AUDIO: Kit Knightly on Jerm Warfare with Jeremy Nell

Following up their discussion of fake binaries on the Jerm Warfare podcast, Kit Knightly joins Jeremy Nell on his TNTRadio show to talk something lighter – movies.

Have we seen a decline in the standard of mainstream films? How has the rise of “virtue marketing” impacted the end product? Are movies simply just an establishment distraction, or can we still take important lessons away from even the most superficial of popcorn flicks?

And, most importantly, what are three great movies everyone should watch this weekend? Tune in to find out.

Jeremy “Jerm” Nell is an award-winning political cartoonist from South Africa, he is also the host of the Jerm Warfare podcast and his brand new show on TNTRadio.


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Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 4, 2022 4:16 PM

I seldom bother to converse with persons who watch television… Even less conversations occur with movie-goers… Most of these persons are unable to separate fact from fiction. They often confuse events depicted in films with historical or actual documented events. There are reasons for this cognitive disconnect, but why post the studies?

This expose’ exposes part of the process. >

Hollywood’s ‘Captain Marvel’ Blockbuster Is Blatant US Military Propaganda | The Grayzone 

“Investigative journalists and academics have documented the intimate relationship between Hollywood, the military, and intelligence agencies. Relying on declassified FOIA documents, researchers Tom Secker and Matthew Alford revealed that the DoD, CIA, and NSA have influenced more than 1800 movies and TV shows and had even prevented films deemed too critical of the Pentagon from being made.

This year’s Captain Marvel is the just the latest and most blatant example of the US military exploiting the film industry to generate support for its agenda.”

It is “perhaps” informative to review the entire article. >


Jul 6, 2022 8:59 AM

I can understand young people being attracted to TV and Hollyweird. But I find it harder to undestand the dream merchant’s hold on older people. Sadly a majority of older people are spellbound by the screens.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 6, 2022 2:33 PM

Hello Placental_Mammal: The social situations faced by older persons have deteriorated dramatically. Elders were once looked up to, as their life experiences and histories had taught them the hard lessons of life. These lessons were passed on to children and grandchildren within shops, fields, barns, or perhaps around the family dinner table.

Industrial “progress” and urbanization disintegrated these important relationships and replaced the realities of personal mentoring with the artificial depictions of the film industry. The resulting social disconnect is startling and depressing…

Alienated elder persons have little else to do. They have been left to decay away before the blank and all-seeing eyes of television and propagandized media.

Jul 6, 2022 1:31 PM

There has never been a movie that realistically portrays what goes on in the White House. From Tom Clancy movies to “West Wing, to idiocrasy movies like “Independence Day” presidents are always portrayed as brave and dedicated. Talk about fiction!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 6, 2022 2:40 PM
Reply to  Arnieus

Hello Arnieus: It would be counterintuitive to portray our “brave” leaders as pawns caught up in the chess games of our intelligence infrastructures…

New Name
New Name
Jul 4, 2022 4:40 AM


The legend of Polanski is an indicator of how Hollyweird values it’s top personnel regardless of their moral stature. I suspect Sharon Tate was murdered so Polanski wouldn’t have an offspring he didn’t want. He may have suspected the foetus owed paternity to someone else. He may have had other reasons. Bugliosi’s Helter Skelter, absolute bullshit though it was sold 7 million copies. That poor bugger Manson was a patsy.

Jul 5, 2022 3:00 AM
Reply to  New Name

Maybe. I suspect the Manson family murders were ritual sacrifices by MKUltra robots led by Manson. This is not in defense of Polanski, btw. Polanski is an evil occultist, pervert and criminal like Epstein.

Great book: Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O’Neill. O’Neill places Manson and CIA agent “doctor” Louis Jolyon “Jolly” [like a clown] West in Haight Ashbury around 1966. They were probably in the same room quite a lot. It’s not incontrovertible evidence at the end of the day but very close to that. West was, of course, under “spymaster” Sidney Gottlieb who headed MKUltra in the early 60s.

There’s much else in the book regarding Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, Terry Melcher, Bugliosi, Manson’s pre 1969 parole officers (Manson travelled with impunity out of California while on parole IN California) and many “family” members like Patricia Krenwinkle that left me semi-incredulous but happy with my book purchase. I’ve been saying for decades the Manson affair was clearly an MKUltra operation.

New Name
New Name
Jul 5, 2022 7:49 AM
Reply to  bleak

There is strong suppressed evidence that the murders were a professional job. The coroners said the wounds were deep and probably caused by bayonets. The telephone wires had to be identified correctly in the dark. The gate had to be scaled. All beyond three the capabilities stoned slightly built chicks. A pair of glasses were found at the site and the details broadcast to optometrists around the West. The prescription of the glasses was very unusual. Amazingly someone walked into an optometrists shop in Fallbrook near San Diego and ordered an almost identical prescription. The optometrist phoned the LAPD but the corrupt arseholes did not follow up. The address the guy gave the optometrist turned out to be false. Every time I started a thread on this topic the threads were pulled. Decades after the deeds, in distant countries.

Jul 5, 2022 6:36 PM
Reply to  New Name

The CIA are professionals. There may have been others involved but professionals don’t leave stuff like eyeglasses behind unless to set someone up. Maybe that part got bungled? Who will ever know? But Manson’s involvement with CIA in San Francisco is highly probable. I highly recommend the above mentioned book. His use of LSD to enthrall has all the earmarks of the early MKUltra program. Manson was likely trained.

I also find it unlikely, even for a rich and evil bastard like Polanski, to have ones wife and unborn child murdered because the child was unwanted. There were simpler “solutions” (although just as grisly considering abortion is murder).

Did Polanski need all that publicity and doubt cast on him? Did he need the burden of guilt and possible remorse for all that blood unless there were a more powerful boot-on-neck motive than the “inconvenience” of an unwanted child and/or spousal betrayal?

Speaking of movies made by rich and evil pedophiles, the CIA is very famous for casting dispersions away from themselves by any means necessary. Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood did all that and more. Pedophilia (the child actress), “hired hands” on LSD (the Brad Pitt character) and violent, blood-lustful gore. Putting all that together was a tidy occult ritual incantation package.

Jul 6, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  bleak

Polanski demanded an abortion. Tate refused. He forced her to travel from London to Los Angeles when she was too pregnant to fly and had to take the QE2 across the Atlantic.He promised to join her in LA but never did.

Jul 6, 2022 6:03 PM

I concede to Tate’s refusal for an abortion but some sources say Polanski “warmed up” to the idea of having a baby. I’m assuming you’re trying to validate New Name’s claim that Polanski arranged the murders?

Edit: I don’t trust Ed Sanders and any of his associates past, present or future 😡 

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 4, 2022 1:34 AM

It’s telling that this discussion only ever makes mention of US films, and depressing that it never gets beyond mulling óver the merits or demerits of shite.

Here are some of the very few wonderful and honest US films that managed to get made (despite Hollywood & the CIA) in the last 25 years

Big Night (a beautiful, funny and moving labour of love by extraordinary actors)

Crumb (one of the truest, strangest and most disturbing documentaries ever made)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Synecdoche, New York

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 4, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Bit childish to dismiss everything you don’t like as shite. For example, I thought Synedoche, NY was the type of pretentious borefest that pseuds add to their movie lists but never watch – but I’m mature enough to accept others see it differently. 😉

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 4, 2022 11:14 PM

Well, Sophie, you’ll be glad to know that the Great American Public agreed with you, so the film was a big loss-maker, a “box-office flop” and Charlie Kaufman will never be allowed to waste the studio’s money again. Hollywood is safe from his malign, boring, “pretentious”, unprofitable influence, as are all the brilliant actors — and especially actresses — he chose to work with on Synecdoche. (Kaufman has excellent taste in fellow-artists.)

He has since managed to make two very original and honest low(er)-budget films, though, but that was probably it with his film career. He just doesn’t have the thrilling unpretentiousness that makes today’s movies so great, so non-boring, so money-spinning.

What did you think was pretentious about it, exactly? (You just dismissed it as shite, by the way. Bit childish of you.  😉  )

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 4, 2022 11:31 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Do watch Big Night (1996), though, a criminally underrecognised gem. Produced and directed by the actors Stanley Tucci and Campbell Scott, who also give brilliant performances in it, along with Tony Shalhoub as the cripplingly shy genius cook. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll see how the world works, you’ll feel very hungry. I promise you won’t be bored.

“Maybe I should make-a mashed potato for on the other side.”

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 5, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

^^ffs, no idea how that clip switched to Python.

Try this, the first six minutes of Big Night:

Jul 5, 2022 9:11 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

FYI: It’s been a while since I’ve seen what you describe, but apparently there is glitch in the comments software that causes posted video links to become unmoored from their comments, and randomly resettle in other comments, à la the game of musical chairs.

Eventually they return to their proper places– so now, both of your comments correctly display “The Big Night”.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 11:25 PM
Reply to  Ort

Thanks, yes. I don’t know what makes that happen. I got a bit annoyed because the 15-minute editing window had closed.

Jul 3, 2022 11:30 PM

I said good bye to their sick pervert, brainwashing movies and series sometime around the xth True Blood 10-12 years ago.
Mea culpa I watch almost exclusively Chinese historical or ‘fairy-tale’ like series Wuxia, great design, details, uplifting colors, beautiful – like dance – fight scenes. I have no illusion about them by the way but still, at least not depressive mud, fog, rain and steel scene between two sadistic-pervert other ones. I also started to read printed books again, helped a lot to escape from the covid madness.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 3, 2022 10:33 PM

The frequent nonplussed silences after the questions were the most entertaining part of this discussion. It reminded me of transatlantic phone calls in the olden days.

“Do you like comedies?”

[PAUSE… one second … two seconds … three seconds….oh god, how do I respond to this politely?…]

“Er, well,…”

It took the host 37 minutes to ask the first interestiing question (concerning CGI), and then we had to sit through fast-forward through yet another three minutes of barking, bellowing, bullshitting ads before we were allowed to hear the guest’s reply.

An endurance test, with occasional laughs.

Re: The Great 007 Debate: Stop getting Bond wrong.


Jul 3, 2022 7:29 PM

Hollywood movies are garbage especially after the year 1995.

Jul 3, 2022 7:16 PM

Would agree with the ‘Memento (2000)‘ recommendation. An excellent film

Film thought for the day:

CGI came out in the same decade (1990s) as ‘The Matrix (1999+)‘. The same decade that the Internet took off. The same decade as ‘Wag the Dog (1997)

So was that when “CGI fake news” started too? Should we blame the ’90s or was it predestined??  🤔 

Jul 3, 2022 11:34 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Thanks for mentioning, Wag the Dog was great satire, just like Thank You for Smoking and Idiocracy. Later the director of the last told, he didn’t know back then he had made a documentary. 😀

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 3, 2022 6:07 PM

“The most skilled are those who run the show”. Ya, who gets to choose that? Like maybe we can develop some kind of classification system where people are classified against knowledge, skills, and abilities standards and given scores and those that score above a certain level are allowed to determine how society runs and make the laws and all that, and those that don’t score high enough are shit out of luck.

Ya, I’ve delved into that option but came to the above conclusion. If designed correctly and somehow ridden of corruption, perhaps. Like we could have experts in virus’ decided how we should address a pandemic. Or experts in war decided what wars we wage.

“Elon Musk is sort of a hero of this dude and Klaus Schwab is a fake villain”? Alrighty then.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 3, 2022 5:25 PM

Fucking hell. I feel sick. Interview with victims families re DNR orders without consent and end of life pathways. Where is the fucking go fund me accounts for this?


Jul 4, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

You mean gofundme from which one cannot un-subscribe?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 3, 2022 5:25 PM

Gigantic 163% increase in Life Insurance payouts (i.e. deaths) since the “vaccines” were inflicted on the people nearly two years ago.

Payouts by the Lincoln National Group (USA) leapt from
$548 million in 2020 to
$1.4 BILLION in 2021:


Jul 3, 2022 5:13 PM

From the real world:

“Head of Lugansk Peoples Republic on complete liberation of the LPR:

“Dear compatriots! Citizens of the Lugansk People’s Republic! Today, the 3rd of July, is a great day that will forever be included in our calendar. It is for today that we have all striven. After eight long years, today our troops, with the support of the armed forces of Russia, liberated the city of Lisichansk, thereby completing the liberation of the Republic within its historical borders.

Ukrainian neo-Nazis who came to our land [from NATzO] to kill and rob have been defeated. They used vile tactics, civilians as human shields. Therefore, our military needed to advance carefully, win back literally every house, every street, every village. Then large cities, Rubizhne and Severodonetsk, were taken; and today Lysychansk has been completely liberated!

I sincerely congratulate all of us on this new Victory Day, this new holiday, as in the distant 1945, with tears in my eyes! The battles were heavy and bloody; but the Victory is ours. Again. May it always be so! ”


Jul 3, 2022 7:25 PM
Reply to  NickM

If true, then that’s zero big cities to go in the Donbass. Mission accomplished.

Although there’s that stretch along the southern coast that looks pretty tempting too… Odessa, Mykolayiv… maybe not quite mission accomplished… 😎 

Jul 4, 2022 6:17 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

That is why it is called Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Unfinished business to De-Natzify and restore its former prosperity to the old Russian Ukraina (which Stalin and Khruschev carelessly gave away).

But before the SMO Russia gave advance warning: De-Nazification of the Ukraina is only the first step of its real mission: Russia’s real mission is De-NATOfication of East Europe.

No NATO nukes East of Berlin!

Jul 3, 2022 11:18 PM
Reply to  NickM

To celebrate this will they be fast vaxxed with Sputnik’ nanotech? Just because the intake was extremely low there…

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 4, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

Thanks, Nick for sharing this great news with the OG community. I was about to do so myself.
Great to see the folks in Lysychansk so very happy about their liberation.
If it were me, I’d round up some fake UkroNazis and have them running in the streets, sort of like the bulls in Spain.
You can tell the Z-boy is only in it for the $$$ (five billion per month to the most corrupt country in Europe). If he really cared about his country, he would not have chosen to be aided by a country that has not won a war in at least 75 years.

Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Mike Ellwood (Oxon UK)
Jul 4, 2022 4:29 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

According the Duran guys, the Russians have a tradition of being led from the from by their officers (who therefore obviously risk being killed).

The American tradition is that this role is left to the NCO’s, with officers kept back because they are considered too valuable to lose by being killed at the front.

And Ukraine has made the mistake of being trained by the Americans and adopting the same policy, which hasn’t worked too well against the Russians.

Of course, the fact that the Russians completely “outgunned” them with weapons that they knew how to use probably didn’t help them either.

But never mind: the western MSM and military spokesmen will go on repeating all the BS, such as “Russian army may now be hollowed out” as I saw the other day.

Jul 3, 2022 5:04 PM

Mr Knightly notes the lack of coherence and linear development in modern story telling. The other piece of this puzzle is the abysmally short attention span of the public – due at least partly if not mostly to the smart phone technology: if the viewer can’t remember what Character X did earlier in the story, it matters not what he does later in the story.

A book like “War and Peace” (which, yes, brings Freemasons into the picture) or a movie like “The Ten Commandments” would never go over with today’s public. Long paragraphs are the same as long sequences without action. No short paragraphs…no book. No action…no movie.

Though neither movie was mentioned in this audio, I would suggest the modern shift took a big turn in the 80’s. When you compare John Boorman’s 1984 “Excalibur” with Joshua Logan’s 1968 “Camelot,” – even allowing for the latter being an adaption of a stage play – the difference is staggering. “Excalibur” is almost all action; “Camelot” is mostly character development.

Today’s public could care less about character development: too much development could rip the cardboard to shreds.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 4, 2022 12:10 AM
Reply to  Howard

“Couldn’t care less.”

Jul 8, 2022 10:54 AM
Reply to  Howard

Yes, the masking out and masking over of depth is the surface of a meaninglessness that can only SEEM to draw a meaning by symbolic representation and reiteration of its dramatic or narrative framing set robotically and repetitively as a means to grab attention of invested identity by reaction.

Plots as the means to deliver ideas – such a the Matrix sense of a false world breaking to reveal a greater purpose and perspective can be seen in the Arthurian cycle of a Spiritual reflection reworked as its inversion for the posing of an evil as the very basis of (an unreal) existence set over spirit rendered as vain illusion.

So the theme of Reversal is a core cultural predicate running in the collective mind-capture of invested self-illusion as the mask of power and the masking of loveless intent in social ‘collectivism’.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 3, 2022 4:53 PM

Life Insurance payouts, 2019-2022. This info needs to be shared widely:

@delbigtree 4:34 pm. · 3 July 2022

When you get food poisoning the obvious question is, “What did I eat last night?” If we all start dying in unprecedented numbers shouldn’t the question be, “What did we all inject into ourselves last year?”

comment image

Jul 8, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Despite all material evidences that are part of actions and reactions stemming from underlying or inherited conflicts, I hold that susceptibility is primarily a matter of an underlying correspondence or resonance. Such that the feedback of our body, relationships, world, is a valid result – that can prove the modern rendering of Garbage in; garbage out.
As long as we draw or suckle lies or ‘false evidences appearing real’ we compound, strengthen or reinforce the predicate from which we send out messengers to seek and find as directed.
Fear (and attack) will seek and find the witnesses that confirm and consolidate ‘control’ by reacting as if true.

The fear that rises to Disclosure holds terror and rage; shame and hate; guilt and powerlessness; heartbreaking pain.

Rather than feel directly – project out and away as distancing, masking, and some fragment of persona survival against an overwhelm of conflict and disconnection.

To some, unconsciousness, madness and even death offer a ‘salvation’ from a greater fear, set in pain that is not yet ready look upon hate, so as to recognise and release it’s claim on them.

What are socially reinforced lies but attempt to ‘fix’ ourselves, each other or the ‘world’ of such addictive controls?

Jul 3, 2022 3:11 PM

Apropos of most of the comments herein, I must ask: if a director makes damn good movies in the technical sense and employs scripts which seem to say something worthwhile…should I run screaming from the theater if I detect a Masonic or a Rockefeller or a Rothschild symbol lurking someone on the screen?

Will someone be good enough to inform me that Stanley Kramer, for instance, is/was a tool of the ruling elites so that I can cease forever watching any of his movies and only watch Alt Right approved flics? Thank you.

Jul 8, 2022 11:33 AM
Reply to  Howard

Symbols are not evil. But without vigilance for peace, can serve loveless intentions.
Narratives or dramatic unfoldment of a script is not an evil, but will always contain some such element of conflict-seeking resolution.

Your post is a coded message. You know you are free to watch whatever you choose and to find whatever appreciation resonates for you as a result of your own purpose in which any other intent finds context and meaning.

You could stand in owning a worthy relationship or experience – without laying a trip on anyone else to agree or find the same.

A ruling elitism is also known as judgements set over and apart from the judged, running collectively as a ‘movie script’ through which we filter and rule ‘meanings’ that are set in and as conflict-seeking resolution –externally.

Put it another way; any attempt to reveal truth to a mind set in self-illusion will always be misinterpreted through the filters and rules of the currently accepted and invested self or ‘reality’. Such that every true movement becomes food for the attempt to subvert it into support for ‘self-lack-seeking control’.

My sense of ‘looking within’ is noticing or a self-honesty by which to recognise and release filtered and ruled perception-response. If a film offers nothing I want to engage with, invest in or relate to, I don’t invite it into my heart or mind by giving it attention.

Jul 3, 2022 1:42 PM

Jeremy should lay off the weed perhaps. At least before recording. Sounds like it’s good stuff 😋

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 3, 2022 12:58 PM
Jul 3, 2022 10:51 AM

Having heard these two laud the latest Cruise vehicle on the previous chat, I’ll give this one a miss.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 4, 2022 12:11 AM
Reply to  Yossi

Honestly people who should know better.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 4, 2022 6:16 PM
Reply to  Yossi

I grew up with Tom Cruise movies. He was just about the biggest star on the planet back in the day and I guess he still is. Even as a kid I never liked him. Try watching him in A Few Good Men. He plays his scenes as if planning how to win an Oscar – no truth, no authenticity, no shades, just shameless shouting and grandstanding — my opinion of the Academy voters went up slightly after they snubbed him that year.

That such a fundamentally fraudulent and synthetic performer could become the biggest movie star of his generation goes a long way to explaining the mess we are in. People like fake emotion. They often enjoy fake feelings more than real ones. That’s why they love Tom Cruise.

Having endured the first Top Gun, I’ll give this one a permanent pass.

Jul 4, 2022 8:50 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

I never did check out “Top Gun”, except in channel-surfing flashes when it was televised.

And speaking of Tom Cruise military-themed movies, I still find it mordantly amusing that many Amerikans came away from “A Few Good Men” with the impression that Jack Nicholson’s show-stealing Colonel Nathan R. Jessep was actually the anti-hero, or unsung good guy, of the drama.

Go figure. I suspect that this was at least partly a visceral preference for Nicholson/Jessep’s rugged, battle-weathered persona over wimpy, pasty-faced pretty boy Cruise. Perhaps intentionally, the physical contrast blew away the inclination to get all thinky about the values and conflicting rationales underpinning the plot.

Jul 3, 2022 9:32 AM


so a “deputy chief whip” who groped other MPs is called “pincher”?

those wacky spooks.

Jul 3, 2022 9:23 AM

So, what’s generally wrong with this website, the articles published, the views pushed, the commenters? I’ve considered the possibility that OffG is a controlled-opposition outlet, and while it might be, it doesn’t really matter. For what matters is the attitude of its consumers. The general attitude exhibited on these pages can be summed up by one word – NEGATIVISM. This website generally purports to oppose the establishment, namely the nefarious elements therewithin, to uncover malicious plots, to expose various motherfuckers who scheme against the people. Not much else is ever expressed apart from the occasional lunatic “solution” cooked up by James Corbett in his laboratory, or the admin’s no less lunatic suggestion that people should go off-grid by bumming used vegetable oil off their neighbors. Ditto the commenters, they keep bending over backwards in digging up every last shit some government asshole says and reinforcing the feel of doom, like it’s all fucked up, they’re after us, resistance is futile. Don’t you people realize that by constantly whining about what the establishment, you’re empowering them to foist crap on you? Don’t you understand that it’s you who assigns so much power to the government and the shitheads behind the scenes? The only difference between you and the covidian sheeple, a marginal one, is that you generally disagree with having your freedom taken away. Incidentally, you suffer from precisely the same predisposition for groupthink as the normies, as evidenced by the website’s censorship and your tendency to excommunicate anyone who says something liable to put a dent in the reality you’ve cemented in your heads. If you want to do something about the world, your lives, your freedom, you’ll have to start being positive and propose solutions, to live your lives the way you want, push the other way away from… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 3, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Unfortunately your lack of a sense of irony in this negative screed breaks our comment policy and you are now banned for eternity, and all your offspring too. There is no excuse for this barbarism.

But seriously for a moment, why not try to instil some of the positivity you seek if it’s so readily tappable, rather than contradict/undermine yourself with endless carping? A2

Jul 3, 2022 7:59 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Reread the above Sam Nanozuckerberg – Admin 2.

And don’t you ever mention my offspring you asshole. The world is small, for what you we might bump into one another one day.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 3, 2022 8:19 PM
Reply to  Jacques

For all that yours is rather silly behaviour in response to an obvious joke, it is nonetheless threatening and unsavoury behaviour.

If I were a female member of admin would you saying this too? Not cool, dude.

Intimidating anyone on here is one of the few things that WILL get you banned. How ironic this is all turning out to be. It’s not big, it’s not scary and it’s certainly not clever. Actually it feels a bit put on to me . I don’t know whether you’re trying to fill some trolling quota or what. But regardless, please consider this your one and only warning.

Thank you,
Sam May (Admin 2)

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 4, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 4, 2022 12:48 AM
Reply to  Jacques

He keeps coming back. He keeps finding fault. He keeps haranguing and lecturing.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Jul 4, 2022 8:34 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

That’s his ‘job’.

Jul 4, 2022 8:37 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

But so many masochists want to read his abuse, and respond.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 4, 2022 9:15 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Self awareness is lacking in this one.

Jacques do you seriously think the people who post here just look here and are obsessed with doom? Ppl need to know who or what the problems are and this is a source for that…amongst many sources you can take or leave. People have lives away from any comment section dude. It sounds to me like you should get off the net for a while. We’ve all had to do it at some point. Alternatively you’re just a shit poster. If that’s the case you’ll just be ignored. I’m gonna presume you aren’t so your last post is projecting your own inaction onto others. You have no idea what others are involved in.

Srsly dude.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2022 5:15 PM
Reply to  Jacques

If you want to do something about the world, your lives, your freedom, you’ll have to start being positive and propose solutions, to live your lives the way you want, push the other way away from globalism, covidism, wokeism.

And yet

Not much else is ever expressed apart from the occasional lunatic “solution” cooked up by James Corbett in his laboratory, or the admin’s no less lunatic suggestion that people should go off-grid by bumming used vegetable oil off their neighbors.

So we’re to live our lives the way we want but the moment we do we are lunatics?

Jul 8, 2022 11:48 AM
Reply to  Jacques

You belie your own statement.
No one is here for my gratification.
I can ‘come here’ and read or not as I choose.
I have a sense of human issues being worked out, addressed or masked over in scripted identity.
Why would any of us need to tell ‘what’s wrong with it’ that it is wrong, so as to then ‘deny it’ validity? Unless we had a driven need to be ‘right’ over a wrong seen in others?

I have some sense that you regularly post here in this way and get a negative response.
That doesn’t make you wronged. It’s just feedback.

Judgements are critical, but to truly serve us, we have to look at them as breadcrumb trails to our OWN ‘cemented head’ or subconscious mindset. FREE of blame – else nothing will be seen as it is, but only as it should not be – relative to some ideal or idol that has never truly lived.

Jul 3, 2022 9:20 AM

Films are obviously used for social engineering but “based on a true story” films have an additional function of entrenching the official version of their fake stories. Example from today:


What a coincidence that there’s been increasing questioning of this event! It’s interesting the film apparently doesn’t blame the individual – there’s an increasing tendency of this in their culture. He was ‘misunderstood’ and society was to blame – and the parents, especially the parents.

It isn’t just the big films that are controlled. B-movies and TV movies are just as bad. I watched an onscure 1999 TV movie called ‘Killer Deal’ this week. The film is set in a neo-feudal near-future with no middle class. The rich live in gated communities and use the feral poor for organ harvesting.

It also isn’t just Hollywood or British films. Old Communist Bloc films are riddled with freemasonic imagery. Example:

Another example:

(Those MetaQuest2 ads on IMDB are carefully crafted in the crucifix pose. “Unbelievably fun” is one of their Masterful-speaking exercises)

How could these films be made if Communism wasn’t freemasonic? If I can spot fremasonic symbolism, you mean to tell me Soviet censors couldn’t?

For an analysis of big Hollywood films, I recommend Jay Dyer’s ‘Esoteric Hollywood’ books on directors like Kubrick and Lynch. On Kubrick, the executive producer on most of his later films was Jan Harlan. Harlan just happened to be cousin of Veit Harlan, one of the most notorious Nazi directors (‘Kolberg’ was one of his).

Jul 3, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

If I can spot fremasonic symbolism, you mean to tell me Soviet censors couldn’t?

I see a drawing of a man in a suit holding a human puppet, and the reference to the number 33.

What would the purpose of that symbolism be on the poster of a film? The masses are not aware of the use of the number 33 in freemasonry, and freemasons do not advertise themselves as the masters of human muppets and have no interest in doing so. It is too blatant of an image to be useful for any kind of subliminal programming. An obscure b-movie wil have limited views and hence is usless for mass mind programming anyway.

It isn’t just the big films that are controlled. B-movies and TV movies are just as bad. I watched an onscure 1999 TV movie called ‘Killer Deal’ this week. The film is set in a neo-feudal near-future with no middle class. The rich live in gated communities and use the feral poor for organ harvesting.

I am not sure what this would be called (cultural void?) but seems quite common around here. Some people seem unaware that the content of fiction and fantasy and other literature/ film is not necessarily stuff that the authors actually support….. there are people here who think that George Orwell was publishing instructions for the NWO..

A tragic comedy.

Jul 3, 2022 8:19 AM

1. Have we seen a decline in the standard of mainstream films?

– me thinks, no one (in sound mind) will pay one cent to watch a mainstream film anymore. for one thing, where does the money go?

2. Are movies simply just an establishment distraction

– now, yes, of course!

3. what are three great movies everyone should watch this weekend? 

– are you serious?!
if you can watch for free, it is ok. otherwise, watching a tree makes more sense!

Jul 3, 2022 7:02 PM
Reply to  old-name

Films that I watched as a child but which seemed to me more than just film, opening up new sensibility:

“I Married a Witch” with magic from Rene Claire (though I didn’t know it).

“Macbeth” by Orson Welles, with magic by Shakespeare. Put the accent where it matters, not on Macbeth but on leaders like TB.Liar: “Fit to govern? No! not fit to live.”

“Tales from Hoffmann” by The Archers. Sheer sumptuously entertaining opera comique.

“Fantasia” by Disney. Implanted some great music into a brain that was not developed enough to appreciate it but plastic enough to retain it.

“The Young Archimedes”, British film based on a short story by Aldous Huxley. It improved on Huxley in two ways: changed Huxley’s sickly sentimental “Little Dorrit” death scene; and made the character a musician rather than a mathematician, giving film a chance to introduce some thrilling excerpts of theatre music to young people like myself who would never normally enter an opera or ballet.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 3, 2022 7:44 AM

There’s not many on u-tube whole thing is on some feminist agenda last 2yrs. Flim noir is poor mostly B movies, again heavily favouring female characters in films.
I still like u-tube because I love music but movies and films have obviously been heavily censored. imo

Jul 3, 2022 5:54 AM


Hollyweird is uninspiring and has been deteriorating for decades. It reports to the central bankers and propagates their agendas. The promotion of gender role reversal has long been an agenda it has supported. Presumably the promotion of sodomy is now being depicted as a positive thing. The depiction of Arabs as terrorists is or was a favourite theme. As is the promotion of WW2 as a good war.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 3, 2022 7:59 AM

W2 recently morphed into computerised graphic doco’s lacking human element, resembling video gaming. imo

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 3, 2022 1:31 AM

comment image

“As one who supports the right for women to get abortions should they want them (as well as refuse the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice) one questions whether those crisis actors for the current thing actually believe in My Body, My Choice (Bodily Autonomy). Does one really need a Billy Eugenics Cull Juice seal of approval to participate in a bodily autonomy rally?”  

Jul 3, 2022 3:31 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


The bankster controlled state has so much power. Could the US “supreme” court have been instructed to overturn Roe & Wade in order to take revenge indirectly on anti vaxxers for having adopted the slogan? The state could demonstrate how much more firepower their Soros sponsored professional agitators (and useful idiots) could muster when compared to spontaneous freedom seekers.

Jan J
Jan J
Jul 3, 2022 6:17 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Talk about cognitive dissonance/ implssible juxtaposition. People have literally lost their minds!

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 3, 2022 8:59 AM
Reply to  Jan J

Having a protest asking if we can use our own bodies is kind of a, nutty Ma Fascist next door needs more hitler youth imo.
Sperm & Egg both stood there puzzled scratching their heads…”If something goes wrong we’ll go live with an Aunt or ride on a roller coaster for a couple of months”. The Corkscrew.

Jul 3, 2022 8:52 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

“My body, my choice”… but, you must be vaccinated. The contradiction is priceless. The protests were part of the plan when they changed the laws. Wait a few years, they’ll change it back when they need to rile up the public. One would hope, especially after the trucker convoy set up, that people would stay away from these set-ups. In the US, they have tried to organize mass protests at least 6 times this year. All so that the people can be subverted and blamed for some riot or violent action, just like the truckers. Anyone remember the time period when they repeatedly attempted to divide the people along vaccinated lines? “Its a pandemic of the unvaccinated”. Dividing the people, or keeping us divided is necessary for their agenda. They are targeting whites and Christians and they keep trying to divide the people along those lines. Its a manufactured crisis and designed to help usher in the police state. People are stupid if they participate. If you have strong feelings about the stage-production ruling, either wait until they need another distraction and change it again, or post your opinions online. Attending mass organized protests will only lead to you being set up so that “order” can be applied to the “chaos”. They don’t need much to work with either. January 6 was a complete setup, assisted heavily by Trump, where the capitol police were video recorded letting people past the barricades and leading them through the building. Didn’t stop them from trying to pass oppressive legislation over it though; even held a phony televised hearing on TV to convince the sheep. Reminds me of the NY subway false flag shooting this year. That one was obliterated online for the fakery, but they pushed the narrative in the news for weeks… Read more »

Jul 3, 2022 10:02 AM
Reply to  Wisenox

“Vaccine choice” but you must be pro life. The contradiction is expensive.

Emmet John Sweeney
Emmet John Sweeney
Jul 3, 2022 10:52 AM
Reply to  Mike

One little difference mate. There are two lives involved in an abortion.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 3, 2022 12:16 PM

“After the Cull Juice
comment image
comment image

… there will be none!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 3, 2022 12:19 PM

comment image

“Dead! Dead! Dead!”

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 3, 2022 2:26 PM


S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 3, 2022 3:39 PM
Reply to  dom irritant
S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 4, 2022 4:21 AM
Reply to  dom irritant

Jul 3, 2022 6:21 PM

Three lives, surely?

Jul 8, 2022 12:21 PM

A denial of a life cannot be contained.
Consequences pass on in the family, and down the family line.
I am not interested in blame here, but in awakening self-responsibility for and within our lives, our relationships and world.
The socially reinforced identities masking in or as blame will re-enact patterns of trauma unless recognising and releasing denial of self, set in others.

Jul 8, 2022 12:13 PM
Reply to  Mike

The masking of conflicted intent will seek forms that present a face in which doubts and fears are pushed back or hidden.
Life is already pro-life, but can be masked in definitions and beliefs that set its allegiances in fear – masked over rather than truly addressed.

It is not a vaccine. Even vaccines are not what they are bought and sold to be. The mind can seek to evade conflicts by masks that seek social reinforcement.
This can operate as systemic infanticide to protect the personal lifestyle choice of freedom to attract and seek substitution for real relationships externally.
Our family trauma is not terminated but denied and suffered as the undercurrent to a life set in conflict, grievance, and evasion.
How is this different than sacrificing life to gods of terror that our life might be saved as a set of permissions, roles and rites.
Hatred seeks targets to sacrifice that its ‘god’ be appeased.
Regardless what side or whatever issue.
Much that seems freedom is slavery.
Much that seems slavery is freedom.
A real relationship begins with ourself but always as the willingness to extend it. The drive for getting will run its course, until the true cost of self-contradiction cuts away the life we thought to become.

Jul 3, 2022 1:13 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

They are targeting whites and Christians

That’s a huge amount of targets seeing as white christians are by far the majority in the armed asylum known as the USA… the cognitive dissonance must be strong as the ones apparently doing the targetting are also overwhelmingly white. (yes, Ashkenazis are obviously, visibly, white caucasians despite their ridiculous claims of being “semitic”).

In short : this statement is the worse, most absurd of “conspiracy theories”, created and used by the NWO to discredit everyone against it.

Jul 3, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Parody account. Funny but fake.