We’re “losing the fight against monkeypox”…apparently
Kit Knightly

According to the New York Times the US is currently “losing the fight with Monkeypox”. That’s probably news to you.
After all, given the fact the US has around 700 cases of Monkeypox (around 0.0002% of the population), that the entire world only 8000 “cases” (about 0.0001%), and that there have been just 3 reported deaths…well, you’d be forgiven for not realising there was a fight at all, let alone that we were losing.
It’s really more of a kerfuffle. At worst. Perhaps a fracas.
That is – of course – assuming there is any monkeypox “outbreak” at all, something we should never take on faith, especially in the post-Covid world.
Nevertheless, the NYT is sure…
There probably will be many more infections before the outbreak can be controlled, if at this point it can be controlled at all.
The US isn’t the only place getting a fresh batch of monkeypox fear porn this week.
Five days ago it was reported that Australia had recorded its first “case”, with the under-stated headline…
…clearly this went too far, even for the mainstream media, who quietly reworded the title a few hours later.
Not to be outdone, two days later New Zealand announced their first monkeypox case was isolating at home.
And just 15 minutes ago, at the time of writing, The Guardian published a news story headlined:
Efforts to curb UK monkeypox outbreak inadequate, warn experts
So, what is the cause of mankind’s imminent loss to the monkeypox peril? Well they really couldn’t be clearer about that – we’re not testing enough.
The NYT goes on about this at length:
the response in the United States has been sluggish and timid, reminiscent of the early days of the Covid pandemic, experts say, raising troubling questions about the nation’s preparedness for pandemic threats.
[…] The first cases of monkeypox were reported in May, but tests will not be readily available until sometime this month.
[…] The first missteps in the U.S. response to monkeypox were in testing. As in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, samples from monkeypox patients are being funneled to the CDC for final diagnosis, a process that can take days.
Slate agrees, headlining “We Need to Keep Better Track of Monkeypox” and quoting on “expert”:
Testing is the key piece in getting answers to these questions, and currently we simply are not doing enough of it.”
We’ve seen this movie before, we know how it goes from here.
Since, as the NYT points out, Monkeypox tests will be “readily available sometime this month”, we can expect a BIG spike in cases coming up.
Far from being recognised for what it is – a huge number of false positives caused by PCR tests – this increase in cases will be sold as the “true size of the outbreak” after weeks of calling current “case” numbers “likely underestimates”.
The solution, we know, will be “increasing vaccine coverage” or “helping immunize the most vulnerable” or some buzz phrase like that.
But oh no! We don’t have enough vaccines!
At least, according the New York Times, and LA Times, and CBS, and Science and New York Magazine and NPR and NBC and the New York Post and…
…it’s the prevalent message, is what I’m trying to say.
Don’t worry though, a VERY familiar hero is about to ride over the horizon on a white horse:
Moderna is investigating potential monkeypox vaccines at a preclinical level, using its mRNA platform,”
Yes, Moderna started working on a new mRNA monkeypox vaccine back in May…so by Covid rules they’re probably nearly done by now.
Just inject in precisely one person, and if they don’t die instantly on the spot then it’s safe.
…and if they DO then they were already sick and the trial data is compromised and monkeypox is such an emergency we should grant it approval anyway. You can read the trial data in 2097.
We know how this works.
Tests to create the “problem”, vaccines to “solve” the “problem”. Both of them result in vast amounts of public money disappearing into bottomless private pockets.
There’s a lot of fog around monkeypox – we don’t know, in a lot of ways, where it’s going or what it’s even for. The narrative is only half-formed. First growing, then shrinking, then growing again.
It had a name change that never really materialised, and the decision to focus it on sexual transmission – especially among “men who have sex with men” (I don’t know why they ALL use that phrase and not “gay men”) – is one I just can’t puzzle out yet.
But while it’s yet to take definitively pick a size, direction or speed, it’s taking a very familiar shape: Tests and vaccines.
It’s always tests and vaccines.
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Here’s the truth about Viruses Just found this very challenging video….this is what I have studied since the 90’s. I’m glad to see it in a form more digestable by the masses. Those who benefit from the lies (Pharma) will fight to keep the people in the dark and keep the multi-trillion $ profits rolling in..
Hard to compete with, “Moneypox.
Fool me twice shame on me.
in some very very old law books human is defined as monster.
or monkey man later
the go lap bogus twatter masonic
origin of the species indeed
what a shoah
The Myth Of Contagion, a discussion with T.C. Fry
the march of the pox
the monkey come
by october fest
we be over run
run kinder run
hide under the bed
eyes wide shut
ears duck and covered
mouth clasped tight
louis pasteur banker monkey
oded yinon
molch here
where ya been..?
Indeed! Welcome back, gordon!
MONKEYsteria: Best Monkeypox Memeshttps://covidsteria.substack.com/p/monkeysteria-best-monkeypox-memes-may22-2022?s=w
MONKEYsteria: Best Bill Gates Monkeypox Memes
Monkeysoft, Hollywood blockbusters (Gates Ventura, The Poxfather etc), smallpox remix, Gate’s uncanny plague prediction abilities and more Bill Gates Monkeypox memes!https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/bill-gates-monkeypox-memes-may31-2022?s=w
Scary things and The Devil lurked in The Dark…With the spread of the electrical light people slowly lost their fear of The Devil…And without fear of The Devil there was less need for God…With the electrical light came enlightenment…
tesla believed in god
hated the devils own meter
he knew these things where the common wealth of man from god
free for all
jp morgan rockerfella scum and the house of yahoo poisoned the well
made private the common wealth enslaved all.
satan lives in the hearts of these of these pirates that is why everything is now inverted
WHO, PharmaKrim’s obedient purveyors of terror and Pharma scuttlebutt haven’t thrown in the towel yet when it comes to their pet ‘Covid’ cash cow.
WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the COVID-19 media briefing– 12 July 2022
12 July 2022
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening,
I am concerned that cases of COVID-19 continue to rise – putting further pressure on stretched health systems and health workers. I am also concerned about the increasing trend of deaths.
The Emergency Committee on COVID-19 met on Friday last week and concluded that the virus remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
The Committee noted their concern about several interlinked challenges.
First, sub-variants of Omicron, like BA.4 and BA.5, continue to drive waves of cases, hospitalisation and death around the world.
Second, surveillance has reduced significantly – including testing and sequencing – making it increasingly difficult to assess the impact of variants on transmission, disease characteristics, and the effectiveness of counter-measures.
Third, diagnostics, treatments and vaccines are not being deployed effectively.
The virus is running freely and countries are not effectively managing the disease burden based on their capacity, in terms of both hospitalisation for acute cases and the expanding number of people with post covid-19 condition – often referred to as long-covid.
Finally, there is a major disconnect in COVID-19 risk perception between scientific communities, political leaders and the general public.
This is a dual challenge of communicating risk and building community trust in health tools and public health social measures like masking, distancing and ventilation.
The Committee made a series of recommendations with several that I want to focus on.
New waves of the virus demonstrate again that the COVID-19 is nowhere near over.
As the virus pushes at us, we must push back.
We’re in a much better position than at the beginning of the pandemic.
Of course, there’s been a lot of progress.
We have safe and effective tools that prevent infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
However, we should not take them for granted.
As G-20 finance ministers meet next week, it is critical that governments around the world finance WHO and the ACT-Accelerator to ensure the equitable distribution of health tools.
As transmission and hospitalisations rise, governments must also deploy tried and tested measures like masking, improved ventilation and test and treat protocols.
I urge governments to regularly review and adjust their COVID-19 response plans based on the current epidemiology and also the potential for new variants to appear.
Governments should also work to reverse the reduction in surveillance, testing and sequencing, and share anti-virals effectively.
Vaccines have saved millions of lives and it’s important for governments to focus on boosting those most at-risk communities, finding the unvaccinated so as to build up the wall of immunity toward the 70 percent vaccination target.
Planning and tackling COVID-19 should also go hand-in-hand with vaccinating for killer diseases like measles, pneumonia and diarrhea.
It’s not a question of either/or, it’s possible to do both.
And new vaccines, including HPV and malaria, should continue to be introduced.
Today, WHO released the first-ever report on vaccines in development to prevent infections caused by antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens.
The report examines some of the challenges facing vaccine development and proposes disruptive approaches to nurture innovation in a space that has been severely neglected.
During COVID-19, genomics has been essential to detecting the virus initially and new variants subsequently, and also integral to the development of tests, treatments and vaccines.
As laid out in WHO’s new ten-year global genomic surveillance strategy, genomic surveillance covers disease detection, strengthening lab systems, developing tests, data sharing and analysis so that together new health tools can be developed and deployed.
Further, genomics has massive potential beyond pathogen surveillance, for human health.
It is timely for countries to invest in infrastructure and human resources in this area
These people lie. They aren’t just mistaken, they knowingly lie, constantly.
Appreciate the transcript Jimbo, however myself and I’m sure quite a lot of others have a solution for these psychopathic scum. And it doesn’t involve standing in conference rooms or in front of TV cameras or anything else like that. For me it involves sitting in a jail cell in solitary confinement for life, no TV or music or visitors allowed. A knotted rope to be left inside their cells. That would be my solution.
I haven’t watched too much actual TV but occassionally listen to shows like AM and PM on radio – nothing but wall to wall hypochondriacs whinging about pointless RATS and claiming millions of people will be infected based on nothing but fake tests when those tests are almost non existent now. Of course the facts of the ”deaths” rates will not be reported, or that most in hospital have been jabbed, the last weekly reporting in NSW shows 660 people ”with covid” 1 of them was unjabbed.
There speaks a corrupt little individual on behalf of a criminal pharmaceutical enterprise. “Saved millions” where is his proof that a form of gene therapy has “saved millions” of lives ? This unelected shitfest known as the WHO is a major part of this scam. Any politician accepting this criminality should be hounded out of office.
There is no proof.It’s just a lie, told by a liar in the service of other lies and liars.
After 2,5 years confronting the plandemic coup, I am convinced moneypox is just another chapter, and I was quite skeptical even of the cases. I am an infectiologist, and I work in a public HIV/STD clinic in São Paulo, Brasil. In the last 2 days I attended 3 patients with a clinical presentation compatible with monkeypox. The main differential diagnosis, like herpes, chickenpox, syphilis, could be easily ruled out in these 3 cases, and I honestly cannot explain. Don’t know what that is, they collected material for tests. No, I don’t trust those tests. In the 7 years I’ve worked there, never saw similar cases. Yes, they were all gay men. But since this epidemiology is really unusual, before buying it and move one step forward debating sexual habits, or homophobic content of this or that political stance regarding the health policy, it is imperative an independent collaborative action to scrutinize the diagnostics, explain the how it could appear in more countries than ever, almost simultaneously, and people without history of travel or contact with travelers, or animals. And most importantly, find out what “That” is, or if it is really the same thing everywhere or just a spurious positive tests in different diseases with a common/similar presentation. And in no circunstancies allow the rollout of vaccines, specially the ones against smallpox. Whatever the case, I think it is all orchestrated, maybe as a testing ground for the track and trace surveillance AI, or the data sharing digital infrastructure, of something like that, and more. In the end, It is a coup against humanity.
Sam, had the men had an injection of any kind in the past month? Had they indulged in any of the recreational drugs that are popular among gays? I am of course hinting that any injection or drug can be purposely contaminated.
There is pretty strong evidence that HIV may have been introduced into the gay community in NYC thru the hepatitis vaccine years ago.
Sam, had any of your 3 patients had an injection of any kind in the past month? Or indulged in any of the drugs which are popular among gays?
I am thinking of course that any injection or drug can be contaminated. The hepatitis vaccine is especially popular among gays.
Thanks for posting this. It is VERY mysterious how TPTB have managed to spread this to so many countries.
All vaxxed, including another one today, two of them more than a year ago, and with Coronavac, that doesn’t use RNA or DNA. Three of them are HIV positive under treatment, without immunesupression. No recent drug use, just marijuana. I have seen several cases of shingles post vaxx, but this presentation and timing still need an explanation. Can be related to vaxx, but why now, and how?
Meanwhile, I am preparing my defence, for not vaccinating. The municipal health authority is trying to fire the healthcare workers who are covid vaxx-free.
What was the jab status of the 3 cases?
It can be for a number of reasons like pharmaceuticals, food, recreational drugs, micro waves, air pollution, harmful chemicals in the environment, emotional issues, and maybe more.
The virus idea however, it’s just that an idea for which there is no proof whatsoever. It would be akin to saying it was caused by alien abductions; there’s about as much proof for this idea as for the virus contagion, nil.
especially among “men who have sex with men” (I don’t know why they ALL use that phrase and not “gay men”) – is one I just can’t puzzle out yet.
Well puzzle this: If a judge on the highest court of this once great nation cannot answer the question” What is a woman” then I would opine that it is a pathetic groping for the forbidden definition that these are persons with male genitalia having ‘sex’ with other persons with male genitalia. Gay men are MEN who like other MEN. So now that that’s cleared up, we can move on.
Another puzzle: what are ‘birthing persons’? One word answer will do!
Fighting a ‘losing’ battle against monkeypox is it???
Clearly it is imperative that we resurrect the incomparable Charlton Heston to lead us in the battle of Planet of the Monkeypox.
And together with Ronald Raygun (ZAP!), Mr. Universe will make certain it’s Bedtime for Monkeypox!
Carry on.
I am sure it is the rough man-on-man buttsex that is responsible for contagion, and if you don’t support measures to contain this new viral outbreak, you are homophobic (and far-right) because you want those men who have buttsex with men to die!
We must all be vaccinated against this monkeybusiness- to protect vulnerable, historically oppressed minorities such as men who have buttsex with men!! #gaylivesmatter
You might want to check your facts (I’m assuming your comment is tongue-in-cheek – and no, I’m not talking “rimming”). Gays have always been discriminated against through human history; in many societies it’s a capital offense.
But hey! we’re all Woke here – it’s okay to laugh at those outside the charmed circle.
Kit – you are awesome as always! But really: “I don’t know why they ALL use that phrase (men who have sex with men [MSM- hmmm, trying to change the association with that acronym?]) and not “gay men””
Because gay men aren’t all promiscuous sleazoids. In fact, there actually are gay men who can and do avoid (actually don’t ever want it, even) group sex always, and even can abstain from sex when there is a rational reason to do so. They actually aren’t all sex-addicted whores. But the MSM (the true MSM – mainstream media) wants the association of gay men to sick-obsessed-sex-addicted-whores so, here we are.
And they want us to believe that they are not the bigots, and that those of us who know/ have known/ are friends with/ have family who are gay men that aren’t disgusting whores and don’t require anonymous sex with multiple partners daily – we are the bigots, don’t-ya know?
Because according the to the Guardian/Independent/CDC/NYTimes/WaPo: all gay men must, by their nature, be sex-obsessed whores.
And if you deny that, you are a bigot – you’re almost Trump himself!!!
To hell with “gay men”. They are homosexuals. That’s the correct word. Homosexuals.
There’s an even better word for “them.” It’s spelled h-u-m-a-n.
Homos & Lesmos,
US Lads & Lasses rarely show close affection in Public, possibly they are too conservative. I don’t see them holding hands like we do in Europe. America needs more Pubs and Clubs imo. btw, Lads & Lasses mean all ages.
And Trump was also a ‘Nazi’.
Monkeypox is just a media diversion to take our minds of BA.5, the latest and greatest version of Covid that really is sweeping the country. Fortunately both diseases are now relatively mild so apart from infection precautions we can go about our lives.
There are much more important things happening at the moment. Unfortunately, like wars pandemics are really easy to build up in the public consciousness and really difficult to wind down.
What, on Earth, are you talking about (genuine question)?
I suspect our Martin is a “low level” troll i.e. not in yer face. That remark above stands as (dare I say it?) the Fall of the House of Usher!
I’ve been accused of all sorts of things, including being a paid troll. I’m only a ‘troll’ in the sense that sometimes I post stuff that doesn’t go with the herd. People do things like that, its called ‘diversity of opinion’. Its worth considering the options, especially in the light of all the information about how populations are graded and manipulated to further some corporate or political goal (is there a difference these days?).
As for paid, I wish. (Offers?)
There are things you sometimes post here that so nail it, I want to pump the air and go Yes!! And give you an upvote. And then there are other things that you post, like this, and I headbutt my phone and say the F word out loud.
Obviously, we are all entitled to our own diverse opinions here as its an open forum, but after seeing a short video in June last year called ‘Let The Sleepers Sleep’, I’m not even going to attempt to change your mind. I’ll just let you continue down your own path instead. Have a good and pleasant day Martin.
Each troll ID follows a profile of knowlege, attitude, articulation, favourite topics/stances, purported experience, etc. One person is likely to manage multiple IDs.
Its a tossup what’s the most significant thing going on at the moment but I’d put ‘Uber’ fairly high on the list because it deals with wholesale and systematic manipulation of minds at all levels by a motivated corporation. Yes, I know its just a dumb “we’re not a taxi service” taxi service but enscapulated in this is corruption, political manipulation, and systematic manipulation of both laws and law enforcement to meet corporate goals. Compared to that the January 6th hearings are small beer, almost parochial in scope.
Then there’s a war (or two, or three), the ongoing threat to the neoliberal (“monetarist”) world order, economic problems up the wazoo — oh yes, a couple of diseases but they’re really not that important. Honest.
BA-5? More like BS-2.
But, but… BA-5 is the feel-bad hit of the summer!
It’s just a re-working of last Summer’s feel bad hit, Omnicon. A key change, but the same refrain.
How about this for a new word for ‘believers’:
From “Fond of Co-incidences”
For members of the cult it is tests and vaccines but for those outside might it not be better to use different language? Language that would undermine the cults doctrine as hocus pocus. How about calling initiates something like devotees? The ‘doctors’ could be called mystics. The ‘vaccine’ a curse and ‘the test’ a initiation ritual.
This kind of language would make it clear that these are cult rituals that have psychological impacts on the devotees. They are under a spell and giving credence to the doctrine by using such words as “tests” and “vaccines” does not help to dispell their beliefs.
What is needed is to take the fear away. The fear that is used in these rituals to set up a false personality. A alter that is attached to the cult and defensive of it. The initiate becomes embroiled in the sacrifice and so denies that any harm could be done. Proper understanding of the mechanisms will wake people up. Nobody will want to be associated with voodoo and child sacrifices but they need to be properly informed about the nature of the black magic. The curse that has been put on them so they can throw out the destructive cult doctrine and embrace true healing.
Counter-propaganda is probably a good idea, but it must not be untruthful, or unduly exaggerated propaganda, or it will backfire on us.
The cult fulfill almost all the red flags described in this video. The one that is missing is the performance of sexual favours. Now I could summise that there is probably alot of that going on in this cult but I am not sure about any concrete examples. Maybe some of the sales reps have to keep the boss happy on occasion and Bill Gates did allegedly fly on the lolita express. What do you think these lot are doing with all the money if not hiring prostitutes? Nobody would want to be with them if it wasn’t for the money.
Yes, I am going to learn about cults from a girl who has a large cultic symbol used to incite fear on a mass scale (crucifix) hanging on her wall…
Any illusions we may have had about the sanctity of corporate religion should be swept away with it’s fervent embrace of the genocidal covidianity cult. Bergodlio’s mandating the poison prick for his employees was evil.
I don’t think we need 11 signs to know the difference between a cult and any other human initiative.
One sign is enough for me, at any rate:
The cult says, “We believe that bla bla is true – end of story”
The critical thinker says, “I believe that bla bla is true – and here’s why:”
Yes, you are right it is a spell. But we are all under a spell and you’re right, the fear is tantamount to its success.
The real delusion of fear we are under is that; materials are scarce, love is transactional, relation is bought, trust is a lawyer, God is a book, truth is a physicalist scientific explanation and presenters aren’t terrified slaves. Materialism is the religion of the fear-casters. Feel – its only semi-material.
The fear porn will increase and the disinformation campaign along with it. Keep in mind thus far Monkeypox is not deadly and it is caused by exchanging body fluids similar to AIDS (what a coincidence). Most reported cases have been of homosexual males. But no matter Anthony Fauci will be able to do with Monkeypox what he wasn’t able to do with AIDS, create a vaccine! By the way, prior to COVID Moderna had never brought a single product to market in its ten year history. mRNA was being developed for cancer but it didn’t work so they repurposed it for COVID! What an idea and look how much money the government paid them and look at how lax FDA quality and safety standards were!
Amazing, over seven point eight billion people in the world and the media is using these miniscule “cases” to drive up hysteria, push government intervention and vaccines, just like COVID. That’s the game plan same BS different day.
THERE IS NO MONKEYPOX. It’s a hoax. If anything, it’s what Jessica Rose calls “symptom laundering” in which shingles or any number of other rashes caused by the shots are recategorized as monkeypox in order to fit the narrative. There are no gay men transmitting “it” and no “cases” to treat or prevent. It’s neither benign nor deadly because it does not exist. None of their story is true.
What, if the spread of monkeypox is due to the damaged immune system of vaccinated people ? If then all possible diseases begin to break out at once ? Then the fraudsters have won and nobody would believe us. The fraudsters would then at least temporarily gain credibility…We should now think very carefully about how we argue. Now, since the immune system of many people is severely damaged, many real epidemics can break out at once. Therefore, I advise against dismissing everything as an untrue nonsense. This would not be good for the credibility of Corona critics and could be interpreted against us later. Now it can actually get serious…sorry for writing with the help of the automatically translator…! Best wishes ! -Suavek
Thanks for your comment Suavek, the translation worked well I think! Welcome to the off-guardian comment section.
I do agree that these vaccines are dangerous, but the true extent of the harm caused isn’t yet commonly known. It could be they are statistically the most harmful jabs ever rolled out to populations, but in real terms this damage translates into a statistically-small minority all the same – not enough people to realistically be host to new waves of ACTUAL plagues.
In the absence of data it’s all speculation.
Also, in the absence of empirical evidence for monkeypox we are right to be skeptical, in a post-Covid world. If new data comes to light we will of course cross that bridge when we come to it, with our usual open mindedness. In the meantime we just have to be careful not to add fuel to fear!
In Australia 44.5% of all the jabbed have a nasty side effect, 6% have a nasty side effect from flu jabs. That is a 7.5 times more dangerous than flu jabs. 85% of the so called covid deaths have had 2,3, or 4 jabs with the majority among the 3 rd jab cohort. There are almost never any deaths after flu jabs.
I can’t see a single reason that would be any different anywhere in the world. Now to the deaths, well see for yourself. https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/covid-19-mortality-australia-deaths-registered-until-31-may-2022
And the NSW stats are the best in the country in the largest state – over 8 million people https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/weekly-covid-overview-20220702.pdf the stats are on page three
There were enexplained outbreaks of the following in healthy people from 2021, but the authorities claim they have explained them away:
:- herpes
:- rapid cancer, relapse of cancer
:- hepatitis, even in children
:- heart disease even in children
:- paralysis
:- dementia
I wonder why monkeypox rates alarm higher than all of them.
It’s not a fight; it’s not even a contest. Until the majority of people plug their ears every time a fucking “expert” opens his or her mouth, the war was lost before the first shot was fired.
Sanity – a couple hundred thousand. Monkeypox – a couple billion. Do the math.
“An overview of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of face masks”
…- 125 Million worldwide!… – *8 Million* in the US alone!!…
…Well, *Shoot*!… – Looks like we done gone and lost the fight against Psoriasis, too…
…- When’s this never-ending tsunami of veritable biblical plagues ever gonna end?!!:…
Watch out for the locusts, giant deadly swarms to distract the sheep from any real news, and loss of crops, and hungry people get angry. I miss salad bars
All this talk of Marburg, MonkeyPox and covid variants (boring) it’s a bait and switch to lock us down with a fake or false flag nuclear attack.
“Living on Monkey Island, right here in the middle of a zoo.”
It’ll be recalled how Sesame Street sold the vaccine to children. Estulin in ‘Tavistock Institute’ has a few things to say about Sesame Street…
He quotes Malcolm Gladwell (“one of the Tavistock poster boys”): “Sesame Street was built around one breakthrough insight: that if you can hold the attention of children, you can educate them”. He says the show was built around pushing certain affective goals like social competence, tolerance of diversity and environmentalism. That the only appropriate response to conflict was toleration and compromise was particularly important. They built their approach on the CTW model: “the interaction of receptive television producers and child science experts, the creation of a specific and age-appropriate curriculum, research to shape the programm directly, and independent measurement of viewers’ learning”.
However the show does not enhance learning. According to Lonnie Wolf, “in many cases, it appears to inhibit their ability to understand more complicated ideas. More importantly, the studies indicate that the children appear addicted to the show”. Neil Postman in his important book ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ put it more bluntly: “if we are to blame Sesame Street for anything, it is the pretence that it is an ally of the classroom…. Sesame Street does not encourage children to love school or anything about school. It encourages children to love television”.
As usual, the money trail tells the true picture. The show was funded by The Carnegie and Ford Foundations. They want well-educated children? It became a billion dollar plus industry – like the Britsh Empire this was presumably in a fit of absence of mind or by luck.
Gladwell holds the Canadian Order of Merit and was raised in a Mennonite community so as usual the elite don’t give their own the same upbringing that everyone else gets. It’s the earlier version of all those Silicon Valley types who keep smart phones away from their children.
The use of animals long pre-dates Sesame Street of course. It goes back to Disney and then back further into the education policies of the Hungarian Soviet under Lukacs before he went on to found the Frankfurt School. Encouraging children to identify with animals produces both disassociation and degradation (plus could obviously be harnessed to environmentalism). Behind it is the contempt with which they hold the profane mass of humanity, the unenlightened who lack their secret society gnosis. They see it as animal existence.
What all this adds up to is that Sesame Street’s pushing of vaccines on young children wasn’t an aberration, it’s been baked into the cake from the start. The vaccine merely threw a spotlight on something that had always been there but was rather harder to see.
Their push to get kids to identify with animals sure as shit did backfire, didn’t it? Animals are, if anything, more used and abused than ever. Just like getting hippies to oppose war – yeah, right!
Speculation: Getting kids to identify with animals has led to the creation of the “Furry.”
I think so too. Those creepy internet youth subcultures were also highly compliant with covidianism/ vaxcism. Masking in public and isolation behind a screen was likely “natural” to them.
My understanding:
“Gay” just refers to people who are exclusively attracted to the same sex.
Such a person will not necessarily have sex with other men. E.g. due to their religious beliefs.
Also, men who are bisexual may have sex with other men.
And even heterosexual men may do so for various reasons. E.g. some porn actors who enact “gay porn” as part of their job are actually themselves heterosexual.
So in summary:
Gay men will not necessarily have sex with other men.
And many men who have sex with other men are not ‘gay’.
Hence, in my understanding, it is not the case that gay men = men who have sex with other men.
You seem to have all the edge cases covered.
What percentage of men who have sex with men would be gay do you think?
How about men who have sex with women being labelled heterosexual?
Basing anything on edge cases or minorities screws both the data and the lives of everyone else.
Probably what you did should be called “gaysplaining”
Best of all, who gives a shit who someone fucks or sucks? Far too many people are sex obsessed – usually the ultra-religious – and consider what someone does or does not do in bed of far greater import than how they perceive reality.
It’s okay if someone wishes to see me as a sex object. But it’s NOT okay for anyone to see me as an object to be spied on and told how to live my life by a flock of “experts.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was higher than 15% of homosexual encounters which aren’t declared openly ‘gay’. Much higher.
A catchall term isn’t ‘basing anything on edge cases or minorities either, is it? It’s simply including the minorities. The majority still constitutes the majority, doesn’t it? A2
To the deficit of all.
Thats the way the “minority” play has been used since time immemorial.
Well, what about women who identify as men, get surgery, takes hormones, etc and then identify as gay men? Where do they fit in? I’ve never actually met one, mind you, or even seen one, but surely they must exist? They’re clearly under-represented in media.
Really, who cares? No one.
Until people want to ride tricycles naked in a town parade—this is all so dick-centric I feel left out. Well I’m white and straight so I must be the devil, my 16 year old too—he had to suffer through “diversity and inclusion” classes telling him he’s an abomination whilst in and out of school for almost 2 years, thanks Joe.
Traditionally gay has been used to mean happy, cheerful etc. This is described as an old usage but not obsolete on dictionary.com
It looks like ‘monkeypox’ is associated with men receiving ‘hiv treatment or preventatives’ rather than gay men or men who have sex with men. The survey cited in some articles says in figure 5 that 29.5% were “living with hiv” and 79.3% had “used PrEP (among HIV negative)”:
PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis and was made available on the NHS in March 2020. I read that in the US uptake was much lower than this 79.3% figure:
Maybe the “cervical cancer” preventive jab for girls is not doing well.
Will there be free bananas along with the jab? Will recipients throw their shit at the walls as a side effect?
The NWO is treating us like, monkeys, so it’s apt that they have a virus for us that’s ready to go.
Just like in medieval days when the Church ruled everything, today the medical fascist industrial complex wants to rule the roost. Power is a dangerous drug. I’ve said this before: soon you will be assumed by the authorities to be a disease vector UNLESS you test negative on whatever test they make you take. Plan your future accordingly.
“likely underestimates”.
The only questioning of official statistics the media has allowed for over two years.
“There’s a lot of fog around monkeypox – we don’t know, in a lot of ways, where it’s going or what it’s even for. The narrative is only half-formed.”
Straight out of the Tavistock Institute’s ‘Future Shocks’ doctrine developed by Willis Harmon. Just keep the hysterical stories coming and people give up trying to make sense of it all.
That makes sense. Uncertainty is preferable than a clearly defined or actual threat.
In the early days of covid, we heard that a lot: “There is a lot we don’t know about this virus/disease’.
Translation: “There is a lot of making it up as we go along that we haven’t gotten to yet.” 😉
“Nevertheless, the NYT is sure…”
The secret of successful Lying is to believe one’s Lies. Witness TB.Liar who, after honing this skill in politics, found ready employment for a Con-vinced Liar in so-called “merchant adventurer” banking. Pious TB.Liar rapidly worked his way up through banksGoldman Sachs and Rothschild Finance to the final dizzy height of Non-voting Director in House of Rothschild, the highest rank ever bestowed on a British Prime Minister.
it would be interesting to see them explain away dash cam footage of empty ambualances on blues and twos when they get to their destination.
This can’t be too hard to do?
The monkeypox vaccine by Nordix codes for the Marburg virus and the HIV-nef protein, which is what kills your immune system.
Keep in mind, the viruses in recombinant vaccines are merely vessels from which other proteins are made. For example, using picornaviruses such as Encephalomyocarditis Virus, they are able to print 5 or more proteins because of the IRES portions combined with frameshifting on the Poly-A tail. They can do a lot with one virus. Encephalomyocarditis virus is one of the ones they use to cross the blood brain barrier.
They use ligands to target different areas of the body. For example, the patent suggests using the VCAM1 receptors to target the vascular endothelium and lymphnodes in order to reach the brain.
Thanks Wisenox, super interesting comment. I am personally extremely concerned about the MSM’s fear-mongering about monkeypox and the new monkeypox vaccination campaigns that have already in certain countries like Canada. I believe too many like-minded dissidents are too cavalier about dismissing the probability that worldwide lockdowns, worse than the covid lockdowns, could materialize later this year.
Although many of the reported monkeypox cases could be fake PCR-generated cases, or references to shingles that can arise from the covid jabs, it is conceivable that an actual pandemic / epidemic, whatever you want to call it, could eventuate from the very monkeypox vaccines themselves acting as Trojan Horses for smallpox or even Marburg. This would explain why Bill Gates’ GAVI warns, weirdly, about the possibility of a Marburg pandemic, despite the fact that the Marburg virus as we know it doesn’t have the same propagation potential as covid or other respiratory viruses:
In this scenario, the more people get ‘vaccinated’ against monkeypox (or who knows, even via the covid booster shots), the more Marburg or smallpox would spread, even conceivably threatening the non-jabbed in contact with the jabbed. Let us not forget that the latest polio outbreak was reintroduced into the USA through the polio vaccines, even by the admission of the WHO (!).
I would caution against laughing off the MSM’s fearmongering. Though their claims are likely to be fake and hyperbolic, the consequences of their solutions, i.e. the new monkeypox vaccines, could be very real and apocalyptic.
If the real Marburg ever spreads through a new batch of injections, I found at least one study showing that good old chloroquine could provide us with some degree of protection against it:
If the real smallpox (or the real monkeypox) ever spreads, the carnivorous plant sarracenia purpurea should also confer some protection according to one famous study, which I won’t cite here. Again, chloroquine too could be helpful against smallpox according to this study:
Yes, the latest deadly micro-organism – i.e., empty ambulances tearing up and down the road with their sirens blaring to frighten to masses – pox. Yes, it is a real deadly threat to humanity. It is also commonly known that when you get into an empty ambulance you at once become infected with this deadly organism. Get yourself jabbed for Ambulance.Pox
I keep seeing people mention these “empty ambulances.” How does anyone know they are empty? You can’t really see what’s going on in an ambulance. Maybe there’s simply an increased call for ambulances.
Let’s see…currently ongoing, at least here in the States.
A plethora of “Vaxx” related injuries/conditions, effecting all age groups.
Increase in drug overdoses.
Increase in violent street crime.
There ain’t no empty ambulances racing around.
Maybe at the very beginning of the scamdemic…
Capitalism is an historically transient system of domination and control…
“Climate Change” is the ideological cover under which a newer model of domination and control is being imposed by the ascendant sections of the global elite (Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance)…
German Professor: Climate Change is Delusional Nonsense:
Top Scientists Slam Global Warming “so-called evidence” As Misrepresentation, Exaggeration And Outright Lying:
From your Link:
“No reliable scientific evidence can be provided either by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which is “government-controlled and only issues government dictated findings”. The two academics draw attention to an IPCC rule that states all summaries for policymakers are approved by governments. In their opinion, these summaries are “merely government opinions”.
John Christy from the University of Alabama says that, in his view, recent climate model predictions “fail miserably to predict reality”, making them “inappropriate” to use in predicting future climate changes.”
[Note by NickM: Two quotes from the above make Dr.Fauci Frankenstein and Prof.Neil Ferguson of Imperial College spring vividly to mind: “only issues government dictated findings” and “fail miserably to predict reality”].
Allowing that you’ve taken these climate quotes out of context, I still have trouble finding a single piece of evidence to back up either assertion.
What on earth does “fail miserably to predict reality” mean? Is there even such a thing as “predicting reality?”
Similarly, what does “no reliable scientific evidence” mean? All “scientific” evidence is unreliable because reality changes constantly.
I put them in the same category as the New York Times’ assertion that “the response in the United States has been sluggish and timid.”
Absolutely ANY supposed “scientific” assertion should always be “sluggish and timid.”
“Science” in the hands of its priests – both official and alternative priests – is every bit as malleable as “God” in the hands of its priests.
If “God” exists, it must be the most patient entity ever, not to have long ago destroyed humanity for constantly picking its nose and flipping it at “God.”
I suppose great patience is understandable when you have Eternity to play with…
But, seriously, the Bible makes it quite clear that the devil dog will have his day – which is where we are at right now – after which some sorting out will have to be done, but apparently not in our lifetime…
“New COVID subvariant could make you sweat at night”
How curious that the alleged physical effect of the subvariant is the classic euphemistic effect of fear!
Also curious it happens to be a July heatwave and the alleged physical effect is one that’ll be prevalent anyway….
Damn! Never even thought of that! And it’s so obvious.
People are openly laughing at the Monkey pox bollocks. The NWO are losing, and losing badly.
It was hilarious watching the WHO scrambling to rename it when they realised it was being parodied as moneypox or even moneybox.
A good example proving that they do make mistakes.
One of my charges is a lovely Down Syndrome guy whse mother has clearly been terrified by the covid coverage since the shit show started. He now wears his mask so compulsively it may as well be welded to his face. And now both him and his mum have tested positive and really do have some flu bug. I don’t think it takes a genius to see what happened there. The psychotic protection they both adherered to lowered their natural defence system as it was intended to do. Whether they really have “covid” or whether that lurgae even exists is irrelevant.
‘some flu bug’. Really George? I’m surprised at you.
There is no evidence for the existence of transmissible viral pathogens.
If anyone has any, please post links/refs. No one will, no one ever has.
‘Whether they really have “covid” or whether that lurgae even exists is irrelevant’.
Au contraire George, it is the most important issue:
‘belief’ in transmissible viral pathogens and the whole virus fraud must be undermined or we are doomed to suffer further iterations of these attacks from the controllers.
Look, if it wasn’t a virus it would just be something else. They are determined to control the population come what may. Covid was a convenient excuse. It could be terrorism, it could be diet, it could be the colour of your socks. Take in the big picture, hombre.
Of course Z. And we should challenge all the frauds. Or do you think we shouldn’t?
Where would that leave us?
I keep hearing this approach brought up and it doesn’t impress me. It’s a kind of “ultra-radicalism” that insists there are no viruses anyway. And thereby threatens to undermine any message you might reasonably expect to get through.
The general assumption, i.e. the one that has been held for centuries, is that bugs come and go and natural immunity evolves if it is allowed to do so. In this case, it wasn’t. There is no reason to go further than that.
The general assumption is just that – an assumption and one which has never been proven. If we stopped being obsessed with invisible unproven ‘bugs’ as the causative agents of disease, we might take a look at the shockingly and increasingly toxic state of our air, water, foodstuffs and bodies and wonder whether we and our planet are being poisoned. And maybe do something about it.
Sorry, but there are very serious and urgent reasons to go further than that.
The ruling class can justify any lockdown, anywhere, at any time, with the arrival of new or old Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots. What you gonna do about it? Harbour silent doubts? Say out loud that it’s a load of shite? “Step aside, pleb. You are not a Virologist. You’re too thick to even understand this stuff, never mind question it. We can lock you down and prick you any time we say a Killer Dot is on the loose. Because Science.”
That’s how it works. You can have no possible comeback. You can only be fearful and obey. The ruling class will tell you when it’s safe to come out again, if ever.
You may not realise — as I didn’t, fully, until two years ago — just how shaky the entire basis of “germ theory” is, and especially how non-existent the evidence for “viruses” is, or how young the history of that latter pseudoscience is, or how many honest and reputable scientists have demonstrated its obvious fraudulence.
The point I am making is that there’s a difference between saying covid is merely the regular flu or common cold and saying the regular flu or common cold don’t really exist anyway. The latter negates the former.
Our world view relies on invisible matters all the time. We can see neither the microscopic nor the astronomic without aid. And even in the best of all possible worlds we would need to have those who have studied more than we have. And all is backed up by common assumptions which may – and probably will – be proven false later. That’s how real science works. And of course in this less perfect world, this can lead and does lead to deception.
But none of this is even relevant to the present situation which is that covid is a pathologization of something which, germs or no germs, should not have caused any concern – though regular illnesses have been – deliberately – exacerbated by the covid measures. And that was my whole point.
There is no need to insist on some radical transformation of our basic scientific view pre-covid in order to denounce covid. And the moment you insist that we must all go through this foundational upheaval in our theoretical model then you are condemning the anti-covid case to the fringe where the powers that be want it to stay.
Unless you propose that germ theory was designed to further, or had the happy effect of furthering, ruling class control as Viridis suggests below:
“Virology is a scam exploiting superstitious fears that were planted into the western mind since the Dark Ages, and vaccines have always been based on frankenstein science.”
In that case I would presume that this “science” fell into line with fundamental prejudices favourable to ruling class control – rather than being consciously planned. Clearly there are conspiracies but I like to steer clear of “grand conspiracy” narratives since I find them simplistic and despairing.
Veblen was correct. It’s all down to habits of thought. We are arguing about germ theory. I have said that such an argument would alienate the majority from the discussion. But the sad fact is that most of the people I talk to still live in spring 2020 and believe utterly in the MSM vision of covid. Thus the question of germ theory doesn’t even come into it.
The ruling class are terrifyingly pragmatic. They are aware of the primacy of sheer habit. That’s all they are concerned about. That’s what decides.
This is why e.g. the MSM are happy launching into slander against alleged sex criminals, the allegations not requiring any evidence for the simple reason that the media make no reference even to the concept of evidence. They wish to establish a new thought pattern in the masses which will nullify future court cases.
Thats not what he said. There are no transmissible viral pathogens is what he said. Not that are no viruses.
There is no solid evidence that any virus jumps from person to person and causes disease because the experiment to prove it has never been done- or it was done decades ago for the flu, and failed.
Virology is a scam exploiting superstitious fears that were planted into the western mind since the Dark Ages, and vaccines have always been based on frankenstein science.
If I understand correctly, you and Patrick above are suggesting that virology has always been a way to exploit, control and subjugate the population. Though I would tend to see it as something which fits in with a basic prejudice conducive to ruling class control as a matter of instinct rather than a consciously planned arrangement – though the latter is possible (although that would surely tend towards an Ickean despair?).
In this line of thought covid would be, as it were, the masterpiece i.e. the culmination of this viral faith.
George, in the 2+ years I’ve been reading your numerous posts I formed the impression that you were aware of the virus fraud. It now appears I was wrong to think that.
As usual when I ask for any evidence to support virus fraud, none is forthcoming. That’s because there is none. I know because I’ve spent the last two and a half years looking for it, having assumed that it was true up to that point, and found nothing but stories, false claims and fraudulent methodology.
I do not want virology to be fraudulent, but cannot reasonably come to any other conclusion, given the evidence. I don’t think you can reasonably call that “ultra-radicalism”.
I was aware of the covid fraud. I wasn’t aware of some kind of all inclusive virus fraud as if to say viruses don’t exist anyway and don’t understand why we have to go into what would obviously be some kind of massive overturning of a whole scientific paradigm which seems hopeless to me considering that everyone I speak to still can’t even see past covid.
But that’s the point George; the covid fraud can’t be successfully challenged without exposing its foundation i.e. virus fraud.
And yet, (this isn’t directed, even obliquely, to George Mc), the would-be “COVID fraud”, aka Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic, resisters who oppose or dismiss “virus fraud” promoters insist that persons who foolishly or maliciously take this position are at least partly responsible for the persistence of the COVID fraud.
That is, they are convinced that if the “virus fraud” loons would just shut the hell up and go away, the sensible scamdemic resisters would be able to more successfully expose the COVID fraud.
They’re sure that we’re the ones hurting their Sisyphean efforts. 😠
Yes Ort. I’ve often encountered that ‘it’s too much for them to take’ mentality.
This is twice now you’ve mentioned how you’re confused about the “men having sex with men” moniker despite it being around 25+ years, Since you didn’t bother to research it, I’ll answer your question.
Two men having sex is certainly a “gay” or homosexual act. But not every man who has a sexual encounter with a man is “gay.” That’s because “gay” is more akin to a lifestyle or a universal commitment to homosexual attraction, i.e. you’d never even consider kissing a woman, etc.
In contrast, many men who live otherwise “heterosexual” lives occasionally do sexual stuff with men. No, they are not “closeted” gay. No, they are not “bisexual.”
Both “gay” and “bisexual” are terms that refer to certain lifestyles, and these lifestyles do not fit the mold of these men we might call “heterosexual most of the time but sometimes do some gay stuff” which in far simpler terms is A MAN WHO HAS SEX WITH A MAN (MSM).
You might think all of the above is splitting hairs, but that’s because it’s been a while since you read the Kinsey Report. I assure you there are several million MSM in the United States alone.
PS – One additional difference between gay men and MSM is that MSM almost never use “poppers.” So there are some clear differences in (disease) risk factors between these groups.
Easy to make mistakes with terminologies in these crazy times, but your point is valid, I think!
Every story needs a hook to be effective…Monkeypox would have been laughed out of the room without a hook,…”Men having sex with men’ was a clever hook…Within days it was headlining posts about “monkeypox” on many sites…It was like sugar coating on a poisoned pill. It got many, many to swallow the pox story…
Also, by linking monkeypox with male gay activity, people are persuaded to seek a vaccine – because, if they “come down” with monkeypox, that will automatically label them as “gay.”
The psychos simply adore “win-win” situations.
Nathan Barley, Episode 5:
^^ Deep in debt and under pressure from Jonothon Yeah? * (Editor-in-Chief of SugaRape), journalist Dan Ashcroft investigates the “straight-on-straight”, definitely-not-gay, definitely-not-invented pub toilet phenomenon.
You are living proof how utterly stupid the “voting” system is. How in the world does your comment rate 17 down votes?
I disagree with some points you raise (such as the implication that most gay men use poppers); but down vote you because of that?
The Kinsey Report? You mean the one from the guy who encouraged fathers to become paedophiles and fiddle with their own kids under the guise of carrying out “scientific research”?
In other news, a previously unknown variant of foot-and-mouth disease has been identified in Mrs Smith’s garden in Scundthorpe.
Poor foot hygiene and repeating TV news too often are believed to be responsible.
Remember those huge piles of burning animal carcasses?
Not at all like some sort of sacrificial offer….
Test run for the New Human Holocaust in the New World Order.
Officiating: UK Prime Minister Pious Tony BLiar. Health and Safety advisor: Dr.Neill Ferguson, whose mathematical model predicted that vaccination of livestock against Foot and Mouth would injure profitability in U$ market.
I remember it only too well (from the telly, of course). Monstrous. Appalling. The work of TheScience™, which told us that animals don’t get sick because they are imprisoned for life and tortured bestially (sic), but because they have been infiltrated for no imaginable reason by Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots detectable only by brevetted white-robed druids.
It’s a good thing TheScience™ would never dream of treating human beings like that.
I spose they’ll CREATE a pox epidemic w the pox vaxx, so people can get pox as well as clots and Sudden Vaxx Death syndrome.
They are realy piling on now. I know we should be concentrating on what we should DO, instead of just reacting to the blows.
There is nothing we can do as long as the vast majority continue believing the “experts.”
Maybe if we made a list of every “expert” on the planet and researched to determine who it was declared them an “expert,” we might be able to show people how meaningless the term actually is. But I doubt it.
I disagree; I don’t think even a majority is necessary. Also once a course of action is at hand many people who’ve avoided joining our ranks wd do so.
I think it’s a cop-out to “wait for a majority”; we can do better.
Yes sister—someone on here or out there is an attorney who needs to write up a mega class action suit/petition for all of us to sign, pass around, fill it up, and make it happen. I’m down for some kind of peaceful gathering, say at the Georgia stone bomb site, loads of us and loads of journalists—anyone reading, this shit has to stop!!!
Travel is to blame, according to NBC: London, Paris, Amsterdam and Berlin.
And the fact that, as the article notes: “Obviously, no one’s coming down to wipe down the sling.”
NBC, Jul 6: A worldwide outbreak likely fueled by sexual contact and travel
The best time to nuke Russia is while Sri Lanka breaks out in all Western countries ?
Monkey Bollocks.
Toots & the Maytals were warning about the return of the Monkey Man a long time ago..
And that cool song by the Traveling Wilburys
The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart
I wish I could believe that.
Interesting the number of participants in that Australian vaxx damage report (item 53)
Australia is F’d.
.Some Experts claim the vaxx undermine health. They predict outbreaks of diseases among the vaxxed a few months after they were vaxxed.
A few months after the first jab a new “variant” spreads. People rush to get their boosters.
A few months later another new “virus” spreads. People rush to get another jab.
A few months later another new “variant”. The remaining undead line up to get more protection – and the unvaxxed are herded into The Camps, for being disobedient.
Just connecting The Dots.
Someday (if we win), anyone who worked for the NYT will be akin to being a member of the Nazi party.
The MoneyHoax virus likely doesn’t even exist:
Do ANY viruses? It’s still an open question. Otoh, flus – whateverTF causes them – are real enough; and nothing much to worry about when you know how to stay healthy, and how to self treat the occasional sniffle/sore-throat/headache.
The real cure for these artificial scamdemics is to laugh at them – and at the poor suckers who accept the stampeding manipulation.
The people who believe the scamdemics are real are those who have been convinced that health is an attribute of medical science.
These people even rush their household pets to the vet at the first sign of illness. It’s been known for decades that cats, and to a lesser extent dogs, who are vaxxed yearly are more likely to develop cancer. Yet the practice continues.
My vet won’t give my pekingese the rabies shot bc it can cause autoimmune disorders, and it should be common for, people to question what is in any medications or treatments, not shut down, villified and bullied, called anti-American and crazy. Excellent propaganda train separating all of us, I really want off
It is NOT an open question. Particles called “viruses” exist because they are seen with electron microscopes.
However, photos identifying”SARS COV-2″ virus do not exist, and the existence of this and many other alleged pathogenic viruses is speculation based on pseudo-science.
What is an open question is the theory that these particles are “transmitted” from person to person AND cause disease.
People with zero knowledge of biology should avoid discussions on biology and stick to the fact that even if the pandemic was real, the role of so-called democratic governments should be advisory and never to enforce the WHO/Big Pharma “recommendations” and products.
The NYT did not report the famines in the USSR.
All this feels like being strapped to a Merry Go Round operated by demented clowns at a circus. Yes, we know how this goes. Yes, we have all been here before. Yes, this is getting very tiresome now. I’m just trying to get on with things the best I can, try and prepare for what’s coming, and above all, avoid the media presstitutes like the plague…
It’s like being in a giant Skinner box with behaviours rewarded or punished according to the whim of some demented scientist playing God.
Calling the lazy Australian shit stains who think they are media even presstitutes is a fucking promotion. They are hysterical ignorant nutters
Presstitutes = morally bankrupt whores who are the mouthpieces of those who really rule, who defend the system, who repeatedly lie and who have sold their souls for fat salaries. Not much of a promotion Marilyn! They do this very deliberately knowing their fat salary depends on them toeing the line.
It really is all very concerning, and I’m talking about how this Minkey Pox is transmitted.
On the face of it, I’m being told that I have the potential of contracting Minkey Pox as a result of some bizarre and random sexual encounters with other men, even though I’m proudly heterosexual and happy about that, but not gay. And is it now the case, in the minds of the insane, that infact there are no gay men and that all men are gay?
Or is the risk of such random encounters possibly even a symptom of long covid, or something more sinister, I think we should be told.
If you want to be told – then you have a problem.
That’s a reference to Private Eye magazine, and is meant as a satirical comment about the utter absurdity of this whole shitshow.
OK – apologies. Hard to distinguish satire these days.
Now if we can get everyone on Earth to view the Pink Panther episode (I forget which) where Inspector Clouseau mispronounces “monkey” as “minkey.” It is priceless!
“Ah want eh rheum”.
“I beg your pardon, sir?”
“Eh rrrheum.”
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-11. Pilots taking poison can’t fly because they have been poisoned. No off switch. DNA altered. Ignoring protests (blog, gab, tweet).
Hilarious nonsense.