“I’m done with the Left-Right divide – Now it’s humans vs the robotic corporate state!”

Keith McHenry of Food Not Bombs is interviewed by Paul Cudenec

via WinterOak

Paul Cudenec: Thanks very much for agreeing to this exchange, Keith. It is very encouraging to know that in this age of near-universal deceit and hypocrisy, there are still individuals out there who stand true to their values. First of all, I gather you have a proud family history of fighting for freedom, going back to the American struggle for independence from Britain?

Keith McHenry: Thanks Paul, at this point there is nothing more important than resisting this rush to the totalitarian police state. Our liberty, humanity and connection to the natural world is a stake and we don’t have much time to stop this catastrophe.

Events grow more dire every day so, by the time people read this, the devastation of war, censorship, famine and digital slavery may be so severe many in our audience are likely to feel hopeless, but hang in there! This could be a transformation even larger than that of the American Revolution.

Yes, the first member of my family to arrive in North America was a young James McHenry who stepped onto the docks at Philadelphia in 1773. I grew up knowing that he had been on George Washington’s staff during the war. Family history claims a 20 year old James was recruited into the uprising by Dr Benjamin Rush when James was his medical student.

James was tasked with starting a field hospital in Cambridge Port in preparation for what became know as the “Battle of Bunker Hill” and met George Washington there. Dr James McHenry was at the surrender of British general Cornwall at Yorktown, participated in the Continental Congress signing the US Constitution as a delegate of Maryland, was Secretary of War under Washington and Adams.

There is a fort in Baltimore Harbor named after him where the text of the US National anthem about bombs “bursting in air” was written by Francis Scott Key during the British bombardment during our war of 1812.

Washington wrote of my ancestor at the low point in the revolution during the winter at Valley Forge: “McHenry’s easy and cheerful temper was able to bear the strain which we suppose must sometimes occur between two persons thrown so closely and so constantly together in a position of social equality and military inequality.”

Those who know me may say I also have a cheerful temper.

On the other hand I had a grandfather who dedicated his life to defending corporate power. My mother’s father volunteered to join the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor of the US-CIA. He directed the globe’s most deadly bombing campaign, burning as many a million civilians to death in Tokyo in Operation Meeting House.

When I was a child I watched him argue over the phone with his military friends Robert McNamara and Curtis LeMay demanding they drop the nuclear bomb on Hanoi as he swaggered around his office surrounded by photos of his raids on the Japanese city.

These two relatives helped shape my belief that I need to dedicate my life to ending corporate power and at the same time showed me that a mortal like me I could have an impact on the direction of society.

PC: It took me quite a while, as a young man, to find my way to anarchism, but I understand you got there at a very early age! How did that happen?

KM: My first step in my evolution to adopting the ideas of anarchism really started in the ancient Hopi village of Old Oribi in what is now Arizona. My father’s father had lived with the Hopis during the Great Depression, becoming friends with the elders of the 2,000 year old stone pueblo.

I was witness to the Snake Dance where young men held rattlesnakes in their mouths as the community watched from the roof tops above the dusty plaza. Large drums roared at one end. At the end of the dance, the boys who had just become men handed food to their audience who, like me and my family, were perched on the mudded roofs of the rock homes surrounding the dance floor. This was before electricity had arrived in these majestic lands.

“I was witness to a vast wilderness free of the modern contraptions of murder and sterility”

My family also sat on the rim of Glenn Canyon and watched the cement trucks hugging the far wall descending to the mighty rapids to dump their loads into the foundation of a dam on the Colorado River that would, once it was completed, flood hundreds of Anasazi cliff dwellings, beautiful rock ruins I would be one of the last people to see. I was five and six when I stood on the edge of Second Mesa at Walpi hundreds of feet above the burial grounds.

The spirits of those whose centuries of graves lay below bathed me in a warm golden wind of eternity, flooding my essence with a feeling that I would always be one with the cosmos. I was witness to a vast wilderness free of the modern contraptions of murder and sterility. That feeling has never left me.

A few years later when my father was a ranger stationed at Shenandoah National Park in Virginia he gave me a copy of “Walden” by Henry David Thoreau. I had just learned to read so I started with the shorter essay in the back of the paperback called “On Civil Disobedience” and that snippet of inspiring text, “I heartily accept the motto, ‘That government is best which governs least’; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically” changed me.

I read that life-changing text when I was in the fifth grade. The Vietnam War was raging. Like many American families we ate dinner while watching the chilling images of the bloody conflict in Southeast Asia with those body count numbers on the evening news. My mother’s brother who I adored was eager to join in the tragedy as a paratrooper. He was spared that horror because he contracted hepatitis in basic training and was hospitalized. The failure to live and die in the jungles as a hero doomed him to a life of self-hate.

Another relative was stationed at the national morgue and gave our family a drive through the Dover Airbase where I was witness to the huge stacks of shiny tin coffins that marched along the tarmac like rows of city blocks. Block after block of caskets waiting to receive the bodies of America’s dead youth.

I lived in the racially segregated town of Luray, Virginia at a time when “colored only” and “whites only” signs were sold at the local Five and Ten shop on Main Street. The murder of Martin Luther King Jr and the riots that followed was another influence that made Thoreau’s night in jail as a tax resister have relevance.

Our family happened to head out on a vacation from our home, passing a burning Washington DC and Baltimore and a journey through the black neighborhood of Philadelphia under military occupation. Tanks, gatling guns and helmeted soldiers armed with M-16s and angry german shepherds made an impression. Smoke from the uprising filled our hotel room that evening.

So when I read Thoreau’s argument in his lecture “On Civil Disobedience”, explaining that he had refused to pay his poll tax because he would not contribute to the funding of the Mexican war and a slave state, I saw the similarities to my own time and adopted core aspects of his philosophy.

When I was 14 years old I took my first job cleaning an art gallery. I recall being so happy that I had joined the fellowship of working Americans as I sat on a step of the building across the street eating my first lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That was also the moment I vowed to never pay for war and started my journey as a tax resister and free person untethered to the state.

I was also determined to create my own version of Thoreau’s Concord of seekers. Food Not Bombs became my global Concord. I would cast off the use of my Social Security number after my first arrest when I was 18 years old and lived free from the clutches of the State.

PC: Could you say a little bit about Food for Bombs, how that came about and what it aimed, and indeed aims, to do?

KM: Food Not Bombs is a global all-volunteer movement that protests war and poverty by taking direct action. Our people share the gift of food with anyone, without restrictions, while reclaiming the public commons. We are independent of state and corporate power. Our activists recover food that can’t be sold from groceries, bakeries, farms and distributors, prepare vegan or vegetarian meals that are shared on the streets behind the banner of Food Not Bombs.

Our main goal besides meeting the needs of the poor is to influence the public to take action to force the state to redirect our resources from the military to provide access to healthy food, safe housing, education and healthcare. We are a classroom that practices the philosophy of anarchism without the dogma of the fashion anarchist.

The first collective came together at an anti-nuclear action in New Hampshire, “The May 24, 1980 Occupation Attempt of Seabrook Nuclear Power Station.” A friend, Brian Feigenbaum, was arrested at the protest and we were able to secure his bail from someone with means. On the way home we agreed to hold bake sales to pay the contributor back. That turned out to be a slow way to raise money.

We also had a moving company called Smooth Move and one family we were helping was tossing out a copy of the poster “It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need, and our air force has to have a bake-sale to buy a bomber”.

This gave us the idea to buy surplus military uniforms, set up our poster at our bake sale and tell those walking by that we needed help buying a bomber. This got the attention of pedestrians who otherwise would have rushed past, giving us the opportunity to speak to them about the threat of nuclear war, poverty and hunger.

In 1979 and 80 I was a produce worker at a natural food grocery called Bread and Circus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I took the produce that was wilted or bruised and could not be sold to several families living in public housing on Portland Avenue. One day one of the mothers pointed out the construction of the new glass building across the street from their crumbling housing, noting that it was about to be completed and that scientists who would be designing nuclear missiles would be moving in. This gave me the idea for the name Food Not Bombs.

The street theater of our bake sale was so effective at engaging people who walked past in conversation that we adopted the street theater ideas of the Living Theater. We also started a campaign against the banks who financed and would profit from the construction of the Seabrook Nuclear Station.

The First National Bank of Boston was our main target and when we learned that their stockholders meeting would be held on March 26, 1981, at the Federal Reserve Bank we decided to protest by setting up a soup line on the Atlantic Avenue sidewalk outside the towering facility. We asked our friends to join us at a “soup line” dressed as Depression Era hobos with the intention of giving a visual example of the future we would face if we failed to stop the policies of Ronald Reagan, the nuclear industry and banks.

The night before the action we realized we had not recruited enough people to look like a soup line so I went to the last surviving homeless shelter from the days of the Great Depression. I spoke with those sitting around the bleak tile room of the Pine Street Inn about the protest. Some recalled their participation in the protests against the Vietnam War and expressed excitement at attending.

The next day nearly everyone I had spoke with joined us. Pedestrians rushing past said they were surprised to see a soup line just a month after Reagan had become president. The guys from the shelter told us there was no food for the homeless in Boston and suggested we set up every day. That evening we agreed to do just that.

I started a second group in San Francisco in 1988. The police made 94 arrests of our volunteers for sharing food without a permit that summer. I would learn some 35 years later that the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force had sent a memo to the San Francisco Field Office about the August 22 arrests, claiming Food Not Bombs was “a credible national security threat”.

The arrests sparked interest in other cities so I took my notes on how I started the San Francisco group and made a flyer, “Seven Steps to Starting a Local Food Not Bombs Group” and mailed it to those who wanted to start a chapter in solidarity.

During the next few years the city would make a total of 1,000 arrests and with each wave of repression more people would respond by starting their own local group. I also made a point of letting people know they could use the carrot and fist logo and any other Food Not Bombs images or texts without restriction.

I was arrested 94 times between 1988 and 1994 and was framed on three violent or serious felonies and faced 25 years to life in prison, spending a total of 500 days in jail. Volunteers were beaten by the police and our food was seized and tossed out. We organized a system to reduce the loss of meals using decoy buckets with tiny amounts of food.

These arrests in San Francisco, followed by arrests in Florida, inspired the formation of more chapters. Today there are at least 1,000 groups in over 65 countries. We provided the food aid to the survivors of Hurricane Katrina and hundreds of our volunteers helped with Hurricane Sandy. Our volunteers also provided food and material relief after super Typhoon Yolanda smashed the Visayas region of Philippines.

Food Not Bombs has also provided food and logistical support for direct actions to defend the environment, indigenous sovereignty, strikes, anti-war actions, Occupy and many other anti-globalization protests including the WTO blockades in Seattle in 1999 and Cancun.

“We need to take action against the ‘Build Back Better’ stakeholder capitalism policies of the WEF, the WHO and other global corporate institutions”

Maybe the most impressive action we inspired was the uprising against the corrupt government of Iceland that resulted in the collapse of the political leadership and the jailing of several bankers. It is clear to me that Food Not Bombs must step up our organizing efforts as the planned economic calamity of 2022 will make the 2007 financial crisis seem minor by comparison.

Our four decades of organizing against international economic policies takes us to the point where we are today, where we need to take action against the “Build Back Better” stakeholder capitalism policies of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and other global corporate institutions.

There is a continuity in our founding resistance to corporate plunder and its ravages of poverty and war outside the Federal Reserve Bank in Boston and our resistance to the trans-humanist totalitarian technocratic globalist policies threatening our humanity and Earth today.

PC: What projects were you involved in at the start of 2020 and what was your initial reaction to the Covid moment?

KM: I had just returned from three weeks in Guatemala where I had been writing a book about my life when news came that a deadly pandemic was about to sweep the country. I had intended to continue writing and help with the preparation and sharing of our weekend meals but that changed four days after my arrival in Santa Cruz, California.

When we learned that the indoor meal programs for the homeless and poor had been ordered to close on March 14, my local Food Not Bombs group agreed to fill that void. If we didn’t start sharing food and water with the unhoused community, hundreds of our friends would go hungry and suffer from a lack of drinking water.

That morning we met to formulate a plan on how to share meals safely under the reported conditions. We moved our weekend meal to the Clock Tower, a public plaza across the street from where we shared our normal weekend meal because about 20 people were camping up against the fence that protects the Post Office from the homeless. We didn’t think it was wise to have a line of over 100 people standing so close to people and their tents.

Like many other people in our group, I had the impression the crisis would last a month or so and the other food programs would reopen. That was at a time when the authorities were claiming we needed “two weeks of quarantine to flatten the curve”. So we set up a daily meal, our DIY hand washing station and a distribution of survival gear in solidarity with our local homeless organization, calling our project the Santa Cruz Homeless Union COVID-19 Relief Center and Food Not Bombs meal.

I remember being impressed to hear that many of my unhoused friends found that the lockdown was liberating. Everyone, housed and unhoused, was united in this chaos.

Many people who lived in the streets told me on day one that they thought the whole fear story was a scam and nearly every unhoused person who I spoke with claimed that their rough life would make them immune from any plague. None of my homeless friends worried about getting COVID. The only concern they had was being able to get drinking water and something to eat.

It seems crazy now but in the first weeks of the pandemic we had an aggressive policy of wiping down our tables and our delivery van with bleached water. We wrapped caution tape looped through large yellow Trader Joes grocery lugs that we placed around our serving tables to add distance between the servers and the people coming to eat.

A week later we spray-painted white dashes in six-foot intervals for social distancing along the sidewalk leading to the serving area. The police claimed the virus could be passed from person to person if we continued the practice of letting people rummage through our clothes donations and, to avoid being shut down, we had volunteers hold each item up so our friends could decide if it was something they would need.

That same week the City erected homeless triage centers in downtown parking lots that were nothing more than chain-linked cages with a couple of portable toilets. The mayor of the city stopped at our meal and asked us to move to a location where we could help them lure the unhoused into their cages.

I refused. I wouldn’t let them use the trust we have with the unhoused to intern those who live outside.

They abandoned their program a couple days later after they realized the unhoused were not interested in cooperating. The governor of the state announced that the government would provide millions to buy or rent hotels for the homeless to quarantine but our city and county refused to take them up on the offer, even though we are a tourist town and the hotels were nearly empty.

Our city leaders have been vocal about the unhoused being less than human and not worthy of help, which was at the core of their refusal to move everyone inside.

I remember thinking this could be the beginning of an economic collapse and that we needed to prepare. It looks like I wasn’t far off the mark. Our Food Not Bombs chapter ordered a truck load of dried goods from Second Harvest Food Bank. Twenty or more pallets of rice, beans and can goods were unloaded outside the kitchen we were renting at the time.

But the county government took over the facility to shelter a couple dozen unhoused people in pup tents lined across the auditorium above the kitchen. We had to find a new place to cool and moved our pallets of food to a closed restaurant and a 20-foot refrigerated shipping container we had secured a year before with a grant from the food bank.

My girlfriend Kathleen was a social worker at two local hospitals. Patients said to have COVID were wheeled down the hallways under plastic tents on their way to a COVID floor. The first days had a feel of a dystopian science fiction movie. Radio and TV programs blasted out doom. They screamed that we could all die if we didn’t obey.

Nonstop fear.

Homeless triage cages, images of body-bagged people being wheeled to refrigerated trucks, health officials standing with Trump announcing emergency measures. We all witnessed the media madness. This was my first tip that there was another agenda other than public health.

It is no wonder those locked into their homes lost the plot. If you didn’t venture outside you would think, from the constant terror on the media, that the streets were littered with the dead.

I had just sold my permaculture farm in New Mexico and was given a financial award by a group to honor my dedication to promoting a vegan lifestyle, so I had a bit of money for the first time in my life.

In an attempt to build pressure to provide dignified accommodation to those forced to live in the streets, I paid for eighty beds and announced I would be providing hotel vouchers at 6:00 pm that evening. Over 100 people arrived and the crush of desperate people seeking for a chance of a night in a bed and a hot shower was heartbreaking.

The chief of police declared it a violation of COVID gathering restrictions, telling the media that we were holding an illegal rally rather than providing a chance to sleep in a hotel for the evening. I was able to pay for two more nights for 180 people and the local shelter asked me to put up half their people on the fourth night. I was investigated by the police for handing out counterfeit hotel vouchers but they never took me to court.

The county government was offered millions to provide hotel rooms but at the height they placed less then 150 of the over 2,000 people who lived outside in their empty motels. This was a sign that they did not value the unhoused as fully human. In the early months of the crisis there were more than 2,000 unused hotel beds in Santa Cruz since tourism was over for the near term.

During the first months of the lockdowns, the streets of Santa Cruz were empty of vehicles. If I happened to pass another motorist I would wave and they would nearly always respond with a nod or gesture of their own. The public restrooms were closed and drinking water was scarce. The only people walking the streets were those who lived outside.

The largest challenge was calming the violence and acting-out of those who were already suffering from mental health issues. The tension was intense in those early days and those people who were already having emotional difficulties really freaked out, making the sharing of our meals otherworldly. Lots of yelling and fights. There were times when I had to step in and keep people from beating someone to death. But we didn’t stop and have been out on the streets sharing food and water with our community for nearly 900 days in a row now. Services that the governments are refusing to provide.

Since we were the only group making sure those who lived outside had food, the public was generous and we were able to buy two more 20-foot shipping containers which we have stocked to the roof with dry goods. We also bought a water filtering system to clean the river water if the electricity failed, which is a real possibility here in the world’s fifth largest economy of California. We also prepared to cook outside in the event that gas is cut off, stockpiling propane tanks and stoves.

There was a massive forest fire that forced hundreds of people from their homes. A thick red smoke blotted out the sun for days. Fire evacuees came to us not only for food but to replace their lost clothing. We also have been giving out cheap pup tents to those who have just moved to the streets or had their vehicle or tent confiscated by the city.

We defied the fear with our introduction of a free solar-powered concert at our meals during each holiday. People danced to the live music and enjoyed each others’ company. While most people were isolated in their homes receiving food from delivery services while glued to their computer screens, our poor and homeless friends were free. In the first two years only two of my unhoused friends reported contacting COVID.

Crystal worked nights at a shelter and she felt ill for two days. Dream Catcher slept at the shelter and was sick for a week. Everyone else I met who said that they had caught the dreaded disease lived inside and did as they were instructed. They had cowered before their TVs and computers and resisted the temptation to interact with other humans.

We frustrated the authorities with our gatherings but there was little they could do. The jails were full and when they did arrest our friends the police released them as soon as they arrived outside the jail gate. The courts were closed for nearly a year so we ignored our charges and went on with our lives. I remember one of our homeless volunteers was ticketed for violating the quarantine. His citation was for $1,000 and his address was marked as “transient.” He ignored it, other than to show it around to highlight the insanity of our times.

We were free. We weren’t afraid.

The Homeless Persons Healthcare Project has been aggressively injecting people, offering the unhoused $50 gift cards. It has only been in the past few weeks now that my homeless friends have started to report that they are very ill with COVID. All of those I meet who now have COVID have been injected. None of my unvaccinated friends have been ill with COVID in over a year now.

PC: So all this changed your overall understanding of the situation? How would you now describe what has been happening over the last couple of years?

KM: In the first weeks of the pandemic I feared for the worst. I recall posting negative comments about those who questioned the official narrative at first but the fear narrative around COVID was being pushed nonstop in the media, suggesting there was more to this than public health. I was also witnessing that no one I knew who, according to the screaming media should be dying, was ill.

Each day I saw that the only impact was closed stores, empty streets and shuttered food programs increased my belief that the pandemic was not as severe as advertised.

“Since I have been the direct target of covert disruption by state intelligence agencies for the past four decades I am naturally suspicious of official narratives”

When Trump announced the Operation Warp Speed, that got my attention. A military program coordinated with some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world suggested there was more to this drama than concern for public health. The endless announcements that each program was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation didn’t add to my confidence that this hysteria was based in reality

I had spent the past two decades organizing against the Gates of the world and the patenting of his GMO seeds with groups like the Organic Consumer Association.

Since I have been the direct target of covert disruption by state intelligence agencies for the past four decades I am naturally suspicious of official narratives. The media lied us into war after war so this had the same feeling as the WMD of Iraq, the babies taken from Kuwaiti incubators, the Gulf of Tonkin incident and other disinformation campaigns of the past.

It wasn’t long after that that one of my closest friends, Dr. Shannon Murray, came to Santa Cruz to visit Kathleen and me. She was on her way to start a new life since her employment as a scientist had vanished. She is a virologist and an expert on gain-of-function research.

I knew her when she was helping develop the Moderna vaccine at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. She feared there could be major health problems from the vaccines since the first human trials had not yet taken place and more study was needed before they could be considered safe. She shared that the animal trials had not been promising, killing nearly 80% of the vaccinated animals who were exposed to SARS-CoV-1.

She also expressed concern that research in these vaccines had abruptly become a secret military program, sharing that her access to data had suddenly gone dark in January.

At that time she was still using an alias, as did her coworkers, so they could share their concerns without fear of being banned from their life’s work or murdered like former Merck Pharmaceutical sales executive Brandy Vaughan, who was killed just as the pandemic was being announced. Like some of those she worked with at the NIH, Shannon refused to get the COVID jab and encouraged us to refuse as well.

As I said, my girlfriend Kathleen worked at a local hospital with a COVID wing. As the days passed she failed to see the deaths suggested by the news. Sure, many elderly people filled the section but few succumbed to the virus.

Once the vaccine program began she would return home to share one story after another of the stroke and heart attack patients who had just received their first jab. Those injected were fast becoming the people who filled the ICU unit. They were the ones leaving in the body bags.

Sharing food every day outside also made it clear that the official story was false. Every day a hundred or more people would gather together to eat. No one said they had contracted COVID or shared that they had the symptoms. The deaths of our friends came at the end of a needle of fentanyl-laced heroin and meth or from the brutality of a life lived unprotected from the elements.

“It seemed every leftist friend had retreated to their apartments in fear of dying”

When I saw people the media called anti-vaxxers armed with AR-15s waving confederate and Trump flags at protests against the lockdowns I was horrified. There is no way I would ever join people like the Proud Boys and Trump supporters in demonstrations against COVID policies.

The questioning of Dr Fauci was framed as a position taken only by racist gun-toting Trump supporters, effectively driving my friends in the left into the arms of the military and big Pharma. It seemed every leftist friend had retreated to their apartments in fear of dying.

I had the impression I was one of only a couple of progressive activists that thought something wasn’t right. I would slowly learn that several other left friends also shared my perspective. I connected Shannon with an old journalist friend, Sam Hussini, who had been writing on gain-of-function research and bio-warfare programs at places like the Fort Detrick Biological Warfare Laboratories.

I learned that another colleague of mine, the director of the Organic Consumers Association, Ronnie Cummings, and my associate Vandana Shiva were also expressing concerns that mirrored our work together against Monsanto.

So even though I remained publicly silent, worried my opinion could cause harm to the Food Not Bombs movement, I started to feel less alone. This was the era where, in desperation, I started to post cryptic messages about understanding how people like the artists Käthe Kollwitz must have felt as everyone she knew seemed to have signed on to the National Socialist agenda during the march towards World War Two. I did get some confused comments.

When my dear friend in her 40s messaged me from Australia that she almost died from myocarditis I could not be silent any more. That was the last straw and I became a vocal opponent of the jabs.

I first wrote a letter on this subject when I received an invitation to attend a meeting forming a new progressive alliance. To participate you had to provide proof of a vaccination or a negative COVID test. I wrote to invite the progressive community to stand in solidarity with the working class by refusing to meet in facilities that demand proof of participation in the vaccine experiments.

Nearly every “essential worker” I depended on for auto repair, printing and other supplies shared my perspective on the COVID clampdown. The left I had known stood for workers’ rights during the first four decades of my life, but that had changed. We had become tin foil hat deplorables even though those smearing our position depended on us to provide their needs.

Before the invitation to this meeting asking me to help start a new progressive group, I had shrugged off the proof of vaccine requirements. I ignored the proof of vaccination requirement for attendance to the American Civil Liberties Union awards ceremony since I couldn’t go anyway because I had to cook that day.

I later learned that the outdoor venue for the meeting did not require this proof, nor did the Simpkins Family Center where the progressive alliance was intending to meet. My allies were the ones implementing this policy. Allies I know had been sitting at their computers during the entire pandemic and rarely went outside to see reality.

One of the organizers kept trying to get me to be “an example for the community” by getting “vaccinated”. I patiently explained the reasons I would never subject myself to the poison but he continued to pressure me.

I also had friends that were eager for me to attend the opening of the documentary “Foodie for the People” that had a section that featured me and the work of Food Not Bombs. The filmmaker was excited to tell me that he used a clip from his interview with me to promote the film.

The announcement for the film required proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test. But I also learned that Del Mar Theater, where the movie was being shown, didn’t require proof of vaccination or a negative test yet those showing the movie had made it a requirement.

The final insult was the day I went to my favorite activist cafe and was told I could not enter unless I could show proof of vaccination. That was it. I had been outside nearly all day, every day of the pandemic. I never spent a second inside being quarantined. I could see the reality of the pandemic with my own eyes. I couldn’t remain silent any longer.

I wrote an essay, “Looking at COVID as a Progressive” that I posted online and emailed it to the community. That broke things open. By the end of the week I started to get emails and calls of relief from friends who had been silent, believing they too were alone in feeling that the pandemic restrictions were part of a power grab.

One of the most discouraging aspects of the psychological operation was to see posts by Food Not Bombs groups promoting the vaccines and masks. One New York chapter shared an announcement that people could come to our meal and get vaccinated under the headline SAFE – EFFECTIVE – FREE.

Another chapter posted an announcement to an outdoor protest in late June 2022 with a large type demand to “Wear Masks”. To see the movement I helped start actively support a totalitarian corporate agenda has been heart-breaking.

PC: Are there now many others in your circles who share your dissident take?

KM: Thankfully several of my close housed as well as unhoused friends are on the same page. As I pointed out before, my many of my homeless friends didn’t fall for the fear campaign right out of the gate.

I was heartened when I watched The Convo Couch podcast early in the crisis and heard Pasta and Fiorella express the same bewilderment at our friends and allies pushing the agenda of those we had spent years organizing against. Glory and Steve at the Slow News Day also expressed amazement at the way in which those who once stood with us in the issues of workers’ rights, resistance to mega corporations and the military had become vocal defenders of those threatening our freedoms. After I posted “Looking at COVID as a Progressive” my circle doubled.

PC: Two things surprised me about the reaction of the rump of the left, including anarchists, to Covid. The first was the position they took, completely accepting the official line and supporting masks, lockdowns, social distancing and injections. The second was the way that this was not just an opinion, but an article of faith which had overnight somehow become ideologically essential.

If you questioned government, opposed Big Pharma, exposed the links between the two or stood up for individual freedom, you were suddenly considered “right-wing”! The vitriol and vehemence with which I was attacked really shocked me. Did you experience anything like that?

KM: I have often been called a Trumper or right wing by my anarchist and other left friends during this insanity. People are not so bold any more but for the first two years people said they were shocked that I had become a far right Republican Trump follower since I had been known as an anti-war leftist.

I think the fact that I have been out on the streets for nearly 900 days, sharing food when the state provided nearly no support at all for the unhoused, has made it difficult for local people to express this opinion openly to me. I am also seeing less of these direct attacks on social media now.

I find it interesting that my allies in the anti-globalization and peace movements do not see a connection between our protests against the Weapons of Mass Destruction lies before the Iraq war, GMOs, a woman’s right to choose abortion and big Pharma but now are public about supporting forced vaccination, censorship, and the war in Ukraine.

PC: I have spent a lot of time trying to work out exactly why the left/anarchist scene collapsed so dramatically as a force for resistance in the Spring of 2020. Do you have any thoughts on this?

KM: Based on my having survived four decades of state and corporate intelligence agency disruption, I believe I have an educated guess. It looked like there was an effective strategy linking covertly controlled far right groups waving Trump and Confederate flags and AR-15s with opposition to the COVID policies.

I know I didn’t witness any other left anarchists denouncing the policies in the first months so like many others who may have shared my perspective I thought I was alone.

The headlines of most corporate media blasted stories like “Coronavirus: Armed protesters enter Michigan statehouse” with the media showing footage of protesters outside state houses chanting “Let us in!”, “Let us work” and “This is the people’s house, you cannot lock us out”.

Before COVID, unarmed leftists would have been the ones chanting these slogans but the images of Trump-supporting, gun-toting anti-lockdown protesters helped shape the narrative. In the early days of the crisis, the Los Angeles Times had a story showing a Proud Boy Nazi with swastika tattoos stabbing a pedestrian during a lockdown protest.

But this is only one of the many aspects of the psychological operations that was effective. The use of media to repeatedly claim isolation, masking, social distancing and shots were all about protecting the community and for the greater good of all, fed into some of the core beliefs of the left. No self-respecting leftists wants to be accused of being selfish.

The left also did not want to be anti-science and since all alternative ideas were censored or attributed to tin foil hat Qanon Trumpers it became a badge of honor to smugly sneer at those ignorant hillbilly deplorables.

I also think that those in power were clever and their foundations started to fund a loyal opposition with haste when the Democratic Party chose Biden as the leader of the regime. One of the first reports on the popular left program Democracy Now! featured Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance claiming a bat virus in a Wuhan wet market was the likely source of the Pandemic.

My friend, investigative journalist Sam Husseini, was never asked to refute Daszak’s claim even though Sam had several articles published in April 2020, on the history of gain-of-function releases at American-funded bio-weapons laboratories, a dramatic subject that would have interested Amy Goodman before the crisis.

The host Amy Goodman breathlessly reported on the refrigerator trucks outside New York City hospitals. She was all in on the official COVID narrative and that has had a major influence on the American left.

“The funding of the non-profit industrial complex is often a means of controlling dissent in the United States”

Foundations have helped to coopt as many left organizations as possible. Most of our allies accepted their support, surrounding the left with community groups who danced to the tune of Gates, Soros and other philanthropists. The funding of the non-profit industrial complex is often a means of controlling dissent in the United States.

The messaging was unified and total. It was intimidating. My early posts of “I always support secret military programs and Big Pharma”, in my ironic response to social media demands to comply with the totalitarian program, were either mocked or commented on with confusion.

Reminding activists of our struggle against the World Trade Organization and its direct line to the proponents of a digital slavery of vaccine passports, and other programs of globalist associations like the World Economic Forum and The World Trade Organization, seems to have evaporated with the fear of COVID and the potential of being mocked for not going along with the crowd.

PC: How do you see the relationship now between the likes of you and me and those we previously called our comrades? Have the division lines softened at all over recent months, as you maybe hinted, or are we looking at a decisive rupture, do you think?

KM: It could take many years for a large portion of our allies to join the struggle even as they are forced to participate in an ever-increasing digital slavery. The impact of Mass Formation has been effective. But there is some hope. I often attend a Freedom gathering on Sunday afternoons and of the 30 or 40 people who participate at least half are left activists and the other half are Republicans.

I am witnessing a shift where people on the left are now silent about anything to do with COVID and are starting to focus on the economic collapse and the dire conditions we face. Many are even starting to become quiet about their worship of Zelensky now that a Ukrainian victory is less certain. They are not ready yet though to connect the COVID program and war to the march towards the Great Reset.

As events spin out or control, it is possible there will be some unity around some aspects of the Great Reset if it is presented as an attack by global capital, but the mask/vaccine area of this program may be impossible for our friends to see and they may continue to support things like censorship, digital passports and mandates.

It seems that even as my fully vaccinated friends keep getting COVID or die of strokes and heart attacks, they are so wedded to the narrative that they are not able break out of the trance.

PC: How should we go forward from here? How can we best build new alliances of resistance without compromising our core values which, for me at least, remain exactly the same as they were before Covid?

KM: This is a tough question in light of the global chaos and successful divide and conquer strategy of capitalism. One path is to build local systems of mutual aid so we can survive. The war on thought is unrelenting. Building local communities that support one another emotionally and with the necessities of life may be our only alternative.

Food Not Bombs history may provide some guidance. We have intentionally formed a non-hierarchical decentralized system of organizations that seeks to address the needs of the community. Housing with Homes Not Jails, transportation with Bikes Not Bombs, Food Not Lawns, Free Radio, Composting, and of course the food of Food Not Bombs.

The other key idea one could take from 42 years of Food Not Bombs is a joyous welcoming atmosphere that encourages dialog by providing literature, music and theater with the necessities of survival gear and a hot meal. Evading the violence of the state may be difficult and strategies of self defense need to evolve.

On the points connected to the fear of COVID, many of our former allies may be lost to us for decades to come but on the issue of digital slavery, police repression and the economic collapse we may have some unity.

As difficult as it can be, I make a point of being understanding of those who worship the COVID narrative, always make sure they know I am unvaccinated and move my conversations towards our shared history of resisting the corporate exploitation and the economic slavery of the global institutions.

“As free thinkers we can encourage a great transformation of the human spirit where we find solutions outside the left-right paradigm”

The latest preplanned trauma in the United States is centered around the divisive issues of guns and abortion. There is, however, an intersection around privacy and personal autonomy with those who are pro-choice on the issue of abortion and those who want the freedom to refuse the jabs.

There should be unity with the principle that censorship is never justified, but so far anarchist are still on the “silencing uncomfortable ideas” train. And there must be universal agreement between the left and right for the need to end war in Ukraine and an urgent demand to ban all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.

As free thinkers we can encourage a great transformation of the human spirit where we find solutions outside the left-right paradigm. That discussion and search must continue in earnest. I am done with the left-right divide. It’s now the humans versus the deadly robotic corporate state.

My message in my 1992 book “Food Not Bombs, How to feed the hungry and build community” was to organize against the death culture of state and corporate power. That remains my perspective today, only now this fight must find a solution and fast.

We need to form a strategy that is difficult for the intelligence agencies to disrupt, builds solidarity and threatens the power elite while nurturing a thriving community. The anarchist theories of decentralized local autonomous social structures I believe are key to survival. Total noncooperation with the system while operating survival projects independent from state and corporate institutions is the path I am taking.

We are nearing a point where the goal may be having food and shelter while avoiding being interned or killed by those loyal to the Build Back Better stakeholder capitalists. As I respond to your questions, I worry these comments won’t reach the public before the first nuclear weapon is launched or we are captured and removed from society for our thought crimes.

Follow Keith McHenry on Twitter via @keith_mchenry


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Jul 11, 2022 2:57 PM

Vegan and Vegetarian? Also the fear of nukes? C’mon man! Get real.

Jul 9, 2022 1:05 PM


The Marxists deride Christianity. But they will never get into how it got started.
The Soviet’s watched the Yanks pull off the great moon landing hoax and didn’t say a thing.

Jul 9, 2022 11:04 AM

“I’m done with the Left-Right divide – Now it’s humans vs the robotic corporate state!”
Which is a right wing position.

Jul 10, 2022 12:59 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

as long as the “left” are running around cheering for the COVID-1984 fascist police state, they can go fuck themselves.

go get quadruple-vaxxed, you moronic assholes. see how it works out for you. I hope you choke to death on your own puke.

Jul 10, 2022 8:04 PM
Reply to  covidiot

FWIW, I’ve dubbed the retrograde “leftists” who succumbed to Trump Derangement Syndrome (at least in the US), and subsequently uncritically accepted the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic narrative, the “Left Behind”.

When confronted or challenged by paradigm-shift concepts such as the left/right divide becoming obsolete and/or increasingly irrelevant, the Left Behind contingent’s rebuttal was, unfailingly, the shrill, bumptious assertion that “That’s a ‘right-wing talking point’!

Jul 8, 2022 6:35 AM

The left is mostly why we are here. Socialists/fascist psychopaths.

Easily conned when given something for free.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2022 7:50 AM
Reply to  Hank

Easily conned when sold the Left/Right show in a world that has always been capitalist i.e. where “Left” aways marked compromise in a world that could never last with unrestrained capitalism.

Jul 7, 2022 10:15 PM

Our main goal besides meeting the needs of the poor is to influence the public to take action to force the state to redirect our resources from the military to provide access to healthy food, safe housing, education and healthcare.

If I remember correctly I went to a food not bombs event in the park once or twice. There was food there that was collected from whole foods and made into a meal. I met someone there and he let me stay in his house so it is true they help with safe housing. He gave me a copy of a book (from his substantial collection) called ecotopia so there was some education aswell. It is quite a good read or there is an audiobook. A 1975 book about a journalist on an asignment to visit the land of Ecotopia which had broken away from the US. Not sure I agree with all of the ideas but it was an influential book from the 70s. I liked the bit where he was healed by the ecotopian nurse.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 3:08 PM

Sorry to vent… Just had a run in with a so called leftist who not only claimed Offguardian was funded by Government donors to spread misinformation about convid, but insisted there was a real pandemic in the last 2.5 years, that all the covid restrictions and mask wearing were fully justified as a “minor inconvenience” and that those who complained about them were embarrassing and were acting like selfish babies, and that we should all “stop whining and grow up”. He said everything I told him in our brief exchange was not true. He wouldn’t even hear it and then started sending me articles from his blog. He’s a UK based blogger by the way and I think he may’ve commented here a few years ago. This is another perfect example of what Keith was saying about the “Left”.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 7, 2022 3:37 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Out here in the Barossa it’s too damn cold this year for anyone to bother

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 3:40 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

By this stage I simply can’t comprehend anyone who still gives any credence whatsoever to covid. Which leads me to ask who are the true tin foil hat wearers?

Jul 10, 2022 1:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I keep meaning to surprise them by wearing a tinfoil facemask (to protect myself from invisible space cooties, obviously). I should get on that.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 4:31 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

There is no ‘left’, there are just assets broadcasting a script that ultimately protects the status quo carefully placed across social internet media, influencers, and they confuse real dissidents, obscuring their time, and promote a narrative that’s concreted by an asset politician a few weeks/months/years later into law.

James Bond isnt a suave assassin, he’s a goon blue-haired youtubist, he’s a bumbling politician, he’s a news presenter, an influential pop-star or an a-list hollywood actor. And he writes the script of your reality.

Jul 10, 2022 1:09 AM
Reply to  William Sabre

There is no “left”, there are just assets broadcasting a script that ultimately protects the status quo

I think this is the inescapable conclusion from the COVID-1984 psyop. there is no “left”, they’re all ruling-class disinfo operatives, or the useful-idiot stooges thereof. apparently it’s a comfy job, if you can get it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 4:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Did you ask your bold revolutionary when the pandemic will be over? Or when we would even know it was over?

Alternatively you could ask him this: “If you think this is a real pandemic, ask yourself how many days has Tesco been closed this year?”

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No, I deleted the prick. He even said that alternative media sites like OffG took the anti covid narrative route solely as a kneejerk response to the mainstream media supporting the covid narrative. As with all people like this moron, the huge amount of suffering and despair this massive crime has caused were irrelevant. They didn’t matter at all. They were just a “minor inconvenience”.

Jul 10, 2022 1:12 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I console myself with the cheery thought that such persons will soon be dead, as a side effect of the Safe And Effective vaxx they’re so keen on shilling for. good fucking riddance to them.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 9, 2022 8:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Since Day 1 of COUPVID in March 2020, millions of healthy supermarket workers worldwide have offered clear undeniable daily proof that the “pandemic” is entirely fake.

Jul 7, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Vent away, that’s why many of us are here. Sometimes you just have to get the stupid out of your head as much as possible, and venting it does help. Willful stupidity is the hardest stupid to deal with though. Wonder what your idiot would say to the FACT that most of the people still “getting covid” are the “vaccinated?” That would REALLY piss him or her off, maybe you’d get to see that head of theirs finally explode? One can dream….

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Jul 8, 2022 12:50 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Quite so. All forms of this tyrannical and draconian covid restrictions were lifted in South Africa towards the end of June! Masking, social distancing, alcohol hand washing – the lot. All mandates scrapped, leaving companies with huge problems when past and present employees start court proceeding for either being forced to “vac’ or were forced to leave.

I and many other living in the rural Natal South Coast did not get ‘vaccinated’ not believing the ‘authorities’ one bit. Those who (in the main) who did get ‘vaxxed’ and double jabbed, were those who were told they would never be able to fly. As many of the community here are grandparents with children all over the globe, they reluctantly took the ‘jab’.

There were some that bought into the bull and still do, but we ignore them and they still insist on wearing a face-nappy that is a complete waste of effort and damaging to heath.

So I can attest to you statement that it’s the vaxxed now getting sick and the great unwashed who survived the scourge (myself getting flu twice) we reached herd immunity long ago. Some good doctors and heath professional gave us great advice and non I know needed oxygen. BTW, i have an enlarged heart and chronic high blood pressure.

Anyway, it’s good to be getting back to near normal! I hope the authorities also learnt from there disgrace behavior that we will not take anything for granted ever again and this time will not comply with anything they tell us.

Didn’t make it to 68 without learning a thing or two about those who wish to control you. Survived Apartheid, survived “covid” and will survive the bloody useless ANC. Yay, lights back on until 19:00!!!

Jul 7, 2022 1:03 PM

Bye bye Boris.
Hello next parasite.
Same shit.
Different day.

John Gabriel Otvos
John Gabriel Otvos
Jul 7, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  Johnny

We hope Brandon next door hits the nightlife soon too, along with the photo-op king north of the 49th here; i.e., Just-Inn-Thyme True-Dough…the jr.

Andrew O'Gorman
Andrew O'Gorman
Jul 8, 2022 12:51 PM

Castro Jr.

Jul 7, 2022 7:19 PM
Reply to  Johnny

You could bet your life-savings on it.
Nobody is left in Westminster who even remembers what a decent politician looks like.
Archive footage doesn’t quite cut it…

John Gabriel Otvos
John Gabriel Otvos
Jul 7, 2022 6:36 PM
Reply to  banana

Hey banana neutral gender. Who will do the work? Why we will have to.How? When I visited China in 2012, a decade ago, my guide lamented the lack of rural workers to fight the wild fires and harvest the crops. Depopulate the urban metropolises and repopulate the countryside. Cease flying in Caribean worker slaves to do all the work we lazy whites, refuse to. Pipe dream? How else is homo stew-pit-eee-oh going to circumvent the 6th mss extibction? hahaha

Jul 10, 2022 1:20 AM
Reply to  banana

that’s clearly intended as satire; maybe somebody figured that out.

Jul 7, 2022 12:25 PM

Covid clean up.

Boris Johnson to resign as Prime Minister. Mark Rutte (The Netherlands) follows suit.

Just remember Alternative media did a fantastic job selling the above to the so called open minded awake sheeple with Anti E.U rhetoric. Putting the Country first spill.
Agenda 21/30 policy’s sold as fighting the deep state.

Jul 8, 2022 6:45 AM
Reply to  jiin

No country has benefited from the EU. Only the elite. Printing money does not make the people happy for long.They are done.

EU/UN/CCP and the deep state are all in it together with the elites.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 11:42 AM

Just remember, whatever is happening in the news, politically, globally or locally, the first and foremost modus operandi is to scare, confuse and disorientate you. It’s why most laws are never practiced, most elite’s passing apocalyptic comments never materislise and most political threats are for effect only. It’s all a game and your soul is the prize. So, chill out, the mystery is alive.

les online
les online
Jul 7, 2022 11:10 AM

“Technology has been mistaken for science.”

“The confusion of technology with science is one of the confusions at the center of the problem.”… “Without digital covid could never have happened the way that it did.”…’“Covid-19″ would not have happened in 1969.”

Dr Sam Bailey has a long chat with Eric Coppolino:

Jacques Ellul on Technology (Paul Cudenec):

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Jul 7, 2022 10:10 AM

It’s unfortunate that people reacted to the conflation of Nuclear Power as in energy with the Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima nd Nagasaki.
Wars are created by Governments and ideologies whom they support.
What we have not learnt as humans is that NO GOVERNMENT can be trusted and that is they the “Party” system must be abandoned for directly elected individual representatives with direct recall for failing to honor the public trust of acting in their interest. The strictest limitations on power must be introduced and any proposed law and regulation affecting individual freedom of rights and choice must be by referendum, no matter how inconvenient. The adoption of regulatory power of minister of portfolios must be stopped as it is this subordinate law that has allowed abuse of power to occur and regulators have been found corruptible and cannot be trusted.

Jul 7, 2022 10:27 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Legislators are the most responsible, followed by judges.

Jul 7, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I reckon the media are right up there at the top.
The legislators and the judges just profit from the chaos.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 11:27 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

People have learnt, but the majority will always follow the consensus, mass corporate media is used to fabricate a consensus, so the majority follow it. It’s all a game.

Jul 7, 2022 1:16 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

The system you propose, as well as any system anyone can ever come up with, rests upon an unstable foundation: humanity.

We can vote in and recall every public official – and still be left with corruption. Until someone figures a way to “recall” the people, nothing will work.

Which is to say, as long as people are influenced by intangibles (such as the appearance or personality of public officials) – as long as elections remain essentially popularity polls – forget any notion of correcting past mistakes.

“By gosh, I like him!” has always been and will always remain the ultimate standard directing people’s choices in life. Yes, I may “like him” too; but by God I wouldn’t let him anywhere near a position of authority.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 7, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Hello Howard: I understand your skepticism regarding civil democracy and the public vote. Lawfulness established through 75% civil Referendum(s) are the only way to replace representative governance with civil Democracy. It is obvious that “Representative” government results in autocratic rule and rule via celebrity.

Sortition (selection by lot) clears the deck of celebrity jokers posing as politicians. These two methods of governance need serious consideration. Civil societies can no longer ignore “democratic” falsehoods.

Jul 7, 2022 1:56 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

You rightly state that;

The strictest limitations on power must be introduced and any proposed law and regulation affecting individual freedom of rights and choice must be by referendum, no matter how inconvenient. 

But, what do you suggests would be the most appropriate way and means to achieve that objective (limitations on power) prior to the tenuous problem of obtaining a referendum.

Petitioning the government doesn’t work unless it suits their interests (largely corporate) in some way or another. Writing to MPs is a complete waste of time as they don’t wish to ‘rock the boat’ and upset their career prospects etc, etc etc.

Who else can you appeal to other than the people -who are just waking up to the sheer scale of the fraud and corruption within the entire social system and the politico-legal-system in particular.

In such a situation the restoration of the common law and a common law court system is imperative backed and supported by the people who have woken up and are in positions where they can have some influence, and those who are on the way – failure is not an option.

John Gabriel Otvos
John Gabriel Otvos
Jul 7, 2022 8:05 PM
Reply to  -CO

Nothing short of a complete revolution in how homo stew-pit-eee-oh lives and carries on exchanges with the environment, others and themselves will suffice. In 2003, when 2M UK peeps massed in London against Blair’s joining Dubya in the bombardment of Iraq, if only they had just sat down and would not move, while others came to take their place. To the streets with non-violence and direct action.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 7, 2022 3:14 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Hello Sunface Jack: Selection of officials via Sortition (selection by lot) minimizes factionalism, since there would be no point making promises to win over key constituencies if one was to be chosen by lot…

Direct Democracy (rule via referendum) is the only Lawful method of public governance. Civilians need to understand these terms and rid the planet of all autocratic policy…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 8:18 AM

One matter that no-one should ever lose sight of is that “public opinion” as presented on the media is always a product of a tiny percentage of the population – namely “the celebrities”. This occurred to me as a read through Graham Linehan’s excellent substack on the Trans-mafia. It’s the celebs who are tying themselves in knots over what they can and cannot say – whether it’s the gender thing or the covid thing. The general public don’t give a fuck about trans because it’s an utterly artificial issue whipped up for the chattering classes. Likewise more and more of the general public know that covid is crap. And the “stars” continue to twist and turn and whip themselves over matters that the majority know to be bogus. 

Jul 8, 2022 6:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

All they have are a few psychopath leftist loonies.

Most people just want to raise a family, eat, play, watch sports go to the beach etc. They don’t give a crap about what the MSM think is important.

Hench their pathetic ratings.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 7:37 AM

Read this yesterday at Winter Oak, and as myself and others have stated here many times, the abject betrayal of the alleged socialist left, and their full embrace of the convid fascism, is something that has both appalled and disgusted me.
In Melbourne, there is an outfit called Socialist Alternative (made up mainly of Uni students and hipsters) not only demonising the “anti vaxxer far right” but being a cheer squad for Big Pharma, urging people to get jabbed, and actually staging counter demonstrations against those opposed to the harsh restrictions, lockdowns and the coming technocratic dictatorship.
I hear what Keith says about the real importance of building local communities for support because, as he alluded to, the planned economic collapse is coming. That train has now left the station. And going on what people like Catherine Austin Fitts and Melissa Cuimmei are saying, I don’t think its that far off, probably in the next 2 years.
And then the bastards will bring in their global digital currency which will be linked to your online digital identity. They have all this in the pipeline. They’re already working on the implementation of digital currencies. I’m also aware that things are going to get very tough and it will be a case of just trying to survive, especially for the unvaccinated and those who said no.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 7, 2022 10:04 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

We don’t have too many screechers like them in SA, but they still won’t report that the only people in hospital for so called covid went in for other things and had a positive RAT, no symptoms or disease required. the full break down of so called covid deaths show an median age of 85 with 3 average co morbidities and only 6% with no other disease – problem is the other 6% didn’t have the non existent virus either, they just died of fucking old age.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 12:30 PM

Most of the screechers seem to be in Melbourne and Sydney Marilyn. We know they have been reporting deaths by other causes as “convid deaths”. And we know that this purported virus has never been isolated or purified as per Koch’s Postulates. And we know that many freedom of information requests asking for proof of said virus came back with the answer “this information is not available at the present time” or very similar wording to that.
But for me, convid is past tense. We need to be a lot more focused on and worried about the technocratic nightmare they want to bring in like digital online identity, facial recognition scanning, CBDC digital currency and a social credit system.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 7, 2022 1:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Sometimes I am clairaudient, I can judge and feel things in the future without knowing why, must be the Aquarian thing. Anyway 20 years ago I realised that mobile phones were the biggest danger to privacy that anyone could ever have, I still won’t have one of the fucking things. There is no reason anyone has to know where I am 24/7 and what I am doing. A computer might be on but that does not mean I am here so the old digital footprint won’t work that well with me. I tend to do a lot of shopping in cash too.

Jul 7, 2022 10:32 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Blocking the Suez canal was too obvious. Keeping cargo ships waiting outside ports was also obvious, to a lesser extent. Now, they are working or consensus (among the ultra-wealthy) on which essentials to cut off first.

Jul 7, 2022 4:42 AM

Georgia Guidestones, which advocate limiting population to 1/2 billion, were blown up! Now that’s a statement!

Jul 7, 2022 5:07 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hope its symbolic of the new world order crumbling away.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 7, 2022 10:49 AM
Reply to  Kika

The NWO hasn’t even begun.

If anything, it is indicative of the rapid disintegration of this OWO, expedited by TPTB in preparation for The Great Reset.

There are going to be A LOT of unhappy bunnies.

GTFO of Dodge.

Jul 7, 2022 8:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I did watch the claimed explosion. The time on the video of the actual explosion was at 4.03.33, who would have guessed. They at having a giggle at your expense again.


Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 7, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It is a pity. Those who erected them (not TPTB) should have realised that those who didn’t understand them would get the wrong idea about them, and find them threatening.

The stones were intended to address a nascent civilisation of a few hundred thousand or million – in the distant future.

They are nothing to do with the winnowing currently underway (by TPTB).

Jul 7, 2022 2:30 PM

So you also know that TPTSB have definitely not eracted those guidestones. Is there something you don’t know? Are you that full of shit or are you a member of the psychopathic power cult – you do have plenty of traits in common? In both cases, sod off mate and go visit a shrink.

Jul 7, 2022 4:40 AM

Speaking of food– NETHERLANDS: Police now using tear gas, armoured vehicles against farmers and their tractors.

The discontent arose after the Government’s announcement to reduce emissions of polluting gases, such as nitrogen oxide and ammonia, by 50% by 2030. The regional governments have been given a one-year term to present the plans to achieve this goal, entailing cuts in farm animals.

CENSORSHIP of this story in France & in Spain.

Jul 7, 2022 7:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Ubiquitous Bill :”Bill Gates’ is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!”

Jul 8, 2022 6:55 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Are they really the police from Netherlands or from somewhere else. “Police” gotta eat too.

Jul 7, 2022 4:12 AM

The command to “organize against the death culture of state and corporate power,” lacks sufficient rationale. There has to be more than mere opposition ? IMO.

There is a difference between trouble making reactionaries, and game changing visionaries.

Jul 7, 2022 2:47 AM

This was a fun visit back to my 20’s…spent in Santa Cruz! I think the biggest point of this interview is recognizing the VERY FALSE dichotomy of right vs left. I have found this to be true in local politics(another county in CA) where people of opposing parties see eye-to-eye on local issues. If we can somehow get past THEIR false created opposition and get down to simple terms, we all can live better…together!

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 7, 2022 2:46 AM
New Name
New Name
Jul 7, 2022 5:31 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

We shouldn’t forget our heroes. Sadly there are not many of them.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 7, 2022 8:40 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

it’s been 404’d

Jul 7, 2022 2:04 AM

Good news- the Georgia Guidestones just went down.
Bad news- the cabal might have done it.


Jul 7, 2022 3:15 AM
Reply to  CK_

Why is that good news to anyone other than crazed lunatics (like the Taliban) who think anything they don’t like deserves to be bombed?

Anyway, the lunatic only got one of the “Satanic” obelisks.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jul 7, 2022 8:42 AM
Reply to  Howard

it still gave me a smile for breakfast

Jul 9, 2022 1:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

That crazed lunatic Joe Stalin blew up Moscow’s main cathedral.

New Name
New Name
Jul 7, 2022 5:34 AM
Reply to  CK_

Great news.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 7, 2022 1:56 AM

Not bad, but doesn’t get beyond the “anti jabs popular front.”

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 7, 2022 1:42 AM

Ukrainian President Zelensky wants $750 billion given to him so he can Build Back Better his war devastated country. War has found a new justification ?
To Build Back Better the NHS, first it must be destroyed. Same with the economy. Zelensky will undoubtedly join the select club of billionaires when he gets his cut of the $750 billion.

Jul 7, 2022 12:38 AM

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Jul 7, 2022 7:22 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 7, 2022 12:15 AM


Are we expecting anything?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 7, 2022 12:51 AM

Should we be?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 7, 2022 1:24 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

I just saw the date and thought the satanists may be planning an event of some sort. The Georgia Guidestones got blown up yesterday, but I don’t think they’d do that themselves.


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Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 7, 2022 1:47 AM

I’ll be curious to see how quickly that’s repaired, if at all.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 11:35 AM

‘Dubbed America’s stonehenge’…So, stonehenge was a fake liturgy to spiritual chaos and societal confusion aswell was it. By the way, the current stonehenge was constructed in the 1950’s and the local museum leaves out all the of the known history and ancient land sculpting around the site.

Jul 9, 2022 12:53 PM

I suppose it was a little too blatant to have the blueprint for what they were doing to be in plain view. I suppose they will have to find a Manson/LH Oswald type patsy. Certainly he will be labelled an anti vaxxer.

Jul 6, 2022 11:54 PM

Not at all relevant to this topic, but I wanted to try to ensure that “The Anti-Hip” saw my answer to a question he posed to me a few days ago (in the comments to the article “This July 4th…” His question was about relations between Native American peoples and early French explorers/settlers, and to what extent there is any evidence of bad relations and violence between them. So Anti-Hip, here is my reply:
Sorry for the somewhat delayed response. I had to search for the sources I wanted to mention — although I am a historian, it has been a long time since I taught on this early colonial period. Gary Nash’s book “Red, White and Black” covers (among other things) relations among the Native peoples and diferent groups of Europeans. If I recall correctly, he shows pretty clearly that the French did have, overall, better relations with the Native Americans, but this was largely due to two factors: 1) the way the French “settled” — they didn’t, for the most part, send over tens of thousands of people to set up large towns (as happened with the English) it was more explorers and fur traders and 2) the French wanted Native allies in their struggles with the British (and Dutch and other Europeans) and were more effective in finding ways to forge those alliances. Another book that you might find useful is Francis Jennings’
“The invasion of America” which also covers this topic. The interpretation is a bit dated now, but when it was published (in 1975 I think) it was groundbreaking. Hope this is helpful!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 7, 2022 12:10 AM
Reply to  mjh

One thing the British, Dutch, Germans, etc did, was bring their own women along with them. The French and Spanish did not, so there was much more interbreeding/intermarriage among them.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Jul 7, 2022 5:34 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

True, but IMO there also has to be something different about “commoners” and the higher-status, wealthy, risk-prone, and, let’s face it, sociopathically ascendant, among the conquering aggressors of the world that caused the most trouble historically. It’s not a racial thing, per se, that’s been drummed into us.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Jul 7, 2022 5:28 PM
Reply to  mjh

Thank you very much, njh. I did reply at the original location not long after you, but as I was “gated” for comment approval, it took a few hours to post.

As I mentioned (longer there, briefly here), your reply supports a suspicion that I have: The forces at work promoting the supposedly universal and incorrigible evil of all whites (no matter ethnicity, wealth, social class, temperament, etc.) neglect any cases that conflict with that narrative. So, we hear nothing of (pre-1960s) cooperation of whites with other races, but if so, some excuse is always found to nullify it if inconvenient facts break through, such as (in this case) emphasizing and conflating coincident Catholic Church dysfunction.

Jul 6, 2022 11:13 PM

Dutch regime prefers Comedy not Food:

“Dutch government gives ultimatum to Dutch farmers to radically reduce production by 30%
>farmers tell government they won’t comply
>Government offers to buy their land, farmers reject offer
>Government is now saying they will take the land by force and deploy the military to do so
>Farmers rise up and shut down the supply chain in protest. Truckers and Fishermen join
>around 77% – 86% support among the general population
Police show up near blockades of distribution centers
>on the second night, police open fire on a tractor. the incident is captured on film
>the 16 year old in the tractor, together with two others are arrested for “attempted manslaughter”
>people are upset at the police and the media for lying when the footage has already gone viral and the truth is obvious
>third day, farmers amass outside police station
>demand that the three people be freed and charges dropped”

“the manure spreader spraying down the police who stood solid in a hold the line pose was priceless. the shooting the tractor then claiming it was warning shots then claiming the farmer tried to run them down didnt hold weight. i guess the terrible “russian created world food crisis” is naught if they are great resetting 30% of the third largest food producer to save the planet”.

“The Sherman tank used by the Dutch farmers, even if symbolic, points out to what could become the new trend in social confrontations with the state. Forget about forks, picks, and shovels, now you can buy anything from Ukraine”

[If the Dutch Boer is anything like the Dutch-speaking Boer of my native country who has a robust sense of humour, the Dutch regime is in for fun. — NickM]

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 7, 2022 3:42 AM
Reply to  NickM

The second Boer War ? Or is it War against the Boers second time round ?

Jul 7, 2022 7:13 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Second time around. The Anglo Zio Capitalist Empire strikes back.

This confrontation with the Boers, who only want to farm their land, and the Zio Capitalists who want to corner the market, goes very deep into Dutch and English history — as far back as Oliver Cromwell and Dutch Billy. Suffice to say for the present that Holland is run by Royal Dutch Shell the way England is run by BP “with a share to Her Majesty’s Government”.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 11:47 AM
Reply to  NickM

Is it anglo-zio or is it just Zio-American empire that’s destroying the Western nations?

Jul 7, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

Anglo because English Lord Rothschild is senior to French Baron Rothschild, and City of London (Rothschild JP Morgan) is senior to Wall Street (Rockefeller).

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 7, 2022 4:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ok but red-shield isnt exactly English

Jul 10, 2022 7:31 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

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Jul 10, 2022 7:36 PM
Reply to  NickM

Lord Jacob Rothschild is exactly English. From Wikipedia:

Born in Berkshire, England, he is the eldest son of Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, by his first wife (née Hutchinson). Rothschild was educated at Eton College and then at Christ Church, Oxford, where he gained a First in history.

Jul 7, 2022 11:32 AM
Reply to  NickM

Not only from Ukraine; $84 billion surplus U.S. military equipment in Afghanistan:

“At the Henrymakow.com blog one will find a post about how much U$ military equipment was left behind in Afghanistan.

Aircraft. The Taliban now ranks #26 in the world thanks to 208 planes
110 helicopters
60 transport/cargo planes
20 light attack planes
18 intelligence/surveillance planes

Vehicles. The Men from Uncle left a total of 75,898 vehicles:
42,604 tactical vehicles
22,174 Humvees
8,998 medium tactical vehicles
1,005 recovery vehicles
928 mine-resistant vehicles
189 armored tanks

Weapons. 599,690 in total:
358,530 rifles
126,295 pistols
64,363 machine guns
25,327 grenade launchers
12,692 shotguns
9,877 RPGs
2,606 howitzers

Miscellaneous couple thousand night-vision goggles, surveillance drones, and communication devices.”

Jul 6, 2022 11:01 PM

A wonderful interview. Really enjoyed reading it.

Jul 6, 2022 10:33 PM

Climate change con being increasingly linked to deaths, especially heat/heart-related.

What a shame that the writers of this tripe are not connected to their heart-love centres.


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 7, 2022 3:51 AM
Reply to  Kika

New South Wales, Australia, is being deluged because cows are farting in Holland: The butterfly effect in action ?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 8:00 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

No, nothing to do with cows farting in Holland Jubal, they’re using HAARP to manipulate the weather here. The earthquake in Melbourne last year was the same. Buildings shook but the ground remained still, it wasn’t moving. Since when does the ground not move during an earthquake?

Jul 6, 2022 9:58 PM

I’m in. I’m out. I’m in. I’m out. This interview was all over the place. Lefty. Righty. Lefty. He is a lefty through and through. Not a doubt in my mind. I understand his position completely. At some point you need to grow up.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 6, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

I am just an old social justice former hippie warrior for human rights and think anyone to takes forced jabs and believes this whole covid scam is brainless.

Kathryn Barbour
Kathryn Barbour
Jul 7, 2022 7:15 AM

I agree, it’s an IQ test.

Jul 7, 2022 3:01 PM

Believes? You are mistaken. Been there. Done that too. I WAS one of those leftist trainees. But I grew up. This guy took too much acid and thinks it’s still 1967. Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance. Just because you can does not mean you should. I saw my share of smuggled photographs of Vietnam casualties in grade school to know I did not want to go. There is a middle ground for people who mature from experience. Compromise is needed to bring about peace. I am not forcing jabs. I am pointing out the obvious. The beginning of his autobiography outline (which is what it is) is dripping with virtue signaling. Worshiping native Americans irks me to no end. I overlooked it and other things he wrote. It is clear he is stuck (at least in his mind). Beat me up if you want. Attack me personally and you’ve lost. You need an opposing view to make you think. Move to the middle if you want to achieve peace. But on the other hand, you will not find another person more against Covid mandates. They need to be arrested and put on trial. Public and private leaders behind the manufactured pandemic and the mRNA vaccines. It that clear enough for you?

Bored now
Bored now
Jul 6, 2022 8:12 PM

what an inspiring read! What a guy! Thanks!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 6, 2022 7:33 PM

This is funny:

I just had occasion to verify the source of he phrase:

‘If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It’
I was pretty sure it was Mark Twain but didn’t want to make myself look an even bigger idiot that usual so i “googled” it.

This was the first search result:



Therefore, mis/dis/information.

FFS, the quote stands on it’s own legs without a source but the bastards dismiss it for possibly not being said by Mark Twain.

The worrying thing is that I know people, and so do you, who will use snopes “fact checking” to shoot down your argument.

And everyone else in the room will nod in agreement.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2022 8:36 PM

It is common with incorrectly attributed quotes that they issue from no identifiable source but are later attached to the name of a famous person in order to lend them an air of credibility or importance.

Thus spake Snopes. Unfortunately for our controllers, the power of a quote goes way beyond who said it (or didn’t say it).

But this kind of false logic is only to be expected. Think about it. The quote suggets that voting is fraudulent. If true, then the powers that be will continue to be no matter who gets voted in. It also suggests that the political system is a show. As is the media that obsesses over it. Naturally the media minions will never admit to any of this. Hence the slithery moves of Snopes etc.

However – there is another aspect. Voting is there to give the appearance of democracy. And although it may be a pile of hogwash, it must convince to at least a certain degree. If it didn’t everyone would be as (legitimately) cynical as the disputed author of the quote. Therefore the bastards above always have to make some kind of compromise. It’s not much of a win but it’s something.

But then in “interesting times” like the present, the scope for compromising gets smaller. And that’s when the media have to expand more and more on their customary lies. Until they can no longer face what the public really are and have to invent their own public for the increasingly fictionalised “news”.

Jul 6, 2022 11:40 PM

“If voting changed anything, they would make it illegal.” This was supposedly said by the anarchist Emma Goldman.

Doubtless Snopes would happily concede on that point since Ms Goldman is not exactly an American icon.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 6, 2022 7:10 PM

The solution is truth and due process.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 7, 2022 6:51 PM

The problem with the solution is that it takes a long time for people to recognise it as the solution; and very few people are willing to give up their attachments to whatever “institution” they’ve become habituated. So in the meantime, I’d prefer to be on the side which has the best weapons.

Henry Thoreau:

Where there is a lull of truth, an institution springs up. But the truth blows right on over it, nevertheless, and at length blows it down.

That’s just wishful thinking!

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 6, 2022 6:31 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-04. Injector doesn’t know what they are injecting. Testers: tests are inaccurate and s**t. None of your lives matter (blog, gab, tweet).

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 6, 2022 5:46 PM

They’ve fucked up.


They thought that they could control our every move based on Chinese studies.

The “West” is NOT run on Chinese models.

The awakening is slow whilst real losses are not tangible.

When they bite, this Winter?, there will be hell to pay.

I am not ashamed to say that I will enjoy the suffering of everyone involved in this, the largest crime ever to be committed.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 6, 2022 5:32 PM

The fundamental problem with counter-culture is that while the people might not be interested in the government the government is quite likely to be interested in them. Obviously harmless eccentrics will be tolerated but if there’s any sign of an organized and effective campaign then ‘steps will be taken’. The smart government won’t do dumb things like that picture of the three thugs standing in front of the ‘Food Not Bombs’ stall — this picture is really about power projection, not law enforcement — but its easy enough to undermine a movement without appearing to do so (health inspection? permit to operate?) Turning your back on politics is the ultimate victory of TINA — “There Is No Alternative”. This was the slogan used by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s to justify sweeping changes to society (and their enforcement by brutal policing) which has resulted in a permanent change to right wing politics. These changes were championed by Ronald Reagan in the US and crushed any real left-wing or even ‘mildly liberal’ opposition. The victory is complete, as witnessed by the way that modern left-leaning political parties have been completely captured to an extent that even the McCarthy era witch hunts could only dream of. The resulting frustration of many people has caused an inward turning, a focus on the ‘rights of the individual’ (news flash — you don’t really have any, you never did) and excessive churning about who’s got some kind of miniscule advantage over whom. Meanwhile the corporate state and its ugly step sister, fascism, rules unopposed. The only thing that’s going to save us is that empires ultimately are self-defeating, they are inherently unable to sustain themselves as the spoils are taken by a diminishing part of the population which eventually can’t be bribed enough to help… Read more »

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 6, 2022 10:00 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Actually Thatchers agenda early 70’s-75 or so was infiltration of our unions by people from overseas, but what it also did do was possibly unknowingly flush out
Communist idealist backhanded cronies that futher blend into our Social system.
Because London, an International City, then even more so open, these easy infiltrating cronies would come in, no time at all would legitimatelly get a union and affiliation card.
Communities having like Social Clubs Workmans Britsh Irish Welsh Scottish legions whatever would sniff out these ‘overseas’ cronies who were nobody’s ‘friend’.
Left & Right is complete and utter barrage regarding the British Isles, both then and now. imo.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 7, 2022 8:16 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Excellent and thought provoking comment Martin, thanks👍 Admittedly I turned my back on politics (liberal democracy) and haven’t voted for over 25 years because I saw it as nothing more than a charade to give people the illusion they had an actual say in what happens by voting for Party A or Party B. They don’t.
Who do politicians really serve? The key word is really. The people that elected them? Or the corporations, Wall Street, City of London, and behemoths like Vanguard and Black Rock?
I also stand by Emma Goldman’s saying: “if voting changed anything they’d make it illegal”. Nothing substantive changes regardless of who you vote for. The same system is still in place the next week. That’s where I’m coming from.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 5:28 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“The are lies, damned lies, statistics… and then there is Pharma-Con Racket Damage Control.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 5:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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New Name
New Name
Jul 7, 2022 5:43 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

I met someone recently that was nearly killed by the clot shot.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 6, 2022 10:13 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Jeeezus! the larger the teeth the greater the danger!
Honey bomb, a pleasant smile is good enough,

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 10:42 PM

“Think of a an appropriate sentence for those two clowns. Then sentence them to it. How is 50 years, with a well used tooth brush, in the inside of an active half filled septic tank trying to keep it clean. Scub-a-Dub-Dub. Or is that being too hard on them?”

New Name
New Name
Jul 7, 2022 5:44 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Not hard enough.

Jul 7, 2022 9:23 AM

At least we now know what they modelled the donkey from Shrek on.

Jul 7, 2022 12:07 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Andrews and Ardern.
Control freaks personified.

New Name
New Name
Jul 7, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Their fathers should have pulled out. Having failed to do that her father could have given the little bitch braces.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 5:02 PM

“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis want to cull as many untermenschen useless eaters as they can.”
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“They see them as impacting negatively upon the bottom line of their wholesale grand theft robbery of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
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“The Psycho Nazis need to go, NOW!”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 6, 2022 5:07 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Politically what exists today in many parts of the world is a large criminal gang of war racketeering corporate fascist psychopaths passing themselves off as “government,” preying upon (and victimizing) the rest of hapless humanity. If only there was honest government of the people,by the people, for the people, based on the principles of equality (political/economic/social)civil liberty, respect and peace.”

“Now for some Debs.”
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Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 6, 2022 9:07 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

She is also the monster who started the entire kids over board scandal accusing innocent Iraqis of throwing their kids into the sea and lying about it later. And leaving the people in the water for 51 minutes before she allowed a rescue. She is a cunt.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 6, 2022 11:45 PM

Didnt she get the Order of Australia (OA) medal, not for services to Australia, but for her services to the ruling Liberal Party, an honour which went unquestioned by the entire Australian MSM ?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 7, 2022 10:07 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Yep and her crimes against humanity are all forgotten now as she pretends she knows something about medicine. And here is the list of quacks who are spreading the fear porn. OzSAGE

Jul 6, 2022 5:00 PM

In London, Boris Johnson’s term as prime minister seems to be staggering to a close. The two big resignations on Tuesday night being the finance minister Rishi Sunak and health minster Sajid Javid, or the minister of Great Reset and the minister of Covid Jabs.

This is significant because war in Ukraine is an extension of two policies: Covid is a monetary phenomenon, triggered by the prospect of Western governments defaulting after their failure to address the 2008 financial crisis and the rise in pension and welfare commitments.

Mandated vaccines are, in part, a pretext to introduce digital identity, which remains the objective of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.

An underwhelming show of strength at the G7 and NATO summits merely illustrates that governments in the West continue to slide.

It won’t lead to a change of policy on the economic, military and medico-tyranny fronts, but it suggests those pursuing order out of chaos have a tenuous grip on power — or as participants admitted at the World Economic Forum’s meeting in Davos, they have a narrowing window of opportunity.


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

those pursuing order out of chaos have a tenuous grip on power

They’re still in the chaos-producing phase, still “deterritorialising” before “reterritorialising”. Rome wasn’t razed in a day, and they can’t start Building Back Better (BBB) until they’ve completed Phase One: Wrecking Everything Fully (WEF). .

The ruling class’s grip on power remains firm in the UK so long as the police & army stay loyal. BoJo won’t fall until he’s deemed to have outlived his usefulness. Then it may be thought advisable to instal the other wing of the COUPVID Party, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, led by Trilateral Sir Keir (a safe pair of hands).

The only open question is how much more the people will put up with. The Canadian truckers and Dutch farmers have already shown that they won’t be suckered much longer.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 6, 2022 9:09 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/covid-19-mortality-australia-deaths-registered-until-31-may-2022 Here are the official stats for so called covid deaths in Australia – average age 84.6 with and average of 3 pre existing life threatening conditions. Like the rest of the world they call a covid death anyone with a positive PCR even if they are cheyne stoking on their death beds.

Jul 6, 2022 10:47 PM

More and more ‘news’ items in mainstream aussie press are getting us ready for another ‘wave’ of restrictions, masks, etc. as I predicted months ago. Along with the fear porn there is likely to be increasing pressure to force the remaining unjabbed to get jabbed and boosted.

As the planets Saturn (no change) and Uranus (change) move for the third time into a stressful square angle, I expect covid/climate fearporn to accelerate.

This ‘portal’ is likely to close for a long time when these planets move on – the third square aspect coming in October 2022, and separating aspect coming to a close around March 2024, when Saturn changes signs and enters constellation of Pisces. The scammers only have this time to get their agenda firmly fixed.

The art/science of intelligent astrology is a very different thing from the trash in popular magazines. And please, no silly jokes about the planet Uranus – heard them many times before.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 6, 2022 11:38 PM
Reply to  Kika

What you mean is more and more gen x nutters whining about people not using face nappies.

Jul 7, 2022 9:41 AM
Reply to  Kika

And saturn is travelling square last eclipse and pushing the Algol agenda.,..while we all await uranus reaching that point….last time it did was when the high death count of WW2….from where I sit it would seem one way or another death is in the air again…

many a child lost its parents last uranus through Taurus…pluto in cancer,…this time they seem intent on going after the children…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 7, 2022 10:08 AM
Reply to  Edith

OzSAGE Hey Edith just found this list of the quacks spreading the fear porn here in Australia. Naturally the hysterical Phelps is on the list.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 6, 2022 10:25 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

If you think of Boris as a front man rather than a Prime Minister then things will make sense. The people to watch aren’t the Borises or Dubyas of this world but the people pulling the strings. For example, Biden has got Anthony Blinken, someone who singlehandled is creating tensions and strife wherever he goes. (Obama had Rahm Emanuel pulling the strings if you recall). Trump, of course, needs no explanation. He was all front, he just did what he was told because his overriding interest — looking out for Number One — didn’t leave him time to really come to grips with what was being done in his name.

Anyway, the only thing keeping Boris alive, politically speaking, is the prospect of replacements like Liz Truss. This is a fate worse than death, it seems.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 6, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

“they have a narrowing window of opportunity.”

Desperate times call for desperate measures.Better buckle up!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 6, 2022 4:59 PM

O’righty then. After thousands of years of covert agency and social experiment, we are still faced with homelessness, poverty, starvation, and the depravities of governance…

I tried positive thinking. But I knew it wouldn’t work…

Jul 6, 2022 3:53 PM

A heartening reminder, after I’ve done so much salutary Yank-bashing this 4th July, of the many good people in the U$A — both the ones that I met and the ones who influenced the world for better. This article’s title reminded me of a book that influenced me in the 1980s, and which I have often quoted here (got it from my daughter at Cambridge, so it must have been popular among Leftist students). The book is called “Food First”, and I have just now checked the nationality of its authors: and sure enough, we may inscribe their name amoung the Righteous Yanks.

From WikiPedia:

“Food First, also known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy, is a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, USA. Founded in 1975 by Frances Moore Lappé and Joseph Collins, it describes itself as a “people’s think tank and education-for-action center”.[1]
Its mission is “to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger”. According to the Food First website, its main goal is to forge food sovereignty for human rights and sustainable livelihoods, and to do so it has three programs of development: building local agri-foods systems, farmers forming food sovereignty, and democratizing developmen”t.

Jul 6, 2022 2:28 PM

This was a brilliant article. I was thoroughly absorbed and really respect the efforts of all these amazing humans looking after others’ needs. Thank you.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2022 1:39 PM

It didn’t take me long to see that Covid was shaped as a Left wing issue from the start. Although I now qualify that by saying it was shaped as an affluent bourgeois Western Left Wing issue. This was the Left that had been raised through the mind molding conspiracy phobic post modernist “progressive” programme. These were people that had spent their lives going through the clichés of academic Leftist discourse, who had only manned barricades already set out for them by the media, and who instinctively picked up the tactics of the new viral paradigm.

They lapsed unto a stupefied silence – up until the Ukraine issue gave them the semblance of relevance again. At which point they gratefully manned the phoney barricades again. Thus they continue to be utterly irrelevant if not counter productive.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 4:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Our ancestors laboured mightily and struggled bravely through centuries of privation and oppression so that we could spend two years hiding indoors because we feared catching the cold.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2022 7:22 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I reckon this “Left” was made for covid. There are various tactics and they are so familiar. I keep thinking of those old time entertainers balancing spinning plates on top of poles. The trick was to start it up. Once done, a plate could spin on its own momentum for a while. Thus the propagandists set up the show and the carefully nurtured opposition instinctively know what they have to do (because the magicians have shown them so many times before).

One such device was the old “I know someone who died of covid”. The death’s prognosis being taken completely for granted in order to set up the emotional blackmail that forbids all suspicion. And of course any who dare doubt are met with the outraged tears. Such were the underhanded tricks employed by a Left all too eager to plunge into their triumphalist dawn of dupery.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 11:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These leisured salaried pseudoleftists combine sanctimoniousness effortlessly with callous indifference, and they mask all this with an incessant cost-free show of caring.

Their utter ignorance of science — its practice, its history, its tentativeness and painstakingness and fallibility — is matched only by their lazy pious parsonish worship of TheScience™, which is its opposite, i.e. money talking.

More tea, vicar?

“No truth but in minute particulars.” (W. Blake)

Don’t get me started on their destruction of art.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 8:10 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

The “seduction” of the Left took an almost entirely negative aspect i.e. it was phrased in terms of what it was against i.e. the presentation of covid rejection as (cue mantra!) evil Right Wing white supremacist Fascist Reactionary Libertarian etc etc etc. It was truly jaw dropping how this blatantly maniputalive non-sequitur rubbish was so unthinkingly taken up by these “bravely dissident” sites. Also cue the mindless reflex of “But I know this person and that person who died horribly of covid!” etc. All of this even in the earliest weeks of the viral vomit. They were so pathetically eager to embrace this triumpalist “end of capitalist” meme that they didn’t even see it was the capitalist media that was selling them it.

They still don’t – although that may just be a sign of embarrassment as they steadfastly focus on the one they can talk about i.e. Ukraine. Suddenly they’re back – waving their red flags and quoting Lenin on the phase of imperialism etc. Phew! Back to the old show!

Jul 6, 2022 6:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George, I’ve no idea where you are coming from in this depiction of “the left”. It sounds muchly like Yankee dichotomy, which is nonsense. Much of what passes for the AmeriKan left stateside, anywhere else would only be referred to as liberals, if that. The current Dems are little changed from their right-wind brothers in the R.I.N.O. party. It’s either Joe Big Business or Sam Big Business.

Albert Burla, the CEO of Pfizer, the one and the same company that in 2009, was fined $2.3B by the USA Justice Dept., for illegal marketing of off-label drugs. Looks like they weathered that tempest in a teapot. Deep war chests eh?
‘My team has a dream that by the end of 2023 we will have reduced the population of the world by 50%. I think today my dream is becoming a reality.’

Listen to the hand clapping. Now you know firsthand why these creeps are known as sociopaths. And they refer to poor folks as less than human.

In olden dayze, this was known as ZPG, or Zero Population Growth.
No idea what the techniques were back in the day.

Are you ready to line up for clot-shot #4 then 5…’til #9, when you get a free Dominoes pizza?

Covid’s ’bout EUGENICS sea!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 8:00 AM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

I’ve been through this argument so many times before. I slag off the Left response to covid and someone tells me that’s not the Left and I agree HOWEVER it’s the only Left I see – at least as far as the “official” Left is concerned. And it’s sadly almost equally true of the “unofficial” Left i.e. the little stand-alone writers. One such who used to write into OffG was Stephen Morrell who took umbrage at the term “mainstream Left” by saying it was a contradiction in terms ‘cause like you know the Left were always “outside the system”(?!)

But Counterpunch, Jacobin, the World Socialist Website etc. were all on board with covid. The only channels who weren’t were the ones with a Right Wing profile and I have no doubt that that was deliberate. Covid rejection is thereby sealed into the public consciousness as “reactionary, Right, white supremacist …” etc. And the voice of the media is saying, “Hey you don’t want to be associated with those dregs, do you? Oh no! You want to be a groovy Leftist, take up the vax chant, tell the troops to get in the groovy right-on Left line!”

The only genuine Leftists (i.e. who see through the covid crap) that I’ve encountered are Phil Greaves, John Steppling and Simon Elmer. 

Jul 7, 2022 10:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Although I now qualify that by saying it was shaped as an affluent bourgeois Western Left Wing issue.

Ok George, there is some mileage in that statement (about a mile tops); but for me, what is politically left wing about Donald Trump, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, M o $ $ a d, the current UK government for the previous 12 years, CEOs of Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sky News, Barclays Bank, EDF, Shell Oil…of course I could go on about most of the actors in this current global theatre production that we’ve all been painfully subjected to?

These caffe latte sipping, aubergine crunching yoga enthusiasts and their chattering about how hard they care do not and have not made any decisions politically or otherwise resulting to where we are now. The whole societal reset and global conspiracy is a result of the very people you come onto to this site to defend by attacking left wing politics as the primary reason for this whole shitshow that peppers all with its effluent. Unless of course it really is Vladimir and his white cat’s fault. Or you are simply playing up to an American audience, an accusation levelled at you already?

The fact you offered a legend some time ago about YOU on this site is suspicious in itself added with the frequency of your posts. It’s almost like a full time job. Tony OpMoc did the same. Mates, or just simply work colleagues?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 4:26 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Well this is a puzzler. “…what is politically left wing about Donald Trump, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, M o $ $ a d, the current UK government for the previous 12 years, CEOs of Moderna, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer, Sky News, Barclays Bank, EDF, Shell Oil…of course I could go on about most of the actors in this current global theatre production that we’ve all been painfully subjected to” There is nothing politically Left wing about these people. They never claimed to be politically Left wing I never said they were politically Left wing. No-one said they were politically Left wing What is your point? “These caffe latte sipping, aubergine crunching yoga enthusiasts and their chattering about how hard they care do not and have not made any decisions politically or otherwise resulting to where we are now.” Of course they haven’t. The ones above have and are adopting the chattering class rhetoric (which they invented themselves anyway) in order to spin the whole thing.  “The whole societal reset and global conspiracy is a result of the very people you come onto to this site to defend…” What people am I defending? “…by attacking left wing politics as the primary reason for this whole shitshow that peppers all with its effluent.” “Left wing politics” is not the primary reason for any of this. This programme is adopting a Leftish appearance. That’s all. “Unless of course it really is Vladimir and his white cat’s fault. Or you are simply playing up to an American audience, an accusation levelled at you already?” I have no idea what the Putin reference is all about. And I am “playing up to an American audience” – this being “an accusation levelled at (me) already” It’s the first time I’ve heard it! “The fact you offered… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 4:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh hang on. I recognise the style now. It’s either Dungroanin or Robbybobby. You had me going there for a minute!

Jul 7, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good old Tory boy or should it be Alan bstard? Not all of us could afford public school, eh son shine?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 7:13 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

Yup it’s Dungroanin allright.

Jul 7, 2022 6:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

offered a what? A legend? You mean like Jason and the Argonauts?   If you want. Or you can take it as someone who needs to explain a background, a false lived life, a legend of experience that’s untrue, but you know that already. Your facetious smart arsed ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ just lets you down. The only other contributor was Tony OpMoc who felt the need to explain himself in such lengthy detail. Is this you doing your WSWS thing on me, dissecting my comment? You explained yourself as a care worker while also caring for a disabled child with a few other added pieces I can’t readily remember, only to play the victim when held to task. Bit like now. You got time on your hands ffs? You just don’t appreciate how demanding such a role is with your off handed nonesense. Lazy, fucking unbelievably lazy without an ounce of understanding for the demands for such roles. As I said then, some of us have worked these positions. Your whole purpose is about attacking the left. You constantly try to create the impression that all that has happened over the last few years is down to left wing political ideology. I decided to list some of those players I believe to be responsible for the situation we find ourselves now. Your response is interesting. Yes, there’s nothing remotely politically left wing about any of these people or institutions, or do you believe they are not responsible? Again, is this you feigning ignorance? You are the one who explained that champagne socialists are the people responsible for Covid and all that has resulted from it. It’s right there in your own fucking comment that I replied to, or a you more than one person, working shifts? I didn’t say… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 7, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

This is viciously stupid stuff. And as such a real trip down those dear departed avenues of the old OffG where you used to fill it all up with this … for once I’m stuck for a word. How to explain such vacuity?

“…facetious smart arsed …. dissecting my comment…”

Isn’t it annoying when you have so much envy?

“… I can’t readily remember…”

Well there’s not much else going on in there!

“As I said then, some of us have worked these positions.”

What a shame you can’t tell us about these positions since, by your logic, you are too busy (though you are not too busy to type this!)

“Your whole purpose is about attacking the left.”

What? THIS “Left”?

“You constantly try to create the impression that all that has happened over the last few years is down to left wing political ideology.”

I never once tried to create that. It wasn’t “Left wing ideology” to blame but the spineless spooked role that THIS Left have fallen for!

“Yes, there’s nothing remotely politically left wing about any of these people or institutions, or do you believe they are not responsible?”

Yes, there’s nothing remotely politically left wing about any of these people or institutions AND they are responsible!

“You are the one who explained that champagne socialists are the people responsible for Covid and all that has resulted from it.”

No, I explained that the duped Left led by spooks are part of the covid programme.

“For a care worker you have a tremendous amount of time to post long and winding comments to Offg”

Not really. It doesn’t take long to write and post. Though perhaps if you’re sitting with one finger plonking away to service a Neanderthal mindset …

Jul 7, 2022 8:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is viciously stupid stuff.

I fucking see you Mr Victimhood for what you really fucking are!

Though perhaps if you’re sitting with one finger plonking away to service a Neanderthal mindset …

Is that right Tory Boy! Harrow on the Hill? Or was it a Scottish public school? Afterall you were eager to highlight you are Scottish, one of those little bits of info I was explaining. You’ll probably be wanting to take a shower after messing with the plebs, eh Georgie boy?

So you’re not a care worker, just being deceitful. I thinks it’s time to put this one to bed don’t you Georgie boy? And of course as you take up possibly 30% of all comments on this platform, inbetween your ‘tasks’  😉  I’ll resist in responding to your bullshit, until next time. 😂  Just get a little balance to your hatred  😂  commrade. 😂 

George Mc – The Deceiver! Has a certain ring to it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2022 7:32 AM
Reply to  peterpaul

And there’s those little faces and the descent into arguing with a phantom of your own making. Welcome back Dunnie! I’m guessing you were bored to death over at the increasingly irrelevant Craig Murray tedium tavern. Though it’s interesting you are now rejecting covid. I suppose that’s the front you now have to assume to fit in here so you don’t feel left out. And why not? There was never any consistency in what you said.

Jul 8, 2022 12:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Was it a 7.30am start Deceiver, putting a full 12hrs on Offg today? Do you get double time for your weekend stint? I pity those poor people under your charge, oh I forgot, you were just making that up. Isn’t that right Tory boy? And I’m guessing the other stuff you explained about yourself (already outlined) is also false which makes you lower than a snake’s body by using such an example to garner some sort of victimhood status. Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourself, disgusting. Well, it makes you the Tory boy that you are. Say hello to Tony for me, been a well since he also poisoned this comment board with his lies and deceit. I’m guessing you were bored to death over at the increasingly irrelevant Craig Murray tedium tavern. Though it’s interesting you are now rejecting covid.  😂 Haven’t got a fucking clue what that all means and you accuse ME of not being consistent or coherent. You keep shilling away Tory Boy!  😂  Yeah the ‘little faces’ are fucking great aren’t they COMRADE.  😂  😂  😂  😂  😅  😀  They can really get under the skin, like an irritating itch. 😉  It’s a bit like being spat in the face, wouldn’t you agree? Hoping for acknowledgement. Though it’s interesting you are now rejecting covid. Eh, weird? Oh, yes in your world people sympathetic to left wing political ideology instantly defaults in believing that they are all onboard and are directly responsible for the whole Covid attack over these last 2+ years. I thought we had already covered that one with your confusion as to those truly responsible. Oh, right it’s all the champagne socialists fault in your mind and your feigning ignorance in… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

I see you are now fully embarked on the customary argument with yourself. Let me know who wins.

The Anti-Hip
The Anti-Hip
Jul 6, 2022 1:20 PM

The meanings of Left and Right have repeatedly been distorted and distracted beyond recognition over the years.

But there is a perpetual thread: A country run “of, for, and by the people” requires both freedom (individual empowerment) and fairness (conflict management between those individuals, or social empowerment). Each side has, ostensibly and perpetually, made it their job to prioritize at the core one each of these simple things: The Left has prioritized fairness, and the Right has prioritized freedom. 

The public’s collective decision to shift these priorities makes sense because governments and societies perpetually evolve, with unintended consequences. Since BOTH features are necessary for human success, neither “side” ever dies. But tragedy lies in the demonization of what is merely (and ordinarily temporarily) a de-prioritization of either goal.

This demonization has forever been encouraged by that portion of elites who hate democracy. It used to be promoted with each side calling the other “stupid” for their “foolish” choices on how to run a government. But in recent years, it’s been twisted far beyond that, transforming into a Holy War between Good and Evil. In any war, the two sides have stopped talking, a kiss of death.

Jul 7, 2022 12:35 AM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Hi “The anti-hip” — just to let you know, I posted a reply to your question to me in the comments on the “This July 4th…”article.

Kathryn Barbour
Kathryn Barbour
Jul 7, 2022 7:27 AM
Reply to  The Anti-Hip

Societies evolve sometimes, and devolve at others. Speaking broadly, I see the devolution of the left as enabled by 4 years of “Trump derangement syndrome,” which they bought into, leaving them adrift after his term needing only something else to hate. They didn’t have to wait long.

Jul 6, 2022 1:19 PM

Articles like this are what Off-Guardian does best. Kudos to Kip and Sophie! The food articles, such as the one done on the Dutch Farmers’ Protest; They’re Coming For Your Backyard Chickens; + 4 Scare stories to put you off food, are what this site does worst. Why? Cause the editors and the admin folks don’t read enough alt sites to educate themselves, alas!
When I commented earlier on the Dutch Framer’s Protest, not one person took up the issue of the root cause of our lifestyle diseases and the co-morbidities of C-19? In a four-word answer copying the stateside doc, Dr. John McDougall, who has been one of the oldest pioneers in this sector: “It’s the Food!” Sigh! andsoitgoes…

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 4:04 PM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

When I commented earlier on the Dutch Framer’s Protest, not one person took up the issue of the root cause of our lifestyle diseases and the co-morbidities of C-19?”

Lecturing people on “lifestyle diseases” is not a sane person’s priority when mass hunger is imminent because food & fuel production worldwide is being sabotaged deliberately by the COUPVID plotters and the warmongers.

Jul 6, 2022 6:55 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

A comment is not akin to a lecture. The dinosaurs thought they had time too. That’s my fave placard from those all too soon past dayze of XR street protests.
If you think mass hunger is immanent in the west, then tell your brothers and sisters to live off the fat of the land in our age of gluttony.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2022 7:28 PM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

I doubt if the dinosaurs thought they had time or indeed thought anything much at all. And that gluttony comment suggests an unappealing misanthropy. Seems to me you gladly welcome Mr Schwab.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 6, 2022 10:47 PM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

My brothers and sisters are not gluttons, nor am I, nor is anyone I know.

None of them, none of us, can live off the fat of the land (exactly why do you italicise this?) because the land was long ago stolen from them, from all of us except a privileged tiny few, to which you may well belong.. My own great-great-grandparents were forced off their land into crammed and filthy cities where they could be more profitably exploited and more smugly lectured at about their “lifestyle diseases”, such as malnutrition, consumption, diphtheria, cholera, workplace injury, etc., which were, of course, all their own fault, the dirty lazy ignorant self-indulgent chav bastards.

Jul 6, 2022 4:23 PM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

Link says Dr.MacDougal advocates ‘starch-based diet’. Sorry, too late! I’ve just gone all Low-Carb and Meat-Friendly. Mainly through catching up with Vitamin K2.

Jul 6, 2022 6:56 PM
Reply to  NickM

It’s a fad, Nick, like all the rest.

Jul 7, 2022 3:48 PM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

I know. But a tastier fad. I am increasingly awed by the huma frame’s adaptability to diet fads.

Of course there comes a limit:

“The chief defect of Henry King
Was eating little bits of string”.

Jul 7, 2022 11:59 AM
Reply to  JohnOtvos

By “co-morbidites”, did you mean diseases that scientific medicine cannot or will not cure? Apart from enforced lifestyle (civilization), they are due to contamination through air, water, food, medicine and the skin (leaching). The harm comes from (a) over-processing and adulteration of food (b) pollution by poisons and hormone disruptors.

Giants vs Gods
Giants vs Gods
Jul 6, 2022 12:44 PM

Change the way economic and medical students are taught, change the world.

End neoliberal ideology, the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with economic liberalism and free-market capitalism, the 40-year fascist agenda supported by the left and right. It is generally associated with policies of economic liberalization, including privatization, deregulation, globalization, free trade, austerity and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.

Let’s Defeat the Real Enemies: The City of London/Wall St. Corporatist Empire!

End Rockefeller Medicine. The medical industry was seized by the robber barons and steered toward a chemical-based allopathic regime a century ago.

The Flexner Report – John D. Rockefeller’s Ticket to the Monopolization of the Medical Industry

The corruption of these two industries will be its own downfall.

NIH Scientists Pocketed $350 Million in Royalties — Agency Won’t Say How Much Went to Fauci
Between fiscal years 2010 and 2020, more than $350 million in royalties were paid by third parties to the National Institutes of Health and its scientists. Dr. Anthony Fauci received 23 royalty payments, but the NIH has yet to disclose the sum total of those payments.

New Docs: NIH Owns Half of Moderna Vaccine
Fauci knows from experience that no matter how dangerous a vaccine, the easy part is convincing people to take it. Pharma, after all, controls the media.

Kathryn Barbour
Kathryn Barbour
Jul 7, 2022 7:33 AM
Reply to  Giants vs Gods

Great ideas! I’ll just add: “War crimes prosecution for U.S. citizens involved in the slaughter of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine and other countries.”

Jul 6, 2022 11:22 AM

Kropotkin would be proud to stand with you Folk.
The Left and the anarchists here in Australia have also swallowed the bait.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 6, 2022 10:24 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The theatre of left and right is over.

Kathryn Barbour
Kathryn Barbour
Jul 7, 2022 7:35 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Agreed! Furthermore, we are so much better together. That is when the globalists really start to sweat!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 6, 2022 11:39 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It’s embarrassing to this old warrior woman to see the snivelling and hysteria from my former soul mates.

Jul 6, 2022 10:19 AM

Ancestors who worked for George Washington (who looked good in a pinny) and the OSS?…. Not at all redolent of a freemasonic bloodline family! Parts of their agenda have been parachuted in – from love of native Americans (pagans and anti-nationalists) to concerns about “mental health” to gratuitous mention of Martin Luther King (fake substitute messiah).

Leading both sides – it’s what they do.

Jul 6, 2022 9:14 AM

Re the previous article (via Telegram).. if OffG in the concern-trolling business for readership now?
Kit’s recent obsession with attacking Putin certainly seems so.
My take – most of the readership have sound BS detectors, so avoid crusading on such a flimsy hobby horse, which smells so much like MSM..

Eastern Gi
Eastern Gi
Jul 6, 2022 9:29 AM
Reply to  Huskynut

Yes, because world needs to be black and white for you to be able to digest it.

Jul 6, 2022 11:46 AM
Reply to  Eastern Gi

My point exactly… the world is neither black or white. Putin Good Putin Bad is black and white discourse

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 6, 2022 4:42 PM
Reply to  Huskynut

Do you mean, Putin is good AND bad? Man, that can get confusing. Like, is Biden good and bad too? How about Trump? I don’t know, maybe we ought to keep this People’s Revolution a little more simple. Like us vs. them. And Putin is one of them. I guess that’s just me.

Kathryn Barbour
Kathryn Barbour
Jul 7, 2022 7:37 AM

I be rootin’ for Putin. Thank you very kindly. Character matters.

Jul 6, 2022 9:32 AM
Reply to  Huskynut

You have the right impression.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 6, 2022 1:51 PM
Reply to  Huskynut

If you think Putin is going to save anyone besides himself, then you are part of the problem.

Jul 6, 2022 5:07 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Troll alert

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 6, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

One of many I think.

Jul 6, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

If you incredibly reckon with Putin negating his responsibilities to secure Russia’s Winter
Black Sea Ports against Bankrupted NATO bullshitters, then specifically YOU
are definitely part of THE PROBLEM … just like Zelensky.
An idiotic comedian, Unlike Professor Mearsheimer.
Greetings from Botev’s Balkan будилник (Alarm Clock), striking now…
Study Cyrillic Culture and communications tech, let alone Chinese. 😔