The WHO is changing the name “monkeypox”…is it really because of racism?
Kit Knightly

Yesterday Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), announced the WHO was officially changing the name of the monkeypox virus.
This decision was allegedly taken due to “stigmatization” and “discrimination” of the current “inaccurate” name.
I’m not sure how “monkeypox virus” can be an inaccurate name for a virus allegedly found in monkeys that allegedly causes pox, but that is the contention of the “experts” who called for an “urgent name change” in this report from last week.
In the context of the current global outbreak, continued reference to, and nomenclature of this virus being African is not only inaccurate but is also discriminatory and stigmatising,”
Of course, the problem here, as always with mainstream news, is their own mutually contradictory stories/agendas.
Because, according to the official narrative the virus does come from Africa, where it is endemic in some West African nations.
Changing the name of the virus will not change that, or make people forget they said so, will it?
So why do it?
Well, in yet another parallel with Covid, it allows them to fold a racism storyline into the greater narrative. With Covid they first engendered, suspicions about China and Chinese people being “the source” of the non-existent problem. Then they condemned these suspicions as racist.
Here, they are spreading fear about Africa, and then claiming that fear is racist.
It is just another great way to divide and distract people.
Alongside this, the irrationality itself seems to serve some purpose.
With Covid we were warned that “super-spreader events” were incredibly dangerous…but that Black Lives Matter protests were the exception because “racism is a worse pandemic than Covid”.
With Monkeypox, despite the narrative claiming it’s spreading among “men who have sex with men”, any decision to cancel pride events or close known cruising spots is apparently “homophobic”.
So maybe there’s an element of simply being irrational for irrationality’s sake. Confusing people to the point they don’t know where to stand.
There’s another potential answer too, a directly pragmatic answer related to other Monkeypox news that came out the last few days.
On June 14th it was announced the WHO will be meeting next week to consider whether or not to declare monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
In the US, the CDC has released updated guidelines and case definitions for monkeypox symptoms aiming to “encourage broader suspicion for monkeypox”.
Earlier today, Bloomberg was reporting the US had “not learned from Covid” and “testing bottlenecks” could mean monkeypox cases being missed.
And yesterday Hans Kluge, the WHO’s regional director for Europe, released a statement calling monkeypox a “neglected disease”, going on to say:
The magnitude of this outbreak poses a real risk; the longer the virus circulates, the more it will extend its reach, and the stronger the disease’s foothold will get in non-endemic countries. Governments, health partners and civil society need to act with urgency, and together to control this outbreak;
So, do you know what I think?
I think the real problem here is that they want to take the monkeypox narrative to the next level, but they’ve saddled themselves with a silly name that will never frighten anybody.
That is why they’re changing it…they want people to be afraid, and “monkeypox” just isn’t scary.
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FYI – the voting has NOT been turned off by us, it’s just stopped working for an unknown reason.
The votes are being counted it seems but just not showing up.
We just updated the software hoping thst would fix it but it didn’t. So we are continuing to look for a solution.
Hopefully it will be operational again soon – thanks for your patience
I think its a very clever way to force vaccine compliance in homophobic Africa, catching an illness known to apparently be associated with gay sex would make people more likely to get a vaccine to avoid the social stigma of being thought to be gay
on origins (lab) of supposed monkeypos
There were a crazy number of piss-taking memes almost immediately. Too easy a target.
This is one of the better ones – in musical format:
Monkey Pox (My Bollox).
Russia & the WHO: Friends with benefits
Name change to prevent ready-made satire, like money-pox and monkey business, and covering the strategic error with the usual race mystifications, since criticizing Big Pharma’s money-making scams or anything to do with scamdemic monkey bizzness is really motivated by racist rightwing conspiracy theory and white supremacy and beliefs in inferior races descended from apes and blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, the eugenicists roll on with their final solution Frankenscience in Africa: Infertility:A Diabolical Agenda (the movie).
Monkeypox as we are all monkeys that can’t think for ourselves and the politicians are the zoo keepers 👍Well done humanity you are letting in the NWO?!? If we don’t act now there’s no going back we are not fighting an army this time we are fighting for our souls.
They are learning that they need new names to make the diseases scary enough. Their first attempts of a global pandemic, with avian flu and swine flu were not scary enough because flu is a disease already known. Than they invented a totally new names – covid.
Monkeypox is a known and not very dangerous disease. For their fear porn they need a totally new name.
What happened to Sofia or Sam.?
Maybe they got caught in the up/down vote machinery that seems to be mysteriously gummed up!
The similarities with the HIV/AIDS and COVID narratives are stunning for anyone willing to think critically. The overlords use xenophobia/racism to demonize much of the world’s population while they drive people crazy using fear and mind control techniques that would make Edward Bernays and Goebbels blush with envy. With HIV/AIDS the “experts” told us started in Africa, with SARS-COV2 it was in China now with Monkeypox its back to Africa. The truth is Monkeypox originated in a lab not in the wild! The fact its being transmitted mostly via homosexual activity among gay men is another similarity with HIV/AIDS. They use the same playbook over and over because it works! This is a pincher move: demonize/traumatize the masses while promoting racial and class discord and upheaval simultaneously ramp up sexual deviance and perversion then usher in pre-planned social reforms under the guise of “public health policy” and “public safety” on a global level. We are being played big time as the writer points out, don’t fall for the okey-doke!
Excellent insights. Peace
The main similarity between AIDS and COVID is that neither is a novel disease. Both are new names for existing diseases, allegedly detected using PCR procedures.
Homosexual activity doesn’t enter into any of this.
Remember early on AIDS was called the homosexual disease as is Monkeypox. The overlord create a narrative they want us to internalize that helps create a ‘reality” they want us to believe is real. We should be skeptical about almost everything their minions say no matter which side of the aisle or ideological spectrum they are on.
There is a documentary called “I won’t go quietly” by Anne Sono about 6 women who refused the drugs and turned out to be the only survivors. There was no “incurable disease”. Just a PCR ‘test’ leading to a prescription of deadly drugs that manifested the perceived “disease”. It is quite sad but well worth a watch. Has some good music aswell:
Sorry, incorrect. AIDS was caused by gay men using amyl nitrate poppers on a daily basis which is well known to wipe out the immune system. The “virus” HIV was faked like all “viruses are. Kary Mullis, the PCR inventor totally debunked HIV as have other doctors.
Bear in mind, this is not really a “gay thing” but simply a toxin introduced into the body. Antibiotics are also well known to wipe out the immune system.
Studies show that “pox” was caused for years by the flu vaccine–there is no MP virus because it has not been isolated by Koch’s Postulates. Toxins may manifest itself in skin lesions which is the body’s attempt to detox itself. Most skin lesions today is a result of the mRNA vaccines.
I’m going to take a wild guess that global government is the solution…
“Men who have sex with men”
You mean faggots?
Men in US prisons who engage in sex with men do not consider themselves gay, …nor are bisexual men exclusively gay. Lets hope you get to experience that reality first hand one day.
Apparently you already have. So are you hoping I get raped in prison someday,or just raped,period?
Does it matter what they consider? Trans men consider themselves women, this does not make it so.
Words have definitions, one can’t change the definition when it suits. So if the cap fits…
Wait a minute. When did a bundle of twigs have anything to do with sex? Kinky much?
The mason in a cathedral could not have built without good boots and sole; the shoemaker wouldn’t have survived without the tannery; the tannery needed the water courses; the waterwheels were invented in the monasteries; the revolution that we call agricultural enabled industry, and industry enabled the cities.
Do not speak. Not in defence nor praise of what was, for all is contaminated: a reactionary appeal to the past, an unconcionable tolerance of plague – you killer of grandmas!
All that was is death. Reach out to hope and change, and whichever buzz-cut snake oil salesman slopes into town.
This is silly, of course. People know where they stand. They can Google and know. They can Amazon and have. They speak to Alexa; can see in Meta. They are competent, modern and digital.
So you can’t teach them, elucidate, add, contribute or lead. They don’t need you and by corollary: You don’t need them.
These viruses have a US Christian neocon agenda, they hate gays & they hate blacks and love US corporations over and over again.
There is a something strange about the relationship between the ‘vaccines’ and one of their major side effects, Shingles, and in turn shingles relationship to Chicken pox and therefore monkey pox. Get my drift.
Thought shingles was always stress related, internal or from being around toxics, friend of my dad’s had it working for ICI.
How dare you! Stop this white supremacist unvaxxd train of thought.
Heathen, infidel, heretic!! Blasphemer!
Nothing connected with Swab, Gits or Van Der Lyin’ piques my interest any more.
Thanks to the simple trick of ignoring the media, my life is going on entirely as normal until BigBro breaks into my home and puts an end to it.
After all, as Jordan Peterson wisely states, everybody wants meaning in their lives.
What the above-named scum represent has no meaning at all, except possibly as something sent to try our patience.
Yep, they are truly revolting but have no fear. When tipping point is reached, which it will be, all Hell will be unleashed.
I take no pleasure in my comment and I truly wish they were not running us all onto the reef.
If they can’t get you with the ‘vaccines’ they have Jordan Peterson to target you with keto propaganda instead. Sugar deficiency is one of the main drivers of ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’:
Here’s a wonderful video by Pete Seger which cuts right to the heart of the Tedros Dilemma re: Monkeypox branding.
I Know An Old Woman Who Swallowed A Fly – YouTube
(I’ve never tried linking to You Tube before. Don’t know if this will work.)
The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly Is the covid ‘pandemic’ merely economic theatre?
Funny, I just introduced my son to that today. Sang most of it!
When I first encountered that video, I noted in a comment how fascinating it was watching the audience’s reactions – and how those wonderful human reactions would have been squelched by everyone wearing masks!
Sorry if I’m being slow here, but is there a new reason for the absence of likes/dislikes?
I don’t know why it can’t just be left alone for commenters to make of what they will of the traditional system…
The voting is broken & we are trying to fix it.
The 6 feet rule comes from the Talmud. In tractate Bava Metzia 59b it states “the distance that one must maintain from an ostracized individual” is “four cubits.” A cubit is 18 in., 4 cubits is 72 in., exactly 6 feet.
It is, indeed, glorious.
Like the microbial life in a cesspit is glorious – but you don’t want to live there…
Dear CDC,
This is known as “giving too much information”…
Sex, kinky or not, is a private affair, and you are not welcome to comment on it.
Just tell us who is paying you to spread this drivel around our beautiful planet, and we’ll consider leniency.
After 1/10th of a nanoseconds consideration we find you guilty.
Take em down!
The him with her no face to face sex cult, No?
I don’t blame you, mainstream is virtually out of my life for ever after 2020..excuse me but fuck it.
Doesn’t the image kind of contradict the recommendation? They don’t appear to be 6 feet apart. (Though dude does appear to be…extremely endowed.)
Not quite Popeye, 2 metres or meteeers (American ‘english’). Either or, could mean all the difference reaching to save someone falling off that mountain ledge.
HELP! Is pretty much universal in any Language!!
” Nope, sorry Officer, had to let blighter fall, me and my American chum were argueing over the 6ft/2m Law… I (Brit) agreed with him, He (American) agreed with me…
Tragic, we’re both very sorry. 😞
Also read …
Whatever pox it is, homosexuals and lesbians don’t seem to be too worried about. In September they’re organizing Euro Pride 2022 in Belgrade.
EuroPride 2022 Belgrade Serbia Gay Weekend Tour – Happy Gay Travel – Gaily Tour
Ever wanted to master looking into WHO crystal ball for new whatever pox world wide pandemic 2022/23.. That’ll be the trigger event.
“Protect gay people, get vaccinated for monkeypox”
This can only work in California, New York, Brighton and Berlin. They will find out that the vast majority of people elsewhere really don’t give a shit about gay people enough to get another jab.
Gays are being taken off the woke agenda and thrown under the bus. AIDS brought them out of the “closet”; Monkeypox may drive them back in – and the missionaries will thank Mr Tedros.
I saw my GP yesterday via video conference on my phone. I refuse to visit the office until they drop the mask requirement.
I was bitten by a Lyme Disease causing deer tick (Ixodes scapularis), again.
Surprisingly, Doc knew a lot about it.
Still had to help him out a little. What he glossed over in his reading was the fact that not everyone infected develops a rash. He also did not know that you can be infected without showing symptoms for months or even years by which time you can may suffer irreparable debilitating harm.
One must assume he or she is infected and take the full treatment as standard procedure. The risks are too great not to.
Doc said, “OK. Where do I send the prescription?”
Absolute nonsense. You may of well be selling the latest government psyop.
I thought you was Tony the 2nd; Wayne
Oldham Tony Goes to Hollywood (London). that tony?
Think he was the ’20 sars infected Seagull named in the New Years Honors list. Disguised as a Penquin recieving an OBE.
The feathered monkey was probably banished to our version of Elba, The Silly Isles, although..
He has been reportedly spotted perched atop Nelson’s nuggin in Trafalgar Square., by the Six to One Club.
Yea you have to watch out taking a dump in the bushes in the US so I hear.
It isn’t just the name “monkey” that’s comical – it’s the word “pox” as well. “A pox on your house!” and so on.
What they’ll settle on most likely will be a geographic name. I’m banking on Banjul (the capital of Gambia). It’s West African; plus it has the distinction of being at sea level and under threat of submersion by global warming. Although it’s not quite scary sounding, is it?
(Back to the drawing board.)
Sold down the river
At what point does one break free of this nonsense?
You break free once you begin to negate, question and counter everything you ever thought to be true.
I had a letter from my GP yesterday inviting me for a Shingles jab. Shingles? Am I bovvered? We are told the the NHS is still “overwhelmed” but these worry letters keep coming.
They did it with covid (remember.?) and its many bullshit variants. Alpha, Delta, Beta anagram moronic etc.
Not new!
Roll back 50/75+ years ago they changed the diagnoses of many conditions to fit whatever the chemical manufacture said it medical application wonder cure was for.
Who gives a flying monkey’s!
Hey on the brightside, just this week at the doctors, I was asked if I wanted my ‘pnuemonia jab’.
Not flu or influenza jab but ‘a pnuemonia jab’….cause that sounds so much more scarier.
Anyone else being asked about getting their ‘pneumonia shots’?
A pneumonia vaccine? This is hardcore BS. Pneumonia is a symptom of disease, not a disease in itself. I suggest you change your doctor asap.
Or be avoiding doctors altogether. Unless it’s an emergency they can’t help you. But people go to the doctor out of fear in the first place, that’s why they are so susceptible to what the doctor says.
My latest idea is to give 3-day training sessions to auto mechanics on basic health interventions.
Added that to their already acquired training in auto mechanics and they will outclass an M.D. nine time out of ten.
They already have a lot of the basic equipment too, anything to do with tires, say.
And if the auto mechanic says you’d best go to a physician, you know you’re fucked.
After all, how many time have you heard a doctor refer to the human body as a “machine”?
TFS, your doctor only knows what’s on the label. At this time, given our experience w the covid vaxx, we must avoid all injections, no? A few years ago I had several friends become ill from the flu shot; one went into a coma a few hours post-injection & awoke w Guillain-Barre disease.
To answer your question about pneumonia vaxx– I looked it up: CDC recommends pneumococcal vaccination for all children younger than 2 years old and all adults 65 years or older.
CDC makes money on vaccines & must be regarded as part of the criminal gang that aspires to world-rule including slavery, after murdering billions.
I think it’s possible that monkeypox incidence is being caused by purposely contaminated injections. Don’t forget that covid is more common among thecovid-vaxxed than the unvaxxed.
Ha! Yesterday I got a phone call from the pharmacy chain from which I get meds as necessary.
But it wasn’t a “live” call from the local pharmacy at the shopping center around the corner; it was a corporate robotic reminder that the pneumonia vaccine was available, and that I could get it at the local pharmacy on a walk-in basis.
The silver lining was that after the message, or invitation, it gave me the option to not receive further reminders; I couldn’t press “1” to opt out fast enough.
“I think the real problem here is that they want to take the monkeypox narrative to the next level, but they’ve saddled themselves with a silly name that will never frighten anybody.”
Yes. It is peak meme material.
I’m still calling it MonkeyPox
Got it in one. I hope it is too late for a name change to work.
CatPox is next…
can’t confuse people who are o properly informed/think/research.
With respect Kit, and I’ll be polite as possible here, I could not give a flying rats toenail what they call this confected pile of cow dung. I couldn’t care less whatever mealy mouthed bullshit is uttered by anyone at the WHO, CDC, any Australian Government official or Health “Expert” or anyone who has a money trail leading back to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation or George Soros. Because I won’t be listening to the pricks.
Interesting to note that maybe some of the jabbed ones here in Melbourne are starting to put 2 + 2 together. Maybe.
With facemasks still being mandatory on public transport here, (despite all the multiple jabbings) its at the stage where a small majority no longer wear masks, and at weekends the large majority don’t.
I’m also meeting more people while out selling the magazine who know about Agenda 2030, and about creatures like Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Ursula Van Der Leyden and they are well aware that all this crap is being used to usher in a technocratic dictatorship.
100% right Geezah, couldn’t give a flying fok what they call it or any other mutterings that spues from the whole cabal. If they asked me to avoid a dogshit on the pavement I’d probably stand right in it.
Of course it’s not aimed at me/you anyhoo however every little piece of obvious bs contortion they come up with, happily relayed by their proxy brothers and sisters in the media, helps to erode another sliver of belief in at least some of the targeted public.
Hey, good to see your back selling the mag bro. Good luck.
Actually, I consider the monkeyshit is a good thing.
First, they should have used something other than a disease with “monkey” in the name (they’ve obviously realized that, but too late). It would make it less obvious that they’re full of shit.
Second, they should have waited a year or two (even though I realize that that’s kinda impossible for them) – again, even the most ardent covidist-wokeist might find it strange that there should be two “pandemics” in a row.
I’m confident that people will somehow wake up and eventually take charge of the direction where the world is going.
They will tie it in with climate change to claim that pandemics are the new normal.
The new narrative: Climate change causes pandemics! Zoonotic transmission and all that.
Been back selling the mag for over 6 weeks now Ship. Only allowed back working because I work outside. That’s the only reason. If I was working inside, I’d still be banned. Despite the very poor state of the economy here (another part of the cabal’s plan) sales have been good with some very generous customers. But even my vaccinated customers are aware something is going wrong and that things are heading south economically speaking.
I’ve been telling them about the supply chains breaking down, and to stock up on rice, pasta, lentils, beans, canned foods and to grow a garden.
But regards the monkey nonsense, I won’t buy into the fear full stop. I just refuse to go there. Fock em.
Vitamins, protein, water purification, fire, boots and a heater not forgetting gold, lead, copper and potassium nitrate.
Foremost is health & resilience.
That’s it, buddy.
The message is clear: FREEDOM OVER FEAR
I don’t wanna spend another second discussing viruses, PCR tests, assays, nucleic fucking acids, genetic sequences. Fuck all that shit. Fuck it! Humans have survived zillions of years without too much worrying about this crap. Whatever any of that is, it’s part of our natural habitat.
Yeah, there are dangers in the world! There are probably huge challenges ahead of us. So what. Cope with it! Government protectionism won’t save nobody from nothing.—Jayme-Knyx—Freedom-Convoy-Song:a
Thanks for the links Jacques… I’m really tired hearing convid this convid that over and over for 2.5 years now and still counting. We know already! We know why already! We know most of those behind it! It’s one of the reasons I took a break from here to be honest. I’m just trying to enjoy my days without buying into any of the fear porn, and prepare the best I can for what else the psychopaths have planned for us.
And no, I don’t mean the fake alien invasion either😏
Excellent news if more people are becoming aware of that lunatic Harari.
2030 seems a crucial year for them. Zeroes don’t count in their number games so it’s 23 – which is another way of saying 2 3s or 33. Anyone diubting that number has particular significance might recall the 2007 Jim Carrey film ‘The Number 23’. The director of that film Joel Schumacher was involved in all sorts of dodgy projects (ranging from ‘The Lost Boys’ with its paedophilia hints to ‘8MM’ about snuff movies – and MM is another 33 encode, the number simply having been turned sideways).
The parasites use these comment sections to gauge the aggregate sentiment and formulate the next ‘move’, bit like playing chess against a computer but this time the ‘game’ is in the Metaverse & we are the ‘pieces’ linked to our online profiles.
Provide them with useless & contradictory data is the remedy.
Well said, Gezzah. Common sense will out and only those who seek validation for their masky-nasty and affirmation for their nutcase phobias will seek refuge in corners of the inter-webs that accommodate them.
That, sadly, is what we are seeing. The psychological illness is straying ever less-far from home.
Hey, Gezzah, always nice to see you around.
I had to go out early today on an errand, which involved taking public transportation from my Philly suburb to South Philly. I was unpleasantly, if mildly, surprised to see many people still wearing masks– or perhaps resuming mask-wearing.
This is also the case at my local shopping center around the corner, but I thought it might be a demographic issue– i.e., the local shoppers (including me) are mostly older and white, if that matters.
A few of the masked commuters were morbidly obese, but there was no obvious defining characteristics separating the still-masked from the rest of us. I should mention that it’s a sweltering hot and humid day, although the brutal heat hadn’t kicked in until my return in the late morning.
A significant number of the masked were wearing scrubs or similar “healthcare worker” garb. I wondered if the masked contingent (except for the elderly) were still required to wear masks in the workplace. But even if that’s so, they wouldn’t have to wear them while commuting.
That, and the “good news” on local newsradio that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just authorized the first “COVID-19 vaccines” for infants and preschoolers, following its advisory panel’s unanimous recommendation for the shots from Moderna and Pfizer, amounts to a double-whammy.
The scamdemic abides in Southeastern Pennsylvania, sorry to say! 😡
Hi Ort, nice to hear from you as well. I just needed a break from here hence my prolonged absence. How many times can you say fake pandemic, pysops and technocratic dictatorship anyway? Was feeling a bit like a parrot.
Im sitting on a train now and not one person in my carriage is wearing a mask, although there’s only about 9 of us in this carriage.
When I’m selling the magazine I’m seeing about 50% of people still walking past wearing a mask outside, mainly the elderly, middle aged men and of course the Hipsters. In fact some days I see more men wearing masks than females.
Walked past a pharmacy yesterday and a young boy about 8 years old ran out in tears and clearly upset, then he stood in front of the window.
One of the pharmacy assistants came out and she was going “oh, you’re a brave boy, you’re a good boy” and I looked behind her and here was a sign saying: “covid vaccinations available here”. Tho they are really pushing the flu vaccine here as well.
In Australia, pharmacies receive $77 for each convid vaccine injection and Doctors receive $66. This exactly is what is keeping this crap going: $$$. And the fear mongering as well. This is what this monkey crap is all about – keep the fear level high.
It’s all PHEIC.
I find the term Yellow Fever very insulting considering my last name. My first name is OK with it.
And so is Swine Flu, and Bird Flu needing a name changing committee. The connotations and insinuatig tone are very hurtful, so much so that I may have to go into a safe space lockdown.
Even Cat Scratch Fever and Cow and Chicken Pox need to be renamed, for obvious reasons, afterall farmers are human as well. And Smallpox is demeaning to midgets.
“Flu” is a blatant insult to former pilots and airline customers. Sheer bigotry..
who will stand in defence of real fudge packers?
I’m assuming you’re being facetious. But you have hit on a very significant point, if only inadvertently: giving diseases animal names.
It’s all part of humanity’s disdain for “lesser” animals. Every stupid disgusting disease name based on the animal kingdom helps marginalize animals and make it just that much easier for humans to abuse them.
The message is clear: they’re all trying to kill us – the Crown of Creation; so it’s okay for us to kill them first.
It is the same old biophobia- nature is seen as dirty and full of bugs. This is why you will see morons wearing masks while walking in nature with nobody else around.
Well what about “herpes”? Isn’t it time we stop scapeserpenting certain creatures simple because they slither and don’t like being stepped on?
Snakes rule!
The monkeypox vaccine patent # is 7335364. It codes for the Marburg virus and the HIV nef protein.
HIV nef is the part of HIV that crushes your immune system, and Marburg has been mentioned numerous times as a future ‘pandemic’.
The patent also explains that the monkeypox virus is a vehicle to produce other proteins, which could be anything.
It should be obvious to everyone that these recombinant vaccines are a lie. They are doing much more that they claim. No one is telling the public that the covid vaccine patents can cross the blood brain barrier and install carbon nanotubes.
Just look at the covid patent from Moderna, especially the embodiments spreadsheet:
Moderna patent 10703789 spreadsheet including peptides, their functions, associated diseases, their descriptions, and the titles and abstracts of external patents cited within:
Patent ’embodiments’ paragraph and the patents cited within the paragraph:
Carbon nanotubes have been shown in research to be capable of directly influencing neural signaling. You will own nothing and be happy, because they will control whether you are capable of being angry, not because life is great.
Its the Internet of Bodies. The grid for it is currently being erected by SpaceX, but that doesn’t get mentioned either.
Hello Wisenox: Neural signaling in nearly all mammalian species has been significantly impaired by electromagnetic broadcast for decades. Electromagnetic broadcast is both a neurotoxin and excitotoxin. Civilians don’t care, because they are not able to care… ADHD? ADD? SADS?
Drink Brawndo!!! Brawndo Has What Plants Crave!
Idiocracy: Brawndo Has What Plants Crave! – YouTube
Perhaps WHO-Pox or WEF-Pox would be suitably terrifying?
How about “PutinPox”? Or “RussiaPox”
Boooo! Scary!
The years left towards the implementation of Agenda 2030 are going to be interesting. The agenda states that everyone should have access to “health care”, AKA “vaccinations”, and that nobody should be left behind. Now we have had Convid-19 and Homopox and we will probably see a new disease each year.
“ The agenda states that everyone should have access to “health care”,” I find that this is the heart of the matter and when we translate this agenda point from the new speak to English it reads:
We (NWO/Satan) need to be able to medically manipulate absolutely EVERYBODY.
Somehow when I read the sentence in this way every time it is presented to me by I wake up a bit.
You’ll need a digital identity in order to have that access. Health care and digital identity will become virtually synonymous, and will be maintained medically through a regular “vaccination” regimen..
Poxy Pox
Covid19 wasn’t exactly a scary name either, was it?
I think they want to change its name because the universal derision already expressed for monkeypox scaremongering means that the brand name is already tarnished.
The thing is: the resistance is becoming more organised and a mere name change is not going to stop the resistance calling out corrupt officials like Tedros and his henchmen.
No, Covid is suitably depersonalised and dehumanised enough, thus why it was chosen. Monkeypox of course is recognizable and utterly silly sounding, which, is obviously why it needs a rebranding.
Or perhaps the argument over the name is just another way to keep the Evil Plague idea in the news. No matter what they call it, they must surely have a serious credibility issue. 2+ years of this “Here’s a Big Bug! Booh!” talk and even the toilet roll chewers are getting bored. In a way it’s poetic justice: create a population of morons and you can’t hold their attention for any period of time – which of course indicates that idiocy does indeed have a limit. Paradoxically, a small attention span will be the one thing that saves your sanity in this compulsively crapping culture.
You might be missing a crucial point. People finding the whole Monkeypox scam boring is not necessarily a good thing. It might mean the idea of pandemics is becoming normalized with the masses. So while they’re bored by it, they still take it very seriously and go through the motions by rote.
Globopox, Fascipox, Ukrainipox, Iranipox, HeavenlyJerusapox, Whogivesafulkipox?
Tedros does look like a monkey, when hes not looking like a yappy dawg, maybe its a lgbtpqrs++ ting?
Maybe it will stop us “looking up”? best to not look up, man are those planes busy right now? early/mid morning seems to be the time for us here, fucks my day up proper.
Its all so fucking toxic, but still let them have their little games, weve hung on through it all and we will be there for the final act, aaah! the rapturous applause as the “performers” take a bow, ooh look theres billy und klaus, chuck em a bouquet…
Then onwards to see them all strapped into a big version of “white bear”, thats it billy settle down into your seat, just a small prick, nothing to concern you, all safe and proven.
Then, when you wake up tomorrow the whole world will be watching, you truly will be a star :0)
Could a sentient chatbot dream up such drivel? Better ask google
EuroPox. Whatever it takes to scare everyone so much they break out in boils all over their bodies.
That they become psyco-symptomatic
EuroPox was the brexXit mega psyop.
Interest Rate Hikes, make insignificant headliners,
Dominating the Airwaves.
Which goes to show you: people are far more anxious about their bank accounts than their health passports.
Oh the poor maligned Spanish, if only they were monkeys !
If i was Spanish i’d be looking into ways of suing WHO for discrimination, political incorrectness, false labeling, slander, maybe even racism – sue WHO for every penny i could get.
And if i was a Hong Kongian i would look into suing WHO for discrimination, and so on.
Animals are on the path to obtain equal rights’ protection with humans – so maybe the chickens and swine can sue as well?
If one thing’s as certain as death and taxes, it’s that lawyers won’t go poor.
Presumably they want to change it into something more abstract that doesn’t lend itself so easily to cheeky meme creation. Something that’s not one letter removed from the word “money”. They’re trying to put the lid back on the barrel, but the monkey has already bolted: once monkey pox, always monkey pox in the public mind.
If this were merely about a disease, they’d just call it Something-or-other-itis and swiftly move on to treatment protocols. The fact that they’ve announced that they’re in the process of changing the name (no doubt involving rigorous focus group testing), rather than just stating the new name, is an indication that we’re dealing with branding. Not just any branding, but political branding.
Covid, which was never about a disease, was a political rebranding operation that entailed a complete transformation through the use of fear of how we define each core element of healthcare, and far beyond: diagnostics, immunity, treatment, bodily autonomy, quarantine, independence of the doctor-patient relationship, and so on. And with each element the corporate technocracy has planted its fat ass, top-down, in full control.