The Abe Assassination – what we know (and don’t know) so far

Yesterday, former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe was attending a campaign event in the city of Nara when a man shot him twice in the back with a homemade shotgun.

Abe was rushed to hospital, still alive, but apparently “unresponsive”. A short while later he was declared dead.

Footage of the incident has been uploaded to various video platforms:

The alleged shooter has been named as 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami, an unemployed former-sailor in the Japanese navy. He supposedly used a home-made shotgun, which was retrieved at the scene:

So far no political motive has been claimed – in fact barely any motive at all. Police claim Yamagami has confessed to the shooting, and that he hates “a certain group” with which Abe is affiliated, but have declined the name the group.

Essentially, right now there are lot more unanswered questions than answered ones.

Is there anything that shows the “official narrative to be false? Not yet, that we have seen. But the literal centuries of past precedent say lone lunatics are rarely the latter and never the former.

There’s already one familiar trope here, with the suspect having ties to the military, but that is far from conclusive.

Abe has ties to the World Economic Forum of course…but so does every politician of note, really.

However, if that “certain group” is revealed to be the WEF, then this incident can be turned into a warning against “online conspiracy theories” spreading “hate” about financial institutions and so on.

But that’s all speculation at this point.

As always with this kind of breaking news, the real story may be the reaction that has yet to happen, and the real truth may get buried as the “official story” is refined and revised over the next few days.

We would invite you to post anything you find of interest in the comments below, or head over to the Corbett Report, where James has opened up one of his trademarked open-source investigations.

Political assassinations – especially of (former) heads of state – are very rare. It will be interesting to see just where this goes.


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Categories: Japan, latest
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Jul 12, 2022 11:47 PM

Was he using fuggin birdshot!?

Jul 12, 2022 3:00 PM

Regardless of what this is: Elite Parasites will need to live in fear, surrounded by bodyguards, for the rest of their meaningless, loveless lives.
can they really trust their guard dogs?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 12, 2022 12:25 PM

“Is there anything that shows the official narrative to be false? Not yet, that we have seen.”

I work on the starting assumption that anything of this nature will be fake. I certainly didn’t take a proper look but it somehow didn’t seem convincing.

This guy thinks it’s tied up with Israel and Palestine but I can’t quite follow what he’s saying and he does talk at a slightly hysterical pitch.

This guy shows the video in slow mo pointing out the anomalies.

Jul 13, 2022 5:04 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The first video was quite confusing.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 13, 2022 12:04 PM

I’m glad it wasn’t just me.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jul 12, 2022 11:41 AM

The guy had what was effectively a sawn off shotgun. There would have been lots of injuries, everywhere in the crowd.
Me thinks Abe wanted to do a disappearing act before the Japanese people realise exactly that has occurred to all their pensions.
Japan is bankrupt.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 11, 2022 5:26 PM

Today I read that the LDP has won a majority and is able to implement “Abe’s legacy” etc.

This is definitely grist to the conspiracy theory mill — a tradegy leading to a grasped opportunity or a staged theater to drive the electorate in a particular direction. You choose, but its irrelevant since the result will be the same. It will be the legitimizing of militarism and economic policies that emphasize “Guns Before Butter”. This, of course, a road to nowhere — even with US encouragement and backing Japan can’t take on a united and powerful China.

Jul 11, 2022 1:01 PM

Gosh, some of you are very quick to judge.
I don’t know much about these things except that they NEVER look like they do in the movies where everything is beautifully choreographed.
A chaotic situation will always look, well, chaotic.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Jul 11, 2022 12:57 PM

To say the video scene is unconvincing is an understatement… If the 1st shot didn’t hit him, then such is the nature of a shotgun cartridge the pellets would’ve sprayed out and hit 1 or more of the folk standing next to him.. Even with the alleged ‘fatal shot’ then surely from the distance of the shooter, the shotgun pellets would’ve struck a few of the folk around him..

Jul 12, 2022 11:49 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Based on that crappy video why is it that they’re always so cruddy when we live in a world of high definition anyway based on that video it looked more like it was using rocksalt if I had been buckshot or a slug the effects even on camera would’ve been well let’s just say more pronounced

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jul 13, 2022 12:06 PM
Reply to  Chevrus

Crappy video – one of the many psyop hallmarks.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 11, 2022 12:56 PM

…Alright, I know these sort of situations are always fluid and things are *Never* what they seem at first, and that we’re all just gonna have to be patient and wait for the facts to roll in, but I hope we can all at least agree on one thing *Right Now*:…

…- Hideo Kojima, clearly, is *Innocent*…

Jul 11, 2022 12:47 PM

The assassin’s mother appears to be a Moonie. The Moonies have CIA connections.

Jan J
Jan J
Jul 11, 2022 7:57 AM

Maybe old Abe just wanted to retire in style – you know, like John Lennon did? 😉


Jul 12, 2022 11:50 PM
Reply to  Jan J

Love me some

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 11, 2022 12:53 AM

The “shooting” footage is curious. Mr. Abe doesn’t even flinch at the first shot. This “shotgun” blast didn’t even ruffle his coat. Mr. Abe then ducks for cover at the second shot, yet still no evidence of projectile impact. Bodyguards (or handlers) then respond to his rather dainty “fall”.

I say: False flag and poor theater.

Jul 11, 2022 1:56 AM

It looks curious indeed.
I suppose the sound and picture may have been out of sync – that happens with ‘amateur’ movies…

Jul 11, 2022 2:57 AM

Me too for the same reasons. Abe would fall or stumble if hit by a bullet, but, as you point out, he ducks at the second shot. You simply don’t get lethally shot and then duck – that’s absurd. There would be blood too and there is none.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 11, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  Hamish

There was blood on Abe’s shirt on a ground photo. Not everyone spouts instant blood like in the movies, it depends what’s hit.

Jul 12, 2022 11:51 PM
Reply to  Quantum State

And it also depends on squibs

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 11, 2022 3:22 AM

Fascinating, if bad as theater. When we recall the uses that may be made of this, like the George Floyd event. I know all kinds of people who didn’t buy that. Then, his work buddy Chauvin was just sentenced concurrent with the Abe thing.

Jul 10, 2022 7:14 PM

Big week for culling.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 10, 2022 6:53 PM

It appears that the Hero MMS/3i’s (culling a scoundrel and terrorist is always a Brave Heroic thing to do no matter the reasons) reasons was due to a religious cult of which he believed the scoundrel and terrorist was a head figure!

Jul 10, 2022 6:26 PM

Look at this very weird pic were one of Abe’s bodyguards apprehend the supposed killer with his very gunlike homemade thing. You can see that the bodyguard still have his gun in the holster. Not even an ordinary flatfooted rookie would do this amateurish move.

comment image?w=861

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 11, 2022 4:42 AM
Reply to  Benton

And the “shooter” is not wearing his mask properly either
And the guy on the pushbike is not ducking for cover.

Jul 11, 2022 9:50 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Yes, the not ducking thing is also a bit strange but sometimes ordinary people do weird shit. But the bodyguard is supposed to be a highly trained “professional” so his extensive training should have kicked in. He should have had his gun drawn while screaming commands and being ready to shoot to kill if the dude would have sneezed. Look how ordinary police draw their guns if they only suspect someone being armed and this guy have just shoot at a high profile ex politician. This so obviously bad Sushi don’t pass the BS smell test.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 11, 2022 2:35 PM
Reply to  Benton

To me its more crazy that the security was so poor as to let Abe’s backside so open and not to have a no-cross line, needless to say frisk most persons, and to have the event in an enclosed space.

In Japan though, it is very rare for police to draw their guns on a street beat, we dont know the level of training of this guy, at least he made the tackle it seems.

Jul 11, 2022 4:55 PM
Reply to  Quantum State

To make a thing like this possible they need to have poor security and incompetent bodyguards. But the “thing” did good for Abe’s party in the election.

Jul 12, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  Benton

That’s messed up if true but would also be sorta badass

Jul 12, 2022 2:27 AM
Reply to  J A

With the soon 3 year long global Convid hoax and lethal injection program; were every prostituted politician have been singing the same tune, it is pretty obvious that precisely everything is messed up. If they could pull off this global crap a staged murder for political purposes becomes an easy walk in the park.

Jul 13, 2022 1:26 PM
Reply to  Benton

Nonsense. He is not American. In Japan and other countries this is how you proceed, the shooter is oit of rounds… so. Very professional. Not everybody has their brain and soul eaten out by fear.

Jul 13, 2022 10:08 PM
Reply to  Dave

At least one of the three bodyguards should have had his gun drawn in case of something unexpected since he had just fired two shoots at their client. This is the opposite of professionalism. It’s a matter of training and it has nothing to do with your nonsense about soul eating fear or Americans.

Jul 12, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Not distancing either, disgusting disregard for peoples health!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 11, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  Benton

…- Here’s a wider angle:…

comment image

Jul 11, 2022 1:58 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Not a single bodyguard with a drawn gun. Just two gay grappling and one holding a briefcase. This is theater for the gullible and semi-retarded voters.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 11, 2022 8:32 PM
Reply to  Benton

…- *Concur*… – Briefcase Handbag Guy’s a real hoot, ain’t he?…

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 12, 2022 4:19 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

The masked guy on a bike continues to look on as if persons being tackled in the middle of the town were an everyday occurrence. And the guy on the right, walking away while looking back at the tackle instead of Abe crumpled on the ground and guards hovering -did any report mention a silencer of the ‘home-made’ ?

Jul 12, 2022 11:52 PM
Reply to  Benton

Good Get!

Jul 10, 2022 4:50 PM

It was shocking and sad news. My first and remaining thought was the parallel between the timing of this unusual act (in Japanese terms) and the departure of Boris Johnson on almost the same day. Japan and the UK have much in common, not least American patronage. I think we’re seeing the US trying to bring its ‘allies’ down, especially stooges who have not met expectations.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 11, 2022 2:46 PM
Reply to  Thom

Abe is 2 PMs ago and over 1.5 years out of office. Possible though that the Globalists (not the US) are giving a message to the Japan party in power, the LDP, to get stricter with their population or else. When the last PM was outed, it was the day after a Japanese Dr. found “metal” in the Moderna shots (probably graphene) causing Moderna to recall 1.6 mil doses. That was clearly a diversion tactic.

Jul 10, 2022 4:24 PM

I am more shocked he was unmasked and not tested before being pronounced died and I bet you Tetsuya Yamagami was un – vaccinated.
Very Disappointed also that no social distancing rules where taken place or in action.
That type off thing could of reduce symptoms / transmission.
That is why it is important to still follow the guidance.

Yesterday, former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe died of covid/monkeypoxs.

Lesson learnt make sure you all get your boosters.

Jul 10, 2022 3:57 PM

This is so utterly bizarre, so obvious and so in-your-face that the only thing which even remotely makes any sense whatsoever…is if it actually happened exactly as it appears.

If, indeed, this lone gunman with an impossible home-made weapon is really, truly, absolutely the man who killed the politician..just look what it accomplishes:

It demonstrates that even something so apparently a false flag could actually be real. Which, in turn, would tend to throw doubt on all the written and filmed evidence “proving” that a lone gunman was not and could not have been responsible for these kinds of assassinations (JFK, RFK, etc).

Truly, if “they” could get reality to contort itself so outrageously, “their” cry of Conspiracy Theory suddenly becomes something more than a meaningless and empty phrase. It becomes once again a formidable weapon to shut down dissent.

Jul 10, 2022 4:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

I’d like to add one thing here: what is the one piece which absolutely no one seems to be questioning? It’s that the weapon was exactly as it appears: a ridiculous home made shotgun which could not possibly have effected the assassination.

What if the outward appearance belies its inner mechanism? What if, on the inside, is a sophisticated piece of engineering capable of very accurate, and very deadly, aim?

Jul 11, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  Howard

Agreed. The home made gun is ridiculous and would have been as effective as a 17th century carbine.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 11, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  Hamish

The police found a bunch of man-made guns in his home, some looked quite sophisticated with electronic mechanisms and multi-barreled. If rifles in 1776 were lethal then someone with some skills, parts, tools, and a dark-web how-to manual in 2022 could surely make a lethal weapon. I’m not saying it wasn’t done without help, but it’s VERY HARD to purchase any kind of gun in Japan if you’re not in the Mafia.

Jul 10, 2022 2:47 PM

So Japan has become like Sweden. I remember the Swedish policeman exclaiming in shock: “But this is Western Europe!”

But this is Eastern Eurasia! Let’s hope the Japanese police are more competent at tracking down the culprit than their Swedish counterparts; otherwise I fear the same dark days ahead for justice in Japan as happened for Sweden.

Jul 11, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

Olof Palme

The murder of Olof Palme is another allegedly unsolved crime. Unsolved perhaps because it had to be. Palme was pro Palestinian.

Jul 10, 2022 1:49 PM

We know nothing, would be the honest non-Guardian headline.

I called the homemade weapon a blunderbuss but was corrected by someone with better
knowledge of guns who says such mechanics could deliver sufficient accuracy at 30 ft. (I’m a Lee Enfield .303 cadet type – my BB gun is more up to date than my WW1 riflery).

The shooter is as dubious as any of the recent Americans. It reads as if I got up one day and decided to execute my six cats: not going to happen.

Abe was back in the game, an anti-Communist possibly more threatening for what he would say, rather than do.

We have seen many potential spokespeople go down during The Great Reset/ Event Covid from David Graeber to John Le Carré. If you need conclusive certainty you are not going to get it and your mind will stop working at that point.

If you can accept that you know nothing and still try to do something with it… …

That’s why I did a couple of Tweets and ZH posts but chose not to write about Abe.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

Since I studiously started to avoid as much media as possible since the opening number of The Covid Carnival, I find the stuff I stumble on utterly unbelievable. As you say “cows must go!” Can you imagine going back to 2019 and trying to convince the folk that someday very soon, cows would be considered “a threat to our survival”? And that Nicole Kidman would be selling insect food? Here’s the direct link:


I watched and thought, “Nah! This can’t be happening!” What next? Gary Glitter advertising the benefits of kiddie fiddling?

Thank God for the comments underneath:

You know who WON’T be eating the bugs…? The people who want you to eat bugs won’t be eating the bugs.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It also makes you wonder about the world these celebs move in. That Nicole should so obviously be taking all this as a “bit of a laugh – even though it’s deadly serious really!” Speaking of which, will our Nicole be sticking to her bug diet? Did she even truly eat any of these little crawlers?

My prediction: Any day now, some really big name … ooh let’s say Elton or Macca or maybe even the Lord Bono himself … will appear on our screens and say – with all due gravity – that eating your own shit is the most natural and healthy thing you can do – and what the planet needs!

Jul 10, 2022 3:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I get the feeling they’re saving up Bono for something really big. Maybe he’s gonna be the opening act for the Antichrist?

Jul 11, 2022 12:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, we’ve been eating their shit for years.

Jul 11, 2022 3:05 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Just a reminder – Soylent Green was set in 2022.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 10, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Interesting that she did this several years ago. The earliest I found on was Jan 2018. Like George MC I wonder if she still eats them… Demeaning ritual.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2022 7:15 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

I never even noticed the date. “Very interestinck”! Isn’t it amazing how you find traces of later “directives” before the “catastrophe” that supposedly initiated them? Or was there someone working away in “The Science” in 2018 who suddenly acted like the guy at the beginning of Deep Impact who sees the approaching comet – only with us, it was a case of “My God! The cows! The farts! Oh my God! It’s horrible! But no-one will believe me! Quick get on the blower to Nicole!”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Demeaning ritual.

I’m sure massive wads of cash made up for that!

Jul 12, 2022 12:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Most of the lower comments just say things like “Daaaamn, note to self, do not play eating games with her”

Jul 11, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I remember reading years after Y Rabin was shot and killed that the real danger was waiting for him inside the ambulance car …

Jul 10, 2022 1:03 PM

Mind-controlled assassins are certainly a thing although that’s not to say it’s necessarily what happened here. The extreme strangeness surrounding Sirhan Sirhan and John Hinkley is well known by now. Both were probably more employed as distractions and patsies than shooters of the fatal shot – but that was many decades ago.

They’ve revealed the method in many forms. The French film ‘La Femme Nikita’ is a good example. Much more obscure is a TV movie from 1997 called ‘Perfect Assassins’. A behaviourist psychologist kidnaps children and traumatises them into becoming programmed killers. The film’s director isn’t well known but he was a close associate of Francis Coppola. It stars Robert Patrick from the Terminator sequel (not the first dubious film he’s appeared in). The film actually name-checks B.F. Skinner which was an amazing discovery.

Jul 12, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I will check it out

Jul 10, 2022 11:27 AM

World Government

He obviously did something the NWO didn’t like. All the monsters that locked down and muzzled and brutalised and poisoned their citizens all over the world have come through unscathed.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 10, 2022 10:16 AM

Everyone and anyone is disposable in pursuit of the agenda.

If it is a false flag to demonise anti-globalists it could have serious repercussions regarding, for example, internet restrictions.

We know they want to curtail free thinking on the web and they know we’re not going to buy any old excuse.

Jul 10, 2022 10:14 AM

I m not a fan of the WEF , I don’t trust politicians , they all divorce themselves from the reality of people that’s how they are able to impose such great agendas , people become numbers and data . I remain sane by remaining with my human considerations ; it is so sad to see a man lose his life in that moment ,I’m sure he has a family that will miss him . The weapon seems so crude that what ever it discharged would have to be lethal close range . I leave the forensics to experts , and I move away from voyeurism .

Jul 10, 2022 10:07 AM

If you pull a weapon and start shooting in the presence of ordinary cops you get riddled with bullets. But this seems not to happen in these high target assaults. The perpetrator is often only gay wrestled to the ground and on top of that bodyguards can sometimes do some gun fetish dance for the cameras. But if it is some kind of a patsy theater they need a live one to tell his story so they can justify the appropriate political change as a response to the assault.

Jul 10, 2022 9:41 AM

Here is the Google translation of the tweet supplied by Ryow:

Translate this tweet.

After all the bullet was flying from another direction. Professionals should not notice the clearly visible images. Even if a big politician of the same country loses his life, he is only angry at the attitude of concealing the truth. [Probably means one is only angry]

0:55: 00-You can see something that seems to be a bullet flying toward Mr. Abe from the upper left. (The speed of the original video was changed and connected 3 times)
[See the pictures at the twitter link]

An image captured by a follower. You can see the trajectory. (The original video is the same)

The trajectory fits perfectly with the content announced by the doctor in charge. It turns out that Yamagami’s firing was only smoke and sound. It is clear that it was completely organized and planned.

There is almost no on-site forensic investigation, and the LDP that hides this (at least does not pursue unnatural points) feels uncomfortable.

The person who analyzed the video told me that the trajectory is not from the upper left to the right but the opposite. I would like to investigate in a little more detail.

(Of course, it is natural that the authorities will investigate in earnest, but I can not expect it very much.)
There is also a theory that it was hit by a silencer after it collapsed, and we are collecting information.

[This last line might mean there is a theory that Mr. Abe was hit again by a silenced bullet after he collapsed]

Jul 10, 2022 10:08 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Here’s Google translation of the comments to the tweet:
In the hospital announcement on the 8th and the police announcement on the 9th, it seems that the direction in which the bullet entered was reversed.
Report on the 8th
Report on the 9th “As a result of a judicial autopsy conducted by the police before dawn on the 9th, the cause of death was blood loss due to a single bullet entering from the left upper arm damaging the arteries under the left and right clavicle.” .nhk.or.jp/kansai-news/20

[Couldn’t translate this part, cuz couldn’t copy it. See medical diagram]

It doesn’t match the story of the doctor who saw the body right after https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f914.svg
Well, both are big headquarters announcements w 

It is a miracle that a single bullet shot upward from the ground aiming at Mr. Abe on the table damages both subclavian arteries well.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 2:30 PM
Reply to  Penelope

…- It is indeed, moreover, *Truly* a miracle that a large-bore ‘homemade shotgun’ is suddenly able to *Accurately* dispense single bullets, rather than the more customary multiple balls of shot (- from whence: – ‘shotgun’), in a 30-45deg spreading cone… (- Do the math on the assailant’s distance from the target to figure out how widely ‘pebble-dashed’ with wounds Abe oughta’ve been…)…

…And nope… – ‘T’weren’t firing individual slugs or sabot, neither – leastways not with any of the requisite accuracy:… – Barrels ain’t rifled…

Jul 10, 2022 8:05 AM

I don’t know who’s sillier, politicians with their raised fists or their voters.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jul 10, 2022 7:12 AM

Nothing can be trusted anymore…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 10, 2022 3:15 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

It’s not just that nothing can be trusted but that the lies are so fucking obvious: The cold is the new Black Death! Eating insects is the way to go! Breast feeding – sorry, chest feeding is bad for your baby! Cow farts are the apocalypse!

They’re having a fucking laugh!

Jul 11, 2022 3:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George, I guess the lies were always this obvious. They were already this obvious back in 1963. So I guess they always have been.

In order to see thru them, either you have a habit of analysis or skepticism, or you have a worldview which acknowledges violated trust– or perhaps you have seen a corner of something, of just one thing that doesn’t fit.

I s’pose others just have the kind of mind that takes responsibility for knowing the truth: It’s a kind of fealty. Individually and as a civilization it has to be truth that guides us; we’ve no other basis of decision-making or of agreeing on a plan.

I expect there are lots of reasons why people come to see thru all the so-obvious lies. Right now it may be the annoyance of those lies interfering with our life-plans. More people are awake to the lies right now than at any time in my life.

Jul 12, 2022 12:45 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The big one: “People are corrupt and selfish, so we need a special group of people to have power, backed up by violence, over all the other people”

Jul 10, 2022 5:29 AM

The “shooter” missed a full target at close range but hit with the second shot when the target was ducking and moving. A long gap between the shots and Abe doesn’t react at once. Neither do the bodyguards. Surely Abe would have sensed the bullet whistling past him and flinched ?

Jul 10, 2022 5:20 AM


The “home made weapon” is dubious at best. You can’t see any of the details. No sights. The bores seem enormous. Who made the trigger mechanism- the triggers, firing pins , boly etc. What ammunition did he use ?

Jul 10, 2022 5:12 AM

Never fear, John Kennedy is here from his grave to help the authorities explain this assassination. https://mormonmonarch.com/what-is-mk-ultra/

Jul 10, 2022 3:48 AM

I think the assassin is from what they call the ” lost generation ” of Japan.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  Zane

…- Goddamn ex-services Hiki-NEET Otaku shut-ins and their diabolical criminal-genius schemes again!!… (/s)

“I think the assassin patsy is from what they call the ” lost generation ” of Japan.”

…- No doubt… – *FIFY*, btw…

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Jul 10, 2022 3:40 AM


The comment by Ghost and others (Ghost’s from hospital officials) specify: bullet. Your headline and twice in the article you refer to a shotgun, as do some comments. The difference, as you know, is huge, especially when “homemade.”

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Jul 10, 2022 3:42 AM
Reply to  Nick Baam

My mistake — it’s only in the body, not in the headline.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 10, 2022 3:11 AM

I’m cautious about ‘official narratives’. Political stories seem to come in waves in the media which gives me the nagging feeling they’re coordinated — as if they’re prepared in advance like an ad campaign and then released at the start date. (I’m seeing this with US politics with stories about “Biden the one term President” and Senate doom ‘n gloom for the midterms.)

The story behind this may not fit a narrative. It could be the ‘lone gunman’, in fact it probably was, but the target was well known as a Western oriented hawk, someone who was trying to revise the Japanese constitution to make it militarily more active in the region. This will not sit well with people who value neutrality after the experience of WW2 and the rampant militarism that led up to it. (Abe also championed the same economic values that have led to economic problems in our own societies, a casino style ‘winners and losers’ society which may not suit the style of cooperative effort favored by Oriental cultures.) Its a pity that this resulted in assassination, I don’t think of this as a viable political tool, but obviously someone felt sufficiently threatened by Abe to take this drastic step. (..and from the video clip it looked as if Abe nearly got away with it, the first shot missed). I hope this doesn’t become a trend, but then those who live by the sword (or at least encourage others to do so) shouldn’t complain too much if they die by the sword.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 3:08 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“as if they’re prepared in advance like an ad campaign and then released at the start date.”

…- No ‘as if’ about it… – They *Are*…

…- That you felt obliged to place ‘lone gunman’ within scare quotes is *Telling*, in and of itself…

…- As to Abe, he was a globalist through-and-through, and certainly a Japan-first ‘nationalist’ entirely and exclusively in name only, (Davostani) ‘hawk’ though he may have been… Also, despite seeking reelection to the Diet he was politically spent and on the outs, so far as again attaining high office was concerned…

…- You yourself cited his ‘Abenomics’ and touched upon it’s consequences… As for Article 9, the Japanese Lib-Dems have been trying to get that revoked since almost as far back as the end of the US occupation… – Usually against the express wishes of the *Vast* majority of the Japanese people… – So what changed, now?…

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 10, 2022 9:40 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

>So what changed, now?…

China. The US doesn’t have the resources to fight a two front war at the time so it needs a reliable warrior partner in the Pacific Theater to shoulder the load. AUS/NZ isn’t going to make it — their governments’ are reliable partners but its difficult to drag the bulk of the population along with scare stories about the Chinese threat. Other Asian countries are skeptical as well. What’s needed is a prosperous, relatively rich society with a warrior tradition and Japan certainly checks the boxes (South Korea, the other contender, is too small and too preoccupied to be useful).

Japan’s use is really a Hail Mary move since their activities as the Imperial masters and their Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere are within living memory. There are no words to describe the brutality of this period and rehabilitating and resurrecting this would be a crime against humanity of the first order. Its not surprising that a majority of the Japanese people would oppose this — but then I’m pretty sure that ‘a majority’ of people here are against our leaders’ imperial ambitions but we don’t get a say in the matter.

Jul 11, 2022 2:17 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Thus, Korea suffered the Genocide of losing one in five of its’ total population:
Worth not forgetting who did what, at-on this stage of history, after Nuking Japan,
A certain intimidation from Mockingbird Operations was already prevalent
Throughout the region, ‘I shall return’ was well understood, thus the return of
Nato M.i.c. South Korean Offices and Corporate Officers of the

S.S. Stoltenberg soundly Soros Styled ‘Society’ should come
As no surprise to you Martin.
Open Societal engineering
In plain sight. NATO S.KOREA.
Corporate Fascist Collusion
Above Sovereign States…

Cue: More Genocide. Cue: Bear Markets. Cue: Cancel Culture
Cue: Economic Pressure. Cue: Mass Divisions. Cue: Faked News.
Cue: John Pilger’s last ditch attempt to rectify rhetoric.
20% of ALL Koreans were exterminated… Martin: how to
Just forget it ? Should the world evolve with Jim Morrison’s dad’s
Version of The Gulf of Tonkin bum Radar reports, manufactured,
And M.i.c. Certified by Central Bankers ?? Koreans have memories ! & the Chinese,
Like the Vietnamese &&& This time, I assure you Martin, Yankee Culture is Toast !
Not RUSSIAN CULTURE !! That is undeniable…
Cheers celebrating Cyrillic Cultural communications competence, clearly Chinese too. Viva La Sputnik . Cancel US GENOCIDAL CORPORATE BANKERS… collecting Data.
Look at the Massive Tsunami Martin. Two Elephants fell,
Off a cliff…
Boom boom 💥
Corporate Media
Conspires to commit
Terrorism, of the
Mind, with ‘bum’ money 💰 !? And cancelling Culture?
U.N. Law Actually now exists…
Russia respected it.
Zelensky ignored it.
Billions believe this.
Not Corporate Media…
Regardless their lies.
Search John Pilger
For better objectivity.
R.i.P. Roger East.


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 10, 2022 1:45 AM

Whatever it was, we know it will be used to justify more security, more control, more extreme class division, and less freedom and liberty. My neighbor is a brain surgeon, he told me so.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 10, 2022 12:53 AM

A WEF ‘scholar’ was shot dead? – Who cares?

Jul 10, 2022 12:49 AM

Generally, if you miss your target when using a home-made shotgun in a crowded area, someone invariably gets hurt by/from the indiscriminate ‘shot’ pellets. The fact that nobody seems to have been caught by the random ‘miss’ doesn’t sound credible. However, I do stand to be corrected …

Jul 10, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Cartridges to suit12G shotguns do come in a solid form, however at 20 – 30 feet (as the alleged assassin appears to be) they are inaccurate as the barrel has no rifling. Also that ‘homemade’ gun would have a terribly difficult to handle recoil.
The cartridges that have pellets range from BB (birdshot, tens of small lead pellets) up to SGs (5 lead pellets, used for feral pigs etc).

Something is odd with this “shooting”.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 3:14 PM
Reply to  grr

…- Nothing swaddling the whole darn thing in gaffa tape couldn’t rectify tho’… – Amiright!?…

Jul 10, 2022 12:32 AM

The MIC has assassinated millions of innocents.

Jul 10, 2022 12:29 AM

The certain group is Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, FFWPU.

This is a language barrior. I am a nativespeaker of Japanese.

This is a sub-formal narrative for Tetsuya Yamaguchi; his mother came to bwlieve in FFWPU, his family messed up, and he decided to kill SOMEONE of LDP, which has had ties with FFWPU since 1980s.

Second narrative is “another sniper”, and his gun only injected white powder.

Translate this tweet.

I read OffGurdian as a trustful media, so felt disappointed to find this article.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 10, 2022 3:25 AM
Reply to  Ryow

Thank you for your comment. As a Japanese-speaker please feel free to post any info here which might benefit the community. The above, brief write-up encourages just such comment. We know breaking news is a fast-changing thing and we encourage readers to share and discuss as it happens.

Thanks for your contribution to the off-guardian community and welcome! A2

Jul 10, 2022 7:32 AM
Reply to  Ryow

Ryow, thank you so much for commenting. I would like to better understand you. Could you explain please what you found disappointing in the article?

Do you find it unjustified that we are questioning the official narrative?

You mentioned Mr. Abe’s affiliation with NLP as the shooter’s motive. Is Natural Language Processing viewed with suspicion in Japan? Is it linked to Artificial Intelligence? I think our equivalent in the US is Neuro Lingistic Programming.

Thank you so much for your insight into what is happening.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  Penelope

…Where did he mention NLP, Penelope?… – The LDP is Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party… – As to the other acronym, FFWPU, Ryow defines that in the first line of their comment – I’m not seeing any others(?)…

Jul 11, 2022 5:06 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Sgt Oddball, Thank you for the correction. It was late at night, and I got confused.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 11, 2022 3:37 PM
Reply to  Penelope

…- No worries, Penelope… – I’ll hazard as a fellow ‘conspiritard’, I know that feeling *Well*:… – When you stare at clouds for a good while and all you start to see is faces all the time… 🙂

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 11, 2022 3:28 PM
Reply to  Ryow
Jul 12, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I was going to mockingly mention the Moonies being ‘slipped’ / woven into various
Narratives, but thought better not amplify hysteria, without giving the deadly
Yakusa-Ayabusa some credit for Math, too… and mind games,
During Financial Disasters…
Full Moon Tomorrow 🌝

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 12, 2022 2:51 PM
Reply to  TDj

…- IKR!? – I do a simple google search on the FFWPU and there it is, front and center…

…- Think this calls for some Credence:… 😉

Jul 10, 2022 12:19 AM

There is a fairly healthy ‘alternative’ scene over here on Twitter that wasted no time in identifying (a dead ringer for) the (in)famous crises actor, Haruyo Miyamoto – the young lady seen crouching over Abe in the moments after the incident. I had never heard of her but it seemed from the comments that if indeed it was her, that the whole incident was a set up. Some were even wondering if it was not too suspicious that the real culprits would use such a well-known face – or maybe they were just laughing at us. Then there were the TV shots from before the gun went off which included the shooter. These were taken from angles that did not include Abe and were so ridiculous unless you were actually interested in acquiring pictures of a ‘patsy’ for use later. There is the total lack of blood, which one might expect from a shot to the heart and the neck and what appears to be a blood pump under his suit attached to his upper arm. The use of an AED for a gunshot is somewhat unusual. On a personal note, the first shot missed, the second initiated Abe to step down form his podium before collapsing. It does not look like that second shot even hit him. A second shooter ? I really don’t know. Abe had always been at the forefront of wanting to change the wartime constitution in order to make Japan and ‘ordinary’ country that can have armed forces that can be sent abroad – but since the scamdemic, the ruling party have added to the changes that they wish to make – and these changes are being mentioned in a similar light to Hitler’s Enabling Act that ended the Weimar Republic. In times of crises,… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 10, 2022 9:59 PM
Reply to  AndyB

Looking at the home made gun picture and the video of the attack you have to wonder what happened to the first shot. The gun, being made from pipe, is obviously smooth bore so it would need to be loaded with shot rather than a single bullet. You wouldn’t be able to use a standard shotgun cartridge in it because the bore’s too large and the discharge is likely to be too strong for the thin tubing of the barrel so you’d need a home-made load. This is likely to be both chronically weak and really inaccurate; you’d may well be able to hurt someone with it but the chances of just hitting one person and only one person is vanishingly small.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 9, 2022 11:59 PM

The Ironic Bullet

The sixth and final bullet ricocheted off the armored side of the limousine, passed between the space of the open rear door and vehicle frame, and hit the president in the left underarm. The round grazed a rib and lodged in his lung, causing it to partially collapse before stopping less than an inch (25 mm) from his heart.

My suspicion is that Reagan was either never shot (though they may have faked the surgery so that Reagan never knew), or he was shot by a Secret Service agent as they bundled him into the limo. The agent playing Hinckley was there to create the necessary disturbance.

The armpit story was created to explain how the bullet managed to sneak passed the bullet-proof vest. Also, the idea was circulated that Hinckley had intentionally targeted the armpit for this reason; and this was done while Reagan was waving to the crowd immediately prior to getting into the limo. They later found out that Reagan wasn’t actually wearing a bullet-proof vest; though Hinckley would not have known this; and therefore the targeting theory still stood.

However, after accounting for all the bullets, they find that the armpit had not been targeted at all; that the bullet had ricocheted off the amour which was intended to protect the president; and it had hit the one non-visible place which could have killed Reagan had he been wearing a bullet-proof vest; which he wasn’t.

Incredible! Is all I can say.

comment image

James Robertson
James Robertson
Jul 10, 2022 6:12 AM

The only visible place? What about the head?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 10, 2022 7:11 AM

Unlike the head, the armpit is “non-visible” to the cameras; so we have no visual verification of Reagan being shot. My argument is that he was either not shot or was shot by an agent when being bundled into the limo.

Given the belief that Reagan would have been wearing a bullet-proof vest, the only way for this to mesh with the Hinkley-did-it narrative was to make the claim that Reagan was shot in the left armpit. All the news images showed Reagan waving to the crowd with his left arm raised, and it was implied that this was the moment he got shot. Also, the story was that he was wearing a bullet-proof vest and Hinckley intentionally targeted the armpit.

It’s only recently that I discovered that it was supposedly the sixth bullet, it hit Reagan via a ricochet, and there was no vest. This means that the armpit shot was highly unlikely (assuming it happened), but it somehow coincided with the initial narrative.

Jul 10, 2022 7:13 AM

Lost in a Dark Wood, I can remember only 3 things about the 1981 Reagan wounding: Hinckley’s step-father was CIA, his mother I’m pretty sure “committed suicide” after Hinckley was jailed.

AND Hinckley had the same psychiatrist as another “lone gunman patsy.” I cannot quite remember who that was, but the only one that comes to mind is
Sirhan Sirhan, the patsy in the Robert Kennedy assassination in 1968.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 11, 2022 5:49 PM

My current thinking is that if they wanted to kill Reagan, they would have shot him after he was bundled into the limo; like they did with Yitzhak Rabin. However, since he “survived”, it’s reasonable to conclude that they didn’t want him dead; merely incapacitated. And, therefore, he was never shot.

If I were writing the script, I’d have an agent armed with a syringe full of stage blood. This would be injected through Reagan’s suit in the armpit area. Reagan would therefore believe he’d been shot; he’d immediately be sedated; then rushed to hospital for x-rays and an operation – all faked.

The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the fifth prime minister of Israel, took place on 4 November 1995 (12 Marcheshvan 5756 on the Hebrew calendar) at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, an Israeli ultranationalist named Yigal Amir, radically opposed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Jul 9, 2022 11:18 PM

I find it hard to believe he could have sneaked upp behind the ex president with that pipe-bomb looking package without a quicker response from the bodyguards.

Jul 10, 2022 5:46 AM
Reply to  Benton

And why did the bodyguards stand back and let two civilians step in to give first aid? Isn’t that their responsibility? The same thing happened in London when an MP gave assistance to the victim of an attack in Westminster while paramedics stood around like the bad actors they probably were.

Jul 10, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Jos

Bodyguards definitely check the very important back on their subject since it is a blind spot. They scan for face expressions in the crowd and look for hand movements and hands holding things. They are highly trained to react with an instantaneous reflex. But here he could sneak up with this very strange pipe-bomb looking package and fire two shoots before being gay wrestled to the ground. He should have been shoot just raising this strange looking package in shooting position and definitely so after his first shoot. But he was not even shoot after his second shoot like the bodyguards had forgotten all of their training.

I read that Abe’s party don’t have a majority. But with this “thing” they could maybe gain enough public support to get majority to be able to ditch the pacifist doctrine of Japan, since someone seems eager to start something with China.

Nothing in politics happens by chance and all the mistakes that are done are intentional actions made to look like mistakes. The same goes for feigned incompetence of bodyguards and their likes.

John Wood
John Wood
Jul 10, 2022 12:39 PM
Reply to  Benton

They scan for face expressions in the crowd


Jul 10, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  John Wood

Many bodyguards of potential high profile targets are ex special forces and I don’t think a facediaper would make any difference.

Jul 9, 2022 10:53 PM

A Japanese physician points out. Machine translation.

Uncomfortable gunshot wound position

According to the hospital’s description, There were two small gunshot wounds about 5 cm apart on the front right side of the neck.

However, on social networking sites, you can see a video of the shooting, and former Prime Minister Abe turns to the left and looks back when the first shot is heard from behind him.

Then he receives the second shot and falls down.
So, given the location of the shots and the movement of ex-Prime Minister Abe, it would be strange to see a gunshot wound in the right front part of his neck.

Also, the hospital explained.
The bullet entered the body through the neck and damaged the large blood vessels in the heart and chest. There was a large hole in the wall of the heart.” He said.

It seems that the ball entered from the right side of the neck, reached the heart, and damaged the heart, which is also strange.

It is true that a bullet that enters the body can change its trajectory when it hits a bone or other object. However, since former Prime Minister Abe was giving a speech on a platform, he was hit from below.

Would a bullet struck from below hit the right neck and change its trajectory toward the heart?

When the trajectory of the bullet is calculated backwards from the destroyed heart, the best sniper position is on the roof of a large commercial building in front of you. It is increasingly pointed out that

Jul 10, 2022 9:14 AM
Reply to  Ghost

As another poster stated above, shotguns do not fire bullets they fire shot.

Chris Weisdorf
Chris Weisdorf
Jul 9, 2022 10:45 PM

Murray Rothbard – Why Is It Always a Lone Nut? – LewRockwell

A classic from 1972. Why, indeed? As always, OffG is ahead of the curve.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 10, 2022 3:27 PM
Reply to  Chris Weisdorf

“Why Is It Always a Lone Nut?”

…- ‘Plausible’ deniability…

Jul 10, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  Chris Weisdorf

FWIW, I’m fond of my still-used quip that the official narrative of the events of September 11, 2001 would have us believe that the death and destruction was committed by Nineteen Lone Nuts.  😎 

Jul 9, 2022 10:37 PM

R.I.P. Mr Abe

Jul 9, 2022 10:30 PM

According to his Wikipedia entry, Shinzo Abe had been a member of the Nippon Kaigi Parliamentary League in the Diet. This faction in the Liberal Democratic Party is apparently ultra-nationalist with aims of recovering Japan’s former WW2 greatness.

Abe came from a prominent political family. His maternal grandfather Nobosuke Kishi had been in charge of Japan’s Manchukuo colony in Northeast China in the 1930s. Kishi later served as a war munitions minister in Japan’s wartime cabinet. After the war he served time in prison as a Class A war criminal. He later joined the LDP and was able to rig the electoral process in such a way that, no matter how many coalition govts Japan had – and these were usually unstable so they never lasted long, and thus most Japanese Prime Minister’s never lasted long – the LDP was always the major party in them and was able to carry out major policies that must have surely shaped Japanese society and culture over time into the entity Japan is now.

No doubt Abe benefited in some way from his family connection to Kishi to become Japan’s longest serving Prime Minister, but the cost may well have been his own life. His assassin Yamagami claimed that he targeted Abe because Abe belonged to a group he (Yamagami) disliked. Was this group the Nippon Kaigi faction?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 9, 2022 10:27 PM

Nara is a small town of 367,000 inhabitants, so Abe’s public appearance there must have been quite an event. In these days of ubiquitous smartphones, did anyone actually film the alleged killer raising the gun and firing it?

Jul 9, 2022 10:14 PM

As far as I recall, the mandates in Japan were very little employed. Maybe too little?

What I have read in the lamestream news about Abe is that ‘Abe was never popular’. – Guess you can say that about all politicians. But why did they say this of him? The assasination of Abe also left the lamestream pages quickly: Tour de France and Wimbledon were more important. Actually, so was the Boris Johnson resignation (tour de France and Wimbledon were more important).


Jul 10, 2022 5:50 AM
Reply to  Willem

The cabal is being taken down and we have to be distracted while it’s happening?

Jul 10, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  Jos

What makes you think the cabal is being taken down?

Jul 10, 2022 12:37 PM
Reply to  Hannah

So many of the events of the last two years are not just sinister and suspicious but also hilariously inane. It’s the stupidity of it that makes it clearly fake (anyone in the UK remember the instruction when waiting in a socially-distanced queue to know you’re standing 6 feet away from the person in front by visualising a dead body on the ground between you? These are such clear mind control techniques that you’ve got to be seriously stupid not to see it). I believe the evidence shows the plan to bring down national governments and move towards globalism was supposed to take much longer but has been rushed forward and in a way that no nefarious plan would have been attempted at the risk of being exposed. I don’t believe this is a good vs evil thing but more likely a lesser of two evils thing with one half of the ruling elite exposing the evil of the other half a bit like gang warfare. Getting rid of half the evil in the world would be a start. Bring it on. And, by the way, exposing the cabal by this false flag operation might be a way of outing all the other false flag ops we’ve had to pretend to believe in the last two decades (‘But people died! How can you say that?) All these ‘lone assassin ‘ events are LIHOP or MIHOP – let it happen on purpose or make it happen on purpose.

Jul 10, 2022 3:10 PM
Reply to  Jos

No one is coming to save us.

Jul 11, 2022 3:14 AM
Reply to  Ray

Did I say someone was coming to save us? I said one half of the cabal are taking down the other half. We don’t figure in this except as collateral damage. But I do believe there will be better days. It’s in the cards.

Jul 11, 2022 3:33 AM
Reply to  Ray

They already have. I used to believe in their fear-porn and now I see it for what it is – scare tactics to control us. I will never again comply and don’t care what they say about climate / health / space catastrophes. So I win. That’s how it works. Death is inevitable. Fear is optional.

Jul 9, 2022 10:02 PM

The first shell misfired or missed everyone, the second was lethal. I’m waiting for more developments because this is a difficult one to ascertain.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 9, 2022 11:33 PM
Reply to  Ste

So he managed two shots at this famous man with a bizarre home-made “long gun” in a crowded public place in famously hi-tech Japan, and not one person filmed it, even inadvertently? Is this credible?

Are there at least some eyewitness reports?

Jul 9, 2022 10:01 PM

looks like the first shot missed

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jul 9, 2022 9:17 PM

James Corbett: “As James Evan Pilato often observes, the real action of potentially world-changing events like this one is in the reaction.”