What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” 

Brandon Smith

The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a “conspiracy theory” within the mainstream and the establishment media.

And sadly, even when you can convince people to look at and accept the evidence that banking institutions and certain politicians work together for their own purposes, many folks will STILL not entertain the notion that the ultimate goal of these power mongers is one-world empire.

They just can’t wrap their heads around such a thing.

People will say that the establishment is driven by greed alone and that their associations are fragile and based only on individual self-interest. They will say that crisis events and shifts in social and political trends are random, not the product of deliberate engineering. They will say that elitists will never be able to work together because they are too narcissistic, etc.

All of these arguments are a coping mechanism for the public to deal with evidence they cannot otherwise refute.

When the facts become concrete and the powers-that-be admit to their schemes openly, some people will revert to confused denial. They don’t want to believe that organized evil on such a scale could actually exist. If it did, then everything they thought they knew about the world might be wrong.

For many years the agenda for global governance was only whispered about within elitist circles, but every once in a while one of them would speak aloud in public about it. Perhaps out of arrogance or perhaps because they felt the time was right to ease the populace into accepting the possibility. Whenever they did mention it, they called it the “New World Order.”

World leaders from George HW Bush to Barack Obama to Joe Biden to Gordon Brown to Tony Blair and beyond have all given speeches talking about the “New World Order.” Money and political elites like George Soros and Henry Kissinger have mentioned the NWO incessantly over the years.

One of the most revealing quotes on the agenda comes from Clinton Administration Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, who stated in Time magazine that:

In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority… National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

He adds in the same article a lesser-known quote:

…The free world formed multilateral financial institutions that depend on member states’ willingness to give up a degree of sovereignty. The International Monetary Fund can virtually dictate fiscal policies, even including how much tax a government should levy on its citizens. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade regulates how much duty a nation can charge on imports. These organizations can be seen as the protoministries of trade, finance and development for a united world.”

To understand how the agenda works, I offer a quote from globalist and Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner in an article in Foreign Affairs Magazine in 1974 titled The Hard Road To World Order:

In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great “booming, buzzing confusion,” to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

The “NWO” has since changed names multiple times as the public grows increasingly wise to the conspiracy. It’s been called the Multilateral World Order, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the “Great Reset,” etc.

The names change but the meaning is always the same.

In the past two years in the face of extensive global crisis events the “new order” establishment globalists have been talking about has arrived, and with almost no fanfare or mention in the mainstream media. The beginnings of global government already exist, and it’s called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism.”

Lately, many analysts myself included have been highly focused on the World Economic Forum and their role in the global government agenda. Mainly because WEF head Klaus Schwab is such a loudmouth and he can’t help but talk about future plans for centralization.

As I have noted in past articles, the elites within the WEF got way too excited about the covid pandemic, thinking that they had the perfect crisis to implement numerous globalist policies in the form of the Great Reset. As it turned out, covid was nowhere near as deadly as they initially predicted during Event 201, and the public was not as submissive and compliant as they had hoped we would be.

The WEF let the cat out of the bag too soon.

So, onward we go, with crisis after crisis like dominoes falling until we get to the one event that they think will drive the masses to accept world governance. And while the WEF is regularly attended by top-level globalists, they are more of a high-level think-tank, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism appears to be about implementation rather than theory.

The founder of the group is Lynn Forester de Rothschild, member of the infamous Rothschild Dynasty that has long been monetarily involved in influencing governments for generations. Pope Francis and the Vatican publicly aligned with the council in 2020, and one of the primary narratives of the CIC is that all religions must unite with the leaders of capital to build a society and an economy that is “fair for all.”

This mission statement is rather familiar, as it echoes the goals of the WEF and its concept of the “Shared Economy”: A system in which you will own nothing, have no privacy, borrow everything, be completely reliant on the government for your survival and you will “like it.”

In other words, the purpose of “inclusive capitalism” is to con the masses into accepting a rebranded version of communism. The promise will be that you won’t have to worry anymore about your economic future, but the cost will be your freedom.

The CIC is led by a core group of global leaders they refer to as “The Guardians” (No, I’m not joking, this is real).

Members of the CIC have included: Mastercard, Allianz, Dupont, the UN, the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), CalPERS, BP, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, Visa, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Mark Carney, the Treasurer of the State of California and many more companies around the world.

The list is extensive, but what it represents is a kind of corporate led government with a congress of corporate representatives mixed with pliable political leaders.

One of the top missions of the CIC has been to change our economic models to “promote equity and inclusion.” Hilariously, proponents of the CIC argue that “too much wealth has been accumulated into the hands of too few people and this proves that existing capitalism does not work”, yet THEY are the very people that rigged the system to centralize that wealth into THEIR HANDS.

They aren’t “capitalists,” they are an aristocracy. Do you really think that these people are going to build a whole new system that doesn’t continue to benefit them?

If you have ever wondered why the Pope has been pushing woke ideology, climate alarmism and one world religion rhetoric in conflict with traditional Christian doctrine, this is why – He’s following the dictates of the CIC.

Another mission of the CIC is to enforce carbon controls and taxation in the name of “climate change” with the purpose of reaching “net-zero” emissions.

As we all know, net zero carbon will be impossible without a complete upheaval of our economy and industry, along with the deaths of billions of people in the process. It is an unattainable scenario, which is why it is perfect for the globalists.

Humans are the enemy of the Earth, they claim, so we need to let the elites control our every action to ensure we don’t destroy the planet and ourselves, and the process will never end because there will always be carbon emissions to deal with.

Members of the CIC, including the head of Bank of America, openly suggest that they don’t actually need governments to cooperate in order to meet their goals. They say corporations can implement most social engineering without political aid.

In other words, it is the every definition of “shadow government” – A massive corporate cabal that works in tandem to implement social changes without any oversight. As noted, we’ve already seen this with the spread of woke ideology by hundreds if not thousands of corporations working as a hive.

Is the CIC the final form of global government? No, probably not. But, it is the beginning of it; a government by corporations and money elites for corporations and money elites.

It bypasses all political representation, all checks and balances and all voter participation. It is conglomerates and their partners making decisions for our society unilaterally and in a centralized fashion.

And, since big business acts as if they are separate from government rather than partners with government, they can claim they are allowed to do whatever they please.

However, with corporations and globalists increasingly showing their true colors and acting as if they should be in charge, the public must hold them accountable as if they are part of government. And if they are found to be authoritarian and corrupt, they must be overthrown like any other political dictatorship.

Originally published by alt-market.us, you can contact the author via [email protected], or follow him on gettr or parler.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal"
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Anne-Marie Mazur
Anne-Marie Mazur
Jul 24, 2022 5:22 PM

Still laughing. This is some LIBERAL “libertarian” propaganda. Does the author have the first clue about what communism is? *HINT* it’s completely antithetical to CAPITALISM. I suspect this is why this type of tripe is still allowed on the internet, since all the socialists and communists were imprisoned, destroyed, deported, etc.. by the 1950’s—so people wouldn’t have a clue this sort of blibber is not based on material history or political economy at all, but some more libertarian clap-trap that guides all to love their slavery under capitalism—as our “governments” already don’t work for the people because they weren’t created to do so. They never worked for the people because their formation was to protect the private property interests of the RULING CLASS with our financial support or else. Grow up and read a couple history books. Start with maybe, say, a book actually written by Marx before calling global capitalism with its newly created global state to protect it “communism”. Unsubscribing from this BS “alternative” news outlet. No one owns anything under THIS collection of bourgeois states, you dolt. You are a wage/debt/mortgage slave who pays all the taxes for the ruling class to steal using their corporate whore representatives in the bourgeois government. SMFH

Jul 22, 2022 7:49 PM

If you wd be persuasive, remember that truth is seldom found in overstatements, like:
Everything about communism was bad.
Capitalism cannot be inclusive.
All vaccines are poison.

Finding the truth is often a process of self-overcoming. One must deny oneself the facile, overly-simple lie. When the person whom you are trying to persuade sees that you are more interested in finding the truth (even from HIS mouth) than in making the dramatic or witty point, you become more credible, more worthy of being listened to.

End of sermon.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2022 8:20 PM

A common experience: I hear something fly past on the news and think, now that sounds interesting i.e. dodgy, but when I go on the net the topic is nowhere to be found on the main news site pages. A curious matter. Is this a way of sneaking items out on the TV medium (where people can be instantly impressed with an item without having space to enquire about it) but keeping them low profile on the net (where people have more time to study them and think about them)? This time I heard something about a covid inquiry but had to dig to find the relevant article. Here it is: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-62250899 Covid inquiry: Lessons will be learned before next pandemic (The now familiar breathtakingly assured prophecy of “the next pandemic”.) The equally familiar brain-dead automatic pilot cliché spouting ensues (“Lessons will be learned…”) The inquiry will be conducted “as quickly as possible” but “without giving a timeframe for its completion”. I mean it really is insulting how they whack you with these contradictions. Anyway, to cut the dreary exposition, what all this adds up to is another demonstration of the seemingly interminable capacity for the media/political complex to generate little separate theatres to constantly pad out the covid show. The script of course has seen no alteration since the emissaries of the Lord Covid descended with their stone tablets in that momentous spring of divine revelation. The media will be aflame with endless tales of a criminal failure to appreciate the utter monstrousness of it all, ranks of suitably contrite villains underestimating the horror, and sobbing families blaming these miscreants for the deaths of their loved ones etc. All will be locked into the single dimension of the covid paradigm. That few will believe it matters not a jot. The… Read more »

Jul 21, 2022 8:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I reckon they’re just covering themselves, so that they can say it was duly reported in the news when they face the hangman.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 21, 2022 11:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Covid inquiry: Lessons will be learned before next pandemic”

…- Translation: – We’re pouring over the data gathered during the recent trial run and, rest assured peons, we *Will* be perfecting the playbook for next time… – Now would you like a side of sandpaper or KY with your next ‘pandemic’?…

Jul 21, 2022 6:53 PM

One world government already exists and has for centuries. There is no political representation of any population anywhere. It’s an illusion. The mechanism of voting provides NO basis for enacting the public welfare or will since public interests are continually ignored, and the public cannot transfer power they themselves don’t possess to one group or one person. Populations have simply always been lied to and brainwashed (using repetition and subliminal messaging) about the purpose of governments and voting. Countries (like dictatorships, religions and monarchies) were formed by the “the order” which isn’t new and has always been worldwide in its reach, wealth, power and influence. All the countries and borders are manmade by this one organization. Countries do not really exist as sovereign nations since they’re all centrally controlled through the financial and legal system. They were created specifically to rule over human populations using the divide and conquer technique, exploiting tribalism, fear and orchestrated, planned wars. They (governments, countries, monarchies) are mechanisms for farming, controlling, taxing and systematically culling large populations of humans. It’s highly organized, using the monetary system, taxation and “governments“ as the basis for human enslavement. If one group (The Order/The Family) controls and owns the entire monetary system – central banking – retail banking, stock exchanges, insurance and real estate (the FIRE sector), that same group also controls all governments, major corporations and institutions of power and influence such as religions, NGOs, charities, education, think tanks and media. And they do, because the monetary, legal, secret societies and familial ties that bind this group together throughout history, prove that there is one system operating already, using multiple supranational organizations. The superficial appearances of separation of countries and the legal constructs that hide them (contract law, corporate law), are being removed, so that the existing state… Read more »

Jul 21, 2022 9:33 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Covid psyop showed this yet many still writing articles like this…

Is the CIC the final form of global government? No, probably not. But, it is the beginning of it; a government by corporations and money elites for corporations and money elites.

It bypasses all political representation, all checks and balances and all voter participation.

Jul 21, 2022 9:50 PM
Reply to  jiin

Exactly. “Checks and balances”. A laughable and transparent faux narrative phrase that reinforces the myth that the political process is real and valid, and the lie that governments were created to serve the people.

Controlled opposition narratives also reinforce the viral lie, germ theory lie and the faux battle between nationalism (A false construct since nations aren’t sovereign), populism (the populations are brainwashed and mind controlled) and globalism (which has existed since before the Roman Empire and isn’t “new”).

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 21, 2022 10:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

What is the ‘Council for Inclusive Capitalism’? It should be re-named ‘Council for EXclusive Capitalism’.

Jul 21, 2022 10:22 PM
Reply to  May Hem

It’s just another cartel (cryptocracy) front. They are partnering with the Vatican, and the bankers announced it, so we know it’s just another arms length corporation of the continuing Roman Empire.

“CEO leaders doing business in ways that lead to a more inclusive and sustainable economy. We believe the strongest and most valuable businesses are those that profitably create value for all stakeholders.“

Not capitalism per se, because stakeholder models will replace corporations with public share offerings. Meaning the public eventually (by 2030) won’t be allowed hold assets or property, including shares: The WEF’s “You’ll own nothing and be happy”.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 22, 2022 6:00 PM
Reply to  jiin

Agree. It has happened.

Jul 22, 2022 6:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am going to play a similar game that I play with xavier as well but actually treat you with respect as you don’t show his psychopathic traits and hubris and ask you: what is your proof that this mafia has us under this level of control since ancient times? I don’t deny at all that such a hidden government exists at this point in time but unless history is pure bs as well it doesn’t seem plausible to me that there was such a level of control even 100 years ago, let alone thousands of years. Most probably the root of the system are just a couple hundreds years old. Please expand if you can and are willing to.

Jul 22, 2022 6:58 PM
Reply to  LuciusLicinius

Financial ties and ownership. Legal ties using contract law and Corporate Law. Legal system created by the cartel, utilizing Roman law. Ownership of central banks, retail banks and the entire monetary system including insurance and real estate. Ownership of countries using corporate constructs. Racketeering by governments. Systems of mass mind control using trauma, the subliminal mind pathway, repetition of lies, the hero and villain narrative etc. Symbols and signs that show cartel ownership of all countries, flags and logos of major corporations. I could go on and on, but it’s boring.

Jul 22, 2022 9:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The Roman law as the basis for current law is only applicable in western Europe and Christian ex colonies and a total different law system is used outside of this area.

If this group has control over the entire humanity since ancient times, how did communication and coordination inside the group work when traveling from Europe to China was impossible? Wouldn’t it seem much more plausible that this cartel was formed in the west 300-500 years ago and managed to expand its influence over the rest of the globe in the last 100 years or so? And that they don’t yet have full and complete control?

Jul 22, 2022 10:26 PM
Reply to  LuciusLicinius

No. Roman Canon law, Military law can be interchangeably used in all US courts by judges if they exit the bench from Admiralty law and re-enter using one of the other two systems to trap their ALL CAPS, strawman fiction “defendant“. The way all legal systems function, is through professional BAR associations, based on the TEMPLE BAR system, using fraud and deception on the ignorant populace. The legal system worldwide is still based on Roman law edicts, statutes. And legalese is derived from Latin. And the reason everyone is allotted a birth certificate and need government ID just to do simple things like drive, get a job or rent an apartment, is to trap them into accepting that the ALL CAPS Strawman, legal fiction name on their government issued IID is the same as their physical being, thus trapping them in the system using Capitis Deminutio Maxima which also stems back to Roman law terminology, as describing the slaves with no citizenship or standing. That’s why all your goverment correspondence, banking, and bills come to you in ALL CAPS. The entire monetary system globally is a centrally controlled system of debt slavery. I have countless hours researching every aspect of how the system functions and it’s ages old, going back to Sumerian Tablets, not merely a century or two. As for traveling to China etc, the silk Road supposedly dates directly to the Romans and the Han dynasty. Here’s an example of how easy it is to create fake history. Let’s take for example the current faux pandemic. There never was a pandemic. The tests are false (as are all viral tests which never test for a virus) because the PCR technique manufactures sequences already within the human genome and dozens of bacteria. Therefore, the results of all tests are… Read more »

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 21, 2022 5:10 PM

” … a rebranded version of communism.”
It’s hard to understand why you tossed out this one-off considering that you didn’t even hint at what sort of “communism” you mean.
Communism? Are you talking about the communism of the Robber Barrons? Or maybe the communism of the wise guys who set up the Federal Reserve? The communism of, mmmm, the Bilderberg Group?
You never come back to your assertion. Did you sneak it into your piece to get a wider distribution?
Surely you are not talking about the Communism of Che Guevara or Antonio Gramsci, are you?
I don’t get it. Maybe you meant to used that quaint term, “anarko-capitalism”?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 22, 2022 1:31 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

This is exactly the communism of Trotsky, hence the communism of Gramsci and Guevara. Perpetual subversion and infiltration of all institutions of the state for a cultural change, with the final goal of acceptance by the people that their only god is the state. That’s Gramsci for you. Che Guevara on the other hand was a blood thirsty loose cannon that the same communists had to take care of. Where do we think modern ‘terrorism’ came from, who originated this idea in modern times? Who are the social psychologists, behavioural scientists and the like who have been studying psychological warfare for a long time now? Covid is the prime example of this. And what ideology, belief system and ‘secret’ societies do these people have in common?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2022 4:53 PM

And humour has died. Where are the satirical shows? You could think up any number of servicable piss takes e.g. news programme introduced by the “Halloween” theme and then a masked figure in a darkened room screaming “You’re doomed doomed, I tell you! … and now the weather” …. over to the Wicker Man effigy as a big map of the UK getting set on fire.

I’ll bet you’ll never see anything like that. So what have you got? Is the “subversive” Stewart Lee still giving us his razor sharp something or other? It would have to be grovelling pro-covid narrative, pro-vaccine stuff and yet still pretending to be the brave cutting edge!

Jul 21, 2022 5:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Stew-art, is not the Pheasant Plucker…
Permit Lee foot in mouth disease,
Before the ‘Fall’ : meaning not just
Autumn seasonal mists,
with poor harvests,
For nut jabs… ( sorry, my spelling ? )

Jul 21, 2022 8:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s hard to find anything funny these days.
Even going back to the old greats only works if you completely immerse yourself in their time.
It is very, very hard, and my former inclination to laugh has been replaced by a quiet admiration for the perceptiveness of the best satirists and comedians.

I have always had a horror of humourless people, and it looks like they’re winning right now, although I can still chuckle at Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”, where something far worse than “the sheeple” is generally on display.
There the characters show the results of generations of in-breeding and systemic ignorance, insanely exaggerated to lift us out of our normal daily lives…
That kind of insanity is much more reassuring than what passes for ‘sane’ today.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  wardropper

…- Scott Adams continues to knock it out of the park, fwiw…

…- On a side note, We’ve got guys comin’ to redo the roof and loft at the mo’, so I’ve been busy clearing out… – I just came across some old scribbled copies I did of ‘The Far Side’ cartoons, back in my teens when I was ‘gonna be the next Charles M. Schultz’ (ho-ho!…) – Yeah, I’ma keepin’ those… – Also came across my old copy of the ‘Calvin And Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book’, and I’ll be keepin’ that too… – ‘Calvinball’ seems a pretty apt metaphor for the world Davostan has served up for us all right now, dontchathink?…

…- Right, I’m off to do some bedtime reading, then…

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…Like Graham Linehan, Stewart Lee also got his start under Chris Morris on ‘On The Hour/The Day Today’ (I forget which)…

…- To be honest, and much as I still rate his genius to this very day, I have to wonder about Morris himself these days, knowing what I know now, though he has done an *Incredible* job of transforming himself into a total recluse from all of that (Whilst continuing to punch out narrative-challenging curveballs like ‘Four Lions’ and ‘A Day Will Come’)…

…- Still and all, his ‘The Day Today 9/11 Special’, featuring himself as his eponymous anchorman character with Patrick Marber’s hapless correspondent, Peter O’Hanraha-Hanrahan, still stands for me as, potentially, a thoroughly courageous attempted proton torpedo shot down the ol’ proverbial thermal exhaust port… – For those who can understand what they are listening to and the context of its (*Very, Very* oblique, mind you) apparent critique… (*Cough*, Jane Standley, *Cough*…)

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2022 4:36 PM

Have you not noticed how the new red scheme weather maps don’t even look like weather maps? They look like geological maps or burning embers or cross sections through lava. The geological aura carries echoes of vast evolutionary epochs and thereby brings in notions of impending extinction.

None of this is accidental but of course mention such a thing and you will get the eye rolling. Thus has the system managed to preclude bloody obvious psychological manipulation whilst imparting a ludicrous sense of superiority to those “sensible” enough to dispense with these “crazy ideas”.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 1:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…- They all look kinda like Bosch’s ‘An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell’ to me (- *Intentionally* so(?…))…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 21, 2022 3:42 PM

 “Council For Inclusive Capitalism.”

Interpretation: “Council for Exclusive Capitalism.”

Members of the CIC have included: Mastercard, Allianz, Dupont, the UN, the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), CalPERS, BP, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, Visa, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Mark Carney, the Treasurer of the State of California and many more companies around the world.”

Exclude anyone who isn’t invested in these alliances. Kinda says it all…

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Jul 21, 2022 1:44 PM

Get a fucking grip, Brandon! These vermin aren’t capitalists? They are trying to get us to accept communism??

“THEY are the very people that rigged the system to centralize that wealth into THEIR HANDS.They aren’t “capitalists,” they are an aristocracy.”

Look mate, capitalists ARE aristocrats, by definition. You want some synonyms? Try capitalism, aristocracy, and OLIGARCHY – the rule of the many by the wealthy few.

You nailed it when you went on to ask this intentionally absurd question:

“Do you really think that these people are going to build a whole new system that doesn’t continue to benefit them?”

Another way of putting that is, do you really think that these people are intending to build a system where they will seek to redistribute their obscene ill-gotten wealth to the downtrodden masses? Do you really think they are going to abandon their model of late stage MONOPOLY CAPITALISM in favor of ‘communism’?

Jul 21, 2022 6:52 PM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

Communism *IS* capitalism without the ability to own anything. Since the owners of the system – central bankers and retail bankers – don’t change under “communism”. Under “communism“, the state (an illegal and unlawful entity) simply seizes all assets from individuals, and as such, seizes all power, independence and wealth. It’s never redistributed to the population. Nor was it ever intended to be.

The fact that people are just brainwashed into thinking that communism is NOT a faux oppositional construct created by the capitalists/oligarchs, is unbelievable, because it’s so obvious.

It’s the same GROUP. They are the banking and financial cartel AND the monarchies and “governments“ AND major corporations. The cartel (Cryptocracy) are all the religions. The cartel are the education system. The cartel are the legal system in every country. The cartel are all political systems.

It’s one system, worldwide. Communism is not public ownership or control. It was never meant to be, since it was an obvious con and a blatant lie from its inception.

Once INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS are removed from any populace, one or more people have complete control of that populace, hence abuse and genocide occurs. The state is the ENEMY: As a vehicle of governance, control, abuse and theft for the cartel. Anyone who cannot see that is intellectually defective and cannot reason.

Jul 21, 2022 8:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

At point zero of communism, i.e. after the October Revolution, individuals did not possess any assets at all, as they were the dispossessed of capitalism/imperialism [ study for example the family Joseph Stalin, Kirov or Marshal Zhukhov were born to], so ”the state” – not even the state per say as it were Soviets – was not seizing anything from them. With communism they acquired independence and control over the means of production and distribution of wealth within the system called dictatorship of proletariat. Also banks were under their Soviets’ – Workers Councils – control and credit was kept to almost zero or in many cases simply zero and the weapon of debt used by capitalism against people and to control people and make sure they will never acquire anything real as the bank credit will rot through any acquisition, was non-existent. The class of capitalists, let alone Oligarchy, was also eradicated [ and the Romanovs got what they truly deserved].

They never have it in capitalism, i.e. social ownership control and distribution of production means, and the bank credit system, central for capitalism, systemically and strategically destroys any wealth they might try to accumulate [ whatever my father, an engineer, managed to accumulate, with me, one generation later, is nothing; it could perhaps buy something when he collected it, but these days it is just worthless fraction of what it once was; the banks and the system of credit are the iron guardians of this systemic wealth destruction].

Jul 21, 2022 8:29 PM
Reply to  roula
Jul 21, 2022 8:31 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If you say so, false it must be.
I think there is a list of possessions left by Joseph Stalin. Everyone can see it. His bank account, if he had one, was empty [ though I may be wrong here, as he perhaps did not have any bank account].
His state salary was never used by Stalin, he was receiving it monthly, it was state-registered amount, and it was left untouched, and upon Stalin’s personal order redistributed for funding something, do not remember what, perhaps some individual Soviet writers or an organisation of writers.
His villa in Zhukovka after his death had been converted into a children lung sanatorium, if I remember rightly.

Jul 21, 2022 8:42 PM
Reply to  roula

It’s the same cartel (Nazis, Communists, Capitalists, Socialiats, Fascists, Monarchists, Fundamentalists etc) using identity politics in order to create faux, binary oppositional constructs. That’s dualism. The Hegelian Dialectic; which is the basis of Gnosticism. It’s a centuries old method of divide and conquer. The “Revolution“ was staged and planned, and the result was the persecution, impoverishment and death of countless millions.

Jul 21, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If you say so, then let it be.
I will defend till I die a different version of history an the Red Banner of October forever.
That is my right. That is where my truth is.

Jul 21, 2022 9:01 PM
Reply to  roula

The only reason people believe in the oft. told lies about communism being real, is due to repetition resulting in mass brainwashing. At no time were the “proletariat” (the etymology of which comes from Roman slave-citizens with no rights – hence it’s the same cartel that rule the world using Roman canon law, Roman contract law and Roman corporate law) ever in charge of anything, let alone gain any type of advantage from communism or any political system.

The state has no right to exist, let alone pass a law or manage populations. There is no inherent or innate right of any human to rule over another or control another. Or to seize the property of, or assets of another or take taxes from the fruits of another’s labor or tax their intellectual or physical property.

Therefore, no state can exist, since it dictates that one class control and rule another. One cannot transfer rights one never had to begin with, to “the state”.

Jul 21, 2022 9:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

My view on communism is not acquired through belief or readings. It is that I could see the generation of my grandfathers born 1900, how they lived, and the leap that was made possible for the generation of my father born in the thirties and what opportunities communism gave to my parents and myself.
And what happened world-over when the Soviet system, which I knew only in its late corrupt and decadent form, collapsed. I had a chance to know both worlds and compare between them. Hard to convince someone who say used to admire Elina Bystritskaya for her act in ”Quietly flows the Don” and then got instead a lollipop and a can of coke.
As I said, for me the Red Banner always.
Someone in my family has a Stalin’s military order for, as it says on the order’s identification card, military effort in combating Nazism.
I treasure it, and the older I get, the more so.

To round it off, I agree with Kohelet.
Who said; ”Who lives long will see a lot of evil”.
I do not know why it is that Kohelet was right, but my experience confirms Kohelet was right.
It is shocking to me, but nevertheless it is what is the case.
And since Kohelet was right, I trust religion.

Jul 22, 2022 6:34 PM
Reply to  roula

It seems your entire belief system is based on lies, deceptions and obvious propaganda.

The Soviet Union (and communism) was a Masonic construct by the global banking cartel. The Cold War was a racketeering scam.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

And all religions are just astrotheology used as mass mind control techniques to diminish mankind’s autonomy, using fear and retribution narratives.

Jul 22, 2022 7:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Sorry, but I do not take American writers/historians on Russia seriously.
Not a single reference to this man or his book by any Russian author on wiki. So they pass over such writers in silence.
Could be one from the Empire of Evils stable of steeds drawing the heavy cart of American Russo-phobia.
Especially that Brzezinski rallied for his work.



Jul 22, 2022 7:43 PM
Reply to  roula
Jul 22, 2022 7:16 PM
Reply to  roula

Roula, there was also a time before capitalism was degraded, when it truly meant “free enterprise”. Long after it was destroyed on a macroscopic level, it continued to be benevolent on a local level: In the 50s a man could easily support a nice home, wife & kids on just a 40 hour week.

In fact we were talking about reducing the work week to 30 hours. Those were the days when we still had industry & we BUILT things. In a few old-fashioned school districts with elderly teachers who carried on the traditions there was even actual EDUCATION.

Thank you for writing about your experience and that of your family.

I think a necessary prerequisite to the degree of corruption presently extant was the destruction of the “religious attitude” to life, or the tradition of living “an examined life.”

Jul 22, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  roula

Oath of Allegiance of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army
I do not know if the text of this oath changed or not over the years. But the Russian president, as a KGB officer, must have taken it too.
Then he broke it, along with many others who turned coat.

Jul 22, 2022 11:03 AM
Reply to  roula

comment image

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 22, 2022 1:57 PM
Reply to  roula

The means of production were owned and controlled by the people adn the wealth was equaly distributed…And then they woke up adn found themselves queueing up for food and clothes while the biggest assets grab in history was being carried out by the ‘soviets’ along with their associates in Wall St.
Ask Jeffrey Sachs for more about the ‘transition’ from communism to whatever it is today in Russia, and his ‘shock therapy’ for asset stripping Russia transferring the wealth accumulated by the bolsheviks during the soviet days.
Now Jeffrey is helping the UN with sustainable development goals, to end world poverty of course.
The Soviet Union was a big lie, bigger than covid but it worked to polarise the world and enrich the money lenders to a new level. Wake up from the teenage stupor that was donning a Che t-shirt and rebelling against your dad 40 plus years ago. Now there’s no more dads to rebel against as the family unit has been destroyed, courtesy of your communist heroes like Gramsci et al.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 1:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

…- Yup, *Exactly*:… – *Different* hats, *Same* bosses wearing em’…

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 1:07 AM
Reply to  Stuart Davies

…- I hate to break it to ya G’, but this ain’t Capitalism we’re living under… – This is Feudalism – leastways from the elite’s point of view, and that’s *Precisely* how they like it…

Jul 21, 2022 1:23 PM

Simple version.

Q: What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?”
A: A bunch of crooks.

Jul 21, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Or, to paraphrase the apocryphal quote typically attributed to Benjamin Franklin: “’Inclusive capitalism’ is two wolves including a lamb while voting on what to have for lunch. 😎 

Jul 21, 2022 12:37 PM

‘In other words, the purpose of “inclusive capitalism” is to con the masses into accepting a rebranded version of communism.’ – one of the great successes of the capitalist propaganda of the last 100 years or so, so many people who really should know better seem to have the idea that a conspiracy between the richest ***capitalists*** in the world has the goal of creating a **communist** new world order!!!!!!!!!!! – a fundamental political ignorance at play, believing the world narrative created by the rulers of the world to (A) hide what they are doing, and (B) when people start to understand what is happening, they believe their potential allies are their enemies!!! – brilliant strategy, and very successfully carried out. Clearly what the wouldbe rulers of the world want is a new feudalism/fascism, a world of godkings and peasants – which is NOT what ‘communism’ is all about. If anyone wants some enlightenment – available here – It’s not ‘the left’ trying to take over the world and shut down free speech and all that other bad stuff – it’s ‘the right’!! – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/vgi/backgrounders/collectivist%20plot%20omg.html – we are never going to defeat these people if they have us chasing after ghosts while they laugh over their champagne in the penthouses far over us.

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Jul 21, 2022 1:24 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Spot ON, Dave! I had just copied that very same sentence to make the very same point about! I am sick to fucking death of people accepting INVERTED SEMANTICS without batting an eye, just like most have been induced to belief in narratives that completely invert reality.

Jul 21, 2022 5:11 PM
Reply to  siamdave

I agree completely. I keep yelling the neocons are coming, the neocons are coming! Everyone seems to have forgotten. We have all been played. Things have been very bad but they can always get much worse.

Jul 21, 2022 11:41 AM

“We must end this fascist threat to democracy.” Another country, the same playbook:


Jul 21, 2022 11:38 AM

Green German Dream vs Real World: a view from India [with my comments]. https://www.indianpunchline.com/russia-teaches-europe-abc-of-gas-trade/ “The first shock in German-Russian relations this year appeared on February 22 when Chancellor Olaf Scholz froze [appropriate word] approval of the newly-constructed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. The $11 billion pipeline beneath the Baltic Sea would have doubled the volume of gas sent directly from Russia to Germany, but Scholz blocked it. Those were heady days when Berlin [for the second time in living memory] talked of “defeating” Russia. Scholz’s move was in reaction to Moscow’s February 21 recognition of two breakaway regions of Ukraine. Acclaim came pouring in from at home and abroad. Jana Puglierin, head of the European Council on Foreign Relations, praised Scholz, saying “… this is real leadership at a crucial moment.” However, Moscow which has a realistic understanding of German energy needs, saw Scholz’s move as an act of psychopathological self-harm, and reacted with a flash of sardonic humour. “Welcome to Germany’s brave new world where Europeans will soon be paying €2,000 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas! [on the spot market which the EU now prefer to former long term contracts” Moscow was alluding to the grim reality that gas accounts for a quarter of Germany’s energy mix, and more than half of it came from Russia. Moreover, Germany’s reliance on gas can only rise because the German Greens decided to shelve nuclear power and phase out coal-fired power by 2030 [despite Ruhr coal being one of Germany’s most plentiful natural resources]. But Scholz insisted that [Green Dream] Germany would expand solar and wind power capacity “so we can produce steel, cement and chemicals without using fossil fuels.” Scholz was confident that he could get away with blocking Nord Stream 2 because Russia had a legal obligation to supply… Read more »

Jul 22, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

NickM, thanks for the factual recap; that was great. I didn’t understand the relevance of why Canada kept mentioning two other turbines that couldn’t be overhauled for two years! Now I do.

Jul 21, 2022 11:28 AM

‘inclusive capitalism’ – classic oxymoron, capitalism is by definition a hierarchical ideology, masters and servants

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 22, 2022 2:20 AM
Reply to  siamdave

…- I’ll happily agree, ‘inclusive capitalism’, in the mouths of the CIC, is a worm-tongued expression, meaning the *Diametric Opposite* of what it says on the tin… – However: –

“…capitalism is by definition a hierarchical ideology…”

…- How did you arrive at that particular conclusion?… (- Clue: – You, and everyone else, *Are Not* currently living under anything remotely resembling actual ‘Capitalism’ (- per Adam Smith, et al.,)…)

Jul 21, 2022 11:05 AM

Great succinct objectivity. Here we are. As history repeats.
Christine Lagarde m.d. IMF mansion 🏠 27th May 2014 speech:
Proudly ‘publicly’ to elites, announced at the behest of LynnFDR,
their latest Square Mile Solutions.

“Capitalism is dead. However, there is a future- ‘Inclusive Capitalism’…” Lagarde 2014.

Naturally Ukraine had kicked off fully & ‘Colourful’ Collusion from Nuland (fuck the E.U.) collided as the FT and The Guardian lost any remnants of journalism;
Nothing new under the Sun 🌞 historically, Banking on Wars.
Machining the Media, whilst developing Blockchains, that included capitalism.


Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 21, 2022 10:08 AM

Inclusive capitalism is a contradiction in terms. Capitalism in its final phase has come to develop financial institutions – hedge funds, private equity, commercial and investment banks and derivatives which are basically extractive/parastic not productive. This rentier takeover of the economy has simply shifted value from a parasitic rentier class to society as a whole. Most of today’s ‘wealth’- and therefore the fortunes of the 1% finds its counterpart on the liabilities side of the balance sheet, consisting largely of the debts owed to the 1% by the 99%. In short the !% have become so wealthy since about 1980 because the owe the 99% in debt to themselves.

An interesting faux pas was made by the US economist, Paul Krugman, who writes for the New York Times. Apparently, Mr. Krugman believes that we should not worry about debt since such debt is what we actually owe to ourselves. Hmm, rather begs the question as to who are we and who are are ourselves!?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 21, 2022 6:33 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Quite true. Here is a large part of the “legal” script: > All lives of United States citizens were hypothecated (pledged as financial securities) via the Cestui que trust (constructive trust) in 1933.

hypothecate (haɪˈpɒθɪˌkeɪt)
1. (Law) (tr) law to pledge (personal property or a ship) as security for a debt without transferring possession or title
2. (Economics) to allocate the revenue raised by a tax for a specified purpose. See also:   bottomry

Hypothecated – definition of hypothecated by The Free Dictionary

Jul 22, 2022 2:09 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

For a currency-issuing government, the national ‘debt’ is simply the difference between the amount of currency it has issued and the amount it has taken back and destroyed as taxes. When such a government runs a budget deficit (issues more currency than it takes back as tax) then the non-government sector can begin to build up savings. Conversely, if the government runs a surplus (issues less currency than it takes back in taxes) then the non-government sector has to use up its savings and eventually go into debt to stay afloat. This is why banks and financial institutions love government to always strive to run a balanced budget or a fiscal surplus. More private debt = greater bank assets.

Jul 21, 2022 9:44 AM

I spose you all know by now that Russia about a week ago sent a letter to her 3 largest European customers declaring force majeure — unusual circumstances beyond her control — regarding her fulfillment of contractual gas commitments.

When she offered to fulfill them using Nordstream II, Germany refused flatly– once again hiding behind lack of certification of Nordstream II, which could easily be accomplished.

Lest anyone should think this is mere incompetence, I point out that the President of EC is Ursula von der Leyen, who is a trustee of WEF.

Jul 21, 2022 9:09 AM

We’re the Department of Truth
We got the power!

(to paraphrase Alice Cooper).

Jul 21, 2022 8:59 AM

Pure boll*cks. How it works they appear on other nations news talking boll*cks then the numptys in that country spread the nonsense then the alt media shills push it as alt news.

Officials in the UK say recent heat waves have destroyed at least 60 homes in England.

Major fire incidents have been declared in London, the East Mid-Lands and south Yorkshire.


So houses spontaneously combust during hot weather these days eh ? The weather wasn’t to blame for the grenfell tower fire it was a faulty fridge freezer.

Jul 21, 2022 8:48 AM

Mark Carney, uh oh.

Jul 21, 2022 8:35 AM

Australia’s last treasurer, Josh Frydenburg, who lost his seat at the recent election, has just got a high paying job at Goldman Sachs.
Funny that.
ARSESUCKERS. All of them.

Jul 21, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  Johnny

UK PM Tony BLiar got that plum ($4M pa) for services rendered in Serbia and Iraq. What service do you think Josh F rendered to GSachs owner Rothschild?

Jul 21, 2022 12:26 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Pocket change. They created a mind control illusion called The steal and every dumb 2 bit thick as f*ck republican / conservative including the alt media shills & Q retarded voters believers donated to the illusion called Trumps legal team and the rest was kept for his next presidential campaign trail. yer right!!

He took from the retards 250mill + in donations.

Steve bannon took 10mil easy for build the wall which never ever happened and fighting the Deep state Trump Make America great pardoned him.

#Voters – nationalist zombies are thee dumbest people going.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2022 7:44 AM

Damned conspiracy theorists!:


No, Weather Maps Have Not Changed Colour To Make You More Afraid Of The Climate

Why you should ignore this latest batch of social media conspiracy theories.

First claim: the redness has been doctored by these nuts to make it look even more scary. (Though strangely enough I don’t recall any previous TV weather maps using this red scheme at all.)

Second claim: It’s to help those who are colour blind! (Speechless!)

Jul 21, 2022 7:42 AM

Very good discussion:

BTW in that image of Zelensky he’s giving a freemasonic hand signal (one often found in early modern portraits but it’s quite rare to see it being used these days).

Jul 21, 2022 6:23 AM

Troika trumps Biden in West Asia. From Pepe Escobar in The Cradle:

“The presidents of Russia, Iran, and Turkey convened to discuss critical issues pertaining to West Asia, with the illegal US occupation of Syria a key talking point. That’s a wholesale rejection of the “War of Terror” Exceptionalist Unipolarity that once ruled West Asia.

“Russia’s President Putin and Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, in their private meeting, “discussed conceptual issues: he means grand strategy, as in the evolving, complex process of Eurasia integration, in which the three key nodes are Russia, Iran and China, now intensifying their interconnection.

“Khamenei on NATO told it like it is: “NATO organization sees no borders. If NATO had not been stopped in Ukraine, that alliance would have started a war [on East-EurAsia] under pretext of Crimea.”


Jul 21, 2022 5:04 PM
Reply to  NickM

President Putin’s reply ended with these remarks:

Iran and Russia are fighting a joint fight against terrorism in Syria. In the military sphere as well as in the economic, our two countries will try to increase our cooperation and also to increase cooperation and trilateral military drills with China.


les online
les online
Jul 21, 2022 5:24 AM

How many days make up a “heatwave” ? One ? Two ? More ? Do they have to be continuous ?
What degree Celsius decides ? 36′ ? 37′ ? Or is it decided if the temperature is “above normal” ?
And where is the temperature taken ? Heathrow airport tarmac ? A leafy suburb ?
How can we be certain when the definitions of vital words have been changed ?

I used to think it was abnormal if the temperature where i live in Australia didnt reach a century once or twice during the Summer months…Now i consider it abnormal if the temperature does reach a century, there’s so much rain about, and fewer cloudless days…

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jul 21, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  les online

May 2020 was the second least cloudy month on record in the UK. All the others in the top five were from 50 or more years ago. No planes in the sky in may 2020 you see.

On one of the supposed record breaking days here (Monday) I worked outside for 8 hours in a place with no shade whatsoever laying bricks in only my shorts and work boots. The sun barely touched my already very tanned skin. There was a haze in the sky all day caused by planes you see. On that day, the Met office informed us that the temperature peaked at 37 degrees celsius, however my thermometers told me that it actually peaked at 35, both at home and at the place where I was working, 10 miles away. I know who and what I trust.

Jul 21, 2022 8:08 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

wow; I can’t believe your still alive!

Jul 21, 2022 9:35 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

N’er cast a clout ’til May is out…

Mike Oxlong
Mike Oxlong
Jul 21, 2022 12:45 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Unfortunately, too many people laugh when you mention chemtrails. Geo-engineering is going on in front of our eyes and still the numpties say they’re just condensation trails.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jul 21, 2022 5:30 PM
Reply to  Mike Oxlong

I work outdoors and I see them spraying a lot of the time, particularly when the weather is good. I also notice that the so called “contrails” occur mainly over urban areas. I pointed a wall for a very switched on fella in autumn 2020 and he was a former plane engineer for British Airways. His words to me on the subject were “I can tell you categorically that they are spraying something. I don’t know what it is that they are spraying, but the equipment for it is on the planes and it’s an open secret amongst engineers that it is happening.” He told me that it was one of the reasons that he quit after 30 years of working there. If the lockdown/no plane months of 2020 didn’t open people’s eyes to what’s going on then I’m afraid they are lost. Most people are hopelessly disconnected from the World around them.

Jul 21, 2022 8:01 PM
Reply to  Mike Oxlong

Condensation doesn’t linger and spread out into a “cloud.”

The best rebuttal analogy of the condensation “argument” I’ve heard is when you breathe out in winter and your breath fogs around you, does it rise above your head and form a lingering cloud? No? But the stuff coming out behind those planes does just that, linger, spread and form a cloud. Huh. So, it isn’t mere water vapor condensation at all. What is it then? Most of those numpties who shake their heads at the crazy cannot and will not attempt to answer that question.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 21, 2022 7:48 AM
Reply to  les online

How many positive covid cases make up a “surge”? When does a “surge” become a “tsunami”?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 21, 2022 5:21 AM

Looks like a corporatocracy. A corporatocracy combined with a plutocracy and an oligarchy and an aristocracy. It’s a Corpplutoaristogarchy. Down with the Corpplutoaristogarchy! Maybe if we could get that to catch on.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Jul 21, 2022 12:01 PM

Made me laugh out loud. Nice one A. Who could downvote it?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jul 21, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

Maybe a Corpplutoaristogarchyocrat. Had to be.

Jul 21, 2022 1:43 AM

comment image

Mark EL
Mark EL
Jul 21, 2022 12:02 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Clever. Like it.

Jul 21, 2022 1:43 AM

comment image

The big diet
The big diet
Jul 21, 2022 12:52 AM

“Their” plan is global domination. I say it will not work.
Another stepping stone towards this goal is called the Abrahamic Accords.
This is where all the Muslim majority countries recognize and play footsy with the Israel. So far it seems to be going swimmingly.
Many ME and African governments have agreed to these accords and others are likely to join up soon.
There’s only one problem, all these countries are run by murdering torturing gangs of criminals. The people of these countries would never vote (of course they don’t get the chance to vote anyway) for anyone who supports Israel.
For many years the corrupt governments had used Israel as a boogey man to distract citizens from government criminality. Now these criminals are coming out of the closet and embracing Israel in public.
This embrace includes “security agreements” with Israel
Guess what a “security agreement” Israel means? It means the Israelis will provide governments like Tunisia, Sudan, Morocco and others with Israel’s expertise in how to murder and torture citizens who are unhappy with their governments licking the boots of Israel.

Egypt, which I believe is being run from Tel Aviv is one of the vilest, murdering torturing countries in the world. The citizens of these countries know if Israel succeeds in taking over their country they can expect the Egyptian system to imposed on them

Personally I’m glad this is happening. This shows the people of these countries that their countries are being run by traitors. The next time there is a mass killing of unarmed Palestinians there could be hell to pay after Friday prayers.
Sooner or later it’s going to happen.

Jul 21, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  The big diet

Israel Schmisrael. Who cares about those schmucks.

Jul 21, 2022 3:47 PM
Reply to  Zane

Well, ”Israel” stands for British/American armies placed all over the Middle East and the real owners of the entire area.
So there are those who care, believe you me.

Jul 21, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  The big diet

True to each and every letter. Islam is hardly ever, i.e. never, mentioned here by mutual consent of all [ we call it: the free press], as if it existed on the planet Saturn or thereabouts [ except for one female journalist who supports Asad’s/Putin’s regime in Syria who frequents here every now and then].
We call it: conspiracy of silence. Or: democracy of silence. Or: omission by accidental oversight.

Jul 22, 2022 7:39 PM
Reply to  roula

Roula, I don’t think there’s anything sinister in our not mentioning “Islam” here: It’s just a combination of there being so many crises to preoccupy us. You are most welcome to bring up “Islam.”

I, for one, wd like to know more about their traditionally less corrupt system of money & banking. Doubtless the bankers who momentarily hold the world in thrall wd like to erase all memory of it.

Jul 21, 2022 12:46 AM

Inclusive capitalism ?
Is that like a peaceful war ?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 21, 2022 1:38 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Council for Carnivorous Veganism

Jul 21, 2022 11:30 AM
Reply to  Johnny

or the ‘mostly peaceful riots (aka ‘demonstrations’ according to CNN)’ a couple years ago as antifa was burning down cities all across the US

Jul 21, 2022 3:44 PM
Reply to  Johnny

So true.
Some are so deluded by this smoky concept cluster that they pretend they comprehend it and then explain it through ”communism”, to the general consent and applause of their smoky readers.
Who afterwards pretend that now, yes, ”now” they ”somehow” comprehend it.
All fits all…

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 21, 2022 10:16 PM
Reply to  Johnny

About as useful as tits on a bull…..or an ashtray on a bicycle……etc.

Jul 21, 2022 12:17 AM

Brandon Smith speaks simply and to the point. His concluding sentence is the most important “They must be overthrown.”

For two years I have been saying that we must begin to talk about the criteria by which we will divide up their ill-gotten plunder. County by county we must declare anything claimed by Blackrock & others forfeit. The people of the earth cannot survive while everything is owned by these psychopaths. They’ve committed treason, murder, theft– what else is needed?

Jul 21, 2022 11:31 AM
Reply to  Penelope

maybe the courage of the masses to be awoken????

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 20, 2022 11:07 PM

Oh yes, they have been planning this coup against humanity for a very long time. Interesting and heartening that while selling the mag, I’m meeting complete strangers who namedrop creatures like Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab at me and then start talking about digital currencies and transhumanism!
However, it seems here in Melbourne they will only discuss these things with people who are like minded and know about The Great Reset, NWO or whatever you call it.
I spoke with a customer couple of days ago who knew convid was all bollocks and knew we were being lied to, but he wasn’t sure why. I gave him a verbal overview of the technocracy that is coming and gave him a link to the below interview which explains everything in crystal clear, understandable language, even for technophobes like me!
I give out links to sites like here or Technocracy News to people who know what is going on.
Oh, by the way, they’ve ramped the fear porn up here so a lot more people are now voluntarily putting on facemasks without even needing to be told to by the Govt. What does this remind you of?

New Name
New Name
Jul 21, 2022 12:16 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Last Tuesday

My wife and I were the only unmuzzled people at our club meeting. Back to the bad old days. Unbelievably the lady who was almost killed by the second shot has had her booster. Covidianity is an amazingly powerful force. It probably has more martyrs in one year than Christianity has managed in the last 2000 years. It took 2000 years to get Christianity to a third of mankind. Covidianity swept the globe in three months.

Jul 21, 2022 11:49 AM
Reply to  New Name

A sobre reflection. Covidianity swept the globe like a new religion, only faster because of better communications. The way new infections sweep the globe faster by air travel.

les online
les online
Jul 21, 2022 2:55 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

All the shops in Randwick Jct, Sydney, still display signs requesting customers QR swipe on entering. The requirement no longer holds but the shops dont remove the signs because they
dont know if they are allowed to…Some shops still have signs advising those entering to wear masks…
Signs informing people that masks must be worn at all times on buses appear on some buses and at some bus stands…Some bus drivers wear masks…Passengers are in a limbo of not knowing if they really are required to wear masks…Most passengers comply because “I must have missed the government announcement !”…(Nudge psychology works !)…
Anticipatory Compliance seems also to be at work in getting many submit to the latest toxic jab when no emotional coercion by The Authorities is in effect

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 21, 2022 8:16 AM
Reply to  les online

Convid has been one giant pysops right from the start, beginning with the tidal wave of fear porn every single day. Then came the mask mandates which served as a constant reminder of the alleged, deadly, out of control “virus” that was going to kill millions upon millions. Apparently. Of course getting people to wear masks is a cheap and effective way to keep fear levels high while dangling the jab in front of them.
Then came the lockdowns and even curfews, including here in Melbourne. But, what were they doing while everyone was locked up at home?
Full frontal psychological warfare against humanity. I just ignore everything les. No mask, no scanning, nothing. It’s actually disconcerting seeing sizable numbers of people here wearing facemasks outside again.
How do you explain it when you see people in a completely empty street, no one else in sight, and they have a facemask on.

Jul 21, 2022 1:35 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I feel for people in Australia your mad politicians have gone full psychopathic power hungry puppets for the elites.

Jul 21, 2022 8:19 AM
Reply to  les online

Yep qld is closely following the i must wear a mask policy…starting to spontaneously appear like a bushfire…meanwhile I have been entering dr surgeries without one…the completely startled look of the waiting all masked up with muY arrival is almost worth it.,.mad bastards…

Jul 21, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The behaviourists, psychologists, etc. will have data on common behaviour from multiple countries to study for years. They only need camera monitors set up at key places: urban, rural, work, etc. Then, they plot what they record against the various announcements or regulations.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 20, 2022 10:04 PM

“They don’t want to believe that organized evil on such a scale could actually exist. If it did, then everything they thought they knew about the world might be wrong.”

At the end of August 2020 me and my husband sat one afternoon and cried. We grieved for what had passed because we saw what the author describes above in such a visceral way – we knew we couldn’t unsee it. It was a sad day and I cried as if losing a relative. Since then I’ve learned pretty much everything I thought I knew about society is just not correct. The countryside helps. But now I know and have grieved I am a better person for it.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 20, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Your tears honour you. Only the living can notice when life is under attack and care enough about it to weep. Your six sane senses are a better guide to reality than anything thrown at you by all the armoured egotists in government, academia and the mass media.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down. Your grief proves you’re stronger than they are.

Jul 21, 2022 4:58 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

“Vinegar Joe” effectively used the mock Latin aphorism illegitimi non carborundum.

Jul 21, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

I cried when it first began when I saw children in masks.

Jul 21, 2022 6:58 PM
Reply to  Annie

As tears turned inextricably towards Anger …

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 20, 2022 9:46 PM

And for those that are still living in DEMOCRACY FANTASY LAND…

comment image

Jul 21, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” You blaspheme the Word of God.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 21, 2022 10:46 PM

Pure religion has no gods…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 20, 2022 9:46 PM

C’mon… The SRF & Billionaires are only making EVERYTHING They can to help us reach the Glorious Year of 2030 filled with Happiness, Harmony and Health!

Jul 20, 2022 9:36 PM

It is yet another ‘thing’ with which our manipulators create chaos all around us, along with the feeling that there isn’t a damned thing we can do about it.

I mean, “Council For Inclusive Capitalism” sounds important, doesn’t it…?Trust me, it isn’t.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 21, 2022 10:16 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Inclusive capitalism is a contradiction in terms.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 20, 2022 9:26 PM

I have never owned much, have always been dirt poor and no one has tried to ever take away my poverty

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 20, 2022 9:05 PM

comment image

“Some might say that those who do suffer from low self esteem. Either that or that they have a secret Death Wish. Of course there is still the other possibility, that they may be just plain old Too-Stupid-To-Live. In any case those who believe the Psycho Nazis lose.”
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 21, 2022 12:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

The Scamdemic ‘BIG LIE’, the Big Cull, the Great Ripoff and the Grand Enslavement are not only Crimes Against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity), they are wholesale grand theft robbery on an industrial/global scale. The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis behind them need to go NOW!”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2022 9:04 PM


The latest UK Column News (from today) highlights the newly centralised NHS and it becomes clear from their board meeting that the future of this celebrated institution is vaccines, vaccines, and vaccines. There will be, on cue, variants of covid for the winter but, sensing public disgruntlement, it seems that the good old regular flu will be making a comeback – owing to the “completely unforseen and completely unintended” lack of suitable immunity built up over the lockdown period.

Rob Rob
Rob Rob
Jul 20, 2022 8:50 PM

“As it turned out, covid was nowhere near as deadly as they initially predicted during Event 201, and the public was not as submissive and compliant as they had hoped we would be.”

No no no… They knew it was bs, that’s why they had to make propaganda… Like the pcr test.
BTW they also used that to create the AIDS crisis. In both cases the treatments are what kill.

Jul 21, 2022 3:52 AM
Reply to  Rob Rob

Agreed. This was clearly a psyop

El Zafio
El Zafio
Jul 21, 2022 11:41 AM
Reply to  Rob Rob

B. Smith never got it. That’s why he’s on ZeroHedge.

Jul 20, 2022 8:30 PM

And, since big business acts as if they are separate from government rather than partners with government, they can claim they are allowed to do whatever they please.

This is the wrong way to look at reality:.

  • Capitalist corporations answer to their shareholders.
  • Capitalist corporations are obliged to maximize return to their capital stock holders.
  • Capitalist corporations are founded and managed under laws defined by governments.
  • Governments have to regulate and insure corporate compliance with the laws.
  • Governments (other than coercive dictatorships) answer to their people for the justice of the laws they make and enforce.

This is not a “partnership” structure, but a control and oversight mechanism for the protection of the interests of people (citizens), which has already been corrupted by the misnomer of “private public partnership” (PPP), The effect of which has been that corporate capital (and debt) now controls government for their own benefit.

The interests of people have been eliminated from the power structure. And that is our present reality.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2022 8:24 PM


Conservative MP John Hayes slammed those taking precautions against the heat here in the UK as “snowflakes” and “cowards”. This is ridiculous; the kind of temperatures we are currently experiencing are nothing to be complacent or derisive about. Extreme heat kills. For example, the deadly European heatwave of 2003 cost 70,000 lives across the continent, more than 2,000 in England, and hit the most vulnerable in society the hardest. The heat was so crippling in France that mortuaries ran out of space to store the bodies of those killed by the extreme temperatures. Tragically, this heatwave may follow suit, according to a former government chief scientific adviser, Sir David King, who has predicted there could be up to 10,000 excess deaths associated with this heatwave.

The ring of this is so familiar it’s even starting to feel nostalgic! Yes, the details have changed but the rhetoric is the same: It’s the covid rap. It’s the global warming rap. It’s the “Russia has driven us all bankrupt” rap. It’s also the “Conservative denial” rap.

On and on into infinity. And beyond!

Jul 20, 2022 10:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Link to the archive version by adding ‘dump’ to the beginning of the url in place of the ‘www’, thus “http://dumptheguardian.com…”

Jul 20, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But unlike the Covid crap all people in “the worst hit part of the UK” namely the southeast had to do today was look out their window as the wind blew, rain fell and temperatures dropped. Love it.

The experts and headline writers quickly switched to “thunderstorm warnings” – no such thing occurred. The weather did what it always does in UK – calmed right down.

That’s the beauty of it no matter how much they whip it up when it comes to the weather it will pass and change. I hope they ramp the weather porn up and up because from one day to the next the actual weather will contradict these clowns but like the idiotic twits they are they will double down – exposing themselves for all to see the liars they are. Love it!

These “people” are imbeciles full of hubris and it won’t take much too bring down their house of cards. In fact they’re well on their way doing it themselves.

Jul 21, 2022 11:58 AM
Reply to  Trewpol

“That’s the beauty of it no matter how much they whip it up when it comes to the weather it will pass and change”

“But if you break the bloody glass / You can’t hold up the weather” — Louis McNeice, Bagpipe Music.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 20, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It couldn’t be excess deaths due to triple c-shots?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Jul 21, 2022 1:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc


“the deadly European heatwave of 2003 cost 70,000 lives across the continent, more than 2,000 in England […] former government chief scientific adviser, Sir David King, who has predicted there could be up to 10,000 excess deaths associated with this heatwave.”

What’s truly deadly is the abstraction. These numbers are completely meaningless, and none of the ghouls mouthing them gives an actual damn about anyone who actually died or how they died or how old they were or what actual gruelling and/or fulfilling lives led up to their deaths. The ludicrous calculations of these salaried pseudoscientists show what a life in money does to the brain, and the soul.

We’re being robbed of our six sane senses and mesmerised by “data”.

Jul 20, 2022 8:12 PM

I’m reading Dennid Wheatley’s ‘The Devil Rides Out’ and in it he mentions the Persian spirit of evil was called Ahriman.

That name has a remarkable phonetic similarity to a certain well-known bloodline Bonesman family. They happened to be the ones who paved the way for detente with China before Kissinger went there.

Jul 21, 2022 9:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Rudolf Steiner has a lot to say about Ahriman, who is the opposite of Lucifer, the other tempter… So there are two main adversaries of mankind, and they sort of work together. Apparently Lucifer had his day something like 5,000 years ago in the east, actually incarnating and spreading his version of wisdom to the people of that time. A great deal of glorious art and culture grew from that period, but the emphasis was one-sided, tending towards the passionate and visionary, as well as encouraging people to loosen their grip on ordinary reality and feel ‘god-like’ themselves. One can see how alcohol and other substances might play their part there. Then, according to Steiner, at some time in the rather distant future Ahriman will also incarnate, and his snares involve persuading mankind that there is no such thing as spirit, and that soulless mechanization is the way to go. That is his new one-sided gift to the mankind of the future. Sound familiar? Well, I gather that all such significant incarnations are prepared well in advance, and followers of the likes of Lucifer and Ahriman are always part of the preparatory package, like a sort of warm-up act for the intended victims of their deceptions. This is essentially occult teaching, but Steiner himself said that the time had come when man must learn about such things and begin to work their fruits into his soul for the sake of his own conscious evolution. The good news is that what he calls “the Christ Impulse” is a spiritual reality which entered our evolution so as to teach us how to find the balance between the luciferic and ahrimanic extremes. This is not done by ignoring those extremes, but by pitting them against each other! If I understand it aright, this… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2022 7:42 PM

Along with the relentless weather porn, comes the immiseration terrorism. The “cost of living” just going up and up – as if it’s some kind of mysterious occult force. The coverage doesn’t raise any awareness – save awareness of impending doom.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 20, 2022 8:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not only are there intelligence tests, but there are resource management tests, wilderness survival tests, army assault courses, urban riot tests, armed combat tests, etc.

It is good to have awareness of impending doom, because then you will do the research, take precautions, make preparatory measures, get/keep fit, etc.

Jul 20, 2022 9:28 PM

I think what G Mc means is that various amorphous and mysterious, uncontrollable elements such the climate and the cost of living are constantly raised in the public consciousness to induce a general, non specific feeling of helplessness.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 20, 2022 10:00 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

The ovines avoid the feeling of helplessness by relying upon their caring government to provide all the help they could ever need.

The sapient avoid the feeling of helplessness by proactively helping themselves.

Climate change is code for the Great Reset, which will result in a radical change in climate of most parts of The Earth. Curiously, the mean temperature of Earth’s biosphere will remain unchanged. Solve that conundrum and you’ll understand the true nature of climate change.

Jul 20, 2022 11:10 PM

Underwear change will cause a change in the climate of my crotch but the rest of my body will remain unaffected. Doubtless, but your meaning?

Jul 20, 2022 11:46 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

It just struck me that English might not be your first language and I may owe you an apology. To one versed in the common vernacular, your language expresses a rather arrogant supercilious attitude which is a tad disagreeable to the cmmon listener. You do make some pertinent comments though.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 21, 2022 9:01 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

I could write my comments such that they come across as less arrogant, less supercilious, less disagreeable, and less like they’ve been written by someone with a foreign mother tongue, but it would take way more time & effort.

We’re talking life & death here on a global scale, and you want a more conducive ‘bedside manner’?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 20, 2022 10:15 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Thanks NS. And understanding that they are deliberately trying to “break you” this way is the first step towards helping yourself and building a resistance which will have to be a group thing since we need to have a community to survive. A scattering of “rugged individualists” sneering at “the ovines” will never last.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jul 20, 2022 10:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There’s certainly nothing to be gained from sneering at the ovines, but bear in mind that the ovines (enthralled by TPTB) would have no compunction consigning vax-refusniks to quarantine/concentration camps.

Also be aware that TPTB are past masters at controlled opposition and creating resistance groups in which to ensnare those of an insurgent tendency.

They’re not trying to break you, but to wake you.

Jul 21, 2022 2:12 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think I’ll test your hypothesis.

I’ll be walking around town tomorrow saying, “Hey did you know that the Covid con is connected to soaring gas prices, soaring food costs, jacked up housing costs and manufactured shortages of everything? Let me explain.”

Well I kind of already do this so know the vacuous expression that comes next.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Jul 20, 2022 7:11 PM

Looks like all the most dystopian elements of capitalism and communism are being combined because our leaders love us.

Jul 20, 2022 8:08 PM

Ok, so organized evil on such a scale actually does exist.and we are its victims. That’s nice.. .. ho hum have a good day. When the hell are we going to find a way to combat this exploitation terrorism..conducted 24/7, in the name of nation states, but in reality it is being conducted by globally connected, privately owned monopoly powers?

define the problem first.. could it be that the evil forces who posses monopoly powers have come together to form the greatest conspiracy to unify the world under one authority the world has ever known? Is the object of the conspiracy: to remove all liberty, to deny every one the right pursue personal happiness, and to limit freedom of movement to places where monopoly power has total 24/7 surveillance and to environments where absolute control of information in fully functional in all of those monitored locations?

Clearly the digital platform coupled with monopoly powers generated by nation state rule of law, have made the projected success to engage in such a conspiracy not only possible, but also very likely?

Jul 20, 2022 11:59 PM

My take is that the two big Cs were invented by our dear leaders to form two sides of an Hegelian dialectic and the resulting conflict would provide the synthesis required by them. We await the result in eager anticipation. Or not.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 20, 2022 6:35 PM

So far I’ve not read anything in the comments that comes close to describing this as “lipstick on a pig”. Capitalism has fundamental flaws, the biggest is that its metric for progress is money, a totally artificial construct. Capitalism is often confused — deliberately confused — with the notion of enterprise, the idea being to indoctrinate people so that they always associate capitalism with progress, The reality is that while some of the mechanisms of capitalism can be used to manage progress it is inherently parasitic — without tight controls on management of capital it eventually becomes an all consuming unproductive entity strangling not just progress but society. One way of illustrating this is the notion of a tax authority such as the IRS or HMRC being the ultimate business model — its all revenue stream with the only overhead being collection and enforcement. This might sound fanciful but think how many global corporations are really financial shells that are primarily financial and legal powerhouses with any real work being outsourced. Also look at our response to, say Chinese competition — primarily financial, the goal being to use financial and legal power to blunt their progress rather than using resources to help our own society to develop. Notice also that this approach just doesn’t work but we can’t muster suitable the long term investment needed by alternatives. Anyway, I’m always somewhat amused by the creative strategies people come up with to try to pretend that what is actually isn’t. I’m now retired — “economically inactive” — but I did spend a lifetime pushing back against the ruthless march of financial engineering. My experience is that capitalism might be able to win battles (or at least bribe or browbeat the opposition) but its ill equipped to win a war. There’s nobody… Read more »

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 20, 2022 9:53 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“capitalism” is just like “democracy”… a term used by scoundrels and terrorists in order to fool the herds of MMS/3i’s. I can only declare they these two tools are very effective.

The main system “The MONETARY SYSTEM” is all that really matters. And this main system has been under the tight CONTROL of the SRF, that have many Billionaires helping Them (the payoff is that they are allowed to be Billionaires!)

All the rest is pure Entertainment.

Clearly the herds of MMS/3i’s reject any ideas to CHANGE the main system.

Jul 21, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Martin, In fact, capitalism — as free enterprise– was an engine of unaparalleled progress for many decades. However, there is no system which cannot be degraded by the power-hungry IF the people cease to be vigilant.

We allowed our educational system to be dumbed down in the US beginning in the 40s or 50s. Then we allowed agencies like the FCC to fail in their duty to prevent media-centralization.

There is nothing wrong with money, capitalism or a constitutional republic that cannot be prevented by a vigilant, educated and freely informed public. There is no magical system, type of money, or formula of words that can protect us from the emergence of psychopaths.

Life doesn’t come w a written guarantee– not for us or for any other generation.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 21, 2022 10:49 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Indeed… The only thing wrong is the degenerate uman animal! And so nothing this animal does can be Balanced.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 23, 2022 6:57 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

That’s why capitalists bet on both sides.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jul 20, 2022 6:14 PM

Yeah bring it on, no nation states all people under one world. Perhaps it will divide folks at first then people will realise we are all human, all the same so let’s get on and work together. Huge numbers that could then also over turn any tyranny,
could be a good thing.
No passports as its all one planet, same language everywhere.
Live any where you like.

Jul 20, 2022 9:11 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Get real. Ooops its not like they promised it would be.
Can we go back and try again.
Sorry son it’s too late.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jul 21, 2022 12:35 PM
Reply to  sailor

Hello sailor… 😉
Fact is you or I don’t know how itis going turn out. These agendas are, from what I have seen over the past couple of years, unstoppable. Maybe some small gains for the people here and there but overall the agenda keeps marching on. Gives us somthing to debate I guess..
Realistic is maybe the word..

Too late for what?

Jul 21, 2022 8:47 AM
Reply to  Geoff P

Would you like to buy a bridge by any chance? Asking for a friend.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jul 21, 2022 12:37 PM
Reply to  Paul_too

Lol.. No not looking for a bridge, they will all get burnt anyways..
Do you have anything for today.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jul 23, 2022 6:59 AM
Reply to  Geoff P


Jul 20, 2022 6:08 PM

Quite a nifty combat drone if you can get one (or a few hundred):

Shahed-191 Iranian Stealth Drone (video below):
– Speeds of 300km/h for 4.5 hours
– Range 450 km
– Ceiling of 40,000 feet
– 50kg ‘payload’

The Shahed-129 has a longer range (1,700 km) and can fly for 24 hours. Though at a lower speed (150km/h)

Available in Iran upon request. Russian presidents preferred.

Jul 20, 2022 8:37 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Iran…??? you clearly dont understand flags.
@ 30 seconds in – there is a israel flag.
un confuse me…….

Jul 20, 2022 8:51 PM
Reply to  entitled2

Dunno. I went by the title. There’s an Iranian flag on the left and US/Israeli on the right. With an arrow in-between them Maybe the arrow represents reverse engineering  🤔 

Jul 20, 2022 9:27 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Also note the coloured lights of the flying drone and that they match those of the Iranian flag

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jul 20, 2022 9:55 PM
Reply to  entitled2

The flag of their enemies MMS!

Jul 20, 2022 6:01 PM

One of the reasons why a number of people cannot accept the fact that the central bankers/ aristocratic families control many governments plus most corporations is because, as in Rome,
they are being distracted by bread and circuses.

Hollywood produced a film in 1975, which in the name of entertainment but in reality their way of taking the pass, called Rollerball showing one scenario of this NWO.
