Why is Everything Broken?
Edward Curtin

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash
“Begin then with a fracture, a cesura, a rent; opening a crack in this fallen world, a shaft of light.”
Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body
Being sick for the past few weeks has had its advantages. It has forced me to take a break from writing since I could not concentrate enough to do so. It has gifted me with a deeper sympathy for the vast numbers of the seriously ill around the world, those suffering souls without succor except for desperate prayers for relief.
And it has allowed thoughts to think me as I relinquished all efforts at control for a few miserable weeks of “doing nothing” except napping, reading short paragraphs in books, watching some sports and a documentary, and being receptive to the light coming through the cracks in my consciousness.
I suppose you could say that my temporary illness forced me, as José Ortega Y Gasset described it, virtually and provisionally to withdraw myself from the world and take a stand inside myself – “or, to use a magnificent word which exists only in Spanish, that man can ensimismarse (‘be inside himself’).”
But as I learned, being “inside myself” doesn’t mean the outside world doesn’t come visiting, both in its present and past manifestations. When you are sick, you feel most vulnerable; this sense of frailty breaks you open to strange and familiar thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories that you must catch on the fly, pin with words if you are quick enough. I’ve pinned some over these weeks as they came to me through the cracks.
“Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech,” wrote Norman Brown when he argued for aphoristic truth as opposed to methods or systematic form. These days the feeling that everything is broken is the norm, that madness reigns, that truth is being strangled and all we have are lies and more lies.
Carefully constructed arguments fall on deaf ears as dissociation of the personality, post-modern attention-disorder, gender confusion, and corporate/intelligence mass media propaganda techniques are used daily to sow confusion. In simple colloquial language, people are badly fucked up.
Much of the world is suffering from megrims. Bob Dylan puts it simply:
Broken lines, broken strings
Broken threads, broken springs
Broken idols, broken heads
People sleeping in broken beds
Ain’t no use jiving
Ain’t no use joking
Everything is broken.
Who can disagree? Everyone’s mind seems to be at the end of its tether.
There are obvious answers, and while so many are true, they are insufficient, for they usually scratch the surface of a worldwide crisis that has been developing for at least a century and a half. That crisis is spiritual.
Many can feel it rumbling beneath the surface of world events. It’s a rumbling in the bowels. It’s unspoken. It’s something very dark, sinister, and satanic. It seems to be a form of systemic evil almost with a will of its own that is sweeping the world.
For many decades I have studied, written, and taught in an effort to grasp the essence of what has been happening in our world. My tools have been philosophy, theology, literature, art, and sociology – all the disciplines really, including a careful study of popular culture. It was always a personal quest, for my “career” has been my vocation.
Being trained in the classics from high school through college, and then the scientific method and textual analysis, I adhered for the most part to logical analyses in the classical style.
Such an approach, while possessed of a certain elegance and balance, has serious limitations since it suggests the world follows a neat Aristotelian logic and that there is a method to the world’s madness that is easy to capture in logical argumentation.
Romanticism and existentialism, to name two reactions to such thinking, arose in opposition. Each offered a needed corrective to the reductive, materialist nature of a scientific method that became deified while dismissing God, freedom, and the spiritual as leftover superstitions from olden times.
But I have no sustained argument to offer here, just some scraps I gathered while enduring weeks in the doldrums. I sense these bits of seemingly digressive little flashes in the dark were telling me something about what I have been trying to understand for many years: the grasp the demonic has on our world today.
It is easy to dismiss the use of such a word, for it sounds hyperbolic, and it easily plays into the ridiculous themes of popular Hollywood and tabloid entertainment, which have also become staples of the formerly “serious” media as well.
It’s all entertainment now, life the movie, the unreality of endless propaganda, sick, sordid, and what can only be termed “The Weirdness,” a term my friend the writer and playwright Joe Green has suggested to me.
I think it would be a serious mistake to dismiss the demonic nature of the forces at work in our world today.
Like Rip Van Winkle, I awoke one recent day, a few weeks after I wrote my last article before I got sick, to see that the corporate media/intelligence narrative on the war in Ukraine had taken an abrupt turn.
I had written on May 13, 2022 that certain leftists were parroting the official U.S. propaganda that Russia was losing its battle with the Ukrainian forces.
Noam Chomsky had claimed the U.S. media were doing a good job reporting Russian war crimes in Ukraine and Chris Hedges had said that Russia had suffered “nine weeks of humiliating military failures.”
Now The New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. – mirabile dictu – have suddenly changed their tune and the Russians are winning after all.
Who was asleep? Or was it sleep that prompted such obviously false reporting? For the Russians were clearly winning from the start.
Yet we can be assured the authoritative voices will continue to flip the switch and play mind games, for shock and confusion are keys to effective propaganda, and American exceptionalism with its divine mission, its manifest destiny, is to demonically try to destroy Russia.
The slogan that I learned when I was a Marine before becoming a conscientious objector came to me when I was feverish. “My rifle is my life.” I never thought so, but I did recall how when I was ten-years-old my cousin killed his brother with a rifle, and how I heard the news on the radio while talking with my father. The New York Times reported:
A 9-year-old boy was fatally wounded last night by his brother, 7, while the two were playing with a rifle in a neighbor’s apartment in the northeast Bronx….[the rifle] “was secreted in a bedroom” [under the bed] and was loaded.
Report: Don McLean cancels his singing performance at the National Riffle Association’s convention following the Uvalde school shooting. What an act of moral courage!
Ah, Don, “Now I understand/What you tried to say to me/And how you suffered for your sanity/And how you tried to set them free/They would not listen, they did not know how/Perhaps they’ll listen now” Let’s hope not to you.
I watched the new documentary about George Carlin – “George Carlin’s American Dream.” I have always had a soft spot for George, a fellow New Yorker with a Catholic upbringing, and a good-hearted guy who generously offered to help me years ago when I was fired from a teaching position for ostensibly playing a recording of his seven words that you can never say on television.
The real reasons for my firing were that I was organizing a teacher’s union and had brought well-known anti-war activists to speak at the school. But what struck me in this interesting documentary was George’s facile dismissal of God – “the God bullshit,” as he put it.
Funny, of course, and correct in certain ways, it was also jejune in significant ways and threw God out with the bathwater. It was something I had not previously noticed about his routine, but this time around it hit me as unworthy of his scathing critiques of American life.
It got laughs at the expense of deeper and important truths and probably has had deleterious effects on generations who have been beguiled and besotted by how George’s God critique consonantly fits with the shallow arguments of the new atheists.
George was overreacting to the ignorance of his superficial religious training and not distinguishing God from institutional religion.
Half-awake on the couch one day, I somehow remembered that when I was teaching at another school and involved in anti-war activities, a fellow teacher stopped me on a staircase on a late Friday afternoon when no one was around and tried to get me to join Army Intelligence. “You are exactly the type we could use,” he said, “since you are so outspoken in your anti-war positions.”
I will spare you my reply, which involved words you once could never say on TV. But the encounter taught me an early lesson about distinguishing friend from foe; how treachery is real, and evil often wears a smiley face. The man who approached me was the head of social studies curricula for the Roman Catholic Brooklyn Diocese of New York.
Al Capone, while speaking to Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. in 1931:
People respect nothing nowadays….It is undermining the country. Virtue, honor, truth, and the law have all vanished from our life.”
I also read this from Literature and the Gods by Roberto Calasso:
“… all the mythologies now pass a largely indolent life in a no-man’s-land haunted by gods and vagrant simulacra, by ghosts and Gypsy caravans in constant movement. They learn only to tell their stories again …. Yet it is precisely this ability that is so obviously lacking in the world around us. Behind the trembling curtains of what passes for ‘reality,’ the voices throng. If no one listens, they steal the costume of the first person they can grab and burst onto the stage in ways that can be devastating. Violence is the expedient of what has been refused an audience.”
Lying in bed after a feverish night early on in my sickness, I looked up at the ceiling where a fly was buzzing. I remembered how years ago, when my father was in the hospital after a terrible car accident in which he smashed his head, he told me he was seeing monkeys all over the ceiling of the hospital room.
Later, when I was out of bed, I heard the news reports about monkeypox and thought I was also hallucinating. I started laughing, a sardonic laughter brought to a feverish pitch after more than two years of Covid propaganda. These are the same people who hope to create a transhuman future – mechanical monkeys.
On a table lay the third volume of a trilogy of books – Sinister Forces – by Peter Levenda. I opened it to a bookmarked page.
Anyone who has read these books with a half-way open mind will be shocked by the amount of documented history they contain, history so bizarre and disturbing that reading them is not advisable before bedtime.
Sinister forces that run through American history, indeed, but Levenda presents his material in a most reasonable and fair-minded way. I read these paragraphs:
The historical model I am proposing in these volumes should be obvious by now. By tracing the darker elements of the American experience from the earliest days of the Adena and Hopewell cultures through the discovery by Columbus, the English settlers in Massachusetts and the Salem witchcraft episode, the rise of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Mormons via ceremonial magic and Freemasonry, up to the twentieth century and the support of Nazism by American financiers and politicians before, during, and after World War II, and the UFO phenomenon coming on the heels of that war, we can see the outline of a political ectoplasm taking shape in this historical séance: politics as a continuation of religion by other means.
The ancillary events of the Charles Manson murders, the serial killer phenomenon, Jonestown, and the assassinations of Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Marilyn Monroe are all the result of the demonic possession of the American psyche, like the obscenities spat out by little Regan [The Exorcist], tied to her bed and shrieking at the exorcists. It is said that demonic possession is a way of testing us, and making us aware of the real conflict taking place within us every day….
The more I looked, however, the more I found men with bizarre beliefs and involved in questionable, occult practices at the highest levels of the American government, and buried deep within government agencies.
I also discovered that occultism was embraced by the American military and intelligence establishments as a weapon to be used in the Cold War; and as they did so, they unleashed forces upon the American populace that cannot be called back….
One inevitably was forced back to the CIA and the mind-control experiments that began in the late 1940s and extended nearly to the present day [no, to the present day]. Coincidence piled upon coincidence, indicating the existence of a powerful, subliminal force working at the level of chaos – at the quantum level – and struggling to manifest itself in our reality, our consciousness, our political agenda.
If that all sounds too bizarre for words, unbelievable really, I suggest that one read these books, for if only a minority of Levenda’s claims are true, we are in the grip of evil forces so depraved that fiction writers couldn’t imagine such reality.
As I finish these notes, I am sitting outside on a small porch, watching the rain subside. The sun has just emerged. It is 5:30 P.M. and across the driveway and a lawn of grass, eights foxes have come through the bushes. The parents watch as the six kits jump and scamper around the ground level porch of a cottage that is unoccupied.
The foxes have a den under the porch, and every day for a few months we have been privileged to watch them perform their antics in the mornings and evenings. Cute would be an appropriate word for the kits, especially when they were smaller. But they are growing fast and suddenly one sees and seizes a squirrel and worries it to death by shaking it in its mouth.
Soon they are ripping it to pieces. Cute has turned deadly.
But as the aforementioned Ortega Y Gasset says, while people can be inside themselves, “The animal is pure alteraciόn. It cannot be within itself.” This is because it has no self, “no chez soi, where it can withdraw and rest.”
Foxes always live in pure exteriority, unlike me, who is sitting here with a small glass of wine and thinking about them and the various thoughts that have come to me over these past few weeks.
Before I came outside, I read this from a powerful new article by Naomi Wolf – “Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide” – “It is a time of demons sauntering around in human spaces, though they look human enough themselves, smug in their Italian suits on panels at the World Economic Forum.”
In this piece she writes about what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years, but which a court has released as a result of outside pressure.
These documents reveal evil so depraved that words would fail her if not for her moral conscience and her growing awareness – that I share – that we are dealing with a phenomenon that demands an analysis that is theological, not sociological. She writes:
Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.
So I don’t know about you, but I must switch gears with this kind of unspeakable knowledge to another kind of discourse.
That discourse is religious, for Naomi has realized that our world is in satanic hands, and that only a recognition of that fact offers a way out.
That those who wield weapons both medical and military can only be defeated by those who realize that a key part of the killers’ propaganda has been a long campaign to convince people, not only that God does not exist, but that Satan doesn’t either. This, while they assume the mantle of the evil one.
She says:
This time could really be the last time; these monsters in the labs, on the transnational panels, are so very skillful; and so powerful; and their dark work is so extensive.
If God is there — again — after all the times that we have tried his patience — and who indeed knows? – will we reach out a hand to him in return, will we take hold in the last moment out of this abyss, and simply find a way somehow to walk alongside him?
We will, but only if we also recognize the deeper forces informing our hidden history and haunting our present days. Sometimes an illness can crack you open to being receptive to shafts of light that can lead the way. Yet to do so we must go deep into very dark places.
And since everyone and everything seems broken now – let’s say everyone is just sick in some way – maybe courage is what we need, the simple courage to open ourselves to the voices of the hungry ghosts that haunt this country. Norman O. Brown referred to them and our stage set this way:
Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.
The USA and its allies are waging war on many fronts. It is a form of total war – cold, hot, medical, military, mind-control, spiritual, etc. – that demands a total response from us. None of us is completely innocent; we are all part of the deep evil that is happening all around us. But if we listen carefully, we might hear God asking for our help. For we need each other.
I watch in horror as the cute foxes kill their prey. I must remind myself that that is their nature. As for my fellow humans, I know that it isn’t nature that drives them to kill, maim, hurt, lie, etc.
Everything is truly broken, and I’m not joking.
But someone is laughing.
It’s not God.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Me Curtin you think as I do and I respect how you think.The world in the satanists life is a stage that’s how they do things from Freemasons to royalty it’s all in front the cameras on a stage.Now if everyone of us acted like they do like a stage think how powerful we could be.
I didn’t want to believe the satanic before all this but the more I’ve researched it’s everywhere in politics in symbolism it’s everywhere and to be honest I feel dirty being surrounded by this evil.
Not that I have a problem with the idea of god. I’m indifferent about on which side one is. At the end, I believe this is unimportant for our existence as social beings. Important is how we relate to each other, with or without god. Real religious person, not a mere religious-ritual peddler, should be better in this regard. Well, since the superficial reigns today…
Two things bother me in particular.
It seems to me many are prophesying turning back to god, sometimes even using words like tradition (god! save me from tradition). Turning back, that could be understood as a retrograde move and is psychologically a bad move. Also, things have changed thoroughly from enlightenment onwards, what “worked” then might not work today.
Argumentation that includes god has a lack of persuasive power towards non-religious people. Expecting that people will become truly religious (because of dire circumstances), “qualitatively” more than back in a day, is just naive.
Idea of god is divisive…there is just too many divisive stuff and maybe….maybe We can do something about it.
So what do you suggest with a capital We?
If they are peddling so much satanism what makes you think God is not real?
there are two utterances here: ‘supposedly peddling satanism’ and ‘me thinking god is not real’. Some coherence is missing.
Don’t know how you concluded that I negate god’s existence.
Question of the existence of god is undecidable. It is a matter of belief, faith.
God is God whether one decides to believe it or not. Existence of Absolute Truth is not a matter of believing or faith. The idea that you have to believe the truth, or it doesn’t exist, is absurd. Using reason and logic is imperative.
Dear Human,
Reason tells you that lies are not true. There is no truth in lies.
Conscience tells you that bad is not good, and that only Good is desired. Conscience Knows exactly what is good and what is bad. Pure Evil in its eyes is just rejected.
Human reason and conscience work together in perfect harmony when with God. God is the True Spirit that is always good.
“Everything is truly broken, and I’m not joking.
“But someone is laughing.
“It’s not God.”
That’s right. It’s not God. NOR IS IT IT SATAN.
It is coordinated, aggregated, human high-intelligence sociopaths — who are REAL. But it is not (our hallucinations of) invisible beings — who are NOT REAL.
Got it?
It makes zero difference how “deep” the evil is. The evil is deep not because of a newly triumphant Satan.
The evil is deep because the level of aggregate POWER — namely, technology and other “knowledge”, CREATED BY HUMANS — is unprecedented, and has now reached such a watershed level and concentration, allowing for the first time nearly complete control of the Earth by a tiny minority of coordinated sociopaths, now, just maybe, without any possibility ever again of effective rebellion. Satan didn’t run the world-endangering Manhattan Project — because it didn’t need him. People can be stupid, evil, and/or crazy, all by ourselves!
Got it?
Because if you can’t accept that, we’re really going exactly back to the Middle Ages, the Salem witch trials, the Joe McCarthy era, the 1980s Satanic child abuse trials … and all the rest of all the shut-mind-feedback-loop, hallucinogenic nonsense … and the disasters that resulted. No matter how subtle and sophisticated you think your spirituality is.
That is likely the actual reason that a thinker like George Carlin got apoplectic over the godmongers, and all the rest of the blockheads running/ruining the world — NOT because he had an unscratchable itch from his time in church at age 10.
We need to up our game, guys — and badly.
All very interesting, and some of it perhaps quite correct.
However just saying “This is the way it is” doesn’t make it so.
Other people’s imaginations go in similar directions to yours, but yet others – with no less intelligence or focused thought – go in different directions from yours, and there’s no need to be so dismissive of them.
If there is a God, you ain’t Him, although I heartily agree with you that we need to up our game.
We’ve become very sloppy and lazy.
“However just saying “This is the way it is” doesn’t make it so.”
You are absolutely correct. My apologies to you, and everyone else, for my tantrum.
I’m at wit’s end at our failure — the failures of (apparently) nearly all of us critics, never mind the apparently duped — to step up to the challenge, and truly fight what’s facing us.
In contrast to Curtin’s complaint above about atheism, I am the exact opposite of an arrogant believer in scientism. Just as religion explains nothing, neither does or can science. It’s all belief. I’m asking for us to regain this humility.
If we become disappointed and “down in the dumps” it’s really not so uncommon, and certainly it isn’t an exclusive feature of these crises, although they seem huge, and probably are, at that (though rarely as huge as we make them out, especially in my own “tantrums” it would appear).
But the disappointment, itself, a very wise old priest once told us, is because we are basing our hopes and assessments too much on our own efforts, and not in God’s.
This epigraph from the book about the Island of Iona, in the Hebrides, where I once lived an unforgettable and indelible dream of miracles, in real time 1976, was all the words there were on the first page of Tom Cahill’s fascinating (and real) history, “How the Irish Saved Civilization”.
The quotation itself is a stunning sort of a prose poem by Reinhold Niebuhr, and it is one of those refrains that might well serve as an anthem for all humanity, especially now:
“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetimes; therefore we must be saved by hope.
Nothing which is true, or beautiful, or good, makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.
No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.”
~ from “The Irony of History” by Reinhold Niebuhr
SOMETHING needs to knock our collective rust off.
Maybe that’s why we’ve been given this collective global scourge, visited upon us like a plague.
“La Peste”?!
God is Real. Eternal Truth is eternally true. It doesn’t matter whether one knows and acknowledges it or not. What is true is true.
Man as human beings are not under anything created by some psychopathic individuals.
People better get real. Know who you are, know thy enemy, that’s how you win all wars.
“God is Real. Eternal Truth is eternally true. It doesn’t matter whether one knows and acknowledges it or not. What is true is true.”
Are you (a) God? If not, then you know nothing. You know only what you think, including what you think has been told to you, but nothing at all about the external world. Just like all the rest of us humans, including me.
No I’m not God. No human being is God. But I do know God, and I know the Anti-God and the difference between them.
“But I do know God.”
I assume you will acknowledge you are a human. If you will also acknowledge that every human is imperfect and limited, then you will see that, in consequence, no human can guarantee knowledge of anything. That “anything” includes knowledge of God.
For example, you have absolutely no way of knowing that your (infinitely superior) God is telling you the truth. None. You simply decide you will believe your God. (Or, more likely, the question simply has never crossed your mind, correct?)
wrong, god gave humans morality, without it we would be beasts like the foxes… God gave us a reason to have a spouse and to raise a famly as it is moral. Imagine what society would be without God.. You wouldnt be able to form sentences.
“Imagine what society would be without God.”
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today… Aha-ah…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace… You…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
Chaos. God preserves from that.
Truth is known and can be known. There is knowledge. There is consciousness. And yes there is absolute truth.
You can deny truth, or even that truth exists, but it doesn’t matter. Truth is really the only Real thing there is. It has nothing to do with beliefs.
I don’t deny the existence of truths external to the mind.
I deny that humans can ever be guaranteed knowledge of them, or even have any knowledge of them, period, because every one of us is imperfect, limited, and (as far as I can tell) not one with any external objects. Big difference.
If you can’t be sure of your knowledge, you cannot claim you have it. Instead, you have beliefs. This encompasses everything external to your mind.
If you don’t know the truth of the matter, you can’t recognize the lies surrounding it. The truth of the matter is and can be known. It’s very simple. Like mathematics. Two plus two equals four. This is a truth statement and truth can be known, proven. When we know the truth of the matter, we immediately recognize lies.
As with mathematics: truth is one, lies are many.
If you don’t know that two plus two equals four, then you can believe whatever. You can believe that two and two equals five, because someone says so. Or the majority thinks so. Or that’s what you’ve been told is the truth. None of these beliefs make two and two equal five. The truth of the matter is always one and the same.
Like God. Eternally Unchanging Perfect Spirit of Truth and Love.
Do you realize that, regarding information, you are transmitting absolutely nothing here except your opinion? It’s like a sign with an arrow on it and a description, but the arrow points nowhere that a non-believer can see.
Comparing your belief to 2+2=4 fails, because unlike religious belief, (simple) mathematics is already common knowledge that nearly everyone you communicate already knows. Therefore you can ask “What does 2+2 =?” and have a common understanding. Religious knowledge is the opposite — it is completely non-transferable. Either you believe it already, or you don’t. There’s nothing to prove, because it’s unprovable.
If you want to ridicule or tease a non-believer, of course you can do that, but it is meaningless, and of course, much worse, counterproductive, and arguably evil. You have to SHOW what you mean to a non-beliver in a way that THAT PERSON can understand.
Thus, talking to a general audience like the one in this forum is most likely a complete waste of time.
I am not talking about religion or religious beliefs. If anything, what I’m saying is that lies must be believed, truth is known.
It’s very illogical of you to think that you can equate God with religion or whatever beliefs there are. God is God.
God is known.
God is the only one who can prove God.
God has proven to me that God is God. God is also proven by Logic.
Similarly 2+2=4 is proven by practical testing and logic.
In order to understand that 2+2=4, these symbols must be known and understood correctly. If someone has no idea what these symbols mean, 2+2 is just meaningless waste of time.
Spirit works spiritually. Every human being is spirited or is a spirit. Belief that you are your body is quite insane when you think about it at all. Human beings are not their age or gender, their careers or family, their this or that. The actual true you is spirit. Spirit is very natural to human beings, and it’s taken a lot of effort from the Anti-God to make us forget our true nature and God.
I’m not mocking you in any way. I’m talking about truth versus lies and the clear difference between them. 2+2=4, but it doesn’t equal 4,25 or 3,99. Nothing can be taken out of truth. Nothing can be added to it. Simple mathematics works as objectively true. That’s why it’s a very good comparison to God. God is pure and simple. God is always everywhere. The Anti-God with all its legions lies about God and everything.
It’s important to know that lies are not true. A lie can never be true. No amount of beliefs can ever make lies true. So truth is eternally true. Lies are not needed at all.
Your text above is riddled with holes:
-“It’s very illogical of you to think that you can equate God with religion or whatever beliefs there are. God is God. / God is known. / God is the only one who can prove God. / God has proven to me that God is God. God is also proven by Logic.” — Are you actually trying to convince me of anything here? Then what is the point of your saying these things (to an atheist)? They seem far better suited to those of like (religious) mind who can intuit what you are talking about (whether validly or not).
-“…lies must be believed, truth is known.” – Frankly, this just sounds like gibberish.
-“If someone has no idea what these symbols mean, 2+2 is just meaningless waste of time.” – So, you don’t agree with what I said above that most (sane adults) today do know what these symbols mean? What is the point of your saying this, as it does not refute what I said?
-“Every human being is spirited or is a spirit.” -How, exactly, do you know this? On second thought, don’t bother “explaining” it to me.
-“Belief that you are your body is quite insane when you think about it at all.” – Believe me, I’ve thought about it a lot, and for me it’s the only sensible one. Now what? Do I really appear insane to you?
-etc, etc.
In sum, you do not appear to have great ability with the (Enlightenment) concepts of logic or evidence, if a nobody like me can see the above — or, if you do, you certainly do not know how to effectively communicate them. I don’t hold this against you. Despite the connotation of what I just said (in the pistol-whipping-by-intellect world of the early 21st century I), I truly don’t say that condescendingly. For it is not just you who are not up to the task, apparently most of the rest of aren’t too, and that is not a moral fault. But it certainly is a functional fault.
Instead, I am aiming be quite blunt that our way out of this horrific global mess does not lie in an appeal to spirituality, certainly not as a primary strategy, and certainly not by rejecting atheists like me. Or, in the ironic logic of certain believers, “God helps those who help themselves.”
So, my appeal to you is to not reject atheists in this global struggle. If you already accept this, thank you. But if not, I strongly suggest you revisit your assumptions. Unless you’re waiting for the rapture, and a nuclear holocaust is all just fine, you’re gonna need us, desperately.
If you’ve given a lot of thought to the question of who you are, and you’ve concluded that you are the body, who is the you that done the thinking? Your body thought?
Tell me, how does that happen. Does your body somehow mystically know what is true? What parts of your body are you talking about, or is it the whole body that you think is you?
You’ve certainly changed a lot. I can tell without seeing you. Just yesterday you were quite different. You do realize that there’s nothing permanent in the body?
Are you the billions of bacteria in your stomach too? Do those think and believe too?
You see, I don’t believe you’ve given much thought to this question.
You defend your beliefs even when there’s no logic in them. You keep talking about religion, but you don’t say what religion. You don’t seem to understand the basic logic that things are what they are. And that things are not what they are not. Reason requires logic. It requires truth. Only truth is logical. It is indeed quite insane and illogical to think that 2+2=5. It doesn’t make any sense, nor can it be proven. None of the lies make any sense. Knowing the difference between truth and lies is essential.
Lies can’t be fought with more lies or other lies. Lies cease to exist when there’s knowledge of truth.
Truth of course is spiritual. It is impossible to find truth in any physical object.
As I’ve said elsewhere here, there is no accessible truth — it is all belief. All human thought. It’s built into the limitations and imperfections of all humans — even you (and me, of course). Therefore knowledge about anything — including any God — is not possible. All the stuff you said above, just now, ignores this.
But for some reason, you either don’t understand (or are maybe in denial about) these very elementary and crushing points about all truth claims. If you can actually refute them (I’m not perfect, after all)… you’re not doing so.
So, I’m not going to repeat myself any longer.
Your argument, ”the truth is that there is no truth” is self-contradictory. It is a false argument. It is also illogical.
My argument, ”truth exists and can be known”.
Your argument, ”no-one can know, other than their beliefs”.
My argument, ”knowledge exists, beliefs are arbitrary”.
Your argument, ”truth is there are only beliefs”.
My argument, ”truth is truth, beliefs are beliefs”.
Your argument, ”You don’t use logic”.
My argument, ”You don’t know logic”.
“Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.” (Ibn Sina)
OK. I’ll continue this, to clarify my argumentation so as to apply it more successfully in the future, as well as tease out the depths of your thought. You appear willing to fight “to the death” to defend it, and I admit it does interest me how your mind works …
“Your argument, ‘the truth is that there is no truth’ is self-contradictory. It is a false argument. It is also illogical.”
I did not mean “there is no truth”. Earlier I said something like this, so I confess that this could have been confusing. I used shorthand that was imprecise. My apologies, but …
Language is often a battle between (short) clarity and (lengthy) precision. Language, as it is used for external communication between minds not only within one, cannot always perfectly match thoughts, for the simple reason — and here, possibly oversimplified, sorry — that thought and language are two different things. Likewise, perception (in the human mind) never matches reality (most of which is unavoidably outside the mind).
Back to the immediate point: I meant any truth that exists external to the conscious mind is not fully accessible by humans. That does not mean this truth doesn’t exist. It does mean we can never be sure of it, that is, “know” it. If, denying this claim of mine, you are sure you can “know” something, that confidence proves nothing to me except your psychological state.
“My argument, ‘truth exists and can be known’. / Your argument, ‘no-one can know, other than their beliefs’.
Correct. (Your paraphrasing of my part looks safe, anyway.) And so your counterargument is?
“My argument, ‘knowledge exists, beliefs are arbitrary’. / Your argument, ‘truth is there are only beliefs’.
To know something requires that the observer (the person knowing it) be one with the observed. That is only true of one’s own thoughts. For all uses of the word “knowledge” beyond that, knowledge is not possible, only perceptions, beliefs, and other human-attributable things apply.
“My argument, ‘truth is truth, beliefs are beliefs’. / Your argument, ‘You don’t use logic’.”
Your phrase “truth is truth, beliefs are beliefs” is meaningless. It’s like “1 = 1”. Unless you expand upon this to reveal the actual thoughts you have behind this vacuity, it says nothing to me. You may believe you are using sufficient logic, but from my point of view, whatever logic you are using is often kept hidden in your thoughts. I cannot see it here.
“My argument, ‘You don’t know logic’.”
And so your argument here is? Or did you mean your preceding lines “proved” it??
But that does bring up for me an excellent point: Not only does nobody sufficiently understand the external world, but nobody sufficiently understands logic, *either*: Look up Kurt Gödel and his incompleteness theorem. We simply do our best. As far as my decades of experience have shown to me, religious/spirituality does an inferior job at this, or more precisely (and giving them the benefit of the doubt), religious apologists are utterly unable to communicate it. Your statements here have certainly not improved things here for me. Have you by any chance read “Whose Justice? Which Rationality?” by Alasdair MacIntyre? It may be relevant to our inability to understand each other.
“Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.” (Ibn Sina)
That’s a nice expression about the level of frustration a teacher can feel about the failure he/she may have to communicate his/her thoughts to a student, with a solution that was, of course, eventually rejected by the West. But that failure can just as easily be the fault of the teacher, not just the student. Also, I do think Ibn Sina needs to have a talk with Kurt Gödel about contradictions, the former as a student, that is…
When I speak of truth, I mean truth. I don’t mean that ”2+2=4” or that ”circles are not squares” but I mean any and every truth. So truth in its essence.
Which is the necessary God. All truth is in the All-knowing and All-good God.
Any confusion about truth is just ignorance. It is not-knowledge.
Simple logic is like this: God is God; God is not what God is not; God is not Anti-God; God is not un-God, a-God or not-God.
Only God is God and there is no other God.
This truth is self-evident. Immediately when there’s truth about God. In other words, when there’s knowledge. You see, lies are not knowledge.
If someone believes something insane and illogical, for example that black is white, a lie is true, All-good God is evil, necessary is futile, you are not you, and so on and so on, the lack of logic reveals that it’s not true. Illogical statements are not true.
But in order to know what is illogical and what is logical, one needs to know truth.
Logic can only build on truth.
If a lie is the basis of logic, then everything that follows is wrong. Lies are false beliefs or presumptions.
Lies are not real. They are untruths, nontruths or anti-truths.
As lies are not real, there’s no real reason to believe them.
But if one however believes a lie, it easily leads to other lies, and that’s how the human mind is in confusion, not in clarity. Therefore there are beliefs. Beliefs of course can be right, but most often they are not. Entire belief systems are wrong, when they are not based on truth. Logic, proof of logic, knowledge of truth and wisdom are clear. There is no confusion. That state of mind is quite attainable for any human.
There is a battle for your mind and it’s fought in spirit.
Some people are aware of it, obviously many are not.
Context matters. Try this in Excel: In cell A1 enter 2.4, in cell A2 enter 2.4, and in cell A3 enter =A1+A2 Now change the formats of the three cells to Number with Zero Decimal Digits. What you will see is 2+2=5
“But I do know God…..”
This could be understood as hubris at its finest, therefore you just don’t say it….just don’t. God is unknowable by definition.
You believe in god and that is just fine. You have faith (I hope), this is good.
God is not unknowable by definition. You just made that up!
When ignorance speaks, it reveals itself. It is naked and exposed.
Those who know, know.
Those who don’t know, don’t know.
Ignorance and arrogance is hybris.
It’s about hubris, indeed.
….or your idea of god is kind of…different
What do you say about Tao Te Ching One
Why isn’t Everything Broken?
“General of the Russian Army, Sergei Shoigu June 07, 2022 teleconference Key points🔻
🔹 97% of the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic has been liberated.
🔹 Residential areas of Severodonetsk have been fully liberated.
🔹 In Mariupol, water and electricity supply to residential areas is being restored, streets are being cleared and the first social facilities have started to function.
🔹 The Azovstal plant, including its underground facilities, has been completely cleared of mines.
🔹 Berdyansk sea port has started to operate. On behalf of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief [President Putin?] they are ready to load grain at these ports.
🔹 The largest nuclear power plant in Europe, Zaporozhye, which can generate up to half of all nuclear power generation capacity of Ukraine, is operating normally.
🔹33 coal mines, 2 oil fields and 14 gas fields taken over by Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics during the special military operation continue to operate normally.
🔹 While retreating, Ukrainian nationalists seek to cause maximum damage to these industries. In turn, the Russian military, while liberating the Donbass, is taking industry facilities under its protection, thus preserving the potential for the development of the region’s economy. The liberated territories are home to 57% of Ukraine’s steelmaking capacity.
🔹 The restoration of transport infrastructure and water supply creates favourable conditions for the development of agricultural sector in the liberated territories.
Thank you for this very well written piece!
There is indeed evil forces pushing humanity into the precipice of a deep dark hole directly leading to hell. This is not metaphorical! These evil forces have been at work for centuries if not millennial and their biggest most effective trick to subjugate the masses was to make everybody believe that there is no such thing as “God”, that this whole thing is meaningless, the spirit does not exist etc.. This message was pushed thru in various fields via different channels with active agents doing it knowingly or despite of themselves. Some conveyed it to deceive and some just to sound cool or smart or to embrace the zeitgeist! Either way they’ve been very successful, unfortunately. Good news is it’s never too late to regain full consciousness, to reconnect to the source of goodness and thereby freeing oneself from the tyranny of the devil… That’s what life is and has been about all along after all, at any given time!
Everything is broken because everything has been fixed. >
Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) registered numbers of US Corporate Government and most Major Agencies
DUNS Numbers of the US Corporate Government and Most of Its Major Agencies | Scanned Retina – A Resource for the People! (wordpress.com)
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, as they say…
“Fixed” has more than one meaning. Hence: “If it ain’t been fixed, break it.”
Serious question: Exactly when was the phrase “Build Back Better” first used in reference to the (pseudo)pandemic, and by whom?
By Biden, I believe, in March 2020, long before any honest or innocent person could possibly have known how destructive the effects of “the coronavirus” (sic) would be.
Suddenly, by no later than June 2020, every “world leader” was mouthing the phrase incessantly. So how did these clairvoyant fixers know that everything was going to be broken?
Note: Wikipedia (spook central) is engaged in a deliberate campaign of obfuscation.
From Jorges Vilches:
Oh dear, a dearth of “noble gasses” used for semi-conductors? Yaaaaaah! The fewer spy chips out there, the better. Maybe we can all breathe a little easier for a little while?
(According to Wikipedia, Neon is the 5th most abundant element in the universe – but in very short supply on planet Earth. Kind of makes you think “God” was looking after us after all, doesn’t it? Imagine the horrors we could have inflicted had “our” planet had a hefty supply of Neon.)
A little war news–
Bloomberg reported that the Ukrainian government has not approved the Russian-Turkish plan to clear sea lanes and escort ships with Ukrainian grain. Kyiv is said to be “afraid of losing an important port”, which will become vulnerable if Ukrainian sea mines are removed.
To prevent withdrawal of their own troops, Ukrainian nationalists blew up the bridge across the Seversky Donets. Cut off from the main forces and supplies because of this, remnants of the battalions of Ukrainian 95th Airborne Assault Brigade and 81st Airmobile Brigade abandoned equipment and weapons under fire and scattered throughout the country. along the coast. Almost a hundred troops swam across the river, the Russian army did not shoot at them.
” We believe that the refusal of the Ukrainian military to defend the useless Kyiv regime led by nationalists is the only correct thing to do, and not cowardice. Therefore, everyone saved their lives. We call on all military and members of the Ukrainian territorial defense units to follow this example “.
Zaporozhye oblast: about 80% of the inhabitants want the region to join Russia, said Rogov, a member of the main council of the local civil-military administration. Rubles now official currency in Kherson region. The southern port city of Kherson is under Russian control and Russian passports are also being offered to residents in Kherson as well as the Zaporizhzhia oblast. These are the oblasts just SW of Lugansk & Donetsk. Kherson is nearly touching Crimea. Next oblast in line follows Ukraine’s border West; it’s Mykolaiv. bordering Odessa oblast, the peninsula into the Black Sea.
A number of war videos at this site.
Ay, perdon. Odessa oblast certainly not a peninsula into the Black Sea.
Thank you for the correction. Though there is a slender finger of land pointing toward Odessa, main peninsula is Crimea. Map:
Thanks NickM, I actually thought Crimea was an island, but turns out there’s a 5-7 km wide isthmus connecting it to Kherson oblast.
I was looking at an isolated map of Ukraine when I mistook the long shape of Odessa oblast as a peninsula. (I forgot about Moldova and Romania which border it.)
I wonder about Russian intentions in Kharkiv oblast, the one to the West of Lugansk & North of Donetsk. Lot of fighting there; could be the Russians are just pinning the Ukrainians down there, or could be they have intentions to take it.
If they’re going by language they wd take Kharkiv & Dnipropetrovsk oblasts too. Dnipropetrovsk is the one directly West of Donetsk & North of Zaporozhye oblast.
It’s more than possible that this war has a predetermined outcome among TPTB. If Poland takes a chunk even if by treaty then I expect Belarus would take one too– and Belarus is practically Russia. Ah, well, speculation. . .
In a very real, historical sense, Ukraine was Russia, in its very name, before Russia even ever was. If one chooses to look at it like that.
“Kievan Rus” it was called, about a thousand years ago or so, and then there came ‘Rus’ and ‘Belarus’.
Turnabout’s fair play.
“I wonder about Russian intentions in Kharkiv oblast”.
Kharkov was the second largest city in the Russian Ukraina and right on the border, so I expected it to return early. But there seems to have been a lot of fighting, so it must have been left to cool while Russia consolidates the Black Sea littoral, reopens the port of Mariupol (eg, for grain export), and shapes the landbridge to Crimea and Odessa. Meanwhile the Ukro-nazi soldiers holed up in Kharkov will have woken from their dream world: once again, Nazism has fooled a people into becoming cannon fodder for the insane ambition of genocidal Leaders.
A sad personal aspect of this mass tragedy is a young woman I know from Kharkov who emigrated happily 20 years ago but is now growing frantic over her old mother who stayed. I wish the fighting in Kharkov would stop for her sake.
Putin spells Ukraine as Mykraine.
Mother Russia spells Ukraine same as Catherine the Great did: Our Kraina.
We are living through the time of Ahriman. Entranced by the material and technological. Steiner might suggest we try to balance ourselves with the energy of the devil – base desires. A bit of wild forest fucking, a bit of intoxication, a bit of revelry wouldn’t go astray I’m thinking.
That is what in baseball or rugby, etc, is termed “dropping the ball” or Sirach 2 warns as “woe to him who treads a double path.” Nothing new, just very unsound advice, to say the least. But then. you knew that.
“The point to remember is, however, that the people who do most to prepare for the incarnation of Ahriman are those who constantly preach, “All that is required is to read the Gospels word-for-word -no more than that!”
Yes, Dollyboy– a major mission of Yale’s Skull&Bones secret society (of Bush family fame) was to infiltrate the teachings of Ministry degree colleges. I’m convinced they were behind the movement of Christianity away from doing good in the world to merely “having a relationship with God.”
The essential thing about genuine Christianity (which is a pretty rare thing these days) is the building of a personal, individual, relationship with ‘God’, although what that means to you is still influenced strongly by your nationality and upbringing.
The Old Testament was about the relationship of the group with God. All that was supposed to change, starting two thousand years ago, but it clearly hasn’t got very far yet.
In due course it undoubtedly will, although of course we are certainly going through a period of severe testing of the individual soul right now.
The “Major Malfunction” (the notorious CapCom real-time remark about the 1986 Challenger explosion) with American Christianity today, it has been increasingly “weaponized” and with the worst “malice aforethought. Hitler had a similar program. American oligarch corporatism has relentlessly deployed and polluted it. What else?
One of the many positives of digital font perception has been the perfectically normal realisation the cloaking effect of few in societies who are uncomfortable with popularity.
Aside from those complexes who can just do something else during, whether they choose to believe it or not with their own given free time., are the even smaller number who appear confused when the individuals are collectively enjoying a happening.
An even less tiny majority ignoring the downright bitter with the Net we have such as overseas players who’d be better off hearing “Oh!, go fuck yourself miserable git”.
The present state of things is something I ponder every day. I don’t have the bona fides that Mr. Curtin has, I haven’t spent a lifetime reading about anything and I don’t have a college degree. However, I do have nearly seven decades of life experience including marrying, raising three children, and running my own business.
It’s true that I message OMG occasionally, and also Goddamnit! from time to time. At the end of the day, I doubt very much there is a deity of any kind. I think there may well be a collective spirituality however, not unlike The Force of Star Wars fame. Having had two out of body experiences, I know our physical selves are accompanied by another element of our being. Similarly, the chances of some evil demon, the guy that made everyone do it, don’t exist.
I recently finished “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel and I must admit that given his research, a strong argument might be made that someone named Jesus did indeed exist 2000 years ago. It likewise seems that that someone also performed miracles, or at least deeds which were incomprehensible to his contemporaries. But it is my humble opinion that whoever Jesus was, he was not of this planet, but not from heaven either.
So I find it difficult to consider the world’s problems in terms of cosmic forces of good and evil. It’s much easier to consider things in terms of human characteristics. After all, we deal with humans every single day. If there’s anything about humans that might be considered evil, it’s greed, or the desire for more, which in my opinion is humanity’s single greatest problem. Although someone apparently said, Money is the root of all evil!, I say lack of money is the root of some of it, but greed for the power to control others is responsible for the vast majority of it.
“JFK and the Unspeakable” by James W. Douglass is about the CIA’s, and other’s, coordinated effort to assassinate JFK. Many other aspects of what goes on behind the scenes are revealed therein. The book is well worth reading. (I guess I am going to have to read Peter Levenda’s trilogy.) If you substitute CIA for Satan in Mr. Curtin’s piece, many things fall into place.
There exists in all of us a desire for more. More money, more influence, more whatever makes us feel good. But like everything else, more needs to be balanced with what also works for those around us. In some individuals, there are no genetic stops to quell the more. They will do anything to achieve their more, and since they have no built in limits, they stop at nothing. Eventually they get to be Hillary Clinton or Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab. And then they think that since they made it that far, they feel that they “know”. They know just what everyone else needs and should do. And they also know they must continue in their roles as globalists in control because otherwise the planet will descend into unbridled pandemonium. What would we do without them?
There is no god, there are no demons. There is only the human failing that allows some individuals to become convinced that they deserve to control others.
Christianity was created by powerful banking related forces. As were Islam and Marxism. There is probably a god that manifests itself in the wonders of nature. This god has very little to do with the god of organised religion which is a control mechanism. JFK was murdered by deep state forces. The CIA and Mossad were acting on behalf of these forces.
This has barely been reported in the UK media. He also made 86 appearances for Chelsea.
Former PSG defender Alex has heart surgery
By Thomas Varin
Published on 06/04/2022
Former Paris Saint-Germain defender Alex has announced that he has undergone coronary artery bypass surgery. The 39-year-old Brazilian, retired since 2016, recently underwent heart surgery and gave news via a video posted on social media on Saturday by Santos FC, his former club. According to Brazilian media, Le Tank has already left intensive care and is expected to remain under observation for a few more days before returning home.
Perhaps something strange was going on with the search. I tried again and found a few articles.
Ex-Chelsea and AC Milan defender Alex, 39, undergoes heart bypass surgery to clear four blocked arteries as the Brazilian confirms he will remain in hospital for six days to recover
4 June 2022
‘I came here to deny reports saying I had a heart attack. I found a (health) problem a few days ago, doctors decided to give me a bypass surgery. I had four blocked arteries,’ Alex said.
‘I just left the intensive care unit, I will stay at the hospital for another six days.’
A retired footballer may well have been spending his millions on cocaine. It’s those still playing and dropping from heart issues that are of more concern.
Without knowledge of proper tests, no individual case is proof of anything. However, it’s the accumulation which becomes overwhelming. And like the retired cricketers who’ve been dropping dead or having major heart issues, he otherwise looks reasonably healthy.
Why indeed? Network Admin on June 06, 2022 · at 10:55 am EST/EDT asks:
“Why do we need a POTU$A, if our prices for gasoline and sausage are set personally by Putin?”
This notes the dark side only, and ignores the light. For all the evil people, beliefs and incidents, there are at least equal numbers of light and goodness, kindness and joy. For example, why does the article concentrate on the fox killing a squirrel? Foxes are predators, and nature is a constant balance of living, dying and being born. People are greedy and cruel, and they’re also generous and kind.
It’s a negative viewpoint denying the positive aspect of existence. Gratitude practice is healing, because in thanking existence/God/the Universe for everything we have been given, we find that we can never come to the end of our blessings. People take everything for granted except the evil, which they think should not exist.
It’s like walking through a forest and only noticing the rotting and dying ground cover. Or living in a city and not knowing there is such a thing as a forest.
In the Bible, Job is brought to utter poverty and illness and his wife tells him “Curse God, and die” and he answers “Do you think only good comes from God, and not evil?”. All existence is a balance between the light and the dark.
In a Peanuts cartoon, Linus says to Lucy, “Life is full of ups and downs” and she yells at him, “I don’t want any downs! Only ups!”. Why do people see that she’s being unreasonable, but don’t recognize that in expecting only good in life, they are acting like children?
And if Al Capone is your authority for the state of ethics and morality in today’s world, you are bound to have a negative view.
Attitude is crucial to accepting life in this baffling world.
I don’t think the article ignores the light.
The author’s language indicates many beautiful things, and those things are there for any one of us to contemplate, if we want to.
The dark side is crawling all around us right now, and we need to know its characteristics very well if we are going to survive intact. That doesn’t necessitate throwing away the light, and I really don’t think Curtin has done that.
In fact writing an article like this at all is an indicator that the author is not content just to sit back and say, “Oh, well, there’s nothing we can do”.
Every one of us here who bothers to comment is also showing that – at least at some level – we care, and we see the dark because we have the light with which to compare it.
The converse of that is of course equally important.
So the Queen told everyone to get vaxxed.
I would cut her some slack for being old – anyway the scripts appear in front of her and she is trained to read them. But it hardly accords with the people’s princess.
As you can gather I was brought up in her awe. I was drilled like a cadet before royals. Elizabeth’s signature was on my dad’s wall – all diplomatic appointments get Queenie’s impress.
My great grandmother was a debutante presented to the queen of the day. By coincidence I was presented to her granddaughter.
Neil Oliver offers up a pean of praise to Her Majesty.
I suspect the net is now tightly controlled. You don’t get views if the powers decide otherwise. I Tweet into zero… there is no response. Nothing. Absolutely silenced.
I don’t accuse anyone of conspiracy since my mother worked for MI5 and my father for the Central Office of Information. I know how it works.
It doesn’t interest me. My grandfather’s family and the Rhodes connection is much deeper and inadequately plumbed.
For spies. I have an eye. If I respected them, life would take a different trajectory. Modern spies are scum.
Young Yuval Harari will be one of the first victims of the totalitarianism for which he’s a shill.
The Bolsheviks first hoisted, then buried the rainbow flag. They had lots of pride but only for themselves.
The trajectory of the Nazis was exactly the same. Ernst Rohm of the Brownshirts was used in the trendy phase of Nazism. His SA was run like the scouts and attracted some of the same people.
The swastika is the Buddhist wheel of life.
Then came the Night Of The Long Knives when the trendy and louche phase was done.
The good news: history shows that fear is often more menacing than the reality.
It is highly likely that much of The Great Reset is shadows on the wall, a horror movie, predictive programming, behavioural psychology intended to present the appearance of overwhelming force and technology.
C Wright Mills said civilians are “psychically raped” by governments when the latter present the military as here for you.
I like your last paragraph.
I wrote on the other day that I grew up in the then-totalitarian then-Czechoslovakia. During my childhood and early teens, it seemed that the bolshevik regime was cemented in place for ever and ever (that used to be one of the propagandist slogans posted in town squares if I remember correctly), that there was no power in the Universe to oust the opportunist fucks who piggybacked communism to usurp power and subjugate the populace. Hitting the road seemed the only solution (luckily, there was a better alternative back then).
Lo and behold, in just a few years, the regime disintegrated, gone with the wind in just a few months.
Nothing last forever and nothing is as bad as it might initially seem. We must not succumb to pity that the world is not what it was or fear that they’re after us. We gotta find the lion within us, get tough and get going.
Ultimately, it’s us, the people, who will prevail, and the world will be a better place.
You wrote: “I suspect the net is now tightly controlled. You don’t get views if the powers decide otherwise. I Tweet into zero… there is no response. Nothing. Absolutely silenced.”
Beyond blocking views, the techs can get your feed to do whatever they want.
I had an epiphany 15 years ago, already, when I got Netflix on the phone for poor streaming quality, and tech asked, “May I split your screen?”
Then he walked me thru two versions, his and mine.
Agents can totally control all that you see on it
Or don’t see. In real time…
All controlled centrally by TSAPTB (I prefer this for accuracy: “The SELF-APPOINTED Powers that “be”. TSAPTB, more correct?)
All one can say upon reading Edward’s article is, yes.
And Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges are conclusively outed. Who else?
Bob Dylan, the hipster Herr Kissinger (see: former’s IBM adverts).
Bad enough. All in public view have made concessions. No?
I was shocked that the great Ossie Davis spent his last years in Oldsmobile commercials?
Why? A man who gave eulogies at both the MLK and Malcolm X funerals?? From distinction to car sales?
Dylan has a number of ex-wives to support. He took whatever work thrown his way to pay support monies.
Motto: Dont marry if you’re Rich / Dont try to get Rich if you’re married.
You would think he’d be more careful about preserving his image, especially after all the fanboy blowback he got 60 years ago when he went from acoustic guitar to electric, LOL!
It’s exactly as Cyndi Lauper’s song says: “Money changes everything!”
A rich artist is a contradiction in terms. Not necessarily because money corrupts; but where the money comes from does corrupt.
This is why the most blessed period in human history is the couple hundred years separating the great classical composers from the present. That way we can read about their aristocratic patrons without getting too close to what patronage means.
I have actually experienced that, with the fat cats of Cleveland Orchestra, a big big biz. They were making me a star and I saw how the “star system” worked. “Let’s promote you! Only one catch: let us clip your wings. And by the way own you”. I bailed, then they seriously blacklisted me, I handed them my opinion like their very own prize turd, to keep, publicly, then blacklisted deeper black, but hard to prove. Just ask William Preucil (search that name!?).
60’s poem title from Wayback, “The Politics of Rich Painters is Something Like the Rest of Our Doubt”
Remember when Cuomo killed 1000’s & 1000’s of old people in their care homes w/his “policies” and then covered it all up. And when what he’d done got out that “sexual harassment” claim “popped up” so he could step down and get away with all the killing & coverup? I do. legalman
Matt Hancock had the similar template. Caught snogging then resigned at perfect moment. javid came along and on they continued.
Same with the nonsense PM – Cameron 2015 issues about Brexit psyop in December concentrate the blame scape goat ritual – come June 2016 resigned.
Theresa May which is a play on MT( not Mother Theresa ) exact same template concentrate the blame come June reigned.
It just continues helped along by your M.I.C alt media.
6/6 ritual during the build up to the highest energy point of the year ( is in nature).
Who is Tayler Hansen?
Tayler Hansen @TaylerUSA
Jun 5, 2022
I asked the attendees and “security” of “DRAG THE KIDS TO PRIDE” if they could defend their opinions or the child drag show—
They didn’t have much to say…
Videos taken by journalist Tayler Hansen show Ashli Babbitt preventing violence inside US Capitol
Jan 25, 2022
Independent Journalist Tayler Hansen was inside the U.S. Capitol that day, alongside Ashli Babbitt for the moments just before she was shot and killed.
Question everything!
Tayler Hansen appears throughout the Capitol Shooting video; and in the Caravan To Midnight video he’s discussed at 25:00; 35:30; 39:30.
Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting in 21 Minutes or Less
Wooz News
Feb 8, 2021
Dedicated to the memory of Jeff C.
The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we’re going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it’s going to be a bumpy ride… down the Babbitt hole.
Caravan To Midnight – A Scripted Affair
John B Wells & Wooz News
March 3, 2021
Have Wooz News done anything since Caravan to Midnight? They had a few other vids before that one (including one on Event 201) but silence since..
He posted this in the comments 2 months ago:
So it looks like we just have to wait!
Giving themselves a review that they did just splendidly:
Alternatively, one might say 3/4s of the people wanted nothing to do with it. That’s if one can remotely believe their poll with its suspiciously Occulted results (“3.3m”… ).
The contrast will be with today’s divisions. It’s Psyops 101 to keep punching them with contradictions. Every day could be like Jubilee Day without those pesky populists!
Nice article, but God does not need us, nor do such sacred musings require the weak and cowardly rubberstamp of the F word.
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
14 And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.
15 The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,
18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!
19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea…
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived
The Phoenicians are alive and well, so much so that the book of Revelation reads like contemporary critique
That entire text you offer was our libretto when we sang Walton’s “Belshazzar’s Feast” at Symphony Hall in Birmingham, July 5 1997. The CD was released by EMI (RIP) a little later with Thomas Hampson as soloist singing all those same words, half of them (libretto edited by Osbert Sitwell) in that order, a sort of biblical soliloquy. (Our live soloist for the concert and broadcast had been the very fine Simon Keenlyside. )
Those words, mostly, as found in our vocal scores are embedded deep down within us, we must have rehearsed or performed them for over 200 hours. Or more.
A beautiful article, which covers all the questions I have been asking for a long time.
It doesn’t provide answers, any more than I can claim to have found answers myself, but the world outlined in it corresponds very closely to my experience of what I would call, ‘reality’.
Funny how the basic issues of good and evil frighten and anger so many people today. Perhaps it’s because both are concerned with death, which is no longer thought of as an acceptable part of life these days…
It’s as if people thought, “If I can just become smart enough, I will never die”… and some of those people are actually brilliant at science, mathematics, engineering…
When it comes to the significance of our existence here on Earth, their intelligence simply fails them.
Isn’t that a hint that something more than ordinary intelligence is needed?
the world outlined in it corresponds very closely to my experience of what I would call, ‘reality’
This. Drugs and all things occult have been forced on us and our children through “popular culture” since the 60s.
I can’t say for sure that there IS a satanic conspiracy in control of the World’s governments, but if there actually were, would the World look much different than it does now?
I DO believe Evil (with a capital “E”) is a thing, but remember that means Good-with-a-capital-G is a thing too.
Well said.
THIS JUST IN: there has always been a satanic conspiracy of like ilk. At least if you listen to a Jewish carpenter by name of Jesus. He said quite often, in a good book that i have at arm’s reach, that Satan is “the prince 9f this world”. And then again just before his crucifixion, “Now has the prince of this world’s hour come.” That’s pretty comprehensive & definitive.
Not so much, a thing. but a Person, with a G. If Good were not a person, then neither are we persons, no? I mean, it would seem to be the summit of pure logic that the one would follow the Other, or rather the other would follow the One.
For a really in-your-face example of openly satanic ritual, read about the so-called Foot and Mouth epidemic of 2001 in the UK.
6 million (that number again) animals slaughtered and burnt on open air pyres all over the country throughout the summer of 2001. And then a plane crashed in to a tower and we’ve all had to live through two decades of chaos and murder called the war on terror.
In hindsight, it looks like nothing so much as an enormous burnt offering to a god of war and death.
No planes crashed into towers on 9/11.
I’ve seen some interesting presentations on that matter, but, like everything else, it’s a bugger to prove to a significant fraction of the public…
I was on James Hogue’s radio show about this often. He is an expert, very involved for years (WGDR.org). There is much evidence to suggest that no planes hit. I would go out on a limb and also suggest that over 70%+ of all of 9/11 was smoke and mirrors. But so much else is too.
Yes. I remember that ‘epidemic’.
An article of some pathos, though its gentle mood creates a comforting home. If I can share the final sentences of my book, The Pattern of History:
“Destiny and how the story ends can only be understood – sensed – through convergence, when people realize meaning is harmony, revealed succinctly in the truthful recognition of discord – the opposite. It is identified in the real use of symbol, beauty, coming together of past, present and future – desired state. The nearest the human spiritual journey will get to the eternal and divine, in this life only to be glimpsed as human intellect can get no nearer, is composed in a single feeling: love.”
“What’s the catch?” How could there possibly be a catch when those who worsened working conditions unless fought tooth-and-nail suddenly start giving days off for nothing stronger than “it’s the 21st Century”?
Out of work… on to UBI… into pod… into VR… off the planet.
3 day week in the 70;s nothing new. back then they blamed the miners. Now they are blaming Russia. same crap repeated.
For people who are experienced at questioning the pervasive propaganda, you would think they’d be a little more sceptical. But no, let’s push the “brokenness” narrative.
Kim – Posted by Age of Autism on May 25, 2022
Fractured Fairytales
After I wrote this post, the news broke about 18 year old Salvador Ramos, who killed in cold blood 19 elementary school students and 2 adults in Uvalde, Texas. I am in no way equating the agony of having your child murdered in school with having a child with autism. I am going to point out that systems everywhere are broken beyond repair. And failing children right into adulthood. Those who make it. We have a generation that literally has the WORLD in their palm of their hand, and yet are so very alone. Angry. Vindictive. Without coping skills. We say it’s a gun issue. We say it’s a mental health issue. It seems like a radically altered childhood issue. And no one wants to talk about it. What the hell has happened to our kids?
The incredulity toward metanarratives is the essence of post-modernism.
I’m not sure why attempts to destroy a way of life cannot be equated with breakage. But even beyond that, were things not already seriously broken, those attempts by the “elites” would have fallen flat.
There’s no better hook to hang the madness than the COVID “vaccine.” Had people not already fallen for the notion that vaccines are needed to safeguard themselves, their children, even their pets and their farm animals, it would have been an uphill battle to convince so many that a deeply flawed concoction alone could protect them. And any attempts to force this concoction on them would have met with resistance of the fiercest kind.
But the minds of men and women throughout (at least) the Western World were broken, so they willingly took the bait.
I had been wondering why the Deep State are staging these shooting hoaxes. Given that each incident leads to people buying more guns, it doesn’t make sense for it to be a “gun grabbing” agenda. One possibility (suggested by Buffalo) is to trigger a race-based civil war. However, Uvalde doesn’t fit the profile. Another possibility is the “brokenness” narrative; and this seems quite likely given that it’s appearing in multiple places. I suspect that it’s tapping into genuine sentiment and is being amplified without people questioning its origins.
The solution is to question everything.
Shootings are a bit dicey from any angle – primarily because they are so characteristically American.
I remember a segment of Michael Moore’s masterpiece “Bowling For Columbine.” In this segment it was noted (if accurate) that Canadians owned more guns per capita than the US – yet they had very few instances of gun related violence. And many did not even lock their doors at night.
Since shootings go back long before any anti-gun lobby existed – my God, they go back to the Wild West – it becomes problematic to conclude them all staged events. Indeed, this may be why so few do question the authenticity of these shootings.
As I’m arguing, question everything and examine the evidence. I haven’t looked into Columbine, but there’s good reason to suspect that it was also a hoax.
In 1999, Columbine Felt Like A Galvanizing Moment For Gun Control
April 20, 2018
On May 1, 1999, Tom Mauser stood with a protest sign, alongside thousands of others, at the National Rifle Association’s yearly convention in downtown Denver. It was a transformative day for Mauser. Just days earlier, his son Daniel was among the students killed at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. The convention was scheduled to begin just after the shocking April 20 mass shooting in which two students killed 13 before killing themselves.
I agree that one should always “question everything.” That’s why I question even these attempts to reduce everything to a psy-op.
Who will question our questioners?
They bought themselves a pass. With our money. Those cost a lot.
It was a fascinating coincidence, if that, that the day Columbine happened, I was approached while I was waiting my cab in the long queues at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, by a Chinese national, dressed in a commonplace suit, open collar, with rolling take-on luggage, and he asked me if I could take him to Toledo, as he was running a little late for a speech he was scheduled to give there. And I said yes, though we were running a bit late by ground (he had missed his connecting flight, so the story went).
He turned out to be Li Lu, one of the three organizers of the Tien an Men protests 10 years before. We had two hours in the cab, and before he exited, only a few minutes late (I took the !-90 a bit fast, wouldn’t do that anymore, for love or money) I had told him as we circled the freeway exit into Toledo, that the real hero of that protest for me had been “Tank Man” who stood before the Chinese tank and did a sort of waltz, with them avoiding him. Of course, that was an iconic photo all over the world, but more than it showed a courage as the lone dissident against the outstretched mechanized fist of China, it would be easier, now, to see the restraint of the government in not harming him, no?
In any event, he said softly from the back of my taxi van “That was me.”
Divulging information, or psyop?
We report, you decide! LOL. I have since read that, by latest count, there are over three dozen claimants for the hagiographic title of “Tank Man” but so it goes.
That was all some months before my casual but often avid career as an accidental journalist, which began with the Bush/Gore electoral meltdown, the so-called “Recount”.
But when I got back some hours later to Cleveland, I heard about Columbine, which took place earlier that day, so I remember the date.
Li Lu is now a permanent lifetime member on the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) where David A. Rockefeller had once been president. So, a big “power” player. In my cab, no seat belt. For some years after I had been impressed and cognizant that he was being groomed, with English as a 2nd language mind you, as Warren Buffett’s heir apparent. He told me about halfway through our freeway journey, past Sandusky, that he had a good friend who had A.D.D. (the conversation had strayed, a la Attention Defiicit Disorder, to the symptoms, lifelong for me) and he asked me if I knew JFK Jr, who he said had fairly pronounced symptoms of ADD, a bane to him, and that they met as tenants of the same building in Manhattan. This was only a couple of months before JFk Jr.’s death (surely a homicide, and one of so many plane crashes within the Kennedy clan, including, I just re-read, and I had forgotten, RFK Sr.,s widow Ethel Skakel Kennedy’s brother and both her parents! My advice is don’t book a plane flight with anyone Kennedy aboard, just the name is redolent of plane crashes: Joe Jr., fatal, his sister –and Bobby and Jack’s– Kick Kennedy a few year years later, fatal; Ted crashed in 1964, just months after JFK’s murder, almost fatal (never mentioned now in the press, because bringing it up would shine a light on Chappaquiddick, and so many signs of sabotage black op, etc……)
Some ten years ago Li Lu withdrew his name from consideration as successor to Buffett. Amazingly, I met someone at my gym last week who knows the Buffetts, see him often lifting weights at my workouts, when he isn’t ten days of the month, he told me, in Seattle, where he knows Bill Gates! He wrote a play for Warren, fils, about Buffett, pere, that he told me he called, “The Angelic Siege of Love at Castle Buffett” or some such. I tried to do a search, which he said would turn up hits, but got none.
I don’t make this stuff up. It sounds contrived. I was studying Reinhard Gehlen for the first months 12 year ago, and a guy heard me talking about him while I spoke to someone in line in Dana Point, Ca., and the chap cut in, excitedly, saying he had been assigned by US Army after World War II to be Gehlen’s liaison between them. I think somebody was pulling my leg, but what are the odds of all that not being a convocation of spooks planting many a smelly red fish?
We live in a spookocracy now, no democracy.
But the Li Lu story actually happened, it was real.I checked it out, then emailed him, when he gave me his address and card, on the 10th anniversary of Tienanmen, and he answered back with a friendly “Thank you”. He was on the way to Toledo to talk to businessmen, during the anniversary, in his capacity as hedge fund manager, I recall the name is “Himalaya Investors” or some such, all stated at Wikipedia bio, since he was talking to me about mountain climbing, and the Himalayity, I mean, sorry, typo, humility, that comes of climbing a huge mountain, and then seeing the next one towering above you.
Sensational coincidences. They have to be rather outstanding, but I didn’t ask for any of this, As far as I know! As a child of the lawyer for Operation Monarch, who knows? I take it one day at a time! But I have fondness for writing about it, since the whole web of events must connect to something else. Safe bet.
“We report, you decide”
It’s been that way for a long time!
Yes, that is what I try to hammer home to my countrymen (global?) on the street, with the repetitious regularity of a nail gun, since once you begin to be more adept at spotting the signs, the clues, the perps as spooks, you begin to see the “guy wires” of a criminal society, and to spot all the ways you are “led up the garden path.” The wide web of lies.
It has a sickening effect, at many levels, a poisoning effect, to be duped in so many ways and to not know it. Or just too little too late (too little for survival, ultimate!).
It seems like the way to go, to become daily more aware of the deceptions and how and why they are there, as a school of liberation,
of ourselves, and others.
“Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state.”
~~ James J. Angleton, 1st CIA Chief Counterintelligence, 1950 – 1975, in testimony before Congress
Michael Moore is a Chomsky like shill. These “shootings” are psyops.
I was appalled that Michael Moore has wholeheartedly been promoting the Coronapalooza as fact, feverishly. That must be a big clue about where his interests lie.
Some of my favorite left sources didn’t pick up on it on the first bounce, but started to come around to seeing the whole interconnected scam, after some weeks.
But I read Moore a few months ago and he was pushing the whole vaxx hoax as gospel. Most other progressive sites in the “realm” of USA Inc. denounced it pretty quickly. And that whole process of delayed (retarded?) left epiphany was so fascinating.
But it all left Moore exposed, like Chomsky, hideously.
I read Lavenda and he avoids the question, in all of his books.
Wolf is closer, but hobbled by her religious upbringing.
I think this is useful. But [from Wolf’s article] :
The point not made is that it is the Yahweh God of the Old Testament who unleashes the plague across Egypt. What is more the worshipers of Yahweh are spared the deaths. What is even more, the descendants of those who worship this cruel god celebrate every year this event.
So is Yahweh , in other words, Satan ? What are the implications of that ?
The Hebrew Bible is all about a psychopathic god demanding unwavering and unquestioning obedience to his bizarre and extreme authority. The God figure favours one group over all others and promises them worldly riches (the whole world in fact). This is the Old Testament that has stood on every shelf of Christendom for a thousand years.
If we are going to delve into the ‘operating instructions’ of our cultural inheritance viz a viz moral guidance, at least tell it like it is actually written.
Read Guyenot’s latest. it opens with a Curtin quote !!
Read his work elsewhere in simple honest evaluations the Old Testament stories in terms of moral messages, and how these might possibly have been taken up by those born into certain religions (plural).
Wonderful that this article has opened up these questions.
“lord is my shepherd”, lord? lord of light, lord of this world, this could not be further from Creator.
As we aggitate in this black and white, creased, lined photocopy we instinctively know that this is a pale immitation of what “should be”
tempted, or should i say cooerced to dwell in the realm of temptation of flesh we are exposed to the pleasures and pains that such dimensionality incurs.
As we stand witness to the “old photocopier” attempting to spit out Version 3.0 and the temptors try to cooerce the “faithful” to join them and show eternal loyalty, we are faced with the battle for the domain of Version 2.0, a realm which still holds an umbilical cord to V 1.0,
Its a harvest, the seeds wont be returning home after this one
With this in mind it is easier to understand how “revelations” seeks to draw in the “faithfull” with the promise of “heaven” while ensuring the stragglers keep in line with the threat of damnation….? wheres the faith in that??
But of course when the script has been in place so long who are we to question it, answers on a postcard please
This is how Hitchens and Dawkins ‘demolish’ religion.
They take literally those illustrative events in the Bible which would of course annoy any materialist if they happened to him in his ordinary life, then they use those superficial shreds as strawman arguments to ‘bring the whole thing down’ as they see it.
The problem there is that the Bible is actually a library of ancient books concerned with the initiation of man into spiritual worlds – a remnant, example and symbol of what were once known as the “Mysteries”.
The Bible is not “A history of the World as Recalled by Ancient Eye-Witnesses”.
Not even the story about Joseph as an interpreter of dreams wakes them up to the pictorial and symbolic nature of much of the Bible’s content. They just take the easy path of reminding us that ‘science’ has proved conclusively that you can’t turn water into wine…
It’s an infantile approach, although of course Hitchens and Dawkins possess lightning-fast virtuosity in their incisive use of the English language.
Their argument basically boils down to, “If God existed, He would be a nasty piece of work”, but they have no actual concept of God to work with except that to be found in a children’s 40-page Bible.
Such things are simply what they are. I don’t hate those two men for their views, but I do hate the fact that the exposure they receive from the drooling media enables them to undermine basic human sanity.
I am not a scientist by profession, although I received a good education which has certainly made me scientifically literate. But that is why I don’t presume to write books or give talks and lectures on quantum theory. I would be out of my depth.
I don’t think it is arrogant of me to claim that Hitch and Dawk are also out of their depth on this matter, because it is crystal-clear to me that their education and their general background have constructed impermeable walls around their lucrative careers, and from that perspective it makes sense that they see no need to dive into ‘the deep-end’, so to speak.
They are ‘smart guys’, but they are also like colour-blind people who deny the existence of the colour blue.
That said, however, I must admit that as pure intellectuals they have always struck me as brilliant at outlining their perspective, as well as devastatingly effective in demolishing religious nutters. I really admire those very necessary talents.
Of course Hitch no longer has a career. R.I.P. …
I liked him.
He was a warmongering neocon.
That too.
And I’m sure he wouldn’t have liked me…
Hitchens spent his last hours writing a very long & cranky review of G.K. Chesterton for “Atlantic” (well, he was dying in Houston TX of esophageal cancer) in which he alternated between calling his poetry “unforgettable” to mocking his obesity recurrently (“elephantine” and “pachydermatous” etc), then on to “charming” to “sinister”. Methinks he doth protest too much.
GKC seems to have got under his skin, even during his last days, as he has often a way of doing with many sundry atheists, intellectual or just plain garden variety.
They both died at 62.
Chesterton is indeed a very interesting voice on religion.
Glad to hear he got under Hitchens’s skin.
Check out Hitch’s last opus, at Atlantic, “THE REACTIONARY: The Charming, The Sinister G. K. Chesterton” Easy to track down online, as far as “famous last words” go.
A most engaging and fascinating essay, Hitchens’ last words written, 2012:
Add also that because the very examples used to demolish God as a force for good are the very ones most professed Christians use to “prove” God’s goodness!
Though I’m an atheist, I do respect those whose faith is sincere rather than either learned or convenient. But of most Christians, it could be said “With friends like that, who needs enemies.”
Yes. Most ‘Christians’ abuse their own terminology.
In a nutshell, this “issue” was addressed, and defined, by Léon Bloy. definitively:
“A Christian is either a hero or a pig.”
(Nota Bene disclaimer: some of us are orthodox pigs, but we’d be even bigger pigs if we weren’t Christians!
Evelyn Waugh “But, I’d be even more horrible if I weren’t a Christian!”)
Those who would be horrible if not Christian…would be horrible Christians as well. They would be the ones who relish things like Inquisitions and burning “heretics” at the stake.
(As if it were even possible to be a “heretic.”)
I have always found it easy to distinguish between institutionalized religion and the religious impulse which individuals either experience within themselves – or don’t.
Heresy, to my mind, applies only to institutionalized religious organizations, along with their entirely earth-bound, excruciatingly literal concepts of right and wrong.
Jesus, for example, never pointed at someone and said, “That’s heresy!”… I reckon we can see right there that He wanted people to think for themselves, and build their own relationship to ‘the spirit’ – and not just to do what the High Priest told them to do. That wasn’t enough.
It interests me too that He said he hadn’t come to overthrow the Ten Commandments, but to fulfill them.
I suppose the whole issue of genuine Christianity even boils down to this:
“Here I am as a revelation of the best that is – or at least could be – in man. It’s your choice.”.
A far cry from Rome…
“Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” GKC
That is something that could only apply if there were no Grace. Waugh was making the pious point that his inner obstacles might be great and his flaws famous, but his business in the Church was the sign that he would be better, that he could with God’s help become even better than horrid!
It was a self-deprecation that was most positive. Very positive. Humble even. An Irishman I met in passing at the corner supermarket 10 years ago told me something about our favorite Bishop, Fulton Sheen (who had his own tv show Sunday nights in the 1950s that rivaled the Disney Hour in ratings, “”Life is Worth Living”). He told an anecdote of a critic who accosted him on the street. recognizing him, and said, “What is the Church but a great big collection of hypocrites!?”
And the sagacious Sheen smiled mildly, and comforted him, invitingly, “There’s always room for one more.”
I can’t find anyone yet, yet again. who put it better than GK Chesterton, “The reason a Christian is worse is because it is his business to be better.”
Christopher Hitchens in his last (living) essay wrote of his apparent nemesis, Chesterton as “a dialectical genius for paradox” and I posted a link to that on this thread, above.
So revealing. Revealing, paradoxically, as the last drops from the pen of Hitch, a man who called GKC “sinister” in the subtitle, no less?
We need to keep fighting for the ordinary, common sense, easily demonstrable truth. But rather than examine the factual reality of the supposed event, most people are willing (eager even) to play along with their own, private version of the metaverse. And fake-alt, psyop sites like Revolver will provide the arena.
The Texas School Shooting Is Proof Our Society Is Crumbling Into an Existential Crisis
June 4, 2022
This kind of thing is frightening to me, because it often gives me the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. After all, the chances are that those lies, or at any rate similar lies, will pass into history. . . . Yet, after all, some kind of history will be written, and after those who actually remember the war are dead, it will be universally accepted. So for all practical purposes the lie will have become truth.
You are way too late to the party: All of History, the official history, is lies.
Ha-ha, no different from the other comment above about the Old Testament.
Given the reality of human nature, the fight for objective truth can never be conclusively won. However, as described by Orwell, it seems possible that it can be eternally lost.
Entropy prevails, in physics? But God has something to say about that, and added the spiritual realm, less “evident”. God balances the equation and revokes “eternally lost” with the ever-handy option of Salvation, more than a “salvage operation”.
It depends on the place of humanity in the grand scheme of it all. Nature works through wasteful abundance and only a small proportion of life ever reaches full maturity. Intelligent life will appear somewhere else, but if humanity fails at this point, then maybe it’s reached the end of the road.
I get your point, as did the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, in a related news item, lol
We will just have to do our best. Carpe diem. this age has been breath-taking, both for impending doom and many opportunities to stave it. Never dull moments, but many annoying, eh?
Humanity has reached “the end of the road.” Intelligence can be used for good or for evil. Mankind has chosen the latter. Rather than working to improve living conditions, it has worked to create technological wonders – Towers of Babel, all over the planet, not to be closer to God but to outdo God.
The old song comes to mind: “Anything you can do, I can do better!”
I still think we’re at a fork in the road. Most of humanity has chosen to blind itself to important aspects of reality; including the overt evil of a minority. More and more people are becoming aware, but I’m not going to make a prediction.
Man has often chosen the lesser, which often
enough leads to the sicker, but not to inherent evil. God made all of man to be good, so when we choose a lesser option we are sickened, but not lost.
“God only knows how men who have lost their honor will still try to save their souls.” — ibid.
The inversion is wicked and they feed of it. especially the innocence like for example Christians wearing a MAGA hat or badge on the heart region.
Or telling mothers the formula poison is better than breast feeding.
or getting you to wear masks to stop spreading germ.
Or the vaccine as a health product.
They love inversion but they also love more is when you find out – you still participate as now they’ve been exemplified.
Really good article.
“But Plato, the lawmaker, knows that a certain “lie” must be employed even for a culture that values truth above everything…”
Plato lovers, like the Straussians, will twist themselves into such pretzel logic in order to justify acting like a fascist.
Plato’s “Noble Lie” or necessary illusions… so that fascists can feel good about themselves.
I think it would be a serious mistake to dismiss the demonic nature of the forces at work in our world today.
no shit?
What a long-winded load of rubbish.
“his reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff; you shall seek all day ere you find them; and when you have them, they are not worth the search”.
Thanks again for your thoughtful insights into the insanity and evil of contemporary human reality. No real understanding of recent events is possible without acknowledging the role of human evil. For those who are averse to any discussion that involves spiritual notions, I suggest the book “People of the Lie”(1983) by Scott Peck, which give his proposed diagnostic criteria for evil, which he regards as a variant of narcissistic personality disorder. According to Peck, an evil person
For me these characteristics are uncannily apt for describing the malevolent politicians, celebrities, bureaucrats and billionaires of our day!
You have described sociopaths.
You get this sort of mass ennui when the public perception disconnects from the imposed reality.
We’re at the rather weird point in history where the only leaders that seem to make sense are Putin and Xi. We may well disagree with their positions but their logic is impeccable. Meanwhile our own leaders are adrift, their statements (and their policies, if they actually have any) just don’t match reality, its as if they don’t want to tell us what they’re really trying to do because it might cause mass unrest or something. The problem with this is that while we might be able to emulate Dick “We make our own reality” Cheney in real real life this just won’t work…..sooner or later the place starts feeling and looking like a cross between “Brazil” and “1984”. The cracks just get too wide to paper over.
I enjoyed your comment. Thanks! A2
Imperialist Capitalism (at its extreme called Nazism) and with USA Inc. its current avatar, is notorious for “making its own reality” with Dick “the American way of life cannot be negotiated” Cheney as a dreary exemplar, or mascot.
The big ‘engineering’ issue with making your own reality, especially on a global scale, is that that runaway train, if not diverted. eventually hits a real wall, aka Reality. Ask any ‘engineer”!
Exhibit A: NATO versus the real world (the rest of us).
But then, if you’re newly born the past few decades all the ‘strangeness’ would be your Normal .Born close to the Last Big War and today’s Normal seems screwy. By now everything on TV seems a Repeat;. Stupidity is so commonplace it mocks…
“Get with The New Normal or Get Out !” Aka “The Times are a’Changin'” (by a1960s folksinger)…
PS. Rumour: “The Times Are a’Changin'” is said to be Klaus Schwab’s favourite tune, he’s often been heard humming it…True ?
I’m noticing a trend of referring to the current phase of the New World (Dis)Order as demonic or outright Satanic, even in a secular, philosophical sense. Once example would be Paul Kingsnorth’s article The Anti-Christ Now Rules Us All for Unherd. The literal meaning of Satan is “adversary”, and you don’t have to be religious in order to perceive that there is a global war being waged, the battleground being the essence of humanity itself. And where there is a war on humanity, there is an evil adversary.
I can recommend Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces trilogy, if dark undercurrents of “out-there” history is your kind of thing. It’s a rich tapestry, woven from a wide range of intriguing threads. One of them being how, during the first cold war, the CIA fostered all kinds of fringe Eastern Orthodox churches as intelligence cut-outs, usually run by phony priests with connections to Eastern European Nazi ratlines. In the light of the current denazification of Ukraine, this topic has only grown in relevance. Levenda himself was briefly involved with such a organisation, the American Orthodox Catholic Church (AOCC). More recently Levenda has been involved with the dodgy To The Stars Academy, a Californian Ufologist-entertainment organisation that, according to some, is fishing for US military contracts, probably related to predictive programming for a future alien invasion simulation.
One thing I don’t get about the Sinister Forces trilogy however, is that Levenda takes a conspiratorial perspective on history on just about all major events in the 20th century, but radically changes this perspective when it comes to the 21st century events of 9/11 and the War on Terror. Then he swallows the mainstream narrative, hook, line and sinker. A magnanimous explanation would be that those events were too fresh when these books were written, and Levenda simply needed more time to reflect on their significance.
If Al-Queda didn’t exist, the CIA would have to invent it. 😀
They did, and Bin Laden like Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset
And MP Robin Cooke was murdered by the government for revealing the lie of Al Queda. All pure invention just like ISIS. They must have been all self isolating as not heard from them for past 2 years but at least they already knew the importance of face masks. They did not get the social distancing right all rammed into the back of that convoy of brand new Toyota pickups! I wonder if the warranty was waived when Toyota sold them to ISIS?
“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.“
It bears repeating:
“Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.“
This was published the day after the 7/7/2005 “attacks” in London, presumably he wrote it on the day. He literally destroyed the entire “War on Terror” narrative, he told us out straight that it was created and entirely controlled by western intelligence.
And he was dead 29 days later.
I disagree with Cook that Bin Laden was a “miscalculation”, I think he fulfilled his role exactly as required by his handlers. Perhaps that’s what the CIA told the politicians…
Read the full article here, incredible it’s still up really
Lori Price of legitgov.org coined the phrase post-911 “AlCIAduh”. Problem solved.
Ha ha!
you are noticing a trend?
as “religion” has offered solace and protection from “evil” it has shrouded both sides of the “spiritual realm” and the significance.
it is my impression that intelectualism forms a barrier of dis-belief for many, removing the ability to understand that what works currently against us does not abide by the conceptual rules of science.
whilst in the main we are all on the same side in this battle between “good and evil”, i find many in the ranks are disadvantaged by a fine set of blinkers..
whilst many im sure that are drawn into playing with pinnies and trowels, capes and rituals, do so from curiosity, they little know that once the line is crossed…. theres no going back.
recent coverage or mention of the “wizard of bacca grande” maurice strong and his pivotal position in the formation of w e f still omitted to point out his enduring allegiance and servitude to “old owly”, the one that does love a nice child sacrifice..
sorting fact from fiction has never been easy and never quite so important..
you, me and others have encouraged many to “wake up” over the last 2 years, the process is not singular, it is not a one time event, it is fluid and current
Levenda is full of shit. Want proof? His involvement in the book “Rites of the Mummy”
A cross dressing wizard does some crowley fan boi stuff.
A literal steaming pile of garbage,
Sinister Forces isn’t much better, 3 volumes of words that say nothing.
Things are going swimmingly at Chateau Rothschild du Bilderberg in Suisse. Would anyone care for another flute of Cristal?
Monkeypox Virus ? Isnt that the name of the virus the bad guy in the “13 Monkeys” movie / TV series released, which wiped out most of us ? The way Monkeypox infected individuals popped up around the world at almost the same time does point to someone flying from place to place, releasing The Virus at each place ?
What little i saw (on TV) of the Concert for Queen Lizzie’s Jubliee made a cheapened impression of England
Anyone noticed how in recent days the MSM have been remarkably quiet on the Monkeypox? In the UK it’s all tabout he Jubilee of course, but elsewhere the media are equally schtum on the pox topic.
I think they try these ideas out in the press and monitor the reaction to see if it has legs and if it doesn’t they move onto something else. A good barometer is reading the daily mail comments which obviously they try to manipulate but I think more and more are seeing through the bs. My worry is that they will do something truly horrendous in order to get the fear juices flowing again. We are truly living in satanic times and they are coming for all of us.
I was just wondering, how many innocents were sacrificed and how many countries were raped and pillaged to accumulate all that obscene wealth? Oh well, we’re ALL created ‘equal’ aren’t we just?
I suspect that Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and all the other Deep-State fronts might be envious and are wondering just how many innocent people they might need to trample over to emulate the multi-cultured royals?
What have we here?
(guess it’s not broken yet)
We have chronic and exhausting acceptance of Lords and Ladies and their wealth and tax dodging and gluttony and corruption.
It’s broken. It’s meant to be broken.Complain that it’s broken and We accept that it’s broken.
Could be The Deacon’s Masterpiece. Quintessential entropy. Please make it soon.
‘Logic is logic, that’s all I say’.
Cromwell didn’t finish the job!
Most people are masochists and slaves, and love to be told what to do — if only they can identify a comfortable master. Narcissists and sadists, such as statists and priests, stand ready everywhere to help them out.
“demonic possession of the American psyche”– my foot! Don’t confuse reality w what the media tells you. Don’t confuse the nature of millions upon millions of sane, humane people w that of the psychopathic class.
Yes, we shall have to stir ourselves to defeat them. But the next time you feel yourself falling under the notion that the media speaks for anyone EXCEPT psychopaths and their bribe-takers, for heaven’s sake switch it off– or take a page from my book and throw the idiot box in the trash.
“Very English Coop d’Etat”
First glance suggests Remainer-fabricated ‘evidence'(?), although the author of the page does seem foreign (ie nonnative English) – a few giveaways in the phraseology – but that could also be deliberate
? 🤔
“As per your “A very English Coup d’Etat”, this could be carefully orchestrated to achieve maximum impact, either as per The Sun – Kit Kat tapes exclusives or selected private political briefings to key players…”
email from ‘Tim’ to ‘G’ [Gwythian / Professor Gwythian Prins]
(Current thoughts arising from conversation with C 2018-08-27T19_12_52+00_00)
The pun was lost on me too. 🤔 Nevertheless, gate-keeping is what it is. A word is enough to the wise…
I disagree with much of this piece in particular the use of the passive.
Everything is not broken- it is actively being destroyed (and has been for years) by quite specific and knowable individuals and entities.
Framing it as such is quite different than abstractly saying “things are broken.” This also allows for much greater clarity and course of action.
As the Vietnamese were seeing their worlds being incinerated and turned upside down they didn’t sit there and wonder “why things were broken” they knew intimately that their villages were being aggressively attacked by an invading force that wanted them out of the way. They then took action to prevent the destruction of their worlds knowing it would be a long and grinding battle.
I also vehemently disagree with, “we are all part of the deep evil that is happening all around us.”
Does this include say 3 year old kids? Does this include the elderly who were slaughtered by these sociopaths to give them the ‘Covid body count’? Does this include the thousands who have been protesting and lost their jobs and refused to comply and are speaking out every day?
This is a piece on religiosity and we are in a political maelstrom. Confusing the two is counterproductive at best.
As an atheist…I disagree with your dismissal of this, perhaps one of the finest pieces Mr Curtin has written to date.
What is happening globally today is far beyond anything political. Exactly what it is I can’t say since I’m unable to attribute it to Satanic forces per se.
It is certainly such as to fall under the category of Cosmic. These psychopaths seek, not to be God but to be Satan. So in that sense they actualize Satan and turn the dynamic from secular to religious.
Far from being confused, Ed Curtin understands very well what the stakes are and what the circumference of this horror show is.
Ed Curtin understands very well what the stakes are and what the circumference of this horror show is.
I think he does. This particular piece did not provide, nor does it seem it was intended to, any evidence of this.
What is happening today is an attempt at centralizing control of all aspects of human economic and social life.
It is a an attempt at establishing a totalitarian political and economic system that is able to be more widespread in scope and global in influence due to factors that have been in motion for years.
There is nothing cosmic about any of this it is all quite earthly.
Hello Maxwell: Your take on the situation is spot on. The notion that “cosmic” forces are at work, is a pathetic diversion from the realities of human enterprise.
On the one hand we have mankind. On the other hand, we have the entire rest of infinity… People often lack a sober sense of proportion.
Earthly: yes. Political: no – absolutely No. Any pretense of a political system in any Western nation was shredded long ago. All politics is now theater – perhaps it always was.
I would require Carl Sagan’s “Extraordinary evidence” to be convinced that any totalitarian system being nudged into place is political in nature. It is purely economic.
And because the perpetrators have succeeded so beautifully in destroying all vestiges of Western political systems, the totalitarian system they envisage cannot work and will not work because they have gutted the very things needed to make it work.
The change within people may look profound, even cosmic but still it does not mean that it is not programmatically orchestrated by ruling elite.
Already Plato realized that elites of specific sociopolitical system shape a creature of such system including re-engineering of consciousness via means of systemic incentives, disincentives, rewards and punishments wrapped around fantastic narratives. Rousseau called it government power to deadening of population.
In other words system produces systemic opportunists as well systemic oppositionists or rejectionists. Covid phenomenon showed it vividly.
Opportunists call themselves progressives embrace new regime reject old or acquiesce to imposed changes.
The oppositionists split into conservatives for whom everything long established, solid, previously agreed upon is breaking up, is being devalued and destroyed and into alternativists for whom old as well as new system are deeply flawed, broken never worked for people so they do not mourn or despair but fight it as they know who is responsible for rotten old as much as for rotten new. And those are no cosmic forces of evil but organized elites acting for their own benefit alone while all other priorities rescinded.
but do not take my word for it.
“..All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.”
From “Manifesto of the Communist Party”,
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, February 1848. (p.15 and 16);
For Marx everything was broken but that was reason of hope for other new.
There certainly is a political system though that is now concealed from the public. I probably should have been clearer there and stated, “socio-economic political system.”
Agree that what is now considered politics is Kabuki theatrics.
Very good analysis (especially about the use of the passive) until the last paragraph. Separation of politics and religion is a facade, it was designed to de-fang Christianity. MIssion accomplished and they can revert to form. It doesn’t matter if you or I think politics and religion should be separate, the elite don’t and act accordingly.
I still think most people are missing the real problem when they blame Satanism. Satanism is a wing of the dialectic and a battering ram to dissolve the status quo – but not the ultimate danger. Gnosticism and Luciferianism are much more dangerous. The former is the root of their hatred of materiality and the latter of their goal of becoming gods. Satanism is too crazy to appeal to more than a clique but Gnosticism and Luciferianism can be dressed up to appear much more reasonable (knowledge is good… balance is to be desired… aspects of creation appear unfathomable… who could disagree with those?… ).
It wasn’t the Church of Satan embedded in the formation of the UN, it was the Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust; it isn’t Satanase in the vaccine, it’s Luciferase; the most popular band in history didn’t have a song ‘Satan in the sky with diamonds’; the supposedly earliest human wasn’t called ‘Satan’ but ‘Lucy’ etc etc..
“Everything is not broken- it is actively being destroyed (and has been for years) by quite specific and knowable individuals and entities.
“This is a piece on religiosity and we are in a political maelstrom. Confusing the two is counterproductive at best.”
Thank you!!
I agree but ordinary people who are compliant with world government rules are protecting the power of the ruling class.
Empowering the “ruling” degenerate class also.
It’s ordinary, common sense, easily demonstrable truth – and the fact that not enough people care about it. Given that reality, the current insanity was pretty much guaranteed. In fact, it could have been a lot worse!
WTC7 — “This is an Orange” by Anthony Lawson – AE911Truth.org
Dec 24, 2010
A comparison between what we are told and what we can see, with our own eyes. World Trade Center 7 collapsed after having been damaged by fire and falling debris, but the collapse looks very much like a controlled demolition. This is an Orange.
Yes. It is an orange. But most civilians deny the evidence of their own pair of eyes. Perhaps they are using Apple computers…
“Could have been a lot worse” – and probably will be before long…
Separation from God is the cause of all suffering.
Sri lsopanisad is the foremost of the 108 Upanisads. Contained within is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. Presented with the original Sanskrit text, transliterations, English synonyms and purports, by a self-realized Teacher (Acharya), this book is recommended for the novices and neophytes as well as the most highly elevated souls. Its contents are transcendentally pleasing to the non-deceptive and sincere aspirants of spiritual advancement in life.
Carlin was saying that god and Satan are imaginary figures used by people to excuse evil.
you don’t need to believe in god to know what’s right.
you don’t need to follow Satan to do evil
what the external “human like” deities do is explain away the choices of humans.
AlphabetVsTheGoddess lecture
Romans 2
Thank you for the link to this video. It is amazing!
Actually, you probably do need to believe in God – or his equivalent – to know what’s right.
Why would you even bother to think about it otherwise…?
I’m taking your use of, ‘believe’ about God, and ‘follow’ about Satan, seriously here.
If one doesn’t know any better than to dismiss this whole subject as nonsense, then of course one is in a different category.
Of course it’s “nonsense” because it is not based in the 5 senses. Non-sense, de facto and by definition. That is the origin of word.
“In short, there is in life an element of elfin coincidence which those looking for the more prosaic may perpetually miss.”. — GKC, “The Blue Cross” in The Father Brown Omnibus
“There is no bigot like the atheist.” -ibid.
The one follows the other. Simple truths
Yep. It’s the origin of the word.
But it is not the origin of the human mind, or of human evolution.
So perhaps there are some things we are ‘not supposed to know’…?
Well, I don’t agree with that idea at all, but of course giving a two-or-three-year-old a box of matches might illustrate that the question of the level of maturity we have reached when we get to know is also important…
Man learning to harness fire was a development fraught with danger from the start, and the story of Prometheus doesn’t just tell us about his punishment for enlightening us, but it also hints at the idea that we were not ready for it at the time.
There are still many of us who are not yet ready for anything beyond the pink coffin in which they find themselves enclosed, but that can’t be helped. Perhaps they’ll catch up later…
Interesting points, I suggest, often as I can, that one of the key mechanisms undergirding the more modern science of mind control (present immemorially and perennially, but getting more technocratized by the day) is found in “denialism”. The reluctance by most people when facing uncomfortable, or indigestible truths. And it blocks assimilation of important facts. It blocks crucial understanding. It creeps even into all aspects of bad science, too. As we see aplenty throughout Coronapalooza, enabled by denialism. Simple fear, really.
And everything else is blocked by it. Fear is the Front, the fron lines of this world war. People turn away, but only trust in a living loving God can suffice as what is needed, to take the hard choices, and bigger risks.
Churchill said that men will occasionally stumble upon the truth, but most will pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and hurry on their way as if nothing had happened.
We humble Conspiracy Realists are taunted by that kind all day long.
What Orwell called CrimeStop. E. Martin Schotz addresses that all through his book about public reaction to JFK Dallas (and Dulles) all through the aptly titled “History Will Not Absolve Us”. (Free copy online btw)
He calls the public out early and often, saying denialism just isn’t an option. But you can only get so far dragging people out kicking and screaming, or in navigating all their defenses. Not all of them so good or rational.
“It is a curious thing, curious I say, that physical courage is so common, and moral courage so rare.”. ~ Mark Twain
But I try and try to ground myself and efforts in compassion, since as you say. maturity is all about timing. Like our teen “growth spurts” lol.
A LOT have not had theirs. But mighty oaks from little acorns grow.
It was an overdue epiphany for me, several years ago, to understand an issue I’d been grappling life-long.
Among the impatient (I’m 70, but I’ve been impatient for 71 years) I find many, especially the soi-disant agnostic, or other unbelieving types (not to be conflated with the incredulous, which has long been a very personal default mode) who may perpetually ask, “if there is such a good God, then why doesn’t “He” tell us (this or that) if “He” wants us to believe/obey/follow/survive/thrive/ and/or whatever?
And then one day. dealing with a slew of life-and-death crises in my own life, and a paucity of good or adequate information, the answer dawned on me, as though thru parting clouds:
We are all on a need-to-know basis.
I think some, though not all, of those with military backgrounds may see how this applies to civilian life at its depths. I came to admire Charles de Gaulle, and somewhat lesserly, Churchill, because of their military applications to their own understanding, of the more pedestrian philosophy of more ordinary daily life in society: what the gears were doing.
As a teen I was an indifferent soldier in ROTC forc long tedious 5 years, because, like most things, it was presented unconnected to the important matters (peace, for one, that was never discussed, it began in 1964 and that was all Vietnam, all war, all the time, I had only had my first lessons by manual about that time when one of our two sergeants, missing from campus suddenly, made page 2 of the LA Times on the phone from a hospital bed, where he was laid up from being permanently paralyzed from the neck down by a land mine under his Jeep in Nam, with LBJ calling him to comfort him with his drawl: the photo showed Sarge, phone in hand, as he was one of the first casualties).
Years later, I worked a 2nd job as front desk security for Billabong USA and one day my sidekick, who patrolled the HQ, said out of the blue, that our head boss of the guard company, a reserve Marine sniper, had told them, “Ed thinks you’ve been in combat.” I was startled, since I had never been in the service. I answered “No, never.”
But Ed had seen some intense combat, by accounts, and I wondered why he would even consider that. But truth be told, I’d been through a number of stories stateside that were quite unnerving, til if you persist, your nerves either strengthen or they collapse. I went through a bit of both, and had to deal about 7 years with PTSD, where you are a kind of “Dead Man Walking” seriously. One of our supervisors said he had it, a participant in Phillipines, action that I never heard/read about. He said he had it bad, and sometimes woke up in the wee hours in bed punching his wife in the face. I asked him how she took that. He made a contorted face like you might see in the audience of the worst horror film! I asked him some pointers, since I still had it. He said that you just learn to control it. over time. I agreed, I’d been in some very precarious situations after I had already had it some years, but the fallout was never as bad, or uncontrollable, as the early ones, though still challenging, and often like opening a healing wound, but less pain. Live and learn, they all say.
But it all came to a head one day when I suddenly saw that, where God is concerned, when He acts, we are each and every on a “need-to-know” basis.
A prophet who I have been blessed to know said one night at his travelling church “mission”: “You say you don’t like it? You don’t have to like it.”
He should know, he had been an US Army Air Corps “top sarge” or drill instructor in England, training his grunts to fight the Nazis in the early ’40s. Ten years later he joined the Order of Preachers, Dominicans, and spent the next 60 years, mosty, in efforts to prepare us, by the thousands, as an itinerant preacher, to deal with the vicissitudes of spiritual combat. It just is what it is. Spiritual warfare.
And after all, all war starts there. In our journey to Peace, in all that war, God must needs prosecute that combat on a “need-to-know’ basis. What else? Many issues are too precariously undecided to tell most people most things. Sometimes that means being “up country” in the Enemy haunts and in less than optimal circumstances. Everybody now is getting some taste of that, at least!
Most all get some taste of that, anyway, and some of those get a whole mouthful. We do what we can with the info that is ours by a “need-to-know.”
Applications abound these days!?
The “Good Book” sez: “Fear not the blueness of the wound, it cureth the soul of evil.” I had that in large print on my wall when I had my first of those blueness episodes, 1980s, early in The Game. The thought was spiritual balm. OK, got it!
Something to remember next time you see “Don’t Look Up” (next time?):
My 31 year old neighbour had heart palpitations and weakness that started days after the jabs, her best friend has myocarditis so severe she has been told she can never get pregnant or it will kill her. I warned my neighbour about this, so I fear for her. My two grand daughters thankfully have their kids, they are nurses and aged carers so were forced to have the jabs. I fear for them, one is quite obese and a candidate for heart disease anyway.
There is indeed evil afoot and those of us with brains knew it.
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, aged 52, is a Democratic candidate for the US Senate.
Despite an extensive political career– he was mayor of Braddock, PA before becoming Lt. Gov., which is the US term for a governor’s “vice” or second-in-command– his popularity is based on projecting the image of an “anti-politician”. He’s a big, gnarly guy who revels in being affectionately described as looking like a “biker” or tough guy.
Fetterman, as befitting a Democratic Party politician and loyal subordinate to
GovernorGauleiter Wolf, has been an enthusiastic promoter of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic from the outset; accordingly, he put himself forward as a “Role Model” and aggressively extolled the merits of the scamdemic New Abnormal “public health” dicta: masking, social distancing, tracking/tracing, and of course the life-saving “COVID vaccines”.He published glowing Twitter posts about his positive experience at the COVID vax facility, including proudly displaying his vax card.
On May 13, 2022, Fetterman suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. His campaign team announced that the stroke was found to have been caused by a clot caused by atrial fibrillation; he was subsequently fitted with a pacemaker/defibrillator, and the prognosis is (or was) excellent. There was no “cognitive damage”, and a full recovery from the stroke is expected.
(Incidentally, as most US residents know, ironically “cognitive damage” is not only not a bar to holding high political office– it’s practically a requirement.)
Anyway, just this week Fetterman’s cardiologist confirmed that the candidate suffers from both atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy, and that the latter condition was the reason for the implantation of the defibrillator.
All of this to say that, not unexpectedly, the extensive coverage of his stroke, etc. conspicuously ignores any connection between his “fully-vaccinated” status and his subsequent health problems. Quite the contrary! Whether arising from Fetterman’s personal traits as a straight-talkin’ Man of the People, or clever campaign media managers, he attributes his medical problems to his regrettable Regular Guy tendency to ignore his health and properly “take care of himself” over the years.
I admit I haven’t followed or closely scrutinized the abundant reporting of Fetterman’s health crisis, but the implicit general denial of the vax/stroke/cardiomyopathy connection is staggering.
You may know that the elephant is the “mascot” of the opposing Republican Party, so perhaps this is why Fetterman, his loyal followers, and the media prefer to ignore the cardiomyopathic elephant in the hospital room.
People injured by the vax are the same as those who developed lung cancer after years of smoking, or throat cancer after years of drinking – yet to the very end insisted there was no connection.
Spiritual warfare…
The Apostle (aka [St.] Paul), “…for we wrestle not with creatures of flesh & blood, but with spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Though, maybe, not so high.
Happy Feast of Pentecost Sunday 2022.
(Book of Acts of the Apostles 2:1.)