is no evidence that they are “human souls”.
I love sarcasm – if it’s done properly!
You’ve got me puzzled. Are you being sarcastic now, was your post sarcastic? I was just speaking my mind, trying to draw threads together about conflicting feelings. It didn’t go down well with offg-istas did it, but I’m too old and lived too much life to worry about that.
Artist here.
Here’s what I’d do if face to face with the the woman herself… (and it certainly wouldn’t be grovel.) I’d treat her like any other old woman, and politely ask her how being the beneficiary of archaic feudalistic tradition in the face of economic upheaval makes her feel.
If you think the point of the cartoon is to wish her ill, you’re mistaken. It’s to point out of how the festering corruption of the crown is propped up by sycophants and psychopaths to further their own agendas.
I thought the Johnson was good and he’s fair game but being an old man, I treat old ladies with respect and have learned not to make assumptions about people I’ve never met, though stupidly, I still do. I’ve found that- the more that people are agressive and rude about someone in their absence- the more timid and unctuous they are in person. I really don’t know how I would react in the presence of someone with that much power and charisma behind her.
Why would you grovel, they are parasitic, evil scum all part of the controlling cabal!
It depends on what you’d said about them and how many henchmen they had with them at the time.
Grovel? Before that elitist scum? That’s pathetic.
The recent images of “the Queen” have been very strange – some look like doubles and others look faked composites. It would certainly tickle the globalists to have a nation celebrating a national symbol that no longer actually existed.
Stephen Hawking almost certainly died in the 80’s and was replaced by a series of impostors. I don’t always agrees with Miles Mathis but he was right with this one.
It seems socially impossible but perhaps it was introduced as an academic experiment, which Fellows laughed about. And so it was, with corruption of academia being the main aim.
Think you may be right, I reckon she died quite a while ago and the pretence was just to get to this jubilee bollocks and then dumbo will take over for a while.
Its dead.
3×3 and 3+3.
What a fabulous year to die.
Probably been dead for a while, but had to wait for the numbers to align.
Hang em high.
And also, it was coronated in 1953.
2022-1953 = 69
I thought it was meant to be 70?
Aged : 96
“Crowned” : 69 years ago.
Its just a coincidence!
I’m wondering if we’ll see a false flag event tomorrow, 6 6 2022 = 666
Perhaps Lizzie will keel over, or a new ‘variant’ ’emerge’, etc. etc.
Gosh Well done.I might watch that film tonight to celebrate.Its hilarious.
Ah, Off-G is taking a page from Charlie Hebdo with this sensational “cover” illustration.
I fear that torch-bearing Royalist mobs equipped with tumbrils are already storming the Off-G premises, and dusting off the hot seats in the Tower of London!
Judging by a comment above you were completely right 😂
What mighty leaders are really good at_
Yes, that’s wonderful. Is Boris actually trying to be a chimpanzee? He’s got the movements to perfection. One of the very few things he gets to perfection. Thanks for posting Joerg.
Just trying to clear up his own shit!
Hope he had enough room for his hair.
This is my favourite meme from COVID. Hands down makes me laugh every time.
But which one’s the bot? 😀
Like a typical member of this generation she looks exited to meet her doom.
This is off-topic but I think very important.
It now appears that monkeypox may actually be a result of yet another adverse event reported in Pfizer’s clinical trials summary as “autoimmune blistering disease.” As a reminder, this is the clinical trial data that the FDA was trying to withhold from the public for 75 years(!) but mandated for immediate release by a court order.
I’m not a health professional but I think this is a very credible association, especially given the highly unusual geographic distribution of this rare disease.
Thanks to James Roguski for providing a link on his Substack site to this article:
It’s just bloody shingles
Monkey shingles.
Just to remind peeps the k is silent!
You mean, it’s Louse Schwab…?
Moneybox viru$.
When it comes to autoimmune disease triggered by these Covid shots there’s nothing that’s “just” anything. It’s part of cascading events that will result in miserable lives, if not premature death, for most people who took the jabs. I’m surprised you haven’t figured this out by now.
Seeing lots of banner ads around my town lately for Shingles. It appears to be now advertised as common and very normal. Funny, never seen banner ads pasted around town before for it.
Likely another side effect of the experimental injections.
Also, more shingles about because not many kids get chicken pox, just saying.
Every one in four who get shingles will develop cancer within 3 years. I found this info when I had it. It’s depoisoning, don’t suppress it with antiviral drugs. Of course in the case of the vaccinated it’s probably just one symptom of many that they were poisoned. The real problem is – what almost no one will tell you – that they are suffering from radiation sickness due to the väx’ graphene oxide content. In bad cases it means that their bone marrow is ill, dead, the base of the immune system. Inside bleeding is also a symptom, they probably will re-label it to Marburg or Ebola.
Read the symptoms, the source is official, CDC.
Graphene oxide is radio-active? I didn’t know that. Makes sense. I keep wondering why they put it in those vaccines.
And a form of Herpes apparently, which is also on the extensive list of side effects.
…Breaking: – Buckingham Palace reveals plans for HRH’s upcoming, post-mortem 2027 Diamond Jubilee carriage:…
…- The Queen is said to be ‘delighted’ with the new design, reportedly saying, “Power down your weapons and lower your shields. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!…”
Ah I’m pending. It must be because I mentioned the “H” word. (Holocaust)
No. I was wrong, That one got through!
You were lucky. That’s a very dangerous word these days, although perhaps the ‘virus’ and the ‘war’ have kicked it into third place…
My London is currently putting the total at five!
Dropping like flies! THREE soldiers are pictured fainting while on duty outside St Paul’s Cathedral for Queen’s thanksgiving Jubilee service
Pictured: The second soldier – a member of the royal Canadian artillery – continued to stand guard on the steps of the Cathedral
Queen’s Jubilee: 5 soldiers collapse outside St Paul’s Cathedral as Royal Family arrive
Five soldiers collapsed during the St Pauls Thanksgiving ceremony as crowds watched on as they received medical attention on the floor
A military personnel faints on the steps outside St Paul’s Cathedral for the Thanksgiving service in honour of the Queen
One comment – see how long it lasts!
Those who mandated vaccinations on these men destroyed their own, most stalwart defenders. This is the disgrace of a generation, and the betrayal of several.
“French boss of AstraZeneca given knighthood for his part in helping develop a coronavirus vaccine”
Daily Mail:
2017 > 30 degs!
2022 = 20 degs
Maybe it was the wrong sort of heat!
How do we stop the military fainting?
Oct 12, 2021
Forces News
A taboo subject in the Armed Forces – fainting is devastating for those it happens to and can be widely misunderstood.
Major Iain Parsons, a cardiology doctor, is trying to solve the problem – carrying out the first study ever to investigate fainting in the UK military.
“How do we stop the military fainting?”
How do we teach the other furry hats to help each other rather than stand around like a robot. These people are mentally ill.
Global warming strikes again!
They didnt faint. They were prostrating their obeisance.
And if you fart in The Queen’s presence its called A Dishonourable Discharge.
Take those fucking stupid hats off would probably help.
It’s their ‘higher self’ trying to tell them, “I really shouldn’t be here, doing this stuff.”…
Wait a minute, temperature 20ºC?
That’s considered in Scandinavian countries to be the lowest comfortable temperature in which to sit indoors. Lower than that is considered cold.
Standing in full military uniform in that temperature is not a burden, although if the sun shines on a very dark uniform like this, we’re talking serious heat. But I see no shadows…
Just a suggestion: That ‘full military uniform’ be available in a light colour for the summer months.
Oh, and skip the PCR thing. It only leads to time-wasting and energy-consuming jabbing…
What I hate about this royal fixation isn’t so much the royals themselves as the fact that I am supposed to give a shit about it. I mean – they actually don’t mind if you blow off steam at those royal bastards etc. As long as you fixate on them. In a funny way it’s the same with “The Holocaust”. They don’t care if you “deny” the Holocaust. As long as you keep talking about it. The moment we get to a generation which shrugs and says, “Yeah whatever”, they’re fucked.
So … Queenie. Why? Why bother? David Icke actually does the royal family a favour. By describing them as extraterrestrial reptiles he makes them sound almost interesting.
But what about the TV goldfish contingent i.e. the ones just sitting before the telly and taking it all in. Will they hear the announcer say, “This royal celebration is just the tonic the British people need after those two years of pandemic” and then think, “Gosh that’s right! Thank you your majesty!” etc. Do they stick to their sets and lap up every item as if it’s giving them the go-ahead to relax, feel good, get ready, laugh, take up the rifle and ride off etc. Is Queenie the perfect symbol for a circle of emptiness floating in the mind, instead of the mind?
Oh, they definitely care about denying the Holohoax! That’s why it’s illegal in so many EU member states.
Yes, an old woman is still in a German prison for her writings on the big H. The MSM deny that story any airing. I always wondered why the Stalinist genocide of around 40 million Russians is not a holocaust as apparently there is only one!
I think you know the answer.
Russia had to be kept in readiness to be our sworn enemy into the foreseeable future – our indispensible foe.
We mustn’t ever question the Holocaust. Why, to question the Holocaust is to question to Israel, and we can’t have that!
The dead can get offended and living people can get REALLY offended on behalf of the dead- even though neither millions of bodies nor bones were ever found in or around those camps.
It is the very idea that someone could attack Yahweh’s chosen ones that is so frightening.
True enough, but I’d say “successfully attack“.
Well, they’re trying to prop her up. There is a reason connected to droit du seigneur — you get the benefits but you must uphold them (and share the moolah).
Droit du seigneur is the royal version of the Depp-Heard case.
I didn’t read about the legal contest until after it was settled, but the most telling aspect is the public reaction, especially the ‘invested’ left or wokes. The side, take the side!
When I first read Koestler’s Darkness At Noon, I read it three times in succession, it had that kind of impact. Along with Dostoevsky, it gives an insight that even Orwell cannot.
Which is why it was so disappointing to see the GB News rolling out that old trope – 1984 was a warning not a blueprint. What a giveaway that Neil Oliver is controlled opposition – a meme that’s five, going on 50 years old.
So, the kids are all right. The fascists were fake news: the press said it wasn’t Nazi insignia, until Azov took it off, then it “had been Nazi but was no longer”. So nothing to worry about.
The word Nazi flew out the window post ’45 oh yes. As the WHOLE of Europe knuckled down That’s The reality of IT.
Nazi, is a common expression in urban English from early throughout the 1960’s.
In fact earlier, late ’50’s would be my best guess.
“Droit du seigneur is the royal version of the Depp-Heard case.”
Droit du seigneur is a fiction invented by Masonic propagandists for the purposes of destroying the ancien regime generally and a Catholic monarchy specifically. It came from the same cesspools as the stories of Marie-Antoinette’s alleged debaucheries.
What a coincidence that these stories wrecked Britian’s historic enemy….
A Catholic monarchy sounds so wonderful! Just ask around the South American natives! (what’s left of them, that is)