Why the BBC’s new “anti-vaxxer documentary” is a complete farce

Iain Davis

Audio Version New Feature!

The BBC is either the worst media organisation on Earth or the best, depending upon your perspective. On the one hand it is a truly world-class propaganda machine. On the other it is completely incapable of challenging government narratives or power because it is effectively a branch of the UK government and is itself beholden to power.

As an agency of the state, the BBC has actively sought to destabilise overseas governments around the world. It is a master of propaganda and frequently lies to the public, either overtly or by omission, with the goal of convincing the people to accept whatever falsehood or agenda it has been tasked to sell.

From top to bottom, the BBC’s commitment to journalistic integrity is missing. It is simply a mouthpiece for the ruling cartel. It comprehensively fails to deliver the most crucial social function of journalism: holding power to account.

According to the corporation’s published values, “trust is the foundation of the BBC.” The Oxford English Dictionary offers a pejorative meaning of the word “trust”: “acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.”

This definition of “trust” seems appropriate for the BBC. While it declares itself to be “independent, impartial and truthful,” it routinely trots out claimed “facts” that lack supporting evidence and produces investigative reports absent any real investigation. Indeed, the BBC broadcasts appalling lies as a matter of course.

And so it is with a certain degree of mirth that we now learn from the BBC that it intends to air a “documentary” about a phenomenon it has already opted to call “vaccine hesitancy.”

(Bear in mind: A “documentary” is “a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject.”)

The producer of the upcoming programme, due to air on the 20th of July, Craig Hunter, explains:

Moving beyond the often misrepresented debate, this programme reveals why some people remain vaccine hesitant.

The deprecatory word “hesitant” means “tentative, unsure, or slow in acting.”

There is no room in the programme-maker’s minds for the possibility that people who chose to remain “unvaccinated” have considered the risk-benefit of these shots, have looked at the available evidence and have decisively concluded that they don’t want a COVID-19 jab.

Hunter’s statement absolutely “misrepresents” the debate. As the producer of the forthcoming BBC documentary, it seems the chance of it providing a balanced exploration of the issue is remote to non-existent. There is little reason to expect the BBC to provide an “independent, impartial and truthful” documentary.

Indeed, objectively discussing any facet of the alleged pandemic is way beyond the reach of the BBC. As a state propaganda operation, all it can do is parrot the official narrative spouted by the government and its partners, who are, in this instance, the pharmaceutical corporations.

In its press release announcing the documentary, the BBC claims that the programme will focus on:

…confronting the latest science and statistics to emerge in the field and dissecting how misinformation spreads on social media.

The BBC cannot succeed in this task because the science and the statistics rarely support the disinformation it has been commissioned to spread.

Consequently, it must deceive and misdirect its audience to make sure they believe its propagandist tripe. More to the point, the BBC is itself one of the most prolific distributors of online misinformation.

For example, in its press release the BBC says:

After multiple lockdowns and more than 197,000 deaths, experts are warning we’re now entering a fifth wave of the pandemic. So why are five million adults in the UK still yet to receive a single dose of the vaccine?

Putting aside for the moment that there are actually more than eleven million UK adults yet to receive a single dose of the vaccine and the fact that the BBC itself reported that there were just three million less than a week later, the rest of this claim assumes, without good reason, that there was a “pandemic” in the first place.

We now know there is very little evidence that a genuine pandemic ever occurred, yet the BBC keeps up its charade by omitting key facts.
Here is one such key fact: In 2009 the World Health Organisation (WHO) suddenly and radically changed its long-time definition of the word “pandemic.” It removed the defining phrase “several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness,” replacing it with reference to a disease for which “most people do not have immunity.”

Under this definition, practically any new disease can be declared a pandemic. But the BBC won’t inform its audience of the WHO’s changed definition nor the fact that under the original, and more valid, definition, COVID-19 disease could never have been described as a pandemic.

The BBC has left its audience in the dark about a number of other important facts:

  1. as of the 19th of March 2020, UK public health authorities did not consider COVID-19 to be “a high-consequence infectious disease” due to its low mortality;
  2. all-cause mortality (the overall death rate) in 2020, the year of the so-called “outbreak,” ranked as only the 9th highest death rate in the first two decades of the 21st century;
  3. people with injured limbs and stomach pain were being admitted to hospital as registered COVID-19 patients, thus giving an entirely false impression of a severe pandemic disease;
  4. there is no statistical evidence of any beneficial effect from any supposed COVID-19 vaccine;
  5. many deaths have been caused, not by any single disease, but by the policy response to an alleged pandemic.

In the press release for its upcoming “documentary,” the BBC refers to the figure of 197,000 UK deaths from COVID-19 as if that figure is scientifically or statistically indisputable. Not only can it be questioned, it has been!

So why doesn’t the BBC mention this?

By deliberately using the largest possible figure, the BBC is attempting to elicit an emotional reaction to the highly questionable number of supposed COVID deaths. The BBC is playing on people’s emotions in order to avoid any objective analysis of the data. Its intention is to manipulate its audience into unquestioning acceptance of a story about a severe pandemic which does not stand up to scrutiny.

Let’s pause to make an important point: The collection, analysis and reporting of COVID-19 mortality data has been deliberately altered and manipulated by governments around the world, all of which worked and continue to work in partnership with the WHO. Nowhere has this manipulation been more pronounced than in the UK, where the engineering of COVID-19 mortality statistics has been quite remarkable.

Mainstream media outlets, especially the BBC, have perpetuated baseless fearmongering.

For example, for the first time in the history of reporting deaths from a respiratory disease, propagandists like the BBC are reporting cumulative deaths instead of the annual mortality rates or the more common seasonal variation in these figures. If the same were done for, say, influenza, total flu deaths would be measured in millions, depending on the chosen start date for the accumulation of the mortality data.

Another example: The BBC has chosen to report what the government claims to be “deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate.” While some of these likely were genuine COVID-19 deaths, the expansive, all-encompassing methodology that the government and the WHO created to attribute as many deaths as possible to COVID-19 renders the bulk of these statistics virtually meaningless.

In truth, we don’t know how many people in the UK have died as a direct consequence of COVID-19, though estimates in the region of 20,000 – 25,000 seem reasonable.

The BBC never questions the mortality statistics. It simply takes the figures from the government and reports them without any investigation or analysis. This is essentially the BBC’s purpose: to report whatever it is told to report.

In announcing its faux documentary, the BBC says:

In this timely, eye-opening investigation [. . .] Professor Hannah Fry seeks to understand why eight percent of the population remain unvaccinated against Covid-19.

In reality, more than twenty percent of adults in the UK are “unvaccinated.” The BBC can’t even write a press release for its forthcoming documentary without publishing deceptive statistics. So it is safe to say the “documentary” itself will be little more than a marketing promotion for the jabs.

Statistics from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) on vaccine coverage in England show that the actual percentage of the “unvaccinated” population is very close to thirty percent, not the eight percent the BBC alleges. The English figures are broadly representative of the UK as a whole and can be extrapolated.
Jab uptake increases with age.

Thus, if we exclude children under 18, then more than twenty percent of the UK adult population are unvaccinated. The subsequent uptake of booster jabs has declined markedly from the one-and-two dose uptake. Millions of Brits decided, for whatever reason, that two shots was their limit. Only fifty-two percent have elected to have the first booster (the third jab).

Speaking in December 2021, then-Health Secretary Sajid Javid said that, in order to be considered fully vaccinated for the proposed “covid pass,” one would need to have three jabs.

If three becomes the definition of “fully vaccinated,” which seems unlikely given the lack of interest, then currently forty-eight percent of the total UK population, and more than thirty-five percent of the adult population, are not “fully vaccinated.”

The BBC launched its “documentary” by trying to deceive its audience into believing that there is only a tiny fringe minority of indecisive folk who don’t want the COVID jabs. In point of fact, it is nearly half of the UK population.

Not only has the BBC lied about the statistics in its press release, it has even misrepresented the debate it proposed to examine by calling the millions of people who made an informed decision not to have the jabs “hesitant.” But that’s because the BBC is all about propaganda, not journalism.

When some diligent independent researchers did what real journalists are supposed to do and picked up on the BBC’s deception, the BBC simply changed its press release.

Since citing real statistics was a bit too tricky for the BBC—after all, it only has an annual budget of around £5 billion—the revised web page now reads:

In this timely, eye-opening investigation [. . .] Professor Hannah Fry seeks to understand why a portion of the population remain unvaccinated against Covid-19.

Despite there being no reason to trust anything the BBC ever says, the broadcaster implores its viewers to “trust” it simply by pronouncing its own trustworthiness. For the BBC, your “trust” demonstrates your “faith,” allowing it to tell you stories without the need for investigative journalism or even supporting evidence. By contrast, the evidence invariably reveals that the BBC is completely untrustworthy.

According to BBC, its so-called “documentary” is going to be based on bombarding seven hapless unvaccinated lay people with a barrage of pro-vaccine “experts.” Once browbeaten into submission by these authoritative opinions, the victims will then be subject to the BBC’s logical fallacy tactic of appeal to authority. In other words, these high priests of “the science” will explain how the BBC’s seven victims have been misled by “anti-vaxxer” propaganda.

It is highly likely that even if the seven subjects cogently explain why they have decided not to be injected with experimental concoctions, the BBC will edit out any and all valid points they make—and/or deny whatever evidence they cite. We can make these predictions with relative ease, simply by noting the extraordinary level of deceit already present in the BBC’s press release announcing its “programme.”

We can make still further forecasts about the BBC’s alleged “investigation.” For one thing, it won’t honestly report on the current status of the vaccine trials.

Namely, it will neglect to inform its audience that the NCT04368728 trial of the Pfizer-BioNTech jab isn’t finished. And it will not reveal that neither the NCT04470427 trial of Moderna’s mRNA jab nor Johnson & Johnson’s NCT04614948 Jansen trials have posted any results, because these trials, too, are incomplete.

Moreover, the BBC will strenuously avoid pointing out the implication of these facts—probably by not reporting them.
Unless the recipients of these drugs were told that the jabs they were about to receive were experimental, they couldn’t possibly have given their informed consent.

Consequently, whenever they weren’t informed, administration of the jab contravened nearly every known medical ethic, including those outlined in the Nuremberg Code. But the BBC won’t mention this, either.

It is also safe to say that the BBC will not tell its audience that AstraZeneca concluded the NCT04516746 trial of its AZD1222 adenovirus jab more than a year before schedule by not bothering to conduct a quality control review, rendering its so-called vaccine trial results practically meaningless.

The BBC will not tell anyone that the British Medical Journal (BMJ) disclosed that both Moderna and Jansen (J&J) confirmed that they had given the jabs to their placebo control groups, ending any prospect of their trials ever meeting the basic standards for randomised controlled studies. When the BMJ asked Pfizer if it had done the same, Pfizer declined comment.

Instead, the BBC will almost certainly claim that the jabs have been through extensive clinical trials. It will just omit the part about them having failed to properly complete any.

The BBC will not acknowledge the freedom of information requests and subsequent court ruling in the US that overturned the Federal Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to delay release of Pfizer’s primary safety monitoring data for 75 years.

The Federal Court forced the FDA to release the damning results of Pfizer’s own early monitoring of adverse reactions following the jab rollout in the US and Europe.

In the space of just a couple of months, there were approximately 42,000 adverse reactions to the Pfizer mRNA jab alone, with just over 25,000 of those confirmed by medical exam and the other 16,000+ unconfirmed. Of these, more than 1,200 injuries resulted in death. More than 11,000 of the injured had not recovered from their serious adverse event at the time of reporting.

The BBC certainly won’t report the Israeli study, the results of which indicate that the Pfizer jab prompts a marked decline in male fertility.

Nor will the BBC mention that Pfizer’s own research shows that, contrary to all of Pfizer’s marketing claims, the corporation knew during the trial phase that the lipid nanoparticles used in its jabs found their way into the liver, adrenal glands and spleen and, in particular, accumulated in female recipients’ ovaries.

The BBC may well have to acknowledge the more-than-38,000 possible vaccine deaths reported to the US VAERS system, the 2,200 deaths reported in the UK and the 46,000 deaths recorded by the European Medicines Agency.

Its “experts” will point out that there is no evidence that these deaths are caused by the vaccines and will say that the risk of the disease COVID-19 is far higher than any known risks from the COVID-19 jabs.

The BBC will almost certainly make extraordinary and extremely silly claims about how many lives the jabs have allegedly saved. Again these claims will be based upon nothing but baseless assumptions about what could have happened according to some spurious “predictive model.” Rather like claiming your anti-unicorn spray has stopped a million unicorns from grazing your lawn because you don’t have any unicorns in your garden.

As we have just discussed, the risks of harm from COVID-19 claimed by the government and its propaganda outlets—the BBC foremost—are so implausible they verge on absurd. Yet the BBC will not inform its audience that, to date, not one of the regulators has produced a comprehensive risk-benefit analysis for any of the jabs. So the inevitable BBC claims that the jab benefits outweigh the risks will literally be based upon nothing at all.

Something else that the BBC won’t mention is that none of the respective regulatory agencies have done anything to investigate any reported vaccine deaths.

The BBC will not go anywhere near reporting the findings of a team of eminent German pathologists who performed autopsies on 40 corpses of people who died within two weeks of vaccination—and who identified the vaccine as the likely cause of death in one-third of the cases.

Nor will the BBC report statements like those from the UK regulator, the MHRA, that adverse reactions, including deaths, are significantly undereported, with just ten percent of serious reactions and between two percent and four percent of non-serious reactions recorded.

Hannah Fry (seated middle) and her cast of “anti-vaxxers”

What the BBC will do instead is rely upon carefully cherry-picked scientific papers, a narrow band of selected “expert opinion,” speculative statistics and emotionally charged anecdotes to convince its audience that the seven victims of its hit piece, though well meaning, are all hopelessly deluded due to the scourge of online disinformation.

It may well try to squeeze in reference to the proposed Online Safety Act and suggest that this government policy is essential to tackle the disinformation problem fabricated in its documentary.

Of course, if the BBC were serious about its professed wish to “fully explore this complex and deeply divisive debate,” it wouldn’t simply subject a group of ordinary men and women to a tirade of unchallenged claims from its hand-picked group of “experts.”

If it really wanted to tackle the debate with any objectivity or journalistic integrity, it would also report the views of some of the many eminently qualified scientists and physicians who do question the COVID-19 narrative and the alleged safety and efficacy of the vaccines.

It would be genuinely interesting to see people like Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Mike Yeadon, Professor Carl Heneghen and Professor Arne Burkhardt explain some of their reservations. Perhaps other scientists, physicians and experts who have questioned the vaccines and the COVID-19 pandemic could be heard.

Maybe the statistician and Nobel Laureate Professor Michael Levitt; epidemiologists like Professor John Ioannidis or Professor Knut Wittkowski; experts in clinical drug development such as Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova; or physicians such as Dr. Peter McCullough or Dr. Roger Hodkinson could be invited to challenge the BBC’s preferred experts.

The audience and the seven subjects of the BBC’s attack could then hear both sides of the argument. But that won’t happen.

Alas, many won’t get to see the BBC’s vaccine marketing programme because they have already decided that they will no longer pay for its propaganda to be beamed into their heads. These numbers are swelling all the time, hence the deceptive plan to allegedly end the BBC license fee while a desperate workaround is conjured up to make sure the BBC’s coffers remain stuffed with gargantuan amounts of public money.

Still, we might get to watch “Unvaccinated, with Professor Hannah Fry” when it finds its way on to Odysee, BitChute, Rumble or some other worthy video-sharing platform. If so, it will perhaps be interesting for some to see how accurate or inaccurate this article is.

In the meantime, let’s give the Beeb the benefit of the doubt and hope this post is way off the mark. Instead of the awful propagandist drivel we might expect, let’s hope the BBC proves that these suspicions are born of nothing but unfounded, anti-BBC bias.

Bet they aren’t.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Jul 22, 2022 2:49 PM

Hannah Fry and the Peacock Feather. Part One: The Spooky Coincidence:

Hannah Fry and the Peacock Feather. Part Two: Secrets and Lies:


Jul 22, 2022 11:14 PM
Reply to  Foggy

In 2012 channel 4 did a show with Derren Brown called Apocalypse.

A member of the public is given a second chance at life when mentalist Derren Brown makes him realise how important life is by tricking him into believing that a meteor has hit the earth releasing a virus that turns people into zombies.

After watching this the convidians must have thought they could pull operation ‘covid’ off. 😂 

Jul 23, 2022 5:33 AM
Reply to  Foggy

Amazing. More proof it is a Plandemic.

Jul 22, 2022 12:05 PM


Miss Fry and the Peacock Feather part two , Christmas lectures.

Jul 22, 2022 12:00 PM

She also did a nice little freemasonic number for The Christmas Lectures 2019.

Jul 22, 2022 11:38 AM


Hannah Fry and the Peacock Feather

Grant Parker
Grant Parker
Jul 21, 2022 4:15 PM

Dear Iain,
What a brilliantly researched, evidence-based reply. Something we have seen little of in any mainstream media these past two years, bravo. It shows that Off Guardian is one of the few papers, unlike The Guardian, NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates or any other NGO or government.
As a media owner myself, I know from one of the participants, Nazarin Veronica that the six days of the debate were edited in such a way to try to discredit any of the rational arguments that were raised. Whatever happened to open debate and impartiality at the BBC? Did Auntie think they could get away with not declaring to the participants or viewers the crucial Pfizer links and conflicts of interests of these experts? Professor Adam Finn just happens to be the leader of the Pfizer Centre of Excellence for Epidemiology of Vaccine-preventable Diseases – set up with an initial £4.6 million investment in May 2021. In addition, their ‘vaccine is safe’ for pregnant women ‘expert’ just happens to be the PI of the Pfizer Covid vaccine in pregnancy trial. This was an appalling omission by the BBC.
When did the Beeb we all grew up with and trusted to deliver impartial news and programming go awry? In 2020 Tim Davie was installed as the new Director General of the BBC. We, the license payers, should demand his removal immediately as Davie is a member of the criminal globalist organisation, The World Economic Forum, along with both Tory candidates to replace Boris as PM – Sunak and Truss.
Sadly, my love affair with the institution that created held my undivided trust, affection and loyalty for five decades is over. The BBC is relegated to the same pile of “fake news” paddlers and propagandists as the rest of the legacy news media.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Grant Parker

You think the BBC is bad, try wading through the sludge in the ABC – Australia – wall to wall catastrophists and out right liars.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 21, 2022 1:32 PM

Have just come across the following article; it refers to the ‘Unvaccinated’ documentary, the subject of this Off-G article. So thought I’d post it.

“Prof. Hannah Fry who presented BBC documentary ‘Unvaccinated’ also presented ‘Contagion: the Pandemic’ in 2018. 2 yrs pre-‘Covid’. Coincidence…”, at:


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 7:58 AM

This is an Australian journalist working for the Guardian who actually seems to think that a jab meant to stop dying but is killing thousands around the world – well read the nonsense yourself and roll around the floor just a little bit

hi, I won’t engage with some obvious conspiracy theories or your misinterpretation (wilful or accidental) of the scientific facts here. If you’re relying on interim analysis from March 2020 (more than 2 years ago) about a brand new virus which had never been seen before, I’d suggest that science knowledge moves quickly and obviously what was believed in early days of Covid (barely two months after it began spreading widely) is no longer the most up-to-date information

as for your point about “the NSW reports which show almost everyone in hospital for covid have been jabbed and the bulk of deaths are three or 4 jabs” – that’s because more than 95% of NSW has been double vaccinated at least. Purely from a simple mathematics standpoint, if 95+ of the entire population has been vaccinated, of course there will be a large % of vaccinated people showing up in hospital. That’s how mathematics and population works

People who’ve been vaccinated are dying at a much lower rate than those who have not been. Simple fact. If you haven’t been vaccinated, I’d recommend you do so. Thanks.

Jul 21, 2022 10:39 AM

the NSW reports which show almost everyone in hospital for covid have been jabbed and the bulk of deaths are three or 4 jabs

Such observational data where the groups are not matched is not how you do science. It is the same sort of pseudoscience you would expect from ‘vaccine’ pushers. To do a proper comparison you would need to control for belief in ‘the virus’. There is not just 1 drug involved in ‘vaccination’. First there is the administration of ‘virus’ propaganda which causes fear and could make a ‘vaccine’ nothing more than a antidote to that fear. The ‘beneficial’ effect of the ‘vaccine’ would have to equal the negative impact of the ‘virus’ propaganda even to get a neutral result. If ‘the vaccine’ only partially compensated for the ‘virus’ propaganda the overall outcome would still be negative. Research shows that even the placebo group in ‘vaccine’ trials suffered adverse events:

This study found that the rate of nocebo responses in placebo arms of COVID-19 vaccine trials was substantial; this finding should be considered in public vaccination programs.


Instead of injecting ‘a placebo’ that people might think was ‘a vaccine’ something healthful like a glass of orange juice should be used. You would need to look at the overall effect on health rather than some pseudoscientific factor like ‘antibodies’ or Pcr ‘tests’. The impact on diet and lifestyle caused by the belief in ‘viruses’.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 12:42 PM
Reply to  Mike

There is no fucking virus, why are you babbling this nonsense at me? The NSW health department do the reports, not me, they also explain that most died of something else but the number of Australian journalists who report that is 0.

Jul 21, 2022 3:36 PM

Like I said it is a pseudoscientific approach. All anyone would need do is look at how most of the ‘unvaxxed’ are children to work out why they might be dieing less. Someone might then conclude they have no further need to investigage whereas if you had made a more solid point using proper science they would not be turned off. This sort of observational data is commonly used by ‘vaccine’ pushers and may be effected by “healthy user bias”:

Vaccine safety studies are typically compare health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. In order to obtain accurate results, the two groups must be “matched”, meaning they have similar health and lifestyle characteristics. Matching groups is straightforward if the researchers have control over who gets the vaccine and who doesn’t. If researchers do not have this control (known as an “observational” study), it is impossible to assure the groups are matched. The resulting group differences can cause biases that severely distort the study outcome. Poor matching can cause the study to be totally wrong.


Jul 21, 2022 12:33 PM

You must be a doctor of some sort. But given that even doctors are struggling to properly diagnose patients at distance, complete strangers on the internet doing the same is even more dangerous & ludicrous. Even if you are a doctor, your advise to complete strangers to be vaccinated is extremely irresponsible. You have no inkling whether they might be at risk of anaphylaxis or other severe reactions.

Whether you or anyone else likes it or not, vaccination is meant to be a measure that reduces the likelihood of infection, severe illness, hospitalisation & death & it’s patently clear to anyone with half open eyes that these rushed out vaccines are doing none of those things.

According to a letter to The Lancet on Nov 19th 2021, almost 90% of British covid cases in the over-60’s were amongst the double vaccinated, while less than 4% were amongst the vaccine-free.
Nov 19th – https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanepe/article/PIIS2666-7762(21)00258-1/Fulltext

And according to a UK gov report dated Sept 17th 2021, 63% of Delta deaths were amongst the double vaccinated with just 28% of deaths in the vaccine-free. Deaths were mostly in the over-50’s.

Therefore 90% of British cases & 63% of resulting deaths are in the double vaccinated.
Sept 17th. Page 19/20 – https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1018547/Technical_Briefing_23_21_09_16.pdf

This is patent evidence that the vaccines are making things worse not better & it does not matter how high a percentage of vaccinated make up the population. If the vaccines work, the vaccinated absolutely should not be the majority being infected, hospitalised & killed by the virus against which they have been vaccinated. Anyone who cannot accept this simple fact or tries to spin as vaccine positive is so utterly propagandised that they probably never will.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 21, 2022 4:22 PM
Reply to  Sid

Marilyn knows full well that the injections are immensely dangerous. Her earlier post (above) was her quoting an Australian journalist who was (despicably) pushing the injections. Ie, it’s not Marilyn who’s pushing them. If people didn’t read her post carefully, they’d have wrongly thought that she was promoting the jabs, when she, Marilyn, was quoting someone [a ‘journalist’] on the wrong side of this. Her post didn’t make that clear, unless you read it carefully.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 5:07 PM

I was so appalled at the logic of a millenial ”journalist” perhaps I wasn’t clear, but I did say at the beginning it was from an Australian journalist, thought that might be a give away

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 21, 2022 5:57 PM

Yes, Marilyn, everyone who read your post properly/diligently would have understood that you were quoting a journalist [on the wrong side of this nightmare], but quite a number of people don’t read things carefully… they skim a post/whatever, and thus that sometimes leads to misinterpretations.
The way your post was presented, for eg, the last two lines (yes, you were quoting the words of the deluded Australian journalist!), made it [wrongly] look as if it was you claiming that injected people are dying less than uninjected people, and promoting the [evil] ‘jab’.

When I provide family members and friends with information from various sources, when I’m quoting someone else (be it a doctor, scientist, lawyer, whoever), I preface the quote with the words OPEN QUOTE, and at the end of the quote, I write [no prizes for guessing!] the words CLOSE QUOTE.
Making it clear that the words inside the QUOTES are not mine, but are the words of whoever said them.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 6:53 PM

I am way too impatient to be bothered explaining in such detail for people who cannot read

Jul 21, 2022 9:11 PM

Yeah, I got it at once too. But this might be because I “know” you.

I could tell immediately that you’d get strong negative feedback from persons who didn’t catch your somewhat breezy disclaimer that you were merely quoting a Useful Idiot.  😉 

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  Ort

More like a totally useless idiot

Jul 22, 2022 1:50 PM

I’m feeling a tad dimwitted myself. Hasty retreat in order.
Sorry again.

Jul 22, 2022 1:28 PM

oh b*lls. Thanks for the heads up, sorry, sorry. My first post here. Lol

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 21, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  Sid

Yeah, I am shocked too at the number of doctors who think muzzling all the healthy people is medicine

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 21, 2022 9:09 PM

Why are people downvoting this? This wasn’t Marilyn’s own belief, this was quoted from a BBC journalist as evidence of what these lunatics believe.

It’s terrifying that you can be that dumb and still be a reporter.

Chris Reynolds
Chris Reynolds
Jul 21, 2022 10:49 PM

Loving being unvaccsd. Your advice will fall on deaf ears.
If you are part lf the flock your on the trsin yo the slaughter house. People get off, but no one is getting on. Simple fact

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 22, 2022 8:01 AM
Reply to  Chris Reynolds

It is not my advice to be jabbed, why don’t you read the opening sentence of the original post where I clearly stated IT WAS THE BABBLING OF A GUARDIAN JOURNALIST.

Jul 24, 2022 11:33 AM

Jeez…..it was not “clearly stated” at all. If it had been….there wouldn’t have been all the resultant confusion. Just admit you fucked up.

Casual observer
Casual observer
Jul 30, 2022 11:09 AM

Hahaha, (just to be clear, I agree with you) but you are pissing in the wind if you are expecting an apology…

Jul 22, 2022 7:04 AM

Just a thought (as I was one of those confused), but perhaps you should use quote marks when you quote someone… And if you had’ve started with “This is from an Australian journalist… “, and then put : at the end of “bit”, it would have made it so much clearer!

When I first read your post, I wasn’t syure who this “Australian journalist” was referring to, and thought it was actually Hannah Fry (possible), or the journo who did the piece in the link directly above.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 22, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  Shiningbrow

Australian journos are such precious petals if you use their names they sue for defamation, That is why I said clearly, ‘this is a journalist working for the Guardian, read the rubbish for yourself. Why is that unclear?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 20, 2022 10:37 PM

I am assuming that this topic is still open as the programme has just finished.

Well. Where do we start?

Strawman arguments throughout was the general impression as well as a really archaic form of Auntie beeb comforts (Sorry, non Brits. it doesn’t translate)

I particularly liked the assertion that the NHS consent form was slated for saying 1 in 29,000 death from jab was provable “misinformation” (How I hate that word!!)

So what was the real figure?

The question is, what would I think watching that if I was a covidian?

I’m not sure!!

I think the BBC have fucked up.

They thought they were being clever but have raised more questions than they wanted raised.

Norms will be typing Guillain Barré and Myocarditis

The fact that professor Adam Finn, avuncularly featured in the broadacast, received £4.6 million investment from Pfizer was conveniently omitted.

As was the Pfizer connection of London Obstetrician Asma Kahlil. Another “beneficiary”

It fucking stinks

Jul 21, 2022 7:27 AM

I thought it was ok. Admission of side effects. Admission of the profits of pharmaceutical companies (well at least the US ones). Admission that over 30% of the population have very little trust in mainstream news. Attempts to awe people with statistics, which didn’t really work/backfired.

Chanelle struck me as a possible plant(?) (tended to speak in generalities), but the rest seemed genuine imho.

A particularly powerful testimony from the lady whose friend suffered paralysis etc post-vaccine. That one clearly got to Hannah.

So, if anything, an encouragement to the unvaccinated that ‘you are not alone’

Jul 24, 2022 11:39 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

It was godawful. I wanted to turn it off after 10 mins because of the way everything was being framed but my wife insisted to keep it on so we could see the entire train wreck. And in that respect it didn’t disappoint. It was clear from the get-go the BBC had zero intent to fairly and impartially investigate and present the issues. The worst, most vile brand of propaganda. 🤮

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jul 20, 2022 3:45 PM

Once should remember that the BBC and following them Ofcom staffed by senior ex and current BBC employees
Have there very own definition of the word ACCURACY
The dictionary definition of accuracy “the quality or state of being correct or precise.”
Does not suite the BBC or Ofcom
According to the BBC when they use the word ACCURACY they are using there own definition of the word. Not that they bother telling you that they are using there own definition.
 The BBC definition is Due accuracy is defined as that which is “adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation
I only found out that the BBC had there own definition of Accuracy when I complained to them about content that was not TRUE. In response to my evidence that they were lying
They replied that evidence is not proof.
Of course evidence has to be tested against the facts to establish proof.
I supplied both the evidence and the facts but for the BBC this does not matter as there content only has to meet the Due Accuracy criteria.
So I have no doubt that the BBC Anti-Vax content will meet BBC Due accuracy definition.
It will surpass my audience expectations of due accuracy from the BBC.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2022 3:03 PM

…I kin understand their frustation, tho’… – I myself have been ‘BBC-hesitant’ ever since they came out as a safe harbour and enabler of the very worst establishment pederasts…

…- As the cops like to say: – The BBC has ‘Form‘…

…In other news, I see deaths from ‘Suddenly’ are up:…



Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 2:08 PM

The American, Steve Kirsch, here provides almost 100 ‘leading indicators’ that the ‘safe & effective’ narrative is breaking down.

“The ‘safe and effective’ narrative is falling apart”, at:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 4:31 PM

Whoever thumbed-down my link, above, needs to wake up… (OR they misinterpreted the title of the document…).

Jul 20, 2022 7:32 PM

Chris, there’s a visiting troll or two who make sure to downvote any comments exposing the lies.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 8:18 PM
Reply to  Jan

Yes, you’re right, of course. What a tragedy, that there are some humans who do not want to fight for the future of the human race, but who want to push us further into the dire peril that we currently face.

The Steve Kirsch document which I provided the link to, earlier [above], is 35pp in length. It gives many, many incontrovertible evidences that these egregious injections are part of an immensely nefarious, sinister agenda. Anyone who reads that document and still claims that the ‘jabs’ are ‘safe’ most certainly needs a ‘reality check’.

Apparently, Mr Kirsch is regularly updating the item; at the time I posted the link, it had 91 evidences [each given in detail].

Many members of my own immediate and extended family still refuse to engage with any of the veritable wealths of evidences which demonstrate that the ‘official narrative’ is completely and utterly false. My younger brother [56] has subjected to me such very vile ridicule and abuse, because, right from the start of this nightmare in early 2020, I’ve provided them with mountain-loads of trustworthy information which indeed prove that the ‘official narrative’ is false, and that the injections are immensely dangerous. In fact, it now seems that he and his wife have now rejected me, over it… well, ‘good riddance to bad rubbish’ then, I say, re. my younger sibling and his wife.

They’ve all compliantly rolled up their sleeves… two, three and, in some cases, four times (more fool them, of course). And that was after I’d provided them, months before the injections were ‘rolled out’, much data from honest doctors and scientists around the world who’d been issuing dire warnings to people not to go anywhere near these ‘jabs’. I’ve been providing them all with information re. the horrific results of people who submitted… and yet still my relatives, and some equally gullible, brainwashed friends, have continued to go back for more.
Maybe they’ll have to find out the hard way.

Jul 20, 2022 9:23 PM

I’ve often written about my Normal older sister, M., nominally well-educated but a stolid sociopolitical moderate who reads the New York Time and listens to NPR religiously. We’re both in our late 60s.

To my surprise, during the first weeks of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic it became clear that M. uncritically bought into the official narrative and had become a terrified scamdemic thrall. Sadly, in January 2021 she cheered on the imminent release of the new “COVID vaccines”; during a Zoom call she optimistically observed that once “we”, and the general public, had all gotten vaccinated the “pandemic” would speedily wind down and things would return to normal.

M. hoped that we could have a belated “Christmas party” by early summer at the latest, to make up for her cancellation of our traditional holiday get-togethers. Not only did that party never happen, but for the next two years M. laid low. She alternated between staying at home, or (with her husband) staying in their seashore condo; but she refused to visit the beach, or the center of town where there were “a lot of people”.

Unlike you, once we realized that we had irreconcilable perspectives of the scamdemic, we tacitly “agreed to disagree”. She did learn that I remained resolutely unjabbed, which may account for her decision to invite me to a Christmas lunch at a restaurant last year. M. never explicitly explained why, but I can only infer that she was nervous about having my unvaxxed carcass in her home.

After enthusiastically reporting that she and her spouse had gotten those salvific jabs in 2021, because of our divergent opinions she stopped informing me of future jabs. I’m sure she’s gotten “boosters”, although I don’t know how many.

We didn’t turn mutually hostile, but our communication had dwindled to desultory e-mail exchanges on non-scamdemic topics– often lighthearted material from my end. But then I noticed that, beginning in June, she went noticeably quiet; even her terse but friendly responses to my e-mails– say, recommending a funny video– all but ceased entirely.

Finally, early this month, she informed me and my fellow scamdemic-resisting older brother (who devolved into the same “agree to disagree” mode with M.) that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer in May. The good news is that it was caught so early that the biopsy removed most of the tiny tumor that was detected. She has to have an out-patient procedure next month, and they’re recommending radiation therapy.

I doubt that I’ll ever broach the topic with M., but I’m certain that her cancer is a vax injury. Of course, “certain” is bold since it’s pure educated guesswork. But it’s worth pointing out that there is no history of cancer in our family, including M. 

Of course, I feel sorry for her and hope that the cancer is successfully treated and doesn’t recur. Although I can’t help but be curious about whether M. or her spouse even consider the possibility that the jab(s) triggered the cancer, as you may surmise there’s no way to know. But again, although speculative I’m certain that they will not make, or entertain, the possibility.

M.’s husband has long preached his personal “accentuate the positive” approach to life; he deplores “negativity”, and often remonstrates with M. for “going right to the ‘negative'” in our family discussions (i.e., back when we still had them). I’m also certain that M.’s doctors and professional caregivers studiously avoid raising the possibility of vax injury, and would either superciliously or sympathetically insist that M. not dwell on the possibility. The important thing is to “get well”, which surely implies avoiding trips down dark, dead-end alleys of “negativity”.

One of the most insidious aspects of the vax quasi-genocide is that this crime against humanity is self-effacing or self-sealing. Whether an enthusiastic True Believer in pathogenic viruses and vaccinations who welcomed the jab(s), or a skeptic who reluctantly submitted to them due to coercive circumstances, post-jab injury will be rationalized away due to the miracle of largely unconscious cognitive dissonance.  😠 

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 20, 2022 10:56 PM
Reply to  Ort

The poison is causing cancers of all kinds in all ages

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 11:15 PM
Reply to  Ort

Hi Ort, thanks for the reply.

Yes, you mentioned to me in a post some months ago re. your sister, M., and how the current global situation had affected your sibling relationship. I did reply to your comment at the time; hopefully you saw it.

I’m sorry to hear about M’s health issue. Yes, I agree that it may well be a result of the jab… there is so much documentation from doctors around the world (Dr Ryan Cole, a compatriot of yours, springs to mind), that many different cancers are ‘springing up…’: cancers that would not be expected, and that people who were in ‘remission’ are having to deal with a re-appearance of their cancers…

With regard to my brother and I. He’s 56, and his wife is 37. Ever since this global nightmare began, my family members (who reside in various places, here in the UK) have chosen to slavishly follow the ‘official narrative’, in spite of my having provided them with much trustworthy information which would demonstrate to everyone who had even a modicum of intelligence that the ‘official narrative’ was false, and that the MSM was spewing out false propaganda. My relatives chose to still adhere to what they were ‘told’ by the people on their beloved TVs.

I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years (I’m 63). Unfortunately, I’m the only one in my immediate and extended family who’s ‘awake’… I’ve received rather a lot of [wholly unwarranted, I might add] ridicule and/or abuse from a number of relatives, throughout the years, on various big subjects in life, where the ‘official narrative’ is most definitely not the actual, factual truth. And especially from my brother. With regard to his abuse of me re. the situation we humans currently find ourselves in, all the way through, he’s subjected me to vile ridicule and abuse. Oh, I’ve fought my corner, of course!, I’m no weakling. I’ve responded (very angrily!!) to his abuse with fact after fact after fact. And yet still it’s not penetrated his mind. In September 2020, for instance, he chose to send me, via email, some links to articles which, to my stunned ‘amusement’, emanated from a couple of the known SCAM ‘fact check’ sites (including Wikipedia). Based on what he, my brother, said in the emails, it was patently obvious that he was not aware of the existence of the many scam ‘fact check’ sites. In my reply [in Sept. 2020], I not only explained to him re. the existence of the scam ‘fact check’ sites, and what they exist for, but I also provided him with a couple of links to articles which exposed one of the scam sites he’d sent me as being amongst those scam sites, including one which related how that fake site had been taken to court for libelling a truth-telling scientific site [re. the current global situation].
I also provided my brother with links to quite a number of high-quality articles by an American, Gary Null, re. the deceptive nature of the content of many Wikipedia articles.

So, bearing that in mind – that in Sept. 2020 I’d provided my brother with the above information, I was in disbelief when, in March 2022 [fully 18 months on from my having informed him that the links he’d sent me in Sept. 2020 emanated from scam/fake sites], he sent me links to further articles from the same fake/scam sites…!! ARGGH…
Indicating that he’d either ‘forgotten’ what I’d told him 18 months earlier or that he is so closed-minded that he chooses to slavishly follow the Establishment in everything, disregarding the veritable wealth of evidences which demonstrate that the ‘official narrative’ is indeed false.
He, my brother, is a computer consultant. So he ‘knows his stuff’ in that context. But with regard to the current situation, he’s gullibly fallen, hook, line and sinker, for the ‘official’ pronouncements.

About 6 weeks ago, I sent a text to him, his wife, and my sister and her husband. The nature of the contents of that text would have made every sibling/sibling-in-law who cared about their sibling [who’d sent the text] have replied… my sister did reply, in a good way. But my brother and his wife chose to ignore it. And there’s been no communication since, from either of them. Which is what makes me think that they may have chosen to reject me. They’ve certainly ‘gone silent’, put it that way.

At least you have some communication with your sister, M.

Yes, you’re so right, with what you say re. cognitive dissonance. That’s exactly what’s going on, with so many people around the world.
They need to open their eyes, and see what’s really going on.

Jul 21, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  Ort

As Rachel Carson suggested in Silent Spring, your family not having cancer in the past may not mean much since that time.

We do not have comparative figures for new/relapsed cancers before and since 2021. I wonder when the medical journals will show interest.

Though the typical treatment is exorbitant and agonising, Prof. Chas Bountra stated (in 2018) that it only extends life by approx. a couple of months.

I know of a lawyer who is suing 3 hospitals and 9 doctors for falsely diagnosing cancer in one of his kidneys. I too had a definite abnormality in one kidney, but the kidney specialist considered it not unusual, and I only made 1 follow-up visit to him. Keep this in mind wrt. your sister’s illness, i.e., the witch-doctors could be making hay while the sun shines.

Jul 21, 2022 9:02 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I appreciate the points you raise. 

Another objection, or consideration, that I didn’t mention in my previous post is that the seeming absence of a family history of cancer is compromised or called into question by the fact that in the past, a cancer diagnosis was often undisclosed and kept secret. I suppose this tacit taboo arose because cancer is so dreadful, and perhaps even because of a hysterical and superstitious belief that cancer is contagious– persons diagnosed with cancer were, and maybe still are, equivalent to lepers. 

I know well that there will never be reliable, conclusive evidence that M.’s cancer was triggered by the toxic COVID jabs. As I suggested, the very question is effectively taboo. I know another woman, X., my age (67) who reluctantly got the jab against her better judgment, ostensibly in order to resume long-suspended in-person visits to her husband, who has advanced MS and is confined to a nursing facility.

Coincidentally, X. had emergency heart surgery several months before the COVID jabs were available. But she informed me last month that she is scheduled for cataract surgery because her glaucoma got worse. We don’t discuss the possibility of the jab causing or exacerbating her glaucoma. 

I’m not so idiotic and insensitive as to assume that jabbed persons who are afterwards diagnosed with a serious malady readily relate the diagnosis to the jab, or even wonder about it. I understand the self-sealing or self-effacing dynamic in play; if one has just been told that one is seriously ill, dealing with the actual, presumably real illness (including the psychological shock) generally drives out horrific speculation about whether one is a vax-injury victim.

Even if I felt comfortable broaching such possibilities with my Normal scamdemic-thrall relatives, it wouldn’t surprise me if even wondering aloud whether M.’s cancer was vax-triggered would be considered appallingly heartless tinfoil-hattery.

“I have cancer, and all you can think about is your crazy anti-vax nonsense!”

BTW, it wouldn’t surprise me that even if M. did relate her cancer to the jab, she might well rationalize that it’s just bad luck, and wouldn’t particularly blame the vax-mongers or regret “unselfishly doing the right thing” and getting jabbed. For all I know, she’s still getting “boosters”!  😣 

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 9:27 PM

Oops!! I accidentally typed two words in the wrong order, in the post above. I meant (in 4th paragraph) “My younger brother [56] has subjected me to…”, and not “… has subjected to me…”.

Jul 20, 2022 11:53 PM

A sad, but common story Christine

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 21, 2022 1:13 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Yes, there are indeed many, many people around the world who are indeed experiencing their own personal versions of my experiences, as summarised above, re. the way I’m being treated by certain family members, re. this global nightmare.

My longtime partner left Earth in early 2019. He was 70 and, due to my knowing him so well, I feel that, had he still been here, he too would have fallen for the false ‘official narrative’. And would have very willingly submitted to the injections (he’d had a life-threatening lung disease for almost 20 years, so his doctor would no doubt have claimed that he was ‘vulnerable’… and that he should have the ‘jab’).

It’s possible, of course, that he might have pleasantly surprised me, and seen through the scam; but I have a feeling that he probably wouldn’t have done. Had that been the case, there might well have been some contention caused, with him submitting to the injections, and me absolutely refusing…

Jul 21, 2022 3:32 AM

MSM junkies are the worst Christine.
Gullible as.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 21, 2022 5:26 AM
Reply to  Johnny

You’re not wrong!!!

My family members, and most (but not all) of my friends are exactly that: MSM junkies. And the pitiful thing is that they’re not aware of it.

As you say, ‘gullible as’.

I hardly ever watched the TV (literally hardly ever!), though my partner watched rather a lot…
Just over a year ago, I decided to cancel my TV licence. As have more than a million households [here in the UK], since this global nightmare began, in early 2020. They having realised that the MSM was spewing out a pack of proven lies. (I even received a refund of £64!)

However, my relatives [in other parts of the UK] watch so very much TV… they seem to hang on the every word they hear emanating from that ‘black box in the corner of the room’ [as it’s often referred to as!].
I’ve explained to them ’till I’m blue in the face’ that the ‘mainstream’ Media, worldwide, is owned and, therefore, controlled by, the Globalist cabal of oligarchs who [covertly] run/control the world. And that therefore, what emanates from their beloved TVs is (in the main) propaganda; false propaganda.
But sadly, my having tried my hardest to enlighten them makes not one iota of difference in their thinking… they still remain [as you stated…] ‘gullible as’.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 20, 2022 10:03 PM
Reply to  Jan

I don’t worry about trolling cronies. up down votes in all honesty doubt they can be monitored on the net.
Bot whatever from these often oversea dumbies mean nothing to me.
Back when I just read comments the way they would type would give them away.
These on-line cronies are droning labelist repeater back up laughables like you are cia FBI mi5 mi6 77? Disinformation whatever.
Right now I am actually typing this out in a social club in the US with wonderful Americans.
If you think I give a rats bottom what dopes ‘downvote’, well,…out there frankly you need to get out more and talk to People.
I am naturally quiet person not shy if this comment is allowed to stand, on-line dickheads have no answer to comments from real people. They are robotically boring divervists cronies that the powers that be want to boot the fuck off Social Media. imo.

Jul 21, 2022 12:28 PM

I am on his mailing list too. I have been haranguing my political reps with his stuff. Epoch Times is another good source.

The Stage Magician
The Stage Magician
Jul 20, 2022 7:47 AM

If you want to know the truth, watch the BBC. Because everything they say is the opposite.

Jul 20, 2022 12:14 PM

It reminds me of what an old friend of mine used to say about when he lived in Soviet Russia: “Never believe anything until the government denies it” or words to that effect.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2022 3:23 PM

…The general form of your statement is my personal go-to ‘0th Law’ of media consumption…

…- Evil *Always* Inverts

Jul 21, 2022 12:31 PM

Dan Bongino likes to say this too. Generally, when the self designated “fact checkers” launch an attack against damaging “disinformation”, the information is true.

Jul 20, 2022 5:30 AM

No-one actually awake would have anything to do with the BBC. The people taking part in this are paid actors.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2022 3:18 PM
Reply to  Kat

…- They *Do* look a lot like central casting focus-group stereotypes…

…- Reminds me of that one episode of ‘The Thick Of It’ – In fact I’m suprised they didn’t just whittle ’em down to just one: – “Oh, she’s got *Everything* we’re looking for! – Let’s just use her…”

Jul 20, 2022 3:18 AM

Ditto ABC Australia.
Made by the ruling class.
Consumed by the middle class.
Paid for by the working class.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 19, 2022 10:56 PM

Why bother regurgitation the facts here that we are already aware of in order to try and counter what the BBC et al have and will let loose in their latest propaganda piece when OG and other AltMedia consumers won’t be watching, while BBC couch potatoes will never venture out into the fact-heavy media realms?

Waste of time. I want to read about trends that might indicate a turnaround from this nightmare.

Jul 20, 2022 2:16 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I’ve been agitating for that for a couple of years.
Frankly, I think even critical thinkers who have a pretty good idea of what’s really going on are scared of the implications of outright revolution.

The deranged monsters that run everything today are not going to wake up tomorrow and see the error or their ways. They will never give up their corrupt power voluntarily, which means a big confrontation is inevitable at some stage…

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 20, 2022 2:20 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Americans speak American British speak multicural English Welsh Scottish and Irish. The “BBC” is the world’s largest news collection whatever. All over the Bloody World in multiple Languages.
Now, if you cant even grasp that Fact. Say something in Italian you dumb FUCKS!
You Get it?
No., ok you explain to me what SARS Cov 2 is, go on And “Covid” go on ‘mother Fucker, I dare you, I double dare you …..
Oh dear, I seem to have slipped into a Pulp Fiction Mode.
I’am terribly sorry.

Jul 20, 2022 10:48 AM

rough day at work?

comment image

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2022 3:27 PM
Reply to  covidiot

…- Apparently, the troll department cubicle-farm shift supervisors are authorized to use riding crops… – And do so, *Freely*… 😉

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 21, 2022 2:02 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

What? am from the North of England born 1953 you stupid anonymous people.
My parents, grandparents were born raised in Manchester. You want to play plain Net dumb go right ahead. I’ve heard about you people on the Net with your troll accusation Nonesense.
At least what I believe to be Jaque has some bottle, you dickheads are pathetic.
Yes, am whatever you think I am, bugger off.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 21, 2022 5:01 AM

…I think you’re getting us, here, confused with 4chan, tho’ for myself, I am not in the least bit offended by the comparison – *Thankyou*…

“am from the North of England… My parents, grandparents were born raised in Manchester.”

…- Welp… – 77ers gotta spawn somewheres, I guess… – Or is that what folks in your trade refer to as a ‘Legend‘?…

“…you stupid anonymous people. …you dickheads are pathetic.”

…- Mm… – *Sick* burn, that…

“Yes, am whatever you think I am…”

…- Yes. I *Know*… – Thankyou for confirming it, anyways… 😉

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 19, 2022 9:52 PM

(N.B., when I posted this item a few minutes ago, I accidentally omitted one bit of the site address, thus would not have created a clickable link)

A scientist, Poornima Wagh, states that she and her team have proved that ‘covid-19′ and sars-cov-2’ definitely do not exist. Also, that at least six other scientific labs around the world have proved the same thing.

“The scamdemic ‘covid-19’ ‘sars-cov2’ – the virus that never existed” (video: 1.19.06 hours), at:


Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 19, 2022 10:58 PM

Can you prove that something does not exist? THEY must prove to us that it does exist!

Jul 20, 2022 5:23 AM

Interesting. It would be interesting to know the name of her lab and how she now makes a living since the FBI raid.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 19, 2022 9:46 PM

A scientist, Poornima Wagh, states that she and her team have proved that ‘covid’ and ‘sars-cov-2’ do not exist. Also that at least six other scientific labs around the world have also proved this.

“The scamdemic ‘covid’ sars-cov-2′ – the virus that never existed” (video: 1.19.06 hours), at:


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 20, 2022 11:36 AM

But we have known this for the whole time, the FDA stated that the CDC didn’t have any virus so they made one up.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 20, 2022 2:04 PM

Yes, I know that, Marilyn! But thought I’d provide this link anyway.

I’m in the UK (I know you’re in Australia; I have cousins who live in Brisbane, they emigrated back in 2006 or 2007), and am the only member of my immediate and extended family who’s been aware, right from the start of this evil, that it was an egregious scam/hoax, and that there is (with 99.999% certainty) no ‘virus’.

Right from the start, I provided members of my family (and also to friends [apart from two friends who were already ‘awake’]) with so much trustworthy information, information that would have made everyone with even a modicum of intelligence realise that it WAS all a scam/hoax. But no… they’ve all chosen to blindly-believe what they hear being spewed out on their beloved TVs. My younger brother [56] has subjected me to such vile ridicule and abuse; he’s so immensely gullible and brainwashed. It now seems that he and his wife have chosen to reject me…
I tried so hard to protect them all from this evil injection… but unfortunately they all proved incapable of being helped… their gullibility made them unable to discern the facts I provided them with from the lies they hear on their TVs.

I’m the only member of my family who’s not complied with any of the ‘rules’/’regulations’. Including, of course, that I refused to submit to the injection. My relatives and friends have had (variously) two, three and (in the case of my brother-in-law [75] and two friends [in their late 80s]) even four ‘jabs’…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 20, 2022 3:01 PM

My sister called me a holocaust denying nazi back in April 2020 with the taunt
‘ trust you to always be different” thinking that bit was an insult.

Now considering I have been a human rights and refugee advocate for over 50 years calling me a nazi was the final straw in a life long relationship in the toilet. I have not uttered a word to her since, she is not worth the grief.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Jul 21, 2022 5:38 AM

“Telling the truth wont make you many friends but you´ll get the right ones” – John Lennon

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2022 9:36 PM

Any chance of escaping pending purgatory?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2022 7:28 PM

The stilted back and forth banter between weather correspondents cements the Big Burnup scenario.

“So is this unusual?”

“Well yes and no” … which turns out to be YES.

And … wait for it , wait for it …. “I think we are looking at a new normal!”

Jul 20, 2022 1:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

With added “surging cases”.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 19, 2022 6:12 PM

Conflicts of Interest in Vaccination Policies (imoparty.com) – thought the Aussies here might enjoy this list, and the hoot story that the head of the Actuaries Institute maunder on that 300,000 people will have ”long covid’ and the story of the fully jabbed school teacher who thinks she has it because god knows it can’t be the fucking jabs. Long COVID cases set to grow as more people fall through the cracks of support – ABC News the fucking Australian media just won’t let up, more and more ridiculous yarns coming out and past off as facts.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 19, 2022 11:04 PM

What a list. It’s worse than even I thought. Thanks for the link.

This party was at the top of my list of candidates at the recent election. What did you make of the empty boxes with no party and candidate names appearing next to them on the ballot paper? Is anyone contesting the election at the legal level?

We live under a dictatorship already. It’s a farce, it’s depressing.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 20, 2022 8:05 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

And yet the crackpot media still hang on every word these tools say. Now SA who used to be sensible are adding people over 100 who died in May to the tragic deaths from covid.

Jul 19, 2022 5:23 PM

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 19, 2022 11:00 PM
Reply to  Annie

When it’s 30-40 degrees C in England, they scream “climate change”; when these temps are reached in Australia, we go to the beach.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 20, 2022 4:46 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Fuck you climate change Wank Spreaders.
Aussie Homos, you stopped me and friends swimming.
Australian Pussies.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Jul 21, 2022 5:43 AM

Wacko´s echo.

Wi Beeby
Wi Beeby
Jul 20, 2022 8:47 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Our beaches were packed yesterday but temps dropped to 23 degrees today with rain so hey ho normal UK summer after all .

Jul 19, 2022 5:17 PM

How to fool the nation’s with corrupt journalists and statistics and graphs it’s all bs to keep us in fear they are losing and they know it that’s why they are desperate.The fear porn is unbelievable it’s laughable.

Jul 19, 2022 5:05 PM

Quick the sky is falling in its too hot.Covid killed millions and we are in a nuclear war 😂😂😂👍

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 19, 2022 4:58 PM

Trust” the BBC… Everything is a trust. >

More information regarding the Cestui que trust (constructive trust) and its impact on civil rights (slavery).

Slavery = Roman Cult & Roman Cult = Slavery
March 24, 2017

More on the Cestui que trust

Jul 19, 2022 4:07 PM

OK so this is just a re-rinse of old BBC tactics which were used by the lying criminal propagandists to discredit the 911 and 77 movements seeking to expose the blatant lies put out by the MSMS surrounding these events. Expect a compartmentalised hit piece which does not address the real issues and expect to see doubters change their mind.

We had 911 Road Trip where Charlie Veitch – a very prominent UK activist who was screaming from the rooftops about Israel and state involvement in the 911 crimes – and a bunch of others went to the USA to be turned and have their minds changed. It worked. Charlie totally changed his mind, as did others. Same for the 77 “Debunking the Myths” BBC broadcast with the irritating comedian presenter which employed the same routine – take a bunch of doubters (or potentially at least some plants who pose as doubters) , brainwash them into changing their mind, avoid all the real juicy points which prove conspiracy beyond doubt etc.

Ill post some of the links below to tell this story so people can familiarise themselves with the techniques the lying scum at the BEEB will be using. Its interesting to revisit this because you can see how the 911 and 77 movements were in some respects quite amateurish and grassroots, lacking heavyweight professionals to stand the ground. Now, even though there should always be scepticism around people, we have many great professionals who are onboard – too many to mention. There is hot debate around germ vs terrain aka virology is a fraudulent science built on bullcrap, which amounts to REAL SCIENCE, which some so called scientists do not want to have, but as has transpired from the Tom Cowan Virology challenge which is starting to kick off, there is real progress starting to be made and now even Mike Yeadon has confirmed that he is not at all convinced that there is a novel pathogen sweeping the world. Lots of time for Mike Yeadon. The Steve Kirsch substack thread has some great posts form Mike clarifying his position which is highly recommended. Is virology about to be burned to the ground…..maybe. Pace is gathering.

Anyway here are some links showing previosu similar BBC hitpieces of the past and examples of how it played out in the movements being targeted.

Jul 19, 2022 4:09 PM
Reply to  Mucho

London 7/7 Bombings: Debunking The Myths (Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Stories

Jul 19, 2022 4:11 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The Truth About 9/11 | The British Conspiracy Road Trip (US History Documentary) | Real Stories

Jul 19, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho

What Happened To Charlie Veitch?

Jul 19, 2022 4:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

9/11 Conspiracy Roadtrip BBC show – bbc caught lying.


Jul 19, 2022 4:17 PM
Reply to  Mucho

London 2005 Bombings: Debunking “7/7 Debunking”. The Conspiracy Roadtrip

Jul 19, 2022 4:22 PM
Reply to  Mucho

The globalresearch link has some links to some decent 77 research. Here are some good 911 links:

War By Deception

Chris Bollyn Website (B O Connell believes Chris is a German intel asset. There are question marks surrounding everyone, but Bollyn certainly has lots of crucial info).


Jul 19, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Chris Chadwick5 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me how vocal some people are about how the US government story of 9/11 is the truth. It’s no surprise that those of us that don’t believe it do actually speak out and raise questions, but why do others (who generally come across as being as thick as shit) actually bother to comment on the views of others. Why are they even here? That Bob Bobberton bloke sounds like a right fucking moron. Fzappa711 is equally lost in the sound of his own voice. Some of the others are quite frankly too overqualified to be in the running for village idiot of the year. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone support the official story without sounding like an utter half-wit. Anyone who actually bothers to investigate 9/11 can’t come to any conclusion other than that the official story is way, way off the truth. Who was behind it and why is still to be confirmed but there’s absolutely one thing for sure – the real events of 9/11 are being covered up, and the U.S. government is party to this cover up. I have no agenda here other than to learn the truth; I’m not American and I don’t know anyone involved, but I am a decent, honest person and I don’t like being lied to by people who I was brought up to trust with my life. In the UK it is the same with 7/7 (the London bombings). There is no doubt in my mind that this was also a cover up by the UK government, but this time much closer to home. The ‘evidence’ that it was 4 Muslim bombers is laughable, but we have been told to believe it by our old warmonger, and Bush mate PM, Tony ‘Bliar’ Blair. Apparently having a full enquiry would be a waste of resources. What? A waste of resources??! One of the worst crimes ever committed in Britain and we aren’t to have an enquiry into what happened? What fucking planet are we expected to believe we’re living on? But the village idiots in the UK, just as they have in the US just nod and say, yes let’s get these Muslim killers and the countries they come from (oh and their oil). If you can’t see this; if you can’t see why 9/11 and 7/7 might have happened then you really need to try and find out; not just troll those that actually want to get to the truth. Next time it might be one of your family that is murdered. I’d like to think that then, rather than just fire off the ‘tinfoil hat’ and ‘twoofer’ comments, you might actually use your fucking brain cell a bit and think. If not then there really is no fucking hope for you.
Cheers yeah?!

Jul 20, 2022 1:38 AM
Reply to  entitled2

Quite correct. JFK the same ridiculous “evidence”. Problem is as time moves on the lazy sheep find it all too difficult to apply their trivia riddled brains to perform any form of critical analysis. They are more concerned now with COVID “surges” and this awful Global warming thingy. The abattoir awaits them.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Jul 20, 2022 5:46 AM
Reply to  entitled2

It’s 11/9 in British you dumb twat., and they were Muslim bombers you empty headed gobshite buffoon.

Jul 20, 2022 11:00 AM

you’d think that the CIA could hire better trolls than this, but maybe only drooling morons would want the job.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2022 3:39 PM

“…they were Muslim bombers…”

…- Lying: – *Check*…

“It’s 11/9 in British…”

…- Doubling Down: – *Check*…

“…you dumb twat.,…”


“…you empty headed gobshite buffoon.”

…- Projection: – …Aaannd *Check*…

…- Quite the pottymouth gamma dim-bulb, aren’t we?…

Jul 20, 2022 7:49 PM
Reply to  entitled2

Excellent points, but surely you can’t believe had there been a “full enquiry” that the lies and cover-up would have been revealed.

Jul 20, 2022 2:29 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Alex Jones

It is hardly surprising that an Alex Jones operative would change his tune. Maybe Alex gave him instructions. No Planers have had a harder time. Gerard Holmgren died young. Nico Haupt vanished without a trace.

Jul 20, 2022 11:03 AM

No-Planers have had a harder time.

yah, because it’s bullshit. it’s even stupider than the Official Story.

Jul 20, 2022 1:49 PM
Reply to  covidiot


That was a pathetic shill post. Most of them didn’t show the “impact” and those that did were altered to make the ghostlike absorption of “UA 175” less apparent. Do you work for Alex Jones ?

Paul Swanson
Paul Swanson
Jul 22, 2022 9:46 AM
Reply to  covidiot

1) Planes are made of aluminium.

2) Aluminium can’t break steel.

3) They showed us videos of planes snapping clean through thick steel beams in concrete.

Case closed.

Jul 20, 2022 10:58 AM
Reply to  Mucho


Jul 20, 2022 10:09 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Bollocks. Propaganda.

Jul 19, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho


Jul 19, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  banana

This is the link I meant to post. It contains some excellent 77 research plus has info on the work of Keelan Balderson who did some excellent 77 research with Tom Secker and also produced the seminal documentary about the London Riots which is an absolute must watch. Link and doc:

Interview: Keelan Balderson on the U.K. civil unrest

Jul 19, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Perfect Storm: UK Riots Documentary

Jul 19, 2022 6:14 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Better link to Keelan Balderson on truthnews, this one has the links to his other docs.

Interview: Keelan Balderson on the U.K. civil unrest

Jul 19, 2022 8:23 PM
Reply to  Mucho

In 2014/5 the truth movement was subversively converted back into believing in polytricks – politicians and what was called the popluas leaders where on our side movement.
Michael Tarsion. Red ice radio. Alex Jones. Truth frequency radio and David icke with his vote leave e.u Brexit referendum all sung this and the naive seekers/followers followed suit.
What Happened To Charlie Veitch? Michael Tarsion. Red ice radio.Thomas Sheridan. Alex Jones. Truth frequency radio and David icke and them types.

95% of Alt media/Truth movement is not to be trusted.

Jul 20, 2022 2:30 AM
Reply to  entitled2

Sad but true.

Jul 19, 2022 10:46 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I am thinking it might be like when the BBC did a ‘documentary’ called clean eating the dirty truth.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 19, 2022 11:07 PM
Reply to  Mike

Yea, everything is either genetic or viral nowadays.

Jul 20, 2022 6:49 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Yea, everything is either genetic or viral nowadays.

Thank science they have medication to help solve this.

Jul 20, 2022 8:34 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Almost all U$ legislators go on sponsored trips to a certain West Asian democracy. It happens to be the largest beneficiary of U$ foreign aid.

Jul 20, 2022 11:12 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Jul 19, 2022 3:19 PM

I see over the past few days BBC have traversed over to the current heatwave to pump out pro-Gates climate change propaganda.

Rinse and repeat.

Jul 19, 2022 2:28 PM

Thank you Iain, good article, I have utter disdain for the BBC.

Jul 19, 2022 1:55 PM

The use of Straw Men to defeat an opposing view is not new. Clearly you can browbeat just about anybody if you can present their point of view as folly or eccentric and thereby save yourself a more reasoned debate among peers. The anti-vax community is a very broad church, from doctors and researchers that can provide statistical proof doubting of the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, to the microchip and alien microbe factions who are perceived as conspiracy theorists.

Jul 19, 2022 1:30 PM


Here’s an idea; to improve the schotz uptake, supply a valid reason to take it

Jul 19, 2022 3:07 PM
Reply to  banana

You have to be even more specific than that:
There has to be something in the jab which has some connection to an illness.

Jul 19, 2022 7:04 PM
Reply to  banana

Free beer.. or kebab.

Jul 20, 2022 11:14 AM
Reply to  dan

Jul 20, 2022 8:45 PM
Reply to  covidiot

There must be a comprehensive list of the obscene “free gift” incentives offered to induce Normals to get jabbed.

Doughnuts are a “legacy” item– IIRC, they’re even given to blood donors, ostensibly to counter the possibility of low glucose levels.

Off the top of my head, I recall that some pubs (in the US, “bars”) gave out free beer or drinks. And I know that some establishment offered lap dances or sexual favors.

I guess disgust and despair aren’t zero-sum qualities; otherwise, it would be difficult to apportion one’s disapprobation. Who’s worse, the criminals who offer such incentives, or the hordes of Normals who jump at the tawdry bait? 😠 

Jul 19, 2022 12:52 PM

I guess, the BBC is not ‘Bought Journalism’ (Gekaufte Journalisten) anymore because they are doing the buying now!

Jul 19, 2022 12:46 PM

“. ..wish to know more..”

Jul 19, 2022 12:45 PM

For those who wish to no more about the BBC.


Jul 19, 2022 12:43 PM

Excellent article !

Jul 19, 2022 12:06 PM

Another report mentioned higher numbers for the Pfizer jab:
158,000 “adverse” reactions
comprising 1,291 types
listed in the first tranche alone.

Jul 19, 2022 10:39 AM

all-cause mortality (the overall death rate) in 2020, the year of the so-called “outbreak,” ranked as only the 9th highest death rate in the first two decades of the 21st century;

The UK column article does not refer to all cause mortality but Age Standardised Mortality Rates. The actual death count was the highest since 1918 as you can see in this graph:

Some 140,000 higher than in 2011.

Arguing that most of the alleged covid deaths were over 80 year olds does not prove that they died of ‘covid-19′ or that there is even such a thing as covid-19’. Making suppositions that a disease exists because of the age of the dead is a very dangerous thing to do. Averages can easily include younger age groups and change over time. Targetting a “vulnerable” demographic could be getting the foot in the door. Once people accept there is “a disease” then the goal posts could shift to include younger age groups. Children could be targetted with a toxic injection and women could have fewer children. Those unborn children could be considered deaths not just individually but also the future generations that would have followed.

The UK had ordered supplies of Midazolam from France and used these together with Morphine on the supposed ‘covid’ patients. The cause of death therefore is Midazolam poisoning not ‘covid-19’:

Jul 19, 2022 11:16 AM
Reply to  Mike

This article argues that the UK did not experience a baby boom following the 2nd world war. The baby boom was in the USA. Looking at the data there was a increase in births in the 1920s similar to the post war increase.

comment image

If we were to expect a dramatic increase in deaths when the post war babies got older why didn’t any materialise 20 years ago when these 1920s babies got older? There is no reason to expect any excess mortality. For all we know the boomers could live to 120 given proper nutrition and advancements in health knowledge.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Jul 19, 2022 11:33 AM
Reply to  Mike

Thanks Mike. The UK Column article referrs to ASMRs because that is the only way to make a meaningful comparison of death rates. This is calculated from all cause mortality and population. As you say total, deaths were the highest since 1918 but the population was considerably larger in 2020 so comparing raw death counts gives a totally skewed perspective of death rates.

As mentioned in the UKC article this is precisely what the MSM attempted to do with reported death rates. This is why the article suggests and focuses upon ASMRs to avouid making such meaningless comparisons. The article also looks at the relative increase in ASMRs as that was the second highest since 1900.

However, as you pointed out, we cannot conclude from this that the increase in mortality was “caused” by any disease. At the same time we also shut down health services, discharged vulnerable patients to high risk care settings and introduced massive treatment waiting lists, the excessive use of Midazolam, etc. These factors also contributed to mortality, the only question is the extent.

So the point of the article is to look at all these contributory factors, consider the evidence supporting claims of mortality and, from that, make an estimate of actual deaths from C-19. This is necessary because, as explored in the article, we really have no way of knowing what the real statistics are. They have been manipulated beyond all meaningful recognition.

I appreciate that many will say there is no such thing as a virus and therefore no deaths were caused by one. Personally, I do not agree with this contention but I do accept it is a debatable point. There is evidence to at least suggest that possibility.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Jul 19, 2022 11:53 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

All it really takes to increase an ASMR of a society is to isolate everyone. The very act of seperating individuals from the flow, causes sickness and death. Originally this was shown in rabbits but the same can be seen in humans, who, for the most part work better in a natural community setting like rabbits (Johann Hari). Many factors are at work in keeping people healthy, psychologically, emotionally and energetically, which are basically interwovern when disease is concerned. Isolate the individual and a state of degeneration develops, some quicker than others, isolate an entire society and the effect is macro.

Our financialised system and its propensity to individualistic consumerism is the cause of most mental health issues and sickness in Britain. We are more successfully individualised-dependence than most countries and we are more sick.

Jul 19, 2022 1:01 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

On the subject of birth rates, one factor not factored in enough to all the talk about Cold War 2.0 is the projected collapse in China’s population. Their leaders are well aware of it as the ending of the one child policy in 2015 showed but that’s not likely to do anything much. The kind of changes China has been going through depress birth rates everywhere they’ve happened and on top of that there’s China’s missing women as a result of the one-child policy and the very widespread use of sterilisation. (The latter is also true in India although India’s population situation is less dire than China’s).

In the words of Bricker and Ibbitson, “China appears on the verge of a deliberate, controlled, massive collapse of its population”. The UN are to some extent hiding this by overstating China’s population and birth rate because they claim there are many unregistered (because the CCP is so lax in surveillance?… ). Independent projections suggest China’s population could halve this century (and that’s pre-covid and monkeypox).

The one-child policy was introduced in 1971, just around the time Kissinger and Rockefeller got all pally with China. The 1959 famine was used as the justification but it was a state-created event like the famine in the Ukraine in the 1930s. Curiously, the policy did not apply to China’s ethnic minorities.

The Chinese are going to be presented with the ready-made solution… immigration! China currently takes almost no refugees nor immigrants. It’s actually no solution because 1) the well of immigrants is drying up because birth rates are falling in places they’ve usually come from and 2) immigrants’ birth rates usually adjust to those of the host population within a generation. It is however a recipe for destroying Han ethnic solidarity which I suspect is the plan.

Jul 19, 2022 1:44 PM
Reply to  Iain Davis

I don’t think the population has increased that much in the last 20 years to make the raw data inappropriate. People can judge for themselves especially if any population increase is pointed out. If there was a specific age group that died in the ‘care homes’ then it would be possible for the ASMR to look like a small rise if if it coincided with the post war bulge (highlighted below). The bulge would help offset the deaths in the ASMR where as looking at the raw data would be less prone to statistical manipulation. Such a bulge could have been taken advantage of by statisticians who would know how the ASMR would look if the timing coincided. It is hard to get the head round really but the point is that such statistics could be open to abuse. Maybe it could be the drop after the bulge that would offset the deaths to make these ASMR look of less significance?

comment image

Jul 19, 2022 3:09 PM
Reply to  Mike

The other thing is that we don’t know what the ASMR looked like for the ‘spanish flu’ or any other disasters to be able to compare and evaluate how this statistic works. There is the mortality rate which already adjusts for population size as it is given per 1000 people. Using an age adjusted statistic is not to adjust for population size but age. Perhaps if you looked at one for the second world war it would make it look like no big deal because it was only young men dieing and the birth rate was increasing? We don’t know what the ASMR for the ‘Spanish flu’ looked like either.

We don’t even know what an ASMR is. Looking at this document it says it is adjusted using a “WHO standard population”:

The age-standardized mortality rate is a weighted average of the age-specific mortality rates per 100 000 persons, where the weights are the proportions of persons in the corresponding age groups of the WHO standard population.


This document suggests that 80 to 89 year olds would only be 1.35% of the “who standard population”.

In the UK however there is probably much more than 1.35% in this age group. The weighted average would play down the number of deaths as if it was sub saharan Africa and there wasn’t many old people in any case. It would give a false impression which would then be increased by labelling the data manipulated by the usual suspects at WHO as “all cause mortality” in this article.

Another thing is that there may have been other disasters before to do with alleged ‘outbreaks’. If it were a terrorist attack you wouldn’t argue that it was no big deal because more people died on 9/11. The latest disaster would be in addition to the previous rather than diminshed by them. If every time the ‘vaccine’ cult see the body detoxing they go into a panic and kill people it is a problem with their ideology. A terrorist that has been brainwashed into believing they are doing gods work is still a terrorist.

Jul 20, 2022 6:54 AM
Reply to  Iain Davis

Maybe you could do a some real research into who originally funded UKC and you’ll be very surprised it wasn’t listener funded.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2022 8:20 AM


Cara Delevingne is one of 12 stars of British Vogue’s August 2022 cover, a celebration of Pride, the LGBTQ+ community, and the children of the gender revolution. As she stars on a special solo digital cover, the model and actor describes the joy of her community, why she didn’t come out in the traditional sense, and what she’d like to tell her younger self.

The “shock” factor of seeing e.g. a man in a woman’s dress, cf. David Bowie’s original cover for “The Man Who Sold The World”, lay in the tension laid down by “gender norms”. But this latest flock seem like a strange new breed to me. And what they are saying is different. For all their narcissism, they are being presented as “the norm” or “the new norm”. And yet – even (especially?) judging by their appearance, they are most definitely not the norm at all. I honestly have the impression that I am looking at some kind of new species that isn’t human. And all through the effective erasure of the distincion between the sexes – which inevitably leads to the erasure of sex itself.

Jul 19, 2022 9:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

She’s not an lgbt, she’s an actress. They may think they’re a ‘new species’ but then you’d have to believe in darwinism, which is just another misaligned understanding of phenomena to feed their materialistic cult-like psychosis. It’s all fake. It’s all trauma dissociation.

Jul 19, 2022 12:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“I honestly have the impression that I am looking at some kind of new species that isn’t human.”

They’d regard that as a compliment.

Jul 19, 2022 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

In some ways it seems narcissism is being presented as the norm.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2022 4:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is no genuine movement that has a high profile in the media. All such movements are artificial media constructs. And you don’t need much insight to see it. This Cara Delevingne “is one of 12 stars of British Vogue’s August 2022 cover, a celebration of Pride, the LGBTQ+ community, and the children of the gender revolution.”

To refer to “children of the gender revolution” makes it sound like something awesome is happening … until you look at the rest of it. This figure was selected as “one of 12 stars of British Vogue’s August 2022 cover” – a blatant admission of contrivance. And the “interview” follows the mind numbing clichés of the contrarian rebel so familiar since the 1950s. What is most notable is the way this “brave spokesperson” is standing up for issues that are long dead i.e. to be accepted, to wish to choose who to love etc. cf:

“I Was Done With Being Ashamed For Who I Loved And Who I Was”

In homophobic earlier times this would have been brave. But it’s a dead issue now. Unless there is some darker aspect to this longing to be accepted? After all, what exactly is it that would be considered unacceptable now?

And then we get the bit about “how joyful” it is to be part of “this community”. Indeed we even read:

“Being in that community is one of the most important, incredible things in the world. Family is important. But that community is more than family.”

Who are these people? What are they? I cannot imagine them actually having sex lives since sex of any kind does rely on a binary relationship. There have to be two people and they have to relate to each other. How more binary can you get?

Jul 20, 2022 1:08 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Cara Jocelyn Delevingne was born on 12 August 1992,[7] in Hammersmith, London, the daughter of stylist and personal shopper Pandora Anne Delevingne (née Stevens) and property developer Charles Hamar Delevingne. She grew up in Belgravia, London.[8][9][10] She has two older sisters, Chloe and Poppy Delevingne,[10][11] and a paternal half-brother, Alex Jaffe.[11] Delevingne’s maternal grandfather was publishing executive and English Heritage chairman Sir Jocelyn Stevens,[12][8] the nephew of magazine publisher Sir Edward George Warris Hulton and the grandson of newspaper proprietor Sir Edward Hulton, 1st Baronet.[13][14] Her maternal grandmother Janie Sheffield, a granddaughter of the 6th Baronet Sheffield, was lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret.[8][15] Through one of her maternal great-great-grandfathers, Sir Lionel Lawson Faudel-Phillips, 3rd Baronet, Delevingne descends from the Anglo-JewishFaudel-Phillips baronets; two of her ancestors on that line served as Lord Mayor of London.[16][17][18] Her godparents are Dame Joan Collins[19] and Sir Nicholas Coleridge.

I’m sure you are aware that sex does not have to be binary (threesomes, orgies, etc) nor have to include any kind of relation other than the sexual contact. Most of the people involved with that were sexually abused before reaching adulthood and are dysfunctional but are trying to normalise their dysfunctionality instead of doing the painful work of therapy and knowlegde of self. Privileged kids who believe the world is their oyster and can be moulded according to their whims…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 19, 2022 7:20 AM

The dream of total control and re-creation of the universe on behalf of the uber-rich continues:


Mahler and Beethoven left several tantalizing blueprints of their 10th Symphonies behind. Now, computer scientists are developing algorithms for artificial intelligence (AI) to lift the “curse of the ninth” and complete the unfinished works of these classical masters.

After which, I’m sure these resurrected virtual composers can be “employed” to produce any number of future masterpieces.

Jul 19, 2022 8:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Aha, this explains why Putin bought the Rachmaninov Copyright:
And A.i. could fiddle some illusory Hologram of said composers,
With your Queen, in golden carriages with sound systems,
* serenading soporific sheep *
Marvellous Mahler
Meet Marvin…?


“Anything you can do, A.i. can do better…”
Annie get yer’ gun 🔫 🤣 😅
Water pisstoll loaded…

Jul 19, 2022 9:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jul 19, 2022 6:33 AM

According to Australia’s ABC TV news (7 pm 18 July ’22):
‘Vaccine Rollout: Government left with tens of thousands of surplus doses.’
The revelation during the latest “surge” may be to imply the “surge” is due to endemic “vaxx hesitancy” ?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 19, 2022 12:49 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

About 100 million in fact, so now they want to give moderna to babies even though it’s banned for under 30’s and stopped being used here at all in March

les online
les online
Jul 20, 2022 1:54 AM

According to ‘The Saturday Paper’ at the time, as the Astrazeneca jab was causing all those blood clots, health authorities advised the Australian PM to discontinue its use. Though it was restricted to the over-60s, the PM ignored the advice and ok’d its use for all age groups. The reason, according to the report, was the PMs fear of voter backlash for wasting so much taxpayer money on a pig-in-a-poke.
(The immediate effect of the PMs decision: with plenty of doses now available NSW ramped up PCR testings that revealed a Covid ‘surge’ which became the excuse for NSW lockdown. The duration of the lockdown was dependent on increased vaxx uptake.)
With the change of politicians in government dumping the ‘surplus’ wont carry the same electoral cost. The former PM also ordered enough doses to jab ALL Australians at least twice during 2023, so we can expect Covid fear campaigns well into next year.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 19, 2022 6:00 AM

Interesting, isn’t it, that 20% of the population (the unvaccinated) are a far larger grouping than any of the following, all of which are ruthlessly promoted by the BBC:

  1. The Jewish population (< 2% of UK citizens)
  2. The community of trans-sexuals and other ‘non-binary’ sexual orientations (<5%)
  3. Muslims (5-10%)

It just shows that the BBC never represents the actual population, what it represents are pre-defined globalist, elitist aims which NEVER coincide with those of the majority of the UK population.

I stand in Uk rain
I stand in Uk rain
Jul 19, 2022 10:53 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

How ‘silent majorities’ or invisible groups (which include ‘untrendy’ or problematic minority groups as well as ‘majorities’) do not push forward more often or at all bewilders me.

Possible reasons for this?

a. When they do, they are ignored or silenced.
b. They are content/powerful and do not feel the need to be seen.

Jul 20, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I guess 63 upvotes is the limit-but know that I’m 64

Jul 20, 2022 1:43 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Muslim OffG reader here.

I don’t consume much BBC but is it really true that they ‘promote’ Muslims? Any prominent examples come to mind?

Jul 21, 2022 1:12 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

It has been happening for decades in the U.S. too. Unite all of the “minorities (which includes white women)” into one larger political body to fight against the “white male dominated” governing body.



White straight Christian men are the root of all evil. The foundation of the left.

Joe Biden keeps proudly and openly repeating that his “immigration program” is going displace whites from being the majority.

It is an open secret. And they openly profess and deny the goal of replacement at the same time. Tucker did a good story on this recently.

The U.S. is moving backwards toward toward 3rd World status. If the trend continues people won’t want to come. Instead, they will emigrate back to their home countries while wondering what the hell they were thinking.

Free everything has a big cost. Our out of control debt will only continue to grow. The golden egg laying goose will be dead soon, if not already.

And it’s all on the leftist extremist lunatics who truly think the world will die in 12 years.

Extremism is a demonstration of ignorance.

New Name
New Name
Jul 19, 2022 5:31 AM

Genuine Covid Deaths ?!

While some of these likely were genuine COVID-19 deaths, the expansive, all-encompassing methodology that the government and the WHO created to attribute as many deaths as possible to COVID-19 renders the bulk of these statistics virtually meaningless.
In truth, we don’t know how many people in the UK have died as a direct consequence of COVID-19, though estimates in the region of 20,000 – 25,000 seem reasonable.

But the “virus” has never been isolated.

Jul 19, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  New Name

There were no covid-19 deaths. The cult haven’t even shown sars-cov2 can cause a hiccup let alone a death. The ‘vaccine’ cult did however manage to kill a lot of people like they did in the 1918 ‘spanish flu’ atrocity. 2020 had some 84,000 more deaths than 2019 with only 1918 having had a higher death count. Deaths had already been increasing since 2011 when the cult were taking over the web and expanding their influence in ‘medicine’. The devastation caused by the ‘vaccine’ cult over the last 200 years is likely to be in the billions making them the most destructive cult ever to exist. A whole faux medical system systematically causing endless trauma and deaths with their ‘germ theory’ ideology.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 19, 2022 2:32 PM
Reply to  Mike

Well meant sentiments I’m sure, but we really must get beyond the likes of Cowan and Lanka.

They are peddling bad information.

This won’t be popular here but I urge anyone who’s really after the truth to look further than these grift-artists.

If we can’t see what’s really happened/happening the bad people will win while we continue to argue about irrelevant issues.

Time is getting short.

Paul Swanson
Paul Swanson
Jul 22, 2022 9:49 AM

Are you claiming that some “virus” has ever been shown to cause (by itself) certain symptoms in humans or animals?

If not, then we agree that there is no scientific basis to the claim that any “virus” exists as a mechanism for disease causation in humans or animals (including “SARS-CoV-2”).

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 22, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Paul Swanson

The problem here is the stridency with which adherents to the viruses-don’t-exist cult pursue their opinions.

By rigidly sticking to this black/white, right/wrong construct is to allow the perpetrators of the ongoing events to evade blame for half the crime.

In the quest for answers in the maelström of the “pandemic” many have chosen to blinker themselves behind the talisman of the Cowan/Bailey brigade.

The deliberate muddling of the justifiable criticism of big pharma with disparaging modern medical practice is being used to splinter those groups who have intelligence enough to disbelieve govt propaganda and motivations around “covid”.

Folk endlessly quote Koch’s postulates , viruses have never been isolated etc etc.
These are invalid arguments and are used as tools to persuade , without the scientific enquiry that is required to competently assess the facts.

People need to realise the true enormity of what has happened.

our own govts have allowed/approved the release of a manmade pathogen into the environment.
They have then engaged in so-called vaccine interventions.

All of this is a huge experiment in real time in real life.

To argue on and on about PCR “rebanding flu” etc etc is to miss the point.

The testing, the cycle threshold etc were and still are geared to collecting data primarily on viral flow and mutation through populations.
All the lockdown/mask stuff is for a different agenda.

These people have selectively released an incapacitating bio-weapon on the people of the World.
it isn’t “just the flu” it’s a amyloidogenic neurolodegenerative coagulopathy .It’s going to affect peoples health for years to come.

The vax is even worse.

They don’t care , we are just chaff , lab Guinea pigs to these people and by refusing to accept what they have done is to limit the scope of a proper coordinated response, and appreciation of just what we are up against.

There are many top scientists on our side who have produced huge bodies of work demonstrating what has happened, how it’s happened and what is happening now. But they don’t appear on Tim Truth or Stew Peters et al.

The no-virus story is a fake deadend designed to keep people confused misdirected and at each others throats. This simplistic prospectus give an easy solution to those asking difficult questions in a confusing time.

unfortunately Offg has a captured audience of highly intelligent readers who seem to have a cult like adherence to the likes of Dr Bailey .

All I suggest is to pursue the quest for real truth.
Fortunately we do have some excellent scientific people battling on our behalf, some enduring personal hardships ,career loss and censorship to get the real facts disseminated to the wider public . Surely we all owe it to them and ourselves and each other to make sure we are properly informed.

rik myers
rik myers
Jul 19, 2022 5:24 AM

Until Ian retracts his bullshit he preached last week i’m done suing him as a source for anything ot sharing his articles fool me once shame on you

Jul 19, 2022 9:13 AM
Reply to  rik myers

No offense intended, but that is a pretty fucking weak counter argument.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Jul 19, 2022 11:41 AM
Reply to  rik myers

You will have a long wait because I am not currently aware of any reason why I would retract it and stand by every word.

May I ask why you are so angered and upset about an article you thought was junk?

We are still allowed to disagree so perhaps we should make the most of it while we still can.

Jul 19, 2022 1:09 PM
Reply to  rik myers

that article (Putin’s False Flag) had Luke Harding’s stench all over it.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Jul 19, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

I can assure you that Luke Harding didn’t write it. I did.

What part of the evidence cited in that article do you think innacurate?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 19, 2022 4:23 AM

No, I refuse to be labeled an anti-vaxxer for the very important reason in my opinion that it lends support to the notion that the experimental and possibly genocidal mrna spike protein injection they are plying us with for a fake Covid-19 virus is a vaccine, which I realize is a bit specious because on the one hand, I actually have become an anti-vaxxer after what I’ve learned through all my research and reading during this scamdemic about the polio vaccine and others and the pharma industry and its history as a whole. From this point forward for my kids, grandkids, etc., the game has changed regarding so called vaccines because of what has happened with this scamdemic. But still, it’s like the war on terror. When that started I immediately and continue to this day started calling it the war OF terror, i.e., this was a neocon/zionist/imperialist attack on the middle east and our liberties and freedom in the name of a manufactured war on terror facilitated by a false flag on 9/11 because they needed a “New Pearl Harbor”. It was and is no war on terror, it is a war OF terror against the fucking planet by the same assholes trying to pull off their New World Order. Probably not a big thing, but maybe it is, to create our own narratives instead of using their own, i.e. “I’m no Anti-Vaxxer! The shot for the fake virus is not a vaccine!” Messages have to be sent and always. That’s what I say, I hope it’s not just me. So anyway, I appreciate the ability to say this at a place like this. And to (some) people who understand.

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Jul 19, 2022 6:43 AM

I’ve been a 9/11 Truth activist for over a decade. After presenting the 3 and 1/2 facts: free fall (easy to prove), extremely high temps (proven by USGS), and nanothermite (found in all of the dust samples at major universities)….plus blatant media lies (WTC 7 still standing behind the Beeb reporter who says it collapsed)…After these easy-to-comprehend FACTS, people ask: “Why do you care so much? It was over twenty years ago!” —to which my response is: “Because it will happen again, just in a different format.” Covid 19 is the new 9/11. It’s far worse because we are kept from working without the jab and can no longer disagree with family as though this is an academic debate. S**t got real. If only we could have done more with 9/11 Truth. We tried, as you know, we really did try.

Jul 20, 2022 11:36 AM
Reply to  Tim Glass

If only we could have done more with 9/11 Truth.

the reason for the limited traction that movement enjoyed has now been completely revealed by the COVID-1984 hoax: most people are drooling idiots. they can’t perceive objective reality even when their own lives are at stake.

we must leave them to their delusional fantasy world, save those that are capable of listening, and then deal with the billionaire overlords. the covidiots won’t be around much longer to get in the way.

Jul 19, 2022 4:07 AM

comment image

David Ho
David Ho
Jul 19, 2022 1:55 AM

Let’s pry open the unhinged minds of paranoid white nationalst extremist Trump loving insurrectionist anti abortion QAnon wacko nut job conspiracy theorists and rummage through their half baked incoherent slogans and irrational spittle flying rants about the cabals of pedo shape-shifting lizard aliens ruling the world, who, they think, desire nothing more than to depopulate the planet and to own everything, so that us rational, well grounded and serious intellectuals become further illuminated in our profound and sacred understanding of how these criminals are so incredibly dangerous as they lurk in our good and wholesome communities masquerading as ordinary people like nurses and construction workers.
The good people, the wise and educated must know how to spot these disgruntled anti-vaxxer terrorists in order for you to be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and especially your vulnerable children from diseases of the body and mind. It is important never to approach these vermin and be sure to shut down any attempts by them to express their ridiculous thoughts and stupid opinions as you will be at risk of becoming covered in their disgusting saliva.
The government urges the vigilant citizens to report any signs of these diseased violators, that so threaten our children and elderly, so that our dedicated Health Security Enforcement Officers can capture and apprehend this terrible threat before it can gather with other radical anti-vaxxer crazies and metastasise into a cancerous mob rampaging in an uncontrolled orgy of naked destruction, a firestorm, a tsunami pandemic of putrefying pestilence reeking chaos, confusion, death, misery and a worldwide calamity, a Black Death the likes of which the world has never seen before. We can’t let the anti-vaxxer fulfil its evil dream.
The righteous person who cares about freedom and liberty must do everything in their power to maintain a just and healthy community, free from disease and malignancy. Our friends in the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturing industry, who are doing their utmost to save the world, urge members of the public to spit on anti-vaxxers, to beat them to a pulp with iron pipes, to gang rape them, and then kill them in the name of what is right, in the name of humanity, justice and freedom. It is time to express your fear and anger knowing it is the anti-vaxxer terror gangs who are prolonging and making worse this pandemic crises. It is the anti-vaxxer who has destroyed the economy and stolen your freedoms. We will never get back the things we love and cherish while there are anti-vaxxers hiding amongst our children, in our places of worship and our communities and even in our own homes. On the pain of death shall we save lives!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 19, 2022 4:35 AM
Reply to  David Ho

All in two minutes!

Jul 19, 2022 5:12 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Gosh! I wish I had written that. Feeling unabashed envy.

New Name
New Name
Jul 19, 2022 5:34 AM
Reply to  David Ho


In reality the “authorities” don’t really have much to worry about. So many enthusiastically lined up for the poison pricks. This was why they were so confident they could impose it on everyone.

Iain Davis
Iain Davis
Jul 19, 2022 11:45 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Fantastic. Thanks

Jul 19, 2022 1:06 PM
Reply to  David Ho

hasn’t the australian government distributed fridge magnets with a phone number to report those who badmouth the vaccines yet?

Jul 19, 2022 1:29 AM

Anyone want to see/participate in a hot discussion on germ v terrain theory go here:


New Name
New Name
Jul 19, 2022 5:42 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

It appears Kirsch is a shill.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 19, 2022 2:26 PM
Reply to  New Name

Steve is on our side, the problem is that many folk refuse to adapt their opinions as evidence emerges.

The truth about what is going on is far bleaker than widely understood.

Unfortunately Offg has become a ghetto no new info is analysed here, the same old ideas go round and round.

anyone who’s interested in the truth should examine the entire story about Steve’s response to the Cowan/Bailey “challenge”.

This doesn’t need to be a decisive issue, but it’s used to keep us all in silos arguing with the other silos.

Offg, help break the circuit here. You did a lot of great work at the start , how about getting real scientific opinions , you could start here :-
Dr Jessica Rose,
Dr Kevin Mccairn

But you wont.

Jul 20, 2022 1:22 AM

as evidence emerges

We’ve all heard that one before…

Jul 20, 2022 9:06 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

There are many possible explanations but “the virus” isn’t one of them. For a start he is a believer so would immediately have a psychological expectation of getting sick. This is called the nocebo effect:

A growing body of evidence is emerging for a phenomenon known as the nocebo effect. This is when a person is conditioned to expect a negative response, or to anticipate negative effects from an experience. These findings highlight the importantance of effective communication with patients and the influence that good anxiety and pain management control can have in improving treatment outcomes. The placebo effect has been widely researched, but new studies have shown that nocebo can have a greater effect than placebo The nocebo effect is prevalent in interactions between patients and healthcare workers. Research has demonstrated that if a patient deems a healthcare professional not to understand or believe them, this can cause distress, and the physiological effect can reduce the prognosis of treatment. It has also been demonstrated that patients who are anxious or expect pain during a procedure, feel more pain because of this negative expectation.


This is why a ‘vaccine’ would be expected to atleast provide some placebo effect since it would relieve the anxiety caused by “the virus” propaganda. Efficacy would not be good enough. The efficacy would have to be greater than the placebo even to get off the starting line. It would be easier and safer to simply convince them that there is no ‘virus’.

It might be that there was a change in seasons and a detox was triggered. A drop in temperature could cause the body to suddenly need to produce more heat and these processes would create additional acidic waste that the kidneys could not handle. Maybe they had food poisoning or were exposed to cell phone radiation etc. There is lots of proof that many different things can poison people. Steve Kirsch would be best placed to investigate the possibilities as we don’t know much about what happened. These questions have been answered such as in this article: https://yummy.doctor/blog/how-we-really-get-sick/

Jul 19, 2022 1:20 AM

The BBC are a cancer in our society. They are the prostitutes of the Establishment. Do not give them any money.

Jul 19, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  Grafter

This right here.

Jul 18, 2022 11:55 PM

Prejudgment can be a dangerous thing. Only one of them gets ‘persuaded’, or even half-persuaded, by the looks of it. So, as such, it may be more of an advert/encouragement for remaining unvaxxed. Difficult to say any more, without actually watching it (airs Wednesday)

There’s a run down of the documentary contents here:

Two months after the experiment, the group meet Prof Fry at St George’s to be offered the jab… … But as each of the volunteers make their decisions, it becomes clear that the experiment wasn’t as successful as Prof Fry had hoped…

…Chanelle is the only group member who seems to suggest she will have the jab. But she’d like to wait for more safety data…

Jul 19, 2022 9:32 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

The BBC “contagion” show was clearly a bit of so-called pre-programming – “Professor” Fry tells us that there WILL be a pandemic at least three times in the first five minutes of the show.
For this show, the BBC apparently spent quite a bit of (our) money developing a smart phone based “track and trace” app to monitor the spread. I wonder why the government couldn’t use this app instead of wasting hundreds of millions on the NHS fiasco? In fact, why didn’t they both just ask google for the data – seeing as they’ve been tracking and tracing us all for a decade already?
It is chilling to think that some google or government drone can press a button and recreate the last 10 years of your life almost in it’s entirety.

Here;s a link to the BBC’s web page for the show:


notice the barely hidden “psyop” in the URL – bet some little demon-possessed f*ck at the beeb had a real laugh over that one…

Jul 19, 2022 10:57 AM
Reply to  Stewart

Funny you mention that URL… I noticed it too, when I was gathering material for my deep-dive investigation of this weirdly prophetic documentary. I was also suspicious of the broadcast date – March 22nd 2018… this must’ve been planned way in advance as it had to coincide with the publishing date of the Simulation Experiment paper in the Epidemics journal. I dismissed them both as figments of my over-heightened imagination at the time.

Jul 19, 2022 11:29 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Waiting until trials were concluded in 2023 was all I wanted to do before making a decision. So am I an antivaxxer?

The fact that there are now legions of health professionals lining up to testify that there’s something wrong assures me I made the right decision, and persuaded my wife (A Health Professional) and my daughter to do the same.

The fact is, most ‘antivaxxers’ (improper term as the experimental mRNA drugs are not vaccines, other than by definition change or, in this case, perception change) are probably the best informed on the subject in the country. We got so much flak (my son told me he would refuse to have him and our grandchildren see us again until we got the death shot – didn’t last long though) that we were forced to inform ourselves as well as we could. The lemmings just lined up and trot out any old garbage they can pick up in the MSM.

Is there a WEF/WHO/UN/Soros/Gates conspiracy to ‘change the world’?

I was reluctant to believe it, but then most of the the German people were reluctant to believe Adolf Hitler had ambitions beyond ‘Make Germany Great Again’ (not to be confused with DJT’s MAGA movement, now MEGA MAGA) or Mao’s genocide of Sparrows.

Today, I’m a reformed character. Whilst it’s difficult to apportion any particular event to a NWO, and equally difficult to associate any with the foregoing Klaus Schwab membership, other than by suspicion, the overt land grab underway and ‘mysterious’ food processing plant/Gas facility fires across the US goes beyond coincidence.

My principle observation is the efforts of Mark Rutte in Holland to reduce artificial fertiliser use in the country. Knowing what was happening in Sri Lanka, and I mean before the country’s collapse, wouldn’t it seem logical for one of the biggest food producing country’s in the world to monitor the situation since it was announced in 2019 before banning artificial fertilisers?

It’s inconceivable that a food producing country the size of Holland wouldn’t know what Sri Lanka was doing. It’s just not possible they didn’t have observers in the country monitoring the process from beginning to end. It’s simply not credible that at the outset of Sri Lanka’s growing season these ‘experts’ didn’t witness crop production reductions across the country even before it became a crisis at harvest time.

At the very worst the UN FAO must have been reporting on the country, as they only have one job, and that’s it.

So why would Mark Rutte watch a country’s crops underperform, ushering the financial collapse of an agricultural nation, and not decide to put the brakes on any ambition for Holland to ‘go organic’? At least delay them until a Post Mortem was conducted on Sri Lanka’s agriculture failure.

The collapse of Holland’s agriculture would be global game changer. The country produces enormous quantities of food, rivalled only by, I understand, places like the USA and Russia, from a relatively tiny country.

One thing does puzzle me though. If Bill gates is buying up farmland and, say he moved on Holland after their organic agriculture collapsed, who’s going to farm that land for him? I daresay he would employ some farmers directly, and fewer would be required when crop production was so much poorer, but these people aren’t going to be motivated to work too hard.

All perhaps a wacko conspiracy theory, but then it doesn’t hurt anyone to stay vigilant.

Jul 19, 2022 12:23 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Don’t spend too much time on this. In these desperate times, it is not difficult to get 7 actors to participate in a revision of the project, complete with fake jabs, aches, etc.

Jul 18, 2022 11:29 PM

The BBC’s patron saint must be Joseph Goebbels.

Jul 19, 2022 12:14 AM
Reply to  Zane

Goebbels was an amateur compared to Kissinger, Netanyahu and Soros …

Jul 19, 2022 2:49 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

I dunno, only the Woke seem to believe in the government BS at all. But MAN, are they brainwashed (And not having kids… what kind of strategy is that?)

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Jul 18, 2022 11:20 PM

Anyone, anywhere in the world, watching television for news or honest opinion of any kind must be seriously lacking in the intelligence department.

Television has been, since it’s inception nothing more than a programming ( no pun intended) medium for tptb to control and influence the masses. Best avoided at all times, but moreso now for the blatant propaganda which it doesn’t even try to hide anymore. The BBC is up there with the best of them.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 19, 2022 8:56 AM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

Reporter: Why is that there’s no covid amongst the Amish?

Amish elder: We don’t have TV.

Jul 19, 2022 12:29 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

No harm in watching the headline subtitles with the sound turned off, to know what to expect from the politicians or plutocrats – or even your friends/relatives breathless with ecitement over the latest.

Jul 18, 2022 11:15 PM

A little look into Hannah Fry shows she has a mathematics background. In 2018, Fry presented Contagion! The BBC Four Pandemic, based around modelling a theoretical contagious virus. Presumably she was picked because she would be interested in the mathematical models of ‘herd immunity’ etc. There is however this report from 1958 which points out that there were days before air travel and the steamboat. If she had computed ‘the spread’ without air travel it would presumably have taken even longer to make it to Heathrow:

This outbreak occurred before

modern means of rapid travel were available

and when a man could go no faster than his horse

could gallop. Despite this, according to John-

son, the influienza of 1789 spread like wildfire…

The suggestion was ap-

parent in Johnson’s paper that the treatment might frequently be more hazardous to life than the disease itself.

Now Johnson, in his definiition of influenza,

characterized it, amoung other things, as “a dis-

ease capable of being propagated by con-

tagion.” In spite of this conception, he could

not completely rationalize the speed of its dis-

semination on the basis of transmission by con-

tagion alone and visualized the importance of

a “vicious quality of the air.”
