DISCUSS: Bye Bye Boris

Boris Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
In other breaking news that’s just as likely to seriously impact your life, Big Mo is returning to Eastenders and Jacques from Love Island has a stain on his underwear.
That really is the level this news belongs on. Soap operas and trash TV.
By all means follow along if it interests you, but don’t ever consider it matters or is anyway real.
Are we really going to act like #ResignationWatch matters?
Which sock puppet inhabits Downing Street is as important as who gets voted out of the #BigBrother house, except in latter case your vote might mean something.#ResignationWatch is #LoveIsland for broadsheet readers.
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) July 6, 2022
Johnson’s resignation is the result of a prolonged campaign to remove him – with two weeks of ever-increasing scandals following on the heels of the absurd “partygate”, resulting in the resignation of 54 cabinet officials over the space of a few days, including half the new ones he appointed to replace the old ones.
It’s all a bit of a joke.
The only real question is whether or not this is a pure distraction and entirely orchestrated, the result of some genuine Tory in-fighting, or some combination of both.
…And since the political implications of all three possible answers are virtually identical, the only real answer is “Who cares?”
Tory rats clambering over each other to get ahead is not news. No matter how big the rat, it’s not steering the ship.
Meanwhile, the press is united in celebrating the departure of Boris, and already prepping the next round of distraction narratives.
First, there’s the Tory leadership contest. Where MPs and party members (allegedly) get to choose which particular Gerry Anderson creation gets to live in the big house while the people who really run the country ruin the economy, send weapons to Ukraine, criminalise free speech and drag us unwillingly into the New Normal.
Even if the move triggers an early election, Sir Keir Starmer is barely different, and possibly much worse. The “liberal” left have been far more enthusiastic about destroying civil rights in defense of “public health” throughout the “pandemic”.
His Covid policies would likely have been even worse than Johnsons, and under his leadership Labour have toed the line on every narrative from Ukraine to Covid to Monkeypox.
Boris Johnson vs Rishi Sunak. Labour vs Conservative. It’s just more fake binaries.
A paradigm designed to demand your engagement not your agreement, they don’t care which side of the (incredibly narrow) divide you’re on, as long as you pick one and then fight tooth-and-nail to defend it.
That’s the model. A violent debate about whether John Jackson really is better than Jack Johnson…
No discussion of any real issues at all, and never any possibility of real change.
Well, that’s what we think. But what do you think?
- Why has Boris Johnson been forced to resign?
- Who will replace him?
- Will they change anything?
- Will there be an early election?
- If so, do they fix it for Labour this time or keep supporting the Blues?
- And what you think caused that stain on Jacques’ underwear?
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Excellent article! A great analysis of modern day politics.
Are you in politics?
One will notice they announced they would selecting a new leader soon. Not “electing”. Always know you have no say, hence why you should not engage in politics. AKA Voting for a CEO.
It’s all bullocks-why do we care about who is going to screw us worse than the last prick who screwed us and the hag before him.
get out there -into streets and do the only thing that works-protest.
They’re pushing through the Public Order Bill to put a stop to that. They can’t have the plebs complaining …
Basically, choosing the next Tory leader is like deciding which bog to use at Glastonbury!
Lesser Shitstain is circling the bowl – betcha can’t handle the truth, eh, Slimey?
Good ole Blighty.
Not content to sit back and watch the Kabuke theatre that is ‘THE Insurrection files’ over in SpartUSA, or the Western self harm that ‘The Ukranian files’, we now make our own gambit in the media stakes for the ‘Game of Thrones’ remake, in a parliament full of wannabes, frauds and gutter snipes all aided by the media.
Did someone say ‘train wreck’?
Strap in.
Who knows? Who cares?
It’s already far too late to matter. I am largely indifferent to Brexit. But when they said they were “taking back control” from the EU they were not referring to the British people. They were referring to themselves.
Now free from the chains of Brussels, a whole raft of oppressive, orwellian legislation is making its way through The British parliament. I have practically begged my – Labour – MP to oppose the Online Safety Bill. To no avail. He supports it. Indeed he wishes it were stronger. (As if it could be any more oppressive).
Free speech in the UK is currently in intensive care. Soon it will be dead. And with it our democracy. It’s done. It’s gone.
NUJ card holders will be permitted to write puff pieces in support of the Uniparty. But as for the rest of us – the “plebs” who they regard with indifference and contempt – we will only be permitted to wear our rainbow coloured gags. With Pride.
They are already unaccountable and indifferent to the needs of voters. Their eyes are fixed on Davos. Their base is Schwab, Bloomberg and Gates.
Soon, your only freedom will be to vote for the Uniparty, agree with their every policy, take their every jab, and die for them in their every war.
1) Online Harms Bill
2) National Security Bill
3) Counter State Threats Bill
4) Police, Crime, Courts Sentencing Bill (now Act)
5) Public Order Bill
6) Elections Bill (now Act)
7) Judicial Review Bill
8) Covert Human Intelligence Bill (now Act)
9) New British Bill of Rights
10) Schools Bill
(List from UKColumn)
Considering UKColumn shills hard for the conservatives. Ironic
this happened under the freedom loving take back control conservatives.
Good grief. I don’t think so.You clearly don’t watch the programme.
SO a Conservative MP appearing on there show just before the local selections wasn’t another PR stunt to help push the Conservative votes.
Good grief!! must be a coincidence.
Our democracy went with Tony Blair and his massive escallation of postal voting, combined with a law saying that postal votes must be printed in the same colour as ordinary ballots and mixed in with these before counting. The Cons investigated why the massively unpopular Blair kept being relected and then followed Blair’s example. Cameron computerised the ‘counting’ of postal votes (having got rid of Labour’s ‘zombie voters’) and all GE’s since have been fake. Labour’s leadership election was also manipulated. It was run by the LibDems and the security procedure of sending Labour members a seperate number to add to their ballot was removed. When I queried this I was told it was “to make it easier”. Starmer started celebrating before the result of the count was even officially known. Like Blair and Johnson he is the choice of the global capitalist system.
Is there a way to send you 20 euros in a plain envelope? I don’t want to use a bankcard. You can reply to my email. Just put <off Guardian> in the subject heading of my email.
We don’t accept snail mail at this time, unfortunately, but we’re looking into a PO Box for the future. We’ll update everyone on that as it progresses. Thanks for your enquiry! A2
Hate Johnson and all that he did… except convid:
His only mistakes here were apparently not to go further faster and for longer and to then squander public trust. Funny how Klaus Schwab said that the restoration of trust was the next great issue. That’s part of what this is about….
It’s a doomed project. The leaders they place in power are either obvious stooges (like Brown and May) or are destroyed when they have to implement the next crazy plank in the unfolding agenda. As they’ve sped up the agenda, it’s become more and more obvious. They dream of someone who can make their agenda palatable but the agenda is so crazy it’s an impossible task.
UK elections have no effect on foreign policy because that’s dictated by Washington.
I don’t understand how any members of the Labour Party could want a right-wing Tory like Starmer to lead the party (if he’d been in the Tory party in 1975, he’d have supported Thatcher against Heath – look at his policies on tax and the economy).
Same coordinated shit I have seen all day is Bojo bad – but Kier is worse and why would this site be any different.
Imagination is key to fear and the what if’s –
next sentence..
so fake this binarie, your subversively telling your viewers – bojo is slightly better. Isnt that a prime example of Fake Binary….?
We here in the uk have had a pretty easy ride of it, comparatively speaking, despite published restrictions appearing tough, the reality has been the opposite, if receiving texts cooercing experimedicines is harrasment, then harrass away.
My local MP, who was vocally anti lockdown, anti child vax jumped ship some weeks back, the latest writing makes homage to “brexit” allowing us to spearhead (relevance intended) the “covid jab”…..
So, for some weeks, maybe months those in all ranks of parliament have been aware that the “big shake” is imminent, to insurect would clearly be career, or even life suicide.
We may “console” ourselves that whatever comes next is already decided, some degree of punch and judy puppetry will ensue, convincing the masses that they have “choice”
The esoteric/occult relevance of our cold, brave, shit stained little island will become more apparent in the months to come, i still hold that the film “children of men” has some worthy content, many of its themes becoming more relevant by the day.
Those writing and reading here and in other places are becoming increasingly aware that events are moving very fast and the direction is appaling, the seeming inevitability utterly depressing.
I suspect the regime that will be foisted on the uk will be truly draco-nian, respect and desire to be part of the nano/graph/5g experiment has completely waned, it could be counted as approx the number that still tune into “eastenders”, we may be rude, arrogant, at times simple and not worldly wise, but your average brit is a stubborn fucker and no mistake, it is our simple, self serving, dreary malaise that is resolute.
The starmer coalition that is coming will be fully nazi woke, the msm will pump compliance narrative and our surveilance systems will report with dire efficiency.. the party as it is for bozo the chimp is well and truly over .
uk gov has ascertained the bank details of every citizen via the proposed hardship handouts and the banking systems are already acting up with regular requirements for authentication, “3g” devices are becoming more affected and obsolete by the 5g roll out by the day.
The intention to resist “smart phones” will render the unconsenting dependent on “landline” or nothing…
life in the uk off the girid will be possible but only with fore thought and planning, i am mildly consoled that they cannot police all of it all the time.
you have 1028 days? sounds like a sequel to another uk film made some years back, bring on the rage eh?
I had started sketching out a response but got waylaid and my response did not get posted yesterday.
My view is along the lines set out in the rest of this blog yesterday From Cameron was an Idiot Just like Boris.
The democracy and democratic institutions bequeathed us by our forbears are over 1000 years old David Davis describes a Romanticised view of what they are in his debate with David Cameron for the 2005 Tory leadership vote. The debate is notable also for discussion of the post 7/7 security measures brought in by New Labour and apeing the Homeland security provision brought into the USA post 9/11.
Tactical voting at all levels with an Occupation of Democracy and the holding to account of representatives is what is needed now as it has always been the case.
Cameron is questioned in his Jonathan Ross interview about Public opinion and the Iraq War, he voted for it and has not changed his mind at the time of the Ross interview.
Has he changed his mind since?
Tactical Voting was very successful in terms of making a start in the recent Australian Elections, I make the point in this old blog A well-hung parliament is a sign of a virile democracy.
Lynton Crosby The Revolution will not be televised Feat Jeremy Corbyn
THE CROSBY SHOW , The Weak and Wobbly, Cunning Plan
Will the tory’s Fatten the wrong pig again? David davis should be the interim PM #AllFleshisGrass
You look into his background and there’s only one word that describes Johnson. He’s a prick. An utter prick.
When Orange man said drain the swamp he didn’t just mean Washington or the USA.
One cannot just fix this without the help of other powerful people.
Brics and Bin Salman are on the Orange team. When I say China I mean XI not the CCP
I don’t believe in so many coincidences.
Soon the swamp will be drained.
Me too. I believe in my President and our Constitution. Not the god damn motherfokkers.
Who will be the next CEO of the service corporation called England? The only people who care are the ones who rely on the services they provide.
I disagree – entirely – with the premise of this article.
There is nothing fake here – nor does there exist a modicum of intelligent design in this perfect example of FUBAR. This is the democratic system at its best.
An extremely poor democratically elected leader is finally visibly naked.
Democracy may be slow and flawed, but this time she got it right.
Democracy trumps neo-Marxism every time, thankfully.
£100 on Dishy Rishi as next PM. He ticks the required boxes.
I thought so – but he seemed damaged recently in a way that favoured assets usually aren’t and he followed Javed in the charge against Johnson rather than leading it.
Not considering it will be left to a 120.000 rich old racists who couldn’t bare the thought of anyone with a slight ting of colour
So now the vicious grifters who happily formed his Cabinet look terribly moral for “standing up to” BoJo. This TV spectacle is as predictable, as boring, and as inconsequential as Big Brother.
…..pumping sewage into peoples homes, should never be permitted.
Good riddance to Boris “buffoon” Johnson. He’ll be replaced by another puppet but PLEASE, at least pick a puppet with better hair!
Politicians bring in these terrible policies then retire to their pensions or other lucrative positions because they are known to ‘play ball.’ WE know it doesn’t matter who is in power because they are puppets, but most people fall for identity politics and blame the politician themselves. Thanks for making this point so well.
As politicians get younger, they don’t retire to pensions.
Look at Clegg turning up at Facebook. Clegg is also a good reminder of what happens to the Lib Dems if near to power.
As a last act of ‘defiance’ perhaps Boris could actually do the right thing and set Julian Assange FREE. After all, it would not only be the right thing to do, it might also provide the distraction that these Conservatards are looking for.
Like you said, who cares? Shuffle in the next “actor on a loan.”
I submit my hare-brained theory that the knives were out for Boris Johnson after traces of cocaine were found in the bathrooms near his office in Westminster, after his two sudden visits to “Keeev” to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (after which meetings Zelensky either broke off negotiations with Moscow or resolved to continue fighting) in April and June (the latter being just before two by-elections), and after Johnson’s sinus surgery coming hard on the heels of his June visit to Zelensky.
There have long been rumours that Zelensky is a cocaine addict. Is there a possibility that Johnson was supplying him with cocaine or that Zelensky was supplying the white powder? Either way, Johnson was becoming a security risk (and possibly open to blackmail) if the two were becoming chummy over doing white lines.
It is odd that Cabinet and junior ministers should have suddenly started resigning over the scandal surrounding MP Chris Pincher’s sexual harassment of Conservative Party workers, as if there hadn’t been other scandals of equal seriousness occurring right under Johnson’s nose the whole time he has been Prime Minister. He had to have done something that finally convinced the likes of loyal senior retainers Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid to throw in the towel, something that they realised might also tar and derail their careers, yet which they had been advised not to reveal publicly.
Being compromised by something like cocaine isn’t a disqualification for high office, it’s a positive requirement.
Look at Bill Clinton.
Look at Bill Clinton.
Much sooner not.
And Michael Gove
Funny that I just watched an insufferable clip of that clown on CNN, thinking the same thing as you, are they doing lines in the green room before going on air with Wolf Blitzer or, uh, lubing each other up, metaphorically speaking of course?
Everybody is sniffing. Because you or Zelensky are sniffing all the time doesnt mean you are an addict. It can be controlled. I can control it and so can Zelensky.
Fuck ’em all. Power to the people.
Pls. I am happy as it is. You only get things worse giving all power to the people.
Whatta nightmare.
Some months ago someone said that, as much as they loathed Johnson, Johnson was preferable to people in his cabinet who were pushing for more and harder lockdowns. Johnson was ‘admired’ for resisting the pressure.
The drive to have Johnson replaced may not simply result from the normal struggle between all politicians to be top dog.
[Johnson is a laughable passing history].
Thus all eyes on Vladimir Putin.
Here goes Putin’s quote of the day, his star-line offering a summary of the entire SMO so far [ today’s meeting with the Duma political factions bosses ]:
”All should know that SO FAR we have not seriously started anything yet.”
[ meaning: militarily we have not started anything serious yet and so far].
I highlight SO FAR as here Putin offers his unique sarcasm and irony intonation skill at its best. Indeed, great line and delivered with a chilling acting manner.
Putin at his best.
Russia at its best.
Like a line from Teheran or Yalta.
Only in Russian, sec.30 onwards
thank you for that, the “event” will likely soon be upon us, the betting shop will finally close and the distraction of whether vlad is, or is not in the pocket of santa klaus will finally be answered, the answer being both opinions were correct, the fact then that large parts of the globe inc the good ol u s of a have been reverted back to the middle ages might impede the social media updates of what stage its at and what has happened, where.
the destruction of the guidestones, much as we all would like to think was guerilla, is i believe the starting whistle, let the games commence.
the window is closing, we have only the aftermath
“We have not even started yet. The longer war, the harder the peace.
What we cant do today, can wait until tomorrow.”
Putin and Russia at his highest skills and best!?
The subsequent point Putin makes in that clip also seems important. That the longer the conflict goes on, the harder it will be to negotiate a peaceful end to it.
Full text of the speech (English):
Dr Zasypkin, former Russian ambassador to Beiruth, in xcellent Arabic, offers his farewell to Boris Johnson on MemriTV.
A pretty scathing analysis, though probably accurate.
It is a pity how it’s ended (or ending) for Boris. Someone who had a reputation for being the life & soul of a party and admirer of war winner Churchill. I recall, once-upon-a-time reading his Churchill biography and being greatly impressed:
So to be brought down (at least in part) by ‘Partygate’ (while presiding over the Covidian banishment of parties) and to sabre-rattle the Uk into the Ukraine-Russia conflict, which may well end in defeat (in contrast to WWII), is deeply ironic.
I sometimes think that the ‘elites’ take someone of a certain character and use them to do the polar opposite of what that persona has previously suggested to the populace (or even to themselves). Bear that in mind when the new leader is in place.
Germany’s Scholz also scares me too when he gives his speeches. Reminiscent of a certain German leader during the 1930s/40s, especially his mannerisms when he gets emotional. Quite a disturbing similarity
I saw once some footage of Johnson on a bike in London, overflowing with some uncontrolled heady talk and apparent pro publico bono cheap shouts ”to the people”. It was when he was mayor of London.
Sorry, but no! A matter of taste.
And if someone writes an intelligent book about Churchill, he would never agree to the Covid infantilism, as he did. He would break the neck of this idiocy. Whereas he did not. On the contrary, UK was one of the leaders in this idiocy, and he agreed to be one of the faces promoting this criminal sabotage on the world.
In other words, the book and the idiocy should never go together.
Therefore, if the book is fine, as you are saying, perhaps someone else wrote the book, judging by all the rest Johnson stands for and how he proved his calibre.
Besides, as always, as vsiegda, англичанка гадит.
It *was* remarkable how Vovan & Lexus managed to pull off that prank on Priti Patel, I’ll grant that
You guys are overly complicating the problem. Kill the puppet master and we can then move on with our lives. Starting with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, you have three options: 1) hang them, 2) shoot them or 3) jail them for life. Next, move on to the Rothschild family and then every other trillionaire and billionaire on this planet. All we have to do is unite ourselves, that is, we the little people, and use our numbers to overwhelm these parasites and psychopaths. I propose the name of this operation be called “Kill Bill”.
Sadly most people are unaware of who are real rulers are. Their propaganda mills are too ubiquitous and slick and monopolised. The sheeple don’t stand a chance.
Or even a fate worse than death: cancel all their assets. Turn them all out on the streets, penniless.
And see how long they last and suffer at the hands of us Peasants?
Just make them do an honest day’s work for the first time in their miserable lives. They can make a positive contribution to society as road sweepers or brussels sprout pickers.
Dr. Vladimir Zelensky’s last speech (video). It’s a tour de force. May he rest in peace.
Zelenko…Two people confused your typo Zelensky with sarcasm
Significant? Probably within the confines of the public political paradigm. It could help the Tories win an additional bonus (Major-style) win if they attribute all the goofs to Bo-Jo. A change of face can help create the mirage of a new party, just like a change of party can sustain the illusion of democracy. Or, as someone mentioned here, a Lab-Lib coalition could win an election. Kier has been groomed. Corbyn neutralised. A Labour Party that matches the Democrats for hypocrisy and platitudes.
For us, it might be more than just a bit of window dressing. Class and nation are the problem for those who would like the wisdom on the now removed Georgia Guide stones to become reality. The class conscious lefty can smell the elitism, just as clearly as the populist nationalist.
In Identity, Youth and Crisis Erik H. Erikson contrasted the technocrat/specialist with the humanist/universalist. There are many versions of the latter and I think both our class-minded left and nation-minded right are ‘humanist’.
Unfortunately, I think time is up for both. George Mc has outlined the obituary of the former well on Off-G. The latter is gasping for breath.
Like you say: Who cares? Over here, in Australia, we’ve had a change from conservatives to the ‘liberal’ left and, like everywhere, both sides of the fake divide toe the line on every narrative from Ukraine to Covid to Monkeypox.
make sure you get that ‘winter booster’. and be ready for the ‘spring booster’ (untested of course), and no doubt that ‘summer booster’ (will also likely protect against UV). the cycle will most certainly repeat itself as the trained, compliant Stralya herd just loves to be . . . well . . . herded.
The only time the ALP have differed from the other mob of scabs is over the invasion of Iraq
This life is insane and it’s purposely done so I’ve had enough played prime minister’s played everyone in power.America has a dementia president.I’m not going to follow the narrative I’m going with my heart.I’ve tried honestly I have I’ve listened to jab deaths and illnesses I’ve listened to the politicians mps and the opposition,I’ve listened to people what have gone through awful things?!?.But I’m no better off I’m more confused than I was before this plandemic it’s honestly more confusing now than it was 2019 if I could go back then I would because it’s a life changing thing but I guess that’s what they planned they want you to feel like this they want you to suffer it’s more than devide and conquer it’s was all about destroying your soul.
I’ve lost faith in people not lying parasitic politicians and the elites it’s us that need to raise up.
No, they don’t want you to suffer. They want you to solve your confusion (through research) and for you to thereby survive.
Now you are pretending to not only know what their plans are but also know what they want from normal people. Are you that deluded or just one of them? Did it cross your psychopathic mind that when confronted with adversity, abuse, lies and misery not everyone is able to think straight and that most NORMAL human beings will succumb to this terror campaign and just give up? It’s not confusion you prick. Not everyone is in the same position when it comes to having the ability or the time to research, let’s indulge you here, that research is needed…
DO YOU FUCKING CARE THAT PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING AND ARE MISERABLE? DO YOU HAVE ANY HUMAN FEELINGS AT ALL? Humanity would be much better if all empathIcally empty psychos vanish suddenly. Can you do us a favour around here in regard to that?
Wow! its like wimbledon on acid, volley after volley as the 2 heavyweights slog it out, tits jiggling or should that be moobs (sorry ladies).
You two are the opposite sides of the same coin, one resigned to the facts as they are: that billions of souls will depart from this realm, to a very uncertain future, yet that realisation of the same means one need not be sucked doon plug ole with the rest.
The other empassioned and hurting at the incredulity of the pain and suffering caused as ye olde plug chain is jangled and yanked…
attachment to this realm is justified, as is awareness of where you came from and where you will go should you be succoured in and there in lies the rub…
it will be akin to inheriting a very run down, but quite ancient old house in a quiet corner of the cosmos, it will bear extraordinary scars of the conflict it has witnessed, many of the floor boards will be rotten and every step will need to be placed with absolute care, however it will in some way be at peace, the war for souls will be over…
Most of those set for departure, platform 5 made their decision re this some lifetimes back and as things escalate those of us on the fence are forced to wise up fast.
For those that do the sheer scale, complexity and saturnian relevance is repulsive and seemingly so purposeless.
Preaching to the adept and his shouty apprentice eh? such insolence
Angela Carters “heroes and villains” is a timely read and an hour of your time plugged into this “interesting take” may also give some viable opinion on the matter.
They’re harvesting souls to leave only a robotic, compliant mush to feed off as energy for their machine.
This is not the kind of comment the girl needs for sure.
Be careful Annie, this forum is only for the coarse-hearted, very sturdy and iron-resilient.
Like the army marching with Alexander the Great towards the Chitral mountains. I do not think this is for you.
No it’s mostly just bad tempered and rude.
So true.
Unfortunately they like us to fight with each other.
Find people with a positive outlook as you will not find any light at the end of the tunnel here.
I will give you some hope. Just look at all the politicians and CEO’s who have resigned lately. Also look at Joe Biden, does he have any real power. The military didn’t even pick him up for the fake inauguration or give him a presidential 21 gun salute.
These things take time as their resources are endless, media/money and corrupt governments but trust me their time is up and soon.
It’s all just part of the game that’s being played out all over the world.
In Ireland, the deputy prime minister,another wef acolyte, despite leaking confidential information to his “friend” and openly admitting to same, was cleared yesterday by one his party appointed prosecutors….. In other words nothing to see here fools.
They’re blatant in their behavior now because they know there are no sanctions for anything they do.
The game has always been rigged but in the past they kept most it hidden, now they don’t care who knows.
Johnson will be replaced by another hand picked puppet and on and on. He himself, will go on to make more millions on the “celebrity” circuit, when in the real world he should be in a jail cell.
Completely confirming the status of our corrupt little country. Tax haven for the super-rich and global corporations, the fire sale of non-distressed state assets to international hedge funds – Canada profiting most – Eircom, state-sponsored, share scam, Denis O’Brien, Corrib gas, Moriarty Tribunal, €3 billion maternity hospital, falling off a swing.
Yes I agree, Boris will be on I’m a celebrity get me out of here in the next few years. Why not as a couple? Carrie could do a nice little satanic ritual around the camp fire or try to summon Moloch.
Because there’s another scandal, worse than Pincher, in the wings and they don’t trust Boris to lie convincingly.
You better hope it’ll be Steve Baker as he’s an out an out climate denier and the biggest threat this country faces right now, bar none, is Carrie’s NetZero policy.
No, because Starmer is anticipating his FPN from Durham police so might have to resign during an election.
Fix it for labour? LOL. Starmer is just regurgitating tory policies, may as well stick with the ones with the imagination, no matter how deranged it is.
The Lolita Express……..
I heard on the wireless yesterday, Sir Keir and Angel Rayner have been cleared of any wrongdoing by Durham Police.
Why has Boris Johnson been forced to resign?
Because he was told to fork off to Dorking, but instead he forked off for Kew, and now he’s alone and out walking for Kew, and for Kew, and for Kew!
Who will replace him? A new No.2. to govern the ‘Village’ local taxi service.
Will they change anything? No.
He’s resigned, or has he re-signed ….on the dole or the gravy train or something else. Anyway he’s still PM until a new one is s elected. Everyone will get excited with the possibility of the new socialist futopia.
Q1: Boris was too much of a rebel over lockdowns, masks, vaccinations etc so the WEF/NWO/BBB globalists wanted rid of him. The entirety of the UK MSM is beholden to those anti-democratic organisations/individuals, so they sang their songs, learned their lines and generally put on a six month ‘Shit on the Boris’ BCFC Aston-villa hate fest.
Q2: I have no idea who will replace him, but I guarantee you that they will toe the WEF line.
Q3: If they change anything it will be to move closer to Macron’s France, not toward Denmark.
Q4: There really is no justification for an election, but when did that matter to the coup conspirators?
Q5: Whether ‘they can fix it for Starmer’ or not depends probably on how corrupt the election voting system is. No doubt the experts in election fixing will know where they need to shift a few thousand votes legitimately or through ballot stuffing, electoral roll fraud etc etc.
Q6: Who gives a shit?
Well Starmer fixed it for Jim (Saville), so perhaps they owe him one. Tyranny and oppression feels much more pleasant under the guise of ultra wokeness and liberalism.
One scoundrel and terrorist OUT… One scoundrel and terrorist IN.
“Nothing will fundamentally change… also in the UK”!
Under the current MAIN SYSTEM the change of one jester and his followers means absolutely nothing.
Is there a reason why the pending monster has returned?
It never left me.
I think the media is an unfailingly accurate guide to the truth … in a purely negative way i.e. if there is a big and nasty relentless campaign of vicious vilification then you know the target is a real problem to the big knobs. Yes I’m thinking Corbyn – although I don’t want to overstate the case. It’s not that he would have led the revolution but he clearly caused enough worry to bring about a representational “Nazification” of the Labour Party. When the BBC spent a full 10 minutes (I counted them) telling us how terrified the Jewish population of the UK were over Jeremy’s secret intention of building the new Auschwitz in Hyde Park then you knew something unusual was up. Yes JC had to go therefore JC must have meant something.
Since then? Well it was all very sad in its utter nullity. Until the polystyrene plague hit. And Boris – the Evil Tory – was (here we go again!) “dragged kicking and screaming” into lockdown.
Suspicion: Boris played the role of the mayor in Jaws – refusing to admit there was a real problem (which turned out to be as convincing as the plastic fish in the Spielberg movie). His utterly irresponsible Right Wing rejection of The Science was further exacerbated by that imperiously oblivious Christmas party! And The Mighty Left are still hovering in the wings waiting to swoop into the winter palace. And it’s OK for them to do so now that Sir Keir’s car light struck rabbit eyes betoken total submission.
But I think they may have delayed the show a little too much now. That approaching vehicle may be a little too close to Sir Keir’s timidly twitching ears.
The problem is, there was nothing wrong with him attending any party.
Thus the credulous masses are persuaded that liberty is a privilege – and not a natural right.
Credulous masses. There you are placing yourself on top. It’s not a nice trait.
Exactly. The press hounded him for the wrong reason – not that the Tories did something wrong but that they lived as they should have and the rest of us should do likewise. But the “irresponsible” Christmas party was a necessary “Tory crime” to emphasise the covid crap.
Articles are examples of free press.
Who were the captains navigating the boat around National Holidays,, Remberance, Historical, and Religious Celebrations.
These net fools showed their Hypocritical dogma negatives by their on-line behavioural patterns, by not offering support and encouragement under their “we” and “us” are all the bloody same rubbish.
No they stereotypically line attack like blockhead Bigots., when you are not forced to go along to the street parties.
These Miserable fucksticks and dickweeds CANNOT resist their shit fingering nonsense AND are Actually Supporting Restrictions!
All Articles on The Net are Free Press. These so-called educated Boneheads are fucking thick as British Bricks. imo
Yes the media did major hatchet jobs on Trump, Corbyn, and now Boris. I can see why the ultra left media would do this to right wingers, but Corbyn was obviously not woke enough and the lack of brown nosing to Israel did it for him.
The job on Corbyn was that bad I was expecting to see him on an advert “I can’t believe it’s not Zyklon B”
If you’re in politics and you want to do good things for the people, left wing or right, you’re black balled.
Granted. He was a relic from the 70s who actually believed what Labour were supposed to believe and thus didn’t fit the mold of the “New Marxism”.
The fundamental problem with Corbyn was that he was actually a Socialist which is not acceptable in the UK Labour Party.
If the Scots got their act together first by throwing out the very wet Sturgeon and then installing someone prepared to do more than just shout the occasional boo at the English goose the whole UK ruritanian soap opera might be brought finally to its end.
I was very alarmed to learn that there are no limits to the amount of terms that woman can have. Eugh.
“They are one in the same.”

“The Republicrats are bought and paid for by the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Nazis. They are there to give the illusion of choice. When in fact there is none. In Sham Democracy USA WE THE PEOPLE do not have choices, WE have owners.”
Oh bullshit!! Look at your gas prices and grocery store bill dumbfuck!! Liberal party at its best!! Now tell me who’s bought and paid for!!
So what do you think about the JQ?
I can’t see anybody wright about their power and influence,both in US and GB.
So why is that,S Cooper?
Are you just a shill or a distraction?
I hope Off has the courage to let this stand.
Nuclear Buffoon: Jews Select Politicians for Compliance, Not Competence – The Occidental Observer
Excuse me?please explain you another shill?Whats your argument because you are just attacking somebody 😬
Have you ever heard of “good cop, bad cop”?
Your a complete moron!! If you’re suggesting that Trump was too blame for your precious world being fucked up your wrong. Look no further than the Leftist Democratic party! They have fucked the whole country too the edge of collapse! So piss off! Long live the U S.A. Amen bitch!!
We all are brought and paid for it’s all an illusion it’s a stage to them that’s why they play with owls and snakes if we moved above that they would be thrown in a bog 😬
And s cooper is one of the smartest people on here!!!!??!!!
Very true, even their fake statute laws are called acts for a reason.
They are rules for us, but not for them.
Go fuck off!
I’d never noticed the reversal before. Red for revolution, socialism,communism, the red shield and the republicans. Blue for the conservatives, the tories and the democrats. Odd.
The “blue/red” image prompts me to again recommend this “Simpsons” segment, which (at least for me) remains a hilarious tour de force of the “it’s funny because it’s true” genre:
They are one and the same
Now, if only we were bonobo-like, instead of chimp-like.
I’m always impressed by someone that knows their biology.
All in on red, I mean Orange man.
President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly – FULL SPEECH
‘The future does not belong to globalists, the future belongs to patriots”!
Watch Orange man stick it to the elites.
Exactly the same thing I said 10 years ago, and today Trump finally arrived to the same conclusion and promoted them for UN.
Its time for you and all Americans to wake up, and lay your hand on our Constitution and swear you will keep every word of it. If you wanna avoid the Commies.
But if you support the Commies and Obama and want to destroy America, then damn you.
His successor was groomed long ago.
After a few years of looking like the most important person in the UK, Boris has got bored with being a place-filler.
Look out Britain; the next place-filler will undoubtedly be worse.
Always have in mind that a lethargic numskull is less dangerous than an energetic one…
Boris isn’t the slightest bit upset by having his mere words overturned. The only thing that would upset him would be a serious class action for damages on behalf of the British people for wasting their time and their money – apart from having a chocolate cake taken away from him before he had finished it. Yes, he really does belong in a Roald Dahl story for kids.
It’s all Hollywood now. Groupthink and giving the masses what they want, just so long as it kills them.
Just as well that cosmic time is a much bigger affair than the trivial whimsy which characterizes our ‘representatives’ in the current age. They are all tripe, even if some of them did get full marks for attendance. You have to be tripe to get a job in today’s Westminster.
If only a one and true God could give us a sign and, perhaps, send his Son to show us what we should do and show us the Way.
Here’s hoping!
One thing is sure, they want people to lose faith in the institution of Government. And that’s a shame, even tribes have a council of elders. When we lose faith in an incompetent, possibly corrupt government, we throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The anarchists who downvote this comment fail to recognise that leadership exists in all forms of worthwhile construction, such as a foreman at a building site or father in a household of a family, a teacher at an archer class. Even an outcast must learn to master himself for governance of his passions. Sheep need a shepherd. We are all sheep in some context.
..they want people to lose faith in the institution of Government.. <=maybe they can control the people without government? Governments just get in the way of the greedy?
yes, the global transnational exchange registered corporations and their oligarch owners have acquired from the nation state system <-complete monopoly power coverage.. In the beginning government owns all monopoly power; there are no artificial entities (corporations, partnerships, franchises, trusts, and the like) only private persons trying to live together.
Soon greedy people discover they can lobby government, for a legal way to be protected from liability for their illegal, corrupt or deceptive actions. Government gives them as many corporations as they want, simply file for a charter, pay a fee and do business in the name of our fake person <=called corporation. You will have no liability for all your corruptions. Government says look not only can the corporation, we invented for you, protect you from liability, it can also allow you to raise massive amounts of capital so you can do use the earnings and assets of ordinary people to steal more money from them.
The corporate cats say gee that's great.. wonder could you divide your government up a bit, and give us the parts of your government and the public domain it governs so that we can make money from it? Government says yes, we will empower you to create for yourself a monopoly power (just put some hot air into our the monopoly machine we made for you; and type on the keyboard what you want a monopoly over? (for example, if you want a monopoly on the empire state building, no problem just go to one of our friendly government offices, and file a file that you own the ESB, and that government office will issue to you a deed? This deed will permit you to keep all persons off your property, except those you want there, at all times. Yes, Mr. Government but still we cannot police that, many people may want to climb to the top, and we don't have any legal way to stop them. Oh said government, no problem after we put some hot air into the monopoly machine and make a law called trespass, we can enforce your monopoly against all people not entitled to be on your property. This deed and the law against trespass, establishes exclusive use of private property to you a fiction person and provides a way for government to pay police to enforce that exclusive use for you. Anything else you need?
Greedy persons say to government, look we are in business, our business needs to make money, but we are finding every time we have a product people like, and it starts to sell, that some person in their back yard somewhere invents a product that people in market like better than ours. We need a way to stop those back yard competitors from interfering with our big time business? Competition is just killing us. Government says no problem we will just put some more hot in into our monopoly making machine and produce two products for you certain to eliminate competition.
PRODUCT one is copyright. If you file for exclusive use for expressions of human minds (stuff on media: writing, books, papers, works of art or software code, etc) in our government copyright office, you will have exclusive use on those expressions; no one else can use them without your consent, and
PRODUCT two is patent. IF you file in the government office for exclusive use of know-how methods to produce things, we will give you exclusive use on know-how methods and on the things produced by those methods.
Greedy persons say to government, but the law of trespass does not work for these intangible things. we need something different to keep the competitors from using our words, selling our books and works of art and software without our permission, or worse those who produce their own using our production methods and technology secrets.
NO problem says government, instead of trespass we will invent the law of infringement. It works like trespass, but protects not deeds, instead it protects copyrighted and patented things from be made somewhere else and used to compete against you fictitious entities and oligarch.
Greedy person says great now we can own everything; that which is tangible like land, tangible things and even intangible things like methods to make things, or works of art, or software or whatever.
No one but us the greed can make anything and no one but us the greedy can use the things copyrighted or patented. That great.. But government you have not yet given the greedy a way to be government itself?
Yes we have if we make research grants to your people, and they invent something or write software code all you, the Greedy, need do is to get them to file for a patent or copyright on the stuff they inventor or encode, then you can buy the monopoly power (patent or copyright or deed). No one buys property, they buy the right to exclusive use, a deed to property. Same with copyrights and patents, no competitor buys works of art, software or secret methods to make things with, they buy the copyright and patent that protect the ways and means to make those intangible things.
Ok say the greedy, now we are getting somewhere. we can own everything and you will enforce our ownership and against any trespasser or infringer by either the law of trespass or the law of infringement all we need do is to record in the government office our claims and you will pay our research and development costs in the form of government grants and pay our employees in the form of government contracts.
But the greedy were still not satisfied, because government was providing to those it governs many profitable services (things like electricity, natural gas, water, garbage and sewer services. Look government services are profitable, government should not own them. Just franchise them to us.
So the greedy now own everything in the private domain, and most of what is in the government domain and most of what used to be in the public domain.
After years passed, and government said to the greedy, look you guys are making too much profit and no one can compete against you. Slow down please. The greedy said no we own everything including you. Thanks to your monopoly power (copyright, patent, trademark, and government contracts) they helped our greedy soles to become global, our offices and work places traverse national and global boundaries without any problem, we are bigger than any one of all of you nation state governments. You can no longer tell us what to do. We will tell you want to do .
So off to war humans go to defend the rights of the greedy?
Money is an illusion and even a rebellion will have a governing body. Land, food farming skills and morals (i.e. trust and integrity) are the only things of value now.
…- Poor scriptwriting, implausible plotting, *Terrible* acting… – Imma give this production *One Star*…
…- Hmmm… – Need a review website: – ‘Rotten Politicos’…
…- Try this again with that 1st link (- How on Earth does Coop’ manage to pull this off?…):…
…*GODDAMMIT*!!!… >X(
(…- That was a *Really Lovely* tub o’ popcorn, so it were!…)
I’ve always thought of BoJo as “mostly harmless”, at least he was back in the day when as a backbencher and MP for Henley on Thames (and Daily Torygraph columnist). The rot set in when he was persuaded to ditch his safe seat for the London Mayor job, back when the media did a nice hatchet job on “Red Ken” Livingstone. As London Mayor his contribution was to introduce a new double deck bus — I can’t think of anything else. Then back to the House and then somehow to the PM’s job to “Get ‘er done”, this time the media doing their hatchet job on “Red Jeremy” Corbyn.
UK politics has been a shambles since — well, its always been a shambles, really. Its kind of hung together because of an essential “Britishness”, the idea of always doing the right thing, but that got torpedoed in the 1980 with the ascendance of Thatcher and her strict monetarist policies. The corrosive effect of these policies and “TINA” would take time to have their full effect but eventually it was inevitable that the awful reality of what had happened was going to hit the population and there would be a time when the constant propaganda barrage was just not enough any more.
Now the UK has finally achieved the state that the neoliberal revolutionaries craved — the destruction of the state, that point where anything that can be profitably privatized has been hived off and where the government has only the trappings of power left. A fate shared by the archtypical banana republic. Like those republics society has been stratified into the relatively small class who own and control everything, a fiercely loyal middle class that primarily exists to support and defend it and a mass of people who are left alone — provided they don’t cause any trouble. Its made people rich beyond their wildest dreams but the price paid to the nation as a whole has been very steep.
I’m out of this now. I left the country during the reign of Thatcher, jumping out of the British frying pan into the American fire. The problems here in the US are very similar but fortunately just on state here has a bigger economy than the UK’s. The only snag is that this country has been drinking the same monetarist KoolAid as the UK and with strikingly similar results. TINA is just not true, and no amount of economic — or even open — warfare will make it so.
I don’t believe it’s real. It’s a way to dissipate and re-direct anger and frustration within the public on both sides of the faux political aisle, so it appears that the political psyop called “parliament” is genuine, instead of a privately owned and controlled racketeering operation, run by a global criminal cartel.
The media serves up asinine, pablum and Gematria, day after day. The repetition of absurd lies is an effective subconscious, mind control programming tool.
These staged political psyops also work as a distraction mechanism from the obvious criminality, racketeering and corruption of “governments”.
I agree with all you said, but who is pulling the strings above Boris?
The central bank cartel; IMF. BIS. Privy council, Vatican, Military Intel, Rockefeller org, Rothschild Group. Committee of 300. Group of 30. Council of 13. Tavistock. Bilderberg Group. Pilgrims Society. Trilateral Commission. CFR. UN. WEF etc.
Johnson probably has a handler or handlers.
Since agendas are created decades in advance, the politicians are given scripts to memorize and parts to play.
That’s laser guided delivery researcher. I arrived a little late to the party. I’ve been on a sabbatical for a few months for the sake of my mental health.
Thank you for replying.
TPTB pull the strings of the demagogues, and they encourage you to recognise this.
Kennedy provided a clue:
Well, you know that USSR and USA are just Punch & Judy, so was Kennedy really just talking about the KGB?
Thank you for replying.
Privy Council run the country, they are aligned with WEF, WHO, globalism.
The monarchy can’t directly run state affairs, but do so through the Privy council.
The Royals are much bigger players than you think. Why wasn’t Lizzie bothered when we signed up to the EU, basically rendering her powerless in her little island realm?
Globalism, they are big players, and they are higher up the Cabal pecking order than the EU, that’s why she didn’t give two hoots.
Appreciate the reply. Thank you.
Doesn’t matter who you vote for, The Windsors and thier secret Freemason government are the people who really run the UK.
It isn’t even a secret. There are books about it.
But you’re right. It still doesn’t matter whom you vote for.
Who exactly are UK politicians working for. Tell me, if the US collapsed tomorrow, would the freedoms and sovereignty of UK and European nations be saved and possibly avoid another war?
Operation starmer in full effect.
Next uk puppet government, a labour/libdem coalition.
As defined by the puppets masters, desperately trying to get tory voters to vote elsewhere.
Of course the real talking point should be turnout, which is dwindling.
So long, the illusion of western democracy!
Tweedledum v. Tweedledummer.
Two cheeks of the same arse.
Big Bag Of Bugger All A v. Big Bag Of Bugger All B.
Lying, Thieving, Corporate Globalist Zionist Puppet A v. Lying, Thieving, Corporate Globalist Zionist Puppet B.
Starmer may well be the next stooge because he’s married to a Jew and has Jewish children.
Coke v. Pepsi.
What difference does this make to the price of carrots?