None Worse for the Wear
Todd Hayen

I just got off zooming today with a lawyer friend of mine. He seems to be a nice guy but rather “play it by the book” (as these types are wont to be). Through the course of conversation I had to reveal that I am unvaccinated (he had just come from an overseas trip and asked where I had been in the world since our last conversation 12 months hence).
Body language gave away his position on the vaccination issue, and then verbally confirmed it with the comment, “I believe everyone should be vaccinated for obvious reasons.”
Obvious reasons?
I did let that go, and noted that a year ago I would have responded with a bit of arrogance and attitude. One thing I have noticed since all this started—in the beginning I was much more apt to give people like this guy some of my “two cents,” now it is very rare for me to become evangelical about it.
He went on to share with me that due to something that happened to his daughter he was a bit more empathic toward folks of my persuasion.
He proceeded to tell me that after her last shot (the third jab, the booster) she developed what the doctors diagnosed as an “immune deficiency” skin condition—which they proclaimed to be permanent and would need treatment for life.
“Not a really big deal,” my friend was quick to qualify. “But boy did it piss her off.”
No kidding.
The doctors also said it was likely caused by the vaccine. Now this caught my attention. “Really?” I thought to myself. “The doctors actually admitted this?” My lawyer friend didn’t say much else, and didn’t seem to think it was too much to be concerned about, simply the price some might have to pay for trying to save the world with mass vaccination—a Purple Heart sort of event.
All this again made me realize how difficult it will be for any of “these sorts” (not necessarily lawyer types, but anyone following the mainstream) to come to their senses and realize the true reality to this whole fiasco.
Yes, there are people, a lot of them actually, in Russia who still believe that Stalin was Russia’s saviour, as well as many, as we all know, that still venerate Hitler and his evil ideology.
Facts seldom persuade people who have been brainwashed into believing anything that contradicts their illusions.
I pondered on all the people I knew that were like this lawyer. People who actually had first hand experience with something that many of us on this side of the fence only know through the experiences of others. Once again, the question is how do these people hold onto the lies, subterfuge, and manipulation, that they call their “rock of reason?”
I just wrote a review of Mattias Desmet’s new book The Psychology of Totalitarianism which very clearly explains the making of sheep—the psychological underpinning for a mass formation of people who will go to their deaths believing the absolute opposite of truth. But are they all really under the influence of mass hypnosis?
Desmet claims only about a third are, and another third are just confused, or maybe not even confused, but simply uninformed. The final third are the shrews—those of us who seem to require absolutely no convincing that the sky is falling. In fact, we were so certain of this when all this started that we can’t even comprehend why the entire world’s population is still blindly following the pied piper.
I believe my lawyer friend is in this middle group. I am not sure why I believe this, but it seems obvious to me. Could he swing the shrew way? Well, he did develop some empathy for anti-vaxxers when his daughter developed a condition even her doctors claimed was caused by the vaccines. But don’t all vaccines have side effects? And you were just unlucky if you got struck by one?
Well, you would think everyone would be conscious of that, although the powers that be, and the Czar of Science himself, have continually claimed the vaccines are “safe and effective”—the first vaccine with such accolades in the history of medicine.
So I do wonder if my friend would be so quick to stay in the safety zone of sheep-ville if his daughter had died of blood clots or myocarditis, and her friendly doctors had claimed, “Sometimes we see this as a side effect of the Covid vaccines.”
As it stands now his daughter only has to deal with a life time skin irritation, again, a small price to pay for being wounded in the great battle to save grandma and, of course, to flatten the curve.
What would it take to make him instead see the horror behind the mass vaccination of the entire world with an untested, experimental, drug?
As the title of this article implies, whatever it takes that will wake such people up will not, more than likely, make much of an impression. Life will probably go on with the realization, or the assumption, that no one said it would be easy, and due to the war in Europe (blamed on the devil incarnate KGB boss V. Putin), global warming, the Republicans reversing Roe vs Wade, the Republicans in general, the irreparable damage of Trump’s presidential term, the Republicans not yet even born, we just have to accept the fact that life isn’t always peachy and live on making the best of it—none worse for the wear so to speak. We’ll all survive.
So how do us shrews live in that sort of bizarro world? A world we see actively falling apart with a third of the population actually advocating the bulldozer in their backyard uprooting all the trees, and the other third seemingly oblivious to it all? I found myself today almost laughing at my lawyer sheep-friend whereas a year ago I would have been steaming. I guess I have a humorous nature because I am morbidly beginning to find all of this rather funny.
I chuckle inside now when I hear my wife ask why there seems to be so many ambulances careening down the street in our neighbourhood, or why so many athletes are dropping dead in the fields, or why it seems so many people are just waking up dead (I like that phrase, “waking up dead,” even though it makes no sense, everything is funny now). I used to try to answer her, but now I don’t, I just say, “Yeah, I’ve noticed that too, honey. No idea why.”
I have made a commitment that I will stand by the people whom I love who seemingly have lost the ability to think. I will help them through this horror even if they never know, or accept, what is causing it.
As the world crumbles around us, I am sad to say I now have a morbid curiosity to see how long, or what event, it takes for these people in my life to break—to notice anything as being shockingly out of the ordinary and to wake up with a, “Oh my God, you were right all along, I’m sorry I thought you were an idiot.”
After today I really doubt if it will go that way, and if it doesn’t, it will be that much funnier. Laughable actually, a guffaw from me with a verbal exaltation, “Are you kidding? You still don’t see this?” But I actually think it will take a lot more for me to break.
Instead I see myself holding the hands of my loved ones, stroking their forehead as the world slips into oblivion, and saying, “Yes, sweetheart, you are right, we should have recycled more than we did.”
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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I share your abandonment of ‘Red-Pilling’, Todd, but it’s not only the Vaxx – it infests many of our beliefs across the board because we are conditioned by life experiences to retain a world view that jibes with our life management systems. We wish to maintain a stability and thus avoid change, often to our own detriment.
It’s almost an addiction to the status quo and all addictions are difficult to break because they comfort and reassure us. After I retrained as an humanistic counsellor working with Citizens Advice Bureau in the 1990s, I witnessed at first hand how entrenched in belief structures my clients had become in dealing with life issues.
For example, my debt counselling revealed underlying psychological issues such as the old favourite, retail therapy. As our western world descends into instability and chaos it will require many people to revisit everything they have believed about their world view. They will need to reconcile the fact that they have been lied to and conditioned all their lives and been sold an illusion worthy of Alice In Wonderland and exposed in The Wizard Of Oz.
I have attempted to prepare people for the coming events in the Introduction to Part 2 of my book:
Note on Form:
.... since our last meeting 12 months hence'.
…. 12 months prior’.This makes no sense whatsoever. I think you meant
12 months hence' would refer to something that would occur 12 months later.
last meeting 12 months hence’ unless you are able to travel back and forth in time.You can't have had a
COVID was a crisis of capitalism masquerading as a public health emergency.
COVID was a dramatic redistribution of wealth and power, and taking down of the middle class (financially and psychologically).
Vaxxed! I got the vaccine to do the right thing …
That’s stupid. Wake them the fuck up.
I, too, have beloved family members who took the vaxxx. I have stopped discussing it with them; it’s pointless, they can’t undo what they have done. It is devastating to look in the face of a young loved one in their 20s, and know the damage they have done to themselves, and have them be unaware of it! I hold on to the thought that this life is only a preparation for eternity, and in some ways it doesn’t matter if you die young or old so long as you die loving God and wanting to be with Him forever. So I encourage them in their spiritual lives, and pray for them to be more and more deeply converted to God. May we have all of eternity together with each other and with Him!
The 5 laws of stupidity by carlow cipolla explains a lot about society and current behaviour
If convid (and other respiratory viruses) were real, as Tom Cowan points out, all we needed to do was get some phlegm from an infected person and put it under an electron microscope. We should be able to see the virus. However this is never done. Those pushing the myth claim there isn’t enough viral matter in phlegm, not just from a single patient but from 100 or more people. And yet we have to muzzle and disenfect to stay safe..
Stay tuned for the virophiliacs who will descend to icily and superciliously castigate you (and Tom Cowan and his like-minded associates) for your absurdly simplistic criticism, which (they will tartly inform you) merely discloses your utter and abysmal ignorance of how viruses and virus detection really works.
Sometimes they leave it at that, but as often at not they embellish their scathing putdown with spectacular handwaving and tapdancing. If you persist in your folly, they will then declare that you are hopeless, and/or an obvious troll, and flounce off in exasperated high dudgeon.
Excellent Ort! You actually made me chuckle! Yes, I’ve also noticed this single one topic here seems to create a lot of hair pulling and teeth gnashing amongst certain sections of the commentariat. Each to their own I suppose.
I think what we see with the jab supporters and its obvious ill-effects is the sunk-cost fallacy playing out.
The sunk cost fallacy means that we are making decisions that are irrational and lead to suboptimal outcomes. We are focused on our past investments instead of our present and future costs and benefits, meaning that we commit ourselves to decisions that are no longer in our best interests.
A friend told me about a discussion with a funeral director who told her about an 11-year-old boy dying with no other obvious cause than the jab but his parents deny the jab played a role. I met a guy whose sister died from the jab – this was admitted on the death certificate so her parents are not denying the jab was the cause and, in fact, have asked for an inquiry but nevertheless they say they’re not “anti-vaccine”. I would have thought that after a loved one has died from the jab you’d do the research that shows clearly that the only sensible attitude is to be anti-vaccine at the very least in the case of covid if not generally.
It’s amazing the power of labels. I reject the label of conspiracy theorist because, among other reasons, I’m only interested in conspiracies that are psyops and there’s no theory when it comes to psyops – at least there’s no theory about whether it’s a psyop or not – because they always tell you the truth underneath the propaganda. Psyops exploit the very convenient complementary phenomenon to:
— “revelation of the method” which is:
— 100% reliability of the Emperor’s New Clothes effect where only a small percentage will recognise the truth.
Without the ability to have complete trust in the ENC, “revelation of the method” couldn’t happen, of course, but centuries of testing shows it works … every single time.
The label anti-vaxxer I’ll take on although there again it’s not really accurate – it’s the problem with the medical fraud we’ve been subjected to over a century on “viruses” in the first place.
The bottom line is..if they’ve taken it they dont want to allow any debate to make them question their irreversible decision
Yes, it can’t be undone so the best you can expect is a fatalistic shrug and chance of topic.
“Was there ever any attempt or possibility to resolve these two opposites?”
There was, for a very short time in the last century. It was so successful that both the capitalist and communist sides of the world froze in shock and joined forces. But to mention the name of this model or concept is not only frowned upon, condemned and demonized 24/7 by all means of propaganda, it is downright “forbidden” in many places. Not without reason, because the ruling system does not like it when one brings this truth to light.
What was it?
The Janus-facedness of the deviding system of world domination: Capitalism inevitably conjures up communism, since excessive wealth promotes and must provoke excessive social envy. It is always about selfishness and division of society. Like a shadow, one side of the worthless coin (capitalism) always carries the other (Marxism) with it.
It is amazing how much admiration Elon Musk, for example, receives on the Internet just because he tweets some profane remarks that are completely irrelevant to world events, and spreads announcements on the net that he then fails to keep. They all want to be like him, but will never be able to be, because only a few can be rich at the expense of many. They admire his unattainability.
But of which attitude does this testify? Of total selfishness and impersonality. If Musk would donate even a fraction of his gigantic fortune to cancer research or at least to the preservation of national interests, he would deserve reverence, but not like this! People like Musk blackmail whole national economies: “If your conditions are too expensive, I’ll go to China, there I can produce cheaper!”
Cancer research as conducted over half a century or so is another bottomless pit. Most of those offering genuine cure have been neutralised.
Can he though? He asked why pay tax, and for infrastructure I literally leave in the dust on my travels, when potus says he’ll do the building, when i Can reinvest in stocks of my sweet deal as a car Factory and superconductive materials fund? Beats me & Sanders! I thought yeah well, where’s my hyperloop and don’t you see link presentation is something those who surf the dappled web still care about, maybe a hyperlink too far but, given the moderate reactión to his fam strife, people seem to eat It Up and if their first Contact with the web was auto to techno, i Can see why.
The article is gallows humour, we have lawyers to thank.. 4 day week comrade!? Deterministic philosophers and probabilístic birds.. one good thing in the communities Who took the plague un kind, was recurring debates of what the internet is for might reflect how you were taught to usé It, vive la difference, the reminder if jab and travelling is central, feels gratuitious but probably makes having the means to do so more an overriding concern than what you have to come back to.
I’d have asked if the lawyer’s strike did for Johnson and his capacity to arbitrate.
I’m nowhere near as eloquent as Mr Hayen, but I’d like to add my own personal experience. My hairdresser, a woman in her sixties, was vaccinated last year. I have refused these vaccines; she is aware of this. She was concerned but it never caused a problem between us. We didn’t talk about our reasons.
Recently she was talking about the increase in Covid cases. I asked her if she would take a booster. She wouldn’t and explained why. Her young grandchild has been in hospital for over two months. Shortly after getting his second jab, he started to complain about blinding headaches. Often when he moves his head he gets these headaches. In addition, he is now very sensitive to light and suffers prolific nosebleeds.
After many tests, the doctors have given the family a diagnosis: he’s got long Covid.
Everyone knows what has really happened, but no-one will say it.
I was reading how Yarrow tea is good for nose bleeds. Prolongued use however can lead to light sensitivy.
Something called “Labour” doing their thingy…
Boris Johnson showed a “careless disregard for national security” in holding a private meeting with an ex-KGB agent in the wake of the Salisbury poisoning, Labour has said.
The pro-vaxxies would make even the most committed WW2-era Japanese Kamikaze fighter shake their heads in awe. Never have people been so willing to die for a cause…and their cause isn’t the fake coovy,it’s CONTROL.
The synchronicity of this article on this day. I needed that. I’ve had a weekend of socializing with your lawyer friend in many forms. I too have stopped trying to stear anyone towards anything, but lack your “humorous nature” to find the levity in the credulity. I’ll have to work on that.
“My guest today is a very special man – Wolf Dieter Storl is cultural anthropologist, ethnobotanist and book author. At the age of eleven, he moved with his parents from his native Germany to rural Ohio, where he in a very deep and special way did not only get interested in nature, forests and plants, but also built a very deep relationship with them.
Today he lives on a remote farm in the south of Germany with his wife from Wyoming. He recently published his biography about his youth and life in America, which has shaped his life, called ‘Far out im America’. We talk mostly about this part of his experience, but also about nature activism and the role nature plays in our everyday’s life.”
pearls before swine and dogs and vomit and all that ?? sorry for the assault, no personal offence.
but i find this post a bit of an apology for those who may well consign us to a dark hole.
be careful and wise.
Yup. He accepted that 2 + 2 = 5. The rest of us aren’t going to be nice. These people are going to be the death of us. You never play into the delusions of crazy people. Ever. That isn’t compassion, that is cowardice.
Great article.
It wasn’t a untested, experimental drug. It wasn’t mass vaccination. The whole story is a fiction. A cult ideology designed to get you in the cult and keep you there. If you look at these 11 signs of a cult there is atleast 10 of them that apply.
There is the tithing. You are expected to give money in the form of ‘insurance payments’ to the cult.
There is the dress code. You are expected to wear a mask so that everyone looks the same.
They try to get you to cut off from “anti vaxxers”. They hate on “antivaxxers”. You can not disagree. They are never wrong. They shame people openly. They get the cult members to shun those that leave. They worship the “experts”. They exhibit personality change like if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it would jump out but because the change happened gradually people stay in the pot as it warms. They talk about the enemies alot. They say non believers are evil “baby killers”.
If you are accepting the cult idea that there was a “mass vaccination” campaign you are reinforcing the doctrine. It’s just a doctrine designed to recruit cult members. Nothing to do with health.
Corona Mass Psychosis – How Our Will Is Broken
I’ve always wanted to get the words from an insider … and amazingly just before I read this article I did for the very first time. From the late 80s to early 2000s, I believe, Jon Rappaport maintained correspondence with a propagandist fed up with his work who went by the name Ellis Medavoy.
In this video, Mark Oakley goes over some of Rappaport and Medavoy’s email exchanges including stuff he says about meta-propaganda, the propaganda that creates the water-we-swim-in sense of the world which sets the stage for other propaganda to chime in with, for example, “morality is higher than freedom” and “community“. Of course, “community” is absolutely perfect for medical propaganda and this was Medavoy’s area.
This is another video from Mark about how they change our perception of time – make the news seem fast and slow to affect our emotions in particular ways and ultimately make us more susceptible to control.
This is a fascinating article on Medavoy’s role in creating the AIDS hoax.
I watched the videos at 1.5 speed, not because Mark’s boring or talks too slow but just because that speed is sufficient for me to get what he’s saying and so much info … too little time.
Please forgive the off-topic; couldn’t resist.
The Ukrainian military sold 2 French CAESAR (self-propelled Howitzers) to the Russian Forces for a bargain price of US$120,000 each. Their usual sale price is in the vicinity of 7 million USD each.
In shelling Belarus, Kiev has sentenced itself to fight on two fronts at once.
Add’l military commentary at the link
Zelensky seems to be under orders to destroy Ukraine.
Somebody has to do it …
I guess I have a humorous nature because I am morbidly beginning to find all of this rather funny.
it’s going to be positively hilarious, when all the moronic assholes who went around clapping and cheering for the fascist COVID-1984 police state, are choking to death on their own puke after taking one too many shots of the Safe And Effective vaxx.
but don’t mind me, I’m just angry and bitter. I might actually be able to work up some sympathy for the people who didn’t want the vaxx, but took it to avoid losing their job. as for the COVID cultists, whatever suffering and misery befalls them will be less than they deserve.
You might enjoy this short clip from Jim Breuer.
I think he missed observing the vaxxed believing they are protected from everything except the unvaxxed.
My anger, not unsubstantial, has gradually morphed into compassion for everyone.
But even the dregs available to hypocrites empowering meta-hypocrites IS unsubstantial.
OMG its by far the hardest part! To have conversations about the f**king weather or the red sox with comfortable (bulk of the wealth) in retirement baby boomer generation parents. They won’t acknowledge any of this out of fear they will be “found out” that they fully support the vax damage done to the world in the odd chance it might have added 1% benefit to those at risk of covid (aka have already breezed past average life expectancy). I love them so i conform to their “frame” but God i feel pathetic in the moment.
Spiritual warfare and an inverted world.
The pieces of the jigsaw are converging but the sheep can’t see it..
I think as a pschyotherapist professionally you should question your authenticity in relationships .
Steve Kirsch gives 5 indications that the vaxx story is falling apart. Here’s one of them.
There is a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National. They are the fifth largest insurance company in the US. The increase is huge. That’s not a 63% increase. It’s 163% increase, almost a tripling of the death rate. That isn’t COVID. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. We are looking at the biggest killer in history and nobody can figure out what it is! Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it.
163%? Add ten zeroes to that and then maybe – MAYBE – the people who eagerly lined up to have swabs rammed up their noses and poison needles stuck in their arms might – MIGHT – begin to wonder if there are problems with the vaxx.
The hard part was getting people to accept that they needed the vaxx; that’s done, over with, a fait accompli. Getting them to believe all the convoluted excuses for why people are dying – like strokes in children being far more common than anyone ever imagined – is a piece of cake.
The vaxx is safe – not as in “safe and effective” but as in “safe from scrutiny.” How do I know this? Their smart phones tell them, that’s how.
I’m still holding out hope that there’s a reckoning. It may be late in coming, but it is coming.
Despite our differences, well not “our differences”. But the differences that have been programmed into your head to divide. Injections, BLM, Men vs Women, Men can be women and get pregnant, transgenders gate crashing women’s sport, religion, vegan, sports teams and the list goes on.
We have a common enemy and that is the one creating the divide. Further, the alternative channels/writers have a job to do for their masters too. To repeat the message, keep dividing by pointing out our differences and repeat the fear campaign over and over. Keep doing it until submission.
Finally, they plant a few gurus on the channels to give you the idea things are being done, so you don’t have to act. You will notice nothing becomes of this. The gate keepers supply you a sounding board to ensure your thoughts, ideas and advice are contained. Sound familiar?
Fuellmich comes to mind. And Corbett.
it’s a well-known COINTELPRO tactic, to go around claiming that other people, who seem to be doing useful work, are actually cops. if somebody has better ideas about what to do, they can demonstrate that in practice.
Corbett has a whole ongoing solutions thread.
Corbett is easily discerned by his demeanor (among other things). A sincere and truthful man he obviously is.
I just love how you people continue to throw mud, especially in regards James Corbett, without providing any serious evidence whatsoever. Seems to be quite a regular theme on these threads.
No such thing as “side effects”. There is only cause and effect.
Adverse effect is also misleading. The term should instead be warning, danger, potential harm or contra-indication.
Words usually mean their opposite these days…
Ain’t that the Truth!
Semantix. It all depends on sense and context. James Angleton and Chomsky have gone deep into all that. Angleton touted Empson’s “The Seven Types of Ambiguity” and the “poetics” and, weaponizing all of that, told Congress “We want our adversaries to find themselves in a wilderness of mirrors.” Shortly before he was fired as head of CIA Counterintelligence for its first quarter century, a long (and, imho, devastating) stint.
That WOM is what it’s ALL about these days! Think of how many mirrors can be found on the “Web”. Personalized! Customized! That’s a “hell” of a lot of mirrors, baby. The psywar enabler of pirate capitalism, xeroxed into endless conflating configurations! A form of watchcraft, among so many others!
Yes, there is lethal mob action. Yes, there are war crimes. Yes, there are horrible fractures to our treaties and accords between nations. In USA Inc. all those have gone historically (“peerlessly”) apace since our very getgo!
Ah, but in the moral universe of our “homeland” oligarch and pirate (and sundry other mercenaries), how do you define those? It’s all in the def. If there’s a shill to be shallied.
All that thinking grew up here as the bastard offspring of our original “Slave Economy” and is ALWAYS called into play by our word merchants, doing their best Jeffersonian eloquence impression, as our national fig leaf, whenever we are “overexposed” to world view. As, ah, now.
For example. (The latest pile.)
Enter the kept men veteran semiologists and semanticists, like Angleton and Chomsky, the licensed high-falutin’ sophists.
What else? Having armies of them posted in the universities and kindergartens, a continuum, is the ONLY way, along with our fake “monopoly money” and fake newz, that you can prop an ideologically and theologically and spiritually bankrupt System of the West.
‘evil ideology’ – how about ‘we’re going to terror bomb any country that dares to challenge our wonderful economic system and world hegemony back to the fucking stone age – and then use our massive power of propaganda to convince the world that the people we napalmed and nuked and firebombed and starved etc etc, including all those women and children, were evil monsters, and we’re the good guys …’ and ‘sheep’ – all those people who still believe that ….
“…which they proclaimed to be permanent and would need treatment for life…”
Todd, lets not fall for the proclaimations of allopathic doctors.
Please reconnect with your friend and share with him that his daughter can be healed by powerful herbal remedies.
Aloe vera, for instance, is a great healer of skin issues, mild to severe.
I had the same frame of mind in the old days when i was a left-winger. I just couldnt understand why people couldnt see the obvious. But i’ve made my peace with their blindness. At least i’m saved.
I just couldn’t understand why people couldn’t see the obvious.
one result of the COVID-1984 psyop is to make the explanation of this phenomenon absolutely clear.
people can’t see the obvious, because they’re fucking idiots. of course, many middle-class people are quite well paid to be fucking idiots, but we shouldn’t excuse them on that basis.
At least I’m saved.
it’s gratifying that this event is going to be one of the rare occasions in history, when the more-or-less conscious strategy of choosing to be a fucking idiot in hope of personal advancement, is going to fail catastrophically.
conversely, it’s also going to be one of the rare occasions when choosing to think for yourself will be personally beneficial, rather than just a cause for exclusion and punishment.
in short: the well-paid idiots are going to get what they so richly deserve. there’s no cause for regret in that.
Why Is Bill Gates In London At The Same Time Boris Johnson Resigned?
+ Francis Hunt | The Delingpod – The James Delingpole Podcast:
“now is the time to be proactive in protecting our assets and ourselves from the impending apocalypse”
In Australia, the newly minted ‘useful-tools’ in power are having to return their bosses’ pound-of-flesh – so they’re ratcheting up the contrived China/Russia/Covid fear-factor again. It is becoming more evident that there will be more squeeze-and-release coming soon, from a premier near you.
The previous Libtard govt. served their purpose well, i.e. they used the ‘Pandemic’ to create fertile ground to mortgage the country to the max, now will come the cleaners to mop-up via privatization, of whatever of value might still be in public hands. So, even the ‘Drover’s-dog’ should be able to see that the ‘phantom virus’ was the vehicle for opening the narrow window (KS) for the NWO changes.
should be able to see
you would think that, but of course they won’t.
once you gamble on stupid, and lose, there’s no other strategy than doubling-down.
Chilling scene from the 2014 film One by One that is becoming true in 2020
Reduce the population Scene
(from ‘One by One’ Rik Mayall’s last film release before his “sudden death”)
Young ones , Darling we’re the young ones, Young Ones — shouldn’t be afraid —
to live, love, there’s a song to be sung
Cos we may not be The Young Ones very long
We may not be the old ones either.
Nice one! Didn’t know the movie.
There’s something ‘positive psychopathic’ in the last scene that resonates strongly.
Exactly what I needed to read… Excellent article Todd. I sell a street magazine here in Melbourne, and nearly all of my customers have been at least double jabbed and quite a lot triple jabbed. They fully believe there was a “deadly pandemic” and still do. And a number of them have just disappeared. I don’t see them anymore. I wonder why?
So, how do us shrews live in such a bizarro world? For me, I emotionally detach from them and practice unconditional love, or at least try to. I don’t take on board their mutterings about covid variants or that they are still wearing facemasks, even outside, after 2.5 years of this pysops.
Admittedly the first year was very confronting and caused a great deal of mental angst. Everything seemed utterly surreal. And there were times I just lost it. I even called some of them “fucken fascists”. Those who supported the vaccine passports and said “anti vaxxers deserve to be shut out of shops and venues”.
In the present time, I am noticing that even vaccinated people I know realise something is going very wrong with the economy, some of them say out loud that “things are going to get very tough”. And yes, I’ll be ordering Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism.
Gezzah Potts; I suspect that you might not actually need to read Desmet’s book, simply because you’re experiencing, first-hand, most of what will be traversed in print.
I hear you Hotrod… Yes, I am right at the coalface of convid era society, and right this minute I’m standing at an outdoors Farmers Market where there’s a small number of people here wearing facemasks, but you’re right, it’s psychological and even if they’re not masked, the large majority I’m looking at now fully believe the media lies and have gotten jabbed. Just then saw a 3 year old child go past in a pram fully masked…
One never knows whether to laugh or cry when one actually sees parents virtue-signalling with masks on wee-bubs. It generally means that both parents must have been too busy playing with themselves during science classes because they’ve learnt nothing about the fundamentals of H&H. But then again it is an accepted form of child-abuse openly promoted by government. It makes a laughing stock of the idea of a govt’s responsibilities to protect and to serve …
Many are not rich enough for one parent to care for the kids at home. To get the latter into kintergarten, clinic, mall, etc., the parent must conform.
I said it before, I’ll say it again: although I’m childless and not particularly sentimental about children, the sight of masked babes and toddlers at the local shopping center always gives me an apoplectic twinge of combined rage and despair.
For some reason I’m not getting reply notifications Ort (I tapped the bell) but I’m the same as you. I feel both a surge of deep anger and despair as well when I see small children in masks. It’s straight out child abuse. No other words for it.
Here in Red State USA, I just met my new neighbor, arrived here from California. He was working in his yard, alone, in the 90 + Fahrenheit Degree heat, wearing a mask. I knew he and his family were coming from California, but I was hoping they had come to escape the “woke” rather than import it. Ugh.
That poor kid.
Hmm, this sounds like the Bizarro World version of “The Beverly Hillbillies”.
That legendary sitcom was way too dumb to interest me as a kid, but over the decades I watched enough of it to know that it is based on the hilarity that ensues when formerly impoverished nouveau riche Appalachian folk move to sophisticated Beverly Hills, California, and then ignorantly and naïvely persist with their nominally primitive rural customs and practices with scant regard for local culture.
Your conscientiously-masked new neighbor risking heatstroke is like Jethro Clampett harnessing a team of mules to a Rolls-Royce because he doesn’t realize that the gas tank is empty.
“I have made a commitment that I will stand by the people whom I love who seemingly have lost the ability to think. I will help them through this horror even if they never know, or accept, what is causing it.”
Good essay. I have lost my two closest friends to the Covidian Cult. I’d given up talking about it with them a year ago, as the conversations were testy and they were solidified in their belief in the propaganda narrative. One friend recently ended our friendship out of the blue, apparently convinced I have become a right wing conservative over the last two years. It is an instance of pure projection, as I have always been on the left and, although such distinctions aren’t very important or meaningful to me anymore, that hasn’t changed. What has changed is that he has been brainwashed into believing in a delusional narrative. I suppose that makes it easier for him to project his own right-wing “shadow” onto me. I am still struggling with how to remain connected to a couple of liberal faith communities. It is challenging.
What would it take to make him instead see the horror behind the mass vaccination of the entire world with an untested, experimental, drug? The phenomena in psychology is known as backfire.. Essentially a believer (it is indifferent as to how the belief came about, except that belief is stronger the more traumatic the event which produced the belief, correct belief or false belief).
Believers experience backfire when they are presented with facts contrary to their beliefs.
The belief strengthens, not weakens as a result of facts that deny the truthfulness of the false belief.. This is why news propaganda works.. headlines produce the initial belief, then come the facts that deny the false belief, the false belief gets stronger and stronger.
Facts supporting the false belief are not evaluated for their impact on the false belief, instead they are accepted carte blanche and strengthen the false part of the belief.
”I chuckle inside now when I hear my wife ask why there seems to be so many ambulances careening down the street in our neighbourhood,”
Do you think that there is anyone actually in those ambulances!? They pass my house all f****** day, with sirens blaring. It is all completely contrived, an exercise to frighten the plebs. Just think how much diesel these ambulances are using up all day, thanks to the tax-payer. After which they go back to the hospital, park, and go into the canteen for coffee and doughnuts. What a ridiculous farce.
They are full of heart attack and stroke victims. The days when they were used to scare people into thinking they were transporting covid faceplant victims are well and truly over.
Over here in Australia, the ambulances are “ramping” up 15 deep outside the hospital emergency reception because of all the emergencies. Ambulances are not empty – they’re full of triple-jabbed people now suffering the jab consequences, err I mean from the new variants, but because of understaffing (due to jabbed off sick and/or positive tested hospital staff) and because so many are experiencing health emergencies the patients cannot receive emergency care. Not a good time to have a serious car accident.
In the most fascist states of Australia they’ve installed defibrillators in schools because, you know, it’s so common that kids experience cardiac arrest – now, that is, not before the jab rollout.
There are now better low-frequency sirens that send out detectable vibrations to the vehicles in front of the ambulances. But they won’t do in a campaign to keep everyone’s blood pressure up.
The Ballad of Lesser Shitstain
Once the idol of the world
Jack of union’s flight unfurled
Crowns anointed and set-pearled
Circling the bowl you swirled
Empire finds the drain
Eton snobs without a brain
Stupid slobs bring but pain
Welcome to lesser shitstain
Woe to ye, mates
I’d love to hear what his daughter has to say – woman spend billions of dollars on “skin” care! I wonder if she too thinks it’s no big deal? How bout his wife – her friends? Perhaps her husband. Then again perhaps the entire family is as imbecilic as he is.
I too have wondered every day how this will all end – already people are keeling over en masse and still the lightbulb has not gone off. Today Oprah’s father popped his clogs – CANCER! Gotta wonder if it was exacerbated by the injection? James Cann, Ray Liotta and the list goes on and on!
Denial is your strongest emption! People will never admit they were wrong – I think they’d actually prefer dying.
I often need to remind myself that to simply admit and move on from there is a lot less wear and tear than the other option. How few do, it seems. Major humanity-wide character flaw. So hard on the “stiff-necked”…
What happen to our humble correspondent in Moscow? Is he OK?
Events are further humbling him, an ongoing process, that much news you can trust.
Our San Diego nearby gravel-voiced legend, Tom Waits, gave an interview a decade or so ago, the title of which was a line he spoke, thereof: “The World is on fire” and that is pithily pictured in the cartoon at the top here. As Waits implied back then, grab the popcorn and take it all in, it is the main event culturally. He still sings along, and that act alone can often edify and bring strength to transcend it.
what I find interesting is that people who start to question the official narrative often assume THEIR level of new understanding is the correct one
vaccines designed to kill and sicken and sterilization populations? check
occult cabals? crazy “conspiracy theorists”
question the moon landings? anti science
don’t look at me – I’m wallowing in giant stumps, mud floods and a less than round earth
When an official narrartive is clearly full of shit then it’s a matter of intellectual honesty to question it. And to assume your new level of understanding is the correct one is tautology. Of course you assume your new view is correct simply by the fact that it is your view.
Perhaps Truth updates us on a need-to-know basis. It’s just that some don’t hear, or listen, as well. Nature of the beast?
We are MMS/3i’s (the 3i’s stand for Irresponsible, Ignorant and Idiots).
OPERATION COVIDIUS was just another one of those operations that the SRF & Billionaires and Their jesters have been deploy from time to time, just to see what TOOLS They can use in order to make possible for Them to achieve Their goals faster and efficiently.
I still believe that They weren’t expecting such a huge level of SUCCESS with OPERATION COVIDIUS, after all it was just another refurbished version of the last ones.
What a simple PCR kit and awesome tools to spread PROPAGANDA can do, uhm!
So… Even today we keep deserving what They are doing. We are meek and cowards.
Except for that one Brave MMS/3i’s in Japan that just culled an ex-scoundrel and terrorist (aka jester)!
And while the TOOLS of OPERATION COVIDIUS are still being use and perfected we are now watching, again without even one Bah, how They are deploying financial tools (aka sanctions) in order to accelerate the progress into 2030. Like I’ve already said there’s ONLY one way to achieve “no poverty” and have “zero hunger” by 2030!
CULL the poor and the hungry… With this They have a good chance of having a “sustainable Development” Future for Them…
Keep slaving on.
The people of Sir Lanka are presently watching their children starve.
This the result of allowing their globalist owned corrupt government shut their country to its life-blood of tourism.
Guess what just happened in Sir Lanka.
Perhaps a foretaste of what’s to come for all of us. In the meantime Bidet and the rest are poring money into Ukraine/Khazaria.
You need a very dark morbid sense of humor to handle the angst inducing meat herd.
Not the first time either..
Where ya been.? Ow really. You had a stroke!
Wasn’t it after you got the vaccine..?
Wasn’t you ill? after the last booster you had..? pre that one…
No getting through to some.
I totally relate Todd.