The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Propaganda with Professor Fry – Part 1
Iain Davis

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In my previous article I committed the journalistic sin of predicting the future. I anticipated that the BBC’s proposed documentary, “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry,” would be little more than propaganda.
The BBC said it would place seven ordinary unvaccinated citizens in a house and then try to convince them that everything they thought they knew about the jabs was based upon mis/disinformation.
The BBC claimed it wanted to provide viewers with an “eye-opening investigation” that would “fully explore this complex and deeply divisive debate.”
While the press release for the program promised a “documentary,” I ventured that the BBC would actually manipulate the reported data, cherry-pick the science, omit vital information and produce, in effect, a sales pitch for the COVID-19 jabs. So it is, I admit, with a degree of schadenfreude that I can now say this is precisely what the BBC did.
In my aforementioned article, I incorrectly interpreted the UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA’s) stated 70.2% total vaccine coverage figure as a mean and not the median that it was. Consequently, my estimation of 11M unvaccinated UK adults was wrong.
Nonetheless, as expected, the BBC opened its program with a statement that misreported the statistics. It claimed there were just 4M unvaccinated UK adults. For a multi-billion-pound media operation like the BBC to repeatedly report the vaccination statistics incorrectly and consistently underreport unvaccinated numbers is not just an inadvertent error.
It is a deliberate fabrication of the facts.
According to the Office For National Statistics (ONS) in mid-2020 the adult population of England (over 18) stood at just under 46M. Given population growth, we can safely use a figure of at least 46M adults in England in 2022.
UKHSA reports that approximately 44.5M people in England have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Approximately 3M of them are under 18. Thus, we can say that at least 4.5M adults in England, or around 9.7% of the English population, have not received a single dose of the vaccine. England accounts for about 84% of the UK population.
Assuming almost identical vaccine coverage elsewhere in the UK, this suggests that approximately 5.3M UK adults have not received a single dose of the vaccine.
The UK government‘s definition of “vaccinated” is “2 doses of an approved vaccination, or 1 dose of the Janssen vaccine.”
The Janssen vaccine is the only single-shot vaccine approved in the UK, and use of it is rare.
To be considered “vaccinated,” two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca or Moderna jab are required. Therefore, UKHSA data indicates that there are approximately 40M “vaccinated” adults in England. This means that there are around 7.2M unvaccinated adults in the UK, representing approximately 13.5% of the UK adult population.
As we can see, Fry’s opening statement that “there are still around 4M adults in the UK who remain unvaccinated” was flagrantly false.
After making that misleading remark, Prof. Fry questioned the rationale for remaining unvaccinated:
I want to understand why and find out if anything can change their [the participants’] minds.
From the start of the BBC’s program, it was clear that the filmmakers had an agenda: convince everyone to take the vaccines.
In short, the purpose of the program was not to explore the debate, as claimed in the BBC press release, but rather to persuade people to get the jab as well as maintain belief in the COVID-19 vaccine among those who are already jabbed.
The BBC never had any intention of objectively reporting the facts or encouraging any genuine discussion of the evidence. Its purpose, as usual, was to promote the government narrative. This was exemplified by Prof. Fry at the start of the program’s penultimate segment when she said:
I just want to remind everyone just how critical the vaccines have been in allowing us all to go back to normal.
Back to normal? The policy response to this alleged pandemic has so changed the public’s relationship with the government that it can no longer be considered “normal.”
The removal of our freedoms and official denial of the existence of our natural rights has convinced most people to adapt to a new model of government. The illusory “social contract,” neither seen nor signed by anyone, now demands total acquiescence to this “new normal.”
Some might think that the UK government’s reaction to the alleged existential threat was wise. Others will argue that government abuse of our inalienable rights is never justified under any circumstances. The point is that these are policy decisions, not the inescapable consequences of a so-called pandemic.
Recently UK junior health minister Syed Kamall said:
If hospitalisations start affecting the NHS backlog then clearly measures may well have to be introduced[.] […] If that gets out of control then of course we will stand up the measures that we have previously.
Kamall blithely announced that, if it’s deemed necessary, the government will once again restrict our freedoms and ignore our rights. It might order us to stay at home (lockdown), deny our freedom of movement, ban us from gathering, decree whom we can meet, compel us to wear masks and demand that we prove our health status before we are “allowed” to participate in society.
Prior to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, no way would the UK public have tolerated such a dictatorial proclamation from any politician. But now statements like Kamall’s receive barely a murmur of dissent. The vast majority of the population meekly accepts that the government requires these draconian powers to impose its authoritarian will upon us whenever it claims there is good reason.
As a society we have been transformed to accept dictatorship without question. Irrespective of their impact upon public health, the jabs are part of the biosecurity controls that take precedence over everything and everyone whenever the government wishes to change our behaviour.
To sum up, the COVID-19 jabs most assuredly have not enabled us to return to any kind of recognisable “normal.” Fry’s claim was absurd. Indeed, “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry” could have more accurately been titled “Propaganda with Professor Hannah Fry.” So let’s take a closer look at the BBC’s propaganda.
The Denial of Adverse Events
A participant named Nazarin was filmed telling Prof. Fry about her friend who started having neurological problems five days after the Pfizer jab and subsequently suffered a stroke and multiple heart attacks. Fry asked Nazarin:
How can you be sure that was the vaccine, and not something that would have happened anyway?
Nazarin’s reply was pertinent:
If you’ve been completely healthy before, that one thing changed and then days later you’re suddenly experiencing all these things you have never had before, like paralysis and seizures, the chance of that happening to someone so young. I would say, not possible. [. . .] It’s not just her, there are so many people going through the same thing.
Fry’s response to Nazarin sounded reasonable. Referring to the percentage chance that a healthy young person’s severe health event soon after vaccination may not be attributable to the vaccine, Fry said:
It’s not zero, though…
True enough. But what Fry did not concede, as highlighted by Nazarin, is that it was likely that the adverse event (AE) was caused by the jab, given the circumstances. Prof. Fry then added:
I just don’t think it’s enough to say it’s happening a lot, without the evidence for it.
Nazarin and fellow participant Vicki later gave an interview to GB News in which they revealed that the BBC excluded key witness accounts from the program.
For example, Nazarin said she repeatedly told the BBC that her great-grandmother died shortly after receiving the jab and that her grandmother had a stroke following her jab.
Vicki reported that Nazarin wasn’t the only participant among the seven to have told the BBC about family members who had possibly suffered a severe adverse event as a result of the jab. None of these personal accounts were reported by the BBC.
Prof. Fry’s insistence upon evidence would have been reasonable only if the BBC had been willing to consider—and, perhaps more importantly, objectively report—all the evidence. But the BBC did not do that.
Prof. Fry invited the seven unvaccinated participants to discuss vaccine adverse events. Yet at no point throughout the whole program did Fry actually report what the numbers of reported AEs were.
Instead, she was eager to repeatedly suggest that there wasn’t really any link between reported AEs and the vaccines.
For instance, she cited a paper on the nocebo effect, which found that people sometime experience AEs as a psychosomatic reaction. Fry told the participants that 76% of claimed AEs “from the vaccine” could be attributed to this psychological quirk:
There was one study in America, the overall result of that study was that 76% of common adverse effects from the vaccine were essentially down to the expectation that you would feel rubbish after the vaccine.
The professor’s statement was highly misleading. What she said was not what the findings in the paper indicated.
The paper was a meta-analysis (combining data from a number of studies) which looked at the systemic (common) AE statistics for two groups of almost equal size. One cohort of 22,578 people received an “inert placebo.” The jab recipient group was a similarly sized 22,802. The paper stated:
Systemic AEs were experienced by 35% of placebo recipients after the first dose and 32% after the second. Significantly more AEs were reported in the vaccine groups, but AEs in placebo arms (“nocebo responses”) accounted for 76% of systemic AEs after the first COVID-19 vaccine dose and 52% after the second dose. […] [T]here were proportionally more moderate and severe AEs in the vaccine groups after the second dose.
This means that 76% of all systemic AEs across both cohorts—vaccinated and unvaccinated—were reported in the placebo (unvaccinated) arm. It in no way implies that 76% (or 52%) of the reported systemic AEs in the vaccinated cohort were attributable to the nocebo effect, as Fry tried to assert.
The paper graded AEs from 1 to 4 as follows: 1(mild), 2 (moderate), 3 (severe), 4 (life-threatening). A “systemic” AE (grades 1 and 2) is a mild adverse reaction, such as temporary swelling, brief headache or nausea. A “severe” AE (grades 3 and 4) is an adverse event that may “jeopardize the patient and may require medical or surgical intervention,” according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Severe reactions include breathing problems, blood disorders, seizures, disability or permanent damage, hospitalisation, a threat to life and death. The BBC did not make this distinction clear.
Again, note that both cohorts—vaccinated and unvaccinated—in the cited study were of roughly equal size.

Let’s look at the placebo group. Following the first dose, out of the 7,284 claimed AEs, about 5% were allegedly severe, which equates to some 364 severe AEs in total. Following the second dose, there were roughly 312 severe AEs. Given that the people in the placebo group received an inert substance, it’s likely that a high proportion of their severe AEs were attributable to the nocebo effect.
Now the vaccinated cohort. The first dose produced 13,319 reported AEs, of which approximately 7%—or about 932—were severe. If we account for the likely nocebo effect, this suggests that around 570 of these severe AEs were potentially attributable to jabs.
After the second dose there were 13,543 total AEs recorded. Approximately 22% of them were severe. Subtracting the likely nocebo numbers, this implies that, out of the vaccinated cohort of 22,802, there were more than 2,600 severe AEs possibly associated with the second jab.
The paper’s findings indicate that approximately 11% of second dose COVID-19 jabs reportedly resulted in a severe adverse event. The BBC and Prof. Fry did not wish to report this.
Prof. Fry misrepresented the paper’s finding in an attempt to convince both the participants and the BBC audience that more than three-quarters of reported AEs are probably attributable to the nocebo effect. Not only was this deceptive, but Fry failed to report the deeply concerning results that were reported in the paper with respect to severe AEs.
Later, Prof. Fry admitted that anaphylaxis and myocarditis are linked to the Pfizer jab. She also acknowledged that blood clots are associated with the AstraZeneca jab and that Bell’s Palsy (BP) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) have also been flagged as potential “rare side effects.”
Prof. Fry illustrated one of her claims with jelly beans. Knowing that myocarditis—inflammation of the heart muscle—is the most commonly reported severe AE attributed to the COVID-19 vaccines, she claimed that only one of 33,000 jelly beans represented the alleged vaccine-induced case rate of myocarditis. However, as we shall see, there was no basis for her to claim such a low relative risk.
The professor isn’t the only one to grossly underestimate the relationship between the jab and myocarditis. The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has collated the Yellow Card surveillance reports, which suggest there may be 1,112 myocarditis AEs associated with the COVID-19 jabs in the UK. The MHRA calls such an event a possible adverse drug reaction (ADR).
It’s important to note that in 2018 the MHRA estimated that only 10% of severe ADRs are reported to the Yellow Card system. Since then, the MHRA has done nothing to remedy the problem of an underreporting rate as high as 90%. Indeed, there could be more than 11,000 myocarditis ADRs associated with the COVID-19 jabs, for all we know.
In 2021 the MHRA updated its 2018 data with this caveat:
These estimates [of 10% of severe ADRs] should not be used as indicators of the reporting rate for COVID-19 vaccines, for which there is high public awareness of the Yellow Card scheme and the reporting of suspected reactions.
Perhaps so, but the MHRA hasn’t produced any estimates for COVID-19 vaccine ADR reporting rates. To what extent has “public awareness of the Yellow Card scheme” increased reporting rates, if at all?
Could reporting rates be up 50%? Or 20%? Or as little as 0.4%? How likely is it that doctors, who also submit Yellow Cards, correctly associate an adverse event with a vaccine? We have no idea. Nor, it seems, do the MHRA or Prof. Fry or the BBC.
The MHRA stresses that a reported ADR may or may not be caused by a jab. It has established a data analysis method that theoretically enables the MHRA to identify concerning signals in the data:
We apply statistical techniques that can tell us if we are seeing more events than we would expect to see, based on what is known about background rates of illness in the absence of vaccination. [. . .] [W]e generally do not expect all suspected side effects to be reported on Yellow Cards.
For example, the MHRA contrasts the reported Yellow Card incidents of myocarditis to the background rate of the same disease. It then applies comparative statistical analysis to identify what it and Prof. Fry call a “rare” ADR associated with the jabs.
As frequently noted by the MHRA and as mentioned above, the Yellow Cards are only capturing a small proportion of the ADRs. The only question is, what proportion?
All we have from the MHRA is a published estimate that the Yellow Card reporting rate could be as low as 10%. Consequently, the possibility exists that 90% of potential ADRs are not captured by the reporting system. Presumably, the remaining unreported ADRs could then erroneously contribute to the observed background rate for that condition.
This skewed data then forms the inputs for the MHRA’s statistical analysis. The MHRA may be significantly underestimating the possible ADRs while wildly overestimating the comparative background rate. There is no evidence that it has done anything about this problem, and there is a strong possibility that its so-called “analysis” is complete junk.
In regard to the monitoring of myocarditis, the MHRA claims:
There has been a consistent pattern of higher reporting of these suspected events with the COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech and COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna. […] These reports are very rare[.]
Without fixing the underreporting problem, there is no reliable evidence to support the MHRA’s claim that these possible ADRs are “very rare.” On the contrary, the scientific evidence suggests reason for marked concern.
US and Israeli researchers found that the overall incident rates of myocarditis among those who received the Pfizer jab has more than doubled. Myocarditis impacts some demographic groups more than others.
For people aged 18–24, particularly but not exclusively males, French scientists found that the rate increase following the Pfizer jab was more than eight times higher and following the Moderna jab a staggering thirty times higher.
For Prof. Fry to dismiss, by omission, these legitimate concerns using a spurious, statistically inaccurate jelly bean analogy is, frankly, appalling.
Throughout the program, Prof. Fry and the BBC persistently relied upon statistical claims that are officially acknowledged to be inaccurate. At no point did the BBC disclose this to its audience.
For example, Prof. Fry addressed an information leaflet produced by people who are concerned about vaccine safety. The document, titled “Consent Checklist,” urges would-be jab recipients to consider some key information before they opt to get the jab.
The document reminds people that the manufacturers have no civil liability for any harm caused by their products, that the jabs don’t protect against infection or stop transmission of SARS-CoV-2, that AEs associated with the jabs are potentially serious and that, due to the lack of clinical trials, the long-term health impacts of the jabs are unknown.
All of which is true.
In its unflinching investigation of the debate, the BBC didn’t bother to reveal any of the points made by the “Consent Checklist.” Instead, Prof. Fry called it “anti-vax propaganda.” She was apparently irked because the document stated that there was a calculated 1:29,389 chance of dying from a jab. She said:
It’s my job to look into numbers like this and I can tell you, as an absolute fact, this is complete nonsense.
How does Prof. Fry know this? She didn’t explain. She provided no sources. She simply threw out a claim without evidence. Perhaps we should trust her simply because she works for the BBC and says she’s an expert?
We can be certain that people have been killed by the jabs. Sadly, this includes one of the BBC’s own, Lisa Shaw. And there have been other proven deaths from the COVID-19 jabs.
As of January 2022, the ONS has reported 15 UK deaths clinically coded as being caused by a COVID-19 jab.
As pointed out by Professor Lawrence Young, a virologist based at Warwick University, the official coding of a vaccine death alone is unlikely to reflect the totality. Given the data from the MHRA, he noted that the ONS figure was too low.
Prof. Young said that there was a need “for more detailed investigation to reconcile these different estimates.” He added that to make this assessment a “detailed review of death certificates, autopsy (if available) and medical records” would be needed.

Herein lies the problem with any claims made about UK mortality caused by the jabs, including Prof. Fry’s. The MHRA has done nothing to investigate any of the reported vaccine-related deaths. It is content simply to continue to search for “signals” within officially recorded figures which, by its own admission, are wrong.
Consequently, all anyone can say is that the MHRA has recorded 2,207 possible vaccine-related deaths in the UK, which could equate to more than 22,000, given the estimate of 10% reporting. We also know from UKHSA that approximately 48M UK adults have been jabbed.
If we ignore the acknowledged underreporting problem, this currently suggests a possible 1:22,000 risk of death caused by vaccination. If we account for the possible scale of underreporting, though, the current jab-related mortality risk is potentially 1:2,200.
These calculations do not prove the mortality risk associated with the COVID-19 jabs; they merely suggest it. This was made clear in the document that Fry attacked for the cameras.
That document stated that the estimate of a 1:29,389 risk was based upon “officially reported” figures. It was an accurate estimate given the available evidence at the time. As the reported risk did not reflect the known Yellow Card underreporting issue, the quoted 1:29K risk was, in all probability, the lowest possible estimate.
As highlighted by Prof. Young, without a thorough investigation we don’t know what the truth is. Absent further analysis, there is no reliable evidence to inform any assessment of the relative risks associated with the jabs.
So how Prof. Fry could be “absolutely certain” that the claims made about vaccine mortality rates were “complete nonsense” is mystifying. Despite her conviction and self-declared expert status, it was actually Prof. Fry’s seemingly authoritative assertion that was complete nonsense.
What Prof. Fry asserted was entirely in keeping with the BBC’s propaganda message.
During the documentary, the BBC downplayed and denied any adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccines wherever possible. It deliberately misinterpreted the available statistical evidence, omitted or misreported the science that ran contrary to its agenda and attempted to thoroughly deceive the participants and its viewers to encourage them to get potentially harmful jabs.
Obfuscating Concerns About The Trials
Prof. Fry held a discussion with two participants, Nazarin and Vicki, who asked her to clarify the vaccine’s approval and trial status. Fry and the BBC gave an entirely false impression that “approval” signifies that the jabs have completed clinical trials.
For instance, Prof. Fry stated that the jabs had been through the same approval process as paracetamol. This was not true.
The Access Consortium of regulatory authorities from the UK, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and Singapore explain why this is not the case:
Initial vaccine approvals or emergency authorisations may be based on interim analyses of ongoing randomised placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical trials.
Phase III trials do not need to be complete for a COVID-19 jab to be “approved.” They remain incomplete for the original Pfizer and Moderna jabs to this day.
There is a distinction between “approval,” under emergency authorisation, and the “marketing authorisation” of a medication for distribution to the public.
Or at least there used to be.
The Pfizer Comirnaty jab, for example, has yet to meet the required standard for full marketing authorisation. To get around this problem, in 2021 the MHRA and the EU regulator (the EMA) created something called Conditional Marketing Authorisation (CMA).
Explaining CMAs, the MHRA stated:
The MHRA may grant a CMA where comprehensive clinical data is not yet complete, but it is judged that such data will become available soon.
In other words, this new licensing workaround enables the jabs to receive so-called “marketing authorisation” without the burdensome necessity of completing any Phase III clinical trials.
That is precisely the current condition under which the MHRA gave Conditional Marketing Authorisation to Pfizer’s Comirnaty jab.
Though Pfizer hasn’t completed any trials or posted any trial results, it might in the future. That’s good enough for CMA, as far as the MHRA is concerned. The MHRA has based its licensing of Pfizer’s drug upon whatever Pfizer has chosen to report.
The BBC, represented by Prof. Fry, reported none of this crucial context. Instead of honestly answering the participants’ questions, the BBC elected to thoroughly obfuscate the issue and redirected viewers attention toward out-and-out falsehoods via a series of highly misleading statements by Fry.
Responding the Vicki’s legitimate question about the status of the trials, Prof. Fry concluded by saying:
Vicki is right in some ways. The vaccines do indeed go on to Phase IV trials after approval. But this is normal. Phase IV trials are the ongoing surveillance of the drug after rollout.
While it is “normal” for jabs to go into Phase IV trials, it is also “normal” for drugs to complete Phase III trials before they are rolled out. The latter has not happened with respect to the COVID-19 jabs—but Fry forgot to mention that minor detail. Vicki was right in more ways than Prof. Fry cared to admit.
This lack of any genuine regulatory oversight has also become “normal.” The MHRA no longer considers itself a safety monitoring regulator of pharmaceutical products.
Speaking at the MHRA Board meeting on the 24th of March 2022, the chief executive of the MHRA, June Raine, said that the MHRA is “an enabling regulator, no longer a watchdog.” She added that its role is to accelerate “access to innovative products.”
This is in line with the UK government’s commitment to the G7’s 100 Day Mission (100DM). This is a global public-private partnership initiative to develop a so-called “armamentarium” of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines (DTVs).
The extremely dangerous idea is that modern DTVs, largely built upon mRNA platform technologies, don’t really need any extensive trials or safety surveillance. As soon as a global public health emergency is declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it will trigger governments around the world to feed taxpayer money to pharmaceutical corporations—government “partners”—who will get the DTVs on the market within 100 days.
As far back as March 2021, the MHRA was preparing to move away from acting as a public health “watchdog” and toward “enabling” pharmaceutical corporations to release their products as quickly as possible with the minimum amount of fuss. In reference to what were being called “tweaked” vaccines—namely, new iterations of existing jabs designed to tackle allegedly novel variants of COVID-19—the MHRA announced:
Regulatory Authorities do not consider an updated coronavirus vaccine to be an entirely novel product with the resulting requirement for lengthy full-blown clinical studies. […] Evidence gathered by the large pivotal clinical studies for initial authorisation and by mass vaccination campaigns is a strong foundation for this approach. […] From a clinical perspective, clinical efficacy studies prior to approval are not required.
Leaving aside the fact that the “evidence gathered by the large pivotal clinical studies” came from trials for which “no results have been posted,” the MHRA claimed that the mere act of it “approving” a COVID-19 jab somehow constituted a “strong foundation” for it not needing to bother reviewing any future clinical trial data before “approving” the next drug. Frankly, there is no reason to imagine that the MHRA is even interested in public health.
Yet the BBC’s expert, Professor Hannah Fry, in response to Vicki and Nazarin, said:
There are different versions of the vaccine. It is possible for one version to be approved while simultaneously companies and the researchers are running clinical trials for subsequent versions. So those two things are not in conflict with one another. So every time you get an adaptation to the vaccine, you have to go back through the whole process and demonstrate, not just that it works, but that it is safe.
The “whole process” is nothing like the one described by Fry. “Approval” is not based upon clinical trial results, as she intimated. Rather, it is based upon self-serving claims made by the manufacturers about their own trials of their own products.
Researchers may be “running” subsequent trials, but the regulators do not require evidence from them prior to subsequent “marketing authorisation” of the “tweaked” jabs. The pharmaceutical corporations do not have to “demonstrate” that the jabs work and are safe. They simply have to make claims to that effect, which the paradoxically named “regulators” will apparently accept without any scrutiny whatsoever.
In an effort to “fully explore this complex and deeply divisive debate” about the COVID-19 jabs, neither the BBC nor Prof. Fry felt it was necessary to even mention, let alone discuss, any of this.
Ignoring Fertility and Fetal Health Concerns
Fry enlisted from the British Medical Association a GP who specialises in vaccine promotion to speak to a participant called Ethan about his concerns over male fertility. The doctor told Ethan:
All the research studies that have been done have shown that there is no impact on fertility in male or female patients. However, there have been recent studies and clinical evidence to show that if you have had COVID-19 infection that can, temporarily, effect sperm quality and count.
This was a partly false statement from the GP. A recent study from Israel does show a temporary reduction in male fertility following the Pfizer jab. The scientists concluded:
This longitudinal study focused on SD demonstrates selective temporary sperm concentration and TMC deterioration 3 months after vaccination followed by later recovery.
Another participant in the BBC program, Naomi, was concerned about female fertility. She spoke to the same BMA GP. The GP acknowledged that studies have shown a disturbance in the menstrual cycle following vaccination. The BBC broadcast the doctor telling Naomi:
There are no longstanding issues or effect on fertility.
This statement was seemingly made in reference to the menstruation studies. We don’t know what other advice the GP gave Naomi.
As yet, the jab’s impact upon female fertility is unknown, but there are significant reasons for concern. There was no scientific basis for the BBC to broadcast the claim that there are no “longstanding” fertility issues. On the contrary, the BBC appeared to have once again deliberately misled viewers.
During its pre-clinical trial research, Pfizer found that the lipid nanoparticles (NPs) used in its COVID-19 jabs freely moved around the body.
But Pfizer didn’t make this known prior to the shot’s subsequent “approval.” The NPs accumulated in the liver, in the adrenal glands, in the spleen and in both the testes and particularly in the ovaries.
The “long-term” effect of the NPs on fertility may not be established, but there are solid grounds for concern about toxicity, which numerous studies have highlighted. A 2017 review article of these studies noted:
Females are particularly more vulnerable to nanoparticle toxicity, and toxicity in this population may affect reproductivity and fetal development. Moreover, various types of nanoparticles have negative impacts on male germ cells, fetal development, and the female reproductive system.
Dr Luke McLindon, President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine, the primary investigator for numerous clinical trials and the senior obstetrician and gynaecologist for Mater Health in Brisbane, is no longer listed as an employee of Mater Health and has reportedly been sacked.
Why? It seems he was trying to release research data showing that miscarriage rates among his patient group had climbed from a usual maximum of 16% to as high as 74% for his vaccinated patients. This has yet to be confirmed by Dr McLindon, but if his data is correct it only adds to existing concerns.
NP accumulation in the ovaries, as highlighted by Pfizer’s own research, has been worrying scientists for years. The BBC’s disinformation, clearly intended to encourage pregnant women to get the jabs, was potentially dangerous.
Two participants, Chantelle and Naomi, were later taken to visit Prof. Asma Khalil, who told them:
We know for sure that the vaccine does not cause miscarriage. We know that the vaccine does not increase the chance of stillbirth. We really have good safety data from a very large number of women who have received the vaccines. [. . .] There have been no concerns so far. [. . .] Potentially the vaccine is potentially useful for you and the baby. The most recent data tells us that the vaccine could reduce the risk of stillbirth by about 15%.
Prof. Fry backed up Prof. Khalil’s statement:
If you catch COVID while pregnant, your risk of losing the baby to stillbirth is 15% lower if you have had the vaccine.
To which Prof. Khalil added:
We have found that the vaccine, given to pregnant women, prevents hospitalisation because of COVID in the infant for the first 6 months of age.
For reasons we will discuss in Part 2, these statements from professors Fry and Khalil should be viewed with extreme caution. There are disconcerting signs of infant mortality after the jab that require explanation. These concerns were not reported in “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry.”
In the history of the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which began monitoring possible vaccine-related AEs in 1990, there have been 2,243 recorded miscarriage and fetal death events potentially linked to the US vaccination schedule over the last three decades. By contrast, in less than two years (2021 and 2022 to date) VAERS has recorded 4,358 miscarriage and fetal events conceivably as a result of the COVID-19 jabs.
Like the MHRA’s Yellow Card system, VAERS is not designed to prove or disprove causality but rather to be analysed to identify concerning “signals.” And, like the Yellow Cards, VAERS captures an unknown percentage of AEs. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) puts it this way:
VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events.
The HHS, like the MHRA, hasn’t done anything to remedy its known underreporting problem. Its “safety analysis” is just as flawed as the MHRA’s.
Meanwhile, in Scotland, a notable spike in infant mortality occurred in 2021. Despite suggestions that this may have been caused by COVID-19, a subsequent investigation by Public Health Scotland (PHS) found that this was not the case.
Another spike was reported by PHS in March 2022:
The neonatal mortality rate was 5.1 per 1,000 live births in September and 4.6 per 1,000 in March, against an average of 1.49 per 1,000 in 2019.
There is a correlation between the vaccine rollout and the Scottish infant mortality spikes. This correlation does not prove jab causation, but any objective investigation should explore the possibility. Dr Sarah Stock, who leads the COVID-19 in Pregnancy in Scotland (COPS) research project, which is partly funded by PHS, said:
I think the numbers are really troubling, and I don’t think we know the reasons why yet. […] What we do know is that it’s not neonatal Covid[.] [. . .] It is very unusual to see these outliers, and understanding why is going to be crucial.
PHS and the COPS project say they do not know what caused the mortality spikes. They are looking at a range of potential reasons to account for these worrying spikes. There is only one potential cause that they have categorically ruled out and refuse to investigate.
When asked if the COVID-19 jabs could have contributed to the neonatal deaths, Dr Stock said that the spikes were:
…absolutely not due to the Covid-19 vaccine[.]
Dr Stock and other public health experts claim to have no idea what caused the spikes in Scottish infant deaths. So how do they know that the vaccines are “absolutely” blameless?
We should note that Dr Stock’s work is supported by the Wellcome Trust. The Wellcome Trust has invested £16bn in COVID-19 vaccine development.
The BBC program reported Prof. Khalil’s denial of any reason for concern over neonatal health following vaccination. Perhaps she’s right. Objective scientific research is needed to find out. But if that “science” is produced by the vaccine manufacturers, only an idiot would accept it without serious misgivings about a massive conflict of interest.
The BBC’s so-called documentary was riddled with undisclosed conflicts of interest. Central to its propaganda was an agenda-driven approach to scientific, medical and statistical evidence that would have been apparent to viewers had the BBC been honest about the highly compromised positions of its “experts.”
In its press release announcing the program, the BBC said that Prof. Fry’s academic work “helped bring the UK out of its first lockdown.” In truth, her work contributed towards putting us in lockdown. And not only that, but there is significant evidence to suggest that she was part of a BBC collaboration with the UK government that created the entire, highly dubious concept of a pandemic.
We will explore that evidence in Part 2.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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This Hannah Fry is an expert only in mathematics: she is not an epidemiologist or a virologist but she’s become an expert BBC vaccine propagandist.
Neither was the failed pundit. Prof. Fear-guson of Imperial College, whose knowledge of biosciences could barely fill the back of an envelope or at most an A4 sheet of paper. Yet the badly flawed internal report from his research group, which was never subjected to the normal processes of independent external peer review was treated with almost holy reverence as if it had been divinely inspired- with devastating results for the public.
In Austria there is a big story about a doctor supposedly committing suicide or something after allegedly receiving death threats from ‘anti-vaxxers’. It sounds like propaganda and I was thinking if that is the case the story might be rehashed in other countries. I don’t really know much about it. Just the headlines. Apparently ‘the police’ did what they were supposed to do as far as investigating the death threats and certain political parties were suggesting they did not do enough. Maybe a false flag where the death threats were planted by the cult or an otherwise deceptive story. I was thinking ‘antivaxxer’ is really not the right word coz it is more like holocaust objectors. The cult thus being holocaust deniers. I wouldn’t be able to say what is going on at all but it just sounds like a big propaganda attack all over ‘the media’ worth tackling if possible.
As there is no illness covid to protect against, all deaths due to the jabs are murder plain and simple and the utterly distressing maiming – what’s that called – grievous bodily harm?
That, and a useful legal term I picked up when I used to watch the popular “Law & Order” TV franchise: depraved indifference.
Depraved indifference. Could there be a better term to describe the attitude of those in power?
Thanks for that. Depraved indifference is one term I’m going to make a point of remembering and using.
Regarding the US study – they state they used an “inert placebo.” but I can’t see in the study (I may have missed it?) where they state exactly what was used as teh placebo.
I believe it is common practice in trials to use another vaccine rather than saline, for the very reason that people expect some reaction if they think they have been given a vaccine.
Am I correct in thinking that in the convid jab trials, a malaria vaccine was used in the placebo group?
It is a common practice in ‘vaccine’ trials but with the ‘covid’ trials atleast some of them claimed to have used saline. Del Bigtree was claiming credit for this. The problem is that telling people there is “a deadly virus” is not an inert placebo. If someone is injected with saline they are going to know it is not ‘the vaccine’. They will believe they are ‘not protected’ whilst those injected with ‘the vaccine’ will know they had the real jab and have a placebo effect of reduced fear of ‘the virus’. To do any sort of scientific study you would need a control group who had not been administered the “virus” propaganda. It would however be unethical to administer such propaganda to the ‘virus’ terrorised group. Failing that you could look at the mortality rate before the ‘virus’/ ‘vaccine’ campaign and compare with the excess resulting from the campaign. In the US this is really quite huge. Many, many weeks with 20,000 extra deaths. In the UK maybe not so severe but the severity depends on many factors that can be traced back to the ‘vaccine’ campaign. Without it mortality would probably have been around normal.
Whilst poisoning both groups with ‘a vaccine’ is pseudoscience using saline as a ‘control’ is also pseudoscience. There is 2 drugs being administered. The ‘virus’ propaganda and ‘the vaccine’. A study needs be much more detailed to account for this. With a saline injection the blinding is lost because people will realise they did not ‘get vaccinated’ and be subject to the nocebo effect of the other drug, namely the ‘virus’ propaganda. ‘Doctors’ working with them will be able to guess that they were not “vaccinated” and will thus believe they are “at risk”. To study 2 drugs interacting with each other is a complex matter needing proper control groups if it is even ethical to study in the first place. Without evidence of a pathogenic virus it is not ethical to do any sort of study involving the administration of ‘virus’ propaganda.
Just watching a short Yeadon interview part, he joined, credited the Cowan-Kaufman team, THERE ARE NO RESPIRATORY VIRUSES.
“People still have cold, flu, we just don’t know what causes them.”
May I suggest Dr Yeadon to read the book of Arthur Firstenberg about flu? The Invisible Rainbow, summary:
We do know what causes them. Atleast it could be said that toxemia of one sort or another is the cause. Dr Tilden wrote in the 1920s about toxemia:
This chimes with what Dr. Sam Bailey was saying that a polluted environment such as the one that prevails in Wuhan in January is a toxin which can trigger pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.
I admire him for being open-minded about the question of respiratory viruses as I remember him saying he was sceptical about Cowan and Kaufman’s claims. However, there was a time not long ago when it was normal for scientists to be open-minded guided by the spirit of scientific enquiry.
Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis (
Most people are unfamiliar with the “normal” process of drug/vaccine development, testing and approval prior to marketing. TPTB are content to keep it this way. They treat us like mushrooms keeping us in the dark and feeding us cow manure like the government’s charade press conferences and the BBC program. The usual full development and testing process takes a decade or more to complete not months! The foundation of this scam has been the total negation of “natural immunity. Nowhere in the legacy or social media matrix do we hear anything about natural immunity or ways to boost our immune systems. This makes complete sense since the overlords are out to supplant nature but that’s another story for another day.
The oligarchs’ emphasis is solely on vaccines not sane remediation policies. We need to understand that along with their denial of natural immunity they also did an override on the usual drug/vaccine development and testing process which normally takes about 8-12 years to complete. Big Pharma bypassed all the usual processes working in cahoots with Western governments. mRNA was already being developed but failed as a cancer drug so it was “repurposed” for COVID to enhance the bottom lines of the companies and further the global coup d’état. The US FDA’s (which is totally compromised and corrupt in the grip of regulatory capture) “Emergency Use Authorization” could only be given if there were no other available treatment options. This is why TPTB debunked and demonized drugs like ivermectin which have been proven to be effective and more importantly suppress information on natural supplements like Zinc, Vitamin D, getting adequate rest and eating nutritious foods as opposed to junk food (its called junk food for a reason) to boost our immune systems naturally. As the article shows COVID is a psyop, a scam and a crime against humanity.
The BBC propaganda was part of a global psyop where messages were designed to dupe us into taking the kill shots. These messages were tested on focus groups then rolled out and ubiquitously promoted across all media (in the US the injections were touted as “free, safe and effective”). That claim has proven to be totally false! We are conditioned to have short memories this is why they can lie to us, constantly move the goal posts (remember three week’s to halt the spread, if you take the shot you won’t get COVID etc.) and gaslight us on a daily basis. The BBC program is just one example of their deceit.
It’s not only the present covid, they are lying to us since Pasteur, they are lied about rabies, they are lied about small pox, they are lied about Spanish Flu, they are lied about Polio, Measles, AIDS, Ebola, Zika, swine flu, etc, etc, etc.
Besides not many knows that the Big Pharma was challenged by Big Deltree and Kennedy Jr, on vaccine’ safety and efficiency and BP lost the case during the winter of 2019 – because it turned out they lied about vaccine safety and efficiency to the public 30+ years long! The value of shares nosedived but then a ‘pandemic’ conveniently arrived…
Pre MMR generations are a fucking site healthier in general than post MMR generations
Sorry, my fault.
Weird name to say the least. He worked for a major tv network on a show called “the doctors”. Like Kennedy he is what Dr Shiva calls the not so obvious establishment. A believer in ‘the virus’ / ‘vaccines’ can not help but fan the flames (even if they really wanted to help ). It is like a kind of snare that tightens the more you fight in that paradigm.
“Bigtree” sounds like a North American Indian name!
Tough, if You’re American you are regularly jabbed, what you crying for?
How many jabs have you and both sides of your family had in 30 years?
US FDA’s (which is totally compromised and corrupt
Almost all national me. authorities are compromised and corrupt. They need not have followed the insane proposals.
There is no such thing as ‘vaccine induced immunity’ OR ‘natural immunity’ NOR “the disease”. ‘Cold and flu like symptoms’ are NOT ‘a disease’ but a healing process. They are detox actions. It is like if someone is very tired and sleeps for a long time, the sleep is not “a disease” but the healing of the exhaustion. There is no immunity from exhaustion. You could drink coffee but this is a stimulant which only increases the level of exhaustion and sleep will still be needed to remedy the situation. Poisoning someone might trigger a severe detox but not “immunity”. It is like if you set fire to a house it would result in there being less combustable material and for the time being atleast less likelyhood of the house catching fire but this is not immunity. It is more like the opposite of immunity i.e. susceptibility. A fire has been caused and the person told that the problem is not the combustable materials all over the house. They need to refill the house with trash and knock over a candle to become “immune” for another 3 months. The arson is called “protection” whilst if it was set off “naturally” it would be called “disease” rather than house cleaning. The proper way is to gradually remove the combustable materials without any explosive fire occuring. This is done by eating fruits and salads to help hydrate and clean the body. It might even result in symptoms including sleep but they are not disease, only the house cleaning. The danger is that ‘a doctor’ might interpret them as “disease” and throw in a can of petrol whilst sealing up the exits.
The absence of any discernable and provable beneficial effects of the covid vaccines, means that what we call adverse effects are the only effects they have produced.
So, instead of calling them ‘adverse effects’ should be called the effects of the vaccines plain and simple.
Moreover, judging from the reaction of the parties involved in the rollout of these products, it seems clear that these effects were not unwanted, unpredicted or unexpected but quite the opposite.
They are not effects of “the vaccines” in so far as the popular understanding of what ‘a vaccine’ is. They are the effects of poisoning which is the admitted premise on which ‘variolation’ and hence ‘vaccination’ is based:
“It was this confidence, that smallpox once undergone was finally disposed of, that was the justification of the practice of inoculating the disease when introduced from the East in the first quarter of last century. Inasmuch, it was argued, as none can have smallpox more than once, why not induce it artificially, and pass through the illness at a convenient season”
The idea of immunity is the sole justification for inducing illness with ‘a vaccine’. Without the immunity it is simply poisoning and not ‘a vaccine’. A weapon like a mouse trap is with fantasy cheese called “immunity” to get people to take it.
There Were NEVER Any Valid Vaccines – Amandha Vollmer:
The overall mortality figures for 2020,2021 and 2022 will tell all if compared with the 10 years before that.
The same for the birth rates if compared to the 10 years before the jabs.
If the authorities obfuscate,withhold or lie about these figures you can take this for an admission of guilt.
No goverment authority has released absolute and relative figures for the following, by jab brand and number of jabs taken:
:- hospitalised
:- sent to ICU
:- injured permanently (including “long covid”)
:- dead.
No “democratic opposition” politician anywhere seems to have demanded (a) the above info (b) excess all-cause deaths and fertility for 2021. Neither has any politician challenged the
– ban on tested curative (prophylactic) meds
– enforcement of untested jabs and dangerous remdesivir
– unprecedented consent form that clearly invalidates the jab
– contined enforcement of the jabs after the availability of proprieraty curtive meds.
I don’t have the skills but it would be interesting if someone could link vaccine uptake and adverse events to US Postal Zip Codes.
I just don’t see that may of the ultra-wealthy with problems and god knows they’d complain and bitch and sue the bastards if they did (no matter how much stock in Pfister and Mode-RNA they own). Zip Codes correspond to specific localities whose mean net worth can be easily determined.
An excellently comprehensive takedown of a bullshit tv propaganda piece.
If I had to choose just one thing that can highlight the need for people to be cautious and questioning when it comes to the hyper-lucrative medical/pharmaceutical cartels, it would be the dishonest and obfuscating practices from many of the foot soldiers of ‘The Science’ that work to effectively promote a product and misdirect any negativity around it. As noted in one example from the article, re Infant mortality spikes:
‘𝘗𝘏𝘚 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘖𝘗𝘚 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘦.
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘖𝘝𝘐𝘋-19 𝘫𝘢𝘣𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘴, 𝘋𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦:
…𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘶𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘥-19 𝘷𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘦[.]’
These God-like, all-knowing, conclusions-without-basis have become commonplace as a response to genuine, reasonable concerns that should require proper (or any!) investigation.
A long time ago, I used to view medical practitioners and science together as a support mechanism for maintaining a healthy population. I’ll admit it stings a bit to acknowledge that some involved at the sharp end are little more than dancing puppets and many in more senior levels are sales and marketing shills, often with compromising interests in a product or treatment.
It’s an effective army, in place to defend and promote and to deflect all doubt, the result being an industry rife with profiteering and corruption and with more wealth than was ever imagined.
How nice that The Times joins the BBC/
Pilot Project for Pandemic Treaty:
South Africa must NOT be allowed to fall into medical tyranny!
Good article but too long.
The NPs accumulated in the liver.. adrenal glands.. spleen.. testes and ovaries
There is little point in mentioning specific organs or diseases. The lipids, spikes they encapsulate, other nano-particles and other inorganic compounds reach all over the body. The deliberate method of injection (no aspiration) may be a major cause. These ingredients explain all the varied “adverse events”. The lipids and spikes even get into the brain.
Unvaccinated ?
That’s a misprint.
Should read:
They have managed for over twenty years to sow confusion within the nine_eleven truth movement, building-seven was the telltale.
With the 2020 event the telltale was the lack of excess mortality for the first year. We never had a novel disease in the first place.
There was excess mortality in 2020 ( very substantial excess in the US for example) and plenty of explanations for it e.g. lockdowns, midazolam, masks, social exclusion, media terrorising people, 5g etc. Denying the deaths is to the advantage of the terrorists. It is a fallacious argument because deaths do not prove causation. There is actual science to support how midazolam, lockdowns, fear etc. could cause deaths.
It is a well known phenomenon that people oftentimes do not read reviews to inform their purchases but to confirm what they already plan to do.
Similarly this garbage was served up for the smuggies already vaccinated and sure they made the right choice “to protect themselves and others”
It is probably importent to pick it apart but does the exersize tell us anything we didn’t already know? BBC is biased and corrupt – nothing new, the state and all it’s institutions are desperate to cover up any adverse effects of the vaccines – nothing new, etc etc
I don’t watch, allready know it’s a docu-drama over vaccine hesitancy, BBC? noo.
If you have time it’ll be a Universal International television channeling program, funded by etc etc. Some people need to open their eyes, may not like it well, few clicks on a computer will probably tell you.
Ok, ‘unvaccinated’ a huge word tell right there. Dickheads and Dickweeds, Gobshites and Cronies, a guarantee it’s not about British Isles Peoples….London.
Ok, ok Glasgow.
The Article above has a specific point in that injected or not everyday people get on, think on.
The Question is: If the percentage of Unvaxxed is as low as is officially claimed What purpose does making & showing a ‘documentary’ about them serve ?
Can it be that the percentage Unvaxxed is worryingly much higher ?
Is the ‘documentary’ mainly a vehicle for informing all the vax-injured viewers, (and others), that “It’s all in your head !”, you are alone so grin and bear it !
The much promoted ‘documentary’ was aimed at the vaxxed – who evidently believe the words of paid Experts, so what was its ‘message’ to them ?
Only to sow more confussion and division, not a minor point in their agenda.
There is no vaxxed or unvaxxed. Vaccines do not exist. Making a documentary about “the unvaxxed” helps spread the myth that there is such a thing as “immunity”, “a disease”, “a virus”, “vaccines”, “unvaxxed” etc. You are correct in thinking that it suspect that the “unvaxxed”/ ‘anti-vaxxers’ get a lot of attention in ‘the media’. The reason is that there are two sides to the cult. The ‘vaxxers’ and the ‘anti-vaxxers’ like how there is ‘the left’ and ‘the right’. David Icke calls this thesis vs anti thesis leading to synthesis. The ‘anti vaxxers’ play a pivotal role in the psyop causing people to fear “the spread”. If everyone was ‘vaccinated’ there would be no explanation for ‘the vaccine’ not ‘working’. People would realise there was some other mechanism causing people to get sick and the ponzi scheme would collapse. A red flag is waved at the bulls on both sides to keep them polarised and fighting eachother rather than pursuing true health knowledge. The ‘anti vaxxers’ are needed to play the role of skapegoat and to keep the ‘vaxxers’ terrified of “the virus” so they do not think rationally about what is really going on. All the toxins and radiation etc. with scientific evidence of harm.
The Documentary form has developed into being one of the most effective vehicles for propaganda…Quasi-scientific & riveting.,,Data based, data driven…
We are story loving mammals, we all love a good story.(We’re hooked on TV),..They start us off on Fairy Tales, and keep feeding us such all our life…(Those of us who become good at telling stories become politicians, or work for the BBC)…
Two nights ago i happened upon a David Attenborough ‘Documentary’ on my TV. He’s got it down to a Fine Art…He’d only just got my attention when he averred “The Sky Is Falling……” Naturally, instead of pulling the TV plug, i dived under the table ! Later i wondered “When does the old ‘Once Bitten, Twice Shy’ ” kick in ?
That’s “naturally, i pulled the TV plug then dived under the table !” No sense leaving the fucker keep on with his Doom & Gloom…Thankfully there were no Things That Lurk Under The Bed lurking under the table…
Repeat after me, there is no Covid-19 and it’s not a vaccine. I know others have said it, but what else is there to say. How long are we going to have to do that? I mean really, one only has to read the initial concept of this BBC trash to know it’s all lies from the get-go, because it HAS to be.
This photo epitomises 2022:
Analyses welcome.
“Hi! As you can see, I work at an Oxford college, but this week I’ll be spending some of my valuable time with half-a-dozen ordinary people to find out why I am so much better at thinking than they are. The BBC will pay me a handsome fee for this career-boosting task, so it’s no wonder I’m looking rather pleased with myself. I am wearing a denim shirt to emphasise that, despite being so brilliant, I also have that all-important common touch. (And sssshh, best not mention those wacky ‘shrooms’!!!) Far from being some pale stale male Oxford don (No way, José!), I am not only ‘a bit of a maverick’ but also ‘pretty damn hot posh totty’, as one of my more drunken students said recently, which only goes to show that sexism is still rife. Where was I? Ah yes, please join me tonight to find out why you deserve to be killed.”
… and, oh yes I nearly forgot, watch out for my future series as the BBC recognises what a great job I did.
“The phrase Shit Eating Grin comes to mind.”
“Some will say or do anything to get ahead.”
Indeed the arrogance born of truly off the scale Dunning Kruger would seem to be self evident given she’s a chronic chain smirker, however, I think the following image identifies the foundation of the problem.
What’s going on in that photo?
Do a search for something like “eye covered illuminati”, and ffs don’t use google. You will see, and the variations, particularly the black eye.
Simple fact is that there is a club, and you and I ain’t in it.
She’s totally in on it.
Hannah Fry: An Extraordinary Series of Coincidences
Finally realised she’s holding up a peacock’s feather.
Satanist symbolism. By the way that feather is modified (photoshopped) to make the effect more creepy, a rotting skull, ‘the death look at you’. They love symbolism.
Start at 4:50, watch the symbolism and that Madonna ‘predicted the future’ in 2019! even the masks included, LISTEN the lyrics.
I listened to the UK Column analysis of the BBC docu on BitChute and this smug young lady professor. That just about summed it up quite well.
She does sound and look like another member of the omniprosent tribe in media and academics. Trained in their ancient craft of storytelling which is all she does in this ‘documentary’, that and manipulate the minds of the gentile.
Many thanks for this. Kudos to anyone who managed to even sit through the BBC’s latest smug-arsed propaganda effort without smashing the telly, huge respect to Iain Davis for having had the patience to examine it in detail and demolish it point-by-point. Looking forward to Part 2.
Who was is who said something along the lines…’we will train people to call snow black’? Isn’t this exactly what’s happened to the world? Same thing as ‘how many fingers am I holding up’? People are multiple boosters deep with potentially many more to come and still “catching covid”, getting over it in a few days and getting on with their life…all while under the belief they are ‘doing the right thing’ by wearing masks, taking RAT tests, going to get tested, scrubbing their hands in gallons of sanitizer, isolating and remaining fearful. The world has been turned upside down and they still believe the “virus” that forced them off work for a few days, is the most lethal, dangerous malady known to man. They just go along. 5 fingers sir, the snow is black sir. Still, after all the utter, utter insanity of clown world….still they comply. Still they believe.
The truth not only ‘sets you free’, but it also alienates you from those who remain enthralled. At some point you’ve got to let go of the enthralled, and focus on understanding the truth and what it means to you.
It is an individual thing.
There will be no gathering together of ‘truthers’, no collective insurrection thereof.
If at some point the jabbed ever undergo the epiphany that they are the walking dead, then there’ll be the zombie apocalypse. Beware of hastening it.
Are they all walking dead? I don’t think so. They just have to survive about a year time without having more poison (graphene oxide) and being far away from any radiation (which is not easy), after that if they are not seriously ill they will be ok.
If it would have been decided and fixed, why is the push for more vaxxes?
It’s splitting hairs as to whether I should have said vaxxed (double jabbed & up to date with boosters) instead of jabbed (once or more). Such a distinction is unlikely to prevent a jabbed person from going on a furious rampage, along with their vaxxed fellows.
But anyway, yes, it’s probable that a regular booster is necessary, because otherwise the vital constituent is likely to become steadily less concentrated, and thus less effective when activated.
Conversely, who knows how long it would take for the constituent to dissipate entirely – if it ever would? It could be 50% contamination after a year, and 10% contamination after a decade, but nonetheless lethal, just more drawn out.
The physical consequences are secondary, what matters is the choice they made on a spiritual and psychological level, there’s no easy way back from that.
I share your gloomy view. It’s time to learn to just let go.
Yes, you’re so right… that people are still complying, still they believe.
I’m the only one in my extended family who’s absolutely refused to comply with any of the fascistic ‘rules’/’regulations’, including the evil injection. All of my relatives, and all bar two already ‘awake’ friends, have gullibly complied with everything. Even though I’d been providing them all, right from the beginning, with a great deal of trustworthy information which proved the ‘official narrative’ to be totally and utterly false.
This afternoon, I phoned my younger sister (61) and asked her how many injections the other family members had had. She’d told me, a month or so ago, that her husband (75) had had his fourth… (“because of his age”, she gullibly said…).
Earlier today, she told me that she’s now had three, and that so have our brother (56) and his wife (37). And that my sister’s two daughters (both in their 30s) and their partners (46 and 35) have had three each… each of the couples has a young son. They have no idea that they’re risking their kids being made orphans.
I’ve been continuing to provide them all with incontrovertible information which proves just how lethal/dangerous these ‘jabs’ truly are. And yet still (as you said) they ‘believe’ what the people on their beloved TVs spew out.
I’m in the UK. I’m aware that you are in Australia. I have cousins who live in Brisbane; they emigrated in 2006 or 2007. Knowing them as I do, in all probability they too have brainwashedly complied with all the ‘rules’, including the injection.
What will it take for these ‘normies’ to wake up, and realise what’s really going on…
I’ve provided them with information re. the various sinister agendas that are, slowly but surely, being implemented, around the world. And yet still they ‘believe’ the official narrative. Words fail me.
In both September 2020 and again in March 2022, my brother had the audacity to claim that it’s me who’s ‘duped’!!! You can imagine how I responded to that vile calumny on his part. To say that they’re brainwashed is the ultimate understatement. Most people have relatives who are manifesting exactly the same as my personal examples, as above. To say it’s frustrating, that they refuse to listen to the actual facts and to, thus, wake up, is so disheartening.
My nephew’s son, a young man, died after his booster from an enlarged heart — no previous history of heart problems, just a bit overweight. Very very sad. My nephew and his ex-wife believe the vaccine killed him, and are now both critics of the response. It took a death, but their minds have been changed.
Sorry for your loss.
That needs to happen more, sad but true. Otherwise, all of humanity is lost.
My friend had a brain clot, before when I mentioned it I think some net cronies give me thumbs down, like I give a shit oops it must have, sorry.
I suppose there’s no way of really knowing what these people truly think. It’s safe in the majority herd to suppress even to yourself that you’ve done the wrong thing. Because everyone else is suppressing the same thing. They can’t really be decieved further because the biggest deception is their own deception on themselves. That’s a real entrenched enemy that is. When you lie to yourself and don’t even know it.
Yes, you’re right. They will, in all probability, be deceiving themselves: cognitive dissonance being manifested.
My relatives and friends have been provided with more than enough trustworthy, very powerful information (by me), information that would make anyone with even half a brain (as the saying goes) realise that to submit to the injections was a very wrong decision.
One of my friends is Spanish; we’ve known each other for 34 years. She and her English husband live here in the UK; they’re both in their late 80s. I’ve provided them with information (verbally and via ‘snail mail’, as they don’t have a computer, are not Internet-users) re. what’s really going on. And yet they still chose to comply… have both had four injections. My friend has for more than a year been saying to me, “What’s going on is a scandal…”, and yet still they chose to roll up their sleeves for a fourth ‘jab’…
As I’ve mentioned, my scamdemic/vax-thrall older sister, M., was recently diagnosed with post-jab(s) breast cancer. Fortunately, I’m informed that the tumor was detected so early that it’s minimal; apparently the biopsy procedure removed most of it, and an out-patient procedure will remove the rest. They are recommending radiation therapy, which I suppose M. will dutifully receive although our scamdemic/vax-skeptical older brother told her to get a second opinion before agreeing to it.
(Incidentally, I think M. is unaware that our brother is a scamdemic/vax skeptic and resister. So he’s still free to discuss and advise on medical issues.)
Of course, I can’t assert with certainty that the jab(s) triggered it. I can say that there is zero history of cancer in M. and our family, although I’m aware that in the past, cancer was considered so frightening and even threatening that people concealed the diagnosis.
After M. became aware that I didn’t buy into the scamdemic, and wasn’t getting jabbed, we tacitly agreed to disagree; this means that we don’t discuss health issues, at least in the context of the Phantom Menace scamdemic and vaccinations. We’re still friendly, if more distant, but I think my non-vaxxed status has made me persona non grata at her home and seashore condo; I infer this because she invited me to a post-Christmas lunch at a restaurant instead of her home.
All this to say that I’m curious about whether M. and her scamdemic/vax-thrall spouse and children have even thought about the possibility that the jab triggered the cancer. My guess is that they haven’t.
It’s just as well that we remain incommunicado on such questions, because it would exasperate me if: 1) she (they) remain in complete denial, i.e. the possible cause-and-effect relationship never even occurred to them, or 2) M. has considered the possibility, but resorts to typical cognitive-dissonance rationalizations, e.g. “Well, maybe the COVID vaccine did trigger this cancer, but on the whole it’s a better outcome than dying from ‘COVID’.” 😣
Glad to hear that your sister, M.’s, cancer is minimal. I hope that it will be able to be cured.
Yes, it’s immensely difficult to communicate with relatives and friends who are, as you say, in thrall to the scamdemic. For example, even though she and I are still (sort of…) in touch, my younger sister [61] admitted to me, just over a year ago, that she was ignoring me because she “didn’t like/didn’t believe” what I’d been telling them re. what’s really going on, worldwide… (a combination of heads in the sand/gullibility/naivete…).
And my younger brother [56] and his wife seem to have rejected me, over it… put it this way, the silence emanating from them is deafening… he, my brother, has subjected me to the vilest of verbal abuses for telling them that what’s going on is not what their beloved TV is ‘telling’ them is going on.
It’s all terribly painful-like watching a game of Russian roulette involving family members and friends.And, being put in the position of being dumb and mute-just to have a semblance of a relationship.It’s fukked.
I second your emotion, of course. 😣
Day one personally I focused on this mask wearing.,some are instantly overactive like it’s a ww1 gas attack.
Couple months later taking my nightly walk, another person out walking his puppy actually stepped out into the quiet street in a measured 10 foot arch around me.
Jeeez, good evening…sir. what can you say, honestly.
Things stick in our minds, I’ll never forget it.
Knee-jerk-ism? Well ok but this was months later.
Problem I have is this conviction choices are individualic. So, this Person acted Robotically with this social distancing advisory and as consequence probably ordered his food on-line., himself and his dog.
There has been no supple chain issues with heroin or crack.!
Never once during BS19 have the local addicts been saying there is. If anything alcohol and drugs has never been so more widely available.
The supermarket chains did alcohol discounts / offers during lockdown, yet screamed at those who dare not wear masks.
That’s very true. There never were shortages of masks, PPE, social distancing signage or vaccines either. Go figure.
^^ Right. COUPVID has been a deliberate and sustained attack on public health under the guise of protecting it. The lengthy lockdowns and the closure of the whole public sphere, plus the pressure to use “home offices”, “tele-medicine” and “remote learning” — al this constituted a massive campaign to induce or exacerbate screen-addiction, especially amongst the young.
They’re building Hikikomori Planet.
Wikipedia: Hannah Fry: ‘For a year, Hannah Fry decided to say “yes” to everything’.
Even a proposition from the devil, I suspect. I’m tired of pre-frontal cortex professors. I know how much statistics are important to reveal the deception but, ultimately, statistics are deceptive nonsense. Even the population is done on small scale town models, macro’d by computer models to national levels, apparently there is 2 million plus illegal immigrants in England alone i.e. they don’t know. After my population musings, I don’t believe the global population levels one single bit. You think they have a census in azerbaijhan?
Trust in what you see personally, who you know personally, weigh that up evenly. Mathematics is how they conned the human race into multi-dimensional time travelling multi-verses i.e. meaninglessness of deterministic existence. It’s all beastial nonsense. Intuition isn’t just a pregnant womens instinct, it’s a basic human intelligence. Use it.
That’s why the urban folk is so easily duped into believing ideas like ‘overpopulation’ which only happens in large urban concentrations.
Where do you live?
There is no “covid.” It’s a con job. CON-vid is one of, if not the greatest heists/pyramid schemes that has ever been perpetrated on the slaves…humans.
Heists/pyramid schemes are financial.
Covid is a lethal psyop – a winnowing, a cull of the feeble-minded/insufficiently perspicacious.
Compare with WW1’s invitation to try your luck with bayonet vs machine gun. Conscientious objectors may have been made into pariahs, but they weren’t executed.
The unjabbed are similarly going to be made into pariahs, and will find life very difficult, but although many will fall by the wayside, those that survive such trials will not be executed.
Do you really believe in this? Sorry. That this is ‘just’ an IQ test?
With common sense, we are their worst enemies, the sheeple can’t because their focus and possible aggression can be led to any direction via some well made lies. Toward us for example. It makes no sense to me.
If I was one of them the last thing I would want is a rebellious, creative, able to think slave who is not so happy to being a slave – it’s calling for disaster, that one has the ability to replace me one day.
“The unjabbed are similarly going to be made into pariahs, and will find life very difficult, but although many will fall by the wayside, those that survive such trials will not be executed.“
Lovely. So – assuming I could survive this – I can experience at first hand how does it feel to lost people and animals I love, everything I worked for, my freedom (illusionary or not but I was pretty happy with that in past), years from my life while the farce is going on, maybe my life due to not being treated, living under constant awareness (I know, I know it is a war) how to avoid being grilled by mwave radiation… Just the life I dreamed of having.
This is the new script? Do nothing, wait, you can survive.
We have far better chances if we manage to wake up as many as we can, also if we follow Delgado’s advice on how to fry the nano routers in the vaxxed which case the tagging is gone, they still can die of course due to the stuff in them but at least no cross on them anymore. (I wish someone would check on this stuff and would review it.)
It is a common conclusion that if TPTB have enslaved the unwitting population since time immemorial, that the Covid psyop must be more of the same, but via some kind of superior, more efficient means. However, this arises from an assumption of gradualism.
Why have TPTB acted as a parasite upon humanity?
Do you realise that vastly more labour has been extracted from the population than that necessary for aristocratic luxury (palaces, etc.)?
You have got to do a lot more research into understanding what TPTB are up to, and it’s not so trivial as trying to ensure they can continue to enjoy the lifestyle to which they are accustomed.
Freedom is a thing that mankind relinquished as they transitioned over 30,000 years from hunter gatherers to members of “civilised” (domesticated) society. Most in the old world just went along with the transition. The free people in the new world were exterminated.
Read Dispelling Wetiko by Paul Levy for a perspective on your question. It’s an ancient north american myth of a parasitic entity that feeds off men, emotion, fear, lust and could drive a man mad, destroy tribes and could pass from father to son, man to man. It’s main skill is to stay hidden.
Yes, this myth sounds similar to the Archons theory.
Anyway, I’ve never come across an ounce of anything that persuades me in the slightest to entertain anything supernatural.
I’ve eliminated the impossible, and although the truth that remains is staggeringly difficult to believe, there’s ample evidence to support it.
Here’s something that many would find less plausible than extra-dimensional parasites:
Truth is stranger than fiction.
When tax payers are tricked to fund POISON cloaked as a “life saving vaccine” and the INVESTORS (those “philanthropists” doing all this for “the greater good”) in these vials of a deadly concoction at the top of the pyramid are living a high life from the wealth being reaped in from people being maimed and killed by this snake oil and black mailed/ coerced/bribed into taking “THEIR” death juice, it most definitely is a pyramid scheme/heist. This whole thing has been a psyops that has made all of “THEM” (The Hierarchy Enslaving (the) Masses) at the top more wealthy, with more power and control. PYRAMID SCHEME/HEIST at its finest.
TPTB are already supremely wealthy & powerful. The purpose of the Covid jab is to terminate. All other indications, such as that it’s yet another means of enrichment, are intended to deflect attention from that purpose.
So, no. It’s not financial, but thanatological – The Great Winnowing.
Governments are corrupt obsolete we do not need corrupt leaders we need no leaders we can and have for thousands of years sustain ourselves,Are governments relevant?No,Do they help us?No.Would we be happier without psychopaths leading us yes.These so called leaders have a God complex imagine somebody told you right you are the leader of this village whatever you say or decide your subjects will listen to every word and every law you set?!?Imagine the power you will have?!?When we the people take control of our own lives our own infrastructure imagine how great that will be we do not need leaders we need to unite that’s the one thing they are afraid of,They turn nations against nations religion against religion it’s absurd
My son had the first jab behind my back I don’t know how to get the poison out of his system I’ve been giving him zinc and vitamin D and lots of healthy foods veg and that he’s 21 I didn’t know he got the jab he moved to London last year they said he wouldn’t be able to go college or clubs without it.Our government lied to our children it’s beyond wrong it’s diabolical.
First thing to do is try to get him to take the ‘red pill’ asap – if he’s able. Only then will he appreciate the gravity of his situation, and thereupon have the motivation to research his best hope for a cure. Trouble is, the body doesn’t recognise lipid-coated toxin as a toxin or something that should be removed and excreted. It may be a matter of forging the diagnosis of some kind of illness that warrants a major blood transfusion.
And then there’s the question of whether the mRNA has permanently altered the host’s DNA to keep producing the toxic spike proteins….
Red pill him by showing him this:
If he is coded in his DNA to REMEMBER (“wake up”), then he might even go BLACK pilled.
NAC Annie, the problem is the glutathione level, the body uses glutathione to fight against poisoning. That’s why children were less affected (of radiation), they naturally had higher level of glutathione. Glutathione poorly absorbed via the stomach, NAC is its precursor.
As long as he has graphene oxide in his body, he should be kept away from any wireless.
I don’t want trolling, I already attached the details about it several times, if you still need to ask you probably haven’t watched it. It is here again, Ricardo Delgado tells all the details including what to do. I am sorry but if you are genuinely interested, fetch time to watch it.
there are detoxication treatments:
There is no spike protein Mary-Lou, I don’t know your suggested method works or not (I didn’t check), but there is no spike protein, that’s just a tale to divert attention from the real poison which is graphene oxide. Because of it I am a bit suspicious about the rest.
The body – when poisoned – starts a fight and releases ‘viruses’ aka exosomes which are kind of messengers and produce a protein to defend us but to kill us.
It’s also part of that Delgado interview above.
The vaxxed are magnetic (for a while, depends on temperature and it ‘wanders’ towards the highest EMF fields in the body: heart, brain) that’s why firstly the metal stuff stuck to their arms but later to their chests and face.
Have you seen magnetic protein? I haven’t.
My daughter did too, her asthma that was in decline and hardly around for 20 years is now almost constant, my neighbour aged 31 spent 6 months feeling like she had a rock in her chest, her best friend is so ill with heart disease she will never be able to have the children she wanted, everyone I know is fucking sick after that poison. Having called bullshit on the scam in March 2020 I have never complied with the bullshit.
He’s not a child, 21yrs? Don’t be redicious, he’ll be ok his body will get rid of anything it doesn’t need.
Encourage your son to go Clubing music dancing etc for fucks sake woman get a grip.
Can I ask the admin please that why my comment written at Aug 2, 2022 7:54 PM is pending? I tried to check but couldn’t find out what was wrong with it. Thank you.
I get that sometimes 👍
Every item goes into the ‘pending’ slot [for differing periods of time]. It’s (unfortunately) the way these systems work.
Is that like “it’s just the way it is”?
If I was a doctor nurse and injected people with this experimental non vaccine I would be ashamed.My daughter had the hpv vaccine she’s not been the same since her fertility is non excistent she suffers every month.These vaccine pushers are sterilising our children.
While they inbreed like rabbits 😬
Not only these vaccines, they did it with the Tetanus vax years ago in Africa (and who knows where else).
Their real purpose (apart from culling and affecting fertility) is tagging and I would dare to say that’s the most dangerous part if you are not already ill or dead because of one of the covid vaxxes.
Notice that how almost no one talks about it. Icke wrote 1-2 articles about the MACs, The Expose also, then it sank to forget.
While the possibilities with this tagging are endless. This is such a never seen crime.
That should be debated and to made into common knowledge to help the people to protect themselves. Also the graphene oxide part, they are not safe if there is ANY wireless radiation around.
Their possibilities (what they could do) behind tagging:
The dangers of the graphene oxide in you:
Thankyou our children were coerced behind our back’s it’s absolute evil at play.
Sorry Annie, I answered to your other comment before reading this. Your welcome, watch the Delgado interview, you’ll find every details how to help your son.
Same happened with my uncle and my mother, my uncle died, dropped dead 10 days after the clotshot, I begged to my mother not to have it, she promised but she did get it behind my back, more than that she did get the booster and the 3rd. She is dying, an extremely fast Alzheimer like thing killing her brain cells. She was ok before the vaxxes, she had a CT because of something else, they found nothing, then just a couple of months later the next CT found extra fast dying of brain cells.
Yes they have a birth control injection messed me up for 5 years.Tetanus injections in Africa sterilised the women who the hell do they think they are playing God with peoples lives.If as a child they told me we are going to inject you with mercury and it’ll shorten your life my parents wouldn’t of agreed with it.Just like these mRNA vaccines people still get covid people can still die they can still pass it on?? I fell asleep and woke up to stupid.
And India i think
With all those words, Iain could have instead laid bare the underlying fraud that is virology.
Personally I am not convinced that it is and nor am I convinced by the arguments of the terrain theorists but I do think there are very spects of virology that are weak and I aslo see the merit in many aspects of terrain theory. I have written about that here if you are interested: –
The Enders & Peebles paper of 1954 which purportedly showed cytopathic effects in culture using a sample from a patient with measles, also mentioned the same effects were observed in culture without the sample. What does one conclude from that? Pay close attention to the culturing process itself.
I would say the entire field of virology was a fraud at worst, a misconception at best. At least up until the point in the mid 1970’s that recombinant dna tools started to be applied. That introduced a whole new era of playing god with nature.
I would also argue one should change their thinking of the idea of “replicating viruses” into one of being “poisoned”. A lot of pieces of the puzzle then start to fall into place.
If you are not convinced you didn’t research or you have a reason ‘not being convinced’ openly. The presented proofs speak for themselves, whatever causes pandemic like illnesses that CAN’T be a virus. Poisons yes, electromagnetic waves yes, even your brain/emotions yes, virus no.
I could link at least 20 materials proving it but they were freely available ‘everywhere’ except the MSM, if you haven’t seen them you have no base stating you are not convinced, if you saw them then you are – sorry – a waste of time to discuss anything.
Don’t feel offended please even the mighty Kennedy jr didn’t dare to touch this debate.
As long as the virus tale lives this farce won’t end.
If you are really interested start with Dr Kaufman’ SOVI and video: The Rooster in the River of Rats.
Or with this:
The whole debate is about a vaccine to protect you – which is not true, it’s not a vaccine and they never wanted to protect you.
Of course genuine people couldn’t take part.
Imagining myself with an old android tablet in my hand showing the MAC addresses of the staff and asking this so called DR to explain the phenomenon that why and how vaccinated people have MAC addresses.
Even better when it might turn out that the so called unvaxxed are not unvaxxed after all.
I made these photos on a plane full with Brit holidaymakers.
Can the author of the article imagine better proof that these are not vaccines, that they stealthily tagged people while lying about the content of these?
This may seem like a stupid question, but how do you know they aren’t just cell phone bluetooth addresses? Is there something about the numbers that makes you think they’re vax tags?
No, it’s ok, a very valid question Martha.
Because there are websites to check. So firstly your mobile (other devices) should be able to identify them, eg. if the Bluetooth is on on my mobile my mobile would be ‘broadcasting’ to your device that who am I, ‘GundelP’s mobile’ or simply IPhone-something, or in a case of a headset eg. samsung headset – like this. (Most of people don’t keep the Bluetooth switched on because it exhausts the battery fast, if it is not on, it doesn’t broadcast MAC)
There are devices which are less well known and not so easily recognized but also there are valid web sites to check MAC addresses. for example
The protocol is that the first 6 tags of the MAC always refer to the manufacturer, meaning, even if I try to hide my device like not giving you it’s name, type, but broadcast a MAC address you can identify that device via typing the MAC to a website for identification.
But those MACs have no manufacturer at all and can’t be identified. Plus it is a new thing, if you switched on your Bluetooth you didn’t see these 2 years ago, you’ve been seen these only since the vaxxing started, now if you go to a crowded place to test they are just popping up fast. Many of them.
I answered in details, but it’s pending, please come back, I hope that it will be published later.
No, they are not mobile’s MAC or any other devices’ MAC.
I try the detailed answer without the web address for checking after MACs, I suspect that that is the cause of pending – you can find them anyway via any search engines.
No, it’s ok, a very valid question Martha.
Because there are websites to check. So firstly your mobile (other devices) should be able to identify them, for example if the Bluetooth is on on my mobile my mobile would be ‘broadcasting’ to your device that who I am, ‘GundelP’s mobile’ or simply IPhone-something, or in a case of a headset for example Samsung headset – like this. (Most of people don’t keep the Bluetooth switched on because it exhausts the battery fast, if it is not on, it doesn’t broadcast MAC)
There are devices which are less well known and not so easily recognized but also there are valid web sites to check MAC addresses.
The protocol is that the first 6 tags of the MAC always refer to the manufacturer, meaning, even if I try to hide my device like not giving you it’s name, type, but broadcast a MAC address you can identify that device via typing the MAC to a website for identification.
But those MACs have no manufacturer at all and can’t be identified. Plus it is a new thing, if you switched on your Bluetooth you didn’t see these 2 years ago, you’ve been seen these only since the vaxxing started, now if you go to a crowded place to test they are just popping up fast. Many of them.
Thank you. I’d read about this before and wondered about the cell phone IDs. Glad I asked. This is quite disturbing. Twilight Zone territory.
There are many possibilities what they can do with this MAC stuff. They are valid ones because that ‘guessing’ part based on published studies and patents. The Mik Anderson video (Rewiew: The MAC phenomenon.. ) can be a bit hard to understand if you are not familiar with IT stuff but at the end he tells you the possibilities starting with bio-sensors reporting about you everything to them till brain manipulation (because computers are faster than your brain), they fetched money and time to find out how can they modify people thoughts, feelings, MEMORIES like deleting and replacing it with someone’ else memories. Basically how to create ‘zombies’.
It sounds very ski-fi but sadly it is real, the patents and studies behind it are real, they show them to you at the end, their list is 5 minutes long part.
This is highly relevant… a 49pp pdf file document, posted online today:
“Insider researcher compiles comprehensive highly-detailed exposure of World Economic Forum and its modus operandi” (49pp pdf file document), at:
I don’t trust the reported number of vaccinated people in the US. They will report a false high number so that people will think “everyone else did it, so I’ll be in the same boat they are.”
Sort of like them saying Top Gun is the number one movie in the world..
I don’t know about the US but in the UK I fear that the really vaccinated’ number is very high. The problem with the MAC checking that the unvaxxed don’t have, you can’t compare in a crowd that how many didn’t get it but see only those who got it, but even then, I encourage everyone to test, go to any crowded place knowing that the range is about 10-20m and wall won’t stop the sign. Use an old Android or if it shows only ‘misc’ connections (they are the vaxxed but without showing the check-able MACs) or you have only new Android, download the application, Bluetooth Scanner. They tried to hide this, so just normally you probably won’t see these.
I think that that 9.7% is probably a valid number. Sadly.
acording to this website (whie knowing that all publicly published statistics are deliberately inaccurate) about 1/3 of the world population is not vaxxed!
in the US about 79% vxxed, in the UK about 80% –
I used to visit that site – until they decided to make the graphs for excess all-cause deaths practically illegible.
Line after line, paragraph after paragraph,…. to convince us that …. the BBC dispenses propaganda the way a water fountain dispenses water? Really? Meanwhile, there is real news which is being ignored, such as Mike Yeadon’s statement that researchers failed to grow “Covid” sample in human lung lining cells (Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial cells), this for a supposedly “respiratory virus.”
Ex Pfizer Exec Mike Yeadon comes clean on the virus issue. WHO declares another fake pandemic, Eric Francis Coppolino, 7/29/22. Includes a link to Mike’s Telegram channel.
darn! – “That page can’t be found” – can you try again? – Seems to me Dr Yeadon has been quiet lately – maybe I have just lost the trail.
Just under an hour ago, I posted the link to a recent video (recorded a couple of days ago, 1+ hours in duration) featuring Dr Yeadon; it’s just a bit south of this post, addressed to a poster called Xavier Delacroix.
In the video, he, Yeadon, expresses his extreme concern re. the future…
That must be it (the planet wave “can’t be found” link above) – thanks much! No harm pasting it here again:
In any case, Yeadon is a god send and well worth an hour+ – “this” would be, would have been, different without him. Still (I think) an exile in the (reasonably) free State of Florida.
The 7/29 episode is worth listening to. He even broadcast the farcical WHO monkeypox vote.
I find him rather suspicious now. He cannot seem to grasp the very obvious flaws with isolation of not just sarscov2 but all so called viruses. Could it be that he is not what he appears to be? He was employed by pfizer for a long time during which time they were prosecuted for some hideous crimes. Poormina Wagh leap frogs Yeadon in detail and conciseness in just one interview even though the interviwer is a bit dim.
He[s coming along slowly. Poornima Wagh has not confirmed her claimed credentials,
Link was changed in my post after i posted it. Here is what i originally posted.
Type the link in minus the . it usually works…
This is what i pasted in originally, Don’t know where that suffix came in. Sorry.
It in no way implies that 76% (or 52%) of the reported systemic AEs in the vaccinated cohort were attributable to the nocebo effect,
IMO, the placebo effect is so high, that the efficacy of the placebo is …?able
good article covering difficult to explain facts.
The article has NOTHING to do with vaccinations, it’s about the failure of the samples allegedly containing “virus” (obtained from official sources) to infect lung cells in tests carried out.
In 2022 U.K column is in a position to call BBC biased. LOL
Unlike those who woke up during ovid. Some of us have been around when theses dodgy characters first appeared.
Brian Gerrish got his funding from Sheila Butler, 83 widower at the time, the daughter of Earl the niece to Lord Kitchener!
Who also bank rolled the BNP (British national party).
Prove me wrong……
U.K column is the alt media version of the BBC.
They were good at the beginning, their article about the 77 Brigade was top, also the Who Controls the British Government response (or similar title), they were excellent investigator work (they gained trust) but after a time they didn’t speak about important things.
I stopped watching the BBC as the credits rolled on the final episode of “This Morning With Richard Not Judy”
I stopped watching the Beeb when I realized they had become so predictable that I could write their scripts for them…
Which is really all you could expect from today’s media robotic intelligence.
You always have the feeling, “Now where did I hear that before…?”, and you never have to look very far…
Her face is pretty 😍 but her science is pretty shitty 💩 …
You think so? Looks rather horse faced in a Ardern sort of a way to me. Not my taste in a woman anyway.
Earlier today, I posted a link to the following item (but from the original site; Dr Mercola’s. He removes his daily items after just 48 hours, due to having been threatened, some time last year…) on the Off-G article immediately before this one.
I’ve now found it posted on the excellent Global Research site today. Ie, in a permanent form.
The article is accompanied by the most harrowing video [1.37.32 hours]: testimonies from ‘covid’ jab injured. The video is prefaced by the words ‘Viewer discretion’.
“Testimonies from ‘Covid’ jab injured: ‘mRNA ‘vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022′” (article; & video: 1.37.32 hours), at:
Is the thumb-down from a ‘bot’, I wonder?
Most likely a Pfizzer viral bot. 😄
Average age of covid deaths was over 80 in most Western countries. In the US, 95% of these deaths had an average 4 other serious diseases. Pfizer did 4% of their testing in the over 70s and no testing on those with serious diseases.
There is no such thing as covid death, simply because there is no way to prove.
First, the tests don’t work, not only the PCR doesn’t work, but the antibody ones also flawed (the real science on antibodies…).
The PCR – if someone would have missed the news – was tested by the president of Tanzania (who later died in suspicious circumstances), he sent samples of goat, fruit, motor oil, etc labelled as if they would have been real persons (name, address, age) and got many fake positives including a papaya’s and a goat’s.
Autopsies were not only not required but the WHO strongly suggested not to make them.
An Italian small group of docs did nevertheless on 50 dead elderly if I recall well, they found the same in all of the cases, many small bloodclots in the lungs (veins).
The virus never was isolated and proven to exist, the process of isolation is a fraud, even a non-professional can see this if read one of the processes (I read the CDC’s one when Jon Rappoport linked it to his article)
Covid – if not a new label on flu, cold, allergy, whatever – is acute radiation syndrome, there is no way they could prove even ONE death due to a novel virus. NONE.
Disclaimer: I don’t have the energy to refresh my memory by doing searches to provide specific dates, links, etc.
But IIRC, it was just about a year ago that public-health authorities announced that the (fraudulent) “PCR Test”– the flywheel of the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic juggernaut– would be discontinued by the end of the year (2021). This announcement got a lot of attention at the time, because it seemed to assert or imply that the authorities were belatedly (and inexplicably) confessing that the “test” turned out to be unfit for purpose.
Actually, the announcement stated that the standard PCR Test was being phased out and replaced by New! Improved! “COVID tests” based on updated research. Since I’m relying on my fuzzy memory, I might be wrong, but I believe that the New! Improved! tests were touted because they could also identify non-“COVID” infections, e.g. the new tests could differentiate between the (mythical) SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus and other purported (mythical) viral infections.
At the time, I noticed that the proposed scheme to discontinue the legacy “PCR test” didn’t present a scientific basis for the New! Improved! replacement– in particular, whether they still relied on PCR technology.
I bring all this up to say that, as far as I can tell, the switch from legacy/standard PCR tests to the New! Improved! successors never happened. I do know that newer variations of the PCR tests were developed, but these seemed to be tweaks to allow for more rapid results, “home” self-test kits, etc.
But my impression is that the discredited legacy PCR tests are still in use as the flywheel. No one seems to remember the seeming Big News that they were officially found wanting, and were supposed to be phased out. Maybe I just missed it!
In the US the new test was proven to be more poisonous, Rapport had an article about it, there were some warnings elsewhere, too but it was also news that Gates and Soros invested into a UK located test factory or firm or what was the name – sorry.
Agree. Any of the public-interest groups could have litigated on the matter of the PCR test documentation and announcement clearly stating that it is not fit for purpose. Any legislator could have confronted the government in the legislature.
Agreed. Thinking is getting very floppy on this. You have to start with proof something exists first and that was never done once.
Yeah by midazolam. This is being ignored.
Here in the UK, in Spain they killed with the flu-vax (also graphene oxide content as early as 2018-2019 and 5G) the graphene was ‘boosted’ with radiation, they loved to put these 5G masts and antennas close to elderly homes. (La Quinta Columna info)
How can this profound intense hatred, against kind folk be explained? Is what puzzles me
Iain does a sterling job of listing the facts and interpretation of numbers and charts.
But what does the average covidian make of all this?
Most of them must be suffering such buyer remorse that they will cling onto “prof” Fry’s words like a comfort blanket.
As for the “fertility expert/pfizer shill”. How, as a woman, can she look other women in the eye is beyond me.
You have to ask the question – Why are they telling blatant lies about the safety which can so easily be disproved?
Also, as I’ve posted before, why, if you want to continue jabbing for ever, is the first generation of this technology so dangerous?
They must know that sooner or later they will be undone.
Maybe they messed up on the toxicity and are now just trying to get as many jabs into arms to cause as much damage as possible in as short a time as possible whilst they think of another plan.
On the other hand the inflation and manufactured energy shortage is going spiffingly so expect that to be tweaked even more stoking civil unrest.
I believe that is their aim for this winter. To create a situation where the average man or woman simply can’t eat and keep warm.
Civil unrest will lead to martial law and, unless there is a military coup (possible?) we really are in the doodoo.
It’s never been easier for TPTB to discover and groom psychopaths into luvvy dovvy terminators with a great deathbedside manner.
I sincerely hope you’re wrong but we’ll see. I have no doubt that the PTB have no qualms about killing people and destroying people’s lives permanently. That being said we also are well aware that the PTB love to keep the people in a constant state of fear. I guess the question is is the current state of affairs so bad for the elite that they would risk actual chaos for the current controlled chaos? I’m not sure – I’m more apt to believe they’re taking the boiling frog approach.
Yeah, I’m hoping it’s brinkmanship but you have to look at the crazy things going on in Australia and Canada.
I have no doubt that they’re capable of it and when an ideology is as big as this one, all bets are off.
It is worth bearing in mind the hierarchy explained in Iain Davis’ book ‘Pseudopandemic’ where the governments of the world are not necessarily involved in the narrative and the whole agenda is controlled on a ‘need to know’ basis.
This allows those in control of a country, state, council to simply ‘follow orders’.
It certainly wouldn’t be the first time!!
They were calibrating the jabs.
Mike Yeadon pointed out its illegal to use different doses in the same vaccine.
Unless you have a sinister agenda of course.
Actually, in a Phase I clinical trial, that’s exactly what you do. You titrate to determine levels which are safe to the patients. You do a bit too in Phase II trials, which test for efficacy at safe doses.
What was going on in the roll out wasn’t different doses of vaccine, it was different doses of undisclosed contents of vaccine vials, which of course begs the question of what those undisclosed contents were actually FOR?
Yes kind of what i meant or at least similar to what Yeadon said..
It really amazes me that they were able to get away with not disclosing the ingredients of the shots. How did the medical profession and pharmacists give them a pass on that??
Because they’d lose their licences if they questioned the narrative.
……be nice to find a genuine virus candidate first though and prove that it causes illness before getting tricky with crafty trials.
Do you think that’s air you’re breathing now?
Glad your post made sense to you.
Law & the judiciary is as much a fairy tale to placate the masses as the idea that the people elect their government.
To point out that some subtle aspect of a ‘vaccine rollout’ is illegal is to miss the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the living room – global genocide.
It’s like imagining oneself as Atticus Finch in a future court case in which the critical, damning piece of evidence is that the vaccine composition was varied by lot number.
Hence, I’m suggesting those finding significance in such trifles are still asleep in The Matrix.
Fart Within The Matrix
I came across this video yesterday. It features Dr Mike Yeadon.
“Dr Mike Yeadon – fraud, fear and how herd mentality has brought us to the edge” (video: 1.09.02 hours), at:
Really? Please forgive me, I have no time for him (anymore), I rather give it to Dr Kaufman, Dr Cowan, Christine Massey, Drs Bailey, or to the La Quinta Columna, Ricardo Delgado.
These families in power could save that power during history just because they always were careful to control the opposition in time.
If Yeadon either involved into the very valid virus-debate or mentioned graphene oxide and self-assembling nanotech (which were all found by many laboratories and many parts of the world by now) I shall apologize.
Hooray….I agree. I’m suspicious now. He is defending virus theory which is utterly unproven. Poormina Wagh is more clued up.
He has changed his mind on it. Today’ news on Icke’s site. Yeadon openly credited Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan and said that there are no respiratory viruses. That while people have flu and cold, they don’t know what causes them but not viruses.
This is huge, the tide is turning.
Never mind, they will entertain us with wars and food/energy shortages.
My apologies Dr Yeadon, a bit late but at least you admitted, thank you.
Yes, I watched that video a week or so ago.
And yes, I also am aware that there is (with 99.9% certainty) NO ‘virus’. Ie, the fact that I provided a link to a video featuring Yeadon does not equate to me ‘believing in the existence of a virus’. Also, in the video which I provided the link to, Yeadon himself stated, quite a number of times, “the merely alleged virus…” and “if there’s a virus…”.
It’s not about only this virus but about all of them. Never any was properly isolated and proven to cause the thing which was blame on it. He should know this or he is either incompetent or not with us.
If you have time I kindly suggest to watch this little documentary, very informative without being boring:
Yes, I’m aware of the data which indicates that ‘viruses’ are (probably) not what they’re claimed (by the corrupt medical Establishment) to be…!
(Thanks anyway!)
Well that’s wonderful. I too have watched him for a while since this started but he still seems very stuck in a theory about viruses that doesn’t have any proof whatsoever behind it. He is retired and has time. Maybe his involvment with Wodarg and Fuelmich has not helped but frankly 2 years is a long time to take to see what a 6 year old could probably see quite easily. It is a bit frustrating. So frustrating that I think his motives can be questioned.
Can we trust in Yeadon? Genuine question. He is an ex-Pfizer (quality control if I recall well). These covid vaxxes are not the first poisonous vaxxes. How he suddenly found his conscience?
For a while I didn’t follow him, but when I did, he never questioned the virus tale. In my opinion nothing would have been more important than that, because their power and our weakness all based on the ‘fear of germs’.
Exactly….and he was in place during years when pfizer was prosecuted for some very heinous crimes. Add this lady to your list.
I think you would all be quite interested in Yeadon’s latest statements on the existence of COVID and other viruses. He has signed Sam Bailey’s petition challenging the notion that COVID has been proven to exist, and made this statement on Telegram (Robin Monotti and Yeadon share a channel on there where you can keep up with his latest thoughts):
Thanks for that. I had not seen that before despite sometimes viewing the Telegram Channel. He is correct about the failure to infect human cells. I have that paper or at least one paper where 3 different lines of human cells could not be made to be infected by whatever it was they claimed to have isolated but therein lies the main problem. What were they trying to infect it with? Just the usual genetic soup whipped up in the standard laughable way described in all so called isolation papers..Good to see some movement from Yeadon that he has committed to writing but it is glacier like slow.
Well, compared to all the other scientists who spent their careers thoroughly entrenched in the virology establishment, I’d say he’s progressing quite quickly! In fact he’s the only one I’ve ever seen switch sides on this issue.
He readily admits that he had to unlearn his brainwashing to come to this conclusion, and that it was a highly uncomfortable process for him. I commend him for having the humility and integrity to choose truth over his own ego!
However, scientists in U$ did manage to damage lung airways using something in 2015 or earlier. This was during a purported ban on GOF research.
‘…Maybe they messed up on the toxicity and are now just trying to get as many jabs into arms to cause as much damage as possible…’
They want as many jabs as possible because their nanotech needs graphene oxide to work, sooner or later it will stop without it – at least this is what Mik Anderson said in his MAC phenomenon video.
I think it was pitched at those already vaccinated and designed to encourage those who haven’t taken the booster yet to continue with the project.
Might it be possible that the deathly reaction takes its time in a majority who took a puncture, so that mass deaths can be blamed on Poutine starving and freezing the world, possible even ramping up the war drums because that to create a perfect storm this winter? Just wondering because as a cull, the deaths have been low while the harassment has been high.
It’s rather random. As it was an experience to them, too I am not sure they knew what to expect (deaths). They can’t kill people fast, simply because who would take care of cleaning the bodies? It would cause suspicion, they want slow killing and targeted killing. ‘We will decide who will live.’
It’s random because it depends on the graphene oxide (amount, place) in your body and that you were unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (radiation). It will cause MANY cancers, it will cause many AIDS like cases (complete immune system collapse), it very likely will cause inside bleeding cases they can blame on some phoney hemorrhagic fever pandemic – you deal with radiation affecting your body (organs) differently.
I bet they didn’t expect that level of heart failures, the athletes, it is very visible and alarming to the rest of the people.
With the nanotech they can cause ‘death’, they can target people using 4-5G and directly or via people ‘smart stuff’, it is very visible again if you happen to have an EMF meter.
When the tower / mast kills:
When your smart stuff kills or makes you ill (depending on the amount and place of the graphene in you)
Watching video’s of people suffering from vaccine injuries is traumatic if only one person had a reaction or died because of the shot why was it not pulled straight away??!.Also I’m not a doctor I’m not a phd a scientist but I know evil when I see it,Where are the higher ups sticking up for humanity?!?THEY are all in it together we are alone it’s us against them.
Also I’m not a doctor I’m not a phd a scientist but I know evil when I see it
“You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
Sorry Annie it is a bit worse than that, not only the higher ups it looks.
I don’t know how many of you knew about the criminal case of Mark Sexton, to make the long story short, he started a criminal case to stop vaccinations and later even attached a laboratory report from the UK proving that the examined 3 types of vaxxes had graphene and nanotech contents among others. The CASE WAS DROPPED by the police.
It means they should have closed all of these vax centers but they didn’t, they pretended as if nothing had happened.
We are on our own, yes.
This article includes the toxicology report’ summary:
The pigs are on the side of the perpetrators.
I do love a fair and open debate!
I would do love to take part as one of the unvaccinated…
So would I but they would never broadcast any of what you or I would bring up regarding evidence. They have already censored those taking part with their rather vague and anecdotal objections. Actual science might make them blow a fuse I think.
Here is an update on the excess mortality numbers over different countries. You can choose any country you like. The Numbers speak for themselves, see
They would use to say that a dissident’s opinion was an opinion that came from Neptune. And they could say so because at least some of the things that the media were claiming to be true were true or seemed true.
But saying that the vaccine was a succes and that it made society go back to normal… based on what?
If inflation, excess mortality, poverty, empty shelves in supermarkets, staggering inequality (in NL it is so bad that our National statistics department does not produce findings on private household income and private wealth anymore) standing in line for up to 8 hrs to fly, a phony war in Ukraine, unaffordable housing, no other governmental jobs than bullshit jobs, eating crickets to fight climate change is considered a good thing, and monkey pox monkey that, is considered normal, then they are from Neptune.
No wonder that I am not interested in their stories…
Netherlands still enjoys one of the highest standard of living in the world, doesn’t she? I disbelieve there are empty supermarkets in the Netherlands. Thinking of Albert heijn.
Ignore some of the TV propaganda. Also,
:- people at high standard of living will find breakdowns traumatic
:- Netherlands is highly urbanised; the more urbanised the society, the more it is at the mercy of the manipulators.
Did the BBC take them to the house in cattle trucks and say they needed a shower before entering?
A once trusted institution now for sale to the highest bidder. Synonymous with lies, virtue signaling and disinformation.
Not watched it since the Brexit referendum and advise anyone that does to believe the exact opposite of what it says…
‘News’ reporter on location job: “Why is there no covid in Amish communities?”
Amish elder: “We don’t have TV.” 😄
Same with the DM and its medical advices…
Once trusted ? By whom ?
The BBC (Buggering Britain’s Children) is a disgusting organisation -it exits solely to provide a refuge for paedophiles and a ‘job for life’ for the idiot children of the the upper middle class. Shut it down, arrest the BBC board and try them for crimes against humanity.
Nobody could have possibly known what Jimmy Savile was up to for 30 years – except all those people who subsequently admitted that they did know and kept silent.
Would you say Johnny Rotten was a nobody?
I expect the others among ‘all those people’ had even greater knowledge of just how pervasive the corruption went, and how there was no prospect of justice – let alone the mortal risks to themselves for pursuing it.
Bear in mind, it was decided not pursue similar cases of widespread corruption in the Australian judiciary – to avoid creating a crisis of public confidence. That’s how f’d up it all is.
same reason the Stralya goon turnkeys gave when booting Novak ‘NoVax’ Djokovic out of their putrid Vax Zombee penal colony.
BBC: British Bullshitt Cabal
As they say, the devil is in the details… Here we have far too many details – and, consequently, too many devils.
An uninformed person, like the countless spouses and partners of my friends – some of whom are badly uninformed themselves – might find some of the content of this article interesting, challenging, and, yes, even informative.
But we here at OffG already know what is going on, and none of the infantile tactics employed by our would-be manipulators (and those who would like to be that “boot stamping on a human face forever”…) can any longer come as a surprise to us.
I think we’ve reached the stage of needing a concise, snappy solution to our imminent and permanent enslavement.
It’s either that, or we might as well just capitulate and say, “Oh, what the hell… Is it really so terrible to be a slave…?”
Well, yes, it damn well is. And you’ll hate it.
Watching Charlton Heston as a slave in “Ben Hur” is all very well from the comfort of a sofa, but he was one of the slaves who were lucky enough, smart enough and privileged enough to escape…
Ask yourself, “Am I lucky, smart and privileged enough to escape slavery…?
The historical statistics are against you.
Stop the rot now. The people currently in power – all over the world – are soulless parasites.
They are not normal human beings making a few little mistakes…
Say so briefly, often and clearly.
Certainly quoting their stats gives the impression their stats are valid and it’s only the interpretation of them or other stats they’re not mentioning that are the problem.
BTW “Nazarin” happens to be a secret society insult for Christians. How many people called Nazarin have you ever met?
I was wondering about that name.
Indeed, I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone called that.