WATCH: The Gutenberg Conspiracy (The Media Matrix — Part 1)
From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact. Our world is the world that the printing press has created.
For download options, a full transcript, sources and show notes – click here.
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Well done. James Corbett is an excellent teacher.
well known, so what?
It’s Part 1, be patient. Too early to ask for a refund, so chill.
You were very cryptic, “well known, so what” so it meant at a glance that a) the video, as a history, was historically well known, and b) “so what” is the point of repeating it in a high profile, such as videos widely shown are.
How hard is that? I thought it proper to point out it may just be laying out an overview for part 2, 3.
i’ve been quite ill, it’s made me less patient with repeats/ excited chatter about things that are old hat to me. or things that i’ve been saying re vaccines/pharm/corps and few have listened to.
i’m sorry.
No problema. I’ll remember you in my thoughts that you feel better, and get better, hope you are well soon !
thank you, getting there.
Overview of the World System of Bondage – Part 1 of 21
A comprehensive presentation explaining how the world system is constructed to place all of humanity into perpetual bondage. It integrates many threads of law, history, esoteric symbolism and monetary system into a whole cloth that provides a clear understanding of the system as well as how to remove oneself from its binding structures.
A FREE complete PDF version with active links to supporting and source materials is available on the home page of our website.
It is not perpetual.
The Great Reset marks a big change, and in the NWO everything will be radically different.
One just has to withstand a few more years of ever greater distegration and disorder, along with lockdowns, food shortages, etc.
Give us the exact year. Previously you mentioned 2047. That’s 25 more years. Not sure how many are willing to wait that long for the supposed cataclysm while being literally enslaved.
2047 you say. then he has been watching Archaix…
Bear in mind LL is a shiLL, and thus will always misrepresent my comments.
I am not misrepresenting anything you evil psycho. I am quoting you directly. You disgust me as a human being and I won’t waste any opportunity to ridicule your stupid theories.
Sounds like history IS repeating itself. Can’t wait for part 2! Corbett does a nice job.
Joe Biden planned to announce his climate change emergency today but has put it off until next week. Now suffering from an adrenaline let down.
Lobby your Congressional Representatives now. Don’t wait. This is another excuse to legislate from the Oval Office in order to control people. We knew it was coming. Off Guardian has been predicting it for years.
This is more leftist Democrat lunacy. For those who refuse vote Republican, please explain why you want them to continue this agenda.
Two appalling choices added together don’t make one good one.
Washington is as screwed as Westminster.
The political parties are of no significance whatever.
The bad guys are in the Oval Office, whoever wins.
Drumpf and Creepy Joe are both bankster owned Zionists.
Whoaa! Drumpfty-Dumpfty too?! Here we thought he was the first Capo Prez. (I always see him spookily morph into Burgess Meredith, if only in his role as the TV Batman’s Penguin, “A chicken in every pot. my newest alligators in every swamp, once again again when I leave Gotham for DC! QuackQuackQuackQuack etc)
They take turns playing Good Cop/Bad Cop. Please don’t ignore the fact that climate warrior Joe Biden has opened up yet more public land to drilling for hydrocarbons.
When they stop saying one thing and doing another, then we really have to think things through. As it is right now, no thinking needed to conclude everything that comes out of Washington DC is bs – no matter which party gets the credit for it.
Focus on the actions and ignore what they say. The blame game has been going on for eons. Just the facts, Maa’m. Just the facts. Feeble minded Joe is convinced he is saving the world and is willing to pass the entire cost onto the United States taxpayers. That’s a fact. Meanwhile, he has subcontracted our principle enemy to reconstruct our entire power grid with “renewable clean energy” that won’t come close to supplying our power needs. That’s a fact. And it is no cleaner than any other energy source. That’s a fact. I could go on and on. That’s a fact. Canada has been piping crude oil into the U.S. and Dopey Joe wants to stop it. That’s a fact. Personally, Canada can keep their oil now that they have turned communist. Idiot Joe’s cabinet keeps telling us to buy electric cars because the price of gas has climbed so high. What electrics cars? The few cars available cost an arm and a leg. Even if the cars were available the planned power grid can’t handle charging them. They are idiots. The entire cabinet is fucked up beyond all repair (FUBAR). Truly, they don’t have a clue.
Vote Republican and stop this nonsense.
SNAFU 2? What a recipe!
The late Abbie Hoffmann, Yippie as a youngster, like his Yippie sidekick Jerry Rubin, both later made the transition to stockbrokers.
Both suspicious deaths, Abbie a purported overdose, but I took heart from the bumper sticker on his VW bug, left in his driveway, “Vote Republican. It’s easier than thinking.”
(I’m not sure how really helpful as advice that is, though, since you have to be able to think to get it? Reading on its own won’t do the trick, obviously.)
I hope Corbett gives Marshall McLuhan credit for the entire idea of this piece with his 60’s books “Gutenberg Galaxy” and “Understanding Media“. Those two books should be mandatory reading for humanity, so we can collectively grasp the effects of mass media, technology and the idea of providing for the social needs of humanity.
Technopoly by Neil Postman is also very good.
Downthread I reference McLuhan, he was greatly influenced by GK Chesterton, turned convert in fact, as I was startled to read in his obit some decades ago, since that effect had been my result also, not many years before. As was true as well for CS Lewis, and others. Corbett has a clip of McLuhan on this part 1. I am intrigued by McLuhan’s connection to Timothy Leary, as the word is he gave the latter his famous maxim, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” I’m glad those addled times are behind us, maybe the reversal of that incantation could break the spell for Beach Boy Brian Wilson. perma-fried since those years of an excess of “Good Vibrations”:
“Turn off, re-tune, drop in.”
Works for me. McLuhan had a lot of media insight, but he would follow with the internet study as such a “hot medium” that you would think if he were around for a sequel he would say our media now are beyond the Ray Bradbury 451° and had some time ago “spontaneously combusted”. Following his overall take, you would have to think he would see the whole “media matrix” now as a sort of electronic wildfire, gone out of control. Out of human control, anyway. Only reachable from beyond us, by a spiritual “intervention”.
Much like USAmerica can now only be ransomed from beyond our shores. “Arguably.”
And note the panel just below:
In this Tour de France cyclists who tested positive have been allowed back on the road by the 3 doctor ASO team. Super fast healthy guys have been tested positive too. These tests are worse than useless, again publicly proven by this TdF.
cycling magazine stated the same thing from Victor Lafay quoting “other riders affected by respiration problems” I have watched the cycling for over 30 years and never seen so many world class cyclists abandoning and having lack lustre performances, theres no smoke without fire -I reckon the lightbulb moment has come too late with many riders sadly.
Another strain in the deliberate stultification of the species. Retardation of infant language learning – which will also lead to a greater percentage of “slow learners” and cause yet another handy division.
It is no longer possible to avoid the conclusion that the dumbing down is deliberate. A depopulation agenda attached to an intended intellectual devolution. There were too many minions and they were getting uppity.
It’s quite jaw dropping to consider the blows coming down:
The wrecking of lives via the covid con.
The rising death rate via ditto.
The stultification of intellect via ditto.
(Indeed the “ditto” factor with covid can be indefinitely extended to cover any number of lethal effects on the population.)
The Transgender Attack (because, let’s face it, that’s what it is) threatens to annihilate the reproductive capacity of the population – and can be extended with its own “ditto” pattern e.g. the wrecking of positive realtionships between the REAL sexes leading to a socio-psychological catastophe.
The trouble is it seems to me, that people were too ready to comply which begs the question WTF is wrong with them?
As well a pharma treatment regime for all those slow learners. Lifelong dependency on pharma. What’s not to love?
…I know I personally still hanker after those far-off halcyon days when sites like OffG were hand-scribed and illuminated in codicies of vellum parchment by Benedictine monks, all for the *Exclusive* dissemination and consumption by the Catholic church and European aristocracy…
…- What gilded times, we’ll sadly never see the like of again… – *Sigh*… 🙁
COVID-19: Judy Mikovits – nonsense about virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, etc
9/11: Judy Wood – nonsense about Directed Energy Weapons
“Judy, Judy, Judy.” — Cary Grant
We humans have a tendency to see ourselves not merely as the Crown of Creation but also as the sum total of reality.
Here’s a news flash: we are neither.
It’s undeniable that human behavior is influenced by the media – though to what degree is highly debatable. However, human behavior is only a small part of reality.
What we DO in no way changes the reality in which we do it. We might rearrange elements of reality but they remain elements of reality. Behavior is not the essence of reality.
We can watch TV 24/7 and not change in the slightest that we are looking at a machine – not at the real world.
I knew a lady, when I was a kid, who would get all dressed up to watch Art Linkletter on TV because, in her mind, he could see her as well as she could see him. Her belief, however, did not influence reality in the least. Art Linkletter never once saw her.
Too true, but at one and the same time, all “things” are passing, but souls are not. They are all that will abide when the rest of the Creation sheds itself, like a snake its skin.
“What we await is a new heaven and a new earth.”
The last time I spoke to Steve Cota, 30 years ago, he was, as 15 years younger than me, driving me to the Greyhound bus, where I “rode the dog ” cross country from Whittier to Miami. We had been living at the Whittier parish mission in the Redemptorist community there, and he was headed to their seminary in Missouri as a novice.
A Chicano, with much Native blood, Steve had left the field of engineering after his degree, drawn in answering a call to pursue the priesthood. With his background in engineering he fit a word into my comment, made in (doctrinaire) belief, and that, in the architecture of all that there is, only souls will remain after “the skin” is shed, after all the more negligible structures collapse.
“Everything else is redundant.”
That is the argument against transhumanism.
Native American tribal culture is clear with itself for millennia that we just don’t need all those “bells and whistles”.
We are enough. If we value enough who we are.
£4£&$4$+my2¢ ~~~~~~~
“Be not perplexed, be not afraid, everything passes, God does not change.
Who has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices.”
~ (St.) Teresa of Avila
According to Paxton Robey, author of ‘No Time For Karma’, Earth life is in three-dimensional sphere and there are spheres in the higher dimensions.
There is one very intriguing thing he says: “If there is no one to observe the world, does the world exist.”
When applied to Earth and human life in particular it means is that the physical reality we see around us is the manifestation of the collective consciousness.
Which is why it will help our cause in the current times if we imagine our immediate Earth world to be free of the vile oligarchs. When we focus too much (being aware is however required) on their words, ideas and plans, we hand them our power too easily.
It is, therefore, important that we have our own vision of our world. Thoughts are our own. We can think that the oligarchs and their minions will fail miserably in the plans, and they very well will!
The universe does not judge, says Paxton Robey. If you say ‘no’ to something then the universe will end up creating that something because a ‘no’ is not a actionable or creatable thing. This may appear to be all semantic but the takeaway from Robey is that if we want something devoid of bad then we must first conjure up an image of good and focus on that.
There is much more to tbe said on this. But for now only this much.
Whom ever listens to the media whether it’s wars or another lethal injection booster I just shake my head now I have no words for stupid people.
It’s not the ovines you should worry about. Not only should you wonder why they’re being persuaded to drink the Koolaid, but you should wonder why you are being tipped off not to, even if you suffer as a consequence.
Suffering is nothing compared to death.
Something or somebody told me not to go along with this from the beginning there is more to life than to listening to corrupt governments.And death I am not afraid of I fear dying.
Exactly. Also so annoying, now when so many truth are coming out, I am waiting for Dr Kaufman new material on the healing effect and possibilities of energy / sound – not because of healing but because I am so curious about how it really works. I discovered long time ago that I could ‘whisper’ to animals, I didn’t know how I did, I know only that – to my biggest surprise – it worked well. Now I am gasping that I did it somehow with EMF, with my ‘radiation’, I just spoke to them but I meant every word as if they would be equal (in my mind they are equal).
Everything, literally everything is based on these frequencies, tunes, including ‘viral pandemics’ (if not sheer poisoning), interactions among us, animals, plants, it is so utterly interesting and I am afraid I am running out of time – now when we really started to talk about these discoveries with the help of some honest, true docs like Dr. Kaufman, or Dr. Cowan (the water’ memory part).
This is the only reason I wish to live longer, to know the truth about ‘everything’ because otherwise I certainly don’t wish to live in a WEF’ world.
Did you see this documentary? Blew me away.
Almost, thank you, I know about it from a shorter video.
I had a couple of mini NDE’s. I don’t fear it now.. you get overcome with peace and the panic stops and you fade away feeling like you’re going home. Unfortunately, or fortunately i awoke in critical ward.
They are exactly them. The majority is nanotech vaxxed now, you can check it easily, I regularly do whenever I travel. This tech includes the possibility of brain manipulation – as computers are faster than your brain – you won’t even notice that a certain thought or memory is not yours. With it they can turn you to do ANYTHING. That is for one. The other is that you are an excellent subject of blackmailing after it, just think about that your tagged child, what would you do to save him / her?
The base of their power – as they are the few – is the sheep, manipulating them. They did it from the beginning, remember that masks were not compulsory? They made a gum-like flexible rule on it, anyone could have been an exempt using their regulation’ back doors. But people didn’t dare (most of them) because they were too afraid of others, being bullied or worse, the DM published articles with visible joy that how this or that was beaten, threaten, spit on and so – to persuade everyone to obediently wear them. How easy will be to manipulate you directly via your nanotech implants or via your child’ nanotech implant – if you wouldn’t care with your own life too much to be a good, obedient subject.
Well, it takes ever-deepening discernment to know what to avoid. Even if one turns all the gadgets off, and locks the door, there is still much stupidity in the air, more dangerous than any variants.
So true, well said.
How in China Covid restrictions are misused by corrupt higher ups to block legitimate travelers who want to find out what happened to there investments on the spot:
1984 squared.
Fish rots from the head down anywhere.
They are revolting. In their own way, they stopped paying their mortgages paid for unfinished projects (promised future homes) which – if I understood well – caused some havoc to their ‘elite’.
They are also revolting against compulsory vaxxes, this is why they ended up with the ‘zero-covid’ BS restrictions, a way to ‘persuade’ them.
How nice, they can choose to die because of starvation or because of the poison-vax, which allows the tech to kill them instantly – if the side effects wouldn’t do the job fast enough.
By the way, they were not so s…id, I read at the beginning of the covid hoax that in Wuhan among the 10 000 freshly implemented 5G antennas they started to carry their mobiles shaded in many layers of foil bags /cracker’ bags. Still won’t help on grilling you if they wish and you dare to read someone they don’t want you to read.
“AI is microwaving you when you watch videos it doesn’t want you watching”
“Assume” you have covid with this symptom?….
Feeling tired in the morning! Well, that’s specific – and couldn’t possibly have a myriad of other causes, could it?
Maybe literacy is overrated if it means reading this junk.
Every single Convid symptom is a symptom of something else. Look at the symptoms for a cold, and compare them to Convid or the flu. Shouldn’t there be something “novel” there? Pretty much anytime one gets sick with anything, it’s Convid! Or could be! Better get tested now!
…- I did, right at the outset, and you *Could Not* fit a shim between them…
…- Then the list of ‘symptoms’ started to steadily and progressively lengthen…
…- *Damn You*, 12 pints of
Heavy‘Covid’ I imbibed last night!!…Drunk on Coronapalooza? Now *that’s* herd immunity!
Covid is acute radiation syndrome. The sooner the penny drops to the people the better. Because only knowledge can help.
Watch it, vital info, he connects all the dots, besides he is someone who is 100% not controlled opposition, he was the first to find out about graphene oxide, his team was the first to examine vials they had with chain of custody, they were the very first who tried to warn us what was really happening, what was in these ‘vaxxes’.
“Ricardo Delgado – VACCINES, GRAPHENE Oxide, NANOTECH and 5G”
I am a great fan of Corbett and his research has interesting details. That said I don’t understand how much deeper one can go or where he’s going with all this: it’s pretty self evident that all forms of media are inherently manipulative and by definition mediate our relationship with physical reality. It’s been that way since cave paintings. During the lockdown in 2020, social media was nothing more than an EXPLOSION of cave paintings by everyone locked up in their caves. The people who would learn most from Corbett and worship CNN and Fox and WaPo and NYT are not here on OG….. yes, the psychopathic leaders of our time have become greedier than ever relative to the past and are trying to bite off more than they can chew. On the bright side, most of the people who grow our food, build, repair and maintain the stuff we need to survive spend far less time in mediated reality than those of us like me, pecking away at the keyboard while wondering what real life skills I can develop better… order to spend more time in real reality. Much of what passes for the “achievements” of the Renaissance, Scientific and Industrial Revolution culminating in colonialism and the neo-colonialist structures of WEF /NATO /BIS /WHO / UN etc. and so on is the usual European ethnocentric worldview based on the willingness to use WMD without any sense of ethics or morality Just a few examples of what I mean: 1 In North America indigenous tribes existed for centuries with an oral tradition and highly sophisticated scientific knowledge which enabled survival with maximum ecological sustainability was passed down from generation to generation. I suppose totem poles were one form of “mediated reality”. 2 Centuries before Galileo, Bhaskaracharya and others on the… Read more »
“That said I don’t understand how much deeper one can go or where he’s going with all this … “
Give Scott Creighton a listen. You could be enthused.
Thanks. Yandex and Google give very different results for him….he must be onto something!
Funnily enough, the Lascaux cave painting indicates superior knowledge of the celestial sphere than most people have today (you included). I only gained such knowledge in the last 5 years, and it is as much a paradigm shift as say, finding out the Apollo landings were faked. So, you have something revelatory to look forward to. 😎
Not only that. But they also depict a covid pandemic at the begining of the age of Taurus. The mighty virus coming out from the horns of the bull itself.
Yeah, the cave painting also reveals The Earth is flat.
Shills dutifully protect delicate minds from dangerous knowledge…
It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to do it.
I have no knowledge of the celestial system .) I suppose I take it as accepted that I won’t fall of the edge of the planet….I used to believe the Apollo landings but now I lean more towards it never happening. Not because I have the scientific base to examine it but because it makes no sense to me that NASA would “lose” the technology. I don’t doubt that people from tens of thousands of years ago knew far more than me about me about how the real world works,
Imagine a world with no artificial light at night. No wonder the ancients knew so much about astronomy.
Thanks, I took a quick look at what google allowed me to see 😉 “Dr Martin Sweatman, of the University of Edinburgh’s School of Engineering, who led the study, said: “Early cave art shows that people had advanced knowledge of the night sky within the last ice age. Intellectually, they were hardly any different to us today.”
You’ll even find the Pleiades (aka seven sisters) in Freemasonry artwork, not just the Lascaux cave painting.Check out their mythological prevalence too.
There is a VERY SPECIAL connection between the Pleiades, Taurus, and Orion. It is that connection that gave rise to the Lascaux painting, and the figurative representation of it that occurs in mythology.
To understand the connection, you have to understand more about the cosmos than is taught in schools/universities. You can find hints of it in astrology and the occult (hidden knowledge).
I forgot to add Amos 5:8 “Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion”
Which is a big clue.
When you look into the sphere argument flatearthers and globe believers are both right.Flat earthers see the world as a closed system which is surrounded by a firmament as above so below spherical as do globalists it’s upto us to find out who is right.👍
I mean do any of us believe the msm??And who was the cameraman that was left on the moon as appollo descended,Just saying that’s another rabbit hole to go down.
The MSM are simply script readers. A hammer does not drive a nail of its own volition. Just like that hammer, the media requires a hand to wield it.
The Moon landing, sadly, is almost certainly BS. People may have visited the moon, but not in the way we’re told.
Yes we need to make our own minds up truth is stranger than fiction.
No one ever visited it, it is impossible. We never could leave the earth, the max altitude we could reach was 1600 miles if I recall the number well, see my comment above, the NASA admits.. one.
There was a scientist around 1965 who insisted that the moon is plasma but a planet. Which makes sense, I mean look at it during daylight when it faintly can be seen, the background color is the same as the sky’s on certain points of it.
Anyway – sorry for the slightly off – their lies are literally endless, I really don’t know anymore what is truth, what was not only just another lie of theirs including everything, viruses, universe, history, evolution, antibodies, germ theory, how the human body works aka silence of electrical impulses and their effects… – everything.
I don’t always know what the “truth” is either; a lot of the time it’s simply easier to know what isn’t the truth.
And such a big rabbit hole. 🙂 Another very interesting one by the way.
“NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings”
If it wouldn’t be big enough lie …
There’s an Interesting medieval map of the world where asia represents the heart, africa the body and Europe represents the mind. I think the modern state of being, created by occultists or naturally, is European thought has dissociated from the body and heart, its scientific and ideological thought has run off into madness, much like the Sorcerers Apprentice by Goethe.
This phenomena is explained well in Iain McGilchrists book The Master and his Emissary. It’s like europeans have buried their emotion, their heart, their master and tyranny has taken over the show, a mind dissociated from sentience, compassion. Even the dalai lama said couple years back; paraphrase ‘Europes problems are emotional’.
Useful graphic on how the ruble has fared since the introduction of sanctions:
The focus on the dollar actually understates how well it’s doing because the dollar has held up better than most European currencies.
Last few days of fear porn about the dangerous heat wave that didn’t really transpired.
In typical U.K manner it rained & stormed.
Heat wave? Yes. For me, over 40° C. for more than a week. Very dry. Unpleasant and waiting for rain chemtrails to appear.
Dangerous? No. On a scale of 1 to 10 in the arena of current events, -5.
Off topic I know, but meanwhile in Ireland we are hurtling towards a cashless society with yesterday’s announcement from the majority state owned bank that they are withdrawing cash transactions including the removal of cash machines from 70 of their branches nationwide. Again, it’s nothing to get the media worked up about, they’re too busy trying to worry us about record temperatures and global warming……..oh, and the arrival another 33 thousand Ukrainian refugees by the end of the year. I think they use the smaller nations as testing grounds to see what reaction they get from the local populace, just to iron out any wrinkles before rolling out their plans worldwide. If the world is depending on the Irish population to try and stop any of this ……well don’t, because they aren’t and they won’t.
The lame Gallagher kebworth was totally cashless and the biggest event in Italy went one better.
CASHLESS is the only payment method available at Kappa FuturFestival: a re-chargeable RFID wristband that you will receive at the Festival, during the check-in!
You can top-up your wristband online to avoid queuing at the Festival. Once recharged you will be able to use it at every payment station: to buy food, drinks, merchandise as well as other goods and services available at the Festival.
To top-up your wristband, go through the following steps:
– Go on
– Create an account and enter your ticket’s barcode number (if you have different tickets for different days, use the ticket for the first day of attendance)
– Select a top-up amount and pay
– Your credit will be transfered from your ticket to your wristband at the entrance
– Keep your wristband until the end of the event(or write down the code behind the RFID chip) to be able to receive assistance and request the refund.
Italy and United Kingdom yet again leading the way.
You have to define your priorities, an entertainment event worth to sell out your soul or rather freedom?
We should start bartering, we should start using gold and silver among each other.
What’s wrong with people there? Sorry. More people warned us, including Catherine Austin Fitts (Planet Lockdown), including and Irish woman, Melissa Ciumei that as long as we use cash on every possible occasion, they can’t get rid of it. I’ve been doing it since the start of the hoax pandemic, deliberately, why people didn’t do just as much as this? Don’t use mobile or card if you can avoid (you can in almost all of the normal shops) but only cash.
Listen to her:
Even the Ickonic – Right Now made an interview with an activist woman – her names escapes me, sorry – to go around in the country and asking people to do this.
About the Ukrainian refugees, that will back fire to them. Everyone who lived in an ex-socialist country is rather good to cheat the system, it was basic survival to do without it you couldn’t cope with that environment. Besides they are one of the lowest vax up-taker (among others), they have brain, most of them. Can’t wait, it will be fun.
I wouldn’t say any medium fundamentally changes the way people view or experience reality; only the way they express it.
So is expression more important than experience? I would say not.
A good analogy is photography. Capturing a picture of something doesn’t alter our perception of it; only the way we present it to others (or just to ourselves for later viewing). The one thing I personally strive never to do is crop a picture. The scene is already “cropped” simply by taking the picture.
You don’t think the telly has changed your perception of reality? That only goes to show how successful it’s been in doing so.
The telly – like every other medium – alters the way reality is organized and presented. It does not change one’s perception of reality –
Unless there is some definition of reality which goes beyond the physical world. There are, of course, those who consider social interaction the heart and soul of reality; and physical existence merely a backdrop.
I don’t fall into that category. Nor, I would hazard a guess, do animals. Anyone who has to walk a dog has a very clear picture of reality.
When I stoop to pick up my dog’s shit, I do it without benefit of any intervening media save a doggie bag. Nor have I been trained by TV to the necessity of picking up shit. I assure you if TV is what fosters the desire to clean up, then those in my neighborhood who never clean up either never heard of TV (lucky them!) or else completely ignore the “training.”
We’re all aware that Fauci famously predicted the pandemic, but did you know that Robert Malone did as well?
Malone and his wife wrote a coronavirus book published in February 2020, a month before the pandemic. These things take time to write and publish, so being already published in February is key.
The book specifically names covid 19 and the synopsis predicts a “coming epidemic”.
He also has his own vaccine in India called RelcoVax. There’s more as well. Interesting article:
What’s his game? Is he trying to sell his own vaccine?
You don’t get on joe rogan unless you’re in on it or they want to ridicule you live on air. They didn’t ridicule Malone! Everything said in that interview was Gatekeeping 101.
He was also the expert witness for Pfizer when they pulled the Cominarty scam.
The trick was to FDA approve cominarty, say that its interchangeable with the covid vaccine, and then not supply it.
People then, mistakenly assumed, that the vaccine they took came with liability for damages, but it didn’t. It tricked some people into taking it.
In court, Malone testified that cominarty and the vaccine were “legally distinct”, which meant that the liability that came with cominarty was not transferred to the regular vax, despite them saying its interchangeable.
So, Malone is the expert witness that allowed the cominarty scam to occur.
It was a very sleazy trick, and Malone was the expert witness for big pharma.
One of his goals has always been to incite mass protests (so you can be subverted like in Canada).
If you check his articles going back to December, you’ll see him calling for people to join 2 heavily organized mass protest events, and the US version of the trucker convoy trap.
Excellent. Here is some more:
“SARS-CoV-2”: Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman respond to Cole, McCullough and Malone–McCullough-and-Malone:3
Addressing Dr McCullough, Dr Malone and Dr Cole’s SARS-CoV-2 claims: Where’s the evidence?
“There’s something VERY wrong with Dr. Robert W. Malone!”
I am not sure I see State of the Nation as a reliable source regardless if they are right about Malone. SOTN says that Gates is just a “front man.” Gates is the modern day equivalent to Rockefeller. He is responsible for the essential privatization of the WHO, of the policy of vaccines uber alles as global health policy. Where would allopathy be without Rockefeller’s machinations to control medical education and promote the pharmaceutical industry and smearing “alternative” medicine almost to extinction? Gates, like Rockefeller is a eugenicist ideologue. I don’t see most of Globocap as that kind of ideologue, sure, they don’t give a damn about humanity, like Gates, but they are in it for maximizing profits.
SOTN (State of the Nation) is not a reliable source in most of the cases but in some cases they are, they – it looks – just publish everything which looks interesting enough. They were the very first to publish the finding of La Quinta Columna about graphene oxide. This is how I heard of them and started to follow them on orwell city. Orwellito now can be found on thetruthcomestolight site, which is a quality alternative news site, the debates which were linked by El Zafio also could be found there, in fact I saw these debates and how team Kaufman grilled team of COp, was such fun.
Kill Gates is a very senior front man but a front man nonetheless.
I heard a quote today, “Nature is prodigal, a fish might put out thousands of eggs, with only a fraction surviving, and In our own loins each of us has a billion possibilities of future children, nations, limitless.” (Something like that. I think that was Jack London, a mixed bag of notions, but brilliant at times, then often reversing his positions, and then again. A boisterous boy, in short, a Californian like us, but only 40 years all told when gone.)
But the point well taken, given the chanciness of both nature and nurture, who would presume to establish a science around the bogus speculative eugenics that have cropped up in the last century or so?
That is encroaching on the Creator. Let Him (Her, It) decide on outcomes. Many who seem by our jaundiced perspective to have little worth, turn out mightily otherwise. “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone, and it is wonderful in our sight.”
That IS perhaps *the* most wonderful insight about us, of all
To try to interfere with those deeps, as so many Skinneresque “control freaks” often may, is just asking for trouble, and of the very worst kinds, since the issues, even on our best day, in the “best” future we can entertain at best, is well beyond the scope of man and future peripherals (AI) of ANY (AI) kind.
Leave it to advanced august knuckleheads like Skinner or the whole brood at Rockefeller Inc. to even posit that man is capable of crossing that threshold of infinitude and eternitude. And making “Sophie’s Choice(s).” Or Dr. Frankenstein’s!
Because *that* IS the baseline. Omniscience.
“When Christ became man, He humanized infinitude.”.
~~ Myles Connolly, “Mr. Blue”
What do you think of David Martin?
Anyone getting exposure in the media (including the mainstream “alternative” media) is, by definition, in on the scam.
They will mix truth with outright fiction, they pit their own shills against each other, they will create endless distracting “controversies” in every area of life…
but they will NEVER give airtime to someone who isn’t on the payroll
ISBN: 9781648267031
Publication Date: February 12th, 2020
Rona named by WHO Feb 11th 2020
Malone is controlled opposition. He even gave an interview about the coming ‘Marburg’ a couple of months ago. Marburg means bleeding. Do the public knows how people who got high radiation die? They bled from the inside. Because one of the effect of it is to kill the bone marrow.
Graphene oxide in the shots multiplies environmental radiation with appx. 1000 fold. More than that, in different areas of Spain activists measured IONIZING RADIATION coming from / around the new antennas, more activists, more locations, they used Geigers, it was not constant, they said there was software installed after the hardware, they emit ionizing (level) radiation in different times, usually during less busy times, like sunrise, etc.
“New videos of ionizing radiation – La Quinta Columna”
Here there is their activist group measuring ionizing radiation around.
How do you know it is not magnetofection? Marburg is a virus.
Prove it its a virus. Almost 200 FOI request were sent by an activist woman, Christine Massey, asking after virus isolation, no one had records of ANY.
Here you can see her telling:
This is Dr Lanka, virologist who made a controlled experiment to prove that the virus isolation process is a FRAUD, he did everything according to the book except one thing, he didn’t add ANY SAMPLE from any sick ppl. The so called ‘viruses’ (exosomes) happily appeared.
THERE IS NO MARBURG VIRUS EITHER, look for the poison(s).
An excellent documentary on the virus (moneymaker) fraud:
Prove it!
It’s a computer virus. No proof required.
I’ve found the proof that Marburg is not a virus caused disease either.
“SARS-COV-2 & Marburg FOIs: PH Canada & Scotland, U of Otago, OPP, ON Solicitor General, Calgary Police – no records! — October 28, 2021″
“October 22, 2021:
New Zealand’s University of Otago confirmed that they have no record of the alleged “Marburg virus” having been purified from any patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet”
So Marburg must be injected to be deadly?
Btw, I am not a defender of germ theory…
What about magnetofection?
No whistle-blower has published the content of any of the jabs. For graphene, there were some claims in 2021, but only silence thereafter.
While Delgado told that they found ONLY graphene oxide. In ALL of them. He worked together / exchanged info with some South American countries, they even examined the Russian Sputnik, all were quite the same.
By the way graphene and nanotech were found in Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca by a UK laboratory, the report was attached to a criminal case (Mark Sexton) but the police interestingly dropped it.
“The report concluded that there is now definitive proof of the inclusion of:
Video of Pfizer jab under a normal microscope shows specks clumping together to form fractal antenna-like structures. Others have reportedly noted this in saliva from a person swabbed orally for the test using a swab from US CDC.
More photos and video of bizarre items in Pfizer jab serum, from Germany. -2022-01-12
The internet ain’t bad in the mind control business either.
Yo, its middle name!
The net once offered the prospect of bypassing the media monopolies. However the banksters just allowed it to become popular and then quickly took it over and established it as yet another means of mind control.
They first created opium-like addiction, stronger even as with no visible side effects, globally.
Then took it over.
Often forgotten is that the Net/Web was developed as a product of military intel. Doubtful that it ever stopped being such.
Perhaps things will just develop in such a way that what we consider today to be essential faculties, like being able to read, will be something which only those who can be bothered will manage to acquire.
The nanny state will cease to educate or school us in such things, and those who are lazy by nature will remain ignorant… The system will no longer do things for us.
Which brings us back to the many people, especially in the USA, who have for ages longed for the day when the system will be precisely like that and get the hell out of their lives.
I’m really beginning to see their point nowadays.
The great reset intention is to force everybody and every transaction to be on or exclusively to use the digital platform <=every thing on the digital platform is spied on (the digital platform is privately owned, it runs on top of, or over, the internet and it consist of all of the patents on the digital devices and all of the software that make web part of the Internet useful (web-server-user browser industry). You can no longer find a telephone number. If you pay a bill by check or money order in ordinary mail, the creditor will claim the payment arrived late, and charge a late charge. These types of things evidence the effort of the great resetters to force everyone on to their spy on you digital platform. The control the digital platform offers might actually backfire, if we the consumers, and we the governed, all stick together.. We don’t need government decision makers to make our laws any more.. we can make laws over the internet, what we need to do is to reduce and strip government down being just a police system.. we the governed run the legislature and the court, and the government does the policing our courts approve of. Think about that idea. The digital platform has eliminated the need for a representative government. It is now possible to use the technology of the resetter to conduct the affairs of government directly with those who are the governed. WE the governed eliminate the governors, strip the government of all of its law making powers, and remove all official offices in the government. A government without officials and without lawmakers, leaving only a government that does police work in accord to the law that is made only by those who are the governed. A brand new… Read more »
In 2012, after the banking crash, Iceland, with its finances in tatters, gathered input from hundreds of experts and many excellent activist members of the general public, then it created a new constitution which a clear majority of the public supported.
The government simply ignored it – and still does.
I think most of us here know what is required.
The big obstacle is that it isn’t going to happen.
Literacy is necessary to know the difference between milestone and millstone…
NASA Finally Reveals the Truth About Fake Moon Landings
Bart Sibrel is the go-to guy on the Apollo moon mission hoax.
“American Moon” is a long video, but it runs much more smoothly than Bart’s.
It is professionally edited to avoid any time-wasting, it addresses adults rather than teenagers, it covers all the ground, and the narration is fluent and factual.
I recommend that, even if everything Bart says is also accurate.
Incredible, but you know they do such things as a second nature, when it comes to State-sanctioned deception. That’s what states are all about, and I ain’t talking about “altered states”. No, these states are virtually impervious to alteration, now.
But things change *around* them, all the same!
“God is the only safe depositary of True Intel.”
Since a while ago. Now more and more.
PSYWAR (“The Real Battlefield is the Mind”)
This incredibly important film gives the history of “Perception Management” and its foundations as the base for “Mass Formation Psychosis” and all things Orwellian. Comprehensive treatment:
The whole website is awesome
I’ve always thought He’s a helluva Guy!
Excerpt of the opening paragraphs from the story “Tandy” in “Winesburg, Ohio” by Sherwood Anderson (copied free from Project GUTENBERG, entire book). An enchantment fiction for me, since we 1st had it in class, sophomores in HS 1967):
Until she was seven years old she lived in an old unpainted house on an unused road that led off Trunion Pike. Her father gave her but little attention and her mother was dead. The father spent his time talking and thinking of religion. He proclaimed himself an agnostic and was so absorbed in destroying the ideas of God that had crept into the minds of his neighbors that he never saw God manifesting himself in the little child that, half forgotten, lived here and there on the bounty of her dead mother’s relatives.
A stranger came to Winesburg and saw in the child what the father did not see. He was a tall, redhaired young man who was almost always drunk. Sometimes he sat in a chair before the New Willard House with Tom Hard, the father. As Tom talked, declaring there could be no God, the stranger smiled and winked at the bystanders. He and Tom became friends and were much together.”
The strongest argument against the “landings”
is in fact such a strikingly simple one that it is
immediately obvious even to any simpelton:
If something had happened to even one of the
“Twelve Apostles” who supposedly “walked on
the moon”, the world would still think of it eve-
ry day: “Look, child, up there on the moon, the-
re still lies the dead American astronaut!”
Alone with this extremely probable possibility one
could not have gotten away politically at all! That
would be an even bigger disaster than the eternally
gnawing doubt whether the alleged (intentionally
very bad) “recordings” do not come from a studio
in Hollywood. 50 years later, the “high technology
country” Israel has not even been able to land an
uncrewed capsule on the moon without a crash.
Some Visitor, thank you for this. Should be good to shock some innocents into the reality of govt lies. From my file here’s an earlier expose — also by Bart Sibrel: Bart Sibrel. 3/11/16 Recently discovered 1959 doc that the1969-72 & even today moon landing cdn’t happn due to particular circumstance: Van Allan Belt from 1000 miles – 30,000 miles above the earth. “Measurement show radiation 10-300 rem/hr.” Wd have had to launch from N or S Pole where Van Allan’s is missing. Absurd that they were able to go to the moon from Cape Canaveral. How can shuttle crew make discoveries unknown to Apollo moon travellers. 320 mi the NASA shuttle crew found radiation unexpectedly high, 650 mi away from Van Allan. Van Allan (2-10 times a lethal dose). Van Allan had to lie & revise this, at NASA request.
2014 Kelly Smith “We can’t put anyone thru this region of space until we learn how to protect astronauts. ” After stating this publicly, reporters not permitted to speak to him.
One motive for phoney moonlanding: PR to cover the civil unrest due to the Civil Rights movement.
There are more and longer-lasting dangers:
– SPE (solar flares): protons, X-rays; low estimate 25 rem/flare/day, radiation 375 rem/day, worst flares 100 rem/hour for several hours
– GCR (cosmic rays), protons, max. on Moon surface, can tear through metals, plastic, water, etc. generating more subatomic particles
– Other radiation: beta (electrons), gamma, microwave, neutrons.
– Micro- and larger meteorites: speed may exceed 75,000 kph.
– Moon surface temperature fluctuating from above boiling point to far below freezing.
Sorry but is it a true expose or just another misleading info? How could they measure it?
While I don’t know the shape of the Earth and won’t debate on it because of this, I know that the lies didn’t end with the moon landing. Just with common sense there are other statements which are simply can’t be true. Spacebusters has an excellent series asking questions from the NASA fanboys, wroth to watch. But because of it, I wish to see proof for these statements above, sorry.
All of life is a quiz show, and we are just the contestants, guessing guessing guessing…
Trending on twitter in the UK earlier today:
It doesn’t really matter what or who anymore….
Of course it still matters. They would never predicate ‘terrifying’ of the WHO or the UN or IMF, would they? 😝
No mention of the 1709 copyright act (Statute of Anne), and James Madison duplicating this abridgement of the people’s liberty, viz their right to copy, just after the ink had dried on the ‘libertarian’ US Constitution of 1790.
“Gutenberg Conspiracy” … we LOVE that (and LIVE that) as it summons suggestively such connections to the last time I heard the O.”G” word referenced so suggestively, Marshall McLuhan’s seminal book “The Gutenberg Galaxy” which we first heard of in our late teens (“we”: my posse of chess players, all but me and a couple of G associates who were tournament players and theashed us wannabes early and often, with scant oases of inspiration to salvage us from our arms on the ground/ fixed fast in a profound defeat, possibly like a strategic equivalent of the Sahara). Over a half century past. Odd how at 70 many of those things have resurged to the surface of these times. Cycles? As grace would have it (we can always hope) I had just looked at a text I sent myself, moments ‘ere this OffG “Daily Update” appeared in my inbox, how Eckhart Tolle had first put me on a path of constantly, continuously, considering verbal and written language as a “fragmentation” of consciousness. It struck me (upside the head, where most must) that we “adult intellekch’ools” (I think that’s how R. Crumb subtitled and posted his ZAP cartoons in the ’60s, out of a cogently addled SF, CALIF.) have spent many millennia taking those fragments and arranging them into mosaics of “meaning”, so to speak. (I have lived for decades with the affliction of Igor Stravinsky’s famous dictum, in the woefully too narrow circle of modernist composers, when asked to hold forth on the “meaning of modern music” and he held, forthrightly, that “it doesn’t mean anything” ( he’s telling “us”! of the musically great unwashed). That sucked me back through a wormhole of memory to the R. Crumb creation of “Mr. Natural” in an early ’70s comix (I am more startled… Read more »
I’ve had similar thoughts recently. Clarity and peace is found in the spaces between words and thoughts. I feel drawn to music, in fact I’ve recently started playing the tin whistle . . . seeking expression through music that I cannot satisfy within the limits of language.
If it comes from the Muse (whom I identify behind the veil as Mary, who may only be Greek, whence we got the notion of “muses”, in the tremendous hellenistic cultural influences in Nazareth back in the day) it’s ALL music. Simple.
Which reminds me, Marshall McLuhan was a frequent acquaintance of Timothy Leary (spymaster and proliferator of LSD out West, and a helluva lot of other places) and as author of “The Gutenberg Galaxy” said he got all his intellectual inspirations about media philosophy while praying to Mary, as did St. Thomas Aquinas, who suggested the real author of “Summa Theologiae” was Mary, at its root inspirations.
It has long been bandied about that it was McLuhan, over lunch one day, who gave Leary his culturally seminal slogan, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” I know that that maxim had considerable “airplay” and influence on malcontents in the 1960s, whatever its origin.
I see all these extraodinary connections now, one by one, and it really makes you wonder.
But you can take from here to Kingdom Come that music is an incomprehensible blessing. As Kurt Vonnegut said, “Music is the only proof I need of the existence of God.”
Along with St. Gabriel, let the people say, “Amen.”
Or sing it.
Just to be clear, whenever I get too rhapsodic perhaps for my own good, or at least The Point: for the sake of best clarity I wrote obscurely above: “whom I identify behind the veil as Mary, who may only be Greek, whence we got the notion of “muses”in the tremendous hellenistic cultural influences in Nazareth back in the day) it’s ALL music. Simple.” I meant that Mary, clearly of origins a true Jew, thru and thru, may have been Greek as a muse ONLY in the inflected sense, or terms of the deep Hellenistic influences from nearby settlements, close to Nazareth. I suppose that the orthodox doctrine, which I feel no need at all to clutter with “improvisations”, may well view the Holy Family as abiding in a spiritual realm beyond extraneous cultural influences, but I see no reason to think they weren’t inflected by practical cultural influences of the world around them. So, I see the notion of “muse” in a certain sense not alien to Mary’s soul and mission. As generous as She was to God, saying yes to the ponderous mission as His Mother thru the flesh, I see God’s overwhelming generosity, never to be outdone, toward her. So many artists, poets, composers, et al. have accorded credit to her for core inspiration, not to mention one of the cornerstones of Catholic doctrine and theology, St. Thomas Aquinas, one of the first Dominicans. Mary claimed in a vision to St. Dominic that She Herself is the head of his Order. Hence their nickname as “the brothers of Mary.” And indeed She is! So if that holds true, along with about a thousand other titles, why not Muse of the Holy Spirit? Works for me! (I bet it did for Bach, though he would know more about… Read more »
There is no hard evidence that Jesus existed.
Please, I offer instead of my kneejerk reply an excerpt from the first page of GKC Autobiography, and his birth in West London, (where I too was baptized):
“…my birth (as I have said) is an incident which I accept, like some poor ignorant peasant, only because it has been handed down to me by oral tradition. And before we come to any of my own experiences, it will be well to devote this brief chapter to a few of the other facts of my family and environment which I hold equally precariously on mere hearsay evidence. Of course what many call hearsay evidence, or what I call human evidence, might be questioned in theory, as in the Baconian controversy or a good deal of the Higher Criticism. The story of my birth might be untrue. I might be the long-lost heir of The Holy Roman Empire, or an infant left by ruffians from Limehouse on a door-step in Kensington, to develop in later life a hideous criminal heredity. Some of the sceptical methods applied to the world’s origin might be applied to my origin, and a grave and earnest enquirer come to the conclusion that I was never born at all. But I prefer to believe that common sense is something that my readers and I have in common; and that they will have patience with a dull summary of the facts.”
John Ervin, self-quoting: “‘It has long been bandied about that it was McLuhan, over lunch one day, who gave Leary his culturally seminal slogan, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” I know that that maxim had considerable “airplay” and influence on malcontents in the 1960s, whatever its origin.'”
I’d love to know his reply. It wasn’t along the lines of “What the fook are ye talkin’ about lad?”?
Like all things Boulez, it was meta-messaienique, and he always answered me at length, bless his quixotic heart, may it e’er & always resonate.
It is as daunting a task as can be, just to merely regurgitate the gist, and its context, let alone the Adorno-esque musicological meta-sense that was his, “O easy for Leonardo!” (~ Dylan Thomas, “A Child’s Xmas in Wales”).
But I will endeavor that daunt when I dare (next get the ops). Stayed tuned. In. I will not drop out.
The point seems central. To me, at the least, and all those dreamers of like ilk.
Like Pierre, RIP.
Quoting from Boulez comment above:
“It is as daunting a task as can be, just to merely regurgitate the gist, and its context, let alone…”
…the bad acoustics at Harkness, not helped much by his quantifiable Parisian accent, however musical!
He had answered my asks with some amplitude two prior times, in Reinberger Hall at the other end of the block, where it hosts lectures and chamber concerts, crystal clear, (beneath the Main Hall whence TCO strings emanate ensemble sounds “like buttah”). And there I heard every word, unblurred.
Besides, Boulez, howsoever relentlessly and famously contrarian, was yet too genteel, old school-wise, to drop even the scantiest “Eff-bomb” — even in Parigaud argot, let alone a Highland BROGUE! Howsoever a tempting intensifier!
That is, I am sure he would put a diminuendo even to a “Fichtre” let alone alone a “Foutre” if you hear what I mean.
People can’t read any more?
Full printed transcript is here:
I spoke about some of these things to a young man the other day, he nodded many times, but when I referred to a client of my late father, Illuminati-reputed Armand Hammer, his eyes lit up “There’s a documentary about that” he added solemnly. I got the idea that visual education by YT video was the new “reading”, nothing much Gutenbergian, anymore.
Joe Bageant devoted a whole chapter in “Deer Hunting with Jesus: dispatches from America’s Class War” in which he cites quite a slew of stats that show that an ever-shrinking fraction of Yanks still read, and most here don’t do it and even more don’t like to do it. It surely is an alarm. It seems thru the Powers That Be that was meant to be, or maybe I mean “2B”.
[Perhaps the ongoing shift from literary symbols to visual comm isn’t all bad, but much of importance will be lost, no doubt, and means of deception will explode, on many fronts.
An opinion, but things bear it out.]
Amongst many other books, ”Manfred Spitzer, ”Digital Dementia”.
Telling Title.
Afraid so. Igorance is the order of the day.