UPDATE: Monkeypox narrative keeps on rolling

Just three days ago we published Kit Knightly’s piece detailing how the monkey pox rollout is mirroring the way the Covid “pandemic” unfolded.

As can always happen with developing stories, even as that article went to press it was behind the times.

In just the last three days other developments have only added to Kit’s argument:

  • In Germany, the vaccine authority has issued guidance recommending the smallpox vaccine Imvanex for those “at risk” of monkeypox.
  • In the UK, the Health Safety Agency has released new self-isolation guidance for people who test positive for monkeypox.
  • The US has ordered a further 500,000 doses of smallpox vaccines.

Increasing hysteria

The Atlantic published a piece earlier today warning“Could Be the Next Syphilis”.

The Wall Street Journal reports cases “doubling” (to 45).

A paper in Nature asks:

can the global outbreaks be contained?

Possible internal conflict?

There are interesting signs of a potential tug-of-war on the monkeypox outbreak going on behind. In the article linked above Kit linked to a New York Times article claiming Monkeypox was airborne.

Yesterday, a statement from the CDC countermanded this, saying it was very unlikely monkeypox was airborne, and that no airborne transmission had been reported to them.

The Washington Post echoed this, reporting:

Number of monkeypox cases grows, but U.S. officials say overall risk is low

But then the WHO waded in to say monkeypox could be airborne after all…but only in short range.

And then, today, the New York Times ran this story:

C.D.C. Dismisses Airborne Transmission of Monkeypox. Some Experts Disagree.

A real back-and-forth going on. Perhaps different factions of the Deep State are fighting over the Monkeypox steering wheel? Or perhaps its play-fighting to create an illusion of discord?

Interesting Timing

From the beginning, it has been reported that monkeypox is most prevalent in “men who have sex with men” (why they ubiquitously use this phrase and not just “gay men”, I have no idea).

The volume on this is increasing, with stories from UK sources today saying “sex with anonymous partners” and “unsafe sex” are aiding the spread of monkeypox and making contact tracing difficult.

The head of the CDC has pointed out that monkeypox patients tend to have sexually transmitted diseases as well.

Considering this, the “outbreak” starting just before Pride month began becomes a suspicious piece of timing.


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Jun 16, 2022 5:04 PM

comment image

I pray for someone or something to wipe these satanic parasites off the face of our planet.


Jun 16, 2022 6:41 PM
Reply to  Viridis

It’s probably just my evil mind, but it looks like the “monkeypox vaccine” is being administered directly into the recipient’s organ of procreation via a “glory hole” behind that “EntrĆ©e” privacy panel.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 14, 2022 12:51 PM

How’s Fuellmich doing? How many offcials have his indictments brought to justice? Nuremberg 0.2 must on its way anyday now according to what he was saying in 2021. I’ll sit comfortably thought as I guess it’s going to be rather long wait.

Jun 14, 2022 10:25 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Fullmich is a quack

Jun 15, 2022 2:27 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Officials? Do you mean the low lifes you hired to poison kids and torture the elderly? Sounds like you and your friend Tracy need to be put on trial first before you will hand over your “officials”. How much financing have you provided this terrorist network over the last 5 years?

Despised by Liars
Despised by Liars
Jun 14, 2022 11:19 AM

NATURE was misquoted – I believe the right question is:

can the globalist outbreaks be contained?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 13, 2022 5:40 PM

Monkeypox is an example of life being set of interacting organisms. “The World” has eradicated smallpox and as a result our immunity to it, both natural and from vaccination, is declining. This leaves opening for other ‘voila’ viruses, ‘poxes’. Unlike smallpox proper monkeypox isn’t particularly contagious and isn’t serious, its a nuisance rather than a threat. The biggest danger humanity faces from it is from journalists who need to produce copy to a deadline who spread the contagion of hysteria.

Hidden in here, though, is another cautionary tale. I was reading an article this morning about how Covid, and our campaign against it, has altered the balance of other common viruses. The result is that we’re getting a ‘cold and flu’ season in summer and our kids are coming down with viral infections that they’d normally shrug off (while passing them to parents and teachers — kids are notorious disease vectors). This is an interesting state of affairs because our impulse is to go whack whatever’s causing the problem resulting in a sort of medical “whack-a-mole” and the potential to cause more problems than the original problem we were trying to deal with. (This isn’t confined to viruses — we’ve been there with pesticides, herbicides & antibiotics — ultimately it comes down to the notion that “there is no such thing as a miracle cure”, everything has a cost.)

Despised by Liars
Despised by Liars
Jun 14, 2022 11:34 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Waning immunity is lie, propagated by ignorant ‘scientists’ who correlate decreased concentrations of immunoglobulins as evidence of decreased immunity. But the field of immunology is still full of holes (it was considered ‘unknown’ in 1970), and they don’t understand the depths of mammalian immunology, they are just throwing out wild ass guesses.

The best evidence on our immune systems is that there are factors containing records of antibodies and their recruitment upon re-exposure to specific antigens WILL be elicited through a multi-ordered immune response. This is how humans (and other mammals) survived.

This BS of our immune systems being so delicate and weak that we need continuous immune system provocation is a lie fostered by charlatans and frauds to confuse the ignorant and game the system.

Vaccines are mostly complete garbage. Almost no one needs any type of vaccine, ever. Our immune systems will defeat most anything easily. Only when we damage our immune systems do we become susceptible to harm from otherwise harmless ‘antigens’. Of course, the elites will seek to damage immune systems in order to accomplish their evil intents, so don’t let those scumbags do it.

I would contend that all present vaccines and vaccine formulations specifically DO damage the immune system and make the recipients much more vulnerable by weakening their immune systems.

Don’t take their ‘medicine’ – it really ISN’T good for you!

Despised by Liars
Despised by Liars
Jun 15, 2022 3:11 AM

In fact, the HIV virus evolution to more severe mutated strains probably came from poor victims of the ‘swine flu vaccine’ that weakened the immune systems so badly of those that took it in late 1976, that the potential truly does exist that the potential immune system weakness from that poison caused the outbreak of what was previously a harmless and common virus, HIV. To pretend it didn’t exist before 1980 is ignorant, and the possibility of vaccine-damaged immune systems’ susceptibility to the virus being exploited by a slightly more harmful strain is not out of the realm of possibility.

Makes ya think, don’t it!

Yes, I am smarter than the ‘experts’!

Jun 14, 2022 11:42 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The vaxxers didn’t eradicate smallpox. They just relabelled it monkeypox, chickenpox etc. after having prolongued the suffering for 200 years with ‘vaccines’. Monkeypox is milder because smallpox was also getting milder due to improved diet and lifestyle. If there is a cause then preventing it causing the problem is not a miracle but a logical outcome with no cost. The reason there is costs is because of an inaccurate germ theory ’cause’ that can not possibly lead to a cure. Prevention is not better than cure because prevention is the same thing as cure. For example you prevent dehydration by drinking water and you cure dehydration by drinking water.

les online
les online
Jun 13, 2022 10:38 AM

The War Against Freedom is a Hydra with many heads. The War is taking place on many fronts. There are many Agendas though they are all after the same thing…

Having mastered a school subject it’s frustrating to have to suffer “not another revision period !” on a subject, because there’s so many slower learners and late starters in one’s school class..

When female participants in the 1960s student activist groups tried to focus attentions on ‘Women’s Issues’ they were advised by their male comrades “The Class Struggle requires all of everyone’s attentions and energies. Everything else will have to wait until after The Revolution !” The Hydra has to be fought on every front today

General belief in the existence of Viruses has enabled attacks on freedom. And further attacks will ensue if “Viruses”, one of the Hydra heads, is not soundly defeated… You cant half win a War…

Jun 13, 2022 8:52 AM

A virophobe wrote below:

“Has any virus ever been isolated, purified or shown to be real? What is being ā€œculturedā€? What is being ā€œsequencedā€? What is the source/origin of any ā€œgenomeā€? These are the questions anyone who is on board with virology must answer before they claim the existence of any ā€œvirusā€.”

The fucking computer you’re writing this on runs on electricity and there is no isolated purified sample of electricity. Does it mean that electricity doesn’t fucking exist? Fuck NO!

Stop this idiotic line of arguing about “MUST ISOLATE, MUST PURIFY” already. Maybe it’s not possible. Maybe it’s not possible with existing knowledge/technology.

The fact that there is no purified sample of viruses doesn’t mean that they don’t exist and are not pathogenic.

Does the virology methodology seem to have quite a few holes? Yes. Do your rants have even more holes? Yes.

Now, think. Isn’t perhaps this “there are no viruses” shit another smokescreen intended to get people involved in an inane discussion about an issue that can’t be proved this way or that way (like, does God exist or not)? So that people keep yapping about fucking viruses while they’re getting shafted in a huge way as per George Carlin’s “big red, blue, and white dick up your ass”?


And now let’s worry about what matters. What should be the best way of dealing with the crisis the world, especially the West, is facing? The fact that the economic model has been unscrupulously milked to the extreme, where today’s prosperity and growth has been bought on credit with future production being the pledge, where future production will be unable to repay the debt and sustain future population, not to mention that the problem continues exacerbating?

That’s what’s at stake for fucks sakes.

Some alleged fucking virus, lockdowns, and all the rest of the shit is actually a minor issue. There IS a real underlying problem that needs to be addressed.

Jun 13, 2022 8:58 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Exactly thats what they do; get us in-fighting over ‘myths’

Jun 13, 2022 12:21 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Pointing out that controls are not done is hardly diversionary, and there is no obligation to provide an alternative theory. The unfortunate effect of the scientific fraud is that it prevents further research on transmission. This presumably is a useful, even an essential feature, as it leaves the field clear for injectables of all kinds. It may comfort people to think that at some level virilogy is on the mark, but at best all vaccines may just be survivable for the majority. Virology seems to have no healing end product. It is a control system at the most personal level.

Jun 13, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  martin

“Virology seems to have no healing end product.”

Neither does endless “debate”about whether it does or doesn’t. If you read carefully what I wrote, I’d have noticed the following:


What else do you need?

If somebody allows themselves to be injected with some shit, I’m afraid that they’re so stupid, gullible, scared, subjugated, whatever, that even if you provided them with zillions of proofs that viruses don’t exist, it would be of no use.

As far as “scientific fraud”, look up the definition of fraud. Not only it’s grossly far-fetched to say that the who field of virology is involved in a fraud – at most, it’s an error, scientific cul-de-sac – but it could be that virology more or less got it right. All virophobes have is a claim that the methodology used by virologists appears somewhat flawed if regarded from one specific angle. But that doesn’t mean that the whole theory is actually flawed.

Nuff said.

Jun 14, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  Jacques

The absence of control experiments is too blatant. Maybe the real work on transmission is simply kept secret. This wouldexplain the gap. Man made pathogens and their vectors (how to spread them) seems the main field of study. The boundaries between natural and man made pathogens are blurred to say the least.

Jun 14, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  martin

It is much worse that having no healing end product. The ideology has a severly harmful effect both producing harmful products but also covering them up and misleading people away from genuine solutions. Furthermore it manifests in other forms. For example the idea of Putin as a virus is built on these beliefs. If people understood terrain theory they wouldn’t accept such war scenarios. They wouldn’t accept victimhood and sit around taking no responsibility for the reality they have created. They would be more inclined to say actually there is something I can no about this problem and that problem and work together to resolve them before they got out of hand. The cumulative effect of not finding solutions compounds leading to very severe outcomes like the world wars for example.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 14, 2022 12:33 PM
Reply to  Mike

The idea of viruses became prevalent after the creation and spread of computer viruses; before that whoever was around in the 60s and still 70s will remember that viruses were mere references.
I remember still back in the 80s and even 90s when computer technology was not as widespread, doctors telling patients that all there was to do about a ‘viral infection’ like the flu was to ride it out and your body would eliminate whatever it was. It was mainstream knowledge a couple of decades back that viruses could not be killed as they were not living organisms but simple particles of matter.
It all changed when models, simulations and viral infection applied to computers became the mainstay in current science and culture. It’s no coincidence that Bill Gates is the linchpin for computer tech and vaccination propaganda. Or that ‘big tech’, silicon valley corp, are behind all the pandemic imagery production and dissemination.
The world is all connected via computer networks today so the idea that a virus can spread to all computers of the world is analogous for humans as we are all connected as well.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 13, 2022 7:39 PM
Reply to  Jacques


A m e n.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 13, 2022 10:30 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Just because the creative force (god) of the universe cannot be proven to exist doesn’t mean it does not.

What has, however, been proven is that diseases are not contagious – cf the so-called “Spanish flu” cross-infection trials they did. Healthy people did not / do not get sick.

If we can’t prove that flying viruses exist, then at least we can prove that contagion is a myth designed to scare the population.

Contagion takes the place of the devil and an angry god out for punishment for wrong behaviour.

Jun 14, 2022 9:51 AM
Reply to  Jacques

If you borrowed money to invest in a project then the prosperity and growth would be a result of the investments not the borrowing. You could borrow and make poor investments resulting in unpayable debt. As with the germ theory you are misconstuing the act of borrowing as “the virus” when in reality the poor investments are a terrain problem. If you accepted the importance of the Kochs postulates you would also want to prove your “prosperity and growth” were not just fantasies like “safe and effective vaccines”.

Jun 14, 2022 10:36 AM
Reply to  Mike

You are projecting into me your wild fantasies, and I’m getting tired of it.

Fuck germ theory, fuck terrain theory, fuck Koch, fuck the postulates, and – sorry to say – fuck everybody who pesters me with this shit, including you.

I’ve lived over a half a century pretty much oblivious of any of the foregoing, with no adverse impact on me whatsoever. I think I’ll survive another little while without knowing the definite answer to what causes the cold I occasionally get, like once in three or four years. Frankly, I don’t give a flying fuck about that. I take a pill if that happens, stay in bed if I feel too much like shit, and get better in a week or two.

Fuck the rest. I’m more sick of talking about viruses than I’ve ever been from a virus – or whatever the fuck it is people like you claim that makes me sick.

Jun 14, 2022 11:02 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Fully agree. The established “scientific” (aka pseudoscientific) paradigms in many fields are full of holes, be it genomics, virology, particle physics or climate science. All of these fields are built around a set of established methodologies, research techniques almost algorithms in the way they are robotically implemented) and assumptions. Their main purpose is to provide lucrative careers to a lumbering science bureaucracy that is not remotely concerned about protecting our health or the environment or anything else.

It is pointless for those of us outside those fields to argue over the size and shape of the holes.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 14, 2022 12:17 PM
Reply to  Jacques

The analogy between electricity and virus is a false argument, it’s absurd.
Electricity can be measured, contained, stored, transmitted and its behaviour can be observed, and we all know what happens if you touch a live wire.
None of those things can be said about viruses, a virus cannot be observed in action moving from one person to the next or to be the sole and direct cause of an illness.
A sample of saliva from a subject with the flu transferred to another subject, does not give the second subject the flu. This experiment has been done.
The evidence for contagion is anectodal, not scientific as in real science not speculation science.

Jun 14, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

You’re basically right. In regard to electricity, that is.

Then kindly try this with gravitation. Do you have a purified isolated sample of fucking gravitation? No. Does it mean that it doesn’t exist? What the fuck is it then that keeps us from flying away into space?

I could probably come up with all sorts of other stuff. Like electrons, since we’re speaking of electricity. You got a purified electron to prove that it’s electrons that are behind electricity? Hardly.

So kindly try to understand what I’m trying to say instead of inanely trying to disprove it.

In the following clip, the guy asks the lady whether she believes in God. She retorts that she doesn’t because no one has ever seen God. Well, I’ve never seen your cunt either, but I believe that you have one, he counters.


Hope you get the message.

Jun 13, 2022 8:21 AM

ā€œDonā€™t fuck, donā€™t touch,donā€™t breath without our involvement.ā€

Jun 13, 2022 8:07 AM

If you play both sides-airborne not airborne -you have all your bases covered-the obfuscation tactic will freak people out because itā€™s inconclusive-and when
even the ā€œexpertsā€ disagree-the desired outcome of fear is achieved.

Jun 13, 2022 4:21 AM

Then there is alastrim. A Fauci drooler if ever there was one.

Alastrim was also called white pox, kaffir pox, Cuban itch, Philippine itch, West Indian pox, milk pox, and pseudovariola. Like smallpox, alastrim has now been totally eradicated from the globe thanks to the 1960s Global Smallpox Eradication campaign (is that so??). The last case of indigenous variola minor was reported in a Somali cook, 

Jun 13, 2022 3:08 AM

It may be “rolling” on all channels, but it’s getting zero traction. My suggestion to OG is to stop publishing this stuff. Just think, if everyone stopped publishing this stuff it would go away. It only exists on paper.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jun 13, 2022 2:32 AM

Monkeypox….. could they not come out with a better name?

next comes the “active gay man disease” , come on you fucking Germans have you not seen this before ?

Its either a misdirection of the serious sudden deaths occurring in age groups 16 to 65 after vaccinations

or its going to be serious if this and their covidia ever come to light that these were experiments gone bad in a lab.

something tells me both are true.

I am just waiting on this to be a Russian lab leak seeing as they don’t have any gay men either.

Only country acting as stupid as it possible is Germany on this. Olaf the cockroach and his Green Party bitch and butch sidekicks are about to get a lesson in politics they won’t soon forget.

Jun 13, 2022 12:45 AM

It’s quite clear.
They intend to try our patience until it breaks.

Jun 13, 2022 8:09 AM
Reply to  wardropper

ā€¦Or until we laugh it off and get on with real life

Jun 15, 2022 2:11 PM
Reply to  Hele

Well, I’ve certainly laughed it off myself, but the world I live in is still getting steadily more frightful with every passing day.
That isn’t a laughing matter, since ‘real life’ involves contact with other human beings.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Jun 13, 2022 11:53 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes. That’s exactly how the U.S.’s January 6 riot came to be, and then became A Thing that threatened to overturn the U.S. government.

A few hundred unarmed rioters, actually let into the building by the building’s police, could have overturned the most powerful government in world history. If so, the U.S. Dept of Defense needs a serious overhaul. And yet half the country remains in deep denial.

Jun 12, 2022 8:51 PM

The continuing plague of mass formation psychosis demands fresh doses of fear. But monkey pox also is part of the continuing cover-up of ‘vaccination’ (in both design and effect). Like all the many scariants and strange surges of illness reported by propaganda media to misdirect us from the few glimmers of reality we might get from our screened worlds. Among the latest is SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. Only last week, it seemed, were we hearing about COVAIDS, or whatever. Behind these screens of deception is unheard of horror of people suffering in, and from, oblivion. It’s a very sad world.

Jun 12, 2022 10:15 PM
Reply to  niko

Great term: Scariant……… I will borrow it when I can. First time I have seen it’s use.

Kevin A Hart
Kevin A Hart
Jun 12, 2022 5:21 PM

I am gay myself, and I mention that in regards to the question posed concerning why health agencies use the term ‘men who have sex with men’ instead of just ‘gay men’. The term is used to distinguish between behavior and identity. You have men who engage in homosexual activities who would never call themselves ‘gay’. Why? I have no idea, but I think it gives a bigger picture view of the behavior and isn’t constrained by the identity.

Jun 13, 2022 1:09 AM
Reply to  Kevin A Hart

I don’t know if you are familiar with Garfield – I came to him late in life myself.
Here’s he is, explaining with wide-eyed innocence to an annoyed-looking Jon:

“I didn’t forget your birthday… I didn’t care.”

Sorry, Kevin, but I have as little interest in your sex life as you have in mine.

Being assaulted constantly by government propaganda is our problem right now.
The assault has reached unacceptable proportions, and our human species is at stake.

les online
les online
Jun 13, 2022 8:24 AM
Reply to  Kevin A Hart

Kevin, who knows why the propaganda experts, mass manipulators & persuaders, decided on “men who have sex with men” instead of “gay men.”… Probably, as bisexual males are “men who have sex with men” it’s being suggested that they could provide a bridge for the transmission of “the infection” that’s causing (a resurgence of) AIDS and spreading “monkeypox” amongst the jabbed…After all, bisexual males were given that role in the 1980s AIDS narrative…
And who knows why the experts felt it was relevant to mention that a few of the initial “monkeypox”l cases were “men who have sex with men”…
One propaganda technique appears to be the use of deliberate impreciseness about cases of “infection”, for always tacked onto a given figure is that there are “suspected” or “unconfirmed” cases, as if to encourage speculations. Though the initial reports mentioned a “few” of the infected were “men who have sex with men” soon posts were using “many” or “most”…
If it was intended to deflect attention from the jab caused “monkeypox” and AIDS it’s appearing to be successful…

Jun 14, 2022 11:19 AM
Reply to  les online

They don’t mind if you think it is lots or a few or if it is amoung gays or the clergy as long as you accept the false premise that there is cases. There is a virus and it is spreading. One reason might be that they are trying to appeal to the right this time. Last time they put out stories about churches ‘catching it’ while singing so now they are appealing to the homophobes. It is like how a sheep dog goes one way then the other to heard the flock.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 14, 2022 12:55 PM
Reply to  Mike

Right wing = homophobe?

les online
les online
Jun 16, 2022 4:38 AM
Reply to  Mike

A week later. I’m reading online, articles that claim that gays, trannies, and bisexual males are spreading “monkeypox”…I’m reading that most of the infected are homosexuals / homosexuals are spreading monkeypox. Why ? Because “men who have sex with men” was the only specific initially provided about the composition of the ‘infected’ group …
The single provided specific, coupled with lack of specific numbers allows for people’s Imaginations to supply the missing details, and as most people still believe the gays/AIDS propaganda pumped into their heads over the decades, you know what ‘information’ their imaginations will rely on…
The habit of providing only certain specifics coupled with being deliberately vague was constantly on show during the “Covid Pandemic”…It is a propaganda tactic…
AIDS and “monkeypox” is showing up in jabbed people…That articles about
gays & “monkeypox” have appeared show how effective the tactic is in deflecting attention away from the jabs role in the diseases…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 12, 2022 4:33 PM

“A real back-and-forth going on. Perhaps different factions of the Deep State are fighting over the Monkeypox steering wheel?”

Bingo! Exactly! These assholes are so drunk on their own bullshit, they’re down right shit-faced… They need to be pulled over…

Jun 12, 2022 10:16 PM

Belly laughing…….

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jun 12, 2022 4:32 PM

Monkeypox is merely more monkey business from the global overlords who must keep the masses in a constant state of hysteria and discombobulation to accomplish their agenda of global neo-feudalism. Early on it was confirmed Monkeypox did was not originate in Africa but in a lab in Europe! The other open secret is that it is mostly spread via homosexual behavior by gay men. But the playbook is the same as for SARS-COV2, create panic over a miniscule number of “cases”, ratchet the fear porn while the “public policy experts” shill for Big Pharma call for more control over our lives, more conformity and mindless obedience and more inoculations (using the smallpox vaccine). Same game different day.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 12, 2022 3:34 PM

Anyone know how to download the audio version of off-G so it could be listened to off-line?

Jun 13, 2022 1:19 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I don’t know if it’s available for multiple platforms, but Audio Hijack records anything your system audio is playing and saves it to the file type and quality you want. It works very well on my Mac at least.
For example, even though YouTube has a “Share” button, you still need an app of some sort to record the file from the copied URL.

I would have thought OffG would need to provide a button to click in order to enable direct downloading, at any rate.

Jun 12, 2022 2:58 PM

#VaccineDeaths trending on twitter which must be a first.

Jun 12, 2022 1:54 PM

Aren’t they walking on very thin ice when they link a disease to sex? At least for tracking purposes?

People who would have no problem telling them who sneezed on them might be a bit reluctant to report who’s dick they sucked.

Jun 12, 2022 3:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

Or all those who they rimmed…

Jun 12, 2022 10:17 PM
Reply to  Withheld

Talk about thin ice………….

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 12, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

Howard. That one made me laugh. Bravo! I’m still laughing…

Jun 12, 2022 10:18 PM

Me too!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 12, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  Howard

Your comment made me think of a tangential issue. In the past LGBTQ was about sexuality: Hetero-sex, same-same and bi-sexuality. But with the Trans “movement” it seems to be about identity, not sex. Maybe it is simply a product of the irrationality of gender identity? That is, if a biological male is “transitioned” to a gender identity of female, when they have sex with a man are they having heterosexual or homosexual sex?

John McCarthy
John McCarthy
Jun 13, 2022 8:01 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Exactly so.

Jun 13, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

God knows-mental gymnastics

Jun 12, 2022 1:34 PM

They really don’t want us having any secrets…


Funny how that didn’t apply to Bilderberg recently!

Jun 12, 2022 1:33 PM

UPDATE: Monkeypox narrative keeps on rolling

For some reason that title brings to mind a dung beetle rolling Agustin Carstens..

Jun 12, 2022 1:06 PM

92% of the monkeypox genome mapped out:


The genetic sequence is also downloadable from that page (both the ‘.fasta’ and the ‘.tsv’ files (within the zip files) are openable using a text editor eg notepad)

A fuller analysis might reveal whether or not there have been any deliberate ‘inserts’ into the genome to make it more transmissible?

But then again … if monkeypox IS yet again another biowarfare biolab leak, then maybe this particular sequence be being released to provide a suitable zoonotic “perfectly natural really” ‘Covid cover story’ for that fact? So, would need to be on guard for that possibility too.

Caveat lector ļ»æ šŸ˜Ž ļ»æ

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 12:58 PM


“Rural homeowners who rely on oil heating in their homes are facing ā€œastoundingā€ increases in their energy bills, with prices soaring by 147%.”


“Scottish Fuels, owned by Certas Energy, said prices are volatile in part due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

A simple little move. And a few months of this will reduce all to poverty. Mission accomplished!

“Oh but how dare you think so selfishly? Don’t you know there’s a war on?”

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 12, 2022 3:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The statement by Scottish fuels is a lie. The prices are volatile due to the deliberate sanctioning of Russia by Western elites, thereby reducing global supply of oil of the type required in Europe to be compatible with the uses already installed in Europe.

This is identical to the 1973 oil shock, which was deliberately engineered by rich people back then too.

Nothing has anything to do with a war invasion.

It has everything to do with long-planned scenarios of genocidal globalist elites.

Jun 12, 2022 10:20 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Better known as demons.

John McCarthy
John McCarthy
Jun 13, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I have also heard that lack of refining capacity(caused by mothballing refineries and reduced investment?) is causing scarcity of refined products such as petrol and fuel oils

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jun 12, 2022 12:16 PM

You still haven’t recognised the gaslighting they perform by rapidly contradicting themselves.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 11:49 AM

As an indication of having too much time on my hands I was having a look at one of the more odd conspiracy theories – that Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a Billy Shears, when I stumbled on this:


It’s a piece worth scanning – I say “scanning” because like most mainstream articles I find it intolerable in its smug establishment duplicity. But the interesting thing is what it says about the uneasy current state of information management as the endlessly applied conspiracy phobia becomes more defensively forceful.

So the tedious reinforcement of this conspiracy-phobia is given a more sophisticated veneer than usual (which only makes it more insufferable). So naturally we get this:

ā€œConspiracy theory is not just simplistic, as official dismissals would have it. Indeed, it often provides a deeper, more profound, more satisfying systematization, as wholesome as official narrative. It replaces unbearable randomness (which is to say our own incremental, almost undetectable, death) with pure intentionality. That is true of PID, as well as 9/11 or the JFK assassination or any other conspiracy.

I think LaBour hit the nail on the head, very intuitively, in describing the Beatles as being interested in building a religion. To counter such elite manipulation, the resulting form of anti-conspiracy agency may be demented, but it is agency nonetheless; Donald Trumpā€™s presidency, we might argue, is nothing more than the sum of all the postwar conspiracy theories, yet this agglomeration has actually managed to seize power.ā€

Note ā€œunbearable randomnessā€ (ā€œStuff just happens and you have to be mature enough to accept that!ā€). Also note the list of ā€œcrazy conspiracy theoriesā€ includes 9/11 and JFK assassination which are now inarguably ā€œinside jobsā€. But it is implied that this ā€œconspiracy mongeringā€ is ā€œelite manipulationā€ and that ā€œthe resulting form of anti-conspiracy agency may be dementedā€ ā€“ but, it is hinted, this ā€œdementedā€ anti-conspiracy movement is a good thing.

And this is the problem with the mainstream now. The conspiracy phobia is now so belligerently desperate. And it is becoming unintentionally humorous:  

ā€œConspiracy theory, to counter elite science, always enacts pseudo-science in a populist veinā€

Admittedly, this was apparently written before the covid farce but after that momentous turning point, is it possible to maintain this gatekeeping for much longer?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 11:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Having glanced at other work by the Salon author (Anis Shivani), I am struck by a now famliar phenomenon: the clearly well educated and very intelligent writer with a vast vocabulary delivering such articulate meditations … and who is wrong about almost everything!

Jun 12, 2022 11:08 AM

Sorry off topic, but the hypocrisy canā€™t be ignored (From the ABC website):
ā€œThose comments were echoed by Canada’s Defence Minister, Anita Anand, who expressed concern with China’s “increasingly assertive behaviour in the South China Sea”.

“We believe China’s actions have heightened tensions and undermined the rules-based international order,” she said.

ā€˜Rules based international orderā€™ !?!
Does NATO and the MIC get an exemption from these weasel words/orders?

Jun 12, 2022 10:28 AM

“Perhaps different factions of the Deep State are fighting over the Monkeypox steering wheel? Or perhaps its play-fighting to create an illusion of discord?”

Third possibility – they’re putting out a deliberately confusing narrative for demoralisation and disorientation. It’s a standard Psyops’ technique. This isn’t to doubt there is factional in-fighting at times, just to doubt that much of it gets into the MSM.

I wonder if the warnings against “anonymous sex” are to get people tracking-and-tracing each other? That’s for those who don’t give up on physical contact altogether and don’t grab a sexbot or disappear into VR. This is not of course to argue that anonymous sex is a good thing.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jun 12, 2022 12:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Obviously the third choice. Also, it takes a while for all the sheep to know which way to trot.

Jun 12, 2022 11:20 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, it’s impossible to counter a narrative which simultaneously claims A and non-A. How do you oppose that pt of view?

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:53 AM
Reply to  Penelope

>dwige, itā€™s impossible to counter a narrative which simultaneously claims A and non-A

Exactly. You cannot simultaneously say you cannot isolate a virus and claim you have a real virus.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 9:32 AM


US white supremacists arrested at Idaho pride event – police

Not sure what the ā€œ- policeā€ bit is at the end. Perhaps standards at the BBC have slumped so much that nobody bothers to check these things.

But letā€™s cut the crap. These ā€œpride eventsā€ (and note that this article doesnā€™t specify what ā€œprideā€ it is) are purely excuses to encourage this kind of disruption and highlight ā€œevil factionsā€ within the public (who are probably planted there anyway).

And the single most important aspect of the report is the picture that paints a thousand words: all those folk on their knees and ā€“ significantly ā€“ with their backs to the camera i.e. as if they are about to meet a Mafioso type execution.

Underlying message: ā€œDonā€™t mess with us or this will happen to you!ā€

Jun 12, 2022 11:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not sure what the “– police” bit is at the end.

“– experts say”

Jun 13, 2022 1:13 AM
Reply to  George Mc

But letā€™s cut the crap. These ā€œpride eventsā€ (and note that this article doesnā€™t specify what ā€œprideā€ it is) are purely excuses to encourage this kind of disruption and highlight ā€œevil factionsā€ within the public (who are probably planted there anyway).

Article says it was a gay pride event – g**gle (cough cough) North Idaho Pride Alliance. It couldn’t be any more clearer than that.

The American white sharia brigade think Patriot Front is fake made up of FBI agents because;

  1. they don’t have beer bellies ie not overweight dumb fat pigs like themselves
  2. Real patriots don’t hide behind masks (yeah tell that to Jan 6ers, i bet they wish they had)
  3. They don’t stand with Israel ……. Lol!
  4. Because they wear khakis…….

Patriot front have been non violent having marched, made their point and left in u-haul trucks. Compare that to ANTIFA or BLM.

Jun 12, 2022 9:26 AM


I doubt if this disease exists.I have no fear of contracting it. But I am terrified of what our evil world government will do to us with monkeypox as an excuse.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 9:16 AM

On the topic of God now being transferred to ā€œThe Earthā€, I found out that the philosopher Spinoza had a sadistic game of pitting spiders against each other. This led me to this:


Which says,

ā€œ…my interpretation of Spinoza is meant to show that he was not so much anxious to preserve a sense of human superiority over nonhuman nature … , but rather to affirm the human bond and its power to nourish our minds and bodies. For Spinoza, arguing on behalf of animals sounds like a threat to human solidarity. This feeling of the threat posed by compassion for beasts may or may not have been paranoid, but the difficulty of producing durable forms of human solidarity was certainly palpable in his day, as it is in ours, albeit in different ways.ā€

I am not saying we turn our back on animals or the environment but I think that Spinozaā€™s curious attitude was less to do with cruelty to animals than with the fear of a loss of human solidarity. And this seems eerily prophetic of the way the rulers are using ā€œThe Planetā€ and ā€œThe Natural Realmā€ to destroy human solidarity (for the masses) and even human existence (for the masses).

Jun 12, 2022 9:52 AM
Reply to  George Mc

what you say reminds me of “agent smiths” comment re humanity as a virus, whilst in many ways a real wake up call for many the matrix as presented by hellywood is yet another tease (imho), humanity desperately striving to prevail against a technologically superior organism, living like cockroaches in the sewers…..like its a forgone conclusion, as cypher says “ignorance is bliss”?

whilst the to and fro of virus validity here is all very interesting it is perhaps more important that we encourage all (regardless of their position on virology) to encourage all they meet in the day to day to question this latest move back toward bio supression, in chess terms they have humanity well pinned down and a brief view of “world news today” speaks of a multitude of terminal scenarios, gun control, brit mercenaries in ukr, wildfires, all the pieces covering all the escape routes.

without wishing to seem defeatist we are assuredly sleep walking right into this…. again

as someone commented recently, the playbook is evolving quicker and more “organically” than ever before, each way you turn warnings abound. The beast is learning/evolving

meeting some irish folk at my local tractor breakers yesterday, they spoke of an impending food/fuel crisis there which is being met by desperate call from the gov for all irish farmers to designate land for growing wheat…
as the chap i met said “you cannot put a combine where a tractor can barely go”, his point being eire is in the main too wet, the desperation re farm fuel was evident in his manner..
His hint being that the eu had left them high and dry…

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  Duckman

Off topic – but I can’t help noticing the return of the compulsive down voter. It seems that various entries “automatically” start their tallies with a single down vote. Yours too – so I voted it up.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jun 12, 2022 12:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

People who live in downland and are constantly down are apt to try to make everything down. I prefer typing responses instead of being trained to be a button-pusher droid.

Jun 12, 2022 5:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I am reminded of criticizing trump on ET. But I was young and foolish. Upvoted your comment.

Jun 13, 2022 1:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

My attitude is that the whole subject is of no importance, so I just ignore it.
Works just fine.

Jun 13, 2022 9:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“As Einstein would say, ‘I believe in the God of Spinoza,'” –Elon Musk

Mark EL
Mark EL
Jun 12, 2022 9:11 AM

Fake ‘experts’ arguing about aspects of a fake ‘it’ = reinforcing the fake reality of the fake ‘it’.

‘Twas ever thus.

Jun 12, 2022 10:10 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

Fake it until you make it!

Jun 12, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  Zane

Yes, Goebbel’s prinicple of propaganda was: multiply blatant lies until there is so much of them everywhere that people start perceiving them as reality [ something that is so amassed and common everywhere cannot be unreal]

Jun 12, 2022 12:18 PM
Reply to  roula

Covid and Climate Change are perfectly Goebbelsian.

Jun 13, 2022 1:16 AM
Reply to  Zane

You mean Bernaysian

Jun 13, 2022 2:59 AM
Reply to  Derek

Yeah, let’s invite Ed to the party too.

Jun 12, 2022 5:23 PM
Reply to  roula

Read Jerry Mander’s book, ‘The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television’ I particularly like his discussion on the unification of experience. It’s on steroids now. The man was a prophet.

Jun 13, 2022 7:26 AM

A classic book.
Still got my old copy.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 12, 2022 9:00 AM

I have come to the conclusion that there is far less disunity in the rulers than has been made out. If there are contradictory reports on monkeypox, it has nothing to do with ā€œwarring factionsā€ but with the fact that the rulers recognise the extreme fragility of the viral fraud. Clearly they want to go all the way back to locking everyone up, barricading every public passage from every other one, and generally forcing the public to become as stationary ā€“ and even invisible ā€“ as possible.

But they know that vast reams of the public ā€“ and I reckon itā€™s the overwhelming majority ā€“ no longer go along with the plague apocalypse meme. That is why the media is issuing these contradictory statements. They are engaging in a back-and-forward motion just as you would if you were using a lever and building yourself up to shift it.

Gay men are referred to as ā€œmen who have sex with menā€ because the rulers are trying to reintroduce a level of homophobia. ā€œGay menā€ is too affable. We are being hit over the head with the knowledge that these men are having sex with other men and this is supposed to raise images of penises against penises etc.

And that is part of the general campaign to ā€œdelegitimiseā€ sexual activity, to increase frustration and paranoia, to further cut everyone off from everyone else etc.

But it is important not to lose sight of the underlying rationale for all of this ā€“ from covid to monkeypox to Ukraine to the climate scare etc. The aim is immiseration of the masses on a scale now comparable to the seizure of the commons that initiated the rise of capitalism.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jun 12, 2022 12:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I like your post.

Jun 12, 2022 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Excellent post.

David Meredith
David Meredith
Jun 12, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Very good post, it condenses a lot of what has been happening into some clear understanding. Don’t understand anyone on here giving you negative votes though. What you are saying is entirely true and obvious to those who are aware of truths.

Jun 13, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

ā€œIt is your patriotic duty to hate and fear someone, something, some religion or some race!!ā€

Jun 12, 2022 8:40 AM

With measles there is a seasonal incidence. From what I remember I think it was around May and in more tropical countries following the rainy season e.g. Madegascar. This made me think it might be related to vitamin D levels or the heat is someway. There was also the ‘disney outbreak’. This too has people spending unusually long time outdoors in the sun often after travelling from more rainy locations. I would hyphothesise therfore that they are sweating out some toxins which cause a rash. The alleged “transmission” of Monkeypox then in gay men is just because of a higher concentration of people exposed to the sun at pride events and not any evidence of viral transmission. The gay men are more likely to take their shirts off. Simple as that.

Following the september 11th attacks there were stories in the press about smallpox being delievered via the postal mail. ‘Vaccination’ was proposed but it was determined that the ‘vaccine’ was very dangerous and the campaign was cancelled. Dr Suzanne Humphries described this in a video called smallpox illusions. This was allegedly ‘the serious’ threat of smallpox where as now they are talking about monkeypox. If ‘vaccination’ was too dangerous for smallpox in 2003 why would it be considered for a lesser ‘threat’ ?

Jun 12, 2022 2:19 PM
Reply to  Mike

”Pandemic ” is not a disease. It will never end. It is a new-generation AI-coercion/Mobile-penitentiary system/Digital control tool, one of social management, exerting compliance with authority, waging wars on societies whenever needed and manufacturing social obeisance and consent, using tools of Digital Information, Mobile circulation, Data collection and AI. Also, one of removing/deleting/imprisoning/punishing/cancelling people from reality by ”blocking” their smart services. Neither Bentham nor Foucault dared to envisage it. This was just a sample of the new AI meta-physics.

It is very naive to consider it as anything to do with health or medicine.
It is a new-generation hybrid weapon, only at its teething stage, tested for the first time between 2020 and 2022. It will evolve and develop, to degrees cum dimensions we cannot even imagine now. If you compare it to the Bentham’s panopticon idea of social control, you can see how much they managed to bring it into fruition, apply it and advance it, going from a concrete circular prison into fear and coercive compliance through merely creating digital information and various tools offered by the Window’s Office Word package, circulating world-over. The methodology of the new social coercion tool called ”Pandemic” is only now being discovered, a Frankenstein still in its infancy.
The new Pandemic Idol will certainly grow in power, and to analyze it and see through its dark might requires a lot of skill, intelligence and political courage. Everyone trying to be critical is certainly groping in the dark, as much as the world powers trying to discover the potential the newly born ”Pandemic” tool offers are.
What we saw was only a mere ouverture, or a mere nachgeschichte.
And yes, reasons to fear are certainly many. Who could imagine two years ago what was just behind the corner, and that without firing a single bullet all this war on people world-over would be waged. Why do we have reasons to fear? As the test of this new weapon was a great success.

Jun 12, 2022 8:31 PM
Reply to  roula

Utter garbage
Living in fear is exactly what they want you to do.
We’re not dealing with evil super geniuses here – the recent “pandemic” should have taught you that much, at least. What we’re dealing with is a senile, decrepit oligarchy that is desperately clinging to the last vestiges of it’s power.
No longer do they control the information flow, no longer are they hidden.
Their last hope is to poison the well with lies – lies such as you have posted.
The transhuman AI-controlled prison planet they dream of ruling over is a ridiculous fiction – as they will very soon discover.

Jun 12, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  Stewart

Certainly we live on different planets.
Indeed, the recent pandemic has taught me a lot.
Hope you are right and my utter garbage and lies are wrong.

Jun 13, 2022 3:38 AM
Reply to  Mike

Attacks ?

I suppose you could refer to the 9/11 false flag black ops as “attacks”. As long as one does not attribute them to 19 boxcutter brandishing cave dwellers.

Jun 12, 2022 8:32 AM

It’s gays sharing a lot of bacteria cultures and spikeproteins so they should really call it Homopox, a fudge-induced adverse reaction to the “vaccine”.

Jun 12, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  Benton

ļ»æ šŸ˜€ ļ»æ

Jun 12, 2022 7:11 AM

Who gives a monkey’s?

Donald duck
Donald duck
Jun 12, 2022 7:38 AM
Reply to  Zane

Nice One!

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 12, 2022 7:04 AM

The only thing that’s airborne is the lies, fear porn and disinformation..

Jun 12, 2022 6:46 AM

Seems like they’re getting amateurish by associating monkeypox to other kinds of pox.

Older generations are all vaccinated against smallpox and just about everybody has either had chickenpox or has been vaccinated against it too. How many people does that leave you “unprotected”?

This crock of shit is even easier to debunk than COVID.

Simply tell everybody who comes up with this crap to go fuck themselves, with absolutely no remorse, no more walking eggshells around nobody. And have a suitable utensil at the ready in case the vaccination squad shows up.


“Men who have sex with men”

In light of how sick the transbullshit is getting, let’s be clear about something. If somebody is unable to come to terms with their body, has nothing better to do in their life than dreaming sick sexual fantasies, fine. It’s their prerogative to copulate in a consensual manner with whatever entity they see fit, including their fucking automobile for what I care. And there probably are some people who genuinely suffer from a disorder and truly can’t help themselves. Fine.

But elevating homosexuality and, more importantly, transssexuality and whatever-sexuality the sick motherfuckers now have to not only a normal, but promoted behavior is sick, decadent, and deranged, and that’s all there is to it. Anybody who brings up any of this crap in any public situation, especially in regard to kids, must be told to shove it up their ass (pun intended) and get lost.

This crap has gone too far, and it’s time to push back. Long overdue, in fact.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 12, 2022 7:05 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Spiritual warfare

Jun 12, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  Paul Watson

It’s no accident they coined the term ‘pride’ events – they know Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Jun 12, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Jacques

have a suitable utensil at the ready

I understand that pitchforks are useful, in such situations.

comment image

Jun 12, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Especially if you position them upwards in the landing area beneath the windows from which the entities to impaled there are defenestrated.


S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2022 1:28 PM
Reply to  covidiot

comment image
comment image

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

~ Frederick Douglas (1857)

Jun 12, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  Jacques

I couldn’t agree more!

Jun 12, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques
Jun 12, 2022 5:01 AM

Great to be part of the control group (unstabbed).
It’s one premature cause of death I don’t have to worry about.

Jun 12, 2022 4:51 AM

<<The volume on this is increasing, with stories from UK sources today saying ā€œsex with anonymous partnersā€ and ā€œunsafe sexā€ are aiding the spread of monkeypox and making contact tracing difficult.>>

Yet the likes of the BBC continue to recommend that you fuck around as much as possible.

Jun 12, 2022 1:32 PM
Reply to  Artsillyman

Message is fuck around as much as you like as long as you tell the ‘authorities’. For the BBC that’s a win win in the lead to fracturing society.

Jun 12, 2022 3:10 AM

Monkeypox is primatism.
Why single out our tree bound cousins?
Letā€™s call it what it is:
Oligarcancer, Plutocratcrap, or Corporatossers.

Jan J
Jan J
Jun 12, 2022 7:37 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Greater Resetitis? šŸ˜€

Art Costa
Art Costa
Jun 12, 2022 3:05 AM

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality, ā€judiciously, as you will and we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”Karl Rove

True as long as we play along….

Jun 12, 2022 2:11 AM

comment image

Jun 12, 2022 9:23 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice


Associating one of nature’s beauties with ugly unnatural acts is one of mankind’s least edifying achievements.

Jun 12, 2022 1:33 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Very good.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Grooming in the 21st Century Magazine presents The Drag Queen Story Hour Crotch Flash, the latest craze to sweep the planet. Coming to a grade school near you.”
comment image

“Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell and Sex Slave Island move over!”


“It is 10 AM has your child been genitally mutilated?”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 12, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Hey, with all the manufacturing jobs off shored to slave labor areas elsewhere, those not culled may want to consider transsexual pleasure unit as a new career path to fame and fortune.”

Jun 15, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

They say the answer is to ban this and that, but people ignore bans today because there is no moral backbone to them – only puritanical control-freakery.
Education is no longer education. It is something else.

Jun 12, 2022 10:27 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

My stomach hurts from laughing.

Jun 12, 2022 1:59 AM

6-10 WA Post says 1300 cases worldwide. Don’t know if that’s just PCR tests or if it’s pocked people.

Most thorough article I’ve found covers 2d rehearsal Nov 2021; this one is by the NTI & explicitly uses the monkeypox, predicts 1400 cases by 6-15-22. Has other catastrophic predictions.

Lots of info here for somebody w more patience than I have at the mo:
It’s avail in English too.

Jun 12, 2022 2:12 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I forgot: If you want more nitty-gritty about the virus:

btw, in case you’re disposed to shrug off the pocks (sores) as “just the body cleansing itself of I don’t know what but it’s not a virus” — ala Kaufman– there are other methods than just PCR being used to identify the virus. But then there were for covid, too.

Jun 12, 2022 3:12 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The point Kaufman et al make, which most miss, is that we are being poisoned, in a million different ways. When the body is poisoned you will get reactions as the body tries to fix itself, incredible creation that it is. One method is to try to purge it through the skin. Another is to sequester compounds that are fat soluble, in fat cells.

Jun 12, 2022 6:54 AM
Reply to  iya

It’s open to keep an open mind.

I’m closely involved with the crowd that claims that viruses are not pathogens in the sense generally claimed, and they do have a valid point because the virology methodologies have lots of major holes.

At the same time, none of the there-are-no-viruses people proposes anything viable as to what causes diseases and what they appear transmissible. The alternative theories are empirically unconfirmed. Sure, we live in a toxic environment, but that neither rules out the existence of viruses nor proves that diseases are caused by poison.

The bottom line is that we don’t know shit.

Jun 12, 2022 7:17 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Cowan said it best when he referred to viruses as a misconception. I believe he was correct. The issue is not that viruses do not exist. The issue is they are not what they are claimed to be. The foundation of virology is based on an assumption:

“Thus, we cannot reject the assumption that the effect of the filtered lymph is not due to toxicity, but rather the ability of the agent to replicate.” E Loeffler, 1898. Principles of Virology 4th edition, Flint et al 2015.

That 1000+ page textbook tells the reader up front, in that quote, what the answer really is; Toxicity; but then proceeds to flip the reader into believing that it is a theorised replicating organism (alive or dead, no one knows) that hijacks the cellular machinery, replicates & spreads.

I’m still astonished at the ludicrousness of it all, but I am reminded of the saying the bigger a lie, the easier it is to fool.

I’ve come to the conclusion it is indeed toxicity at the root of it, & it is industry, the corporations, which are owned by families of a certain bloodline through an extremely complex & global network of high finance, which is at the root. They’ve done a very good job at misdirecting people away from it, as well as defunding the study of toxicology to the point where it is a toothless tiger, not to mention controlling the science & the so called regulatory agencies worldwide. Infiltration!

The other thing which I think is important, is the advent of recombinant technology since the 1970’s. I believe it has been used to weaponize cellular material, bacteria, fungi, viruses, as well as plants, crops, food, animals, & finally, humans.

The future they want has a great deal to do with control through genetic engineering & that includes engineering life to their wishes.

Jun 12, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  iya

I’m all ears as far as viruses being a misconception and all the rest. Truly, genuinely. In fact, I’m pretty closely involved with people who claim that and work hard to debunk the virus-pathogen theory.

At the same time, there does seem to be a connecting factor that makes people fall ill after coming into contact with one another, for which no viable explanation other than something that transmits it exists.

So, I’m assuming no definitive stance. I’m keeping my mind open to anything. This is actually what Cowan said himself.

I’m now talking strictly about the disease transmission mechanism, if that happens. I’m sure that whatever the reality of that is or isn’t is grossly taken advantage of by them unscrupulous pricks. But that’s only a collateral issue.

Jun 12, 2022 7:49 AM
Reply to  Jacques
At the same time, there does seem to be a connecting factor that makes people fall ill after coming into contact with one another, for which no viable explanation other than something that transmits it exists.

Coming into contact with someone poisoned, depending on what the substance is, may induce poisoning. Just like being in the same space or area loaded with toxins may induce a range of similar reactions in people, depending on their general health status. It may not have anything to do with transmission in the way that conventional virology, or for that matter, conventional medicine views it.

Consider the various stories of cultural invasion, like the USA, or Australia, & how some tribes were poisoned by lacing food with arsenic or some other insecticides in order to clear them off land. If one didn’t know any better, what’s to say it wasn’t an infectious disease that swept through & killed them all?

Looking back at my own life, I can now see the response by conventional doctors whenever I presented unwell as “there’s a bug going around at the moment”, in a whole new light. It also provided them a convenient “out” (diagnosis) & a way to hold onto the high esteem most patients seem keen to bestow on them, in particular a lot of the older generation.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jun 12, 2022 8:46 AM
Reply to  iya


Jun 12, 2022 9:21 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

Hmmm … this sounds pretty desperate. Do you have any sort of proof that such thing as some resonance that causes people to contract an illness that somebody else is having exists? What’s the exact mechanism? How do people resonate in this regard? Why would that happen – why would somebody want to resonate with some motherfucker who is sick? Considering all of the body’s self-healing and self-repairing abilities, wouldn’t it be safe to assume that the body would do everything it can to refrain from resonating with the said sick motherfucker and getting sick too?

I don’t know about you, but my fucking body would!

Jun 12, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Jacques

It’s commonly accepted that some bodily reactions ranging from yawning to menstruation can be ‘caught’. Whether this psychological or has some physical component like resonance, who knows?

It’s reasonable to point out that people in close proximity are likely to have similar toxic exposures and may well have some dietary similarities.

Generally speaking, I agree that the “no viruses” idea isn’t fully convincing because of the lack of rigorous evidence about alternatives. Big medicine isn’t interested in collecting any – and certainly not in publishing it.

Do “no viruses” theorists have to come up with a fully worked out alternative? Is showing plausible alternatives exist enough? People will have their own burdens of proof that they require. I recognise in myself that I want “no viruses” to be true which can be a dangerous mind set.

Jun 12, 2022 12:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Being given to distrusting everything, so I am. That’s why I consciously caution myself and play the devil’s advocate.

Be it as it may, this is a collateral issue, not the most important aspect of what’s going on right now.

The big question is why now. Actually, that question is easy to answer – the socio-economic model has more or less reached its limits and is about to collapse. It’s the sub-questions that matter more. Is it an existential collapse due to physical factors, such as peak oil, climate change – whether these phenomena are real, perceived, imminent, or approaching in not too distant a future? Is global reorganization, possibly jettisoning the spoiled occidental population, as the PTBs intend to live off third-world peoples?

To me, these are the issues to worry about because I have to consider the worse-case scenario, which means that not only we’re not going back to any semblance of the old normal, but it really is a matter of life and death. So, what matters to me is where and how one can survive.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 12, 2022 3:44 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Why now? Pretty simple: Covid19 has run its course, so the next scaremongering needs to start. They DON’T want economies returning to normal, they DON’T want people travelling abroad on holidays again, they DON’T want people focussing on the crimes committed the past 2 years.

What they want is to continue the never-ending scaremongering, ensuring that 80-90% of the population remain credulous, fearful, media-consuming zombies incapable of holding up the criminality to the light.

Jun 12, 2022 7:27 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Ain’t that obvious.


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 12, 2022 3:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘No virus theorists’ need to carry out scientific experiments which falsify the hypothesis that the disease in question is caused by a virus.

They have already failed to falsify the hypothesis that viruses do not exist in nature, since they have been titrated, sequenced, reconfigured, packaged in laboratories, specifically mutated to change the tissue tropism of infection etc etc etc.

Jun 12, 2022 9:08 AM
Reply to  iya

“Coming into contact with someone poisoned, depending on what the substance is, may induce poisoning.”

That sounds an awful lot like contagion, like transmissible disease, pretty much the way virology claims.

Poisoning, in the classical sense is NOT transmissible. Like, if you ingest cyanide and, quite likely, croak, nobody else around you will croak unless they too ingest cyanide. Ditto other poisons.

Yes, there is toxic shit around in the environment, but that doesn’t explain why some people get sick, some don’t, and some get sick in the presence of others. And even if it does, then I want to see scientific proof and description of the exact mechanism how it happens. For I’m not about to replace one potential illusion with another just for the sake of having something else.

Sorry, but the fact that the native population in America might have been poisoned does not preclude the existence of viruses. If you want to be rigorous and demand that virology conform to strict scientific principles, you gotta apply the same rigor to your own thinking and refrain from “I believe” (sic) this and that (use say “I believe” or “I think” in just about every other sentence) or make assumptions on anecdotal unsubstantiated evidence too.

In other words, the fact that virology has evidently been grossly misused doesn’t mean that all of it is a crock of shit.

Jun 12, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Because transmission isn’t a viable explanation they need immunity to explain why the observations don’t match the theory. “Oh those people were immune but we found a connection over there so that person wasn’t immune”. It is circular reasoning that there must be immunity because the transmission theory doesn’t fit the observations. Further more the immunity theory doesn’t work either so then they conjure up other theories that the immunity fades.

Jun 12, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  Mike

It’s not true that transmission isn’t a viable option. It’s something still on the table.

Science simply doesn’t have a bulletproof explanation. That doesn’t mean that I’ll reject one or the other or any other possibility using the same fallacious reasoning as is used to prop up the somewhat dubious germ/virus theory.

Jun 12, 2022 5:49 PM
Reply to  iya

Still doesn’t explain disease way back in the world before Round Up. Death is the universal statistic and it has to start working in everyone at some point.

Jun 12, 2022 6:29 PM

Well, indoor plumbing and sanitation practices obviously do have something to do with reduction of disease, whether disease is due to toxins or not. Many people now want to bring back the 1918 flu as an example of what the mighty covid could do but refuse to take into account basic sanitation practices being very different today than back in 1918.

By saying this I am not advocating for either position here, but we do live in a completely different world than 1918 and before.

Jun 12, 2022 10:45 PM

It does if one looks closely at each individual circumstance. Too many to list them all.

Some obvious well known examples would be ddt in regards to polio epidemics. Cholera outbreaks in England traced back to poisoned water wells. Even metalworking hundreds of years ago was known to produce ill effects. Industrial societies main products are in fact toxicity, but we have been conditioned to only think the benefits outweigh the negatives.

We’ve swapped overt poisonings in the form of large cities in the growing phase of industrialisation, to covert poisonings now in the late phase of industrialisation. Just in time for the 4IR.

A couple of good books on pesticides/herbicides etc is Rachel Carson’s classic Silent Spring (given the die off in species across the planet we may soon be hearing Silent Springs) & E.G Vallianatos’ Poison Spring (about the US EPA).

Jun 13, 2022 6:41 AM
Reply to  iya

All those might be important factors, but kindly focus on proving causation by scientific means.

There absolutely nothing scientifically viable describing the mechanism of disease being contracted by people coming into contact with a person already suffering from the disease.

Apart from viruses, that is.

Resonance and body cleansing and all these illusions make zero sense in regard to the nature of the human body. Resonance is outright bullshit because the body would bend over backwards NOT to resonate with somebody who is sick. The body is a wonderful mechanism; why on Earth would it want to fall in sync with somebody who is sick? The body does everything it can to protect itself, to repair itself. Resonance is idiocy. Ditto cleansing. It does make sense to say that the body cleanses itself AFTER it gets sick, but why the fuck would it sick to cleanse itself? It would do so beforehand, in an ongoing fashion, which in fact happens in various ways. Getting sick in order to get better is another phantasm.

Pathogens in fact make very good sense because the world is full of parasites. Just look at such fucks as Justin Turdo, Joe Bidet, or Ursula Leyno (FYI, her last name is a colloquial term for shit).

As I said, I like unconventional ideas that question the status quo, especially if the status quo appears kinds shaky, but that doesn’t mean that I’ll embrace something even more phantasmagorical unreservedly. And neither should anybody else, despite the fact that virology – whether it is complete bullshit or not – is being grossly misused.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 12, 2022 8:33 AM
Reply to  Jacques

A. They are not saying “there are no viruses.” A negative cannot be proven. What they are saying is that the existence of viruses has not been scientifically proven. Can you prove viruses exist?
B. read Virus Myths, or Dawn Lester’s What Really Makes Us Ill. They propose LOTS of alternatives.

Jun 12, 2022 9:16 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Kindly don’t lecture me on this virus shit. I’ve read everything back and forth umpteenth times, I’ve interpreted lectures by leading anti-virologists, including Stefan Lanka, Claus Kohnlein, Sefano Scoglio, etc. I know all about the methodological flaws in virology.

I’m not gonna read no Virus Myths because I’m fucking sick of viruses. Dawn Lester knows shit what really makes us ill. Like others, he has alternative hypotheses, but none of them has been scientifically verified.

Personally, I leave it at that.

Actually, I’m gonna stick with the notion that diseases are mostly caused by temperature changes, or temperatures outside the range optimal for humans. In other words, the ol’ “cold” indeed is a cold. There does happen to be evidence to that effect:

Jun 12, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Jacques

You could conduct a experiment. Drink a few shots of vodka and see if you find any evidence of poisoning.

Jun 12, 2022 9:31 AM
Reply to  Mike

I’ve conducted that experiment many times already and counting.

Presently, I’m mostly using Caribbean rum though, as my current girlfriend has a bar with what might be the most copious selection of different kinds in the Universe … šŸ˜‰ …

Anyway, I’ve never witnessed a person get drunk because somebody else is drinking shots of booze. I sure fucking hope that it doesn’t work that way because it would be a major problem for our business … I mean one designated person in town would get wasted and so would the rest.

Anyway, if it works like that, don’t tell nobody – OK?

Jun 16, 2022 7:17 PM
Reply to  Jacques

As part of the spiritual disease of the west, people are stuck in their heads with zero intuition and zero sensitivity to what their body tells them.

Some things cannot be “empirically confirmed” or “proven”.

Jun 12, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  iya

iya, you’re right that toxins abound. Glyphosate and other insecticides, GMOs, artificial hormones like RBST in dairy products, nano-plastic bits everywhere, toxins in most cleaning products (many of them aerosolized), hormone disruptors in personal care products, etc, etc.

But if people suddenly get typical widely-spaced pox breakout over most of their body– I say IF that occurs, it’s unlikely to be the same old toxic burden.

Kaufman’s view that the entire field of virology is phoney is unsound.

Jun 12, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I agree.

I consider it good what he and others say, but they essentially only say that the virology methodology doesn’t proof what virology claims. Fair enough. It doesn’t rule it out either, though.

Also, none of the deniers has anything truly viable to propose as an alternative. Fine, it might be that something is yet to be discovered. However, refuting something (often using dubious arguments, such as the very specific question asked under FOI requests whether institutions have isolated specimens of viruses and concluding that viruses don’t exist when they get a negative response – I mean, no institution has an isolated specimen of Penelope or Jacques, yet we do exist), is easier than coming up with an explanation that works.

Consideration also must be given to the fact that, for instance, Kaufman is peddling his own business.

Be it as it may, if one embarks on the path of being skeptical and inquisitive, one must have that attitude in respect of everything.

Jun 12, 2022 10:54 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Why not though?

Why would it be unlikely to be a poisoning of sorts?

We know that what was promoted as AIDS was in fact a toxic poisoning which first appeared as a consequence of lifestyle choices. No judgment here, just stating what others have pointed out. Just think about how the viral theory was used to create a monster that made certain people & corporations very rich by developing diagnostics & also killed people through early treatments with toxic drugs. A great deal of fear was cultivated, just like with every so called pandemic since.

I disagree with virology not being unsound. It is, in my view, the epitome of fraudulence. But at this stage, because so much has been built on it, trying to unravel it, means unlearning a lot of things, & changing the way one thinks, not easy at the best of times.

The viroliegy website is a great resource to check out older scientific literature on the subject.

Jun 13, 2022 6:44 AM
Reply to  iya

It WAS NOT toxic poisoning. It was a host of existing diseases the people suffered from due to their lifestyles, including poisoning by drugs.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 12, 2022 6:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Name other methods used to identify “COVID.” And when and how was the monkdypox virus identified? Oh, right, Robert Malone, who is sure that COVID exists because “Ivermectin has been a useful treatment,” as if the (alleged) usefulness of ivermectin to treat certain symptoms proves the existence of a virus. ļ»æ šŸ˜€ ļ»æ

Jun 12, 2022 8:10 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

And ivermectin is an anti parasite medication, isnā€™t it? Why does it work? I recently read the suggestion that the toxins in water / air causing ā€˜viralā€™ illnesses are actually parasitical in nature. Seemed very plausible.

Jun 12, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, it’s 2 AM & I’ll answer you more fully tomorrow. For the moment, re: Monkeypox (I think I got this from Pubmed, but I’ll check tomorrow):

” Laboratory methods included nucleic acid detection, viral culture, serologic testing, histopathologic evaluation, and immunohistochemical testing.

Smallpox is caused by variola virus, genus Orthopoxvirus. Other members of this genus that can infect humans are monkeypox virus, and cowpox

Melting analysis following PCR enables the identification of variola virus by the PCR product’s characteristic melting temperature, permitting the discrimination of variola virus from other orthopoxviruses. In addition, an assay for the specific amplification of variola virus DNA is presented.”

I’m sorry y’all feel so passionately convinced of your conclusions. Especially when we’re being attacked by the powerful psychopathic cabal I think it’s better to remain cool & reasoned. Emotions have a way of blocking that. I know you agree w me that only the truth can help us in countering the lies and in persuading others.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 12, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Penelope

What’s the source of your quote, Penelope? PCR identifies a Variola virus? How could it do so without being first shown what a Variola virus is?

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  Penelope

What is the origin of this “genome”?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 13, 2022 1:01 AM
Reply to  Penelope

From your source.
“Brief description of the methods
DNA was extracted from skin exudate samples using the QIAamp DNA Blood kit (Qiagen), prior to library preparation using the Rapid Barcoding Sequencing kit (SQK-RBK004) and shotgun metagenomics sequencing on an Oxford Nanopore MinION apparatus. Mean depth of coverage throughout the genome was around 7-fold. Reads were mapped to a closely related reference genome sequences (MN648051.1) using the INSaFLU online platform {link] and genome sequence was manually inspected to validate variant positions. The genome sequences will be further curated (namely to refine low coverage regions, indels and homopolymeric tracts) as soon as high depth Illumina data is available (sequencing ongoing). The released draft genome sequence covers ~92% of the reference sequence. The draft phylogenetic analysis was conducted upon core alignment of unambiguous regions (955 variant positions in a 137 668 bp alignment) retrieved from a rapid alignment (parsnp) of the newly sequenced genome with publicly available genomes (accession numbers are listed in the attached table.”
This is NOT “sequencing,” which involves taking a known genome and breaking it apart, getting the order of the nucleic acid base pairs (A, C, G, T) which make it up. This method here involves taking a preparation of the skin extract added to a cell culture and then processed for a few days (with antibiotics, bovine fetal serum…. added in), and then taking an extract, centrifuging it, taking all the segments of DNA found which are shorter than 150 pairs, assembling them into plausible genomes of 30,000 or so pairs, using a “reference genome sequences” as a target, as if that’s known to be in there (meaning the researchers are trying to get something to be there), not remotely proving that these segments even come from the same genome, and then declaring they have identified it. https://viroliegy.com/2022/05/31/monkeying-around/
“First of all, it is stated that the material from the skin lesion is the fluid used to ā€œconfirmā€ a diagnosis. They do, however, allow for the testing of other bodily fluids not from the lesions such as oropharyngeal swabs and urine yet the WHO admits that there is limited data on the accuracy in regards to the testing of these fluids. The WHO leaves it up to the clinical presentation and the location of the lesion in order to determine whether or not the fluids with unknown accuracy should be used for confirmatory testing:
ā€œOn 23 May 2022 the WHO issued interim guidance for laboratory testing for the monkeypox virus. Laboratory confirmation of monkeypox relies principally on nucleic acid amplification tests, such as PCR, performed on material from the skin lesion. Testing of other body fluids and tissues, including oropharyngeal swabs, urine, semen, rectal and/or genital swabs, may be indicated based on the clinical presentation and location of the lesions. However, data on the accuracy of testing on these samples is still limited.ā€[Link}
Beyond the issue of using fluids which have unknown accuracy to confirm a case, according to the CDC, there are no commercial assays that can specifically detect the monkeypox ā€œvirus:ā€
ā€œIt is recommended that testing for monkeypox be performed in facilities that have recently vaccinated personnel, the necessary equipment, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and appropriate diagnostic assays available. Diagnostic testing for Orthopoxviruses (which includes monkeypox virus) is available at LRN laboratories located throughout the United States and abroad. There is no commercial assay to detect monkeypox virus.ā€”

Jun 13, 2022 1:00 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It is recommended that testing for monkeypox be performed in facilities that have recently vaccinated personnel

Believers only?

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  Penelope

>Smallpox is caused by variola virus, genus Orthopoxvirus. Other members of this genus that can infect humans are monkeypox virus, and cowpox

Where is the proof?

Jun 12, 2022 8:03 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, Kaufman and others are obviously in error when they deny the general existence of contagion.
I am not a virologist, and I am not certain that the covid virus exists; however it is unmistakable that the disease exists and the simplest explanation for it is a virus.

RE: covid virus

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7045880/ &nbsp;
cultured in Korea

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33111751/ &nbsp;
cultured in Brazil

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7272567/ &nbsp;
Genome of a German case

https://www.pandata.org/how-broad-is-covid-immunity/ &nbsp;
Dr Michael Yeadon, an eminent virologist, has written an article describing its sequence.

https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/bei-resources-repository &nbsp;
supplies strains of many viruses including SARS-CoV2

Strains & Reagents can be ordered on fast-track

Search “pubmed isolation of SARS-cov-2” for more

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 12, 2022 10:38 PM
Reply to  Penelope

If contagion exists, how do you explain the Rosenau experiments of 1918-19, failing to obtain a single case of transmission of the “Spanish flu,” allegedly the most contagious disease of modern times?

Jun 12, 2022 11:46 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, lots of factors affect contagion, including terrain. It’s well-known that viruses are not always contagious throughout the illness of the patient. For many, the viral count gradually increases and sheds, then becomes less contagious as the host’s immune system knocks it down.

I remember Kaufman citing the failure of someone’s boogers to cause illness in a well person, but of course this is an example of dead viruses, etc. Even the blood contains progressively lower viral load as illness progresses.

Life and its responses are more complex than the simplistic bright white lines that Kaufman insists our technology MUST be able to achieve. I don’t see any bright white lines in his insistence that “maybe” it’s an unsuspected toxin.

We’ve all had experience of contagion. Accept it, by Occam’s Razor.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:47 AM
Reply to  Penelope

If you claim a “virus” exists and is the cause of the symptoms you must prove it, if you cannot then you cannot invoke the “virus” and must instead look for other explanation. No “virus” has ever been shown to exist (see the above definition of virus).

Jun 13, 2022 10:45 PM

Concerned, Shortly after 1 little girl gets chickenpox, 3 of her classroom friends get it. Virology has an explanation for this which you find inadequate (lacking in sufficient proof).

You maintain that some (unidentified & unproven) toxin is responsible.

Aren’t you submitting viruses to a higher standard of proof than toxins? Are you at all familiar w the means by which viruses are identified?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jun 14, 2022 3:21 AM
Reply to  Penelope

WHY are you Americans so averse to typing/writing the word[s] ‘with’ [and ‘without’] in full??? You’ve typed everything else in your post above in full, but the word ‘with’ (on the bottom line) you’ve merely typed as ‘w’. WHY?!?

Americans do this all the time… writing ‘with’ as ‘w’, and ‘without’ as ‘w/o’. Again I ask, why?????

In your above post, you’ve written at least 5 ten-letter words (chickenpox, submitting, identified, inadequate, sufficient), an 11-letter word (explanation),and a 12-letter word (unidentified). So why did you not simply type three extra characters (after the ‘w’ which you did type), and thus type the word ‘with’ in full???

Why do you Americans have such a very obvious aversion to typing/writing that word [and ‘without’] in full…??

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 13, 2022 1:04 AM
Reply to  Penelope

You are obviously not familiar with the Rosenau experiment, in which the testers repeatedly tried to get transmission in all sorts of ways, both human to human and animal to animal, even injecting discharges from sick patients into healthy volunteers. Not a single success. We’re not talking about a single patient. Please try to respond to the article about the Rosenau experiment, if you dare.

Jun 13, 2022 6:50 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The fact that the experiment failed DOES NOT prove that viruses in the sense of pathogens do not exist and do not transmit disease.

Do they, do they not? WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!

Obviously, a) science does not have bulletproof methodology to prove that viruses transmit disease and b) there is no viable alternative supported by any science to speak of. People are still getting sick (usually because they catch a fucking cold), most of them recover, some die. C’est la vie, calice!

Meanwhile, the world is going through an existential crisis, to a large extent probably because of population overshoot due to readily available cheap energy, the availability of which is dwindling.

Fuck viruses! Let’s worry about what matters!

Jun 14, 2022 12:08 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Energy tech has been suppressed too, just like everything else of value. Read about Rossi’s ecat-sk technology, applying implosion principles of nature, rather than the exothermic/explosion/heat generating & wasting inefficient combustion methods that have made the elites trillionaires.
Rossi’s tech is just one approach of many, but these inventors also get warned off or worse by the current system.

Patrick Kelly had a good free energy website up listing a lot of different methods to generate electricity.

Jun 13, 2022 11:22 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, I am familiar w the unsuccessful Rosenau attempts to transmit “Spanish” flu from one person to another, (Spanish flu has nil to do w Spain and had its origins w a Rockefeller-inspired pneumoniae-cocci injection on a stateside military base. I believe this was established at Congressional Hearings.)

The fact that transmission was unsuccessful is not really surprising. Even in a carefully controlled experiment we know so little about viruses that we are unable to ensure infectiousness.

When a virus is cultured in a vero cell-line it may yield enough info to identify it (or at least to predict which of several substances will kill it), but it’s quite likely that it will no longer be infectious.

If the same virus is passed from one animal to another, it may or may not be infectious. Typhoid Mary’s could pass the illness to many people w/o ever getting it themselves: This was the reason for Koch back-pedalling on his own theory. Typhus is of course bacterial, and we understand even less about viruses.

Further when we infect an animal of a different species– say passing a polio virus from a monkey to a mouse– this is a technique for gain of function, a WORSENING of the disease caused by the virus.

But none of the virologist’s work w viruses yields the bright-white lines that you insist wd alone constitute proof., or even predictability. You can get that kind of mechanistic results w inorganic chemistry: Add so many grams of this & that, and you will get so much metallic salt & so much whatever– every single time.

We don’t know enough to get those predictable results in medicine, in virology– and sometimes not even in bacteriology.

Can you prove that Spanish flu was not contagious, but was caused by a toxin & can you identify that toxin? Obviously not, so what are we arguing about?

Jun 14, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Typhus Mary worked as a maid/household help, helped prepare many meals for families & others. Working with food = bacteria = poor preparation/hygiene? See how suddenly we are looking at possibilities for food poisoning instead of so called viral infectious spread?

I still stand by virology being a fraud, because the initial assumptions around that time were that something smaller than bacteria was responsible for illnesses they were seeing. And as the decades wore on, they stayed with that assumption & tried to fit the facts around the illnesses to that assumption.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 14, 2022 1:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

This is called “shifting the burden of proof logical fallacy.” The claim is that “Spanish flu” was caused by a transmittable virus. A virus has not been found, contagion was not proven, yet you demand that we prove it’s not contagious? NO, it is up to those making a claim to prove it, not up to the rest of humanity to disprove it. That’s how science works, vs ideology, like what you are pushing.

Jun 15, 2022 5:16 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, I don’t demand you prove anything is NOT contagious. You can’t prove a negative. I merely cite our everyday experience that it IS contagious. Colds, flu, childhood diseases, etc. Our overwhelming experience is that they’re contagious– unlike, say cancer, which isn’t contagious.

I’ve seen no body of evidence that toxins cause contagion. I think it lacking in objectivity to insist that viral theory meet a standard not technologically possible, while giving the toxicity “hypothesis” a free pass.

Indeed, “It might be an unspecified toxin” cannot really even be CALLED a hypothesis. Science progresses by moving from one hypothesis to another BETTER one. The toxin hypothesis needs a lot more development if it’s to be seriously considered.

Jun 13, 2022 3:25 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Itā€™s well-known that viruses are not always contagious throughout the illness of the patient. For many, the viral count gradually increases and sheds,”

In other words, the dose makes the poison. I would argue it’s not well known exactly, but that it is generally accepted, a scientific consensus that viruses exist, but not only that, they are the cause of disease. This last bit is what Kaufman/Cowan/Lanka etc are getting at. To them, viruses are not the cause, but the end effect of toxicity or poisoning.

For those interested, Cowan cites Hillman as an influence in scientific thinking, & in Hillmans book & audio recordings he makes the point that what scientists view under microscopes is generally an artifact. The example he cites is this, & I’d urge people to really think about what it means:

Take a grape off of a grapevine. Dehydrate it, remove its water/moisture content & then squash it & put the remains under a microscope & examine it. The very nature of that process changes the chemical composition of the very thing you want to “scientifically” know about, ie the living grape that was on the grapevine. In this way, the scientific process involved in examining “cells” (staining, culturing & the like) or other living material, changes the very nature of the sample many times BEFORE the scientist gets to look at it under the microscope. Therefore, Hillman believed & made a convincing argument that what scientists see are artifacts, & conclusions drawn from that process are mostly erroneous.

That’s why, in my opinion, tools that do not need to change the structure of living things, like darkfield microscopy, live blood analysis, auric field photography & other methods have been deliberately suppressed by the status quo.

Jun 13, 2022 1:07 PM
Reply to  iya

Even the founders of homeopathy (who did not hold that dose always makes the poison) failed to cause infection when they experimented on themselves.

Jun 13, 2022 10:06 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Interesting you mention that. I’ve always considered vaccinations as a distorted & perverse use of medical/scientific knowledge, the other end of the spectrum being homeopathy, something that is effective & causes no harm.

One can see the attacks by the establishment on homeopathy as a vindication of this. It was interesting to watch the arguments against homeopathy evolve from being dangerous non-evidence based medicine quackery (although they tried, they couldn’t very well argue that homeopathy was magic water & say it was dangerous), to placebo, to the latest; which is they prevent people from accessing “real” medicine, potentially putting them at great risk.

Jun 13, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  iya

iya, yes, it was Rockefeller interests that de-certified homeopathy and all non-allopathic medicine.

Today Medicare/Medicaid will pay for drugs, but not herbs or supplements. Will pay for Synthroid drug, but not dessicated thyroid.

Jun 14, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Similar here in Australia, they got rid of rebates for natural treatments if you had private health insurance. Just part of the attack on anything non-allopathic.

They’ve done a remarkable job, one key aspect being influencing education enough to produce people that unknowingly align with the elites worldview/mindset & agenda.

Jun 14, 2022 9:31 AM
Reply to  iya

It is part of the campaign against anything free or cheap. Using privilege to turn intellectual and physical resources into private property to extract unearned income

Jun 13, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  iya

Iya, Obviously you’re right that things are altered by our techniques in examining them– a major point not limited to Hillman.

I don’t know if the other methods you mention have been purposely suppressed. Certainly darkfield microscopy is readily available, altho rarely practiced.

Auric field yields amazing info– altho I’m not familiar w the photography associated with it.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

A virus is said to be an exogenous, infectious, replication-competent, (pathogenic) particle (virion) of specific biochemical composition and morphology (form).

Now, with this full definition of a virus.

Has any virus ever been isolated, purified or shown to be real? What is being “cultured”? What is being “sequenced”? What is the source/origin of any “genome”?

These are the questions anyone who is on board with virology must answer before they claim the existence of any “virus”.

existence of contagion”

What does “contagion” mean exactly? People getting sick one after the other? No one is denying this. What people are questioning is whether any “virus” is the cause of this phenomenon.

“disease exists and the simplest explanation for it is a virus.”

Simple does not mean correct.

“Search ā€œpubmed isolation of SARS-cov-2ā€ for more”

“Isolation” does not mean what you think it means. “Isolation” in virology means creation of a toxic soup of various ingredients.

Jun 13, 2022 11:51 PM

Concerned, “isolation” does mean in virology what I think it does. It does NOT mean what Kaufman insists– equivalent to removing the leopard from the jungle in order to isolate/identify him.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 14, 2022 1:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Apparently, isolation means whatever you want it to mean.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 15, 2022 7:07 PM
Reply to  Penelope

ā€œIsolationā€ in virology means creation of a toxic soup of various ingredients. Which is NOT separation of the “virus” from everything else in the sample (ie it’s not isolation).

Jun 12, 2022 6:49 AM
Reply to  Penelope

What are these methods?

Jun 12, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Pcr isn’t a method to identify a virus. The ‘other methods’ are likewise not methods to identify a virus. The virus is a belief like Santa Klaus is a belief. Finding presents under the christmas tree is not a method to prove Santa exists. It is a method of make believe. Theatre, same like the pcr, the masks, the crime scence tape are used as props to make people believe in a virus. The director knows it is a performance and knows there is no virus. That is why they use methods that promote the illusion rather than follow the scientific method.

Jun 12, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  Mike

The problem with your false analogy, which is a formal fallacy, is that while it can be irrefutably proved that the fucking presents were deposited under the fucking tree by your parents, no irrefutable explanation exists for the fact that people contract the same sickness after being in contact.

Which brings us back to square one.

So what exactly is it that causes a person to get the same disease after being in contact with somebody who is having it?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 12, 2022 4:01 PM
Reply to  Mike

A virus is identified in a number of ways, depending on the effects of viral infection:

  1. If the virus infection and subsequent replication causes the host cells to burst, then you can detect virus infection by diluting putative viral samples in 10-fold serial dilutions, then adding a fixed amount of each dilution to a plastic dish growing host cells. A few days later, you fix the cells and use a stain to detect ‘plaques’ or regions where cellular destruction means than the stain used does not stick to the area where no cells now exist.
  2. If the virus causes cells to acquire the characteristics of cancer cells, then you add putative virus to such cells in culture and isolate the cells which no longer stop growing when contacted by cells surrounding them. They grow vertically and can be visualised with the naked eye, allowing you to purify them using controlled trypsinisation (which cleaves the proteins causing the cells to stick to the surface of the plate) and reculturing in a fresh dish.
  3. If you want to create enough virus to see under an electron microscope, you just take a viral sample and infect host cells and let the viral replication process take place for a few days, if the virus is helpful enough to replicate in vitro (which is not the case always for viruses like papillomaviruses). You then collect the medium covering the cells, which will be full of viral particles, you concentrate and purify the samples and you then visualise viral particles under an electron microscope.
  4. If you want to really purify virus particles from other cellular detritus, you can use a number of techniques, be that passing the viral sample through chromatographic columns based on size exclusion; you can perform dialysis to remove this and that; you can purify the sample using ultracentrifugation (spinning samples at 30-40,000rpm for 36hrs+); you can pass the sample through membranes of known pore size (0.4nm or the like) to eliminate any cells.

Each time you use one of these techniques, you need to verify that you have an infectious agent still present using an assay based on infecting cells with known subsequent outcomes.

If you want to isolate DNA/RNA from those viral samples, that’s very easy to do. Just pick up any standard molecular biology methods book and it will give you a variety of similar but distinct ways of doing it.

Cloning and sequencing such DNA/RNA is pretty standard fare these days. There are plenty of companies you could commission to do it for a fee.

Jun 12, 2022 8:38 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Thank you for this detail, Rhys. Dr Kaufman insists that viral isolation must involve separating the virus from everything else “like separating a leopard from the jungle.”

His argument is like the man who insists I know nothing about the sun unless I go there & bring a sample back. The fact that our current technology doesn’t permit this is stubbornly resisted: “Well, we OUGHT to be able to do it, because I can imagine it as desirable.”

Thanks again for your detailed comment; it’s helpful.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 13, 2022 12:49 AM
Reply to  Penelope

>The fact that our current technology doesnā€™t permit

If you cannot isolate a “virus” then you cannot claim you have a real virus. You can’t have it both ways. This is how science works.

Jun 13, 2022 11:48 PM

Concerned, the methods which we have to isolate/identify viruses are limited by our present technology. It is not scientific rigor that insists we use technology not yet available: It is mere childish truculence on Kaufman’s part.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jun 15, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Penelope

If you cannot/do not isolate a virus then you cannot say you have isolated a virus. It’s as simple as that. You do not get to not isolate a virus and still claim you have isolated a virus. Otherwise it’s not science.

Jun 15, 2022 10:05 PM


Your definition of “isolate”, i.e, Kaufman’s, is not what the science of virology means by “isolate.”

Kaufman’s definition– “to separate, as to separate a leopard from the jungle” is a physical impossibility. Viruses replicate inside cells. The fact that Kaufman can imagine something impossible is meaningless.

His argument is circular: He has defined isolate in such a way that his desired conclusion is inevitable. In this way he deals only w words & avoids looking at reality. The error is called “rationalism.” It is a form of circular reasoning.

A goal of Virology is to IDENTIFY pathogenic viruses, including distinguishing one from another. If you wish to judge virology it is first necessary to understand at least superficially the means and the difficulties of viral identification.

Perhaps it wd be worthwhile for you to search Pubmed viral identification.

To merely criticise a branch of science while offering no better solution to the same problems is a kind of blindness to the whole history of science: It proceeds from one hypothesis to a better one.

But we are merely repeating ourselves. It is OK to disagree, you know.

Best wishes,

Jun 12, 2022 8:24 PM
Reply to  Mike

Mike, as I understand it, PCR was developed by Kary Mullis for the purpose of identifying and studying viruses. He specifically said it was not to be used for DIAGNOSIS. I don’t know whether it has since been improved. All credible parties agree that it is inaccurate for diagnosis above a certain number of cycles. There is disagreement about whether it is accurate/predictive at a much lower number of cycles.

I have no technical knowledge about the PCR test, but it seems reasonable to me that if it shows that a given person has a high titer of covid viral load at low cycles that he has a likelihood of becoming symptomatic.

That said, if one is exposed to a contagious disease is it accurate to say that one does not HAVE the disease as the viral load is building up, but at the first sneeze then he DOES have the disease? I personally wd wait for the symptoms, but it is possible for people to disagree on this.

Those who wish to replace our civilization with mass depopulation and slavery are using vastly exaggerated illness to do so, but I think citing reality even w all its complexity is our best defense.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 12, 2022 10:39 PM
Reply to  Penelope

PCR is for identifying a particular segment of nucleic acid, not for identifying a virus.

Jun 13, 2022 1:40 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It’s not even for identifying anything.
It amplifies what’s already there, and that’s all it does.
Its inventor expresses it as “you take a teeny little bit of something and you end up with a whole lot of something” (which obviously makes studying it easier).

By now, nobody should have failed to see Kary Mullis’s videos on the topic of his invention, for which he received the Nobel Prize.
They are still on YT, although Mullis died, aged 75, just before ‘covid’ struck – very conveniently.
Still, 75 is a decent age to expire, I suppose.

Jun 13, 2022 11:49 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Thankyou Jeffrey. I stand corrected.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 12, 2022 1:42 AM

It’s the immobile pedestrian airborne gay-straight certainly-not-flu definitely-not-shingles Potentially Innumerable Symptoms Syndrome, first identified this year.

PISS-22 is a real and deadly threat. Get jabbed, you ignorant oiks.

#Follow TheScienceā„¢

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 12, 2022 4:01 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I’ll certainly up-vote a PISS_UP if you’re funding it…..

Jun 12, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Chuckling. At this point in reading the comments, I might poison myself a little earlier in the day.

Jun 12, 2022 1:25 AM

They’ll roll out whatever they have to in order to hide the real reasons for the continuing rise in all cause mortality.

Jun 12, 2022 1:57 AM
Reply to  iya

Agreed. Also SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) is being invoked to obscure vax mortality.


Jun 12, 2022 3:04 AM
Reply to  ironcloudz

Yes. It worked with SIDS, so they are now pushing SADS. There were quite a few people who eventually realised what SIDS really was, but not enough to tip the mass consciousness into understanding humanity has been & continues to be under assault.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Jun 12, 2022 12:45 AM

Confusion works in their favor; that’s part of the plan.

Jun 12, 2022 3:33 AM

aka ‘gullibility’

Jun 12, 2022 12:16 AM


Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 12, 2022 12:04 AM

“Hey Hey! we’re the monkeys, people say we monkey around…”


S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 11, 2022 11:41 PM

comment image
comment image

Jun 11, 2022 11:41 PM

Spunky pox!