“Polio Outbreak” – The WHO, Bill Gates, emergency vaccines & more of the same
Kit Knightly
Audio Version New Feature!
Polio is on the front pages of British newspapers again for the first time in decades. What a time to be alive.
For those who missed it, two days ago the UK government declared a “national incident” after traces of the polio virus were detected in sewage from North London.
Yes, a “national incident”…for traces…found in sewage.
This is a massive escalation, even compared to the pandemic. Covid and Monkeypox at least had the good taste to wait for a single person to actually have the disease (allegedly) before hitting the big red panic button.
In a somewhat startling coincidence, just two days before the “polio in London” news broke, Forbes published an article headlined…
There May Be A New Polio Epidemic On Its Way- If So, What We Can Do
It’s totally unrelated, talking about a “polio-like” enterovirus that hasn’t yet had a vaccine approved in the US, and never mentions London once.
The same (or similar) news hitting headlines around the world for (supposedly) totally different reasons makes my inner-cynic twitch.
So, what’s going on here?
While it may look like polio is suddenly back in the news, it’s actually been there longer than you’d think and has been building to this point.
The truth is it all fits into a very predictable pattern.
In November of 2020, a new “genetically engineered” and “triple-locked” polio vaccine was the first vaccine to be granted “emergency use listing” by the World Health Organization, despite there being only around five thousand cases of polio in the world over the last decade.
In October 2021, the government of Ukraine declared a “biological emergency” due to the “re-emergence” of polio, which was blamed on low vaccine uptake.
This was steadily reported in back pages of the news for months. Culminating in headlines like “Polio Makes a Comeback in Ukraine as War Halts Vaccination Campaign”, following Russia beginning its “special operation”.
Later, in March of this year, Israel reported they too had a “re-emergence” of polio after allegedly detecting “vaccine-derived” polio in the stool of a young girl suffering from paralysis.
At this point, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) started speaking out. GPEI is a project co-funded by the WHO, the US CDC, GAVI the vaccine alliance and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
…in other words, exactly who you’d expect.
Following the reported case in Israel, GPEI released a statement calling for “enhanced surveillance”…
The GPEI partnership urges all health authorities to enhance surveillance for poliovirus and implement enhanced vaccination response to prevent further transmission, so that no child is at risk of lifelong paralysis from a disease that can so easily be prevented. GPEI is committed to assisting the health authorities in their efforts to stop the cVDPV3 outbreak.
A month later, in April of this year, using alleged “re-emergence” as a springboard, GPEI called for “renewed efforts” to combat polio, launching their new “Strategy” and claiming to need a further 4.8 billion dollars in funding.
Then in late May, at the WHO’s 75th World Health Assembly, “global health leaders” called for “urgent action to end polio once and for all before a unique window of opportunity closes for good.”
The same week, the WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus addressed the assembly regarding polio [emphasis added]:
“Worrying developments in recent months highlight how fragile this progress [of eradicating polio] is […] This year, we have the real opportunity to halt wild poliovirus transmission. At the same time, we must respond faster and better to cVDPV outbreaks, to interrupt all transmission by end-2023.”
…which brings us to June, and scare-stories on both sides of the Atlantic warning of “low vaccination rates”
Note that the WHO report claims the virus entered the UK on someone who received a “live vaccination” overseas, and the alleged outbreak in Israel is “vaccine-derived”.
Do you see how this works yet?
- The WHO approves “emergency use vaccine”, bypassing need for trials and safety data
- A handful of cases of polio are reported (as they are every year)
- Gates/WHO funded thinktank calls for “increased surveillance”, meaning more testing (using PCR tests)
- More testing inevitably finds more “cases”
- Cases are blamed on the old vaccines
- New “modern” and “safer” vaccines are rolled out.
- Everyone makes a LOT of money.
In October, at the World Health Summit in Germany, GPEI is launching a “pledging moment” to try and raise around 5 billion dollars to “achieve a polio-free world”.
Given the headlines, they should pass that mark pretty easily, wouldn’t you think?
It’s interesting to note that market researchers found the polio vaccine market had “stagnated” through 2020 and 2021, due to the Covid19 “pandemic”.
No more stagnation now.
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Here we go…. Another attempt to threaten us with a virus. I think it’s all aimed to keep us on our toes, ready for the day they drop the big one – remember Uncle Billy, “They’ll take notice of the next one” or words to that effect? That will allow our very good friend Tedros to enforce his right to take over the world in the name of fighting the bad threat to our health, and we shall all have to follow the WHO rules. After all, we gave them the Power.
As I said on Face Book: Here we go…. We get Covid-19 a ‘novel’ or new virus that came from animals, bats in fact, then find out that Covid-19 was patented Sept 26th, 2013; “Patent US 02510618 A1 is part of the intellectual property of MODERNA US 10703789 B2 and is the patent for the SWCNT. US 02510618 A1 COVID-19 technology vaccine patent is also the intellectual property of the Chinese military.” It could not possibly have come directly from bats but must have been modified in a lab to alter the furin cleavage site so that it could infect humans. This type of lab work is called ‘gain of function’ which means making a nasty thing nastier, so it harms people and possibly kills them by making them very ill. But no worries, we all got terrified and ran to get our vaccines and were made to think vaccines only would save us. Then monkey virus came to terrify us and went away again. Meanwhile, we had allowed the WHO to have power over the world to rule us all and make us do anything it told us, in the event of a bad virus threatening us. So, now, back comes polio. Not as we knew it. But Sewage Polio from the gut of somebody who had a particular type of polio vaccine, maybe a few days before they used the facilities above these sewers. This type of polio vaccine is used in some countries and some of it can enter the gut, from whence it will travel to be expelled and subsequently arrive in the sewage system. Once it has been discovered by random sewage testing, a great scare may be started, and who knows? Before we know it, the polio vaccine in the sewage might cause the UK government to… Read more »
“urgent action to end polio once and for all before a unique window of opportunity closes for good.”
These windows of opportunity are popping up so often these days that they don’t deserve the term ‘unique’ any longer…
Anyone would think it was a(nother) moneymaking scam by Big Pharma and their mates! ;o)
Like the Skripal poisoning, I assume that Mr.Putin will somehow be blamed for the Polio outbreak as well. Polio…. did we not eradicate this ? I suppose if you still want to play with it in the lab then there is always the risk of it getting in the “wrong hands”? Oh those bloody Russians eh? Works like a charm.
It appears that London is full of dirty little agents that release poison, viruses and a host of other uglies upon their unsuspecting populace.
One good thing about this is that we all have a choice and perhaps its not evident as much yet but it soon will be to the degenerate masses in the West, I being one of them.
Its only a matter of time before China, Russia and India (amongst many more countries) tell the WHO to fuck off once and for all.
Then all the viruses will somehow only exist in the West. Well Sweden may want to re-consider now that Nato told them bugger off.
That’s an old script.
The old ones are always the best! :op
You said “It appears that London is full of dirty little agents that release poison, viruses and a host of other uglies upon their unsuspecting populace.” I’d simply change “London”for “the world”. I was recently reading Karen Kingston’s substack which shows the Patents for the gain of function viruses starting with Covisd-19 and reveals that we were infected deliberately from the start, probably by just sprinkled around liberally and then waited for the results.
I like your comment on the WHO. If only everybody would tell them to fuck-off. It beggars belief that a man wanted for genocide in his own country could actually hold power over the world.
This would be downright boring – fit only for the soap opera crowd if it were not so terrifying. I am reminded of those movies where the stalker takes us through excruciatingly protracted minutia as they close in on the target.
Is it just the media, the faulty PCR tests, or do we seem to be having an uptick in actual “mysterious outbreaks”? Whatever the answer or combination of answers, far too often Bill Gates and his cronies are connected in some way, by wonderful co-inky-dink …and he just keeps getting richer. Hmmm….
From Toilet Paper to Sewers.
Interesting to hear that polio is apparently a confirmed virus, in the same way measles, spanish flu and covid are also claimed to be viruses. Its good to learn something new everyday, wonder what new ‘viruses’ are being created by Roundup’s glyphosate, 5G frequencies, diesel fumes, incinerator emissions and other pathogens deployed into our environment?
I am a living being therefore I am collateral damage.
Guess its all worth it if pharma can sell more products and increase shareholder value.
Continued…..quotes from this link https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/environmental-toxins/pesticides-and-polio-a-critique-of-scientific-literature/ 7 Poliovirus causation was first established in the mainstream mind by publications of an experiment by Landsteiner and Popper in Germany, 1908-1909.13 Their method was to inject a pulverized purée of diseased brain tissue into the brains of two monkeys. One monkey died and the other was sickened. Proof of poliovirus causation was headlined by orthodoxy. This, however, was an assumption–not a proof–of virus causation. The weakness of this method is obvious to everyone except certain viropathologists and has recently been criticized by the molecular biologist Peter Duesberg regarding a modern-day attempt to establish virus causation for kuru, another CNS disease.14 Since 1908, the basic test has been repeated successfully many times using monkeys, dogs and genetically altered mice. The injected material has even been improved–scientists now use a saline solution containing purified poliovirus. However, a crucial weakness exists–polio epidemics do not occur via injections of poliovirus isolate into the brains of the victims through a hole drilled in their skull–except, of course, in laboratories and hospitals. 8 The most obvious theory–pesticide causation–should be the dominant theory. But the opposite exists, a pervasive silence regarding pesticide causation juxtaposed against a steady stream of drama regarding virus causation. In light of the evidence presented herein, the silence could ultimately discredit mainstream medical science, institutions of the environmental movement, and the World Health Organization. 9 Orthodox medical literature can offer no evidence that the poliovirus was anything else than benign until the first polio epidemic, which occurred in Sweden in 1887. This small epidemic occurred 13 years after the invention of DDT in Germany, in 1874, and 14 years after the invention of the first mechanical pesticide crop sprayer, which was used to spray formulations of water, kerosene, soap and arsenic. The epidemic also occurred immediately following… Read more »
Please read and share this article as far and wide as possible. This information needs to become common knowledge. Pesticides and Polio: A Critique of Scientific Literature https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/environmental-toxins/pesticides-and-polio-a-critique-of-scientific-literature/ Some quotes from the articfle: 1 Dr. Biskind had the composure to argue what he thought was the most obvious explanation for the polio epidemic: Central nervous system diseases (CNS) such as polio are actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government- and industry-sponsored inundation of the world’s populace with central nervous system poisons. 2 “It was even known by 1945 that DDT is stored in the body fat of mammals and appears in the milk. With this foreknowledge the series of catastrophic events that followed the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history, should not have surprised the experts. Yet, far from admitting a causal relationship so obvious that in any other field of biology it would be instantly accepted, virtually the entire apparatus of communication, lay and scientific alike, has been devoted to denying, concealing, suppressing, distorting and attempts to convert into its opposite, the overwhelming evidence. Libel, slander and economic boycott have not been overlooked in this campaign. . . .“Early in 1949, as a result of studies during the previous year, the author published reports implicating DDT preparations in the syndrome widely attributed to a ‘virus-X’ in man, in ‘X-disease’ in cattle and in often fatal syndromes in dogs and cats. The relationship was promptly denied by government officials, who provided no evidence to contest the author’s observations but relied solely on the prestige of government authority and sheer numbers of experts to bolster their position. . . . 3 In contemporary Britain, a farmer turned scientist, Mark Purdey, has found substantial evidence that mad cow disease, a form of polio-like encephalitis, was… Read more »
Now that the scammers (in this case the British Government but working with their partners in crime like the WHO and Gates) have hatched their new Polio scam, what with front page headlines from the media arm of the scammer network ie the Daily Mail and all the usual suspects turning up to spread lies fear and terror and the declaration of a “national incident” ……are they going to start paralysing people intentionally by spraying these toxins to create the same atmosphere that made the initial Polio scam such a success. All the worlds a stage after all, so theres nothing like having a bunch of newly paralysed victims to make the show seem as real as possible. Theres no question that they are low enough to do this.
Thanks for all of these excerpts. At the risk of sounding smug, the entire article can be summarized as” Follow The Money.
There is NO MONEY to be made in banning pesticides – it’s a lose-lose proposition for the industry. But MUCH MONEY to be made from viruses.
End of story.
Indeed, in the last 1980’s I worked for an Australian senator and the legislation was to ban the use of organophosphates that were poisoning all the food we ate and left vast swathes of Australian farming land unuseable for decades. The Liberal party senators stood one by one and condemned the idea of a ban because the had to support the chemical companies. The two most ardent said they used to walk through the dioxin laden sheep dip on their farms and they were all ok thanks very much.
Within a year they were both dead and organophosphates were banned.
The money merely greases the skids for the mid-level shills and sociopaths. Follow the medical tyranny.
Hello Mucho: Excellent post. If polio were a viral or bacterial infection, then why was it not contagious? How does DDT affect bugs – frogs – birds? Erm…
The Weston Price foundation provides excellent information. Thanks for posting.
Tom Cowan said that Peter Duesberg derailed the viruses don’t cause disease movement. “he was no hero…viruses don’t exist.. Duesberg.. and.. we were left with viruses exist just not HIV…” https://www.bitchute.com/video/tW9encIUer5W/
Over 2000-2017, paralysis affected 490,000 children in India who had been given Gates’ vaccine, beyond expected rates. The problem receded after the govt. stopped the programme.
In 2017, WHO admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly the strain in Gates’ vaccine programme. The worst epidemics occurred in Congo, Afghanistan and Philippines. By 2018, 3/4 of all polio cases were from these vaccines. -childrenshealthdefense.org
Many thanks for facts.
Thanks MGEO.
Interesting and terrifying.
I didn’t know the scale of this and I read a lot about this stuff.
I suppose it’s because the alarm bells went off for me in 2020 and since then everything has concentrated on what they’re doing now and what they’re going to do in, what we laughingly call, the future
Surely, the most worrying part is that it took 17 years for the scandal to emerge.
Almost as worrying is the world’s willingness to sweep it under the carpet.
It’s a bit like Pfizer’s world beating CRIMINAL fine.
Mention it to a “normal” and you will be met with “that” look.
It gets worse. Remember the fears of the covid jab undermining the implantation of the embryo, and the spontaeous abortions that did occur?
– In 2014, Catholic Doctors Assoc. in Kenya accused WHO of sterilizing millions of Kenyan women with a “tetanus vaccine”. Organisations in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico and Philippines made similar accusations.
Independent labs found a sterility formula in every such “vaccine” they tested. WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. -childrenshealthdefense.org
– WHO website shows in detail that it spent 20 years and over $400 million exploring ways to reduce the population of the Third World. Rothschild, Sanofi, Connaught Labs and US CDC collaborated. Using a “tetanus vaccine”, it targetted the hCg hormone necessary to implant the placenta in the uterus wall. It launched a massive international campaigns, but only for females of child-bearing age: roughly 14 to 40. A normal tetanus vaccine shot is sufficient for 10 years, but it vaccinated the women 5 times within several months. An enormous number of the women experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages immediately after vaccinations. WHO thus sterilised about 150 million women. Infants breast-feeding from ‘vaccinated’ women could also become sterile. Massive lawsuits and recriminations followed. Today, some nations bar WHO, UNICEF or other UN bodies. WHO and US CDC campaigns for a cervical cancer vaccine for teenagers may be related. -Larry Romanoff, unz.com 2020-12
– I have not encountered or heard of a case of tetanus. -Dr. Carrie Madej, DO, in video
Thanks again.
Just did a little digging on that and, as you said, the WHO knew exactly what they were doing.
The question is: Who regulates the regulators?
Whilst people are still rolling up their, and their children’s, sleeves they will carry on.
BTW, I assume you’re aware of the Cutter incident which ushered in pharma’s indemnity?
Totally forget about this.
Good post mgeo.
Up my way – kid you not.
The older generation now hitting the 3rd booster (clever double speak marketing)
They actually had 5 now.
Question is..? How come there not dead.?
A while back many got phone calls for blood tests.
“Question is..? How come there not dead.?”
That’s not the question. The question is, How come the Con-regime is enforcing insufficiently tested experimental gene injections on the Global population?
From the start I noted here in OffG that death rate from “The vaxx” was no greater than death rate from Covid-19; ie, about 0.001% same as annual flu. So it is no surprise that most of the world’s population are not dead.
However, by now a couple of Billion people have been injected with “The vaxx” (except for China who use a traditional flu vaccine). Now, 0.001% of 2 Billion is 2 Million. I suggest that 2 Million Excess Deaths might have already occurred among the “vaxxed”. But only 2 Million deaths distributed at random among a Global population of 2 Billion would not be easy to pick out — except by rigorous statistical analysis.
So my answer to your above question is: They are dead but few people have noticed.
Old people are going to die anyway. Why would they bother killing them when their main support come from old people? For population reduction the target would be young women and girls to stop them having children. The whole thing started in March which would have pushed any effect from even the initial lockdown out of 2020 birth data. It would be exaxtly 9 months to the end of the year so any pregnancies effected by lockdown would fall outside 2020 data and give the maximum delay before anyone noticed.
If they cull the elderly first, whatever they do afterward seems like part of a natural cycle. They dare not start with their intended target population or the culling (of fetuses) will stand out like a sore thumb.
Good point thanks.
Ive had the same question Script, as most were saying within 6mos-2 years the jabbed would fall. Now it seems to be 3-5 years according to Dolores Cahill and the other doc who make a good case for what’s coming along in this 20-min vid https://rumble.com/v18jje7-prof-dolores-cahill-and-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-after-the-world-got-injected..html
“WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus”
A known incompetent with a shady past. Typical of most of today’s catastrophic World Leaders.
If you can call accusations of genocide “shady”
Apologies. I have a bad memory and a poor head for detail. So I decide mainly by smell, which has a remarkable ability to evoke the past without words. I noted the accusations at the time, as part of NATZO’s ongoing attempt to control the strategic Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb (between Ethiopia / Eritrea and Yemen). Details have faded from my memory but the bad smell has hung around. It evokes also the UN’s election of Saudi Arabia to head Human Rights.
Including the same show of gleeful obedience and compliance from the collaborating brain-dead, TV educated (indoctrinated), slave-muzzled and ‘socially distanced’, and of course ‘fully vaccinated’ spineless sheep…
A small polio cluster has been detected, probably among a related group of people in North East London. Its unlikely to be important because the majority of the population should have been inoculated against polio.
There will be people trying to weave Covid conspiracy theories into all this but realistically polio was a real and quite nasty disease that was eliminated by inoculation decades ago. Nothing to see here folks.
There is already one case of jab induced polio in Australia. These poisons are inciting jabs to create diseases.
Realistically you haven’t provided any evidence to support your fairy tale. Even antibiotics were harmful and not the´wonder of modern ‘medicine’ claimed by allopaths: https://yummy.doctor/video-list/antibiotics-think-again-dmso-mms-cds-colloidal-silver-vitamin-c-detox-to-heal/
You’re spewing out the egregious falsehoods from the corrupt Establishment.
Anyone supporting ‘vaccines’ (ANY ‘vaccines’) is uninformed, naive, gullible and brainwashed.
re the “eliminated” part. Eradicated/eliminated polio and the associated “vaccines” (which contained the virus SV40) began the rise of cancers as anyone who’s read (and groked) “Dr. Mary’s Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, Assassination and Emerging Global Epidemics” will tell you. A great investigation and book with what I think are incontrovertible proofs of a monumental conspiracy (just read the title) and subsequent cover-upper. So glossed over now.
Alton Ochsner, Sr., M.D. of Tulane is reported to have personally injected his grandchildren with “the polio vaccine.” The boy died, the girl contracted polio, his son sued him. Was this trust in “the science” or ritual sacrifice? That’s not in the book, that’s my own hypothesis. But regardless there is a giant can o worms that hardly anyone talks about…
The Polio Vaccine Cancer Cover-up
(no mention of Ochsner)
Weird you never hear about all the immigrants bringing back Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and dozens of other diseases once thought eradicated from the West…especially STD’s….
I Support Polio will be the next thing
Remember Gates’ polio vaccine campaign in India?
When tens of thousands of children were left paralysed with clear Polio symptoms, Gates sent some researchers in to investigate….
They just re-named it to NPP…Non Polio Paralysis….and said “Nothing to do with us”
BREAKING NEWS !! (from Sky ‘News’
“COVID infections rise in all four UK nations as around 1.7 million had virus last week”
Wait, it isn’t a disease anymore? 🙄
It is and it isn’t. That’s the beauty of Magic Thinking.
“We exceptional ones create our own reality” — Uncle $cam, keynote speech at Project for a New American Century.
There are at least 5 scandals around polio and early polio vaccines
One is here:
Begins “A simian virus known as SV40 has been associated with a number of rare human cancers. This same virus contaminated the polio vaccine administered to 98 million Americans from 1955 to 1963. ”
A second scandal involves Bill Gates declaring polio eradicated in India. Instead, a number of pollo-vaccinated children got non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). This polio-like disease was increased from 1-2/100,000 to 13.35/100,000. The increase was correlated with rounds of Gates Foundation polio vaccinations. I believe this experience was repeated in some other countries; there was litigation for awhile; I don’t know the outcome.
btw, since not contagious highly unlikely to be caused by a virus– or at least not solely by a virus; too many theories to sort out.
Late ’50’s couple of drops sugar lump, done.
Don’t give a fuck anyone’s says including amateur safety trolling on-line dummies.
Only failures were amongst those bloody Injected!
Penelope, do have the link please with us Brits Russians and all European countries working together, anyone could make it, mid late 50’s into the 60’s.
Polio is a horrible disease and we all stamped it out.
Agreed. We are heading for a terrible catastrophe, driven by Con-men at the top, via a subservient medical profession to a dumbed down public, There are no longer any reliable public sources of information. The wells of truth have been contaminated and the world is sick. There are good vaccines and bad vaccines. “The vaxx” is a particularly bad vaccine. I cited a paper recently on OffG, which warns that “the spike” is a risky feature to pin a vaccine on: that it would not be effective and might even backfire (“commit antigenic sin” quote). Despite warnings from reputable scientists in a reputable journal, “The vaxx” was imposed from on high, by superior Politico-Financial Authority (aka high grade Con-men). This is destroying all trust in real science. Even worse, it has led to blind obedience to “The Science” of the Cons. Polio is a crippling disease. Viruses can spread rapidly. But with the present Con-19 mentality of authoritarian fantasy being played out on flesh and blood, it is impossible to take real effective counter measures. Today’s world is not the world in which we developed effective vaccines and took effective public measures to practically eliminate polio and smallpox. One of the signs of a disintegrating society (or a society in which “there is no such thing as Society”) is that diseases from the past like Polio and TB, which were lying dormant, began to wake and stalk the streets again. Even worse, the Cons have set up Bio-Warfare Labs all over the world, where they are trying to develope diseases that will kill Chinese but not Chinese Americans, kill poor people but not kill rich people. Covid-19 was their first real success: it enabled the Con-men to impose authoritarian rule based on medical fantasy which they call “The science” to… Read more »
Medical or Military? Scott Ritter talks about the Bio Labs:
Thank You Nick I really appreciate it.
gosh dang!! a pharma jackboot stompin knows it all. have a few more of dem SV40 drops sport.
This. It drives me insane!
I thought I alone was going mad from all this–and much more.
Cookies are the biggest scam on the internet.
Periodically I would delete every single cookie on my pc. Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing. I had no more trouble getting back into any of the sites than when I still had the cookies.
I would speculate that cookies are just another NSA/CIA trick to get into people’s computers. Of course, they’re not needed since updates are basically nothing but the latest NSA spyware. But they’ve backed themselves into a corner – and have to go through the motions of still pretending cookies are to make it easier to access websites.
Select a browser that deletes cookies when you close it.
And I’d add scroll past the first two paragraphs of keyword-loaded irrelevance written solely to satisfy the algo
The world council for health has a film screening of Andrew Wakefields Infertily a diabolic agenda. The WHO is very dangerous having attacked the fertily of women in Kenya with ‘tetanus vaccines’. Turns out they needed 5 doses 6 months apart to acheive this so why do you suppose they want so many doses of ‘covid vaccine’ or alternatively ‘polio vaccine’? https://odysee.com/@WorldCouncilForHealth:3/dr-andrew-wakefield-film-infertility-diabolical-agenda:8
Great link, thank you.
Another one, advised by my NHS to have a prick, because I worked industrial in case of an accident, open wound etc etc..
At 17 years old,
VAERS reports several thousand cases of paralysis resulting from the the COVID kill shots:
A vast underestimate to be sure.
The Polio diagnosis could serve as a cover for those vax injuries. Blame the paralysis symptoms on polio (determined via our friend a PCR test), obscure the vax causation, promote another toxic but profitable injection, promote generalized disease terror, reinforce terror around never-truly isolated viruses, etc.
Same M.O. for ‘monkeypox’ detection. We are told it’s present and spreading, then told it doesn’t necessarily exhibit a rash for the first few days/weeks, but we are assured it can be detected via a ‘PCR test’. Again, just so happens the other symptoms of monkeypox are identical to side effects from the covid jab.
I think you are on to something, They will soon need something big to cover up all the vax injuries.
Something like a Big war, no?
The so-called Polio virus was never properly isolated and purified. It’s largely an invention designed to cover up the effects of the spraying of toxic chemicals such as DDT, which at one time was sprayed directly upon people. Search this page for “Polio” and be amazed at all the stuff which comes up, such as this.
A lot of things have never been properly isolated and purified or even discovered.
Consider for instance gravity. Never isolated, never purified, nobody knows what the fuck it is, yet it allows us to keep our feet on the ground. How the fuck is that even possible? We should be flying all over the place!
Electricity is another pesky example. Where is your properly isolated and purified electron? You ever seen one making its way from the negative to the positive pole? Anybody else has? Don’t think so. Yet, the fucking light comes on when you flip the switch!
Sure, the theory that virus equals disease is a bit more full of holes, getting sick is a quite a bit more involved process than turning on the light, but it doesn’t mean that viruses, whatever they are, somehow do not cause disease.
The claims that viruses have never been “properly isolated and purified” mean shit.
You beat me to the punch there Jacques! Couldn’t have said it better!
But remember your efforts are almost certainly fruitless, for this “never been isolated”-bullshit is a social phenomenon in the same way all the mask wearing and vaccine refusenik-shaming is. It is groupthink, but the “underground” one.
To say the same thing in different terms: It is not a rational discussion. So to argue based on logic will almost certainly be fruitless.
People just want to belong.
Where is the logic? He is comparing with an electron moving from a positive to a negative pole but his virus can be asymtomatic. That would be like saying most times the light doesn’t switch on but sometimes it does and other times it does without any battery connected. If that was the case you wouldn’t be able to use that as evidence of electricty. You would have to look for some other explanation. It is pseudoscience like how they just claim a ‘vaccine’ is like a seatbelt. Seat belts have data showing lives saved. ‘Vaccines’ don’t. Instead they do something like showing the seatbelt produces shattered glass near cars. They then claim the shattered glass protects against car crashes and there you go. If there was shattered glass caused by seat belts then it wouldn’t be logical to claim they were a safety measure.
Well, I did say that getting sick is a slightly more nuanced process than the flow of electricity, as man has been able to harness it.
But do you have a purified and properly isolated specimen of a fucking lightening bolt? How come the fucking thing whacks stuff in a random fashion, you never know where?
How about that abovementioned gravitation? Where is your properly isolated and purified specimen of that?
The problem with your rants that you keep DISPROVING. Nyet, nyet, nyet, no, no, no. All right, I hear you.
Now kindly produce a better theory, a viable, empirically proven explanation for the phenomena in question. As it stands, your arguments are about as full of holes as the theories you’re trying to disprove. Likewise, as noted above, you’re just as dogmatic and irrational as worshippers of virologism.
You are simply posting narcassistic abuse instead of trying to prove your theory. If you had something you wouldn’t need to resort to such disinformation tactics.
My theory is that disease is mostly caused by being fucked up in the head. Neglecting one’s physical condition plays a big role too, but mind is what matters.
In that regard, I have to tell you that you should watch out because you’re one crazy motherfucker, full of irrational hatred, and that might manifest itself in your contracting some nasty shit.
I’m not you enemy you endless dimwit. In the broader context, I’m basically in the same boat with you. But that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna share every fucking stupidity your deranged brain comes up with.
Anyway, it might be better to skip past my comments for you. Reading is obviously doing you no good.
Ha ha gravity.well said.mass and bouyancy.
You can deduce there is electrons because you have a light bulb that switches on. With the virus theory there is no relationship between the supposed virus and the symptoms. A person can have those symptoms with or without the supposed virus. Every aspect of the theory has been disproven. There isn’t even evidence of the presence of ‘the virus’ in the body since it is a product of the pseudoscience outside the body. A sample of fluid is taken out of the body. It is then mixed in a cell culture, deprived of nutrients and poisoned. The virus is claimed to be evidenced by the decay of the sample (cytopathic effect) but this would obviously happen under these conditions. Stefan Lanka has highlighted this by carrying out the same process except witout a sample of allegedly ‘infected’ fluid included. The supposed cytopathic effect is just what happens when you carry out this process: https://odysee.com/@DeansDanes:1/cpe-english:f
We organized a workshop with Stefan Lanka here in town a few months ago. He is a hell of a funny guy, great to talk to, have a few beers with. He has great ideas, unconventional, love him. But boy, is he ever incoherent …:-D … He rambles from one issue to another, from a scientific viewpoint you can’t take his lectures seriously. Still, I’m more behind him – and people like Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey, Scoglio – than the traditional virophiles. I like dissenters, having been one all my life. I know everything about what you’re alluding to in your rant, kindly don’t pester me with that, I’ve had enough of that shit during the past two years. I understand the inherent potential flaws in the virology methodology. At the same time, I hear virologists as well. The methods they have are the best they can manage at this point. Is the virus theory complete bullshit? Who knows. It’s certainly way more involved than what virologists are able to describe. Time will tell. Maybe some luminary researcher in the future will present a more comprehensive theory of how people get sick. Maybe not. Frankly, I don’t give a flying fuck. I try to do the usual to prevent getting sick, and when I do get the fucking flu, I take a pill or two, drink some tea, and if need be stay in bed. Your problem is that you conflate the fact that some concept is malevolently misused with the viability of the concept per se. In this case virology. Yes virology is being misused in a gigantesque way, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a complete cul-de-sac of science. I don’t know what else to tell you. Well, maybe this. People don’t give a fuck about your naysaying.… Read more »
I am not reading your bs. I know you are a psycho mass murder pretending to have visitied with Lanka. You are crazy to think anyone anyone is going to buy such bs from an obvious genocidal criminal. Don’t even bother because we can see straight thru everything you attempt.
😀 Man, you’re truly fucked up in the head.
I fear it’s like trying to prove that Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, Bach’s “Matthew Passion” and Wagner’s “Parsifal” are great works.
If you don’t have a musical ear, it’s just ‘a matter of opinion’…
It’s not difficult to prove these works are great – it’s impossible. Because “great” is a meaningless construct.
“I have a great pain in my left side!” were, apparently, George Eliot’s last words.
How can a magnificent orchestral work and a death rattle both be “great?”
Wow ! such specious reasoning !
Gravity hasnt been isolated. We’re ok with that..
A neutron hasnt been isolated. We’re ok with that
Virusus “whatever they are” have never been isolated.
To the reasoning, rational, scientific mind concerns about
‘viruses’ not having been isolated means shit.
We’re happy with that.
The Bible-basher living next door claims The Devil causes sickness.
He’s not happy with that !
Yea, but has the devil been isolated?
You may be somewhat dated about gravity being a mystery. Astro-physics has shown gravity to be waves.
(Caveat: these waves were detected supposedly at the event horizon of a black hole – which, itself, is still mostly theoretical.)
At any rate, gravity – like everything else in the universe – is matter of some sort. It isn’t a force – there’s no such thing as a force: there’s only matter.
1) Where us the properly purified and isolated sample of a gravitational wave? The government has no records of it as per countless FOI requests, therefore no such thing as a gravitational wave exists. Get on with the program, buddy!
And count your blessings that you can still walk with your feet on the ground. You know how it goes – no government record, the thing ain’t exist!
2) I don’t know whether everything is matter. Is a thought a piece of matter?
A teacher once asked whether a tree in the forest makes a sound if there is nobody to hear it. I said yes, and he mocked me, saying that sound only exists as our perception of sound waves, that nothing exists if not perceived. I retorted by asking whether if I went and smashed the windshield of his fucking car in the parking lot, the windshield would be smashed since he didn’t see it and that he’d be in for a hell of a surprise when he wanted to drive back home, and never went to the class again. Anyway, I think he had a point.
Do thoughts exist if not in some material form? Who knows, who cares, really.
The point here is the double standard employed by virology naysayers.
Notice how teachers never ask the people who could definitely answer the question of the falling tree: the other trees in the forest. Since trees don’t talk, and since humans have never respected the rights or well-being of trees (the biggest, oldest and most wonderful life form on Earth), couldn’t they just attach electrodes to determine if the other trees react to the falling of a fellow tree?
But now, gravity…well, let me tell you: I have a love-hate relationship with gravity. I appreciate not having to wear cement pj’s to bed at night. But I hate gravity when brushing my teeth, and water drips down the toothbrush onto my hand, wrist and sometimes arm too – making me take valuable time away from other trivial pursuits to go dry my hands.
There is no double standard. Apples are not oranges.
Yea dummy like formaldehyde didnt you take chemistry lessons at school WHY do YOU want see the END result First!
Fuck You Shitheads….PISS OFF!
Also read Janine Roberts’ book Fear of the Invisible.
Will people buy into this predictable diabolical ****? Probably:
The Curious Case of Polio, DDT and Vaccines
Slightly OT:
London to be bombed first in World War Three:
Which, of course, raises the question:
Q. How many nukes does it take to wipe out the UK?
A. Surprisingly few, apparently. 3 modern nuclear warheads (fired from, say, Kaliningrad) would do the trick.
Now, one ‘Sarmat’ (‘Satan-2’) missile fired, say from Kaliningrad, can have 12 nuclear warheads on it:
Twelve minus three leaves…. nine. Which is a bit of overkill. A waste of perfectly good nuking power.
Maybe it’s possible to take out a good portion of Europe at the same time by choosing a suitable landing point? 🤔
I think I’ll stick my neck out and say that none of this is going to happen. Do you remember school bullies who’d say ‘I’m gonna f…ing get you after class’ and you’d say ‘You and who’s army?’ Then the teacher or your parents with life-experience would say ‘Just ignore him’ so you did. What happened to that thought? Why do the MSM regurgitate all the crap these global bullies come up with? Just ignore them.
Good advice. I hope you’re right
Not a very realistic view. The last 2+ years have shown us that the large majority of the herds of MMS/3i’s are very easily guided/controlled by the MSM and friends!
Hopefully this is just Cold War 2.0 bull, where afterwards they all get together and laugh at how stupid we all are to believe in their bullsh!t after so many years of them all doing nothing but lie through their teeth. But on the other hand, when the most powerful nuclear power on Earth starts making noises that its going to annihilate the UK – because our scumbag government has embroiled us in a war against them – for the Ukraine which is a country that would absolutely not do the same in return – you cant just ignore it. None of us know what is really going on here, who they all truly represent. All i know is I am sick of my life being governed by these verminous scumbags
Concur 100%
From the link: ‘The first to be hit will be London. It’s crystal clear that the threat to the world comes from the Anglo-Saxons.’ “…….still – good news about the chocolate oranges”” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuH2I4g8UYQ Umm….. Deagel anyone. The military spending tracker website run by the deepstate which predicts that by 2025 the UK population will be down to something like 15 million. The one whose predictions are formulated by the CIA, the World Bank, the DOD – not small fry. On this basis ie the fact that our misrepresentatives are such a national security risk (for a country of people that wouldnt piss on the UK if it was on fire ie the Ukraine) that senior figures in the most heavily armed nuclear power on Earth – Russia – are openly stating they wish to annihiliate us – its worth the population of the UK getting together and marching to Westminster to burn the f******g place down and then afterwards we can throw all the scum who are inflicting all this misery and deceit upon the world and the people of this country in to the Towers of London. Then we can make peace with the world and turn the UK from an Orwellian nest of war criminals sh1tepit to somewhere that seeks to make the world a better place. The world would genuinely be a much better place for it – without these poisonous maggots turning this country into the septic tank that it currently is and spreading their evil while destroying everything that makes this Holy Earth so special. The country that just awarded that genocidal evil piece of dirt Tony Blair the highest honour in the land. The country that knighted Jimmy Saville. Its so low. We have one life on this Earth, one chance to enjoy Gods… Read more »
It’s crazy. That leaders can sabre rattle their populations to the very precipice of Armageddon. Reminds me of the little guy at school who befriends the big bully and then goes off threatening others, trusting that the big bully would never leave them to be burned. Naive at best. Desperate at worst. Or ‘highly likely’ just plain foolish:
Alan Partridge… funny guy. Used to watch him regularly. Deagel, not so funny, but an important message. Just gotta make sure that you’re in that 15 million that survives. A strategically timed camping trip may suffice.
The Clash – London Calling
Response in ‘pending’ fwiw… Meanwhile a sneak preview:
The Clash – London Calling
Are Vikings cool, there’s a drop in me ☹
Your insane. You know specific threats to society fall under terrorist laws. You are way beyond any form of mouthing off banter.
Great post and if only the British public would stick together but the divisive covid bollocks has ensured that the servile, spineless Joe Public will never kick back. What a fucking waste.
If they just took out the BBC and guardian the UK would collapse. People would sign up with RT if they promised to show East Enders and the football.
Your arse with a lit Roman candle stuck out of it., singing We’ll meet Again Square Head.
Watch it, I still have my Dads Army collection.,
Just one small nuke to hit not London but one square mile of it: The City of London. And a few small conventional warheads to destroy Command Centres in certain stately homes of the Home Counties. That ought to calm things down for a while. It worked for the IRA: a peace accord came pretty soon after the IRA began to bomb banks..
Im optimistic that puppet Putin wouldn’t bomb London where his masters have their global HQ in the City of London…..hang on a minute….. if I was Putin it would make sense to vapourise the puppet masters to Build Back Better in my own way and not their feudal fascist way.
Maybe Putin will eventually be the best leader the west has ever had?
Just to break the BS Jab stories and have FUN watching a Sky News scoundrel MMS making a fool out of herself!
I couldn’t watch the video to the end – I got too depressed – but the first 5 minutes were a real tonic.
We are up against institutionalized stupidity, folks – everywhere.
Take out insurance against stupidity damage right now… (sigh…)
Sorry, but I think one cannot insure against stupidity; no more than one can insure against “acts of God?
“Against stupidity the gods themselves are powerless” — Proverb.
Well, I did sigh…
But your quote says it all.
Merlyn: “If there is one thing I can’t stand, it is stupidity. I always say that stupidity is the Sin against the Holy Ghost.”
― T.H. White, The Once and Future King (1958)
Just take extra precautions to make sure the word “polio” isn’t rayciss or lgbtq+phobic and doen’t offend Anyone Who May Already Feel Marginalized. Remember,the term dates from a time when we weren’t,like,so progressive ‘n stuff. Don’t forget to stress how it doesn’t spread at blm or at pink-hat rallies,which we’ll be seeing a lot of following the Supreme Court decision. Can’t wait to see the new Facebook frames for this one! Have a nice day.
WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebhreysus, the director of WHO has a lot to say about this monkeypox. I find the the last half of his name REYSUS curious, like the reysus monkey.
Nobody in public office should have a name like that.
I call him Ted Bejeezus for short.
As a Britisher I try to be polite and resist my English impulse to ridicule a Foreign name. But I must acknowledge, this present Director-General arrived at WHO preceded by a whiff of something rotten in the state of Ethiopia.
Ridicule away mate what are you scared of, offending someone?
I also generally resist the temptation to ridicule funny foreign names, but this one is just way too long.
Similarly, multi-barrelled names like “Rogers Julian Appleton-Smythe Winterbottom”, with a silent ‘g’ and a voiced double-‘p’ really get my goat.
In such cases, I’m afraid I can no longer resist.
“Rogerbottom” would be my solution there…
It also reminds me of Jon Stewart, commenting on international air-traffic disruption when a volcano erupted spectacularly under the Eyjafjallajökull glacier in Iceland 12 years ago:
Feeling obliged to refer to the glacier by name, he said, “I call it “Kevin”.
Roe vs. Wade struck down… on 24/6/2022 aka 666. What a coincidence!
Of course the liberal media are mis-reporting what it means in total hysteria mode.
It’s further grist to the mill of disintegrating the USA (or at best prepping for a re-write of the political system). BTW, look at all those kindly corporations who so care for their workers they’ll pay for their abortion travel costs.
Yep nothing like a fake Christian outrage whilst they’ve taken the fetus jab.
Always said you cannot beat a good christian for evil, bigotry and persecution.
If there ever was a true christian they could never be happy in heaven knowing there were people in hell! Incidently, Jesus was not a christian as some thicko’s seem to think, but a 4×2, go figure.
And the winner is ,,,,,
“Warning that polio could be spreading beyond London
Polio could be elsewhere in the country, experts have warned, as they cautioned that failure to monitor sewage systems nationally risks the virus spreading unchecked.”
Scientists Examining London’s Sewage Confirm It’s A Load Of Shite.
Remember what happened in Pakistan that stopped kids being jabbed? The CIA sent out people posing as jabbers to get the DNA of Bin Laden.
I use to like the fruit ones, can you still get them?
Shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater always gets people’s attention – which is why it’s generally illegal.
So why does shouting “Virus” in a crowded world remain legal?
Ah! the advantages of owning the Law!
The last resort of the ‘vaxxer’ is “but polio”. They must be on the ropes.
DDT Let’s Put It Everywhere 1946
“after traces of the polio virus were detected in sewage from North London”
Any person with their head screwed on basically right will wonder how “traces of virus were dected in sewage” (sic) and swiftly conclude that it’s a giant crock of shit, literally.
What the fuck? There are people going through sewage looking for viruses? Only a complete idiot could believe utter crap like that. Plus, one might expect that some unsavory shit would be found in shit because that’s why shit is shit.
Case closed. Just tell them to go fuck themselves. They’re fired.
Beautifully and artistically expressed.
Thank you 🙂
They are literally dredging up shit to “find” another disease around which to propagate panic. The “polio” that causes paralysis is not caused by a virus at all but by neurotoxins in the environment (lead arsenic and DDT being the most famous).
“polio” that causes paralysis is not caused by a virus at all but by neurotoxins in the environment
Do you have some sort of research to back that up? Explanation as to why polio has disappeared in regard to vaccination vs. the implicitly alleged disappearance of neurotoxins from the environment?
I remember that when I was little, DDT used to be sprinkled around generously to kill ants. How come I didn’t get polio?
Have you seen the newsclips of kids in Florida in the 1950s playing in a fog of DDT? The implication is that you must breathe it in; or else it must saturate your skin. A solid, sprinkled around the perimeter, would not affect you.
Plus, there have been numerous reports of Bill Gates’ latest Polio “vaccine” initiative paralyzing children in India and in parts of Africa.
I haven’t. I have no doubt that DDT is nasty shit liable to screw up people in all sorts of ways.
Since we’re dealing with gross misuse of science, however, I cannot but ask anyone who claims that viruses doesn’t cause disease to be as rigorous as the rigor they ask of virologists. Hence my question about something substantiating the claim that polio is caused by DDT.
Likewise, I have no doubt that Billy Peddler of Shitty Software is also a peddler of shitty vaccines, and I can well imagine that his vaccines are either of substandard quality or outright malicious.
But none of that provides any evidence that polio is caused by DDT or arsenic and not by a virus.
I still remember the smell – and even the taste of DDT from when I was a kid.
The smell was sickly-sweet – not unattractive to kids, while I instinctively felt that a teeny-weeny scrap of the stuff was more than enough to test my taste buds.
Fortunately, I also had parents who had good instincts when it came to chemicals, so I was spared the running about in a cloud of the stuff…
Those were the days when you could put your feet into an X-Ray machine at the local shoe store, just to see how good a fit your new shoes were going to be… I still remember seeing the solid black nails around the soles of the shoes against an eerie green background that included the bones of my feet in startling clarity…
Just imagine, wiggling your toes, and seeing what the bones really look like while you do it – in realtime!
I remember my mother had a nurse friend who said about those machines, “I don’t like it”… That’s intelligence and knowledge.
My health is still very good at 75, remarkably enough, so perhaps one shouldn’t get too obsessed, although I think the latest pharma tricks are in a whole new league of toxicity, minutely monitored for maximum injury and minimum accountability.
When my body says, “Enough!”, I’m not going to look for a compassionate doctor who will give me another 20 years of ‘survival’.
After all, one has to make room for the next generation of useful – if poisoned – citizens…
Unfair! Us having grown up in a commie country never had so much fun. In fact, in view of what I experienced later in life on the other side of the Iron Curtain, the commie system took pretty good care of us kids.
DDT was available in powder only. I never tasted the damn thing, actually we were told to stay away from the stuff. It was know to be toxic.
You’re a bit ahead of me as far as age, but I’m doing alright too. But since you allude to the resilience of the human body, my mum, nearly 84, is in a just about a perfect shape – apart from a slight loss of hearing, which might in fact be, and probably is, a loss of listening. I should mention that she pretty much stays away from doctors. Likewise, my grandmother who survived a concentration camp and had her health badly damaged lived until 89 years. Her health was shot, but she was incredibly strong mentally. Health is mostly in the head.
“I don’t like it”. You know, one should trust one’s instincts, first impressions, uneasy feelings somewhere in the back of your head. People have more powers than they might be aware of. We’ve atrophied them – the ability to feel things in our habitat – through injudiciously excessive reliance on gadgets, but the animal in us is still in there!
“I remember my mother had a nurse friend who said about those machines, “I don’t like it”… That’s intelligence and knowledge.”
YES. It’s the kind of real ordinary human (especially but not only female) intelligence and life-knowledge that’s now routinely disparaged and dismissed.
When my mother was pregnant with me she was offered Thalidomide™ as a medication or prophylactic against “morning sickness”, and she said No.
She didn’t tell me about this until I was into my thirties and an expectant father myself. When I asked her why she had refused the poison, she pondered for a long while and then said: “I don’t know, son. I just had a bad feeling about it. I didn’t trust that doctor.”
My mother (who had had precisely nine years of schooling) chose not to Follow TheScience™. Thanks to her, I have a full complement of limbs.
There is research –
“Janine Roberts also comes to question if polio is caused by a virus since other researchers blame it on insecticides like DDT. She shows the polio vaccine was a complete failure and only appeared to work because of the reclassification of polio (so 90% of cases “disappeared”) and the phase-out of DDT spraying”
I suggest you check out the research of Jim West and Janine Roberts.
Kindly provide a link to a study empirically proving the mechanism how DDT causes polio.
Everything else is conjectures and a load of shit as far as I’m concerned.
Kindly provide a link to a study empirically proving the mechanism how “the polio virus” causes polio.
Everything else is conjectures and a load of shit as far as I’m concerned.
I’m not claiming that the polio virus causes polio. It’s the other guy who is claiming that polio is caused by DDT.
I don’t give a fuck what causes it. Whoever gives me proof that it’s this way or that way wins.
And more generally, if viruses do not cause diseases, as claimed by virologists, kindly provide the exact toxin or what-the-fucking ever that causes the individual diseases.
I’m a sucker for Occam’s Razor. And DDT or any other chemical created mostly from petroleum seems toxic enough to cause all manner of mischief with living tissue.
At the end of the day, though, it doesn’t matter if it’s a virus or a chemical – because ALL that matters is individual sensitivity to something or another.
I read recently about a Japanese women who died at way over a hundred – one of the few “super centenarians.” What struck me was that, at one time, she was stricken with pancreatic cancer – which is claimed to be a virtual death sentence. But she recovered and live decades afterward. Go figure!
My ex’s father bought a country house from a woman who got cancer and moved to the property to cure herself. She severely reduced her food intake and lived on grains, herbs, weeds, stuff like that. The cancer went away and she recovered.
Somehow, I feel that this is exactly what I’d try to do, that it would be the right thing. Or conversely, I feel that eating the commonplace foods is unhealthy if not toxic.
Evidently, well-being and disease are complex phenomena, impossible to explain by a single factor, such as a virus or anything else.
Now, should humankind continue to analyze everything and try to understand it to the last molecule, the last atom? Is that possible? Useful? If the ultimate knowledge is eventually acquired, people will probably find out that one must live in harmony with oneself and the rest of the world and will be okay.
There’s loads of info out there if you can just reach that search button Jacques.
However, be prepared to acknowledge that science and scientists have been used by industry and governments to lie and cover-up the damage done by marketed poisons. See for example the tobacco industry’s organised co-opting of science to manipulate and obfuscate what was known for decades about the deadly harm being done to millions. This is one example of many, as I’m sure enough know.
When researching DDT or other deadly toxins of that time, you will encounter what people encountered with big tobacco; an industry using its power to make sure the obvious was ignored. You’ll find records of scientists at the time who were frustrated at the lack of enquiry and scientific principles being applied to investigate what, to many, was an obvious avenue to explore the possible harms that these toxic substances were causing. Much like many examples of bought science that we have seen and has been proven again and again.
To your last point, I smoked for 30 years, approx 20-a-day, and I’m alive and never had cancer or other tobacco related disease. Would you argue that smoking does not cause cancer?
I have done nothing but searching since two years ago, having been forced by this bullshit foisted on the world. I’ve learned a great deal of things, which I wouldn’t have otherwise because, frankly, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about viruses, pathogens, crap like that.
I’m aware of all the theories, germ, terrain, virus, non-fucking virus, exosome, name it. I’ve attended and co-organized workshops with the world’s leading science dissenters.
What I’m not is dogmatic. I haven’t seen the ultimate proof for any of the theories that are out there, and I consider all of the possibilities to be viable.
Thus, I’m simply asking for a substantiation of the claim that polio is caused by DDT and arsenic. Kindly don’t pester me with some strawman/red herring shit, such as smoking and cancer.
Well said.
In that case, I acknowledge on faith your apparent wisdom. However, you again again ask for substantiation. As if in some way, in spite of your knowledge, you’re unable to reconcile something fundamental to your search. So, I feel obligated to point it out!
1, (I’m listing for ease) – It is a clearly proven truth, a done and dusted fact, that industry/corporations, science/scientists and Governments have, at various times, collaborated to cover-up the causes of disease, sickness and death around the world. I know you know this.
2, There is overwhelming scientific evidence that proves the despicable harm and lethality of these toxic products. I’m pretty sure you know this.
3, There is a huge amount of excellent circumstantial evidence linking DDT to Polio. This is what I was suggesting you look at in my original post. I’m not sure you know this.
So, what you need to reconcile is: Despite the damning evidence of 1 above, you believe that the evidence of 2 and 3 was somehow going to have been enough to spur a proper, independent, scientific enquiry into this subject. It hasn’t. Therefore, how can you ask me for substantiation? Of the type of of supportive proof you no doubt require? I said I’d take your wisdom on faith and I will, but it appears to require you to look away from the reality of our world; this is all the evidence we get.
I want to see an empirically proven mechanism how DDT causes polio. Period.
That’s how science works. You have a hypothesis? Prove it.
If you believe that’s “how science works”, you really haven’t understood the scientific past and it’s corruption into a force for wealth creation and power at the expense of human lives. Period.
Blah blah blah.
I’m sure there is corruption left and right. Still, I wanna see an empirically proven description of the mechanism how DDT causes polio.
Everything else is a crock of shit.
BTW, I’m on your side. I AM skeptical. But that doesn’t mean that I’ll settle for less than what I demand of virologists. Nobody should.
The fact that science is corrupt doesn’t mean that I’ll twist it and corrupt it too.
This is actually an important issue being discussed between you two.
I believe we are all three on the same side, but the two of you are coming at it from different, not-necessarily-opposite directions.
Observer is tending, apart from his Point 1, towards the circumstantial, while Jacques wants proof of the sort which is not possible on a computer screen, since the middle-men who inhabit the internet are legion and of unknown moral character.
With that in mind, however sincere our motives, we are not going to solve the problem of the corruption – which we know is all around us – here at OffG.
The best we can do on this site is simply share our personal, anecdotal experiences, our hopes, our fears, and our suggested remedies.
We really can’t make anything happen sitting here at home, and we can’t prove anything at all without getting access to top-secret laboratories and equipment owned by Big Pharma.
We’re stuck with it all boiling down to ‘belief’, unfortunately, although some of the strong pointers to be found here can appeal to normal, healthy logic, and paint a compelling picture that is definitely something we can work with – and I certainly do.
Just my two cents’ worth on what is a real dilemma for those of us who want this mess fixed.
I appreciate your thoughts and agree with what you say.
My position can be summarised as this: Rather than it being a strawman, the comparison to tobacco and the harms it was proven to cause, is valid because it was only possible to get to that conclusion due to admirable scientists and others who took the position that, even without complete proof of an explicit link to disease, thorough investigations of the possibility of causality should be undertaken. Ignoring science and scientists that don’t confirm to the establishment view in that moment has literal historical precedence as bad science resulting in absolute volte-face when the truth has won through.
The problem is that opponents of virology demand that virologists prove causality and point out that their proofs are shaky, but settle for correlation in their own reasoning.
Double standard par excellence. Not acceptable.
I’m afraid that rather than focusing on proving that viruses don’t exist, don’t cause disease, the usual stuff is not the way to go. That’s not the problem anyway. The problem is people’s fear and the resulting submission to (government) protectionism.
It’s the fear, laziness to make oneself more resilient that needs to be attacked – people need to be encourage to be self-reliant, fearless, ready to tackle whatever challenge life will present, etc.
I’ve been involved in attempts to disprove virology for years now, and it not only there is no platform to hear any of that, but even a large number of covid dissenters don’t want to hear any of it.
RE: Do you have some sort of research to back that up?
Yes, I do. See this book:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
By Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk
Blurb from the book’s website:
“Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.”
I’ve seen zillions graphs like that, zillions of correlations, zillions of this and that. Interesting stuff.
BTW, I’m all ears – I like unconventional approaches, taking the road less traveled, whatever goes against the current.
At the same time, none of what I’ve seen – which surely includes the source you quote – provides anything other than correlations, suggestions, or ways to put holes in the mainstream narrative. Not good enough, not good enough. Nothing, I repeat, nothing has a viable substantiated explanation for the cause of disease that would be at least as good as the viral theory. Perhaps with the exception of the German New Medicine.
You claimed that polio is caused by DDT or arsenic. I asked you to substantiate that. Instead, you’re ranting about some graphs that show correlations. I got graphs up the wazoo. Both from virophobes and virophiles.
Nice try, no cigar.
You got big shit.
It looks like you are responding to the introductory video. I agree, the graphs in the 4 minute video should not convince you. The book, however, provides a chapter on each major “infectious disease” that were major killers in the 18th and 19th and early 20th centuries. It shows in an exhaustive fashion, that it was mainly sanitation, clean air and water, removal of environment toxins, better work and living conditions that were responsible for the decline in mortality from those diseases – not medical science.
So, unless you have already read the book, which I have, keep the snark to yourself.
I don’t know this book and I won’t read it. I’ve read too many other texts that claim the same thing.
Your problem, as well as the problem of others like you, is that in desperately trying to disprove the virus=disease theory, which indeed might be fallacious, in full or in part, you’re making conclusions based on correlations, no matter how vague.
None of the proposed alternative explanations for the cause of disease is substantiated in any viable way. The German New Medicine being just about the only exception as far as I know (it posits that diseases have psychosomatic origin).
I’ve researched this extensively. I’ve been to Stefan Lanka’s workshop, talked to him. To others too. I’ve translated Kaufman’s SOVI.
The main point is that none of this is an issue.
The issue is that people have succumbed to a protectionist ideology, belief that science, technology (including medical) will solve everything. They have shifted their existence from relying on their own devices to oversight by alleged experts. With all of the sick ramifications. Were it not for this inherently flawed protectionism, this cowardly attitude expecting the “experts” to protect people from every risk, no claim of a virus would stand a chance. People would laugh shit like COVID off.
That’s what anybody wanting to make a difference needs to concentrate on. Not on proving or disproving the existence or function of some viruses. That’s a collateral issue, somewhat important, but unless people grow some balls, even if Kill Gates proclaimed himself that it’s all a crock of shit, nobody would believe.
RE: I don’t know this book and I won’t read it
Well, there you go! If you refuse to look at any countervailing evidence, then you can smugly hold to the Mainstream view. If you are frequenting Off-G, I would think you would be open other points of view (other than neoliberal ones).
There’s lots of information out there that demonstrates that contemporary medicine, science and academia are all (at this point) completely corrupt. In fact, this corruption isn’t new at all and it has everything to do with the disputed history of diseases. Hegemonic powers (like medicine and science today) have always created Big Lies that ensure their ideological and economic dominance, these are in effect religions. That’s what capitalism does. Medicine and science are no different. They are and were part of capitalism’s ideological superstructure.
You’re regurgitating your own narrative without reading a word of what I wrote.
I don’t have time to read every fucking book just because some Tom Larsen has fallen in love with it. I’ve read enough on the subject that says pretty much the same thing.
You keep invoking collateral issues and trying to weasel out of the one simple irrefutable task – providing an empirically demonstrated mechanism how DDT causes polio.
Kindly try to refrain turning ad hominem, I’m kinda sensitive to people attacking me instead of tackling the subject.
As far as being open, you apply that suggestion to yourself as well. You dogmatically cling to one explanation, without a shred of willingness to admit that it might be wrong after all.
I keep my options open. I don’t care whether disease, like polio, is caused by virus, toxin, or anything else for that matter. I don’t even need to know any of that. Makes no difference in my life. If you show me proof that it’s this way or that way, I’ll accept it.
Roman Bystrianyk (a co-author of the book above) used official historical statistics from the US (from the CDC) and UK governments to make his graphs that you so quickly dismiss.
For others who may be more interested in this subject, here’s an recent interview with one of the authors.
Blah blah blah.
Just give me an empirical proof of DDT causing polio.
Here’s 3 ciited sources.
Morton S. Biskind, MD. Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides. American Journal of Digestive
Diseases, New York, 1953, v 20, p331.
Daniel Dresden, Physiological Investigations Into The Action Of DDT , G.W. Van Der Wiel & Co., Arnhem,
Ralph R.Scobey, MD. The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis and Obstructions to Its Investigation. Archive of Pediatrics, April 1952
Blah blah blah.
More stats, more charts, more correlations, more circumstantial evidence.
Show me a proof of FUCKING CAUSATION. An empirical experiment irrefutably proving that DDT causes polio.
We’re talking SCIENCE here.
You have a hypothesis better that the status quo? Fine. PROVE IT!
Wanting the experts to protect people from every risk? Who on Earth are you talking about?
Just about the entire occidental population. Are you that unable to perceive reality? Can’t you see how the populace has grown dependent on government protection?
Don’t you understand that this is the very underlying problem of covidism?
If people weren’t such chickenshit cowards expecting experts (science, technologies) to solve everything for them, there would be no fake flu pandemic. People would tell the fuckers to shove it and go about their business.
Really?! Gobsmacked.
I think the concept of “wanting the experts to protect people from every risk” is evident all around us.
That’s what I took Jacques to be pointing out in that particular comment.
It’s like a horrible fashion that has taken hold – the idea that if we just trust science enough, we’ll never die.
Of course it’s an insane philosophy, and I deplore it.
But my deploring it still hasn’t made it go away…
I think of that every time I see yet another news clip of a million people queueing up for their 4th covijab – as happened in Icelandic TV news today.
An exceptionally brilliant reporter asked a willing victim how he would feel when the 10th jab entered his arm…
Who said journalism was dead…?
Those benighted sheep want more than protection against an ‘epidemic’ of whose existence they have wishfully-thinking convinced themselves. They want to believe that science will make them immortal – that believing sufficiently strongly in Tinker Belle in the Peter Pan story will save her life…
It works on young children, but it shouldn’t be working on anybody over 16 years old.
Look specifically at sickcare (peddled as healthcare). Just about everybody is on some medication. When sick, people demand instantaneous remedy. What’s worse, they go through life under the guidance of the sickness industry. How many people live a natural life, without having a doctor behind their ass? Just about none? People have outsourced the maintenance of their well-being to doctors.
Indeed they have.
People are made afraid. You call them cowards. Breathtaking ignorance of the harm that vicious and pervasive power can, and does, inflict on us all.
Speak for yourself.
And don’t insult the countless people who have the balls to live their lives the way they see fit as opposed to following the script of what you call vicious and pervasive powers.
Already what you’re saying is a manifestation of the protectionism I’m talking about.
You’re implicitly claiming that the rest of the world should refrain from efforts to fuck you over, that you should be protected from it (either by others refraining from anything malevolent or by some entity protecting you and preventing them).
Well, I got news for you. This is a bad bad world, full of risks, full of assholes, full of dangers, lurking around every fucking corner. IT’S UP TO YOU TO PROTECT YOURSELF.
Would it be swell if there was no Evil and only Good? Maybe. But then Good wouldn’t be Good because it’s only Good as the counterweight to Evil. That’s what spins the wheels of the world – opposites and the tension and release between them.
You’re preaching to the intentionally deaf.
The book by Dr Suzanne Humphries and her co-author is indeed excellent.
Here’s a short video by one of the authors:
Back in 2020, I created a “COVIDganda” folder and began “clipping” headlines/blurbs from the aptly-named Yahoo site. I gravitated toward Yahoo as my primary source for these clippings because they are a corporate infoganda site in general, and they aggregate stories from diverse infoganda sources.
I did this because, like now, those saved clickbait thumbnails were useful to cite in comments. But I admit that I started to mechanically check for new contributions as one might save string or, er, tinfoil.
This year, especially after other ostensible domestic and geopolitical “crises” displaced the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic news, I noticed that there were far fewer COVIDganda items to add to my folder. But the sensational health-story hysteria didn’t dry up entirely; as you point out, they are still dredging up shit.
Here are two recent blurbs; I’m sure if I check the site I’ll see new “polio”-related items:
You forgot floride and chemtrails.
The irony of the situation is that vaccine advocates always crow over how Jonas Salk’s vaccine ‘completely eradicated polio’. Are they trolling us now?
“…talking about a ‘polio-like’ enterovirus that hasn’t yet had a vaccine approved in the US…”
Give ’em a minute and we’ll get that vaccine. Approval? Are you drunk?
Another one from the box of tricks:
Use controlled outlets to push the fake conspiracy theory that they know will sound crazy to most normies and thus discredit the serious allegations. See: the driver/Jackie/the Pope shot JFK. See also: Pizzagate.
It’s Psyops 101.
The best JFK theory I’ve heard is that they switched him out before he got to Deeley Plaza and everything else was a false flag to give the impression he’d been shot. All the speculation about who could have done it was deliberate and is still being stirred up to muddy the waters. I love this theory! The sheer genius of the minds behind either a true false flag or the disinformation contained in this new theory to confuse the public is mind boggling and gives me little hope that we’ll ever defeat them. But hope springs eternal and maybe the meek shall truly inherit the earth one of these days.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-06-22. ‘Natural causes’ at 25 – WTF. DNR for 19yo Grace – WTF. SADS needs to be renamed ‘Death by Covid Vaccine’ (blog, gab, tweet).
“Billy E here. Take my Cull Juice and never have Polio again.”
“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics Forever!”
“Dead! Dead! Dead!”
Please, please; post something new. You’ve become spam.
Thank you again,
When I see your memes it’s like a “welcome” sign.
even though most of us here have seen this dozens of times,
There’s a big picture we must not lose sight of
(here’s a fresh glimpse at that big picture
You’d think they would have spotted the most obvious and most deadly pandemic of all: sheer utter mind-annihilating media induced BOREDOM!
Love your work but, is Bill Gates interested in money at this point? I think you have the plan but the reasons are off….
What is the real reason? Maybe vaccines need to be upgraded? Maybe we don’t need vaccines at all? Time may show ….
“people” like Gates of course already have enough money, I can only assume the real goal is ultimate power over humanity. Money is simply the mechanism to make the rest fall into line.
I believe they poisoned people with DDT and other toxic substances, very likely causing – and certainly showing tremendous correlation to – Polio’s rise, symptoms and subsequent fall as those substances were banned. During those decades they invented the virus to blame instead of their poisoning, and then created a vaccine to take credit for eradicating the disease rather than the prohibition of the use of the toxic substances; making a lovely amount of money in the process at both ends of the scam.
All in all a particularly evil bunch of bastards, repeating what they have done for a very long time indeed; continuing to this day.
They/we/us. — used bio terror against natives in Australia. Blankets were covered in diseases…
Take a look at this?
Using disease isn’t new… one of the oldest!
The poms did this everywhere they colonised.
With great power comes a sickness of the mind.
Thank you for the link.
Polio was redefined in 1955. This was similtaneously with the introduction of ‘the vaccine’ so that efficacy could be misappropriated:
In Australia Sister Kenny developed a treatment involving stretching. This meant that people were less likely to have paralysis for such lengthy periods. The ‘vaccine’ could steal credit away from Sister Kenny by remaining silent about her and giving the impression that ‘vaccination’ was the reason for the barbaric iron legs disappearing. There is a 1946 movie about her that shows the long battle she went thru to help children with Polio: https://odysee.com/@Terra:42/Sister-Kenny-1946-Full-Movie:3
The settled science among the vast majority of doctors was that moving polio-afflicted limbs would be disastrous.
The settled science among the vast majority of doctors was wrong. Fancy that.
Useful info. Thanks.
And then along came a Trump(et) player to blow away all the bans so that Big Chem and Big Ag could return to polluting non-stop.
And now – who woulda thunk it? – all the big diseases are reappearing? Just gotta scratch your head on this one, don’t ya?
I don’t believe in the charade that is left/right, red/blue.
Actually fauci had a lot to do with that from his very first days in power. There’s a damning blurb from RFK Jr’s book on that. Wasn’t the rumper who deregulated over a period of 40 years.
Some diseases are caused by modern medicine. Depending on the major sites in the body that the covid jab (spikes and other goodies) damages, the result may be almost any illness (including infectious ones) or injury. A major purpose of the propaganda is to deflect from this.
They are forced to engineer a new ‘problem’ with increasing frequency as their mind-spell disintegrates.
I sense panic in the parasitic ranks and a growing solidarity & confidence in ‘we the people’, another good one KK, much respect.
Yes, the predator class seems to be losing its mojo. Their boilerplate psy-op is to roll out a new scamdemic with an origin of an exotic animal such as bats, snakes, and pangolins. But monkeys just didn’t cut the mustard. It became a sick joke in a few days.
“The new name for monkeypox must be aligned with best practices in naming of infectious diseases to avoid the uninformed negative narrative that associate diseases with regions.”
Obvious bullshit. Monkeys are found in Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the City of London.
I think WHO should run a contest with a serious monetary prize for the new name winner, to be awarded by a panel of Ph.D. and MD “expert” assholes. I would submit “duck-billed platypox.” Sorry Aussies.
Monkey McPoxface?
Here in Oz, I’m waiting for the Possum Virus. Sounds cute and would look appealing in P.R. photos/waffle.
Australia’s impropaganda “writers” are busy. Here is a selection of their porn from our ABC news site – just in the last two days.
Around one quarter of the ADAPT study’s participants were experiencing noticeable cognitive decline a year after getting COVID.
An additional 600,000 deaths would have been prevented if the World Health Organisation target of 40 per cent vaccination coverage by the end of 2021 had been met.
Every day there’s more of the same.
Kit has it right again. As an addendum, I’ll relink the Spacebusters film I mentioned yesterday in a comment to Kit’s Lab Link article in regards to Covid. A segment of the film demonstrates that, as with all viruses, polio, too, is fake and basically caused by pervasive toxic exposure to lead arsenate and DDT, both widely used at the time of fake polio (residual “polio” cases have simply been renamed so as to declare victory for the vaxx.), There was also a vaxx for the Spanish Flu back in 1918, also covered in the film, and that Flu, too was fake. Both diseases are covered in as much depth as you could want. (The film opines that the Spanish Flu was in fact caused by the vaccine for it.)
DDT is still widely used – including inside people’s homes – in many parts of the world, India for one.
Clarification: My last (parenthetical) line is misleading. The film opines that the SF was caused by 14-25 toxic vaccines given to soldiers for other diseases. Huge excess inventory was then dispensed to the public who then also got the toxic diseases caused by these vaccines. SF was merely the fabricated label to hide the true cause.
The compliant and obedient sheep have emboldened the tyrants.
They are lying and laughing at the public at the same time.
Bizarre time to be alive, witnessing the destruction of Western civilisation and enslavement of mankind.
All without a bullet being fired……yet.
Culture and technology trumps military might.. any gamer can tell you that haha
Same shit. Different country.:
And on and on and on it goes.
Where it ends, only the psychopaths know.
Nope. Where it ends, not even the psychopaths know.
They just make up a new cognitive-dissonance or denial story every morning when they wake up.