WATCH: Interrogating Cold War 2.0

In this open discussion brought to you by Unlimited Hangout and OffGuardian, our panelists talk about the nature of the East-West dichotomy, whether global elites are engineering the rise of Eurasia and the fall of the West and – if so – for what purpose.

The Panel:

Whitney Webb (Host) is the editor of Unlimited Hangout, and an author and researcher focusing on surveillance, covert operations, the tech industry and its impact on civil liberties. Her new book on the life and crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, One Nation Under Blackmail, is currently available on pre-order from all major booksellers. [twitter]

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy News.[Twitter]

Iain Davis is an independent investigative journalist, blogger and author from Portsmouth, UK. He is a contributor to UK Column and Unlimited Hangout. His work is often featured by OffGuardian, the Corbett Report and Zero Hedge, among others, and he also has his own website, In This Together where you can download his books for free. [Twitter]

Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the first Bush administration. Catherine has written extensively on the misappropriation of public funds, and potential massive corruption funnelling taxpayer money into private hands. In 2017 she was a co-author of a report which found that, since the year 2000, the US Department of Defense had over 21 TRILLION dollars in unauthorised spending. She is also president Solari Advisors, and publisher of the Solari Report. [Twitter]

…and Kit Knightly, editor of OffGuardian. [Twitter]


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Jul 30, 2022 11:03 AM

@11:00 “Rockefeller know that it will come to the end of monetary system in the future and that real resources would be only real value” – question: which country is resource richest? (and not under Rockefeller control…)

Jul 2, 2022 2:41 AM

Indeed does War makes for distractions.
Along with narratives emblematic of a Westernized False History, that one being as taught and generally the basis of media commentary.

The reality, beyond the high minded theories, examined here without fear or favour . . .

Jun 30, 2022 8:57 AM

Patrick Wood was a very welcome addition. The ideal balance would be something between the first two debates – a bit more disagreement than is on show here but less trying to control the discussion to a particular viewpoint than on the first one.

It’s a lot to get one’s head around but the discussion never quite got deep nor broad enough. Were the Russian and Chinese Revolutions ever real? The discussion didn’t get further back than the 1970s. I think the evidence about Trotsky is overwhelming – Lenin, Stalin and Mao remain more ambiguous as indeed does Marx himself. It was also as if bio-security and (except a little near the end) climate change didn’t exist. I know all our thinking has been compartmentalised but the attack is holistic and the response has to be too. Geo-politics is one dimension of a bigger game.

Jun 28, 2022 5:51 PM

Pedant’s Corner: As a lifelong Europhile and lover of European culture from Dublin to Vladivostok, I object to the Anglo Zio Capitalist campaign to divide the Northern extent of the Continent of EurAsia into so-called “Europe” (NW Eurasia) and so-called “Eurasia” (NE Eurasia plus SE Eurasia). A modish aberration almost as revolting as the debauchment of a good and bright old word “gay” into a dreary synonym for “homosexual”.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 27, 2022 11:14 AM

Did you know that the square in Moscow where the US Embassy is located has been renamed? That’s right … it’s now called “Donetsk People’s Republic Square”!
To me that is proof positive that those guys (Putin, Bidet, Johnson (a joker if there ever was one), Trudy (a very funny man, I mean person), etc are all in this together as per OG’s pet theory on globalism.
One just does not adopt that sort of humor unless there’s a lot of love involved. Like in a fraternity or a sorority. This sort of thing gives the US diplomats something to chuckle about everyday.
I bet the US of As have a joke or two up their sleeve as write. Can’t wait! A chemical false flag? How ’bout a mass trial of Ukie nazi war criminals in which the accused prove in court that their colorful tattoos can be washed off? You know, something that will double the world over in peals of laughter …

George Cornell
George Cornell
Jun 27, 2022 7:32 PM
Reply to  Victor G.


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 27, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

It’s not a theory, it’s an observation 🙂

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jun 28, 2022 1:15 AM

Observations tend to lead to theories and those tend to gain traction in directions that can do more harm than the event that we were initially observing. It seems to happen more often in a world were information or shall we say opinion travels in a widespread direction …. very quickly. We need time to reflect and to converse and in that process we actually form thought. A few things wrong here in my opinion, one is that unintended people are dying because of observations like this. Another is that one side seems to be full of degenerates while the other seems to have a bit more of their shit together. Is that intentional or a perfect storm of imbeciles in a room that basically have nothing in common but their lack of grey cells. Oh wait they all attended a WEF conference. Would you not attend to see what your comrades were going on about? What better way to form an opinion especially if your in the room. A bit too simple? Did not the CNN rainbow man scold America for allowing the Orange haired man to meet Pussy Riots’ nemesis? Is this not a radical view of an observation gone bad? Not to mention these “Easterners” are building up their infrastructures and creating something ( it may not be your cup of tea) but in the end they are creating something for their citizens, a bit over on the positive end of the range versus the ones that are destroying it all for the sake of what exactly? A bald headed cult leader telling them to do it? Is this another Observation…. The more we believe in these “observations” the more I think they become convenient excuses for basically allowing it all to happen in the first place.… Read more »

Jun 28, 2022 6:05 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

“Sure we can all sing songs around the fire with all our fellow truckers but in the end its going to take more. A lot more.”

Meanwhile, Putin and Xi are showing that they have what it takes to pull their country together and deliver real goods, instead of fragmenting their country into wispy rainbow coloured cloudlets hovering over pots of illusory gold. .

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Aug 24, 2022 4:18 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

It’s called trolling, now.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Jun 27, 2022 7:03 AM

The East/West split is a construct. Communism was manufactured as a controlled “alternative” to capitalism. As was every other major political movement.

The same handful of elite families have been running the world for the past 1,000 years.

Just take a look at the genealogy of anyone rich or famous – politician, writer, actor, singer. An amazing number of them will turn out to be related to each other or to aristocracy or to wealthy old blood of some description.

Not all – there’s always a handful of genuine outsiders permitted into the upper echelons. But they are always a minority.

Don’t just dismiss this. Do some research. You’ll be amazed.

For example – how many US presidents are or were related to each other and to old European blood lines? Should be none, right. Brand new meritocracy that severed all ties with the corrupt feudal past. Think Obama is an exception?

Well, check it out.

New Name
New Name
Jun 28, 2022 12:08 AM

Christianity, Islam and Marxism came from the central banking establishment. US presidents are in most cases puppets. The really powerful lurk in the shadows.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Aug 24, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  New Name

You forgot Judaism.

Jun 27, 2022 6:26 AM

“The next war will be between Russia and Fascism, except that Fascism will be called Democracy.” — Fidel Castro


[A great “get” submitted elsewhere by someone who found this pearl while trawling the internet, or who remembered it and searched for it”. ]

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Jun 27, 2022 6:43 AM
Reply to  NickM

Ever wondered how Cuba managed to survive 70 years of US aggression when most socialist governments in the Americas are routed in a few months or years of coming to power?

Everyone here needs to read more Alan Watt

les online
les online
Jun 27, 2022 7:09 AM
Reply to  NickM

Fidel is probably right. Fascism has been so heavily identified with the German NAZI that most people probably think “If it aint adorned with swastikas, it cant be fascism.”
Because the German NAZI have become the reference point for all things fascist, expect people to democratically vote fascists into office (Same as Hitler’s mob were voted for)

Jun 27, 2022 7:31 AM
Reply to  les online

“Corporate fascism” .Orwell’s phrase hit the bull as usual. Current Ukro-nazis who carry insignias borne by their grandfathers modelled on German Nazis, are Funded, Armed and Led by Anglo Zionazi Capitalists whose grandfathers Funded, Armed and Led the German Nazis against Russia.

les online
les online
Jun 27, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  NickM

I used to work in a plant bakery of 50 to 60 bakers, only two overseers…Years later i worked in in-store bakeries of a national supermarket chain. The people were so radically different. I went from Solidarity with Attitude to The Rule of The Wimps. The corporation was run like as an authoritarian dictatorship…

Though i worked alone at night, and a pastrycook worked the day, The Bakery Dept had a Manager, and Assistant Manager, both were Little Corporals in outlook…The main fascist element in the company was the Groupthink, and the Anticipatory Compliance expressed by employees behaviours. If you called them “workers” they’d feel strongly insulted….

Last evening i was reading a book by Dr Wilhelm Reich. He had this to say: “..it is not solely in totalitarian states that we find authoritarian dictatorship. It is found in the Church as well as in academic organizations, among the communists as well as in parliamentary governments. It is a universal human tendency produced by the suppression of life; authoritarian upbringing constitutes the psychological bases in the masses of people of all nations for the acceptance and establishment of dictatorship,..” (FOTO p11)…

Fidel Castro probably never heard of or read Reich…But Orwell’s spot-on !!

“What Would Orwell Say ?” “Corporate Fascism”, that’s what Orwell would say…

les online
les online
Jun 28, 2022 3:13 AM
Reply to  les online

“Little Corporal” was a tag applied to Napoleon and Hitler by their Betters…
Little Corporals in corporations function solely as Order transmitters from the upper ranks to the lower ranks, in return for a small amount of rather illusory ‘authority’…They block out awareness of their humiliating role with grand daydreams of what they would do if they were the Top Order Giver… (There was a current in post-war marxism, (Socialism or Barbarism – Paul Cardan) that focussed on the bureaucratisation of modern life. and used terms such as Bureaucratic Corporate Capitalism, Bureaucratic State Capitalism, this latter being their understanding of the USSR…Bureaucratisation being an inherent tendency of all organisations.)…

Jun 28, 2022 6:11 PM
Reply to  les online


Jun 28, 2022 6:16 PM
Reply to  NickM

Bureaucracy goes hand in hand with Digital Autocracy, because both codify, and both codes tend toward bloat.

Jun 28, 2022 6:10 PM
Reply to  les online

“If you called them “workers” they’d feel strongly insulted….”  😀 

Yes, we are all smug, comfortable middle class now.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 28, 2022 7:17 PM
Reply to  les online

Thanks for that first-hand account from the bakeries. When I was a kid growing up in Glasgow in the 70s, working-class men and women used to say, with very dry sarcasm: “But it must be true, I saw it on the telly!” (or “I heard it on the News”, or “I read it in the paper.”) They were not easily fooled by liars and phoneys.

They had the kind of confidence in their own senses, their own abilities and their own intellect that comes only from daily contact with reality. (Another favourite, on building sites when a student on a summer job failed to understand something: “But he must be clever, he’s at the uni!”)

That was back in the mists of forgotten time, when it wasn’t yet hip to be stupid. It wasn’t yet a wise career-move to be a skill-free screen-addict, a toady to the bosses, and a willing dupe.

Jun 28, 2022 8:11 PM
Reply to  les online

If you called them “workers” they’d feel strongly insulted….

For better or worse, this prompts another personal anecdote: c. 1975 or so, my mother, slightly older sister, and I were sitting at home conversing amiably about this and that. 

I need to mention that my sister was then attending college, and was in what proved to be a transient phase of flirting with radical leftist political thought. For instance, around that time she bitterly castigated me for reading “escapist trash” like JRR Tolkien’s works; she was carrying a copy of Richard O. Boyer’s excellent Labor’s Untold Story under her then-unshaven armpit when she confronted me about my ostensibly appalling reading habits.

Anyway, somehow during this chat I mentioned that we lived in a “working-class” neighborhood. Since our father was a milkman, this seemed obvious enough to me. Of course, our Philadelphia neighborhood had a range or mix of economic levels; some streets had fancier houses with more affluent occupants, and there were “professionals” here and there.

My mother, and especially my sister, were surprisingly horrified and offended at the suggestion that we were a working-class family in a working-class neighborhood. No, we were middle-class

It wasn’t worth arguing over, so we moved on. For some reason, their utter dismay at being characterized as “working-class”, and nominally or incipiently lumpenproletarian, stuck in my mind.

les online
les online
Jun 28, 2022 9:54 PM
Reply to  Ort

I’ve read ‘In America there is no working class as workers all regard themselves as (lower) middle class.’. In marxism there’s only two classes. In American sociology there are six. (last count).
In Australian politician-speak we have ‘aspirational class’ and ‘aspirational middle class.’ The only reason i can think of to explain such inventive nomenclature is to supress awareness of the existence of the Working Class and/or Class Struggle. (The Labour Party became the Labor Party. No longer a working class party but a party of the ‘aspirationals’.)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 27, 2022 1:08 PM
Reply to  NickM

Don’t worry Nick, those guys are all actors.
I think it was in Corporatism 101 that I learned that if you have a successful brand image, you go with it all the way to yet-to-be-formed international tribunals.
Example? Roundup. Bayer paid billions for that brand and its image.
Central Accounting calculated that loss from reimbursing victims of the cancer their products induced would still leave Bayer with profits in excess of 32.5 billion per annum. Brands rule, Nick!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 28, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  NickM

Fascism is corporatism. Same thing, in essence.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jun 28, 2022 7:27 AM
Reply to  les online

Nazism is a Wall Street contraption, if you track it back .

Jun 28, 2022 6:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

I started on day 74 of our bombing of Belgrade, and tracked it all the way back to 1899: the Anglo Zio Capitalist invasion and takeover of the Free Afrikaaner Republics (aka Boer War). The gold and diamond loot was enough to encourage a 1914 Anglo Zionazi Capitalist invasion and takeover of the Mesopotamian oil fields and destruction of Germany as industrial competitor (aka WW1).

Trouble was, Russia turned communist; so the AZC needed to rebuild Germany as “our bulwark against communism”. So the AZC smashed Germany’s socialist Weimar government, and rebuilt a Nazi Germany in their own image: to smash Soviet Russia. While browsing I came across a post which said that a banking insider had written a book exposing AZC financing of the Nazi party; and that every copy of that book had been bought up and destroyed — except one. Don’t know how true that particular story is, but the links between Nazism and the AZC gleam shiny bright in post-2014 Ukraine for all to see.

Jul 1, 2022 7:58 AM
Reply to  NickM

Check out the books by Guido Giacomo Preparata on the Anglo funding of the Nazis.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 28, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply to  NickM

Thank you for that.

It complements the evergreen: “Scratch a Liberal, find a Fascist”. (Anon, I think.)

Jul 2, 2022 2:51 AM
Reply to  NickM

Very <b>prescient</b> quote Nick.

If one wants the detail, how Castro emerged from a US Mob, US Capitalism controlled Cuba – T J English Havana Nocturne. A very good take on contemporary Cuban History of The Revolution. It has everything. https://tj-english.com/havana_nocturne.php

My take on <b>The Decline Of The West</b> here . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-notes-the-long-proxy-war

Jun 26, 2022 5:41 PM

Great Line up.
Patrick sure knows his stuff.
The last panel had a believer on regarding Russia being anti.
I think it is important for the flow of a panel to have at least 1 or 2 on who don’t all agree.

BTW. How long does it take to get past this pending.?

Jun 26, 2022 11:57 AM

I don’t like Icke but this is a good example of what he calls the phoney bone of contention:


They’re trying to blame inflation and shortages on everything but the sanctions. What action should “we” take to break the “criminal blockade”? How about lifting the sanctions?

Remember when the “left” used to be anti-war rather than always calling for escalations? And as for criminal blockades, the Anglo-American establishment knows all about them but don’t expect to hear it from the likes of Tisdall.

Jun 26, 2022 10:53 AM

There is no mono West and there certainly is no mono East. Japan is vastly different from Pakistan. The world is a multi-chomatic cultural spectrum.

A WEF type mono rule is the wet dream of control freaks with little Wisdom and giant egos, who float to the surface of about any nation and gel together temporarily. Mission impossible in a nut shell.

Jun 26, 2022 7:44 AM

Another interesting issue raised in the debate is the simplicity of the occidental mind.

When I arrived in Canada when I was young, I was dumbstruck by how simplistic and superficial people were. Not everybody, of course, by the majority were just about completely ignorant of anything substantial they could use to formulate a viable worldview.

Has it got any better? Fucking doubt it. Communication has taken the form of memes, desperate single-sentence ejaculations, or mobs chanting some stupidity. All of that is many levels above a) the underlying principles and b) the ways these are manipulated for the purpose of fucking people over.

In a nutshell, everybody is full of shit, but the more full of shit they are, the more heated arguments about the said shit they have. And beware of trying to be reasonable, point out other viewpoints, bring up the theory behind stuff, establish consensus – they’ll eat you alive. Everybody wants to militantly defend whatever fucking stupidity their deranged brain harbors and get as many likes from other idiots in their camp as possible.

An interesting historical paradox, isn’t it. The population has never been better educated in the sense of receiving schooling, but they seem fucking dumber than ever.

Jun 26, 2022 9:31 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Knowledge ain’t understanding and understanding ain’t wisdom.

Jun 26, 2022 6:59 AM

I have thought there was something off about this for a while. Almost like the pro-West propaganda is intentionally bad to allow smarter people to see through it. As if the intention was to create a “balanced” divide to get people polarized.

The smarter people people enjoy themselves making fun of the crass pro-Western propaganda but don’t realize they are also being propagandized by the subtler, cleverer pro-Russian propaganda, or that both are being issued by the same elites.

I think people enjoy the camaraderie of taking sides and of uniting with likeminded people to expose bad things or laugh at the absurdities of the other side. So it’s very easy to get people to take sides and do this and very hard to get them to realize this is what the elites want them to do.

Jun 26, 2022 11:14 AM
Reply to  SissyY

If you don’t believe one liar it doesn’t mean you believe another one!

Jun 26, 2022 6:48 AM

i notice all the shills uniting BTL to deride the idea the East-West divide is a smokescreen.

Jun 26, 2022 7:00 AM
Reply to  Cleggy

Why must they be shills and not just people with different opinions?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 27, 2022 1:12 PM
Reply to  SissyY

Because “shills” derive benefit from expressing their opinions. Benefits … get it?

Jun 26, 2022 5:46 AM

Remember Folks.
The ‘enemy’ doesn’t look like us, sound like us, go to our churches, eat the same food, watch the same TV shows, attend the same sporting events, follow the same celebs, or honour the same flags.
They must be bad !!

Jun 26, 2022 5:45 AM

I’ve watched the debate and must compliment Witney for her use of the words “sort of”. If that wasn’t a world record in how many times she can insert this rhetorical padding in her sentences, I don’t know what is. It sure makes pale in comparison my humble usage of the cute word “fuck” wherewith I occasionally spice up my fucking speech! Some interesting thoughts, some issues were conspicuously missing. The rise of China indeed doesn’t appear accidental. The West has donated to China its technological prowess, created over centuries if not millennia, and robbed itself of its competitive advantage. If China were an adversary or a competitor, one wouldn’t just give them the know how to run one over. Was it a plan, stupidity? If plan, is it that China and the mentality/pliability of its population are the best place for establishing a technocratic dictatorship, where the plug can be pulled on the spoiled kinda-freedom-loving Occident? How does Russia fit into that? The Russkies are crazed vodka-drinking motherfuckers. Unpredictable. Certainly not as generally obedient as the Chinks. Patrick mentioned going back to 1850, implying departure from the current consumerist lifestyle and the insane way in which goods are traded – like we send our potatoes to who the fuck knows where and buy (shitty) potatoes from Israel. Most shit is made somewhere else, nothing gets repaired. The world is too hot. There is too much shit, things are becoming worthless (on the other day, I gave away quite a nice, relatively well-functioning car because I have three – I got the car for free and the guy who I got it from got it for free too). Am I the only one who thinks that the way we live is fucking sick? Maybe it’s not about going back to… Read more »

Jun 26, 2022 9:40 AM
Reply to  Jacques

‘The West has donated’ ??

From Simon Winchester’s ‘Bomb Book and Compass’:

“The seventeenth-century philosopher-statesman Francis Bacon famously declared that nothing had changed the world more profoundly than three great inventions: gunpowder, printing and the compass. What he didn’t know was that the Chinese had been successfully using all three long before the West ever ‘invented’ them. And yet it was another 300 years before a remarkable man called Joseph Needham embarked on his lifetime’s work which would finally set the record straight. Inspired by a wartime mission to occupied China, he wrote a twenty-four-volume masterpiece, chronicling the nation’s astonishing history of invention and technology over five thousand years.
In ‘Bomb, book and compass’ Simon Winchester tells the story of Joseph Needham, his magnificent book, the passion that inspired it, and the remarkable rise of the Chinese nation that continues to this day”

Jun 26, 2022 11:33 AM
Reply to  Jacques

“The West has donated to China its technological prowess”…well that sort of sums up “Western” hubris and occidental ethnocentrism rather neatly.
I’m guessing you have never been to China, don’t know much about manufacturing processes or processing innovation (over the last 50-70 years) more generally and have never worked with Chinese engineers and scientists.
Of course the rise of China is not accidental and neither is the decline of the NATO-Anglo-Zionist model of colonialism. Government policies, and work ethic are not accidental either. Invading countries to bring them peace, freedom and democracy is also not accidental.

Jun 26, 2022 2:45 PM
Reply to  rraa

Give me a fucking break.

The Chinese sure are a remarkable nation and have some technological inventions under their belt, plus they have a wonderful medicine, philosophy, healing approach to sexuality, and lots of other things, not least of which is that they’re the best fucking table tennis players in the world, but technology per se is an Occidental thing.

Decades ago anything that came out of China was a piece of shit, substandard. Following the transfer of know-how from the West, Chinese products are no top notch, and the rest of the world can’t do without.

Western hubris? One probably shouldn’t toot his horn too loud, but one shouldn’t shit on the accomplishments of one’s ancestors either.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Jun 27, 2022 9:57 AM
Reply to  rraa

Work ethic??? Right! Do this or die is an incredible incentive.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 26, 2022 12:18 AM

East-West dichotomy? The insanity of commerce for the sake of commerce exists in every modern Nation State, regardless of any notions of political sobriety or demographic limit. “Everyone wants a box of chocolates and a long-stemmed rose.” (Leonard Cohen)

I’ve watched a number of YouTube presentations over the years regarding the practicality of Chinese business culture. Here are two examples: >
The Secret behind China’s Ghost Cities
May 14, 2022
The Secret behind China’s Ghost Cities – YouTube

Brand new cars sit unclaimed on barren hills for years/massive number of scrapped vehicles in China
November 23, 2021
Brand new cars sit unclaimed on barren hills for years/massive number of scrapped vehicles in China – YouTube

China is not the only country experiencing over production issues. The “West” is also buried in excess vehicle production and lack of realistic limits of economic growth. The “Great Reset” is not a rational plan. It’s a gaggle of technocratic morons in heated panic…

Jun 26, 2022 6:47 AM

The Secret behind China’s Ghost Cities is a eye opener video Paul.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 26, 2022 12:04 AM

I like the idea of “Global Elites”. They are all “in this together” ! They are all against us !
Global Elites (pl). Sounds better than “The Rich” or “The Bastards”.
Without Elite/s, cabals, or Moriarty, you cant really build a good conspiracy theory, can you ?
And they are always bad, arent they ! Always doing Evil !
Not like the Catholic church – a conspiracy to do good.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jun 26, 2022 12:30 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

I’ll say this for everyone.


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 28, 2022 6:47 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Thank you for performing that public service.

Jun 26, 2022 12:33 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Indeed. What would the world be like if the ‘elites’ weren’t in such perfect unison? Never disagreeing, even on the choice of wine for dinner.

Ordinarily, if you took a group of 10 people (even those with a common interest), then there would be very little that they’d agree on. But ‘elites’ – they’re different breed altogether. Not like mere mortals. They always on absolutely everything (albeit behind the scenes out of public view).

Which is remarkable of course, though we should, in fact, be grateful. It gives us our simple, workable model of the universe and its politics.

Were the elites ever actually to exhibit human characteristics, then we’d be left lost for a suitable model to interpret the world as we know it. Which wouldn’t be a good thing at all:

Kraftwerk – The Model [Das Model]

Jun 26, 2022 6:50 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Sarcasm – good rebuttal

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 26, 2022 12:42 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Pregnant men and women still have choice. Take the Covid Jabs, there’s strong evidence they’ll help you abort the fetus.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 28, 2022 7:41 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

That’s pregnant men (who of course may have vulvas) and pregnant vulva-havers. Purge your language of transphobia. Apologise, if you value your job.

Since transwomen are women and — do keep up — the TERF dinosaurs previously known as women are now mere vulva-havers (by government definition), transwomen are now also vulva-havers, even if they don’t have vulvas.

Surely even a child can understand this?.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 27, 2022 12:12 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

How about “globalist cabal” as a more fitting term. I strongly disagree with them being called “elite.”

Elite (def.):  a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society

Jun 27, 2022 6:38 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

“The Elites” (Fr. “Les Elus” — The Chosen People).

Financially self-chosen, with enough capital to bribe presidents and prime ministers from their petty cash. B.Liar $100M and directorships in House of Rothschild and Rothschild Carlyle Finance. The Clintons $50B and marriage into Rothschild bank Goldman Sachs.

Jun 25, 2022 9:47 PM

If we consider the space given to China already by the West , Saudi Arabia as regards totalitarianism , controls , suppression . Their cheap labour markets and efficient production creates goods that can be used here in our more free societies . Indeed the “!Eurasian “ empire has already been supported fully for many years . The future elites , the Great Reset needs the continuation of Chinese growth thus there is no blame afforded for the obvious lab leak that may have become COVID 19 . In fact the elites have been convinced through profit of the great advantage of a pandemic and indeed the power of controlling science and the internet .
Kit Knightly wrote an article this week about the “ binary “ created around blame and fear , however I do believe after my own review however limited that the virus is a deadly one and soon we will experience it’s mutations much more directly than before . The war , the opportunities of the pandemic , the growth of nihilism in a secular world , leaves us on a progressive incline that supports totalitarianism because of its apparent certainty and homogenisation

Jun 25, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  Fran

Agreed. The (unwritten) rule is that you can offend the Russians all you like, but never the Chinese. So maybe that’s what we’re really witnessing – the unchecked rise of China  🤔 

A future unipolar or a multi-polar world? Looks like it’s still up for grabs

Jun 26, 2022 5:40 AM
Reply to  Fran

There is no evidence of the existence of the convid “virus”.

Jun 25, 2022 9:43 PM

The Glastonbury Festival has undoubtedly gone downhill massively, especially since it started becoming a shameless tool of the war criminal British government. Last time it was on they had Stormzy and his entourage hawking the introduction of 5G on behalf of EE, and the lucky punters in attendance were some of the first to be microwaved at the new frequency being deployed by the criminals. The advertising surrounding it was huge – a complete insult to the spirit and history of the festival, and Im sure Stormzy got paid LOTS of money to normalise this Satanic tech to the kids. I say this as someone who used to love Glasters (first one in 1992), it has provided some of the best memories and experiences over the years. But like everything that used to be so special and magical, it has gone downhill – BIG TIME. Everything that made the world special has turned progressively shit and Orwellian since nineeleven, the day that changed everything. Fast forward to now and were living in a Communism-inspired 1984 on steroids dystopia in the UK. For me I cannot believe the change in what were formerly quite rebellious people who used to take NO SH1T. These same characters are now jabbed and masked and still hiding behind the wall of toilet roll in their front room, waiting for orders. But this year Glastonbury has stooped even further south, as low as it gets, hypocritical to the core, plunging new depths of the dystopian swamp, brainwashing the punters in to being complete and utter morons by having none other than VOLODOMIR ZELENSKY MAKING A LIVE BROADCAST ON THE MAIN STAGE. Excuse me while I scrape the sick off the floor. Yes this year, the formerly vehemently anti-war festival (it once called itself the CND festival)… Read more »

Jun 25, 2022 10:33 PM
Reply to  Mucho

…Watch and weep as you see in real time the obliteration of this formerly great event – now reduced to a shillfest for war and the Military Industrial Complex…

Well expressed.

Zelensky’s English script was too perfect for a foreigner. Reading something handed to him by his handlers, or just hired a good proofreader? We may never know for sure.

And was it even Zelensky? Something a little too ‘deep fakish’ about it for comfort. A limited range of mannerisms (hand movements) and natural intonations.

Still, short of full Antichrist status (though maybe not far off):

Zelensky = 117 [a=1, b=2,…]
Antichrist = 121

So let the puppet show go on. There’s a “cold world comin'” (Cold War 2.0?):

Coldplay – Life In Technicolor

Jun 25, 2022 11:01 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Watch ‘Glastonbury Fayre’ about the first festival and see the Pyramid Stage’s rampant Occultism and naked people rolling around in mud. The Crazy World of Arthur Brown perform loaded with secret sociey imagery – ‘Fire’ was a hymn to both the Devil and Prometheus (a big hero of Luciferians) and according to an old Fraud article Brown’s parents were trauma victims of wartime bombing which reeks of MK Ultra.

Still, I’m sure Paul McCartney (or whoever it is) will provide plenty of material for analysis. Why do these people keep performing at such an advanced age? “They get such a buzz” – or that was part of the deal they made back in the day for their fame?

BTW rather bizarrely one of the very few from within the music industry to appear to have woken up to some of what’s going on – joining the small crowd of Van Morrison, Ian Brown and Right Said Fred – is Mike Stock of Stock, Aitken and Waterman. Meanwhile the silence from all the punks and the protest singers, all the rebels and the non-conformists, continues to be defeaning…. .

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jun 25, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  Mucho

So Zelenskyyjjiyy — Nazi-Deployer, Weapons-Demander, EU-Adorer, USA-Worshipper, Penis Pianist, Green T-Shirt Wearer — is inflicted via Zoom (live from Kyifffff?) on a gigantic English live-music festival that used to be, or at least pretended to be, “alternative” and “authentic”.

Do festival visitors have a choice? Like hell they do.

Zelenskyyjjiyyy is the Pentagon’s favourite. He’s MI6’s darling. He has as much charisma as eczema. He looks like a cross between a frog and a squirrel. He sounds like a fucking Dalek, He spouts the most unspeakable brain-dead sanctimonious soul-killing crap. He has the world’s worst voice.

And note how he was received:

  • Not one person raised a peep of protest.
  • Not a single ticket-purchaser laughed out loud.
  • Nobody dared to shout “fuck off”.
  • Thousands of utter fannies actually cheered for him.

Exactly who invited him? Does anyone know?

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jun 26, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Where do I fucking live?

I don’t know anymore.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jun 26, 2022 12:35 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I watched, dismayed. From behind it appeared EVERYONE eyes glued to the Big Brother screen. I wanted to see more footage taken from the stage of the CROWD (‘crowd’, not ‘audience’) to gauge their attention, or was it merely curiosity ?It’s easy to believe the few seconds shown of THE CROWD cheering & clapping at the vids end was to another stage event. The absence of any panning from stage to CROWD to stage suggests such.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jun 26, 2022 12:36 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Ffs. Vomit inducing. So so sad.

Jun 26, 2022 8:12 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Do they have 5G at Glasto? I work with refugees – some of whom are now uncharacteristically white. From Ukraine. They tell me they like Z but that before the war he was considered a joke. They believe that Russia wants to take the whole country, and that it is a lie that it’s just the Donbas. Prior to the war Russian was the fashionable language, but now it is Ukrainian. The whole country speak both languages.

I was instructed by my boss to welcome the new refugees with a stall and a Ukraine flag. I expect Glasto festival received similar instructions.

People in general are like football fans it seems. Fashionable allegiances rule. Just as in football, they do not see the massive scam circus they are paying to watch, and they wave the flags that mean nothing.

I really liked your post – you detail the sick making co-opting of the former peace loving people with zeal.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 26, 2022 9:30 AM
Reply to  Mucho

I’d say the revelations about the true nature of “yoof culture” as delivered by Dave McGowan’s “Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon” have been further vindicated. The basic mechanism was given by the father/son act between Admiral George Morrison who participated in the Gulf of Tonkin scam and his son Jim leading the “protest” with The Doors. Two sides of the coin set up. Now we have Zelensky the “politician” posing as “The Rock Star”!

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jun 27, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So I guess you’re the kind of guy, George, who sticks out his foot to trip up a handicapped poet hoping he’ll write a few verses about life in a wheel chair.
Heavy drug use tends to leave one handicapped. But Art, bless it’s pointy little head, has a special place for the truth the handicapped bring to humanity.
Then again, you may be a Norman Rockwell devotee.
BTW, can you point to a couple Doors protest songs? That would help.

Jun 26, 2022 10:15 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Truth: 1
Zelensky: 0

Jun 29, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Been to Glastonbury m’self in August 2012. We got the impression that the ” seeker-of-knowledge ” types were rather less than genuine, merely wanting the cachet they think that brings, dressing the dress and chatting the jargon. This applied as much to the shops and street vendors feeding on them. We did find a genuine tea parlor amid the fakery though and the Chalice Well is well worth contending with all the wannabees.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 25, 2022 8:26 PM

comment image
comment image

“Sadly for some too stupid to live has become a self fulfilling prophesy.