This Week in the New Normal #38

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Heat Wave Hysteria
It’s pretty hot in many places around the Northern Hemisphere this week – as is often the way with summer. Perhaps slightly less routine is the sheer amount fear they are trying to generate around it.
“The Experts” are back, warning that “thousands could die” in the heat wave.
The UK has actually declared their first-ever “national emergency” due to heat, with the government advising people not to travel. The Sun blares out there could be “riots” and an “emergency services meltdown”.
And of course there’s the ever-present dangers of (not-even-slightly-vaccine-related) bloodclots. Even the BMJ is onboard with that.
One paper was even warning that the hot weather could mean sharks attacking people at the beach. Terrifiying stuff.
Our friends over at the Consent Factory had the best response…
And now the New Normal 5-day weather forecast …
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) July 15, 2022
It’s not especially hard to see where this fear is heading – heatwave fear will segue to “climate change” emergency and so it goes. Last month France actually banned public gatherings due to hot weather. It’s just a short step from that to the “climate lockdowns” they’ve clearly been planning for ages.
2. have the Deep State made their pick for Tory Leader?
You’d probably never heard of Kemi Badenoch before this week. She’s an MP and former Minister of State for Local Government, Faith and Communities, she joined parliament in 2017 after being parachuted into the “safe seat” of Saffron-Walden. As of this week she has been in politics for fewer than 7 years and an MP for just 5…and is very close to being the next Prime Minister.
She joined the Tory leadership race as a massive underdog vs the more established candidates – Rishi Sunak, Penny Maudant, Sajid Javid etc. – but is suddenly a big favourite according to polls, opening up a double-digit lead.
You should always be suspicious of “surprise candidates” that “come out of nowhere”. Emmanuel Macron was one such, as was Vlodomyr Zelenskyy, and most famously Barack Obama. When a candidate suddenly streaks up the field, it’s more than likely because they’re being pushed.
The Deep State love “surprise candidates”, they are blank canvasses to create a mythic “personality” around, whilst having no political baggage from previous scandals. That’s how Obama was able to blast Hillary Clinton off the ballot in 2008. A new face promising some kind of change but inevitably delivering more of the same.
The marketing of Badenoch could not be more obvious – “the free-speech candidate” one paper calls her, a “pro-free speech Brexiteer”, the “anti-woke candidate” – these are all terms designed to appeal to the “common sense” demographic.
In the age of Identity Politics, it’s also very clear how having a female Nigerian immigrant as PM will lift the office above criticism. Criticise her policies and you will be “racist” or “sexist”, that’s just going to happen. Death and taxes level inevitable.
Clearly, she hasn’t won yet, and who knows what backroom deals will be done to decide the eventual winner, but it’s a example of how these things work.
3. Simon Tisdall goes a bit mad(der)
Simon Tisdall is a foreign affairs correspondent for the Guardian, and has never met a bomb he doesn’t like or a country he wouldn’t bomb. That’s his thing.
For Simon everything from his toast being burnt to the neighbours unruly lawn “is the last straw” and “requires a military solution”.
He’s wanted to personally invade Russia for close to a decade at this point, a frothing Russophobe straight out of Dr Strangelove with no sense of irony, and today he’s decided enough is enough (again). He says NATO needs to use its “overwhelming power” in order to “repulse Russia’s repulsive horde” and “bring Putin to heel” .
It’s all a bit mad….or is it?
On the surface, yes, it’s floundering warmongering ravening nonsense, but it could be seen as a quite clever piece of propaganda messaging. You get so distracted by the “NATO should declare war on Russia” madness that you don’t quite stop to critique other things he’s saying.
Throughout the article, behind the apparent desire to see us all die in a fiery nuclear inferno, is narrative reinforcement. Russia is blamed for the economic situation, “cyber attacks”, wars, the price of energy and even global warming. Meanwhile the US is said to be weak and EU afraid and both are having their “sanctions backfire” Totally by accident.
None of that is true, but readers will be so keen to not die that, suddenly, the calm moderate position becomes “Yes, Russia is to blame for all our problems, but maybe nuclear war is a bad idea”, simply in an effort to get a the crazy man to put down the gun. It’s very subtle manipulation.
BONUS: Irony of the week
…Our “of the week” entry comes from the same article again.
In a piece of wonderful unintentional irony, as Tisdall writes leaders should “not profit from lawless butchery”, there’s a link to The Guardian’s interview with Alastair Campbell in the sidebar.

Just beautiful.
It’s not all bad…
Another week, another (perhaps temporary) legal defeat for vaccine mandates in the US – this time for the Air Force regarding religious exemptions.
Elsewhere in the world, the Dutch Farmers’ protest is continuing, and they have now been joined by Dutch truckers as well.
Others from Italy, Poland and Spain are joining in the protests too. In France, the cost of living increases have given rise to protests there too:
FRANCE – Paris protests have started, against the increase in basic food costs, fuel and energy.
All over the world, slowly the people are rising against the Agenda 🔥
Silence from the media, as they panic you about the heat of a normal
— Bernie’s Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) July 16, 2022
Shout out to Rothmus (via Twitter) for our chuckle-worthy meme of the week:

Oh, and if you’re stuck inside this week and want a real way to handle the hot weather without panicking about sharks or bloodclots, just grab a cool drink, close your eyes and stick this video on in the background:
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention China’s push for a nationwide vaccine mandate or Amazon’s latest Alexa feature that can mimic the voice of your dead relatives.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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It’s a shame about Vigano. I’d followed his statements from May 2020 and never suspected that he might be fully owned.
Salem, Oregon,
April 2nd, 2022
Dear friends,
General Michael Flynn asked me to speak with a message for your rally. I gladly accepted his proposal, because I wish to greet you and encourage you in this re-awakening of consciences . . . The threat of a third world war is weighing on all of us. They have told us that President Putin invaded Ukraine to support his expansionist ambitions, but in reality the main purpose of Russia’s military operation is to prevent the aggression of the deep state and NATO. Putin is fighting against the same globalist elite that holds us all hostage. . . .
Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
The ReAwaken American Tour is a political protest movement against COVID-19 mitigation measures and in support of the conspiracy theory that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.[1] The ReAwaken America tour was founded by Clay Clark, a business coach and entrepreneur and former mayoral candidate in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[2][3][4] . . .
Having initially fallen for the well-orchestrated hype around Flynn, I changed my mind in early January 2021 and concluded that he’s seriously dodgy.
March 14, 2022
Michael Flynn Says Putin’s Ukraine Invasion Is Disrupting Bill Gates’ ‘New World Order’
“Someone like Vladimir Putin has upset this balance of the New World Order they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine. And you know, I’m probably the last person that’s going to be a Putin apologist. I won’t be, but what I do understand are the dynamics that are playing out in Ukraine right now,” Flynn said on March 8 during an appearance on Thrivetime Show, a podcast hosted by anti-vaxx commentator Clay Clark.
Flynn continued his rant on Clark’s podcast by claiming that the World Economic Forum and billionaires like Gates are angry with Putin for invading Ukraine and ruining their plans for world domination. “All of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the world order as they want it—as people like [Israeli professor and historian] Dr. [Yuval Noah] Harari, as people like Klaus Schwab [founder of the World Economic Forum] and others,” Flynn said. “Bill Gates is another one.”
These individuals, Flynn claimed, “are very smart, they’re very well resourced, and they have a very sort of strategic idea of how they want to see the world develop.” He added, “God and a soul are not part of that strategy.”
Quote at 13:30
Dr. Zelenko, General Flynn — Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Noah Harari Believes Free Will Is Dangerous
Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset
Published March 8, 2022
Where did all these Putinista fifth columnists come from?
Col. Douglas Macgregor (Feb 28): “The game is over!”
Col. Douglas Macgregor on Putin’s next steps in the Ukraine invasion
Feb. 28, 2022 – 10:00 – The decorated combat veteran says the U.S. should stay out of the conflict in Ukraine, adding it will create a far more severe humanitarian crisis, on ‘Sunday Night in America.’
With Trey Gowdy on Fox News
[Quote at 1:30]
The 18 House Republicans who voted against a resolution to support Finland, Sweden joining NATO
July 18, 2022
More than a dozen House Republicans voted against a resolution on Monday that expressed support for Finland and Sweden joining NATO. The House passed the measure, which had bipartisan sponsorship, in a 394-18 vote, with all the opposition coming from the Republican Party. Two Democrats and 17 Republicans did not vote.
Eighteen House Republicans objected to the measure:
This week in the New New Normal.
Russia & Iran Strike Massive Sales-territory Deal. Alex Mercouris at 20 min:
Largest global gas-reserve Russia will build a Mid-to-South-EurAsia pipeline for second-largest global reserve Iran to supply gas to India via Paki and other Stans. Iran will leave Russia to deal with unreliable, sanctions-prone West-EurAsian market.
The Segmentation of the Russia Debate
Large segments of the Right (Fox News, Rightist alt-media, etc) are pro-Putin – or at least Putin-leaning. Likewise for the alt-Left – Caitlin Johnstone, Moon of Alabama, etc. However, the mainstream Middle-and-somewhat-Lefty (CNN, BBC, Guardian, etc) is overwhelmingly anti-Putin. There is very little debate within each segment, and the segments don’t tend to interact. I think the degree of segmentation is at least comparable to that of the Global Warming debate, and may even exceed it.
My question is how and when did this happen? The segmentation is clearest within the Hate Russia campaign of the Democrats, so it’s probably a good place to start.
Please note; the above categorisation is based on my own personal experience. So if you’ve got evidence of it not being valid, please post it below.
After 70 years of accommodating and appeasing Russia, Democrats suddenly foment a red scare.
By Victor Davis Hanson
August 7, 2017
Russia! Russia! Russia!
The Resistance with Keith Olbermann
Mar 14, 2017
Everything fishy in Trump World—everything!—leads back to Russia.
That’s just the Dimocrats repeating their tired old canard: “Trump is a Russian agent”. No sooner had Trumpety beaten Killary in the race for POTU$A than I receive an email from a wealthy Jewish-English friend: the cartoon showed Putin sporting Trump’s trade-mark orange wig. Russogate was ready to roll.
I think Russogate is no longer useful as a distinctive election platform for the U$ Donkey Party. By now, a Plandemic of Anti-Putinism has infected almost all parties of the entire freedom-loving, affluent, liberal, humanitarian interventionist “Western” world.
I think Russiagate should be revisited in light of the current war in Ukraine. The US Right (MAGA, etc) is overwhelming pro-Putin – and sometimes absurdly so. From what I’ve seen, there is no debate within the US Right. Similarly, the Centre-Left is overwhelming anti-Putin; and there is also no debate. This degree of segmentation does not happen by accident; and it has very clearly been pumped from the DNC leak onwards.
The conventional understanding of Russiagate is that it was a campaign to target Trump; eg:
However, I think there was an equal objective of creating the segmentation.
“However, I think there was an equal objective of creating the segmentation.”
Yes, the Democrats also coined Shrillary’s label “The Deplorables” to smear Trump as “Far Right” and “racist”.
By the way, U$ Democrats are not “Centre Left” but “Centre Imperiali$t”. As are the Republicans.
I’m specifically referring to the segmentation of the Russia and Putin debate; and it applies just as much to MAGA and the alt-right as it does to the Democrats. Also, the position of Fox News and the alt-right is largely indistinguishable from the alt-left (Jimmy Dore etc). This segmentation has been intentionally created and it probably started with the DNC leak in June 2016.
I only occasionally look at the Conservative Woman site, so any overall assessment is somewhat cursory. Initially, there was some degree of variety in their coverage, and the following are examples which challenge the pro-Putin narrative.
Ukraine: Legacy of the Hunger Plague
By Ollie Wright
March 3, 2022
Is Sturgeon happy to be ‘in bed’ with Putin?
By Ian Mitchell
March 18, 2022
However, the site now seems to be entirely pro-Putin or pro-appeasement; which is much the same thing. And there’s very little debate within the comments. The following is a list of the most recent “Ukraine” articles.
Is there anything to distinguish the above from Moon of Alabama?
American Conservative is patriotic.
Putin is a conservative Russian patriot.
Like calls to like.
Unlike the U$ Democrat and Republican parties, who are not patriotic but Imperialist; destroying their country for the sake of a Global Financial Empire. As are the UK Conservative and Labour parties.
This week in the New New Normal there will be an Academic Forum in Beijing on ‘Civilizations Amid Profound Changes’. It is organized by the world‘s largest academy for the social sciences: The Chinese Academy of Social Science or CASS.
Trump aide claims Covid ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ – claiming virus was being worked on by scientists in a Chinese lab
She has a point: non of the other US funded foreign located bio labs had a (known) outbreak, and Xi Jinping has an irrational fear of Covid-19 for a scientist like himself – maybe he knows more than we about that variant.
Weasel word “foreign”. To distract attention from Dr.Fauci’s “native” Frankenstein Virus Lab at Fort Detrick, MaryLand U$A, where an outbreak occurred the previous year. The U$ team to Military Olympics in Wuhan, who were lodged near the fish market, included several guards from Fort Detrick. The U$ team performed abysmally because they were already under the inFLUence of Covid-19. After many residents back in MaryLand, U$A were already suffering from an outbreak of respiratory flu.
Do try to keep up.
Obama banned this dual Frankenstein research from US soil
so Fort Derick was legally and politically out. It is Xi Jinping who still is the harshest lock-down enforcer on Earth -not Joe Biden or Fausti- and he started end January 2020, not end October 2019.
How anti-Washington is Xi Jinping actually, or is he displaying muscle in the Himalayas for his domestic competitors (any left?) for his 2021 fall re-selection? He drops BRICS like a brick.
China’s military puts advanced rocket launch system to the test at high altitude
Anglo Big Tech still love Xi: super profits in industrialist’s heaven.
Crimea and the Kerch Bridge
Had Russia not launched the 2022 invasion, they would have been allowed to keep Crimea. This policy is good for the western MIC since it fosters the illusion of a credible threat. Also, it can be used in support of whataboutism justifications of other landgrabs – such as the Golan Heights. The de facto policy was implied by Brzezinski in July 2014.
The West Should Arm Ukraine
By Zbigniew Brzezinski
July 2, 2014
Moreover, Trump was characterised as an “appeaser” for his implied support for the de facto policy.
Trump, Putin, and the Art of Appeasement
The famed deal maker seems intent on giving away American leverage for nothing.
By Dominic Tierney
December 15, 2016
However, given that much of the invasion was launched and supplied via Crimea, and missiles have been launched from near Sevastopol, the totality will be reclaimed by Ukraine; and the lease of the Sevastopol base will be revoked. Also, the Crimean end of the Kerch Bridge will be destroyed (severely damaged) by long-range missiles; and the Sevastopol base is clearly a military target.
US Implies Ukraine Can Use HIMARS Against Russian Targets in Crimea
The State Department told ‘Crimea is Ukraine’ when asked if the ban on using HIMARS on Russian territory applies to Crimea
by Dave DeCamp
July 17, 2022
“Had Russia not launched the 2022 invasion, they would have been allowed to keep Crimea”…
“…the totality [including Crimea] will be reclaimed by Ukraine; and the lease of the Sevastopol base will be revoked. Also, the Crimean end of the Kerch Bridge will be destroyed (severely damaged) by long-range missiles”.
Analysis and forecast from some Deep State Strategic Insider?
My superficial analysis and analysis: Crimea is Russia. So is Odessa, including the famous Odessa steps.
No, just some straightforward dot-connection. The Brzezinski article is sending two main messages:
a) Putin can keep Crimea – but there is unlikely to be official recognition by the U.S. etc
b) don’t try invading Ukraine because this is how you will be defeated – the “this” being the insurgency strategy.
A warning was given a month prior to the invasion:
CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades
Zach Dorfman – National Security Correspondent
January 13, 2022
And as implied by various outlets, including the Antiwar article, the Ukrainians are being supplied with missiles which can reach targets in Crimea; and they have been given permission to attack those targets.
“you will be defeated – “this” being the insurgency strategy.”
Proxy wars are a busted flush. NATZO’s ISIS “insurgents” were defeated in Syria. NATZO’s Bin-Ladin Arabs were defeated in Afghanistan. NATZO’s Chechen terrorists were defeated in Chechnya; in fact Chechens are now a significant part of the Russian Army in Ukraine. NATZO’s Ukronazi Army is already defeated; its back broken in Donetsk.
There will be no repeat performance of the Biden / Nuland $5 Billion “cookie” show in Kiev; paid “insurgents” in the newly Liberated Russian Ukraina will be mopped up. The Russian army has recently announced that Spetznats forces are already doing in Ukraine what they did in Chechnya and Syria: systematically destroying nests of special forces from the U$ and UK.
See reply to “Plan B”
The Shift to Plan B
Plan A was the Khazarian, “Belt and Road” reset with the relocation of high-tech Israel to southern Ukraine. This was blocked by the Trump-Pompeo (Christian Zionist) strategy which first deployed the Brzezinski playbook; and then equipped Ukraine with modern artillery systems. Facing the inevitable failure of Plan A, the Khazarians are shifting toward a Plan B. This will involve blaming everything on Putin and Duginism; and not only will it restore Ukraine to the 1991 borders, but it may lead to the dismemberment of the Russian Federation.
BTW: I assume that the break-up of the Russian Federation was always part of Plan A; that the Khazarians would not allow the existence of a powerful nation state once it had fulfilled the requirement of genocide in Ukraine.
Imagining the unimaginable with Ukraine
By Alexander J. Motyl, Opinion Contributor
July 12, 2022
It’s time for policymakers to start imagining the unimaginable with regard to the Russo-Ukrainian war. . . . What should we be thinking about even if — or because — it seems completely unlikely? Three things: a smashing Ukrainian victory, the fragmentation of the Russian Federation, and the formation of a confederation including Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.
We erred in thinking that Russia’s armed forces would capture Ukraine in a few days and that the Ukrainians could not drive the Russians out of much of their country. . . . Ukraine enjoys the support of over 50 countries, NATO, the EU, and the G-7. Heavy weaponry is about to flow into Ukraine in large numbers. The Ukrainians might succeed only in stopping further Russian advances. But they also might succeed in driving the Russians out of all the occupied territories, including Crimea and the Donbas. If that happens, Putin almost certainly will be deposed and his fascist regime could collapse.
More importantly, a huge systemic shock could easily lead to the break-up of the Russian Federation. . . . If the Russian Federation disintegrates, or even if it merely experiences Putin’s demise, Alexander Lukashenka’s ability to hold onto power in Belarus will dissipate overnight. If he and his regime disappear and are replaced by the democrats who organized the mass demonstrations in 2020, the door will be open to closer cooperation among Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.
Your Link is to “The Hill” ie Washington DC, which is now Cloud Cuckoo Land (topically, Cloud Cookie Land, since Biden & Nuland are still nesting there). Where the cuckoos call like this fantasy:
“Three things: a smashing Ukrainian victory, the fragmentation of the Russian Federation, and the formation of a confederation including Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.”
They were all part of the Khazarian theatrics to justify Putin’s invasion; which in turn would allow the genocidal landgrab of the five oblasts for the New Israel. That project has failed. It was defeated not by NATO, but by the Christian Zionists who ran the Trump administration. And now that the New Israel project has failed, the Khazarians have no more use for Putin and a “strong” Russia.
Seems to be a lot of trucks hitting overpasses lately, more than I’ve ever heard of. I searched the words ‘truck hits overpass’ and got many results from Canada and the US. Doesn’t seem like a normal pattern.
I’ve been following French presidential elections for some time, Macron’s victory was the first time I said: “Who??”
How can France “vote” in the same person who made them suffer like nothing before them and yet he wins another election. ????
It’s a perverse corollary of “Beggars can’t be choosers”!
Read “Empire of the Sun”. Victim kisses boot of oppressor.
The plebs don’t conscienciously ‘vote’ for anything of importance. We are either cajoled into voting one way or the results are rigged altogether. Universal vote and democracy are the biggest smoke and mirrors ever. It might have worked in some tribal societies with common belief systems but in modern ones it’s impossible, that’s why decisions are made for us.
Same process that got GWBush, Trump, Johnson, Macron, Trudeau and Biden ‘elected’.
None of them ‘won’. They were planted, like thick-trunked trees.
So when the autorities lied that any climate change were appening at all we went against them, now that they are using it for their benefits we act like this is normal?
A rooftop in China melted, we had summer heat from may, how is any of this normal?
We effed our biosphere and we are going to suffer for it, we wanted all our cars and plastic crap we can’t complain now.
Maybe the climate is changing, but certainly we didn’t cause it. Moreover, if you’re into that there is no real evidence for ‘anthropogenic climate change’. Littering and polluting are a different story but these cannot change the climate.
Ah! An ambient video! Just a couple weeks ago on gootube I discovered this is a very popular genre. Some are so relaxing, others…not so much. This one’s the real thing.
It loops after a few seconds. Apart from the obvious judders/glitches, you can tell because the shadows never move – in 8 hours…
Haha…you’re so right. I didn’t stay long enough to really pay attention. But what I meant was that the sleepy sounds of the waves were actual, not canned and the scene wasn’t created on Blender.
I was listening to one the other day that honestly made me laugh: the inviting picture is of a personal library with a crackling fire; the sounds were described as if you were in there draped on the couch while the other person scribbled in their journal and paged through books. What I heard (with headphones) was nothing like. The crackling fire was the loudest thing in the room and the other competing sounds conveyed to me the image of an octopus furiously and simultaneously scribbling, page turning, moving books from here to there, stirring tea, etc…it was actually funny.
Ok, so better than some. Even so, let me know if you find one that’s genuine, i.e. doesn’t loop. If there’s a ship on the horizon, it’d be good if it actually moved, etc.
Who knew? I don’t think there is such a thing! What I did find were plenty of livestreams of beaches around the world, some with sound – others not, and none of them were a “private paradise”. How hard could it be to make one? Your best bet is to find a nature webcam like this one:
“This live camera moves ever [sic] 10 to 30 minutes to capture Climbers Run from several different angles as it makes its way through a 113 acre nature preserve situated in the heart of Lancaster County, PA before the stream heads on its way to the Susquehanna River and eventually the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean.” (I hear the river and birds all around)
Please, some person please inform the person behind Bernie’s Tweets that this is NO normal summer. Since when were these temps the regular fare?
For the Alt-Right, the temp would have to exceed 200F not to be called “normal.”
Who’s the ‘alt-right’ apart from q-anon and other bots?
So… one black modern slave to entertain the herds! This could be FUN to watch…
The good old SUMMER days are “gone” if you’re a MMS/3i’s that believes in what the REGIME MEDIA spews!
It’s funny when you look at everything it’s totally insane 😬
DWP (department of work and pensions) announces closure of Jobcentres in areas with a red severe weather warning.
They should close those abominations in all weathers.
That’s a good one.
Summer was not always “Happy and Sunshiny” for the elderly – especially those who live in America’s inner cities and have no air conditioning. I was surprised (a couple decades ago when I still watched TV) to learn, on the Weather Channel, that more people died of the heat than the cold.
It doesn’t take much for the elderly to get overheated. And there’s something called the Wet Bulb. It’s when both temp and humidity peak at 95, making it difficult for sweat to cool the body.
And if one has an overactive thyroid, one is insensitive to heat.
But it is a very adorable meme you’ve posted.
It’s sad, but for years I’ve thought that “extreme heat” should be put on a par with pneumonia’s designation as “the old people’s friend”.
We’re into another heat wave in Philly, with the usual hand-wringing sensational mass-media warnings and admonitions. I’m sure there is, or soon will be, still another story about some agency or philanthropist distributing free fans to people in need.
But, at the risk of stereotyping, the typical report of an elderly city-dweller dying from heat-related maladies informs readers that the deceased was found in an airless residence, e.g. an apartment, with all of the windows closed and no fans running. Presumably they thought that this arrangement was insulating, i.e. keeping the excessive heat out.
Neither of my parents died from heat-caused maladies, but they subscribed to the old-fashioned abhorrence of air conditioning. When they moved into the small suburban house where I now live, we (their children) were shocked to find that it had decrepit but functional central AC.
But when my visiting sister courageously attempted to turn it on during a heat wave, my elderly dad became “a lion in summer” and during a fierce argument forbade my sister from turning it on. This phobia was partly due to my father’s inability to use even a fan, much less an air conditioner, without being oppressed by the thought of the electric meter “spinning like a top”, as he put it.
We had fans around the house, but even then our parents thought they were only supposed to be used for a few minutes at a time to “cool off”– anything more was a wasteful indulgence, and in any case, they asserted with conviction that “sitting in front of a fan” weakened what amounts to a “natural immunity” (tolerance) of extreme heat, and “made you sick”.
They could afford their own fans, but if they were given a free fan during a heat emergency I’m sure they’d still stick to their minimal-use policy.
I don’t know how pervasive this attitude is nowadays, but despite my “blaming the victim” undertone it seems to me that isolated elderly folks seem programmed to make unfortunate and too-frequently fatal choices.
“it seems to me that isolated elderly folks seem programmed to make unfortunate and too-frequently fatal choices.”
After observing the past 2 years of global insanity, it seems to me that massed folks of all ages seem programmed to make unfortunate and too-frequently fatal choices.
Quite so, but in this particular context I was pointing out the recurring scenario of elderly people trapped in a mindset of responding to excessive heat by hunkering down and intending or hoping to tough it out without resorting to even modest technological aids, while underestimating or denying the riskiness of that approach.
I am entirely sympathetic to the humanitarian assumption that the isolated or solitary elderly and infirm need help to cope with dangerous heatwaves, and that their reluctance to use fans may arise from secondary issues like past and present poverty and immobility.
I was just pointing out that there is also occasionally a misplaced stoic and principled mindset that minimizes the risks and rejects taking special precautions to alleviate their personal distress.
I thought it was the CIA that chose the Tory leader? I bet they wished Corbyn had won in the 2019 general election after all.
It is the CIA that chooses every leader. The televised “debates” are the Eurovision Song Contest for heterosexual viewers.
It is the CIA’s masters that choose political puppets of all persuasions.
Question is who do the CIA work for.
Very rich people like Dulles and Bush, both men were Directors. Or their agents.
What’s really odd is that they expect us to believe that there’s some long-term upward trend in temperatures, when just the winter before last it was snowing in Texas and even Saudi Arabia!
That can be labelled as climate change. Still qualifies as a reason to tax your carbon footprint and track your every move.
Yes, some of noticed several years ago how they tried to weasel out of their initial global-warming stance into the more nebulous ‘climate change’ position. Now anything qualifies: floods, droughts, hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes — whatever.
More heat leads to more water vapour. The two lead to everything else. When the bulk of all fresh water has been lost to the oceans, this will include earthquakes, though it won’t matter to us.
I wonder if more water vapour ever leads to more rain?
I wonder if more rain ever leads to more fresh water?
Those who attempt to control the weather for their best interest (primarily the US military) can create high pressure domes which prevent precipitation and result in excessive heat. But they can also (with processes of chemical ice nucleation) create cold and excessive rain conditions. Their manipulations also can result in large and excessive hailstones.
And in the US (with the exception of California) these weather extremes just by the sheerest coincidence managed to hit hardest the states which didn’t follow the COVID regimentation 100% – like Texas. Who would have thought?
But there is hope: the Alt Right ideology will stop the climate engineers in their tracks. God loves an ideology.
Yes and an Australian company is on video record saying a few years ago that they made it snow in Saudi Arabia. It’s to do with the ionosphere and their tinkering with it.
Manipulating the ionosphere is the core issue.
I have no doubt that they can manipulate temperatures and influence precipitation. I mean, they’ve cloud-seeding technology since the 50s, so it only makes sense. I speculate that that’s what all the chemtrails are about. But one thing they haven’t yet been able to manage is melting the polar ice caps and flooding all the coastal cities of the earth. That was their original prediction as what would happen under global warming decades ago, and I, for one, am holding them to it!
And Australia is currently going through the coldest winter since decades.
Change doesn’t always mean warming, it’s called change – FFS how are people so dumb. The stupidity about it though is that modelling is again claiming humans can change naturally occurring cyclicle changes so mother nature is giving morons a serve
And they keep telling us climate is not weather but now we have a few hot summer days suddenly its climate change! Anyone remember how ‘flaming June’ got that title?
Did you know prince Charlie has been buying farmers land around Cornwall and building villages on it?So much for prince Charlie being an environmentalist never was about saving the plants.
He’s buying it so that farmers can’t use it for farming.
He already owns The Duchy of Cornwall
Yes and he’s been selling out farmers here for a good few years just like kill gates buying land they are on a mission to destroy us sounds sci fi believe me this is real 😬
Like any royal family it was acquired via oppression, murder, torture, terrorism, theft, slavery and deportation. So called royals own nothing, they are only the ones that got more self serving morons to support them, no more no less.
They are not at the apex of the control pyramid.
Sorry, don’t get that?
I think it was said this way, a century ago:
“The monied owners of England have made of The Throne their hired help”. — Hilaire Belloc.
The Royal Family is rich, but they serve a dynasty that is even richer.
They actually stole it from the church during the reformation. Behind all the novelistic reasons given us in history ‘lessons’ there was a land grab, as Henry VIII was indebted to the money lenders brought back into the country by Crownwell.
Before then the land was administered by a monastic system where farmers paid a due according to their labour.
No government will give you free money unless something bad is coming?!? Unless others wake up now they will wake up with a steel toe cap on their faces.
If government offers anything apparently fro free, you’re the product.
So true 👍
Accepting ‘free’ money from the govt or anyone for that matter is like signing a contract with them.
People don’t even care to think where that money is coming from; instead they should reject these payments and demand things like tax exceptions and grants and lift red tape to start small local independent businesses, while regulating corporate mega stores and chains.
But it’s nice to get some cash for just sitting on our bums all day and take no responsibility for our lives, ain’t it?
The Third COUPVID Winter will soon be upon us. How best to prepare?
No later than ten weeks from now your trusted Leaders (who are in fact at war with you) will want you and your children masked, triple-pricked, locked down and immobilised yet again, but this time with added blackouts, food shortages and freezing homes, and a long dark winter ahead of you.
That’s why they’re trying to ruin your summer now.
They want you to shun warmth and sunshine and fresh air and water and free movement in nature because these things all strengthen you in body and soul.
They want you to sit fearfully indoors till autumn because doing so will depress your spirits and weaken you physically.
It’s a war of attrition. They want you enfeebled because that will make you easier to beat. Don’t oblige them.
You must fight to live…
Never been this hot before. EVER!
couldmelted -Seacoulddry up.The best scientists working on a new jabby for climate change. 🤒
Gives the expression “Hell on Earth” a new layer of meaning.
Yes, how on earth do hot countries survive?
By not getting hot under the collar. Not wearing tight underwear. And taking kids to the playground at night.
I heard this in Greece: “We don’t do siesta, we’re British”.
And a new jabby for people who are bored with being jabbed…
These parasites believe they own us,they think they are entitled to brand us starve us herd us to step in line for their own gain. It’s us against them always has been it’s never been about us fighting amongst each other they created that rhetoric and I’m afraid most people fall the shaken ants in a jar.
I just….
‘Stealthy’ new Covid variant can reinfect you every month
Don’t you love the way the crackpots endow a non existent virus with the brains to rule the fucking world, in Australia they are babbling about ”the omicron can evade the vaccines” as if that makes a lick of sense. The media are such numbnuts they print the crap as if it’s rational
But only if you have taken the poison like a good sheep, sorry meant slave, should’nt insult sheep.
…- B-b-but, but… – The weather isn’t the climate, they said…
Ten things everyone needs to know about the WHO’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty”.
The WHO is now referring to their proposed “Pandemic Treaty” as the Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument (CAII) on plandemic prevention preparedness, response and recovery.
What would replace Simon Tisdall’s space in the Guardian when he retires?
Advertisements for missiles, perhaps? or something else?
With so many calls to cut on hot showers, especially in Germany and France, have our fellow Europeans become smelly now?
They always stank 🙂
As an African in London long ago, I can assure you that the British were smelly until immigrant Europeans introduced them to central heating and constant hot water. There used to be adverts in the Tube for products that made Londoners “Nice to be Near to”.
And the banks are owned by ??
Blackrock, which is owned by JPMorgan which is owned by Rothschild. There are more names of course; in the end what matters is not ownership but control:
“I care not so long as I control the currency” — Rothschild
The descendats of the money changers at the temple. They’ve expanded quite a bit since then.
Hello Thinktwice: Exactly. Assets (collateral) held by international banking conglomerates, have skyrocketed since the beginning of the Plandemic. These assets are “bond” assets – and are not based on physical assets such as natural resources or industrial production.
Food and energy “shortages” are fabricated from brokered arbitrage agreements between subsidiaries of BlackRock Inc. Vanguard Group, Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway, and sub-agencies of same.
Central banks are not actually “centralized”. They are diversified corporations competing within a corporate barter system.
They are owned by the Rothschilds and the Warburgs and so on. They are regulated by the BIS from the tower of Basel.
All 4×2’s!
That graph should be redrawn in constant dollars to see the true picture. The manipulators’ plan seems to be to make governments or central banks buy their junk paper assets in exchange for tangible valuable assets and rights.
Good point. It’s a game of musical chairs. When the band stops playing, some capitalists will be holding tangible goods, and some will hold worthless dollars. That’s when bodies start raining from tall office buildings.
In every stock-jobbing swindle, everyone knows that a crash must come. Yet, everyone hopes that it will fall on his neighbour’s head after he himself has caught the shower of gold. – Karl Marx, Das Kapital, 1867
In a nutshell: Con-19, prelude to Con-Bcubed.
The NWO are making a mockery of western democracies. They put whoever they want into power. We have seen this time and again as the author of this piece notes.
It’s of no matter to the NWO if the next PM is a ‘refugee’ straight of the boat. It matters not to them that their next stooge knows nothing of British culture or isn’t even British!
They kick British democracy around if it was a football and then leave it in the gutter when it’s bust.
The people? They are just cash cows, and there for the convenience of elites who either want to work them to death or starve them to death. Death seems to be a recurring theme in the NWO/elite ideology, but not their own of course. Just you and yours, when it suits them.
Bojo’s family name is Kamel. He is an import from Turkey. It seems Blighty can not longer field a true Brit but have to rely on foreigners from abroad. The NWO won’t tolerate a true Brit becoming PM. They have to come from the pack of ‘world leaders’ as ordained by the Swab.
If you want a democracy and your lives back, you are going to have to fight for them.
See you on the barricades.
And they have hardly even pretended that this isn’t what they are doing.
Money is King. The serfs will obey.
Democracy is an illusion. The banksters are in control.
Democracy was created by that purpose exactly, so the elite can remain in control forever as there’s no exit clause from it.
It doesn’t matter where they are from to be selected for democracy managerial positions, for as long as they make the state their god, the state’s politics, laws, beliefs and science.
Their job is to keep the populace under the illusion that the state is there for us, not think for ourselves, and turn our back to God, forget who we really are and play their souless game.
This is a story from a few weeks ago:
AstraZeneca paid out £120k for a death caused by their vaccine.
I’m confused though because I thought the vaccine manufacturers have legal indemnity?
Nothing in the article, apart from the misleading headline, suggests AstraZeneca paid out. She was paid under the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme 1979, by the taxpayer.
Yup. And the coming wave of vaccine-injury (and death) payouts could bankrupt one government after the next. Stay tuned …
Haven’t they already been bankrupted through the bulk purchase agreements with the pharmaceutical thugs? And the mask bulk purchase agreements (in Germany at least – enriching corrupt politicians) and the relief payments to businesses having to shut doors and people made redundant due to the lockdowns?
You’ll know when they’ve been bankrupted: that’s when the IMF steps in and tells the governments that as a condition of the emergency loans, they have to make us eat the bugs.
Don’t knock bugs. They are protein rich. I have been a fan of the Insect Society of Canada ever since I heard of their Open Day which served insect canapes.
So they, (i) lied to them about the safety of the procedure, (ii) lied to them about the cruciality of the need for it, (iii) reduced a human life to a bundle of cash and (iiii) made the common taxpayer pay that cash for their crime!
This civilisation is done, return to the fields. The living fields.
Everyone watch this, if even from 2:00 to 7:00 minutes. Interview with the guys fiance.
The politicians and unelected ‘public health officials’ need to be taken out of office and imprisoned for life.
Contrary to popular belief no politician is elected they are all positioned as useful idiots until they step out of line or fail the agenda.
This old trick from the last two years getting another outing:
Aw, how cute:
Those smart cities won’t need fences when the surrounding countryside is full of animals that can trample, gore or savage people denied any means of defending themselves (except maybe a penknife).
My penknife was confiscated by Shrub Bush because I was on a plane bound for New York after 911. I am still demanding its return.
Satan worshippers, satan being the bitterness and resentment, fear, distrust and desperation, uncertainty and pessimism, the victim state developed when we all feel so powerless to the machinations of these mystic banking men.
All they have to do to make us worship satan; become fearful and resentful; is to drip-reveal their plans to us so we believe they have godlike powers, godlike weapons, godlike obedience; be careful not to fall for their ultimate trick, ‘they’ are just messengers.
Good point. Continuing to have faith (which is not the same as hope) in the face of what appears to be certain doom is the ultimate act of defiance.
temperatures are expected to hit 33 degrees
Have your apron handy.
I’ll warn my step-father. He’s recently been promoted to Lord Lieutenant of the Eastern Toilet Block.
Curiously enough, the temperature in my living room today reached 33 degrees and no higher Do I have a masonic thermostat?
The White House made it clear to Kyiv that if Kramatorsk, Slavyansk and Bakhmut come under the control of the Russian side, military assistance from the West will stop. Washington perceives the loss of these cities as the defeat of the Ukrainian army.
[I don’t know what their source for this is, but they generally use primary sources & are reliable.]
I believe the plan has always been for Russia to “win” after a protracted phony “war” and so facilitate the financial shift from west to east the globalists clearly desire
I too believe the Anglo Zio Capitalist regime is shifting its investment away from the EU$A and toward East EurAsia. But I do not believe “the plan” was to fight Russia and Lose. The plan in 2014, as in 1938, was to arm the Nazis to fight Russia and Win.
Nobody coached Russia for their role in “the plan”. So the bear did what it traditionally does when attacked: slowly and relentlessly squeezes the trespasser.
It was mentioned on the 17.07.2022 broadcast as well.
Waking up to reality. People on the Duran and the Saker have been saying this for days. And on OffG a few days ago I noted that “the narrative” has drifted away from “Brave, higly motivated Ukrainians, NATO trained, superbly equipped and bound for victory”.
NATzO only showed its “irresistible armed might” against small fry like YugoSlavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan and Libya. We couldn’t crack Iran. Then Russia stepped in, and we couldn’t even crack Syria. Iran and Russia helped Afghanistan to break free, showing that “our irresistible armed might” was yet another figment of T.BLiar’s New Liebore regime.
If Badenoch wins, things might get a bit awkward at the Graun. Bring it on!
Can’t really see it happening. She will probably be eliminated in today’s vote…
Bad Enoch.
Yes indeed. Gone are the days of the cheerful “Phew! What a scorcher!” and “Get the ice-pops in, Mom!” Now it’s “Heat Horror!” “Seismic Satanic Sunspot Strikes!” etc.
An impeccably researched “scientific” analysis comes to the conclusion that ice cream is very bad for you and may induce heart attacks in young kids.
Another analysis that proves conclusively that the flies themselves are getting bigger and more dangerous! (Inviting the ever present most gullible to “verify” this. “Oh my God! A fly the size of a cat landed on our roof!”)
A third analysis to prove that excessive heat causes the latent paedophile (who undoubtedly exists inside everybody!) to rise to the surface. Expect a SURGE of kiddie mutilations!
I know that your predictions are (largely?) tongue in cheek but I was drawn to the one about flies. That may not be too far from reality. I was talking to someone this week about the local council allotments, at one end of which there are two or three bee hives. Apparently “a number of allotment holders have been stung but they’re not normal stings”. No, the insects inflicting the damage “are especially aggressive and toxic” as a number of the people affected have had to seek medical advice and two or three had to go to A&E. An expert bee keeper was called in but advised that the on site hives and bees looked normal to him. So an emergency allotment committee meeting was held last week to discuss what was to be done about the problem insects – apparently deciding to erect fences ( 🤔 no, me neither).
Purely coincidentally, at yesterday’s local Stand in the Park gathering a woman who dispenses prescription orders at a high street pharmacy, and has been unofficially monitoring evidence of the detrimental impact of the ‘vaccines’, was telling everyone that she has noticed how many people are coming in looking for remedies for insect bites which have persisted and become particularly inflamed and pustulant.
Hearing these two accounts, it occurred to me that these physiological over-reactions to insect bites/stings could well be yet more evidence of compromised immune systems caused by the jabs but we shall be warned in due course to be fearful of all the insects which have suddenly become a serious risk to health, no doubt mutated by climate change. 😏
It doesn’t surprise me about the insect bites. I reckon the media is coming to resemble a J G Ballard novel – The Drowned World perhaps with its journey back to the Triassic.
Insects are in fact disappearing as a result of pesticides and mobile phone radiation. As a result birds, reptiles and amphibians are disappearing.
Yes, insects are a valuable food source. Respect.
In the U.K They trailed this out in the winter and closed several venues down in November 2021 on a Friday and Saturday night due to the windy weather.
Any and every event is harnessed to the “you’re not going anywhere” agenda.
If you were intending to go anywhere, then you should have gone there by 2019.
I’m glad I managed a bit of travel before the bastards shut the world down. Set foot on all 7 continents.
Well, I hope you’ve ended up where you’d prefer to remain. Travel is no longer easy for those who would remain unvaxxed.
Clearing Scotland:
Birth rate falls by 12%.
Death rate rises by 10%
The return of the Highland Clearances!
Looks decidedly newsworthy by anyone’s definition, right? Official figures and all.
Has anyone in the Scottish media even mentioned it? Herald, Scotsman, BBC?
The three stages of a conspiracy theory:
1) It’s not happeneing.
2) Maybe it is happening a bit but nothing much to worry about.
3) It is happening – and it’s a good thing. Are you some sort of conspiracy theorist?
Often run simultaneously BTW – see ‘The Great Replacement’.
More like the Three Stages of Normie-Cope!
No-one has mentioned it as far as i know but then they don’t want to scare us – well not over real worries.
No, the start of the Lowland and Central Belt Clearances!
In Australia some of the biggest covid catastrophists in Melbourne are finally claiming enough is enough, maybe they finally grew the fuck up.
The media at the ABC though still mindlessly report each morning that tens of thousands of ”cases” of ”covid” have been reporting but don’t read the afternoon reports when 95% of the ”cases” have magically disappeared, and they report that 306 are in hospital in SA which is apparently some new record, problem for the jab screechers is 171 of them had 3 or more jabs, and all but 60 appear to have had 2 jabs, with the remaining few old people too sick to waste them on.
Victoria is relaxing covid BS because of state election (in November).
Yeah but the fucking unions are apparently advising that little kids muzzle themselves at school again
I tried to access the Consent Factory tweet and had to go through about four different warning signs about potentially offensive / soul destroying/ possibly fatal content!
I don;t know why they bother with these warnings. Do they really think the normies will access this content?
Hilarious all the nonsense about “extreme weather”.
Summer time and a few hot days!!
Climate change zealots will be furiously posting about CC after a record temperature is recorded, as always at Heathrow Airport!!
Miles of heat absorbing black tarmac and tonnes of aviation fule pumping out heat.
Yes evidence of gullibility and foolishness..
Don’t forget the danger of wildfires!
Some of which are set by arsonists.
All set deliberately.
Aluminum soaked forests burn much hotter than normal forest fires. Fire fighters in Northern California (e.g., the Paradise Fire) are on record saying they had never before encountered forest fires which burned so hot or generated such fierce winds.
Climate engineering is wreaking havoc on the climate. (Best to just ignore it.)
‘Look up in the sky. More contrails today.’ 😂
“Best to just ignore it.”
That got my uptick.
Wildfires, all climate change bollocks. Has anyone in the world ever seen a dry leaf, twig, branch, tree, or field of hay self ignite from the heat of the sun? I live in a thatched property and at present so dry it would make perfect tinder but no sign of ignition ever! Oh, and now its raining here in sunny Cornwall so once again nature addresses the balance just the same as it ever has. Luckily its put my roof out just in time, close call that was!
The rest of the temp gauges are perched on tiled rooftops.
Hello Paul Watson: Your brain is obviously air conditioned…
Bill Gates’ Picnic warehouse recently went up in flames though – Picnic was apparently founded by the brother-in-law of the Nitrogen Minister…
CLIMATE CHANGEsteria: Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down Dutch Farmers! Bill Gates’ is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch [NITROGEN] Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!
The attack on the farmers has echoes of Stalin and the kulaks. Their essential crime is the same – they have the capability to be independent.
Kill Gates is getting his revenge for all that bullying he suffered as a spoiled child. Some people never grow up.
Bill Gates: The most punchable face in history…
It’s amazing how they are pushing synthetic foods, rather than replacing a diet high in animal products with one that’s rich in legumes, nuts & seeds, mushrooms and GF grains. I guess there’s not much money in plant-based foods.
perhaps the thousands of heat deaths could more aptly be explained as mRNA heart deaths
gotta use any and every excuse to cover up the ongoing deaths from from pharmaKrim poison potion injections
In the winter it will be the cold causing heart attacks but never the vaccine because everybody knows it’s never the vaccine.
Speaking of artificial panics about the heat, let’s look at the hottest days ever recorded in Britain (and their utter lack of “red notices” etc):
There are several ways to spell the junky’s name with the Latin alphabet, but this ain’t one 🙂
Volodomyyr Zolonskyyyy
I’m a 6th-degree COVID RedPiller per the criteria below.
7-Degrees of COVID RedPillery (inspired by the 33-degrees of FreeMasonry):
Zeroth-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media/government/”experts”.
1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective. (I was promoted to this degree in 01/2020.)
2nd-degree: Public Health officials know that vaccines and many drugs are not safe and DON’T CARE. Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials.
3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots. (I obtained this degree in 04/2021.)
4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was cover-up for imminent global financial collapse due to massive debts, near-zero interest rates and crypto and derivative Ponzi schemes.
5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/satanists/freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. Politicians are just actors/puppets. The New World Order is the real goal and planned financial collapse and WW3 will be be used to achieve it. The US was taken over back in 1913 with the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve. (The USA was founded by Freemasons.) The cabal has controlled Europe for centuries and probably even millennia.
6th-degree: Many conspiracy theories (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Coverup, Fake Moon Landing, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official science (e.g. global warming) and history are fraudulent.
7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal?
There are 3 options:
The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. (Lucifer leads the cabal.)
Higher beings (from outer space and/or other dimensions) influenced human history and may have even created us. They may still control the cabal to this day.
All religions, including satanism, are human delusions and we are basically stupid and evil.
Unfortunately, I will probably never obtain the 7th degree. 😔
Higher degrees may exist as well (TBD)
I am a 7th degree red piller according to your scheme.
At the top of the cabal are the central bankers who have plotted for at least 3 millennia.
Yes, but is that your opinion or do you truly KNOW who’s at the top? If you research this, you can find every possible viewpoint on the subject and they all make reasonable cases. But none of them know for sure. Perhaps we find out the truth when we die or perhaps death is the end of the road for myself, me and I.
A bit like religion, everyone thinks their religion is right, god are they in for a disappointment!
The Bible contains knowledge vital to mankind, encoded via a variety of steganographic techniques. Its protected against scrutiny by its veneer of moralising claptrap.
The NWO is just the term for the next half a dozen ages. The only sense in which it could be a goal is in achieving continuity of technological advanced civilisation into the NWO, i.e. we are in the end times of the OWO, just prior to The Great Reset.
You’re right about the ‘delusions’, but not about stupid or evil. There’s simply a spectrum from moron to sapient. There is no such thing as evil, but for certain echelons of minion, there is considerable persuasion otherwise.
As to extraterrestrials, sorry, but here on planet Earth, h sapiens is the most intelligent (and don’t underestimate the intelligence of TPTB). There are no extradimensional beings – no archons, no demons, no deities, no chthonians, etc.
You evidently need to look into Satan/Lucifer/lucifer.
This’ll get you started:
One should still keep in mind that the Bible wasn’t written by a freemason in 1973, and too many people are overestimating the ‘intelligence’ of TPTB.
Intelligence has a fair number of variables, and Uncle Klaus has a few screws missing in his.
I’ve never come across anyone overestimating the intelligence of TPTB.
Mr Schwab is not TPTB, merely a minion.
TPTB are unseen, never in the limelight. They are those who truly know WTF is going on (hence The Illuminati), what has to be done, and how to shepherd the unwitting population toward that end.
Just different perspectives, perhaps.
But I reckon that by following instructions to the extent they do, most people are assuming that there is some sort of intelligence behind those instructions.
I call that overestimating.
You are certainly right about Swob being not exactly TPTB, but of course he is their current figurehead. Self confidence like that doesn’t come from a university crash course…
He is one of their ‘protected ones’ and he will make a sudden, extremely luxurious disappearance when he can no longer serve their purposes.
After writing a book or two…
That would make me a 7, 3rd option.
I rather doubt the highest degree of illumination is going to be something Klaus Schwab actively and openly wants everyone to believe. The alien threat agenda has been used to push globalism since at least H.G. Wells.
7th degree isn’t knowing which human is at the top, ‘cos that really doesn’t matter, the 7th is understanding that our history is a complete fiction, scientific explanatory concepts are purposefully narrowed to a hairs breadth, our unnatural isolated lifestyle and indoctrinated upbringing has severed our natural skills of sentience and insight, we are now but 1/10th the being. It is a long and strange path to open up those extra faculties of our heart, mind and body.
Personally, I feel, you must first sever your connection to the modern noise as much as poss. to begin to transcend the trauma-training and breakthrough the mystery.
As if vaxxers are in a small box in the middle of our room, they can’t see beyond their walls, they have hollywood to keep them comfortable, and we are in a bigger room and can see their delusion but cannot communicate it to them, and they are warned ‘don’t listen to those beyond your walls’, but we are also just a medium box inside a bigger room we cannot see and so on. Humility and patience brings down the walls, shock and triggering happens when the walls fall and your room becomes larger. We are all waking from trauma of being trapped in a small box.
Higher degrees almost certainly exist. That’s why the top of the pyramid is invisible: they can see you, but you can’t see them. 😉
Ah, another flimsy pretext to post a favorite Vonnegut excerpt!
NB: I couldn’t reproduce the exact formatting of the text, or Vonnegut’s illustrations of the Stars and Stripes (flag) et al– so I left out the bit where he describes it, and mentions that there is a law that the US Flag may not be “dipped” to express respect to other nations during formal assemblies.
Trout and Hoover were citizens of the United States of America, a country which was called America for short. This was their national anthem, which was pure balderdash, like so much they were expected to take seriously:
O, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thru the perilous fight
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
There were one quadrillion nations in the Universe, but the nation Dwayne Hoover and Kilgore Trout belonged to was the only one with a national anthem which was gibberish sprinkled with question marks.
• • •
The motto of Dwayne Hoover’s and Kilgore Trout’s nation was this, which meant in a language nobody spoke anymore, Out of Many, One: “E pluribus unum.”
The undippable flag was a beauty, and the anthem and the vacant motto might not have mattered much, if it weren’t for this: a lot of citizens were so ignored and cheated and insulted that they thought they might be in the wrong country, or even on the wrong planet, that some terrible mistake had been made. It might have comforted them some if their anthem and their motto had mentioned fairness or brotherhood or hope or happiness, had somehow welcomed them to the society and its real estate.
If they studied their paper money for clues as to what their country was all about, they found, among a lot of other baroque trash, a picture of a truncated pyramid with a radiant eye on top of it, like this: [author’s drawing of pyramid/eye appears here]
Not even the President of the United States knew what that was all about. It was as though the country were saying to its citizens, “In nonsense is strength.”
— Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions, or Goodbye Blue Monday (1973)
That’s why Yahavah (God) has no religion.
The Vile Satanic Curse Of Religion:
Heat? No problemo! All we have to do is ignore it and it will go away.
120 degrees in SW Spain? Let’s all think 75 and fix the problem.
Marshes and lakes in Austria and Hungary drying up? Let’s click our heels three times and everything will be right again.
Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lake Shasta, and even the Great Salt Lake at their lowest levels ever? Oh, pshaw! George Soros’ yacht again! Once he goes home, it’ll all be better.
Above all, let’s for God sake keep ignoring the worldwide spraying of heat trapping desiccant nano-particles into the atmosphere. (Breathing them in makes it so hard to concentrate on ignoring the climate.)
Lake Mead is a man made lake drying up due to increasing demand for water from Las Vegas. Most locally permanent decrease in water levels is due to human consumption. Otherwise you’re describing normal cycles. The climate has indeed warmed over the last 200 years as we emerge from the LIA. There’s nothing dangerous or remarkable about that.
Your indiscriminate hysteria says it all. The propaganda has worked on you as intended
Lake Mead actually is drying up because the Columbia River is drying up because the Western US is being devastated by a dome of high pressure (created by ionesphere heaters like HAARP) which serves to funnel the Pacific moisture farther East (where the majority of US population resides).
Consequently, the Rockies and, farther West, the Sierra Nevadas, are not getting anywhere near the amount of winter precipitation needed to keep the many river systems of Western US up to normal levels.
Lake Mead is at 26% of full capacity. Its normal 26 million acre ft capacity has fallen to 7.5 million acre ft. Granted it’s debatable how much of this decline is from human consumption – but oh my gosh, human consumption? Wouldn’t that be…(drum roll)…anthropomorphic climate intervention?
Quick, quick: somebody get the crucifix and garlic!
Dig a well, it worked for c.2 million years. You can’t run out of water on earth, you can only run out of non-demoralised intelligent motivated men to innovate a working water system and resolve environmental challenges.
I read where the largest aquifer on Earth lies beneath the continent of Australia but is so deep that no one has attempted to access it. Of course, right now they don’t have a water problem, at least not in Southeastern Australia.
I had also seen (on an Anton Petrov You Tube video at some point) where the amount of water in all the oceans combined is dwarfed by the amount of water contained within the Earth’s mantle. Again, getting to it is the problem.
Excellent post.
You can run out of water unpolluted by fracking.
Human intervention, yes, like Nestle buying up Californian water rights so that morons can buy water thats now in a plastic bottle, the damming of river feeds to perpetuate their supply, the banning of collecting rain water for personnel irrigation and supply, the banning of growing your own food, the state claiming ownership of any water in or over the state etc etc.So yes, anthropomorphic intervention but fuck all to do with climate change.
I have a theory concerning the high altitude spraying. They could be spraying to reflex or affect the cosmic particles hitting Earth and making into the lower atmosphere and also minimizing the radiation effects on human, animal, and plant life.
This is being done because the sun is moving into its minimum. Every 12 year cycle gets less and less sunspots, which are responsible for driving off the cosmic particles arriving from outer space 24/7.
The PTB, mostly the UN and their corrupt IPCC, won’t come clean on the spraying because they are currently running a global warming scam for tax and control reasons. The NWO wants people to believe that it is man who have created the climate problems, when in fact it’s the sun.
The PTB are ALWAYS running a scam on something or another. Their motto is: Never let a crisis go to waste.
The sun has not all but depleted the ozone layer, allowing UV-C radiation to flood the Earth. Man has done that – the same man who, it would seem, can do no wrong.
The spraying is NOT to reflect more sunlight onto the ground but to deflect it – except that the very elements used to deflect heat trap heat at night and prevent its escape.
Cosmic particles come in from the cosmos so the reflection will be away from the upper atmosphere,not to the ground. So you didn’t read my post very well.
The sun going into minimum also effects the magnetic shields of the Earth, which effects everything else on this planet.
There is no ozone hole, it closed up ages ago. Man cannot take the credit for something the sun has been doing for billions of years, even before IPCC monkeys evolved.
You are being herded Howard, to a sign which reads Pay Your Taxes Here.
This link contradicts the recovered ozone story. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the shorter version (there is one). I wouldn’t ask you, or anyone, to sit through a 55 minute video. Just be aware that there have been actual tests.
ozone depletion » Search Results » Search results for “ozone depletion” | Geoengineering Watch
An actual test, what like PCR or LFT for a non existent virus?
compared to the sun the alleged human population of 8 billion is like a mosquito on an elephants arse effect wise. that does not mean we are not dirty polluting scum bags, just that the sun is never part of these insane climate change equations, which makes the climate change construct blatantly null and void.
I’m no fan of Tories, but wasn’t
J Major the outsider against Thatcher, to stop Heseltine? That worked out well…
Badenoch moved around a lot as a child, something often found in the elite. It can be an intelligence marker or part of destroying any sense of rootedness in a child. Her parents were medics and she worked initially in computing, both technocratic. (Hopefully the Sheep Farm Studios will find things deeper in her family tree – like Zahawi’s grandfather being head of a central bank or Van Tam’s uncle enforcing French rule in Vietnam). She went to a school called Phoenix which sounds alchemical. She worked for a bank and her husband still does (for ‘let them burn wood’ Deutsche Bank).
Kemi happenes to be 119 in numerology. The only white male in the final stages of the Tory leadership is a transparent military stooge, that’s the real message.
Obama the same. In his case, he came into his role as a thoroughly un-American, “American”.
Worked out especially well for J Major. Promoted to Director in Rothschild Carlyle, along with Brown and BLiar “for services rendered in Serbia”.