Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
Margaret Anna

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“Tyranny is a habit which may be developed until at last it becomes a disease. I declare that the noblest nature can become so hardened and bestial that nothing distinguishes it from that of a wild animal. Blood and power intoxicate; they help to develop callousness and debauchery. The mind then becomes capable of the most abnormal cruelty, which it regards pleasure; the man and the citizen are swallowed up in the tyrant; and the return to human dignity, repentance, moral resurrection, becomes almost impossible.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The House of the Dead
If you’re the type of person who’s brimming with loving kindness and thinks everyone is sunshine and daisies like you, you’re due for a crash course on tyrants and their enablers.
Maybe you think the idea that philanthropaths are trying to liquidate a hefty portion of the populace is preposterous and anyone who says so is a misinformation-superspreading conspiracy theorist.
What’s a philanthropath? A philanthropath is a socio/psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist. This is a fairly accurate portrayal:
Bill Gates is a textbook example. If you’re exceptionally, prodigiously, monumentally deluded, you might think this planetary threat is a beacon of humanitarianism, but that’s only because he paid the media $319 million to tell you that while gasconading that his philanthropathic foundation has made a twenty-to-one return on its $10 billion investment (duper’s delight starts at 00:34) in the Vaccine Industrial Complex:
African women suddenly discover they’ve been sterilized via infertility-technology–laced tetanus vaccines, and Indian tribal children have died or suffered long-term injuries from Merck’s controversial Gardasil HPV vaccine—all thanks to the beneficence of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and its NGO subsidiaries.
And I haven’t even gotten into his ties to the eugenics movement, friendship with Jeffrey Didn’t-Kill-Himself Epstein, or notorious TED talk citing “new vaccines” as a component of his population reduction aspirations.
It’s enough to make you want to watch this delicious pieing clip on repeat.
Another standard-issue philanthropath is DA-collecting, justice system–refurbishing George Soros, who looks like he’s been kept alive a century beyond his expiration date by sipping indigenous toddlers’ blood from satyr hooves.
Of course, you have the legacy lineages like the Ludlow–Massacring Rockefellers, retiree-defrauding Rothschilds, hypocritical Homestead-Mill–union-busting Carnegies (who teamed up with John D. Rockefeller to launch the petrochemical-pharmaceutical-medical complex), and the Hitler-heiling and Epstein–cavorting British Royal family whose munificent histories of philanthropathy are too immense, too boundless, and too tenebrous to outline here.
Frankly, those rabbit-holes are so dark, so tortuous, and so deep, I may never emerge if I travel down them.
And then there are the lesser-known varieties like the totally-not-a-Satanist Marina Abramović*, whose galactic fame and fortune can only be explained by a Luciferian handshake—a hypothesis bolstered by her tauntingly posing with fellow philanthropath Jacob Rothschild in front of the 1797 painting Satan Summoning His Legions.

As beguiling as such quixotic rabbit-holes appear, we don’t need to resort to dot-connecting the necromancers to prove the philanthropaths harbor devilish intentions.
We merely need to listen to them, their advisors, and their mentors.
Let’s start with these gobsmacking hopes expressed by former Director of the Club of Rome 1971 Project on Predicament of Mankind at MIT Dennis Lynn Meadows (emphases mine here and in subsequent quotes):
Globally, we are so far above the population and consumption levels which can be supported by this planet that I know in one way or another it’s gonna come back down.… I hope that it can occur in a civil way, and I mean ‘civil’ in a special way. Peaceful.
Peace doesn’t mean that everybody’s happy, but it means that conflict isn’t solved through violence, through force but rather in other ways, and so, that’s what I hope for, that we can, I mean—the planet can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion, depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have.
If you want more liberty and more consumption, you have to have fewer people.
Conversely, you can have more people … we could even have eight or nine billion probably if we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart. Unfortunately, you never have smart dictatorships. They’re always stupid. But if you had a smart dictatorship and a low standard of living, you could have them.
But we want to have freedom, and we want to have a high standard, so we’re going to have a billion people. And we’re now at seven, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow, and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal so that people share the experience and you don’t have a few rich trying to force everybody else to deal with it. So those are my hopes.
Klaus Schwab’s beloved mentor and conscienceless, literarily-convicted war criminal Henry Kissinger appears to share these concerns, which he outlined in a December 10, 1974, National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 200) on population growth:
2. The second new feature of population trends is the sharp differentiation between rich and poor countries. Since 1950, population in the former group has been growing at 0 to 1.5 percent per year, and in the latter at 2.0 to 3.5 percent (doubling in 20 to 35 years).…
3. Because of the momentum of population dynamics, reductions in birth rates affect total numbers only slowly.… Policies to reduce fertility will have their main effects on total numbers only after several decades. However, if future numbers are to be kept within reasonable bounds, it is urgent that measures to reduce fertility be started and made effective in the 1970’s and 1980’s.
Kissinger was most concerned about population growth in least developed countries (LDCs), partly because it could threaten access to “depletable resources (fossil fuels and other minerals)”:
[8] … the world is increasingly dependent on mineral supplies from developing countries, and if rapid population frustrates their prospects for economic development and social progress, the resulting instability may undermine the conditions for expanded output and sustained flows of such resources.
The now-declassified 123-page report stresses the urgency of implementing a population control plan in these nations:
[15] We cannot wait for overall modernization and development to produce lower fertility rates naturally since this will undoubtedly take many decades in most developing countries, during which time rapid population growth will tend to slow development and widen even more the gap between rich and poor.
Bill Gates seems to have especially taken this component of the World Population Plan of Action to heart:
[31(d)] Initiate an international cooperative strategy of national research programs on human reproduction and fertility control covering biomedical and socio-economic factors.
This passage is particularly sinister:
37. There is an alternative view which holds that a growing number of experts believe that the population situation is already more serious and less amenable to solution through voluntary measures than is generally accepted. It holds that, to prevent even more widespread food shortage and other demographic catastrophes than are generally anticipated, even stronger measures are required and some fundamental, very difficult moral issues need to be addressed. These include, for example, our own consumption patterns, mandatory programs, tight control of our food resources. In view of the seriousness of these issues, explicit consideration of them should begin in the Executive Branch, the Congress and the U.N. soon.
With apparent admiration for China’s population control policies (“the People’s Republic of China, with a massive, enforced birth control program”), the Kissinger report notes:
As Table 4 shows, the population of countries with centrally planned economies, comprising about 1/3 of the 1970 LDC total, is projected to grow between 1970 and 2000 at a rate well below the LDC average of 2.3 percent. Over the entire thirty-year period, their growth rate averages 1.4 percent, in comparison with 2.7 percent for other LDCs.
Between 1970 and 1985, the annual rate of growth in Asian communist LDCs is expected to average 1.6 percent and subsequently to decline to an average of 1.2 percent between 1985 and 2000. The growth rate of LDCs with market economies, on the other hand, remains practically the same, at 2.7 and 2.6 percent, respectively.
Thus, barring both large-scale birth control efforts (greater than implied by the medium variant) or economic or political upheavals, the next twenty-five years offer non-communist LDCs little respite from the burdens of rapidly increasing humanity. Of course, some LDCs will be able to accommodate this increase with less difficulty than others.
Moreover, short of Draconian measures there is no possibility that any LDC can stabilize its population at less than double its present size.
One of the short-term measures recommended is sterilization:
“Sterilization of men and women has received wide-spread acceptance in several areas when a simple, quick, and safe procedure is readily available.”
Written the year following Roe v. Wade (now overturned), this report does not hesitate to praise abortion as a mechanism of population control—even while recognizing it is “politically sensitive”:
“No country has reduced its population growth without resorting to abortion.”
“Indeed, abortion, legal and illegal, now has become the most widespread fertility control method in use in the world today.”
Noting Section 114 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (P.L. 93-189) prohibits the use of A.I.D. funds for abortion programs, a caveat is made for research:
A.I.D. funds may continue to be used for research relative to abortion since the Congress specifically chose not to include research among the prohibited activities.”
Lest you be tempted to believe the philanthropaths’ cruel-to-be-kind dreams of democidal dictatorship for the “greater good,” both history and science have proven this monstrous marriage of Malthusianism and Utilitarianism as wrong as the celebrity COVID modelers’ data deceits deployed to provoke a manipulable mass panic.
Rik Mayall tried to warn us about such presumptuous puppeteers in his 2014 film, One by One, before his startling heart attack at fifty-six:
Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships explores the transhumanist implementation of the smart dictatorship Meadows longed for now that the technology is catching up with his and Kissinger’s democidal dreams. In Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?, I examine footage left on the cutting-room floor in an attempt to better understand the psychology of this philanthropathic enabler and how his mentee, Klaus Schwab, is putting his philosophy into practice.
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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After testing all the plugins & consulting with the software developers we finally realized it was a corruption in the comment database. So, after repairing it the voting system works again.
Unfortunately, though, it has wiped all the previous votes and put everything back to zero across every post on the site. We could try to fix that by restoring an older version of the corrupted table but we are not sure the risk is worth the potential benefit.
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It’s all about money. Money and private property, Mammon.
Money, funds, taxes, wages, finances, economy, capitalism, system.
The ”haves” and ”have-nots” – inequality.
Some people made this planet their private property. They simply stole it from everyone else.
After they stole it, they invented money so that other people must pay them if they’re going to occupy that is live on their land. They are the land owners. They own the land and everything in in, its resources. People are resources.
And everyone must pay them money, work for them, be their wage slaves.
But what is money?
It’s nothing really. Banks create money (debt) out of thin air. It’s just numbers. It can be generated by printing or computer. The money system exists only because people believe in it.
People think they need money to live. Even when they clearly don’t know what money is.
”Who Controls All of Our Money?”
Heh, heh… Read it: >
42 U.S. Code § 18501 – Exclusion of payments from State eugenics compensation programs from consideration in determining eligibility for, or the amount of, Federal public benefits | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
The obscene waste of natural resources caused by capitalism’s need to create artificial scarcity, planned obsolescence, weapons of war, billionaire fantasy projects and extravagant lifestyles is staggering:
Is Capitalism Actually Efficient?
The comments by Dennis Meadows bring to mind the Piranha Brothers sketch (Monty Python):
Interviewer: But the police have film of D actually nailing your head to the floor.
Stig: (pause) Oh yeah, he did that.
Interviewer: Why?
Stig: Well he had to, didn’t he? I mean there was nothing else he could do, be fair. I had transgressed the unwritten law.
Interviewer: What had you done?
Stig: Er… well he didn’t tell me that, but he gave me his word that it was the case, and that’s good enough for me with old D.
June 29, 2022
First, the U.S. is moving troops from the 101st Airborne ‘screaming eagles’ into NATO allied countries on the western border of Ukraine. This is the first deployment of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, to Europe in 80 years. As noted by base reporting, “Elements of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, and 101st Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, have been assigned to carry out the mission.”
Second, Joe Biden has announced that six U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are being moved into the Mediterranean Sea to provide air defense missions and the ability to launch cruise missiles well inland into Russia.
Third, Joe Biden is sending “two additional F-35 squadrons to the UK, and station additional air defense and other capabilities in Germany and in Italy.” [source] This is not a defensive posture. This is an offensive buildup of U.S. troops across the broad western border of Ukraine and a positioning of advanced first-strike elements in proximity to Russia.
Do you think it will kick off.? Nato verse Russia…
If standards of living conditions and cost is to much.
The idea of joining the army for free rent – food – pocket money may drive up the enlistments.
My view on the war is that it’s part of a plan to establish a “New Israel” in the southern part of Ukraine. I discuss it in various places, but mostly under the following article:
The grabbing of Palestine for the current Israel required the launching of the first and second world wars; so it’s possible there could be a similar level of push for the relocation. Indeed, the propaganda exceeds that for covid. Also, it’s far better quality; and hence less obvious. And if there is an order of priority, it is that the covid psyop serves the New Israel project, rather than the other way round.
Remember, the covid psyop was used to remove Trump; Fox called Arizona for Biden ridiculously early; Netanyahu was one of the first to congratulate Biden; and Trump has stated that Putin would not have invaded if he’d still been president. In short, they needed to get Trump out of the way.
The New Israel project includes the 2014 coup; the supposed “Nazification” of Ukraine; false-flag atrocities; the war against Donbass; the election of Zelensky; and the fake war launched by Putin. It includes western corporate media spinning a variety of supporting and contrary narratives; and it includes a host of “alternative” media and personalities providing support or validation for Putin. But most media people are clueless as to what’s really going on. It also includes the pumping up of Duginesque blood & soil, “mother Russia” garbage so that ordinary Russians can be duped into fighting.
With regard to the Feb 24 invasion, it was supposed last about a week; the Russians would bomb random crap spread throughout Ukraine; they’d take Kiev and other major cities; there’d be no meaningful resistance; and Zelenksy would negotiate terms which involved giving up southern and eastern Ukraine.
However, selected elements of the Ukrainian military had been trained and equipped to fight a defensive operation; e.g. stay-behind and drone warfare. This has also been supported by real-time intelligence (think US Space Force etc). Putin was not expecting this resistance and the result has been massive losses for the Russian forces. Additionally, the Ukrainian forces have recently started deploying GPS guided artillery and rockets. And now the US is about to deploy the 101st Airborne etc.
All this means that the Deep State, and the fake-alt media, is getting very worried!
On the same page: Revolver News and Moon of Alabama.
Revolver News is a news aggregation site (aiming to replace Drudge) which leans well to the right of centre – i.e. Steven Bannon territory. As of now, it has links to six Moon of Alabama articles in its first twenty stories. Moon of Alabama is supposedly well to the left of centre.
July 02, 2022
July 01, 2022
Dazzle Ship is a practical observation example for past historians. So is a listening post.
Neither of them required speech, only volume.
The post is interesting in that the Horn is reversed for Sound to come out. ☺
Maybe it was my Grandfather who said, “Gobshite”…at the small b/w telly.
It’s possible six o’clock News was on and he’s watching, but it isn’t on.
He’s plonked his newspaper in his lap and the old valve Radio job “Furniture” is on,.. talking not music.
Just came to me, thinking back. Then he carried on reading his newspaper.
Question now is, was it something he’d read or was listening to.
I’am not in the habit of sharing personal on the bloody Net.
Don’t like it, shove it up ya bottom. 😑
Thank you for this post! We must begin to comprehend in very real personal terms that the modern eugenics movement is being aided by: advanced technology that allows our Luciferian overlords to both brainwash and dupe the masses into self destruction (abortion on demand), destroy us through ecocide, food and water poisoning, toxic injections like the COVID jab, the transgender movement along with transhumanism or the cyborg movement turning us into machines. Our screens, gizmos and gadgets are the trojan horses they use to destroy us!
Their goal of global depopulation/transformation is working. We can see their success in the rise in “sudden adult death” syndrome following the introduction of their COVID kill shots, the rise of women’s menstrual cycle disruptions and stillbirths and the greatly suppressed adverse effects numbers that are slowly coming out. These demons and psychopaths are on a roll, our awareness and resistance must step up; it begins with education, educating ourselves about these philanthropaths. and their lackeys. We have to see beyond the propaganda, the fake fact checkers and connect the dots, see the trends and patterns and act to save ourselves. To save ourselves we must return to the basics: eating nutritious foods, building our immune systems, eschewing their pharmacological poisons and being skeptical of their “solutions” to the numerous crises they’ve created or exacerbated to achieve their agendas. It’s work, it requires diligence and unwavering perseverance, but the survival of the planet is dependent upon it/us!
No. This is the bullshit narrative pushed by the fake green NWO shills. The planet can and will wipe “us” out.
The BS reminds me of the theoretical physics theory that reality/everything only exists because WE are here to percieve it.
Per my post a few days ago, appears Ukronazis are killing their mercenaries possibly to preserve secrets
MILITARY CORRESPONDENT Cossack Colonel Yuri Kominyski near Ukranian front line:
“Within the Azot industrial complex now under the control of the RF an interesting discovery has been made. We observed 2600 Ukrofascists and their mercenary brethren enter the cauldron. Typically, the group was split into smaller groups and removed with the help of artillery and air power. Upon completing of the operation and the body count we could not account for 450 militants. It would appear that 450 bodies together with their western weapons have been incinerated in underground chambers.” [American IDs]
There’s also been a fair bit of shooting of anyone trying to surrender or desert the war, which may include a good number of mercenaries
Wow you just keep on spreading the fake East-West binary BS don’t you.
Good fucking riddance.
On the first day of the NATO summit in Madrid, the Roscosmos State Corporation published images of Western decision-making centers along with the coordinates to them. The post with the frames was published in the corporation’s Telegram channel.
Judging by the watermarks, the footage was taken by the Resurs-P satellite.
The press service noted that they are publishing “satellite photographs of the summit venue and those same “decision centers” supporting Ukrainian nationalists” while representatives of 30 alliance member countries are discussing NATO’s strategic concept until 2030.
The photographs show the White House and the Pentagon, the British Ministry of Defense, the Reichstag and the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, the Champs Elysees and in Paris, as well as the IFEMA Congress Center in Madrid, which is the main venue for the summit.
While the West now speaks openly of Balkanizing Russia & increases NATO troops close to her borders to 150,000.
Anyone with Google Earth could presumably do the same, though it makes a handy list of places likely to receive the ‘first nukes’ of WW3
Since it was the Russian Space agency & since it included the coordinates I wd say it’s rather a shocking hint. It was published by Pravda so it’s close to an official message. Here’s another little gem:
Military expert Vladimir Orlov expressed the opinion that the Pentagon is preparing to strike at least four Russian regions.
For its preparation, the US military department announced a competition of educational platforms offering courses in the study of foreign languages. The priority is Russian. The requirement is the simultaneous training of at least 200 people in a program that includes not only vocabulary and conversational skills, but also modules on the culture and “regional specifics” of the Urals, the Caucasus, Bashkiria and Tatarstan.
The expert also noted that the Pentagon needs people with these skills to “conduct operations on Russian territory.” “influencing the information environment in specific Russian regions.”
Philanthropathy. An example:
The Australian population is currently around 25 million, most live in the cities or cling to the coast. All Australian politicians dream of A Big Australia, they want to double the number over the next couple of decades. Australia’s economy is a consumer economy, it’s expansion, growth, & health is dependent of importing more and more consumers…
Plans for warehousing the influx in Sydney had the main local newspaper mention that living density would be similar to that in Hong Kong. One NSW politician saw in the increased densities a cultural benefit, an improved quality of life to be welcomed…
It’s not known if the politician really believed what he said…
les online: I hear ya. Australia is about 90% desert. An “improved quality of life” would mandate a 0% immigration policy. But then, how would politicians fund all those big perks?
I should have used “added to the quality of life”…
All the comments about overpopulation either premise ecology or economics, none premise the “quality of life” Overcrowding is a “quality of life” concern. It stresses. It causes chronic stress. And stress is disease causing (dis-ease). It impacts the organism to the genetic, cellular level. (Until stress is factored into dis-ease causation Genetics will remain a pseudoscience.)
There’s no doubt Man has a territorial instinct. It’s the drive behind the desire for lebensraum, Westward Bound European pioneers, moving to Mars, McMansions (“A man’s home is his Castle**). Look at photos of red Indian encampments by a stream, or the layout of an African tribal settlement; the spacings between tents or huts is not because everyone thinks the others all have BO…If you ever see a demographic map of pre-invasion Australia, you’ll notice most of the indigenes hugged the coast and rivers. You might wonder why some settled deep in the ‘hostile’ centres of the continent, giving up abundance to scratch out a living…. There’s hardly any anthropological material about humans, individual and collective, need for space…You can safely bet overcrowding is a driver towards wars…
While every concern about overpopulation is legitimate, i seriously think it’s a proxy discussion about overcrowding, something city-folk feel but cant really put into words…(The discussion of so many topics these days are hemmed in by apprehensions, fears of being called a racist, genocide supporter, and so on.. When people hold their tongues out of fear, their concerns usually find an indirect way to be aired)…
I dont know how much of the continent-island is desert / semi-desert…It certainly has a strong feeling at times of being an emotional desert…
** Those at the top of the socio-political hierarchy are able to stake out the most space (Imagine how many could live comfortably in Buckingham Palace or the White House and on their surrounding grounds.). Our Rulers like to plenty of space, and to keep subjects at a distance….
Hello again les: Excellent point on the civil stresses of overcrowding. In my opinion, most persons born and raised in urban environments choose to stay there because they’ve developed a different set of coping skills. Granted, lucky ones create a chance to exit, and some do.
There’s a huge difference in child rearing methods between urban women and “country” women. The country raised children are almost human…
That’s “west bound European-American pioneers”. the trekkers looking for space.
Ghislaine Maxwell had a charity called TerraMar (now defunct).
The media continue to deal with the case as if it’s entirely about the sick appetites of one, now two, people. Example:
The mega-rich who funded them… the clear evidence of an intelligence angle through acticities being filmed… all the people who went to Epstein Island… they keep trying to pretend that these things just don’t exist (except a spare, expendable royal).
I keep thinking, “Naah, depopulation, that can’t be it, surely they’d have a better way if that’s what they wanted,” but then I can think of no other explanation. I guess time will tell.
This is the film, One by One, in its entirety.
Yeah, just because they are powerful doesn’t mean they’re smart, or not crazy
Good article. Given the way the ‘vaccination’ programme was rolled out, there can be very little doubt that the primary objective of the cabal was depopulation – their tactics explained here
Gaither of the Ford Foundation told the Reece Committee’s Norman Dodd, ““Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here have had experience operating under directives, the substance of which is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”
That sounds a lot like a globalist project to me. Of course David Rockefeller proudly boasted of his globalist intentions in his memoirs so it seems safe to assume the Rockefeller Foundation has also been working towards that goal. He thanked the mainstream press for running cover on what he was up to.
The usually-cited advantage of operating through foundations is tax-exempt status. A less-often mentioned advantage is that there is no requirement to publish accounts. I remember hearing a few years back that the Clinton Foundation, for example, had never published its accounts In addition to the obvious possibility of covering up money spent on malign projects this makes foundations a potential conduit for money laundering.
Tax ’em all !!!
I think, in the USA, the 990 tax form is public? if u suspect a coverup I think you can request a tax audit..
Welcome to the news down under. If this isn’t covering your tracks from the impending slaughter, i don’t know what is:
For those who haven’t already, I strongly suggest all Off-G readers and staff check this brilliant documentary by Tim Gielen called Monopoly – Who Owns the World. Great to share with folks who are still asleep. Happy Awakening!
Hello scOrp: Yes. Excellent video presentation. Highly recommended.
What a hoot!:
“Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, filled in the blanks. And she has painted a devastating picture, including an allegation, which Trump denies, that he tried to grab the steering wheel of the car he was travelling in and wrestled with a Secret Service officer in an attempt to divert his motorcade to the Capitol, where his supporters were gathering.”
Trump wrestles with terrified Secret Service Officer!
Airbus sanctioned every inclusion except LGBT? Until this brave employee spoke up about it? Because it now seems that, unlike 10 or 15 years ago, you can now openly admit to being gay?
Oh yes – surely you must recall those hellish noughties when they were stringing up gays by lamp posts? No, neither can I.
Ain’t it just so obvious they want a backlash? They want rugged macho Right Wing Bible bashers to start screaming about “Fucking faggots!”
What’s your point? None of us can find where thousands of “heretics” were burned at the stake by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages either. But some were. So maybe the rest kept silent and out of sight?
You can’t burn at the stake or string up by lamp post what you can’t find. It’s only nowadays that it’s becoming nearly impossible to hide from the psychos.
You can’t find gays? The point is that you can find plenty of gays but no-one was hanging them. The point is that this whole matter of persecution is manufactured bullshit. As always the media is trying to re-introduce prejudices which no longer exist. What next? Is Airbus going to fume about how women should get the vote?
I think it comes from not being British – sorry. I got the impression from your comment you were talking about the past, when, e.g., it was still illegal to be gay.
How about Alan Turing, who helped de-code the Enigma in WWII? He was prosecuted for homosexual acts in 1952. Okay, he wasn’t strung up on a lamp post; but still…1952 wasn’t the Middle Ages, was it?
You are right. He was treated very badly and driven to suicide.
Morrissey dismisses covid as a fraud but note how this site is careful to note:
“Back in 2019, the musician faced condemnation after wearing a badge featuring the logo of far-right anti-Islam political party For Britain during a TV appearance on Fallon.”
Implication: “denying” covid is linking yourself to the Far Right.
Yes, but also note the connection with Brexit which Morrissey also supported. Are the Far Right discrediting their own projects? It feels like a day late and a dollar short, anyway, which ties in with the way the media work.
This is year or more after the campaign by Van Morrison and Eric Clapton against the lockdowns, which I thought – and still do – was a genuinely brave campaign.
This is a freaky essay-but it lets you know how they (still) believe :
Woman’s Freedom: Key to the Population Question.
Fifth Estate #328 (23/1) Spring 1988…
Let’s not forget they are the few and we are the many.
They must envy our lives. They may have a mansion or an island. However, they are in lockdown for the rest of their lives. They can’t leave without an action plan and an entourage of security. Further, do they really have friends? Perhaps, but how sincere? One would guess the majority of people around them want something.
Gates is not the messier despite the fact Jimmy C and OffG keep highlighting him. He is the fall guy.
Start by looking at the politicians who bred too much and castrate them.
Tony Blair top of the pile with his four (I am too kind to suggest he chooses two of his children to die or all four have their brains blown out, but that was the sort of scheme the nazis used in their worst days).
It really is sick hearing eugenicists with 4 and 5 children thinking they have the right to free speech.
Once you increased your carbon footprint by 100% on an intergenerational scale, your right to speak on anything ‘green’ is forever forsaken. You can be politically castrated or you can be genitally castrated. It doesn’t bother me.
If people try to claim they hadn’t thought about all this, then their status in society goes to rock bottom. Thrown out of work, shunned by establishments and marked as untouchable.
And you know what these lunatics will say: ‘You’re inhuman’.
Wrong: they are inhuman, they are just getting what their inhumanity begets them.
A swift dose of brutal justice.
Assassination ?
Are they trying to assassinate truthers ?
Dr. Carrie Madej and boyfriend recovering in ICU after life-threatening small plane crash that resulted in severe injuries… “A miracle we are alive” –
Thanks for sharing … A few words from Jacques Attali (former French MP) would have been a nice accompaniment with this piece.
Attali’s ‘Brief History of the Future’ is one of the key globalist texts and a book that ought to be better known.
Think of him as the French Henry Kissinger…
I am not a number, I am a free man!
Are you sure you’re not simply after a staycation at Portmeirion?
Yeah a stay there could be for a while if the Welsh government’s got anything to do with it.
If Billy Boy is so bad why do People keep excepting his money.
That means YOU!
I definitely except him and his money.
If Eugenics is ideas about weeding out inferior people leaving the superior ones to thrive then is bill gates really a eugenicist ? Think about it: for us its his killer jabs, for politicians its saline water. Does he believe politicians are superior, or does he want them to live because they have a genetic disposition to be easily bribed ?
Quite a few politicians, entertainment and sporting figures have succumbed to the poison prick. The operation has been so massive that they cannot ensure that placebos are delivered to all important political and propaganda figures.
World broadcasted Sport ie: Championship observations isn’t about a A figure.
You are tagging Competitors making a none competing point over someone not competing.
Sport is Competiton you obviously don’t have the first clue what that means.
Admin please consider removing this Clive Williams account.
The superior ones are not in government. The government administrators (and maybe this includes fauci and gates) are fulfilling their roles but would as just as easily end up on our side of the fence if they get out of line. They’re kinda worse really, they know what’s going on but think if they suck arse hard enough they’ll be picked on the winning team
Or to borrow a couple of well known proverbs; they believe they have a place reserved for for them on the ark, but what they don’t realise is that the club is even bigger than they think, and they ain’t in it.
I’m certainly not a satanist or religious in any way, but I happen to enjoy satanic imagery and themes, of which, a lot of heavy metal music and paintings that I love serve as an example. I just thought I’d mention this, as I commonly see people making the – satanic image in background so person must be an evil satanist – assumption.
Are you saying that Lord R and Marina Abramovich are good people ?
Perhaps previously there was an excuse for this sort of thing – but now there’s all the information out there for what this Satanic imagey means, what excuse is there?
BTW I still listen to some Led Zeppelin.
What does the imagery ‘mean’? Can you prove it?
You enjoy satanic “themes” ? A lot of that “music” is psychopathic 1st world kids quite literally possessed by demons.
Oh, like that girl in the film The exorcist? I’m yet to have seen that kind of behaviour but will keep an eye out for it.
(Kelly and Kelrok are both me)
The financial idiots that lead us into the financial crash of 2008 and again in 2019 are still the ones in charge of our financial system. This last crash to end all crashes meant that an entirely new financial system would have to be put in place, which they saw coming and have been planning for years. The new system is us, and the public money we pay to our countries is being stolen to pay for one invented crisis after another, including turning the common flu into an emergency requiring an injection and a climate crisis that they will manage on public monies for profit, among others.
If there is depopulation, it’s of the ‘useless eaters’ that don’t pay as much taxes or have any paychecks where they lose half their income to their governments. Our current situation is about the greed of the rich, who want to buy stocks and have those stocks pay dividends, meanwhile they criticize the rest of us for not working hard enough. We’re being ruled by criminals with an insatiable desire for wealth and power.
Very good although calling them idiots is a bit charitable.
Insatiable parasites might fit better.
Thanks. Yes parasites better describes them.
You wouldn’t inject potentially fatal substances into the bloodstreams of most of the world’s population if you were not serious about depopulation.
There are no extra deaths though, at least not yet, that are appearing on death statistics.
Yes, there are. Last two months with data show an explosion in deaths from all causes.
No vote options?
” “
When you actually read/listen to what Dennis Meadows is saying it sounds entirely realistic and reasonable, and humane in its hope for a gentle way down from our current overshoot crisis.
But then, he wasn’t part of the eugenics shysters with their sinister agenda; he and his colleagues were just scientists attempting to see where a set of global trends current at that time would lead, if they continued on the same course that they’d been on till then – the ’70s.
He and his associates were able to see clearly the unpolitical reality: that our species was already on a population-overshoot episode even then, and that this would lead to the usual, natural way that these resolve themselves, unless we headed it off humanely on our own initiative; a thing which – clearly – we’re not up to doing.
I do find it so silly when people keep insisting that there’s no over-population crisis, because Juval Hariri-style startrekkytechietechie is about to turn all of us – well, the chosen few anyway – into all-commanding gods; or alternatively Matthew Ehret-style mystical cornucopianism is going to enable us to accommodate fifteen, twenty, thirty billion of us on Earth in universal plenty, whilst also keeping the whole of wild nature safe in a few carefully managed Serengeti-safari-parks (run as much for our consumer tourist delectation as for anything else…)
Despite the obsession with the nasty eugenicist crooks which seems to afflict people at Off-G, both editorial and btls, it is actually possible to understand that – yes – eugenicism stinks, and the idiots who espouse it have an entirely delusional estimate of their own superiority and fitness to live, compared to we plebeian hoi-polloi; and of course they’re both wrong and exceedingly nasty…
But still, overshoots DO happen, in many species; and however many faustian airs we – hom-sap – may give ourselves about being uniquely exempt from that natural process, we’re not at all, in fact, as we can see plainly before us right now, just by looking around.
And please, don’t anyone tell me that if we all stood shoulder to shoulder the entire human population of the Earth would fit into the Isle of Wight (or is it the island of Iceland by now…?) so there’s still LOTS of room; because of course we’re not all going to stand quietly and undemandingly shoulder to shoulder. We’re going to go on degrading and destabilising the whole planetary ecosphere, by the sheer pressure of our overshot numbers, until they come down again spontaneously, as they always do in these episodes.
Humans are in no sense exempt. That’s why the Earth’s homeostatic neg-feedback loops are getting to work on us right now. And we’re cooperating with them by arranging our current plunging fertility rates; by poisoning our environment comprehensively; something else which the Meadows team modelled so accurately, as it turns out, in ‘TLTG’: the rise and eventual spontaneous fall again of human-created pollution levels: One of the five variables which they projected forwards.
Do try and get over your factionalist passions folks: population overshoots can happen to homo-sapiens-sapiens, just like any other species. There’s nothing political about it. It’s just one of those non-buckable facts of biology. And it’s happening to us right now. And whatever we may do – or more likely not do – about it, and especially what irrelevant doctrinaire stance we may take about it, it’s here, and – since we won’t – it will resolve itself in the usual natural, Gaian way.
You seem so certain of this “overshoot”. Can u imagine a world without rampant consumerism or is this the best we can hope for so let’s kill off 80% of the population? Who decides who lives or dies in your dystopian model?
Many arguments have been made by Corbett and others debunking the Malthusian nonsense. Do you ever question why you believe what you believe? Maybe overshoot is a mirage propagated by the ones that what is dead/under complete control?
It’s not HIS dystopian model. It would behoove you, and everybody else, not to accuse anyone who dares voice something you don’t like hearing of malevolent intentions.
Population size is not just about the available size of land. There is enough space. The problem is available energy, its extractability, the ability of land to produce food to sustain the population. So on, so forth.
This is much more of a physical, thermodynamic problem than a political one. An insane growth-based economic model too.
Exactly, we could, (all 8 billion of us, though the world population is in steady decline now) have enough food, shelter, space, water and energy and live secure, meaningful and contented lives without the need for buying ever more shit we don’t need that breaks as soon as the warranty ends or the need to own massive empty houses and fly in private jets. Though oddly these fuckers who maintain that there are too many people (and the climate sky is falling in) are the ones who own and waste the most.
It’s the model and it’s proponents that are the issue, not the lack of resources/too many useless eaters.
So, you’re saying that unequal distribution and consumption/waste of energy/resources is the problem.
How would you go about fixing that?
That is a better question, I believe the best and most sane way for the continuation of the human species, is for us to live in a form of anarcho-syndicalist communities. Don’t ask me how we get there, that I can’t say. But I’m sure that the answer to our current ills isn’t the mass slaughter and sterilisation of useless eaters while psychopaths rule over us completely forever.
And even if utopia is never achieved, I still don’t and won’t buy the notion that the “people” are the problem. They’re not. The psychopaths are. If we could just get rid of them and all hierarchies I believe we could solve all the world’s ills. Perhaps starting with utilising many of the hidden technologies that could bring about cheap, abundant, clean energy.
“If we could just get rid”… “if we could just” ….”don’t ask me how to get there”
These are the crucial questions and factors.
It’s easy to design the perfect society on paper; making it work is a whole nother ball of wax.
The implicit idea that Evil can be eliminated, and that Good will ensure forever and ever is naive. It will never happen. Both Good and Evil continue trans-mutating and emerging in new forms. The interaction between them is what spins the wheels of this world, as is the case with other opposites.
The psychopaths aspiring at ruling the “useless eaters” are as much a problem as the “useless eaters” themselves. Take the present consumerist society. Nobody is forcing nobody, at least not under the threat of decapitation, to be a gluttonous consumerist, yet the vast majority of people live a life of wasteful luxury or aspire at living one.
I think the Psychopaths have always wilfully and knowingly managed what are now termed the “useless eaters”, for profit. Through economic and psychological manipulation the psychopaths have created this following of people who want shiny new status symbol things. Whether that’s a yacht or a Gucci handbag or just a decently mobile phone, it’s still the acquisition of shiny things. The Psychopaths have perfected training them to be emotionally dependent on buying things they don’t need. Yes, trained them. Carefully and deliberately. The burden and the blame for this whole mad and sad state of affairs lies with the psychopaths.
You might be right, that certainly is the modus operandi of capitalism, but it changes nothing about the biological or physical reality of the population vs. energy/resources predicament.
We can argue about who is to blame and reiterate that them no good motherfuckers are no good motherfuckers, but that won’t change anything.
Here are some interesting thoughts –
Note that I’m not saying that the population is too big, too small, or anything. I’m simply saying that demographics vs. energy/resources is an issue. Basically the underlying cause of what’s going on in the world.
I reckon all this bollocks was to introduce the subject to the general population as a subject for consideration.
Jacques, where is your evidence for such a monumental error? I have posted here numerous times the location and size of many oil & gas discoveries disproving you. Yet you continue to beat that drum in support of the banksters.
Cyprus: Aegean Sea: December 2011 Noble announced a successful well offshore Cyprus in a field estimated to hold at least 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Cyprus and Israel governments have mutually agreed on delimitation of their respective economic zones, leaving Turkey in the cold.
2/20/12 Engdahl. Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria and Lebanon suggest that the region could become literally a “new Persian Gulf”
Israel: Leviathan field 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. Tamar field 8.3 trillion. map
USGS total Eastern Mediterranian alone 345 trillion cu ft gas & 3.4 B barrels oil.
N. Africa Rub Al Khali Basin 426 trillion cu ft gas
Russia West Siberian Basin alone: 643 tcf of gas
The banksters refuse to develop the immense energy resources already discovered. The above is only a fraction of what is known.
See William Engdahl; he specialises in oil & gas.
Quoi, “beating the drum in support of the banksters”? Are you losing it like everybody else?
I’m not beating no drum, I’m simply considering certain irrefutable facts, such as the fact that the world is a finite system and that the availability of resources and energy corresponds to a certain population size and that the socio-economic model plays a decisive role in how things can or cannot be kept in balance.
You, as others, seem to be scared to death of coming anywhere near the issue. All you keep saying is that it’s the fault of the bankers, it’s the fault of the bankers, they’re after us.
Well, they sure are a bunch of no-good pricks, but it doesn’t mean that the issues don’t exist. Why are you so scared of even discussing them?
As far as undeveloped reserves, you think it’s a good thing for humanity to extract everything so that lazy lardass bastards can drive their gas guzzlers to the supermarket for more junk food to get even fatter? I, for one, don’t. I don’t think that the present-day gluttonous way of life is humankind’s ultimate achievement.
Are the “banksters” thinking the same thing? Is their motivation something different? Probably, they probably want more for themselves and less for other. That doesn’t mean that I’ll assume some irrational stance and will stick my head in the sand.
Also, the problem is not the availability of energy per se, but also the economic feasibility of extraction and the insane growth based model that requires more and more shit to be produced and more and more juice to be burned. Clearly, there is a limit to that too. And we’re talking physics and thermodynamics here, not what some “banksters” might or might not want.
“But I’m sure that the answer to our current ills isn’t the mass slaughter and sterilisation of useless eaters while psychopaths rule over us completely forever.”
I’m sure of that too, Agorista. And can you find any writing of mine where I ever called for such ‘solutions’? No, of course not. I have nothing but contempt for them.
I simply say that there is indeed a current human population overshoot process going on right now – obviously; just look around you, read around the subject, view a few typical shots of the cityscapes where a majority of us now live (cities being inherently energy-guzzling things that are scheduled for a sharp shrinkage from here on in as our one and only really-adequate fuel source, fossil hyrdrocarbons, goes into its irreversible post-peak decline). It takes a special kind of wilful, agenda-driven delusionality not to notice these obvious realities.
I also say: a) we – hom-sap – obviously are not going to do anything humane and effective to address this problem, or even to admit that it exists; and b) nonetheless it WILL get addressed, as natural overshoots always do, by the negative-feedback processes of the Gaian Earth, which have long been evolved exactly to correct such aberrations. Our Hariri-style startrekkytechietechie delusions, and our Ehret-style mystical-cornucopian delusions will prove completely inadequate to control these uncomfortable natural processes – which do actually STILL rule our lives, and are likely to continue to do so, into the foreseeable future.
BTW, I too have a romantic attachment to anarchism as the best way for human communities to live. But I don’t expect it ever to be workable for mass societies. It only works – naturally, instinctively, without even having to think about it – in the below-Dunbar-Number communities of our remote gatherer-hunter ancestors. We’ll only be going back to that sort of Garden-of-Eden arrangement if the Long Descent away from once-only industrial ‘civ’ which is now getting into its stride really takes us down a long way from our present unsustainable overshoot swarming.
The short word for all this, the thing which more than anything else still rules our lives much more than we incorrigible faustians like to believe, is – fate.
In other species population control occurs naturally through predators and habitat limitations. The problem with humans is that we have no predators (except ourselves) and that we can adapt to or alter almost any habitat. We also have the awesome brain hand combination that can solve almost any problem. Except that of having only one planet that can host us.
Absolutely absurd: There is no “problem” with human population. Only the psychopath population is a problem, and those who unthinkingly pick up their propaganda.
Again you simply assert ‘population overshoot’ -you offer no evidence that it is a reality. Why is it right this time when it was wrong every time it was confidently asserted in the past e.g. by Paul Ehrlich in the late 1960s?
There’s also an assumption that population stats we’re given are accurate. We’ve seen the crazy lengths they went to to doctor convid stats – so why are we trusting these?
Great point Edwige. All the rest is bullshit, but overpopulation, well that’s self evident! Oh and climate change, that’s also definitely real and money plays no role in the outcomes of those totally like scientific studies. Best kill off most people or at least stop them procreating and leave more stuff for the ones left over. You know, the more fit ones. Which they’ll totally be and surely not the useless eaters
Overpopulation IS self-evident, if you just look up from your theories and observe the world, especially as it’s now brought to us in such profusion by our – temporary! 🙂 – screen-toys.
And, as it happens, I don’t buy the ‘immediate urgent climate emergency!’ narrative, actually.
I think the whole argument about climate shift is not at all proven and settled; but I do see it as a useful fear-porn manipulation-tool for the gics, in their push to set up a neo-feudal global dictatorship. It’s useful to them for that purpose whether it’s real are not.
But I think climate-shift – natural and constant – is indeed a reality, though an imminent catastrophic shift is by no means proven beyond doubt right now. Nor do I believe we are ever going to be able to calculate its precise shape and outcome in detail: “…this many PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere guarantees this amount of mean temperature rise!” – that sort of thing. We don’t possess the means to calculate such certainties; and even if we did, in such a complex probablistic system as the global ecosphere, such deterministic certainties are inherently impossible, in principle.
So no – a don’t assume a beyond-doubt, imminent climate catastrophe is incoming: Maybe, maybe not; but best to be personally, familially and communally prepared, just in case. The question is open; it’s pretty likely, though, that there are Interesting Times dead ahead…
I guess the point I’m trying to establish in these posts is that natural processes happen, and happen at their own pace too, completely independently of what we may think about them, and whatever theoretical narratives we may try to cram them into. Stop trying to tell nature what to do: just observe, and follow a Taoist going with the flow.
The problem is that the average Joe cannot comprehend what you have written here. Probabilistic, deterministic, Tao, whaa?
Population size must be regarded not only in relation to available space, available energy/resources, but also, and probably more importantly, in regard to the economic model, its inherent ability to sustain itself, to extract and process energy and resources.
So, first of all, since the Earth IS FINITE, there clearly IS A CERTAIN POPULATION SIZE it is capable of supporting in the absolute sense, supposing that energy and resources could be extracted and processed in an optimal manner. Extraction and processing, however, is subject to the current socio-economic model, which is far from optimal. Extraction and processing hinges on continuously increasing consumption, continuous growth. There are inherent limits to that – already now, there is too much shit that people don’t need, can’t pay for, which means that there’s not enough money to pay for extraction. Plus, we’ve racked up huge debt, which simply means that today’s shit is paid for with tomorrow’s production, but tomorrow’s production can never repay the debt.
This is a mechanism that can be simply deduced, regardless of whether the thresholds for an actual collapse have been reached, whether figures generally peddled by whomever are accurate or not. The fact is that society/civilization is on a collision course due to its lifestyle/socio-economic model. How far the iceberg is, I know not, but we’re heading towards it. The fact that some assholes are trying to use it to their advantage is a collateral issue that does not negate the somber reality that sooner or later something will have to be done. The other alternative is letting things sort themselves out spontaneously, in which case the big question is what that would mean.
There are quite a lot of christians in this scene who are opposed to the concept that
“God”Yawheh may have been wrong when he ordered them to multiply endlessly and own the planet because they are so special that even a single sperm cannot be wasted… More meat for the grinder is always needed!It was always right, Ed, every time it was said. All the folk who want to occupy this illusory position of ‘no population overshoot’ seem to end up visiting this canard: You know, the ‘they were all proved wrong before’ assertion.
No – they were all proved to have fallen victim to the human story-teller desire to see everything done and wrapped up in a weekend, Hollyshite-style; when in fact these things go at their own geophysical pace, taking absolute-zero notice of our preferences.
The overshoot has been building steadily for several centuries, passing along the early gentle up-slope of the exponential curve during the previous few centuries, then suddenly accelerating into the shoot-up phase – in the sneaky way that the exponential function does – over the past century and a bit, when we unlocked the main fossil-hydrocarbon pools; per-capita use of energy-slaves and human population numbers always rising and falling in tight unison, as they do.
It’s precisely because of that tight unison that we can bet with some confidence that our numbers will be coming down again – spontaneously – in the next few decades, precisely because our use of fossil-hydrocarbons will be falling, as the post-peak down-slope imposes itself on us – whatever we may do.
Just because a long geo-eco-physical process doesn’t conform to your favoured hasty time-scales, Ed, don’t imagine that it isn’t happening, and all the previous people to warn about it have ‘been proven wrong’. Er no, just a bit hasty in their timing, is all.
And I quite agree: ALL science’s offered theories should be treated with fixed scepticism, because – yes indeed! – ALL claimed statistics must be held under permanent suspicion, especially in this time of gross corruption and blatant information-fiddling. But in the matter of the – self-evident – overshoot, you don’t need to obsess about statistical reliability. All you need to do is look about you, and heed the evidence of your lying eyes. Helps if you’re an oldie, of course… 😇
My only objection is Dennis Meadows’ apparent belief that given the right paradigm nature can be made benevolent. There is nothing to suggest such a conclusion is anything but a Utopian delusion.
I disagree also with the implication that nature works its will in protracted ways which, if humans can work with rather than against, it would be possible to avoid mass suffering. Some past civilizations, granted, took centuries to fall apart; others (such as the Maya) seem to have fallen apart very rapidly, after only a few years of drought.
Also – allowing for much controversy about it in the archeological community – it appears the Minoan civilization, by all accounts the dominant Mediterranean civilization around 1500 BC, may have lost its dominance in a single afternoon when Thera (Santorini) blew.
Imagine what would happen to the USA (already on its way to the dustbin) if Yellowstone blew. Especially if a corresponding event in the Cascades occurred simultaneously (as in: one event triggering the other). Survivors had better learn Chinese and Russian!
Let me add one more thing: while it goes without saying I’m in agreement with the overpopulation conclusion, I’m also in agreement with the climate crisis conclusion. However, in no way, shape or form am I in agreement with the mainstream narrative regarding either possibility.
It’s especially frustrating how far too many decide the “truth” of a given proposition according solely to who purveys some version of it. If Baron Rothschild walked up to me and said “The Earth is a sphere – that’ll be ten thousand pounds please” I would not call him out by insisting the Earth is flat.
These are very sensible comments, both yours and the others above.
If anything I’d encourage all the commenters to give them a thought and not outright reject anything just because it’s part of what is claimed by some patented asshole.
The fact that somebody is an asshole with malevolent intentions doesn’t mean that he’s is not right, at least in part, about the stuff in question.
Though a few countries are reproducing like mad, most of the rest are at the crest of population growth, or already falling. Though inertia may ensure that we hit 9 billion, the next few decades is likely to bring a severe lack of labour. Our self-appointed overlords are responding with increasingly overt genocide.
I see that as usual, your comment has attracted some tangential comments.
Why do people never use the litmus test of philanthropy: give the money without any strings attached?
better yet just give ( the money ) with anonymity…..
Bill Gates of Hell is not a true philatropist he’s silly one sick profit loving motherfucker. We needs to stop telling his tale.
He has been a Tax Dodger for decades-amassed piles of money-and gets to play “Philanthropist “ with money he steals.
Ragged trousered.
A great thought from a great thinker about serial philanthropists, and the dangers to us nowadays in toto posed by cradle-to-grave “philanthropaths” …and the hope posed in one archetypal “antidote”:
“A lover of men is very nearly the opposite of a philanthropist; indeed the pedantry of the Greek word carries something like a satire on itself. A philanthropist may be said to love anthropoids. But as St. Francis did not love humanity but men, so he did not love Christianity but Christ.”
~ GK Chesterton, “St. Francis of Assisi” 1933
Philanthropist = Fill and throw piss!
this being one of the most madly injected states with numerous so called boosters gifted to all citizens;
They’ll soon be telling us all, “You’re much deader than you know”…
Unforgivable wretches.
they could be in Israel trailblazing the new season;
we simply have no clue what is being planned as the next stage for the world, this concluded through analogy to what happened two years ago when before the pandemic take-off even the boldest imagination was too timid to envisage what was about to take place and what did take place indeed;
Isreal is actually a US defacto State in Asia. Politically appearing heavily influenced by Zionism.
No sorry, it’s not “British”..😉
Aywah, Aywah, one large Anglosaxon military base – both men and women: military training a must – at the entrance to the Middle East. Or, take your pick, you could say the 51st state…
‘Enjoy’re deader than you think”
The author is conflating two issues.
1) There are motherfuckers among us who do all kinds of malevolent and outright sinister shit. Some of them are pure psychopaths liable to fuck up things in a monstrous fashion. In making their pervert visions reality, they use all sorts of issues, such as demographics, and fuck with them in a preposterous manner, potentially causing huge harm.
2) There is such thing as demographics and various issues it embodies. Including population size, the economic ramifications, availability of energy and resources, so on so forth.
The author, like countless others, is conflating the above two. Approaching demographics from the angle that because Billy Peddler of Shitty Software and Shitty Fuckccines is no good motherfucker, there are no demographic issues to be dealt with, for all is hunky dory, is idiotic to say the least. There ARE issues and it’s totally legitimate to voice opinions about them and discuss them
This is a text good for people who want to be excited into grunting that Bill et all are pieces of shit who want everybody dead. Fuck that, there is enough shit like that already.
I wanted to say something like this but be less abusive:
I’ll probably be torn to shreds here for saying this but if overpopulation is truly a problem (rather than unsustainable and unequal consumption – the latter being inadequate consumption by the poor and overconsumption by the wealthy), then why not introduce a “child credit” system (instead of carbon trading) with a global ‘one-child’ per woman policy which would allow a woman to sell her one-child credit once she reaches menopause if she chose not to reproduce to a younger woman wanting more than one child.
Already birthrates across the world are declining if you look at Our World in Data stats, even in India and Africa. Bringing birthrates below replacement would decrease the population in a generation – without the need for murdering the elderly and the ignorant with “medicines.”
I would not consider tearing you to shreds. Rather we should appreciate common sense, thoughtful solutions based on the knowledge of human behavior The solutions are simple, but the enemy lies within all of us Incentivizing virtue is all that is necessary. The caveat is who defines virtue.
Population is one part of the problem. Consumption is the rest. Fingers are always pointed at the population segments that consume very little while absolving those that consume 50 to 100 times as much per capita. There is endless agonising over the loss of forest in the Amazon rainforests and in the Congo. No one is aware that 95% of North Queensland’s rainforests have been sacrificed for sugar production. Every single English speaking country has been horrifically deforested and polluted.
This is certainly what Gates (who is already in hell) had in what passes for his mind when he talked about reducing populations.
Simpletons cannot imagine that nobody in the west would anounce a plan to commit genocide via mass poisoning in a public speech in the 21st century.
The deluded thinking of the “scientists” is like this: 3rd world people have more children to overcompensate for high infant moraltity rates. Giving them vaccines and whatever other patented shit to remove the alleged causes of infant mortality would in turn result in them naturally adopting the western style of 2.1 kids per nuclear family…. of course we do not talk about 3rd world debt.
I do not doubt that sterility poisons were/are administered as well.
“F’ing this f’ing that blah blah blah not enough resources f’ing f’ing too many people blah blah you stole my future” remove your weak-ass expletives and you sound exactly like Greta Thunberg.
You’re a superficial, easily excitable imbecil par excellence.
Your argument is “You sound exactly like Greta”. Now, what is that supposed to mean? For that we would first have to analyze what Greta sounds like, extrapolate from that what it actually means, and then make some sense of it. I don’t listen to Greta Thunberg, all I know is that she is a deranged exploited teenager, and I have better things in my life to do. I don’t know what to tell you if you do.
It is entirely legitimate to examine such issues as whether humankind as a whole should try to regulate the global population size because there simply is some optimal size thereof vis-a-vis the availability energy and resources (they are NOT infinite!) and people’s ability to extract and process.
Demographic problems do exist, despite your preference for sticking your head into the sand.
Like your eugenicist heroes at the WEF, CFR, UN, EU, IMF etc you really don’t like being called out for your nonsense do you Jacques?
Although still gibberish at least you toned it down so that’s a start.
I don’t need anything examining or explaining especially by the likes of you. I could read your type of technocratic nonsense on any MSM website. You’re just regurgitating the old eugenicist playbook.
“Demographic problems do exist” Yeah if you say so Yuval.
I was wrong about assuming that your head is stuck in the sand. Obviously it’s stuck in your own asshole.
Why the fuck you’re responding to something I wrote if you don’t need the likes of me examining anything, I truly understand not. There is no law requiring you to read anything the challenges your indoctrination, you know? So skip past anything likely to upset your tunnel-vision self and keep whining in unison with other narrow-minded idiots.
My indoctrination!!?! Says you??? I’ve heard it all now.
But one must respond to you in the same way those of us with something about us responds to the parasite class. Your bullshit has to be called out. I mean unlucky for you that you’re just a powerless clown acting all Jonny-big-balls on a small English website but you never know some Globalist might notice you (you’ve thrown up enough flags) and you might get an invite to sweep up and make the tea at the next Extinction Rebellion jaunt. Then you can join your eugenicist friends and have us properly culled.
Until then Jacques keep talking shit keep getting called out.
I hope his room 101 is just like Winston Smith’s.
LOL… take your medication!
When i was a kid the shock value of swearing around adults thrilled me, until they decided to ignore me…
There you go.
Instead of taxing your wit to a greater extent than usual and considering the issues in question from a different angle, to a greater depth, whatever, you’re gonna jerk off about commonly used colloquial expressions, which are not, however, approved by some shitheads who take it upon themselves to decide what words are sanitized enough to be used and which ones aren’t.
Fuck that! Fuck them motherfuckers who tell you how to speak, what to do, how to live, what to inject into your body, what covering to wear over your face.
You’re either free from them, from their fucked up conventions, or you’re not.
You’re obviously not, you’re imprisoned inside your linguistic cage, and you’re bragging about it on top of that.
Fuck those motherfuckers, indeed. I could not have put it more succinctly myself.
There is no natural population increase in first world countries. The very people who bleat about overpopulation are the ones who want to keep Africa and third world by depriving it of energy.
What’s your point? You don’t link to an article, and the author seems very ignorant – believes that oil is a finite resource. (Funny how so many people, even though they may use eg olive, sesame or avocado oil, don’t wonder what happens to the rest of the oil from vegetable matter.)
Actually, it’s you who see very ignorant. Let’s try some simple math.
Let’s assume that crude oil is NOT a finite resource, that its reserves are replenished and that new deposits form on a continuous basis. If that’s the case, there is a certain amount of the stuff that can be extracted in a sustainable fashion, where the rate of extraction must not exceed the rate of replenishment.
That amount corresponds to a certain rate of consumption and consequently a certain population size.
Your invocation of vegetable oil is lunatic, it has nothing to do with anything.
He/she seems to believe that petroleum comes from composting avocados and olives and seeds…
I think it is given to the USA by God himself, so Americans have a divine right to it, forever.
Yes it is totally ignorant to think that oil is a finite resource…
This is sarcasm by the way.
*As bystanders casually stroll toward the flames…
New York Post Russian missiles strike Ukrainian mall crowded with 1,000 shoppers, Zelensky says.

*human vibration twitter.
Apparently, the supermarket’s been shut for months, and there’s a military vehicle repair centre next door – according to a reader’s comment below a news article on the subject.
Everybody seems perfectly happy, while casually noticing the damaged building.
I’d expect ‘Russian missiles’ to do a heck of a lot more damage than that…
I ask you, would Washington be content with a mere Russian supermarket in flames…?
I think not.
At first glance, it reminds me a lot of the published post-incident photographs, whether genuine or manufactured, of the Pentagon lawn on September 11, 2001.
Yes. It reminds me of that too.
Interesting image.
Speaking as a firefighter, there are multiple issues with what is depicted.
The appliance is parked WAY too close to the fire – there would be enough heat from that fire to blister the paintwork where it is, plus there could be gas cylinders or anything getting cooked in there.
Where are the other appliances?
I attended a carpet warehouse fire earlier this year of a similar size and there were over 20 appliances from 3 different brigades (and don’t try to tell me that Ukraine is short of fire engines – our brigade has sent four and virtually every other brigade in the UK has donated some).
Where is the crew from the empty appliance in the picture?
I count one firefighter aimlessly wandering around with the civilians and possibly a second at the rear of the appliance. This is where you stand to operate the pump, however there is clearly no water being pumped. A single empty hose lies seemingly forgotten on the ground. Why no police? No cordons? No fear of another missile strike?
And why does nobody (with the possible exception of the two guys front right) even seem to be aware of the fire?
Questions, questions…
The lack of ambulances was what struck me. Would surely be expected if there were any potential casualties
the head person of the factory next door announced in Ukraine that the factory was a legitimate target, the rocket which did the damage to the mall landed in the factory (a legitimate target) and the fire it caused, spread to the mall. Also a contractor who said on social media he was involved with the construction of the mall and said, the fire extinguishing system installed during construction would have put out the fire had the mall been operational?
so there is some real conflict. here. in reporting.
In some oak paneled room, cigar smoke in the air, the chink of fine crystal, the creak of leather chairs..
“you see Stephen, the fuckers just arent taking it seriously enough”
” i concur Sir, one would have thought the monkeypox and some good old atrocities would have them chafing at the bit, what?”
“they seem to have seen through the shopping mall incident Stephen, whos responsible? bbc again? after the Duma, chlorine fiasco one would think they had the post production quality more tightly buttoned?”
“apparently Sir, thats what hq want”
“what the fuck are you on about Stephen?”
“well Sir, hq want to test the water, so to speak, see how project graphene is coming on”
“ah, i see Stephen”, “how goes it with targetting Stephen?”
“well Sir, we have the nod from paris, berlin and rome”
“expected casualties Stephen?”
“within parameters Sir, somewhere between 3 and 4 million, plus a further 2 million within 6 months of associated injuries”
“hmmph, very good Stephen, cigar?”
OMG after 70.000+ failed predictions.
4 years of dingy dangel.
(Trump never did get back into office)
Midterms around the corner and Q yes Q messaged.
Was He she self isolating..? due to covid.
This will be the greatest economic catastrophe in the history of finance. They’ve built a tower of usury debt over generations, and its been on life support, and beyond repair; rather than let it fail freely, its inevitable destruction must be controlled. They’ve been preparing for it for a long time.
In order to instigate this control they are currently playing out an ancient eschatological script, eschatology is the most prevalent theme and superstition in most of the propaganda. They have different names for that same archetypical story, depending on the group/herd/identity being targeted, in order to hypnotize the world with a constant state of hysteria and discombobulation, with your favourite celebrities working the dialectic.
Perpetuating myths & cults is the real 33rd kabbalistic secret of gnostic control, does god exist or not? there are no viruses, Bio-Labs, global warming (note it’s a flood story), singularity, Jesus, moschiach, QAnon, terrorism, nazism and communism etc. These events play out as a nail-biting whodunnit, while leaving clues to crimes in plain sight before, during, and after the event, leaving the Times Crossword decoders to read the twilight language and decrypt the ritual messaging.
It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you’re on a card carrying member of team reality or useful idiot on the lockdown left, you’re still part of the same problem. You have been taken hostage by a series of false narratives laid on with a shit shovel by the covert occultist parasite class. What these hellhounds want is for you to pick your side, choose your battle, but make sure your battlelines are social media, and that you’re not throwing Molotov Cocktails at the Tower of Babel.
When the money system implodes and all asset values return to zero, they want people to revolt, to destroy everything, to kill each other. The shift from capital forms of production can have only one consequence: large-scale genocide against the populations, to usher in the (false) new messianic age globalist agenda. The prophecies from Revelation are being re-used on a cyclical basis to mediate the newest reset/age.
In summary, there is no shift in global power, and no Russian or Chinese threat. There is only one interrelated global business kaBAL of ancient merchant families, playing their respective roles on the world stage, robbing, abusing and deceiving gents for millennia. They have an instinctive compelling desire for attaining as much wealth as possible, regardless of the means employed to attain these goals or the harm it may cause to others. There are thousands of years of unimpeachable historic precedence.
Stand firm and refuse to compromise your beliefs, refuse to give in to bullying and intimidation no matter what.
And after all that…what are your beliefs?
I’d say… bananas
Joking aside @banana
Either join them and rule over us, join them and try to bring them down from within, or simply do your own thing.
They have all the money in the world. Well, show them, and your own circle of people, that money isn’t what’s it all about.
It sure as shit won’t get done by writing novels in comment sections.
We are doomed anyway. Even if there were infinite resources we would eventually be hit by a giant solar flare that would destroy the electrical grids we have made ourselves dependant on. It may be preferable to have a brisk but controlled “vaccine” depopulation than an abrupt end to the systems that we have made ourself dependant on.
Apart from the electrical aspect, electronic-only money and communication means that anyone can become a “non-person” overnight due to
:- a bureaucrat or regulation
:- unofficial hacking.
It was the result of greed. They killed the golden goose.
Trying to implicate China, Russia and miscellaneous satrapies is desperate distraction.
The gnostics were not Jws or kabbalists. The term “gnostic” is Greek for “know-it-all” and was coined by christian patriarchs in a lame attempt to mock various heretics (before they murdered most of them). You seem to have no awareness of the function of myth and initiation (the job of mystery cults destroyed by the Js and christians) in pre-abrahamic human culture.
You are basically parrotting genocidal judeochristian propaganda when you equate “gnostics” with “satanists” (another judeochristian product).
The “occult power” of the parasites is hocus pocus and abracadabra, quite literally.
Global Research published an article that stated the original name of the Gates Foundation was: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for Population Control. Does anyone have firm evidence of this?
Yes.Bill and Melinda Gates.
Do you have a link to that article?
If one is able to read past the knee-jerk response of overclocked emotions —– one can understand the intellectual processing that the “elite” utilize. The realities of mankind’s survival are fairly uncomplicated. The “elite” are simply proposing perceived solutions. I don’t agree with their solutions. But that’s about it…
It is obvious the majority of the world’s populations are completely clueless and have no intention of addressing the institutional baggage associated with their beliefs… Too bad…
It’s a very neat cleanup what they’re are doing.
I do agree with you, but I am sorry for all the good people that will parish before their time. Not everyone had the luxury to dig into what was going on.
Yeah they were too busy with their social media accounts and burying heads in the sand with “just putting food on the table” as the eternal excuse. The reality is they are soft and ripe for a cull, and they know it.
You’re a sick little puppy, aren’t you?
Just hoping for the world to end so you can say told you so. Maniac.
I’m a teacher myself (retired), so I won’t condemn the profession generally.
But the subliminal messaging going on in the name of education today is something else.
For heaven’s sake, I was a child myself once. We had teachers we liked, but didn’t respect, and we had teachers we didn’t like, but who taught us a great deal.
Even at 12 years old, one used to be able to discriminate one type from the other.
Now our offspring act like young starlings, screaming with mouths open for the next piece of intellectual garbage masquerading as traditional nourishment, quite unaware that as human beings we are supposed to learn more than merely how to eat, drink, have sex and sleep…
Gifted educators need no longer apply, because they wouldn’t fit in with ‘The Narrative’…
Thanks a lot…
Hello wardropper: I was lucky enough to have several teachers who taught intuitively, created their own curriculum, and didn’t follow the prescribed rules. I remember them well… They were already a dying breed in the late sixties, and within just a few years, the American “educational” system was overrun with rote mediocrity and romper rum antics.
I didn’t learn any life enhancing skills in school, and taught myself in the school of hard knocks. I made what I could of a rather quiet and uneventful life. As I said. I was lucky…
Modern education instructs individuals toward unbridled narcissism and behavioral pathologies. I’m glad I’m an ancient and tired man…
Thanks Paul. You don’t sound ‘ancient’ at all.
I do hope you have a hobby you can be creative with.
Being active in order to improve something in one’s environment, or within oneself, is the meaning of life as far as I am concerned.
When that is no longer possible, I suppose one’s soul should be happy to get back to where it came from, and to prepare for the next round…
Hello again wardropper: I have quite a few hobbies and interests. My current hobby is repairing (welding) new rockerpanels on my 21 year old car. It’s a old beast, but the last of the “good” General Motors cars… I think I might be a 51 Buick…
I try to maintain my health with excercises and the mental gymnastics I find in reader comments. This site is one of the best in that regard,,,
Your comments are much appreciated. Take care, my friend.
The project to dumb down thought and even literacy has been a century or so in the making. Bertrand Russel said that schooling teaches how to follow intstructions and understand propaganda. He did not reveal that he was in favour of that.
At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.
They are driven and guarded 24/7… so, don’t get your hopes up. Just live your life better.
btw, DuckDuckGo is the same as Google
It will be the bodyguards who do it; and it’s why “walk down the street” is just a metaphor.
So, 19/10/2023 for Scottish Referendum.
Probably just a coincidence that adds up to 18, which is 6+6+6.
I’m pretty sure thats 2052, or 0.000939 if you regard the slash as a division
She has been saying Referendum for the past 3 years and delaying changing etc.
They managed 4 years of nonsense in the U.K which achieved no benefits what so ever.
It fitted in to the Agenda 30 model perfectly.
David icke wrote 18+ books on how the cult runs it all and voting is rigged.
Yet the cult according to David icke made a huge mistake about BreXXit/Leave E.U –Referendum vote – so go out and vote. 😂 and his believers sure did.
Alex jones lead the last astray in USA with exactly the same template.
Whenever I hear the word ‘philanthropist,’ I immediately reach for my revolver.
Mmmm….hmmmp. Gimme sum ah dem french fried taters please. Feel the same exact way…..but a freshly sharpened lawn mower blade would do just fine….
I know just how you feel. 😉
Without the division of the humanity of the world into controllable nation states, your story would have been nearly impossible to write. The problem, is: the nation state system. Yhe entire global population stuffed into one of 256 information environment controlled crucibles, that keeps each person and his or her entire life on camera, and which allows the Oligarch to manage, by imposing rule of law system on the inhabitants of the nation state containers.
Its the nation state system that needs to go. It supports inventing monopoly powers (copyright deeds, patents and trademarks [CDPTs], creating fictions called corporations, and the like and giving these fictions, by the power of the monopoly power, the right to take all of our money and to force us to be their slaves. Humanity was put on this earth to be one but nation states have made many 256 different species out of the one and the fictional people were set upon us not by our maker, but by our warden to make their few owners of the prisons wealthy at the expense of those of us who are inmates. Eliminate the fictions, remove the monopoly powers from the law making nation states and watch the world come to its senses as the wealth hidden in the fictions disappear from the Dictatorships.
What would be the value of Microsoft if there were no copyright, patents and trademarks on their balance sheet? Tomo says 92% of the assets on the exchange registered balance sheets are intangible assets. Intangible assets are fictional assets, they would not exist if there were no rule of law. What would the balance sheet look like? Millions of jobs, and hundreds of thousands of small business competitors are denied, because of these monopoly powers.
Nearly all of the big boy pharmaceutical industry would disappear and when the research organizations discovered new drugs, every body interested could use that knowledge to produce the drug.. Think about it.. how can the nation state system be eliminated from our lives?
This is why “civilization” was so horrified by the rise of the early communists. They contented that class transcended nationality, that nation states were artificial entities used to silo populations while the ruling classes were essentially transnational. In the pre-WW1 world this was exemplified by the crown heads of Europe, a group that were literally interrelated, but the primacy of international capital as the reality of imperialism was also recognized.
Early anti-communist organizations were called things like ‘anti-Comintern pacts’ — the threat wasn’t communism as such but the possibility that ordinary (“working”) people would band together across borders and refuse to play the nationalist game. This is why the rise of Stalin was actually a godsend for the west by refocusing on the state, on Russia, the notion of the Internationale just withered away to ‘a nice idea, but impractical’.
Just been reading a bio of Guy Burgess.
I think he described himself, and was described by those who knew him as an agent of Comintern (rather than an agent of the USSR).
So, what you’re proposing is a one world government?
Most nation states have developed naturally over centuries.
If we are all to come together, it’ll happen over time.
Just don’t push it because pushing always results in pushback.
And don’t expect it in your lifetime you egomaniac.
There is always tribalism and competition between peoples. That’s what sport is for — instead of sending groups of people to kill each other we used ritualized forms of battle on the playing field.
…and yes, I know that football has sparked at least one war and, yes, I know that with transnational ‘leagues of money’ the national or local meaning of sports teams has been seriously diluted but the basic idea behind sport as a ritualistic, and relatively harmless, form of conflict is sound.
Technocrat’s wet dream…
The New World Order Is Ruled By Global Corporations And Megacities—Not Countries
As cities and companies gain in influence and the power of nation-states decreases, the world is undergoing a seismic transformation.
Individual and national sovereignty stand in the way of global governance, which is why democratic freedom and the nation-state are under assault. The only freedom that’s increased these past 40 years is unfettered capitalism, or aristocratic fascism.
Monetary Sovereignty: The Key to Understanding Economics
Nice one. This will be my lead when I encourage people to read this article.
Un Fucking Believable. Out of breath gut laughing. I detest this guy every bit as much as you, if not more.
When it comes to philanthropy, one should understand the subtle difference between loving the people (having concern for the welfare of the world’s population) and loving mankind (having concern for the survival and proliferation of h sapiens).
In the latter sense, eugenics is in harmony with philanthropy.
Population reduction is a cover story for winnowing.
If you understood where Satanism comes into all this, you’d understand winnowing.
Population reduction is what nature does (indiscriminately), e.g. in the event of suddenly reduced carrying capacity.
Winnowing is what philanthropists do, i.e. bring the wheat into the barn (Matthew 3:12).
The ‘Predicament of Mankind’ is another way of alluding to ‘The Great Reset’.
If it is impossible to invite the wheat into the barn, you invite the chaff to drink the Koolaid, and generally make living conditions so difficult (threshing) that only the wheat remain.
Prepare for hard times…
“The Big Cull, Great Ripoff and Grand Enslavement are not about philanthropy, far from it. They are about wholesale great theft robbery of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) and greed.”
“The war racketeer corporate fascist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis want more for themselves and less for everyone else. Those the psycho Nazis perceive do not profit them they cull.”

Always thought the extended-father-in-law-cousin and co-descendant of my wife’s great great grandfather that bolted for free homestead land in Wyoming just after 1900 was a bit kooky with all the letters about the impending New World Order being installed by George Bush. (The basis for the bolting of the great great grandfather is another story in itself. A separate kind of kooky. Or maybe not.)
My father-in-law’s first cousin eventually cleared a space in the woods in Washington State where he lived in a trailer until he finished his cabin. A retired carpenter/builder/marina owner, he started from scratch with raw trees that he cut down himself. He was in his 70s by that time. His wife’s battle with Alzheimer’s drained most of his wealth. After finishing his cabin he lived alone in the woods off the grid like the unibomber while writing and sending letters of the impending doom almost monthly until just before he died. He was in his 80s at that point.
That was over 40 years ago. Still have some of the letters, pamphlets and books. I could not bring myself to tossing the stuff for some reason. Trying to heed his warning, I guess. More pertinent now than ever. His kids, my wife’s 3rd cousins, who we visited 6 years ago just before my wife’s death thought he was kooky too and were embarrassed.
I wonder what they are thinking now?
No doubt, If cousin Ed was alive today, he would be a regular contributor to Off-Guardian.
More of us should have listened more closely to the ramblings of these old “conspiracy theorists”.
They knew what they were talking about.
I’m not sure you have an appreciation of the astronomically gargantuan extent of the peculation performed upon the world’s population (its growth deliberately encouraged to maximise such peculation).
The amount expended upon luxury (private jets, super-yachts, palaces, etc.) is a microscopic fraction – being the limit of most people’s imagination.
Ultimately, money (as currently represented) is illusory. What is real is the labour extracted from the population that is covertly diverted elsewhere. It’s that ‘elsewhere’ that hardly anyone is aware of – perceiving at most, efflorescent luxury, and concluding that to be the full extent (aside from zillion dollar bank balances).
Anyway, if you are operating on the principle of aristocratic luxury being the motivator, this is going to be contradicted by an accelerating decline in global living conditions (economic disintegration, collapse, etc.), which is engineered by the same PTB.
Again, what you perceive as a cull, is a winnowing.
The global rollout of the Covid psyop should have demonstrated to you that there is already (and has long been) a one world government.
It is all about preparing for The Great Reset with the intention of being able to rapidly Build Back Better at the start of the New World Order.
That’s why most of the brightest minds in mathematics, tech and so forth have accepted the koolaid. Those minds are not needed to rebuild back better. Most of the ones that have rejected the koolaid are uneducated or if they are educated they are not conformists and won’t be easy to control even after the reset. Great plan there Sherlock. Some essential details have been missed. Give me a break.
The most sapient are the most percipient, the most perspicacious, the likes of the fictitious Sherlock you mention, who avoid taking things at face value, who investigate, who seek to understand everything, holistically.
As you observe, it is not a matter of education/indoctrination, nor degree of mental acuity in a particular field, that makes one sapient.
The least sapient, the credulous (unquestioning) are those who readily drink the Koolaid.
If you need to preserve h sapiens, and you must reduce it to its essence to do so, then winnowing is the process.
What I want to know is whether shills are required to get jabbed as a condition of continued employment.
Couldn’t care a flying fk what these “philanthropists” think of themselves. Let’s call them out for what they are, filthy rich, greedy, corrupt criminal bastards who already have committed a crime against humanity and should be facing a Nuremberg style trial where the “winnowing “ should come in the form of a death penalty.