This Week in the New Normal #33

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Cashless & cardless society?
Yahoo News reports that soon we may be able to “pay with a smile”.
The cashless society has been on the horizon for a long time, but the push on to a likewise cardless society is also in the works.
It has been reported recently that every major British supermarket chain is planning to bring in biometric payment systems, even entirely replacing all existing systems.
US payment processor Stripe is also making strides on introducing biometrics. And two-factor authentication company Feitan is teaming up with Fingerprint Cards to do the same.
It was also reported this week that Inkript, Zwipe and VISA are teaming up to roll out biometric payment platforms across the Middle East and North Africa.
This comes on the back of Mastercard’s announcement they were trialling technology that would allow customers to “pay with a wave or smile”.
Biometric payment systems have been in the offing for a little while now. Alibaba (forever at the forefront of dystopian tech) already support paying with fingerprint scanners and instituted “pay with a smile” technology to their AliPay platform all across China in 2017.
What all of this is about is harvesting data. Huge amounts of data.
Just as social media companies brilliantly normalised the idea of simply telling a giant corporation (and therefore the state) everything you do, think, wear and eat – biometric payments will see companies conning customers out of their most private data in the name of convenience.
The security, privacy and surveillance implications of uploading your fingerprints, facial recognition patterns or even “digital DNA” to a multi-national corporate database cannot be overstated.
2. Climate-related bans on the way
The Telegraph reported this week that Sir John Armitt, chairman of the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission, was calling for a ban on gas-powered boilers in domestic homes by 2035.
This would be an extension of the policy already in place to ban the sale of new petrol-run cars by 2030, and hybrids by 2035.
The EU has got an almost identical ban planned to be in place by 2035. So, it turns out, Brexit may be entirely pointless
As the New Normal agenda gathers momentum this kind of sweeping ban will likely become more common.
The Netherlands has already gone further than this, outright banning all gas-fuelled central heating by 2026, with mandatory installation of heat pumps or “connected heat networks”.
I’m sure the fortune some companies will make being paid by the government to replace perfectly functional central heating systems has nothing to do with it.
BONUS: Societal insanity of the week
Last Sunday was the platinum Jubilee, in case you didn’t hear. However, since her majesty was, ahem, indisposed, they drove the coronation carriage around London with a holographic projection of the queen inside it…
People are cheering and waving at a hologram of the Queen. Am I the only one who thinks this is very weird?
— Right Said Fred (@TheFreds) June 5, 2022
Yes, it’s come to this. People standing in the streets literally cheering a clapping a carriage they know is empty. Madness.
It’s not all bad…
This week Spain, the US and Canada all removed (or at least loosened) their Covid entry restrictions. The list of countries you can visit without having to test or vaccinate is growing. has a helpful map showing entry restrictions by nation.
The Telegraph, of all things, ran an article “The Dangers of a Cashless Society”. I can’t for the life of me figure out how that made it to print, or what agenda could be served by running it. Regardless if its sincerely meant or not, all its points are entirely valid and, hopefully, it will wake a few people up.
We’ll also go to our near-routine endorsements of the always-eloquent Neil Oliver…
…and Bob Moran:
— Bob Moran (@bobscartoons) June 10, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention this defence of monarchism for keeping nationalism in check, or the worst ad in the world…
You shouldn't miss a good meal for a good time. That’s why this Pride, we've teamed up with @DrEvanGoldstein and @smartthrob to create the world’s first Bottom-Friendly Menu (yup, it’s real). #EatWithPride
— @postmates (@Postmates) June 9, 2022
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Not a fan. But funny how this bs has been proliferating generation after generation.
The New New Normal 15-18 June: SPIEF
St.Petersburg International Economic Forum
Pepe Escobar will be reporting.
Oh, the irony, etc.
Posted Aug 16, 2021 by Martin Armstrong
One of the aspects I have always encountered in various meetings is very disturbing in today’s light. There is a French book entitled L’Avenir De La Vie (“The Future of Life”) by Michel Salomon, who is a journalist and doctor back in 1981, he interviewed twenty scientists including seven Nobel Prize winners, and which thus relates his conversation with Jacques Attali, who at the time was the adviser to François Mitterrand. In that interview, it provides a clear warning of how they look down upon us, the great unwashed, which is the blueprint for what they are doing using Covid-19 to change the world economically and politically.
“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.
Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”
“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.
Great find in that Dark Wood.
You might also like to dig up again, an even older Oldie:
in A Christmas Garland by Max Beerbohm 1921:
It’s a War on Stupid . . .
. . . and The Stupid are in the majority!
Feb 17, 2021
Should we criminalise those who spread misinformation about vaccines?
Concern is growing about the spread of false information about vaccines. But should we consider criminalising people who deliberately spread false information – or could this do more harm than good? Two experts debate the issue in The BMJ.
On ethical grounds, deliberate intent to spread malicious vaccine disinformation that could result in preventable deaths should be considered criminal, argues Professor Melinda Mills at the University of Oxford. She points out that a majority (70-83%) of Americans and Europeans use the internet to find health information, often on social media, and that over 65% of YouTube’s content about vaccines seems to be about discouraging their use, focusing on autism, adverse reactions, or false ingredients. And a recent UK study found that users who relied on social media for their information, particularly YouTube, were significantly less willing to be vaccinated.
However, Mills acknowledges that criminalisation is not straightforward. For example, laws against spreading fake news and health disinformation have been passed in France, Germany, Malaysia, Russia, and Singapore, but social media companies have argued they are not publishers and have minimal responsibility to vet posts, although they have agreed to conduct some editorial decisions and fact checking. And early evaluation of the German law showed that social media companies were risk averse, curtailing freedom of expression and censoring legitimate material.
“We need to decide whether social media companies are publishers, and we need legislation to guide them to adjust algorithms and determine to what extent information should be balanced and fact checked, with users directed to accurate sources,” she writes. For instance, certification systems could gauge content accuracy in terms of traceable sources, explicit conflicts of interest, ethical compliance, and revenue reporting. “The government, scientists, and health authorities also need to take responsibility … offering content as engaging as their misinformation counterparts and allowing dialogue,” she adds.
But Mills believes that criminalising people who intentionally hurt others through false information should also be considered. “The freedom to debate, and allow the public to raise legitimate vaccine concerns to fill the knowledge void, should not extend to causing malicious harm,” she concludes.
There is no denying that the world would be a better place without misinformation, or that it would be in the public interest for anti-vaccination misinformation not to exist. But criminalising it could make it grow even stronger, argues Jonas Sivelä at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. He acknowledges that civil liberties, including freedom of speech, can and should be restricted in certain cases – for example, when it comes to inciting lawless activities and violence. But he believes that anti-vaccination misinformation is not such a case.
Vaccine hesitancy is affected not only by anti-vaccination lobbying or misinformation but also by the convenience of vaccination services and public complacency, he explains. Criminalising anti-vaccine misinformation seems a strong response but does not deal with these issues.
We must also acknowledge that there are legitimate concerns about vaccines that should be allowed to be voiced, he argues. “Failing to consider or answer people’s worries, and instead suffocating relevant discussion, would only result in an increased lack of confidence in the long run – and an increase in misinformation.”
Instead of criminalising communication, other technical solutions for tackling misinformation have proved successful, such as efforts by Facebook and Twitter to deal with false claims through fact checking and labelling misinformation, he adds.
What’s more, trust in authorities, governments, and the healthcare system is key when it comes to ensuring high vaccine acceptance, he says. “The only way to sustainably reduce misinformation about vaccination – and to strengthen vaccine confidence and acceptance in the long run – is to increase trust in these institutions and authorities in different countries,” he concludes.
Should spreading anti-vaccine misinformation be criminalised?
Feb 17, 2021
These people (above) think they’re the experts. They think that have the right to infringe on our rights – such as free speech and bodily autonomy. Dr. Peter McCullough says (by implication) that they are disproportionately prone to “mass psychosis”. But I call it “mass stupidity”, “mass hubris”, “mass hypocrisy”, “mass sociopathy”; and it predates the Covid hoax.
Peter McCullough (@1:00):
Dr. Peter McCullough On Mass Formation Psychosis
First published May 24th, 2022
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.
He has 40 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in The Hill and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, and New Hampshire Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.
In the above statement, McCullough indicates the primary parting of the ways; namely, Conscience versus Oblivion. Whereas the spiritual approach for a troubled conscience involves some form of redemptive voyage into the wilderness, the medical-materialist “treatment” is some or other variant of oblivion. This has been understood since at least the time of Shakespeare (e.g. To be or not to be), but probably a lot longer.
With regard to the covid jab, Peter McCullough is becoming aware of this philosophical conflict; though he uses the concept of “mass psychosis” to build his understanding. In the moral conflict understanding, however, oblivion is a form of hypnotic or zombified stupidity; meaning that it is an apparently irrational failure to act in accord with a knowable and important reality (e.g. the elephant in the room phenomena). Moreover, with oblivion, the stupidity is often intentional (e.g. putting oneself in a mindless stupor).
The problem with the oblivion approach is that it requires ever increasing dosages as the ghosts become ever more insistent; more alcohol; more pills; more busyness; more rigid avoidance. And as noted by McCullough, it leads to ever increasing levels of absurdity. Also, the further one goes with oblivion, the greater the guilt which ultimately needs to be faced.
The conflict between conscience and oblivion is presented in Macbeth, but although it’s the doctor who voices the moral rather than the medical position, he does so in order to distance himself from the “unnatural” crime.
Macbeth: How does your patient, doctor?
Doctor: Not so sick, my lord, As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest.
Macbeth: Cure her of that. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote, Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff which weighs upon the heart?
Doctor: Therein the patient must minister to himself.
With regard to freedom of speech, of course the medical profession wants to shut it down. If you can’t remove the spot, you have to kill the light!
So, are the fools expected to take off their masks for the smile-transaction?
Even the ‘genius planners’ reveal how completely inept they really are with every next stupid claim!
Is anyone really planning to follow these idiots where they want to go?
This is “Sofa King” bad. LMAO. Okay I never liked Beiber’s music but wouldn’t wish that health issue on anyone. That said this is just sick sick sick in a funny way. Enjoy
That would have been an excellent article but Marxist analysis was never enough.
Is it time to rollout a new “Putin” ?
Putin looks unsteady on his feet with his legs shaking as he appears at awards ceremony in latest sign Russian leader is suffering health problems
14 June 2022
Putin video sparks health fears as his hand ‘shakes uncontrollably’
Apr 26, 2022
How to Terrorise the Children
#14. Active Shooter Drills
How To Ease Your Kids’ Anxiety About Active Shooter Drills At All Ages
Mental health experts say the language you use to talk to your children about these terrifying (but important) preparedness scenarios is vital.
Updated: 5.19.2022; Originally Published: 12.13.2021
You undoubtedly don’t need anyone to tell you that gun violence in the U.S. is both an epidemic and a public health crisis, with mass shootings nearing 200 in 2022 alone, according to the Gun Violence Archive — and that’s before the year is even halfway over. And with an average of around 10 mass shooting events per week in this country, you also don’t need us to tell you that school shootings are alarmingly common. Unfortunately, with little actionable gun control on a state or federal level in sight, kids as young as elementary school have likely experienced at least one active shooter drill, if not an active shooter event, in their lifetimes. Everytown for Gun Safety notes that 2022 has seen at least 55 incidents of gunfire on school grounds nationally, resulting in 8 deaths and 31 injuries.
Two mental health experts tell Scary Mommy how you can help comfort your child when they feel uneasy, afraid, or anxious about these drills, from elementary school to higher ed. . . .
In a previous age it was done with nuclear attack drills.
If we’re unlucky, they may be combining the two before long.
It was probably less traumatic – especially given that the identifiable object for the fear, hate, etc was so remote.
I vaguely remember one, first year at school 5yrs old, eemm…that would be 1959 lol! You mean a “under the desk”? In case we are being attacked with bombs dropping, think it was drill from W2, where we grew up.
In 2020/21 there were no shootings, because the ‘shooters’ were staying home. You know, to save lives.
Parting comment: ‘There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works,’
Interpretation: “There’s a lot of air in the change, a lot of works in the agenda,”
In the New New Normal, Alex Mercouris reports statement from lady head of Russian central bank: “Pinch me and say I’m not dreaming. We lowered interest rates to weaken the ruble but the ruble strengthened again. We forecasted economic downturn and rising inflation, but the economy picked up and inflation fell”. Economic theory meets reality.
Alex’s comment is at 25min:
Economic reality from Jimmy Dore:
‘In the United States everything is based on “services”: financial or mortgage or comfort or entertainment services, while the Russians produce basic goods and extract basic materials. The “service” sector in the U$A is shamelessly overpriced and overrated compared to oil, gas and metal extraction or agriculture. If we don’t count the “service” tip, Russia is one of the few countries in the world that acts as hub for the global supply chain of real industrial and agricultural goods. The EU$A cannot sever ties with Russia before a complete reorganization of the global economy. How many countries in the world will wait for “the West” to finish its (self) punishing Labour of Hercules?
This is why Trump “fathered” the vax. We are in an existential war for the future of humanity and the enemy consists mostly of stupid people. Sadly, they’re going to take many of their children with them.
Jun 13, 2022
My kid is 3x vaxxed (3 weeks ago) and we’re still in the ER because of covid chest pain and breathing trouble. Tell me again this is mild and it’s fine to constantly re/infect our kids. We caught this from an outdoor exposure, btw. Someone didn’t keep their coughing kid home.
Our 5yo brought it home, literally the last day of preschool. We’ve fought with them all year on safety. Got a bunch of hepas, but enough parents (customers) were antimask, antitest, and antivax that here we are.
The initial outdoor exposure was our 5yo (eligible for booster this week [loudly crying face]), but yes. Nothing unusual on ER tests this morning, so we’re just hoping that aggressive rest and basic immunity supplements pull her through now, and help mitigate long covid.
We kept ours home for a year, but homeschooling was a very poor fit for them and us. Instead, we got good masks, advocated hard for safe air and testing, and stayed home during Omicron. Nothing is perfect. We did great until this last no-data-no-masking surge.
Rebecca Schenker
Air quality, transpo, & electrification policy wonk. Public school mom. Powered by coffee, data, and a commitment to equity. She/her #Safeairforkids
Los Angeles, CA
This degree of stupidity is a clear and present danger!
The anti-vaxx crowd’s favorite talking point these days, “Why are vaxxed and boosted people getting Covid multiple times?!” is such a spectacular self-own.
They’re getting it multiple times because they’re not dying the first time, my dudes.
That means it’s working.
Jun 14, 2022
Steph Haberman (blue tick)
Digital at @MSNBC
. Sorry about all the sports tweets, kinda.
New York
What an absolutely disgusting, vile human being. She destroyed her own child’s health via a vaxx that had already been proven a year ago to be very dangerous beyond any reasonable doubt — and as we repeatedly tried to warn only to be shouted down, abused, and ridiculed by crazed zealots like her — now she continues to point fingers and blame at the unvaxxed and unmasked for her damaged child. Not a smidgen of self-awareness or self-reflection, no reconsideration of her views, just doubling down on the scapegoating of the unvaxxed.
YOU did this to your kid, lady. Chest pains and breathing problems are symptoms of the.VAXX, you moron, not of the imaginary pandemic covid.
I guess a mere 1000 plus studies showing the vaxx to be risky and dangerous don’t count as science (they must all be “misinformation”) in this idiot’s mind:
It’s an ideological and hypnotic blindness; and it’s this which makes it more dangerous. If these people will do this to themselves and their children, believing that it’s for “public health”, they’ll have no problem forcing it on the rest of us.
Wasnt about saving the children then? it was about eugenics and then blaming the people for listening to Trump.
You sound absolutely brainwashed !
As I said:
If you have a better solution, please tell us what it is!
BTW: Trump has very clearly stated that he is a “war-time president” and that the fight is “existential”.
Trump on the Jab
So what does that mean?
a) the mRNA jabs were ready to go in late 2019
b) Trump promoted therapeutics – HCQ etc
c) we are in an existential war for the future of humanity – this is not hyperbole!
1) Trump was not in anyway the creator of the vaxx
2) He simply accelerated the rollout and therefore curtailed the lockdown
3) The people who have taken the jab would have taken it anyway – unless they’d died during the three to five years of lockdown.
4) Many of the people who took therapeutics would have taken the jab if it weren’t for Trump – and this would be true even if the therapeutics were just placebos against a phantom illness.
Also consider:
a) One of the weaknesses identified at Event 201 is that they lacked full control over social media; i.e. there were too many gaps.
b) There are plans in the pipeline to criminalise “medical misinformation”; such that it would be illegal to post any unapproved vaxx information or opinions.
If the vaxx rollout had been delayed for two to three years, they may have closed the gaps and criminalised scepticism. Instead, the dam has effectively burst such that scepticism even makes it on to youtube.
trump keeps harping on the vaccines. talk about being brainwashed. trump was president at the lock down. trump was president during operation warp speed, he not only got vaccines but was touting them and still is. it’s scary how people keep making excuses and being conned by a criminal. 4000 lawsuits, 24 sexual lawsuits, had his foundation shut down for stealing from sick kids to buy a painting of himself, had his college shut down for fraud, cheated on all his spouses with sex workers, paid blackmail to try to hide it, was best friends with epstein for twenty years and he married two illegal immigrants. give it up already. stop with the excuses.
You forgot Pee-Pee-Gate:
You may have heard that some controversial documents were leaked last night by BuzzFeed, the juiciest of which alleges that Trump likes to get peed on. Or likes to pee on women. Something with piss. The actual report, which is unconfirmed . . .
They launched Covid911 in order to remove Trump; so of course he was president during the lockdown. They want to remove Trump because he his spearheading an existential war against the Globalists.
a) It’s still in present tense.
b) There’s nothing to excuse!
People would get a different picture if they were to go direct to the source, rather than getting stuff third-hand from fakes and Trump basher.
83 post(s) found containing “stupid”.
49 post(s) found containing “these people are stupid”.
11 post(s) found containing “satan”.
3 post(s) found containing “satanic”.
There is a 7.5x greater emphasis on “stupid” people, dangerous or otherwise, than there is on the “satanic”. Yet Trump was asked:
It is possible for somebody in a careerist profession to believe that this or that person is stupid; the boss, maybe. But it is not possible to believe that the profession as a whole is stupid. The journo cannot ask Trump the question: “Are you saving the World from stupid people?” And the reason it’s not possible to ask that question is because the journo has a careerist identification with the very stupidity from which we need to be saved.
Yea decades
If you or a family member is ill, would you blab it all over so everyone knows your business?
I wouldn’t put any of it on social media, but there’s no shortage of people who would. Also, she’s pushing some sort of campaign (#safeairforkids).
“AGGRESSIVE REST”…. I rest my case. There is no hope for these creatures.
Excuse me while I aggressively rest.
Outright mockery 1:
Outright mockery 2:
Soma and Netflix for the ape-brained….
Will these over-educated zombies (a.k.a. “PhDs”) ever realise that THEY are the problem?
‘Outright lying’: Australian scientist hits out at TGA after ‘life-changing’ Covid vaccine injury
A man left unable to work for eight months after his Covid jab says thousands are suffering “life-changing” neurological symptoms he dubs “long vax”.
June 13, 2022
Dr Faletic, who earned his PhD in hypersonic technology from the ANU and now runs an international research consulting firm based in Canberra, says his faith in the scientific and medical community has been badly shaken by his experience. He received his first Pfizer dose on October 19 last year and his second on November 9. He had a bad reaction to both “within hours”, but says the second was “dramatically off the charts”.
“I waited a little while [to take the vaccine] – I work with technology and have a science background, so I understood that with a new product, new technology, there could be some things we don’t know about,” he said.
“I thought, enough time has passed, surely our government would have flagged any reactions of concern. I took it and all this stuff happened to me. It’s not a matter of it being a coincidence – it all happened within hours of the shots. Then I thought, surely the government would be interested in what’s happened to me? Nope.”
Anyways . . .
I think it’s about time we take eugenics seriously but not in a kill the poor way. But a kill the morons way. If 99% of twitter users were magically killed overnight a LOT of problems vanish. Just a thought, just a playful thought.
From the Canadian Patriot: City-of-London calls for a
one-world Green-Currency to stop the new silk road.
“The deregulation needed to unleash the money printing advocated by [our Lord] King is in fact a ticket to a hyper inflationary blowout of the system which currently sits atop an $800 trillion derivatives bubble (bets on collateralized debt and insurance on those debts).
When one considers that, in 1992 derivatives only accounted for a mere $2 trillion, and they didn’t even exist as speculative instruments in 1986, one gets a sense of how this nation-destroying time bomb has been implanted into the Western financial system, to be detonated at the opportune moment.”
Referring to the Green New Deal which the Wall Street / City of London cabal are lusting after as the basis for a new world system, [our Lord] King said: “No one can doubt that we are once more living through a period of political turmoil. But there has been no comparable questioning of the basic ideas underpinning economic policy. That needs to change.”
Current Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has gone on a global campaign in recent months to corral the financial, political and business [self styled] “Elite” [L. “Chosen”] into supporting his design for a new hegemonic global currency modeled on Facebook’s Libra as a replacement to the U.S. dollar-based system.
This “hegemonic digital currency” would be tied to Carney’s other passion: the “de-carbonization” of the world (which is actually just a euphemism for depopulation).
Taking a threatening tone, Carney has said “the firms that anticipate these developments will be rewarded handsomely. Those that don’t will cease to exist”.
Hello NickM: Dick heads like Mark Carney need to be de-carbonized. As in: Reduced to liquid fuel…
There seem to have been a fair few Russian websites hacked recently.
For example – Russia-1 TV:
The site (as I write, Tuesday morning) just shows the Russian text:
translating as
with an added touch of ‘Glory to Ukraine‘ (in Ukrainian) for the page title.
Anonymous(?) has been busy:
Maybe there is a (cyber) war going on after all 🙁
The site seems to be back working normally now
It’s all good practice for Russian military, intel, hackers, businesses, ordinary people etc. No better way to perfect your self-sufficiency from the destructive, degenerated western civilization.
An old story from the Wonderful Land of Oz that reads like today’s New Normal. For “rabbits” read “sheeple”:
“Biological Control: In 1950, the myxoma virus, spread by mosquitoes, was deliberately introduced in one locality in Australia. A myxomatosis epidemic broke out and spread rapidly among the rabbits. The first epidemic killed 99.8 per cent of the individuals in infected rabbit populations. During the following myxomatosis season (coinciding with the presence of mosquitoes), only 90 per cent of the remaining population was killed. During the third outbreak, only 40-60 per cent of rabbits in the disease areas died.
Decline of Virulence: The few rabbits that survived the disease developed immunity by producing antibodies and were unaffected by later outbreaks of the virus. That immunity was conferred to the offspring of immune females through the uterus. Genetically determined immunity to the disease reduced rabbit mortality. Offspring of those surviving parents inherited their parents’ resistance. Virus strains with less virulence lengthened the survival time of the rabbits, thus facilitating dispersal of the virus and increasing herd immunity among the rabbits.
Periodic samples of myxoma virus, collected in the field demonstrated that the original virulence of Australian myxoma strains decreased over the years, even to “isolated” rabbits that had no resistance. In addition, the resistance of “wild” [groupie] rabbits to the myxoma virus increased steadily from almost total mortality to moderate virulence. Studies indicated further that a rabbit’s susceptibility to the virus depended largely on the inheritance of genetic immunity from its ancestors.
Summary: In Australia the introduced myxoma virus caused a massive epidemic among the introduced European rabbits that met each other there. Both populations (virus and rabbits) experienced genetic changes while adapting to each other: rabbits that survived had increased resistance and surviving virus strains had decreased virulence. ”
[And the happy ending: Today the virus, the mosquitoes, the rabbits, the Europeans and the sheep all live together competing for the green green grass and the wet wet water in the bountiful land of Oz]
That version of virus fraud reality is persuasively debunked in ‘What Really Makes You Ill’.
As usual it’s the ‘safe and effective’ toxic poisons wot dunnit.
Thanks for the link Mark EL
“Give em more guns” says Ted Cruz, “That’ll solve it” :
Shoot out at the OK kindergarten?
With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
“I can think of no act more radically hopeful and loving than your choosing to enter medicine,” keynote speaker Laurene Powell Jobs told Stanford School of Medicine graduates at the June 11 diploma ceremony.
June 12, 2022
The students were earning doctorate degrees in biomedical sciences, medical degrees, and master’s degrees in biomedical sciences and physician assistant studies. Clad in graduation gowns and regalia, they also wore masks, a reminder of the ongoing pandemic that has defined much of their time at Stanford.
“The face diaper across the face is in proportion to the gaping empty space between the ears.”
“This speaks volumes about the poor state of medical training and modern medicine.”

Smug, middle class hypocrites.
Every single one.
A cancer on this planet.
The things they do for money.
That photo makes me feel sick.
I just caught ITV news on the Depp/Heard trial and it was all Amber Heard. She gets an airing. She gets to complain about how fixed the trial was etc. Where’s Depp? No chance! Not a single second of his views! Meanwhile the newsreader gets to cast the whole story from the Heard side. What a fucking farce!
Yet another indication of the sheer shameless bias of the media operating as “objective” voice and telling us about others fixing it all!
It doesn;’ matter- the world has seen her and the likes of her for what they are.
Bottom friendly menu? It looks like the items they tell you not to eat are those that may irritate your stomach or cause flatulence. Are we really at the point we are telling people how to improve their sodomy experience?
Well, given that it was all done in the name of Pride, you may well be right.
Meanwhile, I notice my local Waitrose has a sign outside saying that they are celebrating Pride, although the wording is such that it rather seems to have been shoehorned into their normal marketing exercises. I suspect the truth is that they fear that if they don’t jump on to the bandwagon, it will hurt their, er, bottom line.
WTO decision on vaccine patents expected this week. Oh, by a remarkable coincidence…
“Switch to the corrent sort of globalism or you’re doomed” is the message here.
There’s some odd goings-on in UK politics as well. If they’d held back on the leadership vote by just a week or two, they’d have had two by-election disasters for extra momentum. It’s such an obvious mistake it’s hard to believe it was a mistake. Then Starmer put in a bizarre performance at PMQs and some poll gets headlined that most people think Johnson is a better PM. The only explanations I can come up with are: 1) They aren’t yet detecting enough hatred for Johnson or 2) The agenda is to demonstrate that the two-party system is terminally broken.
They aren’t finished with Matt Hancock either as he appeared on loose women’s last week.
A P.R clean up job.
I see he’s going to climb Mont Blanc for charity, in order to raise money for a (?) private (?) hospital.
Responses on twitter have been predictable, and of course I concur. 😆
At least the queen wasn’t riding in the carriage naked.
Or with a strap-on penis.
That’s a coffee spiller!
I want to report a crime. Klaus Schwab stole my old normal.
Don’t worry, he’ll return it – better than ever!
(There’s a perfect analogy but I can’t use it: a Wanda Sikes routine wherein a certain female body part is removable. And Ms Sikes left it in her man’s care while she went out for an evening with the gals. And when she returned…well, a few of her man’s buddies had dropped by!)
Look like it’ll have to be a wave.
Is that Bell’s Palsy by any chance?
I think so, in most cases. Jusin Bieber’s facial paralysis has been given some other label.
When an enthusiastic “COVID vaccine” recipient subsequently develops that twisted-face condition, the preferred clinical term is ” Idiopathic Total Coincidence Syndrome”.
That group needs to start smoking a pipe, or even just keep an unlit one in their mouths– no one will give them a second glance:
This company ‘Clearview AI’ wants to make every person on the planet identifiable .. pretending it is for our safety.
Clearview AI boasts, its index of faces has expanded over the last two years from 3 billion to over 10 billion images.
They are planning to increase the database to 100 billion facial images, the equivalent of holding 14 facial images for each one of us.
Governments’ agencies are among Clearview AI’s customers.
Does that make any sense that governments tell us they legislate for stringent laws to protect our privacy, but at the same time, they are helping companies like Clearview AI grow and prosper by destroying people’s privacy???!!!!!!
Start here:
whose picture is this?
He’s shapeshifting. This is an earlier photo:
He’s hanging out with another well-known criminal.
i see .. thanks!
this is the real axis of evil (just add some aussies to complete the picture)
For the real criminals, all the required images could probably fit on a $20 thumb drive.
“Go fer yer gun Blair!”
It’s the Founder of the New Normal Labour semi detached Building Society.
Now just imagine him in a shell suit, smoking a cigar and saying, “Ow’s about that then guys an’ gals!”
I hope you’re just making a reference to superficial appearances and not implying anything about inappropriate behaviour in gentlemen’s lavatories.
Looks like Brad Dourif as Wormtongue in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies
“Blairigula Wants It.”

“Blairigula Needs It.”
Are we shooting at the wrong target?
Let me propose a bunch of heretical thoughts, something that will not go down too well with most people.
So, the world, the occidental civilization in particular, has boxed itself into a corner over the past few centuries. The discovery of cheap energy has fueled unprecedented growth, technological development, rise in living standard, freedom. The unscrupulous fucks among us have managed to fuck up things in various ways, and the situation has reached a state where the inherently flawed mechanisms that’ve been put in place have reached their limits. The fucking Titanic is about to hit the iceberg.
Nobody knows, and wants to know, shit. People are dancing, having a wild party, and they want more. The last thing they wanna hear is anything about some fucking iceberg. They’ve been conditioned for long generations that they’re entitled to living a life of luxury.
The “elites”, however, are aware of the problem. They’re no good pricks, given to scheming and fucking over everybody else, not particularly created, but relatively good are sniffing out how they can get ahead without actually doing real work. Anyway, they see that the world is on a collision course and decide to do something about it. Like declare a fake pandemic to scare the shit out of the stupid fucks on the dance floor. To force them into their cabins, put on a mask and await further instructions. In the meantime, the elites are concocting a plan how to keep the sheeple under lock and how to maintaining their privileged status through and after the impending crisis/transformation.
While the majority fall for the pandemic shit and the rest of the crap, about a third of the population understand that it’s bullshit and are opposing the liberticidal measures.
I’m afraid, however, that that’s myopic.
The real problem is the economic collapse with all the underlying issues, which might include energy shortage and climate change, perhaps not quite the way it’s claimed and not quite as imminent, but still. Then there is the problem of the fucks on the dance floor for whom dealing with any of this, which would unquestionably involve giving up their luxurious lifestyle, is the last thing they want. Then we have the problem of the PTBs, who are bent on taking advantage of the shitstorm we’re in to fuck us over.
Anyway, viewed from this angle, things are a bit more complicated than opposing sanitary measures and arguing whether this virus exists and causes this or that or not.
What should be the judicious, freedom-loving person’s strategy vis-a-vis all this shite?
First people will have to buy this story. So far I’ve convinced one. One. He’s a North Sea oil worker so maybe he counts as one point one but that doesn’t help much; all the other people I’ve tried talking to flatly dismiss talk of a finite planet and the limits that come with it. I’ve been trying for years now but no, when presented with physical realities the recipients just give me the good old blank stare and some BS about wind turbines etc.
> What should be the judicious, freedom-loving person’s strategy vis-a-vis all this shite?
Enjoy the good life as long as it lasts.
Well, I’m kinda doing that. Personally, I’ll make do. I’ve set up myself in a way that allows me to fly under the radar.
But I do have kids whom I’d like to help set up their lives in a similar way, plus I’m not completely asocial and feel some responsibility for society or humankind as a whole.
No kids but I feel the same responsibility, just a bit lonely in a very materialistic part of the world (Norway) …
Hah! Get out go, talk with 15yr lads. Norway? beautiful..lonely, oh fiddlesticks wish I was there, good luck.
Same old impassionless nothing. You mouthoffs are fucking useless top down systematic reviewists. A 15yr old lad could smell your kind a mile off.
Your projected thoughts onto others are the wind turbines you just don’t get it.
“What are you trying to sell now”?
Apologies, posts are back to front. I use my cheap phone, no offense I hope.
It’s just….anyway, those effing ‘windmills’ make my blood boil.
Metaphorically, steal the lifeboat before the dumb fucks realise that they need them themselves.
Self sufficiency is the obvious answer but there is a problem with that.
I have lived over sixty years in, to be honest,relative luxury.
I have never been hungry. I have never been abused. I am lucky, I know.
I don’t want to give up on that life and go to a hand-to-mouth existence.
I have enough land to feed myself if I needed to but why should I regress to a lifestyle that should have died out hundreds of years ago.
I don’t want to live in constant fear of a crop failure and, let’s be honest, if “they” wanted to produce a crop failure, they could do it in a heartbeat.
No, the answer is not to change yourself to suit your master’s will.
The answer is to curb your master’s desires.
The method for this is not yet clear but one thing that is certain from history:.
Evil is eventually defeated.
Even after the last two years of madness I still have faith in humankind
I’m basically with you. Except maybe that I have been hungry.
What I was trying to say above is that the people who doggedly refuse to acknowledge reality are as much an enemy as the fucks who are trying to take advantage of the turmoil in the world and enslave the rest.
If the world indeed is facing an existential crisis in regard to a shortage of energy and consequently basic necessities, then the “elites” might be less of an enemy than the brainless imbeciles for whom unbridled consumption is la raison d’etre.
that is the unfortunate truth – and it is those dogged refusers that fuck it all up for us, not the evil elite. then we have all paid essential workers too!
these folks will slit your throat when they get hungry and cold. they will continue to consume as its about all they can “contribute”.
still, at the end of the day, the elites have formed this world, this plaything of theirs and its many minions.
Maybe they really thought the occident, with all its improvements, developments and comforts of the past century, would evolve into a happy, sharing, kind society where guileless goodwill was the defining feature….
maybe what emerges will be, but a lot of deadwood to clear until then.
I’ve always rejected what passes for society, so the change will be welcome. As for dealing with this apparent change? be as prepared as you can and keep your head down until you don’t have a choice…
can we truly talk revolution if we do not walk the path? as ive said here a time or two in an admittedly self demeaning way, “if a twat like me can do it, then so can you”.
In the majority of northern hemisphere countries ( i cant speak for the others, havent been there) it is possible with a degree of caution/logic/perseverence to “obtain” land, move on to it, find water, learn electrics, plumbing, building etc and carve out an existence, hard work is worth it.
i started with £1kcash living in a converted 1930s bus with a surly atti-tood
Right now,
convincing my 24yr old son that relinquishing his “shiny toys” and returning to the existence forced on him and his sisters as kids, grubby, happy, always the last with hair lice, but the first to be accused of havin em, wide eyed, bushy tailed, mean and surly…
convincing him isnt easy, but as he often tells me “to be fair… when it all goes back to normal, it wont be an issue”
so “to be fair”, given that this world is a about as fair a place as johnsons toilet bowl the morning after a night on the town, “time will tell”
like a condom in a night club, “better to have and not need, than need and not have”
as the others say, a bit of eat drink be merry is needed, so much better when the eat is your own produce, the drink your homegrown cider and the merry bit having taken back a bit of whats yours, that being a place where you decide, you are responsible, where you care and your actions yield positive outcomes?
‘the “elites” might be less of an enemy than the brainless imbeciles’
The ‘brainless imbeciles’ are used to give legitimacy to the elites. But is it right to blame them, and advocate to punish them, knowing they are themselves victims?!
But i agree, there is an urgent need for solutions.
So the elites that managed to convince the public easily that they have to stay indoors, mask themselves up and get a genetic therapy for the flu didn’t have the means to convince everyone of the severity of the real crisis? Don’t delude yourselves that slavery is not coming and that the elites are working for the common good. Indeed, we are at a point where a systemic crisis is/was imminent but that doesn’t mean that the so called elites haven’t created it, can’t attenuate it and are not using it to build back better for them and bitter for us. The problem is a slave society is not prone to innovation and their dystopia will completely fail after some time. And the current systemic crisis that they somehow control will feel like a walk in the park compared to the chaos that will follow the collapse of the dystopian global surveillance society.
I am not very sure what history you are referring to. Evil is in general replaced by a larger evil. Maybe that counts for some kind of defeat I guess.
Eat, drink and be merry Jacques (the first two in moderation).
Chaos rules (it’s a Universal thing) and we’re living under the dictatorship of SNAFU.
No one knows what tomorrow will bring, so eat, drink and LOVE as well.
Everything else is pabulum and confirmation for our collective ennui.
Universal….mmmm…smells like wrong (but I don’t have good argument).
Rules? No way, it’s impossible by definition. Chaos cannot rule. Ruling in itself would represent a pattern, antithesis of chaos.
So called “Putin’s Rasputin”, Aleksandr Dugin flirt with chaos a lot…well rounded people refrain from chaos.
You’ve got everything right except for one, minor point: it’s the élites themselves who are causing the problem. They created it (hoaxed it, actually) in order to get rid of us. Why? Because they see us as a problem.
Who is us?
Inquisitive people who are willing to consider every issue? People who’ll swallow any shit, no matter how putrid? The most obvious opponents who might be missing the target due to their somewhat knee-jerk reaction?
The root of the problem being a physical predicament, i.e. a societal development based on a projected availability of energy and resources that’s proved unrealistic or that was myopically not taken into consideration due to widespread greed and gluttony.
Viewed from this angle – if this is what’s at stake and logic kinda dictates that it is – mankind is facing an existential crisis, a matter of survival. I really hate to say that, but if the “elites”, as malevolent and as instrumental in bringing all this shit about due to their unscrupulous nature as they might be – understand it and doing something about it, they’re more of an ally than the dumbos intent on obliviously dancing away until the boat hits the fucking iceberg. The idiots who allowed themselves to be injected by this genetic concoction so that they could do a bit more of wild partying in a true Faustian fashion being a case in point.
‘Us’ as in the bulk of the human race. Being clever won’t necessarily save you.
“us” – being clever has nothing to do with any of it. it seems to boil down to something more like a soul, or intuition.
so many “us” have lost that..
Jacques, you make a lot of sensible and legitimate points. I guess it comes down to whether we take as harsh a view of “the herd” and “herd mentalities” as Nietzsche did. I notice that a lot of left progressives are uncomfortable with Nietzsche, and prefer to cite Marx chapter and verse. While Marx had many profound insights, I’m afraid that doctrinaire Marxism is not the answer and that on many things, Nietzsche thought more deeply than Marx.
I would not call these people “dumbos” — for it’s perfectly possible to be very smart and skilled within a chosen field — you could be a physicist, a structural engineer, a chemist — and still be in the grip of a herd mentality. Or you could be able to see through many political illusions and lies and still lapse back into illogical herd thinking when it comes to health and disease (e.g. Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges both made fools of themselves vis-a-vis Covid).
Dumbos implies lack of brainpower, but many high IQ individuals are still prone to herd mentalities.
maybe they(elites) just see all the really, actually useless consumer material zombies as a failed exercise? yes they created it, but they maybe hoped for a better outcome?
the elites have not made moronic, craven, generally lazy and incompetent, avaricious pukes, who measure life in greed and kudos and moremoremoremememe than their neighbour/friend/kin.
Every individual has a brain, heart and hopefully soul, but most seem to disregard them as a problem in narccisso-world.
We clan blame social engineering, but what of the individual’s grounding? Are we allowed to discuss the sheer stupidity(or is it ego driven hubris in denial?) of so many? Really how fucking clueless about real Life can so many people be?? ignorance ain’t bliss in the new media age, wilful ignorance seems preferential tho’, and there is no excuse for that.
or are we who see all, such lofty, genius oracles? lol
i can’t wait to see the elites swing in the breeze, but personal responsibility, a wider context/concept of Life and apparently the ability to just think/do for yourself is beyond jacque’s dance floor dwellers.
these moron hordes ARE A SERIOUS PROBLEM, in and of themselves. blaming elite others for societies moral ills is only half the issue.
We’ll maybe have to deal with that very soon.
*maybe they (parasites) you mean 🙂
What climate change? Maybe you could have added the coming alien attack as well.
Try to ignore the tyranny of the minority. We used to institutionalise these unfortunates; now they seem to be running everything, at least until a good healthy depression occurs, common sense returns and they are ignored.
I remember a cartoon in the New Yorker magazine many years ago, (when it used to be a good read). An old man in a robe, with a long white beard, standing on a street corner holding a sign, saying:
“World Ends Tomorrow”.
Obviously, I still think about that cartoon, and how long it took me to ‘get it’.
It’s a career.
Nothing but an extended advert for wearables:
Normalising track-and-trace while never escaping the propaganda.
And we all know by now what comes after they’ve normaiised the wearables…
Interesting they should use a hologram. Corbett speaking about Linus Tech tips the youtuber shilling for Looking Glass technology
Who are apparently funded by the us government. Queens in carriages – I wonder how else this is going to get deployed.
” . . . calling for a ban on gas-powered boilers in domestic homes by 2035.”
Don’t worry? ‘We’ won’t be around in 2035?
‘We’ have ten years?
“ . . . our best estimate is that the net energy
33:33 per barrel available for the global
33:36 economy was about eight percent
33:38 and that in over the next few years it
33:42 will go down to zero percent
33:44 uh best estimate at the moment is that
33:46 actually the
33:47 per average barrel of sweet crude
33:51 uh we had the zero percent around 2022
33:56 but there are ways and means of
33:58 extending that so to be on the safe side
34:00 here on our diagram
34:02 we say that zero percent is definitely
34:05 around 2030 . . .
34:43 need net energy from oil and [if] it goes
34:46 down to zero
34:48 uh well we have collapsed not just
34:50 collapse of the oil industry
34:52 we have collapsed globally of the global
34:54 industrial civilization this is what we
34:56 are looking at at the moment . . . “
Or, have 4-5 years? {unlikely?}.
“The greatest threat to humanity on Earth is the escalating Arctic atmospheric methane buildup, caused by the destabilization of subsea methane hydrates. This subsea Arctic methane hydrate destabilization will go out of control in 2024 and lead to a catastrophic heatwave by 2026.” ?
Replacing taking away heating cooling systems is a perfect example of engineering progression. Major factor against a State progress is the none speaking over seas player. You may call them whatever you want to but the Player is always Central Bank.
It has been a compete and utter disaster for the European Continent for over a hundred years: 1919.
It is not Royal Houses not the ‘elites’ or flat out when you see something you can’t achieve do see have to Bloody Listen to!
It’s Bank Dumb Shits…From PEOPLE like You.
Thank You.
So stop Crying for fucks sake YOU only sound Pathetic.
More doom and gloom from the climatologists. “The Maldives will be under water in 30 years”. Said multiple times more than 30 years ago. I don’t buy any of this and no one should buy any policies dictated based on climatologists predictions. They cried wolf way too many times. They might be right at some point. Even in a big way. We should be willing to take our chances and assume all their predictions are pure bs.
Man made climate change to capture your imagination. Brought to you by the creators of ‘An inconvenient truth’ starring Al Gore. Released in 2006, the melting ice caps will leave vast coastal areas around the world under water by 2012 was the plot. The sequel brought us child actor newcomer Greta as our heroine, giving the UN a dressing down to save the planet. Released in 2018, we have only 10 years left she announced, supported by seasoned thespian ‘Prince’ Charles.
Climate change fans are eagerly waiting for the next climate change big production with performances by ‘radical’ theatre groups blocking your nearest bridge throughout the summer (they enjoy a climate warmer sunny afternoon, as we all do) and slashing your tyres. Exciting times.
Societal Insanity of the Week.
Herewith Jack London, writer of People of the Abyss describing his experience of the Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra in1902.
”And now the Horse Guards, a glimpse of beautiful cream ponies, and a golden panoply, a hurricane of cheers, the crashing of bands, – ”The King! the King! God save the King!” Everybody has gone mad. The contagion is sweeping me off my feet – I too want to shout, the King, God save the King! Ragged men around me, tears in their eyes, are tossing up their hats and crying ecstatically, Bless em! Bless em! Bless em! See there he is in that wonderous golden coach, the great crown flashing on his head, the woman in white beside him likewise crowned.
And I checked myself with a rush, striving to convince myself that it is all real and rational, and not some glimpse of fairyland. This I cannot succeed in doing and it is better so. I much prefer to believe that all this pomp and vanity and show, and mumbo-jumbo foolery has come from fairyland, than to believe it the performance of sane and sensible people who have mastered matter and solved the secret of the stars.”
It was Walter Bagehot who penned The English Constitution. First serialised in The Fortnightly Review between 15 May 1865 and 1 January 1867, and later published in book form in 1867, it explores the constitution of the United Kingdom—specifically the functioning of Parliament and the British monarchy—and the contrasts between British and American government. Reference is made to the dignified and effective structure of rule. The Monarchy played a particular role in government. The masses loved a ‘dignified show of government. Monarchs in golden coaches, state opening of Parliament, Royal Weddings and so on and so forth, and how the masses loved it.
When will the British people ever grow up?
Can we call the Queen “Hollowgran” now?
The Unvaccinated in Canada still cannot leave/ travel outside or within the country by air or train and cannot cross the border by car.
Turdo has said that he admires Chinese basic totalitarianism that’s allowing the Chinese to “turn things around on a dime” (sic).
So, he’s following suit. There is a chance that genetics play a role in his case too … 😉 …
Unless you’re a Ukrainian refugee, it would appear. I saw an extract yesterday from what was purported to be official Canadian Govt guidance notes and they stated that Ukrainian refugees were exempt from the country’s Covid19 rules. (NB. I can’t validate this document, and I didn’t keep the link, so my comment is purely anecdotal.)
Well WFIW, when the UK still had covid-19 restrictions on entry, anyone coming from Ukraine or Russia was exempt, according to the relevant government website.
Well we could give this a try, just say you identify as fully vaccinated, the woke wankers never have a reply.
I’ve always feared PCR tests are about sneakily creating a DNA DB. That data is arguably more valuable than all pharma products combined. In the right hands it could’ve even been a good thing for humankind… (here come my latest downvotes —— ok I’ll stop dreaming now).
The DNA harvesting was started in another deception namely the bollocks of ancestry searches as advertised on the idiots lantern. People giving their DNA, paying a fee and then being cockahoop that they are descended from a Viking! Anyone tell me where Vikeland is? What a bunch of morons we have become.
You are spot on about the PCR because the need to probe into the nasal cavity proves that covid could not be spread by air as a swab could have been taken just by a dab on the tongue but the millions of wilful ignorant just fell for it. I despair!
Actually Netherlands is a co-evaluation State who been on the effects of formaldehyde for France Authorities.
Nothing much in the RUSSIAN PRESS
Turkey has declared it won’t support the entry of Sweden and Finland and accused them of being in contact with Kurdish militias and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, entities that Turkish govt considers terrorists.
Btw, population of Finland is less than the city of St. Petersburg.
The West cannot be trusted. For example, the issue of US military bases in Greece.
Erdogan doesn’t believe they are aimed against Russia. Long-standing territorial disputes over the islands in the Aegean Sea, limits of territorial waters and air space between Greece & Turkey.
Although Turkey has been a candidate to join EU since 1999, no action is being taken.
Russia is winning because of air power, air defenses, logistics, advantages in correlation of forces
–NATO Sec’y Gen’l
Kiev will have to make some territorial concessions to Moscow in order to end the current conflict.
“Banana Republiicans discredit the govt, hence contribute to distrust of the money” [Huh?]
–Former Treasury Sec’y
That last point was from Larry Summers:
Among other things in Summers’ track record, he was one of the main driving forces behind the Clinton administration’s scrapping of the Glass-Steagell Act.
And it’s still not as cracy as what the current Treasury Secretary Yellen said about current economic woes being caused by leaking about possibly restricting abortion….
Edwige, whenever I see “Glass-Steagall” I think about the book-title “The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is To Own One.”
It looks as if the NATO Nazi Proxy Ukrainian regime is on its last legs !
Brianborou, Sure looks like it. Bizarrely, Zelensky is now bad-mouthing China about Taiwan Straits. You’d think his plate is already full.
Here they are starting with Monkeypox season and I haven’t even taken down my Ukraine decorations yet.
June 10 2022 Reminder: NATO use of depleted uranium during 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia leaves Serbia 97,000 cancer patients
That was the beginning of the New Normal. “Humanitarian Intervention” and “Right to Protect”: Con-HI and Con-RTP. Latter enshrined at UN. We dropped more bombs on Belgrade than Hitler did. Bombs blessed by our new chief devils, Clinton and BLiar. Clinton eventually accumulated a “Charitable Foundation” of $50Billion with which he married into Goldman Sachs. BLiar found casual employment in various Rothschild banks that could use a consummate B***Liar, picking up what he called “a modest fortune” (and so would I) of only $0.1Billion; but after years of faithful services rendered in Con-WMD, Con-911 and Con-Viagra (and a couple of Million dead as “collateral damage”) was finally promoted Director (non-Voting) in House of Rothschild: the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British Prime Minister.
It’s been downhill ever since 1999. Rome under Caligula and Nero had nothing on us Western Liberal Compassionate Freedom Loving Democracies.
yeah about then
Nero… the first false flag?
So being a deviant is now something to take pride in. Got it. Thanks, Soros. You SOB.
We are all deviants. Nature never meant for us to live the way we do. We were meant to live without benefit of technology – and to die at an early age.
Not a pretty picture; but Nature is prettiest in pictures.
If nature meant us to die at an early age, why do so many hunter gatherers live, often with robust health and minimal tooth decay, into their seventies, eighties, or even nineties?
“There is a basic distinction between life expectancy and life span,” says Stanford University historian Walter Scheidel, a leading scholar of ancient Roman demography. “The life span of humans – opposed to life expectancy, which is a statistical construct – hasn’t really changed much at all, as far as I can tell.”
“You might have seen the cartoon: two cavemen sitting outside their cave knapping stone tools. One says to the other: “Something’s just not right—our air is clean, our water is pure, we all get plenty of exercise, everything we eat is organic and free-range, and yet nobody lives past 30.”
This cartoon reflects a very common view of ancient lifespans, but it is based on a myth. People in the past were not all dead by 30. Ancient documents confirm this. In the 24th century B.C., the Egyptian Vizier Ptahhotep wrote verses about the disintegrations of old age. The ancient Greeks classed old age among the divine curses, and their tombstones attest to survival well past 80 years. Ancient artworks and figurines also depict elderly people: stooped, flabby, wrinkled.
This is not the only type of evidence, however. Studies on extant traditional people who live far away from modern medicines and markets, such as Tanzania’s Hadza or Brazil’s Xilixana Yanomami, have demonstrated that the most likely age at death is far higher than most people assume: It’s about 70 years old. One study found that although there are differences in rates of death in various populations and periods, especially with regard to violence, there is a remarkable similarity between the mortality profiles of various traditional peoples.”
Sound familiar?

Mmm _ _ _ _
How about holograms of politicians, CEO’s and corporate lobbyists?
They could be programmed to serve the people. For a change.
Now, what to do with the aforementioned criminals _ _ _
Fact Check: FALSE.
The world’s first Bottom-Friendly Menu was created by Rik Mayall in 1992: Sprouts Mexicaine, with curry powder, chili powder, gunpowder, and tabasco sauce.
Bon appétit:
Excellent post.
Normal ain’t normal anymore.
Facile aphorism of the day coming up:
It’s all in the mind…
Keep normal in your thoughts, and normal life will follow.
Works for me, although it can get lonely…
Walking in the park is the best antidote to the New World Order.
I beg to differ, obtaining land, drilling a bore hole for water, erecting trackable solar panels, some lithium cells, a couple of generators of varying type, polytunnels, rotavator, stash of diesel, gas, petrol, accumulating spare parts and materials, some livestock, stored food, freezers AND some tasty weaponry…. that is some kind of antidote to “nwo”…
It used to be called self sufficiency, it gets you called out as “odd”, but given that that those who do the name calling are green with envy, so fkn what?
Approx 30 years in (in varying levels of submersion) i can truthfully say “it works”, it is hard work, but worth it.
I believe that many of you still have the option to pursue this route, at whatever level, removing yourself wholy or partly from the beast system is tonic for the soul.
Is it better to live one week in resistance than a lifetime of servitude?
Conduct a seyance and ask me after they put a bullet in my head.
Also, not picking up a mobile phone is a great antidote.
Adrian Edmondson’s father was in the military – as was his wife’s. They just happen to have named one of their daughters after a pagan goddess.
Interesting interview w Patrick Wood, who’s been writing about technocracy for decades. (He co-wrote a book w Anthony Sutton.) It’s w Mercola so it’ll be available only today Sunday & Monday.
It’s weird that in 1978 I thought being able to see who was on the end of a phone was a great idea, now I think it is the suckiest thing on the planet and will not have a mobile phone ever.
Marilyn, I’m glad you’re among those who can bear to be disconnected.
it’s peculiar watching people walk along the sidewalk, but not really present– all their attention is on the smart phone. Or in the grocery; goodness, can’t even go to the grocery w/o talking on the phone. Kind of pitiful.
I have a flip-top mobile that I buy time for only if I’m going on a road trip.
Otherwise, I have an Ooma phone that plugs into the router & costs all of $5/month & no EMF hazard at all.
Do you remember back in the day how we all used to meet our friends without even use of a landline, let alone a mobile?
Im thinking of my childhood back in the 70`s, sure, we would call on each other, but i am sure there was more depth to the unspoken communication, some knowing….
Perhaps the musings of an old fart with rose tinted spec view of times gone by?
I am sure we telepathed much, much more than we do now, take “sat navs” for example, how many of us study the map/ask directions anymore?
Given the awakening from this nightmare, recovering old ground will not be quite as easy as it seems..
Giving permission to the beast system, at any level is exactly that, one cannot “use” a smartphone/satnav… a laptop without feeding the beast?
Not having had direct contact with the Amish i can only foster an opinion, but it is a good one, i am reminded too of the film some time back “the village”.
There are still places in uk where we treasure our agricultural and industrial past, machinery, technique etc, we still have those who thatch, oak frame, thresh, mill and we make by hand….
It begs the question “what level of technology is permissible in a future society”…
Best get thinking cos the fukrs just around the corner ;0)
When I was a kid, c. 1960, I loved to visit Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute– a science and technology museum with many interactive exhibits.
It’s still open, but even if I paid the current outrageously expensive admission fee I’d probably be appalled by all of the corporate/military sponsorship, etc. I prefer to stick with the memories of my happy and innocent childhood visits.
That said, one exhibit on the main floor attracted me like catnip attracts a kitten: the Bell Telephone Company’s showcase of futuristic communications technology. It featured hands-on Telephones of the Future; visitors could sample “touch-tone” keypads, call waiting, and other innovations that eventually became standard.
This was during the era when home telephones were clunky black beasts with dials, typically connecting to “party line” networks– a residential “private line” was either a business necessity or a luxury.
But the jewel in the crown was the VisionPhone: an enlarged, sleek tabletop telephone inset with a tiny, honest-to-God black and white TV screen. You could “call” another member of your party at a second VisionPhone separated by space and a partition and see them on the miniature screen.
For me, this was practically orgasmic. Nowadays, I reluctantly own an off-brand smartphone, but I rarely use it. It ain’t like it used to be!
FWIW, my more conventional relatives all have iPhones– and apparently having “FaceTime” chats with the grandchildren is as orgasmic for them as the VisionPhone was for me when I was six years old.
The smile-to-pay scheme reminds me of looking up wherever you might be and reading, ‘Smile, you’re on vbeing filmed’, etc. Don’t worry, be happy. The Panopticon is home.
Climate bans are going to have to compete with the currently running collateral damage from the war in Ukraine, which is sounding like a lockdown contender as officially sanctioned stories of fuel rationing and food shortages from its fallout program us into austerity. Don’t worry if you own nothing, you’ll be even happier.
Didn’t Neil O. virtually bend over and kiss the queen’s arse for the Jubilee?
correction – ‘…you’re on video/being filmed’
We’ve been practicing for smile pay for a while… Selfies?
Jesus, if you got a bit of wind you could end up bankrupt!!!
The brief spell while #VaccineDeaths trended on twitter was fun while it lasted.
The unfortunate intern they’d left in charge on a Sunday who let this happen is probably undergoing something extremely unpleasant.
“The emperor is naked.”
The royal coach is empty, as is the usefulness of a monarch in the 21st Century.
Instead of, ‘the emperor’s got no clothes,’ it’s, ‘the carriage has got no queen!’
It’s a great story, more people should read it!
I’d skimmed past earlier references to the Queen’s Hologram in the royal carriage, and assumed it was a put-on or parody. I thought the images I’d seen were certainly photoshopped memes, perhaps mocking the real Queen for, say, being asleep or inattentive to the crowd during the procession, or carriagecade, or whatever it’s called.
It’s astonishing to find that it was an “authentic” event, to stretch the concept of authenticity– I only mean that it actually happened. But it’s even more astonishing that it “worked”, i.e. that it was either accepted respectfully without provoking a tsunami of ridicule or indignation, or was praised as an appropriate and touching innovation.
Pardon all of the ironic/scare quotes, but I’m what I think is called gobsmacked. I would have thought that such a stunt would be a Royal Mother Lode of satire and snark; surely everyone isn’t so strongly inclined to respectfully defer to the Queen, the royal family, and tradition as to politely ignore the possibilities and symbolic ramifications of The Queen’s New Hologram.
A virtual queen to match a virtual virus. Time to loudly proclaim “but the emperor has no clothes!”
Will the unawake continue to sleep? And what happens to their virtual world when the power/electricity shuts down?