They’re bringing COVID back…& this time its permanent
Kit Knightly
Covid is back in every headline. As the new normal crowd get desperate to scare people into accepting the Great Reset they’re going back to their old favourite to get us used to the forever pandemic.
The UK’s “Covid cases” are (apparently) up to 3.8 million, according to the Office of National Statistics. It’s reportedly just as bad in the EU, where “cases” (allegedly) tripled in six weeks.
Thing’s are looking pretty grim across the pond too, with “cases” “surging” all across the US.
It’s no better on the other side of the (supposed) ideological divide. Russia, China and India – despite being brave multipolar warriors locked in a 5D chess struggle against the machinations of the globalist elite – have all seen “cases” of the “new variant” as well.
No matter where you live “cases” are on the way up. But, as we all know, “cases” actually means “people who tested positive”, and is a fudged statistic used entirely for propaganda purposes.
The new “wave” is really just about selling one big idea: The pandemic will never end.
Marketwatch is leading the way as far as on-the-nose headlines go, with:
U.S. leads the world in new COVID cases as BA.5 continues to spread and illustrate that the pandemic is far from over
The pandemic is far from over – that’s the hardcoded message doing the rounds right now, and it’s not at all subtle. The WHO literally said it, pretty much word for word:
WHO warns covid ‘nowhere near over’ as variants spike in U.S., Europe
They’re switching up the symptoms too, with “sub-variant BA.5” producing new symptoms which include a “sore throat and hoarse voice”.
In a stroke of genius they even added night sweats and trouble getting to sleep to the list of Covid symptoms…in the middle of a heatwave. Brilliant stuff.
This “surge” is likely to continue to grow as WHO officials demand nations “boost monitoring”, which means more testing, which means more cases. It’s a game we’re all very familiar with, and it’s all meaningless.
Just as meaningless is talk of the new “centaurus” variant.
They had to go with “centaurus”, or something new, because the next Greek letter after omicron is pi, and nobody is going to be frightened of the Pie Variant.
How is the “centaurus variant” different? Apparently, it might be more infectious, and may be more severe. Most importantly, though, it:
has the potential to help the virus escape from antibodies elicited by current vaccines
This is, of course, vital if you’re gonna rake in those sweet sweet booster bucks.
To underline this point with the public they even had poor old Sleepy Joe test positive for Covid, despite being “vaccinated” up to his eyeballs.
What this means for his long-term future remains to be seen. Maybe Joe is about to get – ahem – retired, who knows.
Remember that the news is a construct – and if Joe had tested positive and it wasn’t convenient for the narrative, we would simply never hear about it.
Hell, we know they don’t wear masks when the cameras aren’t on them, there’s no reason at all to think they actually bother testing themselves. I mean, why would they?
They simply announce a “positive test” for any politician who needs to take some time off, generate sympathy or reinforce the verisimilitude of the story.
It’s always an interesting line they tread when they start having the “fully vaccinated” test positive. On the one hand, they need the “vaccines” to work to convince the unvaccinated to get the shot…but on the other, they need the “vaccines” to not work, to convince the vaccinated to get their boosters.
Clearly, right now, they see more money in re-vaccinating than new vaccinating. Which makes sense, any unvaccinated holdouts are probably a lost cause from their point of view.
Now, in terms of the big picture, what does this mean?
Well, potentially, it means going back to mask mandates, social distancing and adding 5th/6th/7th “boosters” to the already pretty crowded vaccine schedule. (Perhaps they’ll give you a deal if you get polio, monkeypox and 2 or 3 Covid shots at the same time.)
Maybe we’ll get a nice autumn lockdown, and schools will delay opening after the summer holidays. Perhaps there’s a bigger narrative in the offing. The “I” newspaper is already setting the stage for a “bad winter”.
More generally, the plan is simply to normalise the semi-permanent “pandemic”.
The Guardian is already saying this wave is “cresting” and we need to “prepare for the next one”. The New York Times is blunter:
Endemic Covid-19 Looks Pretty Brutal
The Atlantic went with a variant (heh) of the same headline:
The BA.5 Wave Is What COVID Normal Looks Like
While the San Francisco Chronicle actually unironically uses the phrase “new normal” in their headline.
Meanwhile both Bloomberg and the Washington Post put Biden’s positive test centre-stage, claiming it “shows the pandemic’s staying power” and “tests his return to normal strategy”.
The message is pretty clear – no going back to normal. Endemic Covid, an unwinnable forever war, that’s the endgame.
On a more hopeful note, the return of Covid likely means the Great Reset crowd are getting a little desperate.
Monkeypox is silly, polio was dead on arrival, the heatwave is already over and people are pretty much bored of Ukraine. They have to go back to Covid because they have nothing else.
It’s like an ageing rock band reluctantly returning to their classic hits late in the set, after the audience has snored through their experimental new album.
It’s almost sad, honestly.
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A few shills below trying to turn back time and soft peddle the covid narrative. So, let’s reiterate –
“Covid” is a scam.
The “symptoms of covid” are ALL symptoms of normal seasonal illnesses.
EDIT – Yes that includes loss of taste and smell , so please don’t bother to tell us how weird it is that it happened to you. It happens every year to some people.
For more information to help you navigate the propaganda matrix see our Covid Cribsheet
I find this talk of “they are getting desperate/running out of ideas” as exhausting as the fake pandemic. How many decades has the covid scam been in the works? How many big hitters do they have lined up waiting to be sprung on the gullible public? Power grid failure, food shortages, economic meltdown, nuclear attacks, internet blackout, and my personal favorite the fake alien invasion. Lots of options to choose from. It should be clear to all discerning minds that “they” are not making things up as they go along.
Not mentioned here but of equal importance is that every data set from every country is showing that the rate of re-infection is highest among the vaccinated. The unvaccinated are NOT the ones showing up in hospitals, and the more boosters, the worse it gets.
The Swine Flu ” pandemic ” of 2009 was the dress rehearsal for Covid.
Convid is the dress rehearsal for something yet to come.
It is not the loss of smell/taste that is bothersome but a distortion of the sense of smell so that certain smells get replaced with a nauseating smell of something like burnt metal or chemicals. It feels totally artificial. Is this something seen before “covid”?
I suspect that the spike protein patented by Moderna and assumed to be produced by the virus is the poison responsible (circulated globally by something other than an airborne “virus”), OR that “covid” is a result of radiation poisoning from wifi and mobile phones….
They are evil liars no doubt. There is also no doubt in my mind that the “virus” itself didn´t kill anyone but those who were taken to the hospital/care home to get murdered (a member of my family included). And that if was not for the most sophisticated (which is not to say clever) propaganda campaign in history, we wouldn´t be discussing this. Having said that, I also think that there is an out of the ordinary (which is not the same as serious, or unprecedented) disease going on. In my four decades in this world I never heard of a case of anosmia, and I can´t think of anyone in my close circle who hasn´t experienced it during the last year, myself included. In my case, anosmia came together with other symptoms that were indeed rather peculiar (which is not the same as saying unique to this (hypothetical) disease, or that they didn´t have other probable cause, one perhaps very different to a “virus”). The problem is that we are prone to make assumptions “craving that reality gives us those white lines” (see Penelope, below). I feel that some of us believe that thinking that (perhaps) there is (indeed) an out of the ordinary disease (or diseases?) is also conceding many other things that do not follow logically and shouldn´t be concluded from that statement: that it is caused by a novel© virus, that it is dangerous, that is detected by a test, that there is some element of truth to the narrative. We should be much more rigurous in our thinking. What if, for examples, that disease is indeed caused by 5g, can anyone honestly say that they understand all the mechanisms in order to discard that possibility? Or by the crap with which they fill the skies… Read more »
This video has some talk of stuff going on in Canada. Pretty interesting: Mending the Hoop Council with Karen A MacDonald
There are no more illnesses than the evil covid ; the books of medicine will have only one page from now on. Everything is covid, and there is no more solution than injecting what they want to inject to the humanity ; for that reason they invented a pandemic, to put in action genetic and toxic products which should be in the blood of every human being, except the psichopaths. This lays bare the con job of covid outbreaks in Australia. They changed the meaning of an outbreak to mean a mere 1-2 people had to have nothing more than a postive PCR and the ”deaths” = 1.29%, the 1.29% is so bad they all it a plague of old age deaths but the the 98.7% of old age deaths of the same problems don’t even rate a mention.
Disagree on the importance of the unvaccinated. We ARE the control group. The proof positive that vaccines are nothing but poisonous clot shots. Previously healthy people are still dropping like flies everywhere. And they don’t discriminate by age, sex, or race. Simple randomized surveys that prove it are being censored. They want us gone and are dreaming up ways to do it. Lie, cheat, steal, murder. The ends justify the means. They are coming.
dont forget every 3rd or 4th shot was saline so everyone didnt drop dead at the same time.Thats why the 3rd or 4th booster eventually gets you. Flip a coin 4 times…you gonna land “heads” 4 times in a row? just a matter of time for the sheeple….
Sophie: touche!
The Cov19 scam just goes to emphasize that – despite all the tech and knowledge available … bullshit baffles brains.
“They have to go back to Covid because they have nothing else.”
They certainly do have something else: climate change, and they’re pressing it hard.
What a bunch of bullshit…the world is doomed…duck and cover…hahaha
I think Covid will end up a franchise rather like the endless Friday the 13th movie sequels. That horror series is up to 13 films (hehe) and it may yet continue. So, get ready for: Covid 2. Covid the Final Chapter. Covid a new begining. Covid vs. Ebola. The Return of Covid. Covid meets Halloween. Etc.
Nightmare on Vaxx Street.
I don’t know if it’s caused by a virus, but I think the disease is real. The argument that you don’t think any of the symptoms are different than other flu-like diseases doesn’t establish that it isn’t real. Reality does not always give you the bright white lines that you crave.
Pneumonia sounds like flu, too– but it isn’t. Tens of thousands of professional health care workers who are observing the illness think that it is real– I am speaking of people who are against masking, lockdowns, vaccines, and prohibition of effective covid treatments like Ivermectin.
You are falling for a flat earth intelligence operation to discredit those against the vaxx conspiracy.
I am particularly surprised that so many have fallen for the Kaufman videos, as his nontheory is rife with logical error. Don’t let your hunger for simplistic answers make you dogmatic.
Yes but what is the “it” that might be real? It’s only sensible to demand that “reality” at least tells us what “it” is.
All I have seen are cold-like and flu-like symptoms. All else is media “BOOH!”
Most definitely was a flu outbreak. And they are not uncommon. As a reminder: It is normal for nearly 8,000 people to die every day in the United States. The only difference this time was the use of the faulty PCR test which was being run at 45 cycles as a standard. At that rate you get 100% false positives. Fauci did the same thing when he tested gay men for AIDS. All those young healthy people killed by AZT because they tested positive with the PCR test. The second reminder: They are evil. Whenever you start feeling doubts about your stance, go back and review. The doubts quickly go away. The question of why all those people died in nursing homes. The answer: They were murdered with remdesivir and ventilators at Fauci’s direction. They were abandoned and left to die alone. This can’t be disputed. I hope this helped.
The data shows quite a lot of periods with over 10,000 deaths a day some of them at the exact opposite time of year to ‘flu season’.
According to cdc: “During this 38-year period, flu activity most often peaked in February (17 seasons), followed by December (7 seasons), January (6 seasons) and March (6 seasons). ”
June, July, August and September arn’t even included on their graph. February has the highest number of peaks by far with April having zero. Why would an ‘antivaxxer’ suggest that a ‘flu season’ suddenly appeared in April when it hadn’t happened before?
The 2020 excess deaths were caused by the lockdowns and the mistreatment of the nursing home patients. And lockdown deaths did not end after the vaccination program started. Irrefutable. I would bet millions of dollars that excess deaths after that were caused by the vaccines along with the lockdowns. Of course there would be no way of proving it because every agency in the government colluded and distorted the data and passed that distorted data on to the MSM who gleefully reported it. Same for social media censorship. That’s called a cover up. Again, faulty PCR testing IS the common denominator. Last I looked, roughly 13,000 vaccine deaths were reported to VAERS for the United States. VAERS managers estimate that that number only reflects 1% of the actual adverse events. Therefore the correction factor is 100, assuming 1% is accurate. That conversion jumps the number of vaccine deaths to 1.3 million. Add in excess deaths from lockdowns and there you go. The accounting of the excess deaths you are referring to. Not caused by Covid. Caused by Big Pharma, the AMA, higher education, Fauci, the CDC, NIH, FDA, the MSM, The White House, Congress, WHO, etc. All those leaders are complicit and culpable for knowingly and wantingly killing and maiming tens of millions of innocent healthy people with an experimental gene therapy that provides ZERO benefit. And they are still lying to cover their asses. And they will continue to lie until they are held accountable. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Hope that clears it up. Swiss Policy Research does a good job of summarizing stats. Doctors for Covid Ethics Barrington Declaration High Wire web site Children’s Health Defense Dr. Robert Malone Steve Kirsch Newsletter All of this has been covered by Off Guardian in great detail. With all of the irrefutable… Read more »
There are no viruses, there are no contagious diseases… germ theory is a lie.. ALL illness is due to toxicity and/or deficiency…
“The disease” is by definition caused by ‘the virus’, not ‘a virus’ or anything else. That is not to say that there isn’t any atypical pneumonia or other conditions. It also doesn’t say anything about how common any of these conditions are. Dr Kaufman does not say that there is nothing unusual.What he says is sars cov2 has not been proven to be the cause of anything or to even exist.
You are falling for a flat earth intelligence operation to discredit those against the vaxx conspiracy. – I think you are right.
Maybe in most cases it is just a cold or flu, but in the early days the more severe symptoms were very different – People were struggling to get enough oxygen, even though they were taking big lungfulls of air, when has flu ever done that?
Doctors hadn’t seen it before.
This is why which is most people don’t take the alt media seriously when it keeps saying ‘the virus doesn’t exist’.
Maybe it’s not a virus, but people were getting seriously ill from something.
It could have been in food, water, pharmaceuticals, sprayed from above, 5G who knows?
U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say
At the NIH, doctors and scientists complain to us about low morale and lower staffing: The NIH’s Vaccine Research Center has had many of its senior scientists leave over the last year, including the director, deputy director and chief medical officer. “They have no leadership right now. Suddenly there’s an enormous number of jobs opening up at the highest level positions,” one NIH scientist told us. (The people who spoke to us would only agree to be quoted anonymously, citing fear of professional repercussions.)
The CDC has experienced a similar exodus. “There’s been a large amount of turnover. Morale is low,” one high level official at the CDC told us. “Things have become so political, so what are we there for?” Another CDC scientist told us: “I used to be proud to tell people I work at the CDC. Now I’m embarrassed.”
Why are they embarrassed? In short, bad science.
Not snoring. Nobody turned up. ‘They’ just flopped never to make a come back. 😜
The San Francisco Chronicle link is an un-updated copy of the preceding “i” one, the actual link being The article itself is behind a paywall, but the headline can be seen before access to the text is blocked.
If anyone would like to read the article without this paywall nonsense, it has been archived here:
Covid is over. It was used to bend to the service of a boundless war between US and China, a global war, the economies of imperialist countries. This is the cause of the current inflation.
I am thankful to Off Guardian for its opposition to the fake pandemic but they were wrong about some things.
As I was saying from about July 2021 onward, no one is forcing us to get jabbed and no one is asking for “Covid passports” to move around town. One thing that struck me as odd was the claim by many people in the UK that there was still a “lockdown” when that was simply not the case.
Off Guardian failed to expose all the videos of empty hospitals, the dancing nurses and the fact that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated or purified.
I also pointed out that flights to and from Australia resumed long before they declared the flight ban to be over. These contradictions were there for all to investigate.
You all have to understand that Trump was never president and neither is Biden. Obama never left office. He’s now in his 4th term and lives 5 minutes from the White House in a heavily guarded neighborhood (Kalorama) with checkpoints. and will pretend to come out of retirement to soften us up for world war using another major psyop
verisimilitude – word of the day.
I got ‘covid ‘ last December. It was brutal actually. Almost had to be hospitalized. Eat organic, am thin and I work out [ no shot ]. so I wasn’t expecting it that way, but I am happy today as I never realized that covid was back as a thing. Social distancing has it’s benefits.
Gottlieb: ‘Nobody knows’ origins of six-foot social-distancing recommendation
Former FDA commissioner @ScottGottliebMD calls CDC’s six-foot distancing recommendation “arbitrary” and “a perfect example of sort of the lack of rigor around how CDC made recommendations.”
— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) September 19, 2021
“Social distancing has it’s benefits.”. Yes, but we used to call it “staying home when sick” and sane, civilized people did it naturally with out government coercion. Oh, and you only did it when you were actually sick, you know, with symptoms. Well, unless you were a liar.
Yep, it used to called cracking a sickie to go shopping
That’s a generation issue. Young people [ ”Eat organic, am thin and I work out” represents quite a classic young generation bio ] will run these days with a mere finger cut to hospital, bother a surgeon and a pharmacist with it, next take pics of it and publish the cut in social media and get into discussions about the cut lasting for days with their social media likes, collecting ”likes” [ just like they take pics of what they eat and publish it etc…].
That’s what covid is, i.e. information/digital/social media phenomenon – inane/excuse my french – anal/ physiology
I have a lot of respect for flu and I know it can kill people and in general is very unpleasant as I, like a lot of others, must have had flue every season so I have been through tens of flu editions in my life. My favourite Russian actors/resses, samoylova, bystrickaya, tikhonov, died of flu, converted into pneumonia, which for people old age and with other systemic illnesses is basically a verdict, as their lungs and chest muscles will not be able to fight it; the same happened to my father, a long systemic disease, and next a seasonal flu, next converted to pneumonia, next converted to death; classic chain of cause and effect any compos mentis doctor of older generation witnessed aplenty] .
Do you know anything of flu editions in the 80ties? In the 70ties? In the 60ties? In 1883? No, you do not. So ask yourself why?
Go and fight at Stalingrad, this might re-value all for you.
This Fauci in pair with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus [ excuse my french but it is true] might also be sent with a shovel and a rake to go and rebuild Afghanistan.
They would make there a happy picturesque couple.
The retirement scheme they truly deserve.
Covid is somewhat generational, it caught on more in the mobile phone app generation. Everyone below the age of 30 I know ‘had covid’, meaning they had a runny nose at some point in a 2 years period, took the dodgy test a few times till it showed ‘positive’ adn denounced to everyone who would listen that they ‘had covid’.
For the older generations it was about fear of dying from the coof, while for the younger ones it was about fear of missing out. For the busy bodies in between it was about virtue signaling and practicing without shame or refrain their disdain for everyone who is not themselves.
We keep hearing about the ‘authorities’ and the ‘media’ in the alternative world but no one wants to talk about regular people in general self imposing and enforcing this on others, loved ones and unloved ones alike.
Very interesting comment. People have been pressured and coerced, but were they ever really forced? I wore a mask five times in a year and a half. In none of those instances was it anything close to a “do or die” situation. It was more like “do or your friends and family will blacklist you”. It was always my individual choice whether to comply or not. Throughout this narrative I’ve heard countless people say the words: “I have no choice”, but most of them have complied eagerly and without hesitation, every step of the way.
Many agendas seem to be about investigating the limits of what people will consent to. The authorities promote increasingly exaggerated fear porn and increasingly absurd narratives, and they’re constantly prodding us to selfishly turn against one another. But they never actually get violent. At least not so far. It’s as if their priority is to shame us and reveal what sort of people we really are: Milgram’s obedience experiment, but on a worldwide scale. If the powers who control this world are all about hoarding physical wealth then how do we explain their obsession with tyranny on the intellectual/spiritual level?
You did not “get covid”. Covid is just a new name for old symptoms and the “tests” for it are just meaningless scams. You got sick with the same kind of bugs people always get sick from. But brainwashing convinces you it’s new and different because it has a new name.
Check your D levels , that might be the culprit.
When actual doctors at WHO were speaking they said merely stand three feet from people who are sneezing
Pure EVIL.
Each Variant Incrementally Lucrative.
Yes, and there appears to be no escaping it.
EVIL. “Emerging Virtual Intelligent Life.” It’s in you, or is going to be in you, courtesy in large part, but — not solely — to the “vaxx,” which functions essentially like a Trojan Horse. They will use frequencies. Whatever it is inside that stuff, neither you, I nor anyone needs it.
A court in Rostov sentenced an opera singer to 10 years for calling for rallies against COVID restrictions in 2020
The singer was charged under four articles, including the dissemination of deliberately false information and the use of violence against a government official. The UK found that he called for a rally
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Just a little sample of the “news” from one of the main Irish newspapers today. The hot weather crisis is over (it’s raining), Ukraine has become boring ( except for the refugees), our cashless future has been delayed by our “saviour” politicians, but hey, let’s find more shit to keep them on their toes.
It’s a joke at this stage, that’s been replicated across the globe. Time for people to take back the power and put this current shit show to bed once and for all. Moneypox, Conavirus, Climate….iabato.
COnVID-1984 is back because the jab is the disease.
It didn’t need more than a catch-all test and willing populations the first time round, it would be illogical to think it needs more than that now. 😅 A2
Sam, much of the heath problems people are now experiencing are due to the mRNA injections, which are slowly destroying the immune systems of those who consented to the mRNA injections. The good news is that they were never able to eliminate the control group, which was, and continues to be, huge! This winter time I expect the un-jabbed to be in rude health. Furthermore, I expect the un-jabbed to be telling the sickly jabbed that they are healthy precisely because they never took the mRNA. This explains their desperation, they can’t stop the awakening process now, it’s too late for that
Besides lost immunity (from DNA change), there is
-anapylactic shock
-poisoning from additives
-clotting and other auto-immune response that damages any organ, causes still-birth
-other DNA change that damages any organ, may cause birth defect
-unknown function of graphene.
Yeah, and they’ll also continue to blame the un-jabbed for the sickness of the jabbed, while pushing even harder to jab everyone with yet another needle full of poison.
Trying to revive Covid now is bad timing for the UK
As we are in the middle of Leadership race. So nothing can happen until they choose the next Prime minister.
They have and are trying the you need more boosters but few are interested.
Climate heat emergency in the UK what a joke. We love a bit of good weather.
Pity it does not last long.
The war not our problem.
I paid £60 for three quarters of a tank of petrol.
Energy costs doubling and going up again in October
Your food shopping bill increasing fifty percent
This is what people care about!
While these real problems are focusing people minds
The distractions and lies do not work.
The picture at the head of the article reminded me of a perpetual motion machine a friend once kept on his kitchen table. He happened to be a mathematician and understood how the apparatus functioned. The apparatus consisted of six perfectly weighted steel balls. The exact match of weights and length of the “swing” kept the balls bouncing in motion for hours. It was mesmerizing…
Much like the perpetual nonsense being published in the press…
The overlords have to revive the COVID scam because for them it means they can usurp even more powers, make more money, distract us from other important events and continue to put humans at risk of severe adverse reactions and even death from their toxic jabs. It’s a win-win for them.
The 24/7/365 propaganda, the lockdowns, the social disruption and reengineering (creeping Great Reset) are taking a heavy toll on the psyches of the masses. It is a form of menticide! Many are super fearful, others are numb while we nonlobotomized, critical thinkers and unvaxxed have to prepare for more gaslighting BS, more attacks on us, more coercion to take their poisonous jabs and scapegoating. Stay strong, long live the resistance!!!
Night sweats and trouble sleeping. Fuck’s sake. Is that only for menopause-age women with the fake floo,or do men get he same symptoms,since everybody’s supposed to be genderfluid and all?
Any everyday harmless maladies that haven’t been labeled the coovy yet? If you fart a lot after eating chili,it’s not the chili;it’s Centaurus!
The Centaurus variant skipped me,doc. I’ve got the Codswallop variant. It means I’m sick of this bullshit.
The UN just declared Monkeypox a global health emergency.
Who? The WHO club did that.
Why isn’t it possible to reply to Admin? Covid is a scam but symptoms people experience aren’t ALL of the symptoms of normal seasonal illnesses. Don’t you know anyone who lost their taste and smell for months? That happened to me. I got sick with very mild illness in November and I still don’t have my smell and taste fully back. That is not our normal illness. I have a friend who also believes Covid is a scam and lost like 1/3 of her hair after being sick. Her hairdresser told her she’s not the only one. You can’t just ignore the fact that there are weird things going on with this illness and it’s not just the typical flu.
And how many of these people have been vaccinated? For the past year now, the only people I know who’ve had any ‘Covid’ like symptoms have been vaxxed. Your baseline frame of reference should be the year 2020; the following year is when those experimental injections were rolled out, so that’s going to muddy the water a lot.
Well I’m not vaccinated and neither if my friend who lost the hair. I’ve never been taken in by this scam and didn’t really believe it was anything other than flu until a good time into it when I first-hand observed unusual circumstances. I just think that people on this forum could be a little more open-minded. Just because you haven’t experienced it yourself, doesn’t mean that everyone else is making it up. Shutting people down who believe that some strange illness actually is floating around is just the other side of the coin of censorship we receive in the mainstream media.
I apologize if I was a bit brusque. I was just trying to explain why I find it so hard to believe that there’s some deadly plague that’s been going around since 2020. Maybe Covid-19 really is a novel virus, and maybe it isn’t. But how deadly is it really? The mortality statistics from 2020 don’t seem to indicate anything noticeable–and that holds true even for countries that didn’t do any lockdowns or forced masking (such as Sweden and Belarus).
‘Cori’ is taking a very common shill line called “concern trolling”. They weakly assert a skeptical position and then say ‘but…’ and then follow on with a series of fake claims and false facts that undermine the skeptical position they claim to be taking. Don’t waste your time engaging or apologizing.
Sophie, what you call ‘concern trolling’ is often what I call ‘having a different opinion’. There are ‘fake claims’ and ‘false facts’ [sic] everywhere and always have been. What’s important is to let people debate. This site was founded because its founders were banned from posting comments about Guardian articles. The only limits to free discussion should be on using insults as arguments, an unfortunately common practice when you can sit anonymously behind your computer.
I hope OffG won’t become a site where only a limited coterie are allowed to make posts where they all agree with one another. You soon figure out the regular posters. If you don’t like them, you can just skip them. There are, of course, genuine trolls whose aim is to disrupt a site and the line can sometimes be a fine one. Keep up the good work.
No, concern trolling is a recognised strategy, please read my original reply more closely. The method is specific. The troll first claims to agree with the skeptical view and then proceeds to undermine this view with endless qualifiers which all basically assert official talking points and are blatantly false or inaccurate.
Eg – “I completely agree vaccines don’t work and covid is a scam, though last week I was very sick with something worse than anything I ever had, I’m not saying it was covid, but I DID test positive for it, and my friend who was vaccinated with Pfizer was the only one who didn’t get it, so I don’t really know what to think…”
Nothing to do with expressing honest differences of opinion
Spot on. I keep posting my experience. I knew this was just to take down DJT in 12/2019. 12/2021, husband got sick, I got sick and my son as well. We were 14 days total unable to help each other. Day 8, I am on and off delirious, fever and no food, barely drinking, had pneumonia. Husband just better enough to drive me to the clinic. Son passes out on the kitchen floor somewhere in between at 3:AM in the morning. It’s been 8 months and just recovering from no taste, no smell [ or olfactory hallucinations ] and severe intestinal inflammation and fatigue. Also lost most of my hair. As for health – I am 5’2″ 110 ponds with no health problems. I eat organic and workout almost every day for 38 years. Treat all illnesses with herbs. No shot for any of us. Amazing that all the ‘off guardian” folks are acting just like the left. Close down and hyper downvote anything that doesn’t fit your narrative. Black sheep are just sheep after all
Check your D levels in your blood.
D deficiency can kill you when any bugs comes along.
What is your serum (25)OH Vit D level? I bet is is way lower than 70ng/ml, where it should be for optimum health. Do you have saturated vitamin C serum level twice(or more) per day?
loss of taste and smell can be due to zinc deficiency. Don’t address the problem and it continues, because while your body is detoxing (which is all that a cold/flu ARE your body uses even more zinc stores to heal.) Hair loss can be from any number of things. Hell even stress can cause this as it did for me when my son’s puppy was basically killed by the ER Vet with toxic medications in an effort to save him from severe dehydration from gastroenteritis. Also, we don’t know how many people were vaccinated against the flu and some of these vaccines were connected with lots of horrible side effects. There are so many possibilities…
You are concern trolling. Stop
The symptoms you describe are not in question, what is in question is whether they were caused by a ‘novel virus’ called SARS COV2 which is not even proven to exist.
While those sysmptoms might be caused by a couple of dozen things like environmental, exposure to toxic particles in the air, foods, lifestyle, stress, emotional issues, lack of good sleep, temperature changes, radio waves sensitivity, etc, people have to ONLY think of a novel never seen before virus.
Which by the way, for being novel the selected state corporation paid scientists found an antidote awfully quick, without even trialing it.
‘They may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’ Has possibly never been more apt.
Really! I wasn’t ‘shot’ and I was seriously ill. Family as well. Now you know 2 people. Please revise.
Lots of people without the vaccine were very sick, and with weird symptoms. People who deny that just have no experience with it. The first year of the “pandemic” my husband and I thought the same. When I lost my taste and smell after 12 hours of mild cold symptoms, not having fully regained those sense, it informed some of my thinking.
Jackanory bollocks
You could have all caught flu. I have seen people with the symptoms you related, long long ago before ‘covid’ as in over 50 years ago. All members of a family in bed, couldn’t do anything, respiratory symptoms, exhausted, etc. Can take months to get over symptoms and get strength back. Hair will fall out in these circumstances as the body tries to repair itself, hair is not important at that stage. Same as a plant that drops it’s leaves when trying to recover from a disease. New hair/leaves replaced when the body is strong and healthy.
I have positively no idea what “concern trolling” is, but people who’ve gone through or are still dealing with plague are not delusional. I’m talking about people who have not been injected and were often affected before they even started rolling out the injections.
The obdurate position of the Off-Guardian in promoting the plague as utter fraud is perplexing, especially since none of the expostulators have a scintilla of clinical experience.
The other refrain ” ‘xyv-vid’ has not been isolated” confuses matters. Whether what people are experiencing can be attributed to a so-called virus or not is irrelevant. Of course, the narrative and testing around the plague is a pack of lies. This doesn’t mean people are not suffering from cardiac, respiratory, neurological, and digestive maladies that are simply not normal for whatever the nihilists claim to be from mineral deficiencies and the common flu.
There is sufficient evidence that we’re talking about a bioweapon. Its means of transmission inconclusive. Its effects clear.
If it’s about theorising, let’s.
It might well be a ‘virus of the mind’, something instilled in your mind by various psychological/emotional/spiritual methods that induce your mind to create the disease that manifests physically, it materialises.
At the start of the scamdemic a piece of graffity saying VOODOO DEATH appeared in the center of the city I was in at the time. It is totally plausible that many people were made sick by the constant brainwashing, survival anxiety and restricted breathing from both masks and the fear that the air itself contains lethal particles…
Agreed. The off-g aggressively settling on this dogma is disappointing to say the least. The return of voting is also bad news- here we have yet another echo chamber and I feel my time commenting here is coming to an end.
I would say it is as Jon Rappoport said. Multiple things. There is no reason that it would be only one factor. My sense is the ‘virus’ believers are (misguidedly) reluctant to admit anything is going on because they think it would give amunition to the convidians. The ‘virus’ deniers on the other hand do not have this bias. Take for example ivermectin. Maybe that is one of the factors. All these people taking some drug repeatedly because they believe there is a ‘virus’. Something like that would help to get the ‘unvaxxed’ sick and weaken the resistance. The significance of whether the ‘virus’ exists is truely emmense. Belief helps to cover up the excess mortality as well as what the real causes are. Seasonal? It’s not even ‘flu season’ and that would be more accurately described as ‘flu vaccine season’. There is no ‘flu season’. Only healthy seasons exist.
Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin:
Rappaport – very often a good frame of reference here – “it’s never one thing” is how he states the guidance. And wow – I had not heard that report about Ivermectin – I could be called a “Covid Denier” (tho, it’s ruler’s language) but – right from the start I found it absolutely insane that people on “our side” were promoting the prophylactic use of that – seemingly high does for extended periods … ugh! – Vetenarinan version no less! … I got more serious about moderate levels of Vitamin C and D daily supplements (and a couple others) and right now I am “one of the dwindling number of Americans” to have never “gotten” “Covid”! (to use the regime media lexicon)
Sometimes when I encounter commenters like Cori – I get a flash: BOT! – the AI text production is real good … but there is a sameness … Cori: if I am wrong – best to you – I do hope your health improves.
Well you’re wrong – so weird how everyone cries bot when they hate the comments. What’s in your vitamins anyway? They’re just chemical compounds as well! My health is great, thanks, I just don’t have full return of my taste and smell yet, but gradually it’s getting there.
It wasn’t a matter of hating the comment; my hunch was merely being careful about the verisimilitude of virtual space – you do not, surely, deny the existence of bots and their use to disrupt and confuse? We are, after all, in the midst of a military grade psychological operation. The Rulers have been frank about that.
Obviously there are bots. What about our vitamins – D & C? It’s not like they pull them out of oranges and salmon and condense them into pills. People should do a little more research as to how they are made.
And yes, this is a high level psyop – worldwide!
You may also have a typical seasonal viral flu, but the population so weakened an exhausted in body and mind that they were not able to cope with typical symptoms. It is not the disease that is serious, it is physical and mental condition of the population that is appalling. A thing nobody ever mentions. It was my observation in the months right before the so called pandemic outbreak. I worked at a large [ circa 20 000 students ] educational establishment. My classrooms were basically mostly empty, and students who would come were mostly sick, sleeping in class due to fever etc. I could notice in their school bags large quantities of paracetamol-panadol type of medication, truly quantities beyond belief. They were using it as if lozenge. They were simply numbed by anti-inflammatory medication, the whole population that is, not individuals. There were also all types of nasal decongestants in use during breaks between classes and a shortage of nasal decongestants in pharmacies on the market in that country. There is so much more to say about it, so much much more, but I could see that these students led a life and had a diet that was very dangerous and almost suicidal [ most of them on sugar rush non-stop, consuming junk instead of food and glucose syrup based sugary drinks, many of them with advanced obesity, and all of them heavily addicted to their mobile devices, to a degree that normal communication with them was often uneasy, and the lecturer in class was perceived as an unnecessary entity, a disturbance from their mobile-phone stream flow and trance, a serious opium-like mental addiction issue]. Where I worked, nobody talked about it, nor tried to address the issue [ I was surrounded by faculty members similarly in the trance… Read more »
Right, but I live on 5 acres, run 5 days a week, am outside taking care of animals and gardens for several hours a day. Trying to live as healthy as possible, but I still eventually got sick, and like I said, lost my taste and smell for 9 months, leading me to believe that this is indeed something new they’ve created for us to enjoy.
Absolutely, it is not a normal bug and I concur that taking synthetic isolates, particularly D, is not so clever. D is not a vitamin but a hormone produced endogenously by the body. Precursors to D production are more important and pose less risk.
It is interesting how when various commenters try to give you perspective you move the line:
Shill: “I’ve never been jabbed yet I got it bad!!”
Normal human: “These are not out of the ordinary symptoms”
S: “You’ve never experienced it, you need to be more open minded to us sufferers, be nice to me”
NH: “Ok but maybe it’s the general stress of the previous few years that exacerbated what are normal symptoms?, hope you’re ok”
S: “I live a stress free life, have many friends and social support”
NH: “The lockdowns and being stuck in a small place might have exacerbated your alleged symptoms”
S: “I live on 5 acres of land, work outdoors with animals and am gardening several hours a day, run 5 days a week!!”
Classic shill tactic from March 2021: feign scepticism over the entire psyop, feign concern over made up friends who were also sceptical but “all their hair fell off!!” (LoL WTF) or some other extreme nonsense, pretend to be concerned “you guys don’t know how serious this is”, bleat when called out appealing to peoples decency (whilst having zero decency yourself), then keep moving the line until we reach a point – lockdowns are good, masks work and vaccines will save us.
The smattering of randoms backing you up is a nice touch.
Are you a bot? Are you in the employ of the 77th? Are you from Pfizers marketing department trying to sell paxlovid? don’t know – what I do know is that you’re full of crap and a facsimile of a normal human being.
A few months ago, when they were banging out the Omicron nonsense, I commented here on OffG, in response to an article, that Pi would make an appearance on or about 22/7. After all, 22 divided by 7 is Pi. Well, the powers that shouldn’t be have changed the name to Centaurus, but the song remains the same. I hate to say “I told you so,” but…
Nicely timed to tie-in with the BBC’s latest hit piece, so called ‘documentary’ as well. Now I wonder how long it’ll be before one of the unjabbed ‘guests’ suddenly dies from this new, non-existent variant. Then the BBC will tell us “We told you so.”
Omircon is an anagram of moronic which describes those who still believe the scam. I called bullshit in January 2020
During the original “covid” on the Islands where I live, we had below 100 cases, and then 80% got vaccinated. Some elderly people died with covid, and that was it.
80+% got vaccinated and things slowly got back to semi-normal.
“Covid” petered out, and masks were no longer mandatory (except in public transport), but even before the mask mandate was lifted, the “whatever variant” struck, and people all over the place got “covid” according to tests, but actually…nobody seemed to die from it anymore, nobody seemed to go to the hospital anymore, the “covid” usually lasted like any good old flue for 5 or 6 days and then vanished.
In my neighborhood of 15 or so houses, at least 10 persons got the “covid”, I didn’t, I got the proper flue which for me lasted 2 weeks, 4 days for my wife who got actually tested and had no “covid”.
“Covid”, I am convinced, was nothing but some variant of the flue, with the result as expected that it caught the elderly, (over 90% of the death were those of above 65 years, and over 98% of those over 75, as I seem to recall. because you know: older people die for some strange reason from diseases a lot easier than younger ones. I guess a biological reason that seems to some folks mysterious and unfathomable…
I stopped investigating stats, critics opinions, etc., after it was clear to me that you cannot convince the “TRUE BELIEVER” of the prank that was played on us.
Well said.
Treasonous atrocities are not ‘pranks’.
Beyond treason. Sheer, unmitigated evil is more like it.
I’ll raise you ten…
Sheer unmitigated evil and treasonous atrocity. 🙂
“A practical joke, or prank, is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort.”
“I got the proper flu which for me lasted 2 weeks”
meaning I didn’t get tested. Assuming my wife got it after me and tested “negativ” means I didn’t have “covid” either. Whatever this means when using a BS test during a hyped disease.
BTW – from day one when the shit hit the fan, the whole thing stank to high heaven because of the completely idiotic shutdowns that made no sense to anyone who had a clue about quarantines.
I couldn’t believe what was happening when comparing this response, which began in late March 2020 to that during a regular flu pandemic with similar death rates. I really was confused and baffled because of the lack of rationality during the whole thing.
The worse thing however was that the majority, and the vast one in most countries, fell for the nonsense. I stopped talking about it to any family members as soon as I noticed they believed the official BS.
COVID-19 | Burnet Institute these are the Bill Gates and vaccine company shills peddling endless bullshit in Australia. You might need a bath in acid after just scrolling through the doom and gloom crap. This is the reality they refuse to see.
Well said Kit, you are always on the ball. And back in Britain, our aspiring billionaire PM. Rishi Sunak has assured us that, if he gets the plum job, he will declare a ‘State of Crisis’ as Britain is facing at least five different ones. I have news for him in my Letter this week:
There is a reason the Greek word “pharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation:
The so called new Convid cases are “vaccine” damage resulting in the need of more “vaccinations” which will create more “vaccine” damage. This shit is a self playing piano.
Not even that. They are just meaningless positive PCRs done on mostly healthy people
Yes indeed, roger that. And my good friend John Ward contributed to my ‘Letter from Great Britain’ recently covering the broad nature of the elites’ deceptions:
It’t a combination of PCR and juice damage. Here in Sweden they say 4 out of 10 in ICU are fully “vaccinated”. To be seen as fully “vaccinated” you need to have taken 2 shoots as a eighteen year old and above and 3 shoots as 65 years and above. But they don’t mention how many of the 6 who have had 1 shoot since they are not considered as “vaccinated”. With this kind of reasoning they must think everyone already have cognitive problems from the “vaccine”.
Well read this report from NSW for the latest con and how they do it. we have a group collecting daily data, the morons in the media read only the raw numbers and ignore all detailed reports. Like the fact that almost all people in hospital with ”covid” are jabbed, over 60% of them three or four times jabbed, almost all the deaths are the three and four times jabbed and most importantly 0 of them are previously healthy and none of them have a respiratory disease apart from old age pneumonia that runs rife in old folks homes every year.
Swedish reasoning has never been the world’s No.1 yardstick, but in any case there are no national leaders left any more.
They all serve the chief monkey, wherever he lives.
This prospect isn’t so bad, actually. Yes indeed, the ‘new, intractable covid’ bollocks sounds a bit desperate, since all the other panic-porn tried this Summer has flopped. But then, so has covid by now. The divide is already set: those who already see the covid swindle for what it is, together with those who are coming to see it; probably a majority, by the time the eyes-reopening process is complete; and those still-face-nappied troobleevers who remain hopelessly entranced by the mass formation hypnosis, and won’t be snapping out of it any time soon. Making the most of a rather bad job, and just concentrating on the still-hypnotised percentage is probably about the best that the BPh gangsters can hope for now, in their on-going efforts at fear-porn money grubbing by injection. Interestingly – if anecdotally – there really does seem to be quite a bit of a Summer-cold-type small nuisance about just now. Never anything much as far as I’ve seen, and gone in a few days, at the longest. Several people around me have had it, and even I, in my vitamin-C armoured state have had a – really very minor and transient – sniffle. If we take it – as I suspect we can – that there really has been a new-strain of flu-like ill – a flill – about recently, on which the whole covid swindle was erected for gangstercap purposes, then these Summer colds will presumably be that new flill doing what they do: killing off in the first wave a couple of years back a small minority who happen to be seriously susceptible, and then getting progressively less and less troublesome as it passes into its background endemic small nuisance phase. As – er – herd immunity builds up…? This leaves open the question of… Read more »
I dunno what they’re selling, but I ain’t buying….
as carlito braganza once said just when i thought i was out they drag me back in.
or faustus
times runs the clock will strike the devil will come and faustus must be damned
ohh i leap up to my god
who drags me down.
satan the devil lucifer call the shit what thou will he wants you bagged and dna tagged
the children of the damned or should we say old masonic men want the beta tested china system you will be tracked fed watered medicated and culled when the life commie nazi mitie for persons g4s serco insurance factors your life and death span.
you had a good run number 6 prisoner you you cannot run logan thx1138 it is over.
vatican soylent green for all
tainted love no tainted blood the devil is in the dna ownership detail now
the bluetooth within you grows 5g somethins cookin blood brain barrier breach
stroked heart attacked out while changing the bed sheets
it was all a test alas we all failed
The media in conjunction with political shills are the prime cause of emotional medico-infused terrorism.
That Rockefeller report from 2010 which described this exact pandemic scenario in great detail estimated that the serfs would put up with totalitarianism for 13 years before getting antsy and dusting off the pitchforks. So we still have about 10.5 years to go
But I’d rather bet on the Law of Unanticipated Consequences to derail plans….
In the meantime let’s celebrate the disappearance from the planet of all those pre-2020 diseases and pathogens:
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAP)
Community Acquired P (CAP)
Ventilator Acquired P (VAP)
Nosocomial Infection (now known as HAI or healthcare associated infections)
More than 90 000 people die each year in EU countries, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom due to the six most common infections in health care settings (Cassini, 2016). HAIs are the single most deadly and costly adverse event, representing up to 6% of public hospital budgets (Slawomirski et al, 2018).
Influenza viruses A (eg H1N1),B,C, D and all that jazz…..
Disappeared! The whole lot of them!
One of the biggest controlled outlets isn’t pushing the panic button:
It’s looking more like a “nudge” towards boosters than anything else at the moment.
They always push a spectrum of opinion inside a very narrow paradigm. Like Chomsky said. To create the illusion of free speech and free thought and also to control the debate. A lively discussion about whether the new variant is really dangerous makes people forget there’s no debate at all about whether the new variant even fucking EXISTS
Why the hell would you refer to Chomsky when there are so many other, non-poisoned sources?
‘Bernard: just because the Press ask you questions doesn’t mean you have to answer them! For years, you refused to answer my questions. But today, for the first time in your life, you decide to answer them and you do it for the Press! You must have flipped your lid Bernard!!’
This should be addressed to UK politicians with regard to questions/demands from the WHO.
Just ignore these corrupt criminals in the WHO and all will be well.
Dear Kit, as a balance, perhaps OG would report on this and then make follow-ups as they proceed towards victory or defeat. They even got Yeadon to sign!
We propose the following experiment as the first step in determining whether such an entity as a pathogenic human virus exists…
Thomas Cowan, MD Mark Bailey, MD Samantha Bailey, MD
Jitendra Banjara, MSc Kelly Brogan, MD Kevin Corbett, PhD
Mufassil Dingankar, BHMS Michael Donio, MS Jordan Grant, MD
Andrew Kaufman, MD Valentina Kiseleva, MD Christine Massey, MSc
Paul McSheehy, PhD Prof. Timothy Noakes, MD Sachin Pethkar, BAMS
Saeed Qureshi, PhD Stefano Scoglio, PhD Mike Stone, BEXSc
Amandha Vollmer, NDoc Michael Yeadon, PhD
If you carefully analyse everything in this modern system from our concept of romantic relationships to the medical industry to religious motivation to the finance structure, they rely on germ theory, if Terrain theory (the opposite of germ theory i.e viruses) became consensus thought, the current system and those in power would fizzle out or be destroyed.
Germ theory truly is isolating, individualist, un-wholesome, non-inclusive, non-multi-cultural, racist, insecure and protectionist. Living becomes gaslighting when you’re told to embrace collectivist lifestyle like multi-cultural but don’t physically mingle with anyone!
covid is history
monkey pox come
the rise of the monkey
we demand not small pox solutions
but trillion dollar monkey vax with follow on boosters
we will never kill the monkey pox
but like the covid variations
we can subdue it
and booster shot man down into
safe grave space.
he was a good man and believed his doctor
doctor rock did his germ theory duty
animal farm cull the heard
No.It is “sad “ and very boring.A monochromatic dialogue in a draining, spiritless world.
No need for visionaries.
A dumb existence.
Collectively- a big letdown.
Numbering 4,819, it was 12% above the average – the worst ever recorded.
[And it correlates w jabs; see below]
“Post mortems have also confirmed that covid-19 vaccination can cause death of recipients, and this is acknowledged by the UK government who have already paid compensation to multiple families of those who have died as a consequence of covid-19 vaccination.
“Your lack of any reference to covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions as a contributor to excess death in Scotland in 2021 is even more concerning because recent detailed analysis of National Records of Scotland data now suggests a causal relationship between excess death in Scotland and covid-19 vaccinations.”
Professor Ennos states that the argument leading to this conclusion begins with the observation that in the last 32 weeks of 2021, excess death began in different age classes of the Scottish population in a staggered manner, approximately 12 weeks after peak vaccination of that age class.
National Records of Scotland data reveal a second staggering of excess deaths following the booster (third dose) jab – with 2022 mirroring the pattern of 2021 whereby age group deaths occurred approximately 12 weeks after peak administration of the vaccine.
Corona and allied flu has been mankind’s constant companion for 2 million years. Except for last year when the flu vanished and the same number of people who used to die of the flu died of something called Con-19, a disease with flu-like symptoms.
The flu is always with us. Always has been, always will be. Live with it.
“Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold). — Fractured French
According to ONS flu deaths in 2019 were 1,213. The number of deaths allegedly caused by ‘covid’ is much more than this. It is not even remotely “the same number of people” but a completely different magnitude:
Influenza by itself rarely kills. That’s why our Link for 2019 reports only around 1,000 Deaths Due to Influenza.
I bet the same results apply to so-called “Covid-19” deaths. But by 2022 even Sky News on Youtube was asking a “health expert” why did flu deaths vanish only to be replaced by the same number of flu-like deaths from “Covid”. Of course, now you meantion it, they should have said, “Covid and Pneumonia”.
The link doesn’t say “Influenza Leading to Pneumonia”. It says influenza AND pneumonia. CDC reported an average of 6309 “deaths with underlying pneumonia and influenza” in the period 1976 to 2007. That would make ONS’s figures of 1213 for just “influenza” seem very high given the much larger population in the states:
The official flu deaths tanked because all the people who die of flu were called “covid deaths”.
There wasn’t many alleged flu deaths to begin with. Influenza AND pneumonia is not ‘the flu’ but from what I can work out codes J09 – J18, whereas
is only codes J09-J011:
Maybe you or someone else could explain why it disappeared in 1H20 and why it came back in 2H21.
I am not saying ‘flu’ disappeared. I am saying ‘covid’ numbers are not similar to ‘flu’ numbers. I don’t need to explain anything. You are the one claiming ‘flu’ disappeared with no sources of data cited. You are not explaining why you are trying to convince people that ‘the flu’ kills similar numbers to those you are alleging are caused by ‘sars-cov2’. If you said pneumonia the data might be more similar but pneumonia is not blamed on a single ‘virus’ like ‘sars-cov2’ is. John Rose says Dr Tildon would not feed pneumonia patients as the food, drugs etc. would kill them:
Put it a different way. If you had never heard of convid, corona and all the other happy horseshit over the last two and a half years, all the people who they say died of convid, would have been marked down as dying of something else: Flu, pneumonia, heart disease, broken neck from falling off roof, etc.
Yes, I am saying flu officially disappeared for a year, based on a WHO graph someone posted here. I no longer have the link.
you are trying to convince people that ‘the flu’ kills similar numbers to those you are alleging are caused by ‘sars-cov2’
Where did I “allege” that (a) covid kills many (b) flu kills even more?
Time to grab yer masks.
Looks like the “experts” turned a seasonal problem into a perennial one. Well done “experts”.
Flu is a perennial seasonal pandemic. Comes every year, mainly in the winter — except when “Covid-19” relieves its annual duty.
Perennial problem?
Perennial solution: the “Vaxx.”
Not sure if what I have is covid, or what variant, but I have definitely been having the symptoms described in the article: ‘night sweats and having trouble going to sleep’. My daughter contracted whatever variant it is, brought it home, and my entire family is under the weather. This is a fact. I have not been vaccinated, in fact people I know who have been vaccinated suffer the same (though I have heard it said the symptoms are milder, but that is to be expected to justify the whole vaccination push). But, there is a genuine illness happening, a virus of some kind, and my whole family got it. By the way, the solution to the night sweats was provided by my wife, who researches everything. This is in Japan. I was suffering so much from body aches, sleep was out of the question, I gotup to go for a walk, thinking that would help. She woke up when I was leaving and told me that would not help at all. Instead she gave me a tablet of loxonin (called loxoprofen elsewhere), a drug developed in Japan, where I live, and I swallowed it. She explained that it was an over the counter drug, requiring no prescription, and it works well. I took it, and sure enough within 10 minutes I noticed the symptoms subsiding and I had a great sleep, the first in days, and my temperature was practically normal. She did explain that symptoms would likely come back, and they have, but milder. My temperature which had been 40 was down to 36.8. As the day wore on I did notice the symptoms again surfacing but milder. My point is, this is a genuine, real illness. Where it comes from, I have no idea. Perhaps it was… Read more »
“My daughter contracted whatever variant it is, brought it home, and my entire family is under the weather. This is a fact”
it’s all your daughters fault. LMAO
Have you ever considered that your illness could be caused by something other than a ‘virus’?
In his first sentence? What were you considering caused it?
It came from somewhere, and we all got sick. My daughter was the first to feel the symptoms, which we didn’t worry about as they weren’t severe, but several days later my wife and myother daughter also got the characteristic symptoms, followed by me getting infected.
What is actually bizarre is that 47 people downvoted my comment, when it was an account of what actually happened and the measures we took to address it, which worked very well, without having to go to a doctor or get tested.
People are crazy nowadays!!!
Timeline is, first we didn’t have any symptoms. My daughter often stays overnight with friends who go everywhere, university students. She comes home feverish, having a cough and generally under the weather. Next day, my wife starts having similar symptoms, then my other daughter, and finally me – all with with same characteristic symptoms: fevers of up to 40 degrees C, aches and pains making sleep difficult, sore throats, etc. Are you saying there is absolutely no connection between these events?
If it is not a virus then what is it?
Saying ‘it’s all your daughters fault LMAO’ (whatever that means) is a ridiculous thing to say as if there is any fault at all, it is in the existence of whatever it is that is causing symptoms to occur, whatever you call it. I don’t claim to know where it came from but we definitely got sick from something.
Don’t be a dick! She didn’t contract the illness, whatever it is, intentionally, but it was when she came home with symptoms that the rest of us also caught whatever it is. My point was that that loxoprofen (loxonin, in Japan) worked remarkably well to relieve symptoms and you don’t need a prescription to get it.
But this site is full of ideologues who only see black and white, which is too bad, because there are colors out there.
Folk at my work say ‘Kung Flu’, not sure about that, Flu, though..
It’s tempting to hold the view that Covid (or any virus) doesn’t exist and I tend to do so.
However, at the beginning of this year I was quite ill for a week with symptoms that differ from a normal flu or cold. Lot’s of people around me have had similar experiences.
I therefore do not completely rule out a pathogen that has been purposely developed (in a lab).
The ‘variants’ could very well be the result of (produced by?) the vaccinations.
Hi there mr Concern Troll. How is the pay for turning up and planting blatant little “ooh er I thought it was fake but I was so wrong” seeds? Just fuck off.
I had a really bad flu with aches and pain for three long days to the point I was crying out in pain nearly, it subsided eventually, I have had flu every six to ten years, I am over 60, but this one was weird – thing is – this was back in 2016!
people get the odd bad flu, doesn’t prove its covid
I had similar in 2014. The only time in my life I’ve felt so weak and was having difficulty breathing that the thought of whether or not I was going to wake up in the morning popped into my head. Couldn’t stand for 4 days and felt weak for weeks after the main symptoms went. Ongoing effects from flu have always been a thing. Or at least they were until 2020 when they were replaced with ‘long’ con-job and we’re told dishonestly it was never a symptom of seasonal influenza.
No need for this violent attitude mate, it doesn’t help anyone.
I’ve done my research, thoroughly.
Earlier I stated on this site that Covid is a global scam, we can agree on that.
It cannot be ruled out that the symptoms associated with flu are changed by the vaccines.
Nor that our health is manipulated (externally) in other ways.
Ffs you had a cold/flu/ who cares?
I just wonder who is downvoting such innocuous and honest posts. It think maybe this site is being inundated with trolls and disinformation freaks who just like to downvote anything that doesn’t conform with their religion.
Of course it’s a genuine illness! It’s called the flu. And a popular pharmaceutical for “relief” from tiredness, temperature, muscle ache and sweats is Over-profen and allied “Over the counter” medication such as Ibu-profen and Aspirin. My own favourite relief for this real disease is Coffee with Whiskey or Tea with Brandy.
BRANDY absolutely, medicinally taken by myself as about 5 x 5 ml spoonfuls prn (well, that’s what I tell ’em in the shop).
Bottle of the Famous Grouse to every household!
Savorywill, my dental office didn’t want to take the vaxx, were outspoken about it– especially to me since i refused to wear the mask in the waiting room. However, their insurance wd’ve been cancelled unless they took it, so everybody did, except one young lady who quit.
On my next visit, they told me that following the vaxx everybody got covid– NOT respiratory or digestive, but muscle aches in the chest and back & insomnia, said my dentist.
I know that there are multiple levels of insanity here, and as we know, if any of the Covidians bothered to look at their own science, how utterly the Narrative (TM) is in disarray.
Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Product Increases Risk of Infection With SARS-CoV-2 13-Fold!
Tom, of course. My Mexican neighbor tells me that a friend who took the jab has had covid 3 TIMES, all post jab.
No one in my family is vaccinated. Didn’t want to go down that road!
Sounds like microwave illness.
pu a raw egg in front of a flat panel phased array 5g aerial weapon
and the invisible rays of 5g phased will cook it
toot sweet
alas the taste of the eggiweg is rather bitter because of the particular frequency
I’ve had tinnitis for the last month. I suspect it is a delayed clot shot “side” effect.
Yeah I’m beginning to get “the shits” from all this talk of side effects.
Weird. 😆😆😆
Your sympathetic nervous systems co-aligned with the unwell individual, the unwell individual was going through a cleansing process, symptoms that the body creates to help flush out poisons from the cells in its body. You won’t understand disease until you understand the human being is many parts non-physical i.e. thought, speech, emotion, imagination, electro-magnetic waves, electrical signals etc.
There are literally hundreds of pathogens that cause those symptoms! Do you actually think no one ever got night sweats or a sore throat or lost their sense of smell or whatever before the scamdemic?
They have taken a bunch of common symptoms that can be caused by almost anything and brainwashed people into thinking if they get them now it must be “covid”.
if I told you “covid” makes you breathe regularly, sleep every night & need to eat three times a day would you think “my God I’ve had it all my life and didn’t realize!”
Don’t be a fucking idiot
Well, well, ‘Savorywill’…I’m not sure if I’m replying to an AI conversation or a real human being, but, I would point out having a wife who ‘researches everything’ would place you in a great position to be informed that you don’t have anything other than ‘attention seeking’ symptoms and not a ‘genuine illness’, which is an odd statement in itself; who has a bogus illness?
Oh yes, erm, everybody who believes they’ve HAD IT since March 2020.
IT being an illness that incorporates EVERY known symptom included in the Lancet.
Perhaps your wife can research the day the code sequence was ‘discovered’ in China (created in a computer) and the world received it’s 24-hour peer reviewed benchmark Drosten test…a test that can’t diagnose for an illness ‘made’ in a computer.
It’s time you moved on, Savorywill, eat well, exercised and tried to sleep, and asked your wife to research more tangible, more relevant topics, like CoFR, Trilateral, Fabian, Chatham House, RIIA, you know, the high society that decides for you what to feel this week, and wouldn’t urinate on you if you were on fire…
This is a fact.
I didn’t realize how politicized everything has become. I make what is a factual account of having dealt with an actual illness (I never mentioned covid, no idea what it was, but felt like a ‘common cold’ category but more severe than I have experienced before), which prompts a truckload of ideologues to pile on, as ‘how dare I explained what actually happened!! Get on the right page of what we think’, seems to be the attitude. I used to really like Off-Guardian but it has gone astray, attracting too many ideologues, for me to ever consider making any comments again!
Anyway, everything changes….
A symptom of AIDS or the stuff going around is night sweats. As for your last point the Japanese tend to value human life. Unlike in most countries.
Yeah you can tell from the high suicide rate.😆
You’re dead right, S – despite all the knee-jerk downvotes you’ve garnered! 😂 (the Off-G btls cellar has become a haven for fanatical covid/virus denialists, even though they actually know the real, not-altogether-certain truth not a whit better than the rest of us).
There is indeed a nuisance-level flu-like ill – a flill – about, whateverTF causes it. And sure, it’s no problem, and it’s easily seen off, a background endemic; I prefer vitamins C and D to drugs, but chacun a son gout.
Don’t let the fanatics put you off: yes, the covid thing is a scam; and yes, the very existence of ‘viruses’ is in question; but yes too, there really is a nasty cold about this Summer. Seen it here in Britain too, amongst my friends and family. Even had a light, transient touch of it myself. Inyerownface facts are facts, notwithstanding the dreamworld of the fanatics. Let ’em froth! 😂
It’s just one more of the myriad Ukro-Georgian Biolab variants. Why release only one strain at the Wuhan Games when you can release a plethora? Isn’t the US of As all about overkill?
Thanks, Rhisiart! Good to see some common sense here, which I know is becoming uncommon. I was astonished to see the reaction to my post as it was a factual explanation of what occurred, but with a happy ending as the drug my wife told me take immediately relieved all of the symptoms, so I was able to have a good sleep, which I couldn’t do before because of the aches and pains.
In addition, I had to go to an exhibition a friend had and the venue checked our temperatures to be able to enter. My temperature was about 37.9, too high, so I took a tablet of loxoprofen, and within a short time my temperature was normal, 36.7, or something. The point I made is not that this is a cure, because the illness, like normal flu, has to run its course, which it has, in my case, writing this. But, it makes dealing with it much easier and more tolerable.
Another positive, no need to go to a doctor and get tested.
Now let’s go over that again Savorywill but minus the presuppositions:
“I have been having night sweats and trouble going to sleep. My daughter contracted something and brought it home, and my entire family is under the weather.
I have not been vaccinated. There are genuine illnesses happening and my whole family has got one of them.
My wife gave me a tablet of loxonin (called loxoprofen elsewhere), a drug developed in Japan, where I live, and I swallowed it and sure enough within 10 minutes I noticed the symptoms subsiding and I had a great sleep, the first in days, and my temperature was practically normal. She did explain that symptoms would likely come back, and they have, but milder. My temperature which had been 40 was down to 36.8. As the day wore on I did notice the symptoms again surfacing but milder.
My point is, I have a genuine, real illness. Where it comes from, I have no idea.”
And that’s it!
You’re right, your version is much better. I tend to over-explain things, adding what you call ‘presuppositions’.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but if you’re a fool yourself, you will imagine that you can fool all of the people all of the time.
This is a fact.
Another fact is that you sound like a blathering idiot!
Lol. Did you ever find the need to report this to a website comments section on the numerous years before when you were all under the weather? No. Thought not.
If people didn’t have TVs and newspapers would they even know about the plandemic? Nope.
Covid schmovid. How many times can they wheel out this virus?
Nature has been wheeling out Corona viruses for at least 50 million years. When the dinosaurs turned into birds, Corona virus adapted and became Bird Flu. Then 25 Million years later, along came bats and other mammals so Corona adapted and became Bat Flu, Cat Flu and Rat Flu. Then 2 Million years ago, along came Mankind and behold …
“Ahhh, tishoo!”
“Bless you!”
Coronavirus was supposedly discovered in 1965 and the medical dictionaries said it caused the common cold.
To this day, no strain of coronavirus has ever been isolated.
The mental are out in droves in my neck of the woods-masking up in grocery stores, parking lots on summer days and driving solo in their electric cars.
The agony of power