Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Transformation

Iain Davis

In Part 5, we discussed the true nature of sovereignty and considered how, when sovereignty is stolen from its only rightful possessor, the individual, the resultant hierarchical structure eventually and inevitably forms a worldwide system of power.

That network of power, based upon highly centralized political authority, acts as a population control mechanism.

Today we can call that global structure a Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P).

The G3P claims for itself sovereignty—that is, complete power and authority—over all monetary, financial, economic, political, judicial and military/policing institutions in the world.

We previously made the case that any claim of sovereignty over the individual by any entity has no moral or lawful legitimacy. Yet the sophistry of nation-states’ written constitutions has convinced the citizens that they have devolved their individual sovereignty to their governments.

Though this devolution is impossible under Natural Law, it is the common trick that has been performed by governments throughout history.

The worldwide network of illegitimate sovereigns—composed of national governments and of intergovernmental and supranational institutions—enables certain people who have sufficient means and the right connections to enforce the policies they desire upon the masses. They are often referred to as “globalists” or “oligarchs.”

The G3P distributes its claimed authority through so-called “partnerships.” These partnerships afford private investors and businesses access to governments—and thus to the power and authority that citizens are either coerced or conned into giving to their governments.

Clearly, this is a system designed to benefit a select few at the expense of all others.

In order to fully understand why NATO, the EU and all governments aligned with the West created the conditions for the conflict in Ukraine, and why Russia has seemingly complied by meeting the West’s expectations in full, we first need to consider who benefits from Russia’s “special military operation.” It certainly isn’t the people of Ukraine or of Russia, nor is it the wider global population.

The Inexorable Path To War

Russia can cite military considerations in the face of a national security crisis as justification for its actions. However, it seems that Russia’s military operation in Ukraine may have been motivated by more than just a response to a national security threat.

In March 2021, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine approved Defense Council Decree no. 117/2021, which declared the Ukrainian government’s “Strategy for De-occupation and Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol.”

The Ukrainian state information news agency—Ukrinform—stated that the strategy focused upon:

[D]iplomatic, military, economic, informational, humanitarian and other measures aimed at restoring the territorial integrity, state sovereignty of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders through the de-occupation and reintegration of Crimea.

In the months that followed, Ukrainian forces steadily increased their presence in the Donbas and southern oblasts. The Ukrainian Defence minister insisted that this reinforcement was purely defensive.

Ukraine’s stated intention to use all possible means to regain Crimea and to defeat the DPR and the LPR, combined with its build-up of forces, created a reasonable cause for concern on the part of the Russian government. For example, Russia’s access to the vital strategic port of Sevastopol appeared to be under imminent threat.

Ukraine’s efforts to regain its claimed territory were financed by the IMF, World Bank, EU member states, the UK and the US. IMF loans of $700 million were part of a $5 billion total package. Money and Ukraine’s resultant national debt appeared to be no object to this funding cartel.

NATO simultaneously undertook a series of provocative exercises. DEFENDER-Europe 21, Locked Shields 21 (cyber), CAPABLE DEPLOYER 2021, Ramstein Ambition 21 (electronic warfare), Spring Storm, Breeze 21, Iron Wolf II 21 and Atlantic Resolve 21 all took place in the spring and summer of 2021.

Every one of these exercises focused on defending Eastern Europe as NATO markedly increased its surveillance over Ukraine and the Black Sea.

Among the most provocative, from a Russian perspective, was Exercise Cossack Mace, which ran throughout May and June 2021. NATO and Ukrainian forces war-gamed an attack from a “fictitious” Eastern adversary. Another one, Exercise Sea Breeze, saw the US and Ukrainian navies cooperate.

While it is perfectly normal for countries to run joint military exercises, given the nature of the political standoff and the ongoing war in the Donbas, to imagine that these exercises weren’t openly provocative to Russia is ludicrous. The calculation, at the very least, was that Russia’s national security concerns were irrelevant to NATO and Ukraine.

Russia responded with manoeuvres of its own. Russia already had troops permanently stationed on its side of the border with Ukraine, including in Crimea. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that the 58th Army of the Southern Military District, the 41st Army of the Central Military District, the 7th and 76th Airborne Assault and 98th Airborne Divisions were sent to areas where combat training missions were underway. He was transparent about the reason for this counter show of strength, saying:

In response to the alliance’s [NATO] military activity threatening Russia, we took appropriate measures[.] [. . .] At present, these formations are involved in exercise.

The series of Russian exercises included extensive land, sea, air, cyber and information warfare drills. Among them were exercises carried out in Crimea by the 58th Army. The training culminated in the annual Zapad joint military exercises. In 2021, these joint exercises were conducted with Belarusian forces.

There was an immediate monetary impact as a result of the obvious increase in tensions between NATO and Moscow. Russia’s redeployment of forces, designed to strengthen its positions on the border with Ukraine, caused the dollar and the euro to fall sharply against the rouble.

Military conflict and the threat of international confrontation always have an impact on global markets. Many “sovereign entities,” and those people who are able to influence them, understand that global events, especially war, can be manipulated to achieve a range of monetary, financial, economic and political objectives. Geopolitical history is peppered with examples.

In the spring of 2021, NATO’s military pressure was combined with threats to expel Russia from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) network. This is the international financial communication system that enables banks and financial institutions to notify each other of international fund transfers using a standardised set of codes.

The transfer of currency, securities, treasury transactions, payments for trade and other financial system transactions occurs via interbank settlement, using the central banking network, not through SWIFT itself. Though it is an important component of the current global financial system, SWIFT is merely a communication and notification tool.

During a question-and-answer session after his January 2021 press conference, US President Joe Biden was asked how a new tranche of economic sanctions would work to dissuade Vladimir Putin from attacking Ukraine. The question itself was loaded with the inference that Russia wanted to attack Ukraine, despite there being no reason to suspect this was true.

Russia’s desire was to do business with the EU, sell its oil and gas to Brussels and prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. As we have discussed, none of these objectives were in US or NATO interests.

Biden’s response to this question was revealing:

Well, because he’s [Putin] never seen sanctions like the ones I promised will be imposed if he moves[.] [. . .] I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. [. . .] if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine [. . .] our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on Russia and the Russian economy. [. . .] I’ve already shipped over $600 million worth of sophisticated equipment, defensive equipment to the Ukrainians. The cost of going into Ukraine, in terms of physical loss of life, for the Russians, they’ll — they’ll be able to prevail over time, but it’s going to be heavy, it’s going to be real, and it’s going to be consequential. [. . .] [E]everybody talks about how Russia has control over the energy supply that Europe absorbs.  Well, guess what?  That — that money that they earn from that makes about 45 percent of the economy.  I don’t see that as a one-way street.  They go ahead and cut it off — it’s like my mother used to say: “You bite your nose off to spite your face.” [. . .] I believe you will see that there’ll be severe economic consequences.  For example, anything that involves dollar denominations, if they make — if they invade, they’re going to pay; they’re not going — their banks will not be able to deal in dollars. [. . .] Militarily, they have overwhelming superiority.

Biden was making it clear that, as far as the US was concerned, from a military perspective there was no chance at all that Ukraine could ever win a war against Russia, regardless of whatever military support Ukraine received—short of a full-scale confrontation between NATO and Russia. The US knew, and accepted, that Russia would “prevail.”

The only possible result of arming Ukraine, then, would be to prolong the conflict and increase the body count, primarily among the Ukrainians.

Equally, Russia also knew that Ukraine could not win. Therefore, unless Russia’s military strategists decided to commit their forces to suicidal folly, their overriding military concern, should the occasion arise, would be to achieve operational objectives while minimising Russian casualties. As we will soon discuss, Russia has a global advantage in military technology that has thus far enabled it to wage war in Ukraine on its own terms.

Most telling was the US acknowledgement that the sanctions imposed by the US and its allies, should Russia act, would mean that Russia would have no choice but to sell its energy and other commodities in a currency other than the dollar. The implications of this cannot be overstated, especially in light of Russia’s position in the global energy market.

The US was signalling a likely shift in the global reserve currency—a shift effectively hardwired into the inevitable sanctions that would ensue if Russia went into Ukraine. Sanctions were practically a precondition of Russia’s “special military operation.” It almost seemed as if sanctions were a Western policy objective.

Why would the West—the US, in particular—not only pursue a self-defeating monetary policy but also make that policy dependent upon the tactical military decisions of Russia? As we will discuss, Russia had been trying to unseat the dollar as the world’s reserve currency for decades.

Both Russia and China had been consistently pushing their monetary and economic policies towards dedollarisation. Now here was the West “threatening” to hand fulfilment of those policies on a plate to both Russia and China if Russia launched a military attack on Ukraine! Hardly a disincentive to Russia.

Moscow interpreted the moves to isolate it from the financial system as a precursor to war. Russian spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned that such moves would serve to embolden Ukrainian hardliners.

Russia found itself in a bizarre situation. From a national security perspective, it needed to stop NATO expansionism in Ukraine and avoid facing the horror of Nazis with itchy trigger fingers on weapons of mass destruction.

Russia knew that the inevitable consequence of taking military action would be further sanctions. But this was nothing new; Russia had been dealing with sanctions for years.

What’s more, Russia had already taken significant steps to circumvent any further sanctions. And, while the suggested sanction regime would initially be tough on the Russian economy, sanctions by the West would, according to the President of the United States, also deliver on a silver plate one of Russia’s most sought-after monetary policy objectives.

For years the war drums had been beating in NATO-aligned nations but not necessarily in Ukraine itself. In November 2021, NATO defence ministers, gathered in Riga Latvia, issued warnings about an impending Russian “invasion.” Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said:

Any future Russian aggression against Ukraine would come at a high price and have serious political and economic consequences for Russia. [. . .] We see a significant and unusual concentration of forces, which is unjustified and unexplained.

As we’ve just discussed, this kind of statement from NATO was intentionally provocative. NATO knew full well that Russian deployments were a fairly standard response to NATO’s own multiple exercises on Russia’s western border and to Ukrainian troop movements.

While Russian troop movements certainly didn’t reduce tensions, nonetheless there was nothing unusual, unjustified or unexplained about them. Yet the Western mainstream media propagandists simply parroted NATO’s claims and persistently tried to convince populations in the West that Russia wanted war with Ukraine.

Following the conclusion of the Zapad exercises in January 2022, the analysis from the Ukraine Defence Ministry was that little had changed since the spring of 2021—that Russia was not building forces, merely rotating them, as usual. Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov suggested that the Western warnings of an imminent Russian invasion were overstated:

The number [of Russian troops] then and now are similar, but the (Western) reactions are disproportionate[.]

In January 2021 President Zelenskyy, speaking in a national TV address, questioned why some NATO members were apparently insistent that war was imminent when this did not appear to be the case.

What’s new? Isn’t this the reality we’ve been living in for eight years? [. . .] Didn’t the invasion start in 2014? These risks have long existed. They didn’t increase. What increased is the craze [in the news]. Our land is not being under attack now — but your nerves are. They’re trying to make you feel anxiety all the time.

Zelenskyy was right to highlight the incessant forecasts of war made by the West. Russia’s military exercises, within its own borders, were frequently being reported as a prelude for war, and yet readying for a potential conflict is, of course, the whole point of preparatory exercises. Besides, if Russia’s manoeuvres were a precursor to it launching an attack, then equally so were NATO’s and Ukraine’s military deployments.

On the 11th of February 2022, Russia/Ukraine talks brokered by French and German officials in Berlin broke down without any resolution. Russia insisted that Ukraine engage in dialogue with the representatives from the DPR and LPR. And it once again stressed the importance of Ukraine refraining from joining NATO.

However, it was practically impossible, and potentially very dangerous, for Zelenskyy’s Servant of the People (SN) government representatives to hold talks with the DPR and the LPR officials. Neither republic was seeking to secede from Ukraine. Rather, they sought constitutional reform to enable their autonomy. Obviously, if the Kyiv government was incapable of even talking to them, the prospect of this happening was remote to nonexistent.

On the 15th of February, the Russian State Duma passed a resolution calling upon the Russian government to officially recognise the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the DPR and the LPR. The speaker, Vyacheslav Volodin, commented:

Kyiv is not observing the Minsk agreements. Our citizens and compatriots who live in Donbass need our help and support.

This appeared to be a tactical move by the ruling United Russia Party to establish possible legal legitimacy for the military operation in Ukraine.

The Donbas War had rumbled on for eight years, yet Ukraine had failed to make any of the constitutional reforms needed to meet the Minsk agreement and, in the meantime, had been reinforcing its military stance. NATO and the EU states, for their part, had done nothing to encourage Ukraine to deescalate the situation. And, having operated an expansionist policy for decades, NATO continued to rebuff all of Russia’s national security concerns and persistently mobilised its forces on Russia’s border.

The same day that the Russian Duma started the process of recognizing the independence of the DPR and the LPR, the Organization for Security & Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) recorded that ceasefire breaches were lower than the 21day average. Three days later, however, the OSCE recorded ceasefire breaches that were orders of magnitude higher than the 21day average.

With the latter recording the OSCE issued an accompanying statement, noting that it had “observed a dramatic increase in kinetic activity along the contact line in eastern Ukraine.” There was nothing in the reports, however, to indicate who had initiated the conflagration.

On February 21st, President Putin announced the Russian decision “to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.” The DPR and the LPR requested assistance on the 23rd, thus enabling Russia to cite Article 51 of the UN Charter as claimed justification for launching its special military operation on the 24th.

Why Didn’t Russia Leverage Energy?

It is worth reminding ourselves of the reasons Putin gave for the operation. He sought, in his words, “to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine” and to prosecute those whom Russia accused of war-crimes. Putin added:

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. [. . .] [T]he forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power[.] [. . .] Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia. [. . .] They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass[.] [. . .] [T]he showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons. We will not let this happen.

Circumstances had certainly coalesced to create the situation described by Putin. Russia could legitimately make a case that the need to take military action was pressing.

However, during the previous eight years, and most acutely since Kyiv passed Decree no. 117/2021, as Putin alluded to, a military confrontation appeared to be inevitable. So why didn’t Moscow use the other tools at its disposal to at least attempt to achieve its objectives without having to resort to armed conflict?

It was a foregone conclusion that any incursion into Ukrainian territory would result in severe economic sanctions. Yet, as noted by Biden, Russia had “control over the energy supply that Europe absorbs.”

While the Russian economy would suffer a massive shock with the loss of this trade, that shock was guaranteed if it invaded Ukraine. In the meantime Russia had leverage that it could have exploited to heap immense pressure on the EU and thereby NATO and Ukraine.

Already the thirdlargest oil-producing nation after the US and Saudi Arabia and the secondlargest producer of natural gas after the US, Russia strengthened its energy production position even further in November 2021, when it secured a 40% 20-year stake in the newly discovered Iranian Chalous field.

Initial reserve estimates were on the low side. Chalous has 7.1 trillion cubic meters, equivalent to half of remaining reserves in the South Pars field—the largest gas field on Earth—which Iran shares with Qatar. Chalous, by contrast, is entirely under Iranian waters.

Russia’s stake in Chalous has been described by some as a geopolitical game-changer. Since Chalous is capable of supplying Europe with 20% of its gas requirements, Russia’s deal with Iran further consolidated its position as Europe’s energy lifeline.

US domestic energy consumption far exceeds Russia’s, thus making Russia the second largest oil exporter and the largest gas exporter in the world. Russia also possesses the largest gas reserves on Earth.

Despite Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, NATO has continued its expansionist agenda. Following Russia’s attack, both Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO. Also, the alliance continues to encourage South Korea and Japan to do the same. This is a NATO strategy that China opposes in the Pacific region just as vehemently as Russia does in Eastern Europe.

In response to Finland’s application to NATO, Russia cut off its gas supply. That reaction was also in response to Finland’s refusal to pay for Russian gas in roubles (more on this shortly). Russia also cut off supplies to Poland and Bulgaria after they refused to make payments in roubles.

All the tough sanction talk from NATO and EU member states appears to have been aimed more at European electorates than Russian policymakers. In reality, the Russian energy giant Gazprom had established a mechanism to exchange payments, made in dollars and euros, into roubles and thus sidestep the sanctions.

Supposedly the Russian central bank (CBR) had been excommunicated from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) because it had been sanctioned by the EU. But how could this have been true? After all, Gazprom’s currency exchange wasn’t possible without interbank settlement.

The sanction-busting strategy required the settlement bank—called the acquirer—to coordinate the transaction via the Swiss based Gazprombank, but ultimately the trading banks “reserves” were settled via central banks and the BIS. This means the CBR was still operating as a functioning central bank within the global central banking system, overseen by the BIS.

According to the Hungarian Chief of Staff Gergely Gulyas, at least 10 European countries were engaged in the sanction avoidance scheme. He said:

There are nine other countries using the same payment scheme, [. . .] today the idea of being a good European also means that the leaders of those countries are not honest when speaking either in the international arena or to their own people, the other nine countries won’t say that they are doing the same thing[.] [. . .] There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that countries importing raw materials from Russia use exactly the same method to pay for Russian gas.

In March 2022 the Kremlin issued Decree 172 banning the dollar or euro sale of Russian oil and gas to nations deemed to be “unfriendly.” As Russia was effectively barred from doing business using the global (US dollar) reserve currency, this was such an obvious move by Moscow it is hard to imagine that Western planners weren’t expecting it.

The sanction workaround involved Gazprombank transferring funds paid in dollars or euros to another internal account denominated in roubles.

As Gazprombank is based in Switzerland, its financial activities were not subject to EU sanction—Switzerland not being an EU member state. Payments to the supplier, which was Gazprom, could then comply with both the Kremlin demand for rouble payments and EU sanctions. It was a fudge, in other words.

While the Hungarians didn’t name the European sanction-dodging countries, it seems Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Italy were among them. Having heavily sanctioned Russia—and supposedly the CBR—for its Ukrainian military operation, EU President Ursula Von Der Leyen said, without a shred of irony, that the Russian insistence upon payment in roubles was tantamount to blackmail.

This was a preposterous allegation. The intention of sanctioning the CBR was to bar Russia both from using the global reserve currency and trading in the global energy market. We will cover sanctions in more depth shortly but, suffice to say, this guaranteed that Russia and its international partners would have to use alternative currencies.

This was the EU Commission President blaming Russia for resorting to “blackmail,” yet that is, of course, the precise purpose of sanctions. Russia’s monetary response was assured. In point of fact, the EU commission issued guidance to trading companies approving the sanction-dodging.

When considering if the Gazprombank strategy would enable private EU-based companies to import Russian gas and continue trading with Russian gas providers, regardless of sanctions, the EU Commission advised:

Yes, this appears possible. EU companies can ask their Russian counterparts to fulfil their contractual obligations in the same manner as before the adoption of the Decree, i.e. by depositing the due amount in Euros or Dollars. The Decree of 31 March does not preclude a payment process which is in line with the EU restrictive measures.

Gazprombank took European payments in Euros from energy firms such as Germany’s Uniper, Austria’s OMV and Italy’s Eni and converted them into roubles. As pointed out by the UK Financial Times:

The measure was seen as a way of neutralising EU sanctions against Russia’s central bank over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Although the sanctions were set to have a devastating impact on European’s cost of living, multinational corporations continued to do business as usual. One has to wonder who the sanctions were aimed at. As we shall see, it is the people of Europe who are suffering as a result. Was this self-destruction an intended policy objective?

Finland adopted a different approach and sought to protect itself against the gas cut off by agreeing to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from the US. It also committed to expand its nuclear energy program.

In terms of energy exports, Finland represents only a tiny proportion of Russia’s business, and the move by the Kremlin was largely symbolic. But many other European countries are far more exposed and are heavily reliant upon Russian energy.

European industry, not to mention households, simply cannot function without it. For example, Germany receives 55% of it gas supply from Russia. The chief executive of the German petrochemical giant BASF, Martin Brudermüller, warned that an actual EU embargo on Russian energy imports would cause the “worse crisis since the Second World War.”

While the EU and other European nations have recognised the Russian stranglehold on the European energy market for some time, it isn’t at all clear how they can replace their Russian supply.

In 2021, for the first time ever, US gas exports in the form of LNG via tanker exceeded its pipeline exports to Mexico and Canada. However, despite the war rhetoric from the EU, that it will “phase out” its reliance on Russian energy, the hurdles it needs to overcome first are considerable. US LNG alone isn’t currently a viable solution.

According to analysis by the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, EU claims that it can replace its reliance upon Russian energy are currently “impossible.” A number of other factors, far beyond EU control, such as global supply and demand, have to perfectly align and even then a percentage reduction is all the EU can hope to achieve in the first year:

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the European Commission (EC) devised plans to rapidly reduce the EU’s imports of Russian natural gas. Russian pipeline gas supplies to the European Union amounted to approximately 155 billion cubic meters (bcm) in 2021, including 14 bcm of liquified natural gas (LNG). Replacing this volume entirely within one year would be impossible. However, the IEA and the EC estimate that a reduction of one- to two-thirds is achievable by the end of 2022 based on lowering gas demand and finding alternative gas supplies. This wide range is indicative of just how challenging this effort will be.

Even if the EU could “lower demand,” acquire more LNG, mainly from the US, and increase alternative pipeline flows, it lacks both the terminal and storage capacity to import it in sufficient quantities and contain it. In the meantime, while Europe makes the massive infrastructure investment it requires, Russia could simply cut it off and throw it back into the Stone Age in a matter of weeks.

So we have to ask why Moscow would allow the EU to “phase out” its business with Russia? The Kremlin could switch off supply straightaway and force the EU to engage in some very high-pressure renegotiation while it holds all the cards. Russia needs its European energy export market, but, as we shall see, it had already made significant progress towards mitigating any losses long before it launched its military operation.

In other words, the EU can only make this transition with Russia’s support. Why on Earth is Russia maintaining it?

Not only is Russia enabling the EU to move towards a new continental energy system, intended to cut Russia out of its market, Russia is supposedly suffering crippling sanctions for its act of kindness. Something is definitely amiss.

The whole issue of sanctions, and indeed the conflict itself, becomes even more unfathomable when we consider how Western powers intend to benefit from it. Again, none of this would be possible without Russian complicity.

Equally, thanks to the West’s generous reserve currency offer, by going to war in Ukraine, Russia’s monetary ambitions have received a massive boost. This has come at significant short-term cost, but the monetary, economic and financial payoff for Russia could be staggering. There appears to be far more to Russia’s military action than publicly admitted by either side.

A Captured Ukrainian Regime

Under the aforementioned decree in March 2021 (Decree no. 117/2021), the Kyiv government, led by the SN Party of President Zelenskyy, was determined to restore “the territorial integrity” of Ukraine. This ended any lingering hope that the Ukrainian government had any intention of pursuing the Minsk agreements or similar negotiations. The threat to the DPR and the LPR was implicit.

The likelihood of Ukrainian using military force to assert its claim increased notably in April 2021. Russian diplomats, including Vladimir Putin, had urged Ukrainian officials to hold direct discussions with the elected leaders of the DPR and the LPR. While talking about gaining US support for a brokered peace deal, President Zelenskyy stated:

There is a persistent threat, of course, because we are having a war, especially in the Donbas area[.] [. . .] I have no intention of talking to terrorists and it is just impossible for me in my position.

One of the reasons that it was “just impossible” for Zelenskyy to acknowledge the democratic mandate of Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Councils became evident during his 2019 visit to Zolote. He needed to be very careful to appease the Nazis. Not only did they have a firm hold of Ukrainian national security, they posed a significant threat to the Kyiv government as well as to Zelenskyy and other government officials personally.

This point was spelled out by Dmytro Yarosh just a week after Zelenskyy’s May 2019 election victory. Speaking to the online news outlet Obozrevatel about the possible implementation of the Minsk agreement via the Normandy format Yarosh said:

Zelenskyy said in his inaugural speech that he was ready to lose ratings, popularity, position[.] [. . .] No, he would lose his life. He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk [a Kyiv thoroughfare] – if he betrays Ukraine and those people who died in the Revolution and the War.

Yarosh’s comment wasn’t an idle threat. The Nazis had already demonstrated during “the Revolution,” during their subsequent occupation of Kyiv, and with the massacres in Odessa and in Mariupol and throughout the Donbas War, their willingness to commit atrocities against anyone. As C14 leader Yevhen Karas pointed out, they enjoy killing.

When Serhiy Sternenko, one of the leaders of the Odessa massacre, was sentenced to seven years for the kidnapping and false imprisonment of Odessa politician Serhiy Shcherbych, the Nazis protested by fighting Kyiv police and trashing the offices of the President.

The Ukrainian courts freed Sternenko shortly thereafter.

Yarosh said that, as far as the Nazis were concerned, the Minsk agreements and Normandy format were simply an opportunity “to play for time, arm the Armed Forces, switch to the best world standards in the system of national security and defense.” NATO member states appeared to agree. They had seized the opportunity to arm, train and equip the Nazis to the fullest possible extent.

When German Chancellor Olaf Sholtz reportedly suggested to Zelenskyy that Russia and the US were willing to consider a deal to avert the potential Russian military operation—if Zelenskyy agreed to work to put a stop to Ukraine’s moves to join NATO—Zelenskyy wasn’t really in any position to agree. Not if he valued his life.

In November 2021, a couple of years after Yarosh threatened to hang the then-new President of Ukraine from a tree in the centre of the nation’s capital, Zelenskyy appointed Yarosh as his advisor to Chief of General Staff.

Welcoming the role the Nazis played in Ukrainian national defence, the Chief of General Staff Colonel General Viktor Muzhenko made a formal agreement with Yarosh to coordinate the activities of the “Pravy Sector” (Right Sector) with the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Venerating their willingness to fight and announcing the strengthening ties between the Ukrainian military and “volunteer battalions” (including the Nazis), General Muzhenko outlined how he and Yarosh envisioned the relationship going forward:

We understand the needs of changes and increase of efficiency at all the army levels. [. . .] We are developing the reforms and will implement them. We gathered all the patriots and defenders of Ukraine under single leadership. [. . .] We have one goal and the united Ukraine. The Army becomes stronger each week[.]

That “single leadership” of the Ukrainian army was a collaborative command structure headed by Colonel General Muzhenko in partnership with the Nazi leader who threatened to kill the president, Dmytro Yarosh. Were it not for the unwavering support of NATO, Yarosh would never have possessed sufficient political capital to grab joint command of Ukrainian ground forces.

To put the Ukrainian approach to national security into context, we can consider the December 2020 appointment of Oliksiy Arestovych as Advisor to the Office of the President. The former actor is an intelligence officer and psychological warfare specialist and served as part of Ukraine’s Minsk delegation.

Speaking to the Washington Post in March 2022 about the Ukrainian tactic of placing its military assets in civilian neighbourhoods, Arestovych referred to the Verkhovna Rada’s approved policy of “Total Defense.”

This is a policy commitment to create long-term resistance efforts against an “occupying army.” It assumes Russian victory on the battlefiled and subsequent occupation.

Passed into Ukrainian law in June 2021, its primary objective is to allow the Ukrainian government to continue operating via covert means. First and foremost, it protects the “line of succession” for the regime itself. This is referred to as the continuity of government program, and it places a duty upon the occupied population to die in the defence of a government which, in order for it to stay safe, may well be in exile overseas.

It is a long-term plan for prolonged guerrilla warfare. Total Defense aims to embroil the entire Ukrainian population—and all sectors of its economy and institutions—in a life-or-death struggle as they fight to maintain the claimed sovereignty of a defeated political hierarchy.

Arestovych suggested that Total Defense meant that Ukrainian forces didn’t need to bother with annoying humanitarian principles, such as those outlined in the Geneva Conventions, and that the war with Russia was not “a competition of European armies according to established rules.”

Arestovych is an admirer of Islamist extremist terrorist organisations and is particularly impressed by Islamic State (also called ISIS or ISIL). Speaking on Ukrainian TV, which under his close friend Volodymyr Zelenskyy has become a single, cohesive propaganda operation, he has praised ISIS’ use of terror on a number of occasions. For example:

The commanders of ISIL are considered some of the more wise and successful commanders that there are currently. Everything is thought through in detail, even the degree of cruelty. Cruelty for show – it is inhumane, but it is of a very high level, a wise strategy, taking their particular interests into account.


They are acting very correctly, I even have a notebook where I analyse ISIL in great detail, the best practices of running their business, the way they govern. Those methods, the world needs them, even though this means terrorism, medieval levels of cruelty, burning people alive, shooting them or cutting off their heads, etc. This is absolutely the way of the future.

Fighters from Islamic State, al Qaeda and other “former” Islamist terrorists have been fighting alongside the Nazis in Ukraine since at least 2014. The Sheikh Mansur battalion, led by Muslim Cheberloevsky and the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion, apparently commanded by Adam Osmayev, are the most well-known.

The Right Sector, under Yarosh, was tasked with overseeing and coordinating joint operations with the Islamists throughout the Donbas War.

When Zelenskyy announced that 16,000 foreign fighters were to form a Ukrainian foreign legion, it was widely acknowledged that many of them were Islamist extremists. Combat veterans from Chechya, Ingushetia, Daghestan and South Ossetia occupied the Ukrainian frontlines alongside the Azov, Dnepr and Aydar regiments, all subsequently rebranded as Ukrainian national guards.

The Total Defense Deception

Arestovych’s ideas have apparently become popular with the Ukrainian forces, and certainly among the “volunteer battalions.” They have filmed themselves torturing and murdering captured Russian troops, Ukrainian Jews and others on many occasions. Condemnation from the Western powers has been notable solely for its absence.

For Russian-speaking Ukrainians, ethnic Russian Ukrainians, Poles, Tartars, Armenians, Roma and Jewish Ukrainians, especially those living in the eastern and southern oblasts, the militarisation of the Nazis by NATO and the Kyiv regime presented an existential threat.

The idea that Total Defense is intended to protect all Ukrainians against foreign “occupation” is a deception. It is a policy enabling some Ukrainians to continue to wage war against other Ukrainians.

In 2014, during a national televised broadcast on Hromadske TV, alleged journalist Bogdan Butkevich openly advocated killing million of Ukrainians because they didn’t subscribe to the ultranationalist’s agenda:

Donbass, in general, is not simply a region in a very depressed condition, it has a whole bunch of problems, biggest of which is it is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. [. . .] If we take, for example, just Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants at least 1.5 million of them are superfluous. [. . .] We don’t need to “understand” Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests. Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. [. . .] The most important thing that must be done, there is a certain category of people that must be exterminated.

When the Donbas War began, Nazi military leaders and politicians, like Dmytro Yarosh, Andriy Biletsky, Oleh Lyachenko and Vadym Troyan, set about that extermination. Russian officials correctly assessed Ukraine’s military operation, and the corresponding likelihood of further NATO enlargement, as more than just a threat to Russian strategic interests and its national security. It was also a dire threat to the lives of people living in Crimea, Odessa, the DPR and the LPR.

In June 2021 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov highlighted that a diplomatic solution would only be possible if the US—the foremost NATO state—were behind the initiative. Otherwise there seemed to be little hope of a peaceful resolution to the eight-year-long Donbas War.

However, the July 2021 response from the US State Department and the German Foreign Ministry left no doubt about the policy trajectory. While the US administration spoke of supporting the Normandy format, they made it clear that the US would not facilitate negotiations in any practical sense.

Both countries were solely intent upon “restoring the territorial integrity” of Ukraine. They continued to unreservedly back the Nazi agenda and the Zelenskyy regime that was clearly captured by it:

The United States and Germany are steadfast in their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, and chosen European path. [. . .] The United States and Germany are united in their determination to hold Russia to account for its aggression and malign activities by imposing costs via sanctions and other tools.

Up to this point Russia had not “officially” been directly involved in the Donbas War. The DPR and the LPR could project their own military force, thanks largely to defections from the Ukrainian army.

In 2015 Ukrainian Interior Ministry officials admitted that an estimated 16,000 Ukrainian troops had defected to the Donbas People’s Militias (PMs), taking their arms and equipment with them. Given the nature of such “estimates,” it is likely that the figure was considerably higher.

These troops were in addition to those that had initially formed the PMs in November 2014 under the Donetsk governorship of Pavel Gubarev. He estimated the original size of the combined force to be somewhere between 10,000 to 20,000 troops. Taking the usual overestimation into account, it is likely to have been closer to 10,000 than to 20,000.

The defections have continued, including some high-profile military officers. For example, Major-General Aleksandr Kolomiyets, the former assistant Ukrainian Defence Minister, defected in 2015. Further military defections were admitted in 2017 by the Ukrainian military.

These defections included troops from mechanised brigades, who also took their military hardware with them.

In 2017 then-Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said the PMs consisted of approximately 40,000 troops. Based upon previous admissions and estimates, this appears to have been a plausible number. He added that there were also an additional 4,000 Russian troops.

That claim is somewhat dubious, but it all depends upon how you define Russian troops.

Prior to the start of the Russian “special military operation,” the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) had persistently alleged Russian troop involvement in the Donbas War. However, these claims were based upon “information received” rather than direct observation.

As a result, the OSCE added that it “could not draw conclusions” from this information.

In 2018 Foreign Policy (FP) magazine published an interview with Alexander Hug, the deputy head of the OSCE SMM. When asked what evidence the OSCE had of Russian direct involvement in the Donbas, Hug replied:

If the question is what we have seen on the ground, we would not see direct evidence. But we have seen convoys leaving and entering Ukraine on dirt roads in the middle of the night, in areas where there is no official crossing. [. . .] We have seen specific types of weapons that we have described in detail, including electronic warfare equipment. We have spoken to prisoners taken by the Ukrainian forces who claim to be members of the Russian armed forces fighting on rotation in Ukraine. We have seen men with the insignia of the Russian Federation, but you can buy this jacket anywhere. We have also seen the insignia of Germany, Spain, and others—but also of the Russians.

The OSCE SMM, tasked with monitoring the Donbas War since it began in 2014, had no evidence of any Russian troop deployment in Ukraine prior to the 24th of February 2022. They had heard claims, seen some suspicious activity and received allegations, but could not substantiate them. Later FP decided that it didn’t like what Hug had to say, so added a “clarification”:

Clarification, October 25, 2018: In an earlier version, Hug stated that OSCE had not seen direct evidence of Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine. We have removed this remark, as it did not convey his intended view. He goes on to cite facts and observations that his monitors have recorded.

The “facts and observations” were the claims, suspicions and allegations Hug referred to. He did not change his statement, FP just chose to reinterpret and spin it to suit its propaganda objectives.

This is not to say that Russia didn’t have forces in the Donbas. It just didn’t have “official” forces engaged in the conflict. Something else we’ll discuss in due course.

A War Built Upon Lies

Ben Wallace, the UK Defence Secretary, gave a speech on the 9th of May 2022 at the UK National Army Museum on the subject of Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine. He said:

While in Moscow in February, I accepted the honour of laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, beneath the vast red walls of the Kremlin itself. It stands in memory of those Russians who lost their lives fighting the invading Nazis. [. . .] Through their invasion of Ukraine, Putin, his inner circle and generals are now mirroring the fascism and tyranny of 77 years ago. [. . .] They are showing the same disregard for human life, national sovereignty, and the rules-based international system. [. . .] Their unprovoked, illegal, senseless, and self-defeating invasion of Ukraine; their attacks against innocent civilians and their homes. Their widespread atrocities, including the deliberate targeting of women and children; they all corrupt the memory of past sacrifices and Russia’s once-proud global reputation.

This is the sanctimonious rhetoric of the West. It is Rapid Response Mechanism hypocrisy and disinformation spread by the wholly compliant Western mainstream media propagandists, led by the farcically named “Trusted News Initiative.”

The purpose is to convince an unsuspecting Western public to believe in the Ukrainian cause and support the war. Trust what your government tells you!

There is nothing to indicate any commitment to democratic ideals in developed nation-states—and certainly not in Ukraine. Following the Euromaidan coup in February 2018, the Verkhovna Rada passed its package of so-called “decommunisation” laws.

A program of brutal oppression, political purges, media censorship and state-sanctioned murder followed. The Ukrainian secret service (SBU) worked with the Nazis to kidnap, torture and assassinate the regime’s political opponents.

In 2016 the United Nations Office of the High Commission (UN OHCR) issued a report that stated:

From April 2014 to 30 April 2021, OHCHR documented the detention of 767 individuals (655 men and 112 women), 68.8 percent of whom (528, including 456 men and 72 women) were subjected to torture. [. . .] [T]orture and ill-treatment were used to extract confessions or information, or to otherwise make detainees cooperate, as well as for punitive purposes, to humiliate and intimidate, and to extort money and property. Methods of torture and ill-treatment included beatings, dry and wet asphyxiation, electrocution, sexual violence on men and women, positional torture, water, food, sleep or toilet deprivation, isolation, mock executions, prolonged use of handcuffs, hooding, and threats of death or further torture or sexual violence, or harm to family members.

In the report the OHCR noted that the DPR and the LPR had dished out precisely the same inhuman treatment:

OHCHR documented the conflict-related detention of 532 individuals (447 men and 85 women) from 2014 to 30 April 2021, 281 of whom (249 men and 32 women) were subjected to torture. [. . .] 82.2 per cent of documented cases of arbitrary detention in territory controlled by ‘Donetsk people’s republic’ and 85.7 percent in territory controlled by the ‘Luhansk people’s republic’ involved torture and/or ill-treatment.

Ukraine is a bloody mess. No one embroiled in the conflict is in any position to grandstand. Claims of moral superiority on either side are vacuous. Ukraine has become the stage upon which the harsh reality of global realpolitik is being played out.

While it is true that the Nazis’ ardent desire to exterminate their “untermenschen” targets is particularly vile, no side is above reproach. The whole region has devolved into a sorry quagmire of repression and barbarism.

Democracy is more than just universal suffrage. Voting means nothing if the state refuses to accept the “wrong” political choice. Democracy promises to guarantee free speech, freedom of association, and freedom of political, religious and ideological choice. None of those principles are upheld in Ukraine.

In a 2017 interview, the loquacious Yevhen Karas spoke about the C14 Nazis’ cosy relationship with the SBU, saying, “They inform not only us, but also Azov, the Right Sector, and so on.” The presidencies of Turchynov, Poroshenko and Zelenskyy have all overseen the ongoing dictatorship.

For example, Zelenskyy issued an order in March 2022 banning 11 legitimate Ukrainian political parties while leaving Nazi parties, such as Biletsky’s National Corps, untouched. His regime has followed the example set by the US, the UK, the EU and Russia by censoring media outlets it doesn’t approve of and constructing a Rapid Response Mechanism propaganda machine of its own.

Prior to Russia’s military action, Zelenskyy shut down the offices and seized the assets of the media outlets his government wished to silence. The US embassy in Kyiv welcomed the despotism, claiming it was essential “to counter Russia’s malign influence, in line with Ukrainian law, in defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

With Order 152/2022, Zelenskyy’s SN regime added:

[A] unified information policy is a priority issue of national security, which is achieved by combining all national TV channels, the program content of which consists mainly of information and / or information-analytical programs on a single information platform of strategic communication – round-the-clock information marathon[.]

Exploiting this all-pervasive Ukrainian “Ministry of Truth,” Zelenskyy was then free to make chilling threats unchallenged, such as:

The activities of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed, but will receive a tough response.

The mayor of Kreminna, Vlodymyr Struk, was tortured and shot dead after urging negotiation with Russia; the mayor of Gostomel, Yuri Prylipko, was murdered after negotiating humanitarian corridors with Russian forces; Gennady Matsegora, the mayor of Kupyansk in northeastern Ukraine, made a desperate video appeal to the Kyiv regime to release his daughter from SBU detention; a Ukrainian delegate to the Minsk Trilateral Contact Group, Denys Kireev, was shot dead in broad daylight by the SBU on the streets of Kyiv.

No matter where or when such murder, repression and censorship occurs, regardless of who orders it or the justification they claim, while it persists there is no possible basis for any democratic pretensions. If the same oppression leaves those who advocate violence free to spread their murderous vitriol and assassinate anyone they choose, then the state has become a full-blown dictatorship. These orders are the political decrees of tyrants, not democrats.

Disgusting Propaganda

This is the Ukrainian state that the Western political establishment venerates as a shining beacon of democracy. Ukraine is and has long been a deeply troubled nation. Its people deserve better.

The Ukrainian electorate put Zelenskyy’s regime in power because he promised to deescalate the Donbas War and deliver economic and social reforms on the heels of what most Ukrainians had come to perceive as the far-right, corrupt oligarchy of Petro Poroshenko.

They were not expecting to live under a violent kakistocracy, yet that is what their “democratic” electoral process delivered. The results do not differ much from the outcome of the “democratic” electoral process that exists nearly everywhere else.

Electorates never get what they vote for. No one in the UK voted to empower policymakers to assist in the creation of new forms of global governance or to exploit war as part of their efforts to transform the global economy. Yet once elected and invested with fake sovereign power, politicians implement whatever policy best suits the global agenda. They never mention this when they campaign for a seat. And once in office, they deny it.

In the 2022 annual Mansion House speech, where the Foreign Secretary traditionally outlines the UK foreign policy objectives for the coming year, Liz Truss said:

Faced with appalling [Russian] barbarism and war crimes, which we’d hoped had been consigned to history, the free world has united behind Ukraine in its brave fight for freedom and self-determination. [. . .] [W]e must be prepared for the long haul. We’ve got to double down on our support for Ukraine. [. . .] We must reboot, recast and remodel our approach. My vision is a world where free nations are assertive and in the ascendant. Where freedom and democracy are strengthened through a network of economic and security partnerships. Let’s be honest. The architecture that was designed to guarantee peace and prosperity has failed Ukraine [. . .] they have enabled rather than contained aggression. [. . .] We are dealing with a desperate rogue operator [Putin] with no interest in international norms. [Putin] took the money from oil and gas and used it to consolidate power and gain leverage abroad. The war in Ukraine is our war – it is everyone’s war because Ukraine’s victory is a strategic imperative for all of us. Heavy weapons, tanks, aeroplanes – digging deep into our inventories, ramping up production. We need to do all of this. [. . .] [O]ur prosperity and security must be built on a network of strong partnerships. This is what I have described as the Network of Liberty. [. . .] The G7 should act as an economic NATO, collectively defending our prosperity. [. . .] We want to see a network of partnerships stretching around the world.

Much like the pandemic that immediately preceded it, this war is not seen by the Western powers as a problem but rather an opportunity to build a global network of partnerships. They are prepared for the long haul and envisage a lengthy war of attrition. They view it as a form of economic stimulus that allows them to ramp up production of heavy weaponry and technology to be exported to war zones, wherever they are created.

The conflict in Ukraine is a war for the transformation of the post-WWII international architecture, which will be rebooted, recast and remodelled. It provides the alleged justification for the G7 states to become an economic NATO.

Russian energy exports will no longer be allowed to flow to the West. This shutdown will force a total transformation of the West’s energy sector, which will have to be resilient and sustainable to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The cost of this war will initially be to the Ukrainians. Those who survive will be faced with unprecedented levels of national debt that they will have to work to repay.

The Western powers, especially the military industrial complex, are more than willing to convert to a war economy. They will endlessly finance and pump weapons into the conflict and will fight the Russians down to the last drop of Ukrainian blood, if they deem it necessary.

The global monetary and economic impact of the war, as a result of the allegedly unavoidable sanctions, will necessitate the complete transformation of the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS). The end of the US dollar as the world’s global reserve currency is a key objective, not an unplanned consequence.

In short, for those who wish to extend and consolidate their supranational sovereignty over the planet, the conflict in Ukraine is absolutely perfect. Russia’s “special military operation” was necessary to move their agenda forward.

We might ask if Russia has been forced into enabling the West’s plan for transformation. What can be said is that Russia’s military operation and its subsequent response to the imposed sanctions are meeting all of the West’s objectives.

This transformation of everything, to be blamed upon Russia and China, is predicated upon Western public acceptance of a set of absurd lies. First among them is that Russia’s military response was unprovoked and an act of naked aggression.

As we shall see, this war has been meticulously planned for decades. It is a key step toward establishing global governance—an objective that has been relentlessly pursued for generations. No matter how the war develops, its ramifications are already global.

Its purpose is to propel a technocratic transformation that began with the pseudopandemic. Change will foster the further establishment of a global biosecurity state. The worldwide system, founded upon illegitimate claims of sovereignty, abolishing individual autonomy and rights and freedoms, is destined to promote the interests of a global “parasite class.”

Hitherto Russia’s “sovereign entities” enthusiastically embraced this model. There was no aspect of the globalist plan that the Russian hierarchy and its institutions and minions weren’t invested in. But with the war in Ukraine, that former accord seems to have collapsed into disunity and conflict.

The only question is: Why?

Throughout its history, Russia has been shaped by the same globalist power struggle that exists in and between every developed nation. And the evidence suggests that the Russian leadership is acutely aware of that fact. Was Russia’s former conformity merely a ruse to keep its enemies close?

Do the Russian oligarchs intend to oppose the West’s threatened takeover of the world’s resources and population? Are they offering an authentic alternative to the West’s global governance model? Are they useful dupes, exploited by their Western counterparts? Or is the Kremlin placing itself at the centre of its own partnership network in a bid to seize control of global governance itself?

These superficially conflicting goals need not be mutually exclusive. That is to say, Russia’s apparent rejection of the West’s global governance agenda doesn’t necessarily exclude its own ambitions.

The conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war for supranational sovereignty and ultimately global control. Now we must ask: What are the protagonists motives and how do they envisage the future of humanity?

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Categories: latest, Russia, Ukraine
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Jun 10, 2022 6:12 PM

Thank you, Sir, for this so intelligent, unbiased, objective and non polarised article:..and amazingly long 😉
However, there was always hidden reality behind the “Theatre of world play” in action,
and hidden beings are pulling the strings, politics seen on tv are merely marionettes to fuel excitement/adoration/hate of sheeple class.
But luckily , this evil empire is cracking, ppl are waking up,
and without spirituality, knowledge about karma one can never fully grasp a real thing instead of believing in constant divertion of “mirror in the mirror” weird game for masses, right vs left, good cop vs bead cop etc…
Greetings from Europe.

Jun 10, 2022 11:02 AM

Before Covid the sovereign state thing was known as bullshit.
City of London – DC – Vatican.
#ovid should of shown that sovereign state thing was pure nonsense. !
Why does the author and U.K Colon pretend there is still sovereign states.?
East verses West biff.
It is very misleading or shilling.
LOOP da loop round and round that digressed many backwards to cockoo cockoo.

Jun 10, 2022 5:39 AM

A few points.

There is a rumour going the rounds that Russia will embargo all energy, food and metals exports to the EU on 30th September, after it has further diversified its export customers.

If this did occur, the result would be a swift collapse of European economies and a return to conditions of austerity and privation not experienced since the 1930s.Europe simply cannot survive without Russian commodities.

However, Russian economic retaliation thus far has been remarkably restrained and limited to requiring payment for exports in rubles. This despite the needlessly provocative and grossly offensive nature of western sanctions, banning Dostoyevsky and similar long dead cultural icons, targeting the children of Russian officials, refusing Russians medical treatment, and banning Russian dogs, cats and even trees, and much else in a similar vein.

It is clear that sanctions have failed in their much trumpeted intended outcome of collapsing the ruble and destroying the Russian economy.

Supposedly $300 billion of Russian assets abroad were confiscated/ stolen. This is unprecedented – even in WW2 German state deposits at the Bank of England and in America were not confiscated. And the German government appointed an official to protect the interests of US owners/ shareholders in businesses such as Ford plants in Cologne. But the actual figure for confiscated assets is probably much lower – about $125 billion. And hostile states are exposed to the loss of $500 billion of their investments in Russia.

A lot of shadow boxing may be involved. Russian oil exports to India have increased 25 fold. Indian refineries are now working overtime to refine Russian crude. Russian crude will be magically transformed into Indian diesel. Carried on Greek tankers. Greek shipping oligarchs, who rule the roost in Greece, have carved out a sanctions exemption for themselves, the lords of the largest merchant fleet in the world, all 360 million tons of it. Is all this smoke and mirrors, apart from a nice little earner for the middlemen? Is any of this what it seems?

Cat Pillar
Cat Pillar
Jun 9, 2022 7:59 PM

The global monetary and economic impact of the war, as a result of the allegedly unavoidable sanctions, will necessitate the complete transformation of the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS). The end of the US dollar as the world’s global reserve currency is a key objective, not an unplanned consequence.

….. What is planned to replace the US dollar?
To make that claim – I expect you to have some idea – and while a whole planet of all countries happily trading away in all their ‘own currencies’ will grant a lot more independence and sovereignty than most countries currently have, it strikes me as unlikely to be the desired outcome of those who tout the USD as global currency and who instigated this war (ie. the US Empire.) Thoughts?

Jun 23, 2022 5:32 PM
Reply to  Cat Pillar

It is an interesting article, but I don’t share everything said in it.
I don’t think the West wants to get rid of the dollar and euro as reserve currencies.
The whole idea that the West wants the economy to crash is a bit absurd.
Like in Germany. They are not trying to slash Russian imports in order to make the Green transition. After all, they are desperately trying to find alternative sources for oil and gas.
I think it is really just the old Nazi effort to destroy Russia and China. Yesterday I read of a Western conference soon that will talk about the planned decolonization of Russia, i.e. splitting Russia up into pieces so that the West can take control of Russia’s resources.

And I do not think that the way Russia has coped with the sanctions so far was planned. I think the West is pretty pissed, actually, because things are not going as planned at all.

But I like the article because of the shocking quotes I had never read before, where Ukraine basically confirms Russia’s wildest accusations.

Jun 9, 2022 4:06 PM
Jun 9, 2022 3:29 PM

It is not supposed to end indeed…

Injection number 5 for Israelis is imminent.
The third dose after “complete immunisation“!
And injection number 3 for children between 5 and 12…

comment image

Jun 9, 2022 3:26 PM

Now we know how evil Putin broke into the server of the Democrat’s National Convention some years ago:

Jun 9, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  Joerg

..trying again:

<img src=”http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/hillarypassword.jpg”>

Jun 9, 2022 6:14 PM
Reply to  Joerg

..cartoon doesn’ t appear. ,,, another try:

Jun 9, 2022 8:57 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Fourth time’s a charm!

comment image

Jun 9, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  Ort

How did You do that?????

Jun 9, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  Joerg

To upload images on this site:

• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough: https://postimages.org/

• Once uploaded, the Postimages page will display several URLS; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.

• Voilà!

NB: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postimages site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being “controlled opposition” or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it. 

FWIW, the site invites visitors to “register”, but when I tried (last year) I never got the confirmation e-mail to complete the process. So I didn’t bother, and have used it successfully without registering ever since.

Jun 9, 2022 10:17 PM
Reply to  Ort

Thanks for your answer. I will study this procedure (I already know https://postimages.org/ and also http://www.imagenetz.de/)

Jun 9, 2022 3:37 PM
Reply to  Joerg


Jun 9, 2022 2:51 PM

45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 45,316 fatalities, and 4,416,778 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots. Here are some tragic stories from those who believed in the COVID-19 vaccines, but are now dead. These stories are becoming more difficult to find, because most public notices of these deaths refuse to mention the deceased COVID-19 vaccination status. So many Internet Sleuths are now looking for cases of “sudden deaths”, especially among young, previously healthy people, and then looking for their social media accounts where often they boasted about their COVID-19 vaccines. As a result, there is now a new syndrome that has been created to try and cover up these deaths as “vaccine deaths,” which are now being referred to as “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS), where they claim the cause of death is “unknown.” Meanwhile, the world slips into economic chaos as the pool of human resources to fill jobs to keep the economy functioning continues to shrink at a rapid pace. Welcome to the Apocalypse.


Jun 9, 2022 1:02 PM

What a highly detailed and informed account, thank you. Iain Davis wrestles tirelessly with the conundrum and contradictions of Russia as friend or foe of the globalist cabal. One observation; despite the exhaustive detail, a key piece of the jigsaw goes unmentioned. That would be the 25 or so illegal bio labs and their toxic productions, financed and set up by the Pentagon years ago, many of them near the border with Russia. The Russian defence ministry has produced large amounts of documented evidence at the UN with shocking details of what US and Ukrainian scientists were preparing for the ongoing war on Russia. Assuming its validity, such evidence confirms the reality of deep existential hate against Russia among Western elites and their puppet leaders, and that any cooperation between Russia and the US/globalist agenda is very unlikely, or at least limited to a few oligarchs and pro-globalist, pro-Gates elements embedded in the Russian state apparatus.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 9, 2022 4:06 PM

Correct. I’m not sure these links are still active, but there are search processes available.

List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy
March 11, 2022
List of Ukraine biolab documents reportedly removed by US Embassy | Sharyl Attkisson

[An ad blocker “fix” has been added to the linked site] Do not fall for the hack. Simply refresh the original page.

Copy and paste any link below:


Jun 9, 2022 4:09 PM

The US is the prosecutor, the suitor and the administrator of the UN, Russia’s legitimate concerns will get tossed off the dinner table and like a small crumb, it will slip into the crevasse of the floor board and get discarded.

All these organisations are untenable with questionable neutrality, really is time for honest brokers or nations outside the US circle of friends to set up a new ‘UN’.

No one will listen when you have been cancelled, UN did not listen to the plight of the Donbass people, Russia must carve out it’s own path, de-dollarisation, de-nazification and they must now bring to fruition, de-UNification of the UN.

Jun 10, 2022 8:49 AM
Reply to  Jasonovich

According to an earlier comment here, the evidence Russia raised is now a part of Security Council records.

Jun 9, 2022 12:24 PM

There was so much information in this article , it is well written and has a neutrality in its tone that makes the claims both credible and authentic . All this posturing and behind the closed doors manipulation I can see emerges from the dominance and control which can only come from its architect , more quiet yet not silent and that is Henry Kissinger , I have followed the history of national and international aims of the US government post war , indeed it my “ enlightenment “ during the COVID pandemic . I always felt that the pandemic was a true pathology but one that contained a man made “agent – provocateur “, however I do believe that there is validity in the vaccine response all be it that there also exists lack of transparency of side effects , contraindications and most of all “ profit “ . Profit though is in many forms , this kind of profit is not fixed to the monetary system per se but the profit in “ binary division “ of society and insecurity as to what is the truth .
it seems to me that this war is really part of that objective ? What would that be ? For me it’s that the world is divided into 3 empires of US / Russia / China – it’s like Game of thrones and there’s great profit in a seemingly international disunity and societal disunity .
Once I read this and realised what I wasnt reading or hearing about in the time of the pandemic has resulted in the development of a river of power , surging and powerful , 3 nations claiming exclusive control of its banks . So much coercion , lies and corruption it makes me feel physically sick . I do believe there’s more population control to come , through poverty , famine , disease and other outcomes ( favourable for the elite ) of the fallout of war . The depopulation agent is not the vaccine but the energy of the people forced against each other ( I suspect Zelensky might’ be far from the hero he illuminated to be within the context of my suspicions ) , the depopulation agent will be the” selfish choices “ which we will be forced to take to just stay part of our comfortable societies . It’s truely the time of the “ Anti- Christ “ , perhaps it’s not a person but a universal seething collective consciousness of greed and corruption which we are being forced into . I m an ex soldier trained to fight professionally thus I admire the military tactics that a weaker smaller force must deploy to fight a larger more dominant enemy , especially if that fight is for lost freedoms , I’m black my life is one of oppression right down to my most memorable ancestors ! Yet I feel that a refusal to fight , to receive weapons , to play the “ game “ might have been a better option for the Ukrainian people and for us all . In my small circle of life I lay down arms and refuse to criticise the unvaxxed or promote my “ choice “ to the level of supporting mandates . I refuse to be on the left or on the right . Like many I want peace truth ,no more weapons . The world is overpopulated but I’m sure if I eat less , had less , consumed less it would work better as a climate change option , I m sure if there was not such a stark division of wealth in this world we could manage with a large population . These are very trying times , yet they are “ growing “ times as we become more aware of the darkness that rules us

Jun 9, 2022 9:55 AM

2022.06.05 What Happens To Europe When Russia Wins – YouTube

Not sure where will Britain’s place be once the Europeans finally realize that the gangrene (aka US servitude) that developed from shooting themselves in the foot needs to be stopped before it’s too late. Will two blocks emerge in the next couple of years like in 1984, with seemingly perpetual conflict, while the so called elites live in luxury?

Jun 9, 2022 6:25 AM

Meanwhile, the rats are preparing their exit from the sinking ship ~


At an average of 9 million Swiss francs apiece, that’s a very well-padded safety net.

Jun 10, 2022 5:50 AM
Reply to  antitermite

Zelensky’s accommodation problems are already well catered for, with an $8 million dollar mansion in Israel, and $34 million and $50 million mansions in Florida and Tuscany. President Ze will soon have a property portfolio almost as big as Tony Blair’s.

Jun 9, 2022 4:48 AM


The President of Ukraine also said that he saw attempts of Western countries to find out the terms of the ceasefire without the participation of Ukraine. “We need continued interest from the West, the Western support for Ukraine’s sovereignty. There can never be negotiations behind Ukraine’s back,” Zelensky said.  [The dummy: Admitting this publicly can’t add to his stature]

[Soros has been largely responsible for placing in major US cities D.A.’s whose failure to act has encouraged looting, fires, mayhem & murder.] It is surprising to see Russia comment on this. Is it indicative of the Kissinger/Soros split?
Good data at the link.

1998 Fisheries Agreement with Japan suspended after Japan sanctions Russia by

Japan had frozen the payments due under the agreement, and was also delaying the signing of the annual document on the provision of gratuitous technical assistance to the Sakhalin Region. Thus, the agreement, according to Maria Zakharova, is suspended until Japan fulfills all of its financial obligations to Russia.  

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida indicated that he intends to continue the country’s participation in the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin projects. -2″. “Japan, which has a very vulnerable energy supply structure, imports 3.6% of oil and 8.8% of liquefied natural gas from Russia, and the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects covering these supplies are important for Japan as a significant source of supply.”

The position of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on NATO membership and the refusal to resolve the conflict in Donbass led to the beginning of the Russian special operation . 
–Economist interview by former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe.

Shows Russian participation in Global Warming hoax.
[Since the Little Ice Age Oceans have risen 1mm annually; no indication of any increase]


To apply for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, residents of the Kherson region will need a residence permit not only from residents of Kherson, but also from other parts of Ukraine , the head of the CAA added. [common Russian translation error; I think they mean residents from either Kherson oblast or other areas are eligible for dual Russian citizenship] 
Fee of 300 rubles for obtaining a passport has been cancelled.

Announced by deputy head of the military-civilian administration of the region, Kirill Stremousov.
Elections will be held first.

Mikhail Murashko, “Doctors note, among other things, toxic liver damage after treatment for coronavirus. Antiviral drugs are used, which simply need to be used to save lives, but all of them are drugs that, among other things, have side effects.” According to the Minister, vaccination allows to avoid the virus and also to avoid serious side effect from treatment.
–Edward Slavsquat, Moscow-based writer [However the comments were in Oct. of 2021] 

Jun 9, 2022 2:10 AM
Jun 9, 2022 1:45 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Really informative and balanced, thanks. But like Iain Davis, the author does not mention the many notorious US-dependent bio labs in Ukraine and their very disturbing illegal activities and implications. That’s weird; their reality has been confirmed by independent investigators, by various high-ranking US officials, and by the copious documentary evidence produced by Russia at the UN.

Jun 10, 2022 8:37 PM
Reply to  Vierotchka

Vierotchka, a refreshingly pro-Russian article whose author has the bona fides NOT to be a propagandist. He has quite impressive credentials & great sources, covers material not covered elsewhere. Thank you for posting this.

I’m curious: As I assume you are Russian from your “handle” are you able to tell us anything about the degree of compulsion behind the covid regulations & vaccine in Russia?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 9, 2022 1:00 AM

The article was quite the gallant effort by Iain Davis but could have been reduced to this: >

The worldwide network of illegitimate sovereigns—composed of national governments and of intergovernmental and supranational institutions—enables certain people who have sufficient means and the right connections to enforce the policies they desire upon the masses. They are often referred to as “globalists” or “oligarchs.” [End quote]

None of these “illegitimate sovereigns”, “institutions”, “policies”, or enforced objectives would be possible without the shelter of established corporate estates…

I used to believe civilians were simply pawns on a chessboard. While I still believe this is largely the case, modern wars no longer require moving the chess pieces. Just rearrange the lines and squares and carry on…

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 9, 2022 7:41 AM

modern wars no longer require moving the chess pieces. Just rearrange the lines and squares and carry on…

Perfect metaphor.

Jun 8, 2022 10:43 PM

comment image

Jun 8, 2022 10:13 PM

Takes me back to my first full time job. 1970. Just graduated 8th grade. Gave up baseball for money. 13 years old. 60 hours a week. Dollar per hour. Radio was always on. https://youtu.be/GmNXzMw69zI

Jun 8, 2022 8:12 PM

So what did I learn today?

– That if you can export grain via Moldova and Romania then who needs Black Sea ports?

– That the ‘5th column’ has pretty much melted away in Russia.

– And that the Prime Minister of Estonia is pretty hot (sorry Boris).

In no particular order  😎 

Jun 8, 2022 10:39 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

comment image

Jun 9, 2022 6:18 AM
Reply to  NickM

Is she any good at running a country or is she just another mincing partygoing airhead like Johnson?

Jun 9, 2022 7:25 AM
Reply to  NickM

Good at “standing up to Mr. Putin” apparently. And she did get a ‘battlegroup’ out of the PM (despite Boris being too lazy to get out of his chair to greet her) – though that could be regarded as a Trojan horse.

She left him in “good” spirits so maybe they did have a bit of a party  😀 


Jun 9, 2022 10:46 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

From your Link: “Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas was visiting Downing Street to speak to Boris Johnson about strengthening Nato against Russia”.

Two simpering blonde airheads against Putin and Shoigu. No wonder Nato is winning the MSM war and Russia is winning the military war.

Jun 9, 2022 11:29 AM
Reply to  NickM

Surely not winning against *THE* Boris?  😉 

Boris ‘Chuprina’. Boris “long lock of hair”. Honorary Cossack. Nay, great cossack. Honorary bandura/kobza player. The stuff legends are made of (quite literally, on demand).

Move over Taras Bulba


comment image

Jun 9, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Beautiful, really exquisite pastiche. Done with love and care. And true artistic ambiguity: Is the hero worship of that virile blonde airhead genuine or kitsch?

Jun 9, 2022 5:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

Difficult to say. Would need to do a thorough examination of the symbolism. He does take up a disproportionately large portion of the scene, for example.

And any hints at HIMERS coming over the hilltops would also suggest an ulterior motive. The sword slanting upwards towards the head?

Light sky to the West, dark clouds towards Russia would seem pretty clear though

Jun 9, 2022 6:17 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Or ‘HIMARS’ even

The red berries/flowers also appear to be holding the Ukrainian coat of arms. A Ukraine in the grip of blood. And/or red for Red Army

Jun 9, 2022 7:48 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

With Westminster in the background, his sword hanging rather loose nearby.

From Wikipedia:”Seppuku, a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. It was originally reserved for samurai in their code of honor”
but is now practiced by politicians with none.

Jun 9, 2022 1:56 PM
Reply to  NickM

Speaking of pretty hot leaders, don’t forget Sanna Marin of Finland…

comment image

Jun 9, 2022 4:55 PM

Another wellgroomed pro-NATZO anti-Russian airhead from Schwab’s “Photogenic Young Leaders” production line is rolled out to parade her mincing steps around the catwalk. No wonder NATZO is winning the MSM war.

“What is a Murdoch reader?”
“Murdoch readers don’t care who runs the country so long as she has big tits”. — Yes Minister.

Jun 9, 2022 5:42 PM

Probably went to Finnishing school too (hee-hee)  🙂 

Jun 10, 2022 5:53 AM

Young Global Leaders one and all.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 8, 2022 7:02 PM

Sovereignty 973 AD to present Day isn’t ” government” .
Government are the long winded repetitive revison vocalists.

Jun 8, 2022 4:54 PM

This was ok up to the point that you repeated the lies that have been perpetrated in the press, by the various “fronts” for the global cartel, called “governments” or falsely and incorrectly named; “countries“.

There are no sovereign nation states since all “governments” are incorporated municipalities, privately owned and controlled by one global cartel. The public not only don’t hold any shares of these incorporated municipalities, they cannot legally challenge them, audit them, dispose of their assets or dissolve them.

Therefore, none of the administrations in any so-called country is a public institution, no matter the proclamations or protestations by the agents employed by these corporations. All military maneuvers are coordinated and controlled through the hierarchal system of the global cartel.

All “countries” are owned and controlled by the one monetary, merchant and military cartel. The orchestrated wars are merely a device to cull and dupe, farmed populations of brainwashed humans into believing their governments are necessary to protect them, when in fact, governments do the exact opposite.

The msm (and alt media) on these issues of alleged wars or military interventions, or the alleged “history” simply isn’t believable, any more than the faked mass shootings, fake assassinations, fake nukes, fake pandemics and all the government coordinated terror DRILLS, marketed to the public as real.

Jun 8, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

admins, please email this to 21CWire, Duran and all the brainless gobshite pseudo journalists busy spewing Russian propaganda or Western propaganda about a bogus war that only counts as a fucking big firework display to distract their stupid heads while the rest of the Great Reset or whatever you want to call it gets put in place.


“All “countries” are owned and controlled by the one monetary, merchant and military cartel. The orchestrated wars are merely a device to cull and dupe, farmed populations of brainwashed humans into believing their governments are necessary to protect them, when in fact, governments do the exact opposite.”

Jun 9, 2022 12:45 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

See history of the Donbas since 2014.

Jun 8, 2022 8:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The answer is simple, remove the cause and the effect ceases, but nobody with the will or the means to do that in practice has ever accomplished it to date, and by the way things are going it doesn’t look like that goal will ever be reached in my lifetime. So in all probability we are stuck with the sociopaths – their international corporations, and the global psychopathology they are continuing to perpetrate along with a ‘war’ that is no longer ‘silent’ and has become somewhat ‘noisy’ and nasty as I predicted many posts ago.

Jun 8, 2022 9:53 PM
Reply to  -CO

Agree. And good to see you! Hope you are well and staying away from sharp needles.

Jun 8, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Good to see you too! I thought you might have given up by now! On Rense.com there’s a short video depicting what’s happening now from past X-files TV series – its the first thing you see on Jeff’s website. The Illuminists always tell us what they are going to inflict upon us in advance using various media and this one hits the nail on the head. See what you think.

Jun 9, 2022 12:57 AM
Reply to  -CO

Thanks Tony, I’ll check it out.

Jun 9, 2022 1:43 AM
Reply to  -CO

Ha! Didn’t see anything on Rense but Burning Platform have this

They definitely plan these agendas many decades in advance, and part of the mass brainwashing technique is pre-programming, through “entertainment”, rather than attempting to let us know their plans. The subconscious mind pathway only remembers repetitive content. So the majority of people won’t pick up on the absurd scams or the pre-programming, instead they’ll view what’s on tv or film, as plausible scenarios.

Jun 9, 2022 10:06 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The video is still up -its right there on the first page, the first thing you can see when the page loads, you cant miss it.

Jun 9, 2022 11:38 AM
Reply to  -CO

I see it now. Same video clip as Burning Platform. Rense had “UFO” videos up on their INDEX page.

A couple of notable things about the X files clip. They are pushing the virus contagion theme, they are also pushing the theme that there’s a “takeover” of food, government, pharmaceuticals etc., when in fact the system was set up that way from its inception. IE government was always the problem. And vaccines were always poisonous, cancer agents meant to mutate DNA.

But they are laying out themes around what’s commonly known, and the general plot of the psychopaths who in my opinion, recycle (and hoard) technology every Great Year cycle. Maybe (most) humans have already been genetically modified. Why are humans the only vertebrates that can’t create Vitamin C?

Cyber pandemic and possible invasion of North America by China or Russia may be on the table. They could also shut down the grid, like “Into The Forest.”

Jun 9, 2022 6:45 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Concerning Human Vitamin C synthesis, you might be interested in reading the paper by Levy and Hunninghake (2022) if you have not already seen it, which goes into the fact that some humans can synthesize Vit C under certain conditions. Here’s a couple of quotes:

Substantial evidence exists that indicates the ability of the human liver to make vitamin C is present at birth and for a variable amount of time thereafter.

Some adults also appear to make their own vitamin C, or at least maintain normal vitamin C blood levels through some other undefined mechanism, whatever that could possibly be. In one study, an adult female continued to show high blood levels of vitamin C as the vitamin C intake was progressively decreased. Another woman went 149 days without any significant dietary vitamin C intake, and she never developed any deficiency symptoms.

The article is fully referenced and entitled:

The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humansby Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD and Ron Hunninghake, MDOrthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 11, 2022

Jun 9, 2022 7:56 PM
Reply to  -CO

Interesting! Thanks.

Jun 9, 2022 3:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I think this is a pretty accurate description. But about the ‘they’ behind it all; I see that you use ‘cartel’ in your previous post, suggesting that the elite’s criminal activities are caused by their greed or love of money, that ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’. I believe that this fundamental assumption is incomplete or misunderstood, so preventing a deeper and more spiritual understanding of our plight. Consider another great Christian teaching, that ‘man lives not by bread alone’, that we need God for a meaningful or good life, that the love of bread or money is not enough. When humans lose their love for God, we are invariably left with a false love: that of money or bread. In other words, people seek material rather than spiritual wealth. Without the love of God and God’s love, we become defenceless against the material or monetary temptations which evil uses to recruit us to its cause. The godless become the minions and servants of the globalists, who also do not live by bread alone; they are driven by an ideological or pseudo-religious vision of power and control, a virtuous but false narrative of salvation for the world which they believe, devoutly, must be imposed on all of us. “The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants”, wrote Albert Camus. The globalist tyrants believe their own lie, that they are our anointed saviours, the elite or chosen ones who know what is best for us all. Their vision justifies their evil actions and hides their evil from themselves. Incredibly rich, globalists neither seek nor need to seek more money. To have meaningful and valuable lives, they must real-ise the vision which possesses them. That means making and using their fabulous wealth to buy more power, namely the countless minions and institutions necessary to reshape the world as they see fit. The money is just the means to their Godless ends: complete power and control. No serious Christian could be a globalist, because Christianity demands voluntarism, not coercion. People choose freely to be Christian or not when asked, but globalists don’t ask, they dictate. They must bribe and coerce the world to do their bidding, must make it bow to their vision, just as Lucifer demands of his disciples. They are possessed by evil power and intention. OK, sorry for the rant, but hopefully you will now see why the term ‘cartel’ is insufficient for me, and why I always prefer to say ‘cabal’ or ‘Luciferians’ when discussing those who seek to destroy or enslave us all. They worship evil, not money.

Jun 9, 2022 6:12 PM

The money itself is not the driver of the racketeering. It’s one of the perks. They, the cryptocracy, global merchant-military-banking cartel are an old organization, who believe themselves the arbiters, shepherds or controllers of humanity itself. Their organization consists of ancient ruling families who hand down their power and control over generations, and many centuries. They use occulted knowledge, to control populations and farm them (us), using the corporate constructs of nation state administrations, to tax, police, educate, regulate, employ etc. The major corporations in the world are controlled through the legal system the cryptocracy set up, and through the financial central banking system (BIS, IMF, World Bank), retail banking system and global trade network.

The public is told, falsely, that all these systems, supranational, national, legal, fiscal, trade, military, regulatory are set up for the public’s benefit, but even a cursory calculation of any state in the US, such as NY or PA, for instance, you’ll find that the amount paid in taxes (not even sales, and other taxes), such as property taxes, far outweighs by at least tenfold, any benefit received by the public, or any public works.

So what we have in each section of government, from federal, state, county, to local government is a network of corporations which are owned by the one, global cartel network. A criminal cartel. The fact that we can’t audit these local, state or federal government entities and look at where their money is flowing in and out of their corporate bank accounts is proof enough to me, of the scam. The public has no recourse and there’s zero transparency or oversight.

In my opinion, the money is only the means of control. The more money they gain, and take from the public, the more direct control they have over the global populace. For keeping the public sickened, weak, ignorant, dependent, ill-informed, and regularly culled through famines, wars, economic warfare and various poisoning campaigns. In doing so, they maintain their Order Out of Chaos.

“The globalist tyrants believe their own lie, that they are our anointed saviours, the elite or chosen ones who know what is best for us all.”

Yes, they do but we are dealing with a generational cult who use secrecy, secret societies, occulted knowledge, fear based programming, and the structures and means of power institutions and threat of force and physical violence to rule by deception, intimidation and fear.

Perhaps this alleged priest’s testimony is partly disinfo, but maybe it provides some insight into their “belief” system.

Within any cult or organized religion, there are beliefs, rules, values and missions.

What better way to teach man he is worthless, powerless, and must look towards the external and invisible for salvation, than to convince him that bibles, scriptures etc., are the word of god, when obviously they are the word of man, since the slightest research reveals their basis in astrological allegory, handed down through the ages.

Jul 3, 2022 11:35 AM

Christianity is what brought us here. It is just a globalised Judaism, which is why they never removed the Old Testament from their book. It is a slave-master relationship.

The bio-phobia ( general fear of nature, wilderness an all that is alive and kicking) comes directly from Judeochristanity and is what enables the “invisible and contagious pathogens from wild animals and darker people” narrative.

The concept of “serious” christians is a bad joke a since the Bible is an incoherent collection of nonsense derived from a mashed-up distortion of pagan mythology and older middle eastern religions.

Did the magic J, son of YHVH, come out of a vagina perfectly unsullied by dirty human penises in Nazareth, or was it Bethlehem? Those are distinct locations…

A doctrine too gross to be touched by any blasphemy!

What is particularly not-funny is that so many duped Christians believe that “the chosen ones” mentioned in the OT refers to them, or to humanity in general… 😂

Jun 8, 2022 10:44 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Mr Davis writes well, but he subscribes to the “left/right” political paradigm and so, unfortunately, his opinions are ultimately worthless to me.
I couldn’t help noticing his link to a story of how a Ukrainian jew was murdered by the evil nazis, forgetting to mention that the current comedian in charge of both the country AND all the nazis is a jew himself
funny how your list of faked mass shootings, fake assassinations, fake nukes and fake pandemics (not to mention fake world wars) often seem to feature tribesmen in leading roles
really makes you think…

Jun 8, 2022 11:27 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Yes, indeed. The right/left or east/west paradigm only works on the most naive.

The irony is that whomever this tribe is, whether it’s the Cult of Moloch, the Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenician Navy and/or their descendants, the Crypto-Judeans; they take cloaks of many colors (religions and tribes) to form multiple supposed oppositional groups so it becomes more convincing to the public that there’s warring factions or ethnicities when there’s only one criminal gang ruling over the entirety of humankind, eternally creating division and artificial scarcity, using their Order Out of Chaos, modus operandi.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 9, 2022 1:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Their name is Legion, for they are many. We can try to find a material, temporal, or perhaps natural explanation to what holds the structures of civilisation in place till hell freezes over but we ain’t gonna succeed, because it comes from the realm of the unseen, the supernatural or spiritual.
At the end of the day it’s in all of us this fallen nature, bound to be ruled by our passions, desires, fears and wants.

Jun 9, 2022 1:15 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

It’s not otherworldly. That’s just as much of a scam as their invented religions and various gods. It’s mass mind control through the subconscious pathway. If you control society by setting up pyramid, hierarchical structures, that encompass the complete organization of society, including courts, police, governments, money and trade, then control everyone’s ability to function through that system, that’s simply a prison grid managed by psychopaths in a cult, through mass deception. Once you see past the deception, it’s easy to figure out that their occulted knowledge isn’t supernatural. It’s just hidden from view, through mass disinformation programs.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 9, 2022 12:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You forgot to mention all the fake and flashy science which is the most spellbinding aspect of the modern system.
It has created this compartmentalised mental structure where no one is supposed to know, talk or even think outside the predefined and narrow boundaries of their area of expertise, i.e you’re not a doctor so know nothing about health or you’re not an economist therefore can’t understand how the money system operates, etc.

Jun 9, 2022 1:04 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

I didn’t forget. Agree that most science is largely based on fraud. Especially in the “health” sector. And yes, everything is compartmentalized, within the Prussian model of ”learning” (memorizing and regurgitating) so most can’t/won’t put together the big picture, how racketeering is the main objective, and it’s achieved through fraud by controlling the funding, the mis-education system, professional associations, trade associations, NGOs, “regulatory“ agencies and publishing houses. Then the media was set up specifically as a secondary brainwashing tool, where the repetition of lies becomes the medium for subconscious mind control and mass dissemination of false beliefs and disinformation.

Jun 9, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Hi George, in Lacanian psychoanalysis the analyst, functions as the subject-who-is-supposed-to know, but often doesn’t . Doctors function in a similar fashion and hate it if you represent a challenge to their ‘authority’ by appearing to know as much as they do and sometimes more, regarding a particular illness or health problem.They tend become less arrogant, back off, and be on their guard and it particularly applies to consultants – they don’t like it one bit.

Jun 9, 2022 2:10 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I would agree that the cartel seeks the control you describe, but not that it enjoys it already. If all countries belonged to the global cabal or cartel, then none would be targets or enemies of its control. Do nation-states like Russia, Hungary, Brazil, India and Indonesia all bow to the Davos/globalist agenda? No. How about the African nations which just spiked the WEF treaty to impose a global medical dictatorship by surrendering sovereignty on pandemic issues to the WHO? They didn’t follow orders. So the global cartel is clearly not all-powerful nor in control of everything. Not yet.

Jun 9, 2022 3:29 PM

They control every country and always have.

They don’t CARE about killing and culling African nationals at present. The cryptocracy have control of whatever land they require in those nations, for mining, through their Ebola scam, directed famines, war (Yemen, Somalia etc) and weather warfare.

The focus at present is on the rich nations, as a central part of Agenda 21. African nations are just as much under control as any country on earth.

All trade, commodity, stock exchanges, currency exchanges and financial transactions are conducted with all countries as members. There are no rogue nations. All countries are signed up to the UN, and other supranational orgs that control all policies and agendas. Politicians aren’t elected they are selected from cartel members. All central banks are owned by the one cartel, and all governments in every country are incorporated municipalities. None are public institutions. They are privately owned with the shareholders purposely being shielded. Last, but not least, all countries have the same organizational and structural control systems operating, and their flags, signs and symbols used on official courts, documents and seals are all Masonic, and belong to the one ruling cartel.

Some African nations have already trialled the digital currency, ID, Vax credentials, SMART cards and payment system. There’s no country that’s fighting anything. It’s an illusion, so you don’t see the central control.

Jun 8, 2022 4:45 PM

I read untill: „During a question-and-answer session after his January 2021 press conference, US President Joe Biden was asked how a new tranche of economic sanctions would work to dissuade Vladimir Putin from attacking Ukraine. The question itself was loaded with the inference that Russia wanted to attack Ukraine, despite there being no reason to suspect this was true”.
In fact, there were plenty of reasons to suspect that Russia wanted to attack Ukraine, and the events starting with 24th feb 2022 prove it.
It seems that the author will not allow facts to bother his nice narative.

Jun 9, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  mariusmioc

Read the article again.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 9, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  mariusmioc

Hello mariumioc: “It seems that the author will not allow facts to bother his nice narative.”

Yes. Your narrative contains no provable facts…

Jun 8, 2022 3:55 PM

A really excellent review of “How did we get from There to Here?”; well documented and well presented. The final paragraph looks forward: “Where do we go from Here?”

I don’t think that “The conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war for supranational sovereignty and ultimately global control.” That proxy war has already been fought in Syria, and the result was a solid Axis of Resistance: Syria, Hezb, Iraq PMG, Yemen, Iran, Russia and China. Check for NATZO in the Middle East; in the long run, probably, Checkmate.

To divert Russia from Syria, NATZO under the Obomba / Biden regime perpetrated its “cookie coup” in Ukraine, accelerated its aggressive Eastward expansion by placing nukes in neighbouring Poland “to deter Iran!”, and prepared to nuclear arm Ukraine.

The “Special Operation in Ukraine” is merely Russia’s first step toward its stated objective: “No NATZO nukes East of Berlin”.

Jun 8, 2022 4:36 PM
Reply to  NickM

I think you are too optimistic about the ‘proxy war’ having already been fought in Syria.
These guys don’t give up. They’ve been at it for decades, or even centuries.
A little setback like Syria or Ukraine just prompts them to schedule their next cocktail party to discuss what to try out on us human beings next.

You’re right about Russia’s stated objective, but in global politics nothing is ‘merely’ this, or ‘merely’ that.
It all comes from a catastrophic mindset.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Jun 8, 2022 10:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“They don’t give up…” The full spectrum dominance has been games on for many decades. They retreat a bit, but the goal is always control. Whether is US/empire or the globalists program the goal is always the same.

Jun 9, 2022 12:52 AM
Reply to  Art Costa

Who owns the banks ? Follow the money.

Jun 8, 2022 10:22 PM
Reply to  wardropper

“These guys don’t give up”.

Too true. But the state of play is, Check for NATZO in the ME. The objective is, to persuade NATZO to withdraw its treacherous nukes from Poland and Romania. And the first step was (I wrote “merely” for emphasis) to stop a genocide of ethnic Russians by NATZO’s Nasties in Ukraine.

Jun 8, 2022 7:45 PM
Reply to  NickM

Oh ffs mate – Russia isn’t an axis of resistance!

Russia’s health minister is on the board at the WHO. They are still vaxxing everyone who stays still long enough. They are fast tracking the digital ruble. They are backing the fucking climate lie.

Globalism eastern style is going to be like the Russian McDonald’s, different name same identical poison. And the sooner you Lefties wake up to that the better.

Sick to death of reading the fan magazines that pass for journalism coming out of the so-called alternative media which just loses its collective shit over Russia and swoons at Putin’s feet. He did some good in the past but he’s joined the big club now. Wake up and smell the coffee

Jun 9, 2022 12:55 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

We’re you living in the Donbas region for the past 8 years ?

Jun 8, 2022 3:23 PM

Actual developments:

Jun 8, 2022 8:21 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Soap opera

Jun 8, 2022 10:31 PM
Reply to  Joerg

The Duran in top form. Interesting revelation about Turkey’s current reading of the anemometer; Turkey being one of the last three NATZO members with a toe hold in Syria.

Jun 9, 2022 4:58 PM
Reply to  NickM

“Turkey meanwhile, sees the way the wind is blowing and is drawing closer to Russia/ Eurasia; as a result of which Russia may be heavily engaged in Ukraine but that doesn’t prevent her from keeping a protective eye on Syria.

“Hurriyet: Turkey, after negotiations with Russia, suspends preparations for an operation in Syria near Raqqa. Russia did not approve of the Turkish operation there and sent reinforcements to the region”, the Turkish newspaper writes.”


Jun 8, 2022 3:21 PM

Skimming through the UN HR reports, I found no mention of body parts removed for sale. Other sources mention that.

Jun 8, 2022 1:41 PM

I commented to what this brought up on Iain’s site and at

Jun 8, 2022 1:13 PM

Speaking of the parasite class, Russian oligarchs fall firmly into that category. Don’t hold your breath waiting for them to stand up to Soros and Schwab. They share the same Zurich bankers and have adjacent superyacht moorings.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 7:50 PM
Reply to  Zane

What about US oligarchs?

Jun 8, 2022 8:33 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

They’re all the same. There’s no difference.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 9, 2022 10:46 AM
Reply to  SissyY

”They are all the same – no different.” If only!

Yeah right! If they are the same and undifferentiated why are they fighting each other, just like they have down the centuries? Nationalism is the a (most) powerful force and the nations’ peoples will defend their national interests and beliefs often to the death.

You seem to be suggesting that this doesn’t happen and we live in some post-war world. Where world war two was some brilliant get-up mirage whereby the leaders connived in hoodwinking the masses that there was only a fake war. I have to inform you that these wars are not staged events to keep both the hoi-polloi happy and their leaders from ending in a grisly death. How did Hitler go: shot burnt and period. How did Mussolini go? shot and hung up by his toes. You may not like this, but this how the world is.

As George Orwell once wrote.

”One cannot see the modern world as it is unless one recognises the overwhelming strength of patriotism, and national loyalty. In certain circumstances it may break down, at certain levels of civilization it does not exist, but as a positive force there is nothing to set beside it. Christianity and international socialism are as weak as straw – unfortunately – in comparison with it. Hitler and Mussolini rose to power in their own countries very largely because they could grasp this fact and their opponents could not.” (The Lion and the Unicorn – December 1940)

This is what the pacifists are unable to grasp. No more would be a fine and wonderful thing. But unfortunately this is not the world we live in. From 2014 until Putin sat on his hands for 8 years whilst the Minsk forum was ignored by the Ukrainians, Merkel and Macron, and of coursed the US, and the Ukie Army bombarded the Donbas and killed up to 14000 souls until the pressure for Putin to do something became impossible to contain. These were Russian-speaking people under the cosh. Bear in mind this was due to pressure coming from within Russia from the ordinary people as well as the opposition parties – ‘Communists’ ‘Just Russia party’ – and party leaders such as Medvedev, Glazyev, Lavrov, and Vishinsky.

Jun 8, 2022 7:51 PM
Reply to  Zane

Oh God don’t say that, it’ll spoil the dream. Don’t you know Russia and all its billionaires and oligarchs are on the barricades in Ukraine fighting to bring an end to privilege and corruption and make the world a better place?

You better not question that or a million deluded Leftists will have your bollocks.

Jun 9, 2022 6:31 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

The whole world is infested with Plutocrats. Russia, China and Cuba are the only countries whose Political Leaders have actually done something to cut the Oligarchs down to size. Britain used to be such a country but Attlee died. Even the U$A was such a country once, but FDR died.

“The poor have ye always with ye” because the rich have we always with us — who live off the poor.

Jun 9, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  Zane

Those oligarchs you refer to are NOT Russian! They are the former commie Bolshevik scum who bled the continent dry. Putin has kicked them all out of Russia. Don’t confuse the Bolshevik Commie era of USSR with the new real Russian Federation of Putin.

Jun 8, 2022 11:30 AM

Interesting read, but I don’t think there is enough evidence to suggest as you so confidently do, that the Donbass resistance is as depraved as the Nazi battalions. In liberated areas actual fit for purpose torture centres have been exposed. Torture was used as a tool of intimidation and humiliation by the nationalists, but what use would it have in a defensive position? The UN report may have been doctored to provide “balance”.

Jun 8, 2022 10:56 AM

It’s like a giant game of chess.
Seven billion expendable pawns as the Kings and Queens hide under guard.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 10:52 AM

> Now we must ask: What are the protagonists motives and how do they envisage the future of humanity?

Same as it ever was: Gimme, gimme, gimme at the expense of others.

Jun 8, 2022 12:46 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

They’ve written numerous books and policy documents saying exactly what their vision of humanity’s future is.

Enriching themselves isn’t the pinnacle of their ambitions by any means.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 1:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

> Enriching themselves isn’t the pinnacle of their ambitions by any means.

Then what?

Jun 8, 2022 4:45 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

THEY PRINT THE MONEY. DIGITALLY AND PHYSICALLY. They already own the entire financial, military, and global “governmental” system.

The cryptocracy want to rid the earth of the majority of humans, whom the globalist cartel call “useless eaters”. Why do you think they invented PESTicides? Chemtrails? RX Drugs? Wars? Vaccines? Toxic food? Alcohol? TV? Wifi (EMF/EMR)? Everything in modern society is designed to dull your mind, brainwash you, weaken and sicken you, farm you for profit and then to cull you and your family prematurely.

The cryptocracy farm populations for their ingenuity, creativity, energy and for profit, then they kill us off when they have the robots ready to do all the work for them and when the GLOBAL DEBT (which they force onto the public, without their knowledge, consent or understanding – through the ALL CAPS birth certificate scam) becomes unmanageable.

The entire global system – every aspect of it – from trade, academia, religion, money and government agencies are run on fraud. Copious amounts of fraud and deliberate deception at every level in every institution you can possibly name. From professional associations to the fraud of rigged stock markets and indices. From the miseducation system, to charities, to the privately owned central bank system, to the entirely fake country scam, to the fake “news”, “entertainment“ industry, the hoaxes and psyops the alphabet agencies run on their own populations, to the nonsense of germ theory, and the lies of taxation and public “works” and “benefits”, the courts, military, communications and police.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 7:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If big fat fantasies are your thing, indulge yourself!

Jun 8, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

So ignorant.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 8:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Not at all, I just think that my world view has more to it than your “James Bond villains are the root of all problems” view.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

In my view Occam’s razor isn’t the worst of methods …

Jun 8, 2022 8:23 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

There’s no James Bond. That’s the fantasy they sold YOU. The idea that alphabet agencies spy on other countries. THAT’S the fantasy. The slightest bit of research will prove that your world view is complete fiction and is only what they’ve brainwashed you to believe, in order to farm you and gain your complete submission.

Why would you believe governments and government departments that consistently lie? About everything? Nothing they claim about what they are doing or why they exist is verifiable or lawful. They exist unlawfully, carrying out racketeering scams on the population, milking their earnings and giving back paltry crumbs in comparison to what they extract.

If you don’t even understand THAT much why are you here?

It’s not statistically possible or plausible that the same families throughout history, continue to get richer and more powerful, generation after generation and everyone else is an impoverished debt slave.

Your view of the world is childlike and easily refuted by facts.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 9, 2022 9:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

> There’s no James Bond. That’s the fantasy they sold YOU.

Huh? Are you for real?

Jun 9, 2022 11:43 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

YOU are the one referencing a movie.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 10, 2022 12:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

And you are the one telling me that there is no James Bond as if I believed so. Fuck off!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 7:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

PS. These so called “chemtrails”, what exactly are they supposed to do?

Jun 8, 2022 7:43 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Weather warfare. Geoengineering. Cloud Seeding.

Oregon Rain Analysis – Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Sulfur, LITHIUM

Jun 8, 2022 9:31 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Mr Y, When a brilliant blue sky w white clouds is degraded with visible chemtrails, they at once dissipate. Result: a fuzzy blue-gray, nearly cloudless. Obviously reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the ground and probably reduces rainfall too.

Putting metallic particles into the air must have some effect upon conductivity, EMFs, etc. And of course we end up raising crops on soil contaminated w em.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jun 8, 2022 10:31 AM

As a US citizen, I very much identify with the Russian Federation. US elites have treated both of us like garbage for 30 yrs. US tried to overthrow 57 countries from 1949-2014. US bombs and bullies everyone, but no one ever punishes the US. As Manlio Dinucci said, US is the main predator of humanity. Someone has got to stop the US. I’m just a slave, so I can’t do it. Mr. Putin is the first person of consequence to ever politely say to the US, enough. So I very much hope this works out for the Russian Federation. It’s not really about Ukraine because Ukraine has been a US/Soros colony for 30 years, ie, the opposite of sovereign. Soros spent two years planning the 2014 US violent overthrow of Ukr’s elected government. The “new” US controlled government in 2014 called in the oligarchs and awarded them governorships of regions of Ukr. This article will be a great resource, it covers much ground.

Jun 8, 2022 3:29 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

I hear you.

On the other hand, I grew up in Czechoslovakia under Soviet occupation (interestingly, Ukrainians might have played more important a role in the USSR than the Russkies, and it was in fact a Ukrainian division of the Red Arm that led the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, not to mention that Bezhnev was Ukrainian). Not much to write home about it, let me tell you.

The way it is, one shouldn’t favor any superpower, country, political party, or politicians. They’re all no good pricks who don’t give a fuck about people.

That being said, the world would be a better place if not controlled by a single entity, such as the US. Ideally, humanity should reject the concept of hierarchy, but that might not happen, or not anytime in the foreseeable future. So, the second best choice would be a world with multiple powers keeping each other in check, hopefully by peaceful means. In that regard, it would be beneficial to have a strong Russia. And equally as strong US.

Here, Dennis Rancourt says something to that effect.

Jun 8, 2022 6:13 PM
Reply to  Jacques

If you ever supported USSR and communism, then that Chekhoslovakia was ”under the Soviet occupation ” is a highly controversial statement.
And again, that there was ”a Soviet-led invasion” of Chekhoslovakia is another highly controversial statement, just like a similar claim that of the ”Soviet-led invasion of Hungary” a decade earlier.
For a fact, Ukraine was Russia, it was the earliest recorded form of the Russian ethnos and statehood ever, in the form of the so-called Kiev Rus state. Russia is earlier and primary, Ukraine is only secondary.

Jun 8, 2022 6:32 PM
Reply to  roula

Atrocities committed to the Red Army soldiers by Hungarian pro-Nazis were such that Krustchev’s wife, accompanying her husband who was positioned there to combat the ”uprising” event, who witnessed the bloodbath staged by the Nazi Hungarians against the Russians could not for long years regain her senses.

I think it was Dubchek’s son that summarized the 1968 Prague events as ”They were trying to trade off Lenin’s ideas for a pair of jeans and the bubble gum”.
And yes, eventually they succeeded, i.e. traded off Lenin for a pair of crystal stockings and another pair, that of jeans.

Jun 8, 2022 7:27 PM
Reply to  roula

You’re semantically confused by referring to Second World regimes as communism. They had very little to do with communism. They had a lot to do with state capitalism and, more importantly, oppression of the population which – surprise fucking surprise – wasn’t too crazy about being shafted.

The USSR can kiss my ass as can any power and any motherfucker who takes the position of standing above me. Fuck all of them. And fuck Kiev Russia and Ukraine too. Those are all constructs of some deranged power-hungry shitheads. I stand with the people not states, governments, countries.

And since we’re at it, Dubchek’s son can go fuck himself too and shove his simplistic statements up his ass. People certainly weren’t after a pair of jeans and a piece of chewing gum, even if there might be some symbolism in saying that. People wanted to breathe; they wanted freedom after the terror of the 1950s.

As to atrocities, perhaps my earliest memory from childhood is a Soviet tank attempting to run over our little family car and father swerving to the ditch to avoid a collision. As you might guess, that didn’t earn them shitheads a soft spot in my heart.

Jun 8, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The eternal war (good group btw imho)…

Chinaski – Valka

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 9, 2022 2:26 PM
Reply to  Jacques

> People certainly weren’t after a pair of jeans and a piece of chewing gum, even if there might be some symbolism in saying that. People wanted to breathe; they wanted freedom after the terror of the 1950s.

Well, I bet US propaganda had some impact, it certainly did up here (Norway) on the other side of the iron curtain …

Jun 9, 2022 6:45 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Treaty of Westphalia, 1648: “Respect every country as a sovereign state”. Do not set off Colour Revolutions, Humanitarian Interventions, Protective invasions and Regime Change.

Still there in principle, even though “more in the breach than the observance”.

Jun 8, 2022 7:56 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Jesus love, Russia is just a mirror image of the US. It looks better to you because you don’t live there is all. Same greedy shortsighted globalists, different flag.

Don’t drink the Koolaid and start thinking they’re really fighting each other.

The elites on both sides are playing polo and holidaying together while the 99 percenters on both sides are either getting shelled or getting their incomes destroyed by inflation and rising prices. Taking sides is a mugs game

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 10, 2022 5:29 PM
Reply to  Cleggy

”The elites on both sides are playing polo and holidaying together while the 99 percenters on both sides are either getting shelled or getting their incomes destroyed by inflation and rising prices.”

Yes, they were also doing that prior to 1914 but that didn’t stop them from going to war – the Entente and the Central Powers were not fooling around with each other as you seem to imply.

Jun 8, 2022 10:23 AM

Now we must ask: What are the protagonists motives and how do they envisage the future of humanity?

That’s pretty much what matters. What is it that’s made the “protagonists” move and declare overtly a war against the world, having been hijacking democracy, governments, institutions, the whole works stealthily over the past century or so, if not longer? What’s ultimately the goal? One needs to answer both of these questions to take a stand and consequently action.

Why now? The debt-ridden socio-economic model is imploding, it’s become impossible to kick the can any further? At the same time, people got too used and entitled to luxury? They’ve realized that energy sources are finite and decided to do something about it? The East has become too powerful and is threatening the West’s hegemony? A combination? Probably.

What sort of world do they want? They probably want a world of brainwashed fucks who own nothing, including their rigged bodies, and are forced to live in a digital cage. Brainwashed and swept enough crumbs off the table to keep their mouths shut and to remain productive for the establishment – as opposed to revolting or refusing to slave away if their misery is too obvious.

What should the judicious person do? Good question, eh. Returning to the mad trajectory of the pre-COVID world is nuts. The world was overheated, on a collision course. Unfortunately, at least parts of the protagonists’ agenda overlaps with what the right thing would be, i.e. reducing consumption, living a sustainable life, etc. The difference is that the fucks want to force others to give up luxury and freedom, while retaining it themselves.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 10:46 AM
Reply to  Jacques

> The world was overheated, on a collision course.

A few see it that way but most won’t recognize limits to resources and debt no matter what you say. Unlimited is just too nice a thought – I won’t be giving that one up, oh no!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 11:19 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

PS. The world is still on a collision course …

Jun 8, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

“most won’t recognize limits to resources and debt no matter what”

Somewhat heretical question:

Suppose that you’re right and suppose that our civilization is, based on ascertainable objective facts, on a collision course due to plundering finite resources, particularly energy. If you were aware of that and had the power to do something about it, what would you do? In view of the fact that most others not only don’t give a fuck, but are actually asking for more?

Are we witnessing such an attempt? In which fake pandemics, provoked wars, and shit like that is basically inconsequential, a tool to make people toe the line?

To what extent is the current crisis due to physical or thermodynamic factors, as opposed to a power struggle or societal transformation?

Time to clear up these issues. As much as this is an informative article, most of the stuff, the shit about what this asshole said, that fuck did, or some other motherfucker intends, is only a manifestation of what really is at stake.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 1:39 PM
Reply to  Jacques

> To what extent is the current crisis due to physical or thermodynamic factors, as opposed to a power struggle or societal transformation?

Physical constraints shapes the power struggle. When approaching limits “good old” capitalist ways aren’t good enough any more and the super greedy have to come up with different ideas in order to feed their illness.

Jun 8, 2022 2:15 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

The thermodynamic model is a closed system.
Fabians hold war as the worth & nature of reality as resource competition under increasing scarcity. So also to engineer scarcity as a means of control). So also to engineer masking narratives as means of control

Plasma physics – at all scales is a ‘closed/open’ system.
What we discarded as Space or vacuum, is an Infinity of self-organising charge-domains.
Prison Planet is appropriate symbol for a mind in lockdown to its object model – or perhaps at the cusp of Childhood’s End.

Everything is compressing down to a crossover point.
The need is energetically felt as the refining down to seed essentials.
But acted out in habit as the doubling down in ‘identity threat react’.

Contraction is a death or degradation – such as ‘reset’ thinking in the frame of ‘control’.
Compression is essential to living cycles at all scales.
The choice I see, is whether:
-to value a living choice by extending that gift to others and to life, (Yielding up to an expanded perspective).
-to die in chosen self-illusions (giving battle)
-to embrace death as saving from the pain of consciousness as the Call to live, under accumulated burdens. (Giving up).

The freedom to live this experience of unfolding is easily forgot in our emotional identifications and reactions, that are part of our means to navigate or even focus in it.

Boundaried domains within an Open Infinity seems contradictory to concepts as objects, but relational energetic and informational exchange is the very basis of all expression or embodiment.
Boundary as medium of Communication rather than as a lockdown against fear in masking defences internalised as ‘normalised habit’ of programmed response.

Jun 8, 2022 3:22 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Hope I have time to read the essay – … but that seems a superb way of posing the basic question: “thermodynamic … as opposed to …” – I vote for power – we are nowhere near the resource limits; saying we are has been a power ploy for 50+ years.

Jun 8, 2022 11:10 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Lots of that debt is just numbers conjured out of nothing by banks and the heating is the same by climate fakers, see realclimatescience.com

Mr Chops
Mr Chops
Jun 8, 2022 11:18 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Mulder and Scully know…..


Jun 8, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The same people who made up COVID also made up the idea the world was overheated chum. It’s lies all the way down. Every big story. is either a proven lie or one waiting to be found out.

Jun 9, 2022 7:07 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

Liberation of the Donbass and Crimea was not a Lie, it Really happened.

Russia lost the information war because it was fighting the real war: not against MSM but against NATZO.

Jun 8, 2022 9:56 AM

To cut a very long story short, we are effectively bailing out Central Bank Ponzi schemes of
Worthless Debt, Death & Derivative forms of same ole’ Gambling on Wars & the M.i.c.
Hedging their bets, controlling Societal Minds with bum info.
Over a century of corporate controllers on collision course…

100 years of Central Banking
100 years of Chemical Warfare
100 years of Coloured Warfare
100 years of Communications Warfare

No coincidences there: Energy the Key, from WW1 onwards on the
Road to Basra & financial control . . . One could be excused for thinking & believing that
Central Bankers Thrive from Warring actions : even, that they educate,
Provoke and finance deliberately Derivative Arms, in all forms,
To maintain this Corporate Sovereign Coup,
Of Communications Control.
Will we learn ?
And from whom ?

Jun 8, 2022 10:59 AM
Reply to  TDj

Who owns the Banks ? Check out Harry Vox.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 8, 2022 9:50 AM

Right, so they are all in it together. Nation States apparently no longer exist; geopolitics is now redundant. Wars are just a method of fooling the masses. The Treaty of Westphalia is apparently redundant.

Really! Seriously?

I think geo-politics is still very relevant. Consider the coming war in the Pacific over Taiwan. The idea that a globalist freemason clique controls the entire world is somewhat overblown. Each state or group of states is in a conflict with rival groups of states. This has been the case throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. How is the present dispensation any different?

The collective West under US leadership is pitted against the Eurasian bloc in a struggle for global hegemony whilst the global south decides which side it is going to be on.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

> The idea that a globalist freemason clique controls the entire world is somewhat overblown.

Somewhat overblown is putting it mildly; the world isn’t a James Bond film FFS!

Jun 8, 2022 11:19 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Who said freemason, james bond? Only you. Ironically- bond is very masonic. The enemy is just psychopathy.

Jun 8, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

The Opium Wars, still in progress: just ask HSBC . . . The ONLY major bank that received NOTHING,
In the 2008 $16.2 Trillion $ Central Bank beholden Bailout scheme of derivative ponzi bankers:
In just 5 days, “…in an atmosphere of palpable FEAR ” Tim Geithner.
Major stakeholders @HSBC favour another ‘course’.
No wonder why . . .

Jun 8, 2022 8:02 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Right, so they are all in it together. Nation States apparently no longer exist; geopolitics is now redundant. Wars are just a method of fooling the masses. The Treaty of Westphalia is apparently redundant. 

Really! Seriously?

Yes. Really seriously. So update your mental software while there’s still time and stop caring about their fucking rigged wrestling match.

Jun 8, 2022 9:48 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Mr. Duck, West and Eurasians want the same for us: covid & pox vaxxes, population reduction, lockdowns to destroy small and medium sized enterprises, total surveillance w digital money to control via reward & punishment.

Neither is for individual freedom. If you want to control the world it’s much easier to make a deal w your competitor than to defeat him on the battlefield. Putin & Schwab are Kissinger protegees.
Head of Chinese CDC attended Event 201, the rehearsal for covid.

Wd US really subsidize China to continue developing the covid virus if China were an enemy? Wd Rockefeller have sold the rights to the Panama Canal to China? Talk about militarily strategic!
Wd US oligarchs have offshored US industrial might to China if China were actually an enemy or rival?

The myth of US-China hostility is very useful to the Chinese too– helps keep their citizens in order.

Jun 9, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The article wonders why Russia is furthering US interests. It, US and other major players are furthering the interests of Globocap (CJ Hophin’s term) because they can’t help it. Gordon Duff (veteranstoday) suggested that all this was being gamed using AI.

Jun 9, 2022 10:08 PM
Reply to  mgeo

mgeo, agreed. There’s an agenda above the nation-states. It has long used the US as the military executor of its agenda.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 12, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Oh yes a secret cabal directing everything. Errm there are rising states and declining states, always have been, that’s the game. Simple really.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 12, 2022 8:28 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The MYTH of US-China hostility! Give me a break. Hey, you’re Westphalian or anti-Westphalian, imperialist or anti-imperialist.

Jun 8, 2022 9:36 AM

A long article, one would imagine that they would bring up the WEF and Klaus Schwab, but no.
All parties involved in the manufactured Ukraine (commies against nazis repeat) narrative are connected to Klaus Schwab.
The whole thing is orchestrated behind the scenes through middlemen like Klaus.

The whole manufactured conflict could be gone with a word…from the WEF, but this article makes no mention of it. No mention of the politicians involved who were “Young Global Leaders” for Klaus?
Just a bunch of distraction topics to keep the real conversation buried.

Jun 8, 2022 11:26 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

I think you’ll find the mentions in previous parts, equally long and straining my attention span, for one. It’s worth the bother though, the bloke’s a very clear thinker.

Jun 9, 2022 2:08 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

My sentiments entirely.

Jun 8, 2022 9:32 AM

The West: Ukraine!
Vladimir Putin: Nyet. Mykraine!

For the record, I support the Ukrainians in their counteroffensive against the Russian ” liberators “.

Jun 8, 2022 9:40 AM
Reply to  Zane

For the record, I support the Ukrainians in their counteroffensive against the Russian ” liberators “” – You are inZane!
Peace and freedom for Donetzk and Lugansk!
No more encircling of Russia by Nato (Finnland!!!)!
No more bio-labs by Nato!
Peace and freedom for Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia ….
No sanctions against cuba, Venzuela, Iran, Russia!.
comment image

Jun 8, 2022 9:43 AM
Reply to  Joerg

comment image

Jun 8, 2022 11:18 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Whataboutism at its finest!

Jun 8, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  Zane

You misunderstand the criticism of “Whataboutism”.
“Whataboutism” is criticised if a person, who stated his point, EVADES a question and tries to ESCAPE it by pointing to something totally different.
In law and any questions of general justice it is absolutely ok to ‘compare’.
Example: A solicitor who defends his client will definitely point to a decision of another court in a comparable case, if that other decision is in favour for his client.

Jun 8, 2022 1:08 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Deep State likes wars. What else is new? Raytheon stock option futures are rising. Soros is happy. Ka-ching. I get it. But that doesn’t let Putin off the hook. Not by a long shot. I am tired of old skool Soviets and KGBniks. I really am. My message to them is: get lost.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 8, 2022 8:19 PM
Reply to  Zane

I am tired of old skool Soviets and KGBniks.

70s Cold War Groundhog Day.

Jun 9, 2022 2:12 PM
Reply to  Zane

Putin is not on a hook, any hook!

Jun 8, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Joerg

It’s a teenager. I’d leave it alone. They usually change with time, although I have to say that most of our current politicians were like this when they were in their teens, and they still are.
Shallow, unfocused and ignorant.

Jun 8, 2022 11:17 AM
Reply to  Joerg

Yup, Putin is really scared of those Finns! He must frighten easily. 😄

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 8, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  Zane

> For the record, I support the Ukrainians in their counteroffensive against the Russian ” liberators “.

Let me correct that for you:

You support the the US against Russia.

Jun 8, 2022 1:08 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

I just don’t like Putin.

Jun 8, 2022 4:47 PM
Reply to  Zane

I don’t like the smell of raw sewage, but nobody here is interested in my personal preferences, or yours. Only Putin’s actions are of any significance.

Jun 8, 2022 10:48 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Quite. Putin likes starting wars and killing people. Death fazes him not at all. Now back to your borscht.

Jun 9, 2022 2:18 PM
Reply to  Zane

How many wars has Putin been in? USA at war for 239 years out of 244 of it’s existence, UK, EU, NATO also always at war and never happier than when murdering innocent brown people worldwide. Putin by comparison is fighting thes NWO and their proxy wars where they fund scumbag terrorists.

Jun 9, 2022 2:15 PM
Reply to  Zane

But you absolutely adore Biden, Zelensky, Victoria Nuland, Klaus Schwab, Soros, Poroshenko and all the other murderous scumbags on the planet. Lol!

Jun 9, 2022 2:10 PM
Reply to  Zane

So you support the New World Order and fascism then!

Jun 8, 2022 9:07 AM

“I’ve already shipped over $600 million worth of sophisticated equipment, defensive equipment to the Ukrainians.”

What would be more interesting is how much of the Russian equipment originates from the West. Indirectly at the very least, it’ll be virtually everything because Russia’s industrialisation was executed by the West:


A few highlights:
1) The first Five Year Plan was written in Detroit, not Gosplan.
2) Based on detailed analysis of Soviet technical specifications, about three-quarters of their merchant fleet was built in the West.
3) The trucks on the Ho Chi Minh Trail looked like Fords because they were Fords.
4) The MIGs shooting down US planes and strafing UN troops in Korea were powered by Rolls-Royce engines.

The West and Russia are two jaws of the same machine designed to chew up populations and make a huge amount of money while doing so. There’s an additional goal here of de-industrialising Germany. The Germans have an annoying ability – from the Anglo-American Establishment’s viewpoint – of industry that makes stuff people want because it’s actually quite good. An increase by many multiples in their energy costs should put an end to that nonsense and see it transferred to Asia. Germans will be left with a warm fuzzy feeling of having saved Ukraine/the planet which they’ll need because they won’t have much else to keep them warm.

Jun 8, 2022 12:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

De-industrialisation of Germany is well underway. The Morgentau Plan again. But this time the target is the whole of Europe.
What is the idea behind the Chinese New Silk Road? Have an easy flow of goods into the West, i.e. Europe and get more and more sophisticated production tools in return (In contrast Chinese production for the US markets will always remain cheap and unsophisticated, no upgrading possible). Thereby increasing product value, income, wealth.
If you are a strategic planner for Uncle Sam, you can’t have that. Europe cannot be allowed to drift eastwards. So there are 3 goals you need to achieve, more or less simultaneously: Degrade or even outright destroy Europe / Prevent Russia’s energy reserves to reach the markets / Worry China from the east.
Seen from this point of view geopolitics is still very much en vogue.
Are these plans being implemented with a certain urgency? Even with a sense of panic? Do we watch a boxer down on rounds coming out if his corner in round 9, desperately throwing punches?

Jun 8, 2022 7:57 AM
Jun 8, 2022 10:04 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Brianborou, Thank you for the truth re this oligarch’s connections to Rothschild, Bush, Kissinger, Carlyle Group, etc. Interesting lesson on how things are done.

Jul 3, 2022 12:25 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

The Parliamentary Council of Europe has condemned Russia’s campaign against Yukos and its owners as manufactured for political reasons and a violation of human rights.”


Jun 8, 2022 7:54 AM

This article is attempting to make the case that the Special Military Operation by the Russian Federation is not what it seems. Many valid points are made in this article regarding the motives of the West and the R.F in regards to this. However, where does the current narrative begin because a number of historical points are missing from this article. Namely, the West has been trying for almost a millennium to dismember Russia, indeed many of the current opponents of it have tried to do this in past centuries eg Polish- Lithuanian commonwealth, Sweden, France, British Empire and now the City of London/ Wall Street new kid on the block proxy the empire of lies ( U.S). Moreover in 1991 after the USSR had dissolved, the Russian Federation was tottering on the point of social and economic collapse since it was being systematically destroyed by the Western carpetbaggers plus the Western Russian backed oligarchs, most of whom have fled the RF since the Russian Military Operation began. Yeltsin, who was the President but not in charge since he was rarely compos mentis, anointed Putin as his successor approved by the cabal in the City of London/ Wall Street since they could control him just like they controlled Yeltsin.

Let’s have a butchers at what F.W. Engdahl had to say about this.

“ Moreover, at the time of his arrest Khodorkovsky was in the process of negotiating via his Carlyle friend George H.W. Bush, father of the then-President George W. Bush, the sale of 40% of Yukos to either Condi Rice’s former company, Chevron or ExxonMobil in a move that would have dealt a crippling blow to the one asset left Russia and Putin to use for the rebuilding of the wrecked Russian economy: oil and export via state-owned pipelines to the West for dollars. During the ensuing Russian state prosecution of Yukos, it came to light that Khodorkovsky had also secretly made a contract with London’s Lord Rothschild not merely to support Russian culture via the Open Russia Foundation of Khodorkovsky. In the event of his possible arrest (Khodorkovsky evidently knew he was playing a high-risk game trying to create a coup against Putin) the 40% share of his Yukos stocks would pass into the hands of Lord Rothschild.

The crocodile tears of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the violations of Khodorkovsky’s human rights hide a far deeper agenda that is not being admitted. Washington used the Russian to try to reach its goal of totally destroying the only power left on the earth with sufficient military strike power to challenge the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance strategy—control of the entire planet. When seen in that light the sweet loaded words “human rights” take on a quite different meaning. “

Neither the : Russian Federation nor the West is a homogeneous mass. There are strands within who either support the Globalist Agenda or sadly in the West very few in the levers of power don’t.

Therefore, it is important to remember that Putin and many of those around him such as Lavarov are nationalists.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 8, 2022 10:11 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Invasions of Russia: have occurred no less than 7 times. The first was Rurik and his band of Viking warriors in the 1872-1228. The next 6 were all failures including most recently the Swedes under King Charles XII in 1707-09. That ended the rout at the Battle of Poltava in 1709. Other contemporaries have been Napoleon and Hitler, who also bit the dust. These are the facts.

The latest attempt is the NATO War Wagon, I don’t expect a different result.

The present US/NATO push against Russia used Ukraine as the spearhead. First Eastern Europe was militarised with nuclear tipped US nuclear tipped missiles were installed in Poland and Romania. Georgia and Ukraine were both being lined up for a similar base for the war against Russia. So what exactly was supposed to do in the face of this threat.

The war in Ukraine was the essential spearhead for this invasion. The 2014-coup in Kiev was the essential NATO military build-up. The UK army tried its luck in 2014-15 got its arse smacked in the Donbass. Then in 2021 it took a second bite of the cherry which hasn’t worked out to well for the Ukraine and its NATO backers. That did it for Putin who saw Russian-speakers in the Donbas being subjected to an artillery barrage.

The idea was that somehow Putin in on it giving succour to the likes of Azov Regiment, the Right Sector, C14, Svoboda as well as the Tornado and Adair militias in the West is frankly farcical.

Jun 8, 2022 7:24 AM

It would be interesting to know what sustains Rusia’s ruling power, maybe there is something to Mother Russia beyond elite self interest.

The problem is that Russia can act as a stakeholder partner but the overlords don’t trust it unless the population is crushed. The objective of all the wars from WW1 thru to the ME has not been Regime Change but to destroy. The Morganthau Plan to pastoralise Germany sounds like the reset today.

Thank you Iain.

Jun 8, 2022 6:26 AM

What it is good for

Rising fuel and gas prices
Smoke screen for the covid scam
Smoke screen for the excess mortality due to vaxx murder
Lame excuse to blame everything that is wrong in the world on Putin
Showing that the emperor can do everything, including walking around naked and that no one can do something about it, so ha!


Jun 8, 2022 6:16 AM

Good for uniting Mother Russia with her strayed chicks.

Gives a new meaning to the last chapter of Moby Dick, where the sole survivor of the wreck of human hubris, floating on an empty coffin, is picked up by the good ship Rachel: Rachel in Search of her Lost Children. Found one. Happy Ending.

Jun 8, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

“Military Summary Channel report that Russia has crossed Siverskyi Donets River and taken the town of Tatyanovka on the WEST side of the river. Therefore, Battle of Slavyansk has begun.”

Jun 8, 2022 12:16 PM
Reply to  NickM

Google Maps, search for “Tetyanivka, Oblast Donezk, Ukraine”.

The strategic importance of Slavyansk (2014 Article after NATZO’s “cookie coup” proxies take over Slavyansk).


Jun 8, 2022 4:56 AM

Regarding Australians Whitlam was the first one to publicly sell the people out. https://cirnow.com.au/how-the-political-parties-stole-our-future/ this explains what happened better than I could if a few sentences.

When one understands this, what’s happening today makes sense. Further, i’m amazed how few Australians have heard of the Lima Declaration. (translation) The selling off of Australian manufacturing.

Ask yourself how can a Government supposedly elected by the people for the people, think it’s a good idea to transfer it’s manufacturing to global corporations who sell it back to you at a profit. Furthermore, how is it so that you don’t know about this? You don’t know, because they stuck a beer in your hand and said look over here at the football and the strippers.

This is happening in many if not all commonwealth country’s, not just Australia.

Jun 9, 2022 9:40 AM

Yep I worked in dept trade Canberra briefly in early 1980’s. Many hours were put into justifying the dismantling of aust industry…in the name of helping other countries develop or that we could be the clever country and do other more profitable things like join the info economy….this bullshit has been around for many decades….

anyone who went against this narrative soon found their job prospects limited…happened to a friend who tried to point out not having a solid manufacturing base wasn’t a great idea in the long run…

as the rest of aust never really seemed to care what the Canberra public service was up too it ended up easier to simply leave and watch the circus from the sidelines….the inevitable took longer than I figured to get to what appears the inevitable end…I.e.most of my lifetime…but it seems it has….

I always figured we would end up paying for the neglect….too many aust prefer not to take any responsibility for ensuring the public service is actually doing its job….not playing games with our collective futures.

Jun 8, 2022 3:47 AM

“What can be said is that Russia’s military operation and its subsequent response to the imposed sanctions are meeting all of the West’s objectives.” <=yes, but the objectives of the West are not about nation state progress or sovereignty, they are about corporate objectives, profits, ownership, monopoly power, and the like.

what is left out is that the global corporations already stretch the entire globe. 2ndly the invention by the CB of Russia of pricing quantity of goods and services against the dollar so that the relative currency of the two sides of transactions ( goods or services for value) is immediately equated has enabled the elimination of a central bank; Russia is going live with its digital currencies in April.

Your thesis is near correct, but in old terminology. Nation states no longer count. There are no political processes in any of the nation states.

The world is owned, run, controlled, and dominated by corporations, it is no longer divided up by territory into nation states; the new division is by industry and the allocation of members of that industry to certain sub domains. The corporate board rooms are making all of the decisions. Industries are composed of corporations, and the corporations already have dominate presence in nearly all western nations simultaneously. The Russia has been tasked to clear the undesirable NAZI in order make way for industrial Israel to move its technological flocks from Israel to Ukraine. The corporations can trade value across any and all nation state boundaries so they are not concerned with whose currency is the reserve currency. I think the cog in the corporate wheel is Putin, he and he alone wants to retain nation state sovereignty and religious morality for Russia. That is why Biden said Putin cannot be allowed to stay.

One more point, nation states are crucibles, they corrupt the humanity trapped within their boundaries with culture, history, patriotism, false narrative, and media and the like, but corporations are the new governors (they don’t play politics with the governed, either governed comply or they die).
Corporations are not divided by geography, they are divided by industry. industries cross the territorial boundaries of all nation states. So the big deal is that one industry does not cross into the domain of another industry.

Very good article, and I do not see how it could have been shortened and cover the material.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 9, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  eman

The Russia has been tasked to clear the undesirable NAZI in order make way for industrial Israel to move its technological flocks from Israel to Ukraine.

The Ukronazis were largely an MI6 creation; so maybe they were created for the purpose of ‘denazification’.

The truth about Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Mar 15, 2022
When Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine it was under the guise of ‘denazifying’ the country. But are there really any Nazis in Ukraine? Or is this just a story spun by the Kremlin? Aris Roussinos joins Freddie Sayers to unpick this contentious topic and seek some insight into Ukraine’s far-Right factions.

Read the full article:

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 12, 2022 8:52 AM

Not just the Azov boys, also the Tornado Battalion and the Aidar Battalion. It goes back to the OUN-B Stepan Bandera and IPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army) with its C-In-C Roman Shukevych. This is the spearhead of what is essentially a neo-nazi state whose enemies included Poles, Russians, Jews, and various other enemies deemed unclean. Among their achievements was the massacre of some 90,000 non pure-Ukrainians. The massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, were carried out in German-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the UPA, with the support of parts of the local Ukrainian population against the Polish minority in Volhynia, Eastern Galicia, parts of Polesia and Lublin region from 1943 to 1945. The peak of the massacres took place in July and August 1943. Most of the victims were women and children.

The Banderist movement and its military wing while destroyed by the Red Army in 1945 but many left and migrated to Canada the US and the UK. They are still around and active in Ukraine.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 12, 2022 7:25 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

It goes back . . .

That’s a narrative they’re spinning in order to justify the invasion. The pre-Maidan Ukraine did not have a nazi problem. Instead, the problem was created post-2014 by outside forces.

See latest posts:

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jun 8, 2022 3:36 AM

You have to say, this simulation is pretty good, no ?

Jun 8, 2022 3:15 AM

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Transformation

The Ukraine War, just like Covid, is good for the private Central Banks who need an excuse to print more currency. They and their close friends use this new currency to acquire tangible assets ahead of their planned fiat currency implosion.
The media will control the narrative that something drastic must be done immediately to save the system & the people from total global financial collapse.
The Central Bank solution will be programmable digital currency but in order to receive your ‘allowance’ you’ll need a Digital ID and a ‘Green’ health, environment & social status.
Ignore this fake war and/or pandemic, spend the time working towards building a parallel local economy with like minded people that can provide you with an alternative to the Panopticon.

Jun 8, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  Freecus

Who owns the Banks ? See Harry Vox.

Jun 8, 2022 2:51 AM

I am positively enamored of the sight of righteous and victorious warfare. 

How can I not be after witnessing the barbarous slaughter of that good man, Muammar Gaddafi: Gaddafi who held no state position except Counselor, who was building direct democracy, who built an internal artificial river, who started the gold-backed Dinar, who subsidized new families with homes

How can I not long for even limited justice when I see Yemeni men fighting barefoot and in flip-flops while the Saudis are able to engage Israeli and US pilots against them? I cannot erase my knowledge of 375,000 murdered people, many by starvation — oh the humanity!

But even within this most welcome Russian victory which promises to be merciful towards all but the murderous– even here I must admit the full breadth of our knowledge about Russia’s intentions for the future of the global civilization which holds us in thrall.

Besides the betrayal of the covid exaggeration and vaxx, now the monkey pox, and the digital currency there is evidence that the Russian hierarchy connives more directly with the US.

I want to make you privy to an article/interview which appeared in the Russian press re Kissinger’s Moscow visit prior to the Trump election. –Source: Alexander Sobianin, Head of the service for strategic planning of the Association for trans-border cooperation, member of Expert Council of the Center of Strategic Conjuncture & member of the Russian-Iranian Council for Public Relations

Link is no longer good but cd be found by someone knowing how to use Wayback Machine.
From the article:

2/3/16 Kissinger met w Putin : Henry Kissinger represents a certain group of the US political elite that includes the Bush clan. The world is rapidly moving towards the destruction of the current financial system. In these circumstances, those who own budgets of entire nations are looking for opportunities to save their money so that this money works when the current financial system disappears and a new financial system emerges. It should be understood that while the whole world and, unfortunately, Russia is involved in conflicts and political games, the Americans believe that it is them who set the rules of these games. They are also elaborating the rules for the time when the global domination of the US dollar ends. 

“The US is now trying to change the world to the post-dollar world. Obviously, the world will no longer be global.  With Putin, the Americans intend to establish tandem cooperation, despite the extremely aggressive political rhetoric against Russia. The US and Russia still cooperate on vital issues in most sensitive areas, including war, oil, investment, technology, etc. A variety of economic associations are being created now, and the Americans want to be leaders everywhere: BRICS, the Transatlantic Partnership, etc. They are working on all this very actively 

“In this battle, due to the fact that the US debt is snowballing, rescuing the US economy is impossible even if the whole Middle East is set on fire, we can see the two clans fighting to death – the Bushes and the Clintons. In this sense, the upcoming elections in the US will probably be the last, because America may change to become an absolutely different nation. In this battle, Madame Clinton is stronger.

“Henry Kissinger, who is currently in the Bush clan, came to Moscow to see what Russia finds more attractive – Clinton’s new global world order, or a more nationally-oriented position of the Bush clan. Clearly, the new world order according to the Clintons and all sorts of societies such as the Soros Foundation are less acceptable for Russia. Henry Kissinger came to Russia at the time of the brutal struggle between two groups of bankers. The loser will have to deal with tens of trillions of dollars of US debt. While America is sinking to the bottom with its overwhelming debt, it needs to destroy someone inside to make them responsible for all those debts. 

“Russia is a small, but an extremely important player on the world stage. We have not participated and will never participate in their domestic events, but it was Russia that became a key factor for the appearance of the United States and the Federal Reserve. “Now is the epochal moment when Russia can determine the fate of the United States. It is only the US elite who can talk about it, and Henry Kissinger is a person, who represents the US elite. 

“The Bush clan needs Russia’s money, Russia’s armed forces, Russia’s political support to defeat the Clintons to subsequently destroy the entire group of bankers and making them responsible for the US national debt. For their part, they are ready to give Russia a weighty support in different areas.”

“There is an opinion that Henry Kissinger came to support Putin after Owen’s report. Some say that Kissinger is not the ruler of history, but rather a negotiator.”

Jun 8, 2022 6:05 AM
Reply to  Penelope

In the above, I believe we should read “Clint family” as “Rockefeller family.” He is almost certainly the natural son of Winthrop Rockefeller, who suffered burns during his military service and was hospitalized where Clinton’s mom was a nurse– not long before Clinton’s conception date. At any rate the sailor who is said to be Clinton’s Dad was aboard ship during the time he would’ve been conceived, died under ridiculous circumstances upon termination of military service. Many circumstances during Clinton’s youth indicate he was selected for his political career from the beginning. etc, etc

From a followup article:

Sobyanin believes that Henry Kissinger tried to convince Vladimir Putin to join the New World Order during their meeting on 3 February. Instead Russia should agree to rescue Western banks and ease the Vatican’s effort to create a single world religion.

“we are now witnessing in the Middle East to create a balance of all global forces”, hinting perhaps that Russian military intervention in Syria balanced “land”.

“a certain group of American political elite that includes the Bush clan

Americans believe they set the rules of these games,” said Sobyanin, highlighting that, in his opinion, US “elaborate rules” regarding when the petrodollars come to an end.

Ironically, Kissinger was instrumental in negotiating with Saudi Arabia petrodollars in 1974, under the Nixon administration, which resulted in early trading oil in US dollars, countries are forced to develop large reserves of dollars for transactions

According to Sobyanin, the US is now attempting a transition to the global economy at a “post-dollar world,” a world which, as he puts it, “There is global.” He argued that this implicates Putin since the US intends to cooperate with Moscow despite appearances he called them an “extremely aggressive political rhetoric against Russia”.

“And now the US and Russia cooperate on matters vital in most sensitive areas, including war, oil, investment, technology, etc.”, said Sobyanin, continuing to explain that the BRICS alliance and transatlantic partnership are two examples of “economic associations” to which the US is currently working actively.

“Certainly, the new world order under the Clinton clan and various companies such as Soros are less acceptable for Russia,” said Sobyanin, creating a link between his explanation, the global economy and the sovereign debt crisis. “Henry Kissinger came to Russia when carrying out a brutal fight between two groups of bankers. The loser will have to do something about the US debt by tens of trillions of dollars. ” At the same time, added Sobyanin, US seek to destroy ”

ZeroHedge at the time:

We can now discern the warring camps of the Deep State more clearly. On the one side is the C.I.A., the mainstream media, and the civilians who have feasted on wealth and power from their participation in the neocon’s Global Project.

On the other side is the Defense Department’s own intelligence agencies (D.I.A. et al.), the N.S.A., the F.B.I. and at least a few well-placed civilians who recognize the neocon agenda as a clear and present danger to the security of the nation.

[Wasn’t Navy Intell taken out by the 9/11 missile to the Pentagon? And were they not following the disappearance of trillions at the time? I know it was said that files important to the disappearance were stored in the destroyed WTC Building 7]

I have no current comment by Alexander Sobyanin; I am not on Facebook, but there’s a person there by that name.

Jun 8, 2022 6:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Henry Kissinger came to Russia at the time of the brutal struggle between two groups of bankers. The loser will have to deal with tens of trillions of dollars of US debt.”

If true then very interesting. Trumpetty vs Killery was certainly a battle between insiders rather than a contest of policies.

I find it difficult to understand the second sentence. I presume it is the President who has to deal with the debt (because “the buck stops here”). But in a presidential contest it is the winner who becomes president. So to me this sentence seems to mean that the winner becomes the loser. POTU$A is a poisoned chalice?

“No man leaves this office with the same fair reputation that he entered it” — Thomas Jefferson, one of the very best POTU$As.

Jun 8, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  NickM

NickM, he who has the power of the political administration can use it in the struggle between factions– probably banking family factions. I think ALL the super-wealthy are affiliated with banking/financial interests.

No, the Pres isn’t thought responsible for debts of the bankers.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 8, 2022 2:04 AM

This is a very comprehensive article, probably too much to digest in one sitting. It does flesh out a lot of what I was already aware of but still leaves the central question ‘Why?’ unanswered. The best I can come up with is the notion that when you have a debt fueled economy the only way out of the inevitable meltdown is through war since it not only destroys surplus material (and population) but also offers the prospect of conquest and economic subjugation as a way of erasing that debt load. (This is what ultimately prompted WW2 — Nazi Germany was on a debt binge with their rearmament program; it was reckoned that if they hadn’t gone to war then their entire economy would have imploded by 1944.)

The Russian position is (I hope) measured. They’ve been in ‘boiled frog’ mode for some time with ‘the West’ ratcheting up sanctions, pulling them off a bit, then putting them back on again. They have been trying to play the ‘good international partner’ game with business relations with the West, something that they’ve been doing with greater or less success since the time of Peter the Great, but its clear that they were going to get continually screwed so rather than waiting for the water to boil (and to be cooked) they decided to jump. Its unfortunate that it came to this but you could see things getting out of hand since 2014 — NATO wanted those Black Sea bases, they were bought and paid for and they expected delivery because they could continue to surround and slowly strangle Russia. Its a pity that the Ukrainians have been caught in the middle, but then since a lot of them have been looking for a way out for years this conflict is a bit of a Godsend — there’s no way they’d qualify for residence visas (most of them, anyway), there’s no future in illegal/informal immigration but to be a refugee with the red carpet rolled out for them, its just too tempting. I reckon it will be the very devil to persuade most of them to go back.

Anyway, that’s too much for now. I’ll have another run through this article (book?) later and maybe write some more but for now its plenty. And plenty depressing, because it still doesn’t answer the question “Why are we allowing evil people to run our world?”.

Jun 8, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Money talks.

Jun 8, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  Grafter

And so do fools and lunatics.
The problem, as Martin indicates with his last sentence, is that we’re allowing them to run things.

John Goss
John Goss
Jun 7, 2022 11:52 PM

Not just the OHCHR on SBU torture, but an Amnesty International report, which OHCHR probably used – and which alluded to several torture sites used by Ukrainian “interrogators”. The big problem still comes from the ultra-right, of which western Ukraine seems to have more than its fair-share of adherents.


Jun 8, 2022 8:07 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Amnesty is bent as a dog’s hind leg and just says what the elites want it to say. The fact it’s badmouthing Ukraine tells us the elites are playing both sides of this game.

Jun 7, 2022 11:43 PM

Iain you’d reach more people if you wrote a shorter article at times. I like what you write, but it has a ‘I’ve read this before’ quality now. I think you’re bang on about the global commons. I like your careful analyses. But I am mainly unpolitical – I have seen few avenues for political action to be useful.

Our understanding far and wide is useful. Perhaps 2 versions of the above would be useful on different outlets? One edited for people who are new or who have read a great deal of it before?

I think your analysis is excellent, but should reach a wider group. It never will like this.