From Bill Gates to the Great Refusal – Farmers on the Frontline
Colin Todhunter

Prior to the Industrial Revolution, most humans were engaged in agriculture. Our relationship with nature was immediate. Within just a few generations, however, for many people across the world, their link with the land has been severed.
Food now arrives pre-packaged (often precooked), preserved with chemicals and contains harmful pesticides, micro-plastics, hormones and/or various other contaminants. We are also being served a narrower menu of high-calorie food with lower nutrient content.
It is clear that there is something fundamentally wrong with how modern food is produced.
Although, there are various stages between farm and fork, not least modern food processing practices, which is a story in itself, a key part of the problem lies with agriculture.
Today, many farmers are trapped on chemical and biotech treadmills. They have been encouraged and coerced into using a range of costly off-farm inputs, from synthetic fertilisers and corporate-manufactured seeds to a wide array of weedicides and pesticides.
With the industrialisation of agriculture, many poor, smallholder farmers have been deskilled and placed into vulnerable positions. Traditional knowledge has been undermined, overwhelmed or has survived only in fragments.
Writing in the Journal of South Asian Studies in 2017, Marika Vicziany and Jagjit Plahein state that farmers have for millennia taken measures to manage drought, grow cereals with long stalks that can be used as fodder, engage in cropping practices that promote biodiversity, ethno-engineer soil and water conservation and make use of collective sharing systems.
Farmers knew their micro-environment, so they could plant crops that mature at different times, thereby facilitating more rapid crop rotation without exhausting the soil.
Experimentation and innovation were key. Two terms modern agritech/agribusiness corporations lay claim to, but something farmers have been doing for generations.
Many farmers also used ‘insect equilibrium’ and their knowledge of which insects kill crop-predator pests. Food and policy analyst Devinder Sharma says he has met women in India who can identify 110 non-vegetarian and 60 vegetarian insects.
Complex, highly beneficial traditional knowledge systems and on-farm ecological practices are being eroded as farmers lose control over their productive means and become dependent on proprietary products, including commodified corporate knowledge.
Farmers in places like the Netherlands are now being blamed for harming the environment due to carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions. Although Dutch farmers are taking flak, what we are also seeing is an attack on large feed and meat producers. There are not many small farms left in the Netherlands and most animal farms are concentrated feeding operations.
The Netherlands’ farming sector is highly livestock intensive and there seems to be a policy to reduce the size of the meat industry in that country. Farmers have been told to get out of farming or shift to growing crops.
Instead of the authorities facilitating a gradual shift towards organic, agroecological agriculture and attract a new generation to the sector, farmers are in danger of being displaced.
But Dutch farmers are not the only ones in the firing line. Farmers in other European nations are also protesting because various policies make it increasingly difficult for them to make a living.
There seems to be a concerted effort to make farming financially non-viable for many farmers and remove them from their land. The farmer protests in Europe follow in the wake of massive resistance by Indian farmers against corporate-backed legislation that would have seen an accelerated drive to push many already financially distressed farmers out of farming.
Farmer Bill
The biggest owner of private farmland in the US – Bill Gates – has a vision for farming: a chemical-dependent, corporate-dependent, one-world agriculture (Ag One initiative) to facilitate the global supply chains of conglomerates. This initiative is side-lining indigenous knowledge and practices in favour of corporate knowledge and a further colonisation of global agriculture.
Gates’s corporatisation of smallholder agriculture is packaged in philanthropic terms – ‘helping’ farmers in places like Africa and India. It has not worked out well so far if we turn to the Gates-backed Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), established in 2006.
The first major evaluation of AGRA’s efforts to expand high-input agriculture in Africa found that – after 15 years – it had failed. With concerns being voiced over the use of hazardous pesticides, less than impressive yields, the privatisation of seeds, corporate dependency and farmer indebtedness, among other things, we can expect more of the same under the Ag One initiative.
But the ultimate high-tech vision for farming is farmerless farms largely overseen by driverless vehicles and AI-driven sensors and drones linked to cloud-based infrastructure. The likes of Microsoft will harvest field data on seeds, soil quality, historical crop yields, water management, weather patterns, land ownership, agronomic practices and the like.
Tech giants will control multi-billion-dollar data management markets that facilitate the needs of institutional land investors, agribusiness and monopolistic e-commerce platforms. Under the guise of ‘data-driven agriculture’, private corporations will be better placed to exploit farmers’ situations for their own ends.
With lab-based synthetic meat being promoted and attracting huge interest from investors, Gates and the agritech sector also envisage a largely ‘climate-friendly’ animal-free agriculture, which they claim will result in freeing up vast tracts of farmland (we can only speculate for what).
It remains to be seen just how energy-efficient, environment-friendly and health-friendly synthetic meat labs are once scaled up to industrial levels.
At the same time, industrial agriculture will use new technologies – minus farmers – and will still rely on and boost the use of fossil-fuel-dependent agrochemicals (with all the associated health and environmental problems) and remain focused on long-line supply chains, unnecessarily shipping food around the world.
A high-energy system reliant on the oil and gas that has fuelled the colonisation of the food system (‘globalisation’) by agribusiness conglomerates. Moreover, the new human-less on-farm technologies will be energy-intensive to run and will rely on environment-destroying extraction for finite resources like lithium, cobalt and other rare-earth elements to produce.
Low-energy agroecological approaches based on the principles and practices of localisation, local markets, authentic regenerative agriculture and proper soil management (which ensures effective and ecologically sound nitrogen and carbon storage) are key to ensuring genuine long-term sustainability in food production.
Many who belong to the agribusiness lobby have been drawing attention to Sri Lanka in an attempt to show organic farming can only lead to disaster. A transition to organics has to be gradual, not least because regenerating soil cannot occur overnight.
Regardless, the article ‘Sri Lanka Faces Food Crisis – No, It’s Not Due to Organic Farming’ that recently appeared on The Quint website reveals why that country really headed into crisis.
Great refusal
The neoliberal programme that took root in the 1980s has now reached a debt-bloated, inflationary impasse. In response, capitalism has embarked on a ‘great reset’ with transformative technology very much to the fore in the guise of a ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, promising a brave new tomorrow for all.
However, there are deep-seated concerns about how this technology could be used to monitor and control entire populations, especially as we are witnessing a brutal economic restructuring and increasing clampdowns on personal liberties. If neoliberalism promoted individualism, the ‘new normal’ demands strict compliance – individual freedom is said to pose a threat to ‘national security’, ‘public health’ or ‘safety’.
There is also concern about economic collapse, war and the exposure of a food system to energy price shocks, supply chain breakdowns and commodity market speculation.
In Mali in 2015, Nyeleni – the international movement for food sovereignty – released The Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology.
Essential natural resources have been commodified, and rising production costs are driving us off the land. Farmers’ seeds are being stolen and sold back to us at exorbitant prices, bred as varieties that depend on costly, contaminating agrochemicals.”
It added:
Agroecology is political; it requires us to challenge and transform structures of power in society. We need to put the control of seeds, biodiversity, land and territories, waters, knowledge, culture and the commons in the hands of the peoples who feed the world.”
The Declaration made it clear that the prevailing capitalist food system had to be challenged and overcome.
In analysing the potential for challenging the capitalist order, Herbert Marcuse stated the following in his famous 1964 book One-Dimensional Man:
“A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial civilization, a token of technical progress.”
Today, we might say – an uncomfortable, unsmooth, unreasonable, undemocratic unfreedom prevails, a token of an emerging techno-dystopia.
Marcuse felt post-war mass culture had made people repressed and uncritical. They were a reflection of a one-dimensional system based on the consumption of commodities and the effects of modern culture and technology that served to dampen dissent.
The controlling nature of technology pervades all aspects of life today. But whether it involves farmers protests in Europe and India, the advancement of a political agroecology, truckers taking to the streets in Canada or ordinary people protesting against a rapidly advancing authoritarianism in Western societies, many people across the world know something is seriously amiss.
To borrow from Marcuse, we are seeing a ‘great refusal’ – people saying ‘no’ to multiple forms of repression and domination – tentacles of an economic system in crisis.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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Farming is particularly vulnerable to financial control, as every farmer who derives their income from farming has to borrow money for a whole growing season, they buy seed or livestock and then wait until the livestock has matured or the crop has yielded before any return on the borrowing can be paid back. This is an annual cycle, the bank is always in control, try telling your bank manager you want to go organic and see what happens to the interest rate on that borrowing, fixed for a chemical based farm! Few other industies have such a long turn around time.
Manure is the best fertiliser available and much of the emissions data is scewed to favour chemical fertiliser, as it does not take into acount the potential benefits of producing fertiliser on site, as compared to importing oil based fertiliser from places where it is cheap to produce.
Thus, meat eaters and non meat eaters ought to be able to live in harmony, as crops still need fetiliser but of course its become another detructive binary, promoted by those who don’t want anyone to realise that farming is about to be swallowed up by corporate institutions, just like every other industry already has!
Dairy farming is quite literally cancer.
You do not to eat beef and you do not need any cow product to be healthy. Cow’s milk does not make your children healthy- it makes them over-fed idiots.
The only exception may be beef bone broth for injury recovery.
(I am not a vegetarian and consider vegetarianism a fallacy at best, if not a deliberate misdirection to promote mass malnutrition and sabotage alternative lifestyles) .
The UK used to be about 70% woodlands. The “rolling hills” of pasture land (cow farm lands) that the average Brit regards as “nature” are nothing of the sort.
Vast tracts of forest in both hemispheres have been destroyed for cow farming and cow feed production.
Cow farming needs to be massively scaled down and devastated lands allowed to revert to wilderness, which will contain edible things other than cows and insects and will support life on the planet as well as human psychic well being. I don’t give a shit about constructs such as Greta Thunberg and the fake green corporate parasites who are mumbling half-truths.
Quote: ‘The “rolling hills” of pasture land (cow farm lands) that the average Brit regards as “nature” are nothing of the sort.’
Have you read ‘Wilding’ by Isabella Tree? There is an alternative take on how the British Isles appeared in its natural state prior to the neolithic, and indeed during and beyond. Grazing herds of pre-historic animals created various landscapes, many of which looked like the rolling field with isolated trees. The heavily wooded, high percentage forest model may not be accurate. The old hunting ‘parks’ were replicating natural, ancient landscapes. The mediaeval term ‘wood’ meant an open, grazed landscape with trees. The English oak doesn’t even grow in closed canopy woodland.
Just some thoughts…
I thought that the “high percentage forest model” is based on solid evidence such as geological sediments.
Cow farming is insanely over-done by the western europeans and their corporate enterprises all over the planet, and cow dairy products are basically junk food that has nothing to do with health.
The large farms created mainly through EU post war policy are now being targeted for integration into the next phase of control and human enslavement. The answer may be for each large farm to divide their land and gift each parcel back to the people, people who want to return to the land and to once again become the rich tapestry of farming diversity, supplying independently back to the people. This could be done openly, right under the noses of the global oligarchy. And if this movement was diverse and complex enough, with so many taking it up, the globalists would not be able to do anything but sit watch.
I kind of agree. In one vision, which I like, almost all farms would be limited to 200 acres or less; the bigger farms would be given a couple of decades to sell-off excess land; I believe that five to ten acres is sufficient for almost all farming Families, and that NO agricultural land ought to be owned by non-farming Families. For many reasons, humanity needs lots of green, lots of farmers, lots of locally-produced food. It has been shown conclusively that the smaller the farming/food-growing folio or farm, the higher per-acre the production. Of course, this is merely a ‘raw thought’, and could easily be shot down a hundred different ways…. as Edward de Bono reminds us, it is all too easy to negatively criticize a new idea; all too difficult-appearing to support a new idea in its early stages, even though one is always free at a later stage to reject that idea.
Today, the most dangerous thing that is happening all over the world is not physical violence but psychological violence.
Globalists are desperately trying to manipulate you and your family to make you grateful/fearful slaves.
I have heard the criminal head of the W.E.F has now even started signing his name ‘Anti-Christ, Klaus Schwab’
Violence has only one meaning: it means nothing other than experiencing happiness in others’ misery.
So for the new generation, living and defeating this coming world collapse and enslavement dystopia, meditation is a must because only that can protect you from their fascist political agenda – nothing else.
Meditation is the capacity to be silent, to be awake, to be able to see the truth.
But nobody it seems is interested in truth; in fact they are all against it, because what will happen to these politicians worshiped all around the world who are constantly lying?
If truth is known they will all be locked up!
You are fed with all the politicians lies and propaganda so that you are constantly distracted from your own intelligence towards their idiotic and destructive narratives and actions.
If you want to be intelligent you cannot be into any politics.
Politics needs idiots, people who can lie, people who can go on lying, people who are two faced, people who can change their personality any moment.
People who don’t have any individuality.
Remember, nobody is born mediocre.
People are made mediocre by the politicians, by the priests, by the education system.
You think you go to the school to be made more intelligent – you are wrong.
You don’t know how to function without these manufactured memories.
You don’t really know that you have any consciousness separate from your conditioned mind, so you think if your memory is destroyed your consciousness is destroyed?
Die to the past, be alive to the present, to the moment you are in – it will not destroy your mind.
Really, it will give a rest to your restless mind.
Your efficiency will grow, and there will be no effort.
You have to be free.
You have to be individual, you have to be on your own.
It will be fearful in the beginning because you have always lived in the crowd.
The crowd gives you a certain coziness, warmth.
You will be in the cold, alone.
Especially if all the gas is cut off!
If you are ready to be alone and in the cold, and ready to go in darkness in search of light, meditation is yours.
Find the witness.
Only then will you find your true inner voice.
Your inner voice will direct you.
Its directions will be absolutely different from what society says – absolutely different.
It is not a moral code; it is an inner direction.
A deep reverence comes to you, and through that reverence everything follows.
You love life so much now that violence becomes impossible.
Only intelligent people can be religious.
The idiot cannot realize it while remaining an idiot.
The mediocre cannot even conceive its possibility while remaining mediocre.
Only the highest intelligence can reach to that point where religiousness flowers.
Religiousness is the highest luxury in the world.
Religiousness needs courage, intelligence, daring, because you are going higher and higher in the world of consciousness.
The mediocre has no idea that there is anything higher than themselves.
The only possibility for the mediocre is that they can drop their mediocrity.
If the mediocre person, the ordinary person, meets a Christ he will not see any difference.
The ordinary person projects their ordinariness even on the highly intelligent.
When a man like Christ walks on the earth he will leave footprints on the sands of time, and ordinary people will worship those footprints.
Christianity is nothing but worship of the footprints, it leads you nowhere.
Have you thought about it, that in two thousand years nobody has been a Christ again?
What kind of religion is this?
Just Christians!
The first and the last Christ was crucified two thousand years ago, since then nothing has happened, because unless you become a Christ yourself Christianity is just a hypocrisy.
If you want to be really religious you cannot be a member of any organized religion.
Christianity was created by the same type of people who crucified Christ – the same type.
If you are too influenced by the counterfeit, you will miss the real.
If your eyes become too filled with the counterfeit, when the real encounters you, you may not even be able to recognize it.
When stillness comes on its own, when silence descends without your effort, when you watch thoughts and a moment comes when thoughts start disappearing and silence starts happening, that is beautiful.
Then thoughts stop of their own accord if you don’t identify, if you remain a witness.
With your watching and watching, slowly the rush of thoughts starts getting less and less.
Moments of silence start appearing.
A thought comes, and then there is silence before another thought appears.
These gaps will give you the first glimpse of meditation and the first joy that you are arriving home.
The moment consciousness comes to its highest peak it does not find any God there.
It finds immense beauty, immense silence, absolute peace, absolute nothingness.
Only existence is.
Existence is not separate from you, even when you think you are separate.
And when you know that you are not separate, it is a tremendous realization.
This is enlightenment.
That’s a lot of writing for someone who should be meditating …
Here is some actual enlightenment:
The manufactured figure of “Christ” was not a “Christian”. He would have been Jewish if he had actually existed. Jews, Christian and Muslims worship at the feet of the same psychic parasite (Abraham’s psychopathic “god”) posing as “the one true god”.
Crucifixion is torture and murder and the fact that billions regard a symbol of torture and murder as sacred is all we need to know there. If that is not enough : Eating the body of a human being, “divine” or not, is cannibalism.
PS it is kind of funny that this site still uses a zionist spam filter …
As much as I hate the whole agribusiness BS and weaponising of food, I’m still not really seeing a comprehensive alternate solution that identifies and includes the fundamental risk that we face into the future.
Our weakening magnetosphere.
I suspect many are not aware that the strength of our magnetosphere is, depending on how you view the timeline, in near freefall, this is not good and unsurprisingly there isn’t anything we can do about it.
We also cannot compare where we are now with the past. In the past when the magnetosphere was at it’s peak, the Hadley cells were tightly controlled and the jet streams straight as. Now that is not the case, our magnetosphere is too weak to contain the Hadley cells and as a result we have jetstreams that are wandering all over the place.
In time this is going to cause gargantuan crop failures, it is only a matter of when.
Thank you thumb downer, love your work.
They voted to bring back voting so they can feel better.
From a different perspective, The Earth’s magnetosphere is as strong as ever. Consider that there is an external, opposing magnetic field that is gradually increasing in strength, and oppressing Earth’s. This also explains the accelerating deflection of The Earth’s magnetic poles.
This phenomenon is cyclic (Younger Dryas/Gothenburg, Mono Lake/Lake Mungo, Laschamp, Vostok Core, Quaternary Mass Extinction Toba, Blake Excursion, etc. ).
Suffice it to say, given more research, you will see that a ‘comprehensive alternate solution that identifies and includes the fundamental risk that we face into the future‘ has long been in progress.
Here’s a little background article on graphene family nanoparticles, since it figures in the vaxx.
In general terms the population of the UK (where I have lived for 77 years) has been subject to a structural mental and emotional state not unlike Elois in H.G.Wells, short novella, The Time Machine. Travelling on the Underground on the underground train everybody seemed transfixed (particularly the young ones) on their I-phones. God only knows what claptrap they were imbibing, and of course there was a complete absence of books and other printed journals. They reminded me of babies with dummies and little titty-bottles in their mouths. They were of course being lined up for cancellation, better known as extermination. Too many people on the planet apparently, How Bertrand Russel, Wells, and G.B.Shaw would approved, eugenicists all. Here’s a taster from Wells’ worldview written in 1002:
” … those swarms of black and brown, and dirty white and yellow, who do not come into the needs of ‘efficiency’ are self-evidently otiose … The world is a world, not a charitable institution, and I take it they will have to go. The whole tenor and meaning of the world, as I see it, is that they will have to go. (Anticipations – p.102 – London 1918 – page, 102.”)
Oh, I almost forgot the Fabians, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, writing in the New Statesman
These Fabians had an unspoken assumption of white racial superiority vis-a-vis what the called the ‘non-adult’ races. What caused the particular concern were differential birth-rates between races which logically implied that the white races were (in their view) in danger of being swamped by the non-multitudes whose capacity and aptitude for the sort of civilization which Mr and Mrs Webb had in mind, and which seemed to be wanting when comparison was made with the ‘higher races’. Even more worrying was the possibility of large scale inter-breeding which the Webbs’ regarded as being a grave threat to civilization.”
Today this is the ultra-conservative, imperialist and racist norm – coming from the very people who called themselves progressive and socialist.
I suppose that they were creatures of their time, still their views were obnoxious as they are to similar ideologues of our own benighted world.
House of Hanover turns off hot water for the less borns.
Not to alarm the folks this is usually done in pre empt for possible war.
Local amenities deliberately becoming less. Normalziing it.
Closure of buildings will be next. 2020/2021 Normalzed it.
Thank god for the smart meters being able to shut you down.
The believers was told it would help reduce billing cost they said.!!!! it kind of true in there inversion way and if they shut it off and your still get charged (read the small print). standing charge.
That will help get the numbers up they need for the reduction.
BRITISH GAS Hive “smart home” Active Heating
SMART meters stupid people! Most wilful ignorant people do not even know what SMART stands for and it certainly ain’t clever. People actually believed it would save them money, what have we become?
This is off-topic re. the subject of this Off-G article, but thought I’d post it anyway. Some of you might be interested in listening to this. Horrifying stuff.
I came across the following video (on BNT) a day or so ago. It features a Prof. Mike Lister, speaking last week in Totnes, Devon, at the Freedom March Conference. He was talking re. the finding of Graphene Oxide/Graphene Hydroxide in the injections… this does look like it’s definitive… the presence of GO in the jabs. The perpetrators are way beyond evil.
“Prof. Mike Lister – New World Alliance Conference, Totnes” (video: 47.56 mins), at:
Coming across does not equate true.
The term ‘to come across’ means ‘to find’… ie, to see it [the video], online… What on earth did you think it meant?
Big Pharma inserting potentially harmful ingredients in untested medicines are on topic in Colin’s article because the same super-rich people in the guise as Big Ag, are poisoning the world’s sources of food. Health and Nutrition are the disguises, but not the aims, of Big Business.
I still don’t buy the graphene or shedding. Graphene seems to be a magic element that does everything, I suspect was concocted as part of the dissent-narrative, but probably doesn’t even exist in that form and if shedding occurred, it would require virus theory and we would all be sick and there would be no thing we could do anyway, they sound like fear-tactics based on the technocracy acting as an omnipotent being. Beware of phenomena said to be dangerous that you literally cannot get away from. It’s the old theocracy threat ‘the sky will fall on your heads’. Get back in your chains slave, you’re powerless, we’re omnipotent. Demoralisation 101.
Graphene Becomes Magnetic and Electric at Same Time
Efficient mRNA delivery with graphene oxide-polyethylenimine for generation of footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms
Excerpt: Two recent studies give us a less than rosy angle. In the first, a team of biologists, engineers and material scientists at Brown University examined graphene’s potential toxicity in human cells. They found that the jagged edges of graphene nanoparticles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals.
Graphene Nanomaterials-Based Radio-Frequency/Microwave Biosensors for Biomaterials Detection
This means it is dangerous to add graphene as a vaccine “adjuvant” ie, as an irritant to stimulate the body’s antigenic reaction. Like super-sharp flakes of graphene, so with super-fine fibres of asbestos: like spears, these tiny mineral fibres were found to penetrate cell membranes and tangle up strands of DNA.
Playing with lives by mass injection of experimental substances contravenes Nuremberg code and is punishable by death.
William, if you doubt the existence of graphene or any of its derivatives you’ve only to google it.
Not “shedding” although this has been done with injections to animals in the wild. But in this case, “transmission’ via aerosol nanoparticles. It’s an established hazard in industry while working w these graphene family nanoparticles.
I heard it was found also in masks !
belladonna, when the masks were first introduced a Canadian agency refused a shipment of them saying they contained graphene oxide. Later, someone must have exerted pressure to overcome this finding.
In recent lung operations (for nonrelated causes) they’ve found nanoplastic particles, also from the masks..
Don’t mind going off-topic, its necessary these days.
The vaccine patents tell us that graphene is in the jabs. Graphene is carbon and it oxidizes in the body. When they create it, they use electrodes and the angle of symmetry determines whether its metallic in nature, or semiconducting. Layered graphene, which is what you get with multi-walled carbon nanotubes, has the ability to accept gigahertz waves and retransmit them in terahertz wavelengths.
The Moderna patent includes these technologies that are related to graphene (carbon):
The moderna patent number is 10703789. Search it for the numbers above.
Literature has shown a couple important aspects of the nanotubes. They cause cancer and was put on the SIN list for doing so. They can directly influence neuron firing, and they can be wrapped in a coronaphase to detect and react to various chemicals, including neurotransmitters and signaling peptides.
Oh, and one researcher actually set them on fire by simply taking a photo of them. They’re very flammable.
“nanotubes. They cause cancer and was put on the SIN list for doing so.”
Like asbestos and ultrafine glass fibre cause cancer.
Graphene in simplest form is rods made up of single carbon atoms. This may then form sheets or tubes. No other material is as thin or strong.
Graphene oxide is a misnomer, that may have been introduced deliberately to cloud the issue.
Totnes is not your friend.
Christine, thank you. Quite informative.
The globalists have a solution: cannibalism.
I think we should start with them – b-b-q globalist with locust topping anyone ? Yum!
Because graphene makes people extra tasty?
Cannibalism will be vegan and green in 10 years.
…sounds so agro (as in angry/aggressive)
May I suggest a perhaps more satisfying neologism?
…sounds so much more agreeable don’t you think?
Ffs, I am going to change my username to Pat.Pending.
Three times in one day. No dialogue is possible like this, and its horrible to have to keep pestering the mods.
Ah, “Observe” downvoted me, whaddaguy.
Observe and learn. None of us have much time left to waste.
WIP. Don’t be a pest. buzz buzz buzz.
Wait In Patience.
I didn’t know you could SEE who downvoted you. So how does that work?
Just guessing. I’ve now had ample experience of his hit-and-run “debating” style.
Abuse of the voting system (by persons or bots unknown) was the reason why OffG abolished up- and downvoting for a while.
Maybe somehow a copy of Kafka’s “The Trial” got fed into OffG’s algorithm and the dear techie took it for an instruction manual.
“The controlling nature of technology pervades all aspects of life today. But whether it involves farmers protests in Europe and India, the advancement of a political agroecology, truckers taking to the streets in Canada or ordinary people protesting against a rapidly advancing authoritarianism in Western societies, many people across the world know something is seriously amiss.
To borrow from Marcuse, we are seeing a ‘great refusal’ – people saying ‘no’ to multiple forms of repression and domination – tentacles of an economic system in crisis.”
IMO, the people refusing have not yet formulated what it is they are objecting to; they are objecting to outcome, not the source of the problem? The harm causing problem is “monopoly power in private purely fictitious hands ”
Monopoly powers [copyrights, deeds, patents, trademarks, government contracts] do not exist in nature. They can only be made to exist by human rights ignorant legislatures who invent monopoly powers<=from hot thin air, and turn the police power of the nation state against the people these monopolies push out. They do this by making the laws that create the monopoly powers enforceable by the armed might of the nation state system. Monopoly power is created by rule of law.. It is the law that is privatizing ownership of technology and ownership of farms that pervade all aspects of life today.
Those laws can be reversed to disenfranchise the liability insulating fictitious persons Oligarch use (corporations, trusts, partnerships, franchises, government private arrangements and the like<<=removal of these fictitious entities would make their owners personally liable and to remove the monopoly powers from the law books<=would mean the public would own all the farm land and the right to farm it would likely be limited to the lands that one man could farm. Those real people who labor on the farm should have the right to profit from their efforts.
Well said, and giving grounds for hope.
An example of unfair monopoly power that has been in force for more than half a century but is finally being rectified, is the U$ Dollar monopoly on oil currency. As you say, such unfair monopolies are conjured out of thin air, agreed upon under threat of armed force, and ended by a “great refusal” among the injured parties.
For instance, this comment by economist Michael Hudson:
“Biden Administration’s plan was to split Russia away from China and then cripple China’s own military and economic viability. But the effect of American diplomacy has been to drive Russia and China together, joining with Iran, India and other allies. For the first time since the Bandung Conference of Non-Aligned Nations in 1955, a critical mass is able to be mutually self-sufficient to start the process of achieving independence from Dollar Diplomacy.”
There is only one logical explanation for the current madness in farming.
The crops will not be needed.
If you have 80% fewer people you need 80% fewer crops.
It also explains the EV thing.
No sensible person would profess that every normal car would be replaced by an EV.
It would be nice if it’s just 80% fewer, but I think it’s more likely 99%.
Fewer crops is more likely a means of ensuring fewer people, however, it is possible to understand why protein must be sourced elsewhere, rather than from pastural livestock, i.e. via insects or artificial meat.
EV cars are a sideshow, but they help to advance the respective technologies – however non environmentally friendly.
Fair enough but post ’70 corporate London never cared for much for British Farmers or our street families and public allotments.
So don’t give me that boring old shite we are all in it together.
We along with our farmers the Co-op and Family Butchers, village and town Street Markets. Bread deliveries Bakeries Confectionery cakes pies sweets pop newspapers.
Local dairies delivered Milk and eggs.
What’s happened is the Daily Commute into London spread out further afield, driving up property prices in the Midlands and into Northern Counties beyond up into Scotland. Weekly to daily commuting beginning with London Birmingham Manchester Doncaster York Darlington.
Late 60’s through 70’s into the 80’s, not only were our Heavy and light Industrial slowly run down and dismantled, our Social Council housing turned into a Carrot & Stick Property free Market., leading to relying on social housing Trust developments….. then you have the emerging Total Computerisation, so the free marketeers have cut down their dry cleaning bill, got clowns wearing plastic bicycle lids pounding down water out of plastic bottles.
And the billion loto question is, Has anyone won yet?, and chickens have the flu.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-27. Fully jabbed 94% of COVID-19 Deaths in May. Nano metamaterial antennas. Inoculated against group think (blog, gab, tweet).
What’s important, for me, about Colin’s work on this is that it puts the lie to the WEF’s pretend “sustainability”. The WEF, et al have taken much of what has been espoused under the banner of “sustainability” and turned it into a weapon.
But here, and most assuredly with the Billy foundation, we see the real technocracy at work, their version of “sustainability” is wrapped in dystopian cellophane.
Sustainability just means keeping sustainable the Corporate positions of power. You know this because real ‘sustainability’ is produce, grown and produced using methods that support the local environments, top-soil, water systems, family structures, community, etc.
Update from Covidonia:
The little plastic chits with the magic marks are continuing to wreak havoc with all lines of work. Someone “tests positive” and that’s another absence in the workplace whilst the services totter under the strain, tempers explode, the chance of slip ups skyrockets etc. And in the midst of all this, the bosses complacently mention that we may be heading for another spike or surge or ejaculation or whatever.
But the good news – or so I tell myself – is that we are a backwoods hovel, waiting to catch up Vienna style with the rest of the world. Also – we are in the most backwoods part of the backwoods i.e. the council acting in no-doubt direct line from the government i.e. the state i.e. the deep state.
It’s all going according to plan, then. Collapsing economy, demoralised population, what’s not to like? You can’t Build Back Better unless you’ve wrecked everything first.
If the global ptb had really decided it was time to retire COUPVID (and why on earth would they?), China would not still be going nuts with the Killer-Dot fearmongering, the mass testing, the lockdowns, the repression. Nor would Germany, where inflation is rampant, gas is being rationed, and Karl “Gesundheit” Lauterbach has just warned yet again of a new “KILLER VARIANT” due to arrive in autumn. (Could be called “Covid-22” or “Monkeypox” or “Marburg” or “Omega”, or “Snail Flu”, who knows, anything goes.) By Christmas, everyone should be freezing, hungry, financially depleted, and deep in debt to the energy companies. When loads of people fall ill, well, just blame it on the Killer Dots and announce a new lockdown.
Wars of atttrition aren’t won in a day. We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
I don’t want to inject too much realism into the observation, but you can’t build back better if you’ve wrecked everything. You need money, materials, skill, expertise and labour, and if those aren’t available, you’re going nowhere. And the Davos d**kheads only have mouths and arrogance – so don’t expect any 4th industrial revolution from them. As Colin rightly implies, if you don’t have people with knowledge and experience, you are basically committing suicide.
I had a similar thought. And I wonder who will trust them to Build Back Better after they’ve wrecked everything? Let’s put the arsonist in charge of the fire dept and bldg permits?? Who will go for that — demoralized and broke or not?
I like Colin.
Not a pop at you Mr article writer.
What the hell is going on.? How many books have been written regarding wealth and the whos whos even the entry level Sunday times rich list of the 80’s gave the people back then a idea.
How the hell can people now. So called educated intelligent people of the ‘we are aware mind set‘ fool for this bullshit that bil gates is the biggest farm owner in the USA.
This is what the intelligence services does via it alt media outlets who don’t even hide the fact they are intelligence services connected – they sell you this horseshit to spill into your brain.
Bill gates is a patsy.
He isnt the biggest farm owner even the idiots in the E.u no the queen and Vatican where the biggest land owners and they was in bed with the different royal houses.
So the royal houses – banking dynasty family’s of Italy & Europe disappeared did they.??
So the banking dynasty family’s of america disappeared did they.?
And dissolved all that wealth.
The 2020 reset actually reset a lot of peoples minds.
Overview of the World System of Bondage – Part 1 of 21 YT
start there.
“Part 1 of 21”
no thanks
bill gates isn’t a patsy, he knows what he’s doing, but I do agree that he’s taking orders, not giving them
I guess he was chosen as front man for the vaxx etc because he’s so extraordinarily repellent
the “elites” love to rub our noses in it like this
I think Gates is an instigator, but he’s embroiled now and in over his head. Their Foundation is a history of evil.
The great refusal starts at the most basic levels, think for yourself, scrutinize everything do something positive: create an organic garden with like minded people growing food that can support you and your family while diminishing dependence on Frankenfoods.
We are living in an era of mass commodification, monopolization and privatization all to benefit a psychopathic few who see themselves destined to be the overlords and betters of those of us they allow to remain alive. Eugenics is part of their agenda. Food and water control are the fundamental keys to that.
The mass culling will continue notice how they are pushing Monkeypox and a shot for that despite ample evidence the COVID shots are maiming and killing millions! It’s all part of their program. LET THE GREAT REFUSAL GROW.
And despite insufficient evidence of a virus.
The reality is that those with zero farming expertise, like those with zero medical knowledge, think that they wealth and power can be used to destroy the livelihoods of millions of those far more skilled in the fields of biomedicine and agriculture.
This is not about improving outcomes, it is about creating industrial food factories totally divorced from the seasonal cycles. Gates wants all food made in laboratories, in vats, in primordial soup concoctions. He wants zero large scale agriculture on the land any more.
He is one aging man out of seven billion humans who is far too cowardly to seek democratic mandates, since he knows full well that he would lose every single vote he subjected himself to.
Because of that, he uses global autocracy; warfare,; blackmail of paedophiles, fraudsters ands charlatans; and coercive takeovers of global NGOs to try and enforce his sick vision on the planet without any requirement for people to agree with him.
I guess someone should ask Melinda Gates whether her ex-husband suffers from Napoleon syndrome….
This is a most important contribution to life’s most important topic: Food First. “Give us this day our daily bread”.
My only remark comes from the sidelines, being a second-generation city dweller whose grandparents abandoned their little plots of land because they could not compete on the market with the great prairie farms of North America. So all I can say is that I have seen the cultural loss which Colin describes:
“Within just a few generations, for many people across the world, their link with the land has been severed…..
With the industrialisation of agriculture, smallholder farmers have been de-skilled and placed into vulnerable positions. Traditional knowledge has been undermined, overwhelmed or has survived only in fragments.
Experimentation and innovation were key, something farmers have been doing for generations. Many farmers used their knowledge of which insects kill crop pests. Food and policy analyst Devinder Sharma says he has met women in India who can identify 110 non-vegetarian and 60 vegetarian insects.”
It takes only 3 generations to lose traditional culture. The first generation tries to remember. The second generation forgets. The third does not know there was anything to remember.
The great German evolutionary biologist Goethe wrote two volumes against the simple minded notion that “Knowledge is Power”, and against the development of huge progressive schemes. (All of which sounds like blasphemy to my modern, technologically trained ears). Goethe advocated personal involvement with Nature, symbolized by his final character (a test tube baby) jumping out of its test tube and plunging into the vast, creative sea.
“Consider the What? And even more, the Why?
Meanwhile I”ll find, who knows, the dot upon the i” — Goethe, Faust 2.
Apologies if this seems to have little to do with Colin’s article about food security menaced by megalomanic TechnoPlutocracy. But I was stirred by Colin’s remarks about how quickly farmers can lose accumulated knowledge. And I consider it significant that none of the 4 great evolutionists — Goethe, Wallace, Darwin and Kropotkin — were interested in schemes for megalo dominance.
Great post.
It is possible to re-learn or re-introduce yourself into food production organic style. I have seen many come from complete modernists to classic farmers in around five years. All it takes is a little money and lots of motivation, but demoralisation is the great enemy, addiction to demoralisation is what keeps people stuck to the screens, permanently consuming not creating.
Imagine how alive to the world you’ve have to be to be able to do that. How sharp your senses, how strong your powers of observation and memory.
TheScience™ will tell us that those women are ignorant, benighted peasants in urgent need of Developmental Aid.
Hmmm … so it is in fact possible for a single poster to use multiple usernames from the same address….
(Admin., feel free to delete this.)
Imagine how alive to the world you’ve have to be to be able to do that, how sharp your senses, how strong your powers of observation and memory.
TheScience™ will tell us that those women are ignorant, benighted peasants in urgent need of Developmental Aid.
facilitating more rapid crop rotation
This is an aim of modern farming. Traditional farming does not entail a frenzy of production.
‘Traditional’ farming used the ecology of inter-planting and intensive cross-species rotational planting to optimise herbacious production seasons and give deepening life for the soil.
As a further note you are not really growing the plants, you are growing the soil (which in turn supports the plants).
Imagine the soil like the surface of the ocean… there is much life hidden beneath the surface.
*uses. Traditional farming is still done by millions in UK, Ghana, India, Burma etc. etc.
Anything else made of carbon apart from plastic?….
lol – what could possibly go wrong?
If Bill Gates was your auto mechanic, sound familiar?
Microsoft was my car salesman as well as my car mechanic. I gave him up because his crappy cars were always requiring virus protection.
Ah yes, but Apple cars could only run on 5% of the roads…
Withdraw your support & consent from this control matrix to the best of your ability, we helped build it & by working together we can also end it.
The difference is that most of us helped build it quite unconsciously. We just ‘went with the flow’, so to speak.
Ending it will take conscious effort, and most of our species hate that…
Big Ag has a powerful ally – always has, always will.
When I was a kid (some 65-70 years ago), Harford County, Maryland was almost entirely a farming community (except for Aberdeen Proving Ground). The farmers’ organization was the most influential body in the County.
Then two things happened almost in tandem: 1) a junior organization was formed – Future Farmers of America, based in the High Schools; and 2) farmers found new ways to increase their yield – egged on in part by the Future Farmers, who brought Academia to bear on the farming community.
Big Ag was welcomed with open arms. But the increased yield was not enough to satisfy the demon which had been lurking in the background and was heavily influencing the farmers.
They found they could increase their “yield” even more – by selling their farms to land developers. Which is why Harford County is now one big “bedroom community.”
Needless to say, that demon – that ally of Big Ag – is greed. Just plain old human greed. Always looking for a greater “yield.”
The Rockefellers, Duponts, Gateses are merely giving people what they want. (Be so very careful what you wish for.)
Thank you for the piece.
One thing: The author doesn’t seem to understand that socialism acts under the guise of capitalism to create this stakeholder, ESG, PPP etp. economic modell. It is time the author realizes that big business and monopolies are the result of a restricted economy that protects cronies and gives them the chance to write their own regulations, so that they are protected against competition.
Big business hates competition. This is the reason why it is fully inappropriate to call this model capitalism which means an unhampert market economy.
Neoliberal is another term that shouldn’t be used any more. It has lost its meaning a long time ago.
You should be aware that I have frequently referred to a heavily subsidised agribusiness sector that pushes IMF structural adjustment programmes and helps write bilateral trade agreements, WTO and CODEX rules, EU regulations on pesticides and so on. It could not exist without public handouts and it has always been ‘fixing’ the game, often courtesy of US state machinery. But when did ‘free markets’ ever truly exist. Regardless, today’s ‘capitalism’ does retain certain defining features, including private property rights, capital accumulation, wage labour, surpluses, cycles, etc. As for neoliberalism, it denotes an era defined by privatisation, deregulation and globalisation and is associated with the likes of Friedman, Thatcher, Reagan and Greenspan. Both concepts are still valid. But I think neoliberalism is all but over and the ‘capitalist reset’ seems likely to result in something other than ‘capitalism’.
And who can defend us from this nightmare and make these parasitic conglomerates dance to our tune ? Politicians ? A Westminster stuffed with careerist, overpaid chancers who will sit on their collective arses and nod through the corporate agenda a la Covid and watch the quality of our lives disappear. These nodding donkeys are the enemy of democracy. An overhaul of our political system is long overdue.
We can only defend ourselves, and we can only do so effectively if we unite and act together in the real world.
To do that, we have to see COUPVID for what it is. It is a war. I don’t use the word lightly. The now-globally-united ruling class is waging a World War on its own captive domestic populations.
What they did to Iraq and Libya they will do to us all — gradually or suddenly, depending only on their needs.
Tyrants being tyrants (again).
Always ends when enough people decide the geographical location of the aforementioned tyrants head, requires relocating…
Wanted to watch this for new “shedding” (or whatever) info, but then there was that China footage at the beginning! I saw a lot before but the intensity of this was a surprise…
Many thanks for posting this. It is shocking stuff. Everyone should watch the film from 2m 30s till about the 9m mark at least. Those poor people queuing up in handcuffs for their daily compulsory PCR “tests”, hundreds of others forced to stand outside in gale-force-winds and torrential rain — can anyone still believe this has anything to do with protecting anyone’s health?
Just heard they’ve locked down a million people in Wuhan today… because of four alleged “cases”.
It is war.
Obviously couldn’t say for sure but it all has the whiff of bullshit about it. Isolated staged events to push a narrative.
I find it particularly strange that not much in the way of video finds it’s way out of China regards to it’s apparent inhumane treatment of citizens, yet when it comes to covid tyranny, there seems to be an abundance of footage right in the middle of the situations despite the usual henchmen being in attendance and indeed being aware that they are being filmed. Does anyone else not find that very unusual by itself?
Or, you know, they’ve gone full totalitarian transparency and are happy for the world to see what they were not happy for anyone to see ever before.
They can hardly lock down entire megacities for weeks on end and expect to keep it a secret, least of all in the age of ubiquitous smartphones. And they can hardly enforce mandatory daily “tests” (brutal in themselves, as well as being antiscientific bullshit) without extreme brutality against those who resist.
Maybe the downvoter (“Observe”, himself, probably) would care to say actually why he disagrees with this post. Much more likely, he’ll prefer to keep hiding. It’s safer that way.
Predictably, he prefers to keep hiding. It’s safer that way.
When I get a chance, I’ll watch the video. However, my first thought was perhaps the video was produced by The Epoch Times.
What “narrative” would that be, exactly? Pray tell.
Oh I don’t know, maybe something about a virus and a vaccine and subjugation. I know you’re not new here so I don’t think I’d need to detail these thoughts as OffG and it’s contributors have done that amply.
Imagine how compliant you can be when you see videos of people kneeling, stranded in the driving wind and rain, or getting beaten if they don’t get in line and take that test. ‘Roll up that sleeve citizen! You saw what happened to your neighbour!’
That much is clearly true.
Speak for yourself. Only toadies and cowards could watch that film and think, “I must become more compliant.”
Oh very interesting, Patrick. You appear to have become defensive about a video from China that you don’t want anyone to believe is anything other than absolute fact. Why’s that I wonder?
In your eyes, people who have become quieted and compliant in the face of perceived violence and oppressive governance are cowards. This suggests you’ve overlooked much of history and the real consequences of psychological and sociological manipulation of ordinary people by various regimes and their minions.
You prove yet again that its a waste of time talking to you. You are a slimebag, a troll, and a flamebaiter. Report back to Langley, you’re being demoted. You’re simply too transparent.
I’m deeply ashamed, Patrick. I’ll do as you say right away.
My CIA masters wanted nothing more than to support me in highlighting that China may be prone to staging some stuff. I will let them know that Pat says they never would.
Fnar, LOL, ROTFL, get your silent bots to give that another dozen upvotes. You are precisely the kind of dullwitted timewaster who imagines it’s hilarious to admit to being CIA.
I never said they never would, you tit. On the contrary, I’ve stated repeatedly that the very first video from Wuhan in late 2019 (of that individual “falling man”) was very poorly acted and very obviously faked. I saw another today, of another individual falling man at a petrol station, that was also extreeeeemely dubious.
Exactly what makes you doubt those (multiple) film clips actually posted above? Specify.Give us your best shot at media analysis. Exactly what is it you’re doubting? That the Chinese people are being terrorised by their government?
XI is a fascist thug, friend of billionaires, promoter of antiscience, jabber of a billion people,and partner-in-crime of your employers in Langley.
It is you who is blundering in here defending China’s fascist regime in Year 3 of COUPVID, on the very day they lock down another million people in Wuhan. allegedly because of four — in figures: 4 — “asymptomatic” (sic) “cases” (sic).
Four people who are not sick are the pretext for subjecting a million people to house arrest.
While COUPVID gathers pace across the planet and only idiots or liars can still fail to see it for what it is, you are casting cost-free doubt you cannot even begin to justify on strong filmed evidence of hundreds if not thousands of people being brutally mishandled in China. You know why.
My reply to you is “pending” (God knows for how long), for reasons best known to the algorithm or its operators.
In the meantime, I can tell you from direct first-hand experience here in Western Europe that I have seen a long queue of people, including old people and children, waiting outdoors in the freezing winter cold till their turn came for their bullshit antiscience PCR “test”. Rain was turning to sleet..Only one person at a time was allowed into the warm sacred medical chamber. Because Killer-Dot.
Now explain to us all precisely what you find implausible about those films from China.
It opened with an advertisement by alex “CIA” jones
that should tell you ALL you need to know
I think we’re meant to think “OK, it’s bad, but at least we don’t live in china”
Bullshit. Be honest, if you can. You didn’t even watch it.
“Significant economic slowdown as China battles COVID”
The title gives it away already.
But just to make sure:
“….China, the world’s second largest economy, had grown by only 0.4 percent year-on-year in the second quarter. This was below the 1.2 percent predicted by economists and well down from the 4.8 percent year-on-year growth recorded in the first quarter. The main reason for the slowdown was the effect of the two-month lockdown of Shanghai as the government sought to implement its policy of Zero-COVID.”
So far so truthful. But then:
“Shanghai has re-opened but China is now facing the effects of the BA.5 variant of the virus which is rapidly spreading around the world because of the abandonment by all governments of even limited mitigation measures, let alone pursuing the necessary policy of global elimination.”
No, China is not “facing the effects of the BA.5 variant of the virus”. This is transferral of the blame from the true culprit – the “security measures” – to “the virus”. But even that is not enough. The virus is “is rapidly spreading around the world because of the abandonment by all governments of even limited mitigation measures”. The lie is compounded by chastising the Chinese for “not doing enough” i.e. not doing more of what is causing the problem!
And they don’t even stop there:
“The Chinese experience demonstrates two things: public health safety measures can bring the pandemic under control, but elimination is impossible solely on a national basis. Besides the devastating health impact as millions are condemned to an unnecessary death, the refusal to adopt such an international strategy is not only fuelling inflation, it is pushing the world economy into a slump.”
Marvellous! The suggestion that “China do more” is extended into the demand that the whole world adopt the same course i.e. the whole world should adopt the very tactics that are causing the world slump!
And that’s before we even consider the brutal inhumanity of it all.
This unending torrent of bullshit will not and cannot be resisted effectively until people finally stand up and challenge the pseudoscience of virology.
See? Yet another scary Killer Dot. Should you miss it, there’ll be another one along in a minute, guaranteed.
Don’t ask questions, just keep following TheScience™.
Thanks, Colin Todhunter, for another useful, well-informed and highly instructive article.
If you want to experience where Technocracy would lead us, visit Clearwater, FL. It’s a ghost town of empty buildings, all owned by the cult of Scientology. In fact, The Cult of Scientology and Technocracy are very similar… the super paranoia/surveillance/data collection fixation, the financial control (CBDCs), the micro-managing (lockdowns, masks), the oath to conformity/submission (NDAs), the digitech prison (no one can escape), the sexual abuse of children, the physical/mental/emotional terror tactics (all for the greater good), the goal of global takeover and control, and ultimately, the disposal of the “unfit”.
Russia is the largest exporter of organic produce. Monsanto’s recent huge land grab in Ukraine may’ve been Russia’s last straw, because they knew they wanted their hands on more untainted, rich soil for more GMO patent profits. This should be part of the national discussion.
Also interesting to note is that the same symbol can be found in Scientology and NATO. Connection?
What do you mean Clearwater, FL is a “ghost town?” I knew someone who was from there – but had nothing whatever to do with Scientology. Clearwater has – at least had – a large “minority” community. Is it nothing but cult members now?
So many religions have been infiltrated by the satanists that it’s hard to tell them apart any more. Also true for all institutions: education / the police / entertainment/ the film industry/ governments/ healthcare / big pharma / big farmer. None of this is new but the uncovering of it is. The problem is no one seems to believe this no matter how obvious it is. Whoever said the best trick the devil played was making us believe he didn’t exist was so right.
The ‘Greatest trick the devil ever pulled…’ happened in the early 19th century. And you’ll find that ties in with the provenance of the saying.
Of course, it’s a trick, and it’s up there with the staged Moon landings. How the trick was performed is pretty crude, but it is evidently very effective.
The problem with the trick, is that when the trick is uncovered, it then becomes obvious why it was performed in the first place – why it is necessary to convince the world that Satan does not exist.
One can then understand why Dualism had to be stamped out.
Satan’s existence and identity is one of the most difficult things to discover online, and is probably the ultimate secret, and hence why those who know it are a bit cagey when it comes to revealing it. Unfortunately, without it, it is very difficult to understand what is going on in the world – what TPTB are up to.
I am curious…
Is the ‘sexual abuse of children’ a defining feature of a cult / do all cults indulge in the ‘sexual abuse of children ?
A cult cannot escape punishment when exposed. An established religion can just issue an apology to the victimised community or nation, or even to all peoples.
Don’t get me started on the subject of institutional formal apologies, “truth and reconciliation commissions”, “restorative justice”, etc.
Pious proponents are scandalized by the thought that these are all bogus dodges that came into existence to distract the general public from realizing that achieving “social justice”, such as it was, had become non-functional and obsolete.
I’ll spare us all a longer-winded rant, but I despise them as artifacts of modern therapeutic culture; they are the stuff of pop psychology and “self-help” schemes. Everybody has a cathartic good cry, and then has permission to “move on”, feeling refreshed. 😡
T & R Commissions function like the Catholic church Confessional ?…Own up to a priest, and be granted an “It’s OK. You’re absolved, now pray three Hail Marys…Move on.”…
But if there’s no Confessionals, no T & R commissions how does (secular) society expiate all its guilt ?
Doing Hard Labour for the Economy ?(The Christians do say that having to work for a living, instead of living on the fruit of Mother Nature’s Trees, is God’s Punishment)…
Or does Social Amnesia swallow our guilts, allowing us to move on ?
Large families are good on a farm, it’s all extra pairs of hands to help; large families bring little economic benefit in cities.
BTW Corbett bothered me in his most recent interview. The interviewer was “ex-mainstream media who’s been converted”. This always raises a red flag with me. She wanted to ask some “listeners’ questions” at the end. Okay. This turned into an extended heckle about theories concerning depopulation. I’m not at all against questioning if there really is a depopulation agenda if it’s coming from a place of genuine doubt or uncertainty.
Maybe Corbett was a bit rattled by her motormouth style but he made a ridiculous statement about maybe they want a population of ten trillion if it’s the right sort of people. Show me a statement by the elite supporting population increases or an underlying trend moving in that direction. Everything from collapsing sperm counts to robotics and AI points in the opposite direction. The danger with this “right sort of people” argument is that many people’s response will be “how do I become that sort of person?”.
So, was it conspiracy or cock-up? Is she a controlled asset posing as alt-media to steer the debate in less damaging directions (“of course the elite are greedy – but they don’t actually want to kill you, you’re their profits!”) and Corbett is complicit? Or is she just new to all this and not quite grasped the depths of it and Corbett’s responses were merely somewhat unfortunate?
He let her get away with painting Bill Gates as the top of the power pyramid which is a position his own work has somewhat contributed to. He also didn’t challenge her claim that the elite couldn’t sustain a plan over a long period of time when there are any number of ways of explaining how they could do this (ranging from blackmail to a belief in reincarnation).
Good response; however, so many get caught up in the personalities, as if we simply switched bums in the swivel chairs of corporate power or governance, that Shangri-la would be a moment away. It’s the economic system, protected by our collective refusal to discuss and have an intelligent conversation ’bout the twin sacred cows of private property and personal profit accumulation. Gaia hoards nothing; nor does any other animal species.
As much as I respect Mr Corbett’s work, I have noticed that he is one of the world’s worst interviewers. I suspect he “vets” his guests before inviting them to speak rather than grilling them.
He has a trait – which should be worth its weight in gold – of rarely butting in or monopolizing the conversation. But when his guest strays too far afield, he doesn’t try to rein them in.
Maybe he thinks he can edit it before showing it. Or maybe he’s just giving them enough rope to hang themselves.
Nature. That’s what. The World Wildlife Fund which is an extension of the United Nations.
The last 11 years of my career with a conservation organization, I was a natural area management planner which involved the inventory and preservation of endangered species.
We grabbed as much “free” grant money as possible through Federal and State governments. Left leaning not-for-profits were always involved to create so called “Partnerships”. The more partners the better (which was worse). Not fun.
We called it Obama money. Conservation not-for-profits were springing up everywhere like a Tree of Heaven growing from a crack in a sidewalk. A nasty tree. A huge money grab. Want to know how the Dems are building their machine? Follow the grant money.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was and is a driving force behind the effort.
Only a few weeks before I retired eleven years ago, a number of biologists from the Great Lakes region assembled to draw balloon maps around currently protected natural areas to make connections between them. It made no difference what was found between them.
The goal was, and still is, to stop gene depression in wildlife populations of all kinds. Endangered species was the political focus but space and habitat restoration is the main focus.
Without connectivity between existing natural areas the species within the separate islands of nature will surely die out.
That’s the thinking. It’s not a new concept. Just a different approach that cuts government out of the purchase plan. (The Feds can no long take land from unwilling sellers since they were sued by Michigan land owners in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park area.)
Eventually, these privately purchased lands will be donated to the government with strings attached. Very expensive strings. Natural area management can cost thousands of dollars per acre per year into perpetuity. It’s like trying to stop climate change. Nature has it’s own plan.
Money you give the World Wildlife Fund goes toward this effort. The Wildlife Fund, of course, is not the only one. Nature Conservancy is another. They all want to shift the cost burden onto the taxpayers by donating the land with strings attached.
The foundation thinking: Human populations will surely die if we don’t save nature.
From a biologist position, I don’t fully support it. Until we address hydrology issues, it is a big waste of time.
From a position of saving humanity from starvation, they can pound sand.
My descendants are more important than prairie dogs and black footed ferrets.
Evil Leftists don’t care about people. Period. They would rather die of starvation while thinking about the polar bears they saved.
Hello Hemlockfen: I must say, your comments strike me as rather incongruent. The majority of “wildlife” organizations are “non-profit” 501 (c). As if the employees work for free… Ya, right…
These bullshit artists mostly sit behind desks in air-conditioned office buildings, wherein they spend an inordinate amount of time forming multiple committees, sub-committees, and task forces, which study how they can continue the ruse that serves them so well. They have no functional roles in protecting Nature, whatsoever.
These pompous jerks collect grants for airline tickets and flights to “remote” areas, wherein they can hike around in plastic shorts with “wildlife” staged in background. They aren’t “leftists”. They’re simply fake people.
Prairie dogs? What prairie dogs…
I don’t disagree. Sounds like your disdain for them is equal to or greater than mine. I have experienced it personally. Hard leftists taking their administrative cut, as you imply, while working out of high-rise downtown office buildings is exactly what is happening. I can’t count the number of downtown planning meetings I have attended in their offices. The underlings actually get outside and into the field, literally, once in a while. These people are real (ly connected) and their organizations make big contributions to the political body in control. The not-for-profits are political parasites. They buy land and will buy a lot more. As I said, with the legal battles that ensued after the creation of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore national park, the Federal government lost it’s right to condemn and take land. Not-for-profits are stepping in to fill the gap. Plenty of willing sellers when the price is right. My example of prairie dogs was pointed. Cattle ranchers hate them because their burrowing habits are not good for cattle or horses. I love beef. For the longest time the black footed ferret (which can’t live without prairie dogs) has been an endangered species poster child. They will never come back because of gene depression. It does definitely seem like many of the not-for-profits are exploiting nature for their own personal gain. But not all of them. However, all of them are ruthless if you get in their way. They will climb the tallest mountain of authority to get their way. And they are nothing but inexperienced dumb asses making bad decisions.
Hello Hemockfen: I very much appreciate your reply. Well done.
I once lived on the North shore of Lake Superior and did a fair amount of hiking in the Superior National Forest. The forest has been decimated by commercial logging operations for over 125 years. Only 5% of the original white pine and cedar groves are still intact. The US forest service leases land for logging operations, as if they own it.
There used to be numerous natural trout streams and lakes. The streams became silted in from erosion caused by logging operations, and the few remaining trout lakes are stocked with non-indigenous species. Many animal species are in steep decline or gone missing….
All the while, local and national “wildlife” activists spoke loudly and collected a big stick… I moved from the area seven years ago. It was just too depressing to experience the disaster.
Changing our diet away from animal foods and boxed processed products, will not avert the worst of the human induced heat melting the Arctic Ocean and permafrost, with the attendant methane hydrate releases projected. It will, however, be a giant step in the evolution of our species away from our addiction to taste, towards nutrition, wellbeing and longevity. To say nothing about viewing our planet as a sacred experience in the whole.
Leo Tolstoy, an avowed Russian vegan said 130 years ago: “As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.”
The complexer the system the easier it is for disaster to occur because of a small rubber washer…Ask those astronauts…
Gates, Schwab, et al, package their take-over plans as planet friendly, claiming they’re doing it to head off calamity…yet what could prove to be more prone to disasters for humanity than the efficiencies for profit of their monoculture farms…Nature is fecund…Nature abhors boredom, sameness, and lack of variety…
Like Pol Pot, Gates et al, want to reduce our numbers to fit into an idealised world…We may acquiesce, it’s guaranteed nature will rebel !
It’s time we made fertilizer out of Gates and his slimy mates.
That would be a pollutant, not a fertiliser.
Oh, I think the wicked deceased can be allowed to repay us appropriately.
After all, the horrible ideas of such specimens perish with them.
Their discarded bodies consist of nothing but useful chemicals, and in fact Gates is nothing but a bunch of wasted, yet potentially useful chemicals right now.
A good friend of mine threw up his hands in despair a couple of weeks ago, saying that Windows11 was driving him mad – and he is not alone.
Today’s system software is not your friend…
Gates drips acid, like the alien in Alien.
I take your point.
But I wouldn’t eat Gates-sponsored “pink slime”, and I wouldn’t eat anything fertilized by Gates & Mates slime. Or, for that matter, anything that fed on it. 😖