From the Sublime to the Ridiculous…
Sinead Murphy

As 2020 dawned, two concepts came to loom on our horizon: ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown.’ Within a month or two, they had cast their pall over the whole of the human world.
The concepts ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown’ share something quite fundamental. They each describe an absolute: a disease that affects all people everywhere and a state of complete incarceration.
Human reality does not admit of absolutes. There can be no disease that affects all people everywhere – even the most ardent of the Covid convinced accept that certain demographics are more or less immune to SARS-CoV-2.
And no confinement of populations outside of carceral institutions can so much as approach any kind of completeness – the ‘Zero Covid’ policies adopted by some governments have been nonsensical failures.
Yet, notwithstanding that what they describe cannot be real, the concepts ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown’ produced a stunning effect. Whole swathes of people heretofore capable of rational thought and moral feeling fell helplessly under their spell. The more impossible the ‘pandemic’ was proven to be, the more it was believed in. The more hallucinatory the ‘lockdown’ was revealed as, the more it was revelled in.
As the Covid phantasm of total disease and its total containment ran more and more against the grain of evidence, understanding and sympathy, it was cleaved to more closely and brayed about more feverishly.
There was no denying it: people seemed high on ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown,’ on a trip that they desperately wanted not to end.
Towards the close of the eighteenth century, the philosopher Kant detailed just that brand of irrational pleasure that has decommissioned the sound faculties of so many on their Covid high. Kant described the experience in a small corner of his great work on human thought and action, possibly aware of its devastating potential to set all things human at naught. What he described was the sublime.
There are times, Kant wrote, when we come suddenly before a mountain of magnificent height. We are rounding the bend on an Alpine climb, perhaps, and all at once a nearby peak is disclosed to us. The suddenness and the proximity are crucial in the case – with no time in which to calibrate and no space in which to compare, the mountain appears as absolutely massive, too immediate to be placed in relation to other features of the landscape or to smaller, more digestible, parts of itself.
In these moments, Kant argued, our faculties are thrown into disarray. Robbed of the time and space in which to grasp an object in relation to other objects of our experience, we are bereft of the very conditions of experience, unable even to conceive of that which we are yet, somehow, being struck by.
Such experiences are naturally painful, involving the near dismantling of our faculties. But they are also pleasurable, Kant claimed – an experience that cannot be contained by the time and space necessary for human experience is, by definition, other-than-human – superhuman; that we can have such an experience at all, albeit as the painful devastation of the conditions for experience, is gratifying, flattering even.
We humans have at least a feel for the superhuman, if only as the destruction of all that is human. We humans can at least be moved by absolutes if only as the tremors of our demise.
Is it this feeling, this frisson, that Covid has given to so many? Were the prospect of a ‘pandemic’ and the promise of a ‘lockdown’ – so suddenly put before us and so garishly and relentlessly – as pleasurable as they were painful? Was their assault upon the conditions of human reason experienced as gloriously sublime? Did their threat to everything that we had heretofore known make us feel, not beneath ourselves but above ourselves, not subhuman but superhuman, not at sea but on Cloud Nine?
Is that why so many wanted – why so many still want – the Covid show to go on?
If so, then the Covid narrative succeeded not despite its premises and conclusions being irrational but because its premises and conclusions were irrational. After all, an absolute threat and its absolute mitigation would have to seem to our mere human faculties to be irrational. We enjoyed the experience of God-like insight directly in proportion to our setting aside everything that we had previously known to be right and good.
The sublime has always the tendency to collapse into the ridiculous, of course. If the bubble bursts, if the irrationality and inhumanity of it all cease to make us feel as if we are in the presence of absolute truth, then they appear as nothing more than what they really are: irrational and inhumane.
The emperor may stun his people with the shock-and-awe magnificence of his display, but once a lone voice cuts through the effect he can never be more than a contemptible figure with no clothes on.
There seemed many occasions on which the Covid sublime might have been punctured – the Scotch Egg debate surely threatened it, as must have the cobbled rules about numbers of guests allowed in the home or types of expedition that count as daily exercise.
In the end, it has been the slow accumulation of these and many other paltry calculations and pathetic protocols that has slowly slid the Covid sublime into inevitably ridiculous decay.
Which may be why they needed a new disease. A new ‘pandemic’ requiring a new ‘lockdown,’ so that the sublime devastation of all things human might resume in earnest once again.
The problem is, they got its name wrong.
Not the obscurely scientific ‘SARS-CoV-2.’ Nor the more generic but imperious sounding ‘Coronavirus.’ But ‘Monkeypox.’ Monkeypox. Even the word ‘pox’ is comfortably installed in our vernacular as somewhat comic, let alone all the established connotations of ‘monkey’ contained in ‘You monkey!’, ‘monkey-business,’ and all the rest.
Monkeypox is an endemic disease, in many African countries at least. It is certainly real and, no doubt, sometimes serious. But its name, for all that, is ridiculous and will never occasion the sublime.
The World Health Organization is rushing to relabel its new ‘pandemic,’ scrambling to come up with a grander tag for the next global threat to human survival. They will find one, no doubt.
But however fine it will sound – however impressively technical or profoundly world-historical – will it work to bring the people under its spell? Has anything ever gone from the ridiculous to the sublime?
Sinead Murphy teaches Philosophy at Newcastle University. Her most recent publication is Zombie University: Thinking Under Control (Repeater, 2017).
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Shocking really how lockdowns and self isolation regarding and self testing kit which is NOT a blood test is now considered normal.
Monkey-pox, hmmm! Sounds like a venereal disease. Gates and Co should have just named it Covid-clap variant?
Speaking of Kant it would have been nice to apply his categorical imperatives to the lockdown and its logic – would have blown up the whole thing. God forbid a simple cost benefit analysis was done prior to the insanity.
The Lockdown (sic) was an Imposition imo. To impose a part one on-line neighbourhood watch on the British Isles. imo
Analysis was from the POV of the billionaires.
In 2019, 1,480 CEOs of major US businesses resigned and sold their stocks. Another 219 resigned in Jan. 2020. -Michael Snyder,, 2020-07
During the first 16 months of mass suffering from the pandemic, the 2,690 billionaires increased their fortunes by $5.5 trillion, hoarding more wealth than in the previous 15 years. -Jonathan Cook, 2021-08
During this pandemic, US Federal Reserve has given $7.1 trillion to “equity holders”. -Robert Brenner, 2020-06
Comment at 7:26 am visible to me but still in Pending.
Today, care home receptionist- ” Two new cases of covid, the staff are being pcr tested, visiting will be limited”. Me, silence, visit as normal. I’ve given up on saying anything or even thinking. It’s like being on an acid trip, strawberry fields, nothing is real, carry on regardless. How long will they believe this hallucination? No idea.
Something has rotted the brains of the bulk of mankind.
Something more than a politician saying, “Do this”, or “Do that”…
Perhaps we’re all on acid trips, only they affect people in different ways.
You switch off and try to live normally (as I do), while others believe everything their TV tells them…
Reading good literature, either factual or fictional, still has a strong positive effect, however, and YouToob is still full of intelligent discourse – if one has the patience to sift through the crap.
For sure nobody on our TV sets is worth our attention any more.
I’m reading Herodotus at the moment, there’s more real life in it than the dead fantasies of our mainstream medias.
It is winter now in Australia and lets see what happens there.
Nothing new, you can be sure. Test, mask,quick march, concentration moon shining down the valley, wish I was back in the alley. Zappa had it right.
21st Century Shock & Awe
The masses of people have been as Malcolm X once so rightly said, “had, hoodwinked, bamboozled and duped.” The list is too long to enumerate but stop and think about the nonsensical narratives that millions of Americans fell for in the last twenty years: 19 hijackers with boxcutters override the most expensive military/defense system in the world and with no real training take over and fly three commercial airplanes into three iconic buildings with no US military response, a senile contentious career politician who rarely ventured outside of his home basement and when he did appeared before small unenthusiastic crowds won the 2020 presidential election and lastly the notion that locking down and isolating healthy people around the world is the way to stem a “global pandemic”.
Whew its mindboggling a combination of sophisticated brainwashing techniques, mass psychosis and Stockholm Syndrome. You have to hand it to the globalists they finally hit on the formula and mechanism to dupe (bribe and coerce) entire governments into gong along with their criminal agenda.
The other thing is, the Monkeypox narrative mirrors the HIV/AIDS narrative in so many ways you’d think more people would be hip to it, but I think we are too Zombified, too cowardly and too overwhelmed to think for ourselves.
Right on commentary Mr. Stanton. I’m betting the Zombie condition is a direct result of radio frequency bombardment, combined with the poisonous crap some refer to as food…
I agree GMO, fake foods, the poisons in the soil, water and atmosphere are taking a heavy toll on humanity as are the mind control and the ongoing psychological warfare campaigns targeting us.
”Whole swathes of people heretofore capable of rational thought and moral feeling fell helplessly under their spell.”
They weren’t heretofore capable of rational thought and moral feeling, but they were already in some form of cultic mindset.
”The more impossible the ‘pandemic’ was proven to be, the more it was believed in. The more hallucinatory the ‘lockdown’ was revealed as, the more it was revelled in.”
This is the ”true-believer syndrome” and cognitive dissonance. They are common traits in cult believers. Cult believers believe in a cult, and it’s easier for them to change one cult to another than leave all cults.
The massive cult there is is a giant lie. Those who would rather believe a lie than know the truth are prone to cultic manipulation.They like to worship the cult leader and the cult group, because thinking they belong to majority makes them safe.
The size of the cult doesn’t matter. Cultic mind is just as happy in a small family cult as a big nation state cult.
Cult believers follow cult doctrine, whatever it is.
The cult has an enemy. It is whatever is against the cult. The cult is formed as US or WE. So this global cult of covid is formed as the WE-forum and the US-empire.
That’s why they fight the common enemy called flu, so that they can save themselves.
Or so they think.
Of course none of it makes any sense. War against humanity is insane, if you are a human being.
But what this war is trying to save is not human. The economy or money is not human. State, government, institutions are not human. Cults are not human. The idea that we must kill people to save the system is insane. If people don’t see this, they are just part of the problem and on their way to destruction.
The corrupt systems in this world destroy themselves. The money-god is revealed.
In my local Post Office they are still warning to practice social distancing and to use your own pen if possible and to AVOID sharing pens! Where in the world has anyone ever caught SARS-CoV-2 from using another person’s pen? The loonies are truly in charge.
The Post Office perhaps took the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” a little too literally.
They removed the vote buttons, so I’ll have to tell you: your comment is worth: 👍 10
In quantum physics, a photon is both a particle and a wave. Similarly, we are told to believe that covid unlike other respiratory diseases spreads by aerosols or touch/surfaces.
A photon BEHAVES in some circumstances as if it were a particle & in others as if it were a wave. Scientists are fully aware that this is contradictory & therefore say that the actual nature of a photon is unknown.
Some respiratory diseases CAN be spread by both aerosols or surfaces like bedding for example. TB for example. On a hard dry surface I wd guess that neither bacteria nor viruses could long survive. I don’t think that the ability to spread by aerosol makes also spreading by contact necessarily contradictory.
I’m not saying this is true of the covid virus if it exists.
Monkeypox. “It is certainly real and, no doubt, sometimes serious”.
And you know this because… The people who constantly lie to you, were not telling lies on this occasion. Right?
One may have a condition. However, the debate is do we spread it round on the wind. These pandemics suggest this is so with little evidence. Further, when questioned people are ridiculed, silenced and threatened. Which does not solidify their claim.
So how can people get sick at the same time? Who knows? Spraying shit in the sky, putting shit in the water, exposing one to more radiation. Many ways.
I’ve concluded the Earth is being terra-formed – just like in some science-fiction stories – by aliens. That’s the best explanation for what’s happening now.
Before concluding that to be the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard, consider how many people seriously believe that EVERYTHING that happens, and perhaps has ever happened regarding humanity, is part of some teeny-weeny power mad cabal’s agenda.
All the revolutions, all the protests, all the overthrow of tyrants: all just part of the cabal’s carefully drawn plan.
Is my terra-forming by aliens theory really any dumber than that?
Howard, not everything– just the big things like WWI & II, covid, global warming hoax, control of the media, ownership of 90% of all wealth, WEF, UN, The Fed, WTO, BIS, etc.
And of course US has had the role of military arm of the cabal– to prevent the economic growth of much of the world.
Terra-forming of humans is happening more than ever now.
Their constant spraying of the atmosphere with certain heavy metals and polymers – which almost by definition is terra-forming, even if done by humans to their own planet -will necessarily require a change in human physiology in order for people to survive in the new world they’re attempting to make.
Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. Schwab even looks like a vogon in his sci fi suit.
If one looks back into a long enough timeline, one will see that civilizations grew and flourished, and then fell apart. The rising and falling of consciousness correlates with the precession of the Equinox, which is a wobble in the axis of the Earth. Early peoples noted this, and it ties into the Hindu Yuga cycle. We are now at the end of Kali Yuga, the darkest of the dark periods in the 25000 year cycle. What’s happening is to be expected. The age of greed, perversion, destruction, before the next rising cycle. We don’t need to invoke aliens, it’s the dumbed down humans living out the dark part of the cycle responsible for the decay…
The end of the Yuga will inevitably be followed by cataclysmic earth changes and civilization collapses, as is characteristic of the transitional periods.
Global lockdown happened for one reason. It had the approval of a US president who deferred to the UK and certain of its alleged “computer models.” On March 22, 2020 Neil Ferguson posted on his twitter that the computer model he used for Covid was actually one he’d created 13 years earlier for a different disease, influenza.
How did the US president persuade Russia and China to go along with it? In fact, how did a US President persuade China to launch the whole thing?
They probably drew straws to see who would go first. And China drew the short straw.
He didn’t, the people in charge did a while back.
China and Russia, like many others, have been persistently ‘kissing US and Euro butt’ in the forlorn hope of being accepted into ‘The Big Club’ … Eventually they will work-out that they will NEVER be accepted [on merit]and pursue independent pathways. It has always been embarrassing to observe the leaders of USSR/China kowtowing for the scraps, at their perceived ‘master’s’ tables. Now is the time for them to ‘grow some…’ and the world might be a better place without the latent deceit from rapacious Euro-American perceptions of ‘born-to-rule’ hogwash.
1 – “In these moments, Kant argued, our faculties are thrown into disarray. Robbed of the time and space in which to grasp an object in relation to other objects of our experience, we are bereft of the very conditions of experience”
2 – “Has anything ever gone from the ridiculous to the sublime?”
Well, I know it’s not the fashion today, but both of those items point to one thing which probably has an answer to our dilemma, if we are mature enough to grasp it:
The cosmos, universe, or whatever you like to call it, is infinite, and even if you don’t believe in infinity, you will still admit that it is a heck of a lot bigger than the Earth.
Once you start contemplating how small our world is on that cosmic scale, you can also immediately see how small Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are.
They are actually no match even for a small planet like ours.
So of course we can go from the ridiculous to the sublime. That’s how evolution works.
We start off as apes, who couldn’t even invent a wheel.
Then, if all goes as well as it should, we can finish up as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and other great creators, people who actually show us a world full of spirit lying behind the coarse mineral compounds we so enjoy calling “the real world”.
Many of us sense its existence, but those great spirits actually lived there, and, through their art, they showed us what it’s like, and they also showed us that it is possible to get there.
I did say above that such metaphysical cosmology is not the fashion today, but fashions have always come and gone, and right now we are faced with the clear fact that today’s “science”, which we were brought up to think was the only criterion with which to measure ‘reality’, is utterly corrupt.
Nor is that corruption something which only lofty minds can perceive.
It’s just common-or-garden greed, and it’s right in our faces.
Do you think we started as apes? It’s not far fetched enough for me.
Okay, viruses, then…
How can we be happy by owning nothing if we have to pay for everything ?
They want to privatize and control our drinking water. What next, privatizing Mother’s Milk, because it’s not a right? (Is Baby Formula a form of privatized mother’s milk ? (The Thin Edge of The Wedge ?)…
5g implementation must be meeting quite some resistance if it has to be repackaged and promoted as Green Technology ?
You’re taking them seriously, Les.
Don’t do that… 🙂
I’m not much good at Conspiracy Theorising. I can never decide what to put in, what to leave out. I tend to think “you cant blame everything on those WEF Bastards, even though the facts suggest They are behind all the bad events happening.”
Even though it’ was Officially declared, and the doco-dramas were quite convincing, that Ossie bin Liner was Terrorism’s Mastermind, i still had some niggling doubt.
OBL looked straight out of CIA Central Casting didn’t he?
People with homes don’t even replenish themselves during after it’s rained in our western hemisphere how weird is that.
Auto or in person garden sprinklers hose pipes under approaching upper rain clouds, 10mins hour later it’s raining provided by the Earth its-self.
What can you say, nothing..its just some people’s natural focus are on other things going on in their lives.
Opening avenues for propagandist business first steps…
Nestle is putting GO in its coffee and its mineral waters. No wonder they want to control the source. They want to control everything including us. I hope I am not alone in buying nothing that has Nestle on the product.
I have a secret admiration for Coca Cola. They sell almost as many bottles of water as they sell cans of their fizzy drink. Some researchers claim bottled water can come straight from the tap; water with many additives . I’m not saying Coke gets it’s water straight from the tap. But it was clever of Coke to get people to buy water when they could get it from tap for free…
Some bottled water – I think it was a Nestle brand at one of the “Dollar” stores – actually said on the label it got the water from the Reading, PA water facility. So I guess ride the Reading up to Reading and have a drink – on Nestle.
Mother Father instruct what’s safe to drink by 10 you’re a teenager, if you do not know by then you’re a Dickweed.
At 16 you are either Puplic or a ruddy Crackpot.
Not allowing for the still confused between 9 and kicking the bucket dumb fuckers.
The complete submission to what the author calls the sublime does not come in waves, with great gaps between the times, as the author suggests. It has not yet been driven out of the vast majority of human beings.
The gods in white have simply replaced God’s colourfully robed deputies. It seems that what’s missing in those who readily kneel before authority is not intelligence alone, since unquestioning submission affects all sectors of society (doctors, lawyers, anyone?), but courage! The courage to question, to swim against the current, to accept the consequences of taking a stand.
I see no evidence of mass formation, sheeple or even mass stupidity re covid, et al. I talk to people everywhere; I positively invite their opinions and I am not seeing that the public merits all the disparagement that is being poured on them.
Many, many people don’t have internet, or if they have a computer use it only for e-mail and perhaps some establishment sites. It is extremely easy for poor people and very busy people to merely assume that the media is telling them the truth. For heaven’s sake, when one hears one’s own govt & govts around the world saying the same thing it does not require stupidity or mass formation to explain why many people believed it initially.
Over time more and more people challenged what they are being told. Those of us who already knew that our govts have fallen to the influence of the mega-wealthy tyrants knew from the beginning– and understood that the media is owned by them.
Those who didn’t come into the covid op ALREADY knowing it took awhile to learn it. There is nothing terrible in this! So great has the learning of most people been that only 35% of Americans have taken more than the 1st 2 shots.
Even at the beginning, 1000s of people refused to wear a mask on a plane; others who absolutely needed to travel wore signs saying what they thought of the policy. Airlines grounded both segments for months.
Personally I am favorably impressed by what people now know– in spite of the world’s most intensive propaganda campaign.
As someone who has been an anti-vaxer and hater of big pharma for 30 years, I agree with you. I have lived through being bullied and shamed at work for my stance against flu vaccines with every year getting worse at the workplace and in my own circles, I am now seeing a shift. I have friends who for the first time, doubting the vaccines. I have friends frantically trying to become self sustaining. Even my own daughter and step children telling me they will not get vaccinated or have their children vaccinated now. This is huge. People are catching on finally.
There is a shift. And it will grow. The silver lining. It’s growing.
It would help if you didn’t just say these things and provided some references. You saw thousands on commercial planes in 2020-2021 without masks? Really? While I do hope the 35% have taken the full series of jabs, how do you know this?
Your post seems full of anecdotes that contradict the larger picture in the US. Where are you and how can you be speaking in such broad generalities? Again, I hope what you’re saying can be verified.
How do you know “many people don’t have internet” access? that would mean they don’t have some sort of smart phone connection. That’s very hard to believe.
The airlines specifically said they were once again accepting their formerly grounded customers. They indicated why these 1000s had been grounded. I did not keep the link. Last December when I flew to Ohio, there were catcalls when the stewardess reminded us to keep masks on. Many including me, did not.
In the airport, the majority of people crowded into eateries & bar areas & sat w a drink in front of them to avoid the mask.
Before I picked up the car I bought in Ohio I had no car & local medi-Cal provided me w a driver to go to out-of-town doctor’s appts, physical therapy for 2 shoulder replacements, pre-op X-rays & tests– I think a total of 16 drivers, including 2 taxis for local stuff.
All but one of these was relieved & instantly removed the mask when I said, “Hey, don’t wear that thing for me. I’m sure you’re far more alert w/o it.” There was often an exchange of info about the lies. When I was the dominant one giving info, the drivers THANKED me for the info. When I passed out a flyer, several asked me if I had another copy.
I am in Central Coast California; only NYC is worse for covid regulations.
I live in a Hispanic neighborhood, they don’t have computers, they do have smart phones, but they don’t sit & read on those tiny little screens. These people work in agriculture or retail restocking or they’re gardeners. Nevertheless they have extreme skepticism of the govt– they’re from MEXICO where corruption is endemic.
Some of my neighbors were forced to get the vaxx to keep their jobs. There are a few old people– almost all women, who wore the mask even outdoors, even some who are STILL wearing it.
My post was anecdotal cuz it’s my personal experience. When I drove cross-country OH to CA Walmart & restaurant employees were masked– almost no one else.
The quote that only 35% of Americans continued w boosters, etc after two doses I got from a Steve Kirsch article & I can’t find the link. However, there are 329.5 million US population, the tracker says a total of 594 million doses of vaxxes given.
Whenever challenged for a link, always ask whether the person claiming interest tried searching for it.
We won our claims, and your suggestion states no responsibility is required.
I haven’t got a smart phone! Or a mobile. Believe it, young professional.
Modern human populations are spiritually diseased and have had a death wish for quite a while. This is what made “covid” possible.
Requests WHO do the same. According to Eric Feigel-Ding , co founder of WHN, there are now 3417 cases in 58 countries. WHO met June 23 & declined for the mo’.
Would somebody please ask Mr. Dingle-Fig or whatever his name is “How many of the cases have actual pox & How many have received a medical jab of some sort w/in 3 weeks of the appearance of pox?”
That’s right. This article is dated 22 June 2022. But it could have been – and indeed may very well have been – written on 22 June 2020 or on any date between then and now. The title tells you exactly what it’s about. Another of those infinitely dreary bits of advice on how to deal with troublesome friends and relatives who just won’t accept The Science.
And of course, since the article is utterly silent on any actual details on the burning issue alluded to, there is a gargantuan slice of utter waffle nestling away in the centre like an entrenched turd that has now put down roots.
(Example of turd ingredients: “The tactics of asking open-ended questions …. shares very ignorant or prejudiced beliefs … our own ignorance is frequently invisible … in response to objectionable claims can serve as a mirror …tailoring your message … we have a responsibility ….” And how about that “As the philosopher José Medina has ….”? Oh yes let’s hear it for “that philosopher”!)
For these endlessly recycled mantras, there is no argument. There can be no argument. Why? Because they have no argument that would stand up to the most elementary questions. Hence the endlessly repeated pontificating waffle that seeks to impress by pure condescension.
Tune in again on June 2024, 2030, 2050 ….
And really the very form of those little tracts gives the game away i.e. the “advice on what to say to your loved ones” – never any thought of having an open discussion on the issue. Oh no – the details were all sorted out from the very beginning!
Monty Python seem to have known where the left was heading…
There was a shock that was presented as a ‘pandemic’ with all the props and followed by a lockstepping lockdown of selected services and freedoms. The shock was as much in the enormity of the reaction as in the fears purveyed like unto no other media blitz in living memory. So the WHAT of it could be assigned to viruses – or to the more savvy; to the pharmaceutical mafia and its ties to the realm of corporate and financial corruptions, but the orders were given out to the pre-drilled and lockstepped ’emergency’ preparedness from ‘on high’ as part of a live ‘drill’ in manipulation and restructuring of the human mind, human social and economic structure, and even human biology.
A principle facet of which is the undermining and destruction or suppression of human consciousness, of relationships and freedoms.
Thus the psychological warfare of absurd and contradictory banality to capture and retrain an infantilised population.
There is another way to see the power in the world than an all powerful ingenious mastermind, if the ingenuity is seen as harnessed to survival in terms of deeply invested and defended identity. For when in fight and flight mode, the mind is invoked to serve a physically contractive override to protect the body until the danger is passed.
The lockdown of the human psyche has been actively looping for Millennia from trauma that literally split the mind and its experience of Self Other and World.
Whenever the mind starts to expand, reconnect and reintegrate, ancient fears trigger reset of the masking, distancing and attack on feared truth as ‘survival’ in lies given power, given defence, and allegiance.
But for those who can no longer abide the denial of a truth that live us, the terror symbols that marked the boundaries of the world are look on and looked past – instead of recoiled from as a mind contracted to hide, and so the absurdity and insanity of a world become the basis to release it for the receiving of another. The mind cannot conceive or understand what it was made to conceal, but a whole mind is the function to extend or give and receive, to ask and be answered.
A meaninglessness is no longer engaged with as the means to an end, or a riddle to be solved. For a source of innate meaning stirs as the true consciousness of what we cannot bring into the ‘old mind’. Old habits may persist, but no longer as the living choice of a conscious desire.
Death spasms?
Birthing pains?
You decide.
both, of course.
Sudden anomalous steep decline in Germany’s birthrate:
It’s not just Germany. I urge everyone to read this thread:
Now these are the kind of charts that really do merit attention. And need I add on the accompanying matter of soaring death rates? Hmm … declining births and increasing deaths … you don’t suppose…?
Same headlines in Italy this week.
Hmmm. So it’s not suspicious that all this data appears at the same time for multiple countries?
The thing was started almost exactly 9 months before the end of 2020. 2020 data would not show any early warning signs in birth data. Not that your graphs appear to show much effect at first glance in 2021 but it might have been a consideration of when to begin the ‘covid’ atrocity. I heard talk at the time predicting a boom during the lockdown so perhaps that could have been factored in to help lag out any impact.
The data for May in Taiwan shows as 23% drop over last year. This is pretty disturbing.
They have had decades of “vaccine” experiments in Africa and a lot of the so called “diseases” endemic to that continent are probably a result of this.
I see zero chance whatsoever that Monkeypox is the globalists’ answer to the problematic non-problem conundrum.
The answer actually is the mass commitment to breaking the Hippocratic Oath by great swathes of senior Five Eyes ‘doctors’, none of whom have retained any professional integrity during the past 27 months.
So long as the long-suffering credulous masses of the five eyes nations continue to treat Doctors as Pope-like figures (i.e. in sole communication with the medical deity), then the nonsense can continue.
Once doctors lose credibility, there is going to be an absolute mayhem in terms of how healthcare is delivered, who delivers it and who pays for it.
Agree! But: keep dreaming.
On the Five Eyes doctors thing, you may want to investigate how doctors are perceived in countries, such as Germany.
Comment gone into pending.
The hypocrisy coming from the left regarding the abortion issue is absolutely incredible and it’s hard to believe at least ONE of them cannot see how off the charts ignorant they are. Screaming “my body, my choice” on the one hand, while screaming “mandate the vaccine, screw their freedom!” on the other is really, really pissing me off. I can’t be the only one and I have to wonder where this is going.
What do you mean by the Left?
yes, I haven’t seen any “left” since 2008, when O’Bomber collapsed the anti-war movement.
Nowadays I only use articles about OPERATION COVIDIUS to share the GOOD and FUN news/data:
This article is much better than the rating it’s been getting. Naturally I gave it 5 stars. I have to admit that the Kantian suggestion that the Covid mountain peak just round the corner never blew my mind with mixed feelings of pain and euphoria as it was meant to do. (Did Freud read Kant?) It is likely that most subscribers to OffG feel the same as me, for whom the “pandemic” was just another by-product of the powers that rule and in consequence passed us by.
However it clearly did not pass most of society by. That is why I suspect the article, which is sound, has been getting a thumbs down – confusion between how we feel and how the suckers who fell for it felt. I could be wrong. But somebody would have to explain where I went wrong before I can accept it.
Ah, The Beatles, what a mountain peak of euphoria they produced in their day. Last night Paul McCartney must have alienated a large portion of his fans in waving the Ukrainian flag at Glastonbury. What a twat!
Fall McFartney is a twat, Twat, TWat, TWAt, TWAT. Like so many cplebs he follows the fad. Just read a tragic Guardian article about a new American civil war. It made me sick. The author gloating about how the left has the brains and the money to defeat the right. The tech is in the hands of the left, was the take away that must have reassured most of the readers of that news raper.
Perhaps this talented musician feels he needs to help prop up the establishment since the Q bestowed a knighthood on him. Now he must be royalty like Elvis the King.
To clarify, last night he behaved like a twat.
McCartney, Neil Young, Nick Cave, Stewart Lee from the “comic” side … and so many others – all outgrowths of that post WW2 “yoof” culture thing, all posing as “rad”, all reaping the award for being “really out there” and “cutting edge” whilst also relaxing in cushy numbers. (Lee as fan of Mark E Smith who must be glad he’s dead and doesn’t have to put up with this shit – and who, were he still alive, would be the last to join in).
McWanky waving the UKR flag is the final burial of that illusion of protest that began when George and Jim Morrison gave us the father/son pseudo-division theatre back in the days of ‘Nam.
Are these celebs so far gone in the adoration that has surrounded them for most of their lives that they don’t once realise how their “brave” show of dissidence has the full support of the screaming media mafia around them?
“We want the world and we want it now.” – Jim M,, aka ‘The Lizard King’.
(And: “When the music’s over, turn out the lights.”)
Well said George. Stewart Lee asked his fans to ‘meet him half way and get the jab!’…meaning ‘you are not welcome at my shows if you are unjabbed.’ Mark E Smith, apparently Stewart’s a big fan, would have called it out as bullshit and not complied, in my view, based on his attitude and previous stances on social aspects. Glastonbury was a full-on WEF freakshow. McCartney, Grohl, Springsteen, Greta and the less said about the presenters, the better. Have you ever seen so much inane music in on place? Glastonbury is now ‘done’ in terms of relevance to music.
And yet previous Glastonbury legend Morrison continues to point the way for real musicians to follow with another album of free speech and great musicianship. There is ‘old normal’ and ‘New Normal’ music now; all musicians are at a critical point and must decide which side they are on. And yes, ‘protest singer’ Billy Bragg has made his choice and was performing at Glastonbury, probably with his new Woke lyrics in place. He is the biggest destroyer of his past reputation. The New Normal musicians…fuck ’em.
The Glastonbury legend I am referring to is, of course Van Morrison, not the Elite assisted Jim Morrison….
You have to hand it to Van. He isn’t putting on a show for anyone! His entire career is one big “Fuck You!”
That could be the funniest thing Lee ever said. I would be quite happy to go “half way” for the jab i.e. maintain a distance and watch the nurse jab the air!
… or is Lee implying that he has a line of jabbing nurses half way between you and him?
This is from a pandemic and vaxx believer!
Prof Francois Balloux
17h • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Large study from France on increased risk of myocarditis / pericarditis after Covid vaccination. Risk was highest during the first week after inoculation, for the 2nd dose, and for the Moderna (mRNA-1273) vaccine relative to the Pfizer (BNT162b2) one.
Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines – Nature Communications
There have been reports of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA COVID-9 vaccination. Here, the authors use nationwide data from France and find increased risks of these outcomes in the first we…
Risk for myocarditis was highest in young adults (18-24 years), but burden of both myocarditis and pericarditis across other age groups was substantial. Also both males and females seemed to be roughly equally affected.
Those data are worse than I anticipated. They don’t put in doubt the overwhelmingly positive overall benefit of vaccination against Covid, but they raise questions about the merit of repeat vaccination of healthy teens, young adults, and likely also children.
The paper includes a useful supplementary table (below) summarising the incidence of vaccine-associated myocarditis per vaccine dose, for sex, age, vaccine type and 1st/2nd dose.
The most important issue to me here is actually not about just staying in positive territory in terms of immediate cost/benefit. I have no doubt that the health benefit balance will be >0 for all demographies, but the absolute benefits are likely small for teens/young adults.
In the absence of an overwhelming benefit of vaccinating teens/young adults against Covid, any rare severe side-effect will undermine trust in vaccines, and not just Covid vaccines. This could – and likely already has – become a serious issue in terms of vaccine hesitancy.
As always context is essential. To compare with current risks associated to Covid-infection. the UK ONS data should be suitable. It is high-quality, ‘unbiased’, surveillance data and up to date.
For instance for 15-24 year olds, we obtain a current hospitalisation rate of ~0.07% upon Covid infection (~1/1400). This is arguably and pleasingly very low relative to early pandemic figures, but it remains far higher than the risk of myocarditis upon vaccination.
Let us assume that myocarditis/pericarditis may represent only 50% of all severe vaccine side-effects, which would correspond to ~1/3000 (Moderna) and ~1/10,000 (Pfizer) serious side effects upon dose 2, in the most at-risk 18-24 male young adult demography.
However I look at it (I’ve done some more involved calculations), the Covid infection side effects are significantly higher than vaccine associated ones for any demography (generally ≥10x), but the benefit is arguably modest in healthy teens and young (male) adults.
It should also be noted that the Moderna vaccine at this dosage is likely not ideal for healthy young adults as it is too immunogenic (Novavax even more so). Accordingly, several countries decided to only give the Pfizer vaccines to young healthy adults.
The high side-effects associated to the second dose in this study also likely largely stem from the 2 vaccine doses having been given at a very short interval in France (initially 21-28 days apart, and then 42 days from mid-April 2021 on).
Interestingly, the benefit of Covid vaccination for healthy teens and young adults is possibly the pandemic topic which has changed the least since the vaccine-associated myocarditis issue arose. I wrote the thread below a year ago …
Tweet 6: this could become a “serious issue in terms of vaccine hesitancy”.
You don’t say!
This study released by British Medical Journal Editor Dr. Peter Doshi found that the “the mRNA vaccines were associated with an absolute risk increase of serious adverse events of special interest”. The increased risk was overall and one of the limitations of the study was that data had not been made available to look at the different age groups:
Thanks for the link to Nature. The paper chooses to state “odds” instead of percentage.
He continues (2hrs ago)
I cut many corners in this thread, and one that some people won’t let me get away with, is the current rate of hospitalisations directly caused by Covid. I understand the (more polite) criticisms. Indeed, I used an upper bound, which is something like ~2x too high.
I primarily did so in the thread because hospital admissions ‘for and with’ Covid are not a binary distribution but represent a continuum where in a large fraction of cases, Covid was one of several causes which led to a person being unwell enough to be hospitalised.
The proportion of true ‘incidental admissions’ is very hard, if not impossible, to estimate for a series of reasons, including that people who are unwell often suffer from multiple aliments, and baseline risk of hospitalisation is not independent of ‘Covid hospitalisation’.
I cut many other corners, including one I expected some would flag – but apparently no one did. Namely, individual hospitalisation risk due to Covid now is strong reduced by Covid vaccination then.
Anyway, however I look at it, and tweak parameter values and assumptions – and I spent far too many hours on this – the benefit-risk ratio of Covid vaccination I obtain remains positive for any demography, but the balance is not amazing for teens and healthy young adults.
The MSM portrayed the “anti vaxers” as worse than f virtue signlers and ignorant
It is not over til it’s over. As I have said countless times, they are still lying about Covid and the vaccine efficacy and lethality even though the evidence gets clearer and clearer every day that it was a hoax and the vaccines should be banned.
The lie has only gotten larger than ever through the announcement of their plan to “go after” infants and toddlers. This was the very reason the fight started in the first place. We need to go after “them”.
We can rattle all we want about the next pandemic and the renaming of monkey pox.
If we don’t hold these mother fuckers accountable the killing and maiming of tens of millions of people with a vaccine (experimental gene therapy) that provides zero benefit and was never needed, we should just forget the upcoming pandemic planning. If they can get away with the Covid hoax, they can get away with anything.
Clearly, they have committed crimes against humanity. Clearly. Irrefutable. And they are all in on it. The AMA, CDC, FDA, MSM, Congress, The White House, higher education, etc. Big Pharma has bought all of them. ALL.
Lawyers around the world need to grow some balls and save the remaining population not yet vaccinated from this evil mass of people who are all lying to save their asses while continuing to build their wealth with money from big pharma.
Nuremberg 2.0. Donate to them and join them. The rattling needs to be converted into action.
It can’t get any clearer.
Fuck you NSA.
They are paying attention and view Nuremberg 2.0 as a potential threat. But Why? Why would they feel threatened? They know why.
In NY the ‘vaccine’ cult are targetting homosexuals with “monkeypox vaccines”. Will the injection cause pustular eczema to skyrocket? The “alt right” calling for Nuremberg 2 to join in on the gay bashing and lay off the ‘vaxxers’?
Eventually they even stopped burning witches.
Or else they just started doing it secretly.
It’s like AZT all over again!
June 24, 2022
New York City began offering vaccination against monkeypox to at-risk groups on Thursday, as authorities scramble to contain a global outbreak
Demand was so high, within hours of its launch the city had to cut off walk-in appointments, as visits were already booked through early next week
Critics have said the jab should have been rolled out sooner, as even the few who did get their first of the two dose jab will not be fully protected before Pride
It is typical for such timing to occur. Take the “measles outbreak” in Madagascar in 2019. It just so happens that the “waves” for the ‘vaccination’ campaign and the ‘measles outbreak’ are similtaneous.
Or in Samoa in 2020 the timeline shows that deaths jumped to 25 and then 48 soon after the mass ‘vaccination’ campaign began on November 20th:
It just shows that they started the jabbing campaign too late again!
What’s this Covid shit I keep hearing about?
I’ve never seen it.
I haven’t either. A friend swears he had it. He had a fever and lost his sense of taste and smell. I said, “SO!”. He was instantly angry. Then I said, “I cannot count the number of times I lost my sense of taste and smell when I was sick”. Then he was really pissed and accused me of making it up. Mass Formation Psychosis. It is ridiculous and I use that word every chance I get when friends and family start spewing the nonsense. My intent is to embarrass them as thoroughly as possible. I make it obvious. I say something like, “Either you are stupid or delusional. You pick. Either way you are wrong”. I am fed up with the nonsense and have lost all patience. The time for being respectful has passed.
However, you might be familiar with the Flu d’état, i.e. the coup by Gates and Co.
If I haul out Occam’s Razon and cut this article to pieces, does that make me a sublimicidist?
Ms Murphy, I’m afraid, gives humans way too much credit, which props up an otherwise indefensible analogy. Seeing a magnificent mountain and seeing a monstrous pile of shit are not the same – not even from a philosophical perspective.
And, generally, one is not in the grip of fear and anxiety when out walking; so the mountain indeed exhilarates and uplifts the spirit. But people who have been conditioned by generations of fear inducing propaganda, upon encountering something unexpected and threatening, would react with absolute dread.
It was never the sublime which people experienced. It was always the ridiculous. They just can’t tell the difference any more.
that last paragraph says it all….
“Seeing a magnificent mountain and seeing a monstrous pile of shit are not the same – not even from a philosophical perspective.”
Television really screws with a person’s sense of proportion. Big screens for tiny minds…
One of the Best Scenes in the “Dictator”:
“Why not all? It will cut down on overhead.”
“The mindless corrupt slimy war racketeer corporate fascist Nazi Boy sock puppet is an example of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.”
“Honestly being My Body, My Choice (Pro-Choice) means the ability to get an abortion if one wants one AND not being forced or coerced into taking the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice.”

“It seems like the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Nazis are pulling out all the stops to get WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) at each others throats, fighting amongst each other. The Psycho Nazis need to go, NOW!”
“When will the video of Alito and Thomas transitioning into Mses be available?”

As Peterson says, “Trudeau is a child”.
A child can happily contradict himself in one sentence and simply shrug when a teacher or parent points it out.
The western world is currently controlled by overgrown-infant shruggers.
If hanging on to a job actually depended upon their making sense, they would all be on unemployed benefits.
“This isn’t hyperbole” Erm… ‘The Daniel doth protest too much, methinks,’
I am pro-abortion. I agree with the supreme’s for once! Their decision opens a path to return constitutional interpretation to its pre civil war (1865) intention in my Opinion. Probably the court decided congress was so busy engaging Americans in foreign wars, and sanctioning foreigners that it just did not have time to deal with personal health and human rights issues of the type that concern everyday Americans?
Often I have thought just how rich I could become if i were a foreigner receiving foreign aid or other financial assistance from the USA (basically reversing Roe v Wade, recognizes states have some rights, which I am all for). Maybe the court will use that same logic to move the vaccine decisions from CDC and Fauci to the state legislators? There is no reason the many federally funded biolabs located around the world could not be closed and moved home? I believe there are more than enough labs, one federally funded lab to each state would seem reasonable? Just think each state develops its own next threat vaccine (patents it, then donates the patent to the public domain for anyone producing the vaccine, in the state) so that anyone in the state can go into the pharmaceutical business if they like.
I bet most states would like to have a federally funded lab to help them invent things that could build a pharmaceutical industry in their home state. Local competition is what made America great. foreign imperialism leads to all kinds of problems.
This kind of statement is not only verboten but also in poor taste. We’ve just had some fellow pulled in a neighboring city for ‘threatening Kavanaugh’. The nature of the threat is unclear to us plebs, of course, and the fact he had guns and things just probes he’s a loyal, patriotic American. We’re on the West Coast so we’re a good 3000 miles from SCOTUS (and, AFAIK, the SCOTUS has not deemed possession of ICBMs against the Second Amendment)(yet) so exactly what he was planning and why will remain a mystery until some prosecutor has figured out a suitable case against him.
What that does tell us is that is perfectly OK for SCOTUS to threaten us all but striking down long standing prohibitions of carrying weapons in public but should someone make some offhand and likely unwise statement about SCOTUS members then they can expect the Black Helecopters to descend on them pronot. One rule for us, another for our rulers.
(…and yes, I know a lot of us think its cool to possess weapons but I quite like living where I don’t need to bother about them. If you want to go around like an extra in a low budget (and historically compeltely inaccurate) Western then there’s Arizona for that.)
The most noticeable thing about mountains is that they are real — visible, tangible and huge; undeniably there, and clearly not dreamed up by humans.
The most noticeable thing about the Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots is that nobody has ever seen one, much less proven that it causes any illness. We take it all on trust. Is that wise?
Virology is fiction. There’s no there there.
Sinead Murphy has written a lot of good things, but I can’t see that Kant is any help to us here. There was never anything sublime about “the pandemic”, because only realities can achieve sublimity. It has always been a risibly transparent fiction, a tale told by idiots to an audience stupefied by TV and trained to idolise “expertise”.
Our grandparents and great-grandparents could never have fallen for this childish yarn. They hadn’t yet learned helplessness. They hadn’t been de-skilled. They weren’t screen-addicted and screen-damaged. Reality wasn’t optional for them. They knew the difference between Ben Nevis and the Tooth Fairy.
“COVID-19” — if it sounds like the title of a trashy Hollywood disaster movie, that’s because it is one. Pass the remote.
Are you crazy? What about all those tentacled beasties the size of planetary systems hovering over the shoulders of these cowering newsreaders?
The Giant Purple Spiky Blob. I wonder how many people think it’s an actual photograph of an actual thing.
I wonder how many people think?
I share your gist – but Polio fooled almost everyone.
AIDS fooled almost everyone.
I could posit a case for 1918 flu as being kickstarted and boosted.
Covid had to gain function from insanely overreacting to a not unusual ‘flu season’. Maybe the aerosol nanotech & EMF (or whatever) didn’t go off as expected?
So the only way to booster the pandemic was by medical treatments and fraudulently attributed stats to meaningless ‘tests’. Shock was their prime advantage, along with a hijacked and lubricated lockstepping emergency drill set up as a chain of command through every vector of influence apart from those locked down or whose leaders were bought.
But once the bandwagon rolls, “it’s the Economy stupid!”. It has a momentum of perceived self-interest at various levels of ‘permissions’, social inclusion cum virtue, and personal gain.
The mountain that I think overwhelmed was in the global reaction – the corporate and economic reaction – that said ‘this is really HUGE’ and serious – because the self-inflicted social and economic damage and expenditures are unimaginably huge.
So reason says (for me) that’s the driver; social and economic bankruptcy/collaps running as if a controlled demolition. (It’r really a spiritual bankruptcy but most only see the symptoms and are blind to cause)
Way back when this Covid thing got underway I read comments by people saying something to the effect of “viruses can’t exist because nobody has seen one”. Quite apart from that not being strictly true — the original ‘virus’ was the tobacco mosaic which, as viruses go, is very big and so something you can see under a microscope — there are lots of things out there that have structures that are so small relative to the size (wavelength) of light that you literally can’t see them. The most common example are the structures inside the chips we use to write and share these comments. When integrated circuits were first made their structures were large enough to see under a microscope (“and very pretty they were as well”). Now parts like processors and memories often feature geometries that are in the tens of single digits of nanometers while visible light’s wavelengths are in the hundreds of nanometers. Since these structures are produced by a sort of photoprinting process you have to use very esoteric techniques to print the structures, something close to Black Magic. Yet we just whip our phones out of our pockets and use them as if they’re the most normal thing in the world, not giving a moment’s thought to the idea that if a single Coronavirus landed on a circuit during fabrication it would ruin it as the virus itself is 50-150nM in size (with the ‘spikes’ adding another 10nM or so to it). Viruses might be tiny but compared to everyday electronics they’re huge….and, yes, we can see them. We have the tools.
I haven’t seen electricity either. Covid virus may not exist, but Kaufman, et al’s arguments against the entire field of Virology already commit at least 3 logical errors:
-his argument is circular. Assumes his conclusion in his private definition of “isolate.”
-reasoning from ignorance: “I don’t know what causes illness, but I know it’s not viruses.”
-fallacy of rationalism. Look it up
You’re now adding, “I can’t see it, so it’s not real.”
Really dude, I can’t see electricity or oxygen either.
Credo quia absurdum. I believe, because it is absurd.
A pandemic is a totalitarian excuse for absolute control and the lockdown is the implementation of that control. Terrorism was an excuse for total control over some aspects of life such as international air travel and the subsequent physical and financial measures were the implementation. Terrorism, pandemic, climate change are ultimately all nothing more than excuses to restrict people’s movements, control their financial transactions and shovel trillions of taxpayer funds to a a billionaire class and their obedient slaves in the professional elites: doctors, lawyers, managers, scientists, journos, etc.
Using a fake health scare to introduce a technocracy. What these idiots don’t realise is that technocracy NEVER works because of what Hayek referred to as the socialist calculation problem. It also applies to National Socialist central planning (aka fascism) as well as Soviet style communist central planning.
True, Nigel.
The problem is we have to go through a lot of unnecessary bullshit and pain until that truth is evident to the Muppetry that is 80% of the population.
If you think that 80% of the population are Muppets then you are just like them. Eventually, once you get out of the cave and see the sunlight, the only thing that matters is going back into hell to take them away from the shadows of fear dancing on the walls and bring them into the light. And, you’ll only do that if you have respect for yourself and humanity as a whole.
Except for the 1-2% of humanity running the the puppet show who are sociopaths, the rest are just bound by the chains that hold them (mostly of their own creation as willing slaves) but they have the same capacities and souls as you do (allegory; Plato’s cave).
Your most powerful tools are your awareness, compassion, love and respect for other beings. Don’t throw that away.
Most of the population have struggled for years to provide the best for their families.
They have sacrificed all to make sure that they and their kin have comfortable lives and futures.
THEN 80% of them decide to throw it all in on one roll of the dice on a procedure prescribed by the company that has paid the biggest CRIMINAL fine in history for medical malfeasance endorsed by a “government’ that admits that it’s lied to the country.
And you expect me to go and “take them away from the shadows of fear dancing on the walls and bring them into the light.”
Ok, it’s Sunday evening and you may have had a drink or two but, fucking hell, that is priceless.
I wonder if you have reached the end of the cave´s allegory.
From the same mindset that told you ‘Black man shagged monkey’ and thats how AIDS appeared.
Actually a cold hearted or psychopathic man injected loads of imported African monkeys with lots of smallpox vaccines. A few of them got this pox. Its ‘discovery’ gave a new diagnosis for people getting smallpox from the smallpox vaccine/toxin such that smallpox could exit stage left. Similar naming magic enabled polio to be victoriously vaxed out of the pharmaceutically developed world.
Fear porn and a slow march to authoritarian rule…
Tyrants fear one thing.
I can’t say what I’d like to. Even on here!
“Come on now, do your bit, let’s flatten the curve !”
A pox on all those subservient bastards.
“certain demographics are more or less immune to SARS-CoV-2.”
Like almost the whole of Africa? How did that make any sense?
Kant adored the Prussian state so screw him. Perhaps the double meaning of his name is a bizarre coincidence, but I doubt it.
As for people revealing in covid, once the agents, bots and freemasons are deducted how many does that leave? A few who loved the drama and found their inner compliance officer. Most had good qualities like wanting to help others and respect for the law weaponised against them. They didn’t want to get into trouble. They’ve taken the masks off as soon as they could (sometimes with a short delay – habits can take a while to be broken). They’ve not been getting the boosters and they’ve drawn the line at their children. It’s not all doom and gloom.
Para 3 is a farce, as rejecting philosophers of the last 3000 years 100% because of their attitude to their rulers at the time would leave us with few to read.
JS Mill was I think Secretary to the East India Company, but that does not make “On Liberty” screwable, to use your felicitious word.
Assuming you are adopting a bilious, sozzled at closing time, front-bar wordplay on Kant’s surname, the wordplay works only in English and not in his native German, so your pojnt is?
Provide un-jabbee stats broken down by country showing that “they’ve drawn the line at their children”, I have not seen any yet and would be beholden unto you.
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas.”
-a 19th Century philosopher
Edwige, you probably know that Africa has over-the-counter hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, since they’re used for malaria.
The single deadliest aspect of the pseudo-pandemic is its infinitely open ended prospect. It is screamingly obvious that, once the idea of an unprecedented and utterly deadly ever changing airborn virus sinks in, it will never go! I still see folk walking around even outside with masks still on and totally brain dead internet posts asking in a tone of horror: “Who told us it was safe to take our masks off?” The good old WSWS insists on decrying “murderous herd immunity” and thereby sending is off on a never ending push for ever new vaccines.
Given the imbecilic premises of the viral vision, there can never be any escape, never any end-point, never any re-embrace of that old open air living! And – really! – this kind of living has simply been the most mundane fundamental everyday reality for the entire human race going back to its beginning!
People who do not get enough oxygen, re-breath their own toxins, or get clot_shots and boosters die off sooner rather than later and do not reproduce efficiently… so no, it does not go on for ever.
Maybe not forever, but will people see through it in a time frame that actually matters? That, to me, is the question. We can talk all day long about people waking up, but if they do not do that until the noose is firmly tightened and impossible to remove, it really won’t matter one bit if they’re awake or not.
Good point L.
My point is that the rhetoric can go on forever. Indeed the never ending rhetoric is implicit in the whole viral scare scam from the start. But as you suggest, the terminally hysterical will probably die out soon enough. It depends if their places can be taken by those ones who just shuffle along not believing it but just kinda putting up with it. But I’m guessing that breaking point is well on the way.
No monkeypox is not real but a fantasy “virus”. There is no real diseases. Only health exists. Pustules are healthy elimination of toxins. The body working to clean out acidic waste:
Mike, do you believe the world is flat, too? Buying into these intell ops just ghetto-izes you. You discredit all actual conspiracies w such stupid, obviously flawed arguments.
Of COURSE the body is cleansing itself by rashes or pustules. Cleansing itself of WHAT?
You accept some totally undefined toxin as a viable answer to distinguish between various diseases, and THIS is a superior argument to the entire science of virology?!
You must WANT to be discredited, and helpless to persuade people of real, actual conspiracies..
Ah, but is ‘is’ ‘is’…?
Yet another explanation as to why people allowed themselves to be fucked up.
What the author neglects to realize or wrongly assumes is that when people arrived before the fucking ‘mountain of magnificent height’, they had already had their heads properly fucked up. They were duly prepped. Not only have they been subscribing to the notion that “man has dominion over the world” for thousands of years, which makes them have unreserved faith in the supernatural power of whatever gadget, process, technology some idiot invents, but also, they had succumbed to a protectionist ideology under which they essentially signed over the responsibility for themselves to the possessors or proponents of the above technologies and gadgets, the sickness industry being a case in point. As I wrote yesterday, people have outsourced the maintenance of their well-being to pharma, doctors, social workers, the government, whoever there presents themselves to take care of their shit. People expect their shit to be taken care of so they narcissistically jerk off in front of their phone and show other idiots some complete bullshit to get likes.
The author is probably not completely wrong, just like this Belgian guy is not completely wrong about his mass formation or however he calls the hypnotic state people seem to be in. In fact, he is probably closer to reality because he considers the preexisting state of affairs.
In other words, covidism-wokeism and its subsets, such as faggotism, antimeatism, transmotherfuckerism, and the usual-suspect -isms, are not just the result of an assault on humanity, even though an assault has taken place. Covidism has a solid foundation in how people have fucked themselves up over years, decades, centuries, and millennia.
It’s all coming to a fucking head now. If there’s ever to be a shit-hits-the-fan situation in history, I’m afraid that we’re fucking living through it right now.
You know what Jacques?
I’m at the point now where I just think bring it on.
Bring it on, show us the rest of your hand so we can flatten you bastards.
Just my 2 cents.
Yup. I think that’s part of their game as well, obviously, keep us all in a state of constant waiting, wondering what happens next, when does it happen, etc.
But I’m with you, bring it on then and get to it.
Our owners love that state of confusion and anxiety, they’ve used that tool for generations now, and they have no intention of giving it up. Massive amounts of hyped up hysteria that then dies down for a while, becomes normal if you will, until the next round of fear porn and the anger and anxiety rises up once again. I’m sick to death of it frankly. They’ve got us right where they want us, don’t they?
Thanks Lizzy
But no, they don’t have us !!
This is the thing:
It’s a game-
Have you ever played Monopoly and had all the hotels and all of the good streets?
It gets boring.
These people have known nothing but winning.all of their lives
That is their weakness.
That’s why they don’t want to raise the stake.
They’re shit scared that right will win.
And that’s exactly why we will win.
Sorry. wrong email on original post
Thanks Lizzy
But no, they don’t have us !!
This is the thing:
It’s a game-
Have you ever played Monopoly and had all the hotels and all of the good streets?
It gets boring.
These people have known nothing but winning.all of their lives
That is their weakness.
That’s why they don’t want to raise the stake.
They’re shit scared that right will win.
And that’s exactly why we will win.
Your posts make me laugh. I usually agree with you.
‘duly prepped’ is damn right.
People are wired differently – a high functioning ‘autistic’ person cannot easily understand why others behave as they do. It seems bizarre and irrational.
People with good BS detection faculties can’t understand the lack of this in their fellows.
The UK gov have done a fantastic job of waking people up to the scam thanks to Partygate and Hancockery.
Sadly, so-called conspiracy theorists end up being part of the prepping, literally predicting what will be true down the road.
Coincidentally “Tell Me Lies” by Fleetwood Mac is playing as I type. We can prefer lies to the truth. In this case I am thinking that the truth is pretty grim, so all the more reason to get on the muck cart dreaming of weddings.
Pure poetry. I agree with every word.
Seems that many young americans who join the military believe the docs will fix ’em up if they happen to get injured in combat, like how you take your car to the garage for repairs. Likewise, people believe the men in white coats will take care of things.
Being a patient is “cool” these days. “Mild” myocarditis is such a small price to pay for the Greater Good- just take it easy after your jab. The wokesters will be “catching covid” or “long covid” for years to come.
We are all fallible and we are all vulnerable, to some degree.
We can be struck dumb by beauty, by Love, by Truth and by fear.
What malleable creatures we are.
And the psychos know it.
Perfectly stated.
Emotional vunerability. However with alot of learning and keeping an open heart, which is the hardest part, we can transform that vunerability to wisdom. Emotional intelligence, empathy, becomes our strength.
Indeed the psychos know how malleable we are, but they don´t know anything about beauty, love or truth. They wouldn’t be psychos if they did.
As we trudge the same old path again and again….
“sars cov 2” is a name given to a set of symptoms that have more to do with emf exposure and voodoo than wriggly entities viewed under a microscope..
the so called vaccines, whilst certainly killing many are more akin to a modification than a “death shot”.
Sterilising and the ability to act upon built in obsolesence (remotely) seems to be the prime function.
Whilst phase 1 seemed to go “ok” for them. phase 2 wont be so easy.
“Trust” is gone, even among those once keen to “roll up the sleeve”..
As more and more coal is added to the fire to up the heat and convince those now doubting back into the fray, sorting through the long disperesed ashes of the original act serves no purpose..
Integration/coercion into the beast system will be forced via hunger, need and lack of independence from said system.
Weigh up which aspects of life you can/cannot live without in the coming years and make your choice now before the choice is thrust upon you.