WATCH: Fairy Tales and Children’s Stories – #SolutionsWatch
In this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Frode Burdal Klevstul about his new self-published book, Bill Goats and the Forest.
They discuss the power of narrative in helping children (and adults) to understand world events in their proper context and we talk about the process of conceptualizing, writing and self-publishing a book.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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It’s so much fun to excoriate people like Bill
GatesGoats; but let’s do have a care what we may be doing to non-human beings. Mountain Goats surely are not inherently “bad” even if their erstwhile namesake is.I bought the book. Interesting. It will be out on the coffee table with the rest of my “conspiracy collection” for the kids and grand kids to find. At the rate we are going, that won’t happen for ten years or more. Or until my death. Another good one is Matt Walsh’s “Johnny the Walrus” which can be bought on Amazon. Amazon originally was censoring it. Aesop’s Fables will be out there. The Emperor’s New Clothes By Hans Christian Anderson will be included. Henny Penny (Chicken Little) is a must. Back to the basics. How quickly we forget…….
Talking of fairy tales, a sign they’ve realised their evolution story is in trouble…
Apparently “Darwin is settled science so STFU” isn’t quite cutting it anymore.
🙂 Ha! Good one!
I thought it was gonna be “MY PET GOAT”!
Enjoyed this, thanks!
I’m reading Goodrick-Clarke’s ‘The Occult Roots of Nazism’ and those proto-nazis sure spent a lot of time communing with nature.
Nature is generally a good thing – but it’s not on its own a magic bullet solution. The congruence with the current elite agenda should be obvious.
The author’s talk about ‘balance’ I find concerning. It’s potentially a cloak for Luciferianism (see the Baphomet sigil which is all about ‘balance’) and can lead to Malthusian conclusions. One moment the discussion is about balancing humanity and nature which sounds perfectly reasonable and the next you find it’s about the rights of the octopus and how that requires fishing to be banned. (This is a reference to the recent animal rights’ law passed in the UK for anyone who missed it. BTW the octopus just happens to be an Illuminati symbol of global control so it’s no coincidence that animal became the focus of debate).
Should there be a ‘balance’ of good and evil? It requires that if evil doesn’t emerge organically, it has to be created. Human sacrifice, paedophilia, sex slaves – what’s the problem, it’s just part of the ‘balance’! What a very convenient idea for the elite with its sick perversions! Huxley admitted in a rare moment of candour that everything he was advocating was so he could indulge his proclivities….
“Huxley admitted in a rare moment of candour that everything he was advocating was so he could indulge his proclivities….”
Interesting revelation. Throws light on a couple of puzzling passages in various novels and poems, in which a masterful male (usually a scientist) detachedly observes his female partner writhing, exulting and fainting with passion. In his dreams?
Don’t all males wish to bring their ladies to transcendent sexual ecstasy?
I thought that this was standard behaviour.
Sorry, I’ve been away…
Your housing minister the creature grove has drawn up new housing laws which require pet owners in rented accommodated to get pet insurance and it will be mandatory.
The renter former bill is the biggest shake up in 30 years and fit in perfectly in to agenda 30.
Press release
Government to deliver ‘new deal’ for renters.
Is it possible Mr Huxley was being facetious? What: a British writer with an ironic sense of humor? Impossible!
Read Brave New World. It’s giddy, salacious, pornographic self-wish-fulfillment, from front to back.
You must be onto something since you are Fact Checker…
Edwige, do you have a source on Huxley’s admission?
He doesn’t hide his proclivities in Brave New World at all, and only gives a halfhearted gesture at “cautionary” intent in Brave New World Revisited, but I haven’t yet seen his outright admission.
A fair bit of conflation there, I would say pal.
Where, exactly?
Can you provide a link to the source, or at least name it?
Why do Children Need Drag Queen Story Hour?
“James, what do you tell your lad when at the end of the story’s telling he asks you ‘is there a moral to the story, Daddy?'”
My favourite TV fare, whenever i watch TV, is Kung Fu Panda, Penguins of Madagascar, and Shaun The Sheep. (and Gru and The Minions movies, when shown on TV.(I think the depiction of Queen Lizzy in one of the Minion movies was spot-on !)…
I dont think any of these were made with kids in mind…And if you ever watch any Kids TV you must wonder what it is Adults think goes on in young kid’s minds…There’s certainly a lot of implicit contempt shown for pre-schoolers intelligence…
In “The Uses of Enchantment. The meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales” Bruno Bettelheim explains why moral stories for kids are effective when they engage the imagination, not the intellect…
All the stuff shown on my TV set pushes morals… Just for once i’d like for a murderer in Murder She Wrote get away with it because Jessica Fletcher got it wrong…It’s refreshing to see Gru and The Minions get away with it…
If you go walking in a forest, go barefooted. Earthing is good for you. (I think it might have been Dr Tom Cowan, in one of his vids, who mentioned that earthing can cure bad headaches ?)
it can also hurt your feet.
Ursula, queen of Europe, spoke out against a boycott of the G20 summit in the fall – even if Putin were to attend the next meeting.
Can this be, do they actually wish to TALK now?
No, she is in favour of “telling Putin to his face what we think of him”.
So just confrontation as usual.
The only positive thing in this photograph is the fact that neither of the two bankster puppets is muzzled and that they have hand contact. However the avoidance of hand contact is still widespread among the populace. A fellow at our last birding outing introduced himself but did not offer his hand as would be routine in the pre convid era.
(When will this “technical problem” with the votes be solved?)
What a comical dried-up old horror!
This is a lighter off trail junket from the usual expositions of the dark and insidious of state of our current pre-technocratic world (which are of course necessary). But it is by no means trivial fluff. This wonderful book fills a serious gap in the resistance – that of educating the children and preparing them to defend themselves against the coming storm that threatens their future as free human beings, hopefully in a non-PTSD inducing format. Indeed it seems that this book may be something of an antidote to the despicable traumatizing that children have been subjected to through the scamdemic. The technocrats have infiltrated higher education and are working their way down to elementary even preschool levels polluting developing minds with the conditioning and ideologies that they hope will maintain the perverted, anti-humanist Fourth
ReichIndustrial Revolution long into the future – wokeness, CRT, docility to authority, inability to think independently, worship of technology, isolation from nature, unnatural fear of death and so on. And, as the author gently puts it, it may also reach a few adults who are not inclined to read long articles or spend much time thinking about current events. I wish the book and the authors much success.the technocrats have infiltrated higher education and are working their way down to elementary even preschool levels polluting developing minds with the conditioning and ideologies that they hope will maintain the perverted, anti-humanist Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution long into the future – <=while the genius that knows better watches, as if the genius is isolated and exempted from the physical impact that mind controlled by fabrication, psychology, and diligent potty training can have on his or her future. Propaganda directs crowd mania, and crowd mania eliminates those who the propaganda points to. We the genius, shall just wait until they the children come for us. We will be the targets of the angry mobs the propaganda induced preforming mob rites upon on the genius persons. When the key signal happens, and the propaganda victim mob picks up its weapons, drag us from our homes, causes our bodies to bleed with their pitchforks and pocket knives, and hang us, in the moon light, to our favorite front yard tree we the genius, will understand the benefit of allowing this infiltration to happen, we will understand, that propaganda has produced a nation of children who feel it is the genius who does not understand, does not conform and who must be removed from civil society. The danger to ignoring the infiltration of false, misleading or directed propaganda is that we, here on this comment site, soon may be the victims of that propaganda.. propaganda produces puppets, who do not realize their anger is choreographed by mind control technology. The propaganda victim will only do as they have been told. Our bodies and genius minds destroyed by unseen propaganda hidden in the minds of propaganda victims, proves how effective propaganda can be. For like you say, they are not adults, have little knowledge of… Read more »
This is NOT a good solution to try to educate the adults MMS/3i’s and their offspring about the Forest, much less about Billy G!
The book has way too many words… and even worse not all pages has a drawing.
Damn! I thought we were going to read “The Pet Goat” story again. 😟 >
George Bush on September 11th – YouTube
Listen closely! Notice the choice of words being taught to the children. Notice boy George’s expression after he gets the “news”…
Presidents need reading skills too. Bush must have been right at home–he sure looked it. (While the rest of the US was in a panic.)
If Bill Goats spent more time living at one with nature in the forests of Washington State and less time flying executive jets all over the globe, then the world would be a much better place. Not sure the forest where he ended up would want to host him too much, though….
“Not sure the forest where he ended up would want to host him too much, though….”
I’m sure he’d make acceptable compost.
Billy Goats needs to spend the rest of his time in a jail cell.
I live in Sutton which is on the edge of south London. It is now 12.20 am and the predictable second ambulance – I average 3 per day complete with alarm, Hey one has just gone past at 12.25 and has been tearing up the high street with its alarm blaring away. You see they don’t want you to miss hearing it. I noticed there was only one driver and no crew. The PTB just wanted to remind you that the dreaded lergie (covid-monkeypox-polio) are a deadly threat and so you proles had better pay attention. But no-one wears the masks now.
I just wonder about the amount of diesel these ambulances are using up and the costs. But the whole thing done to hoodwink us proles that we are in deadly danger, as if we couldn’t put 2+2 together.
Same here. Also they seem to have turned up the volume on their sirens. Pity anyone with dodgy eardrums. All part of the COVID theatre.
Around our way, they just parked (2020-2021) empty ambulances all day long on street corners, doing absolutely nothing. No blaring sirens. No fuel costs to mention.
Though (presumably?) still functioning as useful reminders for any passers-by of the raging pandemic
Could it be rushing the vax injured to hospitals?
Criminals is suits…
I would prefer articles on vaccine injuries and deaths. I met someone last week that was seriously injured by the poison prick and nearly died. Also articles on emf health and environment effects.
Yes. Let’s get some articles on these injuries. I have three vaxxed relatives, two got the Pfizer mRNA poison and one got the Astra Zeneca DNA poison with cancer cells, and they are all ill now. One was just diagnosed with SHINGLES.
“Let’s get some articles on these injuries.”
With statistical comparisons. For instance, I knew a couple of young men (late 20s to early 50s) who suddenly keeled over; apparently because their hearts were pumping too vigorously. This rare but normal event should be taken in mind when comparing the incidence of CVI in “vaxxed” vs normal adult males. The trouble nowadays is to find an adequate number of normal (ie, unvaxxed) people.
The statistics for vaxxed va unvaxxed released by the press and government aren’t real. There’s a significant section of the population who haven’t received any shots. Your anecdotes aren’t relevant. The numbers in VAERS and Pfizer’s released documents of 1,200 adverse events of special interest and clinical trial data speak for themselves.
I haven’t watched Corbett for a while. Does he produce much of value anymore ?
Corbett is one of the very few seeing through the East-West distraction junket
“I Feel Both His and Your Pain!”
“Now where are my Ho-Hos?”
That’s a specimen of the greedy, opportunistic, devious and dumbed down political class whose abilities don’t correspond to the elevated overpaid positions they are in. Scum like this are typical of the criminality of recent administrations which we fund by taxation.
“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the truth”.
Julian Assange, David Kelly RIP, Scott Ritter, Mordechai Vanunu … in international politics.
Have any medical practitioners been disbarred for telling the truth about Con-19?.
What a skank.
What is that even?
Roe v Wade with an unfertilised egg and some roasted Tomat-Hutus?