This Week in the New Normal #34

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The extreme right weaponising the outdoors
Fresh from weaponising memes in 2021, the classics in 2018 and irony in 2016, those pesky alt-righters are back at it – ruining perfectly ordinary things, like going outside.
Yes, according to Vice…
White Nationalists Want to Reclaim Nature as a Safe Space for Racists
Which contains this amazing sentence:
The racist roots of national parks in America has made them an attraction to white supremacists over the years.
It’s not just going outside that’s the problem, it’s buying local produce from farmers’ markets…
Of course, obsessions with purity and clean living aren’t just an American white supremacist thing. Nazi Germany was deeply concerned about the longevity of the Aryan race, and so encouraged a healthy lifestyle and good diet. But eating a natural diet was also a core component of the Nazi slogan “blood and soil”—intended to foster nationalism by eating food grown on the land.
See, it’s not just American fascists that like eating natural food…German fascists did it too. And no one else, apparently.
This is not a new phenomenon. For years it’s been a common refrain across the MSM to accuse the “alt-right” of “weaponising” things they want to undermine, up to and including free speech.
In 2017 Vice ran an article “The Alt-Right’s Favourite Diet”, about meat-heavy “paleo” diet plans.
And perhaps you remember this beauty from last year:
The dark side of wellness: the overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies
Which was later followed by this article, where the Guardian claims that the alt-right had co-opted physical fitness, and that “extremists present self-improvement as part of wider political struggle”.
Seeing a pattern?
Eating meat. Exercising. Attending farmers’ markets and growing your own food. Alternate medicine. Enjoying the outdoors.
The press is moving to associate healthy natural – and, most importantly, independent – lifestyles with “the extreme right”. Going forward, enjoying the outdoors or encouraging people to go to the gym can be classified as “promoting extremism”, and get people put on watchlists.
2. Gates & NATO funded think-tank wants to regulate “legal but harmful” behaviour online
The Guardian is partying like its 2017 again. A new “report” on “Russian-backed conspiracy theorists” spreading “disinformation” about Syria and the White Helmets has been published, and for some reason they think it qualifies as news.
The report is from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank funded by all the usual suspects. And it has nothing new to say at all. Beeley this, Bartlett that. “Russia-backed” this, “conspiracy theorists” that.
It’s not news, its olds. And it’s all about pushing the usual dangerous agenda, just scroll down to the “recommendations” in the report, where they suggest [emphasis added]:
- “Platform regulation should be systemic, and require online platforms to demonstrate that their policies, processes and systems are designed and implemented in a way that protects human rights and mitigates the risks posed by a range of illegal, and in some cases legal but harmful, activity, such as disinformation, abuse and harassment.”
- “Platform regulation should require significant additional transparency and data access to both regulators and approved third-party researchers (e.g. from academia or civil society) to increase understanding of how effectively platforms are reducing threats to humanitarian and human rights workers.”
- “Promote and fund digital citizenship and literacy education that teaches citizens, beginning at a young age, to think critically about online content and identify trustworthy sources.”
Regulating “legal by harmful” behaviour? Teaching people about “trustworthy new sources” from “a young age”? Allowing private data to be handed over to “researcher”?
Chilling stuff.
3. Seriously, this is what they’re for…
Local banks in China’s Henan province have been refusing to allow customers to withdraw their money for almost two months now.
The details of why don’t really matter. What’s important is a group of bank customers, understandably outraged at this policy, planned a big protest outside the bank.
The protest was foiled when their (supposedly) Covid-related health pass apps all turned red…meaning they’re not allowed to travel.
Now, this is all currently hearsay and is likely getting coverage in the Western press because “China bad!” is always good headlines (unless they’re locking people down to “prevent a pandemic”, that’s fine).
The Reuters report is wonderfully partisan in its use of language:
Rights groups have warned China could use its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle dissent. Without a green code on their smartphone app, citizens lose access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls, as well as the right to travel across the country.
…yes, China might use their mass of “medical” surveillance technology to control people and stifle dissent, but of course, we would never do that.
However true this story proves to be, it’s a warning sign about the danger of giving the government access to your data, and the an object lesson in why you should never give the state the power to decide whether or not you can leave your own home.
BONUS: Confusing headline of the week

Sometimes you just have to cock your head at the world and say, “Wait, what?”
It’s not all bad…
The now routine Bob Moran cartoon:
— Bob Moran (@bobscartoons) June 15, 2022
Oh, and here’s Joe Biden falling off a bike….
NOW – Biden falls off bike on Delaware ride with
— (@disclosetv) June 18, 2022
…the memes wrote themselves…
Hilarious 😆
— Bear Market (@russian_market) June 19, 2022

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention NHS Scotland publishing a paper supporting the idea of “Eunuch” as a gender identity or the former Clinton advisor who shot himself in the chest while hanging by his neck from a tree.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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From the Federal Republic of New Normal:
“In the Carter Administration (1777-80) leading up to the great price inflation of 1980, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker expressed his economic philosophy in a note card that charted the weekly wage of the average U.S. construction worker.Chairman Volcker wanted wages to go down, blaming the inflation on too much employment. He pushed the U.S. bank rate to an unprecedented 20 percent – the highest normal rate since Babylonian times back in the first millennium BC. This did indeed crash the economy, and with it employment and, with employment, prosperity. Volcker called this “harsh monetary medicine”.
Apart from constructive employment and, with employment, wage levels, another victim of Volcker’s interest-rate hike was the Democratic Party’s fortunes in the 1980sH. They lost the White House for twelve years. The Donkey party thus is thereby entering this 2022 midterm election by repeating Mr. Volcker’s 1980 attempt to drive down wage levels via financial tightening; which has already crashed the stock market by 20 percent.
President Biden has thoroughly backed up Republican-appointed Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in endorsing a financial crash in hope that it will roll back U.S. wage levels. That is the policy of the donor class and hence U$ bipartisan political policy.
To Wall Street and its neoliberal ideology backers … the solution to price inflation is to reduce wages and public social spending. The orthodox way to do this is to push the economy into recession. Rising unemployment will oblige labor to compete for jobs that pay less as the economy slows.
This class-war doctrine is the prime directive of Global neoliberal economics.” — Paul Hudson
The first item presents the MSM associations of meat eating, exercise, natural foods and a love of nature with ‘right wing extremism’ as absurd. Is it though ? Anyone who reads social media channels of people firmly on the Right/ dissident Right will see these themes are central to their politics. As is a deep interest in spiritual philosophy and self improvement/ self realisation. Such RW media channels also focus a lot of attention upon their furthest opponents in the culture war, who they claim to be fundamentally rooted in materialism, that they idolise dysfunctionality and weakness, and that they are generally urbane rather than lovers of the countryside. Transhumanism has its strongest support among the Woke Left.
These are facts.
Rather than laying all this at the feet of a media spinning a narrative to condition the masses away from the healthy life, why not just acknowledge that the political antecedents of the polarised camps in the culture war do in fact have ideological differences ?
Maybe the Left just are fundamentally, dysfunctionally anti-life, due to their materialist tap root ?
“Vacine” Injury
I had my first face to face encounter with a person seriously injured by Astra Zeneca’s clot shot about 3 hours ago.She had a stroke 1.5 days after the poison prick, and was immobilised, lying on the floor for three day’s until discovered by her daughter. She also had sepsis and was in hospital and rehab for months. The injury happened in May 2021. That was a close shave with death.
But was the stroke caused by the clot shot? Post hoc sed non propter hoc? (After it but not because of it?)
Anecdotes like this are valuable pointers, but no substitute for statistical analysis.
Especially when then vaccines are Safe and Effective
FWIW, every time I come across an “anecdotal” story of a vaccine injury like this, I wonder about the “other shoe” to which you allude: Does the injured party (assuming they survive) and/or family and associates address even the possibility of a cause-and-effect relationship between the “vax” and the injury?
I’m in no way faulting the reporter (here, Placental Mammal) for omitting this information, which typically is not volunteered or otherwise available. I’m just curious to know whether at least some people make that connection under these circumstances.
The mass-media scamdemic-mongers often report the cringeworthy pro-vax injured– the ones who allegedly are grateful for being vaxxed because they were at least protected from Death by Phantom Menace, and the ostensible vaxxed “COVID survivors” who invariably praise the vax for preserving them from a lethal bout of “COVID”.
My guess is that there’s a middle category of people who simply refuse to put two and two together in the first place. I don’t see a reliable way to sort out the relative frequency of post-injury denial (active or passive) versus people who are jolted into skepticism after being injured by the clot shots, but I assume the former are a solid majority.
That DM article above on Clinton dude, I gave in and clicked. I have a grammar question. The full headline is below.
DM headlines are famous for being a tangled lump of wet spaghetti. Usually the comment are gold on such articles but needless to say, they shut down the commenting on this after only 137 comments.
EXCLUSIVE: Family of Bill Clinton advisor who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home
I find it really ironic that healthy eating and things like Farmers Markets are lumped in with the Alt Right. I had a chuckle when I read that. The Farmers Market where I sell the magazine on a Sunday is swarming, yes swarming; not with frothing white supremacists with swastika tattoos, or Alex Jones acolytes or people wearing Flat Earth T shirts. No.
It is instead swarming with your liberal, slightly lefty Guardian or The Age readers, as well as progressives, hipsters, and effete young men wearing kaftans or with a man bun. Literally all of them bent over backwards to support every convid restriction that the Victorian Govt issued, and I would watch them walking around an open air market wearing facemasks and lining up to scan the QR codes upon entering it.
A number of them fully supported the vaccine passports as well. How do I know this? They told me. And they had no problem with “anti vaxxers” (their term) being shut out of society for not getting jabbed. So who are the real fascists here?
I don’t know if the voting feature is down for maintenance arising from recent alleged glitches, or if it’s been eliminated again. So I’m dusting off the alternative method.
Thanks Ort… Yep, the real fascists are your liberal leftie woke types. As I’ve found out in the last 2.5 years while selling the mag. According to Sophie the voting feature is not working and they don’t know why. Have a good and enjoyable day up in Philly. Sitting on a train on the way to work…
“So who are the real fascists here?”
Who said, For evil to triumph it is sufficient that good men go shopping?
Of all the articles I’ve read on how to resist, this is the most mature. He begins by describing accurately the nature of the Deep State. His ideas about how to resist are at least supplementary means.
You should know something is very wrong in our world when scumbags, the Corporate stooges, profiting from war, corporate scams like Covid, like Rand Paul, Tucker Carson, Ted Cruz & DeSantis are being turned into ”freedom fighters” and liberty lovers by the corporate owned mainstream and ‘alternative’ media, these scum bags have been at war with the working population of the US all their lives, & still are, nothing changed.
They are now the fake opposition, absurdly being portrayed as heroes. Luckily for us, DeSantis reveals his true anti-democratic colors by introducing laws to criminalising political protests, and give immunity to those who murder protesters. He hates democracy and hates freedom; that is the far-right we know and have grown up with.
WillianHill, You should educate yourself about the particulars & not just believe the mainstream (controlled) media. DeSantis is a a hero & you need only look at the actual laws and the response of the establishment.
Or, are you a part of that establishment?
DeSantis like the others is anti working class and now magically anti war! But if america was winning those wars they and you would be very very silent!
Given that the controlling powers in the US are well on their way to achieving a feudal society. Why should they not now finally destroy the real left, the socialist, and very idea of caring & sharing & the regulation of corporate control, that it embodies, and is such a threat to their power and control.
They have discredited, human rights, equality, tolerance, and unity, through a massive programme of provocative headlines indented to demonize monitories and their rights and freedoms. The biggest crimes in our societies are trans talking to children, the population being forced to be gay and children being forced to change their gender. All of these things are a fantasy, just intended to discredit the left.
Socialism was always a front for the powerful. They borrowed the from the principles of the social doctrine of the church but turned them into secular principles, in so making them only answerable to men. We should know where things can go when man is the ultimate authority and the source of all truth.
It was never a front for the powerful it just gets used by them.
The far right have been armed with the truth about COVID and the truth about the Ukraine war by the CIA, after-all, the far right are their political wing. And the fake ‘left’ are being directed by suicidal CIA agents, who are driving our democracies, its parties and its institutions into discredited oblivion.
It can be no surprise that the forces of the far-right, representing the wealthy & the military, want to discredit & destroy our democracies, as they, albeit corrupted, still remain a conduit of possible opposition forces, and a threat to their power, in a very unequal unjust age.
All this Left and Right blather has no sense today– it’s merely a way to divide people. In your case it’s a chance to discuss labels instead of specifics. You seem to be trying to paint everybody ugly. It only reflects on yourself.
You should read some political history, history didn’t STOP because you found it confusing.
Trust me she won’t. Even mild stuff like truth about the ussr under Stalin that has been revealed since the archives opened would blow her away
Penelope what you mean when you say left v right is nonsense is: “everyone thinks and feels the way I do they just don’t know it yet”! That’s what you mean.
The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany
You need to post a short description if you want people to click on weird links.
Glad I’am not the only one.
+1 more.
In spite of myself, although I’m not a bicyclist I felt a twinge of sympathy instead of derision or schadenfreude when viewing The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present’s spin.
Even so, I’m surprised that memers didn’t flood the Internets with a famous TV snippet from Rowan and Martin’s “Laugh-In” (1968-1973). In a nutshell, it’s a recurring brief clip (with variations) of cast member Arte Johnson in a yellow slicker, furiously pedaling a tricycle, then suddenly falling over. Fini, c’est tout!
I’m sure more enterprising searchers have discovered it, but FWIW my search for the well-worn sequence yielded abundant “Laugh-In” material– but not that clip. I wonder if it was suppressed to head off the anticipated ridicule.
Here’s a GIF version, posted partly to see if GIF images work in Off-G comments threads:
Think I’am going to be sick, sock it to me garbage, maybe some London suits back then liked that tripe.
Fickle Finger up your bottom. Laugh in should be classed as Nuclear Waste imo.
Wasn’t Hitler a vegetarian?
Was Idi Amin?
He didn’t exist.
Idi Amin was demonised when he started defending the Palestinians.
Wasn’t Churchill an alcoholic ?
Jeez talk of agenda, did you know in the US if you are asked (medical) they can and do mark you down as an Alcoholic.
Spread the Word, are YOU?
Over 21 US) let’s get down to tagging Everyone, past present and Now.
Afterall it’s Only somebody’s “Business”.
Wait a minute, let me go ask if there’s anything to add from my Vietnam Vet friend, apart from Don’t you be STUPID!
No, Hitler was not. His favorite dish was Pigeon Soup.
Tony had the right idea he didn’t give a shite nor should anyone.
I’m not saying anything but if people want this or not stopping it? Well that’s what you get.
Keep an eye on Kalingrad. There was a random news story that popped up the other day about how “this part of Germany” became a Russian exclave. Then its followed by another story that Lithuania has closed the route between this exclave and Russia (more likely Belarus) proper for freight traffic. This is, of course, a provocation and I’d guess is that its trying to provoke Russia into some action or another “against a NATO country”.
Its these little things that ultimately become important.
Martin, thank you. Interesting. Kalingrad’s 600 mi from St. Petersburg & Russia imm’y announced that K’s imports wd now arrive via ferry from the Baltic. K’s gas arrives via pipeline across Lithuania. I guess it’s Lithuania’s rail transport that’s threatened by sanctions.
It’s important, as you know, as warm water port, and Russia has populated it with Russians.
Okay, remind me who’s “winning”; and what exactly are they trying to “win”?
March 20

June 20
If you’re familiar with Eastern Front history in WW2 then everything is moving more or less as one would expect. Its a huge and relatively sparsely populated area that’s easy to roll over at speed (in the summer) if the defenses are weak or non-existent but once things get organized its more a case of battering strongpoints to wear down armies until the time’s ripe for a breakthrough. Since the Russian goal isn’t to take over Ukraine but merely neutralize it as a threat then you may well not see much rapid movement — they just need to wear down the UA military until the government is forced to treat.
What should be noted is that how much of UA is not occupied or even threatened by Russia. We’ve heard a great deal about “Russia preventing grain shipments” but its quite obvious that there are numerous ways to get exports out of UA. So far Russia has avoided destroying infrastructure (at least any more than you’d expect from localized military operations) so the UA rail network is intact and functional. The only significant change is that Mauripol isn’t open to the UA but this was never a major export port for cereals, it lacks the infrastructure for bulk grain handling.
The implication from the maps up to 20 March are that Putin had some ideas about Kiev, Kharkov, and Mykolaiv – and perhaps then to Odessa. What were these ideas and have they been abandoned?
Lost in a dark wood, I think it’s too tempting NOT to continue taking territory.
June 18 DRAMATIC LOSSES by Ukraine:
50 generals, and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were eliminated, in particular, the General Staff, the Kakhovka group of troops, the air assault troops and the units involved in the Nikolaev and Zaporizhia areas.
It was a missile attack on a nighttime meeting. Obviously Russian intell knows everything that’s occurring in Ukraine.
There’s a couple more paragraphs re missile strikes on the 18th:
(avail in English, too; just one click)
Martin, I read perhaps a month ago that Ukraine had exported 265,000 tons on wheat thru Romania since the war began. Also there’s a Turkish-Russian plan to clear the seamines that Ukraine has laid down & to escort grain ships– but Ukraine has vetoed it, cuz that’ll simplify taking Odessa.
I’ve no doubt Russia will take the city/port of Odessa, and probably the whole oblast of Odessa– lots of Russian-language people living there.
Lost, here’s an interactive map and it has the names of cities large enough to read and in our alphabet, too.
Thank you.
Looking at the map, to take Odessa, the Russians would need to first take Mykolaiv; which they’ve backed away from. The alternatives of either going round or launching an amphibious landing seem highly suspect.
I feel a new stage has been reached with the Ukraine matter. It’s as if we have been launched on a rocket powered by shit and for a while everyone went along with it. But more and more people noticed something was wrong. This growing awareness was being contained by the shit appliers on the rocket but when the unrest became too troublesome, the pilots shouted “Oh look through the window at that lot over there!” So everyone’s attention is now focussed on the window. Meanwhile the rocket continues on its Hell-ward plunge.
Whoa, pretty scary stuff. The hardened right cannot accept dissent, a fascist trait. Denial of reality, always stay the course. These are signs of insecurity on a personal level.
“Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.”
Covid was all about killing people. That’s all. In a direct (and indeed “Satanic”) inversion of the truth, the psychopathic programme was instilled. In another such inversion, that segment of the population which regarded itself as caring and standing up for the needy etc. were the main instigators of this genocide. And in yet another inversion, the groups labelled as “selfish” and “driven by profit” were the ones speaking out the truth about the assault on life.
And just as the term “Satanic” is perfectly accurate in describing the killing and burying of truth, so we should not flinch from describing the rise of the new fraudulent medicine protocols as a resurgence of the Third Reich. The Nazis are alive and well and flourishing in our new bio-security state.
The switch in news management from covid to Ukraine serves as a shift to the side to reinforce the new viral paradigm by offering a temporary respite – a cinema intermission to be used as a false “redemption” of the media’s designated dissident branch (AKA “The Left”) before a resumption of viral voodoo.
Despite the coordinated effort to kill people, EU (euromomo) graphs someone linked here a few days ago showed major spikes of all-cause excess deaths only for the fol. periods, almost all the victims being aged 40+ and increasing with age:
:- roughly March-May 2020
:- flu season 2020-2021
:- flu season 2021-2022.
So, withholding medical treatment for the public (those not rich) may have been a good thing, confirming past anecdotes of the effect of strikes by med. staff in various countries.
For all 3 periods, minimum excess deaths were ~75,000. Strangely, the link no longer works.
Did you take a screenshot or screen video of the maps (e.g. bandicam)??
My error, also some error I faced in changing the comment. The link is
However, with the link, the comment may disappear temprarily again.
Uni-Aleve for pain lol! Some members of society are sadistic imo. ’20 -21 they showed their on-line self by tagging people into groups untill the steamrolling approached themselves.
They continually refuse to eccept An Other as an idividual person with needs not wants., under the guise of anonymity.
Today in the New New Normal:
Of some 6,000 NATZO mercenaries in the Ukraine from 64 different countries, some 2,000 have been killed and some 2,000 have fled. Perhaps they thought that they were going to show “our irresistible armed might” in yet another NATZO gang rape of a tiny Third World country. Instead, these Soldiers for Freedom and Womens Rights found themselves up against a big modern country with world-beating army. How long the remaining 2,000 mercs will be around remains to be seen. The greatest number come from Poland, with 1,831. From other countries like Canada (601 mercs), USA (530), Romania (504), Germany and France, the majority of these were presumably expat Ukrainians; or else, like Canada’s Chrystia Freeland, the descendant of an actual Ukrainian nazi. Third comes the UK with 422 mercs, of whom 102 have been killed and 98 have fled. According to General Konashenkov who released the figures, the flow of mercenaries to defend NATZO’s “cookie coup” regime in Ukraine has reversed. As I predicted in a previous post, “$1,000 a month, all the women you can catch, and you get to drive a Humvee flatback with a really big gun” (which was NATZO’s standard rate for ISIS mercs in Syria) is not enough for European mercs in Ukraine.
“Time for Nazi Boy, Missy Chrystia and the Reich to Fall.”

“To Hell with NATO Nazi Banderites! To Hell with War!”
Saw those figures recently. Was quite shocked at how low the numbers are. I’d had a figure of around 20,000 foreign mercenaries in my head
I have 6956 mercenaries arrived in Ukraine, 1956 ‘destroyed’, 1779 left the country, leaving 3221 still there. More-or-less the same
Yes, amazing difference between the number of ISIS mercs NATZO managed to hire to fight Syria (600,000) and the number of homocidal hirelings who are willing to fight Russia (less than 10k). Says a lot for common sense and free choice rather than conscription as a method of recruitment.
Countries that allowed mercenaries passage to Ukraine include Croatia, UK, Denmark, Latvia and Poland. -Russian military statement 2022-03
From 2014, Azov neo-Nazis included people from Sweden, Italy, France, Belarus, Slovenia, Canada, etc. From 2014, USA has been training Ukrainian Nazis in secret camps. -Mike Whitney 2022-03
Misanthropic Vision (MD) is a neo-Nazi network in 19 countries that publicly incites hatred and terrorism against Christians, Muslims, Jews, Communists, homosexuals, Americans and people of color. -Cardinal Carlo Vigano quoted by Mike Whitney 2022-02
Turkey provided military drones to Ukraine, and sent its militants from Syria. 2022-03
Fighters from ISIL, al Qaeda and others have been fighting alongside the Nazis in Ukraine since at least 2014. Others come from Chechya, Ingushetia, Daghestan and South Ossetia. -Iain Davis, 2022-06
I had seen this was going to happen and it is delicious. The elimination of merc scumbags is a service to humanity. Any news on the fate of the Azov Battalion scum?
Today, during a fierce battle in the industrial zone of Severodonetsk, the commander of the battalion “Aidar” Sergei Melnichuk was caught. The one that shells Donetsk and creates atrocities against civilians.
In last week’s TWN2, after citing several epitomic examples of technocratic stupidity, I stated:
There were a couple of objections; and to one I replied:
So far, nobody has offered an alternative solution.
The problem faced by the technocrats is that of stopping their own people from taking the jab. Given the pervasive stupidity among technocrats, I don’t see how they could solve that problem.
Is this another example of technocratic stupidity?
At noon on June 14, Megvii Technology, a leading AI vision company, issued an obituary, “Dr. Sun Jian [aged 45], the chief scientist of Megvii and Dean of the Megvii Research Institute, left forever in the early morning of June 14, 2022 due to ineffective rescue of sudden illness.”
Shuzhi Frontline learned from insiders that Dr. Sun Jian went to work in the company yesterday and did not see anything unusual. “Everyone was surprised.” There is news in the industry that Sun Jian died of a sudden myocardial infarction, but this news has not been confirmed.
Where’s the Reece Committee when you need it?…
When Adorno said, “Only the exaggerations are true”, and even though he was referring to psycho-analysis, he was warning about something which the “wingnut conspiracy theorists” instinctively knew all along i.e. that the crudest craziest “most paranoid” notions are fundamentally correct:
Lemmings rushing to be castrated!
Once Antifa concedes that the vax is really about sterilization, they’ll just proclaim it a good thing. Today’s ‘evil Russian conspiracy theory’ is tomorrow’s ‘best of all possible worlds!’.
Teen Vogue, doing its bit to educate young
girls, sorry, “non-prostate owners” (sic):The non-soul-havers are making every effort to produce a generation of non-brain-havers and non-spine-havers, of both sexes.
I found that graphic at the excellent substack of Eliza Mondegreen:
…recommended by the tireless and exceptionally brave Graham Linehan, of Father Ted fame:
I am now convinced that the aim from Dracula’s castle up there is no longer the puny Orwell idea of controlling what people say but of actually destroying their language entirely. The unbelievable shite now pouring from the heights aims to have everyone whistling and grunting at each other.
Today in the New Normal:
The West presses on with its illegal sanctions against Russia – or rather against itself. The lack of Russian oil, gas, fertilisers and essential raw materials has nipped around and bitten the West in its Karma. Inflation in the West is being stoked by the West all over the West. Due to the West’s self-imposed insistence on buying Russian gas at gambler’s “spot price” instead of stable long term contracts, present crisis means the West has Greened itself into buying less gas but paying more. This Greening of the West is landing Russia with three embarrassing problems: une embarras de richesse of foreign currency; and a financial paradox of falling inflation combined with a rising ruble.
Further example of shooting oneself in the foot is that some of the Siemens turbines/pumps that are used on Nord Stream 1 were sent off to Canada for routine maintainance. They’re stuck there because they can’t be returned due to sanctions. This has reduced Germany’s gas supply by a further 40% overnight.
I’d guess that someone could apply to the US for a waiver for these units but then that’s really the whole point of the war/Special Military Operation, isn’t it?
Contemporary Western Civilisation News:
the americans have asked israel, (the birthplace of Jesus) to PAUSE mistreatment of Palestinians until after the american president’s visit.
worth noting,
not long time ago, israel joined the western chorus condemning alleged China’s human rights violations.
This week in the alien constellation is like every other week. Better forgotten about. The degenerate culture poking it’s head out of the closet is asking to have the door slammed shut without a second thought squandered.
Interesting they should be equating going to national parks in the US with nefarious attitudes and actions – just when they’re trying to get traction out of the plan to turn these parks over to big oil to plunder.
There’s always a little method to their madness.
Airline cancellations and a rail strike in the UK.
Is it clear now why the rich have been buying private jets?
in February this year, on the first day of resuming air travel into Sydney, the NSW government ordered a rail-network shutdown … and blamed the workers’ union.
with the australian liberal party’s deep hatred to public services, one would wonder if shutting down the railway has an ulterior motive of boosting car sales, as well as tarnishing the workers union’s reputation!
Orchestrated strikes to wreck all travel services. Meteoric rises in fuel bills. And now the end is near and so we face ….
Today in the New New Normal:
Micron Shocked as Le Pen’s Party Makes Huge Gains
I tried to look into the China Henan bank protest QR code story because any time NATOstan media breathlessly word for word repeat the exact same detail-free “China so evil” story, a red flag goes up for me.
“The details of why don’t really matter.”
Yes, they do! The devil is ALWAYS in the details.
As a non-Chinese speaker, so far my research suggests the following. (My conclusions may change if I find new reliable info).
So what Reuters did was take a bunch of various true details and cook up a completely fictional story making it sound as if the evil CCP deliberately hunted out a few hundred rural bank customers who they somehow knew were upset enough about not using a mobile banking platform to take time out of their busy day to go protest (out of 1,400,000,000 people that they are spying on 24/7) and then turned their QR codes red.
That’s the sort of stuff that you usually only see in science fiction movies.
Buy hey, it plays to Western prejudices about evil China.
To be clear: I do not understand China’s zero covid policy for one second. So far the best hypothesis I have is that the entire covid policy in China is run by their fifth column.
George Gao, head of China CDC was there at Event 201. If you look at his CV and consider that he was one of the co-authors in the “new” Sars-cov-2 virus publications I think he’s a key fifth column asset, Many of the scientists and doctors who dominate China’s covid policy have all studied in NATO countries and having the “Western CV” is considered very very prestigious in China, or at least it used to be 10-15 years ago when these guys were climbing to the top. They are the ones who feed the recommendations to the government.
On the bright side, China has never had a vax pass. Their health QR code is based on testing. I don’t like that either, but for what it’s worth, at least they mostly do the non-invasive saliva test. In Italy for instance, the saliva PCR test has been deliberately banned for any free testing and made very expensive for anyone who wants to do it themselves. Some guy from the government is on the record saying it needs to “hurt” the uninjected who needed it for work etc.
Thanks ever so much for exorcising the Reuter Devil by checking the Details. It’s hard work and most people take the easy way out like I do: Just say, ah Reuter, discard as half truth.
Details, schmetails! Seriously, excellent clarification you provided there. Thank you!
Yes. A friend of mine passed me these links, all dated from June 15, the day following Reuters’s piece, but somehow conveniently left un-noticed by the usual China-bashing players:
Henan authorities to investigate suspected abuse of health code system – Global Times
Strict use of health code urged as homebuyers suspectedly given red codes after complaints against unfinished residential project – Global Times
Henan New Wealth Group is suspected of manipulating four rural banks: local regulator – Global Times
Interestingly, the Singapore Straight Times reproduced Reuters verbatim.
Thanks. Almost the entire world reproduced Reuters verbatim, including for example, independent news outlets in Italy, including the ones who are also suspicious of Reuters…unless it slams China.
The most interesting factoid in your second link above is that the dude behind the fraud is now a Cypriot!
“According to an investigation by domestic economic news site, the actual controller of Henan New Wealth Group is Lü Yi, who was born in Nanyang, Henan in 1974 but changed his nationality to become a citizen of Cyprus.”
The Yicai site has this update on the bank fraud. Understanding the details based on a machine translation is waaaay above my pay grade, but it is clearly very complicated and has been developed over ten years.
Your first link suggests that not only bank customers but also disgruntled customers of a residential construction project were subject to the disco traffic light QR codes.
My takeaway from all this was that in fact it was the Chinese public themselves who questioned on social media whether there was any connection between the qr codes and customers complaining about various entities. I could be wrong but I’m sure a large segment of China is as vigilant about the dangers of these qr codes (whether based on testing or vaxxing) as the rest of us.
To me, the more realistic scenario is a small intersection between ongoing fraudulent financial / construction stuff plus some glitches in a dynamic qr code database. The CCP don’t have anything to gain by protecting an ex.Chinese Cypriot bankster/gangster ripping of hardworking rural Chinese….
“None of the above really had anything to do evil Xi and the evil CCP leadership”
after saying this, you can abandon all hope of getting a job in mainstream media and/or murdoch’s press!
When I was a child I wanted to be a journalist. I never once imagined that journalism as a profession would be dead by the time I grew up. It may have been dead even before that for all I know, but I used to look up to the BBC once upon a time!
You’ve actually stumbled across an object lesson on propaganda. For propaganda to be effective it has to have some basis in truth so what you do is cherry pick facts and weave them into the narrative that you wish to promote.
There are hundreds of demonstrations every year in China – or were until at least a couple of years ago. Most are against corrupt local officials trying to grab land or public wealth.
I am shocked that OffG should have been so irresponsible as to have reported the Clinton adviser tragic suicide as if there was something suspicious about it. If you had taken the trouble to familiarise yourself with the latest scientific research you would have seen that there are two perfectly logical ways this could have happened.
First, there is the well-known effect of chest saturation. This happens when a person hangs himself and the shock of this causes newly discovered particles called leadotrons to swarm down to the chest, accumulate there and then explode causing the appearance of lead deposits which has given some conspiratorial morons the idea that a shotgun was involved.
Second, there is the equally well known effect of trauma linked twine generation in which a failed shot to the chest can cause a sudden rush of adrenalin which overwhelms the brain and causes the victim to feel an irresistible urge or climb a tree whilst the newly discovered particles orgo-ropetoids cause the growth of an apparently rope like substance to form round his neck and then attach themselves to a branch. Again conspiratorial morons assume there was an actual rope involved.
It is deeply disturbing that so many people nowadays have turned their backs on this indisputable scientific research and succumb to a resurgence of the medieval superstitious mind set.
I don’t like your sarcasm, but you remind me of an awfully long body trail that led to Lord and Lady MacBeth of Arkansaw.
Sarcasm is probably a bad idea in these strange days. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone copy/pasted my remark and tried to pass it off as “genuine science”. It’s hardly less ridiculous than what is being passed off as science. If cow farts threaten the Earth’s eco-system, if “chest feeding” can be called “unnatural”, if even the act of landscaping can be considered “fascist” then we now have a world in which anything at all can be passed off as “The Science”.
I believe the human race is now acting out Sophocles’ line from “Antigone”: “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”
His facetious ‘explanation’ will probably turn up at within the hour. 😉
When the choice is between sarcasm and a Kalashnikov … first try sarcasm (even if the latter is more effective).
Thanks for your reply. Reminds me of an Old Vic production of Aristofanes’s anti-war comedy Lysistrata. In an intermission, Lysistrata faces the audience and says: “Here I am supposed to introduce some topical comedy. Unfortunately, Today’s News and Parliamentary Report would upstage us professional comedians, and put Lysistrata out of a job. So, on with Aristofanes”.
I see what she meant: the Leaders of three great European nations visited Ukraine to pay their respects to its president who, as a professional comedian, plays the piano with his dongle.
I’m not questioning your Science – we must all Trust the Science! But I wouldn’t mind if James Corbett got away from his Solutions Watch long enough to do an in-depth on the individual’s suicide.
Although (and I know I shouldn’t say this), given much of his current work, he may indeed verify your Science.
The Fraud discovers that “agency capture” is a thing… hurrah! Oh, it’s the agriculture ministry and farmers (especially livestock farmers) that Monbiot means:
I particularly liked the line where he equates livestock farmers with tobacco.
Might there not be agency capture in other parts of the regulatory system? Big Pharma and Big Tech have a lot more money than the NFU… What!?! Are you some sort of crazy conspiracy theorist?….
UK Water industry is another example imo.
Take away the voting. Bring it back as the decision was wildly unpopular. Break the voting system. Discuss.
No thanks. Voting is for lazy sheeple who have not done their homework. If you disagree or agree with something, just say it.
Loop a loop/ David Cameron had his bike stolen twice. LOL To deep for some as many under mind control and cant see the repeated BIKE symbolism rituals that keep them in a the loop da loop going no where.
didnt build back better Boris Johnson fall of a bike ( and got his bike stolen LOL) in the ritualistic period approximately same time of the year in 2011 err yes.
wake up.
This explains why my tin-foil hat keeps sparking during the Tour de France.
Tony Blair is knighted to honor his service and psychopathy to crown and country for the brave and honorable war crimes he committed in Iraq?
The queen and the UK government reveal their complicit eagerness to support yet another mass murderer in the name of good old democracy and freedom?
Whilst Julian Assange is still being illegally held and tortured in HMP Belmarsh for holding truth to the illegitimate, corrupt and criminal US power structure for exposing their heinous Iraqi war crimes.
This you call civilization Priti Patel?
Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world.
The very idea of somebody governing somebody else is inhuman.
But there are people in the lowest state of consciousness who enjoy it: these are our politicians.
The only joy of a politician is to govern, to be in power, to enslave people.
What have these governments done?
They have not done anything for the people except exploit them, exploit their fear, and set them against one another.
A continuity of war somewhere or other on the earth is almost an absolute necessity for politicians to exist.
The politician cannot exist without wars.
Hence politics is the dirtiest game, because it depends on human blood, the bloodshed of millions of innocent people.
This raises a very basic question.
If Existence itself is divine; then from where does this evil come?
From where does the bad, the immoral, the unacceptable come?
This has puzzled humanity for centuries.
As far back as we can go, this problem has always been there in the mind of every individual.
Unsuspected by the American public, President Sleepy Go Brandon has grave mental problems.
He has secretly been going to see Doctor Mindbender, the White House psychiatrist, for some intense therapy.
One morning, Sleepy Joe is lying on the shrink’s couch, just babbling away.
“I am a nice old man, really I am,” says Joe, in his best TV voice.
“I was the ex-vice president of the USA.
I have a college degree;
I am a respectable, quiet family man.
I lead an unblemished life.
I contribute generously to the Ukraine Nazi charity funds, and I often visit Father Fungus to have a heart-to-heart chat about my creepy girl child sniffing fetish.
I have nothing to reproach myself with, yet I keep having this disturbing delusion, this nagging feeling, that I am a violent mass murderer.”
“Hmmmm,” says Doctor Mindbender, as he quietly locks the door, and pulls down the blinds.
“You must not worry, Joe.
This is quite common among many mild-mannered, quiet psychopaths like yourself.
But before we proceed, would you mind putting down your M4 Commando?”
What is politics all about?
Why does human society goes on making schizophrenic people?
Life is meaningless if you are only open to the lower.
With the lower, there is only repetition of the same thing, again and again.
Our politics, our nations, our races, our religions are all animalistic.
When we say “nation,” it is nothing but the greed for more territory.
When we say race, it is nothing but herd worship.
We give good names, we give good labels, and hide much ugliness behind them.
Hitler became successful not because he had a very meaningful philosophy, his philosophy was absurd, it was childish, immature.
Hitler realized he could not convince the German people that he was right, that was not the point.
He knew it would be very difficult to convince German people, because they are logicians.
No, he never tried to convince them.
He instead created a hypnotic group phenomenon.
That convinced them.
It was not a question of what Hitler was saying, it was a question of what they were feeling when they were in the group, in the mass hysteria.
It was such an unburdening experience, that it was worth it to follow this insane man.
Whatsoever he was saying, wrong or right, logical, illogical, foolish, it was just so good to follow him.
They were so bored with themselves, their lives, they wanted to be absorbed by the mass unconsciousness.
That’s why fascism, Nazism and all types of group madness, became possible in the West during the last century.
That’s why today through government fear induced mass hypnosis, big tech/MSM controlled WEF full spectrum propaganda, the unconscious group madness is back folks!
Psychologists say that our mind is like a robot, an automatic machine, you need not be aware of it.
Whatever you have learned you give to your robot and it will perform.
Your mind is just like a computer, once you have fed it, it will work.
Then you can rest, you are not needed.
You can now take a permanent holiday, fully lost in your imagination, unconsciously numb and fully sedated from reality!
The robot is helpful as far as ordinary life is concerned, because without it you will not be able to function in many basic things, it is a necessary help.
But as far as higher things are concerned, the robot becomes a problem.
Your robot is doing everything for you.
It has repeated the same thing so many times for you that it has become an expert; you are no longer needed.
Yet the robot is a major impediment as far as spiritual progress is concerned.
Take charge.
Be conscious of all the things which have become automatic.
Then, by and by, as you become more and more aware, the lower unconscious access will be closed.
And when the higher opens, you need not do anything more, then the higher begins to do everything through you.
That is what religious consciousness is: to be open to the higher and closed to the lower.
That is why a religious individual cannot belong to any country or to any religion.
They can belong only to existence, because that is the higher possibility, where there are no boundaries and no politics, where only No-Mind religiousness is needed.
Humanity has survived in spite of this whole politics of war because there has been no total weapon.
But now that we have total weapons we can destroy the whole world.
And because of our animal tendencies, there seems to be no future for us.
For the first time, true religiousness has become the only means of survival.
Unless many, many consciousnesses become open through No-Mind to the divine existential source, there is no future for us.
Only with religiousness, only with a religious consciousness, do you become human for the first time.
Otherwise, everything is animal-like.
This contact with the higher is deeply needed for humanity to survive as humanity.
If the higher possibility does not happen, politics will become suicidal.
The very idea of somebody governing somebody else is
inhumanslavery.And it’s not only the politicians who enjoy this. The majority of the people want this, too. They are not sovereign people who believe in taking responsibility for their own actions and lives. They’ve been brainwashed from early on to “believe” in external authority.
I agree totally. This is what it’s going to take. We’re doing practical things like learning to grow food and getting really serious about it. But it’s a spiritual war at its core. We all need to get back to our spirituality to fight this. And I think we are. I see it many times in my friends who have a spiritual bent. Unfortunately not in those who never had it. Oh well. We’ll take care of them too when shtf, if we can.
I like this post, it is overflowing with righteous anger. Reminds me of Luther nailing his Theses on the church door:
“Hiers stehts Ich, kann nichts anders” (Here stand I, can do no other). May this stream of hot lava ignite a political Reformation.
Check out the writer of the monkey article. Anthony Blair
‘It’s taken so long’: Monkeypox patients raise concerns over UK tracing delays — The Guardian can’t wait for the World Health Organization to announce the next lockdown.
So everyone’s going to have to get a jab because you can’t possibly say or do anything against anonymous sex parties.
Is it just me, or does the massive promotion of pride month merge with the pandemic narrative rather conveniently?
The WHO is convening an emergency committee on Jun 23, to assess whether this outbreak “represents a public health emergency of international concern,” Tedros said last week.
Sounds PHEIC to me.
I don’t think there are any coincidences. We live in a world of total news management.
AIDS was a result of vaccines and gay people taking antibiotics to prevent STDs… as well as copious amounts of meth or cocaine. Lots of hard anal sex is probably not good exercise.
The poppers were apparently the main reason for immune system collapse.
Must see! Interview with Ray McGovern and Scott Ritter:
McGovern (7:00): “China is full-square behind Russia.”
I got to 11 mins with Scott Ritter talking. Do they mention Israel anywhere and the Khazarian land-grab project?
Wayne Madsen – Israel’s Secret Plan for “Second Israel” in Ukraine
Voltaire Network
December 8, 2014
The five oblasts: Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporovsky, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa.
I presume that’s a “no”, then!
Project Heavenly Jerusalem – Do You Know Why The War in Ukraine Broke Out?
Mar 26, 2022
Athair Ar Neamh
Niebiańska Jerozolima – Dlaczego Wybuchła Wojna na Ukrainie ?
(Heavenly Jerusalem – Why the War broke out in Ukraine)
Interesting. Will there be a Ukrainian al Naqba ?
Is Putin part of the plan ? Like Hitler was obviously part of the plan to create Israel I.
I think that was the intention. However, things appear to have ground to a halt. See above post re “Who’s winning?”
As always, follow the money!
“Hospitals are overwhelmed by the vaccinated. Endless Covid short term reinfections, plaguing UK, Europe, Australia & NZ, are sliding towards “Chronic Covid”. Herd immunity is enjoyed only by unvaccinated countries.
” Chronic Covid is a situation where the vaccinated cannot develop natural immunity, cannot quickly clear infections, and remain ill and infectious for extended period of time. Such repeat infections progressively damage their immunity to the point of not being able to clear Covid at all.”
Vaccine imprinting affects subsequent antibody responses stimulated by vaccine or infection.
This week from Russian Press:
“A civil disobedience movement has sprouted in Ukraine. Young conscripts, with no experience or training, refuse to sacrifice themselves for President Zelensky.”
British intell: artillery Ukrainian to Russian: 1 to 20. Ammunition: 1 to 40.
Ukrainian military deaths 100-150 daily. Wounded 500 daily
100s of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians Russia says are being held hostage. According to Russia, at Ukrainian request a civilian corridor was opened, but civilians in the plant are not being told of it.
“A scandalous bill submitted by [Ukraine’s parliament] Verkhovna Rada deputy Mariana Bezugla, giving officers the right to execute servicemen for desertion, was withdrawn on May 24. However, the very appearance of such an initiative clearly indicates that the problem is real, and the authorities are sounding the alarm.
“Indeed, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass are increasingly facing situations where logistical support is simply non-existent: there is no ammunition, food, or artillery support. A lot of videos have recently appeared on the web that have been posted by the soldiers themselves. As a rule, they confirm their unauthorized departure from the frontline, while explaining their reasons. Many of these come from military personnel in the area of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, where the most brutal battles are currently raging in the Donbass.”
-MORE- plus associated stories
In the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian troops handed over completely new tanks to the Russian military, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
When the settlement of Topolskoye, Izyumsky district, was liberated, Ukrainian tankers decided to surrender without a fight.
This was told by the commander of the Russian tank company Timur, writes RIA Novosti.
If the Ukrainian authorities enter into unprofitable negotiations with Moscow amid failures at the front, the neo-Nazis will deploy weapons against Kyiv, Andrei Baranov does not exclude. He suggested that Vladimir Zelensky was given a hard deadline.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi met with Ukrainian head Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv on June 16.
June 17, Die Welt wrote that behind closed doors, European leaders were trying to persuade Zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table with the Kremlin.
[Sounds like Zelensky’s between a rock and a hard place]
What the European leaders want Zelensky to do hardly matters. Th troops seem to be aware they are being used as sacrificial pawns in the US plan for achieving regime change in Russia. More Russians being sent home in bodybags goes towards that plan.
les, obviously Ukraine is a US puppet– not a European one, since they are largely US puppets too.
Does look like the “war” is over soon.
This stage of the “war” may soon be over, yes…
But Regime Change is the US stated intention.
I recall Iraq being “allowed”” to annex Kuwait.,,The Ukraine forces are being used to send more bodybags home to Russian…Demoralising Russians, maybe even politically destabilising Russia…
Most of the weaponry “pouring” into The Ukraine is not being sent to The Front. It is being saved to use for the Liberation of the Occupied Territories.
I expect the next stage of the “war” will be indiscriminate shelling of populated civilian areas in the Dombas, and villages inside Russia, Zelensky, on the eve of the visit by the European politicians vowed to reclaim occupied territory.
Their visit was for home consumption. They want to be seen as peacemakers.
But have exposed their impotence. The US is running the show
Regime Change is the stated US intention. The US didnt pour so much time, effort and money to draw Russia into conflict just to throw in the towel because European ‘allies’ are hurting…Even unintended consequences are being exploited.
It is not in the US interests that all of The Ukraine, or just the parts that Russia doesnt want. be made a NATO member. Anyway, the idea is just a distraction…It is not in the US interests that any “peace deal” be agreed, and certainly not one that legitimises the Donbas Republics…
Les online, that’s an interesting take on what might happen next. I don’t think the weapons are being held back, but are being transferred to private, non-state hands; however the effect might be the same since the cabal controls those, too.
I have another take on what’s happening– and I don’t insist it’s likely, but just another possibility:
We know they plan a unipolar world, right? So why wd they care who, in the short run, controls what bit of territory? I think they don’t, but that the war is only a distraction from our seeing their NWO progression– and empoverishment and chaos, of course.
Further, the US and the developed world must be greatly weakened to bring about the NWO. Obviously Europe is being weakened.
The US is being weakened in every possible way– the border, chaos in large cities due to Soros’ placement of District Attorneys soft on crime, racial tension exaccerabated thru unremitting propaganda, ruinous spending, reduction of the petroleum reserve and of weapons reserves.
US is further weakened by what I see as purposeful loss of prestige– total ineptitude in war, unconvincing propaganda– and what cd possibly demean the country more internationally than a senile, contradictory weakling of a President?
I even think the dollar is being brought down on purpose– how else get to the digital currency? That’s right; I think the whole thing is scripted. That China with her shut-down of her major industrial area & her ports is in on it– certainly adding to the supply chain crackup.
I, like you, am hungry for the sight of competence and justice– but I don’t really believe that’s what we’re seeing in the Russo-Ukrainian war.
In 2015 Ukrainian Interior Ministry admitted that ~16,000 troops had defected to Donbas, adding to an existing 40,000
or so. -Iain Davis, 2022-06-07
mgeo, yes I remember seeing that– part of the reason why the Donbas militias are so strong. I wonder what the backstory on that is– who those men are.
Probably Russian speakers and other Ukies who don’t want to kill their fellow citizens.
With the news of Germany donating a field hospital and mobile cremation facility, some of the deserters may have feared more of what their comrades had suffered after being wounded at the Donbas battlefront. Reportedly, these victims conveniently died soon and their bodies disappeared. This is a replay of the “humanitarian” work of the White Helmets in Syria. There is no slack in the global market for body parts, centered on a country that must remain unnamed.
Allen Forrest:

The Clinton associate suicide rate is not even a joke anymore. It is expected and normal.
Why the hell was Biden using pedal stirrups? I can’t count the number of times the same thing has happened to me. Someone that old should not be on a bicycle let alone using stirrups. He is lucky he did not break something. Maybe he did.
From now on when I need to wear a disguise when shopping for locally grown fresh produce at roadside stands.
I need to make sure no one sees me when I am outside hiking and enjoying nature. I can always tell people that I was out searching for my lost dog.
Are you sure you can admit to having a dog? 😀
“NATZO think tank” — an oxymoron: NATZO tanks don’t think.
Not from a NATZO think tank; Glazyev is for thinking people:
“We – I mean a group of scientists of the Academy of Sciences who work in long cycles of economic and social development – foresaw this particular Special Military Operation of 2022. Back in 2014, it was clear that reunification with Crimea would certainly affect the entire Russian world, not only the territory of Ukraine. I even wrote a book called, World War Last: The U.S. Starts and Loses.
“What we see today was already formulated back in 2014, including the increased size of Armed Forces of Ukraine, the prominent role of USA & UK in Ukraine, and the cultivation of Ukrainian Nazism. All this was predicted almost to the point of numerical detail. We continue our research. According to which the peak of the confrontation falls on 2024. This is a forecast that my colleague gave in 2012, when there was no current military operation and no Biden / Nuland “cookie coup” in Ukraine.”
Do not listen to Glazev.
So he’s pro Chinese. Pro “social rating”. Supporting a Chinese model of ‘electronic concentration camp’. In favour of the Panopticon?
Nevertheless, in the article he seems to take the side of humans vs a post-human society:
Do you see him as giving people false hope against such a system?
He is too intelligent to have views so simple, himself to the marrow a late/decadent communist who quickly turned a liberal, a classic biography for many people his age in the post-Soviet world, and a fast-tracked child of western capitalism, a man for sale at the same time, skillfully running in the Putin’s chariot. He is a highly skilled witty mediocrity, a typical pliable and malleable amount of futile intelligence, man without ideas, a Mann ohne Eigenschaften, a walking shiny PowerPoint presentation. Ask him his views, he has none and all at the same time. Ask him a question, you will never get a straight answer and a lot of quasi-intelligent palaver, ponos, as Russians say. A shadowy figure at the same time. You can calibrate him in any direction, and he will bend in any with aplomb, and besides he is so very well groomed, so neat, so well once tended by his mother. They started suddenly out of the blue ”krutit” this Glazev all over social media a while ago, as self-acclaimed opposition and sudden dissent. Dissent to what? And if you try to put a finger on: So what does he oppose to?, you will have a lot of hot wind and long-winded bottomless sentences [ try Alexander Dugin, another more advanced putinism personage running in Putin’s charriot] .
There is another term for putinism used by the Russians, ”putinica”. It is hard to come up with an English definition of it, but this Glazev is one of the ”putinica” samples, inebriated sobriety so to say. When you listen to him let’s say talk about your bicycle, you will not know if you still have got a bicycle which you did have, or whether they took your bicycle and now you have your bicycle no more? So do I have it or they took it? No answer. You will be in two worlds/minds at the same time, locked thereat with equal spell. ”Putinica” is a genre of a lot of in the Russian art, discourse, everyday skaz. Takoj czeloviek kotory vsiem i vsiegda prodajiot tolko byliny. People in power adore such shiny courtly performers, his high IQ and at the same time his backbone made of plasticine and rubber.
As to his sudden ”dissent”, obviously he works within Lenin’s formula of controlled opposition, i.e. one you have created and you manage and let loose when needed and how needed. So he is a highly created and calibrated shadowy personage, educated by GosDep in US with a bunch of similar Nouveau riche Russian oligarchat characters, ministers, personages etc.
Read carefully this article, here he is in favour of the Chinese social credit system, esp. the few final paragraphs. See his feline way of arguing, how he approaches and justifies the Chinese social credit system. Who could resist? Who could say ”No!”? Nobody would! We all want it!! Just look at the very title: ”The light shines from the East…” Could we deny it does not?
Or see how he justifies the need for AI, based on the current SO in the Ukraine. How he argues, in between the lines, that the current SO in the Ukraine is apparently not any longer a war between peoples/nations/armies, but one that is a new-generation war, a novel combat by AI and with AI and through AI. So just quit your nonsense about resisting AI. Future belongs to it. And you had better jump the train so that it doesn’t leave you on the platform. Do not be a barking dog to the majestically moving caravan.
Therefore there is no escape from it. Therefore we need even more AI even if only to know how to resist AI and its Sun Rising World Over…
And so it goes.
Great comment. Thanks. I would upvote it, but that’s not an option these days
Inebriated sobriety. Enjoy!
And perhaps this as NewNormal zakuska:
Cheers… one of my favourite toasts. That desires always match means:
I appear to be in the small minority who believe There’s more than one elephant in the room, which is sometimes rendered as The elephant is not the only animal in the room !
Yes, there are many animals in the room, thanks to bountiful and capricious Lady Nature:
“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety”.
The two biggest beasts at present are NATZO in East Europe, and the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist “vampire squid with tentacles wrapped round the face of the Globe”. Specific issues are the de-Natzofication of East Europe, and de-Confidation of the Globe.
More from the New New Normal:
“After his speech in St.Petersburg about the importance of China’s BRI for Eurasion integration, Kazakh President Tokayev was in Tehran today signing several agreements with his Iranian counterpart. In the background is this hugely important route from Kazakhistan and All the Central Asian Stans across Iran to the Oman Sea and Persian Gulf, which will complement the Russia China corridor.”
Man looks into the Cosmos and sees his thoughts reflected.
Man watches adverts on TV and sees his desires reflected…anon…
During a pause of the You-Must-Wear-Mask regime i popped into a Vitamin shop. When i approached the counter to pay, the serving woman noticeably stiffened, cocked her head slightly away, and took a small step back from the counter**. When i leaned forward at the counter she maintained the distance…I knew i didnt have BO..
I read somewhere that Health Conscious people were the eagerest for getting The Jab…Makes me wonder how easily will it be to recruit them to man the gas chambers…Vitamin & mineral supplements are Big Business. I’ll bet they give the drug makers a run for the money !
** Her action was highly practiced, skillful and fluid. But even the untrained eye would have understood The Message !
the best reaction to these meatbots is to piss yourself laughing
probably not enough for them to understand the message but very morale boosting none the less
i am sad to eport that my HFS was the first shop in town to demand sanitising of hands [ though none toxic sanitiser] and most of the stuff earely adopted masks/visors, often both. they still mostlt wear them. my mind boggled. i did not even want to go there, and it had alsways been a place of comfort, and nice chats. same wit the library.
i did meat a woman in the HFS in the early days who moved away from me and i said: it’s not radiation.
even if there had been a virus/that virus.
i’ve not met that many who seemed seriously scared though but one young woman behind the counter who seemed shaking with fear.
suplements are not remotely a money maker like prescription drugs.
nor all but mandatory.
and at least useful and can be of good quality, depending where they come from.
i don’t understand how the truly health conscious would fall for this.
The story with health code turning red for the people who wanted to demonstrate before the bank in Henan seems to be correct. It is mentioned in Chinese News and is said to be under investigation.
No matter what the Western media claim, the biggest problem China has is corruption, which seems to be in play with this as well.
I’m glad the China government used its heavy hand, thus revealing this misuse to the obedient believers of the world
February 22, 2019
Particularly concerning is Azov’s campaign to transform Ukraine into a hub for transnational white supremacy. The unit has recruited neo-Nazis from Germany, the UK, Brazil, Sweden, and America; last October, the FBI arrested four California white supremacists who had allegedly received training from Azov. This is a classic example of blowback: US support of radicals abroad ricocheting to hit America.
Ah yes; we’ve been here before!
Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally “the database”, was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians. Inexplicably, and with disastrous consequences, it never appears to have occurred to Washington that once Russia was out of the way, Bin Laden’s organisation would turn its attention to the west.
Robin Cook – July 8, 2005
The CIA’s Bin laden project flopped many years later; when will its Bi den project fail?
From 2014, Azov included people from Sweden, Italy, France, Belarus, Slovenia, Canada, etc. From 2014, USA has
been training Ukrainian Nazis in secret camps. -Mike Whitney 2022-03
Misanthropic Vision is a neo-Nazi network in 19 countries that publicly incites hatred and terrorism against
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Communists, homosexuals, Americans and people of color. -Cardinal Carlo Vigano quoted by Mike Whitney 2022-02
Thanks for sharing that gem from Robin Cook, I never knew he had said that. It appears to have been abruptly life shortening for him.
9/11 was of course an inside job.
Making Ukraine a NATO member will surely put a Spaniard in The Works of the US plan to cause regime change in Moscow ? And will membership cover the eastern Republics, or just the part that Moscow doesnt want ?