REVIEW: The Assassination and Mrs. Paine
Edward Curtin

Human duplicity is a marvel to contemplate. This riveting documentary is an excellent example of such cunning in action, not on the part of the filmmaker who is eminently fair, perhaps overly so, but on the part of some of those who appear in the film. It demands that viewers use every skill in their possession to determine who is lying and who is telling the truth about the involvement of a woman named Ruth Paine (and her husband Michael) in the assassination of President Kennedy.
In many ways, it is akin to sitting in a jury box, listening to trial testimony from witnesses for the defense and prosecution and from a few whose slippery words seem meant to create uncertainty and never-ending debate about Paine’s innocence or guilt in the president’s murder.
The film will be an eye-opener for anyone unfamiliar with Mrs. Ruth Paine’s fundamental role at the heart of the president’s murder; and for those knowledgeable about her, it will be greeted as an important contribution to the case.
I believe it is not just a must-watch for those interested in JFK’s assassination, which is the key to all subsequent American history, but for anyone trying to unravel today’s tapestry of lies and propaganda spewing out from the mainstream media (MSM) that go by different names – CBS, ABC, the Washington Post, etc. – but all of whom speak for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The basic equation is: CIA = MSM.
Since many people are adept at lying, they think they are good at sniffing out lies in others. This is highly questionable. We live in a country of lies, from the top down and the bottom up; propaganda and the everyday lies that grease the skids of social intercourse. Deceptions that deceive no one. Lying is the leading cause of spiritual death in the United States, even as devotion to truth is embraced as a national platitude.
Even when such fealty to truthfulness isn’t professed or implied and the lying is admitted, as with ex-CIA Director Mike Pompeo’s 2019 remark about the CIA at Texas A&M university – “We lied, we cheated, we stole” – such treachery is uttered proudly and with a chuckle. It’s what everybody knows and pretends they don’t.
There are some intellectuals, like Noam Chomsky, who likes to say that many who lie believe their own stories because of their institutional affiliations – e.g. journalists for the BBC, The New York Times, CBS, etc. (but not the Defense Department-funded MIT where he spent his career) – because such institutions require that the employees they hire have internalized the script in advance.
But they don’t call it lying, for it is built into the socialization process that leads to positions within such institutions. So they are only doing their jobs and lack awareness of any duplicity. They are innocent of their own complicity in censorship and propaganda in stories they report. They have no knowledge of the fact that their mainstream employers have long been proven to be mouthpieces for the CIA, M-16, etc.
Focused exclusively on institutional analyses, Chomsky denies these people a place for individual freedom and consciousness, as he does with his long-held absurd assertion that JFK’s assassination is of little importance and his denial of the clearly documented facts about how Kennedy took a radical turn toward peacemaking in the last year of his life, a metanoia that led directly to his death.
He is correct, however, that such MSM people don’t need to self-censor, for their jobs require them to play the game according to the censorship rules under which they were hired, but he is very wrong to claim they therefore believe what they say. That assumes these people are very ignorant, which they are not; that they just obliviously do their jobs and collect their pay. He fails to distinguish between playing dumb and being dumb.
It would be more accurate to say that they live in what Jean Paul Sartre calls “bad faith” (mauvaise foi), for:
the essence of a lie implies in fact that the liar actually is in complete possession of the truth which he is hiding […] The ideal description of a liar would be a cynical consciousness, affirming truth within himself, denying it in his words, and denying the negation as such.”
You can’t lie to yourself, for that would mean you were two people. But you can lie to others. And you can play dumb. It’s called acting. And, of course, many journalists and academics hold dual positions, since they secretly work as assets for the intelligence services.
I begin with these thoughts about lying because a good number of the people who appear in The Assassination and Mrs Paine have no ostensible institutional affiliation but may be working in some capacity for an invisible institutional paymaster who calls their tunes. No names required.
They implicitly present themselves as disinterested pursuers of truth, yet viewers are forced to assess the veracity of their claims, including those of Ruth Paine who appears throughout, answering Max Good’s interview questions.
Much has been written and filmed about the JFK assassination. Most take a broad perspective. This film is quite different because it approaches it through a personal focus on a woman named Ruth Paine who, for those who may not have heard of her, was the key witness against Lee Harvey Oswald at the Warren Commission (WC) hearings where she was asked more than five-thousand questions (her husband Michel was asked 1,000 or so).
She is the woman who invited Marina Oswald to live with her in her home in the Dallas suburb of Irving, Texas, where Lee Harvey Oswald also spent weekends from late September 1963 up until the morning of the Assassination on November 22, 1963. Her testimony led to the WC’s conclusion that Oswald, and Oswald alone shot, the president.
The Assassination and Mrs Paine is Max Good’s second full-length documentary. He came to the subject after reading a section (pp.168-172) on Ruth and Michael Paine in James W. Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died & Why It Matters, a book considered by many to be the best on the JFK assassination.
He felt the Paines’ story shouted out for a documentary, and when he discovered that Ruth Paine was still alive, in her late eighties, lucid, and living near him in a Quaker retirement home in California, he contacted her and she agreed to be interviewed, something she has done for 59 years, always protesting her innocence, even though over the decades researchers have uncovered much evidence to the contrary.
Her ex-husband, Michael, also lived at the home but has since died. There’s a brief interview of little consequence with him in the film since his memory was going, but I should note that he too is a crucial figure in the assassination story. Both he and Ruth have always denied involvement in the plot and coverup, yet much evidence connects them to it.
Michael Paine’s involvement is artfully suggested by the film’s title – “Mrs. Paine” and not simply Ruth Paine, a woman acting alone. The Paines, who have claimed they are pacifists, might best be superficially described as unassuming, liberal Quaker/Unitarian do-gooders, whose wealth and astounding family and intelligence connections would make heads spin, if they were known.
The film exposes many of those connections.
The fundamental undisputed facts are as follows:
In February 1963, Ruth, who spoke and taught Russian, was invited to a party by George de Mohrenschildt, a White Russian CIA asset who was ‘babysitting” Lee Harvey Oswald at the request of the CIA. There she met Oswald.
Soon de Mohrenschildt would go to Haiti and Ruth would establish a relationship with Lee and Marina Oswald.
In September, Ruth Hyde Paine visited family in eastern Massachusetts on Naushon Island, owned by the Forbes family. Michael Paine’s mother, Ruth’s mother-in-law, was Ruth Forbes Paine Young, from the blue-blood Forbes family of Boston. She was friends with the CIA’s Allen Dulles since her best friend was Mary Bancroft who was Dulles’s mistress. They had stayed on the island.
From Massachusetts, Ruth drove to New Orleans to pick up the Russian-speaking Marina Oswald and the Oswalds’ belongings to bring her back to Dallas to live with her.
It’s a small, unassuming house, but there was room for Marina and her children because Michael Paine had conveniently moved out in the spring, allegedly because of marital problems, but would move back in the winter after the assassination and Marina’s departure. Ruth says she did this to help a woman in need.
On her long road trip south, she made numerous stops, including at her sister Sylvia Hyde Hoke’s house in Falls Church, Virginia. Sylvia worked for the CIA, as documents have confirmed, and her husband worked for the agency’s front, the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID), yet to this day – and in Good’s interview in the film – she claims not to know where her sister worked.
Ruth’s father, William Avery Hyde, also worked for US AID in Latin America and his reports went to the CIA. From her sister’s house, Ruth proceeded to New Orleans where she picked up Marina and took her to her house in Irving.
In mid-October, again out of alleged kindness, she got Lee a job in the Texas School Book Depository, despite calls to her house from an employment agency offering him a much higher paying job.
When asked about this by the Warren Commission, Ruth gave an evasive answer. Then when JFK was killed, an empty blanket roll that allegedly held Oswald’s rifle was found in the Paines’ garage. And Ruth claimed to have found a note – the ”Walker Note” that was used to show his propensity for violence – and a letter also allegedly written by Oswald to the Russian Embassy that was used as evidence of his guilt.
There is much more of a strange and suspicious nature involving Ruth and the Oswalds.
The Paines have always said that Oswald killed Kennedy to make a name for himself – the little man kills the big one syndrome. They repeat this in the documentary.
Ruth says of Oswald, “He realized he had the opportunity to no longer be a little guy but someone extraordinary.”
But as Jim DiEugenio (one of the finest and most informed commentators in the film) says, if that were so, then why did Oswald always claim he was innocent, a patsy who didn’t shoot anyone. Those who wish to kill to make a name for themselves obviously claim credit, but the Paines seem not to get this. Their claim makes no sense, yet they both repeat it in the film.
And although the film’s focus is on Ruth, not Michael, there are other undisputed facts about him worth noting.
As previously mentioned, his mother was Ruth Forbes Paine Young. After divorcing Michael’s father, Lyman Paine, his mother married a man named Arthur Young. Among other strange facts about Young, he was the inventor of the Bell helicopter, which was the prototype for the infamous Huey helicopter used in Vietnam.
Those helicopters were produced at the defense contractor Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas where Michael, the pacifist, worked through his connection to Arthur Young.
He had a security clearance; when the Warren Commission asked him what type of clearance, he said he didn’t know. One of his cousins, Thomas Dudley Cabot (the Boston Cabots), was a former president of the United Fruit Company, and another, John Cabot, worked for the State Department where he exchanged information about the CIA-United Fruit coup d’état against Jacobo Arbenz.
Later, he was president of the CIA front company Gibraltar Steamship Corporation that leased Swan Island in the Caribbean for the CIA, where the agency set up Radio Swan that was used during the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, among other things (see pp.193-208 in James DiEugenio’s Destiny Betrayed, second edition, for important information on the Paines).
All this factual background on the Paines doesn’t definitively prove anything about them, but it is essential to assess their credibility, and watching The Assassination and Mrs.Paine is all about doing that.
The question about Ruth that the film asks is whether she is a truthful, naïve, Quaker do-gooder or a CIA asset, a pawn, or someone in deep denial (whatever that is).
She has her defenders and they appear in the film along with well-known supporters of her and the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Oswald did the deed alone: Max Holland, Gerald Posner, Priscilla Johnson McMillan, Jack Valenti, Michael Beschloss, and Peter Jennings.
From the so-called prosecution side we hear from: Jim DiEugenio, Dr. Gary Aquilar, Dr. Martin Schotz, Vince Salandria, and Sue Wheaton.
Paine’s defenders make sure to bash Oliver Stone and his film, JFK, and Ruth claims Stone never contacted her about her portrayal in the film. Stone denies this and says she would not talk to him. But she makes it clear that she is a big fan of various Network TV specials that support the WC, especially the London mock trial with Gerry Spence and Vincent Bugliosi, and a Peter Jennings ABC special.
Ruth Paine is given a lot of screen time between her defenders and accusers. As I said, Max Good is more than fair, perhaps too fair. Paine is a cool character who only rarely gets a bit flustered. She’s been doing these interviews for a long time, and is either a good actor or an innocent bystander, as she says, “I’m kind of naïve …. But I think it’s a blessing.”
After giving both sides their say – and a few others, whom I won’t mention, who make lawyerly-like slippery statements – Bill Simpich interjects that there is “something about the Ruth Paine story that simply doesn’t jell.” Good then proceeds to ask Ruth a series of hard questions that viewers will find very interesting.
But he never lets the audience know what he has concluded about her guilt or innocence. He is impartial to the end.
I am not. For before watching the film, I knew a great deal about the Paines and their roles in the assassination and its cover-up. I completely agree with the Philadelphia lawyer Vince Salandria, one of the earliest and most brilliant critics of the official story, when he says “You can’t close the circle without the Paines. There is no way they can be innocent. No way.”
And he added the film’s penultimate statement about the assassination:
There is no mystery here. It’s all self-evident. It was a coup. It was designed to be a false mystery and the debate would be eternal and why it [killing JFK] was done – forgotten. In order to commit yourself to truth here, you’re changing your real identity from a citizen of a democracy to a subject of a military empire. A big step.
Ruth Paine, however, gets the final word. Regarding all the claims about her involvement with the CIA and the Oswalds: “Nonsense. Absolute nonsense …. I am interested in truth …. I’m a very independent person. Nobody tells me what to do.”
I highly recommend that people watch this important film and reach a verdict based on the evidence it provides, and if they need more, to read the works of Douglass and DiEugenio mentioned earlier, among others. As good as a film can be, it is only as good as the sources it relies upon.
Human duplicity is a marvel to contemplate. The Assassination and Mrs. Paine will force you to do that. Don’t miss it.
The Assassination and Mrs Paine, directed by Max Good and produced by Journeyman Pictures, is currently available through Google Play, Amazon Prime and other video platforms.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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She comes across as a patriotic do-gooder and naive (as she says herself). Perfect for selection as a useful idiot.
All part of the deflection to make sure it never occurs to you who really did it and why. The same people who killed JFK killed his son and his brother. Once you understand that, you understand the why and the who. It should be obvious to everyone now it wasn’t planned by the CIA. Too much attention has been deliberately directed toward them. For sure they assisted in the killings but it wasn’t in the interests of America that these assassinations were executed. James Jesus Angleton was given rewarded with honours from Israel for good reason.
Instead of reading, researching, studying more data on the known reason for the assassination, shouldn’t people, or should I say, legitimate people, be organizing into guerilla armies to destroy this totalitarian-tyranny? Because, that’s the ONLY way to successfully deal with it!
The question about Ruth that the film asks is whether she is a truthful, naïve, Quaker do-gooder or a CIA asset, a pawn, or someone in deep denial (whatever that is).
Human beings would not be able to function normally without it and it goes to the heart of the dualism that forms our nature.
To really thicken the plot:
Book out only a few years ago, by Schwimmer, Phd., called “Doppelganger: The Legend of Lee Harvey Oswald”
The only psyop where I find it difficult to believe the death is staged is JFK’s assassination and his brother’s too I guess, however, certainly in JFK’s case at least there is good evidence that it was staged. So many trails laid to have people arguing over WHO was responsible and WHO was involved … but what if no one was?
In psyops they’re always distracting you so if they’re making it all about WHO then maybe you need to be looking elsewhere, not at WHO but at WHAT. What happened and who was killed if anyone?
We know right off the bat that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t because no still from the alleged live shooting matches the famous photo. Multiple takes. And there’s no logical reason for killing him. Why would they? He said he played the patsy and indeed that’s what he did. Then they conveniently “shot” him to get him out of the way.
But it looks as if we also have multiple takes for JFK himself and we have far too few people out watching the motorcade, some of whom very much show signs of being crisis actors. Why JFK would be part of staging his own death I have no idea but I think he did even though I can’t really believe it. I think Noel Joshua Hadley does a pretty good job of analysing the footage and other aspects – don’t agree with him on some other events but on this one and the Titanic I think he does a good job.
There was hatred for the family. Three of the four brothers were liquidated and the fourth subjected to the Chappaquiddick psyop. There are times when the banksters need to be brutal and this was one of those times.
My Exhibit A: the Chappaquidick set-up.
Why can we be sure that Teddy was psyopped, black-opped, and sabotaged?
A look at some of the trends in psyops over the last 70 years is an incredibly instructive analytical exercise in and of itself, and of what I would call “forensic history”, always revealing some glaring coincidences, to put it very mildly.
Something that the “Main Sewer Media” reportage has as chronic habits, we find that you can learn more about black ops and pysops and “the fingerprints of intelligence” by what is missing, or omitted, from “news” coverage, far more than by what is presented. So, between the lines is where the only truth abides.
Fact: Teddy Kennedy was nearly killed, and terribly maimed, in a small plane crash only SIX MONTHS after the brutal slaughter of his brother, President JFK. I remember it so well, because I thought as a twelve year old thinks, “Not again, not so soon, not another deadly near fatal tragedy on the heels of his brother’s murder? It just can’t be possible.”
It was a headline in the LA Times, and I remember it only too well. Something struck me, even in my then tiny 12 years old world, as just so fishy, but it disappeared in the thick solution of so many ongoing unsolved mysteries.
It is only now, in recent years, in reviewing many factoids of the Kennedy murders, and all the rest, that many things leap out from “even” the most “official” record.
The vaunted MSM or “Billionaire Boys Club” Media, has spared no expense over the years of blaring the business of Teddy abandoning the scene of the Chappaquiddick bridge, but the fact that the media NEVER talks about the June 1964 plane crash, in which Teddy, like brother JFK in WW II, sustained catastrophic back injuries and yet still kept his recently won Senate seat while spending many months in hospital regaining his health, recovering.
And the reason that subject is NEVER brought up in the Press ( I do not exaggerate, I defy anyone to find more than merest snippets about it) is only too obvious: to draw any attention to it would begin the process in many an American mind of connecting the dots between that calamity, and JFK’s PT-109 disaster 20 years before (just by chance cut in two at night by a Japanese destroyer in a remote part of the Pacific?) and their eldest brother Joe Jr’s bomber plane exploding minutes after takeoff from England on a highest dangerous mission to France v. the Nazis, and then their sister Kick Kennedy’s fatal small plane crash in the south of France 3 years later (1948) on her honeymoon.
(And of course, all this was a half century in most of the cases before JFK Jr. crashed in 1999. I read in Newsweek then, but have since been unable to track it down, that just a week or so after that bizarre catastrophe (not initiating a search and rescue for hours, against each and every protocol of all past crashes?!) that the monogrammed luggage of JFK Jr., wife, and sister-in-law, all washed ashore on the beach of the late Jackie Kennedy Onassis’ estate at nearby Martha’s Vineyard. But clearly, those items didn’t just drift there, together. “Frogmen” divers brought them there and dumped them in the breakers close to shore, via submarine or some submersible. Outlandish, but clearly so. (They didn’t drift there, any more than Nikola Tesla died on his bed in room #3327 of the Hotel New Yorker, 1.6.43, in dress clothes, on an unslept, made bed, hands neatly folded on his chest, safe open and empty, from a “coronary thrombosis”. Right?)
So, when you take all those amazing and implausible coincidences together, mix them in, shake and bake the whole mess, it becomes painfully clear that the Chappaquiddick bridge was sabotaged to collapse that night. Those saboteurs were the parties wlfully answerable for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, not Teddy Kennedy. No wonder he didn’t face any real court punishment. Only in the “court of public opinion” heavily juiced by a billionaires’ MSM.
But nobody in Main Sewer Media (of our “BBC”) will breathe a mumbly word about THAT. Well, you don’t expect billionaire media moguls to indict themselves, do we?
As hack Gerald Posner might put it ( if only we could turn him, just for kicks, into an even more wooden puppet than he already is), “CASE CLOSED”.
There is no eyewitness report of Teddy arriving at his hotel soaking wet after swimming across the channel after missing the last ferry (as the media legend reported). On the contrary he had an early breakfast with a regatta competitor the next morning and was relaxed and cheerful. There are a couple of scenarios that explain what really happened but they are elaborate and would occupy too much space here. The media is evil.
Excellent analysis and some historical info I didn’t know about. But my association with the Kennedy family goes back about 30 years ago in the Bahamas when I was selected as a junior Specialist Olympics swim coach. And I met and got to know Eunice Kennedy. I later met Maeve Kennedy living in Annapolis,MD as a sailing instructor for a nonprofit and knew they were avid watermen and had a house not too far from where I sailed. That family is truly cursed and the main sewer media hates that family and I remembered after that tragic accident the crab wrapper (local term) or the Capital Gazette stated that the family should have being wearing PFD’s in their canoe ,even though most Maryland crabbers I knew never wore one or know how to swim
Joe died in action in the Pacific war! Is there every evidence that he was whacked? Jack, Bobby the have no doubt they were taken out by Hoover. He also probably made Teddy ineluctable as you point out.
Joe jr died when his plane exploded over England. He was piloting a plane meant to crash into a German target after the crew bailed out. The plane had to take off with a pilot at the controls. It was a strange and hazardous mission and the payload could have been ignited remotely or with a timer.
Well, this is something I lived through, and there was televised live footage of Bobby bleeding out in the offal of the Ambassador kitchen floor. An amazingly surreal coincidence, though I had no idea at the time, I first taught catechism at St. Anthony’s in Long Beach, California, 1986, and the priest who oversaw the program, and who spoke valiantly on my behalf on several occasions, was Fr. Thomas Peacha. a very wonderful man who passed away in his late 80s a few years ago. I had looked for him online several times over the years, wanting to thank him, but with no luck, then found an article in “The Tidings” about 5 or 6 years ago: turns out they interviewed him about his remembrance of that night in June of 1968, when as a young priest he was walking past the Ambassador Hotel, since razed, and saw people pouring out into the street in pandemonium, and he “realized immediately what had happened.”
He then asked a cop called to the scene, “Where have they taken him?” He went to Good Samaritan Hospital (where I was born, downtown L.A., 16 years prior) and gave Bobby “Last Rites”. In a more recent article, he talks about comforting Ethel there in the ER surgery room. Fr. Peacha is sbout the last man on earth I would suspect of “fabricating”. A cause for sainthood, his.
If you see Ethel Kennedy, RFK’s widow, in b&w stills cradling Bobby’s head in panicked terror at the scene of the crime, it’s really quite a stretch to think it’s all staged. (Next, you’ll be getting me to think my own father’s assassination was staged, about ten miles down Wilshire Blvd. 14 years later! ( ecjlaw com ) His demise is still an open case, a notorious unsolved murder, check out the obituary below, which I finally fished out of the archives last week. I was stunned to read the obit of Pollack above it, and the amazing coincidence of his link to Sirhan! Now that’s just an otherworldly moment, in the sense that the odds of staging the 2 obits side by side are a WEF trillions to one. Though I am always open to theories, the more outlandish the better, as long as they cleave to some inner logic. (By the way, someone other than Burt A. Folkart wrote JWE obit but attached BAF’s imprimatur to it. I know his style, plus there are grammatical errors beneath any big rag editor ever to countenance. Noguchi was on suspension as M E. for rocking the boat, and someone else answered my call at 4am April 17. He urged me to come out, pre-cremation, but I smelled a trap, plus I could only afford the redeye, as my mom was with me too, JWE’s ex. Noguchi wrote the book “Coroner” and is pretty convincing about the RFK forensics. In any case, Folkart wrote all the obits for LA celebs in the 80s: Cary Grant, Orson Wells, Natalie Wood, etc etc etc All of them.
But not this one: )
Book overview for “Coroner” by Thomas Noguchi, M.E. at “Thriftbooks”:
“More than a few Hollywood stars, rock goddesses, and politicos ended up under the practiced hands of former Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, who chronicles their tragic and occasionally controversial causes of death in this memoir. Forced to step down from his position in 1982 after he was criticized for being too open with the media, Noguchi published this tell-all, describing some of the most famous autopsies he performed as well as some of his more peculiar cases. Addressing scandals such as Marilyn Monroe’s possible affair with Robert Kennedy and the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of RFK himself, this morbidly fascinating book is a blend of Hollywood secrets and criminological science.”
I love that, “Forced to step down in 1982.” My father’s murder was 4.16.82 right after Noguchi was out on “suspension” then ultimately dismissed for “being too open with the media.”
A spooked up way of saying “refusing ethically to be a patsy in Intel coverups.”
If you took the time to read his obituary above, the mystery obituarist (not Folkart) uses an intel misdirection technique common to psyops, “having had surgery in 1972” is followed by “died April 16 of undisclosed causes”. The suggestion is that the two were sonehow related, only the death is TEN YEARS later. 1982, and the current surgical technique was a bit primitive, a bullet in the brain.
I asked my older sister then, now the only other 1 of all of us in our family still living, though 15 years estranged, why there was such muted media coverage, as prominent and public a figure as my father was in L.A., and she muted it herself, telling me that his trial lawyer at the firm. Alan Brown, had a lot of media connections and had got them to black it out as being not beneficial to the firm’s reputation, especially as an apparent suicide (I think of Tom Cruise in the Grisham no el turned film. “The Firm”.
The year was 1982 and I was still dumber than dead tree bark about such things, and I simply shrugged. Though not that convinced. Now you can see the fingerprints of Intel all over the JWE mise en scêne!
But 40 years and 3 months later, the far-reaching plot keeps on thickening.
I asked my older sister then, now the only other 1 of all of us in our family still living, though 15 years estranged, why there was such muted media coverage, as prominent and public a figure as my father was in L.A., and she muted it herself, telling me that his trial lawyer at the firm. Alan Brown, had a lot of media connections and had got them to black it out as being not beneficial to the firm’s reputation, especially as an apparent suicide (I think of Tom Cruise in the Grisham novell turned film. “The Firm”.)
The year was 1982 and I was still dumber than dead tree bark about such things, and I simply shrugged. Though not that convinced. Now you can see the fingerprints of Intel all over the JWE mise en scêne! The obit reeks of it. and is coded too, dropping the name of PRS, central to the RFK hit as the covert center for Operation Monarch (Mind Control). See “Murder, My Sweet” of 1944, the film noir with the director of PRS profiled by Raymond Chandler who knew him, “Jules Amthor” in the film: “I am ahead of my time in the field of psychic treatment.”
But 40 years and 3 months later, the far-reaching plot keeps on thickening .
AND: “Jules Amthor” ( aka in real life 33rd degree MPH of PRS) was in fact murdered on his ranch…. 46 years later. Incredible.
And if you would like to see the roots of Operation Monarch, here is a clip which serves an hors d’oeuvres, from the 1944 first film noir, arguably, “Murder, My Sweet” based on the Raymond Chandler novel, “Farewell, My Lovely” and featuring the villain, played by Otto Kruger, in the role my father’s client, founder of Philosophical Research Society, and who, I have on good authority, was later the director of CIA Operation Monarch (Mind Control). My father JWE ( ecjlaw com ) succeeded Henry Drake as VP of PRS in, I believe, 1965, or close enough, and had many links to UCLA, where he had gone to college, and the whole CIA LSD program there, with its connections to Aldous Huxley (his widow Laura Huxley, with whom one night I dined with at an international lawyers convention, while I was still a pimply 15 year old, was JWE’s client, and introduced him to Alan Watts, who declined his offer of attorney services).
I repeat some of this material on other past threads, hardly dense with ennui for the repetitions, since it has the deepest historical consequences, truth be told!
But the clip at 15:10, below, begins the “psychedelia” sequence which later became a lot of the praxis and basis for Project Monarch (aka “Operation Monarch” since the Project title will not bring up much of any “hits” at search engines, ANY search engines.)
Grab some popcorn, and watch the whole movie, when Otto Kruger says in his Hollywood home, “I am in a very sensitive profession, Mr. Marlowe. I am a quack! Which is to say, I’m ahead of my time in the field of psychic treatment.”
But, at the time, 1944, it was already quite concurrent with Mengele’s “human experimentation” research in German death camps, and the whole project’s trajectory is profiled memorably by Denzel Washington in the brilliant Jonathan Demme remake of “Manchurian Candidate” 2004.
One of the most fascinating discoveries I have ever made, and thru the one antique copy at my local library, NBPL, just months ago. “Murder, My Sweet”. The roots are there for the history of Sirhan Sirhan, who was visiting the PRS “Reading Library” (one of the most extensive collections of esoteric literature in the world) in late 1967, months before he reappears at the Ambassador, firing shots (or blanks) from an Ivers-Johnson .22, when it took 3 world famous athletes to stop his hand from pressing the trigger. (Sirhan had been striving to become a jockey at the time, not exactly a hulking type.) The relevant “mind control” and psychedlia material, though truncated, begins at 15:10 and lasts about a half minute, in the clip below. Speaks volumes. Of history and crime.
The dots are there. Easily connected. Enjoy the movie.
I just noted that Jules Amthor, Chandler’s name for the man who was funded by his employers, the Lloyds of L.A. oil fortune, is introduced at 16:46 of the above clip, smoking a cigarette in a holder, portrayed by Otto Kruger. This person in real life was known to Chandler quite well, who mocked him as a conman charlatan more than once in his novels (see the “bookstore owner” at the beginning of the Bogart and Bacall classic, “The Big Sleep” of the following year, 1945: in both movies he dies a villain’s death, and in real life, this prototype on which Chandler based the character, MPH of PRS, died as a homicide as well. If fact can be stranger than fiction, homicidal fact wedded with fiction, and over thirty years after Chandler had died, is sure stranger still.)
MC Piper covered a lot but there is more. The story of Honest Joe Goldstein is most intriguing.This arms dealer was a friend of Jack Ruby and had underworld connections.His Edsel station wagon was parked close to the grassy knoll and some suspect he could have helped with the transport of assassins and/or weapons.He was seen close to the ramp at the police station where Oswald was shot at the time of the shooting.
Three mentions of Piper’s work here in the comments, but no replies to any of them.
I think OffG would do well to explore this thesis, especially in light of the critiques of ‘alt media’ that have been considered here over the past two years. So much of the JFK research simply ignores so much that Piper has collected and brought to the table, it needs a platform like this to thrash it all out.
The Paine film, is, I assume (without having watched it) another example of high profile JFK research that ignores a viable angle on things.
We cannot understand our current situation without understanding this.
The one topic surrounding the Kennedy assassination that seems to be ‘off topic’.
I have become accustomed to taking note not just of what people write, but what they remain silent on when visiting various corners of the internet.
“James W. Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died & Why It Matters” is a must read for everybody. If you only read one book about JFK’s assassination, read that one.
David Lifton’s Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy is also an extremely compelling read.
America’s WWII OSS became the CIA in 1947, ostensibly to continue to fight communism in the post WWII world. But the CIA’s charter provides it with accountability to no one, so that the more public supporters of the Military Industrial Complex, most of those in Congress, can claim “plausible deniability” for all of the CIA’s activities. Those include the assassination of JFK. Did you know the CIA was the first to write about “conspiracy theories”?
An important parallel reading of that history is a little known book by Norman Cousins, “The Improbable Triumvirate” about the peace mission going on between JFK, Pope John XXIII and Kruschev. All 3 were out of power in 16 months. Fact.
(Cousins was later a client of my father and his law firm ecjlaw com through their connections at the U.N. in L.A. and both had connections at UCLA, where Cousins taught. JFK chose Cousins as a liaison between the three heads. James Douglass footnotes Cousins’ book rather copiously in “JFK & the Unspeakable”.)
Btw – we lie to ourselves all the time. Denial is a human reflex condition for things the mind is unable to process.
Human beings would not be able to function normally without it and it goes to the heart of the dualism that forms our nature.
The nature of human’s beings is a dichotomy – a battle for good and evil that lies at the centre of the human heart. It is only once we realise this and that we are subject to forces that are larger and greater than ourselves that we begin to understand ourselves and our true nature.
An interesting article.
The Paine’s have always pivotal players around the Oswald saga particularly as Ruth Paine’s role is so critical to the narrative. She got Oswald the job, she invited Marina to stay when nominally at least, socially they would have had little in common and she was a fluent Russian speaker which at the time for anyone outside the intelligence community was a big red flag.
I think it was her daughter who when questioned implied there was much information that she hoped her mother would give as her denials were clearly incredulous.
She obviously was by then too deeply involved and well aware of what happened to people like De Mohrenschildt who did speak out often years later. The arm of retribution is a long one it seems.
Sill I get to feel that a lot of this stuff is distraction as again these discussion always focus around the periphery on the symptoms, never the cause. Perhaps that is why Paine opted to take part – a chance to continue this playbook?
Whatever the merits of this protagonist or that protagonist no one ever discusses the arguments put forth in Michael Collins Pipers book ‘Final Judgement’ – that connects a lot these pieces together at a much higher level. Rightly or wrongly these are arguments that should also be a feature of any discussion. Similar to involvement in 911 however no one ever wants to go there especially has far as the media are concerned – which tells us something anyway.
Ruth Paine is full of StierScheiße. Take one look at her in the trailer for the documentary, provided above, and two eyes, maximum, should be all the forensic tools you need.
Just her body language is about as believable as Ronald Reagan(s). (I read somewhere that they screened footage of a film about RayGun in the activities room of a home for aphasia sufferers and that the whole crowd would break up into laughter whenever he came on screen. Much like my reaction as a kid, whenever I saw him in any scene from an old movie, like “Bedtime for Bonzo”. For me, at 8yo, the featured chimp, not a bad actor, comparatively, especially given his sidekick, was only mildly amusing. at best. RayGun, incredulous celluloid? Try to imagine, if you will, how I felt on Inauguration Day 1981? BoJo is top of the class as this era’s understudy, though Thatcher sang admirable operatic duets of insincerity with Ronnie for years.) Fun Fact: my 1st official date, summer of ’62, soon after we had gone mano à mano for two hours at school year’s end in our 5th Grade Spelling Bee,
was Anne Fadiman ( ) she lived then with her parents at what would pass as an Italian Villa, at the corner of Ronnie and Nancy’s manse in Bel Air, 345 St. Pierre (RayGun’s crib was on St. Cloud, just around the ivy-covered corner, at 666, a number which Nancy got the city fathers to change to 668 -I hate when that happens, I’m sure. Then later that day, 1988, on my return to campus, a brother at the Old Gym of UCLA, down the street from Bel Air a bit, informed me that those integers play out in the name “Ronald Wilson Reagan” which, as the good book warns us, “You shall know the Beast by the numbers of his name: six hundred, three score and six”.
Well, that serendipity was enough to make the woman edgy (our 1st Lady still, then, née Nancy Davis). Especially since the Bel Air spread was not their idea but had been a gift to the Reagans by “a consortium of local businessmen friend”.
(WHO writes my material? )
After that trip down Memory Lane to a circular driveway in Bel Air (where there stood a stone jockey in its grass lawn center, a sign hanging from its neck made of opulent stones areanged in many colors to trumpet richly, “Welcome Nancy and Ron” — I paused on my Honda scooter, musing, “Nancy and Ron. Nancy and Ron, why does that sound so familiar” — and then it hit me) I will simply say, “Ruth Paine. best of friends with Mary Bancroft, Allen Dulles’ mistress” (??!)
Or, as the frumious Gerald Posner titled his
preposterous, rascally pimp’s tome about LHO as a lone gunman: “CASE CLOSED”.
Seminal Michael Parenti LHO essay, first published 25 years ago, still riveting in raw scholarship’;
Interesting read, thanks.
Parenti is/was a pioneer, not in JFK assassination research et al., many illustrious names before him, but in the quality of scholarship he brought to certain very core issues and facts. As sharp a critic as he is of my Church (of Rome) I found it quite noteworthy that a number of Jesuits and others, at Commonweal, America, and other leading journals and scholars, have given him kudos often for his “astonishing scholarship” (as one prominent editor put it) and it is in that that he brings really important and subtle points about all this, newly, to light. Thanks.
Parenti on another historic assassination, highly regarded by “scholars” as groundbreaking. 2,000 years post facto!
Bye the bye, if anyone watching her say, in a cameo halfway thru the trailer, “Everything I saw pointed to him and him alone” about her celebrated “Lone Gunman”, can’t tell straight up that she’s lying, I suggest that you don’t apply for any kind of security work. She’s not even a good liar, just consistently bad, for such an “historic assignment” from her handlers. People stub their toes all the time on “But how could you get someone to lie as a mission for 60 years, in such ways” but that is part and parcel of the kind of Intel work that they signed up for. Best of friends with Allen Dulles’ mistress, sheesh, what are the chances? Apparently too many.
I believe the photo below is of Tony Curtis in a wig, circa the Kennedy Camelot years, but it bears a striking resemblance to Ruth Paine in the photo heading this essay. Switched at birth?×374+0+0/resize/1200×675!/quality/90/?
Except that Tony Curtis is all the same more credible as the real deal, in drag, than Ruth Paine is playing it straight. Am I wrong, people?
You can’t lie to yourself, for that would mean you were two people.
USS Liberty
It would be interesting to have an article on the USS Liberty incident and LBJ’s role in it.
Kennedy took a radical turn toward peace in his last year? Like with the “Alliance For Progress” pushing death squads in Latin America, overthrowing governments in Guatemala and El Salvador? Enabling the coup in Iraq which removed the leftist elements in power in favor of the Baath Party and a senior officer named .. Saddam Hussein? Like totally backing the Shah as his armies shot down protesters? Like pushing the “Common Market” full tilt, a policy intended to cement US domination of Europe? All of Kennedy’s top advisers remained on the job after LBJ took over, and LBJ did not reverse a growing detente with the Soviet Union, intended to bring the East Bloc into the empire in stages, which was not to happen for another r25 years.
Was he turned on to LSD by Mary Meyer (ex wife of CIA Cord Meyer)? Mary’s Mosaic by Peter Janney. Maybe the mild trips gave him a glimpse of what “real peace” felt like. Anyway, he was a sex addict. We all know sex addicts never lie.
If you are looking for material on the JFK assassination I would reccommend Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgement.
I’m joking although it’s not really funny. I need to read this book. It’s an angle I’ve been oblivious to because, no doubt, the subject has been restricted. As someone who once got blocked from twitter for “anti-semitic” comments to the ADL, I should know better.
Of course it’s OOP and expensive. The above link from Turning Moment looks like my only option.
That whole canard Janney put out is dubious ar best. Timothy Leary, a dyed-in-the-wool CIA spymaster, as many here know, did not even start spilling his guts about Mary Pinchot Meyer and her LSD and JFK associations until the 1980s. It was all quite a pile of red herrings he spread long after the events. If you start to follow up on all that, in depth, you are going to find a number of crime scenes that were heavily trampled with all kinds of conflicting “limited hangout”. Just a mess, but it really casts doubts on people who had previously seemed pretty credible to me, like Wm. F. Pepper, who had gone from Ramparts to MLK good friend and champion, then years later to Sirhan’s lawyer, yet what became of him? He used some of Janney and Leary’s gossip as gospel. The obfuscation and/or neo-embroidery of key facts is nigh endless with all those shady folk.
Canard? I can’t say that it is. Facts are facts. Mary was a JFK romancee and was taken out. Ray Crump was fingered for it and proven innocent beyond doubt. Angleton got her diary. Where’s the canard?
I have no doubt Leary was CIA. Did Mary Meyer know this? Did John Lennon know about Leary? Maybe he did.
But Leary said he didn’t know if JFK was turned on by Mary according to Janney. Really according to Leo Damore in his 1990 interview with Leary…
The whole “JFK dropped acid” story really came from a National Enquirer article by James Truitt which Katharine The Great author Debra Davis found “more than just credible.” [Katharine The Great is another one of those tangentially JFK books that should be read]
Is it probable that JFK dropped it? Well yeah it is. Why not? Alcoholic’s Anonymous co-founder Bill Wilson partook of LSD. What is so incredulous?
I was very “pro” JFK but after reading Mary’s Mosaic twice, I came to see him for what he was; not the savoir of the world or a martyr for freedom. He was a politician with a sex addiction and wide open to the forces of evil. I don’t doubt he was a few cuts above the rest of the scumbags in DC but I question everything about him now including his motivations in the Cuban Missile crisis. They’re still playing that canard to this day…
New York City Releases First ‘Nuclear Attack’ PSA Since 1960’s – July 12 2022
Just FYI, the sex addict stuff is pounded like a drum, or a whole percussion section, daily, hourly by CIA without skipping a beat, for 60 years now relentlessly. It is all so ad hominem, and simply serves to distract and deflect discussion whenever it inches closer to policies and historically important issues. That’s a tipoff. (Oh, and then sex cum mob connections and any other bloody brush they can smear the K’s with. Trillions have been spent on all that. It is quite breathtaking in its cumulative effect. Unprecedented in human history, a bit of a clue.)
Why does the CIA pound on that? They use everything at their disposal; that which is true and that which are lies like plausible deniability. Why shouldn’t they use it? Why does the scorpion sting the frog while riding it’s back?
The agency looks at it from every conceivable angle and picks out the easiest, most believable, which also happens to be the truth, first. They then go after that which is easily plausible but only half true and so on to treacherous lies, coups, murders, debaucheries… nothing is “off the table” for CIA.
Today, JFK’s extra-marital affairs seem mild in the eyes of most people because of sex indoctrination starting in the 60s (the Kinsey report, “summer of love” etc etc). Oh hell, “trans” children are “OK” now. But adultery (and LGBT+ !!!) is wrong according to God’s commandments. For atheists, this can be translated as “if you don’t like the effect, don’t produce the cause” or those who cheat will eventually get cheated on.
Was JFK “addicted” to sex? The addict must have it regardless of the consequences… even if it kill them. The preponderance of evidence and testimonies say JFK was a sex addict beginning in his college days until his death. Why anyone wants more than what they already have (like his beautiful wife Jackie-O) is far beyond me.
I feel like typing large chunks of Mary’s Mosaic here. Author Janney was a CIA insider inasmuch as his father was CIA and he grew up with the Meyer family in DC. That’s kind of more “inside” the inner circle than most people. Here is just a few more lines…
Read the damn book. It’s a goldmine of info. WaPo was taken by the CIA back then as confirmed by Deborah Davis in Katharine The Great. Phil Graham (owner) was probably taken out. Ben Bradlee was working with and for the CIA. British double-agent Kim Philby was colluding with Angleton… it’s in there with documentation..
Every article on the JFK assassination brings an attack on the victim by this poster. This reminds me of the foul attack on Joe Kennedy Sr. by the neocon Podhoretz on the occasion of John Jr’s liquidation around 1997. The animosity of the world government towards this family stems from Joe sr’s opposition towards WW2 and was reinforced by JFK’s opposition towards Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
The Cuban Missile Crisis: 16 November – 20 November 1962 (35 days). Kennedy shot dead 12 months later: 22 November 1963.
If Kennedy took a radical turn towards peace in his last year in office was it because he experienced the Cuban Missile Crisis as a Near Death Experience (NDE), which decided him to mend his ways ?
Cuban Missile Crisis was actually October ’62, i lived through it, a high school sophomore in New York. I am saying he did NOT take a radical turn toward Peace, just decided a better policy to pursue with the Soviet Union would be detente, LBJ did not change that policy, neither did Nixon.
You are right JS. I meant to write ’16 October – 20 November’. I must have been asleep at the wheel
Two anti-narrative victories at Wimbledon:
A Russian-born lady (born in Moscow) wins the Women’s singles final.
And ‘No vax please’ Djokovic wins the Men’s singles – beating, in the final, someone from the nation that banned him from playing for ‘lack of vax’ (no offence to Aussie citizens intended).
It could hardly get more fitting than that 🙂
Maybe there’s karma in sport too? 🤔
No vak Djokovic‘s wins his 7th Wimbledon title whilst some U.K people now on there 6th vak.
Winners dont need drugs.
If Australia’s spin-masters can turn the slaughter of Australian soldiers on the beaches of Gallipoli, Turkey (WW1),into a “Nation Building” incident to celebrate,
then a vaxxed Aussie
being beatencoming second in a tennis match to some foreigner can be spun into something Aussies can be proud of, a reason Aussies should get their 4th vax, and so on.These days down under in the Stralya u$a colony, loyal PharmaKrim MSM turnkey lackeys have nearly reached peak hysteria with their nonstop 24/7 Covid FEAR PORN bulletins. Seems 3 Pfizzer-for-mega profit terminator injections are insufficient. Ozzee untermenschen now require a 4th, to be supplemented with ‘anti-viral’ pills for profit. And a 5th Pfizzer ‘booster’ is on the way for Spring!
And of course, daily China-bashing and Russia bashing also rate top priority.
And that troublemaker, Novak the Vaxless, goes and spoils everything down under by thrashing curious Kyrgios, a card carrying member of the Stralya Vax Herd.
Russia is pro-vax, pro-globalism. Why are people like you all over the comments here and elsewhere trying to blur that fact and plant the false idea that supporting Russia is opposing globalism and the New Normal? It’s so strange. Suddenly the 77th is playing both sides
The West would like to wipe Russia off the face of the map. Russia would prefer to retain its existential position in the world. So they can be said to differ on this particular point, whilst agreeing on others
No Kennedy‘s assassination was not at all as important as you make it out to be. That would suggest that individuals make history rather than masses of people.
Nobody is that important and the USA is not the centre of the universe as some people may think.
US foreign policy regardless of whether Kennedy was seeking peace would have continued as a policy of interference and exploitation regardless
Erm… “That would suggest that individuals make history rather than masses of people.”
Erm… Adi Amin? Joseph Stalin? Benito Mussolini? Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (AKA: Vladimir Lenin)? Napoleon Bonaparte? Jullius Caeser?
All totally unimportant historical figures. Except for all the resulting murder and death…
Important because of the trajectory of history. It was not Kennedy the man, but rather what he represented.
Exactly. Standard bearer.
Any chance of rescuing my 2 pm comment from pending?
Thanks Ad – and at the risk of seeming cheeky, I’ve another pending at 7 pm.
Good article from Ed Curtin.
In other news (or lack thereof):
I was curious as to how, or even if, the corporate media is reporting on the current farmer protests in the Netherlands. I checked ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, CBS, NYT and WaPo. Only WaPo and ABC ran articles and both were taken verbatim from the same AP report. This report was, unsurprisingly, lacking in info and extremely weak in context. Just another example of the death of investigative journalism in the corporate media.
Resumption of the fake binary: The Daily Mail tells us:
See? The Daily Mail “that Tory paper” is complaining about commies. No change there then. But this time, the “Leftie/commie” bit is linked with re-application of the covid restrictions. Rejection of the covid take is, as always, linked with “The Right” and “Evil Tories” who want to “let it rip”!
The show is restarting. Take your seats on the side of your choice.
Right/Fuck that covid crap!
There is no other possiblity!
Exactly. I consider myself a Left Wing Lockdown sceptic. But that matters not a jot for many who hear this. I am now right wing no matter what I say or think.
No that’s not good enough…there’s no “right wing” any more. You are now far right my friend.
Where in earth do I live?
It reminds us of that edifying church scene in Mel Brooks’ “Blazing Saddles” with “Howard Johnson’s 1 Flavor” (of ice cream, a satire on Baskin Robbins 31 flavors).
At least the MSM/Merchants of Death Complex has seen fit to provide us with 2 flavors, of hostage-hood.
Well, it’s neat and tidy-centric. How nice for “Them”. 2 easily identified camps.
Where are my sunglasses.(And bubble gum.)
I get an amazing black screen for this saying in white print “This video contains content from Universal Pictures which has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.”
Universal has become the universal SMAUG gold hoarder, especially of music.
“Keep in mind that the ultimate purpose of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s assassination was not political or economic, but sorcerous… it is the transformation of human beings which is the authentic reason and motive for the Kennedy murder”. (Downard and Hoffman)
The alchemical transformation was both in the degradation of the American public and in the elevation of the plotters who believed that killing the divine king transferred his powers to themselves.
Kennedy was made king by ‘Camelot’. The killing of the king ritual requires three assassins to embody the three “unworthy craftsmen”. That’s the three hoboes. The three all had names starting Ju… and there’s a link here to another notorious crime, Jack the Ripper. The Goulston Street graffito from that case refers to “the Juwes” (or “Juws”). Rather than an ignorant misspelling, it’s a sign this was a freemasonic operation. The head of the Met Police at the time just also happened to be the head of the Quatuor Coronati lodge. That lodge is for research and coincidentally Jack the Ripper became the template for every serial killer afterwards who terrorised the public.
I was all prepared to say “Aren’t you exaggerating a bit?” when I happened upon an article in a few minutes ago.
The article mentions some instances where parents lied about the age of their child – because, at the time, the child was only 4 and had to be 5 to be vaxxed. They were determined to get their 4 year old vaxxed.
If that’s what the world has come to, then I’m willing to believe just about anything else.
Some interesting observations. I am quite sure the Freemasonry component was present, seemingly dominant. I have written fairly often on other threads of my father’s associations thru his law firm clients ( ) with the RFK hit and his client list of several 33rd Freemasons, just the ones that I know about. as common knowledge. It is a little difficult to endorse the veracity of much of it, as secretive as it is, and sick. But there are its fingerprints all over the assassinations, and so many of “the fingerprints of intelligence.” Deep doo doo.
An interesting connection to the concept of kingship, and the aforesaid Arthurian connections, is the spiel by “Bill the Butcher” (delivered with dramatic flair by Daniel Day-Lewis in that role) in “Gangs of New York”, 2002, “When you kill a king, you don’t stab him in the dark. You kill him before his whole court so that all may watch him die.”
Chomsky followed a course with 9/11 which must stand as one of the most obvious cases of lying. After insisting that the “inside job” thesis was utterly absurd and that “they’d never get away with it” etc., he turned round and said it didn’t matter anyway! Now apart from the utterly incredible gall of that statement, we should ask that if it didn’t matter then why was he so staunchly in favour of the official account? It was an embarrassing case reminiscent of the kid caught stealing the cookies who keeps changing his story.
I know that Chomsky cancelled all his appointments not long after the JFK assassination to have a long talk about the conspiracy and cover up angle. But when he emerged, he then rejected that angle and ceaselessly went along with the official account of that particular case. Thus when he later insisted that the assassination was of no importance he was indulging in an earlier case of his evasion with 9/11.
My point is that I cannot accept that Chomsky is acting unconsciously here. He knows what he is doing – which is what is expected of him. He was either a deep state actor all along or felt intimated enough to go along with their programme.
Exactly. Chomsky is lauded as a genius, yet he could never figure out these Potemkin Village false flags (JFK and 9/11) that appeared obvious to me even as a teenage knuckle dragger with a more than average knowledge of ballistics (re JFK) from the getgo. In my youth in the 60s I admired him regarding his anti-Vietnam war position, but time and age made it obvious to me that he has been so obviously a controlled opposition propagandist. I admire Curtin’s writing, but bringing that shithead into his essay is beating a nearly dead horse.
Forget the famous Chomsky. Listen instead to the great and neglected Michael Parenti.
“Conspiracy and Class Power” – a brilliant, funny, furious and highly enlightening talk delivered in Berkeley Ca. in 1993 (58m 58s):
Parenti again — he’s an amazing speaker. This is the most gripping single talk I have ever heard from anyone about the murder of JFK and what it meant and still means. Again he is fast, inspiringly furious, fully in charge of the material, and often devastatingly funny when dissecting the grotesquely weak Official Yarn.
In one of these two great lectures (can’t remember which), he describes his meetings with Chomsky in 1964 and Chomsky’s abrupt and puzzling “loss of interest” in the case.
Michael Parenti: “The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State” (delivered in 1993, on the 30th anniversary of the murder).
I recall back in the days when you were still Warszawa, I got into a spat with Richard “Lenin’s Tomb” Seymour (whatever happened to him?) and he told me that Parenti “wasn’t on the Left”. I asked him what this meant and he never explained. I’m guessing that MP was rather too uncouth for the Guardian Left.
Michael Parenti is far too honest, brave, knowledgable, scholarly, funny, angry and alive for that insufferable gang of fakers, poseurs, toadies and amoral careerist hustlers. None of them is worth a pimple on his octogenarian arse. Richard Seymour is among the worst of these flyboys. Once LARPing as a “revolutionary socialist” at the SWP (ffs) and at “Lenin’s Tomb” (sic), he is now happily hosted by the Groaniad, the New Statesman and VICE (ffs).
Seymour’s opinions on any topic never fail to be astoundingly unsurprising and completely unthreatening to the state. With dismal inevitability, he turns out to be a devout and unquestioning Corona’s Witness, a staunch supporter of Big Pharma and TheScience™ (as opposed to science), and a shabby slanderer of anyone who is actually resisting the lies, the lockdowns, and the sheer blatant brutality of COUPVID, the global technofascist putsch:
If little Leninette isn’t actually a spook, how does he do such an amazingly convincing impression of one?
Unintentional humour: I recall a punch up between dear little Richard Tomb and Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. At the time I reckoned the latter was the real deal – the “cutting edge” as he woodenly called his blog then. Guess what? They both turned out to be spooks. Or at least, if Dickie isn’t then Nafeez certainly is. The guy even boasted about his connections to the military!
The Dickie article is from as far back – and as early on in the (ahem!) pandemic – as June 2020.
“Denial” mentioned twice before it morphs into “denialism” in the third paragraph where it “has inspired far-right groups” after which it becomes “the reflex of the nationalist right”, then “a form of affirmation”, then “ideologically similar to the social Darwinism and class contempt” etc. etc. etc. Dickie clearly worked hard on this one –Including the inevitable anti-Semitism bit:
“Epidemics are fecund ground for conspiracism. In the Middle Ages, disease was blamed on Jews.”
But how’s this for sheer incomprehension?:
“There is a tendency to dismiss anti-lockdown gatherings as campaigns entirely bought and procured by rich businessmen…. Denialists, 5G conspiracists, Trump fan-clubs, evangelicals and militias have enjoyed the financial backing of the American Legislative Exchange Council and even elements of the Trump White House.”
The herd of mastodons in the room is that the whole fucking media has been bought by rich businessmen and the whole fucking media has been pushing the covid crap from the beginning! Covid fear mongering propaganda has enjoyed the financial backing of the whole fucking system!
Dickie either knows this – in which case he is a paid up hack – or he doesn’t – in which case he’s a moron. But there is another possibility. By this point the whole mechanistic shit show didn’t need him and could have run – and indeed probably was largely run – through software packages regurgitating the tedious formula. And perhaps he himself was replaced by such a package. Could we tell the difference?
Ach, Ahmed, another slippery fish. I met him once, at a conference. He has the shiftiest eyes and the softest handshake I’ve ever experienced. Unforgettable.
^^Not worth more than skimming. The task of these pseudo-radical fakers is to deceive honest people and waste their time.
(You’ve succeeded in reminding me of two confusionist blowhards I had happily managed to forget. I’m going out to air my mind.)
Sorry. But Ahmed really pulled me in. He was after all the first on the scene at 9/11 with what appeared to be a sceptical account which even roped Gore Vidal in. Indeed – the first time Ahmed started to rubbish the term “inside job” (and even the concept which, apparently, was “meaningless”!) was a number of years later at which point I felt like asking, “But didn’t you say …?” And I can just imagine Ahmed saying, “No I didn’t! Whatever gave you that idea?”
The link you supply is the one I recall – and indeed here it is:
There it is: “meaningless bullshit euphemism” because there’s no “cast iron proof”??!!
Well isn’t that handy! We can never say anything about 9/11 until we have “cast iron proof”! Presumably from the very goons who orchestrated it!
That quote is so dumb it hurts. As if he has never heard of the burden of proof. I know for a fact that he has, and that he is not dumb but sly. That stuff is flamebait, designed to wind people up and make them waste their time responding.
Bamboozlement. Timesink and mindfuck. PsyOps 101.
Ahmed really pulled me in. He was after all the first on the scene at 9/11 with what appeared to be a sceptical account
I remember that. I also remember the great 9/11 blowout at Lenin’s Tomb; I wish I had the link for that.
Good times.
Such spooks are everywhere now, but also have been longer than suspected. I now start with the assumption that everyone is a spook until I can say otherwise with conviction. Not so easy anymore. I wish I had started that stance when I was about 4, since I was already surrounded by spooks. For real. Such a milieu colors things, but it’s better to know than not.
RE: Richard Seymour
Yes, I used enjoy his work. Kinda like Christopher Hitchens maybe?
RE: Parenti’s “wasn’t on the Left”
I am inclined to think that Seymour was correct here, but not because Parenti was on the right. But rather that Michael Parenti was a genuine Marxist (those are – we now know – few and far between). Benedict Cryptoflash makes a convincing argument to me (see below) that Leftism has always been bourgeois and that makes it conflict w/ Marx. Marx and Engles spent a lot of their time criticizing the left, other socialists (obviously Socialism: Utopian and Scientific and many parts of the Communist Manifesto)
A tiny excerpt:
“The left has never shed the moral idealism of the utopian socialists, for whom the proletariat only exists “from the point of view of being the most suffering class,” one which deserves the pity of the bourgeoisie that the utopians seek to win over with their rational appeals to absolute principles. Setting aside the fact that such left-wing utopianism inevitably serves existing class power in practice, this ahistorical idealism represents the fundamental theoretical divide between leftism and classical Marxism.”
I would be interested in your take…
Very interesting. Whether Marxism was anti-Leftist in the past, I think it’s unavoidable that nowadays it definitely ought to be. Because “Leftism” is now definitely anti-Marxist!
And there has certainly always been that “bleeding heart” Leftism that seems to see poverty as some kind of aesthetic effect that provides an opportunity for the rich to “edify” themselves by making a token gesture of phoney “generosity”.
There’s terrific stuff in those links and I appreciate the references to the sadly missed Ellen Meiksins Wood. The last part with its observations on some common conceptions between Marx and conservative thought have an unexpected echo in Roger Scruton’s contention that the two worthwhile strains were that of the Conservative and that of the Radical (Marxist). The one strain that was worthless and even meaningless was that of the Reformer i.e. the Liberal whose fault lies in not paying attention to the community as it actually exists but in floating away on a cloud of abstraction and, as it were, “re-entering” society as if coming from another planet with some supposedly perfect system.
whatever happened to him?
Noam has adopted some very questionable POVs, despite being sidelined like so many other alternative thinkers. Until WW3 came along with C-19, 9/11 was the most egregious lie ever foisted upon a public, so deperately waiting for the truth, which, is unlikely to show its face with all this stuff. Just look at the date of that Sept. catastrophe. 911 is only an emergency response code in North America. If you wanted to burn a date into the consciousness of a population, here, what better choice? No plane debris was found at the Pentagon, none in the tiny farmer’s field in PA; then, there’s the fall of the 3rd bldg. Folks just suck it all up.
The Pavlovian response that Americans have to the code 911 has been noted many times. Of course the devotees of the official account i.e. the paid up hacks who defend it (since I would have thought that by this time nobody in the world actually believes it) would have no trouble in saying, “Well that just goes to show the fiendishness of these pesky Arabs!”
You are right: Chomsky’s either one or the other, and neither possibility makes him look good.
The same phenomena and the same accusations occur on the ‘right’ too. One might argue that the character who is polar opposite to Chomsky in our contemporary discourse is Alex Jones.Yet here (below) we have a view that he has been inserted into the conversation as a distraction or a diversion. The author of the opinion is Michael Collins Piper, whose theory of JFK is rarely, if ever mentioned by those of Leftwing sensibility, let alone argued for or against.
For me, Piper’s work was one doorway that opened into a different understanding of the ‘Left-Right’ dichotomy, and what it is at root.
Noam Chomsky and the Compatible Left — parts 1 – 4
Noam Chomsky was my professor at MIT. I don’t agree with him about 9/11 or JFK. Nevertheless, it is absurd to suggest the foremost critic of US foreign policy for 50 years could have been controlled by the DOD. His point that the planes might not have hit the towers is worth considering. Here is a link to an essay by Capt Dan Hanley that remote guidance of such planes is likely. It is ironic Noam points to the importance of science when he would not discuss during my many visits with him the physics, which is powerful here at a high school level. During one visit with Noam where I was accompanied by Architectsand Engineers for 9/11 truth founder Richard Gage AIA, we left him hard copies of over 100 peer-reviewed papers about 9/11. I doubt he looked at one. Most importantly Noam actually has said he does not believe the feds can prove bin Laden was involved, which is further towards doubting the official story than most progressives. Lastly, the reason the perpetrators could expect to keep a secret is a truth he has been foremost at exposing, the corruption of the MSM.
Ruth Paine was obviously in the plot all along. So she is still alive. Only the good, as they say, die young. George de Mohrenschildt didn’t make it but this person did. Babysitting the Oswalds, finding LHO the job at the Texas School Book Depository, finding the rifle. You can trace the plot with her activities. I have visited Dealey Plaza. I have had dinner in a restaurant in Irving but didn’t have the time to visit her former home, now a museum.
Shill Gerard Posner looks the creep he must be.
May her soul rot in hell if indeed such a place exists.
Chris Hedges, the lad who gives it to those who can tolerate, “you want it darker”, tells us that the only industry remaining in the good ole USA is the military armament one. Seems truthful and logical to me, especially when we see the proxy war that Nato is employing in Ukraine.
Almost the same state the Soviet Union was at the end of the 80s. We know what followed. Hopefully the master manipulators won’t be able to install a puppet as the next leader of the USA after everything breaks down.
“Proxy war” as in Nazi soldiers of fortune on oligarchic payrolls of trillions of our money (taxes)?
I remember the moment I became “open” to questioning the moon landings. It was when I read that my washing machine had a more powerful computer than the computers used for the moon missions. Whuh??!!
I remember the moment I became open to really questioning the JFK assassination. It was seeing some interview footage of Ruth Paine from the 1960s. She was so very poised. If I saw it in the 60s, 70s or 80s, that would not have registered. Back then I didn’t know what home videos of myself and many other normal people revealed to me: it’s not natural to be so poised. That takes training.
This movie should be watched – all of it.
You can come to your own conclusions, just as you can come to your own conclusions as to whether rain is wet…
What it has over and above some ridiculous theories is that it makes perfect sense, whereas nothing in today’s Washminster makes sense at all.
In my mind there’s no question that she was involved, consciously or otherwise. She comes across as a patriotic do-gooder and naive (as she says herself). Perfect for selection as a useful idiot.
After 40 years in academe it became clear to me that for many of my colleagues the real value of their advanced intellectual abilities was that they could rationalize almost anything they said or did, no matter how dishonest, corrupt or venal. So although, strictly speaking, they weren’t “lying to themselves,” they were irretrievably dishonest.
I have come to the conclusion that academe is basically a cushy little number in which those with the gift for mastering the lingo can spin out any number of articles and books which are then praised by their colleagues in a lovel little incestuous circle. That any of what they write should relate to the outside world probably never seriously occurs to them.
As an example of the irrelevance or even counterproductive role of this “academic discourse” see here:
“But conspiratorial explanations are easier than searching for the large-scale, anonymous structural dynamics that allow groups and individuals to carry out specific deeds. Twitter tankies like Molly Klein, Karen McRae, and Phil Greaves don’t want 9/11 truthers excluded from leftist events because they themselves believe the WTC collapse was a “controlled demolition,” an “inside job” (maybe carried out by the Zionists). Speaking of which, have any of you misplaced a shoe lately? Asghar Bukhari, the same guy who sent money to the Holocaust denier David Irving and praised him for standing up to “the lies spread by the Jews,” claims Mossad stole his shoe.”
What exactly does it mean to search out “the large-scale, anonymous structural dynamics that allow groups and individuals to carry out specific deeds”? In any case such “specific deeds” are clearly barred from consideration because we are obviously meant to reject such “silly notions” as 9/11 as “inside job” and the collapses as controlled demolition. Indeed we are clearly directed to ensure that “9/11 truthers” are “excluded from leftist events”.
Note also the imputation of anti-Semitism and the self-congratulating masturbatory jocularity of the supercilious mainstream “Left” academic.
Thus do the true dumb dumbs of academia slavishly serve the deep state.
(Also note that although the latest entry from this wretched website dates from March this year, a search for any mention of covid yields no results.)
“What exactly does it mean to search out “the large-scale, anonymous structural dynamics that allow groups and individuals to carry out specific deeds”?”
…This seems to me, George, merely another example of that thing you’ve been pointing out quite a bit recently: – The ‘rendering unto’ an impersonal, amorphous and thoroughly abstracted ‘Other’ of what is, in fact, *Always And Everywhere* the autonomous agency of individual human beings in pushing a nefarious (and obviously self-serving) narrative or agenda… – To wit: – “Studies say that…”, “Markets demand that…”, etc.,…
…- This is why I *Never* permit myself to get caught up in distractive ‘explanations’ of events that concern themselves soley with what, eg: “The Corporations/Governments/Parties are up to…” – These collective entities are merely convenient organizational/legal fictions, behind the facade of which you will *Always* find *Individuals* – and *Very, Very Bad* ones, at that – and their autonomous agency as such…
…- If I cross the road, it is because I wish to do so, and thus motion myself appropriately in order to have the outcome in reality comport with that wish… – I may elect to be ‘guided by the anonymous structural dynamics’ by using a zebra crossing to get to the other side or else I may choose to eschew those ‘anonymous structural dynamics’ entirely (whilst remaining wholly conscious of them, nevertheless) by ‘playing Frogger’ and simply aiming myself at a convenient hole in the traffic… – The end result is the same and is absolutely contingent *Solely* upon my own agency, ‘anonymous structural dynamics’ be damned…
…- I once heard somewheres that most all jobs these days (particularly of the office variety) are merely ‘daycare for adults’… – If we accept that is the case, I’d have to say (and having tried my luck with it myself, once upon a time) that Academia – as things currently stand – is the ‘NICU unit’ for ‘premature’ adults…
Well it’s a kind of chicken and egg situation in that, of course, what happens is the result of individuals but the individuals don’t operate in little fenced off areas where they are completely autonomous. There are groups, institutions, traditions etc. My objection to the anti-conspiracists lies in the constantly related sentiment that real groups of actual people are somehow irrelevant in the face of some kind of broad abstract forces that operate “up there” somehow – a vacuous concept ideal for pampered academics who have no intention of getting their hands dirty.
Rationalization. Excellent point. Used by many every day to smooth over the rough edges of truth and make it lies. The idea that most of the people going along with this are just stupid is too easy, but one who can rationalize almost anything makes much more sense than mere stupidity.
Kinda like a friend who got vaxxed, probably knows now that was a dumb decision, but insisted to me that if it really was the plague, would I not go along with a mandate? A nice oh so rational point, but one that has no real context, and nicely diverts the “argument” from mandate to reasonability. And reasonability is the bullwark of the educated today. Never mind real logic, never mind having more than enough knowledge to know what you’re spewing is bullshit, keep on spewing it until it not only seems rational, but true.
‘You can’t lie to yourself, for that would mean you were two people.’
You can lie to yourself concerning traumatic emotional experiences, its self preservation, the mind hides the process. During emotionally disturbing situations an entire experience can be re-written, deleting people and events, and you will think you are telling the truth.
And one simple aspect of modern life, the individualised lifestyle, is enough to keep many in a constant state of terror, especially for children and during sleep. Naturally, we should be sleeping in groups with kin, family and trusted community protection.
Tis a wicked web they weave.
And they expect us to believe.
Trouble is there;s not enough ‘Us’ to believe.
Web. “Hitler’s Bodyguard” Otto Skorzeny went to Argentina after the World Wide War (2) and started a “Nazi support group” called “Die Spinne” (The Spider).
What patrols a World Wide Web? Why, a worldwide Spider.
WWW = 333