Iran vs. UAE – ‘Russia and Ukraine Gulf edition’ coming soon?

Gavin O’Reilly

Although receiving miniscule media coverage, Thursday’s announcement that Israel had deployed military infrastructure to the UAE and Bahrain in the shape of radar systems, ostensibly to counter an alleged missile threat from nearby Iran, should be a cause for concern amongst onlookers.

Coming in the same 24 hour period in which Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett paid a surprise visit to the Emirates, and in which Israeli Forces bombed Damascus International Airport, the announcement that both Abu Dhabi and Manama had agreed to host Israeli military infrastructure should be seen as the first step towards current tensions between Tel Aviv and Tehran being placed on a possibly irreversible path towards conflict in the region.

Indeed, Israeli encirclement of Iran via Tel Aviv-allied Arab states possibly triggering a war between Tehran and both the UAE and Bahrain bears a stark similarity to the nine-year long build-up of provocations which would ultimately led Russia to launch a military intervention into neighbouring Ukraine in February of this year.

In November 2013, following the decision by then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to suspend a trade deal with the EU in order to pursue closer ties with Russia, a CIA-orchestrated regime change operation, known as ‘Euromaidan’, would be launched in order to depose Yanukovych’s leadership and replace him with the pro-Western Petro Poroshenko – whose coalition government would contain rabid far-right sympathisers hostile to Moscow.

Indeed, such was the anti-Russian sentiment amongst the new US-backed Kiev government that the predominantly ethnic-Russian Donbass region in the east of the country would breakaway to form the independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in April 2014, following the previous month’s successful reunification of the Crimean Peninsula with the rest of Russia.

The establishment of these two pro-Russian Republics however, would spark a near eight-year long conflict in the eastern European country, in which Kiev would use neo-Nazi paramilitaries such as Azov Battalion and Right Sector to wage an ethnic cleansing campaign against the inhabitants of the Donbass.

In spite of Western media descriptions of ‘Russian aggression’ however, Moscow had sought to resolve the conflict in Donbass through peaceful mean via the Minsk Agreements – which would see both Republics granted a degree of autonomy whilst still remaining under the rule of Kiev.

With 14,000 dead in the Donbass conflict, NATO failing to honour a post-Cold War agreement not to expand eastwards, and the subsequent confirmation that US-funded labs were developing bioweapons in Ukraine however, Moscow’s hand was ultimately forced in February of this year when a Russian military intervention was launched into Ukraine in order to remove neo-Nazi elements from power and to destroy any military infrastructure that would ultimately have been used by NATO had Kiev gone on to become a member.

This is where the similarities with Iran and the neighbouring Gulf states of the UAE and Bahrain come into play, with both countries having formalised diplomatic links with Tel Aviv via the September 2020 US-brokered Abraham Accords.

Lauded as a ‘peace deal’ by the then-administration of Donald Trump, despite Israel, the UAE and Bahrain never actually being at war, the ‘normalisation’ agreements, coming eight months after the US had nearly triggered a new Gulf war with the assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike, were seen by many geopolitical observers as a means to contain Iran within the region, a long-time foreign policy aim shared by both Washington and Tel Aviv.

Indeed, despite the relationship between Israel and both states initially starting off on a purely diplomatic basis, the announcement that Israeli radar systems are to be moved into both the UAE and Bahrain marks a dangerous step towards a scenario were Israeli military infrastructure is placed within striking distance of Iran – a situation that would likely lead to a major regional conflict, one that could reach far beyond the Persian Gulf.

Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook and supported on Patreon.


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Categories: latest, Ukraine
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Jun 18, 2022 9:28 PM

Thank you Gavin an interesting, concerning and insightful article.

Jun 18, 2022 7:32 PM

THE NEW New Normal at St.Petersburg. Pepe Escobar’s Top Ten Breakdown – as announced by Putin:

  • The era of the unipolar world is over.
  • The rupture with the West is irreversible.
  • Russia has renewed its sovereignty.
  • The EU is not an independent, sovereign actor.
  • Either you’re a sovereign or a colony.
  • Hunger will be a consequence of Euro-democracy.
  • Russia will supply grain to Africa & Middle East.
  • Russia will reorient trade to sovereign nations.
  • In a [multipolar] world of strong sovereign states.
  • The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back.


Jun 18, 2022 4:51 AM

Cut’t’Paste: “The Eagle Has Two Heads”

“Russia is now a restored Eurasian Superpower, its double-headed eagle looking East and West, and the Eurasian Heartland, with 70% of the world’s population and so many living ancient civilisations, is the present and the future of the whole world. Russia’s task is to bring the Non-Russian Western part of the European Peninsula, back into the Eurasian orbit, liberating that Western Peninsula from its colonial vassal status to the USA, denazifying it [once again] and demilitarising it too.For eight long years Western countries, dominated by the Nazi ideology of the ‘The West is Best’, together with US-backed separatists in Kiev, have been terrorising and murdering thousands of Ukrainians in the war in the Donbass. They have taunted the largest country in the world, the Russian bear. Did they really think they could continue doing this to the restored trans-continental Superpower, with its profound cultural tradition and vast natural resources, without which Europe cannot do? It is sad to see how irresponsible Western leaders [irresponsible to their own peoples] grasp so little of the consequences of their actions.”


Jun 17, 2022 2:53 PM

Ukraine and UAE. Retarded Slavs and Retarded Arabs. Two wings of the same NATZO vulture.

From Lone Wolf on June 16, 2022 · at 11:40 pm EST/EDT

“Ukraine rehabilitated the old emblems and slogans they used in WW2 during the Nazi occupation of Polish Galicia (now West Ukraine) and Russian Ukraina (now East Ukraine) as national symbols for their new postwar country. That is, a mix of Stockholm syndrome (identification with the Nazi supermen) and identity crisis (are we Slavs or Germans?).

Ukraine’s neo-Nazis post-modern “nationalism” is embedded in their memory of heroic resistance alternating with collaboration (Bandera and the OUN) hence their use of nazi symbols which they cherish as mementos of their “national” moment. Even though Ukraine was for the German Nazis merely “Lebensraum,” subject to total extermination of the Slavs. Hence Ukrainians’ Stockholm Syndrome myth that they are the Lost Tribe of Germany.

Ukraine was to be the bread basket of the “Thousand Year Reich,” which thanks to Mother Russia didn’t make it to fifteen.

Ukrainian Nazis are utterly confused, mired in a similar archaic revival to NATZO’s confused Arab Taqfiris in ISIS/Al Qaeda. Ukrainian “nazion”alists are dying to revive the Nazi ideal of ethnic supremacy, while Arab taqfiris are dying to revive the ideal of a mono-sectarian caliphate.

Different latitudes, same obscurantism, two wings of the same bird, put together by Western intel agencies.” [And huge Western budgets for NATZO’s proxy armies; though still way cheaper than regular NATZO heavies].

Jun 17, 2022 10:34 AM

What are VSUshniky?

“VSUshniki, are Ukraine’s regular servicemen, different from Nuland’s “cookie” Nazi military groups incorporated (and in control) of Ukraine’s army.

from Lone Wolf on June 16, 2022  · at 3:57 pm EST/EDT

“Here you have two examples of the difference between Ukrainian Nazis and Ukrainian VSUshniki, and of the constant tension between them.

In the Kharkiv region Vsushniki rebelled against the barrier (Nazi guard dog) detachment. A detachment of Ukrainian Nazis shot dozens of “vsushniki”. From Russian MOD:


Jun 17, 2022 9:05 AM

Cut’n’pasted by Vanessa Beeley re Ukrainian Nazism:


“Slava Ukraini Slogan.

The “Ruling Book of the OUN, 1941” – Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, those who invented the Slava Ukraini slogan.

Let’s open up section 3 of the 4th chapter and take a look, how the greeting was intended to be done.

“The organizational greeting of the [OUN] has the form of raising the outstretched right hand to the right – at a level above the top of the head. Required words of the greeting greeting: “Glory to Ukraine” – “answer -“Glory to the heroes” can also be abbreviated to – “Glory”-“Glory”.”

For those who still don’t get it, you are suppose to do a Hitler Salute right after those words.

This is because Slava Ukraini is a Ukrainian adaptation of Heil Hitler.

And “Glory to the Heroes” – “Sieg Heil = Glory to the Victory ”

The next words of the Ukrainian national greetings are “Ukraina Ponad Use” which is literally “Deutschland über alles”. Germany above all, Nazi slogan of the 3rd Reich.

Subscribe to my channel: @heilukraine1959

Jun 16, 2022 10:04 PM

Poland wanted to annex St Petersburg if Russia lost the war; Poland wanted to annex part of Ukraine if Ukraine lost. Reportedly Zelensky has promised Poland’s Duda GALICIA in gratitude for his military aid. Source: Voltaire

Galicia is presently divided between Poland and Ukraine. It borders Hungary. For a history of the larger region, see:

Zelensky announced a bill on the special status of Polish citizens in Ukraine. Poles will have the right to hold positions in government and local governments, manage strategic enterprises with full access to classified data, be appointed judges, and perform police functions.

Not to mention the fact that “the border between the two states will soon disappear,” and a Polish peacekeeping contingent of up to 20,000 soldiers will probably be brought into the territory of Western Ukraine.

Jun 16, 2022 9:32 PM


“France, Germany, Italy and Romania are in favor of Ukraine receiving the status of an “immediate” official candidate for accession to the European Union, French President Emmanuel Macron said at a press conference in Kiev on Thursday. where he arrived with three other European leaders.”

“The Ukrainian people defend every day the values ​​of democracy and freedom that underpin the European project, our project. We cannot wait. We cannot delay this process,” — Italian PM [Is he a WEF disciple?]


Jun 17, 2022 1:23 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Ah, I’ve just learned it takes unanimous agreement by 27 EU members to allow Ukraine into EU, so can’t happen.

Jun 16, 2022 8:27 PM

Re Ukraine: “given that NATzO-trained Ukrainian regiments were concentrated in Eastern Ukraine, their dreams of a Search & Destroy operation all the way to the Russian border turned to ashes, it follows that Odessa / Dnipro / Slavyansk are the last reduct of NATzO’s hard-core nazi trash”.

Re UAE and other Rothschild-owned Gulf Arab Gas Stations: watch and learn what happens when you accept military training from a Zionazi organisation.

John Goss
John Goss
Jun 16, 2022 7:49 PM

We in the west get a whole different news view on what is happening not just in Ukraine and Israel but the world.. I’m sure Russia and eastern press agencies put out stories with a slant, but I have to say their seems more believable.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 7:24 PM

The Myth of Nato Expansion Toward Russia

Q: Given that the map clearly shows Nato expanding in the direction of Russia, how could it be a myth?

A: Because it’s the wrong preposition. It’s not an expansion “toward”. Rather, it is an expansion “over”. The purpose of Nato is to suppress democracy in the states it occupies. Hence, Nato is currently in the process of expanding over Sweden and Finland.

Jun 16, 2022 7:37 PM

“Nato’s expanding to the East. Donbas [is expanding] to the West”
(Aleksey Zhuravlyov)


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 8:05 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Over vs Toward indicates a different purpose. To say “toward Russia” implies that the purpose relates to Russia. However, it is far more likely that Russia is just the excuse, and the real purpose is to occupy any currently unoccupied nations of Europe; except for Russia, of course, which needs to continue playing its traditional role as the enemy. This was noted by Thomas Paine (see below).

The point I’m making is that we should be examining the purpose; and we shouldn’t just accept the propagandised narratives.

BTW: Ukraine is going to be carved up. Some of it will go Russia; some of it for the high-tech Israel, and some of it to Poland.

The English government presents, just now, a curious phenomenon. Seeing that the French and English nations are getting rid of the prejudices and false notions formerly entertained against each other, and which have cost them so much money, that government seems to be placarding its need of a foe; for unless it finds one somewhere, no pretext exists for the enormous revenue and taxation now deemed necessary.

Therefore it seeks in Russia the enemy it has lost in France and appears to say to the universe, or to say to itself: “If nobody will be so kind as to become my foe, I shall need no more fleets nor armies, and shall be forced to reduce my taxes. The American war enabled me to double the taxes; the Dutch business to add more; the Nootka humbug gave me a pretext for raising three millions sterling more; but unless I can make an enemy of Russia the harvest from wars will end. I was the first to incite Turk against Russian, and now I hope to reap a fresh crop of taxes.”

Jun 16, 2022 8:14 PM

Ok, I see your point. Russia as a pretext for gobbling up other nations. Plausible

Jun 16, 2022 9:14 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

But it seems to be more EU that’s gobbled up Europe; the individual nations have few powers left– aren’t matters fiscal, monetary, trade & travel all determined by the EU? What do the govts of European nations still decide?

And you’ve heard about the “supplementary NATO” (my name) that is proposed for Ukraine, the Baltics & whoever?

Jun 16, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Indeed. The “supplementary NATO” is an odd development. Not entirely sure what to make of that. UK, Ukraine, Poland + a few others, as I recall. A UK-led EU-2? A rival to the EU ?? Brexit-means-Brexit nostalgia for EU-membership???

Jun 16, 2022 4:09 PM

“Our product, our rules. We don’t play by rules we didn’t create”

Gazprom: Russian gas boss says ‘our product, our rules’ in supply row

Gazprom blames repair work for cutting the supply of gas through the Nordstream 1 pipeline to Germany to 40% of its usual capacity.

How to tighten the screw on Western sanctions. In the literal sense  📌 

Jun 16, 2022 8:34 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

There’s always NordStream2, brand new and ready to go. Just waiting for Elfin Safety clearance from Germany.

How many Germans does it take to open a gas tap?

Jun 16, 2022 8:53 PM
Reply to  NickM

One German – but only if accompanied by a Canadian, it would seem  😉 

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 16, 2022 2:47 PM

It might be instructive to read Robert Lacey’s excellent book “The Kingdom”. The work introduces the reader to the influence of British, French, and American oil interests, and the establishment of the House of Sa’ud.

The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa’ud by Robert Lacey (goodreads.com)

Jun 16, 2022 8:37 PM

Does that book recount the dressing down given to the King of Saudi Arabia by the British Governor: “like a Headmaster to a schoolboy”.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 17, 2022 12:17 AM
Reply to  NickM

Hello NickM: The Kingdom generally outlines the dubious roles of British, French, and American oil interests in the manipulation and arming of tribal sheikdoms during the early 1900’s and forward.

Each player had its operatives, salesmen, and “diplomats” who vied for overt control over certain areas of the former Middle East. The arming of tribal leaders led to the Middle East being carved into arbitrary land masses. The conflicts of today are largely the result of this massive exploitation and greed for oil profits.

Saudi Arabia (as the UAE) as a major player – armed and franchised by the usual suspects. The mentioned British governor was a tiny hand puppet owned by petroleum cartels and oil finance…

I read “The Kingdom” long ago. Nothing has changed…

Jun 17, 2022 10:17 AM

“The British governor was a tiny hand puppet owned by petroleum cartels and oil finance…”

Which mean that the King of Saudi Arabia was junior schoolboy to this tiny handpuppet. A status Arab Kings and Gulf Emirs retain to this day.

Jun 17, 2022 9:50 AM


peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Jun 16, 2022 12:01 PM

The Persian Gulf is another theater in the coming world war, along with Europe and Asia. Yet no one has learned from the past two global conflagrations: that we cannot fight a third. Every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid – its own downfall. And everyone wants to avoid nuclear Armageddon…

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 16, 2022 6:26 PM

We, you mean. America or the Alliance ( NATO). Alliance is a shop if it cant retail it go’s bancrupt. Eight/ Nine year old lads & lassies in North of England, (circa 1952-2022).
So, pretty much State Reps go to United Nations and talk of Security in various languages ie: Securities.

Sorry, instead of We The.. It realy should say We People, am not being disrespectful and of course not no, we can never afford war.

Jun 16, 2022 10:07 AM

Given that the world has seen cults of personality built around so many false messiahs in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Krishnamurtu etc.), seeing this new cult being built around Putin should trigger warnings in the minds of every observer. There are thousands of years of unimpeachable historic precedence.

Jun 16, 2022 6:54 AM

“In November 2013, a CIA-orchestrated regime change operation, known as ‘The Nudelman-Cohen cookie coup’, would be launched in order to depose the elected leadership and replace them with rabid far-right sympathisers hostile to Moscow.”

This is where the parallel between Ukraine and UAE breaks down. UAE has no need for an an Anglo-Zio “cookie coup color regime change” to replace its present Leadership with “rabid far-right Capitalist sympathisers hostile to Moscow” because UAE, like all the British-created Gulf Emirates (including KSA) are mere “Anglo-Zio Capitalist gas stations masquerading as Arab kingdoms: they answer to the same boss that the Prime Minister of Israel does (and the Presidents of most EU$A regimes do).

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think the only Arab countries allied to Israel are the above-said over-rich under-populated militarily-ineffectual “gas station” Emirates (KSA, UAE, Abu Dhabi etc all owned by BP) plus Jordan and Egypt (both of whom would change sides on a hairpin).

“When it comes to a fight, guns beat money” — Augustus Caesar, who beat Crassus the richest of the Roman Triumverate.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jun 16, 2022 7:07 AM
Reply to  NickM

‘guns’ Augustus Caesar i do not think so, born BC , gun powder allegedly invented 9th century

Jun 16, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Alright then, Swords:

“Swords beat money” — Octavian Caesar.

Jun 16, 2022 9:49 AM
Reply to  NickM

I think Caesar Augustus said tanks not guns.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 16, 2022 5:35 AM

Could be Russian propaganda ?
‘Last two Ukrainian frigates sunk, Russia has complete control of sea lanes.’
‘Ukrainian women 18 – 60 being conscripted to fight.’

Jun 16, 2022 7:38 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Oh I do hope the bit about the satellites is true…

Jun 16, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Could be Russian propaganda ?”

No. Russia lost the propaganda war long ago. What they are winning is the real war.

“It was not my fault we lost most of our tanks. Our experts assured me that no country, let alone backward Russia, could build more and better tanks than we did.” — Hitler, taped interview after the battle of Kursk.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 3:30 AM

Project Heavenly Jerusalem – Do You Know Why The War in Ukraine Broke Out?
Mar 26, 2022
Athair Ar Neamh
Niebiańska Jerozolima – Dlaczego Wybuchła Wojna na Ukrainie ?
(Why the War broke out in Ukraine)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 11:19 AM
Reply to  banana

Israel has issued an abrupt and highly unusual alert to its citizens traveling or working in Turkey, warning all Israelis to evacuate the capital Istanbul immediately. Officials have said intelligence reports suggest a possible Iranian kidnap or murder plot of its nationals potentially in progress.

“Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau has raised its alert level for Istanbul to the highest possible level, calling on any Israelis in the city to leave immediately or risk their lives,” The Times of Israel writes of the Monday warning. Israelis are further being advised to avoid travel in other parts of Turkey as well.

If Iran didn’t exist, they’d have to invent it!

Jun 16, 2022 2:01 PM

If Iran didn’t exist, they’d have to invent it!

Well said, the ‘problem-reaction-solution’ cycle needs an enemy construct to deceive the population into reacting and supporting billion dollar budgets to protect them from an illusion.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 2:02 PM

Klaus Schwab: Putin is one of YGL
Head of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017:

“What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders”

Jun 16, 2022 12:55 AM

The many faces, ahem, tentacles of the new world order.
Time to ditch countries & corporations and stand as Man.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jun 16, 2022 6:08 AM
Reply to  Ronald

Free men against tyrants

Jun 16, 2022 2:15 PM
Reply to  Ronald

Time to ditch countries & corporations and stand as Man.

That is the real solution, they keep it well hidden within the ‘all uppercase’ jurisdiction.
Lost souls with no standing, floating in the ‘Sea of Commerce’, consenting without comprehending.

Jun 15, 2022 11:08 PM


“The US Permanent Representative to NATO, Julianne Smith, said on Tuesday that Washington would “want to support” the idea of a new security alliance, which could reportedly include Ukraine, the UK, Poland, the Baltic States, and possibly Turkey.

“Last month, Italy’s Corriere della Sera newspaper reported that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had floated the idea of a so-called “European Commonwealth” to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his visit to Kiev in early April.”


It appears that UK is entering upon a resuscitation of “empire politics”– notably re the Arctic which is shaping up as a new territory for nations to fight over.

les online
les online
Jun 16, 2022 3:26 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Ukrainian troops fighting in Eastern Ukraine against the Russians, close to being encircled, appear to be being used as sacrificial pawns ?
Are they being used to delay Russia from consolidating it’s protection using the two Republics as a buffer zone ? Are they being used to merely inflict as much damage on the Russian troops, as part of the NATO/US intention to degrade Russia militarily ?
Very little of the billions of dollars of (advanced) weaponry the US is supplying appears to be making it to the Eastern Front for use. There appears to be a consolidation by Kiev ,
readying for the next stage of Kiev’s battles to liberate it’s Eastern territories – to slowly degrade Russia militarily ?
And there’s the matter of Kiev declaring the sky over Ukraine a no-fly zone…

Jun 16, 2022 7:14 AM
Reply to  les online

Kiev declaring the sky over Ukraine a no-fly zone…”

That’s correct: it is a no-fly zone for NATZO warplanes, and a grouse-shoot zone for NATZO missiles.

Jun 16, 2022 7:11 AM
Reply to  Penelope

US Representative to NATO, Julianne Smith, said Washington “want” new alliance, reportedly include Ukraine, UK, Poland, Baltic States, and Turkey.”

I see the UK is included among that lot; “a country is known by the company it keeps”.

Julie Smith, another blonde airhead with a “let’s party” grin and a patriotic flag in the background — like Boris Johnson:

comment image

Jun 16, 2022 10:41 AM
Reply to  NickM

another ‘smith’

Jun 15, 2022 10:59 PM

I say again– as Biden promises Ukraine another $1B in weapons– the purpose isn’t to send weapons for Russia to destroy. Nor, just as a subsidy to US weapons mfgrs.

The smart move wd be to use weapons “sent to Ukraine” to actually massively arm Corporate Private Army. I have no evidence of this except reports of fleeing mercenaries that it’s difficult even to get a weapon, let alone any armor or provisions. Also US has admitted that they “cannot trace” weaponry after it reaches Ukraine. How convenient!

PS Russian press says most mercenaries are from UK, estimated at 3,000.

Jun 16, 2022 2:05 AM
Reply to  Penelope

yes, I agree with you forcing Russia to commit itself, was the plan all along,, The nation state syndicated – monopoly – seeking – wealth -acquiring {S-M-S-W-S-} network, is syndicated at the highest levels by infiltration and assimilation of network agents within every nation state its managers were able to seduce since 1913. The S-M-S-W-S-network seeks to capture into its vicious powerful take no captive claws everyone it can to help defend itself against the challenge posed by a set of governance systems that do not have wealth seeking and monopoly power objectives and that will not allow themselves to be network infiltrated. These systems operate inside of Russia, China, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. WWIII is about competition, one side wants none, the other wants every who is capable to be a competitor. The S-M-S-W-S-network does not want any competition to its global hegemony while the efficient and beneficial side management side seeks to use their governments to engage programs that benefit the governed masses. The S-M-S-W-S-network has long depended on its USD hegemony,but Russia within days of western imposed sanctions after Feb. 28, 2022, deflated the $USD dollar based hegemony established by controlling access to SWIFT. The new Russia system, equates standard quantities to standard amounts of gold to value its Ruble and every currency in the world at the same time. That system eliminates the need for a central bank, a money exchanger, or any intermediary between a buyer and a seller. Each can determine the amount needed, in their respective currencies, to convert between the values of the currencies. So nothing is needed to trade between citizens of the various nations except to know the price of gold on the day of the transaction. The S-M-S-W-S-network is not going to take defeat lying down. Already S-M-S-W-S-network imposed… Read more »

Jun 16, 2022 2:34 AM
Reply to  eman

eman, we all long to interpret the current war and the potential hostilities w China as a struggle between good and evil. At least that way there’d be someone on our side.

Alas there is no evidence that it’s so. Both Russia & China are building exactly the same future for humanity as the West– population reduction (murder), austerity re energy and food, total surveillance and control.

Peak oil and global warming and pandemics and staged wars are their tools.

If you doubt the evil of Russia’s hierarchy

OR– any of the other articles on his site.

Jun 16, 2022 7:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“Not all who say Sustainable, Sustainable will enter the Earthly Paradise. By their fruits shall Ye know the tree”. — New Testament

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jun 16, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I heard UK was number 2, with (I think) US at number 3. No. 1 did not seem to be announced, but maybe Poland? (Think I heard this on The Duran).

But 3000 could be right. That’s a lot of potential death sentences.

Jun 16, 2022 4:45 PM

3000. That’s the figure I heard too. 3000 UK mercenaries.

Of a grand total of around 20,000 mercenaries (a rapidly reducing number).

Although how many of them are actual, genuine, real McCoy mercenaries and how many of them conveniently ‘quit’ their army roles the day before setting off to Ukraine would be another question  🤔 

Jun 16, 2022 9:33 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Several captured mercenaries said they were there only as medics & NEVER had the intention of joining in the fighting– Good grief, Lucy!

Jun 16, 2022 7:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I wonder what NATZO’s UK mercenaries are paid. NATZO’s ISIS mercs in Syria, recruited from the sweepings of 80 third world countries, were paid $1,000 per month plus a Toyota Land Cruiser, a big gun and all the women they could catch. I guess Europeans, accustomed to a higher standard of living, would demand substantially higher remuneration. Plus danger money; because NATZO merc has become a risky occupation since their defeat in Syria.

Jun 16, 2022 4:51 PM
Reply to  NickM

Maybe just an extra big “starter bonus” on rejoining the regular forces when it’s all done

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 15, 2022 10:06 PM

I see OffG has reverted to the 0-0 format. Everyone’s contribution is as good as everybody else, yes? I don’t believe that and don’t think you do either. Pity, that doesn’t sort the lambs from the sheep. I also think that contributors and readers preferred the original format.

Jun 15, 2022 11:50 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Like you, I think most readers “preferred the original format.” Unlike you, however, I think this “original format” is a monumentally bad idea because it reduces ideas to a popularity contest.

There are certain positions which are guaranteed to net boucoup “Up Votes” among the alt-right. While positions contrary to those standard positions – no matter how carefully presented – are guaranteed to net “Down Votes.”

Not a system conducive to a free exchange of ideas.

Jun 16, 2022 7:40 AM
Reply to  Howard

It was ever thus: “Ideas” vs “Pop Contest”. Socrates vs Sophists. I read the post to “get the idea”; then note the vote to see its Pop Rating. Both are a part of Open Discussion.

“Let us not count up votes for our respective arguments, but see how far you and I can walk together along the path of agreement, and at what distance from here we come to a fork in the road where we two agree to disagree, and regretfully go our separate ways” — Plato’s Socrates.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2022 4:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes but wouldn’t it be nice to get the feeling that something is happening? That somebody is actually reading this? To get away from the eternal mocking vacuum of the 0/0 snake eyes?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 16, 2022 4:46 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Never mind sorting lambs from sheep. How about the feeling of some kind of change?

Jun 15, 2022 8:39 PM

Let’s talk real news. Like if I was doing weekend duty for Off-G.

The Federal Reserve privately-owned central bank just hiked rates by 75 basis points – that’s like stealing three quarters from your pint for Brits. Well not quite – it’s the best part of one per cent.

If you go online, the Googles will tell you that a heart rate of 75 bp (whatever the f*ck that is) is ok.. nothing to worry, just get a booster and a blood thinner.

But informed hacks will tell you the European Euinyon has just been feerked. This is war with the Fed.

Euro-Remainer cannot afford for rates to go up. It’s not a case of “I love Paris” it’s the yield curve. And the bankers on both sides of the Atlantic have just gone to war with each other.

Cheers for the tip.

Jun 15, 2022 9:28 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

There’s no banker war because it’s the same cabal. The central banks are all part of one cabal. The IMF, the BIS, the World Bank and retail banks. The retail banks are shareholders of each central bank. And each central bank is a privately owned bank no matter what the claim on their websites.

The owners of all the retail banks are also the largest four financial institutions, who also own all the largest corporations, the NGOs and the administrations that pose as Governments. It’s one cabal, posing as thousands of subsidiaries, in order to obfuscate the truth from the general populace.

The illusion of fighting or “war”, in a hot war, a Cold War, a currency war, or an energy war, is what allows the cabal more profiteering, more racketeering and more price gouging of the 99%, using these economic and psychological “warfare” tactics.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 15, 2022 11:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

BIS is the Central Bank of Central Banks. The primary goons for the BIS are the IMF and World Bank. All the rest are subservient to that trio.

The Central Bank Cartel is the only group that really benefits from war.

Jun 16, 2022 2:17 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Governments and corporations benefit from war, and so do members of “the Order“ or “the Family” who know ahead of time which corporations will attain which assets, contracts and funds, pre and post conflict. It’s all one CABAL. All the various types of wars I listed have economic, psychological and political benefits.

I have already investigated the structure of ownership within the banking system. The BIS has impenetrable immunity and extra judicial status but so does the City of London (financial district), Vatican City and DC.

The central bank cartel is the very same cabal that manufactured the religions. The governments. The monarchies. And all the stock exchanges and indices. Trade associations. Courts. Police. Military. Political factions. “Education” systems. Hospitals. Media. Communications. Energy. Publishing. NGOs (UN, CFR etc.) Charities, Think Tanks etc.

It’s ONE CABAL within a pyramid structure of hierarchy using tens of thousands of subsidiary corporations within the legal contract law (canon law, maritime law, military law) framework they created.

The big four financial corporations (Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, State St) own the majority of all the major, publicly listed corporations on earth. And it’s a selection of these corporations (food, weapons, logistics, energy etc.) who also benefit monetarily from all the manufactured, faux conflicts. These organized, coordinated conflicts terrorize the people, cause complete dependence on “the state” and cause mass, forced migration: Order Out Of Chaos.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 15, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

You are a dumb lightweight Central have been taking for over 50 years, revisionist uneducated unrealistic “puppet”.
Get down to a workmuuns club you long “short wording” to ‘the people’ pounce.

Nice try adding A pint…Dickweed Blob.
Real? Piss off…multicultural racist Webster cronie.
No offense, you wanted Real! Not me.
You Weeds popup like on-line lawn sprinklers. imo

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 15, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  niko

Yep. Can’t tell the boss its naked.

Jun 16, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  niko

More to the point: Syria, Iran, Hezb and Palestine remain silent.

Jun 15, 2022 8:08 PM


“Military Summary announced at the very end of his YT video that Russia will call a mobilization at the beginning of July in order to capture the remainder of UA very fast. The reason for this speeding up & enlarging the SMO has to do with the other SMO that China will be starting against Taiwan. The [EU$A] “World” will quickly “pivot” to the Pacific region and Russia can finish the job in Europe and rectify the unnatural hybrid UA state.

North Stream 1 has been put out of function due to necessary repairs to Siemens centrifuges which are produced in Canada. Now Canada is sanctioning Germany. Perhaps this lunatic situation of one NATO member sanctioning another NATO member will force Germany to open North Stream II.” [Or halt its industry and freeze its people. Should make the Greens very happy]

Jun 15, 2022 7:01 PM

Some people have speculated is the Special Military Operation by the Russian military necessary, well, have a look at this report !


Jun 15, 2022 10:31 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Brianborou, your link is behind a paywall. Here’s what you want, I think

Jun 16, 2022 7:09 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Try again, it’s free after a few hours of its original recording!


Jun 16, 2022 12:44 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Ukcolumn are Mi6

Jun 16, 2022 2:44 PM
Reply to  dan

Yep. MI6-GCHQ-77th Brigade.

These “posters“ here, pushing the war narratives are spreading variations on a theme, military intel propaganda. They want us to believe the ludicrous East vs West lie.

Jun 16, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Read my reply to dan !

Jun 16, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Any factual verifiable evidence to support your claims or is slinging mud your argument of choice?

Jun 17, 2022 2:24 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

It’s self explanatory.

It’s the same cabal pushing this East vs West narrative. And guess what? They wrote all The Bibles too. So stop pretending that there’s any difference in nation state ownership between East and West. It’s false. NO governments are independent, they’re privately owned incorporated municipalities, owned by the banking-military-merchant cartel, and nation states are not sovereign. They’re all centrally controlled by the same cabal.

The lie of NATO vs BRICS is patently obvious to anyone who does the slightest bit of research.

Jun 17, 2022 6:26 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You have not provided verifiable factual proof regarding the smears regarding UK Column, therefore, you are supporting the very tactics that the MSM use !

Jun 17, 2022 12:19 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Ir’s common knowledge. Get a clue.

Jun 17, 2022 12:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have now asked you on a number of occasions to provide verifiable factual evidence to support your smear against U.K. Column, which thus far you failed to do, and your only retort is to use vacuous phrases.

I suggest next time you intend to smear an organisation or person have some verifiable factual evidence at hand otherwise you will be no better than the MSM whose modus operandi frequently uses this propaganda technique !

Jun 17, 2022 3:03 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

The bio is more than enough evidence. THE COLD WAR WASN’T REAL. Hence, anyone involved in that psyop is an operative. I don’t have to provide anything for you. Nothing. The literal garbage and repetition of lies pumped out on the sites you link to is proof enough of their illegitimacy and controlled opposition status.

Jun 17, 2022 4:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Just to recap, you made a smear against UK Column which to date you have provided zero clear verifiable factual evidence.

You tried to use another MSM propagandistic tactic of using a tenuous link ie Brian Gerrish being a former UK armed forces member and try to use this as your basis to justify your smear This is known as clutching of straws .

Many of these propagandistic tactics you have employed are straight out of the MSM propaganda school of ” journalism ” !

Jun 17, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

Just to recap you post propaganda and disinfo from controlled opposition sites that lie about geopolitics, “democracy”, “leaders” biological weapons (which don’t exist), viruses (which don’t exist) pandemics, (which also don’t exist) contagion (which has never been proven or demonstrated) sovereign nation states, which are a complete illusion since all governments from national to local, are incorporated municipalities with the private shareholders (owners) hidden from the public, and therefore all the stated or claimed wars between faux nation states, such as Ukraine vs Russia are entirely orchestrated maneuvers between administrations controlled by the one banker-merchant-military cabal.

UK column disputes NOTHING of any relevance in the msm. It simply repeats ad nauseam the many lies of the Freemasonic msm, Freemasonic governments and Freemasonic Intel community, perpetuating the false narratives and psyop of faux warring governments.

These are just facts. They are not “smears”.

All wars are orchestrated and coordinated between administrations owned by the one globalist cartel to gain economic and political objectives, while moving currency, capital and debt.

You are apparently so ignorant, you can’t even fathom deductive logic.

Jun 17, 2022 8:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Let’s see, you have provided zero clear verifiable factual evidence to support your smear against U.K. Column, you have used a tenuous link in the absence of any clear verifiable factual verifiable and now you are making another number of smears, without I might add, any clear verifiable factual evidence.

All propagandistic tactics straight out of the page of the school of MSM “ journalism “

You state, “ U.K. Column disputes nothing of any relevance in the MSM. “ Hmm, Let’s look a one example of U.K. Column countering the MSM propaganda. In this case the propaganda arm of the City of London, the BBC.


I have many many more examples of U.K. Column shining a light on the MSM narrative. I suggest you try to do some proper in depth research instead of

throwing accusations and smears like a swirling dervish !

Jun 18, 2022 4:35 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Bullshit. The msm narratives that I listed above, I am SPECIFICALLY referring to, such as the hoax of the Cold War, faux terrorism, no biological weapons, no viruses, no pandemics, no contagion, no sovereign nation states, no nukes etc., NOT the fake geopolitical counter narratives. There are no sovereign nation states. None. So anyone pretending there are warring nations (Russia-Ukraine or Syria-US) is a shill and a liar. Wittingly OR unwittingly.

UK column counters faux narratives with opposing falsity. A typical counter intel tactic. The Hegelian Dialectic model.

You are the one posting propaganda. I simply expose the lies of the Masonic counter-intel shills and alt-media.

Shills always leave the biggest lies in place (nation states, democracies, voting, viruses, orchestrated wars, fake nukes, military hoaxes, psyops, using repetition of lies) and counter msm with either complete falsities or obvious irrelevancies.

Jun 17, 2022 12:44 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

“Brian Gerrish is a former Royal Navy Officer from the Cold War era. Specialised in anti-submarine warfare, he worked with Royal Navy, US UK and NATO maritime forces conducting operations to locate and track Soviet nuclear submarines the Norwegian Sea, North Atlantic and US eastern seaboard.“

Jun 17, 2022 3:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, he is as indeed Alex Thompson is a former

Yes, besides Brian Gerrish is a former member of the U.K. armed forces, Alex Thompson is a former, note the word former GCHQ analyst in the U.K, who provide a much greater insight from experience than someone professing to be a “ researcher “. Therefore following your tenuous logic, Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett, Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Reiner Fuellmich and many other medical specialists plus other specialists are all part of the smear are attempting to spring.

I can produce a whole series of articles and shows U.K. have produced over many years but there is not one, repeat not one piece of verifiable factual evidence which has been produced to demonstrate the smear you are trying to insuinuate.

Now, if you can’t produce this evidence, tenuous links are not clear verifiable factual, stop using
the MSM propaganda tactics !

Jun 17, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Those are absolutely all controlled opposition in my opinion. 100%

Also, when watching them on camera, witnessing Masonic cartel hand signalling by Fuellmich, Yeadon et al and their choice of language etc., it’s patently obvious to me.

Controlled opposition prop up the virus lie, the contagion myth, the faux nation state lie, the “democracy“ lie, the voting lie, the Communism farce, the political and financial disinfo, the nuclear weapons hoax, the biological weapons hoaxes, the Israel vs Palestine hoax, the fake, orchestrated Syria war etc., etc.

They repeat msm propaganda when it suits them and they prop up the lie of NATO vs BRICS and this obviously fake conflict between Ukraine and Russia. It’s all absolute nonsense.

Your faux indignation at defending shills is asinine.

Jun 17, 2022 8:57 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Once again, zero verifiable factual evidence to support your “ ..opinion “, “ it’s patiently obvious..” .

I remember reading about James Jesus Angleton in a book called Wilderness of Mirrors.

I suggest you read it and reflect on it because your wild accusations are bordering on this in regards to the people you have mentioned.


Jun 18, 2022 9:11 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Total lie, yet again. I already listed numerous hoaxes and psyops your Masonic, intel operative shills at the UK column, haven’t exposed. MEANING, they are either so stupid and uninformed, or they were already (and still are) part of the hoaxing itself. It’s obvious it’s the latter.

Here’s more evidence that they are still AGENTS due to their non exposure of obvious hoaxes and psyops:

The Skripal hoax.

The Manchester Bombing hoax.

The 7-7 hoax operation.

The parliament bridge attack hoax.

That’s a tiny sample. There’s dozens of hoaxes and psyops they don’t expose, in fact ALL they do is legitimize government, intel and the military, as well as the hoaxes and psyops perpetrated on the gullible public.

These orgs and governments only exist to specifically imprison humanity within a matrix of lies (lies of history, science, finance, fake news, economics, politics, trade, terror, crime, law, education and government) repeated ad nauseam, perpetrated by those admins and agencies, through the alt and msm media.

UK column does nothing but legitimize these fake governments and their repulsive, lying, Masonic, order following, cult member, wage scum, operatives and agents.

Below is an absolutely laughable paragraph from a Skripal article on their site:

“I found Porton Down staff in my day to be as varied, competent, patriotic and non-conspiratorial as at any other government department or agency. However, there is always the phenomenon which cannot be discounted of certain key staff being nobbled by an agenda, special interest or clique. (This can affect certain key officers at other agencies, particularly MI6, which I again stress is staffed by people as worthy as at any other agency.)”

You and they are the enemies of truth, freedom and humanity.

Jun 19, 2022 12:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“ I have listed numerous hoaxes..” Hmm, again zero verifiable factual evidence. “

Here is more …’ Skripal hoax “. Really, suggest you have a look at this !


Yes, another MSM propagandistic tactic I see you are now employing in your every growing list of them. Besides slinging slime and smears without any verifiable factual evidence, using very tenuous links to try and use as evidence, the latest one is taking selective passages out of context.

Alas, you are now becoming tedious, despite asking you on at least several occasions to produce clear verifiable factual evidence to support your smears, you have consistently failed to do so.

Either provide the evidence or just admit you are no better than the MSM propagandists !

Jun 17, 2022 11:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I asked you to provide verifiable factual evidence in regards to smearing of U.K. Column which you and one other poster have done. Yet, you seem unable or unwilling to do this, therefore, I can only conclude you support this type of tactic employed by the MSM when they can provide no verifiable factual evidence!

Jun 16, 2022 4:17 PM
Reply to  dan

Instead of smearing, a favourite tactic of the MSM, how about some verifiable factual evidence?

Jun 17, 2022 11:48 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Yes thank you. I found plenty.

Jun 17, 2022 2:41 PM
Reply to  dan

I asked you to provide verifiable factual evidence to support your smear instead all you can do is retort with some inane vacuous comment which follows in precisely the same pattern as the MSM propagandistic tactics !

Jun 17, 2022 4:59 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Ugg. If the WHO Treaty goes thru, it won’t matter much what people think– will be much, much harder to oppose.

I didn’t find anything on Russia’s SMOp, but I’m convinced anyway.

Jun 17, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The point is a few posters sling slime and smear without producing a scintilla of verifiable factual evidence which is precisely the Modus Operandi of the MSM which was witnessed throughout, for example, the Scamdemic. It is an age old tactic straight out of Edward Bernays book Propaganda!

Jun 18, 2022 3:55 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

What do you mean by “verifiable factual evidence”? Not all the stuff the MSM pumps out in the State and private ideological apparatuses can be construed as factual evidence that is unverifiable, as it contains both verifiable facts and disinformation passed off as “facts” (which is now being exposed on this forum) – the problem is not everybody in the population will go and determine what’s a verifiable fact and what’s not.

Surely, if the MSM was totally devoid of unverifiable “facts” lies and disinfo’ as you appear to suggest then we would most probably be in a far worse mess than we are in at the present time as more people are gradually becoming aware of what’s really going on. This by the way, is not meant as an apologia for the MSM far from it.

Jun 18, 2022 8:33 PM
Reply to  -CO

It is a very simple request so let’s recap. A smear by some posters against a platform without a shred of verifiable evidence to substantiate this claim. All requests for verifiable factual evidence were met with either vacuous inane retorts or further attempts to sling slime and smear, again without any verifiable factual evidence.

Now, if someone accused some else of committing a crime, without any proof/ evidence to support this accusation would it in normal circumstances stand up in a court of law ?

“ MSM was totally devoid of facts..” Hmm, how many people submitted to the clot shots ?

How many people believe that all the rampant inflation is down to evil doers in the Kremlin or the Weapons of Mass destruction / 45 minutes to doooom scenario for the Iraq war ?

It is interesting that just after the end of WW2 the US industrial infrastructure was in a dilemma since they needed a new enemy. The USSR fitted the bill by Reds under the bed scare ?

As one US senator explained when asked how the USSR after losing about 30,000,000 people and approximately 50% of its infrastructure could be a threat because the US public won’t buy it.

He said do what we normally do frighten the living daylights out of them and they will except anything.

Still works today !

Jun 19, 2022 3:52 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Looking back at the comments that you are presumably referring to, including your own, it looks like its a question of six of one and a half dozen of another – as there is a mixture of fact and opinion where the question of ‘verifiable evidence’ is concerned.

More often than not, and particularly with MSM and some of the issues raised here, there is always some verifiable facts thrown in with what is construed as ‘disinformation’ that’s partly how the ideological apparatuses function have been so effective up to now and there are very few people who can escape from being ‘educated’ via the propaganda. That’s also why its so easy to get hold of the wrong end of the stick.

Jun 20, 2022 9:18 AM
Reply to  -CO

Firstly, posters make accusations without the a scintilla of clear verifiable factual evidence to support their accusation.

The next tactic is to exaggerate some tenuous link to try to create the impression ( note the word impression) that this is evidence.

In the next book of dirty tricks is the taking out of context a passage or phrase in order to present this as evidence without of course any citation of the original source.

All the above have been used by posters in an attempt to discredit U.K. Column and all these propagandistic tactics were / are constantly utilised by the MSM.

Have a read of the bible for this Edward Bernays book , Propaganda !

Jun 20, 2022 1:01 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

On page 151 of Bernay’s book it is stated that:

The newspaper, of course, remains always a primary medium for the transmission of opinions and ideas — in other words, for propaganda.

But even in newspapers, it does not follow that ALL opinions and ideas that are reported and transmitted are ALL propaganda. Some of them may well be, if they are propagated with the intent to deceive the public, or give only one part of an argument, are just rumours, half-truths or downright lies etc. So it depends on what the nature of the specific opinions and ideas are, that are being transmitted by any newspaper in particular does it not?

Jun 21, 2022 9:37 AM
Reply to  -CO

On page 155 of Edward Bernays book Propaganda under the section Mechanics of Propaganda he states,

“ Large groups, political, racial, sectarian, economic or professional, are tending to control stations to propagandize their points of view. “

What does the mean ? Well, exactly what it says on the tin to control the narrative.

Does this involve slinging slime and mud without any proof ? Answer yes.

Does this involve using the most tenuous links to try to use as evidence ? Answer yes.

Does this involve using selective quotes to distort what an organisation or person says? Answer yes.

Have these propagandistic techniques been used by the MSM ? Answer yes.

Have they been used against U.K. Column by posters here ?

Answer yes.

Jun 21, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

You supply the following quote from p.155 of Bernay’s book on propaganda:

Large groups, political, racial, sectarian, economic or professional, are tending to control stations to propagandize their points of view. “

What does that mean?

There’s surely a difference between “tending to control” and actually being in control of the stations referred to in order for the “large groups” quoted to propagandize their points of view.

The quote you provide is just a generalization without specifying the particular nature and details of the “large groups” in question – if that’s the case, then how does the quote itself meet with your own criteria of proof namely, the “verifiable factual evidence”.

I am referring here to question of proof that applies specifically to each of the groups named in the quote by Bernay’s and quoted by Bernay’s in the book – not the UK Column issue or some other groups not quoted by Bernays in that book.

However, this is not to deny propaganda or that propaganda methods/techniques are deployed by the MSM my point was, it is not all propaganda if it contains factual information as well as disinformation etc and that is it – a point that is so often overlooked and all things get tarred with the same brush!

As for the standing of the UK column the Jury is out on that question.

Jun 22, 2022 3:08 PM
Reply to  -CO

” tending to control ..” Is precisely what these posters were about.

Namely, to control the narrative by discrediting UK Column which is providing information, articles from a very wide spectrum of people/ organizations which they are trying to suppress and discredit.

In addition, the quote is from p 156 of Bernays chapter on the Mechanics of Propaganda and you have just gave an illustration of that in your very last sentence. ” ..the jury is still out..”

Whose jury and were is the verifiable factual evidence to support your last remark ?

There isn’t any hence why neither the previous posters nor you can provide any.

As the judge might say in a court of law, charge not proven as smears, tenuous links and selective quotes don’t count as proof !

Jun 22, 2022 11:43 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

You have not answered the question I put to you concerning the issues referred to in the second and third paragraphs of my last post which relates to the ‘large groups’ quoted by Bernay’s and Bernay’s “verifiable factual evidence” for those specific groups and whether or not the content of the quote meets your criteria of “verifiable factual evidence”.

As for the UK Column issue -speaking metaphorically the ‘jury’ is still out regarding that issue, which includes anyone who has read the stuff you are concerned about and have not altogether made up their minds regarding the issue. That includes me so its “verifiable factual evidence” that I am a member of that Jury!!!

Jun 23, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  -CO

Let me spell this out, the chapter of the Mechanics of Propaganda as outlined by Bernays in his book Propaganda applies precisely to the tactics employed by the posters trying to suppress and discredit the U.K. Column by smearing, unsubstantiated claims, tenuous links and selective quotes. “ As for U.K. Column..”

Er no, there was nothing metaphorical about your comment considering you have been trying de facto to defend the propagandistic techniques used by these posters and employed by the MSM.

Your last chance let’s see verifiable factual evidence to support the smears.

I strongly suspect it won’t be forthcoming since if you or the other posters had any it would have been presented by now. Rhetoric is not verifiable factual evidence by the way !

Jun 23, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Here we go again. Bernay’s quote:

 Large groups, political, racial, sectarian, economic or professional, are tending to control stations to propagandize their points of view. “

You have still not answered my question regarding Bernay’s own “verifiable factual evidence” for the content of his own quote and have evaded the question by side-tracking to what applies to the propaganda “tactics of other posters”. That, unfortunately does not answer my specific question, and is itself ‘rhetorical’ which as you yourself admit is not “verifiable factual evidence”.

What gives you the impression that I support the smears by other posters or that I am defending propaganda and what is your “verifiable factual evidence” for the accusation?? It appears that you are trying to reduce anything that conflicts with your position that you disagree with, to a propaganda issue. Well, if everything is propaganda where do we go from there?

The ‘jury’ is still out on the standing of the UK Column issue regardless of any smears or propagandist techniques that you have leveled against other posters.That requires in your own terms, the presentation of “verifiable factual evidence” that will resolve the issue. I have none, do you?

Jun 23, 2022 2:44 PM
Reply to  -CO

I am not here to answer your question, I am here to ask for verifiable factual evidence to support the smears, tenuous links and selective quotes to discredit and suppress the valuable service that U.K. Column provides over many years concerning a wide range of subjects including the reality of the situation in the war in Ukraine.

“ What gives you the impression..” Hmm, I have yet to see you state that the smearing of people or organisations without verifiable factual evidence is not acceptable. I have yet, to see you state that the use of tenuous links in order to try to use as evidence is not acceptable. I have yet, to see you state that the use of selective quotes to smear is not acceptable.

Finally, your attempt to cast doubt on UK Column not only creates and impression but reinforces my point you de facto support the propagandistic techniques as Bernays wrote about in Propaganda and also the chapter on the Mechanics of Propaganda.

I asked the other posters several times plus yourself on a number of occasions to provide verifiable factual evidence concerning the smearing of the integrity of U.K. Column.

None have been provided because there isn’t any concerning the original smear which I suggest you revisit.

If some time in the future you can provide proof instead of giving succour to propagandists/ propaganda and rhetoric, I will look at it.

Until that time I bid you adieu!

Jun 24, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

To sum things up from my position, You state that you are not here to answer my reasonable question concerning this speculative generalization from Bernay’s book namely:   “ Large groups, political, racial, sectarian, economic or professional, are tending to control stations to propagandize their points of view. “   The quote flies in the face of your insistence on “verifiable factual evidence” since Bernays does not provide ANY regarding the specific groups in question that he refers to in that quote, as it is only a speculative generalization. You probably know that, and that’s why you refuse to answer that question and yet expect others to answer yours.   Secondly, the so-called ‘smearing of organizations’ without any proof (that they deserve “smearing”), is not acceptable I agree. As far as the UK Column is concerned, I do not know enough about its background and connections to form an informed opinion one way or the another, but in having certain doubts, it doesn’t follow that it is a deliberate attempt on my part to support any smears by other posters using “Bernay’s propagandist techniques against it”.   As I have argued, it is ‘as if’ everything is interpreted as propaganda by you, if it fails to pass the test for what you consider will provide us with a guarantee for ‘valid knowledge’ which is free from all traces of propaganda. Thus, by failing to meet your privileged criteria of “verifiable factual evidence” everything else tends to be regarded as knowledge based on “propaganda” obtained in your words – by means of the “propagandistic techniques Bernay’s wrote about in Propaganda and also the chapter on the Mechanics of Propaganda”.   This however, does raise important epistemological and methodological questions concerning the precise nature, conditions and method for obtaining such valid ‘knowledge’ –… Read more »

Jun 24, 2022 7:23 PM
Reply to  -CO

Did you revisit the original smear against U.K. Column based on zero evidence ? According to your reply, the answer is no. Otherwise, all your rhetoric would be null and void including your attempts to muddy the waters by your interpretations of the Mechanics of Propaganda by Bernays.

Now, you have stated “ the …is not acceptable “ But in the next sentence you state “ ..not enough to form an opinion one way or the other..”

Yet, you stated in earlier comments “ The Jury’s out..” which is a complete contradiction of your previous statements, therefore, you are attempting to smear without evidence, without proof.

Again, a tactic straight out of the Bernays Mechanics of Propaganda chapter.

“ The … Suffice to say problematic”

It’s problematic because you and the other propagandists do not possess any verifiable factual evidence to support the original smear against U.K. Column.

Your only retort is to twist and squirm with vacuous rhetorical devices.

When you come into possession of verifiable factual evidence to support the claim in the original smear against U.K. Column by dan on June 16. 2022 at 12.44pm repeated by Researcher on June 16.2022 at 2.44 pm in his reply to dan ( both of whom have provided no verifiable factual to support the smear).

Plus of course your de facto defense of these propagandists taints you with the same smear.

Next time, I suggest you do some research and provide verifiable factual evidence before embarking on supporting propagandists who are attempting to smear.

Acta non verba !

Bye bye sleep tight and don’t let the propagandists bite .

Jun 25, 2022 10:12 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Pot calling the kettle black! Answer the question I put to you on Bernay’s propaganda quote then we might get somewhere. But you did say “I’m not here to answer your question” if that’s the case then any further questions you put to me will not be answered with regard to this whole matter is pointless. Quid pro quo!

Jun 16, 2022 7:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks, Penelope. From your Link, that he who runs may read:

“Earlier this week, a desperate Zelensky regime unleashed a barrage of indiscriminate artillery strikes on exclusively civilian areas of the city of Donetsk in the Donbass – but these overt war crimes have been completely airbrushed from the western mainstream media.
Meanwhile, NATO continues barreling forward by pushing its proxy Ukraine further over the cliff of defeat, in what may end up being the West’s worst military debacle in modern history.
Also, western governments and media continue to promote Monkeypox as the latest ‘pandemic threat’, but we expose the shaky science which is propping up the Monkeypox mythology. Are we looking at another viral hoax?  
Co-host Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with guest Vanessa Beeley for the end of week news round-up.”

Jun 17, 2022 4:51 AM
Reply to  NickM

NIck, alas Russia’s come out w a vaxx for pox, too. I wish Russia wanted Democracy & local, decentralized govt, but there’s considerable evidence that the current good vs evil struggle is strictly limited.

Jun 15, 2022 6:39 PM

comment image

Jun 15, 2022 6:48 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

He is a remarkable head of state without a country, created enirely within Huxley’s Doors of Perception.

Adrian Monck, former prof of chournlism at City University, knows all about this being Klaus’s highly paid Director of Fhoo, Whaff, Medi-Hahh and Pfluff.

Can Off-G get Adrian Monck to open his… himself to an interview?

Jun 15, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

That thing has got bigger tits than most women.

PS I wonder who knitted his cocksock?!

Jun 15, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  Violet

Probably this guy:

comment image

Jun 15, 2022 10:38 PM
Reply to  Ort


Jun 16, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Wickedly decadent. Fin de Siecle; the stuff of Oscar’s nightmares: himself as a flabby Old Queer, the Devil’s Bride to a Bosey grown old and ugly as Dorian Grey.

“The expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame” — Shakespeare.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 15, 2022 6:26 PM

Some need to totally eject the redirectional word Nazi imo. It’s been banded about like loose change since the advent of Talkies.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 15, 2022 5:52 PM

Israel is a mafia-orchestrated estate – with military weaponry and radar systems supplied via arbitrated bonds and fiat currencies. The UAE is owned. See: Corporate franchise.

You are being zoomed. Here’s a little background on Jehovah’s favorite ethnic group. >

“Judaism is not a religion. It is a law, religionized”
– Moses Mendelsohn –

Israel | Introduction

Read the entire article before commenting.

Jun 16, 2022 10:53 AM

When all said and done, the question remains, the answer to ALL humanity’s woes is answered by the question your not allowed to ask.

Jun 16, 2022 2:54 PM

There’s another Christian trying desperately to separate his/her dogma from its source. Christianity and Islam are nothing but Judaism universalised for the purpose of the forced conversion of all of humanity. They alll come from the same patriarchal lineage (Abraham et al) and are slavery programs for the same false god. This is why Christianity did not reject the Old Testament or the schizoid fear and loathing rants of the “Book of Revelation” which continues to be regarded as prophecy, with a continued drive to make it happen through a constant push for Armageddon. While the false god of Abraham and the entire doctrine is a nonsensical mish-mash of distorted and twisted versions of pre-existing religions and mysticism, this is a facade created so as to capture human imagination. The true nature of the Abrahamic god was revealed by certain so-called “gnostic” teachers, as seen in the fragments found in the Nag Hammadi scrolls. Its secret name is Yaldabaoth, and it is the chief “Archon” (ruler) – a psychic parasite capable of deceiving humanity so as to feed on fear, mass murder and death. It commands a hierarchy of subordinate Archons which are the various Archangels. The origin of the Archons according to the texts and esoteric insight (which is necessary to understand the texts) is NOT cosmic evil- the Archons are “empty shells”, by-products of the transformation of a divine being into our living planet. This being is experienced as a feminine entity and given the name “Sophia” (wisdom) and this transformation is nothing but a singularity, an extraordinary event, an anomaly in the cosmic order which has the Gods located in the “Pleroma” (fullness, the opposite of the void) and not involved with the dense material world of mortal beings. A few more words on this and related… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 16, 2022 5:23 PM
Reply to  Viridis

Hello Viridis: Unbelievable! A fellow traveler!

Yes. I read the complete translation of the Nag Hammadi library years ago. Also, a work named “The Other Bible”. A number of Gnostic scholars suggested that the Hebrews had chosen the “wrong god” (Yaldabaoth) as their psychopomp. True…

All gods are created in man’s image…

Jun 15, 2022 5:46 PM

I don’t think so. Half the countries mentioned are in secret talks with each other. More likely Africa will be designated to take the fall.

For Westerners, the ball to keep the eye on is that ole’ 1920’s, 1930’s geezer who is likely to appear in a new guise.

A Futurist And A Luddite Walk Into A Bar: The second of three articles on the modern incarnation of fascism https://moneycircus.substack.com/p/a-futurist-and-a-luddite-walk-into

Jun 16, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  moneycircus

From your Link, Lord Byron well known as the father of Leading Edge IT pioneer and computer programmer, Lady Ada Lovelace, weighs in (at The House of Lords?):

“Lord Byron just over 200 years ago on the Luddites, whose [allegedly anti-progressive] behaviour Byron ascribed to the effect of 18 years of conflict, taxation and hardship, followed by a technological update that reduced their income then, and only then, prompted their protest: to which the government responded with a Bill for capital punishment:

“And what are your remedies? After months of inaction, and months of action worse than inactivity, at length comes forth the grand specific, the never-failing nostrum of all state-physicians, from the days of Draco to the present time.

“After feeling the pulse and shaking the head over the patient, prescribing the usual course of warm water and bleeding — the warm water of your mawkish police, and the lancets of your military — these convulsions must terminate in death, the sure consummation of the prescriptions of all political Sangrados.

“Setting aside the palpable injustice and the certain inefficiency of the bill, are there not capital punishments sufficient on your statutes? Is there not blood enough upon your penal code! that more must be poured forth to ascend to heaven and testify against you?” [3]

Byron could have been speaking today: the state masquerading as doctor, the official executioner, the medical tyranny, bureau-psychologist-psychopath blood lecher.” [leacher?]

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 15, 2022 4:38 PM

South Front is pushing Globalist narratives!

Editor’s choice
Weapons of Faith: The Arming of American Schools
Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The Uvalde shooter . . . yada, yada, yada!

The American faith is in free speech – that’s the first amendment. It allows people to publicly challenge absurd crap like the relentless string of “shooting” hoaxes. The second amendment is there for insurance. So if South Front would care to state if a similar faith is shared by ANY of the nations (or WEF stooges) it shills for, please go ahead.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 15, 2022 5:12 PM

And in case people think the above article is an aberration, here’s two earlier ones in the narrative series.

Editor’s choice
Ten People Killed By “White Supremacist” In Buffalo, USA (Videos 18+)

Editor’s choice
Buffalo’s Shooting. Another Manifestation Of Nazism In Action

A mass shooting occurred on 5/14/2022 in Buffalo, NY. Ten people were killed, three were wounded. The shooter was broadcasting an online stream of the mass shooting. The shooter is a self-proclaimed supporter of white supremacy, as stated in his manifesto. He used the Black Sun symbol on the front page. The same symbol is used by the Nazi group Azov in Ukraine. . . .

It seems to be about pushing the “nazification of Ukraine” hoax.

Jun 16, 2022 8:29 AM

the “nazification of Ukraine” hoax”

Hoax? Get real. Canadian FM Krysia Freeland’s Ukronazi ancestors scared even the Gestapo. As did the Croation Nazis in Yugoslavia. There’s no Deutsch can beat a Volks-Deutsch for sheer “pazzo bestiale“.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 12:14 PM
Reply to  NickM

When somebody is seen waving a Nazi flag in Ottawa, we have no problem calling it a hoax. Likewise, when some rent-a-mob turns up at Charlottesville or “storms” the Capitol; or when Al Qaeda or ISIS suddenly appear in some country which the Banksters have lined up for regime change. Though in these latter instances the mob will contain a large number of useful idiots; some of whom may happen to be natives rather than being bussed in specifically for the occasion.

But for some reason we seem to accept without question the blatantly engineered narrative that the “Nazis” roaming Ukraine are “Ukrainian”; and that this is somehow organic. This despite the very obvious MI6-esque involvement and the Kitson-esque playbook being rolled out for the thousandth time. For the illusion to work, all that was required was the recycling of some WWII imagery; and some promotional videos by the BBC and the like.

Prior to 2014, there was no nazi problem in Ukraine. From 2014 and onward, the “problem” was invented following the standard “problem-reaction-solution” formula. The method is so hackneyed that it’s barely worth examining, but any sort of critical analysis would involve enquiring into the nature of the “solution”. As discussed BTL to the previous article on Ukraine, that solution appears to be the reverse migration of Israel to Ukrainian territory.

See posts at:

Jun 16, 2022 6:23 PM

When somebody is seen waving a Nazi flag in Ottawa, we have no problem calling it a hoax”

When somebody is seen waving a Nazi flag in Ottawa, I have no problem calling her Chrystia Freeland, the Foreign Minister of Canada.

I hate to be contradicting you because we are usually on the same page; so let’s assume there I had a knee-jerk misunderstanding over the phrase “Ukrainian Nazi hoax”. My sensitivity to rabid Ukrainian nationalism (anti-Polish, anti-Russian, anti-Jewish, even anti-German) goes back a lot earlier than 2014; it goes back to 1940 in Nazi occupied Polish Galicia (now known as Western Ukraine). Ukrainian nationalism was so rabid that they alternated between enthusiastically killing Germans and enthusiastically cooperating with Germans to kill Poles, Russians and Jews. That was the atmosphere in which Chrystia Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather operated; and, like in the Bush family, the fruit does not fall far from the tree.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 17, 2022 1:21 AM
Reply to  NickM

1940 was 80 years ago. Other than perhaps a few sad gits, there was no continuity with 2014. Rather, 2014 Ukronazism was a re-invention by some DC think tank.

Jun 17, 2022 8:45 AM

I think both are true: the sad embers of 1940 were fanned into fullblown genocidal flame by some DC think tank. Probably one guided by Zionazi husband and wife duo Cohen and Nudelman (aka Kagan & Nuland).

Same DC sink-tank (Project for a New American Century?) that fanned the sad embers from 1940 Nazi occupation of YugoSlavia into ethnic holocausts between Croats, Serbs and Albanians in the 1990s.

In every case NATZO was called in “to Protect”.

Divide et Impera.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 1:21 AM

Have they changed the editor at South Front or is it just different standards? But even if they reported objectively, I still can’t fathom quite why South Front would report on a “supposed” shooting in Texas. It’s effectively the flip-side of Paul Joseph Watson picking out some “alleged” immigrant violence in Stockholm.

Editor’s choice
The Economy Of Tolerable Massacres: The Uvalde Shootings
Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Editor’s choice
OPCW Visits Second Site Of Supposed Chemical Attack In Syria’s Duma
On April 25, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) announced in an official statement that its fact finding mission had visited a second site of the alleged chemical attack in the district of Duma and had collected samples from it.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jun 15, 2022 3:38 PM

The Ashkenazim are determined to have a war with Iran. Their incessant shrieking about Iranian nuclear weapons is getting more and more US media play lately. Israel already has a not so secret relationship with the Saudis (whose rabid Wahabi mentality has been manipulated to serve US and Israeli interests in the past) so it makes sense to enlist the aid of the decadent Gulf states in their plans. This is not good and will not bode well for the region especially as Israel attacks Iran, Syria and Lebanon with impunity.

Jun 16, 2022 8:50 AM

“Israel attacks Iran, Syria and Lebanon with impunity.”

Not quite impunity. Hit and run tactics: yobs smashing a window and running away. Trouble is, the yobs are nephews of very rich uncles, especially Uncle $cam, with a huge arsenal of very dangerous toys; such as Nuclear Missiles and Nuclear-ready Submarines: the only Nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Israeli yobboes are inviting a Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East.

No Nuclear Weapons in the ME !!!

Israel also has a Bio-Weapons program. (I happen to know because its former director was a distant in-Law, and we shared a Lab when he came to London for his Sabbatical to learn about Cancer Viruses).

No Bio-Weapons in the ME !!!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 15, 2022 3:05 PM

“Besides being a Racket war is also Culling.”


To Hell with War! To Hell with the Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Imperialist Psychopaths.”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 15, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

War is stealing, period.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jun 15, 2022 11:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The scary part about this, is that if you ask a US Marine today, who is USMC Smedley Butler, they have no idea.
A Marine I asked about this said, in boot camp, a F up was a “Smedley”.
Even the USMC hides the truth and purposefully brainwashes Marines not to think critically.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 15, 2022 11:27 AM

One vast and ecumenical holding company . . .

Sep 2, 2021
Israel inaugurates Chinese-run Haifa port terminal, in likely boost for economy

$1.7b terminal operated by state-owned Shanghai firm to handle large vessels of some 18,000 containers; Transportation Minister Michaeli says it will accelerate trade, lower prices

China’s state-owned Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG) won the tender in 2015 to operate the commercial shipping facility for 25 years, an arrangement that stoked controversy in Israel and abroad. The project’s proximity to Israel’s submarines, among other issues, raised security concerns, especially after reports revealed that neither the cabinet nor the National Security Council had any input on the deal. The project also raised the ire of the US, which sometimes docks military vessels in Haifa.

April 27, 2021
Iran-China partnership to raise Chabahar port’s global status

As Iran’s only oceanic port on the Gulf of Oman, Chabahar port holds great significance for the country both politically and economically. The country has taken serious measures for developing this port in order to improve the country’s maritime trade.

“We have called Chabahar port the “Gate of Nations” and that is an indication of our view about this port’s future; Chabahar is going to be one of the top trade hubs in the region, linking the West Asian nations to CIS countries.”

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 15, 2022 11:51 AM

The scary thing is that even Network’s wildest flights of fancy no longer seem outrageous at all


The film was prescient in other areas, too. After Howard goes on air to insist that American businesses should be owned by Americans, he is summoned to a boardroom by the owner of UBS, Arthur Jensen (Ned Beatty), and subjected to a fire-and-brimstone sermon on global capitalism. “You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples,” fulminates Jensen. “There are no nations. There are no peoples … There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable by-laws of business.” Perfectly outrageous? Over the top? On the contrary. In 2016, Beatty’s economic analysis doesn’t prompt any reaction more extreme than a nod and a muttered, “Sad, but true.”

But the most prophetic part of Network has little to do with Howard. Running alongside his story, there is a sharper, funnier subplot concerning Diana’s other brainwave: The Mao Tse-Tung Hour. Her idea is a weekly drama series about a real revolutionary group, the Ecumenical Liberation Army . . .

Jun 16, 2022 9:04 AM

The project also raised the ire of the USA”

Not the first time that Uncle $cam has raised his ire and poured it over the head of a satrap that dared to collaborate with China, the world’s largest economy. If I remember correctly, Uncle first expressed “ire-itation” with UK PM David Cameron for permitting the Bank of England to join China. Camoron is a banker’s son; perhaps the banks of Israel and England know something about the future of the U$A that the POTU$A doesn’t know?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jun 16, 2022 12:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

Regarding Israel and the City of London empire being “satraps” to the USA.

The relationship was the other way round. However, MAGA has woken up to that reality and things are rapidly changing.

Jun 15, 2022 11:25 AM

Iranians love doing their shopping in Dubai. They call it Do Buy. 😃

Jun 15, 2022 10:41 AM

Zelensky’s been after the ‘Iron Dome’ Israeli defence system recently too (an anti-missile defence system), though I don’t think the Israelis are too keen to give it to him.

I think there are security reasons why it couldn’t possibly be shared with Ukraine (?), though I forget the exact details.

Jun 15, 2022 1:28 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

From an observers point … It appears that Ukraine might be sacrificial, to test the strength and resolve of Russia. The NATO gangsters may be playing Zelenski, like an organ. Just remember that the Ukies have been getting arms and armaments from at least 2014, or possibly even before that – to orchestrate the Coup, when the US and NATO change-agents dislodged the democratic government.

Jun 15, 2022 2:27 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

That’s certainly a possibility: Ukraine expected to lose, but to lose slowly, drawing as much strength from the opposition in the process.

And yes, Nato has had 8 years to fill the larder, so to speak.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens next after Russia (as seems very likely now) fully secures the Donbass region.

Will Russia stop there and peace (of sorts) be declared? Will Russia march further west? Will Ukraine/Nato up the ante?…

Could well be a watershed moment

Jun 16, 2022 9:28 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

“Will Russia march further west?”

Russia was reluctant to march even as far west as the Donbass. Waited 8 years for Minsk Peace Agreement to be honoured.

But make no mistake. Russia’s aim has been clearly stated:

No NATZO nukes East of Berlin.

Whether that means the Russian Army having to visit Berlin and de-Natzofy it for the second time, is a matter for negotiation.

“Jaw-jaw is better than War-war” — Churchill.

Jun 16, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  NickM

I can’t see them getting as far as Berlin personally, but who knows. The Roman empire wasn’t built in a day.

Edges of current Ukraine perfectly plausible though – with the odd little country thrown in for good measure maybe  😉 

Jun 15, 2022 4:50 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Iron dome is a hoax. It was exposed as such years ago. All the countries are centrally controlled. There are no independent nations. The alleged warring administrations are working together behind the scenes, against their own citizenry. Terror hoaxes. Fake assassinations. False news stories. Faked geopolitical events. Coordinated military maneuvers. You are living in a world of fraud and deception.

Jun 15, 2022 5:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Everything’s fake. We all know that. NWO bankers-in-the-sky running simulations – the only reality there is. No real people on the ground fighting for an ideal

Who could possibly doubt it?


Jun 15, 2022 5:40 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

GMAB. Wikipedia is CIA bullshit. Yes, most everything to do with any “government” *IS* faked.

The cryptocracy MANUFACTURE the public reality and perception so they don’t understand the truth about anything. So people feel the need for government, police and armies to “protect” them from the manufactured external threats constantly perpetrated through the “media” which is just another arm of “government” (Mind control). But the reality is police, the military and warring nations are ALL RACKETEERING SCAMS, aimed at stealing money from populations through forced taxes; farming them for profit, while suppressing them, coercing them, culling them through orchestrated wars and famines and controlling them through the constant threat of violence, subliminal messaging of REPETITION and trauma based mind control.

There’s so much evidence of the fakery, it’s literally laughable that anyone believes this crap. Even mainstream controlled opposition like Lendman know the DOME is absolute nonsense.

Jun 16, 2022 3:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The aim is not to steal money, which is of course created and owned by them in the first place. The aim is to steal resources, souls and lives, in an insatiable hunger for more- with immortality being the ultimate aim of the elites. Wars are mass blood sacrifices in a futile attempt to feed their hungry “god” who rewards them with more power- but more is never enough.

Jun 16, 2022 3:42 PM
Reply to  Viridis

Yes. However, financially devastating public through fake financial crisis, wars, job losses, and inducing illness, weakness and famine is one of the goals, because that leads to wage slavery within their system of control, debt slavery, AND dependence on “the state“, which also gains the cryptocracy more control and more power. That’s why the push from agrarianism towards industrialism within the last few centuries. Look at the bigger picture, from an historical perspective.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 15, 2022 7:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

”You are living in a world of fraud and deception.”

Maybe, but it’s not, and never can be – total. The fact that you yourself are aware of this contrived world of fraud and deception means that many others are also cognisant of the fact.

Sure, there’s a war going on, always has been, probably always will be. It’s the human condition after all. However, the present elites will undergo (are undergoing) the same process of decay and corruption just like all elites; it’s up to us to give them a shove into the cesspit. In Orwell’s pithy remark, ‘No bomb that ever falls shatters the human spirit.’

I suppose it is possible to stand aside and in the spirit of Voltaire and cultivate your garden. I just wonder if this is a defensible position. You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution.

Jun 15, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Anyone calling psychopaths and mental defectives, “elites” is what I consider part of the problem.

The only way to fight lies is to expose them. The cabal’s entire system of culling and farming humanity for eons, is ONLY propped up by fraud and mass deception based on mind control techniques.

The cabal know how to brainwash humanity through the repetition of lies. The repetition itself is what creates the subconscious belief in complete absurdities.

The fact that there’s almost nobody challenging all the fraud isn’t indicative that there’s no fraud.

Once one understands the psychology of mind control one can assess reality or truth, based on evidence alone, instead of consensus views.

Jun 16, 2022 10:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I would add that the so-called “cabal” is no longer reducible solely to a group of individuals or “elites” – it currently involves a complex global systematic hierarchy of corporate relationships and control run on a need-to-know basis. States and multi-national corporations for example, can enter into relationships and contracts, such as economic, political, military, and ideological etc that human beings per se cannot enter into although they may play a part in the process.

Jun 16, 2022 12:48 PM
Reply to  -CO

Parasites not elites -CO

Jun 16, 2022 1:46 PM
Reply to  dan

Yes, you can also apply that to the parasitical hierarchy of control, which has the nature and habits analogous to a parasite which either directly or indirectly harms the international host population – economically, politically, ideologically, medically and legally too.

Jun 16, 2022 3:59 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes, exactly. The system was set up so departments and sectors (and employees or agents within) are siloed, compartmentalized, yet complex and interconnected through contract law and the corporate ownership system. The controllers (psychopathic parasites) don’t want the public to see the connectivity nor the complex network of control mechanisms in each institution of power – private or state.

Which is why the controlled opposition are always pointing out individuals (Gates, Schwab, Fauci) rather than the system itself, which was set up from its very inception to be a top down, authoritarian, unchallengeable, hierarchical structure and control mechanism where the public are merely farmed, debt slaves who as taxed populations, back the currency and debt in each country, unbeknownst to them.

Jun 16, 2022 7:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There are also many occult lodges, societies, brotherhoods and sects an occult movement that interfaces with the global hierarchical structure and control mechanism and also support the goal of world domination. This unfortunately, makes things even more complicated and deceptive. Hence, Occult Science—> the Great Deception—> the Great Reset—> World Domination.

Jun 17, 2022 2:44 AM
Reply to  -CO

Yes. I’ve listed some of them here. There’s dozens of secret societies, lodges, fraternities, religious orgs, sects and cults, under the one umbrella. Then there’s the leadership councils, round table orgs, think tanks, as well as professional and trade associations, unions, NGOs, charities and foundations that are centrally controlled, answerable to the same cabal, who control and own the worldwide monetary, trade, energy sectors and militaries, every single “country” through the incorporated municipalities, police and courts. Once you know all the signs and symbols, you can’t unsee the evidence. It’s clear as day.

Jun 17, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I agree, and because of the complexity of the problem, that’s precisely why wars, revolutions and the like have never been able to solve the problem and have even made matters worse. Even the removal of the cabal would not necessarily solve the problem as there are other corporate entities etc in the woodwork waiting to take its place. It would be a situation rather like “The King is dead long live the King”!
What do you think?

Jun 17, 2022 1:33 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes, all the major corporations are already subsidiaries of the cartel.

The first problem is that all existing power structures and so-called “authorities“, courts etc., are based on unlawful authoritarianism, fraud and lies. And the secondary issue is the majority are unaware anything is wrong.

There’s probably no way to resist the tyranny except by a mass dissolution of governments through a worldwide movement to reject authoritarianism and central control, recognizing that no man has authority over another, therefore the false and immoral concept of “ruling” cannot be conferred through voting. A return to the concept of natural law.

It appears to me, the major issue is making more people aware of the extent of the conspiracy over time, because it’s already built into all the structures of power and authority, society, culture, language, signs and symbols, probably because the cabal has always had power.

People are generally resistant to new information that challenges the occult mind control that’s permeated their subconscious mind pathway.

Jun 17, 2022 7:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The majority are still not aware that anything is drastically wrong due to the effective, authoritative and repetitive social and psychological conditioning carried out by the State and private ideological apparatuses – education, MSM, TV etc, etc. Unfortunately, the counter-conditioning process (re-education/de-programming) is not yet effective or widespread enough to the change hearts and minds of the global population en masse.

It is imperative that the natural or common law be reinstated as you indicate, but that will not happen yet as there are not enough people who are even aware of what the common law is. There is no effective organization, no strategy, no solidarity, and no will or motivation on behalf of the people at large to change a system where corruption and outright fraud is endemic.

As I see things at the moment, the majority of people do not wish to change themselves for the better or to help others change and help to restore justice, freedom and to improve their lives in general. At this juncture and despite some reactionary rumblings of discontent by way of protests and demonstrations – complacency still prevails throughout the population which functions as a major obstacle toward any significant social, economic, political, legal, ideological etc changes for the better.

If people keep continue doing the same thing they can only await their karma which will be ripe, and just around the corner when
the so-called Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution is imposed upon them – then it will be too late!!

Jun 17, 2022 9:08 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes. Couldn’t agree more.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jun 15, 2022 8:08 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Right, no doubt some believed an incoming could bounce of the “roof”.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 15, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Although the Israelis have very significant technological capabilities they’re not perfect and I suspect Iron Dome is more useful against low speed home made missiles from Gaza than ‘the real thing’. What’s keeping Israel safe at the moment is the implied threat of massive (and nuclear) retaliation against any strike on their territory. The Ukrainians appear to be following in the footsteps of the Axis in that they’re pinning their fate on a combination of fortress cities and yet to be delivered wonder weapons. One of their spokesmen recently said that their strategy was to turn cities into strong points because they had no chance against the Russians in open combat. Cities do make good defensive strong points, provided that you’re prepared for them to be obliterated in the process (along with any population you’ve got kettled in them) but in the war of Public Relations images of a city being systematically destroyed by those nasty Russians makes excellent copy. Adding bodies of dead grandmothers into the mix is a bonus. Unfortunately for them the Russians are very familiar with both the territory and these tactics; they just move slowly and systematically because ultimately they’re not interested in conquering territory but rather neutralizing what they see as a threat. Zelensky is also whistling in the wind if he expects ‘the West’ to donate advanced weaponry to his forces. Its not just a case of ‘too little, too late’ but those forces have to not only know how to use those weapons but also defend them against capture. Going back to the latter stages of WW2, for example, both the Allies and the Germans forbade flying their jet fighters over enemy territory for fear of the loss of technology should one of those aircraft be lost. (So while the Me262 was… Read more »

Jun 15, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Interesting point about the ‘strong point’ cities.

Though any ‘fortress city’ strategy would appear to be backfiring big time. Some very tragic tales currently emerging from the Azot Chemical plant in Severodonetsk. Worse even than that from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, where they at least seemed to have been well kitted out. Tales of civilians deprived of water for 5 days in 32C temperatures, for example.

Whatever one thinks of Nato vs Russia, one has to feel for the ordinary Ukrainian caught up in this saga

There does seem to be a fair bit of hypocrisy in the whole Western weapons supply fiasco. From using Ukraine as a dumping ground for antiquated weaponry to promising (or half-promising) what will never arrive.

Jun 16, 2022 5:00 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

figure out a suitable peace treaty (Minsk?) and find a bus to throw Zelensky under.”

The Minsk bus left long ago: ignored by NATZO for the past 8 years; until Putin’s famous forbearance towards his EU$A “partners” ran out.

As for post-Nudelman “cookie coup” Ukraine’s third (or fourth?) Jewish-only president Z, why be so ungracious as to throw him under a bus? He has a British passport so is protected by Her Gracious Majesty’s government. Let Z use his UK PP to enter the U$A on a GC visa, live in his $50Million home in Florida and visit his aged parents in their $8Million cottage in Israel.

Jun 16, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

I don’t think the Israelis are too keen to give it to him.”

Israel is not too keen to give anything to anyone. But if the price is right they might “do a little business”. Especially to offload a Patriot clone such as Iron Dome with a 99% fail-rate but a huge exposure of profitably over-hyped PR. Iron Dome is the Salvator Mundi of the Aerial Defense world, just waiting for uber-rich Gulf Gas Station sheiks to send in their buyers for this Officially Accredited Masterpiece of Security Art.

Jun 15, 2022 10:39 AM

Sample of Russia-propelled Syrian pro-Asad’s regime propaganda here:
Indeed, hard to be coarser and cruder than that. To understand better Russian stance towards Islam and the Muslims one should start lets’ say with Kunta Hadji or ”something like that”.

Jun 15, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  roula

Roula, your Link reads: “Articles In Syrian Press: Monkeypox Is The Last In A Series Of Viruses And Plagues That The U.S. Created And Spread Around The World”
Every word of it is true. As you would know if you had read my extracts from Russian Ministry of Defense reports on U$ Bio-Weapons Labs in Fort Detrick U$A & Wuhan China (Corona-19 and Monkey Pox), Ukraine (various plagues) and Lagos Nigeria (Monkey Pox). My posts on this Looming Threat to Humanity are in the OffG archives.

Jun 15, 2022 7:33 PM
Reply to  NickM

Russian MoD weaves only a fabric that fits their Special Operation. They cannot be taken in earnest. I doubt they themselves take their own messages seriously.
The whole marriage between Putin and Asad is preposterous. Both hate Sunni Islam and consistently persecute it. They also tell fat tales about the CIA origin of AQ/Daesh. I cannot imagine anyone compos mentis, though nowadays such are not frequently to be met, who takes this tale in earnest.
It is really better to start with Kunta Hadji or Ghazi Mohammad to know the core of Putin/Russia/’s stance on Islam.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jun 16, 2022 1:39 AM
Reply to  roula

Anything outrageous in a foreign country can be put down simply to “They have their Republicans, too”. Remember, one gibbering idiot doesn’t make national policy (we hope) and also its quite normal for a politician’s statement to be taken entirely out of context. ( A good example was an Israeli politician, a member of Bennett’s party, recently making a statement suggesting that the solution to the Palestinian problem was indeed a Final Solution. There may well be Israelis who think like that but this person didn’t say anything of the sort, he just made a statement that’s easily chopped up and misquoted.)

Incidentally, there are Muslims in Russia. Of course — its an Asian country. The religion is tolerated, of course. The likes of ISIS are not. The problem we’re dealing with in the real world is that there are people who will stir the pot, cause problems, distort things and generally cause mayhem for their own political purposes (and a good many of them work in DC and London). These are the real enemy. Most people just want to be left in peace to get on with their lives.

Jun 16, 2022 4:41 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Most people just want to be left in peace to get on with their lives”.

Most sheeple just want to be left to graze in peace to get on with their little lives. That is the problem: there comes a time when one has to take sides in a bigger struggle than one’s own little life. When one has to whip the money men out of the Temple.

“I come not to bring peace but a sword; to split families” — New Testament.

“I have seen a sheepdog trampled by a herd of stampeding sheep. It was a pitiful sight.” — an OffG BTLiner

Jun 15, 2022 10:38 AM

Yes, but Bahrain has been one grand US military base for decades. Is there any difference, my point being, between a US MBase and an Israeli MBase in Manama? All Middle East belongs to Washington anyway.
Literally probably half of the pretty island belongs to the US bases [ been there seen it] and the al Khalifa court is the obedient hand of the House of Saud.

Jun 15, 2022 11:58 AM
Reply to  roula

As well as half of the female students in Bahrain are Zahras and Zainabs and half of the male students are Alis and Hussains. Half or more. A lot of them have ancestors in Iran as they are of pure Iranian descent. And though majority, they have nothing to say anyway.

Jun 15, 2022 3:42 PM
Reply to  roula

All Middle East belongs to Washington anyway.”

Except for Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen and Turkey.

But all Washington DC really does belong to House of Rothschild. That is why UAE, KSA etc are natural allies of Israel. “The Semitic cousins”, as EM.Forster would have put it if he had written a novel called, Passage to Arabia.

Jun 15, 2022 7:22 PM
Reply to  NickM
Jun 15, 2022 7:50 PM
Reply to  roula

Meant: this is to whom belongs Iraq nowadays.

Jun 15, 2022 8:35 PM
Reply to  roula

Your Link reads [abbreviated]: “The American University of Iraq In Baghdad (AUIB) will officially open its doors in January 2021. As a “non-profit” university, its sponsors seek funding from outside sources.
AUIB began as a dream of influential individuals in Iraq and United States business, industry and government who want to see a world-class institution of higher learning established in Baghdad, reminiscent of the days when the city was an educational and cultural mecca and the flourishing capital of the Muslim world.”

Do these “influential sponsors” mean “reminiscent of the days” before Bush of U$A, BLiar of UK and their 20-nation “Coalition of the Killing” invaded Iraq and destroyed “the flourishing capital of the Muslim world”?

Ah, yes, I remember those days well. They were my student days, and one of my student friends was a Jewish Iraqi Arab who despised Israeli “adventurism” and never tired of telling us the wonders of his hometown Baghdad, and the beauty of Beirut. Maybe they will come again, when Iraq once again has a Ba’ath Socialist party, like in those glorious old days which the AUIB very properly wants to bring back. Only the AUIB will have to correct their name first: the Arab University In Baghdad.

When those happy days return, an Arab University In Baghdad may even find that a Ba’ath Socialist Party will find enough money (from Iraq’s own Nationalized Oil Wells) to fund the “world class institution of higher learning” for which the “influential sponsors in business” are begging ”funds from outside sources” to support an American University In Baghdad. Who knows?

Jun 16, 2022 4:32 AM
Reply to  NickM

Correction:a Jewish Iraqi Arab” should read “a Jewish Iraqi Arab

Jun 15, 2022 10:23 AM

Matthew 24:6:
“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet”

That Jesus bloke was on the money.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 15, 2022 5:19 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Big money has been on the Jesus bloke since day one. The entire story is a myth.

Jun 16, 2022 12:31 AM

Ain’t no Christians in this house.
That said; every myth and fairy tale is a subconscious desire to understand.

Jun 16, 2022 3:32 AM

I think you may have it backwards. Rather than the story being a myth; the myth is a story. Archeologists and historians are discovering that most myths are based on actual happenings.

Jun 15, 2022 7:14 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Jun 16, 2022 3:54 PM
Reply to  Johnny

That is ersatz “wisdom” and “prophecy” similar to the predictions to be found in any pulp magazine’s zodiac page. With clever use of language you can come up with predictions that can always be corroborated. In this case- there have always been wars and rumours of wars between human groups.

everyone should check Kenneth Humphreys’ work:


Much of the “conspiracy” material circulating in the west seems to be lifted from texts coming from Orthodox Christian writers elaborating on the manic/ schizoid rants of the Book of Revelation and involving a serious inability to understand the extent of the Abrahamic/ Judaic deception… The Christian Orthodox church was created by the Mordor-like Byzantine Empire, which was largely a Judaic operation- hence the Hebrew names of many Orthodox patriarchs and arch-priests.

Was the magic J born in Nazareth or Bethlehem? 😂

Jun 15, 2022 9:39 AM

This is the New New Normal shaping up: successful resistance to the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist Empire by the remaining 80% of the World’s population; spear headed by The Axis of Resistance (Hezb, Iraq PMO, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia and China, with Cuba, Venezuela, Hungary and Africa coming into play, and Turkey / India teetering on the sidelines.

Russia’s SMO (Special Military Operation in Ukraine) is merely the first move towards Russia’s stated objective: No NATZO nukes East of Berlin. The same policy applies to Russia’s border with the Central Asian Stans, and to the Middle East: no NATZO nukes in the ME (Israel is a NATZO member de facto if not de jure; Israel’s 600 nukes are 600 NATZO nukes; Israel’s nuclear-ready submarine — a present from Germany — is a NATZO nuke-ready sub.)

“Alia jacta sunt” (the chips are down) — Julius Caesar.

Jun 15, 2022 9:36 AM

UAE and Bahrain now legitimate first targets.

Jun 15, 2022 2:55 PM
Reply to  Dmass

Imagine what that’ll do to the price of oil!

Jun 15, 2022 3:05 PM
Reply to  Dmass

Legitimate targets for high-precision Iranian missiles. Against which Patriot / IronDome boondoggles provided no defense in Israel, KSA and that U$ base in occupied Iraq.

The U$ base was pitiful: Iran gave The Man from Uncle 24 hours warning: revealed exactly what time the missiles would arrive, exactly which targets would be hit, and be sure to evacuate your personnel. Uncle $cam thought, Everyone’s a $cammer like me, so Uncle didn’t evacuate his men/women/hybrid personnel. If I remember correctly, 14 Iranian missiles arrived on time, and 11 targets were hit with a precision of 10m radius.

There are some signs that the King would like to switch sides, Saudi Arabia being an Arab country after all. Trouble is, King of Saudia is protected by The Man from Uncle. If the King changes sides, who will protect him from his protectors? Is puzzlement.


Jun 16, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  NickM

Arab country after all
Iran is no Arab country.

Jun 16, 2022 7:35 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Correct; Iran is an Aryan country of Muslim religion. But Saudi Arabia is an Arab Muslim country; which was my point. Israel, dependent on Uncle $cam, tries to conceal its 50% Arab Jewish population, known locally as Mizrach, or Spharad (ie, West African from Egypt to Morocco, or Spanish). In the 1960s and 70s Israel’s Arab Jews set up a Black Power movement like the so-called Black Americans, and like them have been uneasily homogenized into the “woke” Consumer Society.

Jun 15, 2022 9:21 AM

If you wanted to create a global food crisis, the best way to go about it, is to start a fight between two of the world’s biggest food & fertiliser suppliers.

Now if you want to create an energy crisis…???

Jun 15, 2022 3:19 PM
Reply to  antitermite

Yes, the 0.001% are laughing while they watch their minions (Ursula von der Lieyen and the Green German harridans) leading the sheeple to the shearing shed, the slaughter house and the freezer. Saving money on feed as well!

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jun 16, 2022 3:41 AM
Reply to  NickM

I like “Green German harridans”.

Talking of Greens, I can’t see the name “Naftali Bennett” and not think of the very unimpressive one time leader of the UK Green Party, Natalie Bennett, now in the House of Lords for god’s sake.

Jun 16, 2022 6:26 AM

from Wikipedia: “Natalie Bennett born 1966 in Sydney, Australia,[6][7] the daughter of John and Joy Bennett,[8] two working-class teenage parents: a part-time secretary and an apprentice carpenter.

A scholarship girl at MLC School, an independent day school for girls, Natalie then took Bachelor of Agricultural Science (BAgrSc Hons) at the University of Sydney, then BA Hons in Asian Studies at the University of New England and MA in Mass Communication from the University of Leicester in 2001. She was the first member of her family to attend university.”

[Not your usual know-nothing retired politician in the British House of Lords and Ladies. But, unfortunately, Bennet writes and edits for the Murdoch press (Times) Soros press (Guardian, Guardian CIF and Guardian Weekly) and Russian Oligarch press (Independent). Like the Swedish Greta Greenberg and the Green German harridans, it seems to me that Green Young Lady politicians in Europe are puppets on Anglo-Zio-Capitalist strings, dancing and dangling in the air.]

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jun 16, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

Maybe it’s a bit personal with me because I met her once while I was still in the GP, and helping out at a by-election. She came along to give moral support / have a photo op, and though there weren’t that many of us there, she managed to almost totally ignore me.

But I think it was obvious that she was inadequate in attempting to fill Caroline Lucas’s shoes, and was observed not to be good with the media. And indeed she failed to win a seat in the Commons. Admittedly, Lucas is a hard act to follow, but may be unique in the UK GP.

I’m not saying that Bennett is stupid by any means, and had high hopes of her at one time, but she didn’t impress me as a politician. Maybe she’s a better writer than a speaker.

Edit: p.s. I suppose it kind of rankled with me that Bennett accepted a seat in the Lords because they like to think of themselves as a radical party, so what are they having anything to do with such a moribund institution? They would probably argue that our electoral system prevents them from winning representation in the Commons, so they might as well take what opportunities there are, and play the game.
I can sort of see the argument, but I don’t like it. They do have another person in the Lords, Jenny Jones (who interestingly is anti-EU, although is pro XR).

Jun 16, 2022 7:55 PM

Never heard of Lady Bennet until you mentioned her. But I agree: there is a strong whiff of Baroness Thatcher about the Lady. Climb up the educational ladder then kick it away for newcomers. At least Natalie won a private scholarship on her own merit, whereas Maggie got her free university education before cutting off student grants for the next generation.

The Greens, like the Guardian and the Left generally, have been successfully infiltrated and taken over by Soros’s Open Society agents. Attack the Left from the Left was a brilliant strategy.

Not all who say, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of Heaven. ~ Matthew 7:21.